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MonkeyDEcho translating
The End Of An Era: A Look Back At The Most Popular Solaris Milestones & News

With it looking certain now that [Oracle is ending Solaris feature development][42]with the cancelling of Solaris 12, here's a look back at the most popular Solaris news and milestones for the project over the years on Phoronix.
There were many great/fun Solaris memories.

During the Sun Microsystems days, I was genuinely interested in Solaris. There were frequent Solaris articles on Phoronix while Linux was always our main focus. Solaris was fun to play around with, OpenSolaris / SXCE was great, I ported the Phoronix Test Suite to Solaris, we had great relations with the Sun Microsystems folks, was at many Sun events, etc.

_Sun had some rather unique events back in the day..._
Unfortunately since Oracle acquired Sun, Solaris basically went downhill. The biggest blow was arguably when Oracle ended OpenSolaris and moved all their Solaris efforts back to a proprietary model...

Lots of great memories for Solaris during the Sun days, so given Oracle wiping "Solaris 12" off their roadmap, I figured it would be fun to look back at the most-viewed Solaris stories on Phoronix while waiting to hear from Oracle about "Solaris 11.next" as their final step to likely winding down the operating system development.

Though in a post-Solaris world it will be interesting to see what Oracle does with ZFS and if they double down on their RHEL-based Oracle Enterprise Linux. Time will tell.

Anyhow, here's a look back at our most-viewed Solaris stories since 2004:
**[ATI R500/600 Driver For Solaris Coming?][6]**
_While no ATI fglrx driver is available for Solaris/OpenSolaris or *BSD, now that AMD will be offering up specifications to X.Org developers and an open-source driver, it certainly is promising for any Solaris user depending upon ATI's Radeon X1000 "R500" or HD 2000 "R600" series. The open-source X.Org driver that will be released next week is far from mature, but it should be able to be ported to Solaris and other operating systems using X.Org with relative ease. What AMD announced today is targeted for the Linux community, but it can certainly help out Solaris/OpenSolaris users that use ATI hardware. Especially with "Project Indiana" coming out soon, it's only a matter of time before the open-source R500/600 driver is ported. Tell us what you think in our Solaris forum._
**[Solaris Express Community Build 71][7]**
_Build 71 of Solaris Express Community Edition (SXCE) is now available. You can find out more about Solaris Express Community Build 71 at OpenSolaris.org. On a side note, with news at the Linux Kernel Summit that AMD will be providing GPU specifications, the resulting X.Org driver could lead to an improved state for Solaris/OpenSolaris on ATI hardware in the future._
**[Farewell To OpenSolaris. Oracle Just Killed It Off.][8]**
_Oracle has finally announced their plans for Solaris operating system and OpenSolaris platform and it's not good. OpenSolaris is now effectively dead and there will not be anymore OpenSolaris releases -- including the long-delayed 2010 release. Solaris will still live-on and Oracle is busy working on Solaris 11 for a release next year and there will be a "Solaris 11 Express" as being a similar product to OpenSolaris, but it will only ship after Oracle's enterprise release._
**[Solaris Express Community Build 72][9]**
_For those of you wanting to try out the latest and greatest in OpenSolaris software right now prior to the release of "Project Indiana", build 72 of Solaris Express Community Edition is now available. Solaris Express Community Edition (SXCE) Build 72 can be downloaded from OpenSolaris.org. Meanwhile, the preview release of Sun's Project Indiana is expected next month._
**[OpenSolaris Developer Summit][10]**
_Announced earlier today on the OpenSolaris Forums was the first-ever OpenSolaris Developer Summit. This summit is taking place in October at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Sara Dornsife describes this summit as "not a conference with presentations or exhibitors, but an in-person, collaborative working session to plan the next release of Project Indiana." Ian Murdock will be keynoting at this Project Indiana fest, but beyond that the schedule is still being planned. Phoronix may be covering this event and you can discuss this summit in our Solaris forums._
**[Solaris Containers For Linux][11]**
_Sun Microsystems has announced that they will soon be supporting Solaris Containers for Linux applications. This will make it possible to run Linux applications under Solaris without any modifications to the binary package. The Solaris Containers for Linux will allow for a smoother migration from Linux to Solaris, assist in cross-platform development,and other benefits. As far as when the support will arrive, it's "coming soon"._
**[Oracle Still To Make OpenSolaris Changes][12]**
_Since Oracle finished its acquisition of Sun Microsystems, there have been many changes to the open-source projects that were once supported under Sun now being discontinued by Oracle and significant changes being made to the remaining open-source products. One of the open-source projects that Oracle hasn't been too open about their intentions with has been OpenSolaris. Solaris Express Community Edition (SXCE) already closed up last month and there hasn't been too much information flowing out about the next OpenSolaris release, which is supposed to be known as OpenSolaris 2010.03 with a release date sometime in March._
**[Xen For Solaris Updated][13]**
_It's been a while, but Xen for Solaris has finally been updated. John Levon poimts out that this latest build is based upon Xen 3.0.4 and Solaris "Nevada" Build 66\. Some of the improvements in this latest build include PAE support, HVM support, new virt-manager tools, improved debugging support, and last but not least is managed domain support. The download for the July 2007 Solaris Xen update can be found over at Sun's website._
**[IBM To Distribute Sun's Solaris][14]**
_Sun Microsystems and IBM are holding a teleconference right now where they have just announced IBM will begin distributing Sun's Solaris operating system on select servers. These IBM servers include the x86-based system X servers as well as Blade Center Servers. The official press release has just been issued and can be read at the Sun news room._
**[Oracle Solaris 11 Kernel Source-Code Leaked][15]**
_It appears that the kernel source-code to Solaris 11 was leaked onto the Internet this past weekend._
**[Solaris 12 Might Finally Bring Radeon KMS Driver][16]**
_It looks like Oracle may be preparing to release their own AMD Radeon kernel mode-setting (KMS) driver for introducing into Oracle Solaris 12._
**[OpenSXCE 2013.05 Revives The Solaris Community][17]**
_OpenSXCE 2013.05 is out in the wild as the community revival of the Solaris Express Community Edition._
**[OpenSolaris Will Not Merge With Linux][18]**
_At LinuxWorld 2007 in San Francisco, Andrew Morton said during his keynote that no key components of OpenSolaris will appear in the Linux kernel. In fact, Morton had even stated that "It’s a great shame that OpenSolaris still exists." Some of these key OpenSolaris components include Zones, ZFS, and DTrace. Though there is the possibility that Project Indiana could turn these into GPLv3 projects... More information is available at ZDNET._
**[Oracle Has Yet To Clarify Solaris 11 Kernel Source][19]**
_It was one month ago that Phoronix was the first to note the Solaris 11 kernel source-code was leaked onto the Internet via Torrent sites. One month later, Oracle still hasn't officially commented on the situation._
**[Oracle Might Be Canning Solaris][20]**
_Oracle might be pulling the plug on the Solaris operating system, at least according to some new rumors._
**[Solaris Express Community Build 70][21]**
_Build 70 for Solaris Express Community Edition "Nevada" (SXCE snv_70) is now available. The announcement with download links can be found in the OpenSolaris Forums. Also announced was the 71st build of their Network Storage that includes source-code from Qlogic for the fibre channel HBA driver._
**[Solaris 10 7/07 HW Release][22]**
_The documentation is now online for the Solaris 10 7/07 HW Release. As noted on the Solaris Releases page, Solaris 10 7/07 is only for SPARC Enterprise M4000-M9000 servers and no x86/x64 version is available. The latest Solaris update for all platforms is Solaris 10 11/06\. You can discuss Solaris 7/07 in the Phoronix Forums._
**[Solaris Telecom Servers From Intel][23]**
_Intel has announced today the availability of Intel-powered Sun Solaris telecommunications rack and blade servers that meet NEBS, ETSI, and ATCA compliance. Of these new carrier grade platforms, the Intel Carrier Grade Rack Mount Server TIGW1U supports both Linux and Solaris 10 and the Intel NetStructure MPCBL0050 SBC will support both operating systems as well. Today's press release can be read here._
**[The Sad State Of GPU Drivers For BSD, Solaris][24]**
_Yesterday a discussion arose on the mailing list about killing off all the old Mesa drivers. These old drivers aren't actively maintained, support vintage graphics processors, and aren't updated to support new Mesa functionality. They're now also getting in the way as Intel and other developers work to clean up the core of Mesa as they bolster this open-source graphics library for the future. There's also some implications for BSD and Solaris users by this move to clean-up Mesa._
**[Oracle Solaris 11.1 Brings 300+ Enhancements][25]**
_Oracle released Solaris 11.1 from their Oracle OpenWorld conference yesterday in San Francisco._

And then of the most-viewed featured articles with Solaris:
**[Ubuntu vs. OpenSolaris vs. FreeBSD Benchmarks][27]**
_Over the past few weeks we have been providing several in-depth articles looking at the performance of Ubuntu Linux. We had begun by providing Ubuntu 7.04 to 8.10 benchmarks and had found the performance of this popular Linux distribution to become slower with time and that article was followed up with Mac OS X 10.5 vs. Ubuntu 8.10 benchmarks and other articles looking at the state of Ubuntu's performance. In this article, we are now comparing the 64-bit performance of Ubuntu 8.10 against the latest test releases of OpenSolaris 2008.11 and FreeBSD 7.1._
**[NVIDIA Performance: Windows vs. Linux vs. Solaris][28]**
_Earlier this week we previewed the Quadro FX1700, which is one of NVIDIA's mid-range workstation graphics cards that is based upon the G84GL core that in turn is derived from the consumer-class GeForce 8600 series. This PCI Express graphics card offers 512MB of video memory with two dual-link DVI connections and support for OpenGL 2.1 while maintaining a maximum power consumption of just 42 Watts. As we mentioned in the preview article, we would be looking at this graphics card's performance not only under Linux but also testing this workstation solution in both Microsoft Windows and Sun's Solaris. In this article today, we are doing just that as we test the NVIDIA Quadro FX1700 512MB with each of these operating systems and their respective binary display drivers._
**[FreeBSD 8.0 Benchmarked Against Linux, OpenSolaris][29]**
_With the stable release of FreeBSD 8.0 arriving last week we finally were able to put it up on the test bench and give it a thorough look over with the Phoronix Test Suite. We compared the FreeBSD 8.0 performance between it and the earlier FreeBSD 7.2 release along with Fedora 12 and Ubuntu 9.10 on the Linux side and then the OpenSolaris 2010.02 b127 snapshot on the Sun OS side._
**[Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris Benchmarks][30]**
_Last week we published the first Debian GNU/kFreeBSD benchmarks that compared the 32-bit and 64-bit performance of this Debian port -- that straps the FreeBSD kernel underneath a Debian GNU user-land -- to Debian GNU/Linux. We have now extended that comparison to put many other operating systems in a direct performance comparison
to these Debian GNU/Linux and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD snapshots of 6.0 Squeeze to Fedora 12, FreeBSD 7.2, FreeBSD 8.0, OpenBSD 4.6, and OpenSolaris 2009.06._
**[AMD Shanghai Opteron: Linux vs. OpenSolaris Benchmarks][31]**
_In January we published a review of the AMD Shanghai Opteron CPUs on Linux when we looked at four of the Opteron 2384 models. The performance of these 45nm quad-core workstation/server processors were great when compared to the earlier AMD Barcelona processors on Ubuntu Linux, but how is their performance when running Sun's OpenSolaris operating system? Up for viewing today are dual AMD Shanghai benchmarks when running OpenSolaris 2008.11, Ubuntu 8.10, and a daily build of the forthcoming Ubuntu 9.04 release._
**[OpenSolaris vs. Linux Kernel Benchmarks][32]**
_Earlier this week we delivered benchmarks of Ubuntu 9.04 versus Mac OS X 10.5.6 and found that the Leopard operating system had performed better than the Jaunty Jackalope in a majority of the tests, at least when it came to Ubuntu 32-bit. We are back with more operating system benchmarks today, but this time we are comparing the performance of the Linux and Sun OpenSolaris kernels. We had used the Nexenta Core Platform 2 operating system that combines the OpenSolaris kernel with a GNU/Ubuntu user-land to that of the same Ubuntu package set but with the Linux kernel. Testing was done with both 32-bit and 64-bit Ubuntu server installations._
**[Netbook Performance: Ubuntu vs. OpenSolaris][33]**
_In the past we have published OpenSolaris vs. Linux Kernel benchmarks and similar articles looking at the performance of Sun's OpenSolaris up against popular Linux distributions. We have looked at the performance on high-end AMD workstations, but we have never compared the OpenSolaris and Linux performance on netbooks. Well, not until today. In this article we have results comparing OpenSolaris 2009.06 and Ubuntu 9.04 on the Dell Inspiron Mini 9 netbook._
**[NVIDIA Graphics: Linux vs. Solaris][34]**
_At Phoronix we are constantly exploring the different display drivers under Linux, and while we have reviewed Sun's Check Tool and test motherboards with Solaris in addition to covering a few other areas, we have yet to perform a graphics driver comparison between Linux and Solaris. That is until today. With interest in Solaris on the rise thanks to Project Indiana, we have decided to finally offer our first quantitative graphics comparison between Linux and Solaris with the NVIDIA proprietary drivers._
**[OpenSolaris 2008.05 Gives A New Face To Solaris][35]**
_In early February, Sun Microsystems had released a second preview release of Project Indiana. For those out of the loop, Project Indiana is the codename for the project led by Ian Murdock at Sun that aims to push OpenSolaris on more desktop and notebook computers by addressing the long-standing usability problems of Solaris. We were far from being impressed by Preview 2 as it hadn't possessed any serious advantages over a GNU/Linux desktop that would interest normal users. However, with the release of OpenSolaris 2008.05 "Project Indiana" coming up in May, Sun Microsystems has today released a final test copy of this operating system. Our initial experience with this new OpenSolaris release is vastly better than what we had encountered less than three months ago when last looking at Project Indiana._
**[A Quick Tour Of Oracle Solaris 11][36]**
_Solaris 11 was released on Wednesday as the first major update to the former Sun operating system in seven years. A lot has changed in the Solaris stack in the past seven years, and OpenSolaris has come and gone in that time, but in this article is a brief look through the brand new Oracle Solaris 11 release._
**[New Benchmarks Of OpenSolaris, BSD & Linux][37]**
_Earlier today we put out benchmarks of ZFS on Linux via a native kernel module that will be made publicly available to bring this Sun/Oracle file-system over to more Linux users. Now though as a bonus we happen to have new benchmarks of the latest OpenSolaris-based distributions, including OpenSolaris, OpenIndiana, and Augustiner-Schweinshaxe, compared to PC-BSD, Fedora, and Ubuntu._
**[FreeBSD/PC-BSD 9.1 Benchmarked Against Linux, Solaris, BSD][38]**
_While FreeBSD 9.1 has yet to be officially released, the FreeBSD-based PC-BSD 9.1 "Isotope" release has already been made available this month. In this article are performance benchmarks comparing the 64-bit release of PC-BSD 9.1 against DragonFlyBSD 3.0.3, Oracle Solaris Express 11.1, CentOS 6.3, Ubuntu 12.10, and a development snapshot of Ubuntu 13.04._

Michael Larabel is the principal author of Phoronix.com and founded the site in 2004 with a focus on enriching the Linux hardware experience. Michael has written more than 10,000 articles covering the state of Linux hardware support, Linux performance, graphics drivers, and other topics. Michael is also the lead developer of the Phoronix Test Suite, Phoromatic, and OpenBenchmarking.org automated benchmarking software. He can be followed via Twitter or contacted via MichaelLarabel.com.
via: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Solaris-2017-Look-Back
作者:[Michael Larabel][a]
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一个时代的结束:回顾最受欢迎的 Solaris 系统史重大事件和新闻

现在看来,Oracle公司正在取消 [Solaris 12 的功能开发][42],这里我们要回顾多年来在 Phoronix 上最受欢迎的 Solaris 重大事件和新闻。
这里有许多关于 Solaris 的有趣/重要的回忆。

在 Sun Microsystems 的日子里,我真的对 Solaris 感兴趣。在 Phoronix 上 Linux 是我们关注的重点,经常也有 Solaris 的文章出现。 Solaris 是有趣的,OpenSolaris/SXCE 是伟大的,在 Sun 的许多事件上,我们与 Sun Microsystems 人员有密切的联系,我是要将 Phoronix 测试套件移植到 Solaris 上。

_当时 Sun 有一些相当独特的事件..._
不幸的是,自从 Oracle 公司收购 Sun 公司, Solaris 就如坠入深渊一样。最大的打击可以说是 Oracle 结束 OpenSolaris ,并将所有 Solaris 的工作转移到专有模式...

在 Sun 时代的 Solaris 有很多美好的回忆,所以 Oracle 在丢弃 Solaris 12 之后,我经常在在 Phoronix 上看一些之前 Solaris 的经典文章,期待着 Oracle 能够懂得 Solaris 的重要性,重新开启 Solaris 项目开发。

虽然在 Solaris 之后的世界中,使用 ZFS 查看 Oracle 是否有效,比基于 RHEL 的 Oracle Enterprise Linux 下降了一倍,时间将会告诉他们 Solaris 的重要性。

无论如何,这是回顾自2004年以来我们最受欢迎 Solaris 的故事:
**[ATI R500/600 驱动适用于 Solaris ?][6]**
_虽然没有 ATI fglrx 驱动程序可用于 Solaris/OpenSolaris 或 * BSD,现在 AMD 将向 X.Org 开发人员和开源驱动程序提供规范,但对于任何 Solaris 用户来说,这肯定是有希望的,具体取决于 ATI 的 Radeon X1000 “R500” 或者 HD 2000“R600” 系列。
将于下周发布的开源 X.Org 程序并不是很成熟,但应该能够相对容易地移植到使用 X.Org 在 Solaris 和其他操作系统上。
AMD 今天宣布的目标是针对 Linux 社区,特别是随着 “Project Indiana” 的即将推出,开源 R500/600 驱动程序移植只是时间问题,它可以帮助使用 ATI 硬件的 Solaris/OpenSolaris 用户。_
**[Solaris 社区版 Build 71][7]**
_Solaris Express Community Edition(SXCE)现已推出 Build 71。您可以在 OpenSolaris.org 中找到有关 Solaris 社区版 Build 71 的更多信息。另外,在Linux内核峰会上,AMD 将提供 GPU 规格的消息,所生产的 X.Org 驱动程序可能会导致将来对 ATI 硬件上 Solaris/OpenSolaris 的现有状态有所改善。_
**[告别 OpenSolaris ][8]**
_Oracle 终于宣布了他们对 Solaris 操作系统和 OpenSolaris 平台的计划。OpenSolaris 版本将不会再出现 - 包括长期延迟的2010年版本。Solaris 仍然会继续存在,现在 Oracle 正在忙于明年发布版本在 Solaris 11 上的工作,但仅在 Oracle 的企业版之后才会发布 “Solaris 11 Express” 作为 OpenSolaris 的类似产品。_
**[Solaris 社区版 Build 72][9]**
_对于那些想要在 “Project Indiana” 发布之前尝试 OpenSolaris 软件中最新最好的软件,现在可以使用 Solaris 社区版 Build 72。Solaris Express Community(SXCE)Build 72 可以从 OpenSolaris.org 下载。同时,预计将在下个月推出 Sun 的 Project Indiana 项目。 _
**[OpenSolaris 开发者峰会][10]**
_今天早些时候在 OpenSolaris 论坛上发布了第一次 OpenSolaris 开发人员峰会的消息。这次首脑会议是在十月份在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校举行的。 Sara Dornsife 将这次峰会描述为“不是与演示文稿或参展商举行会议,而是一个亲自参与的协作工作会议,以计划下一期印第安纳州项目。” 伊恩·默多克(Ian Murdock) 将在这个印第安纳州的项目中进行主题演讲,但除此之外,该计划仍在计划之中。 Phoronix 可能会继续跟踪此事件,您可以在 Solaris 论坛上讨论此次峰会。_
**[Linux 的 Solaris 容器][11]**
_Sun Microsystems 已经宣布,他们将很快为 Solaris 应用程序提供支持。这样可以在 Solaris 下运行 Linux 应用程序,而无需对二进制包进行任何修改。适用于 Linux 的 Solaris 容器将允许从 Linux 到 Solaris 的平滑迁移,协助跨平台开发以及其他优势。不久的支持就会到来。_
**[Oracle 仍然要对 OpenSolaris 进行更改][12]**
_自从 Oracle 完成对 Sun Microsystems 的收购以来,已经有了许多变化,Sun 现在已经停止了 Oracle 的一些支持的开源项目,并且对其余的开放源代码产品进行了重大改变。其中一个开放源码的项目 Oracle 对 OpenSolaris 表现出并不太开放的意图。 Solaris Express Community Edition(SXCE)上个月已经关闭,并且没有太多关于下一个 OpenSolaris 版本的信息,现在的 OpenSolaris 版本是 OpenSolaris 2010.03,发布日期在3月份的某个时间。 _
**[Solaris Xen 已经更新][13]**
_已经有一段时间了,Solaris Xen 终于被更新了。约翰·莱文(John Levon)表示,这一最新版本基于 Xen 3.0.4 和 Solaris“Nevada”Build 66。这一最新版本的改进包括 PAE 支持,HVM 支持,新的 virt-manager 工具,改进的调试支持以及管理域支持。可以在 Sun 的网站上找到2007年7月 Solaris Xen 更新的下载。 _
**[IBM 使用 Sun Solaris 的系统][14]**
_Sun Microsystems 和 IBM正在举行电话会议,他们刚刚宣布,IBM 将开始在服务器上使用 Sun 的 Solaris 操作系统。这些 IBM 服务器包括基于 x86 的服务器系统以及 Blade Center 服务器。官方新闻稿刚刚发布,可以在 sun 新闻室阅读。_
**[Oracle Solaris 11 内核源代码泄漏][15]**
_似乎Solaris 11的内核源代码在过去的一个周末被泄露到了网上。_
**[Solaris 12 可能最终带来 Radeon KMS 驱动程序][16]**
_看起来,Oracle 可能正在准备发布自己的 AMD Radeon 内核模式设置(KMS)驱动程序,以引入 Oracle Solaris 12。 _
**[OpenSXCE 2013.05 拯救 Solaris 社区][17]**
_OpenSXCE 2013.05 作为复兴社区的 Solaris 社区版出现在网上。_
**[OpenSolaris 不会与 Linux合并][18]**
_在旧金山的 LinuxWorld 2007 上,Andrew Morton 在主题演讲中表示, OpenSolaris 的关键组件不会出现在 Linux 内核中。事实上,莫顿甚至表示“ OpenSolaris 还是存在很大的遗憾”。其中一些关键的 OpenSolaris 组件包括 Zones ,ZFS 和 DTrace 。虽然印第安纳州项目有可能将这些项目转变为 GPLv3 项目的可能性... ZDNET提供更多信息。_
**[Oracle尚未澄清Solaris 11内核源][19]**
_一个月前,Phoronix 是第一个注意到 Solaris 11 内核源代码通过 Torrent 站点泄漏到网上的信息。一个月后,甲骨文还没有正式评论这个情况。_
**[Oracle 推动使用 Solaris][20]**
_Oracle 可能正在推动 Solaris 操作系统上的插件,至少根据一些新的传闻。_
**[Solaris 社区版 Build 70][21]**
_Solaris Express Community Edition 的 Build 70 名叫 "Nevada" (SXCE snv_70) 现在已经发布. 有关下载链接的通知可以在 OpenSolaris 论坛中找到。还有公布了 Build 71 的网络存储位置,包括来自 Qlogic 的光纤通道 HBA 驱动程序的源代码。_
**[Solaris 10 7/07 HW 版本][22]**
_Solaris 10 7/07 HW 版本文档已经上线. 如Solaris发行版中所述,Solaris 10 7/07 仅适用于 SPARC Enterprise M4000-M9000 服务器,并且没有 x86/x64 版本可用。所有平台的最新 Solaris 更新是 Solaris 10 11/06 。您可以在 Phoronix 论坛中讨论 Solaris 7/07。_
**[来自英特尔的 Solaris 电信服务器][23]**
_今天宣布推出符合 NEBS,ETSI 和 ATCA 合规性的英特尔供电的 Sun Solaris 电信机架和刀片服务器。在这些新的运营商级平台中,英特尔运营商级机架式服务器 TIGW1U 支持 Linux 和 Solaris 10,而Intel NetStructure MPCBL0050 SBC也将支持这两种操作系统。今天的新闻稿可以在这里阅读。 _
**[对于 BSD,Solaris 的 GPU 驱动程序的悲惨状态][24]**
_昨天在邮件列表上出现了关于杀死所有旧的 Mesa 驱动程序的讨论。这些旧驱动程序没有被主动维护,支持复古的图形处理器,并且不被更新以支持新的 Mesa 功能。随着英特尔和其他开发人员为弥补这一开放源代码图形库而开发 Mesa 核心,他们现在也陷入困境。通过这种清理 Mesa,对 BSD 和 Solaris 用户也有一些影响。_
**[Oracle Solaris 11.1提供300+增强功能][25]**
_Oracle昨天在旧金山的 Oracle OpenWorld 会议上发布了 Solaris 11.1 。_

**[Ubuntu vs. OpenSolaris vs. FreeBSD 基准测试][27]**
_在过去的几个星期里,我们提供了几篇关于 Ubuntu Linux 性能的深入文章。我们已经开始提供 Ubuntu 7.04 到 8.10 的基准测试,并且发现这款受欢迎的 Linux 发行版的性能随着时间的推移而变慢,随之而来的是 Mac OS X 10.5 与 Ubuntu 8.10 基准测试和其他文章。在本文中,我们正在比较 Ubuntu 8.10 的64位性能与 OpenSolaris 2008.11 和 FreeBSD 7.1 的最新测试版本。_
**[NVIDIA 的性能: Windows vs. Linux vs. Solaris][28]**
_本周早些时候,我们预览了 Quadro FX1700,它是 NVIDIA 的中端工作站显卡之一,基于 G84GL 内核,而 G84GL 内核又源于消费级 GeForce 8600 系列。该 PCI Express 显卡提供 512MB 的视频内存,具有两个双链路 DVI 连接,并支持 OpenGL 2.1 ,同时保持最大功耗仅为42瓦。正如我们在预览文章中提到的,我们将不仅在Linux下查看此显卡的性能,还要在 Microsoft Windows 和 Sun 的 Solaris 中测试此工作站解决方案。在今天的这篇文章中,我们正在这样做,因为我们测试了 NVIDIA Quadro FX1700 512MB 与这些操作系统及其各自的二进制显示驱动程序。_
**[FreeBSD 8.0 针对 Linux, OpenSolaris][29]**
_上周在 FreeBSD 8.0 的稳定发布的上周,我们终于可以把它放在测试台上,并用 Phoronix 测试套件进行了全面的了解。我们将 FreeBSD 8.0 的性能与早期的 FreeBSD 7.2 版本以及 Fedora 12 和 Ubuntu 9.10 还有 Sun OS 端的 OpenSolaris 2010.02 b127 快照进行了比较。 _
**[Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris 基准][30]**
_上周我们发布了第一个 Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 基准测试,将 FreeBSD 内核捆绑在 Debian GNU 用户的Debian GNU/Linux上,比较了这款 Debian 的 32 位和 64 位性能。 我们现在扩展了这个比较,使许多其他操作系统与 Debian GNU/Linux 和 6.0 Squeeze 在到 Fedora 12,FreeBSD 7.2,FreeBSD 8.0,OpenBSD 4.6 和 OpenSolaris 2009.06 的 Debian GNU/Linux 和 Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 快照进行了直接的性能比较。 _
**[AMD 上海皓龙: Linux vs. OpenSolaris 基准][31]**
_ 1月份,当我们研究了四款 Opteron 2384 型号时,我们在 Linux 上发布了关于 AMD 上海皓龙 CPU 的综述。与早期的 AMD 巴塞罗那处理器 Ubuntu Linux 相比,这些 45nm四核工作站服务器处理器的性能非常好,但是在运行 Sun OpenSolaris 操作系统时,性能如何?今天浏览的是 AMD 双核的基准测试,运行 OpenSolaris 2008.11,Ubuntu 8.10 和即将推出的 Ubuntu 9.04 版本。_
**[OpenSolaris vs. Linux 内核基准][32]**
_本周早些时候,我们提供了 Ubuntu 9.04 与 Mac OS X 10.5.6 的基准测试,发现 Leopard 操作系统在大多数测试中的表现要优于 Jaunty Jackalope,至少在 Ubuntu 32位。我们今天又回到了更多的操作系统基准测试,但这次我们正在比较 Linux 和 Sun OpenSolaris 内核的性能。我们使用的 Nexenta Core 2 操作系统将 OpenSolaris 内核与 GNU/Ubuntu 用户界面组合在同一个 Ubuntu 软件包中,但使用了 Linux 内核的 32 位和 64 位 Ubuntu 服务器安装进行测试。_
**[Netbook 性能: Ubuntu vs. OpenSolaris][33]**
_过去,我们已经发布了 OpenSolaris vs. Linux Kernel 基准测试以及类似的文章,关注 Sun的OpenSolaris 与流行的 Linux 发行版的性能。我们已经看过高端 AMD 工作站的性能,但是我们从来没有比较上网本上的 OpenSolaris 和 Linux 性能。直到今天,在本文中,我们将比较戴尔 Inspiron Mini 9 上网本上的 OpenSolaris 2009.06 和 Ubuntu 9.04 的结果。_
**[NVIDIA 图形: Linux vs. Solaris][34]**
_ 在 Phoronix 下,我们不断探索 Linux 下的不同显示驱动程序,在我们审查了 Sun 的检查工具和 Solaris 测试主板以及覆盖其他几个领域之后,我们还没有执行图形驱动程序 Linux 和 Solaris 之间的比较。那是直到今天。由于印第安纳州项目对 Solaris 感兴趣,我们决定终于通过 NVIDIA 专有驱动程序提供我们在 Linux 和 Solaris 之间的第一次定量图形比较。_
**[OpenSolaris 2008.05 向Solaris提供了一个新面孔][35]**
_2月初,Sun Microsystems 发布了 Project Indiana 的第二个预览版本。对于那些人来说,印第安纳州项目是 Sun 的 Ian Murdock 领导的项目的代号,旨在通过解决 Solaris 的长期可用性问题,将 OpenSolaris 推向更多的台式机和笔记本电脑。我们远没有给预览2留下深刻的印象,因为它没有比普通用户感兴趣的 GNU/Linux 桌面更有优势。然而,随着5月份推出的 OpenSolaris 2008.05“Project Indiana” 发布,Sun Microsystems 今天发布了该操作系统的最终测试副本。 _
**[A Quick Tour Of Oracle Solaris 11][36]**
_Solaris 11在周三发布,是七年来前 Sun 操作系统的第一个主要更新。在过去七年中,Solaris 堆栈发生了很大变化,OpenSolaris 在那个时候已经到来,但在本文中,简要介绍了全新的 Oracle Solaris 11 版本。_
**[OpenSolaris, BSD & Linux 的新基准][37]**
_今天早些时候,我们通过本地内核模块在 Linux 上推出了 ZFS 的基准测试,该模块将被公开提供,以将此Sun/Oracle 文件系统覆盖到更多的 Linux 用户。现在,尽管作为一个奖励,我们碰巧有了基于 OpenSolaris 的最新发行版的新基准,包括 OpenSolaris,OpenIndiana 和 Augustiner-Schweinshaxe,与 PC-BSD,Fedora 和 Ubuntu相比。_
**[FreeBSD/PC-BSD 9.1针对Linux,Solaris,BSD的基准][38]**
_虽然 FreeBSD 9.1 尚未正式发布,但是基于 FreeBSD 的 PC-BSD 9.1 “Isotope”版本本月已经可用。本文中的性能指标是比较 64 位版本的 PC-BSD 9.1 与 DragonFlyBSD 3.0.3,Oracle Solaris Express 11.1,CentOS 6.3,Ubuntu 12.10 以及 Ubuntu 13.04 的开发快照。_

Michael Larabel 是 Phoronix.com 的作者,并于 2004 年创立了该网站,该网站重点是丰富多样的 Linux 硬件体验。 Michael 撰写了超过10,000 篇文章,涵盖了 Linux 硬件支持,Linux 性能,图形驱动程序等主题。 Michael 也是 Phoronix 测试套件, Phoromatic 和 OpenBenchmarking.org 自动化基准测试软件的主要开发人员。可以通过 Twitter 关注他或通过 MichaelLarabel.com 联系他。
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