Merge pull request #5 from LCTT/master

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25 changed files with 765 additions and 751 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
“战斗砖块剧场”占据了 Steam 上 Linux游戏排行榜首位
**Steam for Linux平台在过去几周接受了一些新游戏其中几个在最畅销名单里有很高的提升。**
**小小世界2** 取代原第十位并成为进入这个专属名单里的新游戏。这款游戏基于同名的幻想桌游这可能是此类型游戏里唯一一个有Linux版本的游戏。
**足球经理2014** 掉到了第九位但鉴于这是Steam for Linux上最贵的游戏我们可以有把握地说他依然做的很好。不需要介绍这款游戏被认为是同类中做得最好的。
**反恐精英:起源** 游戏结合了原作反恐精英的玩法使用的是Source引擎又回到了Steam for Linux最畅销名单顶部位于第八位。
**伊卡罗斯之炮在线版** Muse Games开发的多玩家第一人称射击游戏游戏有多个平台版本包括Linux现在它位于第七位而且它甚至打二五折。
**求生之路2** Valve开发的多人合作第一人称射击游戏仍然是Linux平台最好的游戏之一位于第六位。
**星界边境 Starbound** ,呵呵鱼工作室开发的一款程序生成冒险类游戏,游戏中玩家玩家扮演了一个逃离了自己星球而只能紧急降落在其他星球的角色,游戏在第五位。这个游戏仍然在开发中,在游戏完成之前就有人买的事实说明了游戏的质量。
**坎巴拉太空计划** ,一个多类型玩法的游戏,游戏中玩家必须要创建自己的太空项目而且要在不杀死宇航员的情况下发射成功,游戏现在在第四位。
**盖瑞模组 Garry's Mod**, 一个物理沙箱,就其本身而言它甚至不算是个游戏,它存在于第三空间,如果我们想想它的话它确实很奇怪。游戏没有单独的玩家战争,但玩家有完全的自由。
**腐蚀Rust**, 一款第一人称生存游戏,游戏背景发生在一个持久的宇宙中,游戏不再是第一位,但第二位也不是那么糟糕。游戏仍在开发中,没有迹象表明多会儿会发布最终版本。
Steam for Linux的最畅名单中位于第一位是新领主叫做 **战斗砖块剧场** 。这是一款由The Behemoth创作并发布的2D战斗平台游戏游戏特点是有趣的关卡设计和漂亮的图案。
译者:[linuhap]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
谷歌浏览器使用的 PDF 渲染引擎以开源形式发布
谷歌浏览器使用的 PDF 渲染引擎已开源
**大型公司,例如谷歌,并不会真的喜欢上开源项目,虽然他们的谷歌浏览器基于开源的 Chromium 浏览器。现在,在谷歌浏览器中所使用的 PDF 渲染引擎以开源形式发布了。**
**像谷歌这样的大公司并不是真的喜欢开源项目,虽然他们的谷歌浏览器基于开源的 Chromium 浏览器。现在,在谷歌浏览器中所使用的 PDF 渲染引擎以开源形式发布了。**
在谷歌浏览器中所使用的 PDF 渲染引擎是 [PDFium][1] ,迄今为止这个项目都没有向公众发布过。现在还不清楚是什么改变了他们的想法,不过现在用户们可以去下载 PDFium 的源代码了。
虽然 PDFium 现在是开源的,但是它是在一个有特定条件的新 BSD 协议下发布的。例如再次使用源代码必须保留其原有的版权声明、一份条件列表以及一份免责声明。对于二进制文件的再发布需要相同的条件。与此同时,无论是版权持有者还是它的贡献者都不能署名或推广该软件的衍生产品。
就像大多数的开源项目一样,它可以在 Github 上获得,你可以很容易地使用如下命令乃克隆该项目:
就像大多数的开源项目一样,它可以通过 Git 取得,你可以很容易地使用如下命令乃克隆该项目:
git clone
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
译者:[wwhio]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[wwhio]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme
为了使该主题生效我们需要打开Unity Tweak Tool选择“外观标题”下的“主题”选项然后在“已有主题”一栏中选择该主题。只要相应的软件仓库名字一直,对于其他主题,你就可以重复该过程来应用。你可以登陆[][3]获得更多的主题。另一个和Numix主题很相似的主题是Moka你可以在[][4]获得更多关于Moka主题的信息。
为了使该主题生效我们需要打开Unity Tweak Tool选择“外观标题”下的“主题”选项然后在“已有主题”一栏中选择该主题。只要相应的软件仓库名字一致,对于其他主题,你可以重复该过程来应用。你可以访问[][3]获得更多的主题。另一个和Numix主题很相似的主题是Moka你可以在[][4]获得更多关于Moka主题的信息。
### 3. 安装图标 ###
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme-circle
为了使该图标生效我们需要在Unity Tweak Tool中选择“图标”选项然后选择该图标集。再一次声明这个方法对于任何图标集是可行的。Moka也提供给你的桌面带来多彩的、一致性设计的图标集。
为了使该图标生效我们需要在Unity Tweak Tool中选择“图标”选项然后选择该图标集。再一次声明这个方法对于任何图标集是可行的。Moka也提供给你的桌面带来多彩的、一致性设计的图标集。
### 4. 安装conky系统监视软件 ###
@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ Conky是一个轻量级桌面系统监视软件。该软件本身是非常简单
如果对于你来说Unity Tweak Tool不够强大那么你可以尝试[Compiz设置管理器][8].
### 警告: ###
sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-plugins
译者:[JonathanKang]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[JonathanKang]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Translated by GOLinux!
### 目标 ###
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
<td>Server A</td>
@ -42,14 +42,16 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
### 设置主机名 ###
# vim /etc/sysconfig/network
> HOSTNAME=ns1.example.tst
# hostname ns1.example.tst
@ -59,16 +61,22 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
> ns1.example.tst
### 安装软件包 ###
# yum install bind bind-chroot
# yum install bind bind-chroot
### 准备配置文件 ###
@ -101,7 +109,7 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
@ -124,29 +132,30 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
options {
## path to zone files ##
## 区域文件存放目录 ##
directory "/var/named";
## forwarding the query to Google public DNS server for non-local domains ##
## 对于非本地权威域的请求转发到 Google 的公开 DNS 服务器 ##
forwarders {; };
## declaration of the forward zone for example.tst ##
## 申明一个本地域 example.tst ##
zone "example.tst" IN {
type master;
file "example-fz"; ## filename for the forward zone stored in /var/named ##
file "example-fz"; ## 存储文件名,放在 /var/named ##
allow-update { none; };
## declaration of reverse zone for network ##
## 为IP段 提供反向解析 ##
zone "" IN {
type master;
file "rz-172-16-1"; ## filename for the reverse zone stored in /var/named ##
file "rz-172-16-1"; ## 存储文件名,放在 /var/named ##
allow-update { none; };
### 准备区域文件 ###
默认的区域文件会自动创建到`/var/named` 或者`/var/named/chroot/var/named` (`chroot`环境)。如果在这些地方找不到这些文件,`/usr/share/doc/bind`目录中提供了模板文件,可以从这里拷贝。
那些默认的区域文件会自动创建到`/var/named` 或者`/var/named/chroot/var/named` (`chroot`环境)。如果在这些地方找不到这些文件,`/usr/share/doc/bind`目录中提供了模板文件,可以从这里拷贝。
@ -158,12 +167,14 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
# cp /usr/share/doc/bind-9.8.2/sample/var/named/named.* /var/named/chroot/var/named
- 区域文件中的特殊字符‘@’意味着空。
- 所有的完全合格域名必须以点‘.结束。如example.tst.如果没有这个点,你会发生问题。
#### 1. 转发区域 ####
- 区域文件中的特殊字符‘@’意味着空。(译注:意即代表本域。)
- 所有的完全限定域名必须以点‘.结束。如example.tst.如果没有这个点,你会发生问题。(译注:即会被当做当前@所代表的域的子域。)
#### 1. 转发区域(本地权威域) ####
@ -190,14 +201,18 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
ns1 IN A
ftp IN CNAME www.example.tst.
**说明**在区域文件中SOA是开始授权Start Of Authority的意思。它的值的第一段是授权名称服务器的完全限定域名。完全限定域名后面跟着的是电子邮件地址。由于不能在sarmed@example.tst这样的格式中使用@’符号(译注:@有特定意义代表本域。我们将电子邮件地址重写成sarmed.example.tst.这样的格式。
- **NS**:域名服务器
- **A**: 地址记录记录主机名到IP地址的映射译注此处原文有误。
- **MX**: 邮件交换记录。这里我们只用了一个邮件交换记录设置其优先级为10。如果有多个邮件交换记录我们可以使用多个数值优先级数字小的优先级最高。例如MX 0比MX 1优先级更高。
- **CNAME**: 标准名。如果在一台单一服务器上托管了多个服务也很可能将多个名称解析到某个单一服务器。CNAME指定了一台服务器可能有的其它名称并且将它们指向具有实际A记录的名称。
- **NS**:名称服务器
- **A**: 记录或者地址记录记录IP地址
- **MX**: 邮件交换记录。这里我们只使用一个邮件交换记录设置其优先级为10。如果有多个邮件交换记录我们可以使用多个数值优先级数字小的优先级最高。例如MX 0比MX 1优先级更高。
- **CNAME**: 标准名。如果在一台单一服务器上托管了多个服务也很可能将多个名称解析到此台单一服务器。CNAME指定了一台服务器可能有的其它名称并且将它们指向具有实际A记录的名称。
#### 2. 反向区域 ####
@ -223,9 +238,10 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
- PTR: PTR或者指针记录指向完全合格域名
- PTR: IP反向解析记录指向一个反向限定域名。
### 结束工作 ###
@ -240,22 +256,23 @@ CentOS上配置主DNS服务器
# vim /etc/resolv.conf
> nameserver
# service named restart
# chkconfig named on
### 测试DNS ###
# yum install bind-utils
#### 1. 使用dig测试转发区域 ####
# dig example.tst
@ -277,7 +294,8 @@ DNS服务器开动后建议关注一下日志文件/var/log/messages这里 86400 IN A
#### 2. 使用dig测试PTR记录 ####
使用dig来测试时必须时刻关注状态信息“NOERROR”任何其它值都表明存在问题。译注也可用 dig ptr 来测试。)
# dig -x
@ -311,25 +329,25 @@ DNS服务器开动后建议关注一下日志文件/var/log/messages这里
example.tst. 14366 IN MX 10 mail.example.tst.
### 排障提示 ###
1. 我已经把SELinux关闭。
1. 保证防火墙没有阻挡UDP 53端口
1. 万一出错,可在/var/log/messages中查看到有用的信息
1. 确保区域文件的拥有者为named
1. 确保DNS服务器的IP地址是/etc/resolv.conf中的第一条目
1. 如果你使用example.tst作为实验环境确保将服务器从互联网断开因为example.tst是一个不存在的域。
### 排错提示 ###
最后小结该教程关注的是实验环境中配置example.tst域用作为演示。请注意该教程中创建了一台公共DNS服务器此服务器会回应来自任何源IP地址的查询。如果你是在配置DNS生产服务器请确保检查与公共DNS相关的策略。其它教程涵盖了[创建从DNS服务器][2], [限制对DNS服务器的访问][3]以及部署DNSSEC。
1. 我已经把SELinux关闭。
2. 保证防火墙没有阻挡UDP 53端口
3. 万一出错,可在/var/log/messages中查看到有用的信息
4. 确保区域文件的属主为named
5. 确保DNS服务器的IP地址是/etc/resolv.conf中的第一条目
6. 如果你使用example.tst作为实验环境确保将服务器从互联网断开因为example.tst是一个不存在的域。
最后小结该教程关注的是实验环境中配置example.tst域用作为演示。请注意该教程中创建了一台公共DNS服务器此服务器会回应来自任何源IP地址的查询。如果你是在配置DNS生产服务器请确保检查与公共DNS相关的策略。其它教程涵盖了[创建从DNS服务器][2], [限制对DNS服务器的访问][1]以及部署DNSSEC。
译者:[GOLinux]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[GOLinux]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
本土化Spotify Linux客户端更新添加新的黑色设计元素
Spotify 原生Linux客户端更新暗黑风格来袭
**继streaming service上个月在其它平台上发布它的应用之后以同样的扁平化和黑色风格的设计Linux版本的Spotify客户端也发布了更新。**
> Spotify相关负责人说这种设计可以突出软件的内容
在作曲家和个人资料条目中图片的设计上均采用了圆形的设计元素并且在导航栏和播放控制按钮的地方采用了iOS 7风格。
Rounded elements have been introduced on artist and profile photos, while navigation and player controls buttons have been given iOS 7-style thin line makeovers.
@ -17,11 +14,11 @@ Spotify官方说道这种设计风格突出了软件的内容他们将之比
### 安装Spotify ###
要在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS上安装Spotify你可以打开terminal终端,然后输入下面的命令。
要在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS上安装Spotify你可以打开终端然后输入下面的命令。
@ -41,6 +38,6 @@ Spotify官方说道这种设计风格突出了软件的内容他们将之比
译者:[JonathanKang]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[JonathanKang]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
最小的树莓派系统 picore5.3载着3.14.4内核归来
**Tiny Core团队已经宣布picore 5.3一个Tiny Core Linux 在树莓派上的移植),刚刚发布了一个新的版本,现在可供下载。**
Tiny Core的核心开发者实际上同时负责其他大量的同一基础的版本。开发者已经推出了一些变体。有Core版为有经验的用户提供了命令行界面的基本系统TinyCore推荐给有网线连接的新手和CorePlus安装映像不是Live版的
Tiny Core团队并不是第一次发布这样的Linux版本但其中有些改进是必要的虽然除了引入新的Linux内核之外的改变都不大。
根据变更日志所述Linux已经更新到版本3.14.4树莓派的固件也更新到了它的最新版本三月版e2fsprogs已经更新到版本1.42.10 HDMI sound 现在已经支持192 kbit /s速率CMA和fiq-fsm现在默认启用现在卸载meta-extensions时使用sudo。
完整的更新日志可以官网[声明][1]中看到。你现在可以从Softpedia下载[picore 5.3][2]。
树莓派带有一个700 MHz的ARM处理器、512 MB的RAM、SD卡插槽和5V MicroUSB供电接口。它还具有RCA和HDMI端口。
Tiny Core Linux 的树莓派移植是Robert Shingledecker架构的一个独立系统现在被一个具有强大社区的小团体所支持。
如果你不熟悉的Tiny Core家族的Linux发行版你只需要知道这是一个有开源社区开发扩展的一个模块化系统它通常使用最新Linux内核vmlinuz 3.0大约5MB core.gz内核。
### Tiny Core Linux piCore 5.3: 免费下载 ###
- [Tiny Core Linux piCore 5.3 (zip) 多版本][3] [二进制] [14 MB]
译者:[jiajia9linuxer]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
第一个配置辅助显示的驱动是"KS0108 LCD Controller"。KS0108 LCD Controller是由三星制造的图形控制器。
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"Android Binder IPC Driver"提供了对于Binder的支持它允许Andorid系统进程间相互通信。
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"Android alarm driver"使内核在设定的间隔后唤醒。
在配置晚开发中的驱动后下面的驱动用于X86平台。这些驱动是 X86 (32-bit)的供应商/设备特定硬件。
在配置完开发阶段的驱动后下面的驱动用于X86平台。这些驱动是 X86 (32-bit)的供应商/设备特定硬件。
下一个驱动是"Mailbox Hardware Support"。这个框架控制邮箱队列和硬件邮箱系统的中断信号。
@ -106,6 +106,6 @@ Linux内核提供了大量不同的加速器、放大器模数转换器、惯性
译者:[geekpi]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[geekpi]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
用WinAte主题包将Ubuntu/Debian Jessie变成Windows 7/Windows 8
用WinAte主题包将Ubuntu/Debian Jessie扮成Windows 7/8
**WinAte最近刚刚收到一个更新这个主题包能够将你的Ubuntu/Debian变得看起来像Windows 7/Windows 8。**
**WinAte最近刚刚发布一个更新这个主题包能够将你的Ubuntu/Debian变得看起来像Windows 7/Windows 8。**
曾经有段时间你可以轻易地改变绝大多数Linux发行版的外观使得他们看起来像是Windows的一个副本但那种时光已经一去不复返了。只有少数Linux发行版的外观仍能够被修改而Ubuntu和Debian Jessie正在此列。
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
译者:[alim0x]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
译者:[alim0x]( 校对:[wxy](
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Ubutun14.10(代号“独角兽”)已基于3.15 RC5版本的linux内核
![]( )
**Ubuntu 14.10代号“独角兽”的开发已于数周前开始现在开发者们已经做出了第一个重大的改变即使用新的Linux内核版本。**
通常情况下下一版本Ubuntu的开发是基于上一个发布的版本如Ubuntu 14.04 LTS。开发小组开始向Linux内核当中加入新的软件包通常是那些没来得及放到之前的版本的软件包。Linux发行版其中最重要的组件之一是linux内核现在也更新了。
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS附带的是3.13的linux内核开发者们并没有机会将3.14版本的加入其中它放出的时间太晚以致没有足够的时间去做测试。到现在为止Ubuntu开发小组也没有说明最终发布版本会使用哪个内核版本但是他们实现了在3.15内核版本下的编译,即使它仍旧在开发当中。
在一个Ubuntu内核小组的会议当中[Joesph Salisbury宣布][1]“我们往Utopic的归档中上传了第一个基于3.15版本的内核3.10.0-1.5它现在是基于3.15-rc5的最新linux内核版本。”
除非3.16的内核版本在Ubuntu 14.10的内核截止日错过这个日期点新的内核不会被提交之前现身否则到10月之前能够实现的很有可能就是这个版本了。
如果没有什么意外发生每个内核的开发迭代在8到10个候选版本之间但是这个数目是不定的。Linus Torvalds平均每周会发布一个RC候选版本但也不是固定不变的。比如发布3.15系列的候选之后将近两周没有新的版本发布了。
参考Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS版本的惯例Ubuntu 14.04.1将会在接下来的几个月当中发布内核截止的日期只有5周左右了。
Ubuntu 14.10代号“独角兽”号称它会成为一个很有趣的版本而且已经带来了一个新的特色Unity 8和Mir两种版本都会作为常规版本中的一员。
如果你真的想知道将来的Ubuntu 14.10 版本发生了哪些改变,你可以[下载每日更新的版本][2]试试看。现在来看它和Ubuntu 14.04 LTS版本很类似但是很快它将变的不同
### 下载 ###
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit][3][iso] [965 MB]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 32-bit][4][iso] [971 MB]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit Mac][5][iso] [963 MB]
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Ubuntu 的开发者准备开发一个仅基于 Unity 8的新风格
![Current Unity 7 desktop in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS](
**Ubuntu 的开发者提出将开发一个单独使用 Unity 8的新风格以帮助他们自由的实验而不必担心搞乱操作系统稳定。**
如果你的环境满足安装需要的话现在可以在Ubuntu 14.04 LTS中安装体验下 Unity 8 桌面环境的预览版了。现在,新的桌面还不能在专有驱动下运行,因为它依赖于 Mir而这玩意儿还没有获得 NVIDIA 和 AMD 的官方支持。
无论如何,有一个新的 Ubuntu 风格对于开发者在新的生态环境中测试他们的创意都会有巨大的帮助而且从 USB Stick 里启动十分方便还能体验大多数的移植性应用。
“桌面环境开发组很希望为 Ubuntu 增加一个新的风格(嘘~我们并不是计划现在就发行一个正式的版本这个风格将包括为触屏项目开发的Unity 8桌面和新的应用。最初的意图是提供一个产品使得开发人员可以在做一个基于该软件的桌面产品的时候可以估算出所需要的的工作量并建立一个可以由实验来找出所需的最佳结合方式的空间。”
“我们仍将计划融合当前的桌面环境,但是我们不希望给用户带来不安稳和造成不便,而且希望并行的发展这个新风格可以使我们真正实现在软件已经准备就绪的时候再迁移,而不是迁移后再解决用户的原有软件的兼容问题。” Ubuntu 的开发者 Iain Lane说。
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 现在默认使用 Unity 7而且可能这至少将持续到下一个版本 Ubuntu 14.10。Ubuntu 开发者的目标是最迟在下一个 LTSUbuntu 16.04 中让 Unity 8 和 Mir 成为默认的配置,但是如果事情进展的顺利,我们可能会在此之前就能成功。
这个新风格的名字是什么还不清楚但是如果地位确定的话我们可能在接下来的几个月就可以得到ISO文件。这将会使得用户更容易地测试 Unity 8 ,而且可以在它成为默认配置之前体验一把。
当 Canonical 用 Unity 替换旧的 GNOME 2 的时候,这个转换引起的震动是如此之大,以至于直到今天在论坛中还时不时的被人提及。有一个专门的 Unity 8 风格可能会缓解这个问题。
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Webmin 1.690 更新,针对 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS优化
**Webmin是一个基于web接口面向Unix系统管理员的工具最新版本1.690 已可下载**
据开发者所言加入了一些对于XSS攻击的安全修复、增加了用于阻止多次登录系统失败的IP地址的Fail2Ban模块Squid模块中的url_rewrite_children指令已经修复为了支持所有的进程数量选项并且对于Ubuntu 14.04的支持已经改善。
还有一些安全问题如会被未信任的Webmin用户在PHP配置和Webalizer模块中利用的安全漏洞java applet的文件管理模块的签名UI库更新等。
完整的修改和改进列表可以在官方[声明][1]中找到。你现在可以在官网中下载Webmin 1.690。
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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
linuhap 翻译中
BattleBlock Theater Now Rules the Steam for Linux Best-Selling List
**The Steam for Linux platform has been receiving some new titles in the past couple of weeks and a few of them managed to get pretty high up in the best-selling list.**
**Small World 2** take the tenth place and its a new entry in this exclusive list. This is a title based on the fantasy board game with the same name and its probably the only one in this genre that has a Linux version.
**Football Manager 2014** fell into the ninth position, but given the fact that its one of the most expensive games on the Steam for Linux, we can safely say that its still doing quite well. This is a game that needs no introduction and that is regarded as the best of its kind.
**Counter-Strike: Source**, a game that combines the gameplay from the original Counter-Strike with the power of the Source engine, has managed to get back in the best-selling top on Steam for Linux, in place number eight.
**Guns of Icarus Online**, a multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Muse Games for multiple platforms, including Linux, is now in the seventh place and it even comes with a 75% discount.
**Left 4 Dead 2**, the cooperative FPS developed by Valve, is still one of the best games on the Linux platform and the sixth place is a just one.
**Starbound**, a procedurally generated adventure game developed by Chucklefish Ltd. in which the player takes on the role of a character whos just fled from their home planet, only to crash-land on another, is in the fifth position. This is still under development and the fact that people are buying it before its even finished says a lot about the quality.
**Kerbal Space Program**, a multi-genre game in which the players have to create their own space project and make a successful launch without killing the astronauts, is now in the fourth position.
**Garry's Mod**, a physics sandbox thats not even a game per say, is really hanging on and it remains in the third place, which is weird if we thing about it. It doesnt have a single player campaign, but promise complete freedom to its users.
**Rust**, a first-person survival game that takes place in a persistent universe, is no longer in the first place, but the second one is not all that bad. Its still in development and there is no indication when the final version will be released.
The first place in the best-selling list of games on Steam for Linux is a new entry called **BattleBlock Theater**. This is a 2D action platformer developed and published by The Behemoth studio that features an interesting level design and beautiful graphics.
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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
Smallest OS for Raspberry Pi, piCore 5.3, Returns with Linux Kernel 3.14.4
**The Tiny Core team has announced that piCore 5.3, the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux, has just received a new version and is now available for download.**
The Tiny Core developers are actually responsible for a larger number of other distributions that are built with the same foundations. There are a number of variants available from the developer. There is the Core version (base system the provides only a command line interface for experienced users), TinyCore (recommended option for new users who have a wired network connection), and CorePlus (an installation image, not a Live one).
Team Tiny Core is not at the first release of this Linux distribution, but some improvements were necessary, although the changes are not all that big, with the exception of a new Linux kernel.
According to the changelog, the Linux kernel has been updated to version 3.14.4, the Raspberry Pi firmware has been updated to its latest version (May release), e2fsprogs has been updated to version 1.42.10, HDMI sound is now working at 192 kbit/s rate, CMA and FIQ-FSM are now enabled by default, and sudo is now used when unmounting meta-extensions.
It's possible to update previous versions on Raspberry Pi without removing the SD card, and the devs have posted some instructions on how to do this.
“Download piCore-5.3rc4-boot.tar.gz extract to a temporary folder and overwrite content of /mnt/mmcblk0p1 after mounting it. It will overwrite custom boot options. If you have customized cmdline.txt on config.txt in the old system, do it again.”
“Do not reboot if using wireless remote connection, otherwise you will lose connection due to incompatible kernel modules! Next download kernel module tcz's from the repo matching new kernel version and reboot. You must have a new, updated system working. Please note, there may be kernel module extensions which are not yet available in the repo,” read the notes posted on the official forums.
A complete list of updates and changes can be found in the official announcement. You can download piCore 5.3 right now from Softpedia.
Raspberry Pi relies on an ARM processor with a clock speed of 700 MHz, 512 MB of RAM, an SD card slot, and a 5V Micro USB connector that supplies the power. It also features RCA and HDMI ports.
The Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team with strong community support.
If you are not familiar with the Tiny Core family of Linux distributions, you need to know that this is a modular-based system with community-built extensions. It usually implements the latest Linux kernel vmlinuz 3.0 and a 5MB core.gz.
### Tiny Core Linux piCore 5.3: Free Download ###
- [Tiny Core Linux piCore 5.3 (zip) Multiple editions][3][binary] [14 MB]
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@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) Now Based on Linux Kernel 3.15 RC5
**The development of Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) started a few weeks ago and now the developers have made the first major change to it by adding a new Linux kernel.**
Usually, the development of a new version of Ubuntu begins by basing it on the latest release, in this case Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The team starts adding new packages to the distribution, usually stuff that didn't have a chance to make it into the previous one. One of the key components for a Linux distribution is the Linux kernel, and this package has been updated as well.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS shipped with Linux kernel 3.13 and the developers didn't get a chance to add the 3.14 branch into the mix. It shipped too late and there wasn't enough time to test it. Until now, the Ubuntu team didn't say what kernel they were targeting for the final release, but they have implemented the 3.15 build, even if it's still under development.
“We have uploaded our first v3.15 based kernel, 3.15.0-1.5, to the Utopic archive. It is currently based on the v3.15-rc5 upstream kernel,” [said Joseph Salisbury][1] in the regular Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting.
It's very likely that at least another version of Linux kernel, 3.16, will have already been released by the time Ubuntu 14.10 hits the kernel freeze (past this point the kernel can no longer be updated), so this might be the one that will get implemented by October.
If nothing out of the ordinary happens with the kernel development, each cycle usually features eight to ten Release Candidates, but this number can vary. Linus Torvalds usually releases a new RC every week, but it's not set in stone. For example, it's been almost two weeks since the last RC in the 3.15 series.
Canonical has to consider that Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04.1 will also be released in the coming months and the kernel freeze for this version is only 5 weeks away.
Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) promises to be a very interesting version and there is already talk about a new flavor, featuring Unity 8 and Mir, that could be launched in parallel with the regular one.
If you really want to see what is happening on the Ubuntu 14.10 front you can always [download the daily image][2] and give it a spin. For now it's almost identical with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, but that will soon change.
### download ###
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit][3][iso] [965 MB]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 32-bit][4][iso] [971 MB]
- [Ubuntu 14.10 Daily Build (ISO) 64-bit Mac][5][iso] [963 MB]
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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu Developers Propose a New Flavor Based Only on Unity 8
![Current Unity 7 desktop in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS](
**Ubuntu developers have proposed to make a new flavor built solely with the Unity 8 environment that would help them freely experiment without having to worry about the stable part of the operating system.**
Users can now install a preview of the Unity 8 desktop environment in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and run it there if they meet certain requirements. For now, the new desktop will not work with proprietary drivers because it also relies on Mir, which is not yet supported officially by NVIDIA and AMD.
In any case, having a new Ubuntu flavor would greatly help developers test their ideas in a fresh ecosystem that is easy to run from a USB stick and that already features most of the ported applications.
“The desktop team would like to add a new flavour (ish, we don't plan to have any formal releases at this point) of Ubuntu which contains the Unity 8 desktop and the new applications which have been developed for the touch project. The initial intention is to provide a product which developers can use to figure out the work that's required to make a desktop product based on this software usable, and to create a space for experimentation to figure out the best ways of carrying out the required integration.”
“We still plan to migrate pieces of the current desktop over, but we are very mindful of the need to not destabilise the desktop and upset its users, and are hopeful that developing this flavour in parallel will mean that migrations will truly happen when software is ready instead of as a result of pressure to get work into the hands of users early,” said Ubuntu developer Iain Lane.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is now using Unity 7 and it will probably remain in place as default at least for the next Ubuntu 14.10. The goal of the Ubuntu developers is to make Unity 8 and Mir default by Ubuntu 16.04, which is the next LTS, but if things progress smoothly, we might get to see a better implementation sooner than that.
It's unclear what the name of this new flavor would be, but if the proposition goes through, we might get an ISO in the next few months. This would make it easier for users to test the Unity 8 and get a feel for it before it becomes default.
When Canonical replaced the old GNOME 2 with Unity, the shock of the switch was so great that even today it's being mentioned from time to time in the community. Having a dedicated Unity 8 flavor might alleviate some of those problems.
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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Webmin 1.690 Arrives with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Optimization
**Webmin, a web-based interface for system administration for Unix, has just reached version 1.690 and is available for download.**
With Webmin and with the help of any modern browser, users can set up user accounts, Apache servers, DNS, file sharing, and much more. The developers of Webmin have made regular updates to this piece of software. This latest version is not a major one, but some interesting fixes have been implemented.
According to the developers, a number of security fixes for XSS attacks in popup windows have been added, the Fail2Ban module has been added and it's used for blocking the IP addresses of systems that have many failed logins, the handling of the url_rewrite_children directive in the Squid module has been fixed in order to support all the process count options, and the support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has been improved.
Also, a number of security issues that could have been exploited by untrusted Webmin users in the PHP Configuration and Webalizer modules, the File Manager module Java applet has been signed, the UI library has been improved, and more.
A complete list of changes and improvements can be found in the official [announcement][1]. You can download Webmin 1.690 right now from the website.
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@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
Arduino Vs. Raspberry Pi: Which Is The Right DIY Platform For You?
If youre at all familiar with do-it-yourself (DIY) electronics, youve probably heard about the comparable merits of [Arduino][1] and [Raspberry Pi][2]. You may have even, [like I did][3], assumed they were competing hardware platforms solving similar problems.
Actually, Arduino and Raspberry Pi are quite different. For starters, Raspberry Pi is a fully functional computer, while Arduino is a microcontroller, which is just a single component of a computer.
Heres a primer to differentiating Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and to determining which of the two DIY hacking devices best fits your needs as a maker.
### Overview ###
Raspberry Pi and Arduino were both originally designed to be teaching tools, which is why theyve become so popular—both devices are very easy to learn to use.
Raspberry Pi hails from the United Kingdom. Inventor Eben Upton and his colleagues at the University of Cambridges Computer Laboratory were frustrated by the dwindling number of students, and the poor skill levels of those students, entering the program. Raspberry Pi was designed to be a cheap, hackable computer for improving tinkering skills. While Upton worked on prototypes from 2006 onward, the first shipment of Pis became available in [April 2012][4].
Arduino, on the other hand, was born in Italy. It was named after the bar where inventor Massimo Banzi and his cofounders first forged the idea. Banzi, a teacher at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, wanted a simple hardware prototyping tool for his design students.
As teaching tools, both Arduino and Raspberry Pi suitable for beginners. Its only when examining their hardware and software that it becomes apparent theyre used for very different types of projects.
### Hardware And Software ###
Heres an overview of some of the specs that show the biggest differences between the two:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<p><strong>Arduino Uno</strong></p>
<p><strong>Raspberry Pi Model B</strong></p>
<p>7.6 x 1.9 x 6.4 cm</p>
<p>8.6cm x 5.4cm x 1.7cm</p>
<p><strong>Clock Speed</strong></p>
<p>16 MHz</p>
<p>700 MHz</p>
<p><strong>On Board Network</strong></p>
<p>10/100 wired Ethernet RJ45</p>
<p><strong>Input voltage</strong></p>
<p>7 to 12 V</p>
<p>5 V</p>
<p>SD Card (2 to 16G)&nbsp;</p>
<p>One, input only</p>
<p>Two, peripherals OK</p>
<p><strong>Operating System</strong></p>
<p>Linux distributions</p>
<p><strong>Integrated Development Environment</strong></p>
<p>Scratch, IDLE, anything with Linux support</p>
The price and size of the two devices are comparable; we already knew Raspberry Pi and Arduino were tiny and cheap. Its the stuff inside that sets them apart.
The Raspberry Pi is 40 times faster than an Arduino when it comes to clock speed. Even more seemingly damning for Arduino, Pi has 128,000 times more RAM. The Raspberry Pi is an independent computer that can run an actual operating system in Linux. It can multitask, support two USB ports, and connect wirelessly to the Internet. In short, its powerful enough to function as a personal computer (though not powerful enough to compete with your Mac or PC).
It might sound like Raspberry Pi is superior to Arduino, but that's only when it comes to software applications. Arduinos simplicity makes it a much better bet for pure hardware projects.
I asked Limor Fried, the founder of [Adafruit][5], a DIY electronics store that offers parts and kits for both Arduino and Pi projects, about her expert opinion on their differences. An MIT educated engineer whose mission in life is to teach electronics to people of all skill levels, Fried knows both platforms better than most.
“Arduino does have a 'real-time' and 'analog' capability that the Pi does not: This flexibility allows it to work with just about any kind of sensor or chips,” Fried said. “The Pi is not as flexible; for example, reading analog sensors requires extra hardware assistance. There are also thousands of tutorials on hooking an Arduino into just about every kind of part. On the other hand, the Pi benefits from decades of Linux software, so they're both great choices.”
The Arduino IDE is significantly easier to use than Linux. For example, if you wanted to write a program to blink an LED with Raspberry Pi, youd need to install an operating system and some code libraries—and thats just to start. On Arduino, you can get an LED light to blink in just eight lines of code. Since Arduino isnt designed to run an OS or a lot of software, you can just plug it in and get started.
Raspberry Pi can multitask processes—it can run multiple programs in the background while activated. For example, I have a Raspberry Pi that is serving as both a print server and a [VPN server][6] at the same time.
On the other hand, you can leave an Arduino plugged in as it conducts a single process for a long time, and just unplug it when youre not using it. This is why Fried would recommend the Arduino for beginners before she would the Pi:
“The Arduino is simpler, harder to 'break' or 'damage' and has much more learning resources at this time for beginners,” Fried said. “With the Pi you have to learn some Linux as well as programming—such as Python. The Arduino works with any computer and can run off of a battery. You can also turn it on and off safely at any time. The Pi setup can be damaged by unplugging it without a proper shutdown.”
While the Raspberry Pi shines in software application, the Arduino makes hardware projects very simple. Its simply a matter of figuring out what you want to do.
### Working Together ###
The ultimate answer when deciding between the Pi and Arduino is, “Why choose?” If youre looking to learn about electronics, each one will teach you something different.
According to Fried, Raspberry Pi and Arduino are complementary. She suggested a scenario where the Arduino is the sensory workhouse, while the Pi doles out directions:
“They work great together,” Fried said. “The Arduino is best for motor driving, sensor reading, LED driving, etc while you can have an Internet-connected Pi drive it, a mini computer that can play videos, music or send emails with ease.”
Author Simon Monk, who has written dozens of books on both Pi and Arduino, blogged a tutorial for [getting Raspberry Pi to talk to Arduino][7] in just a few lines of code. It makes use of a Python library, [PySerial][8], that the Arduino foundation recommends as the easiest way to get computers to talk to Arduino.
Once youve got that down, the possibilities are infinite. You could [homebrew beer][9], with the Arduino controlling the sensors and the Pi managing the brains of the operation. You could also create a [platform for making robots][10] that are much more capable than plain Arduino or Raspberry Pi bots.
### Community ###
Both Raspberry Pi and Arduino have large, active communities surrounding them. Not only are they used in schools and universities, but also in hackerspaces worldwide.
Here are some of the places you can visit to get Raspberry Pi support and project ideas:
- [The Raspberry Pi Foundation — FAQs][10]
- [The Raspberry Pi Foundation — Project Forums][11]
- [Learn Raspberry Pi with Adafruit][12]
- [Element 14 (Pis manufacturer) Raspberry Pi Community][13]
- [The Raspberry Pi Wiki][14]
Here are some of the places you can visit to get the same for Arduino:
- [Arduinos Official Getting Started Guide][15]
- [Arduino Playground][16]
- [Arduino Official Forums][17]
- [Learn Arduino with Adafruit][18]
- [r/arduino on Reddit][19]
Photo by [Simon Monk][20]
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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
What Heartbleed Teaches Us: Be An Open Source Contributor, Not Just A User
> If your company depends on open-source software like OpenSSL, it's time to be proactive.
The open-source community has officially donned its Heartbleed hairshirt.
ComputerWorld's Richi Jennings [slammed][1] "another horrible, horrible open source FAIL." (Trolling for page views much?) ZDNet's Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, not prone to anti-open source histrionics, still [manages to call][2] Heartbleed "Open source's worst hour." Finally, ZDNet's Chris Duckett pragmatically [pleads][3] for "corporate funding to avoid Heartbleed repeat."
While a nice start, corporate funding isn't ultimately the answer to Heartbleed. You are.
Companies that want to avoid open source failings should move from being mere users of open-source software and contribute instead.
### Contributors Ride First Class ###
Contributors get to help steer particular projects. They get to act, rather than be acted upon. Most companies lack the resources to get involved in every open-source project that they use, but every company can invest in those projects that truly matter to them. And the more they invest, the greater their benefits.
Open source is the gift that keeps on giving—particularly to those who give back.
My MongoDB colleague [Adam Comerford makes this point][4] persuasively: If you look at the [timeline][5] of who knew about Heartbleed first, those who learned of it first (like Google) had a considerable advantage. As Comerford argues, these companies "had a significant advantage" as "[t]hey were able to take the necessary steps to protect their systems while the bug was largely unknown."
Given the advantages of knowing early about problems like Heartbleed, Comerford asks, "How do I make sure that I am on the early notification list for such issues?"
If you're dependent on proprietary software, you have one answer: Pay the vendor lots of money and hope it responds appropriately. But if you're using open-source software, the options expand: "Either have a significant number of employees contributing to [the open-source project], or...have employees that know the main contributors well (and lets face it, most of them will be contributing to other OSS projects—geeks and nerds gossip just like everyone else)."
The benefits don't stop there, as Comerford avers:
> There are many benefits to this besides getting early notification of issues, you would have an expert on hand to answer those screaming for updates, to evaluate your exposure and perhaps even fix the issue internally before the public fix is available. You also get a respected voice in terms of setting the direction of the project, have a way to prioritize key features and more. Finally, you get the good will of the community, help make the product better for everyone, and become a possible destination for other smart contributors to work.
In other words, get involved. Membership has its privileges, and the primary privilege may well be information.
### Choosing Where To Contribute ###
Again, no company has the resources to effectively contribute to all the projects it uses, which is why Comerford suggests honing in on the critical projects in this way:
> If you start by asking people to list all of the OSS technology that is critical to the business, you will likely end up with a massive list. Now tell them that they are going to have to commit headcount, budget to support every piece of technology on the list (and justify it) it will likely shrink rapidly.
If you're a chip company like AMD, contributing essential drivers and other code to the Linux kernel is likely mandatory. Contributing to LibreOffice probably is not. Or, if you're betting your future on Hadoop for deep data analytics, you should be contributing to Hadoop, even if you elect to free-ride on the OpenSSL community. And if you're Dish Networks, whose [CIO told the Open Business Conference crowd][6] last week that it's shifting important workloads off relational databases to Apache Kafka, it had better be investing code in Kafka, even if it doesn't contribute to the Apache HTTP server project.
Every company has its priorities, and those priorities should be substantiated with serious commitments to open source.
This is partly a way to ensure security in those projects. And partly it's a way to influence direction. But also, as Red Hat CEO [Jim Whitehurst declared][7] back in 2008, it's a way to reduce incredibly wasteful IT spending:
> The vast majority of software written today is written in enterprise and not for resale. And the vast majority of that is never actually used. The waste in IT software development is extraordinary....Ultimately, for open source to provide value to all of our customers worldwide, we need to get our customers not only as users of open source products but truly engaged in open source and taking part in the development community.
Comerford insists, "If I am using open source software that is critical to my business, I should be employing people that actively contribute to that software, that are known to the core developers, if not core developers themselves." This is the key to making the most of open-source software: Contribute to it, don't just use it.
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@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
How To Install California Calendar App in Ubuntu 14.04
**When non-profit software outfit Yorba revealed that it had [begun work on a new desktop calendar app][1] called California last month plenty of us were duly excited — “About time!“, we declared in our own headline. **
And for good reason as Yorba are the hands behind the user-friendly e-mail client Geary and slick photo management software Shotwell. Expectations for their foray into Linux productivity software are, naturally, rather high.
Although **California is not yet stable** enough to warrant a formal release it is now available to install on Ubuntu through the companys daily development PPA.
### Progress So Far ###
“*Neeeeeyaaaaaaaawwnnn!*” — thats the sound of the caveats plane coming in to land at San Francisco International Airport.
Yes, California is in active development; its not finished nor is it stable enough for everyday use by everyday folk who might want to use it. But, if youre clever enough to deal with a few bugs you can install the app on Ubuntu 14.04.
Whether you should will depend on your needs.
Current builds (i.e., at the time of writing) offers local management and basic support for Google Calendar and web cal (.ics). Events even show up in the GNOME Date/Time applet.
#### Natural Language Input ####
When first launching California you are presented with an overview of the current month. There is not yet — at least that I could find — a way to view by week, by year or by agenda. You can cycle though months using the navigation buttons, however.
New calendars (*e.g., work, pet schedule*) can be created and toggled on/off by clicking the Calendar icon in the toolbar. Each calendar can be assigned a different colour to help visually differentiate between items when all are shown in the main overview.
To create a new event click the + icon and, using **natural language input** in the input box that appears, enter a description of the event you want to file. For example, enter the text “*Bake Sansa Stark A Lemon Cake on Wednesday 2.45 PM*” will lodge a new entry for the following Wednesday at the relevant time (14:45).
I cant wait for this feature to become a bit more refined. Right now, while it accurately pinpoints dates (give or take) it doesnt support creation of recurring events (e.g., via “*Skype chat with Sam every Tuesday at 7 AM*“) nor does it fill in locations or people (e.g., “*Coffee with Penelope on Monday 12 PM at Boston Tea Party*“).
For greater control you can also refine and edit entries created by double-clicking on them in the grid view. This will open up a window with additional fields, time pickers, date forms and so on.
#### Lacking In Radiance ####
If there is a drawback to be found (bugs and missing options should be overlooked at this stage) it is appearance. While it looks fantastic under Adwaita, under Ubuntus default theme it looks atrocious.
This is not the fault of Yorba (or GNOME) but Ubuntus design team who has yet to add theming support for GNOMEs new GTK Header Bars and its modal dialogs to its light themes.
California is fully useable on Ubuntu it just happens to resemble software run in the aftermath of a failed distribution upgrade. This issue wont affect those running Ubuntu GNOME or rocking modern third-party GTK3 themes.
### Install California in Ubuntu 14.04 ###
If you glossed over the warning earlier, Ill repeat: California is unstable and in active development.
The [Yorba Daily PPA][2] also contains newer (unstable) versions of Shotwell and Geary. Adding this PPA to your system will also see these upgraded.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/daily-builds
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install california
A safer way to try the app out is to [download the .deb installers from the PPA directly][3]:
- [Download California for Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit)][4]
- [Download California for Ubuntu 14.04 (32bit)][5]
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@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
alim0x translating
How to take a screenshot from the command line on Linux
There are various flavors of Linux screenshot utilities, including desktop-specific screenshot programs (e.g., KSnapshot for KDE, gnome-screenshot for GNOME, Screenshooter for Xfce), or general screenshot utilities (e.g., Shutter). One of unique screenshot utilities is Scrot (short for "SCReen shOT"), which is a **command-line screenshot utility**. While its interface is minimalistic, Scrot is, feature-wise, as powerful as other dedicated GUI-based screen capture tools. For example, Scrot supports delayed screenshot, adjustable quality/size, command line pipelining, etc. If you are one of those command line junkies, Scrot is a useful tool to add to your arsenal. In this tutorial, I will describe **how to take a screenshot from the command line with Scrot**.
### Install Scrot on Linux ###
To install Scrot on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install scrot
To install Scrot on Fedora:
$ sudo yum install scrot
To install Scrot on CentOS, you can build it from its source as follows.
First [enable Repoforge on CentOS][1], and use the following commands.
$ sudo yum install giblib-devel
$ wget
$ tar xvfvz scrot-0.8.tar.gz
$ cd scrot-0.8
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
### Take Screenshots with Scrot ###
In the rest of the tutorial, I will describe how to use Scrot to take screenshots in various ways.
#### 1. Take a screenshot of the entire desktop ####
Screen-capturing the entire desktop is easy. Simply run Scrot command without any argument, and it will save a screenshot of the entire desktop as a (date-stamped) .png file in the current directory.
$ scrot
You can also specify a destination folder and image file name.
$ scrot ~/Pictures/my_desktop.png
#### 2. Take a screenshot of a particular window or a rectangular region ####
Scrot allows you to choose a specific window or define a rectangular region in your desktop to take a screenshot of. For that, use the following command.
$ scrot -s
After running this command, go ahead and click on any window or draw a rectangle with your mouse, which will trigger screen capture of the selected window/region.
Sometimes the chosen region or window may be partially blocked by other windows of the desktop. In that case, you need some time to clear the area before taking a shot. That is when "delayed" screenshot can help you, as described next.
#### 3. Take a delayed screenshot ####
Delayed capture can be useful under various circumstances. Right before taking a shot, you may want to move windows around, activate a menu, or trigger a certain event (e.g., notification), etc. With "-d N" option, we can delay a screenshot process by N seconds.
$ scrot -s -d 5
#### 4. Adjust quality of a screenshot ####
You can adjust the image quality of a screenshot in the range of 1 to 100 (the higher the better quality). Default quality is 75.
$ scrot -q 50
#### 5. Adjust the size of a screenshot ####
You can adjust the size of a screenshot in the range of 1 to 100 (the higher the bigger). To reduce screenshot size to 10% of the original:
$ scrot -t 10
#### 6. Pipeline a captured screenshot to another command ####
Scrot allows you to send a saved screenshot image to any arbitrary command as an input. This option can be useful when you want to do any post-processing on a screenshot image. The filename/path of a screenshot is stored as "$f" string.
$ scrot -e 'mv $f ~/screenshots'
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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
Arduino Vs. 树莓派: 哪个是更适合你的DIY平台
### 概述 ###
树莓派来自英国。开始的时候发明者Eben Upton和他在剑桥大学计算机实验室的同事对学生数量的减少和差劲的技能感到非常懊恼于是想办法解决这个问题。他们设计的树莓派是一台便宜的方便修改的计算机目的是提高动手能力。Upton在2006年设计了树莓派的原型在[2012年4月][4]的时候第一次可以在市场上买到。
另一个Arduino诞生于意大利。它是根据发明者Massimo Banzi和合伙人想到这个点子的一个酒吧的名字命名的。Banzi是伊夫雷亚互动设计学院的一名教师他想为他学设计的学生做一个简单的硬件原型制作工具。
### 硬件和软件 ###
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<p><strong>Arduino Uno</strong></p>
<p><strong>树莓派Model B</strong></p>
<p>7.6 x 1.9 x 6.4 cm</p>
<p>8.6cm x 5.4cm x 1.7cm</p>
<p>16 MHz</p>
<p>700 MHz</p>
<p>Scratch, IDLE, Linux支持的任何环境</p>
我采访了Limor Fried她是[Adafruit][5]的创办者Adafruit是一个DIY电子商店提供Arduino和树莓派的部件和工具询问了她关于这两者之间不同的专业意见。作为一个从MIT毕业的工程师立志要教所有级别的电子技术的高手Fried比其他人更懂这两个平台。
### 一起使用 ###
作者Simon Monk他曾经写过大量关于树莓派和Arduino的书在博客里写了篇教程用一点点代码就可以[连接树莓派和Arduino][7]。它用到了Python的库[PySerial][8]这也是Arduino基地推荐的连接电脑和Arduino的最容易的方式。
### 社区 ###
- [The Raspberry Pi Foundation — FAQs][10]
- [The Raspberry Pi Foundation — Project Forums][11]
- [Learn Raspberry Pi with Adafruit][12]
- [Element 14 (Pis manufacturer) Raspberry Pi Community][13]
- [The Raspberry Pi Wiki][14]
- [Arduinos Official Getting Started Guide][15]
- [Arduino Playground][16]
- [Arduino Official Forums][17]
- [Learn Arduino with Adafruit][18]
- [r/arduino on Reddit][19]
图片来源:[Simon Monk][20]
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
> 如果你的公司依赖像OpenSSL这样的开源软件,是时候主动点了。
ComputerWorld的Richi Jennings [抨击说][1]“又一个非常可怕的开源失败。”骗取更多的页面浏览量ZDNet的Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols没有公开反对开源软件仍旧[设法称][2]心脏流血是开源软件的最遭时刻。" 最终ZDNet的Chris Duckett务实地[恳求][3]:"公司筹集资金来避免心脏流血再次发生。"
而一个好的开始,企业资金并不是心脏流血的最终答案 。你才是。
### 贡献者乘坐头等舱 ###
我MongoDB的同事[Adam Comerford让这点更有说服力][4]如果你看看第一批得知Heartbleed的[时间线] [5]那些第一批得知的如谷歌有一个相当大的优势。如Comford所说的这些公司有一个显著的优势就是他们可以在bug还大规模未知的时候率先采取措施保护他们的系统。
如果你依赖于专有软件,你有一个答案:向卖方支付大量的金钱,并希望他适时地响应。但是,如果你正在使用开源软件,有一个扩展选项: “要么有大量的员工给[开源项目]做贡献 ,或者...有知道主要贡献者的员工(让我们面对他,他们大多会贡献其他开源软件项目,极客和书呆子八卦像其他人一样。“
> 这有很多好处 - 除了让问题及早通知,你让手头上的专家来应付这些棘手的更新,以评估你的风险,甚至可能在公众知道之前内部解决问题。在设置项目的方向上你还可以得到尊重的声音,可以有权划分关键特性的优先级。最终,你会了解社区好的意愿,有助于使大家的产品变得更好,并成为让聪明的贡献者一起工作的目标。
### 选择在哪贡献 ###
> 如果你要人们列出在商业中所有开源关键技术,你可能会得到一张很长的名单。现在,告诉他们,他们将不得不清点数量和预算来支持清单上的每一种技术的(并证明它) - 它可能会迅速缩水。
如果你是一个AMD那样的芯片公司给Linux内核贡献基本驱动程序和其他代码很可能是强制性的。给LibreOffice贡献可能不是。或者如果你赌你的未来在Hadoop上进行深层数据分析你应该贡献Hadoop即使你选择在OpenSSL社区免费乘车。如果你是Dish Networks它的[ CIO告诉上周在开放商业会以上的人们][6]他们正在将重要的的工作载荷关系型数据库转到Apache的Kafka那他最好研究Kafaka的代码即使他不贡献给Apache HTTP服务器项目。
这是确保这些项目安全的一部分办法。而另一部分它是一种影响方向的方式。但同时红帽公司CEO[Jim Whitehurst][7]早在2008年声明它是显著减少IT花费的办法
> 今天编写的绝大多数软件是企业编写的不得转售。并且绝大多数是从来没有真正使用过。IT软件开发中的浪费是巨大的....最终,开源给全世界的客户提供价值,我们不仅需要让我们的客户作为开源产品的用户,而且真正加入开源和参与在开发社区。
Comerford坚持认为“如果我在业务中使用开源软件如果他们自己不是核心开发者我应该雇核心开发人员来积极给软件做贡献。 ”这是充分利用开源软件的关键:给它做贡献,不只是使用它。
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@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
CNprober 翻译中<619913541,>
CNprober<, QQ619913541> 翻译完成
Bash Getopts Scripts with Command Line Options
Bash Getopts - 让你的脚本支持命令行参数
I've always wanted to know how to create command line options for my Bash scripts. After some research I found there are two functions available to handle this; **getopt** and **getopts**. I'm not going to get into the debate about which one is better. **getopts** is a shell builtin and seems a little easier to implement than **getopt**, so I'll go with that for now.
以前我总想知道如何为我的Bash脚本创建命令行参数。经过搜索我发现了2个函数可以处理这个问题**getopt** 函数和 **getopts** 函数。我无意争论哪一个函数更好的。**getopts** 是一个shell内建命令而且似乎比 **getopt** 更容易实现这个功能所以在这篇文章里我准备讲讲getopts。
### bash getopts ###
I started out just trying to figure out how to process command line switches in my scripts. Eventually, I added some other useful functionality that makes this a good starting template for any interactive script. I've also included a help function with text formatting to make it a little easier to read.
Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of how **getopts** works in **bash**, I think it's simpler to just show some working code in a script.
与其来一长段文字解释 **getopts** 在bash中是如何工作的我认为不如直接来一个能工作的脚本更让人觉得轻松一些。
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of how **getopts** works in **bash**,
#Set fonts for Help.
#Set fonts for Help.[译注: 这里tput用来更改终端文本属性,比如加粗,高亮等]
NORM=`tput sgr0`
BOLD=`tput bold`
REV=`tput smso`
@ -60,9 +61,8 @@ Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of how **getopts** works in **bash**,
### Start getopts code ###
#Parse command line flags
#If an option should be followed by an argument, it should be followed by a ":".
#Notice there is no ":" after "h". The leading ":" suppresses error messages from
#getopts. This is required to get my unrecognized option code to work.
#注意"-h"选项后面没有":",因为他不需要参数。选项字符串最开始的":"是用来去掉来自getopts本身的报错的同时获取不能识别的选项。译注如果选项字符串不以":"开头发生错误非法的选项或者缺少参数getopts会向错误输出打印错误信息如果以":"开头,则不会打印[在man中叫slient error reporting]同时将出错的选项赋给OPTARG变量
while getopts :a:b:c:d:h FLAG; do
case $FLAG in
@ -92,8 +92,7 @@ Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of how **getopts** works in **bash**,
\?) #unrecognized option - show help
echo -e \\n"Option -${BOLD}$OPTARG${NORM} not allowed."
#If you just want to display a simple error message instead of the full
#help, remove the 2 lines above and uncomment the 2 lines below.
#echo -e "Use ${BOLD}$SCRIPT -h${NORM} to see the help documentation."\\n
#exit 2
@ -107,14 +106,12 @@ Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of how **getopts** works in **bash**,
### Main loop to process files ###
#This is where your main file processing will take place. This example is just
#printing the files and extensions to the terminal. You should place any other
#file processing tasks within the while-do loop.
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
TEMPFILE=`basename $FILE`
#TEMPFILE="${FILE##*/}" #This is another way to get the base file name.
#TEMPFILE="${FILE##*/}" #另外一种获取不带后缀的文件名的方法。
FILE_BASE=`echo "${TEMPFILE%.*}"` #file without extension
FILE_EXT="${TEMPFILE##*.}" #file extension
@ -129,33 +126,33 @@ Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of how **getopts** works in **bash**,
exit 0
Paste the above text into a text editor and then save it somewhere in your executable path. I chose to call the script **options** and I saved it under **/home/linerd/bin**. Once you save it, make sure to make it executable.
将上面的代码复制到你的文本编辑器里,然后保存到你的可执行路径下。我将这个脚本命名为 **options** 并保存到 **/home/linerd/bin** 路径下。保存之后记得给你的脚本添加可执行权限。
chmod +x ~/bin/options
Now you can run the script. Try running it with the **-h** switch to show the help information.
现在脚本已经可以运行了。试试用 **-h** 参数来打印帮助信息吧。
options -h
Now try running it with an unsupported option.
options -z
Finally, getopts can handle your command line options in any order. The only rule is that the file or files you are processing have to come after all of the option switches.
options -d bar -c chu -b man -a foo example1.txt example2.txt
So you can see from these examples how you can set variables in your scripts with command line options. There's more going on than just getopts in this script, but I think these are valuable additions that make this a good starting template for new scripts. If you'd like to learn more about bash getopts, you can find the documentation buried deep within the bash man page in the "Builtins" section. You can also find info in the [Bash Reference Manual][1].
现在你可以从这些例子里看到如何通过命令行参数给脚本里的变量赋值。这个脚本里除了getopts还有很多其他的东西但是我认为这些就足以成为一个新脚本的开头模板了。如果你有兴趣更深入地学习bash的getopts你可以找找深埋在man page的“Builtins”这一节里的文档也可以从 [Bash Reference Manual][1] 找到信息。
### What Next? ###
### 接下来呢? ###
So what will you use getopts for? Let me know in the comments.
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Ubuntu 14.04上怎样安装California 日历应用
**当非盈利软件安装Yorba时表明它开始用在被称为California的桌面日历应用程序中在上个月的 那段时间里我们都很兴奋,我们在自己的头条中进行了声明.**
尽管 **California 尚未稳定** 到保证一个正式的发行版本但现在将公司日常开发的PPA(Personal Package Archives)安装到ubuntu系统中是可使用的.
### 迄今取得的进展 ###
“*Neeeeeyaaaaaaaawwnnn!*” — 那是飞机即将降落在旧金山国际机场的一段警告声音.
是的California 正在积极的开发中,该软件没有完成,也没有稳定到满足任何人每天使用,但是
如果你能够很聪明的处理一些bug的话你能够在ubuntu 14.04上安装这款应用程序
当前的构建提供了本地管理以及Google 日历和web日历的基本支持. 事件甚至在GNOME桌面
#### 自然语言输入 ####
当你第一次打开California 软件时,当月的概要呈现在你的面前,目前还没有-至少我能够找到一种方法
按星期,年,议程去查看. 尽管月份使用导航按钮,然而能够周期性的操作.
通过点击工具栏中的日历图标创建新的日历(*e.g., work, pet schedule*)及打开/关闭. 当所有的日历都展现在主窗口时,每个日历分配的不同颜色能够带来视觉的区分.
为了创建新的事件,点击‘+’图标, 然后在弹出的输入框中使用**自然语言输入**,输入你想要提交事件的描述. 例如, 输入内容“*Bake Sansa Stark A Lemon Cake on Wednesday 2.45 PM*”将嵌入新的条目在周三的这个时间(14:45).
e.g., via “*Skype chat with Sam every Tuesday at 7 AM*“也不能填写地点或人物e.g., “*Coffee with Penelope on Monday 12 PM at Boston Tea Party*“).
为了能够更好的控制,你可以在网格视图上双击它们来完善和编辑创建好条目. 将打开一个包含附加字段、时间选择、日期格式等的窗口.
#### 缺乏光芒 ####
在外观上如果有一些缺陷被发现(这个阶段bugs和遗漏选项应该被忽略). 然而在 Adwaita看来已经很棒了ubuntu默认主题下它看起来糟透了.
这不是Yorba的错误或GNOME 只是Ubuntu开发团队不再增加主题来支持GNOME新的GTK标题栏以及光主题的模式对话框
California 在ubuntu系统上完全可用恰巧运行在相似软件分发升级失败之后. 这个问题将不影响它们在ubuntu GNOME中的运行或第三方主题的切换
### 在ubuntu14.04中安装California ###
如果你掩饰先前的警告, 我们再次重声California 尚未稳定,正处于积极的开发中.
这个[Yorba Daily PPA][2] 包含最新(未稳定)的Shotwell和Geary版本. 将这个PPA安装到你的系统中将能够看到这些软件的更新.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/daily-builds
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install california
- [Download California for Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit)][4]
- [Download California for Ubuntu 14.04 (32bit)][5]
译者:[hunanchenxingyu]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
Linux上有着许多不同口味儿的截屏工具包括桌面环境专用的截屏程序 KSnapshot for KDEgnome-screenshot for GNOMScreenshooter for Xfce或者是通用的截屏程序如 Shutter。而Scort"SCReen shOT"的缩写)是最独一无二的截屏工具之一,它是一个**命令行截屏工具**。虽然它的界面十分简约但Scrotas在功能上和其它专用的基于GUI的屏幕捕获工具一样强大。举个例子Scrot支持延时截屏截屏调整品质/大小命令行传递等功能。如果你是那些命令行迷中的一个Scrot应该是你加入兵器库中的又一实用工具。在这个教程中我将会描述**如何在命令行中用Scrot截屏**。
### 在Linux中安装Scrot ###
在 DebianUbuntu 或 Linux Mint 上安装Scrot
$ sudo apt-get install scrot
在 Fedora 上安装Scrot
$ sudo yum install scrot
$ sudo yum install giblib-devel
$ wget
$ tar xvfvz scrot-0.8.tar.gz
$ cd scrot-0.8
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
### 用Scrot截屏 ###
#### 1. 截下整个桌面 ####
$ scrot
$ scrot ~/Pictures/my_desktop.png
#### 2. 截取特定窗口或矩形区域 ####
$ scrot -s
#### 3. 延迟截屏 ####
延迟截取在各种情况下都很实用。就在截图前,你可能想要移动一下窗口,激活一下菜单,或是触发特定时间(如通知)等等。 使用“-d N”参数我们可以将截屏进程延迟N秒。
$ scrot -s -d 5
#### 4. 调整截屏质量 ####
$ scrot -q 50
#### 5. 调整截屏尺寸 ####
$ scrot -t 10
#### 6. 将截取的截屏传递给其它命令 ####
$ scrot -e 'mv $f ~/screenshots'
译者:[alim0x]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出