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选题: 30 Best Linux Games On Steam You Should Play in 2017
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本指南中所谓的服务器被入侵或者说被黑了的意思是指未经认证的人或程序为了自己的目的登录到服务器上去并使用其计算资源, 通常会产生不好的影响。
免责声明: 若你的服务器被类似NSA这样的国家机关或者某个犯罪集团如请,那么你并不会发现有任何问题,这些技术也无法发觉他们的存在。
然而, 大多数被攻破的服务器都是被类似自动攻击程序这样的程序或者类似“脚本小子”这样的廉价攻击者,以及蠢蛋犯罪所入侵的。
### 入侵服务器的症状
当服务器被没有经验攻击者或者自动攻击程序入侵了的话,他们往往会消耗100%的资源. 他们可能消耗CPU资源来进行数字货币的采矿或者发送垃圾邮件,也可能消耗带宽来发动 `DoS` 攻击。
因此出现问题的第一个表现就是服务器 “变慢了”. 这可能表现在网站的页面打开的很慢, 或者电子邮件要花很长时间才能发送出去。
#### 检查 1 - 当前都有谁在登录?
你首先要查看当前都有谁登录在服务器上. 发现攻击者登录到服务器上进行操作并不罕见。
其对应的命令是 `w`. 运行 `w` 会输出如下结果:
08:32:55 up 98 days, 5:43, 2 users, load average: 0.05, 0.03, 0.00
root pts/0 08:26 0.00s 0.03s 0.02s ssh root@coopeaa12
root pts/1 08:26 0.00s 0.01s 0.00s w
第一个IP是英国IP,而第二个IP是越南IP. 这个不是个好兆头。
停下来做个深呼吸, 不要紧,只需要杀掉他们的SSH连接就好了. Unless you can stop then re-entering the server they will do so quickly and quite likely kick you off and stop you getting back in。
请参阅本文最后的 `入侵之后怎么办` 这一章节来看发现被入侵的证据后应该怎么办。
`whois` 命令可以接一个IP地址然后告诉你IP注册的组织的所有信息, 当然就包括所在国家的信息。
#### 检查 2 - 谁曾经登录过?
Linux 服务器会记录下哪些用户,从哪个IP,在什么时候登录的以及登陆了多长时间这些信息. 使用 `last` 命令可以查看这些信息。
root pts/1 Thu Nov 30 08:26 still logged in
root pts/0 Thu Nov 30 08:26 still logged in
root pts/1 Thu Nov 30 08:24 - 08:26 (00:01)
root pts/0 Wed Nov 29 12:34 - 12:52 (00:18)
root pts/0 Mon Nov 27 13:32 - 13:53 (00:21)
这里可以看到英国IP和越南IP交替出现, 而且最上面两个IP现在还处于登录状态. 如果你看到任何未经授权的IP,那么请参阅最后章节。
登录历史记录会以文本格式记录到 `~/.bash_history`(注:这里作者应该写错了)中,因此很容易被删除。
通常攻击者会直接把这个文件删掉,以掩盖他们的攻击行为. 因此, 若你运行了 `last` 命令却只看得见你的当前登录,那么这就是个不妙的信号。
#### 检查 3 - 回顾命令历史
这个层次的攻击者通常不会注意掩盖命令的历史记录,因此运行 `history` 命令会显示出他们曾经做过的所有事情。
一定留意有没有用 `wget` 或 `curl` 命令来下载类似垃圾邮件机器人或者挖矿程序之类的软件。
命令历史存储在 `~/.bash_history` 文件中,因此有些攻击者会删除该文件以掩盖他们的所作所为。
跟登录历史一样, 若你运行 `history` 命令却没有输出任何东西那就表示历史文件被删掉了. 这也是个不妙的信号,你需要很小心地检查一下服务器了。
#### 检查 4 - 哪些进程在消耗CPU?
你常遇到的这类攻击者通常不怎么会去掩盖他们做的事情. 他们会运行一些特别消耗CPU的进程. 这就很容易发着这些进程了. 只需要运行 `top` 然后看最前的那几个进程就行了。
这也能显示出那些未登录的攻击者来. 比如,可能有人在用未受保护的邮件脚本来发送垃圾邮件。
如果你最上面的进程对不了解,那么你可以google一下进程名称,或者通过 `losf` 和 `strace` 来看看它做的事情是什么。
使用这些工具,第一步从 `top` 中拷贝出进程的 PID,然后运行:
strace -p PID
这会显示出进程调用的所有系统调用. 它产生的内容会很多,但这些信息能告诉你这个进程在做什么。
lsof -p PID
这个程序会列出进程打开的文件. 通过查看它访问的文件可以很好的理解它在做的事情。
#### 检查 5 - 检查所有的系统进程
消耗CPU不严重的未认证进程可能不会在 `top` 中显露出来,不过它依然可以通过 `ps` 列出来. 命令 `ps auxf` 就能显示足够清晰的信息了。
你需要检查一下每个不认识的进程. 经常运行 `ps` (这是个好习惯) 能帮助你发现奇怪的进程。
#### 检查 6 - 检查进程的网络使用情况
`iftop` 的功能类似 `top`,他会显示一系列收发网络数据的进程以及他们的源地址和目的地址。
类似 `DoS` 攻击或垃圾制造器这样的进程很容易显示在列表的最顶端。
#### 检查 7 - 哪些进程在监听网络连接?
通常攻击者会安装一个后门程序专门监听网络端口接受指令. 该进程等待期间是不会消耗CPU和带宽的,因此也就不容易通过 `top` 之类的命令发现。
`lsof` 和 `netstat` 命令都会列出所有的联网进程. 我通常会让他们带上下面这些参数:
lsof -i
netstat -plunt
你需要留意那些处于 `LISTEN` 和 `ESTABLISHED` 状态的进程,这些进程要么正在等待连接(LISTEN),要么已经连接(ESTABLISHED)。
如果遇到不认识的进程,使用 `strace` 和 `lsof` 来看看它们在做什么东西。
### 被入侵之后该怎么办呢?
首先,不要紧张, 尤其当攻击者正处于登陆状态时更不能紧张. 你需要在攻击者警觉到你已经发现他之前夺回机器的控制权。
如果你技术不太好那么就直接关机吧. 你可以在服务器上运行 `shutdown -h now` 或者 `systemctl poweroff` 这两条命令. 也可以登陆主机提供商的控制面板中关闭服务器。
1. 只允许从你的IP地址登陆SSH
2. 封禁除此之外的任何东西,不仅仅是SSH,还包括任何端口上的任何协议。
如果你无法访问上游防火墙,那么你就需要在服务器本身创建并启用这些防火墙策略,然后在防火墙规则起效后使用 `kill` 命令关闭攻击者的ssh会话。
最后还有一种方法, 就是通过诸如串行控制台之类的带外连接登陆服务器,然后通过 `systemctl stop network.service` 停止网络功能。
不要试着修复这台服务器,让后接着用. 你永远不知道攻击者做过什么因此你也永远无法保证这台服务器还是安全的。
via: https://bash-prompt.net/guides/server-hacked/
作者:[Elliot Cooper][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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30 Best Linux Games On Steam You Should Play in 2017
Last updated December 4, 2017 By [Ankush Das][1]
When it comes to Gaming, a system running on Windows platform is what anyone would recommend. It still is a superior choice for gamers with better graphics driver support and perfect hardware compatibility. But, what about the thought of [gaming on a Linux system][9]? Well, yes, of course – it is possible – maybe you thought of it at some point in time but the collection of Linux games on [Steam for Linux][10] platform wasn’t appealing at all few years back.
However, that’s not true at all for the current scene. The Steam store now has a lot of great games listed for Linux platform (including a lot of major titles). So, in this article, we’ll be taking a look at the best Linux games on Steam.
But before we do that, let me tell you a money saving trick. If you are an avid gamer who spends plenty of time and money on gaming, you should subscribe to Humble Monthly. This monthly subscription program from [Humble Bundle][11] gives you $100 in games for just $12 each month.
Not all games might be available on Linux though but it is still a good deal because you get additional 10% discount on any games or books you buy from [Humble Bundle website][12].
The best thing here is that every purchase you make supports a charity organization. So, you are not just gaming, you are also making a difference to the world.
### Best Linux games on Steam
The list of best Linux games on steam is in no particular ranking order.
Additional Note: While there’s a lot of games available on Steam for Linux, there are still a lot of problems you would face as a Linux gamer. You can refer to one of our articles to know about the [annoying experiences every Linux gamer encounters][14].
Jump Directly to your preferred genre of Games:
* [Action Games][3]
* [RPG Games][4]
* [Racing/Sports/Simulation Games][5]
* [Adventure Games][6]
* [Indie Games][7]
* [Strategy Games][8]
### Best Action Games for Linux On Steam
### 1\. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Multiplayer)
CS GO is definitely one of the best FPS games for Linux on Steam. I don’t think this game needs an introduction but in case you are unaware of it – I must mention that it is one of the most enjoyable FPS multiplayer game you would ever play. You’ll observe CS GO is one of the games contributing a major part to the e-sports scene. To up your rank – you need to play competitive matches. In either case, you can continue playing casual matches.
I could have listed Rainbow Six siege instead of Counter-Strike, but we still don’t have it for Linux/Steam OS.
[CS: GO (Purchase)][15]
### 2\. Left 4 Dead 2 (Multiplayer/Singleplayer)
One of the most loved first-person zombie shooter multiplayer game. You may get it for as low as 1.3 USD on a Steam sale. It is an interesting game which gives you the chills and thrills you’d expect from a zombie game. The game features swamps, cities, cemetries, and a lot more environments to keep things interesting and horrific. The guns aren’t super techy but definitely provides a realistic experience considering it’s an old game.
[Left 4 Dead 2 (Purchase)][16]
### 3\. Borderlands 2 (Singleplayer/Co-op)
Borderlands 2 is an interesting take on FPS games for PC. It isn’t anything like you experienced before. The graphics look sketchy and cartoony but that does not let you miss the real action you always look for in a first-person shooter game. You can trust me on that!
If you are looking for one of the best Linux games with tons of DLC – Borderlands 2 will definitely suffice.
[Borderlands 2 (Purchase)][17]
### 4\. Insurgency (Multiplayer)
Insurgency is yet another impressive FPS game available on Steam for Linux machines. It takes a different approach by eliminating the HUD or the ammo counter. As most of the reviewers mentioned – pure shooting game focusing on the weapon and the tactics of your team. It may not be the best FPS game – but it surely is one of them if you like – Delta Force kinda shooters along with your squad.
[Insurgency (Purchase)][18]
### 5\. Bioshock: Infinite (Singleplayer)
Bioshock Infinite would definitely remain as one of the best singleplayer FPS games ever developed for PC. You get unrealistic powers to kill your enemies. And, so do your enemies have a lot of tricks up in the sleeves. It is a story-rich FPS game which you should not miss playing on your Linux system!
[BioShock: Infinite (Purchase)][19]
### 6\. HITMAN – Game of the Year Edition (Singleplayer)
The Hitman series is obviously one of the most loved game series for a PC gamer. The recent iteration of HITMAN series saw an episodic release which wasn’t appreciated much but now with Square Enix gone, the GOTY edition announced with a few more additions is back to the spotlight. Make sure to get creative with your assassinations in the game Agent 47!
### 7\. Portal 2
Portal 2 is the perfect blend of action and adventure. It is a puzzle game which lets you join co-op sessions and create interesting puzzles. The co-op mode features a completely different campaign when compared to the single player mode.
[Portal 2 (Purchase)][21]
### 8\. Deux Ex: Mankind Divided
If you are on the lookout for a shooter game focused on stealth skills – Deux Ex would be the perfect addition to your Steam library. It is indeed a very beautiful game with some state-of-the-art weapons and crazy fighting mechanics.
[Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Purchase)][22]
### 9\. Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux
Both Metro 2033 Redux and the Last Light are the definitive editions of the classic hit Metro 2033 and Last Light. The game has a post-apocalyptic setting. You need to eliminate all the mutants in order to ensure the survival of mankind. You should explore the rest when you get to play it!
[Metro 2033 Redux (Purchase)][23]
[Metro Last Light Redux (Purchase)][24]
### 10\. Tannenberg (Multiplayer)
Tannenberg is a brand new game – announced a month before this article was published. The game is based on the Eastern Front (1914-1918) as a part of World War I. It is a multiplayer-only game. So, if you want to experience WWI gameplay experience, look no further!
[Tannenberg (Purchase)][25]
### Best RPG Games for Linux on Steam
### 11\. Shadow of Mordor
Shadow of Mordor is one of the most exciting open world RPG game you will find listed on Steam for Linux systems. You have to fight as a ranger (Talion) with the bright master (Celebrimbor) to defeat Sauron’s army (and then approach killing him). The fighting mechanics are very impressive. It is a must try game!
[SOM (Purchase)][26]
### 12\. Divinity: Original Sin – Enhanced Edition
Divinity: Original is a kick-ass Indie-RPG game that’s unique in itself and very much enjoyable. It is probably one of the highest rated RPG games with a mixture of Adventure & Strategy. The enhanced edition includes new game modes and a complete revamp of voice-overs, controller support, co-op sessions, and so much more.
[Divinity: Original Sin (Purchase)][27]
### 13\. Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut
Wasteland 2 is an amazing CRPG game. If Fallout 4 was to be ported down as a CRPG as well – this is what we would have expected it to be. The director’s cut edition includes a complete visual overhaul with hundred new characters.
[Wasteland 2 (Purchase)][28]
### 14\. Darkwood
A horror-filled top-down view RPG game. You get to explore the world, scavenging materials, and craft weapons to survive.
[Darkwood (Purchase)][29]
### Best Racing/Sports/Simulation Games
### 15\. Rocket League
Rocket League is an action-packed soccer game conceptualized by rocket-powered battle cars. Not just driving the car and heading to the goal – you can even make your opponents go – kaboom!
A fantastic sports-action game every gamer must have installed!
[Rocket League (Purchase)][30]
### 16\. Road Redemption
Missing Road Rash? Well, Road Redemption will quench your thirst as a spiritual successor to Road Rash. Ofcourse, it is not officially “Road Rash II” – but it is equally enjoyable. If you loved Road Rash, you’ll like it too.
[Road Redemption (Purchase)][31]
### 17\. Dirt Rally
Dirt Rally is for the gamers who want to experience off-road and on-road racing game. The visuals are breathtaking and the game is enjoyable with near to perfect driving mechanics.
[Dirt Rally (Purchase)][32]
### 18\. F1 2017
F1 2017 is yet another impressive car racing game from the developers of Dirt Rally (Codemasters & Feral Interactive). It features all of the iconic F1 racing cars that you need to experience.
[F1 2017 (Purchase)][33]
### 19. GRID Autosport
GRID is one of the most underrated car racing games available out there. GRID Autosport is the sequel to GRID 2\. The gameplay seems stunning to me. With even better cars than GRID 2, the GRID Autosport is a recommended racing game for every PC gamer out there. The game also supports a multiplayer mode where you can play with your friends – representing as a team.
[GRID Autosport (Purchase)][34]
### Best Adventure Games
### 20\. ARK: Survival Evolved
ARK Survival Evolved is a quite decent survival game with exciting adventures following in the due course. You find yourself in the middle of nowhere (ARK Island) and have got no choice except training the dinosaurs, teaming up with other players, hunt someone to get the required resources, and craft items to maximize your chances to survive and escape the Island.
[ARK: Survival Evolved (Purchase)][35]
### 21\. This War of Mine
A unique game where you aren’t a soldier but a civilian facing the hardships of wartime. You’ve to make your way through highly-skilled enemies and help out other survivors as well.
[This War of Mine (Purchase)][36]
### 22\. Mad Max
Mad Max is all about survival and brutality. It includes powerful cars, an open-world setting, weapons, and hand-to-hand combat. You need to keep exploring the place and also focus on upgrading your vehicle to prepare for the worst. You need to think carefully and have a strategy before you make a decision.
[Mad Max (Purchase)][37]
### Best Indie Games
### 23\. Terraria
It is a 2D game which has received overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam. Dig, fight, explore, and build to keep your journey going. The environments are automatically generated. So, it isn’t anything static. You might encounter something first and your friend might encounter the same after a while. You’ll also get to experience creative 2D action-packed sequences.
[Terraria (Purchase)][38]
### 24\. Kingdoms and Castles
With Kingdoms and Castles, you get to build your own kingdom. You have to manage your kingdom by collecting tax (as funds necessary) from the people, take care of the forests, handle the city
design, and also make sure no one raids your kingdom by implementing proper defences.
It is a fairly new game but quite trending among the Indie genre of games.
[Kingdoms and Castles][39]
### Best Strategy Games on Steam For Linux Machines
### 25\. Sid Meier’s Civilization V
Sid Meier’s Civilization V is one of the best-rated strategy game available for PC. You could opt for Civilization VI – if you want. But, the gamers still root for Sid Meier’s Civilization V because of its originality and creative implementation.
[Civilization V (Purchase)][40]
### 26\. Total War: Warhammer
Total War: Warhammer is an incredible turn-based strategy game available for PC. Sadly, the Warhammer II isn’t available for Linux as of yet. But 2016’s Warhammer is still a great choice if you like real-time battles that involve building/destroying empires with flying creatures and magical powers.
[Warhammer I (Purchase)][41]
### 27\. Bomber Crew
Wanted a strategy simulation game that’s equally fun to play? Bomber Crew is the answer to it. You need to choose the right crew and maintain it in order to win it all.
[Bomber Crew (Purchase)][42]
### 28\. Age of Wonders III
A very popular strategy title with a mixture of empire building, role playing, and warfare. A polished turn-based strategy game you must try!
[Age of Wonders III (Purchase)][43]
### 29\. Cities: Skylines
A pretty straightforward strategy game to build a city from scratch and manage everything in it. You’ll experience the thrills and hardships of building and maintaining a city. I wouldn’t expect every gamer to like this game – it has a very specific userbase.
[Cities: Skylines (Purchase)][44]
### 30\. XCOM 2
XCOM 2 is one of the best turn-based strategy game available for PC. I wonder how crazy it could have been to have XCOM 2 as a first person shooter game. However, it’s still a masterpiece with an overwhelming response from almost everyone who bought the game. If you have the budget to spend more on this game, do get the – “War of the Chosen” – DLC.
[XCOM 2 (Purchase)][45]
### Wrapping Up
Among all the games available for Linux, we did include most of the major titles and some the latest games with an overwhelming response from the gamers.
Do you think we missed any of your favorite Linux game available on Steam? Also, what are the games that you would like to see on Steam for Linux platform?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
via: https://itsfoss.com/best-linux-games-steam/
作者:[Ankush Das][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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