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Shilpa Nair Shares Her Interview Experience on RedHat Linux Package Management
**Shilpa Nair has just graduated in the year 2015. She went to apply for Trainee position in a National News Television located in Noida, Delhi. When she was in the last year of graduation and searching for help on her assignments she came across Tecmint. Since then she has been visiting Tecmint regularly.**

Linux Interview Questions on RPM
All the questions and answers are rewritten based upon the memory of Shilpa Nair.
> “Hi friends! I am Shilpa Nair from Delhi. I have completed my graduation very recently and was hunting for a Trainee role soon after my degree. I have developed a passion for UNIX since my early days in the collage and I was looking for a role that suits me and satisfies my soul. I was asked a lots of questions and most of them were basic questions related to RedHat Package Management.”
Here are the questions, that I was asked and their corresponding answers. I am posting only those questions that are related to RedHat GNU/Linux Package Management, as they were mainly asked.
### 1. How will you find if a package is installed or not? Say you have to find if ‘nano’ is installed or not, what will you do? ###
> **Answer** : To find the package nano, weather installed or not, we can use rpm command with the option -q is for query and -a stands for all the installed packages.
> # rpm -qa nano
> OR
> # rpm -qa | grep -i nano
> nano-2.3.1-10.el7.x86_64
> Also the package name must be complete, an incomplete package name will return the prompt without printing anything which means that package (incomplete package name) is not installed. It can be understood easily by the example below:
> We generally substitute vim command with vi. But if we find package vi/vim we will get no result on the standard output.
> # vi
> # vim
> However we can clearly see that the package is installed by firing vi/vim command. Here is culprit is incomplete file name. If we are not sure of the exact file-name we can use wildcard as:
> # rpm -qa vim*
> vim-minimal-7.4.160-1.el7.x86_64
> This way we can find information about any package, if installed or not.
### 2. How will you install a package XYZ using rpm? ###
> **Answer** : We can install any package (*.rpm) using rpm command a shown below, here options -i (install), -v (verbose or display additional information) and -h (print hash mark during package installation).
> # rpm -ivh peazip-1.11-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
> Preparing... ################################# [100%]
> Updating / installing...
> 1:peazip-1.11-1.el6.rf ################################# [100%]
> If upgrading a package from earlier version -U switch should be used, option -v and -h follows to make sure we get a verbose output along with hash Mark, that makes it readable.
### 3. You have installed a package (say httpd) and now you want to see all the files and directories installed and created by the above package. What will you do? ###
> **Answer** : We can list all the files (Linux treat everything as file including directories) installed by the package httpd using options -l (List all the files) and -q (is for query).
> # rpm -ql httpd
> /etc/httpd
> /etc/httpd/conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.d
> ...
### 4. You are supposed to remove a package say postfix. What will you do? ###
> **Answer** : First we need to know postfix was installed by what package. Find the package name that installed postfix using options -e erase/uninstall a package) and –v (verbose output).
> # rpm -qa postfix*
> postfix-2.10.1-6.el7.x86_64
> and then remove postfix as:
> # rpm -ev postfix-2.10.1-6.el7.x86_64
> Preparing packages...
> postfix-2:3.0.1-2.fc22.x86_64
### 5. Get detailed information about an installed package, means information like Version, Release, Install Date, Size, Summary and a brief description. ###
> **Answer** : We can get detailed information about an installed package by using option -qa with rpm followed by package name.
> For example to find details of package openssh, all I need to do is:
> # rpm -qi openssh
> [root@tecmint tecmint]# rpm -qi openssh
> Name : openssh
> Version : 6.8p1
> Release : 5.fc22
> Architecture: x86_64
> Install Date: Thursday 28 May 2015 12:34:50 PM IST
> Group : Applications/Internet
> Size : 1542057
> License : BSD
> ....
### 6. You are not sure about what are the configuration files provided by a specific package say httpd. How will you find list of all the configuration files provided by httpd and their location. ###
> **Answer** : We need to run option -c followed by package name with rpm command and it will list the name of all the configuration file and their location.
> # rpm -qc httpd
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/autoindex.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/userdir.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-base.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> /etc/sysconfig/httpd
> Similarly we can list all the associated document files as:
> # rpm -qd httpd
> /usr/share/doc/httpd/ABOUT_APACHE
> /usr/share/doc/httpd/CHANGES
> /usr/share/doc/httpd/LICENSE
> ...
> also, we can list the associated License file as:
> # rpm -qL openssh
> /usr/share/licenses/openssh/LICENCE
> Not to mention that the option -d and option -L in the above command stands for ‘documents‘ and ‘License‘, respectively.
### 7. You came across a configuration file located at ‘/usr/share/alsa/cards/AACI.conf’ and you are not sure this configuration file is associated with what package. How will you find out the parent package name? ###
> **Answer** : When a package is installed, the relevant information gets stored in the database. So it is easy to trace what provides the above package using option -qf (-f query packages owning files).
> # rpm -qf /usr/share/alsa/cards/AACI.conf
> alsa-lib-1.0.28-2.el7.x86_64
> Similarly we can find (what provides) information about any sub-packge, document files and License files.
### 8. How will you find list of recently installed software’s using rpm? ###
> **Answer** : As said earlier, everything being installed is logged in database. So it is not difficult to query the rpm database and find the list of recently installed software’s.
> We can do this by running the below commands using option –last (prints the most recent installed software’s).
> # rpm -qa --last
> The above command will print all the packages installed in a order such that, the last installed software appears at the top.
> If our concern is to find out specific package, we can grep that package (say sqlite) from the list, simply as:
> # rpm -qa --last | grep -i sqlite
> sqlite- Thursday 18 June 2015 05:05:43 PM IST
> We can also get a list of 10 most recently installed software simply as:
> # rpm -qa --last | head
> We can refine the result to output a more custom result simply as:
> # rpm -qa --last | head -n 2
> In the above command -n represents number followed by a numeric value. The above command prints a list of 2 most recent installed software.
### 9. Before installing a package, you are supposed to check its dependencies. What will you do? ###
> **Answer** : To check the dependencies of a rpm package (XYZ.rpm), we can use switches -q (query package), -p (query a package file) and -R (Requires / List packages on which this package depends i.e., dependencies).
> # rpm -qpR gedit-3.16.1-1.fc22.i686.rpm
> /bin/sh
> /usr/bin/env
> glib2(x86-32) >= 2.40.0
> gsettings-desktop-schemas
> gtk3(x86-32) >= 3.16
> gtksourceview3(x86-32) >= 3.16
> gvfs
> libX11.so.6
> ...
### 10. Is rpm a front-end Package Management Tool? ###
> **Answer** : No! rpm is a back-end package management for RPM based Linux Distribution.
> [YUM][1] which stands for Yellowdog Updater Modified is the front-end for rpm. YUM automates the overall process of resolving dependencies and everything else.
> Very recently [DNF][2] (Dandified YUM) replaced YUM in Fedora 22. Though YUM is still available to be used in RHEL and CentOS, we can install dnf and use it alongside of YUM. DNF is said to have a lots of improvement over YUM.
> Good to know, you keep yourself updated. Lets move to the front-end part.
### 11. How will you list all the enabled repolist on a system. ###
> **Answer** : We can list all the enabled repos on a system simply using following commands.
> # yum repolist
> or
> # dnf repolist
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:30:03 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> repo id repo name status
> *fedora Fedora 22 - x86_64 44,762
> ozonos Repository for Ozon OS 61
> *updates Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Updates
> The above command will only list those repos that are enabled. If we need to list all the repos, enabled or not, we can do.
> # yum repolist all
> or
> # dnf repolist all
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:29:45 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> repo id repo name status
> *fedora Fedora 22 - x86_64 enabled: 44,762
> fedora-debuginfo Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Debug disabled
> fedora-source Fedora 22 - Source disabled
> ozonos Repository for Ozon OS enabled: 61
> *updates Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Updates enabled: 5,018
> updates-debuginfo Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Updates - Debug
### 12. How will you list all the available and installed packages on a system? ###
> **Answer** : To list all the available packages on a system, we can do:
> # yum list available
> or
> # dnf list available
> ast metadata expiration check performed 0:34:09 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> Available Packages
> 0ad.x86_64 0.0.18-1.fc22 fedora
> 0ad-data.noarch 0.0.18-1.fc22 fedora
> 0install.x86_64 2.6.1-2.fc21 fedora
> 0xFFFF.x86_64 0.3.9-11.fc22 fedora
> 2048-cli.x86_64 0.9-4.git20141214.723738c.fc22 fedora
> 2048-cli-nocurses.x86_64 0.9-4.git20141214.723738c.fc22 fedora
> ....
> To list all the installed Packages on a system, we can do.
> # yum list installed
> or
> # dnf list installed
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:34:30 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> Installed Packages
> GeoIP.x86_64 1.6.5-1.fc22 @System
> GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2015.05-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> aajohan-comfortaa-fonts.noarch 2.004-4.fc22 @System
> ....
> To list all the available and installed packages on a system, we can do.
> # yum list
> or
> # dnf list
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:32:56 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> Installed Packages
> GeoIP.x86_64 1.6.5-1.fc22 @System
> GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2015.05-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> aajohan-comfortaa-fonts.noarch 2.004-4.fc22 @System
> acl.x86_64 2.2.52-7.fc22 @System
> ....
### 13. How will you install and update a package and a group of packages separately on a system using YUM/DNF? ###
> Answer : To Install a package (say nano), we can do,
> # yum install nano
> To Install a Group of Package (say Haskell), we can do.
> # yum groupinstall 'haskell'
> To update a package (say nano), we can do.
> # yum update nano
> To update a Group of Package (say Haskell), we can do.
> # yum groupupdate 'haskell'
### 14. How will you SYNC all the installed packages on a system to stable release? ###
> **Answer** : We can sync all the packages on a system (say CentOS or Fedora) to stable release as,
> # yum distro-sync [On CentOS/RHEL]
> or
> # dnf distro-sync [On Fedora 20 Onwards]
Seems you have done a good homework before coming for the interview,Good!. Before proceeding further I just want to ask one more question.
### 15. Are you familiar with YUM local repository? Have you tried making a Local YUM repository? Let me know in brief what you will do to create a local YUM repo. ###
> **Answer** : First I would like to Thank you Sir for appreciation. Coming to question, I must admit that I am quiet familiar with Local YUM repositories and I have already implemented it for testing purpose in my local machine.
> 1. To set up Local YUM repository, we need to install the below three packages as:
> # yum install deltarpm python-deltarpm createrepo
> 2. Create a directory (say /home/$USER/rpm) and copy all the RPMs from RedHat/CentOS DVD to that folder.
> # mkdir /home/$USER/rpm
> # cp /path/to/rpm/on/DVD/*.rpm /home/$USER/rpm
> 3. Create base repository headers as.
> # createrepo -v /home/$USER/rpm
> 4. Create the .repo file (say abc.repo) at the location /etc/yum.repos.d simply as:
> cd /etc/yum.repos.d && cat << EOF > abc.repo
> [local-installation]name=yum-local
> baseurl=file:///home/$USER/rpm
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
**Important**: Make sure to remove $USER with user_name.
That’s all we need to do to create a Local YUM repository. We can now install applications from here, that is relatively fast, secure and most important don’t need an Internet connection.
Okay! It was nice interviewing you. I am done. I am going to suggest your name to HR. You are a young and brilliant candidate we would like to have in our organization. If you have any question you may ask me.
**Me**: Sir, it was really a very nice interview and I feel very lucky today, to have cracked the interview..
Obviously it didn’t end here. I asked a lots of questions like the project they are handling. What would be my role and responsibility and blah..blah..blah
Friends, by the time all these were documented I have been called for HR round which is 3 days from now. Hope I do my best there as well. All your blessings will count.
Thankyou friends and Tecmint for taking time and documenting my experience. Mates I believe Tecmint is doing some really extra-ordinary which must be praised. When we share ours experience with other, other get to know many things from us and we get to know our mistakes.
It enhances our confidence level. If you have given any such interview recently, don’t keep it to yourself. Spread it! Let all of us know that. You may use the below form to share your experience with us.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-rpm-package-management-interview-questions/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Shilpa Nair 分享了她面试 RedHat Linux 包管理方面的经验
**Shilpa Nair 刚于2015年毕业。她之后去了一家位于 Noida,Delhi 的国家新闻电视台,应聘实习生的岗位。在她去年毕业季的时候,常逛 Tecmint 寻求作业上的帮助。从那时开始,她就常去 Tecmint。**

有关 RPM 方面的 Linux 面试题
所有的问题和回答都是 Shilpa Nair 根据回忆重写的。
> “大家好!我是来自 Delhi 的Shilpa Nair。我不久前才顺利毕业,正寻找一个实习的机会。在大学早期的时候,我就对 UNIX 十分喜爱,所以我也希望这个机会能适合我,满足我的兴趣。我被提问了很多问题,大部分都是关于 RedHat 包管理的基础问题。”
下面就是我被问到的问题,和对应的回答。我仅贴出了与 RedHat GNU/Linux 包管理相关的,也是主要被提问的。
### 1,里如何查找一个包安装与否?假设你需要确认 ‘nano’ 有没有安装,你怎么做? ###
> **回答**:为了确认 nano 软件包有没有安装,我们可以使用 rpm 命令,配合 -q 和 -a 选项来查询所有已安装的包
> # rpm -qa nano
> OR
> # rpm -qa | grep -i nano
> nano-2.3.1-10.el7.x86_64
> 同时包的名字必须是完成的,不完整的包名返回提示,不打印任何东西,就是说这包(包名字不全)未安装。下面的例子会更好理解些:
> 我们通常使用 vim 替代 vi 命令。当时如果我们查找安装包 vi/vim 的时候,我们就会看到标准输出上没有任何结果。
> # vi
> # vim
> 尽管如此,我们仍然可以通过使用 vi/vim 命令来清楚地知道包有没有安装。Here is ... name(这句不知道)。如果我们不确切知道完整的文件名,我们可以使用通配符:
> # rpm -qa vim*
> vim-minimal-7.4.160-1.el7.x86_64
> 通过这种方式,我们可以获得任何软件包的信息,安装与否。
### 2. 你如何使用 rpm 命令安装 XYZ 软件包? ###
> **回答**:我们可以使用 rpm 命令安装任何的软件包(*.rpm),像下面这样,选项 -i(install),-v(冗余或者显示额外的信息)和 -h(打印#号显示进度,在安装过程中)。
> # rpm -ivh peazip-1.11-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
> Preparing... ################################# [100%]
> Updating / installing...
> 1:peazip-1.11-1.el6.rf ################################# [100%]
> 如果要升级一个早期版本的包,应加上 -U 选项,选项 -v 和 -h 可以确保我们得到用 # 号表示的冗余输出,这增加了可读性。
### 3. 你已经安装了一个软件包(假设是 httpd),现在你想看看软件包创建并安装的所有文件和目录,你会怎么做? ###
> **回答**:使用选项 -l(列出所有文件)和 -q(查询)列出 httpd 软件包安装的所有文件(Linux哲学:所有的都是文件,包括目录)。
> # rpm -ql httpd
> /etc/httpd
> /etc/httpd/conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.d
> ...
### 4. 假如你要移除一个软件包,叫 postfix。你会怎么做? ###
> **回答**:首先我们需要知道什么包安装了 postfix。查找安装 postfix 的包名后,使用 -e(擦除/卸载软件包)和 -v(冗余输出)两个选项来实现。
> # rpm -qa postfix*
> postfix-2.10.1-6.el7.x86_64
> 然后移除 postfix,如下:
> # rpm -ev postfix-2.10.1-6.el7.x86_64
> Preparing packages...
> postfix-2:3.0.1-2.fc22.x86_64
### 5. 获得一个已安装包的具体信息,如版本,发行号,安装日期,大小,总结和一个间短的描述。 ###
> **回答**:我们通过使用 rpm 的选项 -qi,后面接包名,可以获得关于一个已安装包的具体信息。
> 举个例子,为了获得 openssh 包的具体信息,我需要做的就是:
> # rpm -qi openssh
> [root@tecmint tecmint]# rpm -qi openssh
> Name : openssh
> Version : 6.8p1
> Release : 5.fc22
> Architecture: x86_64
> Install Date: Thursday 28 May 2015 12:34:50 PM IST
> Group : Applications/Internet
> Size : 1542057
> License : BSD
> ....
### 6. 假如你不确定一个指定包的配置文件在哪,比如 httpd。你如何找到所有 httpd 提供的配置文件列表和位置。 ###
> **回答**: 我们需要用选项 -c 接包名,这会列出所有配置文件的名字和他们的位置。
> # rpm -qc httpd
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/autoindex.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/userdir.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-base.conf
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> /etc/sysconfig/httpd
> 相似地,我们可以列出所有相关的文档文件,如下:
> # rpm -qd httpd
> /usr/share/doc/httpd/ABOUT_APACHE
> /usr/share/doc/httpd/CHANGES
> /usr/share/doc/httpd/LICENSE
> ...
> 我们也可以列出所有相关的证书文件,如下:
> # rpm -qL openssh
> /usr/share/licenses/openssh/LICENCE
> 忘了说明上面的选项 -d 和 -L 分别表示 “文档” 和 “证书”,抱歉。
### 7. 你进入了一个配置文件,位于‘/usr/share/alsa/cards/AACI.conf’,现在你不确定该文件属于哪个包。你如何查找出包的名字? ###
> **回答**:当一个包被安装后,相关的信息就存储在了数据库里。所以使用选项 -qf(-f 查询包拥有的文件)很容易追踪谁提供了上述的包。
> # rpm -qf /usr/share/alsa/cards/AACI.conf
> alsa-lib-1.0.28-2.el7.x86_64
> 类似地,我们可以查找(谁提供的)关于任何子包,文档和证书文件的信息。
### 8. 你如何使用 rpm 查找最近安装的软件列表? ###
> **回答**:如刚刚说的,每一样被安装的文件都记录在了数据库里。所以这并不难,通过查询 rpm 的数据库,找到最近安装软件的列表。
> 我们通过运行下面的命令,使用选项 -last(打印出最近安装的软件)达到目的。
> # rpm -qa --last
> 上面的命令会打印出所有安装的软件,最近一次安装的软件在列表的顶部。
> 如果我们关心的是找出特定的包,我们可以使用 grep 命令从列表中匹配包(假设是 sqlite ),简单如下:
> # rpm -qa --last | grep -i sqlite
> sqlite- Thursday 18 June 2015 05:05:43 PM IST
> 我们也可以获得10个最近安装的软件列表,简单如下:
> # rpm -qa --last | head
> 我们可以重定义一下,输出想要的结果,简单如下:
> # rpm -qa --last | head -n 2
> 上面的命令中,-n 代表数目,后面接一个常数值。该命令是打印2个最近安装的软件的列表。
### 9. 安装一个包之前,你如果要检查其依赖。你会怎么做? ###
> **回答**:检查一个 rpm 包(XYZ.rpm)的依赖,我们可以使用选项 -q(查询包),-p(指定包名)和 -R(查询/列出该包依赖的包,嗯,就是依赖)。
> # rpm -qpR gedit-3.16.1-1.fc22.i686.rpm
> /bin/sh
> /usr/bin/env
> glib2(x86-32) >= 2.40.0
> gsettings-desktop-schemas
> gtk3(x86-32) >= 3.16
> gtksourceview3(x86-32) >= 3.16
> gvfs
> libX11.so.6
> ...
### 10. rpm 是不是一个前端的包管理工具呢? ###
> **回答**:不是!rpm 是一个后端管理工具,适用于基于 Linux 发行版的 RPM (此处指 Redhat Package Management)。
> [YUM][1],全称 Yellowdog Updater Modified,是一个 RPM 的前端工具。YUM 命令自动完成所有工作,包括解决依赖和其他一切事务。
> 最近,[DNF][2](YUM命令升级版)在Fedora 22发行版中取代了 YUM。尽管 YUM 仍然可以在 RHEL 和 CentOS 平台使用,我们也可以安装 dnf,与 YUM 命令共存使用。据说 DNF 较于 YUM 有很多提高。
> 知道更多总是好的,保持自我更新。现在我们移步到前端部分来谈谈。
### 11. 你如何列出一个系统上面所有可用的仓库列表。 ###
> **回答**:简单地使用下面的命令,我们就可以列出一个系统上所有可用的仓库列表。
> # yum repolist
> 或
> # dnf repolist
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:30:03 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> repo id repo name status
> *fedora Fedora 22 - x86_64 44,762
> ozonos Repository for Ozon OS 61
> *updates Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Updates
> 上面的命令仅会列出可用的仓库。如果你需要列出所有的仓库,不管可用与否,可以这样做。
> # yum repolist all
> or
> # dnf repolist all
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:29:45 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> repo id repo name status
> *fedora Fedora 22 - x86_64 enabled: 44,762
> fedora-debuginfo Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Debug disabled
> fedora-source Fedora 22 - Source disabled
> ozonos Repository for Ozon OS enabled: 61
> *updates Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Updates enabled: 5,018
> updates-debuginfo Fedora 22 - x86_64 - Updates - Debug
### 12. 你如何列出一个系统上所有可用并且安装了的包? ###
> **回答**:列出一个系统上所有可用的包,我们可以这样做:
> # yum list available
> 或
> # dnf list available
> ast metadata expiration check performed 0:34:09 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> Available Packages
> 0ad.x86_64 0.0.18-1.fc22 fedora
> 0ad-data.noarch 0.0.18-1.fc22 fedora
> 0install.x86_64 2.6.1-2.fc21 fedora
> 0xFFFF.x86_64 0.3.9-11.fc22 fedora
> 2048-cli.x86_64 0.9-4.git20141214.723738c.fc22 fedora
> 2048-cli-nocurses.x86_64 0.9-4.git20141214.723738c.fc22 fedora
> ....
> 而列出一个系统上所有已安装的包,我们可以这样做。
> # yum list installed
> or
> # dnf list installed
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:34:30 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> Installed Packages
> GeoIP.x86_64 1.6.5-1.fc22 @System
> GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2015.05-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> aajohan-comfortaa-fonts.noarch 2.004-4.fc22 @System
> ....
> 而要同时满足两个要求的时候,我们可以这样做。
> # yum list
> 或
> # dnf list
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:32:56 ago on Mon Jun 22 16:50:00 2015.
> Installed Packages
> GeoIP.x86_64 1.6.5-1.fc22 @System
> GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2015.05-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.0.2-1.fc22 @System
> aajohan-comfortaa-fonts.noarch 2.004-4.fc22 @System
> acl.x86_64 2.2.52-7.fc22 @System
> ....
### 13. 你会怎么分别安装和升级一个包与一组包,在一个系统上面使用 YUM/DNF? ###
> **回答**:安装一个包(假设是 nano),我们可以这样做,
> # yum install nano
> 而安装一组包(假设是 Haskell),我们可以这样做,
> # yum groupinstall 'haskell'
> 升级一个包(还是 nano),我们可以这样做,
> # yum update nano
> 而为了升级一组包(还是 haskell),我们可以这样做,
> # yum groupupdate 'haskell'
### 14. 你会如何同步一个系统上面的所有安装软件到稳定发行版? ###
> **回答**:我们可以一个系统上(假设是 CentOS 或者 Fedora)的所有包到稳定发行版,如下,
> # yum distro-sync [On CentOS/ RHEL]
> 或
> # dnf distro-sync [On Fedora 20之后版本]
### 15. 你对 YUM 本地仓库熟悉吗?你尝试过建立一个本地 YUM 仓库吗?让我们简单看看你会怎么建立一个本地 YUM 仓库。 ###
> **回答**:首先,感谢你的夸奖。回到问题,我必须承认我对本地 YUM 仓库十分熟悉,并且在我的本地主机上也部署过,作为测试用。
> 1. 为了建立本地 YUM 仓库,我们需要安装下面三个包:
> # yum install deltarpm python-deltarpm createrepo
> 2. 新建一个目录(假设 /home/$USER/rpm),然后复制 RedHat/CentOS DVD 上的 RPM 包到这个文件夹下
> # mkdir /home/$USER/rpm
> # cp /path/to/rpm/on/DVD/*.rpm /home/$USER/rpm
> 3. 新建基本的库头文件如下。
> # createrepo -v /home/$USER/rpm
> 4. 在路径 /etc/yum.repo.d 下创建一个 .repo 文件(如 abc.repo):
> cd /etc/yum.repos.d && cat << EOF > abc.repo
> [local-installation]name=yum-local
> baseurl=file:///home/$USER/rpm
> enabled=1
> gpgcheck=0
**重要**:用你的用户名替换掉 $USER。
以上就是创建一个本地 YUM 仓库所要做的全部工作。我们现在可以从这里安装软件了,相对快一些,安全一些,并且最重要的是不需要 Internet 连接。
好了!面试过程很愉快。我已经问完了。我会将你推荐给 HR。你是一个年轻且十分聪明的候选者,我们很愿意你加入进来。如果你有任何问题,你可以问我。
小伙伴们,3天以前 HR 轮的所有问题到时候也会被写成文档。希望我当时表现不错。感谢你们所有的祝福。
谢谢伙伴们和 Tecmint,花时间来编辑我的面试经历。我相信 Tecmint 好伙伴们做了很大的努力,必要要赞一个。当我们与他人分享我们的经历的时候,其他人从我们这里知道了更多,而我们自己则发现了自己的不足。
via: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-rpm-package-management-interview-questions/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
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