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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
售价350-400美元的太阳能笔记本ubuntub SOL 将于2013年12月问世
[SOL](http://solaptop.com/en/products/laptops/) 是一个绝对有趣的项目,它是一款价格低廉但性能强劲的太阳能笔记本电脑。
总的来说,SOL 是一个预装 **Ubuntu** 的太阳能笔记本,设计时考虑了多种使用场景,从无法使用电能的地方到人迹罕至的森林这类的边远地区,等等。基本上,在那些无法接通或者购买电能的地方使用该笔记本是很方便的。
当然,由于低廉的价格和适宜的配置,普通用户也可以在常规地点使用该太阳能 **Ubuntu** 笔记本,价格和恰当的硬件搭配上Ubuntu,结果就是可以用低于400美元的价格买到这个强劲的组合。
- CPU: Intel Atom D2500 1.86 GHz Duo Core, Intel 945GSE + ICH7M
- HDD: Seagate 2.5” SATA HDD 320GB
- RAM: Kingston 2-4GB DDRIII SDRAM
- graphics: 1080p HD Vide, Built-In Intel GMA3600 Graphics
- battery operating time: 8~10 hours
- weight: 5.02 lbs
- display: 13.3" LCD, WXGA, 1366 x 768
- camera: 3MP
- audio: Realtek ALC661 HD Audio, Built-in 2 Speakers | Internal mic + 1/8” input
- 3 USB2.0, Headphone jack, HDMI, LAN(10/100), Card reader (SD/MS/MMC)
- modem: 3G/4G World/multimode LTE
- GPS: gpsOne Gen8A
- WiFi: MIMO 802.11b/gn (2.4/5GHz)
- Bluetooth: Integrated Digital Core BT4.0



David Snir,一名SOL开发者,他已经在Google+上 [分享](https://plus.google.com/109344265064351301756/posts/1F8DG57aBUy)了关于SQL(全球)即将发售的消息:“我们离 **全球发布(2013年12月)** 时间越来越近”,让用户们知道2013年12月这一时间的目的是为了使Ubuntu-powered SOL笔记本在全球的销售畅通可行。
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译者:[flsf01][] 校对:[jasminepeng][]
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
也许,很多人已经忘记,那时,Emacs Lisp还是最受欢迎的开源编程语言之一……
_也许,很多人已经忘记,那时,Emacs Lisp还是最受欢迎的开源编程语言之一……_

@ -13,9 +15,9 @@
举个例子来说,你知道在1993年的时候,Emacs Lisp是最受欢迎的开源编程语言之一吗?也许有读者从未听说过Emacs,这是一款在Linux开发者中非常流行的文本编辑器,由自由软件领袖Richard Stallman开发。由于当时在Linux下并没有多少成熟的集成开发环境(IDEs),就算有,Linuxer们也不屑于使用,而同时Emacs具有良好的可扩展性,所以很多程序员都用它来写代码。Emacs Lisp就是早期Lisp编程语言的一款衍生品。
举个例子来说,你知道在1993年的时候,Emacs Lisp是最受欢迎的开源编程语言之一吗?也许有读者从未听说过Emacs,这是一款在Linux开发者中非常流行的文本编辑器,由自由软件领袖Richard Stallman开发。由于当时在Linux下并没有多少成熟的集成开发环境(IDE),就算有,Linuxer们也不屑于使用,而同时Emacs具有良好的可扩展性,所以很多程序员都用它来写代码。Emacs Lisp就是早期Lisp编程语言的一款衍生品。
@ -36,12 +38,12 @@ via: http://readwrite.com/2013/09/17/a-visual-history-of-the-last-20-years-of-op
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译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[校对者ID][]
@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
集成命令提示符、堪称“多才多艺”的命令行文件管理器 - CLEX
也许,偶尔你会找到一款不错的命令行管理器,但即使如此,你仍然需要在你的文件管理器和命令行窗口之间来回切换。所以,这个问题并没有真正解决。那么,是否有一款文件管理器能将文件浏览和命令提示符集成在同一个窗口里呢?答案是肯定的,它就是 **CLEX** 。

## CLEX - 命令行文件管理器 ##
###CLEX - 命令行文件管理器
**注** - 下文中的所有例子均测试于Ubuntu13.04。
**注** : 下文中的所有例子均测试于Ubuntu 13.04。

可以看到,窗口的上半部分列出了当前工作路径(本例中 **/home/himanshu/** )下的所有的文件和目录。你可以使用上下方向键选择一个文件或目录,接着按下回车进入一个目录。

@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ CLEX是一款基于命令行的文件管理器,它拥有一个漂亮轻巧的


@ -44,9 +47,9 @@ CLEX是一款基于命令行的文件管理器,它拥有一个漂亮轻巧的
**注** - 退出CLEX的快捷键是Alt+q。
**注** : 退出CLEX的快捷键是Alt+q。
@ -56,23 +59,24 @@ CLEX是一款基于命令行的文件管理器,它拥有一个漂亮轻巧的
- 在同一个窗口中整合了文件浏览与命令提示符
- 提供大量快捷键。包括文件夹比较,文件名排序,查看历史命令等等。
- 出色的在线文档
- 依赖于CURSES库,需要宽字符集支持。因此通过源码安装的时候可能会导致一些问题。
- 启动时不稳定,我每次启动时都会出现下图中的警告:

本文由 [LCTT][] 原创翻译,[Linux中国][] 荣誉推出
@ -87,4 +91,4 @@ via:http://mylinuxbook.com/clex-a-versatile-command-line-file-manager/
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@

CAG可以让对此关注的移动运营商可以提前看到,并讨论和影响Ubuntu Touch的开发进程。
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/09/mobile-network-3-joins-ubuntu-carrier-advisory-group
本文由 [LCTT][] 原创翻译,[Linux中国][] 荣誉推出
译者:[神之一手][] 校对:[wxy][]
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@

(数据来自Linux 基金会; 图表由 Stephen Shankland/CNET 提供)
_在2011-7-21 Linux发布3.0版本到2013-6-30发布3.10版本的过程中,其开发人员数量一直保持着稳定地增长。_

(数据来自Linux 基金会; 图表由 Stephen Shankland/CNET 提供)
[Linux基金会][2]年会发布的粗略统计反应了其实用性。该组织聘请了Linux的创始人和监管人Linux Torvalds以及其他人,于星期五发布了其2013年9月份的报告。该基金会使用Torvalds因不满足之前的源代码管理工具而编写的Git源代码管理工具来进行跟踪统计。(Git现在已超越Linux,得到更广泛的应用,因为越来越多的人发现它在管理多开发人员的开发项目上的实用性。)

(来源: Linux 基金会)

(来源: 数据来自Linux 基金会,图表由 Stephen Shankland/CNET 提供)
就被Linux接受的补丁数目来说,前十名的贡献者为 Red Hat(红帽子)、Intel(因特尔)、Texas Instruments(德州仪器)、Linaro、SUSE、IBM、Samsung(三星)、Google、Vision Engraving System 和 Wolfson Microelectronics。其他的开发者中,移动技术公司包括 Texas Instruments,Samsung,Google和Qualcomm,在去年实现的64位ARM处理器的支持中扮演了重要的角色,而且也使得Google的Andoid团队和其他核心开发人员之间的冲突得到了解决。

(来源: 数据来自Linux 基金会,图表由 Stephen Shankland/CNET 提供)

(来源: 数据来自Linux 基金会,图表由 Stephen Shankland/CNET 提供)
作者:[Stephen Shankland](http://www.cnet.com/profile/Stephen+Shankland/)
via: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57603216-94/linux-development-by-the-numbers-big-and-getting-bigger/
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译者:[theo-l][] 校对:[jasminepeng][]
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
[StartUbuntu](https://launchpad.net/startubuntu) 是一个潜力十足的有趣项目,它是由在全世界的关注当前操作系统使用率的第三方用户们创建的。这个项目的设计是为了给更多用户推广Ubuntu的使用。
StartUbuntu项目清晰而明确的目标无疑是让人兴奋的,它旨在利用一个方便的策略来将用户从Windows XP处吸引过来:为那些正想更换操作系统的Windows XP用户提供整套的Ubuntu家族的发行版。

- 第0步 定义项目并且向公众展示项目的目标
- 第1步 建立一个开放共同参与的小组
- 第2步 强化与新创立小组之间的沟通
- 第3步 详细阐述为什么用户会认为Ubuntu系统相比它的竞争对手来说更好用更适合
- 第4步 进一步并且经营好给用户提供可能的帮助的社区、基金会、项目等,以便留住那些已经考虑用Ubuntu替换XP系统的用户。
- 第5步 得到实际的XP用户
- 第6步 继续并且进一步扩大以上步骤
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/meet-startubuntu-interesting-open-participation-project-aimed-further-spreading-ubuntus-adoption
本文由 [LCTT][] 原创翻译,[Linux中国][] 荣誉推出
译者:[markvv][] 校对:[Caroline][]
@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
TrueCrypt的各项 **特性** 如下:
- 能够建立加密文件夹并将其呈现为真实的硬盘
- 支持加密存储设备(例如U盘)或整个分区
- 自动根据需要进行实时动态加密
- 充分利用系统资源,能够快速读取加密数据,速度接近访问未加密数据时的速度
TrueCrypt的 **实时动态加密** ,意指:
- 数据在存储之前就已经被自动加密
- 数据在加载之后会自动解密
- 例如,播放一个加密文件夹里的小电影,TrueCrypt会直接在内存中将密数据一部分一部分解密后再送入指定的内存块(或播放器)。也就是说“TrueCrypt从不会将明数据放在硬盘上,这些明数据只会暂时存在于内存里”。
下面几个步骤教你如何用TrueCrypt **新建** 一个加密文件夹:
- [下载][2]TrueCrypt 7.1
- 解压缩后在终端中输入以下命令(假设你解压在了Downloads文件夹下)
> cd Downloads
> ./truecrypt-7.1a-setup-x64
cd Downloads
- 然后根据提示,几下鼠标,轻松完成安装
- 然后根据提示,点击鼠标,轻松完成安装
- 在Dash搜索栏中键入`truecrypt`,启动TrueCrypt
- 依次点击`TrueCrypt-->Volumes-->Create New Volume`,建立一个新的“待加密文件夹”
- 选中 `Create an encrypted file container`然后点击`Next`
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ TrueCrypt的**实时动态加密**,意指:

点击`Select File...`,在你认为合适的位置新建目录/条目(例如,在`Music`目录下建立一个`123`条目),然后点击`Next`
点击`Select File`,在你认为合适的位置新建目录/条目(例如,在`Music`目录下建立一个`123`条目),然后点击`Next`

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ TrueCrypt的**实时动态加密**,意指:

- 接下来,持续玩儿命晃动你的鼠标几秒钟(重要:该步骤用来生成密钥,晃动越无规律时间越长越好),然后点击`Format`,最后输入刚才设置的密码,整个加密条目的创建过程就完成了。
- 接下来,持续猛烈晃动你的鼠标几秒钟(译者注:该步骤用来生成密钥,晃动越无规律时间越长越好),然后点击`Format`,最后输入刚才设置的密码,整个加密条目的创建过程就完成了。

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ TrueCrypt的**实时动态加密**,意指:
到此为止,刚刚建立的那个加密文件夹就已经在TrueCrypt的保护下了,点击 `Select File`,找到刚建立的加密条目,再点击底部的`Mount`,挂载/打开该加密文件夹。

@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ via: http://iloveubuntu.net/truecrypt-powerful-yet-friendly-encryption-applicati
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译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[校对者ID][]
译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[Caroline][]
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
Ubuntuzilla: 安装最新版Mozilla软件的简单方法
[**Ubuntuzilla**][1] 是一个包含最新版本**Mozilla Firefox,MOzilla Thunderbird**,还有**Mozilla Seamonkey**软件的**APT**仓库,这个仓库将适用于Ubuntu以及所有的Debian衍生发行版。Ubuntuzilla在[Ubuntu论坛][3]的第三方项目区域有一个[支持论坛][2],因此,如果用户有任何问题、意见或者建议就可以使用它。
[**Ubuntuzilla**][1] 是一个包含最新版本 **Mozilla Firefox,Mozilla Thunderbird** ,和 **Mozilla Seamonkey** 软件的 **APT** 仓库,这个仓库将适用于Ubuntu以及所有的Debian衍生发行版。Ubuntuzilla在[Ubuntu论坛][3]的第三方项目区域有一个[支持论坛][2],因此,如果用户有任何问题、意见或者建议就可以使用它来反馈。
$ sudo ubuntuzilla.py -a remove -p <package-name>
首先,强烈建议大家备份已存在的Firefox/Thunderbird/Seamonkey用户个人文件。它被存放在你的主目录。Firefox 和Seamonkey个人文件存放在 **.mozilla** 目录中。Thunderbird 的个人文件存放在 **.thunderbird** 或者 **.mozilla-thunderbird** 目录中。
首先,强烈建议大家备份已存在的Firefox/Thunderbird/Seamonkey的用户个人文件。它被存放在你的主目录。Firefox和Seamonkey个人文件存放在 **.mozilla** 目录中。Thunderbird 的个人文件存放在 **.thunderbird** 或者 **.mozilla-thunderbird** 目录中。
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Ubuntuzilla: 安装最新版Mozilla软件的简单方法
使用以下命令在apt 的 keyring中添加下面的软件包签名公钥:
$ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com C1289A29
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Ubuntuzilla: 安装最新版Mozilla软件的简单方法
$ sudo apt-get install thunderbird-mozilla-build
**安装MOzilla Seamonkey:**
**安装Mozilla Seamonkey:**
$ sudo apt-get install seamonkey-mozilla-build
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntuzilla-easy-way-install-latest-mozilla-products
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Add a metallic variation to Saucy's default wall with Aqua Graphite wallpaper
In every Ubuntu development cycle, the implemented-by-default wallpapers are gathered from two sources: on one hand, there is the submission contest, where creative artists submit images to a dedicated Flickr pool, on the other hand, there is the default wallpaper.
The **Ubuntu designer Mika Meskanen** shared on [Twitter][1] an interesting variation of Ubuntu 13.10's default wallpaper, filtering the Saucy's default wall through a more sober metallic feel.
Labeled as "Aqua Graphite", the wall shifts the default Saucy wallpaper's colors to gray-to-blue colors, being a pleasant addition to the vivid orange-to-red Saucy default background.

Along with imprinting a cold static feel to the desktop, the Aqua Graphite wallpaper pushes a blue color into the Dash, thus being suitable for users preferring blue colors.
The 2,7MB 2560x1600 wallpaper is available for download on [http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2831/9950159855_fa8077e928_o.png][2]
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/add-metallic-variation-saucys-default-wall-aqua-graphite-wallpaper
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译者:[译者ID][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
sources/Are We Witnessing the Decline of Ubuntu.md
Normal file
sources/Are We Witnessing the Decline of Ubuntu.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
Are We Witnessing the Decline of Ubuntu?
History is written years after the events it describes. But when the history of free software finally is written, I am increasingly convinced that this last year will be noted as the start of the decline of Ubuntu.
At first, the idea might seem ridiculous or spiteful. You can still find Ubuntu enthusiasts who exclaim over every move the distribution makes, and journalists still report founder Mark Shuttleworth's every word uncritically.
Community manager Jono Bacon is working hard to develop a community of app developers for the Ubuntu Touch mobile operating system, and occasionally Ubuntu's commercial arm Canonical announces prestige projects such as working with the Chinese government to develop a [national Chinese operating system][1], or being chosen to deliver the [Steam][2] gaming platform to Linux.
Nor can you deduce too much from the fact that Google trend shows a sharp decline in searches for "[Ubuntu][3]." Except for Android and Mageia, the same can be said of other [major distributions][4]. It is true, though, that none of the other distros have declined as sharply as Ubuntu, which is at less than half its height in October 2007, at a low that it has not been at since June 2006.
All the same, the suspicion remains. Ubuntu and Canonical have isolated themselves from the free software community that Shuttleworth once hoped to lead. In the last year, the community has signaled repeatedly that at least parts of it feel disempowered.
Worst of all, in the last year, initiative after initiative has failed, and profitability apparently continues to elude Canonical. All these seem like indicators of organizations that are starting into a tailspin that will be difficult to correct, assuming they are correctable at all.
###Semi-Splendid Isolation
The last year is a marked contrast to the first years of Ubuntu. In 2005-2007, Ubuntu was the latest and greatest hope for the Linux desktop, and criticism was limited largely to those who felt that Debian was not given enough credit or distrusted the motives of an eccentric millionaire.
In those early years, Ubuntu did many things to improve usability on the desktop. Probably the most noticeable was the installed support for multiple languages and keyboard locale switching that are now standard in all major distributions.
Gradually, however, Ubuntu and Canonical began to isolate themselves from the mainstream of the free software community. Shuttleworth's proposals that projects coordinate their releases and emphasize usability were largely ignored. Impatient with the speed of development in GNOME -- and, perhaps, seen as an upstart in the GNOME community -- Shuttleworth began the development of the Unity interface, a design project that intrigued him so much that he stepped down as Canonical CEO to oversee it.
Unity and all its details quickly became the major focus of new Ubuntu releases. If the package versions were sometimes less up to date as they once were, few noticed as Canonical imposed change after change, effectively giving the design team a veto over the Ubuntu community.
Yet for all the development effort lavished on Unity, the result was an interface that, for all its eye candy, was better suited for mobile devices than workstations or laptops. According to Distrowatch, only [11 distributions][4] default to Unity, although [79][5] are listed as derived from Ubuntu in general. Nor have other major distributions rushed to make Unity available, much less promote it.
The same is true of [Upstart][6], Ubuntu's replacement for the init daemon, and more recently, [Mir][7], Ubuntu's replacement for Wayland, which other projects see as the upcoming replacement for the X Window System.
While both remain free-licensed, in practice both Upstart and Mir are controlled by Canonical, mainly through a [contributor's agreement][8] which assigns all rights to the company.
This control is perhaps one of the reasons why Intel recently [announced][9] that it would not be supporting Mir. In the last four years, Ubuntu and Canonical have gone from welcome members of the free software community to being perceived as mavericks who obey the letter of free-licenses while undermining their spirit. Few, apparently, are prepared to do them any favors.
###Placing Its Own House Out of Order
The more Canonical has isolated itself from the rest of the community, the more it has also attempted to control the Ubuntu community.
This effort is widely interpreted as the result of increasingly determined efforts to make Canonical profitable. Although Canonical is quick to make support and partnership announcements, [these announcements][10] are always lacking any mention of a monetary value -- an omission that, after nine years of running the business, would seem unthinkable if there was any good news to report. But, whatever the reason, Canonical has increasingly imposed its decisions on the community of Ubuntu volunteers without consulting them.
Many of these decisions have been trivial in themselves. They range from decisions not to support a completely free-licensed version of Ubuntu or a KDE-based version to the repositioning of title bar icons and the introduction of the [HUD][11] menu replacement.
However, as in many disputes, the issues involved seem less important than the relationships involved. Unlike Canonical, Ubuntu on a daily basis runs much like any free software project, with discussion and consultation the expected norm. The introduction of a hierarchy with Canonical employees at the top and often wielding a veto power would be likely to cause friction even if done politely -- which, often, it has not been. Instead of welcoming debate, Canonical has been far more apt to urge people to stifle it in the name of making Ubuntu a success.
Matters came to a head in February 2013, with long-time Ubuntu contributors publicly questioning whether they had any role and many considering quitting (although in practice, only one seems to have).
These first signs of discontent were quieted largely through the diplomatic efforts of Jono Bacon, only to flare up a couple of months later over the [removal of a community link][11] from the Ubuntu home page.
Again, Bacon managed to smooth things over, and -- so far as an outsider can tell -- the community has been quiet in the months since. However, the longstanding community grievances are unlikely to have disappeared altogether, for the simple reason that Canonical continues to ignore much of the Ubuntu community. A new outburst seems only a matter of time.
###Lost without a Compass
Whether Canonical ever believed that the Ubuntu distribution could be profitable is unknown. Certainly, over a dozen earlier efforts to monetize distributions should have warned the company how unlikely the possibility was. But the years spent polishing Ubuntu suggest that Canonical hopes -- or hoped -- to do the impossible. Or perhaps Canonical simply sees a quality distribution as a pre-requisite to grander goals.
Either way, spending so much effort on Unity seems to have been a distraction. To this day, Canonical appears to lack a business plan that offers any reasonable chance of profitability.
To some undocumented extent, efforts like online storage, a music store, or corporate ads in the dash may be defraying the costs of developing Ubuntu. However, if together they make Ubuntu profitable, no one is mentioning the fact. Attempts to cut corners by holding developer's meetings online rather than in person suggest a company that is finding ways to cut corners, not one making a profit.
Just as important, these efforts can create other problems. In particular, the ads on the dash lead to concerns about privacy and to being called spyware by [Richard Stallman][12]. The ads were also a major prompt for community unrest.
Yet Canonical has taken over a year to [address the privacy concerns][13] -- and, even then, the lack of details means that it is asking users to trust it.
Other sidelines, like [Ubuntu TV][14], have yet to materialize. Currently, Ubuntu's main strategy seems to be convergence on multiple form factors, but the advisability of trying to break into a saturated market seems dubious. The Ubuntu Touch interface is scheduled to be released in October with the 13.10 environment, but if any phone manufacturers are shipping products with it pre-installed, then Canonical is saving the announcements for the release date.
Even worse was the [Ubuntu Edge][15] fundraiser, an attempt to crowdfund a cutting edge boutique phone. Had it worked, then Canonical might have established a small niche in the marketplace.
However, in the end, only forty percent of its $32 million goal was reached. Canonical tried to put a good face on the results, mainly because of the publicity the crowdfunding campaigned produced. But since the result now mean that Canonical has a reputation for failure among potential business partners, the rationale is hard to accept. The failure of Ubuntu Edge has left Canonical's business plans more indefinite and more unlikely than ever.
###Waiting for the Next Act
All this is not to say that either Canonical and Ubuntu are about to disappear overnight. Any decline is just beginning, not at the point of no return. The introduction of new faces, or even determined internal reform could still turn Canonical and Ubuntu around. Perhaps listening to the Ubuntu community would be useful as well.
Still, the problem remains that, after nine years, Canonical and Ubuntu have yet to succeed. Major contributors to the Linux desktop in their early years, they have not even helped themselves with recent innovations, let alone free software in general. Increasingly, the general impression is one of confusion and desperation, which in itself can contribute to the decline.
Even without reform, Ubuntu and Canonical may continue to glide on their previous reputations, although the Ubuntu Edge campaign suggests that may be less possible as many imagine. But increasingly, Canonical and Ubuntu seem to have been slipping from the position of leadership they had in their earliest years.
Whether they can reverse their decline or merely accelerate it by panicky half-measures is uncertain, but watching the possibilities play out should make for an interesting next couple of years.
via: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/are-we-witnessing-the-decline-of-ubuntu-1.html
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Calculator App updated with optimized show/hide calculation description
[Ubuntu Touch Core Apps][1] is an official project where a set of core applications is presently being developed, apps ranging from music players to weather tools and RSS readers.
Under the fruitful roof of Core Apps there is Calculator App, too, calculator utility incorporating handy features into a beautiful interface.
[Calculator App][2] has been updated to a minor-yet-relevant release, further refining its behaviors, in order to deliver a more and more user-friendly highly-usable application with hassle-free feature usage.
Launching Calculator App, the user is to notice a monochrome pencil icon located near each and each calculation, clicking on it, renders multiple underlines where the user is able to on-demand write related-to-the-calculation comments (like for example, pizza cost near a value of 20).
The new Calculator App version adds an optimized behavior to the pencil icon, meaning, clicking now on the pencil icon, renders the dotted underlines (therefore, making the area editable), clicking again on the pencil icon, hides the dotted underlines, therefore, the pencil area is not editable anymore.

The mentioned optimization adds a significant amount of clarity, allowing the user to 1-click/tap away shift a calculation's area as writable or non-writable.
How do we **install** Calculator App 0.1.3?
Add the following **official** PPA (Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk ubuntu-calculator-app
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/calculator-app-updated-optimized-showhide-calculation-description
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Canonical is gold sponsor at October 2013's OggCamp open-source event
[OggCamp][1] is an enjoyable vivid gathering of persons interested in computers, "a whole weekend of fun" where oggcampers meet and discuss topics related to free open-source software, Creative Commons, as well as about collaborative projects and generalist hacking activities.
The next OggCamp is to happen starting with Friday, October 18th 2013, and ending on Sunday, October 20th 2013, when participants will propose talks and discussions, overall event encompassed by Cafe-Bar discussions and friendly activities.
The upcoming OggCamp is sponsored by Canonical, too, Canonical being a gold sponsor, further showing its appreciation and real support for open-source projects and their users.
The OggCamp sponsoring is yet-another evidence of Canonical's awareness of and participation in the open-source ecosystem, another evidence of Canonical's deep and constantly-maintained interest in pushing forward the adoption of open-source collaborative software and projects at a planetary scale.
"OggCamp is an unconference, and it only happens because of its attendees. Alongside our scheduled track which we’ll start announcing soon, we’ll have 3 tracks which will be decided on the day. This means we need you to come along and offer a talk about your project, hobby, experiences, or opinions. Anything related to Free Culture is welcome, including Free and Open Source Software, Creative Commons works, hardware hacking, or any collaborative activity.

Of course, speaking isn’t compulsory. If you only want to come along to enjoy the talks, exhibition and parties, you’re just as welcome!
We will have a system in place to manage the talks on the day. Slots will be 30 minutes long, and you can have a maximum of 2 slots (i.e. 1 hour) for your talk. If you need any help submitting your talk, our crew will be on hand to help. There will also be some sessions of shorter “lightning” talks".
Complete details about OggCamp are available on [http://oggcamp.org/event/][2]
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/canonical-gold-sponsor-october-2013s-oggcamp-open-source-event
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Editable pack of Ubuntu SDK visuals, GUI Toolkit 04.1, released with improvements
The year 2013 is the witness of the exciting emergence of Canonical as the bringer of the next-generation Ubuntu in the open, next generation of software ranging from buttons, dialogs, programming languages, interactions, density of official designs per app, etc, essentially, a sea of beauty aimed at 20 million users.
**GUI Toolkit** is an interesting **third-party** gathering of Ubuntu SDK pieces, permitting to users, designers and artists to use categorized and clearly-exposed Ubuntu SDK pieces into custom mockups, expressions of concepts, creation of how-tos, etc.
Basically, the GUI Toolkit is an **editable SVG** file that can be opened with (for example) [Inkscape][1], then harnessed accordingly (the within elements can be dragged, resized, added text to, etc).

GUI Toolkit has been [updated][2] to version 04.1, refining the now-old recently-released version with friendly descriptions, as well as fixing several faulty elements (lacking proper backgrounds).
GUI Toolkit 04.1 is available for download on [http://ubuntuone.com/67Ne2uIzyMy0WoiEOgsTFJ][3]
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/editable-pack-ubuntu-sdk-visuals-gui-toolkit-041-released-improvements
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Embedded Terminal – A Gedit Plugin To Access The Command Line Terminal From Within The Editor Window
Sometimes while working with GUI based programs in Linux, you have to hop between the program window and the command line window. This consumes a bit of time. A terminal window embedded inside the program window is the best solution to this problem. I am not sure about all the other programs but if you are looking for such a solution for gedit, then there is a plug-in — **Embedded Terminal** — that lets you access command line terminal from within the gedit window.
**Gedit Embedded Terminal Plugin**
**NOTE** – Ubuntu 13.04 was used for all the examples presented in this article.
**A Brief Tutorial**
Once the plug-in is installed, it becomes very easy for the user to edit files and access command line simultaneously.
Here is a screen shot of gedit window with this plug-in enabled:

So you can see that command line operations can now be done easily along with editing text files in gedit window.
Following steps are required to properly download-install-configure embedded terminal plug-in in gedit:
Install the gedit plug-ins through the following command :
sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins
Now, in the gedit window, go to Edit->Preferences->Plugins and enable the Embedded Terminal Plug-in

Now, click View->Bottom Panel in the gedit window

And you will see that an embedded terminal appears at the bottom panel of the gedit window.

The only problem here is that the colour scheme is not good i.e., white prompt on light grey background makes it almost impossible to work. To change the colour scheme follow the next series of steps.
Open dconf-editor. If it is not installed, install it through the following command :
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
Once installed, execute it using the following command :
In the dconf editor window, go to org->gnome->gedit->plugins->terminal and deselect the use-theme-colors option.

Now restart the gedit program.

Observe that a colour scheme of black prompt over light background is now active.
- Ease of accessing a terminal from within the gedit window
- Being a plug-in, it can be deleted any-time.
- The colour scheme problem is the major hurdle in initial configuration.`
No matter how hard you try, it’s difficult to avoid command line while working on Linux. So, It’s always good to have an embedded terminal in the program window you use the most. This plug-in for gedit is a nice little tool that helps you to save some time. Try it, it’s worth installing.
via: http://mylinuxbook.com/embedded-terminal-a-gedit-plugin/
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Flower Coil, retro challenging puzzle game (Ubuntu Software Center)
Flower Coil is a retro game centering a simplistic-yet-enjoyable action, forcing the user to attentively utilize each and each movement, in oder to complete the tasks.
Essentially, the gamer is packed with sliding movements, movements centered on the actor, actor bound by a predefined number of available movements, gaming plot stressing the brain while carefully calculating the next steps.
Flower Coil comes with puzzle and arcade game types, as well as pairing the simplistic bundle of visuals with a vivid alert-like music, the result: launching the game, the user is to harness each second (especially in the arcade mode) and pixel of the screen, in order to become victorious.
Selecting arcade on the main view, adds a more energetic rhythm to the game, action now conducted in relation to a certain time interval, arcade increasing the level of alertness.

Flower Coil is freely [available][1] via Ubuntu Software Center.
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/flower-coil-retro-challenging-puzzle-game-ubuntu-software-center
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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
Google Android Is Open Source: LinuxCon
**Google's top-open source exec explains at the LinuxCon conference why Android is open source and why open source is a key part of Android's success.**
NEW ORLEANS—Google Director of Open Source Chris DiBona took the keynote stage at the LinuxCon conference here on Sept. 16 with a key message: Android is open source.
DiBona plays a key role at Google in helping to make sure that his company does right by the open-source community and is compliant with open-source licensing requirements. During his keynote, DiBona explained that from the very beginning of Android's strategic development back in 2005, a core underpinning of the platform has been about being open.
The challenge for Google in 2005 was that it was difficult to get its search engine onto phones. At the time, the handset market was a closed system and Google had to go through a carrier-by-carrier process to get on phones. Android in part was an effort by Google simply to make sure that its search engine could be easily deployed on any phone.
"We wanted people to have the same experience on their phone as they did on the desktop, but no options were available in open source," DiBona said.
With Android, Google wanted to provide a new minimum level of capabilities that users should expect from a phone, DiBona said. What Google didn't want was to have to continuously cut deals with carriers in order for Google search—or, for that matter, any given Website—to run on any phone.
"Cell phone operators can't compete by restrictions anymore; there has to be a level of freedom," DiBona said.
Android has been a tremendously successful effort for Google that gets better every year, according to DiBona. Currently, 1.3 million Android devices are activated daily, he noted.
While Android leverages Linux as part of its platform, Android has had some issues with Linux in the past. In 2010, the Google Android code [was dropped][1] from the mainline Linux kernel.
It was not until March of 2012 with the [Linux 3.3 kernel][2] release that Android finally returned to the mainline Linux kernel. DiBona commented that he always thought that it was a good idea for Linux and Android to be together. The dispute was a deeply technical one and dealt with [wake locks][3], a power-saving mechanism.
Linux dispute aside, DiBona said that while some have questioned whether or not Android really is open source, there is a surefire way to prove that it is. Android can be shipped by anyone and included in any product, without Google's involvement or even permission. That fact is enabled by the permissive open-source license under which Google makes Android available.
In the final analysis, DiBona stressed that open source is what makes Android work for Google, and it's a powerful concept that is at the core of Android.
via: http://www.eweek.com/mobile/google-android-is-open-source-linuxcon.html
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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
How Linux defenders attack bad software patents before they’re approved
Group identifies dangerous patents and tries to cut them down to size.

Despite the rise in the number of patent trolls launching lawsuits affecting open source software, there are some glimmers of hope. The America Invents Act that was signed into law in September 2011 has provided new ways to prevent the issuance of over-broad software patents that could fuel future lawsuits.
In a session at LinuxCon today, [Linux Defenders][1] director Andrea Casillas explained how the group is using rights granted by the new law to fight patent applications. A project of the Open Invention Network, Software Freedom Law Center, and Linux Foundation, Linux Defenders examines the 6,000 new patent applications published each week, attempting to identify those that are potentially threatening to Linux and open source. Then, the group looks for prior art that would invalidate at least some of the claims in the patents.
The next step is working with Linux technologists to file defensive publications, which are not patents themselves but describe an invention and place it in the public record, preventing new patents from being granted that cover the same technology. These are typically two- to three-page descriptions of the technology, which the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) examiners can read when conducting their review of prior art that might invalidate or limit the scope of a new patent application. Linux Defenders has filed about 200 of these defensive publications.
"We'll work with authors or inventors or developers to take submissions, edit them, and work hand in hand with them to make these publications more effective," Casillas said, urging the Linux community to help the group identify dangerous patents and find prior art.
Defensive publications are an old strategy, but it's become more accessible to the public because of the America Invents Act, Casillas explained. "This is the first time examiners have welcomed the public interaction," she said. "Any individual can electronically submit up to three pieces of prior art at no cost per application."
Linux Defenders has filed defensive publications related to patent applications from Microsoft, Apple, and others. Generally, Casillas said defensive publications aren't going to force a company to abandon a patent application. Rather, they might force the company to limit the scope of the patent application's claims.
When asked if Linux Defenders could name examples of patent applications that were limited because of this process, Casillas and her colleagues said they're still working on a method of measuring its effectiveness. Within 6 to 9 months, they expect to implement a tool that lets them track when patent examiners use the defensive publications in the patent review process.
Linux Defenders also targets patents that have already been issued, but Casillas noted that the legal standard for invalidating patents after they're awarded is very high.
**One patent lawsuit “could make Red Hat go away”**
In a separate session at LinuxCon yesterday, Red Hat's Fedora engineering manager Tom Callaway discussed legal threats to open source.
Red Hat has criticized patent trolls and taken many steps to [protect itself and its customers from them][2]. Callaway said the threat can't be understated. "I do not overestimate this. Red Hat is not a small company in our industry, in open source. We're possibly the biggest. One good loss at trial on a serious set of patents could make Red Hat go away. It would be gone. That's the seriousness of patents and that's how chilling they are on our industry," he said.
In all likelihood, Red Hat isn't going anywhere. The company has a good track record defending itself and its customers in court against patent trolls. It indemnifies customers against lawsuits as part of its software subscription program, and it has built up a portfolio of defensive patents.
While paid subscriptions to Red Hat Enterprise Linux entitle customers to extra protection, Red Hat is also working on making sure Fedora—which costs users nothing—is protected from legal trouble. The company does that by analyzing all the code and making sure every piece is licensed properly, sometimes removing and replacing problematic code. This has negative consequences for the software. "We have this problem a lot in Fedora. Patents keep us from doing the things that we want to do," Callaway said.
In a recent case involving Rackspace and Red Hat, a company called Uniloc tried to get money from Rackspace for using Red Hat's Linux-based servers. Uniloc's case was thrown out, with the judge saying its patent claim is invalid because it describes a relatively simple math operation.
But defending those cases costs money, and even Red Hat has occasionally paid money to patent trolls to settle cases without going to trial.
Callaway expressed frustration about over-broad patents. Some patents are "so vague they could mean anything," he said. "They could be applied to almost anything, and the patent trolls are betting on that, that you won't fight it."
**Helping patent examiners identify bad patents**
Those over-broad patents, again, are what Linux Defenders is trying to stop. Vague patents often get approved in part because patent examiners spend no more than 20 hours on each application, Casillas said.
The amount of time is "pretty staggering considering how long the process takes and how important the issuance of a patent can be," she said. The 20 hours "includes going through the application, making sure it complies with formatting, your basic legal requirements, but also determining the scope of the invention."
The examiner spends about seven to eight hours searching for prior art, whether in the form of patents or other publicly available descriptions of technology, she said.
By submitting defensive publications, complete with tags making them more easily discoverable by patent examiners, Linux Defenders hopes to make the USPTO more effective.
"We're not adding to their increasing workload," Casillas said. "We're helping them with these relevant publications."
via: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/09/how-linux-defenders-attack-software-patents-before-theyre-approved/
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@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
Is '3′ The Latest Member of Canonical’s Carrier Advisory Group?
Mobile Network ’3′ appears to be the latest addition to Canonical’s Carrier Advisory Group.

The company’s logo appears on the CAG section of the official Ubuntu website.
But, this appearance aside, official confirmation of CAG membership by either 3 or Canonical has yet to be made.
###About 3
Three is far from being the biggest mobile network in the UK, where it has picked up nearly 9 million customers since launching as the nations first 3G service back in 2003.
But worldwide the network has a more notable presence, with the [Hutchison Whampoa][1]-owned company operating in several other countries, including Ireland, Austria, and Hong Kong.
###About the CAG
The CAG allows mobile networks interested in Ubuntu Touch for mobiles the chance to preview, discuss and influence development.
Membership of the CAG is not the same as committing to offer devices. That said, members do get confidential information on handsets, release dates and other launch information to help persuade them to do so.
If the addition of 3 is confirmed then it will be joining [a 13-strong list of carriers who have shown interest][2] in the fledgling upstart OS.
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/09/mobile-network-3-joins-ubuntu-carrier-advisory-group
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@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ via : http://www.eweek.com/developer/linus-torvalds-talks-linux-development-at-l
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译者:[Mr小眼儿][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
Linux Seeks Help From More (And More Diverse) Coders

*Sarah Sharp and Linus Torvalds (second from right) at LinuxCon. Photo: Linux Foundation*
Linus Torvalds and Intel developer Sarah Sharp met face-to-face on Wednesday, their first public encounter since their [mailing list contretemps][1] over the blunt way Torvalds treats the software coders who work on Linux, the massively popular open source operating system he created and still oversees.
But there weren’t any fireworks. They didn’t even address the issues Sharp raised this summer.
Speaking at a Linux user conference, held in New Orleans and [streamed over the web,][2] Sharp sidestepped any controversy, but she did tell her audience that the Linux project needed to find new ways of hanging on to people who contribute to “the kernel,” the software at the heart of the operating system.
“We bring a lot of new people into the kernel and people do one-off patches,” she said, referring to small software contributions. “But there really needs to be a way for people to get a larger, beefier project within the kernel and to get some one-on-one mentorship.”
> ‘There really needs to be a way for people to get a larger, beefier project within the kernel and to get some one-on-one mentorship’
> — Sarah Sharp
Torvalds conceded that although the kernel process may seem difficult in some respects, it’s still pretty easy to write some code and have it accepted. “People talk about how hard the kernel is, but at the same time, just look at the numbers. It can’t be that hard to get involved.”
The Linux Foundation says that more than 10,000 developers have contributed to the Linux kernel since 2005. That’s a massive number, but there’s always a need for new blood, and the community is far from diverse. Sharp is one of the few women who work on the project — [she estimates][3] that only 1 to 2 percent of kernel developers are women — and it’s unclear how many ethnic minorities are represented.
As Sharp indicated back in July, some people may be turned off by the blunt way coders are often treated on the project. And this kind of treatment can be particularly discouraging if you’re someone who doesn’t fit into the white-male culture that has traditionally dominated software development.
This summer, Sharp took Torvalds to task for his habit of flaming people on the kernel mailing list. “Linus, you’re one of the worst offenders when it comes to verbally abusing people and publicly tearing their emotions apart,” she wrote in a mailing list post.
But Torvalds says that “professionalism” is the last thing he wants, and that non-corporate nature of Linux helps set it apart. He manages the core component of the most important operating system on the planet from the home-office above his garage, sometimes in his bathrobe.
He and Sharp will eventually discuss their differences. It’s just that we may not get the chance to hear them. They’re set to discuss things at the closed-door [Linux Kernel Summit][4] in Edinburgh next month.
And though Linux is mostly written by white men, the community is taking [some baby steps][5] toward changing that. Sharp herself coordinates an internship program to mentor women in participating in open-source projects. (She said that two of her fledgling female hackers were presenting at the conference — and looking for jobs). And for the first time ever, there was a Women in Open Source lunch at LinuxCon.
About 60 women showed up for that, said Jennifer Cloer a Linux Foundation spokeswoman. “I didn’t expect that many,” she says.
Oh, and there’s one more thing. Now you can get LinuxCon T-shirts in women’s sizes. They started doing that last year. 1
*1Correction 17:55 EST 09/19/13: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that this was the first year LinuxCon shirts were available in women’s sizes. They were introduced in 2012.*
via: http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2013/09/linuxcon/
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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
Multimedia Production Studio ArtistX 1.5 Distro Is Based on Ubuntu 13.04
**ArtistX 1.5, an Ubuntu-based distribution that aims to enable artists and creators from a number of fields to work via a live and free environment, has just been released.**
@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Multimedia-Production-Studio-ArtistX-1-5-Dis
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@ -38,4 +40,4 @@ via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Multimedia-Production-Studio-ArtistX-1-5-Dis
sources/NTFS Partition Repair and Recovery In Linux.md
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
NTFS Partition Repair and Recovery In Linux
Once again we find ourselves in the unenviable position of bailing out one of our Windows friends/family/acquaintances/business associates or other assorted persons. Although we don’t have their particular day to day challenges, we do often find that we are the “go to” person when they have issues. Heaven forbid, we may have even had our own issues with our Windows partition/drive (after all, we have to game sometime and despite the efforts of Steam, Linux just isn’t a gamer’s dream yet). Let’s take a look at a couple of scenarios that may come up that we can fix with our handy Linux distribution and some of the NTFS partition recovery tools at our disposal.
**Just Fix It**
Windows systems generally tolerate unscheduled “hard boots” (power outages, turning off the power strip or caused by the fingers of the resident little person) pretty well. In fact, to this day, often the most effective means of fixing a Windows desktop problem is to simply reboot the system. However, on occasion, the Windows partition will indicate that it needs the drive checked for consistency. Not doing so after a few reboots can cause whatever festering file system problem there is to get worse. Windows file system checks are notoriously slow and often have to be done multiple times before they clear the “dirty” flag on the filesystem.
Enter a little utility called ‘ntfsfix’ which can be downloaded for Debian based systems (i.e. Ubuntu) as follows:
sudo apt-get install ntfsfix
or RPM based systems (i.e. Red Hat or CentOS):
sudo yum install ntfsfix
The ‘ntfsfix’ utility will QUICKLY fix common errors and NTFS inconsistencies. The most common ones without any parameters. It will also report back items not fixed that we can address by passing in the following:
- -b: clears bad sectors on the disk (can be used when cloning an older disk to a newer one)
- -d: clear the “dirty” flag, the most common reason that Linux may not mount a Windows partition, usually happens when Windows did not successfully shut down before being powered off
- -n: does nothing but display to standard out what it would have done (in other words, what repair needed to be made)
I have had the NTFS Disk Check that starts before Windows take hours to simply get around to resetting the “dirty” flag on a drive during boot whereas ‘ntfsfix’ completes that activity in about three seconds.
**Deeper Dive**
Unfortunately, not everything can be fixed quickly. In fact, there are a very large number of very expensive disk recovery software (often under the category of “disk forensics” since they are employed by investigators when sifting through damaged drives) for fixing drives that power up but won’t boot or provide file system access.
There is a fantastic, and free, utility (and fully bootable rescue CD if it is inside your local computer) for recovering your Windows NTFS partition (and it can do EXT2/3/4, FAT/FAT32/exFAT, HFS and SunFS filesystems too). This utility is called [TestDisk][1] and is available in Debian and CentOS repositories under that name. Red Hat does not make this utility available in their repositories, however, it can easily be installed.
sudo apt-get install testdisk
or RPM based systems (i.e. Red Hat or CentOS):
sudo yum install testdisk
I cannot say enough good things about this utility. If the drive powers on and spins up, even if it has physical damage, odds are this little baby will get some of your files off of it. You start it up by issuing a plain old “sudo testdisk /dev/sdX” where ‘X’ is your drive and then you will see something like this:

*TestDisk Running in a Terminal*
Use of the tool is as simple as following the menu prompts. This is interactive, it will scan whatever partition you indicate and then present you with the rebuilt directory and file list which you can then mark and restore to another disk/partition. I have successfully recovered files from Windows, OSX and Linux partitions that were either unbootable for one reason or another or had the dreaded “click of doom” that indicates your drive is not long for this world.
In all fairness, you cannot expect 100% recovery rate especially if you drive has damage, but anything is better than nothing and it doesn’t cost as much (read: nothing) as sending it to a recovery specialist. Get this tool now if you have drive problems.
**Final Thoughts**
Drive recovery is a lot easier, and certainly a lot cheaper when you use Linux, either connecting to the drive in question using a USB cradle or booting from a Live CD with the rescue tools installed on CD. Everything we talked about in this article is freely available and under active development (updated). Leave us a comment below and indicate what tools you have had to use to recover from your drive problems.
via: http://blog.linuxacademy.com/linux/ntfs-partition-repair-and-recovery-in-linux/
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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Nautilus Gksu Plugin – Add ‘Open As Administrator’ Option To Your Right Click Menu
For past few days, I was missing a right-click menu option (in nautilus file manager) to open a file/folder as administrator. Reason being, for every operation that required root privileges, I had to go back to the command line terminal and use sudo. It’s not that I am not used to command line but still I wanted at least the availability of something equivalent to [sudo or su][1]). I searched around and found a nautilus plugin — **Nautilus-Gksu**.
**NOTE** – All the examples presented in this article have been tested on Ubuntu 13.04

**A Brief Tutorial**
Nautilus-Gksu plugin adds a useful option to the right-click menu — **Open as administrator**. This helps a great deal while working with files and folders in nautilus file manager.
For example, suppose you want to open root folder from nautilus file manager. Ideally a double-click open would fetch you an error like :

But with nautilus gksu plug-in installed, all you need to do is to right-click on the folder and select ‘Open as administrator’ option.

Once you click on this option, you will be prompted for a password.

Just enter the password and do whatever you want.
As already mentioned, I use Ubuntu 13.04 for most of my articles these days and let me be honest that it was hard to install this plugin through recommended methods.
This means that the commands like :
sudo apt-get install nautilus-gksu
were not working as I was getting the following error :
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package nautilus-gksu
I googled the problem and found that I am not the only one facing this problem but many other Ubuntu 13.04 users are also facing a [similar kind of problem][2]. Anyway, I kept on looking for a solution, until I found a [pointer to the solution][3]. I read the complete post on [AskUbuntu][4] and tried the steps mentioned for Ubuntu 12.04.
Here is a snapshot of that post :

After reading the post above, I followed the following steps :
- Downloaded the [64 bit package of the plugin][5]. [Mine is a 64 bit system]
- Extracted the downloaded .deb file.
- Executed the following command :
sudo cp /home/himanshu/Downloads/nautilus-gksu_2.0.2-5ubuntu2_amd64/usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-2.0/libnautilus-gksu.so /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-3.0/
After these 3 steps, the plug-in was installed successfully.
Lets you easily open any file or folder with root privileges on a right-click.
Installation on Ubuntu 13.04 is not easy
If you are work involves using Nautilus file manager for your daily file management then this plug-in is a must have for you. Though it is not easy to install on Ubuntu 13.04 but still its worth the effort.
via: http://mylinuxbook.com/nautilus-gksu/
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sources/Quick-n-easy command-line tips.md
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sources/Quick-n-easy command-line tips.md
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Quick-n-easy command-line tips
Most weeks I get questions from people asking for quick bits of advice. Sometimes a person is looking for a helpful guide or a specific command or a command-line short-cut to performing a specific task. Here are three tasks people have approached me with recently and some easy ways to accomplish those tasks.
The first scenario we will look at is copying all of the files in a directory tree that have been modified in the past month from their current location to another directory. The exact solution in this case may depend on whether you want to maintain the structure of the directory tree or if you are dumping all of the files from one directory tree into a specific place. If we are dumping all of our files into one folder, perhaps for archiving purposes, then we might use the find command. Using find we can search for files based on when they were last modified and then copy the files we locate to a specific place. Such a command might look like this:
find Documents -mtime -30 -exec cp "{}" Backup \;
The above command locates files stored in the Documents folder that have been modified in the past 30 days. These files are then copied into another directory, called Backup. The find command performs the copy procedure using the copy (cp) command. We can search for files which have been modified more or less recently by changing the mtime parameter, which is set to the past 30 days in the above example.
More often, we will want to preserve the structure of the source and destination directories. Quite often people wish to synchronize the contents of one directory with another and run a script to keep the two directories in step with each other. For cases such as these we will probably want to use the rsync command. This utility copies new files, and files which have been modified, from one directory to another while maintaining the layout of the original directory:
rsync -a Documents/ Backup
The above example makes sure the files existing in Documents also exist in the Backup directory without copying any files unnecessarily.
A common task we may wish to perform is to locate a word in a text file and replace all instances of that word with another word. As an example, imagine I have a document in which I've referred to a person as "Becky", but I've decided it would be better to use the more formal sounding "Rebecca". The following command would be useful for making this simple correction throughout the file:
perl -pi -e 's/Becky/Rebecca/' mydocument.txt
This miniature Perl script executes a search for all instances of the text "Becky" in our document and changes the text to read "Rebecca". The text to be changed is read from (and saved back to) the mydocument.txt file.
One common concern is what to do with sensitive data on a hard drive prior to the drive being given to another person or thrown away. Some of us keep banking or tax information on our computers and it is good to be able to destroy that data before the drive is handed off to someone else. There are a few ways to do this and there are several tools available. One of my personal favourites, as it works on individual files as well as full devices, is the shred command. To overwrite the contents of a file we can run shred as follows:
shred mytaxes.odt
The above example removes the contents of the file, but does not delete the file itself from our hard drive. To also erase the file after the data has been destroyed we can run:
shred -u mytaxes.odt
It is important to note shred does not always work on all file systems, especially newer file systems which feature journal support. The shred manual page includes notes on which file system may not work well with the shred command. When dealing with sensitive information it may be best to erase the entire drive. The shred command can do this too. The following example removes all of our data from the first hard drive attached to the computer. Use this with extreme caution:
shred /dev/sda
via: http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20130923
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##Red Hat and Intel Working Closely to Bring Wayland as Default for Fedora 21##
**Red Hat and Intel developers are now working closely together to bring Wayland support in GNOME and they are hoping it’s going to be ready to ship in Fedora 21.**
The Ubuntu secret plan to conquer the FOSS world has been foiled by Intel with its announcement, at least for now, but the true plans of the Intel developers have been revealed.
If we remove the drama, it’s actually not a secret that Intel has invested heavily in Wayland’s future. Its developers are now working closely with Red Hat to make the GNOME Shell act as a compositor.
“So our team here at Red Hat have been working intensively with our counterparts at Intel to merge and stabilize the patches to enable Wayland support in GNOME and at the same time looking into what further improvements are needed in the stack,” stated Red Hat’s Christian Schaller on his personal blog.
It seems that the goal of the team is now to provide a tech preview ready for Fedora 20, which will have to be enough, at least for the time being. It’s not going to be quite a working project, but at least it will give people an idea of what they should expect.
It’s unclear if this particular timing has anything to do with Canonical’s haste to provide a fully working Mir display server in their upcoming Ubuntu 13.10, which is scheduled for release in October.
“So the final switch to Wayland over X will only happen once we are as sure as we can be that our users will not be negatively affected by the change. So if we default to Wayland or X for Fedora 21 is still an open question,” also said Schaller in his blog post.
This “war” between display servers might have a clear winner, and that is the end user. Both teams, Intel and Canonical, now have better incentives to provide a better experience and no matter who wins, we will reap the fruits of their labor.
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sources/Removing Applications Using Terminal in Ubuntu.md
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Removing Applications Using Terminal in Ubuntu
You are a Linux user (Ubuntu). You always install applications from the terminal using **apt-get** install.
Even though you can add and remove applications using GUI (Synaptic Package Manager), it is always said that the command line is power. After installing a whole lot of applications both small and large in size. You now need disk space for other applications or you no longer want to see such applications on your system.
Most Ubuntu users, beginners specifically can install from the terminal after searching for how to install it. It becomes very difficult removing it. I also went through this.
This is a simple tutorial to guide you through how to remove packages installed.
1. Open Terminal (ctrl + alt + t)
2. Type
$ dpkg --list
(this displays all installed packages at a go)

$ dpkg --list | less
(to easily navigate using the user keys)

If you know the package name, you can pipe it with **grep** command to locate it using the syntax below:
$ dpkg --list|grep -i 'packagename'
Example for **VLC** player.

3. Locate the name of the package to be removed. Here am going to use **sox**.

4. To remove only a package use:
$ sudo apt-get remove <packagename>
For example to remove package called **sox** , enter:
$ sudo apt-get remove sox
Type y for Yes to uninstall.

5. To remove a package with it’s configuration files, enter:
$ sudo apt-get --purge remove <packagename>
For example removing a package called sox and all configuration files:
$ sudo apt-get --purge remove sox
via: http://www.unixmen.com/removing-applications-using-terminal-ubuntu/
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SchoolTool: An Advanced School Management And Information System
[**SchoolTool**][1] is an Open Source, free, web based student information system designed for schools around the world. It is developed and distributed by [Shuttleworth][2] foundation with strong support for translation, localization and automated deployment and updates via the **Ubuntu Linux installer** and **package management system**.
SchoolTool is licensed under GPL2 and written in **Python** using the **Zope 3** framework. The main goals of this project are to create a simple turnkey student management and information system, including demographics, gradebook, attendance, calendaring and reporting for primary and secondary schools.
- Customizable student and teacher demographics and other personal data
- Contact management for teachers, students, and their guardians
- Teacher gradebooks
- Schoolwide assessment data collection and report card generation
- Class attendance and daily participation grades
- Calendars for the school, groups, individuals, and resource booking
- Tracking and management of student interventions
**Install SchoolTool**
The core development team of SchoolTool strongly suggests and recommends to install it on Ubuntu 12.04 or later. Since they have created packages for multiple operating systems, the core development team doesn’t support them.
SchoolTool is found in the official repositories, so we can install it with command:
$ sudo apt-get install schooltool
However, SchoolTool has a PPA to get the newer releases and development releases.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:schooltool-owners/ppa
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:schooltool-owners/dev
Update the sources list using command:
And finally install SchoolTool using command:
$ sudo apt-get install schooltool
**Access SchoolTool**
Open up your browser and type **http://localhost:7080/** in the address bar. If you want to open it from a remote client, edit file **/etc/schooltool/standard/paste.ini**,
$ sudo nano /etc/schooltool/standard/paste.ini
Set the host value as as shown below.
host =
Save and close the file. Restart schooltool service.
$ sudo service schooltool restart
Now you can access the SchoolTool web console using URL **http://ip-address:7080** from your browser. You will see a blank calender screen like below.

*Your School » Today*
**Initial Configuration**
**Change Management password:**
The default SchoolTool administrative user is “**manager**” and password is “**schooltool**”. Login using the above credentials.

*Log In*
Go to the **Home** button on the upper side. Click on the **Password** under the **Settings** section. Enter the old and new password twice and click Apply.

*SchoolTool Administrator » Password*
**Server Settings:**
Login to the manager account. In the Server section, you will find the details of your SchoolTool server.

**Setup Outgoing Mail**
SchoolTool doesn’t act a email server like Sendmail or Postfix. It will send mails like email clients such as Thunderbird, Evolution.
To enable mail function in SchoolTool, login to manager account and goto Server tab. Click on the **Outgoing Email** link. After that, Click on the yellow colored pencil icon to change the email settings. Fill up the smtp, Email and password details and click apply.

*Server » Outgoing Email Settings*
To verify the mail settings, click on Send Test Email under Actions menu and enter the test mail contents.
**Setup Calendar**
It is important to setup the calendar as per your Regional location. To do that, click on the **Calendar** tab on the Server section. Select your Time zone, for me it’s **Asia/Kolkatta**.

*Server » Calendar Settings*
Go to the rest of the links such as Errors, Tabs and Pack Database. Mos of them are self-explanatory. Read and change the settings as per your needs.
**Setup School**
Here we’ve come to the brief and biggest part that needs more time and attention to get things done. We can’t cover all the things in one article. So i recommend you to visit the official [documentation page][3] of the SchoolTool, go through the sections one by one and setup your school accordingly. It will take some hours or even days to setup the whole school setup. Don’t be afraid, it is not that a difficult task. SchoolTool team has a well prepared self-helf documentation with screenshots in their website. You don’t have to go anywhere to learn SchoolTool. Learn from the SchoolTool documentation page and do it yourself.
- [SchoolTool Website][4]
- [Wikipedia][5]
via: http://www.unixmen.com/schooltool-advanced-school-management-information-system/
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Sigil successfully moved to GitHub, searches for new to-contribute-to coders
Sigil is a free open-source EPUB editor, containing a significant amount of features related to ebook editing, permitting a reliable in-depth EPUB editing via a single application.
As functionalities, Sigil features:
- full EPUB 2 and UTF-16 support
- WYSIWYG editor
- multiple handy views, including `Book`, `Code` and `Preview` views
- ability to generate table of contents
- more than 200 entries for its advanced metadata editor
- spell checking
- direct editing experience
Recently, **Sigil's John Schember** [announced][1] the migration of Sigil's development from Google Code to GitHub, [approach][2] aimed at **increasing** the number of **participants** in the development of the handy editing tool.

Sigil has been completely moved to GitHub, yet, the project is still searching for active code contributors, in order to shift Sigil from an uncertain-future ground (on which it presently stands) to an active project where other developers submit code, features and ideas.
Sigil is fully open for participation on [https://github.com/user-none/Sigil][3]
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/sigil-successfully-moved-github-searches-new-contribute-coders
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SteamOS: The Linux for games is coming
*Summary: In its next move in making Linux the top gaming operating system, Valve is releasing its own Linux distribution, SteamOS.*
Gabe Newell, CEO of [Valve][1] and its [Steam game platform][2], wasn't kidding when he said at LinuxCon in New Orleans that "Linux is the future of gaming." Valve is releasing, in advance of the expected announcement of its SteamBox Linux-powered gaming console, its own [Linux for gamers: SteamOS][3].

*Say hi to the SteamOS Linux-power world of gaming (Credit: Valve)*
Details on SteamOS, which has only been released to a few developers at this point, are scarce. At least one Linux expert who has seen it, [Linux Foundation](http://www.linuxfoundation.org/) executive director Jim Zemlin, said, "With all due respect to the others, which I love, this could be the best Linux distribution yet." Zemlin added, "The gaming industry has often been a driver of innovation around computing performance and this is a huge win for Linux."
Here's what we know. Valve describes SteamOS as combining "the rock-solid architecture of Linux with a gaming experience built for the big screen. It will be available soon as a free stand-alone operating system for living room machines."
What's a living room machine? I presume it's a network-connected computer with a High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI). Yes, that means you'll be playing your "PC" games on your HDTV.

Can Linux do this? Sure. What do you think ispowering your DVR today? Windows CE!?
At LinuxCon, Newell had said Valve had been working with graphic OEMs to improve Linux graphics performance. In the announcement, Valve stated, "In SteamOS, we have achieved significant performance increases in graphics processing, and we’re now targeting audio performance and reductions in input latency at the operating system level. Game developers are already taking advantage of these gains as they target SteamOS for their new releases."
SteamOS won't be a closed system the way other gaming consoles such as Microsoft's Xbox One or Sony's PS4 are. Instead, "Steam is not a one-way content broadcast channel, it’s a collaborative many-to-many entertainment platform in which each participant is a multiplier of the experience for everyone else. With SteamOS, 'openness' means that the hardware industry can iterate in the living room at a much faster pace than they’ve been able to. Content creators can connect directly to their customers. Users can alter or replace any part of the software or hardware they want. Gamers are empowered to join in the creation of the games they love. SteamOS will continue to evolve, but will remain an environment designed to foster these kinds of innovation."
Valve is serious about that open part. A major reason Valve gave up on Windows as a primary gaming platform is that Microsoft has been turning Windows 8 devices into a closed hardware devices. At LinuxCon, Newell said, "Open systems were advancing much faster. The old console guys are not competitive, and there's huge tension in proprietary systems. … Closed systems are at odds with the evolution of gaming."
That said, Valve isn't turning its back on its Windows and Mac OS customers. They'll be able to play their old games by streaming them, via their SteamOS-powered PC, to their HDTVs.
PCs powered with SteamOS won't just be gaming systems. Valve is also working "many of the media services you know and love. Soon we will begin bringing them online, allowing you to access your favorite music and video with Steam and SteamOS."
Last, but not least, the cost for this new gaming/entertainment Linux will be zero. Zip. "SteamOS will be available soon as a free download for users and as a freely licensable operating system for manufacturers."
I'd like to know a lot more about SteamOS than I do now, but I do know one thing already: I'm really looking forward to playing one of the almost 200 [Steam games available on Linux][4].
via: http://www.zdnet.com/steamos-the-linux-for-games-is-coming-7000021059/
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Travel support applications to attend openSUSE Summit opened!
We are happy to announce the Travel Team is ready to receive applications for sponsorships to attend to [openSUSE Summit][1] 2013.

*openSUSE Summit 2013 logo*
This year openSUSE Summit will be held in the beautiful Florida, November 15 to 17 and the [Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort][2] will welcome all Geekos to this year’s event.
The openSUSE Travel Support Program provides travel sponsorships to individuals that want to attend openSUSE Summit and need financial assistance.
For Summit this year the TSP will work a bit differently. The TSP will make 2 calls, for the first call the deadline is October 3, 2013 and you can start sending your applications now! The results will be given before October 8, 2013.
The second call will start on October 11, 2013 ending on October 17, 2013. The results before October 22, 2013. Important to say that the second call is for those who had applied on [CfP][3] and didn’t have answer before the first call ends. Of course, even applied and no answer yet you can send your application on the first call.
About the TSP you can see at [https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Travel_Support_Program][4] The instructions are detailed at [https://connect.opensuse.org/travel-support/][6]

* A good application with good information will be processed faster.
* Always choose the most economical option whenever possible. People who need travel sponsorship, should look for the best price. If the Travel Committee finds a cheaper price, that will be the price in consideration.
In case of doubts just drop us an email travel-support@opensuse.org
Do not forget… The [Call for Participation][7] still opened so hurry up!
via: http://news.opensuse.org/2013/09/27/travel-support-applications-to-attend-opensuse-summit-opened/
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Ubuntu Touch HD Screenshot Tour – The Road So Far
Ubuntu Touch HD Screenshot Tour – The Road So Far Vito
Ubuntu Touch will be released in a little over a month, which means that the operating systems is getting pretty close to its stable version. We took a look at the interface and functions and we put together a comprehensive screenshot tour.
@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Touch-Screenshot-Tour-The-Road-So-Far
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VLC 2.1 released with new features and 1000 bug fixes
VLC is a powerful, versatile and advanced media player, containing a massive amount of functionalities and support for almost all existent codecs and video formats, permitting a hassle-free content-digesting experience.
**VLC 2.1 "Rincewind"** has been [released][1], bringing a significant amount of fixes, optimizations and improvements, among which:
rewritten audio core with improved volume handling
rewritten audio modules paired with the new audio core
4k video support
hardware decoding via VDPAU
support for fragmented MP4 files
increased support for MKV, MJPEG and AVI streams
relevant enhancements on Blu-Ray inputs
strengthened seeking for MKV
improved metadata and subtitle support in MKV files

VLC 2.1 brings approximately **1000 bug fixes**, thus solidly strengthening the handy media player, taking its previous version on a new highly-enhanced ground of stability, speed and reliability.
How do we **install** VLC 2.1?
Add the following **official** PPA (Ubuntu 13.10)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/vlc-21-released-new-features-and-1000-bug-fixes
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Weather App refines its visuals
Weather App is an [Ubuntu SDK][2] application, designed in mind with gathering, managing and exposing relevant weather informations into a classy good-looking interface.
Multiple cities, monochrome icons, date, ability to scroll through and observe hour-bound weather informations, additional weather details housed in flipped views, are among the features already implemented in the handy weather tool.
[Weather App][2] has been updated to yet-another interesting release, bringing visual refinements for its text-based notifications.
Hitting now the bottom-bar's `Refresh` button, exposes the data-refresh activity with an enriched activity indicator, a box containing the spinning circle into a white-ish container, while adding the `Loading` text to the spinner, generating user-friendliness and more clarity into the weather application.

Weeks ago, Weather App received support for notifications related to faulty situations, meaning, in cases like unavailable Internet connectivity, Weather App transmits to the user its inactive state.
The mentioned faulty-cases notification has adopted the same white-ish rounded subtly-shadowed look, containing `Couldn't load weather data, please try again later` description, as opposed to the old behavior when the notification was exposed on a dark-ish transparent overlay featuring a dedicated view (the full window).

How do we **install** Weather App 0.3?
Add the following **official** PPA (Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk ubuntu-weather-app
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**GNOME 3.10 should be released this month, on September 25, and every Linux users who uses it expects the unexpected, so we thought it would be a very good idea to preview some of its upcoming features.**
First of all, we should mention the new apps. Yes, there are a bunch of new applications that will be introduced with the release of the GNOME 3.10 desktop environment, such as GNOME Maps, GNOME Music, GNOME Photos, GNOME Videos, and GNOME Notes.
Let's talk a little about each one of them, shall we? GNOME Maps is exactly what you think it is, a maps application, which will allow users to search locations, get directions, pin locations, as well as to find people and businesses.
On the other hand, GNOME Music is not what you think it is – a replacement for Rhythmbox – because it only provides a simple and elegant way for using Files (Nautilus) to display the contents of the Music directory. Oh, and Rhythmbox is still available (just reached version 3.0), and mature enough to be a good iTunes replacement.
The GNOME Notes app is similar to any other Memo or Notes application you see in today's smartphone devices, providing a nice and simple way to create, edit and view notes (text and images mostly). Some of you will be disappointed to find out that reminders and checklists functionality will not be part of this app.
GNOME Photos (thanks Debarshi Ray) will be the default application for viewing and managing your photos, with integration for Flickr and Facebook, and GNOME Videos will be the default app for searching and viewing local or remote video files.
Second of all, the looks of the GNOME 3 desktop have changed a little, as everyone (probably) expected. The new system status menu, which is [something we've already mentioned in a recent article][1], the focus-caret tracking (finally), a graphical user interface for the color tinting functionality, and app overview pagination, so you can easily navigate through your installed apps.
Another cool thing that will be part of the upcoming GNOME 3.10 desktop environment is the GNOME Software application, which is very similar to the Ubuntu Software Center app, but only as a preview.

A preview of the GNOME Software app - Image courtesy of [WolrdofGNOME][2]
Among other features, we can mention integration with the Zimbra enterprise-class email, calendar and collaboration solution, systemd will be used for the user session, Git integration, Hi-DPI display support, Wacom support, XSettings overrides, overall tweaks, and initial porting to the Wayland display server.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/What-Should-You-Expect-from-GNOME-3-10-383513.shtml
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openSUSE Summit 2013: Registration Opened!
It has already been a year since the first iteration of the openSUSE Summit held in Orlando Florida. Our guests and organizers agreed that tying this community event at the end of SUSEcon is a very good idea and it was set to be repeated in 2013 as well. If you live in the Northern part of the U.S.A. then you know that November can be very cold, therefore, our organizers decided to go back to Florida this year and have everyone warm up to the never-ending summer in the peach state. Our event website is up and running and registrations are open!
**Website up, Registration Open, Sessions Requests Started**

The openSUSE Summit 2013 conference website is up on [summit.opensuse.org][1] and we’re looking forward almost as much to your visit there as a real life appearance at the event. Registration is open and so is our call for papers: you can shoot in your sessions proposals! Once you are part of the summit roaster your talks and presentation will be added to our tracking system in order to generate a schedule.
Please be aware that the schedule is set by our organizers and if your presentation is scheduled for a time when it is not convenient to you, email the organization and we will be sure to rearrange the time. Registration for sessions and sessions will end October 4th, 2013.
**Access and Summit Sessions**
Getting access to the conference and sessions costs $50.00 for Professional and $200.00 for Company Supporters. Tickets will be available soon. There are SUSE-branded backpacks as gifts for those in attendance.
Our sessions can be split into three main categories. First we have long talks or presentations lasting about 50 minutes, short talks running for about 30 minutes and then workshops lasting between 2-4 hours, depending on how lengthy the subject covered is.
Finding an appropriate subject for a session at the summit can be difficult. However, there are a few things that can get you thinking in what is important to share. For example, you may have recently participated in the organization of a Linux conference and would like to share what you learned from that experience. You could also be more technical and share the latest changes in coding for Ruby’s new version, etc. There are many subjects you can share on and it can very from very technical to something as simple as showing how to reach out and form a community around openSUSE. See our [conference speaker guidelines][2] for some more tips and information.

**A great base to build upon**
Last year’s conference was a huge success. Our organization team worked hard and produced more than a few hits with the rest of our community. There was Hawaiian dancing, pool dives, food and lots of sessions discussing the world of openSUSE. Sessions varied from musical software to workshops explaining how to contribute code to the openSUSE distribution. Most presenters were already active in our community, but we’re an open bunch (hence the name!) and if you are not formally part of the Geekos you can still contribute to the project. If you want to get involved check out this page!
Click to submit your paper!
**openSUSE Summit in 2013**
The openSUSE community has already started working with the organization of SUSECon to make the openSUSE Summit happen. The Summit team recently held a meeting in which assignments and many other important considerations were discussed. One of them is getting people involved with the summit. Our team would like to invite those interested in showing what they know and like about openSUSE and Linux in general to participate in our sessions.
The openSUSE summit is flexible and, at the same time, focused on the important subjects that surround our community. Our themes for sessions can easily expand from openSUSE-centric subjects to others that include the rest of the Linux world. We are looking for sessions covering openSUSE technology, the openSUSE community, as well as sessions covering FOSS projects that may not immediately be related to openSUSE.
**Travel Support Program**
Our travel support program is also ready to take in requests from our team members. It is important to note that although there are resources to help our members travel to the summit, these are not unlimited. They require that travel support program users keep receipts for later reimbursements. Additionally, the Travel Support Team will have 2 calls for support requests. Keep them in your calendar. The dates are
First call, from September 27 through October 3. Results will be available on October 8.
Second call, From October 11 through October 17. Results will be available on October 22.
There will also be a waiting list in case your request did not make it to one of the 2 calls.
**Participation Welcome!**
Remember that those who collaborate with sessions for our summit are considered awesomely cool. Your badge will thus say that you are a presenter and your entry into the summit will be waived. You will additionally be hugged by more than one member of our community and might become green! Moreover, joining the organization team for the summit is also very much appreciated. Please check out our website and find out the many ways to participate. You could even sponsor our conference since there are various opportunities available. All that does not mean we don’t love and hug our visitors: every single one of you is risking having an incredibly good time!
See you in Florida!
via: http://news.opensuse.org/2013/09/24/opensuse-summit-2013-registration-opened/
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sources/rtorrent – A Powerful Command Line Bit Torrent Client.md
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rtorrent – A Powerful Command Line Bit Torrent Client
If you avoid using a CLI based torrent client because you think that it might be very complex to use. Think again. I believe that CLI based bit torrent clients are far more addictive once you are used to any of them — you can start and monitor the progress from within your terminal window and that too very easily . In this article, we will discuss a powerful command line bit torrent client — **rtorrent**.
**NOTE** – All the examples and instructions presented in this article are tested on Ubuntu 13.04.
## rtorrent – Command Line Bit Torrent Client ##

**A Brief Tutorial**
rtorrent is a BitTorrent client for command line (ncurses based) that can be used for downloading files easily. Once this torrent client is installed, it can be executed by running the following command :
Here is a snapshot of rtorrent window when it is executed :

Well, I agree that the main window is not very eye pleasing and the information displayed is a bit confusing. Don’t worry, just press enter from your keyboard and a prompt should appear at the bottom of the window.
Here is the snapshot :

Observe that a prompt load.normal> appeared on the screen. The next step is to just type the name of the torrent file. For example in my case, the torrent file name was **Fedora-20-Alpha-x86_64-DVD.torrent**.

Note that you just have to write the torrent file name (or complete path, if not in current directory). You can easily use bash short cuts like [TAB] to complete file names and paths. Once done, just press enter again.

So you can see that the torrent file is loaded now but you need to activate it and start the download. For this, first press the down arrow key. This should display \*\*stars\*\* before the loaded file details.

Observe that \*\*stars\*\* were displayed in the beginning of torrent file related information. Now, press Ctrl+s to start the download.

Observe that rtorrent has started downloading the actual file now. Use **Ctrl+d** to stop the download process and another **Ctrl+d** to remove the torrent i.e., unload it. To quit, use **Ctrl+q**.
So you can see that despite of being command line based, it’s actually not very difficult to operate rtorrent utility.
Here are some of the important links related to rtorrent utility :
- Home page
- Download Link
Ubuntu users can download rtorrent utility from Ubuntu Software Centre. The version used for this review was 0.9.2.
Once rtorrent is downloaded and installed, you have to set-up a resource file — **.rtorrent.rc**. The utility will not start functioning properly until this file is in place. This was what I got when I executed rtorrent without setting up **~/.rtorrent.rc** :

So you can see that the utility displayed an error that it could not read the specified resource file. To set-up this resource file, first download the [resource file template][1] and make necessary changes.
Note – I mentioned the above link just because it is official download link. The file .rtorrent.rc is a bit different in my case.
Here is the resource file in my case :
# For temporary downloaded files
directory = ~/rTempDownloadFiles
# Directory to save and resume torrent sessions
session = ~/rSession
# Other Tunables
upload_rate = 30
download_rate = 200
peer_exchange = yes
# DHT enabled
dht = auto
# custom throttles
throttle_up = low,10
throttle_down = low,10
throttle_up = med,20
throttle_down = med,20
# Watch a directory for new torrents, restart torrents that have been
# copied back and stop those that have been deleted.
schedule = watch_directory,0,10,load_start=~/rWatch/*.torrent
schedule = tied_directory,10,10,start_tied=
schedule = untied_directory,10,10,close_untied=
# Enable the default ratio group
# Change the limits, the defaults should be sufficient.
# Changing the command triggered when the ratio is reached.
system.method.set = group.seeding.ratio.command, d.close=, d.erase=
# Move finished torrents to completed
system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,rm_torrent,”execute=rm,$d.get_tied_to_file=”
system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,move_complete,”execute=mv,-u,$d.get_base_path=,~/rFullDownloadFiles/ ;d.set_directory=~/rFullDownloadFiles/”
Note – The resource file was referenced from [this link][2].
To use the this resource file as it is, don’t forget to run following set of commands (to create certain directories mentioned in resource file) :
mkdir /home/<your-username>/rTempDownloadFiles
mkdir /home/<your-username>/rFullDownloadFiles
mkdir /home/<your-username>/rSession
mkdir /home/<your-username>/rWatch
Replace <your-username> with user name of your account. Also, make sure that the resource file-name is **.rtorrent.rc** (with leading dot) and not **rtorrent.rc** and save it in your home directory (/home/himanshu in my case).
To know more about using rtorrent, read its [UserGuide][3]. Also, do go through this [detailed tutorial][4] on rtorrent utility.
- Feature rich
- Lots of customizable options
- Requires a bit of effort in initial configuration
- A user might take time to get used to it.
rtorrent is for those who would like to have a command line alternative to GUI based BitTorrent clients. Though it requires some initial configuration effort and a bit of practice to get used to, but the effort is worth it. Do give it a try, It will definitely impress you.
*Do you use any CLI based bit torrent client? What are the pros and cons of it? Share your experience with us.*
via: http://mylinuxbook.com/rtorrent-bit-torrent-client/
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@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
售价350-400美元的太阳能笔记本ubuntub SOL 将于2013年12月问世
[SOL](http://solaptop.com/en/products/laptops/) 是一个绝对有趣的项目,它是一个价格低廉和性能强劲的太阳能笔记本电脑。
总的来说,SOL 是一个搭载 **Ubuntu** 的太阳能笔记本,以复杂的使用场景为设计理念,从无法使用电能到边远地区,远足于与世隔绝的森林,等等.基本上,在那些无法接通或者购买电能的地方是很方便的。
- CPU: Intel Atom D2500 1.86 GHz Duo Core, Intel 945GSE + ICH7M
- HDD: Seagate 2.5” SATA HDD 320GB
- RAM: Kingston 2-4GB DDRIII SDRAM
- graphics: 1080p HD Vide, Built-In Intel GMA3600 Graphics
- battery operating time: 8~10 hours
- weight: 5.02 lbs
- display: 13.3" LCD, WXGA, 1366 x 768
- camera: 3MP
- audio: Realtek ALC661 HD Audio, Built-in 2 Speakers | Internal mic + 1/8” input
- 3 USB2.0, Headphone jack, HDMI, LAN(10/100), Card reader (SD/MS/MMC)
- modem: 3G/4G World/multimode LTE
- GPS: gpsOne Gen8A
- WiFi: MIMO 802.11b/gn (2.4/5GHz)
- Bluetooth: Integrated Digital Core BT4.0



David Snir, 一名SOL开发者,他已经在Google+上 [分享](https://plus.google.com/109344265064351301756/posts/1F8DG57aBUy)了关于SQL(全球)即将发售的消息:"我们离**全球发布(2013年12月)**时间越来越近",让用户们知道2013年12月这一时间的目的是为了使Ubuntu-powered SOL笔记本在全球的销售畅通可行。
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译者:[flsf01][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
translated/Fedora 20 Alpha GNOME Live DVD Download.md
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Fedora 20 Alpha GNOME Live DVD 开放下载
**除了配备3.11版Linux内核,Fedora 20 Alpha GNOME Live DVD还搭载最新的GNOME 3.10 Beta 2桌面环境,为你带来令人瞩目的桌面环境体验,你还在等什么,赶快下载安装先睹为快吧~**
下载Fedora 20 Alpha GNOME Live DVD的用户可以率先体验全新的面板设计,还有有新的GNOME时钟(应用在日历应用中) 、GNOME文档以及修改后的GNOME Shell预览模式。GNOME Live DVD 还是Fedora的默认桌面环境。
Fedora 20以Live DVD/CD ISO 的形式发布,分别提供GNOME、KDE、Xfce、LXDE和MATE等多个版本,每个版本都分别支持32位和64位架构。
下载安装Fedora 20 Alpha GNOME Live DVD,请尽情享受我们的桌面奇幻之旅。
点击下列链接下载Fedora 20 Alpha GNOME Live DVD。请注意这只是一个alpha 版本,只用于测试目的,不应安装在生产环境中。
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) GNOME Live DVD 32-bit][1][torrent1] [972 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) GNOME Live DVD 64-bit][2][torrent2] [960 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) KDE Live DVD 32-bit][3][torrent1] [930 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) KDE Live DVD 64-bit][4][torrent2] [966 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) Xfce Live CD 32-bit][5][torrent1] [630 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) Xfce Live CD 64-bit][6][torrent2] [665 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) LXDE Live CD 32-bit][7][torrent1] [701 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) LXDE Live CD 64-bit][8][torrent2] [736 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) MATE Live CD 32-bit][9][torrent1] [734 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) MATE Live CD 64-bit][10][torrent2] [770 MB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) Installable DVD 32-bit][11][torrent1] [5.18 GB]
- [Fedora 20 Alpha (torrent) Installable DVD 64-bit][12][torrent2] [5.17 GB]

via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Fedora-20-Alpha-GNOME-Live-DVD-Screenshot-Tour-385879.shtml
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译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[jasminepeng][]
translated/Google Android Is Open Source- LinuxCon.md
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LinuxCon大会:Google Android是开源产品
9月16日,新奥尔良,LinuxCon大会,负责开源的Google董事Chris DiBona在主题演讲中发布了一条关键信息:Android是一款开源产品。
via: http://www.eweek.com/mobile/google-android-is-open-source-linuxcon.html
本文由 [LCTT][] 原创翻译,[Linux中国][] 荣誉推出
译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[Caroline][]
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Linux Defenders怎样先发制人阻止恶意软件专利被批准

今天的 LinuxCon的一个会议中,[Linux Defenders][1] 的负责人Andrea Casillas解释了这个组织是如何利用新法律赋予的权利来对抗专利申请。Open Invention Network 的一个项目 Software Freedom Law Center,Linux 基金会以及 Linux Defenders 对每周公布的6000项专利做检查,试图识别出那些对Linux和开源的潜在威胁。然后,这个组织查找一些至少能够废止其中一部分专利申请的先例。
“我们将与作者、发明者或者开发者携手合作编写这些出版物,使它们更加有效。” Casillas 说。他一直主张 Linux 社区帮助这个小组发现危险专利并寻找先例。
防御性公共出版物是旧的策略,但它将会因为 America Ivents Act 而越来越接近公众的生活。Casillas 解释说:“这是审查人员第一次欢迎公众的互动。任何个人都可以免费递交电子版的关于先例的申请。”
Linux Defenders 已经编纂好了与来自 Microsoft,Apple和其它公司的专利申请有关的防御性公共出版物。概括来说,Casillas 说防御性公共出版物不是要去迫使某家公司放弃某一专利,而是要迫使某家公司缩小它们申请的专利包括的范围。
当被问起 Linux Defenders 能否说出因为这个过程而受限的专利申请的案例时,Casillas 和她的同事们说他们仍然在寻找评估它的有效性的方法。在6到9个月里,他们希望能找到一个工具来跟踪记录专利研究者们在复审中使用防御性公共出版物的情况。
Linux Denfenders 同时也把矛头指向已经通过的专利。但 Casillas 提醒说要推倒已经批准的专利的法律标准非常高。
**专利诉讼“能让 Red Hat 扫地出门”**
昨天 LinuxCon 的一个单独的会议上,Red Hat 的 Fedora 项目经理 Tom Callaway 讨论了开源的法律威胁。
Red Hat 批评了“专利蟑螂”并且采取多种措施[保护自己和用户][2]。Callaway 说不能小看这些威胁。“我不是说大话,Red Hat 在我们开源产业里不是一个小公司,我们可能是最大的。一个关键专利诉讼的失利可以让 Red Hat 在这行干不下去。这就是专利的重要性,也足见在业界它是多么让人闻风丧胆。”
各种可能性中,Red Hat 不会被扫地出门的。它有一个保护自己及用户的在法庭上对抗专利“专利蟑螂”的良好跟踪记录。它把保障用户权益、对抗诉讼当做它的软件程序,而且已经建立起了一系列防御专利。
尽管付费的 RHEL 会员资格给了用户额外的保护,Red Hat 也正在保证Fedora这个免费的系统远离法律纠纷。它是这么做的:分析所有代码,确保每段代码都使用合适的许可,有时移除或重写有嫌疑的代码。这会导致软件产生负面的结果。“我们在 Fedora 中遇到了很多问题。专利使我们不能按照我们所想要的方式去做事。”Callaway 这么说。
在最近的与 Rackspace 和 Red Hat 有关的案子里,一个叫做 Uniloc 公司想要从 Rackspace 处获得费用,因为后者使用了 Red Hat 的基于 Linux 的服务器。Uniloc 的案子以其败诉告终。法官宣判它的专利声明无效,因为它仅描述了一个相对简单的数学操作。
但是应对这些诉讼很费钱。甚至 Red Hat 有时付专利费避免打官司。
Callaway 在过分宽泛的专利面前流露出了挫败感。某些专利是“如此的模糊以至于它们可以指任何东西,”他说,“它们可以被应用到几乎任何地方,并且专利持有者打赌认定你不会去计较。”
Casillas告诉我们,那些过分宽泛的专利,正是 Linux Defenders 想要去阻止的。模糊的专利经常能够通过专利申请,部分原因是因为专利审查人员用在每个申请上的时间不会超过20小时。
通过提交防御性公共出版物,提取标签以使专利审查人员更容易找到,Linux Defenders 希望使美国专利商标局更加起到实际作用。
Casillas 说:“我们不是在增加他们的工作量,而是帮助他们一起完成这些相关出版物”
via: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/09/how-linux-defenders-attack-software-patents-before-theyre-approved/
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译者:[boredivan][] 校对:[Caroline][]
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Pacifica 图标主题的灵感来源这个世界最美丽的linux操作系统elementary OS,和精彩的图标主题比如Nitrux, Faenza, Moka and Plastico,它为linxu世界带来了一些新的,我们期待已久的东西.
Francisco Villarroel是Pacifica图标主题的主要开发者和设计者.他用bokehlicia这个名字发布在Deviantart网站上,[他华丽的图标主题诞生之处][1].
现在说说技术细节,我们可以告诉你,我们已经在Arch Linux系统上使用一个纯净的GNOME3桌面环境测试了它,不过,Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (穿山甲)的用户也可以通过elementary OS PPA安装它, 感谢Carlos Gomes.
Pacifica图标主题依赖elementary图标主题,当然默认的gnome和hicolor图标主题可以在任何 Gnome-based linux发行版中找到.因此,如果你具备这些依赖条件,Pacifica 图标主题也可以工作在你的桌面环境或linux发行版上.

让我们在Arch Linux 和Ubuntu上直截了当的安装这个精彩的图标主题.首先,这是Ubuntu 12.04 LTS用户使用的安装指令:
打开一个终端,敲击 **CTRL+ALT+T** 组合键,一条接一条的粘贴下面的命令,每一条后请敲击一下Enter...
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:elementary-br/projects
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y pacifica-icon-theme
好了! 你现在可以用GNOME Tweak,或者其它的应用程序来帮助你改变系统图标主题,应用Pacifica图标主题.如果你更喜欢命令行,请使用下面的命令:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme "Pacifica"
现在来说Arch Linux,使用你最喜欢的AUR助手(译者注:比如yaourt)[安装pacifica-icon-theme包][2].Arch Linux用户也用和上面同样的指令来应用新的Pacifica图标主题.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Beautify-You-Linux-Desktop-with-Pacifica-Icons-385877.shtml
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译者:[flsf01][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
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- **[Markdown][1]** --标记语言以及文本到HTML的转换工具
- **[MultiMarkdown][2]** --基于Markdown但具有更多功能
- **[AsciiDoc][3]** --漂亮的文本文档格式用于写作
- **[Textile][4]** --被称为“人类网络文本生成器”
- **[Texy][5]** --文本到XHTML格式化和转化库
- **[Tome][6]** --作者的标记语言和工具包
- **[reStructuredText][7]** --Docutils的标记语法分析组件
via: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20130921022758982/LightweightMarkupLanguages.html
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译者:[译者ID][markvv] 校对:[校对者ID][]
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Linux有后门?看Linus Torvalds在LinuxCon大会上怎么说
- **开发人员** —— 软件开发人员、程序员、核心维护者以及Linux方面的IT专家
- **运维人员** —— IT运维专家、系统管理员以及首席架构师
- **商界&法律界人士** —— 企业末端用户,公司高管和法律顾问
- 另外还有学生、媒体、分析师和对Linux生态系统感兴趣的其他相关行业的专家
今年的LinuxCon大会于9月19日星期四在新奥尔良举办,Linux内核之父**Linus Torvalds** 也出席了本次大会,他还作为Linux内核开发座谈小组的一员,回答了大量有关Linux发展的问题。座谈小组另外三人为**Tejun Heo、Sarah Sharp和Greg Kroah-HartMan**。座谈会由Ric Wheeler主持,他是红帽负责内核文件与储备团队的高级经理。
突然间,人们听见了一声低沉悠长而又有力的‘NO’。不是别人,正是Linus Torvald本人的回答。他微笑着回答了这个所有Linux用户都关心的问题。紧接着,他伴着一个意味深长表情又严肃地说了一个‘no’。这第二个no是什么意思?到底代表‘no’还是代表‘yes’?亲爱的读者们,你们认为NSA会在Linux里植入后门么?虽然我不这么认为,但是我还是想知道各位读者的意见,请在评论中告诉我。另外,分享本文给其他Linux用户之余,请不要忘了看看下面的的视频,有时仅靠文字并不代表你能看清一切。(作为一个负责任的译者,视频我看了,真相就在Linus的表情动作上!)
- [LinuxCon & CloudOpen North America 2013 – Linux 内核讨论小组][1] (关于后门的问题在24分15秒)
- [http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-north-america][2]
via: http://www.unixmen.com/linus-torvalds-talks-backdoor-linuxcon/
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译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[Caroline][]
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*Sarah Sharp(照片中的白富美)和Linus Torvalds(右起第二位)在LinuxCon大会上。照片提供:Linux基金会*
上周三,Linus Torvalds和来自Intel的程序媛Sarah Sharp终于面对面坐在了一起。这是他们俩自[邮件风波][1]之后的第一次公开会面。(所谓邮件风波,前段时间,他俩就对待Linux程序员时是否该讲礼貌的问题而在Linux内核圈子的邮件列表中公开叫板。)
> ‘我们需要找到一种方法,例如一对一师徒传帮带,好让人们在内核的项目中做的更多更持久。’
> — Sarah Sharp
此次大会共有60位左右的女性参会,Linux基金会的一位发言人Jennifer Cloer说,“我真没想到会有这么多妹纸……”。
**东部时间2013年9月19日17:55 更正:稍早的一篇报道中写道,今年是第一年LinuxCon大会提供女性T恤。其实他们从去年2012年就已开始。特此更正。*
via: http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2013/09/linuxcon/
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译者:[Mr小眼儿][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
Linux development by the numbers: Big and getting bigger
The open-source operating system project is steadily growing through any number of measurements: programmers, updates,
and changes per hour.

The number of developers creating Linux has steadily increased from version 3.0, released July 21, 2011, to version 3.10, released June 30, 2013.
(Credit: data from Linux Foundation; chart by Stephen Shankland/CNET)
Linux is growing -- that we knew. Now we know how fast.
In the last two years, the number of developers who collectively create Linux has increased from 1,131 with version 3.0
in July 2011 to 1,392 with version 3.10, released in June 2013, according to the Linux Foundation's 'latest [annual Linux development report][1]. Also on the rise: the lines of code in the project, the number of changes accepted into each new
version, and the frequency at which those changes arrive.
"This rate of change continues to increase, as does the number of developers and companies involved in the process; thus
far, the development process has proved that it is able to scale up to higher speeds without trouble," the study concluded.

Linux is a mammoth project, and it's getting bigger as it spreads to new hardware. It's grown to nearly 17 million lines of code with version 3.10.
(Credit: data from Linux Foundation; chart by Stephen Shankland/CNET)
Linux -- technically just the kernel at the heart of the open-source operating system that often goes by the same name -- has never attained the kind of widespread consumer recognition of OSes like Windows and iOS. Nevertheless, its clout continues to increase: it powers everything from Facebook's mammoth data centers to Google's Android.
That utility is reflected in statistics published roughly annually by the [Linux Foundation][2], the organization that employs Linux creator and overseer Linus Torvalds among others; the foundation published its September 2013 report Friday. The foundation tracks statistics using the Git source-code management tool that Torvalds wrote when unsatisfied with the earlier options. It's no Linux, but Git now has spread far and wide, too, as more and more discovered its utility at managing programming projects distributed among many developers.'
Linux基金会年会发布的粗略统计反应了其(多用途,实用性,通用性),该组织雇佣了Linux创始人和监管人Linux Torvalds以及其他人,该基金会在星期五发布了其2013年9月份的报告。该基金会利用Torvalds(因不满足之前源代码管理工具)编写的Git 源代码管理工具来进行跟踪统计。
Linux itself is probably the best example of such a widespread project. The recent version 3.10 of the kernel, released June 30, 2013, drew updates from 1,392 developers at 243 companies. That's up from 1,131 developers at 191 companies for version 3.0, released July 21, 2011.'
Linux 自己本身可能是这样一个广泛分布项目最好的样例。2013年6月30日发行的最新3.10版本内核,接收了来自243家公司的1392个开发人员的更新,这一数据超过了2011年7月21日发布3.0版本时的191家公司的1131个开发人员数。

The Linux Foundation listed the top companies that contribute to the Linux kernel.
(Credit: Linux Foundation)
"Since the beginning of the git era (the 2.6.11 release in 2005), a total of 9,784 developers have contributed to the Linux kernel," the report said.
That breadth isn't evenly distributed, of course: a small number of programmers produce much of the code patches that are applied to the kernel and vice-versa.'
"In any given development cycle, approximately one third of the developers involved contribute exactly one patch," the report said. "Since the 2.6.11 release, the top ten developers have contributed 30,420 changes -- 8.4 percent of the total. The top 30 developers contributed just over 18 percent of the total."

Two years ago, 191 companies contributed to the creation of Linux. Now it's up to 243, though the peak was 298 companies with version 3.6 in September 2012.'
(Credit: data from Linux Foundation; chart by Stephen Shankland/CNET)
Some people think of open-source software as a hobbyist phenomenon, and there's plenty of that, to be sure. But the vast majority of Linux work is done by paid professionals these days.
In terms of patches accepted into Linux, the top 10 contributors are Red Hat, Intel, Texas Instruments, Linaro, SUSE, IBM, Samsung, Google, Vision Engraving Systems, and Wolfson Microelectronics. Among other developments, mobile technology companies including Texas Instruments, Samsung, Google, and Qualcomm have a serious presence, support for 64-bit ARM processors arrived over the last year, and spat between Google's Android team and other kernel programmers was resolved.
关于被Linux接受的补丁,前十名的贡献者为 Red Hat(红帽子)、Intel(因特尔)、Texas Instruments(德州仪器)、Linaro、SUSE、IBM、Samsung(三星)、Google、Vision Engraving System和Wolfson Microelectronics。其他的开发中, 移动技术公司包括 Texas Instruments,Samsung,Google和Qualcomm,在去年实现的64位ARM处理器的支持中扮演了重要的角色,而且也使得Google的Andoid团队和其他程序开发人员之间的冲突得到了解决。

With each passing hour, an average of 9 updates were applied to version 3.10 of the Linux kernel.
(Credit: data from Linux Foundation; chart by Stephen Shankland/CNET)
One big contributor in 2012 was Microsoft, which submitted 688 patches so that Windows could get along with Linux in virtualization environments -- a technology where a single computer runs multiple operating systems atop a lower-level OS. It's a widely used approach in the server market to achieve greater hardware efficiency. Apparently Microsoft considers the work done, though, because it dropped off the list of contributors for the 2013 report.'
Although new kernels arrive about every two months, a few of them get long-term two-year support with fixes for bugs and security problems. Those versions -- 3.0, 3.4, and 3.10 in the last two years -- are typically the foundation of commercial products.

The total number of changes accepted into each version of the Linux kernel continues to grow.
(Credit: data from Linux Foundation; chart by Stephen Shankland/CNET)
via: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-57603216-94/linux-development-by-the-numbers-big-and-getting-bigger/
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译者:[theo-l][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
[StartUbuntu](https://launchpad.net/startubuntu) 是一个充满潜力的有趣的创新,它是由一群在全球范围内关注现代操作系统使用率的第三方用户创建的。项目设计的目标是把Ubuntu送到越来越多的人手中。
StartUbuntu项目清晰而明确的目标无疑是让人兴奋的,它旨在利用一个方便的策略来将用户从Windows XP处吸引过来:为那些正寻求改变他们系统的Windows XP用户提供整套Ubuntu家族所有衍生版。

- 第0步 定义项目并且向公众展示项目的目标
- 第1步 建立一个开放共同参与的小组
- 第2步 强化与新创立小组之间的沟通
- 第3步 详细阐述为什么用户会认为Ubuntu系统相比它的竞争对手来说更好用更适合
- 第4步 进一步并且经营好会有帮助的潜在的社区、基金会、项目等,以便巩固那些已经考虑用Ubuntu替换XP系统的用户。
- 第5步 接触到实际的XP用户
- 第6步 重复上面提到的步骤
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/meet-startubuntu-interesting-open-participation-project-aimed-further-spreading-ubuntus-adoption
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译者:[markvv][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
translated/NTFS Partition Repair and Recovery In Linux.md
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translated/NTFS Partition Repair and Recovery In Linux.md
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Windows 系统通常是能很好的处理异常的“硬重启”(断电,关闭插线板的电源)。事实上,至今为止,最有效的修复Windows桌面问题的方法就是简单的重启系统。但是,Windows分区偶尔会显示系统需要进行驱动器一致性检测。如果几次重启之后仍不这么做的话,可能会引起系统文件污染而使系统变得更糟。众所周知,Windows文件系统检查超级慢,而且经常不得不做好几次才能清理掉“脏”标志。
sudo apt-get install ntfsfix
或者在基于RPM的系统(即,Red Hat,CentOS)中通过下面的命令下载:
sudo yum install ntfsfix
这个‘ntfsfix’工具能快速的修复常见的错误和NTFS分区不一致的问题。最常用的命令不用带任何参数。 它也可以报出来那些没有修复掉的项,然后我们能根据报出来的地址,通过传递以下选项来修复它们:
- -b: 清除磁盘上的坏的扇区 (可以在从一个旧磁盘往新的磁盘上克隆之后使用)
- -d: 清除“脏”标志, 其最常见的原因是是Linux不能挂载一个Windows分区, 通常发生在Windows在断电前没有完全关机。
- -n: 除了在标准输出上显示它所完成的(换句话说,就是需要修复的那些)之外不做任何事。
我过去常为了避免Windows启动的时候花几个小时去做检测,去用NTFS Disk Check来重置“脏”标志,而‘ntfsfix’完成这个仅仅只需要大约三秒的时。
不幸的是, 并非所有的问题都能被快速修复。事实上,有非常多的磁盘恢复软件(通常属于“磁盘取证”类的软件,因为是在筛选损坏磁盘的时候调查人员使用的)用来修复那些上电但不能启动或者提供文件系统访问的问题。
有一个极好而且免费的工具(而且它如果在你本地电脑的话,可以成为一个完全可引导的救援CD)可以用来恢复你的Windows NTFS分区(而且,也能恢复EXT2/3/4,FAT/FAT32、exFAT、HFS和SunFS文件系统)。这个工具叫做[TestDisk][1]而且是在Debian和CentOS软件仓库中时可用的。Red Hat的软件仓库中并没有这个软件,但是安装它很容易。
sudo apt-get install testdisk
在基于Red Hat的系统(即,Red Hat,CentOS):
sudo yum install testdisk
这个工具简直无与伦比。如果驱动器上电并且运转了,即使驱动器有物理损坏,这个小工具仍会奇迹般的取出来你的一些文件出来。 你可以通过一个旧式的命令“sudo testdisk /dev/sdX”来启动它,这里‘X’是你的驱动器号, 之后你会看到下面的界面:

这个工具使用起来很简单,只需要根据菜单提示进行操作。而且它是交互式的,它会扫描你指定的某个分区,然后把重建的目录和文件显示出来,然后你可以标记然后重存到另外一磁盘或者分区里面。我已经成功地从Windows OSX和linux分区里面恢复过文件,这些分区要么因为这种或那种原因不能启动,要么害怕启动之后可能彻底完蛋,总之,这些分区用不了多久就会彻底完蛋了。
via: http://blog.linuxacademy.com/linux/ntfs-partition-repair-and-recovery-in-linux/
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译者:[younel0925][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Ubuntu Touch HD 截图赏 - 至今走过的路
Ubuntu Touch将在一个多月发布,这意味着这个这个操作系统已经接近其稳定版本。我们拿来看看界面和功能并且我们拼凑一个综合的截图赏。
早在一月,Ubuntu Touch已受人资助,其常规的感觉和设计已经被提交,但是操作系统不再是完整的虚拟应用程序。大多数应用程序默认包含现在进行的工作。
这个意思是,如果你今天下载和安装Ubuntu Touch,你将有一个最低限度的工作电话。你将能够打电话和接电话,发送和接受短信。浏览器同样在工作,一起工作还有图像查看器和图库。
正如预期的,这不是个稳定版本并且它将不提供稳定版本。Canonical公司实施了OTA更新功能和开发人员在日常基础上推动更新。何时做出可用的1.0版本,在10月17日如果一切顺利,Ubuntu Touch应该会好很多。
Ubuntu Touch是成熟的,到目前为止,Nexus 4和7来自LG和Google,但是预计随着XDA开发者的帮助下在多个其他设备上成功配置。
如果你不知道,Ubuntu Touch是一个由Canonical公司为电话和平板自主研发的操作系统。它的特性是一个没有按钮的设计和其仅依靠触摸输入,因此得名。
























via: <http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Touch-Screenshot-Tour-The-Road-So-Far-385145.shtml>
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译者:[VIto][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
translated/Weather App refines its visuals.md
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translated/Weather App refines its visuals.md
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
好消息!Weather App更新美化界面啦!
[WeatherApp][2] 现已更新,新发布的版本将原本的纯文本通知美化为漂亮的可视化界面啦~
如下图中显示,点击底部工具栏的`Refresh`按钮,界面上立即显示出一个漂亮的数据加载框,白色的底面结合旋转的小圈圈,旁边再配上 `Loading...`的字样,有没有觉得连等待都变得那么友好与美妙呢~


那么,怎样**安装**WeatherApp 0.3版本呢?
很简单,在终端中依次输入以下命令就可以啦(Ubuntu 13.04,Ubuntu 13.10):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk ubuntu-weather-app
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译者:[Mr小眼儿] 校对:[Caroline][]
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