From 860c1531bce21f1d632b2ed97682bdb2d9ca2186 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yujianxuechuan <> Date: Sun, 4 May 2014 21:35:12 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/11] translated --- ...e're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt | 166 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+) create mode 100644 translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt diff --git a/translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt b/translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a94daa30ba --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +Raspberry Pi的创始人埃本厄普顿:我们如何在把每一个人变成DIY的黑客 +那个35美元的电脑原型为能工巧匠的心灵而准备。 +我永远不会忘记我看到树莓派的第一次。这种微小的,信用卡大小的电脑是强大到足以作为一个家用电脑,媒体中心,游戏控制台,或任何你可以梦想到的东西。只有35美元,这是一个廉价的为那些想尝试的硬件和软件实验的所有年龄段的能工巧匠准备的,而不必担心会使价格较高的家庭电脑变砖。 +埃本厄普顿作为Raspberry Pi的基金会的创始人之一,通常记为这个令人难以置信的机器后面的魔法师。虽然他在剑桥大学的计算机实验室在攻读哲学博士学位,厄普顿苦心亲手打造了Raspberry Pi的原型。 + +今天,厄普顿是Raspberry Pi的基金会的贸易公司,在那里他负责生产和销售的Raspberry Pi的的首席执行官。该基金会目前已售出超过250万台。 + +天空中的pi + +读写:什么机缘让您真正把技术摆在首位并感兴趣?怎么会最终导致你的Raspberry Pi的项目? + +埃本厄普顿:在我实际上开始时我还是个孩子。我谁拥有了一定的工程感兴趣的父亲。他不是一个工程师,他是一个英语教学。总有电气的东西在家里成堆,我习惯先去玩再去弄明白它的原理。小事情,比如做一盏灯,必须通过你的床,所以你可以阅读后“熄灯”之类的东西。 + + + +然后我得到一台电脑。在英国,我们有这些机器叫做BBC微型计算机,这是为教育设计的8位微处理器。我们让他们在学校,我在学校上了编程,而且我很喜欢它。 + +这些东西并不一定在学校进行编程,或者至少他们没有特意去用于编程。他们会习惯运行教育软件。但我曾经对他们进行编程。然后我买了一个在家里进行编程。我的意思是,我得到了我的英国广播公司微那天,我去我的房间,打开它,并且再也没有出来了。[笑] + +编程是惊人的一个孩子。当你是一个孩子你没有大量的电力。你没有很多机构,很多比你周围的世界的控制。关于编程的伟大的事情是它是一个小世界里,你做你想做的。我当然发现非常引人注目。 + +我一直喜欢科学,数学,那种硬科学科目。做了很多计算,做了很多对我的英国广播公司的节目。我有一台Commodore的Amiga之后。 + +在大学里我做了物理学,工程学和计算机科学的混合物。然后,真正导致我开始我的pi。因为此前我一直在大学读了十年[同时获得博士学位],我意识到,谁是到达孩子们已经没有机会有这种集小时候的经历。你仍然可以得到积木但是......那个梯子。 + +有种我们就拉着梯子后的我们。我们建立了这些非常复杂的和用户友好的电脑供孩子现在使用。或者甚至不仅仅时电脑,游戏机以及手机和平板电脑,那种设备。但是,人们被剥夺的机会鼓捣。所以,真正Raspberry Pi的是试图找回,没有那种太复古了一些什么样的,我们觉得从计算机的发展失去了在过去的25年。 + +RW:什么是一些你必须克服的最大障碍? + +欧盟:嗯,我们没有任何投资,所以这是一个美好的事情。我们一直在努力自2006年来这样做,所以你可以看到我们花了很长的时间从Raspberry Pi的的想法去的东西,你可以卖。寻找东西,有价格和性能,还是价格和可编程性之间取得适当的权衡是一个大问题。 + +拿到钱在一起。我们是一个不以营利为目的,所以我们不得不去寻找一些钱,并且有结束了对受托人只是借钱出我们自己的口袋里的电路板我们几个。因此,我们有大约四分之一的启动资金一百万美元这是完全从我的贷款和其他几个人。所以有胆量这样做,我猜。 + + + +从东方到西方 + +寻找一种方法来得到它在合适的价格制造。我们最终采取了不寻常的路线。一般来说,当人们赚更多的常规产品,他们所做的是让他们在本地,当他们低量。他们[厂商]收取高昂的代价。大多数人有比Raspberry Pi的厚利润。 + +那么,什么人做的是制造在西部地区。后来,在搜索挤压的,他们得到了音量,并希望改善他们的生产成本,所以他们到远东。 + +这个问题对我们来说是的,因为我们没有足够的保证金来支持那种秩序,我们建立了我们的第一台在中国。这是当然的,起初稍微可怕的前景。我也不知道,在中国制造,而我们最终发送的$ 50,000筹码和5万美元在香港一些家伙。他送我们回2,000可工作的树莓派。 + +它得到了那里有一个延迟一点点,我们确信我们会得到杆身的地步。然后有一天,现在250万头2000树莓派打开了门前的台阶上托盘。 + +此UPS家伙出来他的卡车用托盘和托盘搬运车和插孔这个托盘进入车库。它有2,000树莓派它和那些每一个都是大型比任何电脑我有,当我还是个孩子更强大。而我们只是挑选出来的随机开出托盘只是为了品尝他们,他们都非常完美。 + +因此,有幸运的,我想,与中国,最后在拿到量,我们在另一个方向去从别人。我想,当我们意识到这一点,已经得到了量,我们现在可以建在西部,同样的价格我们就已经能够在中国建设项目中的其他决定性的时刻了。所以,我们能够遣返,以reshore所有的制造回威尔士,这是我出生的地方。样的一个很好的那种圆的。 + +RW:有没有什么前兆对于树莓派不能制作出来的前兆? + +欧盟:是啊,我们建成了一批不同的原型设备。我们试图建立的东西,这是可编程的,但有趣的孩子。“有趣的孩子”是指那种......强大的,在某些方面。能够播放视频和游戏,在Web上运行。 + +我们有很多的原型能够满足价格目标和可编程性的目标,但它只是非常晚,2010年后和2011年,我们能够确定,使我们能够建立一些还不够强大,孩子们的路径要从事它。 + +从那里来的皮烘烤 + +RW:告诉我发明Raspberry Pi的故事。 + +欧盟:我们试图建立的基础上你会打电话单片机技术的一些单位。我不知道,如果你遇到一个[开源电子原型]的平台叫Arduino的?排序的性能到Arduino相若水平。关于这些芯片的好处是他们非常可用的,它们是商品的部分,他们是非常便宜和容易得到阿霍德。 + + + +因此,我们试过了。我们结束了这东西在技术上是一台电脑,你将它插入你的电视机之类的东西。但它是一种原始的,它是明确的,孩子们是不会搞它。所以这是原型之一,而样机即将在爱尔兰的一个博物馆中被称为“失败。”展览[笑]我要去看它下个月。它在一个玻璃橱柜作为一个光荣的失败的例子。 + +有关的好处是,是纯手工打造。手不能真正建立一个现代化的Raspberry Pi的。但是这一次是不够原始,你实际上可以用锡焊在一起,我是焊接在一起的一个星期。并且它是一个可爱的小玩具。 + +之后我一直在大学读了十年左右,我上班去了一家名为博通,总部设在南加州,但有一个大的办公室在剑桥。他们做手机芯片。我们意识到,手机芯片是相当不错的选择。他们为建设一个皮状装置相当一个很好的平台,因为他们有很多的图形性能。 + +我建立了基于该原型的基础上,博通开发工具包。而这是更强大,更能干,又在同价位点。但我们不得不与面临的挑战是,它是一个真正的定制环境。这不是一个基于标准的平台。 + +我们写我们自己的SD卡驱动程序,我们自己的文件系统,我们自己的文本编辑器。你会发现自己做了很多基础性的工作,虽然你结束了一个平台,是强大的,可编程的,它是完全非标准[和]完全不像任何其他机器。你没有得到任何利用包括已经完成了人们对桌面平台的工作。这是两款原型机。 + +真正的突破对我们是有原型的三人。我们得到了来自Broadcom其中有哪些是能够运行标准的Linux ARM处理器另一个芯片的保持。这是真的,我们意识到我们有一些东西能够满足我们所有的目标点。那就是我们去市场推出该产品。 + +黑下一代黑客 + +RW:8岁的孩子一样使用Raspberry Pi的已经建立的项目。你有没有打算说,还是带你措手不及? + +欧盟:八是个不错的年纪。我认为每个人都合适的年龄定义为是年龄,当他们开始编程。我八岁的时候,我开始编程。从某种程度上来说,所有的孩子需要的是足够老有认知技能的相关套件,一种解决问题的类型的技能。数学的一点点,也许,在学校。 + + + +是老得足以能够计划的活动,编程是最终的计划的活动。你需要有心理的设备做到这一点。由八岁,很多孩子都相当成熟,他们的思维方式。您还需要机械灵巧; 那年幼的孩子有另一个挑战是缺乏使用键盘所需的机械灵巧。 + +所以8是一个伟大的时代。你已经得到了物理仪器,心理装备,而你仍然在这一点在你的一生中,你能学到新的东西很容易。你的大脑很塑料,你能学习语言.... + +我的意思是,如果你想有一个孩子学习法语,开始教他们八,不要一开始教他们在16。其中一个弱点,我们必须从历史中我们的正式计算教学是我们创业的人非常晚了,然后是惊讶,当人们有困难拿起概念。所以我觉得年轻的你可以让他们更好的,8是一个梦幻般的年龄。八,10,12-12也许是有点晚了。 + +我们的基金会首席执行官兰斯 [豪沃思],尤其热衷于小学教育。他真的看到一个真正的机会在那里做一些比较特别的。 + +RW:所以这是Raspberry Pi的的意图,以得到真正年轻的孩子们编程? + +欧盟:我想我们一直认为,年轻的孩子可以做的节目只是例子。但Raspberry Pi的意图是为了提供这个东西,只是看看谁买它。我们始终认为,幼儿的至少一部分会觉得兴奋。现在我们的广度和规模得到它的年幼的孩子与支持。 + +有间[刚]做像Raspberry Pi的平台中使用的,并提供对它的支持有很大的不同。我想,如果你只是使其可用,你会发现八个岁的百分之一将是百分之一谁爱之类的事情,并会进入它,不管你如何钱多钱少的支持给他们。 + +我觉得为基础的真正的机会,现在是,既然我们能付得起的教育材料的发展,我们有能力为整个教师良好的培训,倡导。有机会获得超过百分之一。有一个机会,达到聪明的孩子谁不相当有自然的倾向,亲自解决复杂的技术任务。如果你给他们良好的教学和令人信服的材料是相关的和有趣起来,可以达到百分之十,百分之二十,百分之五十,等等。 + +我们回顾20世纪80年代作为这个黄金时期[学习编程的],并在实践中,人们只有极少数%的人学习编程进行任何重要程度。大多数人大概可以写几行。但做任何显著编程还是罕见的。 + +我觉得对我们来说真正的机会了,因为我们可以对材料和教师培训水平介入,我们有可能吹过去,我们分别在20世纪80年代。还有更多的参与,还有更多的两性平等。节目主要是在20世纪80年代一个男孩的活动,而这现在反映在我们的工程领域的妆容。我想有一个真正的机会,让更多的女孩计算机编程。这是最低的低悬的果实。如果我们这样做,我们立即增加一倍的人数。 + +有很多的机会,我认为最满意的事情Pi是我们是那种在规模,我们可以开始攻击其中的一些。 + +pi为每个人 + +RW:这是什么告诉你有关的DIY项目,如郫县的潜在需求?难道我们都将是DIY的黑客哪一天? + +欧盟:是啊,我的意思是,那是事情。有它的巨大需求。我认为,有一搭到厂商社区。该壶社会更加发达的美国比在英国。我们的确有制造商交易会和hackerspaces现在,但它可能5年落后的地方是在美国 + +这么一件事,我们发现,当我们开始谈论Raspberry Pi的,当它开始变得国际社会的关注,我们发现我们被发射到这个非常完善的人谁喜欢做各种各样的DIY活动社区:针织,或者,你也知道,木工。 + +所以,这是导致该意外增加量为皮的事情之一。庄家谁看到它作为一个组件,他们可以用它来建立自己的项目。这是伟大的! + +RW:你怎么看待主流的硬件黑客文化的出现做? + +欧盟:我的意思是,这是梦幻般的,对不对?这是我们永远也不会预测在软件工程前。我来这东西从软件的背景,所以实际上大部分很酷的东西的人做的??Raspberry Pi的是硬件相关的是令我感到诧异。这并不奇怪,以我了,但它令我感到诧异原来。 + + + +我认为这是一个非常积极的趋势,对于各种原因。这是积极的,因为它为孩子提供了相关经验。在我的脑海里,四处移动的像素在屏幕上仍然是很酷,但在现实中,它的要少得多酷比它在20世纪80年代。我觉得在世界各地移动的物体,像机器人一样,是很酷的孩子了。 + +当你获得更多的相关性,你吸引更多的女孩。有一个非常阴险的倾向,试图设计活动周边的高科技女孩,它实际上是不是女孩。这是关于吸引更广泛的受众。 + +有这个小片段 - 我谈到了百分之一,谁找到了抽象的计算机编程令人兴奋的孩子们。“让我们来了解变量!”我是那些孩子之一。但是,这只是一小部分人,而这似乎是男生,更多的时候。我不知道这是否是一个文化的东西或者什么,但它只是似乎是这个世界的方式。 + +很多时候,当人们都在谈论为了吸引女孩子追求实用性,它不是关于吸引女孩子的。这是关于吸引任何人比男孩的那小小的银等。你不只是吸引女孩,你吸引了所有的学生也是如此。 + +其中从教育的角度来看,美妙的事情之一是,实际上做的东西在现实世界与电脑的一部分自动不仅仅是做事计算机本身更相关的是。所以,它给你的路线来吸引女孩入主题,它给你一个路由跟踪男生超过百分之一入主题。 + +它的伟大,不是独自一人。这是梦幻般被发射到这个浪潮的兴趣,人在做的东西,在现实世界中。我知道在加利福尼亚州南部的一个家伙,它的两个爱好是丕黑客,使自己的锁子甲。这只是一个美妙的事情,人们正在做的那类东西。 + +分享pi + +RW:你能给我的,吸引超过百分之一“相关的”项目排序的例子吗? + +欧盟:机器人的整个广泛领域之一。还有人使用PI为基础而作出的跑来跑去,做的东西,尤其是现在,我们有相机模块,它作为一种计算机视觉的小机器人只是庞大的数字。 + +我觉得其他的基于摄像头的项目,并往往会得到很多的发挥。人在做野生动物摄影类的东西,人在做时间间隔摄影,各种各样的东西,因为我们有这个25美元摄像头模块和一个红外线版本,所以你可以做夜间动物摄影,创作剧本到拍摄在夜间,并保存了那些有一些运动在其中。所以这些的是不错的。 + +我特别喜欢的东西,有做高空气球。环境监测,还有一些高中的孩子在英国谁也称为IndieGoGo AirPi,这是一个污染监测盾牌,将坐在皮的上方。所以很多的那些东西,让你使用丕那些做物理或化学或生物的,我认为有关联的东西。这些都是更容易证明给孩子大量的东西,是值得关注的事情。 + +RW:什么时候我们会看到一个Raspberry Pi的C型? + +欧盟:我们没有计划的时刻。我们主要做软件工作的时刻。我认为我们已经发现有大量的可用镍的性能增益,低鸣的软件,抛光那么一点点。 + +如果我们去做出一个模型C,我们孤儿250万人谁是致力于当前平台。所以,我觉得我们是,至少在目前,相当致力于尝试做软件的工作,因为这可以帮助所有的人谁是在外地。我们觉得仍有可通过软件优化显著的性能增益。 + +很显然,我们必须做一些事情[关于硬件]在一些点。我真的不知道何时。如果我们仍然出货皮B型在2017年,2018年,这将是坏。但我认为我们可能需要一年的时间从??到下一步该怎么做让任何认真考虑。 + +RW:很多人都在建设同时使用Pi和Arduino的,DIY的电子黑客工具包项目。你设计PI与像Arduino的套件在想什么? + +欧盟:不是真的,但我们很早就意识到在那里有时可能会在报章一种倾向,看到我们作为竞争对手到Arduino。我们总是持怀疑态度,我想,是否这是真的是这样,因为我觉得Pi和Arduino的做不同的事情,做他们。 + +我们没有设计它与Arduino的工作,但Arduino的设计有一个房子PC配合使用。我们做出了巨大的低功耗PC的房子为Arduino的。所以是的,那只是幸运,我猜。 + +RW:你用什么Raspberry Pi的在家里?在工作? + +欧盟:在家里,我把它作为一个媒体中心; 这是一个相当普遍的使用的圆周率。这是一个有趣的事情,你已经人在做实际的消费类电子产品,使用它作为一件消费电子产品。我敢肯定是其中之一。 + +我没有附近尽可能多的时间在任何地方工作,发挥它,因为我想。通常,当我得到一个丕在工作,那是因为我测试了一些新的软件,我已经委托。大多我只是用它来检查,??我已经支付给做的工作承建商都做得不错。 + +我真的希望我会得到一些更多的停机时间在明年。有时候感觉,除了媒体中心,我一直在参与制作这个梦幻般的玩具,因为它是如此成功我没有得到太多时间陪它玩。 + +但它确实高兴地看到有多少人是有它的乐趣,看到它出现在不同的地方。我明白,我们上了大爆炸理论所提到的,我需要跟踪情节。它显示了在所有这些不寻常的地方。这真的很高兴看到有多少人采取了它对心脏,并开始做的东西吧。 From 23b1b3cd61cbcaab1fe5398a4e5de448f93d2d36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yujianxuechuan <> Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 17:30:28 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/11] yujianxuechuan rm source file --- ...We're Turning Everyone Into DIY | 190 ------------------ 1 file changed, 190 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY diff --git a/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY b/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY deleted file mode 100644 index 972c423550..0000000000 --- a/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -Translating by yujianxuechuan -Raspberry Pi's Eben Upton: How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers -================================================================================ -> Inside the mind that prototyped a $35 computer for tinkerers. - -I鈥檒l never forget my first time seeing a Raspberry Pi. The tiny, credit-card sized computer is powerful enough to operate as a home PC, a media center, a gaming console, or anything you can dream up. At only $35, it鈥檚 a bargain for tinkerers of all ages who want to try out hardware and software experiments without worrying about bricking their pricier family computers. - -[Eben Upton][1], cofounder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, is generally credited as the magician behind this incredible machine. While working on his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Cambridge's computer laboratory, Upton painstakingly put together Raspberry Pi prototypes by hand. - -Today, Upton is CEO of the Raspberry Pi Foundation鈥檚 trading company, where he oversees production and sales of the Raspberry Pi. The foundation has now sold more than 2.5 million units. - -### Pi In The Sky ### - -ReadWrite: What got you really interested in technology in the first place? How did that lead you eventually to the Raspberry Pi project? - -**Eben Upton**: So I actually got started when I was a kid. I have a father who has a certain amount of interest in engineering. He鈥檚 not an engineer, he鈥檚 an English academic. There were always piles of electrical stuff around the house that I used to play with before I understood what it did. Little things like making a light to have by your bed so you could read after 鈥渓ights out鈥 and stuff. - -![]( - -And then I got a computer. In the UK we have these machines called [BBC Microcomputers][2], which were 8-bit micros that were build for education. We had them at school, I got into programming at school, and I enjoyed it. - -These things weren鈥檛 necessarily in school for programming, or at least they didn鈥檛 tend to get used for programming. They would get used to run educational software. But I used to program on them. And then I bought one to program at home. I mean, the day I got my BBC micro, I went in my room, turned it on, and never came out again. [Laughs] - -Programming is amazing for a kid. When you鈥檙e a kid you don鈥檛 have a lot of power. You don鈥檛 have a lot of agency, a lot of control over the world around you. The great thing about programming is it鈥檚 a little world where you do whatever you want. And I certainly found that very compelling. - -I鈥檇 always been interested in science, math, kind of hard science subjects. Did a lot of computing, did a lot of programming on my BBC. I had a Commodore Amiga after that. - -At university I did a mixture of physics, engineering, and computer science. And then that really kind of led me to the Pi. Because after I鈥檇 been at university for a decade [while getting a doctorate], I realized that the kids who were arriving hadn鈥檛 had the chance to have that set of experiences as a child. You could still get Legos but 鈥 that ladder. - -We鈥檇 kind of pulled the ladder up after us. We built these very sophisticated and user-friendly computers for children to use now. Or not even computers鈥攇ame consoles and phones and tablets, kind of appliances. But people were being denied that opportunity to tinker. So really Raspberry Pi is an attempt to get back鈥攚ithout kind of being too retro鈥攕ome of what we kind of feel was lost from the evolution of computers over the last 25 years. - -**RW:** What were some of the biggest hurdles you had to overcome? - -**EU:** Well, we didn鈥檛 have any investors, so that was one nice thing. We鈥檝e been trying to do this since 2006 so you can see it took us a long time to get from the idea of a Raspberry Pi to something you could sell. Finding something that had the right tradeoff between price and performance, or price and programmability was a big deal. - -Getting the money together. We鈥檙e a not-for-profit, so we had to go find some money, and there ended up being a few of us on the board of trustees just loaning money out of our own pockets. So we had about a quarter of a million dollars of startup funding which was entirely loans from me and a couple of other people. So having the guts to do that, I guess. - -![]( - -### From East To West ### - -Finding a way to get it manufactured at the right price. We ended up taking an unusual route. Generally when people make more conventional products, what they do is make them locally, when they鈥檙e low volume. And they [manufacturers] charge a high price. Most people have thicker margins than Raspberry Pi. - -So what people do is manufacture in the west. Later on, in search of a squeeze, they got the volume and are looking to improve their production costs, so they go to the far east. - -The issue for us was that, because we didn鈥檛 have enough margin to support that kind of order, we built our very first units in China. Which was of course, at first a slightly daunting prospect. I knew nothing about manufacturing in China, and we ended up sending $50,000 of chips and $50,000 to some guy in Hong Kong. And he sent us back 2,000 working Raspberry Pis. - -It got to the point where there was a little bit of a delay and we were convinced that we鈥檇 gotten shafted. And then one day, the first 2,000 of now 2.5 million Raspberry Pis turned up on the doorstep on a pallet. - -This UPS guy comes out of his truck with a pallet and a pallet jack and jacks this pallet into the garage. It鈥檚 got 2,000 Raspberry Pis on it and each one of those is massively more powerful than any computer I had when I was a kid. And we were just picking them out at random out of the pallet just to sample them and they all worked perfectly. - -So getting lucky, I guess, with China, and then finally having got the volume, we went in the other direction from everyone else. I guess the other defining moment in the project was when we realized that, having got the volume, we could now build in the west for the same price we would have been able to build in China. So we were able to repatriate, to reshore all the manufacturing back to Wales, which is where I was born. Kind of a nice sort of circle. - -**RW:** Were there any precursors to the Pi that didn鈥檛 work out? - -**EU:** Yeah, we built a number of different prototype devices. We were trying to build something that was programmable but interesting to kids. 鈥淚nteresting to kids鈥 means kind of 鈥 powerful in some respects. Able to play video and games and go on the Web. - -We had a number of prototypes that met the price goal and the programmability goal, but it was only very late, post 2010 and 2011, that we were able to identify a path that allowed us to build something that was also powerful enough that kids were going to engage with it. - -### Whence The Pi Was Baked ### - -**RW:** Tell me about inventing the Raspberry Pi. - -**EU:** We tried building some units based on what you鈥檇 call microcontroller technology. I don鈥檛 know if you鈥檝e come across an [open source electronics prototyping] platform called Arduino? Sort of a similar level of performance to the Arduino. The nice thing about those chips is they鈥檙e very available, they鈥檙e commodity parts, they鈥檙e very cheap and easy to get ahold of. - -![]( - -So we tried that. And we ended up with something which was technically a computer鈥攜ou plug it into your television and stuff. But it was kind of primitive and it was clear that kids weren鈥檛 going to engage with it. So that was prototype one, and that prototype is coming to a museum in Ireland in an exhibition called 鈥淔ail.鈥 [Laughs] I鈥檓 going to go see it next month. It鈥檚 in a glass cabinet as an example of a glorious failure. - -The nice thing about that was that was hand built. You can鈥檛 really build a modern Raspberry Pi by hand. But this one was primitive enough that you could actually solder it together and I soldered it together in a week. And it was a nice little toy. - -After I鈥檇 been at university for a decade of so, I went to work for a company called Broadcom, which is based in southern California but has a big office in Cambridge. They make cellphone chips. And we realized that cell phone chips are quite a good fit. They鈥檙e quite a good platform for building a Pi-like device, since they have a lot of graphics performance. - -I built a prototype based on that, based on a Broadcom dev kit. And that was much more powerful, much more capable, again at the same price point. But the challenge we had with that was that it was really a custom environment. It wasn鈥檛 a standards based platform. - -We were writing our own SD card drivers, our own file system, our own text editor. You find yourself doing a lot of basic work and although you end up with a platform which is powerful and programmable, it's completely nonstandard [and] completely unlike any other machine. You don鈥檛 get to leverage any of the work that鈥檚 already been done by people on desktop platforms. That was prototype two. - -The real breakthrough for us was with prototype three. We got hold of another chip from Broadcom which had an ARM processor which was able to run standard Linux. That was really the point where we realized we had something that met all our goals. And that was the product we went to market with. - -### Hacking The Next Generation Of Hackers ### - -**RW:** Kids as young as eight have built projects using the Raspberry Pi. Did you intend that, or did it take you by surprise? - -**EU:** Eight is a good age. I think everyone defines the right age as being the age when they started programming. I was eight when I started programming. To some extent, all a child needs is to be old enough to have the relevant suite of cognitive skills, kind of problem solving type skills. A little bit of math maybe, at school. - -![]( - -To be old enough to be able to plan activities鈥攑rogramming is the ultimate planned activity. You need to have the mental equipment to do that. By the age of eight, a lot of children are quite mature in their way of thinking. You also need mechanical dexterity; another challenge that younger children have is the lack of mechanical dexterity required to use a keyboard. - -So eight鈥檚 a great age. You鈥檝e got the physical equipment, the mental equipment, and you鈥檙e still at that point in your life where you鈥檙e able to learn new things very easily. Your brain鈥檚 very plastic, you鈥檙e able to learn languages.... - -I mean, if you want a child to learn French, start teaching them at eight, don鈥檛 start teaching them at 16. One of the weaknesses we have historically in our formal teaching of computing is we start people incredibly late, and then are surprised when people have difficulty picking up the concepts. So I think the younger you can get them the better and eight is a fantastic age. Eight, 10, 12鈥12 is maybe a little bit late. - -Our foundation CEO, [Lance][3] [Howarth], is particularly passionate about primary education. He really perceives a real opportunity there to do something quite special. - -**RW:** So that was an intention of the Raspberry Pi, to get really young kids programming? - -**EU:** I think we鈥檝e always thought that young kids could do programming just by example. But the intention of the Raspberry Pi was to make this thing available and just see who buys it. We always believed that at least a subset of young children would find it exciting. Now we have the breadth and scale to get it to young kids with support. - -There鈥檚 a big difference between [just] making a platform like Raspberry Pi available and offering support for it. I think if you just make it available, you鈥檒l find one percent of eight-year-olds will be the one percent who love that sort of thing and will get into it, regardless of how much or how little support you give them. - -I think the real opportunity for the foundation right now is that, since we can afford to pay for the development of educational material, we can afford to advocate for good training for teachers throughout this. There鈥檚 an opportunity to get more than one percent. There鈥檚 an opportunity to reach the bright kids who don鈥檛 quite have the natural inclination to personally tackle complicated technical tasks. If you give them good teaching and compelling material that鈥檚 relevant and interesting to them, you can reach ten percent, twenty percent, fifty percent, many more. - -We look back to the 1980s as this golden era [of learning to program], and in practice, only a very few percent of people were learning to program to any great degree. Most people could probably write a couple of lines. But doing any significant programming was still rare. - -I think the real opportunity for us now, because we can intervene on the material and teacher training levels, we can potentially blow past where we were in the 1980s. There鈥檚 much more participation, there鈥檚 much more gender equality. Programming was largely a boy鈥檚 activity in the 1980s, and that鈥檚 now reflected in the makeup of our engineering community. I think there鈥檚 a real opportunity to get more girls programming computers. That鈥檚 the lowest of low hanging fruit. If we do that, we instantly double the number of people. - -There are a lot of opportunities and I think the most satisfying thing for Pi is we鈥檙e kind of at the scale where we can start to attack some of them. - -### Pi For Everyone ### - -**RW:** What does that say to you about the potential demand for DIY projects like the Pi? Are we all going to be DIY hackers one day? - -**EU:** Yeah, I mean, that鈥檚 the thing. There is an enormous demand for it. And I think that there is a tie to the maker community. The maker community is much more developed in American than it is in the UK. We do have maker fairs and hackerspaces now, but it鈥檚 probably five years behind where it is in the U.S. - -So one thing we found when we started talking about Raspberry Pi, when it started getting international attention, we found we were launching into this very well established community of people who like doing all sorts of DIY activity: knitting, or, you know, woodworking. - -So that鈥檚 one of the things that led to that surprise increase in volume for the Pi. Makers who see it as a component they can use to build their projects. Which is great! - -**RW:** What do you think about the emergence of mainstream hardware-hacking culture? - -**EU:** I mean, it鈥檚 fantastic, right? It鈥檚 something we would never have predicted on the software engineering front. I鈥檝e come to this stuff from a software background, so the fact that most of the cool stuff people do with the Raspberry Pi is hardware related is surprising to me. It鈥檚 not surprising to me anymore, but it was surprising to me originally. - -![]( - -I think it鈥檚 a very positive trend, for all sorts of reasons. It鈥檚 positive because it provides children with relevant experiences. In my mind, moving pixels around on the screen is still cool, but in reality, it鈥檚 much less cool than it was in the 1980s. I think moving objects around in the world, like robots, is what鈥檚 cool for kids now. - -When you get more relevance, you attract more girls. There鈥檚 a really insidious tendency to try and design activities for girls around tech, and it actually isn鈥檛 about girls. It鈥檚 about appealing to a broader audience. - -There is this tiny segment鈥擨鈥檝e talked about the one percent, the kids who find the abstract computer programming exciting. 鈥淟et鈥檚 learn about variables!鈥 And I was one of those kids. But that鈥檚 only a small number of people, and it seems to be boys, more often. I don鈥檛 know whether that鈥檚 a cultural thing or what but it just seems to be the way the world is. - -Quite often when people are talking about pursuing relevance in order to attract girls, it鈥檚 not about attracting girls at all. It鈥檚 about attracting anyone other than that tiny little sliver of boys. You鈥檙e not just attracting girls, you鈥檙e attracting all the other boys as well. - -One of the wonderful things from an education standpoint is that part of actually doing stuff in the real world with a computer is automatically more relevant than just doing things on the computer itself. So it gives you a route to attract girls into the subject, it gives you a route to track more than one percent of boys into the subject. - -It鈥檚 great not to be alone. It鈥檚 fantastic to be launching into this tidal wave of interest, of people doing stuff in the real world. I know a guy in southern California whose two hobbies are Pi hacking and making his own chainmail. It鈥檚 just a wonderful thing that people are doing that sort of stuff. - -### Sharing The Pi ### - -**RW:** Can you give me an example of the sort of 鈥渞elevant鈥 projects that attract more than the one percent? - -**EU:** The whole broad area of robotics is one. There are just vast numbers of people using the Pi as a base to make little robots that run around and do stuff, particularly now that we have the camera module, which acts as kind of computer vision. - -I think other camera-based projects as well tend to get a lot of play. People doing wildlife photography type things, people doing time lapse photography, a wide range of stuff because we have this $25 camera module, and an infrared version so you can do nighttime animal photography鈥攚riting scripts to take pictures at night and save away the ones that have some motion in them. So those ones are nice. - -I鈥檓 particularly fond of anything that has to do with high altitude ballooning. Environmental monitoring鈥攖here are some high school kids in the UK who did an IndieGoGo called [AirPi][4], which is a pollution monitoring shield that would sit on top of the Pi. So lots of those things that let you do physics or chemistry or biology using the Pi鈥攖hose are the things that I think have relevance. Those are the things that are much easier to justify to the bulk of kids as a thing that鈥檚 worth paying attention to. - -**RW:** When will we be seeing a Raspberry Pi Model C? - -**EU:** We have no plans at the moment. We are mostly doing software work at the moment. I think we鈥檝e discovered that there is a large amount of performance gain available by nickel and diming the software, buffing it a little bit. - -If we go and make a Model C, we orphan 2.5 million people who are committed to the current platform. So I think we are, at least for now, pretty committed to trying to do software work because that helps all of those people who are in the field. We feel there is still significant performance gain available through software optimization. - -Obviously, we鈥檒l have to do something [about hardware] at some point. I don鈥檛 really known when. If we鈥檙e still shipping the Pi Model B in 2017, 2018, that would be bad. But I think we鈥檙e probably a year away from giving any serious consideration to what to do next. - -**RW:** Lots of people are building projects using both the Pi and Arduino, the DIY electronics-hacking kit. Did you design Pi with kits like Arduino in mind? - -**EU:** Not really, but we realized very early on there could sometimes be a tendency in the press to see us as a competitor to the Arduino. We were always skeptical, I think, as to whether that was really the case because I think the Pi and Arduino do different things and do them well. - -We didn鈥檛 design it to work with the Arduino, but the Arduino is designed to work with a house PC. We make a great low power house PC for the Arduino. So yeah, it was just lucky, I guess. - -**RW:** What do you use Raspberry Pi for at home? At work? - -**EU:** At home, I use it as a media center; that鈥檚 a fairly common use of the Pi. It鈥檚 an interesting thing that you have people doing actual consumer electronics, using it as a piece of consumer electronics. And I鈥檓 certainly one of those. - -I don鈥檛 have anywhere near as much time to play with it at work as I would like. Usually when I get a Pi at work it鈥檚 because I鈥檓 testing some new piece of software that I鈥檝e commissioned. Mostly I鈥檓 just using it to check that the contractors I鈥檝e paid to do work have done a good job. - -I鈥檓 really hoping that I will get some more downtime over the next year. Sometimes it feels like, aside from the media center, I鈥檝e been involved with making this fantastic toy, and because it鈥檚 been so successful I don鈥檛 get much time to play with it. - -But it鈥檚 really gratifying to see how many people are having fun with it, to see it show up in different places. I understand we got mentioned on The Big Bang Theory, I need to track down the episode. It shows up in all these unusual places. It鈥檚 really nice to see how many people have taken it to heart and started doing stuff with it. - -Eben Upton image courtesy of the Raspberry Pi Foundation; Raspberry Pi images by Flickr users [Johan Larsson][5], [Clive Darra][6], [Pete Sneekes][7], [Luca Sbardella][8] and [Ashley Basil][9] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: - -璇戣咃細[璇戣匢D](璇戣匢D) 鏍″锛歔鏍″鑰匢D](鏍″鑰匢D) - -鏈枃鐢 [LCTT]( 鍘熷垱缈昏瘧锛孾Linux涓浗]( 鑽h獕鎺ㄥ嚭 - -[1]: -[2]: -[3]: -[4]: -[5]: -[6]: -[7]: -[8]: -[9]: From 044aefc7e133fb0ee53b8e3eb2da54eb38e10151 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hao-Ding Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 12:08:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Hao-Ding translating --- ...ix Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS b/sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS index fee8236030..8702940af8 100644 --- a/sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS +++ b/sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Better ================================================================================ +Hao-Ding Translating. + ![]( **Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is a very good operating system but, like most Linux distributions out there, it's far from what users might call an optimal setup. There are numerous reasons for this fact, but we can detail a few steps that will make your Ubuntu experience increase a great deal.** From f2303aff283158d4cb3ae0005eea46bbeaa0206c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hao-Ding Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 13:38:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 04/11] translated --- Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 52 ------------------- 1 file changed, 52 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS diff --git a/sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS b/sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS deleted file mode 100644 index 8702940af8..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Better -================================================================================ -Hao-Ding Translating. - -![]( - -**Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is a very good operating system but, like most Linux distributions out there, it's far from what users might call an optimal setup. There are numerous reasons for this fact, but we can detail a few steps that will make your Ubuntu experience increase a great deal.** - -Even though Ubuntu is a good operating system and the latest incarnation of it, 14.04, is one of the best made so far by Canonical, most users will find that some aspects of the OS can be improved. A number of actions are actually necessary if you want a complete experience. - -For example, right after you first start the OS, you will have to open Software & Updates and make sure that all the options in the first Ubuntu Software tab are checked. You will need these repositories activated if you want to have access to the all the important packages. - -![Software & Updates repositories]( -Software & Updates repositories - -The second thing you must do is to install the Ubuntu Restricted Extras. This features a number of important packages that can't be bundled with the operating system due to legal reasons, like Adobe's Flash and Microsoft fonts. It鈥檚 safe to download them, but the developers can't include them by default. Open a terminal and enter the following command: - - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras - -After the installation has been completed, you will also need to get rid of Empathy, the default messenger on the system. It's part of GNOME and it's actually a very limited and buggy solution. You should install Pidgin instead. Here is a list of commands that will do all this: - - sudo apt-get remove empathy - sudo apt-get install pidgin - sudo apt-get install pidgin-plugin-pack - -Now, if you are done with the messenger, you will need to install the drivers for the video card. If you have an Intel GPU, you don't have to do anything, but if you have an NVIDIA or AMD solution, you might want to get the proprietary drivers, which offer much better performance in games. Open Software & Updates again, click on the last tab called Additional Drivers, and select the driver you want. It will take some time, but you must be patient. Reboot. - -![Software & Updates drivers]( -Software & Updates drivers - -You might also want to stop the online search that鈥檚 being performed through Unity's Dash. Open System Settings and click on Security and Privacy. In the third tab, which is called Search, you will find a button that can turn the online search off. - -![Stop online search in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS]( -Stop online search in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - -Also, you might want to customize the desktop a little. Right click on the desktop and select Change Desktop Background. You will notice a slide that is called Launcher icon size, which can be activated and the result can be seen in real time. Under the Behavior tab you will also find an option to display the menu inside the window of the application and not in the top bar of Unity. - -![Change the way menus are displayed]( -Change the way menus are displayed - -That's about it. Anything you do beyond this point will turn Ubuntu 14.04 LTS into your own version and it's just about cosmetics and less about features and performance. - -Enjoy! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: - -璇戣咃細[璇戣匢D](璇戣匢D) 鏍″锛歔鏍″鑰匢D](鏍″鑰匢D) - -鏈枃鐢 [LCTT]( 鍘熷垱缈昏瘧锛孾Linux涓浗]( 鑽h獕鎺ㄥ嚭 \ No newline at end of file From b357519d93ef2ace50f22b586a2fa6b436b85936 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hao-Ding Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 13:40:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 05/11] translated. --- ...e to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Better.markdown | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 translated/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Better.markdown diff --git a/translated/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Better.markdown b/translated/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Better.markdown new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68300fcf27 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/Six Steps You Need to Take to Make Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Better.markdown @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +鍏浼樺寲浣犵殑 Ubuntu 14.04 +================================================================================ + +![]( + +**Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) 鏄竴涓潪甯镐紭绉鐨勬搷浣滅郴缁燂紝浣嗘槸涓庡叾浠栧彂琛岀増涓鏍凤紝瀹冪殑鍒濆鍖栭厤缃鐢ㄦ埛鏉ヨ骞朵笉鏄渶浼樼殑閰嶇疆銆傝繖鏍疯缃湁璁稿鍘熷洜锛屼絾鎴戜滑鍙互鑷繁鍋氫竴浜涢厤缃潵鏋佸ぇ鍦版彁鍗囦綘鐨刄buntu鎿嶄綔浣撻獙銆** + +铏界劧 Ubuntu 鏄竴娆鹃潪甯镐紭绉鐨勬搷浣滅郴缁燂紝鑰屼笖鍏14.04鐨勬渶鏂扮増鏈篃鏄疌anonical杩勪粖涓烘鍒朵綔鐨勬渶绮惧績鐗堟湰锛岃澶氱敤鎴疯繖涓绯荤粺涓粛瀛樺湪璁稿闇瑕佹敼鍠勭殑鏂归潰銆傜‘瀹烇紝濡傛灉浣犲笇鏈涜幏寰楀畬鏁寸殑鎿嶄綔浣撻獙锛屼綘闇瑕佽繘琛屼竴浜涜缃慨鏀广 + +姣斿锛屽綋浣犵涓娆″惎鍔ㄨ繖涓绯荤粺鏃讹紝浣犻渶瑕佹墦寮鈥滆蒋浠朵笌鏇存柊鈥(Software & Updates)锛岀‘璁ゅ湪绗竴涓夐」鈥淯buntu Software鈥濅腑鎵鏈夌殑瀛愰夐」閮借閫変腑銆傚洜涓哄鏋滀綘鎯宠幏寰楁墍鏈夐噸瑕佺殑鍖咃紝浣犻渶瑕佽繖浜涜蒋浠跺簱琚縺娲汇 + +![Software & Updates repositories]( +鈥滆蒋浠朵笌鏇存柊鈥(Software & Updates)杞欢搴 + +绗簩涓慨鏀规槸瀹夎Ubuntu Restricted Extras. 杩欐牱浼氱獊鍑鸿澶氱敱浜庢硶寰嬪師鍥犺屾棤娉曚笌鎿嶄綔绯荤粺缁戝畾鐨勯噸瑕佽蒋浠跺寘锛屽Adobe鍏徃鐨凢lash涓嶮icrosoft鐨勫瓧浣撱傝嚜宸卞畨瑁呰繖浜涜蒋浠舵槸娌℃湁浠讳綍闂鐨勶紝浣嗗紑鍙戣呬笉鑳介粯璁ゅ湴鍖呭惈杩欎簺杞欢銆傛墦寮涓涓粓绔紝杈撳叆濡備笅鍛戒护锛 + + sudo apt-get update + sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras + +瀹夎瀹屾垚鍚庯紝浣犻渶瑕佸垹鎺夌郴缁熼粯璁ょ殑messenger锛欵mpathy. 瀹冩槸GNOME鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎锛岃屼笖鏄竴涓潪甯告湁闄愮殑骞舵湁bugs鐨勮В鍐虫柟妗堛備綘闇瑕佸畨瑁匬idgin鏉ユ浛鎹€傛牴鎹涓嬪懡浠よ繘琛屽畨瑁咃細 + + sudo apt-get remove empathy + sudo apt-get install pidgin + sudo apt-get install pidgin-plugin-pack + +鐜板湪锛屽鏋滀綘宸茬粡瀹屾垚浜嗗messager鐨勫鐞嗭紝浣犻渶瑕佸畨瑁呰棰戝崱(video card)鐨勯┍鍔ㄣ傚鏋滀綘鏈塈ntel鐨凣PU锛屼綘涓嶉渶瑕佸仛浠讳綍浜嬫儏锛屼絾鏄鏋滀綘鐨凣PU鏄疦VIDIA鎴栬匒MD鐨勶紝浣犲彲鑳介渶瑕佺浉搴斿叕鍙哥殑椹卞姩锛岃繖鏍峰彲浠ヤ负浣犳彁渚涙洿濂界殑娓告垙鎬ц兘銆傚啀娆℃墦寮鈥滆蒋浠朵笌鏇存柊鈥(Software & Updates)锛岀偣鍑绘渶鍚庝竴涓夐」锛氶澶栭┍鍔(Additional Drivers)锛岄夋嫨浣犻渶瑕佺殑椹卞姩銆傝繖闇瑕佷竴瀹氭椂闂达紝璇疯愬績绛夊緟銆傜劧鍚庨噸鍚 + +![Software & Updates drivers]( +鈥滆蒋浠朵笌鏇存柊鈥(Software & Updates)椹卞姩 + +鐒跺悗锛屼綘鍙兘涔熸兂缁堟閫氳繃Unity's Dash鐨勫湪绾挎悳绱€傛墦寮鈥滅郴缁熻缃濓紝閫夋嫨鈥滃畨鍏ㄤ笌闅愮鈥(Security and Privacy). 鍦ㄧ涓変釜閫夐」鈥滄悳绱⑩濅腑锛屼綘鍙互鍙戠幇涓涓寜閽彲浠ュ叧闂湪绾挎悳绱€ + +![Stop online search in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS]( +鍦║buntu 14.04 LTS涓叧闂湪绾挎悳绱 + +鏈鍚庯紝浣犲彲鑳戒篃鎯崇◢寰畾鍒朵竴涓嬫闈€傚湪妗岄潰鐐瑰嚮榧犳爣鍙抽敭锛岄夋嫨鏀瑰彉妗岄潰鑳屾櫙銆備綘浼氬彂鐜颁竴涓悕涓衡淟auncher鍥炬爣澶у皬鈥濈殑婊氬姩鏉°備綘鍙互婵娲昏繖涓粴鍔ㄦ潯锛屼慨鏀圭粨鏋滀篃鍙互瀹炴椂鐪嬪埌銆傚湪鈥滆涓衡濋夐」涓紝浣犱篃鍙互鍙戠幇涓涓夐」鏉ラ夋嫨鍦ㄥ簲鐢ㄧ獥鍙d腑鏄剧ず鑿滃崟锛岃屼笉鏄湪Unity鐨勯《閮ㄦ潯閭f樉绀恒 + +![Change the way menus are displayed]( +鏀瑰彉鑿滃崟鐨勬樉绀烘柟寮 + +浠ヤ笂灏辨槸鎵鏈夌殑鍐呭銆備綘渚濇嵁杩欎簺鍋氱殑浠讳綍鏀瑰彉閮藉彲浠ュ皢浣犵殑Ubuntu 14.04 LTS瀹氬埗鎴愪綘鑷繁鐨勭増鏈紝鑰屼笖杩欎簺鍙槸閽堝鎿嶄綔绯荤粺澶栬矊鐨勬敼鍙橈紝鏋佸皯閽堝鐗规т笌鎬ц兘銆 + +甯屾湜浣犲枩娆紒 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: + +璇戣咃細[Hao-Ding]( 鏍″锛歔鏍″鑰匢D](鏍″鑰匢D) + +鏈枃鐢 [LCTT]( 鍘熷垱缈昏瘧锛孾Linux涓浗]( 鑽h獕鎺ㄥ嚭 \ No newline at end of file From f62e383e052b86dc5dfddf70f90da0aa305d9e83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wxy Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 22:09:48 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 06/11] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8F=91=E5=B8=83=EF=BC=9ADaily=20Ubuntu?= =?UTF-8?q?=20Tips=20=E2=80=93=20Install=20NetBeans=20IDE=208.0=20In=20Ubu?= =?UTF-8?q?ntu?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- ...aily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) rename {translated/tech => published}/Daily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In (96%) diff --git a/translated/tech/Daily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In b/published/Daily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In similarity index 96% rename from translated/tech/Daily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In rename to published/Daily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In index 0d5be4bfe9..17833ffefe 100644 --- a/translated/tech/Daily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In +++ b/published/Daily Ubuntu Tips 鈥 Install NetBeans IDE 8.0 In @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -鏃ュ父 Ubuntu 灏忔妧宸 - Ubuntu 涓畨瑁 NetBeans IDE 8.0 +姣忔棩 Ubuntu 灏忔妧宸 : Ubuntu 涓畨瑁 NetBeans IDE 8.0 ================================================================================ NetBeans 8.0 鍒氬垰鍙戝竷锛屽鏋滀綘杩樻病鏈夊畨瑁呯殑璇濓紝杩欑瘒绠鐭殑鏁欑▼灏嗕細婕旂ず濡備綍鍦 Ubuntu 绯荤粺涓婂揩閫熺殑瀹夎銆傚瀹夎 NetBeans 闇瑕佸府鍔╃殑寮鍙戣呮潵璇达紝杩欏線绡囨枃绔犱細鏄笉閿欑殑鎸囧銆 @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ NetBeans 8.0 鍒氬垰鍙戝竷锛屽鏋滀綘杩樻病鏈夊畨瑁呯殑璇濓紝杩欑瘒绠鐭殑鏁 ![netbeans-ubuntu]( -浜彈鍚э紒 +绁濅綘椤哄埄~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- via: -璇戣咃細[runningwater]( 鏍″锛歔鏍″鑰匢D](鏍″鑰匢D) +璇戣咃細[runningwater]( 鏍″锛歔wxy]( 鏈枃鐢 [LCTT]( 鍘熷垱缈昏瘧锛孾Linux涓浗]( 鑽h獕鎺ㄥ嚭 From 40eb6c60af1760e4b51bba00f2714f868e115654 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wxy Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 22:49:38 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 07/11] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8F=91=E5=B8=83=EF=BC=9AWhat=20Options?= =?UTF-8?q?=20you=20use=20for=20Linux=20killall=20Command=20--=20I=20have?= =?UTF-8?q?=205=20Options?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; 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LivePreview will show you exactly what your document looks like every time you press a key. + +### Make it your own ### + +Fonts, color schemes, layouts and stylesheets are all 100% customizable so you can turn MarkdownPad into your perfect editor. + +### A robust editor for advanced Markdown users ### + +MarkdownPad supports multiple Markdown processing engines, including standard Markdown, Markdown Extra (with Table support) and GitHub Flavored Markdown. + +With a tabbed document interface, PDF export, a built-in image uploader, session management, spell check, auto-save, syntax highlighting and a built-in CSS management interface, there's no limit to what you can do with MarkdownPad. From 953f486775fd63df90a8b965a64287a787b0b8a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vito Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 11:31:30 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 09/11] recovery article --- ...We're Turning Everyone Into DIY | 195 ++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 178 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY b/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY index 32093a4b9a..972c423550 100644 --- a/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY +++ b/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY @@ -1,29 +1,190 @@ -## Welcome to MarkdownPad 2 ## +Translating by yujianxuechuan +Raspberry Pi's Eben Upton: How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers +================================================================================ +> Inside the mind that prototyped a $35 computer for tinkerers. -**MarkdownPad** is a full-featured Markdown editor for Windows. +I鈥檒l never forget my first time seeing a Raspberry Pi. The tiny, credit-card sized computer is powerful enough to operate as a home PC, a media center, a gaming console, or anything you can dream up. At only $35, it鈥檚 a bargain for tinkerers of all ages who want to try out hardware and software experiments without worrying about bricking their pricier family computers. -### Built exclusively for Markdown ### +[Eben Upton][1], cofounder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, is generally credited as the magician behind this incredible machine. While working on his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Cambridge's computer laboratory, Upton painstakingly put together Raspberry Pi prototypes by hand. -Enjoy first-class Markdown support with easy access to Markdown syntax and convenient keyboard shortcuts. +Today, Upton is CEO of the Raspberry Pi Foundation鈥檚 trading company, where he oversees production and sales of the Raspberry Pi. The foundation has now sold more than 2.5 million units. -Give them a try: +### Pi In The Sky ### -- **Bold** (`Ctrl+B`) and *Italic* (`Ctrl+I`) -- Quotes (`Ctrl+Q`) -- Code blocks (`Ctrl+K`) -- Headings 1, 2, 3 (`Ctrl+1`, `Ctrl+2`, `Ctrl+3`) -- Lists (`Ctrl+U` and `Ctrl+Shift+O`) +ReadWrite: What got you really interested in technology in the first place? How did that lead you eventually to the Raspberry Pi project? -### See your changes instantly with LivePreview ### +**Eben Upton**: So I actually got started when I was a kid. I have a father who has a certain amount of interest in engineering. He鈥檚 not an engineer, he鈥檚 an English academic. There were always piles of electrical stuff around the house that I used to play with before I understood what it did. Little things like making a light to have by your bed so you could read after 鈥渓ights out鈥 and stuff. -Don't guess if your [hyperlink syntax]( is correct; LivePreview will show you exactly what your document looks like every time you press a key. +![]( -### Make it your own ### +And then I got a computer. In the UK we have these machines called [BBC Microcomputers][2], which were 8-bit micros that were build for education. We had them at school, I got into programming at school, and I enjoyed it. -Fonts, color schemes, layouts and stylesheets are all 100% customizable so you can turn MarkdownPad into your perfect editor. +These things weren鈥檛 necessarily in school for programming, or at least they didn鈥檛 tend to get used for programming. They would get used to run educational software. But I used to program on them. And then I bought one to program at home. I mean, the day I got my BBC micro, I went in my room, turned it on, and never came out again. [Laughs] -### A robust editor for advanced Markdown users ### +Programming is amazing for a kid. When you鈥檙e a kid you don鈥檛 have a lot of power. You don鈥檛 have a lot of agency, a lot of control over the world around you. The great thing about programming is it鈥檚 a little world where you do whatever you want. And I certainly found that very compelling. -MarkdownPad supports multiple Markdown processing engines, including standard Markdown, Markdown Extra (with Table support) and GitHub Flavored Markdown. +I鈥檇 always been interested in science, math, kind of hard science subjects. Did a lot of computing, did a lot of programming on my BBC. I had a Commodore Amiga after that. -With a tabbed document interface, PDF export, a built-in image uploader, session management, spell check, auto-save, syntax highlighting and a built-in CSS management interface, there's no limit to what you can do with MarkdownPad. +At university I did a mixture of physics, engineering, and computer science. And then that really kind of led me to the Pi. Because after I鈥檇 been at university for a decade [while getting a doctorate], I realized that the kids who were arriving hadn鈥檛 had the chance to have that set of experiences as a child. You could still get Legos but 鈥 that ladder. + +We鈥檇 kind of pulled the ladder up after us. We built these very sophisticated and user-friendly computers for children to use now. Or not even computers鈥攇ame consoles and phones and tablets, kind of appliances. But people were being denied that opportunity to tinker. So really Raspberry Pi is an attempt to get back鈥攚ithout kind of being too retro鈥攕ome of what we kind of feel was lost from the evolution of computers over the last 25 years. + +**RW:** What were some of the biggest hurdles you had to overcome? + +**EU:** Well, we didn鈥檛 have any investors, so that was one nice thing. We鈥檝e been trying to do this since 2006 so you can see it took us a long time to get from the idea of a Raspberry Pi to something you could sell. Finding something that had the right tradeoff between price and performance, or price and programmability was a big deal. + +Getting the money together. We鈥檙e a not-for-profit, so we had to go find some money, and there ended up being a few of us on the board of trustees just loaning money out of our own pockets. So we had about a quarter of a million dollars of startup funding which was entirely loans from me and a couple of other people. So having the guts to do that, I guess. + +![]( + +### From East To West ### + +Finding a way to get it manufactured at the right price. We ended up taking an unusual route. Generally when people make more conventional products, what they do is make them locally, when they鈥檙e low volume. And they [manufacturers] charge a high price. Most people have thicker margins than Raspberry Pi. + +So what people do is manufacture in the west. Later on, in search of a squeeze, they got the volume and are looking to improve their production costs, so they go to the far east. + +The issue for us was that, because we didn鈥檛 have enough margin to support that kind of order, we built our very first units in China. Which was of course, at first a slightly daunting prospect. I knew nothing about manufacturing in China, and we ended up sending $50,000 of chips and $50,000 to some guy in Hong Kong. And he sent us back 2,000 working Raspberry Pis. + +It got to the point where there was a little bit of a delay and we were convinced that we鈥檇 gotten shafted. And then one day, the first 2,000 of now 2.5 million Raspberry Pis turned up on the doorstep on a pallet. + +This UPS guy comes out of his truck with a pallet and a pallet jack and jacks this pallet into the garage. It鈥檚 got 2,000 Raspberry Pis on it and each one of those is massively more powerful than any computer I had when I was a kid. And we were just picking them out at random out of the pallet just to sample them and they all worked perfectly. + +So getting lucky, I guess, with China, and then finally having got the volume, we went in the other direction from everyone else. I guess the other defining moment in the project was when we realized that, having got the volume, we could now build in the west for the same price we would have been able to build in China. So we were able to repatriate, to reshore all the manufacturing back to Wales, which is where I was born. Kind of a nice sort of circle. + +**RW:** Were there any precursors to the Pi that didn鈥檛 work out? + +**EU:** Yeah, we built a number of different prototype devices. We were trying to build something that was programmable but interesting to kids. 鈥淚nteresting to kids鈥 means kind of 鈥 powerful in some respects. Able to play video and games and go on the Web. + +We had a number of prototypes that met the price goal and the programmability goal, but it was only very late, post 2010 and 2011, that we were able to identify a path that allowed us to build something that was also powerful enough that kids were going to engage with it. + +### Whence The Pi Was Baked ### + +**RW:** Tell me about inventing the Raspberry Pi. + +**EU:** We tried building some units based on what you鈥檇 call microcontroller technology. I don鈥檛 know if you鈥檝e come across an [open source electronics prototyping] platform called Arduino? Sort of a similar level of performance to the Arduino. The nice thing about those chips is they鈥檙e very available, they鈥檙e commodity parts, they鈥檙e very cheap and easy to get ahold of. + +![]( + +So we tried that. And we ended up with something which was technically a computer鈥攜ou plug it into your television and stuff. But it was kind of primitive and it was clear that kids weren鈥檛 going to engage with it. So that was prototype one, and that prototype is coming to a museum in Ireland in an exhibition called 鈥淔ail.鈥 [Laughs] I鈥檓 going to go see it next month. It鈥檚 in a glass cabinet as an example of a glorious failure. + +The nice thing about that was that was hand built. You can鈥檛 really build a modern Raspberry Pi by hand. But this one was primitive enough that you could actually solder it together and I soldered it together in a week. And it was a nice little toy. + +After I鈥檇 been at university for a decade of so, I went to work for a company called Broadcom, which is based in southern California but has a big office in Cambridge. They make cellphone chips. And we realized that cell phone chips are quite a good fit. They鈥檙e quite a good platform for building a Pi-like device, since they have a lot of graphics performance. + +I built a prototype based on that, based on a Broadcom dev kit. And that was much more powerful, much more capable, again at the same price point. But the challenge we had with that was that it was really a custom environment. It wasn鈥檛 a standards based platform. + +We were writing our own SD card drivers, our own file system, our own text editor. You find yourself doing a lot of basic work and although you end up with a platform which is powerful and programmable, it's completely nonstandard [and] completely unlike any other machine. You don鈥檛 get to leverage any of the work that鈥檚 already been done by people on desktop platforms. That was prototype two. + +The real breakthrough for us was with prototype three. We got hold of another chip from Broadcom which had an ARM processor which was able to run standard Linux. That was really the point where we realized we had something that met all our goals. And that was the product we went to market with. + +### Hacking The Next Generation Of Hackers ### + +**RW:** Kids as young as eight have built projects using the Raspberry Pi. Did you intend that, or did it take you by surprise? + +**EU:** Eight is a good age. I think everyone defines the right age as being the age when they started programming. I was eight when I started programming. To some extent, all a child needs is to be old enough to have the relevant suite of cognitive skills, kind of problem solving type skills. A little bit of math maybe, at school. + +![]( + +To be old enough to be able to plan activities鈥攑rogramming is the ultimate planned activity. You need to have the mental equipment to do that. By the age of eight, a lot of children are quite mature in their way of thinking. You also need mechanical dexterity; another challenge that younger children have is the lack of mechanical dexterity required to use a keyboard. + +So eight鈥檚 a great age. You鈥檝e got the physical equipment, the mental equipment, and you鈥檙e still at that point in your life where you鈥檙e able to learn new things very easily. Your brain鈥檚 very plastic, you鈥檙e able to learn languages.... + +I mean, if you want a child to learn French, start teaching them at eight, don鈥檛 start teaching them at 16. One of the weaknesses we have historically in our formal teaching of computing is we start people incredibly late, and then are surprised when people have difficulty picking up the concepts. So I think the younger you can get them the better and eight is a fantastic age. Eight, 10, 12鈥12 is maybe a little bit late. + +Our foundation CEO, [Lance][3] [Howarth], is particularly passionate about primary education. He really perceives a real opportunity there to do something quite special. + +**RW:** So that was an intention of the Raspberry Pi, to get really young kids programming? + +**EU:** I think we鈥檝e always thought that young kids could do programming just by example. But the intention of the Raspberry Pi was to make this thing available and just see who buys it. We always believed that at least a subset of young children would find it exciting. Now we have the breadth and scale to get it to young kids with support. + +There鈥檚 a big difference between [just] making a platform like Raspberry Pi available and offering support for it. I think if you just make it available, you鈥檒l find one percent of eight-year-olds will be the one percent who love that sort of thing and will get into it, regardless of how much or how little support you give them. + +I think the real opportunity for the foundation right now is that, since we can afford to pay for the development of educational material, we can afford to advocate for good training for teachers throughout this. There鈥檚 an opportunity to get more than one percent. There鈥檚 an opportunity to reach the bright kids who don鈥檛 quite have the natural inclination to personally tackle complicated technical tasks. If you give them good teaching and compelling material that鈥檚 relevant and interesting to them, you can reach ten percent, twenty percent, fifty percent, many more. + +We look back to the 1980s as this golden era [of learning to program], and in practice, only a very few percent of people were learning to program to any great degree. Most people could probably write a couple of lines. But doing any significant programming was still rare. + +I think the real opportunity for us now, because we can intervene on the material and teacher training levels, we can potentially blow past where we were in the 1980s. There鈥檚 much more participation, there鈥檚 much more gender equality. Programming was largely a boy鈥檚 activity in the 1980s, and that鈥檚 now reflected in the makeup of our engineering community. I think there鈥檚 a real opportunity to get more girls programming computers. That鈥檚 the lowest of low hanging fruit. If we do that, we instantly double the number of people. + +There are a lot of opportunities and I think the most satisfying thing for Pi is we鈥檙e kind of at the scale where we can start to attack some of them. + +### Pi For Everyone ### + +**RW:** What does that say to you about the potential demand for DIY projects like the Pi? Are we all going to be DIY hackers one day? + +**EU:** Yeah, I mean, that鈥檚 the thing. There is an enormous demand for it. And I think that there is a tie to the maker community. The maker community is much more developed in American than it is in the UK. We do have maker fairs and hackerspaces now, but it鈥檚 probably five years behind where it is in the U.S. + +So one thing we found when we started talking about Raspberry Pi, when it started getting international attention, we found we were launching into this very well established community of people who like doing all sorts of DIY activity: knitting, or, you know, woodworking. + +So that鈥檚 one of the things that led to that surprise increase in volume for the Pi. Makers who see it as a component they can use to build their projects. Which is great! + +**RW:** What do you think about the emergence of mainstream hardware-hacking culture? + +**EU:** I mean, it鈥檚 fantastic, right? It鈥檚 something we would never have predicted on the software engineering front. I鈥檝e come to this stuff from a software background, so the fact that most of the cool stuff people do with the Raspberry Pi is hardware related is surprising to me. It鈥檚 not surprising to me anymore, but it was surprising to me originally. + +![]( + +I think it鈥檚 a very positive trend, for all sorts of reasons. It鈥檚 positive because it provides children with relevant experiences. In my mind, moving pixels around on the screen is still cool, but in reality, it鈥檚 much less cool than it was in the 1980s. I think moving objects around in the world, like robots, is what鈥檚 cool for kids now. + +When you get more relevance, you attract more girls. There鈥檚 a really insidious tendency to try and design activities for girls around tech, and it actually isn鈥檛 about girls. It鈥檚 about appealing to a broader audience. + +There is this tiny segment鈥擨鈥檝e talked about the one percent, the kids who find the abstract computer programming exciting. 鈥淟et鈥檚 learn about variables!鈥 And I was one of those kids. But that鈥檚 only a small number of people, and it seems to be boys, more often. I don鈥檛 know whether that鈥檚 a cultural thing or what but it just seems to be the way the world is. + +Quite often when people are talking about pursuing relevance in order to attract girls, it鈥檚 not about attracting girls at all. It鈥檚 about attracting anyone other than that tiny little sliver of boys. You鈥檙e not just attracting girls, you鈥檙e attracting all the other boys as well. + +One of the wonderful things from an education standpoint is that part of actually doing stuff in the real world with a computer is automatically more relevant than just doing things on the computer itself. So it gives you a route to attract girls into the subject, it gives you a route to track more than one percent of boys into the subject. + +It鈥檚 great not to be alone. It鈥檚 fantastic to be launching into this tidal wave of interest, of people doing stuff in the real world. I know a guy in southern California whose two hobbies are Pi hacking and making his own chainmail. It鈥檚 just a wonderful thing that people are doing that sort of stuff. + +### Sharing The Pi ### + +**RW:** Can you give me an example of the sort of 鈥渞elevant鈥 projects that attract more than the one percent? + +**EU:** The whole broad area of robotics is one. There are just vast numbers of people using the Pi as a base to make little robots that run around and do stuff, particularly now that we have the camera module, which acts as kind of computer vision. + +I think other camera-based projects as well tend to get a lot of play. People doing wildlife photography type things, people doing time lapse photography, a wide range of stuff because we have this $25 camera module, and an infrared version so you can do nighttime animal photography鈥攚riting scripts to take pictures at night and save away the ones that have some motion in them. So those ones are nice. + +I鈥檓 particularly fond of anything that has to do with high altitude ballooning. Environmental monitoring鈥攖here are some high school kids in the UK who did an IndieGoGo called [AirPi][4], which is a pollution monitoring shield that would sit on top of the Pi. So lots of those things that let you do physics or chemistry or biology using the Pi鈥攖hose are the things that I think have relevance. Those are the things that are much easier to justify to the bulk of kids as a thing that鈥檚 worth paying attention to. + +**RW:** When will we be seeing a Raspberry Pi Model C? + +**EU:** We have no plans at the moment. We are mostly doing software work at the moment. I think we鈥檝e discovered that there is a large amount of performance gain available by nickel and diming the software, buffing it a little bit. + +If we go and make a Model C, we orphan 2.5 million people who are committed to the current platform. So I think we are, at least for now, pretty committed to trying to do software work because that helps all of those people who are in the field. We feel there is still significant performance gain available through software optimization. + +Obviously, we鈥檒l have to do something [about hardware] at some point. I don鈥檛 really known when. If we鈥檙e still shipping the Pi Model B in 2017, 2018, that would be bad. But I think we鈥檙e probably a year away from giving any serious consideration to what to do next. + +**RW:** Lots of people are building projects using both the Pi and Arduino, the DIY electronics-hacking kit. Did you design Pi with kits like Arduino in mind? + +**EU:** Not really, but we realized very early on there could sometimes be a tendency in the press to see us as a competitor to the Arduino. We were always skeptical, I think, as to whether that was really the case because I think the Pi and Arduino do different things and do them well. + +We didn鈥檛 design it to work with the Arduino, but the Arduino is designed to work with a house PC. We make a great low power house PC for the Arduino. So yeah, it was just lucky, I guess. + +**RW:** What do you use Raspberry Pi for at home? At work? + +**EU:** At home, I use it as a media center; that鈥檚 a fairly common use of the Pi. It鈥檚 an interesting thing that you have people doing actual consumer electronics, using it as a piece of consumer electronics. And I鈥檓 certainly one of those. + +I don鈥檛 have anywhere near as much time to play with it at work as I would like. Usually when I get a Pi at work it鈥檚 because I鈥檓 testing some new piece of software that I鈥檝e commissioned. Mostly I鈥檓 just using it to check that the contractors I鈥檝e paid to do work have done a good job. + +I鈥檓 really hoping that I will get some more downtime over the next year. Sometimes it feels like, aside from the media center, I鈥檝e been involved with making this fantastic toy, and because it鈥檚 been so successful I don鈥檛 get much time to play with it. + +But it鈥檚 really gratifying to see how many people are having fun with it, to see it show up in different places. I understand we got mentioned on The Big Bang Theory, I need to track down the episode. It shows up in all these unusual places. It鈥檚 really nice to see how many people have taken it to heart and started doing stuff with it. + +Eben Upton image courtesy of the Raspberry Pi Foundation; Raspberry Pi images by Flickr users [Johan Larsson][5], [Clive Darra][6], [Pete Sneekes][7], [Luca Sbardella][8] and [Ashley Basil][9] + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: + +璇戣咃細[璇戣匢D](璇戣匢D) 鏍″锛歔鏍″鑰匢D](鏍″鑰匢D) + +鏈枃鐢 [LCTT]( 鍘熷垱缈昏瘧锛孾Linux涓浗]( 鑽h獕鎺ㄥ嚭 + +[1]: +[2]: +[3]: +[4]: +[5]: +[6]: +[7]: +[8]: +[9]: From 5e37088e92f8de16efe073b47cd548938491fe21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vito Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 11:32:03 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 10/11] recovery article --- ... s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY b/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY index 972c423550..b792ff744f 100644 --- a/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY +++ b/sources/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -Translating by yujianxuechuan Raspberry Pi's Eben Upton: How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers ================================================================================ > Inside the mind that prototyped a $35 computer for tinkerers. From d30e65f7fb1f5ed50994e8f40dad641bd5c2af13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vito Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 11:33:14 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/11] recovery article --- ...e're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt | 166 ------------------ 1 file changed, 166 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt diff --git a/translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt b/translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a94daa30ba..0000000000 --- a/translated/talk/Raspberry Pi s Eben Upton--How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ -Raspberry Pi的创始人埃本厄普顿:我们如何在把每一个人变成DIY的黑客 -那个35美元的电脑原型为能工巧匠的心灵而准备。 -我永远不会忘记我看到树莓派的第一次。这种微小的,信用卡大小的电脑是强大到足以作为一个家用电脑,媒体中心,游戏控制台,或任何你可以梦想到的东西。只有35美元,这是一个廉价的为那些想尝试的硬件和软件实验的所有年龄段的能工巧匠准备的,而不必担心会使价格较高的家庭电脑变砖。 -埃本厄普顿作为Raspberry Pi的基金会的创始人之一,通常记为这个令人难以置信的机器后面的魔法师。虽然他在剑桥大学的计算机实验室在攻读哲学博士学位,厄普顿苦心亲手打造了Raspberry Pi的原型。 - -今天,厄普顿是Raspberry Pi的基金会的贸易公司,在那里他负责生产和销售的Raspberry Pi的的首席执行官。该基金会目前已售出超过250万台。 - -天空中的pi - -读写:什么机缘让您真正把技术摆在首位并感兴趣?怎么会最终导致你的Raspberry Pi的项目? - -埃本厄普顿:在我实际上开始时我还是个孩子。我谁拥有了一定的工程感兴趣的父亲。他不是一个工程师,他是一个英语教学。总有电气的东西在家里成堆,我习惯先去玩再去弄明白它的原理。小事情,比如做一盏灯,必须通过你的床,所以你可以阅读后“熄灯”之类的东西。 - - - -然后我得到一台电脑。在英国,我们有这些机器叫做BBC微型计算机,这是为教育设计的8位微处理器。我们让他们在学校,我在学校上了编程,而且我很喜欢它。 - -这些东西并不一定在学校进行编程,或者至少他们没有特意去用于编程。他们会习惯运行教育软件。但我曾经对他们进行编程。然后我买了一个在家里进行编程。我的意思是,我得到了我的英国广播公司微那天,我去我的房间,打开它,并且再也没有出来了。[笑] - -编程是惊人的一个孩子。当你是一个孩子你没有大量的电力。你没有很多机构,很多比你周围的世界的控制。关于编程的伟大的事情是它是一个小世界里,你做你想做的。我当然发现非常引人注目。 - -我一直喜欢科学,数学,那种硬科学科目。做了很多计算,做了很多对我的英国广播公司的节目。我有一台Commodore的Amiga之后。 - -在大学里我做了物理学,工程学和计算机科学的混合物。然后,真正导致我开始我的pi。因为此前我一直在大学读了十年[同时获得博士学位],我意识到,谁是到达孩子们已经没有机会有这种集小时候的经历。你仍然可以得到积木但是......那个梯子。 - -有种我们就拉着梯子后的我们。我们建立了这些非常复杂的和用户友好的电脑供孩子现在使用。或者甚至不仅仅时电脑,游戏机以及手机和平板电脑,那种设备。但是,人们被剥夺的机会鼓捣。所以,真正Raspberry Pi的是试图找回,没有那种太复古了一些什么样的,我们觉得从计算机的发展失去了在过去的25年。 - -RW:什么是一些你必须克服的最大障碍? - -欧盟:嗯,我们没有任何投资,所以这是一个美好的事情。我们一直在努力自2006年来这样做,所以你可以看到我们花了很长的时间从Raspberry Pi的的想法去的东西,你可以卖。寻找东西,有价格和性能,还是价格和可编程性之间取得适当的权衡是一个大问题。 - -拿到钱在一起。我们是一个不以营利为目的,所以我们不得不去寻找一些钱,并且有结束了对受托人只是借钱出我们自己的口袋里的电路板我们几个。因此,我们有大约四分之一的启动资金一百万美元这是完全从我的贷款和其他几个人。所以有胆量这样做,我猜。 - - - -从东方到西方 - -寻找一种方法来得到它在合适的价格制造。我们最终采取了不寻常的路线。一般来说,当人们赚更多的常规产品,他们所做的是让他们在本地,当他们低量。他们[厂商]收取高昂的代价。大多数人有比Raspberry Pi的厚利润。 - -那么,什么人做的是制造在西部地区。后来,在搜索挤压的,他们得到了音量,并希望改善他们的生产成本,所以他们到远东。 - -这个问题对我们来说是的,因为我们没有足够的保证金来支持那种秩序,我们建立了我们的第一台在中国。这是当然的,起初稍微可怕的前景。我也不知道,在中国制造,而我们最终发送的$ 50,000筹码和5万美元在香港一些家伙。他送我们回2,000可工作的树莓派。 - -它得到了那里有一个延迟一点点,我们确信我们会得到杆身的地步。然后有一天,现在250万头2000树莓派打开了门前的台阶上托盘。 - -此UPS家伙出来他的卡车用托盘和托盘搬运车和插孔这个托盘进入车库。它有2,000树莓派它和那些每一个都是大型比任何电脑我有,当我还是个孩子更强大。而我们只是挑选出来的随机开出托盘只是为了品尝他们,他们都非常完美。 - -因此,有幸运的,我想,与中国,最后在拿到量,我们在另一个方向去从别人。我想,当我们意识到这一点,已经得到了量,我们现在可以建在西部,同样的价格我们就已经能够在中国建设项目中的其他决定性的时刻了。所以,我们能够遣返,以reshore所有的制造回威尔士,这是我出生的地方。样的一个很好的那种圆的。 - -RW:有没有什么前兆对于树莓派不能制作出来的前兆? - -欧盟:是啊,我们建成了一批不同的原型设备。我们试图建立的东西,这是可编程的,但有趣的孩子。“有趣的孩子”是指那种......强大的,在某些方面。能够播放视频和游戏,在Web上运行。 - -我们有很多的原型能够满足价格目标和可编程性的目标,但它只是非常晚,2010年后和2011年,我们能够确定,使我们能够建立一些还不够强大,孩子们的路径要从事它。 - -从那里来的皮烘烤 - -RW:告诉我发明Raspberry Pi的故事。 - -欧盟:我们试图建立的基础上你会打电话单片机技术的一些单位。我不知道,如果你遇到一个[开源电子原型]的平台叫Arduino的?排序的性能到Arduino相若水平。关于这些芯片的好处是他们非常可用的,它们是商品的部分,他们是非常便宜和容易得到阿霍德。 - - - -因此,我们试过了。我们结束了这东西在技术上是一台电脑,你将它插入你的电视机之类的东西。但它是一种原始的,它是明确的,孩子们是不会搞它。所以这是原型之一,而样机即将在爱尔兰的一个博物馆中被称为“失败。”展览[笑]我要去看它下个月。它在一个玻璃橱柜作为一个光荣的失败的例子。 - -有关的好处是,是纯手工打造。手不能真正建立一个现代化的Raspberry Pi的。但是这一次是不够原始,你实际上可以用锡焊在一起,我是焊接在一起的一个星期。并且它是一个可爱的小玩具。 - -之后我一直在大学读了十年左右,我上班去了一家名为博通,总部设在南加州,但有一个大的办公室在剑桥。他们做手机芯片。我们意识到,手机芯片是相当不错的选择。他们为建设一个皮状装置相当一个很好的平台,因为他们有很多的图形性能。 - -我建立了基于该原型的基础上,博通开发工具包。而这是更强大,更能干,又在同价位点。但我们不得不与面临的挑战是,它是一个真正的定制环境。这不是一个基于标准的平台。 - -我们写我们自己的SD卡驱动程序,我们自己的文件系统,我们自己的文本编辑器。你会发现自己做了很多基础性的工作,虽然你结束了一个平台,是强大的,可编程的,它是完全非标准[和]完全不像任何其他机器。你没有得到任何利用包括已经完成了人们对桌面平台的工作。这是两款原型机。 - -真正的突破对我们是有原型的三人。我们得到了来自Broadcom其中有哪些是能够运行标准的Linux ARM处理器另一个芯片的保持。这是真的,我们意识到我们有一些东西能够满足我们所有的目标点。那就是我们去市场推出该产品。 - -黑下一代黑客 - -RW:8岁的孩子一样使用Raspberry Pi的已经建立的项目。你有没有打算说,还是带你措手不及? - -欧盟:八是个不错的年纪。我认为每个人都合适的年龄定义为是年龄,当他们开始编程。我八岁的时候,我开始编程。从某种程度上来说,所有的孩子需要的是足够老有认知技能的相关套件,一种解决问题的类型的技能。数学的一点点,也许,在学校。 - - - -是老得足以能够计划的活动,编程是最终的计划的活动。你需要有心理的设备做到这一点。由八岁,很多孩子都相当成熟,他们的思维方式。您还需要机械灵巧; 那年幼的孩子有另一个挑战是缺乏使用键盘所需的机械灵巧。 - -所以8是一个伟大的时代。你已经得到了物理仪器,心理装备,而你仍然在这一点在你的一生中,你能学到新的东西很容易。你的大脑很塑料,你能学习语言.... - -我的意思是,如果你想有一个孩子学习法语,开始教他们八,不要一开始教他们在16。其中一个弱点,我们必须从历史中我们的正式计算教学是我们创业的人非常晚了,然后是惊讶,当人们有困难拿起概念。所以我觉得年轻的你可以让他们更好的,8是一个梦幻般的年龄。八,10,12-12也许是有点晚了。 - -我们的基金会首席执行官兰斯 [豪沃思],尤其热衷于小学教育。他真的看到一个真正的机会在那里做一些比较特别的。 - -RW:所以这是Raspberry Pi的的意图,以得到真正年轻的孩子们编程? - -欧盟:我想我们一直认为,年轻的孩子可以做的节目只是例子。但Raspberry Pi的意图是为了提供这个东西,只是看看谁买它。我们始终认为,幼儿的至少一部分会觉得兴奋。现在我们的广度和规模得到它的年幼的孩子与支持。 - -有间[刚]做像Raspberry Pi的平台中使用的,并提供对它的支持有很大的不同。我想,如果你只是使其可用,你会发现八个岁的百分之一将是百分之一谁爱之类的事情,并会进入它,不管你如何钱多钱少的支持给他们。 - -我觉得为基础的真正的机会,现在是,既然我们能付得起的教育材料的发展,我们有能力为整个教师良好的培训,倡导。有机会获得超过百分之一。有一个机会,达到聪明的孩子谁不相当有自然的倾向,亲自解决复杂的技术任务。如果你给他们良好的教学和令人信服的材料是相关的和有趣起来,可以达到百分之十,百分之二十,百分之五十,等等。 - -我们回顾20世纪80年代作为这个黄金时期[学习编程的],并在实践中,人们只有极少数%的人学习编程进行任何重要程度。大多数人大概可以写几行。但做任何显著编程还是罕见的。 - -我觉得对我们来说真正的机会了,因为我们可以对材料和教师培训水平介入,我们有可能吹过去,我们分别在20世纪80年代。还有更多的参与,还有更多的两性平等。节目主要是在20世纪80年代一个男孩的活动,而这现在反映在我们的工程领域的妆容。我想有一个真正的机会,让更多的女孩计算机编程。这是最低的低悬的果实。如果我们这样做,我们立即增加一倍的人数。 - -有很多的机会,我认为最满意的事情Pi是我们是那种在规模,我们可以开始攻击其中的一些。 - -pi为每个人 - -RW:这是什么告诉你有关的DIY项目,如郫县的潜在需求?难道我们都将是DIY的黑客哪一天? - -欧盟:是啊,我的意思是,那是事情。有它的巨大需求。我认为,有一搭到厂商社区。该壶社会更加发达的美国比在英国。我们的确有制造商交易会和hackerspaces现在,但它可能5年落后的地方是在美国 - -这么一件事,我们发现,当我们开始谈论Raspberry Pi的,当它开始变得国际社会的关注,我们发现我们被发射到这个非常完善的人谁喜欢做各种各样的DIY活动社区:针织,或者,你也知道,木工。 - -所以,这是导致该意外增加量为皮的事情之一。庄家谁看到它作为一个组件,他们可以用它来建立自己的项目。这是伟大的! - -RW:你怎么看待主流的硬件黑客文化的出现做? - -欧盟:我的意思是,这是梦幻般的,对不对?这是我们永远也不会预测在软件工程前。我来这东西从软件的背景,所以实际上大部分很酷的东西的人做的??Raspberry Pi的是硬件相关的是令我感到诧异。这并不奇怪,以我了,但它令我感到诧异原来。 - - - -我认为这是一个非常积极的趋势,对于各种原因。这是积极的,因为它为孩子提供了相关经验。在我的脑海里,四处移动的像素在屏幕上仍然是很酷,但在现实中,它的要少得多酷比它在20世纪80年代。我觉得在世界各地移动的物体,像机器人一样,是很酷的孩子了。 - -当你获得更多的相关性,你吸引更多的女孩。有一个非常阴险的倾向,试图设计活动周边的高科技女孩,它实际上是不是女孩。这是关于吸引更广泛的受众。 - -有这个小片段 - 我谈到了百分之一,谁找到了抽象的计算机编程令人兴奋的孩子们。“让我们来了解变量!”我是那些孩子之一。但是,这只是一小部分人,而这似乎是男生,更多的时候。我不知道这是否是一个文化的东西或者什么,但它只是似乎是这个世界的方式。 - -很多时候,当人们都在谈论为了吸引女孩子追求实用性,它不是关于吸引女孩子的。这是关于吸引任何人比男孩的那小小的银等。你不只是吸引女孩,你吸引了所有的学生也是如此。 - -其中从教育的角度来看,美妙的事情之一是,实际上做的东西在现实世界与电脑的一部分自动不仅仅是做事计算机本身更相关的是。所以,它给你的路线来吸引女孩入主题,它给你一个路由跟踪男生超过百分之一入主题。 - -它的伟大,不是独自一人。这是梦幻般被发射到这个浪潮的兴趣,人在做的东西,在现实世界中。我知道在加利福尼亚州南部的一个家伙,它的两个爱好是丕黑客,使自己的锁子甲。这只是一个美妙的事情,人们正在做的那类东西。 - -分享pi - -RW:你能给我的,吸引超过百分之一“相关的”项目排序的例子吗? - -欧盟:机器人的整个广泛领域之一。还有人使用PI为基础而作出的跑来跑去,做的东西,尤其是现在,我们有相机模块,它作为一种计算机视觉的小机器人只是庞大的数字。 - -我觉得其他的基于摄像头的项目,并往往会得到很多的发挥。人在做野生动物摄影类的东西,人在做时间间隔摄影,各种各样的东西,因为我们有这个25美元摄像头模块和一个红外线版本,所以你可以做夜间动物摄影,创作剧本到拍摄在夜间,并保存了那些有一些运动在其中。所以这些的是不错的。 - -我特别喜欢的东西,有做高空气球。环境监测,还有一些高中的孩子在英国谁也称为IndieGoGo AirPi,这是一个污染监测盾牌,将坐在皮的上方。所以很多的那些东西,让你使用丕那些做物理或化学或生物的,我认为有关联的东西。这些都是更容易证明给孩子大量的东西,是值得关注的事情。 - -RW:什么时候我们会看到一个Raspberry Pi的C型? - -欧盟:我们没有计划的时刻。我们主要做软件工作的时刻。我认为我们已经发现有大量的可用镍的性能增益,低鸣的软件,抛光那么一点点。 - -如果我们去做出一个模型C,我们孤儿250万人谁是致力于当前平台。所以,我觉得我们是,至少在目前,相当致力于尝试做软件的工作,因为这可以帮助所有的人谁是在外地。我们觉得仍有可通过软件优化显著的性能增益。 - -很显然,我们必须做一些事情[关于硬件]在一些点。我真的不知道何时。如果我们仍然出货皮B型在2017年,2018年,这将是坏。但我认为我们可能需要一年的时间从??到下一步该怎么做让任何认真考虑。 - -RW:很多人都在建设同时使用Pi和Arduino的,DIY的电子黑客工具包项目。你设计PI与像Arduino的套件在想什么? - -欧盟:不是真的,但我们很早就意识到在那里有时可能会在报章一种倾向,看到我们作为竞争对手到Arduino。我们总是持怀疑态度,我想,是否这是真的是这样,因为我觉得Pi和Arduino的做不同的事情,做他们。 - -我们没有设计它与Arduino的工作,但Arduino的设计有一个房子PC配合使用。我们做出了巨大的低功耗PC的房子为Arduino的。所以是的,那只是幸运,我猜。 - -RW:你用什么Raspberry Pi的在家里?在工作? - -欧盟:在家里,我把它作为一个媒体中心; 这是一个相当普遍的使用的圆周率。这是一个有趣的事情,你已经人在做实际的消费类电子产品,使用它作为一件消费电子产品。我敢肯定是其中之一。 - -我没有附近尽可能多的时间在任何地方工作,发挥它,因为我想。通常,当我得到一个丕在工作,那是因为我测试了一些新的软件,我已经委托。大多我只是用它来检查,??我已经支付给做的工作承建商都做得不错。 - -我真的希望我会得到一些更多的停机时间在明年。有时候感觉,除了媒体中心,我一直在参与制作这个梦幻般的玩具,因为它是如此成功我没有得到太多时间陪它玩。 - -但它确实高兴地看到有多少人是有它的乐趣,看到它出现在不同的地方。我明白,我们上了大爆炸理论所提到的,我需要跟踪情节。它显示了在所有这些不寻常的地方。这真的很高兴看到有多少人采取了它对心脏,并开始做的东西吧。