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[Translation Complete] Mark Shuttleworth – Ubuntu 操作系统背后的人
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Translating by [jerryling315](https://github.com/jerryling315)
Mark Shuttleworth – The Man Behind Ubuntu Operating System
Mark Shuttleworth – Ubuntu 操作系统背后的人

**Mark Richard Shuttleworth** is the founder of **Ubuntu** or the man behind the Debian as they call him. He was born in 1973 in Welkom, South Africa. He’s an entrepreneur and also space tourist who became later **1st citizen of independent African country who could travel to the space**.
**Mark Richard Shuttleworth** 是 Ubuntu 的创始人,他也有事被称作是 Debian 背后的那个人。他出生于1973年的 Welkom,南非。他不仅是个企业家,还是个太空游客——他是第一个前往太空旅行的独立非洲国家公民。
Mark also founded **Thawte** in 1996, the Internet commerce security company, while he was studying finance and IT at University of Cape Town.
Mark 还在1996年成立了 **Thawte**,一家互联网安全企业,那是他还只是 University of Cape Town 的一名金融/IT学生。
In 2000, Mark founded the HBD, as an investment company, and also he created the Shuttleworth Foundation in order to fund the innovative leaders in the society with combination of fellowships and some investments.
在2000年,Mark 创立了 HBD,一家投资公司,同时他还创立了 Shuttleworth基金会,致力于给社会中有创新性的领袖提供资助——以奖金和投资等形式。
> “The mobile world is crucial to the future of the PC. This month, for example, it became clear that the traditional PC is shrinking in favor of tablets. So if we want to be relevant on the PC, we have to figure out how to be relevant in the mobile world first. Mobile is also interesting because there’s no pirated Windows market. So if you win a device to your OS, it stays on your OS. In the PC world, we are constantly competing with “free Windows”, which presents somewhat unique challenges. So our focus now is to establish a great story around Ubuntu and mobile form factors – the tablet and the phone – on which we can build deeper relationships with everyday consumers.”
> "移动设备对于个人电脑行业的未来而言至关重要。比如就在这个月,数据清晰地表明相对于平板电脑的发展,传统 PC 行业正在萎缩。所以如果我们想和个人电脑行业有关系,我们必须和移动设备行业有产生联系。移动互联网行业之所以有趣,还因为在这里没有盗版 Windows 操作系统。所以如果你为你的操作系统赢得了一台设备的市场份额,这台设备会持续使用你的操作系统。在传统 PC 行业,我们时不时得和 ‘免费 Windows’ 产生竞争,这一竞争困难的非常微妙。所以我们现在的目标是围绕 Ubuntu 和移动设备——手机和平板——为用户打造更深度的生态环境。"
> — Mark Shuttleworth
In 2002, he flew to International Space Station as member of their crew of Soyuz mission TM-34, after 1 year of training in the Star City, Russia. And after running campaign to promote the science, code, and mathematics to the aspiring astronauts and the other ambitious types at schools in SA, Mark founded the **Canonical Ltd**. and in 2013, he provided leadership for Ubuntu operating system for software development purposes.
在2002年,在俄罗斯的 Star City 接收完为期一年的训练后,他作为 Soyuz 任务代号 TM-34 的一员飞往了国际空间站。再后来,在面向有志于航空航天或者其科学相关的南非学生群体中,内完成了推广科学,编程,数学的演讲后,Mark 创立了 **Canonical Ltd**。此后直至2013年,他一直在领导 Ubuntu 操作系统的开发。
Today, Shuttleworth holds dual citizenship of United Kingdom and South Africa currently lives on lovely Mallards botanical garden in Isle of Man, with 18 precocious ducks, equally his lovely girlfriend Claire, 2 black bitches and occasional itinerant sheep.
> “Computer is not a device anymore. It is an extension of your mind and your gateway to other people.”
现今,Shuttleworth 有英国与南非双重国籍并和18只可爱的鸭子住在英国的 Isle of Man 小岛上一处花园,一同的还有他一样可爱的女友 Claire,2 条黑母狗以及时不时经过的羊群。
> "电脑不再只是一台电子设备了。他现在是你思维的延续,以及通向他人的入口。"
> — Mark Shuttleworth
### Mark Shuttleworth’s Early life ###
### Mark Shuttleworth 的早年生活###
正如我们之前提到的,Mark 出生在 Welkom,南非的橙色自由州。他是一名外科医生和护士学校教师的孩子。Mark 在 Western Province Preparatory School 就读并在1986年成为了学生会主席,一个学期后就读于 Rondebosch 男子高中,再之后入学 Bishops/Diocesan 学院并在1991年再次成为那里的学生会主席。
As we mentioned above, Mark was born in Welkom, South Africa’s Orange Free State as son of surgeon and nursery-school teacher, Mark attended the school at Western Province Preparatory School where he became eventually the Head Boy in 1986, followed by 1 term at Rondebosch Boys’ High School, and later at Bishops/Diocesan College where he was again Head Boy in 1991.
Mark 在 University of Cape Town 拿到了 Bachelor of Business Science degree in the Finance and Information Systems (译者:商业科学里的双学士学位,两个学科分别是金融和信息系统),他在学校就读是住在 Smuts Hall。他,作为学生,也在那里帮助安装了学校的第一条宿舍网络。
Mark obtained the Bachelor of Business Science degree in the Finance and Information Systems at University of Cape Town, where he lived there in Smuts Hall. He became, as a student, involved in installations of the 1st residential Internet connections at his university.
> “There are many examples of companies and countries that have improved their competitiveness and efficiency by adopting open source strategies. The creation of skills through all levels is of fundamental importance to both companies and countries.”
> — Mark Shuttleworth
### Mark Shuttleworth’s Career ###
### Mark Shuttleworth 的职业生涯 ###
Mark founded Thawte in 1995, which was specialized in the digital certificates and Internet security, then he sold it to VeriSign in 1999, earning about $575 million at the time.
Mark 在1995年创立 Thawte,公司专注于数字证书和互联网安全,然后他在1999年把公司卖给了 VeriSign,赚取了大约 5.75 亿美元。
In 2000, Mark formed the HBD Venture Capital (Here be Dragons), the business incubator and venture capital provider. In 2004, he formed the Canonical Ltd., for promotion and commercial support of the free software development projects, especially Ubuntu operating system. In 2009, Mark stepped down as CEO of Canonical, Ltd.
2000年的时候,Mark 创立了 HBD 风险资本公司,这项事业成为了投资方和项目孵化器。2004年的时候,他创立了 Canonical Ltd. 以支持和鼓励自由软件开发项目的商业化,特别是 Ubuntu 操作系统的项目。直到2009年,Mark 才从 Canonical CEO 的位置上退下。
> “In the early days of the DCC I preferred to let the proponents do their thing and then see how it all worked out in the end. Now we are pretty close to the end.”
> “在 [DDC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DCC_Alliance) (译者:一个 Debian Gnu/Linux 开发者联盟) 的早期,我更倾向于让开发者做些他们自己的(内核开发)工作看看能弄出些什么。现在我们基本上已经完成了这个开发阶段了。”
> — Mark Shuttleworth
### Linux and FOSS with Mark Shuttleworth ###
### Linux、免费开源软件 与 Mark Shuttleworth ###
In the late 1990s, Mark participated as one of developers of Debian operating system.
在90年代末,Mark 作为 Debian 系统开发者的一员参与了项目。
In 2001, Mark formed the Shuttleworth Foundation, It is non-profit organization dedicated to the social innovation that also funds free, educational, and open source software projects in South Africa, including Freedom Toaster.
2001年,Mark 创立了 Shuttleworth 基金会,这是个扎根南非的,非赢利性,专注于赞助社会创新,免费/教育用途开源软件的基金会,赞助过的项目包括 Freedom Toaster。
In 2004, Mark returned to free software world by funding software development of Ubuntu, as it was Linux distribution based on Debian, throughout his company Canonical Ltd.
2004年的时候,Mark 通过出资开发 基于 Debian 的 Ubuntu 操作系统回归了免费软件界,这一切也经由他的公司,Canonical,完成。
In 2005, Mark founded Ubuntu Foundation and made initial investment of 10 million dollars. In Ubuntu project, Mark is often referred to with tongue-in-cheek title “**SABDFL (Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator for Life)**”. To come up with list of names of people in order to hire for the entire project, Mark took about six months of Debian mailing list archives with him during his travelling to Antarctica aboard icebreaker Kapitan Khlebnikov in 2004. In 2005, Mark purchased 65% stake of Impi Linux.
2005年,Mark 出资建立了 Ubuntu 基金会并投入了一千万美元作为启动资金。在 Ubuntu 项目内,Mark 经常被一个朗朗上口的名字称呼——“**SABDFL (Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator for Life)**”。为了能够找到足够多的能手开发这个巨大的项目,Mark 花费了6个月的时间在 Debian 的邮件列表里找到能手,这一切都是在他乘坐在南极洲的一艘破冰船——Kapitan Khlebnikov——上完成的。2005年,Mark 买下了 Impi Linux 65% 的股份。
> “I urge telecommunications regulators to develop a commercial strategy for delivering effective access to the continent.”
> “我呼吁电信公司的掌权者们尽快开发出跨洲际的高效信息传输服务。”
> — Mark Shuttleworth
In 2006, it was announced that Shuttleworth became **first patron of KDE**, which was highest level of sponsorship available at the time. This patronship ended in 2012, with financial support together for Kubuntu, which was Ubuntu variant with KDE as a main desktop.
2006年,KDE 宣布 Shuttleworth 成为第一位 **patron** 级别赞助者——彼时 KDE 最高级别的赞助。这一赞助协议终止与2012年,取而代之的是 Kubuntu——一个运用 KDE 作为默认桌面环境的 Ubuntu 变种——的资金。

In 2009, Shuttleworth announced that, he would step down as the CEO of Canonical in order to focus more energy on partnership, product design, and the customers. Jane Silber, took on this job as the CEO at Canonical after he was the COO at Canonical since 2004.
2009年,Shuttleworth 宣布他会从 CEO 退位以更好的关注与合作伙伴,产品设计和顾客体验。Jane Silber ——2004年起公司的COO——晋升CEO。
In 2010, Mark received the honorary degree from Open University for that work.
2010年,Mark 由于 Ubuntu 项目从 Open University 收到了荣誉学位。
In 2012, Mark and Kenneth Rogoff took part together in debate opposite Peter Thiel and Garry Kasparov at Oxford Union, this debate was entitled “**The Innovation Enigma**”.
2012年,Mark 和 Kenneth Rogoff 一同在牛津大学与 Peter Thiel 和 Garry Kasparov 就 **创新悖论**(The Innovation Enigma)展开辩论。
In 2013, Mark and Ubuntu were awarded **Austrian anti-privacy Big Brother Award** for sending the local Ubuntu Unity Dash searches to the Canonical servers by default. One year earlier in 2012, Mark had defended the anonymization method that was used.
2013年,Mark 和 Ubuntu 一同被授予 **澳大利亚反个人隐私老大哥监控奖**(Austrian anti-privacy Big Brother Award),理由为把 Ubuntu 会把 Unity 桌面的搜索框的搜索结果发往 Canonical 服务器(译者:因此侵犯了个人隐私)。而一年前的2012年,Mark 曾经申明过这一过程极具匿名性。
> “All the major PC companies now ship PC’s with Ubuntu pre-installed. So we have a very solid set of working engagements in the industry. But those PC companies are nervous to promote something new to PC buyers. If we can get PC buyers familiar with Ubuntu as a phone and tablet experience, then they may be more willing buy it on the PC too. Because no OS ever succeeded by emulating another OS. Android is great, but if we want to succeed we need to bring something new and better to market. We are all at risk of stagnating if we don’t pursue the future, vigorously. But if you pursue the future, you have to accept that not everybody will agree with your vision.”
> “所有主流 PC 厂家现在都提供 Ubuntu 预安装选项。所以我们和业界的合作已经相当紧密了。但那些 PC 厂家对于给买家推广新东西这件事都很紧张。如果我们可以让买家习惯 Ubuntu 的桌面/平板/手机操作系统的体验,那他们也应该更愿意买预装 Ubuntu 的设备。因为没有哪个操作系统是通过抄袭模仿获得成功的。Android 很棒,如果我们想成功的话我们必须给市场带去更新更好的东西。整个环境都有停滞发展的危险,如果我们中没有人追寻未来的话。但如果你尝试去追寻未来了,那你必须接受不是所有人对未来的预见都和你一样这一事实。”
> — Mark Shuttleworth
### Mark Shuttleworth’s Spaceflight ###
### Mark Shuttleworth 的太空之旅 ###
Mark 在2002年由于作为世界第二名自费太空游客而闻名世界,同时他也是南非第一个旅行太空的人。这趟旅行 Mark 作为俄罗斯 Soyuz TM-34 的一名航空参与者加入,并支付了约两千万美元。2天后,Soyuz 太空梭抵达了国际空间站,在那里 Mark 呆了8天并参与了 AIDS 和 GENOME 研究的相关实验。2002年的晚些时候,Mark 乘坐 Soyuz TM-33 返回了地球。为了参与这趟旅行,Mark 花了一年时间准备与训练,包括7个月居住在俄罗斯的 Start City。
Mark gained worldwide fame in 2002 as a second self-funded space tourist and the first South African who could travel to the space. Flying through Space Adventures, Mark launched aboard Russian Soyuz TM-34 mission as spaceflight participant, and he paid approximately $20 million for that voyage. 2 days later, Soyuz spacecraft arrived at International Space Station, where Mark spent 8 days participating in the experiments related to the AIDS and the GENOME research. Later in 2002, Mark returned to the Earth on the Soyuz TM-33. To participate in that flight, Mark had to undergo 1 year of preparation and training, including 7 months spent in the Star City, Russia.

While in space, Mark had radio conversation with Nelson Mandela and another 14 year old South African girl, called Michelle Foster, who asked Mark to marry her. Of course Mark politely dodged that question, stating that he was much honored to this question before cunningly change the subject. The terminally ill Foster was also provided the opportunity to have conversation with Mark and Nelson Mandela by Reach for Dream foundation.
在太空中,Mark 与 Nelson Mandela 和另一个南非女孩 Michelle Foster (她问 Mark 要不要娶她)通过无线电进行了交谈。Mark 回避了结婚问题,在换话题之前他说他感到很荣幸。身患绝症的 Forster 和 Nelson Mandela 通过 Dream 基金会的赞助获得了与 Mark 交谈的机会。
Upon returning, Mark traveled widely and also spoke about that spaceflight to schoolchildren around the world.
归来后,Mark 在世界各地做了旅行,并和各地的学生就太空之旅发表了感言。
> “The raw numbers suggest that Ubuntu continues to grow in terms of actual users. And our partnerships – Dell, HP, Lenovo on the hardware front, and gaming companies like EA, Valve joining up on the software front – make me feel like we continue to lead where it matters.”
>“粗略的统计数据表明 Ubuntu 的实际用户依然在增长。而我们的合作方——Dell,HP,Lenovo 和其他硬件生产商,以及游戏厂商 EA,Valve 都在加入我们——这让我觉得我们在引导一项很有意义的事业。”
> — Mark Shuttleworth
### Mark Shuttleworth’s Transport ###
### Mark Shuttleworth 的交通工具 ###
Mark has his private jet, Bombardier Global Express that is often referred to as Canonical One but it’s in fact owned through the HBD Venture Capital Company. The dragon depicted on side of the plane is Norman, HBD Venture Capital mascot.
Mark 有他自己的私人客机,Bombardier Global Express,经常被称为 Canonical 一号,但事实上此飞机是通过 HBD 风险投资公司注册拥有的。飞机侧面的喷绘龙图案是 HBD 风投公司的吉祥物,Norman。
### The Legal Clash with South African Reserve Bank ###
### 与南非储蓄银行的法律冲突 ###
Upon the moving R2.5 billion in the capital from South Africa to Isle of Man, South African Reserve Bank imposed R250 million levy to release Mark’s assets. Mark appealed, and then after lengthy legal battle, Reserve Bank was ordered to repay Mark his R250 million, plus the interest. Mark announced that he would be donating that entire amount to trust that will be established in order to help others take cases to Constitutional Court.
在从南非转移25亿南非兰特去往 Isle of Man 的过程中,南非储蓄银行征收了 2.5 亿南非兰特的税金。Mark 上诉了,经过冗长的法庭唇枪舌战,南非储蓄银行被勒令返还 2.5 亿征税,以及其利息。Mark 宣布他会把这 2.5 亿存入信托基金,以用于帮助上诉宪法法院的案子。
> “The exit charge was not inconsistent with the Constitution. The dominant purpose of the exit charge was not to raise revenue but rather to regulate conduct by discouraging the export of capital to protect the domestic economy.”
> “离境征税倒也不和宪法冲突。但离境征税的主要目的不是为了提高税收,而是通过监管资金流出来保护本国经济。”
> — Judge Dikgang Moseneke
> — 法官 Dikgang Moseneke
In 2015, Constitutional Court of South Africa reversed and set-aside findings of lower courts, ruling that dominant purpose of the exit charge was in order to regulate conduct rather than for raising the revenue.
### Mark Shuttleworth’s likes ###
### Mark Shuttleworth 喜欢的东西 ###
Cesária Évora, mp3s,Spring, Chelsea, finally seeing something obvious for first time, coming home, Sinatra, daydreaming, sundowners, flirting, d’Urberville, string theory, Linux, particle physics, Python, reincarnation, mig-29s, snow, travel, Mozilla, lime marmalade, body shots, the African bush, leopards, Rajasthan, Russian saunas, snowboarding, weightlessness, Iain m banks, broadband, Alastair Reynolds, fancy dress, skinny-dipping, flashes of insight, post-adrenaline euphoria, the inexplicable, convertibles, Clifton, country roads, international space station, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Wikipedia, Slashdot, kitesurfing, and Manx lanes.
### Shuttleworth’s dislikes ###
### Shuttleworth 不喜欢的东西 ###
Admin, salary negotiations, legalese, and public speaking.
@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ Admin, salary negotiations, legalese, and public speaking.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/mark-shuttleworth-man-behind-ubuntu-operating-system/
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