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take a break: 20180116 Command Line Heroes- Season 1- OS Wars_2.md at 2019年 08月 23日 星期五 18:53:21 HKT
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@ -73,43 +73,43 @@ John Hall: [00:11:30] 我的一个朋友名叫Dirk Holden[00:10:56],他是德
Saron Yitbarek: [00:12:00] 程序员们着迷的这些东西恰好对大公司也极具吸引力。但由于FUD的作用,一些企业对此持谨慎态度。他们听到开源,就想:"开源。这看起来不太可靠,很混乱,充满了BUG".但正如那位银行经理所指出的,金钱听过一种有趣的方式,说服人们克服困境。甚至那些需要网站的小公司也加入了Linux阵营。与一些昂贵的专有选择相比,使用一个廉价的Linux系统在成本上是无法比拟的。如果您是一家雇佣专业人员来构建网站的商店,那么您很定想让他们使用Linux。
[00:12:30] 让我们快进几年. Linux运行每个人的网站上。Linux已经征服了服务器世界,然后智能手机也随之诞生。当然,苹果和他们的iPhone占据了相当大的市场份额,而且微软页希望能进入这个市场,但令人惊讶的是,Linux也在那,已经做好准备了,迫不及待要大展拳脚。
[00:12:30] 让我们快进几年. Linux运行每个人的网站上。Linux已经征服了服务器世界,然后智能手机也随之诞生。当然,苹果和他们的iPhone占据了相当大的市场份额,而且微软也希望能进入这个市场,但令人惊讶的是,Linux也在那,已经做好准备了,迫不及待要大展拳脚。
作家兼记者 James Allworth.
James Allworth: [00:13:00] There was certainly room for a second player, and that could well have been Microsoft, but for the fact of Android, which was fundamentally based on Linux, and because Android, famously acquired by Google, and now running a majority of the world's smartphones, Google built it on top of that. They were able to start with a very sophisticated operating system and a cost basis of zero. They managed to pull it off, and it ended up locking Microsoft out of the next generation of devices, by and large, at least from an operating system perspective.
James Allworth: [00:13:00] 当然还有容纳第二个竞争者的空间,那本可以是微软,但是实际上却是Android,而Andrid基本上是基于Linux的. 众所周知,Android被谷歌所收购,现在运行在世界上大部分的智能手机上,谷歌在Linux的基础上创建了Android。Linux使他们能够以零成本从一个非常复杂的操作系统开始。他们成功地实现了这一目标,最终将微软挡在了下一代设备之外,至少从操作系统的角度来看是这样。
Saron Yitbarek: [00:13:30] The ground was breaking up, big time, and Microsoft was in danger of falling into the cracks. John Gossman is the chief architect on the Azure team at Microsoft. He remembers the confusion that gripped the company at that time.
Saron Yitbarek: [00:13:30] 天崩地裂了,很大程度上,微软有被埋没的风险。John Gossman是微软Azure团队的首席架构师。他还记得当时困扰公司的困惑。
John Gossman: [00:14:00] Like a lot of companies, Microsoft was very concerned about IP pollution. They thought that if you let developers use open source they would likely just copy and paste bits of code into some product and then some sort of a viral license might take effect that ... They were also very confused, I think, it was just culturally, a lot of companies, Microsoft included, were confused on the difference between what open source development meant and what the business model was. There was this idea that open source meant that all your software was free and people were never going to pay anything.
John Gossman: [00:14:00] 像许多公司一样,微软也非常担心知识产权污染。他们认为,如果允许开发人员使用开源代码,那么很可能只是复制并粘贴一些代码到某些产品中,就会让某种病毒式的许可证生效从而引发未知的风险…,我认为,这跟公司文化有关,很多公司,包括微软,都对开源开发的意义和商业模式之间的分歧感到困惑。有一种观点认为,开源意味着你所有的软件都是免费的,人们永远不会付钱。
Saron Yitbarek: [00:14:30] Anybody invested in the old, proprietary model of software is going to feel threatened by what's happening here. When you threaten an enormous company like Microsoft, yeah, you can bet they're going to react. It makes sense they were pushing all that FUD — fear, uncertainty and doubt. At the time, an “ us versus them ” attitude was pretty much how business worked. If they'd been any other company, though, they might have kept that old grudge, that old thinking, but then, in 2013, everything changes.
Saron Yitbarek: [00:14:30] 任何投资于旧的、专有软件模型的人都会觉得这里发生的一切对他们构成了威胁。当你威胁到像微软这样的大公司时,是的,他们一定会做出反应。他们推动所有这些FUD(fear,uncertainty,doubt)-恐惧,不确定性和怀疑是有道理的。当时,商业运作的方式基本上就是相互竞争。不过,如果他们是其他公司的话(If they'd been any other company,看不懂什么意思),他们可能还会怀恨在心,抱着旧有的想法,但到了2013年,一切都变了。
[00:15:00] Microsoft's cloud computing service, Azure, goes online and, shockingly, it offers Linux virtual machines from day one. Steve Ballmer, the CEO who called Linux a cancer, he's out, and a new forward - thinking CEO, Satya Nadella, has been brought in.
[00:15:00] 微软的云计算服务Azure上线了,令人震惊的是,它从第一天开始就提供了Linux虚拟机。Steve Ballmer,这位把Linux称为癌症的首席执行官,已经离开了,代替他的是一位新的有远见的首席执行官Satya Nadella.
John Gossman: Satya has a different attitude. He's another generation. He's a generation younger than Paul and Bill and Steve were, and had a different perspective on open source.
John Gossman: Satya 有不同的看法. 他属于另一个世代. 比Paul , Bill 和 Steve 更年轻的世代 , 他对开源有不同的看法.
Saron Yitbarek: John Gossman, again, from Microsoft's Azure team.
Saron Yitbarek: John Gossman, 再说一次, 来自于 微软的Azure 团队.
John Gossman: [00:16:00] We added Linux support into Azure about four years ago, and that was for very pragmatic reasons. If you go to any enterprise customer, you will find that they are not trying to decide whether to use Windows or to use Linux or to use .net or to use Java TM . They made all those decisions a long time ago — about 15 years or so ago, there was some of this argument. Now, every company that I have ever seen has a mix of Linux and Java and Windows and .net and SQL Server and Oracle and MySQL — proprietary source code - based products and open source code products.
John Gossman: [00:16:00] 大约四年前,处于实际需要,我们在Azure中添加了Linux支持。如果访问任何一家企业客户,你都会发现他们并没有试图决定是使用Windows还是使用Linux、使用.net还是使用Java TM。他们在很久以前就做出了决定——大约15年前才有这样的一些争论。现在,我见过的每一家公司都混合了Linux和Java、Windows和.net、SQL Server、Oracle和MySQL——基于专有源代码的产品和开放源代码的产品。
If you're going to operate a cloud and you're going to allow and enable those companies to run their businesses on the cloud, you simply cannot tell them, "You can use this software but you can't use this software."
Saron Yitbarek: [00:16:30] That's exactly the philosophy that Satya Nadella adopted. In the fall of 2014, he gets up on stage and he wants to get across one big, fat point. Microsoft loves Linux. He goes on to say that 20 % of Azure is already Linux and that Microsoft will always have first - class support for Linux distros. There's not even a whiff of that old antagonism toward open source.
Saron Yitbarek: [00:16:30] 这正是 Satya Nadella 采纳的哲学思想. 2014年秋季,他站在舞台上,希望传递一个重要信息。微软爱Linux。他接着说,Azure 20%的业务量已经是Linux了,微软将始终对Linux发行版提供一流的支持。没有哪怕一丝对开源的宿怨。
To drive the point home, there's literally a giant sign behind them that reads, "Microsoft hearts Linux." Aww. For some of us, that turnaround was a bit of a shock, but really, it shouldn't have been. Here's Steven Levy, a tech journalist and author.
为了说明这一点,在他们的背后有一个巨大的标志,上面写着:“Microsoft hearts Linux”。哇哇哇。对我们中的一些人来说,这种转变有点令人震惊,但实际上,无需如此震惊。下面是Steven Levy,一名科技记者兼作家。
Steven Levy: [00:17:30] When you're playing a football game and the turf becomes really slick, maybe you switch to a different kind of footwear in order to play on that turf. That's what they were doing. They can't deny reality and there are smart people there so they had to realize that this is the way the world is and put aside what they said earlier, even though they might be a little embarrassed at their earlier statements, but it would be crazy to let their statements about how horrible open source was earlier, affect their smart decisions now.
Steven Levy: [00:17:30] 当你在踢足球的时候,如果草坪变滑了,那么你也许会换一种不同的鞋子。他们当初就是这么做的。他们不能否认现实而且他们之间也有有聪明人,所以他们必须意识到,这就是世界的运行方式,不管他们早些时候说了什么,即使他们对之前的言论感到尴尬,但是让他们之前关于开源多么可怕的言论影响到现在明智的决策那才真的是疯了。
Saron Yitbarek: [00:18:00] Microsoft swallowed its pride in a big way. You might remember that Apple, after years of splendid isolation, finally shifted toward a partnership with Microsoft. Now it was Microsoft's turn to do a 180. After years of battling the open source approach, they were reinventing themselves. It was change or perish. Steven Vaughan-Nichols.
Saron Yitbarek: [00:18:00] 微软低下了它高傲的头. 你可能还记得苹果公司, 经过多年的孤立无援, 最终转向与微软构建合作伙伴关系. 现在轮到微软进行180度转变了. 经过多年的与开源方法的战斗后,他们正在重塑自己。要么改变,要么死亡. Steven Vaughan-Nichols.
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: [00:18:30] Even a company the size of Microsoft simply can't compete with the thousands of open source developers working on all these other major projects , including Linux. They were very loath e to do so for a long time. The former Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, hated Linux with a passion. Because of its GPL license, it was a cancer, but once Ballmer was finally shown the door, the new Microsoft leadership said, "This is like trying to order the tide to stop coming in. The tide is going to keep coming in. We should work with Linux, not against it."
Steven Vaughan-Nichols: [00:18:30] 即使是像微软这样规模的公司也无法与成千上万的开源开发者竞争,这些开发者开发这包括Linux在内的其他大项目。很长时间以来他们都不愿意这么做。前微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(SteveBallmer)对Linux深恶痛绝。由于它的GPL许可证,让Linux称为一种癌症,但一旦鲍尔默被扫地出门,新的微软领导层说,“这就好像试图命令潮流不要过来,但潮水依然会不断涌进来。我们应该与Linux合作,而不是与之对抗。”
Saron Yitbarek: [00:19:00] Really, one of the big wins in the history of online tech is the way Microsoft was able to make this pivot, when they finally decided to. Of course, older, hardcore Linux supporters were pretty skeptical when Microsoft showed up at the open source table. They weren't sure if they could embrace these guys, but, as Vaughan-Nichols points out, today's Microsoft simply is not your mom and dad's Microsoft.
Saron Tiebreak: [00:19:00] 真的,在线技术历史上最大的胜利之一就是微软能够做出这样的转变,当他们最终决定这么做的时候。当然,当微软出现在开源的桌子上时,老的、铁杆Linux支持者是相当怀疑的。他们不确定自己是否能接受这些家伙,但正如沃恩-尼科尔斯所指出的,今天的微软根本不是你父母的微软。事实上, 互联网技术历史上最大的胜利之一就是让微软最终做出如此转变. 当然,当微软出现在开源桌上时,老一代的、铁杆Linux支持者是相当怀疑的。他们不确定自己是否能接受这些家伙,但正如Vaughan-Nichols 所指出的,今天的微软已经不是你父母那一代时的微软了。
Steven Vaughan-Nichols : [00:19:30] Microsoft 2017 is not Steve Ballmer's Microsoft, nor is it Bill Gates' Microsoft. It's an entirely different company with a very different approach and, again, once you start using open source, it's not like you can really pull back. Open source has devoured the entire technology world. People who have never heard of Linux as such, don't know it, but every time they're on Facebook , they're running Linux. Every time you do a Google search , you're running Linux.
Steven Vaughan-Nichols : [00:19:30] 2017年的微软既不是史蒂夫•鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)的微软,也不是比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)的微软。这是一家完全不同的公司,有着完全不同的方法,而且,开源软件一旦被放出,就无法被收回。开源已经吞噬了整个技术世界。从未听说过Linux的人可能对它并不了解,但是每次他们访问Facebook,他们都在运行Linux。每次执行谷歌搜索时,你都在运行Linux。
[00:20:00] Every time you do anything with your Android phone , you're running Linux again. It literally is everywhere, and Microsoft can't stop that, and thinking that Microsoft can somehow take it all over, I think is naïve.
[00:20:00] 每次你用Android手机,你都在运行Linux。它确实无处不在,微软无法阻止它,我认为以为微软可以以某种方式接管它的想法,太天真了。
Saron Yitbarek: [00:20:30] Open source supporters might have been worrying about Microsoft coming in like a wolf in the flock, but the truth is, the very nature of open source software protects it from total domination. No single company can own Linux and control it in any specific way. Greg Kroah-Hartman is a fellow at the Linux Foundation.
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