diff --git a/sources/tech/20180707 Version Control Before Git with CVS.md b/sources/tech/20180707 Version Control Before Git with CVS.md deleted file mode 100644 index 4c59a2cfc0..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20180707 Version Control Before Git with CVS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ -(translating by runningwater) -Version Control Before Git with CVS -====== -Github was launched in 2008. If your software engineering career, like mine, is no older than Github, then Git may be the only version control software you have ever used. While people sometimes grouse about its steep learning curve or unintuitive interface, Git has become everyone’s go-to for version control. In Stack Overflow’s 2015 developer survey, 69.3% of respondents used Git, almost twice as many as used the second-most-popular version control system, Subversion. After 2015, Stack Overflow stopped asking developers about the version control systems they use, perhaps because Git had become so popular that the question was uninteresting. - -Git itself is not much older than Github. Linus Torvalds released the first version of Git in 2005. Though today younger developers might have a hard time conceiving of a world where the term “version control software” didn’t more or less just mean Git, such a world existed not so long ago. There were lots of alternatives to choose from. Open source developers preferred Subversion, enterprises and video game companies used Perforce (some still do), while the Linux kernel project famously relied on a version control system called BitKeeper. - -Some of these systems, particularly BitKeeper, might feel familiar to a young Git user transported back in time. Most would not. BitKeeper aside, the version control systems that came before Git worked according to a fundamentally different paradigm. In a taxonomy offered by Eric Sink, author of Version Control by Example, Git is a third-generation version control system, while most of Git’s predecessors, the systems popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, are second-generation version control systems. Where third-generation version control systems are distributed, second-generation version control systems are centralized. You have almost certainly heard Git described as a “distributed” version control system before. I never quite understood the distributed/centralized distinction, at least not until I installed and experimented with a centralized second-generation version control system myself. - -The system I installed was CVS. CVS, short for Concurrent Versions System, was the very first second-generation version control system. It was also the most popular version control system for about a decade until it was replaced in 2000 by Subversion. Even then, Subversion was supposed to be “CVS but better,” which only underscores how dominant CVS had become throughout the 1990s. - -CVS was first developed in 1986 by a Dutch computer scientist named Dick Grune, who was looking for a way to collaborate with his students on a compiler project. CVS was initially little more than a collection of shell scripts wrapping RCS (Revision Control System), a first-generation version control system that Grune wanted to improve. RCS works according to a pessimistic locking model, meaning that no two programmers can work on a single file at once. In order to edit a file, you have to first ask RCS for an exclusive lock on the file, which you keep until you are finished editing. If someone else is already editing a file you need to edit, you have to wait. CVS improved on RCS and ushered in the second generation of version control systems by trading the pessimistic locking model for an optimistic one. Programmers could now edit the same file at the same time, merging their edits and resolving any conflicts later. (Brian Berliner, an engineer who later took over the CVS project, wrote a very readable [paper][1] about CVS’ innovations in 1990.) - -In that sense, CVS wasn’t all that different from Git, which also works according to an optimistic model. But that’s where the similarities end. In fact, when Linus Torvalds was developing Git, one of his guiding principles was WWCVSND, or “What Would CVS Not Do.” Whenever he was in doubt about a decision, he strove to choose the option that had not been chosen in the design of CVS. So even though CVS predates Git by over a decade, it influenced Git as a kind of negative template. - -I’ve really enjoyed playing around with CVS. I think there’s no better way to understand why Git’s distributed nature is such an improvement on what came before. So I invite you to come along with me on an exciting journey and spend the next ten minutes of your life learning about a piece of software nobody has used in the last decade. (See correction.) - -### Getting Started with CVS - -Instructions for installing CVS can be found on the [project’s homepage][2]. On MacOS, you can install CVS using Homebrew. - -Since CVS is centralized, it distinguishes between the client-side universe and the server-side universe in a way that something like Git does not. The distinction is not so pronounced that there are different executables. But in order to start using CVS, even on your own machine, you’ll have to set up the CVS backend. - -The CVS backend, the central store for all your code, is called the repository. Whereas in Git you would typically have a repository for every project, in CVS the repository holds all of your projects. There is one central repository for everything, though there are ways to work with only a project at a time. - -To create a local repository, you run the `init` command. You would do this somewhere global like your home directory. - -``` -$ cvs -d ~/sandbox init -``` - -CVS allows you to pass options to either the `cvs` command itself or to the `init` subcommand. Options that appear after the `cvs` command are global in nature, while options that appear after the subcommand are specific to the subcommand. In this case, the `-d` flag is global. Here it happens to tell CVS where we want to create our repository, but in general the `-d` flag points to the location of the repository we want to use for any given action. It can be tedious to supply the `-d` flag all the time, so the `CVSROOT` environment variable can be set instead. - -Since we’re working locally, we’ve just passed a path for our `-d` argument, but we could also have included a hostname. - -The command creates a directory called `sandbox` in your home directory. If you list the contents of `sandbox`, you’ll find that it contains another directory called `CVSROOT`. This directory, not to be confused with the environment variable, holds administrative files for the repository. - -Congratulations! You’ve just created your first CVS repository. - -### Checking In Code - -Let’s say that you’ve decided to keep a list of your favorite colors. You are an artistically inclined but extremely forgetful person. You type up your list of colors and save it as a file called `favorites.txt`: - -``` -blue -orange -green - -definitely not yellow -``` - -Let’s also assume that you’ve saved your file in a new directory called `colors`. Now you’d like to put your favorite color list under version control, because fifty years from now it will be interesting to look back and see how your tastes changed through time. - -In order to do that, you will have to import your directory as a new CVS project. You can do that using the `import` command: - -``` -$ cvs -d ~/sandbox import -m "" colors colors initial -N colors/favorites.txt - -No conflicts created by this import -``` - -Here we are specifying the location of our repository with the `-d` flag again. The remaining arguments are passed to the `import` subcommand. We have to provide a message, but here we don’t really need one, so we’ve left it blank. The next argument, `colors`, specifies the name of our new directory in the repository; here we’ve just used the same name as the directory we are in. The last two arguments specify the vendor tag and the release tag respectively. We’ll talk more about tags in a minute. - -You’ve just pulled your “colors” project into the CVS repository. There are a couple different ways to go about bringing code into CVS, but this is the method recommended by [Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS][3], the Pragmatic Programmer book about CVS. What makes this method a little awkward is that you then have to check out your work fresh, even though you’ve already got an existing `colors` directory. Instead of using that directory, you’re going to delete it and then check out the version that CVS already knows about: - -``` -$ cvs -d ~/sandbox co colors -cvs checkout: Updating colors -U colors/favorites.txt -``` - -This will create a new directory, also called `colors`. In this directory you will find your original `favorites.txt` file along with a directory called `CVS`. The `CVS` directory is basically CVS’ equivalent of the `.git` directory in every Git repository. - -### Making Changes - -Get ready for a trip. - -Just like Git, CVS has a `status` subcommand: - -``` -$ cvs status -cvs status: Examining . -=================================================================== -File: favorites.txt Status: Up-to-date - - Working revision: 2018-07-06 19:27:54 -0400 - Repository revision: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v - Commit Identifier: fD7GYxt035GNg8JA - Sticky Tag: (none) - Sticky Date: (none) - Sticky Options: (none) -``` - -This is where things start to look alien. CVS doesn’t have commit objects. In the above, there is something called a “Commit Identifier,” but this might be only a relatively recent edition—no mention of a “Commit Identifier” appears in Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS, which was published in 2003. (The last update to CVS was released in 2008.) - -Whereas with Git you’d talk about the version of a file associated with commit `45de392`, in CVS files are versioned separately. The first version of your file is version 1.1, the next version is 1.2, and so on. When branches are involved, extra numbers are appended, so you might end up with something like the `` above, which appears to be the default in our case even though we haven’t created any branches. - -If you were to run `cvs log` (equivalent to `git log`) in a project with lots of files and commits, you’d see an individual history for each file. You might have a file at version 1.2 and a file at version 1.14 in the same project. - -Let’s go ahead and make a change to version 1.1 of our `favorites.txt` file: - -``` - blue - orange - green -+cyan - - definitely not yellow -``` - -Once we’ve made the change, we can run `cvs diff` to see what CVS thinks we’ve done: - -``` -$ cvs diff -cvs diff: Diffing . -Index: favorites.txt -=================================================================== -RCS file: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v -retrieving revision -diff -r1.1.1.1 favorites.txt -3a4 -> cyan -``` - -CVS recognizes that we added a new line containing the color “cyan” to the file. (Actually, it says we’ve made changes to the “RCS” file; you can see that CVS never fully escaped its original association with RCS.) The diff we are being shown is the diff between the copy of `favorites.txt` in our working directory and the version stored in the repository. - -In order to update the version stored in the repository, we have to commit the change. In Git, this would be a multi-step process. We’d have to stage the change so that it appears in our index. Then we’d commit the change. Finally, to make the change visible to anyone else, we’d have to push the commit up to the origin repository. - -In CVS, all of these things happen when you run `cvs commit`. CVS just bundles up all the changes it can find and puts them in the repository: - -``` -$ cvs commit -m "Add cyan to favorites." -cvs commit: Examining . -/Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v <-- favorites.txt -new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 -``` - -I’m so used to Git that this strikes me as terrifying. Without an opportunity to stage changes, any old thing that you’ve touched in your working directory might end up as part of the public repository. Did you passive-aggressively rewrite a coworker’s poorly implemented function out of cathartic necessity, never intending for him to know? Too bad, he now thinks you’re a dick. You also can’t edit your commits before pushing them, since a commit is a push. Do you enjoy spending 40 minutes repeatedly running `git rebase -i` until your local commit history flows like the derivation of a mathematical proof? Sorry, you can’t do that here, and everyone is going to find out that you don’t actually write your tests first. - -But I also now understand why so many people find Git needlessly complicated. If `cvs commit` is what you were used to, then I’m sure staging and pushing changes would strike you as a pointless chore. - -When people talk about Git being a “distributed” system, this is primarily the difference they mean. In CVS, you can’t make commits locally. A commit is a submission of code to the central repository, so it’s not something you can do without a connection. All you’ve got locally is your working directory. In Git, you have a full-fledged local repository, so you can make commits all day long even while disconnected. And you can edit those commits, revert, branch, and cherry pick as much as you want, without anybody else having to know. - -Since commits were a bigger deal, CVS users often made them infrequently. Commits would contain as many changes as today we might expect to see in a ten-commit pull request. This was especially true if commits triggered a CI build and an automated test suite. - -If we now run `cvs status`, we can see that we have a new version of our file: - -``` -$ cvs status -cvs status: Examining . -=================================================================== -File: favorites.txt Status: Up-to-date - - Working revision: 1.2 2018-07-06 21:18:59 -0400 - Repository revision: 1.2 /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v - Commit Identifier: pQx5ooyNk90wW8JA - Sticky Tag: (none) - Sticky Date: (none) - Sticky Options: (none) -``` - -### Merging - -As mentioned above, in CVS you can edit a file that someone else is already editing. That was CVS’ big improvement on RCS. What happens when you need to bring your changes back together? - -Let’s say that you have invited some friends to add their favorite colors to your list. While they are adding their colors, you decide that you no longer like the color green and remove it from the list. - -When you go to commit your changes, you might discover that CVS notices a problem: - -``` -$ cvs commit -m "Remove green" -cvs commit: Examining . -cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `favorites.txt' -cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first! -``` - -It looks like your friends committed their changes first. So your version of `favorites.txt` is not up-to-date with the version in the repository. If you run `cvs status`, you’ll see that your local copy of `favorites.txt` is version 1.2 with some local changes, but the repository version is 1.3: - -``` -$ cvs status -cvs status: Examining . -=================================================================== -File: favorites.txt Status: Needs Merge - - Working revision: 1.2 2018-07-07 10:42:43 -0400 - Repository revision: 1.3 /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v - Commit Identifier: 2oZ6n0G13bDaldJA - Sticky Tag: (none) - Sticky Date: (none) - Sticky Options: (none) -``` - -You can run `cvs diff` to see exactly what the differences between 1.2 and 1.3 are: - -``` -$ cvs diff -r HEAD favorites.txt -Index: favorites.txt -=================================================================== -RCS file: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v -retrieving revision 1.3 -diff -r1.3 favorites.txt -3d2 -< green -7,10d5 -< -< pink -< hot pink -< bubblegum pink -``` - -It seems that our friends really like pink. In any case, they’ve edited a different part of the file than we have, so the changes are easy to merge. CVS can do that for us when we run `cvs update`, which is similar to `git pull`: - -``` -$ cvs update -cvs update: Updating . -RCS file: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v -retrieving revision 1.2 -retrieving revision 1.3 -Merging differences between 1.2 and 1.3 into favorites.txt -M favorites.txt -``` - -If you now take a look at `favorites.txt`, you’ll find that it has been modified to include the changes that your friends made to the file. Your changes are still there too. Now you are free to commit the file: - -``` -$ cvs commit -cvs commit: Examining . -/Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v <-- favorites.txt -new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3 -``` - -The end result is what you’d get in Git by running `git pull --rebase`. Your changes have been added on top of your friends’ changes. There is no “merge commit.” - -Sometimes, changes to the same file might be incompatible. If your friends had changed “green” to “olive,” for example, that would have conflicted with your change removing “green” altogether. In the early days of CVS, this was exactly the kind of case that caused people to worry that CVS wasn’t safe; RCS’ pessimistic locking ensured that such a case could never arise. But CVS guarantees safety by making sure that nobody’s changes get overwritten automatically. You have to tell CVS which change you want to keep going forward, so when you run `cvs update`, CVS marks up the file with both changes in the same way that Git does when Git detects a merge conflict. You then have to manually edit the file and pick the change you want to keep. - -The interesting thing to note here is that merge conflicts have to be fixed before you can commit. This is another consequence of CVS’ centralized nature. In Git, you don’t have to worry about resolving merges until you push the commits you’ve got locally. - -Since CVS doesn’t have easily addressable commit objects, the only way to group a collection of changes is to mark a particular working directory state with a tag. - -Creating a tag is easy: - -``` -$ cvs tag VERSION_1_0 -cvs tag: Tagging . -T favorites.txt -``` - -You’ll later be able to return files to this state by running `cvs update` and passing the tag to the `-r` flag: - -``` -$ cvs update -r VERSION_1_0 -cvs update: Updating . -U favorites.txt -``` - -Because you need a tag to rewind to an earlier working directory state, CVS encourages a lot of preemptive tagging. Before major refactors, for example, you might create a `BEFORE_REFACTOR_01` tag that you could later use if the refactor went wrong. People also used tags if they wanted to generate project-wide diffs. Basically, all the things we routinely do today with commit hashes have to be anticipated and planned for with CVS, since you needed to have the tags available already. - -Branches can be created in CVS, sort of. Branches are just a special kind of tag: - -``` -$ cvs rtag -b TRY_EXPERIMENTAL_THING colors -cvs rtag: Tagging colors -``` - -That only creates the branch (in full view of everyone, by the way), so you still need to switch to it using `cvs update`: - -``` -$ cvs update -r TRY_EXPERIMENTAL_THING -``` - -The above commands switch onto the new branch in your current working directory, but Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS actually advises that you create a new directory to hold your new branch. Presumably its authors found switching directories easier than switching branches in CVS. - -Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS also advises against creating branches off of an existing branch. They recommend only creating branches off of the mainline branch, which in Git is known as `master`. In general, branching was considered an “advanced” CVS skill. In Git, you might start a new branch for almost any trivial reason, but in CVS branching was typically used only when really necessary, such as for releases. - -A branch could later be merged back into the mainline using `cvs update` and the `-j` flag: - -``` -$ cvs update -j TRY_EXPERIMENTAL_THING -``` - -### Thanks for the Commit Histories - -In 2007, Linus Torvalds gave [a talk][4] about Git at Google. Git was very new then, so the talk was basically an attempt to persuade a roomful of skeptical programmers that they should use Git, even though Git was so different from anything then available. If you haven’t already seen the talk, I highly encourage you to watch it. Linus is an entertaining speaker, even if he never fails to be his brash self. He does an excellent job of explaining why the distributed model of version control is better than the centralized one. A lot of his criticism is reserved for CVS in particular. - -Git is a [complex tool][5]. Learning it can be a frustrating experience. But I’m also continually amazed at the things that Git can do. In comparison, CVS is simple and straightforward, though often unable to do many of the operations we now take for granted. Going back and using CVS for a while is an excellent way to find yourself with a new appreciation for Git’s power and flexibility. It illustrates well why understanding the history of software development can be so beneficial—picking up and re-examining obsolete tools will teach you volumes about the why behind the tools we use today. - -If you enjoyed this post, more like it come out every two weeks! Follow [@TwoBitHistory][6] on Twitter or subscribe to the [RSS feed][7] to make sure you know when a new post is out. - -#### Correction - -I’ve been told that there are many organizations, particularly risk-adverse organizations that do things like make medical device software, that still use CVS. Programmers in these organizations have developed little tricks for working around CVS’ limitations, such as making a new branch for almost every change to avoid committing directly to `HEAD`. (Thanks to Michael Kohne for pointing this out.) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://twobithistory.org/2018/07/07/cvs.html - -作者:[Two-Bit History][a] -选题:[lujun9972][b] -译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]: https://twobithistory.org -[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972 -[1]: https://docs.freebsd.org/44doc/psd/28.cvs/paper.pdf -[2]: https://www.nongnu.org/cvs/ -[3]: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780974514000.do -[4]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8 -[5]: https://xkcd.com/1597/ -[6]: https://twitter.com/TwoBitHistory -[7]: https://twobithistory.org/feed.xml diff --git a/translated/tech/20180707 Version Control Before Git with CVS.md b/translated/tech/20180707 Version Control Before Git with CVS.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6532d65e7c --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/20180707 Version Control Before Git with CVS.md @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +Git 之前使用 CVS 进行版本控制 +====== +Github 网站于 2008 年发布。如果你的软件工程师职业生涯跟我一样,也是晚于此时间的话,Git 可能是你用过的唯一版本控制软件。虽然其陡峭的学习曲线和不直观地用户界面时常会遭人抱怨,但不可否认的是, Git 已经成为人们学习版本控制的最佳选择。 2015 年,Stack Overflow 进行的开发者调查显示,69.3% 的被调查者在使用 Git,几乎是排名第二的 Subversion 版本控制系统使用者数量的两倍。2015 年之后,也许是因为 Git 太受欢迎了,大家对此话题不再感兴趣,所以 Stack Overflow 停止了关于开发人员使用版本控制系统软件的问卷调查。 + +Github 的发布时间距离 Git 自身发布时间很近。2005 年, Linus Torvalds 发布了 Git 的首个版本。现在的年经一代开发者可能很难想象“版本控制软件”生命周期所代表的世界并不仅仅只有 Git,虽然这样的世界诞生的时间并不长。除了 Git 外,还有很多可供选择。开源开发者较喜欢 Subversion,企业和视频游戏公司使用 Perforce (到如今有些仍在用),而 Linux 内核项目依赖于名为 BitKeeper 的版本控制系统。 + +其中一些系统,特别是 BitKeeper,会让年经一代的 Git 用户感觉很熟悉,上手也很快,但大多数相差很大。除了 BitKeeper,Git 之前的版本控制系统都是以不同的架构模型为基础运行的。作者 Eric Sink 在他的 [Version Control By Example][8] 一书中对版本控制进行了分类,按其说法,Git 属于第三代版本控制系统,而大多数 Git 的前身,即流行于二十世纪九零年代和二十一世纪早期的系统,都属于第二代版本控制系统。第三代版本控制系统是分布式的,第二代是集中式。你们以前大概都听过 Git 被描述为一款“分布式”版本控制系统。我一直都不明白分布式/集中式之间的区别,随后自己亲自安装了一款第二代的集中式版本控件系统,并做了相关实验,至少明白了一些。 + +我安装的版本系统是 CVS。CVS,即 `Concurrent Versions System` 的缩写,是最初的第二代版本控制系统。大约十年,它是最为流行的版本控制系统,直到 2000 年被 Subversion 所取代。即便如此,Subversion 被认为是 “CVS 但做的更好”,这更进一步突出了 CVS 在二十世纪九零年代的主导地位。 + +CVS 最早是由一位名叫 Dick Grune 的荷兰科学家在 1986 年间开发的,当时有一个编译器项目,他正在寻找一种能与其学生合作的方法。CVS 最初仅仅只是一个包装了 RCS(修订控制系统) 的 Shell 脚本集合,Grune 想改进这个第一代的版本控制系统。 RCS 是按悲观锁模式工作的,这意味着两个程序员不可以同时处理同一个文件。需要编辑一个文件话,首先得向 RCS 系统请求一个排它锁,锁定此文件直到完成编辑,如果你想编辑的文件有人正在编辑,你就必须等待。CVS 在 RCS 基础上改进,并把悲观锁模型替换成乐观锁模型,迎来了第二代版本控制系统的时代。现在,程序员可以同时编辑同一个文件、合并编辑部分,随后解决合并冲突问题。(后来接管 CVS 项目的工程师布莱恩·柏林(Brian Berliner)于 1990 年撰写了一篇关于 CVS 创新的非常易读的 [论文][1]。) + +从这个意义上来讲,CVS 与 Git 并无差异,因为 Git 也是运行于乐观锁模式的,但也仅仅只有此点相似。实际上,Linus Torvalds 开发 Git 时,他的一个指导原则是 WWCVSND,即 “What Would CVS +Not Do (CVS 不能做的).” 每当他做决策时,他都会力争选择那些在 CVS 设计里没有使用的功能选项。所以即使 CVS 要早于 Git 十多年,但它对 Git 的影响是为负数的。 + +我非常喜欢折腾 CVS。我认为要弄明白为什么 Git 的分布式特性是对以前的版本控制系统的较大改善的话,除了折腾 CVS 外,没有更好的办法。因此,我邀请您跟我一起来一段激动人心的旅程,并在接下来的十分钟内了解下这个近十年来无人使用的软件。(可以看看修正部分) + +### CVS 入门 + +CVS 的安装教程可以在其 [项目主页][2] 上找到。MacOS 系统的话,可以使用 Homebrew 安装。 + +由于 CVS 是集中式的,所以它有客户端和服务端之区分,这种模式 Git 是没有的。两端分别有不同的可执行文件,其区别不太明显。但要开始使用 CVS 的话,即使只在您的本地机器上使用,也必须设置 CVS 的服务后端。 + +CVS 的后端,即所有代码的中央存储区,被叫做存储库 (repository)。在 Git 中每一个项目都有一个存储库,而 CVS 中一个存储库就包含所有的项目。尽管有办法保证一次只能访问一个项目,但一个中央存储库包含所有东西是改变不了的。 + +要在本地创建存储库的话,请运行 `init` 命令。您可以像如下所示在家(home)目录创建,也可以在您本地的任何地方创建。 + +``` +$ cvs -d ~/sandbox init +``` + +CVS 允许您将选项传递给 `cvs` 命令本身或 `init` 子命令。出现在 `cvs` 命令之后的选项默认是全局的,而出现在子命令之后的是子命令特有选项。上面所示例子中,`-d` 标志是全局选项。在这儿是告诉 CVS 我们想要创建存储库路径在哪里,但通用的 `-d` 标志指的是我们想要使用的且已经存在的存储库位置。一直使用 `-d` 标志很单调乏味,所以可以设置 `CVSROOT` 环境变量来代替。 + +因为我们只是在本地操作,所以仅仅使用 `-d` 参考来传送路径就可以,但也可以包含个主机名。 + +此命令在您的家目录创建了一个名叫 `sandbox` 的目录。 如果您列出 `sandbox` 内容,会发现下面包含有 `CVSROOT` 的目录。请不要把此目录与我们的环境变量混淆,它保存存储库的管理文件。 + +恭喜! 您刚刚创建了第一个 CVS 存储库。 + +### 检入代码 + +假设你决定留存下自己喜欢的颜色清单。因为您是一个有艺术倾向但很健忘的人,所以你键入颜色列表清单,并保存到一个叫 `favorites.txt` 的文件中: + +``` +blue +orange +green + +definitely not yellow +``` + +我们也假设您把文件保存到一个叫 `colors` 的目录中。现在你想要把喜欢的颜色列表清单置于版本控制之下,因为从现在起的五十年间会回顾下,随着时间的推移自己的品味怎么变化,这件事很有意思。 + +为此,您必须将您的目录导入为新的 CVS 项目。可以使用 `import` 命令: + +``` +$ cvs -d ~/sandbox import -m "" colors colors initial +N colors/favorites.txt + +No conflicts created by this import +``` + +这里我们再次使用 `-d` 标志来指定存储库的位置,其余的参数是传输给 `import ` 子命令的。必须要提供一条消息,但这儿没必要,所以留空。下一个参数 `colors`,指定了存储库中新目录的名字,这儿给的名字跟检入的目录名称一致。最后的两个参数分别指定了 vendor 标签和 release 标签。我们稍后就会谈论标签。 + +我们刚将 `colors` 项目拉入 CVS 存储库。将代引入 CVS 有很多种不同的方法,但这是 [Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS][3] 一书所推荐方法,这是一本关于 CVS 的程序员实用指导书籍。使用这种方法有点尴尬的就是你得重新检出 (check out) 工作项目,即使已经存在有 `colors` 此项目了。不要使用该目录,首先删除它,然后从 CVS 中检出刚才的版本,如下示: + +``` +$ cvs -d ~/sandbox co colors +cvs checkout: Updating colors +U colors/favorites.txt +``` + +这个过程会创建一个新的目录,也叫做 `colors`。此目录里会发现您的源文件 `favorites.txt`,还有一个叫 `CVS` 的目录。这个 `CVS` 目录基本上与 Git 存储库的 `.git` 目录等同。 + +### 做出改动 + +准备旅行。 + +和 Git 一样,CVS 也有 `status` 命令: + +``` +$ cvs status +cvs status: Examining . +=================================================================== +File: favorites.txt Status: Up-to-date + + Working revision: 2018-07-06 19:27:54 -0400 + Repository revision: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v + Commit Identifier: fD7GYxt035GNg8JA + Sticky Tag: (none) + Sticky Date: (none) + Sticky Options: (none) +``` + +到这儿事情开始陌生起来了。CVS 没有提交对象这一概念。如上示,有一个叫 “提交标识符 Commit Identifier ” 的东西,但这可能是一个较新版本的标识,在 2003 年出版的《Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS》一书中并没有提到 “提交标识符” 这个概念。 (CVS 的最新版本于 2008 年发布的。) + +在 Git 中,我们所谈论某文件版本其实是在谈论如 `commit 45de392` 相关的东西,而 CVS 中文件是独立版本化的。文件的第一个版本为 1.1 版本,下一个是 1.2 版本,依此类推。涉及分支时,会在后面添加扩展数字。因此您会看到如上所示的 `` 的内容,这就是示例的版本号,即使我们没有创建分支,似乎默认的会给加上。 + +一个项目中会有很多的文件和很多次的提交,如果您运行 `cvs log` 命令(等同于 `git log`),会看到每个文件提交历史信息。同一个项目中,有可能一个文件处于 1.2 版本,一个文件处于 1.14 版本。 + +继续,我们对 1.1 版本的 `favorites.txt` 文件做些修改: + +``` + blue + orange + green ++cyan + + definitely not yellow +``` + +修改完成,就可以运行 `cvs diff` 来看看 CVS 发生了什么: + +``` +$ cvs diff +cvs diff: Diffing . +Index: favorites.txt +=================================================================== +RCS file: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v +retrieving revision +diff -r1.1.1.1 favorites.txt +3a4 +> cyan +``` + +CVS 识别出我们我在文件中添加了一个包含颜色 "cyan" 的新行。(实际上,它说我们已经对 “RCS” 文件进行了更改;你可以看到,CVS 底层使用的还是 RCS。) 此差异指的是当前工作目录中的 `favorites.txt` 副本与存储库中 版本的文件之间的差异。 + +为了更新存储库中的版本,我们必须提交更改。Git 中,这个操作要好几个步骤。首先,暂存此修改,使其在索引中出现,然后提交此修改,最后,为了使此修改让其他人可见,我们必须把此提交推送到源存储库中。 + +而 CVS 中,只需要运行 `cvs commit` 命令就搞定一切。CVS 会查找所有修改的东西,进行捆绑,然后把它们放到存储库中。 + +``` +$ cvs commit -m "Add cyan to favorites." +cvs commit: Examining . +/Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v <-- favorites.txt +new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 +``` + +我已经习惯了 Git, 所以这种操作会让我感到十分恐惧。因为没有变更暂存区的机制,工作目录下修改的一些老旧的东西都会一股脑给提交到公共存储库中。您有过因为不爽,私下里重写了某个同事不佳的功能实现,但仅仅只是自我宣泄一下并不想让他知道的时候吗?如果不小心提交上去了,就太糟糕了,他会认为你是个混蛋。在推送之前,你也不能修改提交过的东西了,因为提交就是推送。还是您愿意花费 40 分钟的时间来反复运行 `git rebase -i` 命令,以使得本地提交历史记录跟数学证明一样清晰严谨?很遗憾,CVS 里不支持,结果就是,大家都会看到您没有先写测试用例。 + +不过,到现在我终于理解了为什么那么多人都觉得 Git 没必要搞那么复杂。对那些早已经习惯直接 `cvs commit` 的人来说,进行暂存变更和推送变更操作确实是毫无意义的差事。 + +人们常谈论 Git 是一个 “分布式” 系统,其意思中分布式与非分布式的主要区别为:在 CVS 中,无法进行本地提交。一次提交操作就是向中央存储库提交代码,所以没有网络连接,刚无法执行此操作,获取到本地的只是您的工作目录;在 Git 中,会有一个完完全全的本地存储库,所以即使断网了也可以无间断执行提交操作。您还可以进行编辑提交内容、回退、分支和随心所欲的操作,且无人知晓。 + +虽然提交是个很大的话题,但 CVS 用户很少会关注。提交会包含很多的内容修改及今天我们盼望看到的十多次提交请求。还有很特别的,提交触发 CI 构建和触发自动测试程序等。 + +现在我们运行 `cvs status`,会看到产生了文件的新版本: + +``` +$ cvs status +cvs status: Examining . +=================================================================== +File: favorites.txt Status: Up-to-date + + Working revision: 1.2 2018-07-06 21:18:59 -0400 + Repository revision: 1.2 /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v + Commit Identifier: pQx5ooyNk90wW8JA + Sticky Tag: (none) + Sticky Date: (none) + Sticky Options: (none) +``` + +### 合并 + +如上所述,在 CVS 中,你可以同时编辑其他人正在编辑的文件。这是 CVS 对 RCS 的重大改进。当需要将更改的部分重新组合在一起时会发生什么? + +假设您邀请了一些来将他们喜欢的颜色添加到您的列表中。在他们添加的时候,您确定了不再喜欢绿色,然后把它从列表中删除。 + +当你提交更新的时候,会发现 CVS 报出了个问题: + +``` +$ cvs commit -m "Remove green" +cvs commit: Examining . +cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `favorites.txt' +cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first! +``` + +好像是朋友们首先提交了更新。所以您的 `favorites.txt` 文件版本没有更新到存储库中的最新版本。此时运行 `cvs status` 就可以看到,本地的 `favorites.txt` 文件副本有一些变更且是 1.2 版本的而存储库上的版本号是 1.3,如下示: + +``` +$ cvs status +cvs status: Examining . +=================================================================== +File: favorites.txt Status: Needs Merge + + Working revision: 1.2 2018-07-07 10:42:43 -0400 + Repository revision: 1.3 /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v + Commit Identifier: 2oZ6n0G13bDaldJA + Sticky Tag: (none) + Sticky Date: (none) + Sticky Options: (none) +``` + +你可以运行 `cvs diff` 来了解 1.2 版本与 1.3 版本的确切差异: + +``` +$ cvs diff -r HEAD favorites.txt +Index: favorites.txt +=================================================================== +RCS file: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v +retrieving revision 1.3 +diff -r1.3 favorites.txt +3d2 +< green +7,10d5 +< +< pink +< hot pink +< bubblegum pink +``` + +看来我们的朋友是真的喜欢粉红色,但好在他们编辑的是此文件的不同部分,所以很容易地合并此修改。跟 `git pull` 类似,只要运行 `cvs update` 命令,CVS 就可以为我们做合并操作,如下示: + +``` +$ cvs update +cvs update: Updating . +RCS file: /Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v +retrieving revision 1.2 +retrieving revision 1.3 +Merging differences between 1.2 and 1.3 into favorites.txt +M favorites.txt +``` + +此时查看 `favorites.txt` 文件内容的话,你会发现你的朋友对文件所做的更改已经包含进去了,你的修改也在里面。现在你可以自由的提交文件了,如下示: + +``` +$ cvs commit +cvs commit: Examining . +/Users/sinclairtarget/sandbox/colors/favorites.txt,v <-- favorites.txt +new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3 +``` + +最终的结果就跟在 Git 中运行 `git pull --rebase` 一样。你的修改是添加在你朋友的修改之后的,所以没有 “合并提交” 这操作。 + +某些时候,对同一文件的修改可能导致冲突。例如,如果你的朋友把 “green” 修改成 “olive”,同时你完全删除 “green”,就会出现冲突。早期的时候,正是这种情况导致人们担心 CVS 不安全,而 RCS 的悲观锁机制可以确保此情况永不会发生。但 CVS 提供了一个安全保障机制,可以确保不会自动的覆盖任何人的修改。因此,当运行 `cvs update` 的时候,你必须告诉 CVS 想要做哪些修改才能继续下一步操作。CVS 会标记文件的所有变更,这跟 Git 检测到合并冲突时所做的方式一样,然后,你必须手工编辑文件,选择需要保留的变更进行合并。 + +这儿需要注意的有趣事情就是在进行提交之前必须修复并合并冲突。这是 CVS 集中式特性的另一个结果。而在 Git 里,在推送本地的提交内容之前,您都不用担心合并冲突问题。 + +由于 CVS 没有易于记录的提交对象,因此对变更集合进行分组的唯一方法就是对于特定的工作目录状态打个标记。 + +创建一个标记是很容易的: + +``` +$ cvs tag VERSION_1_0 +cvs tag: Tagging . +T favorites.txt +``` + +稍后,运行 `cvs update` 命令并把标签传输给 `-r` 标志就可以把文件恢复到此状态,如下示: + +``` +$ cvs update -r VERSION_1_0 +cvs update: Updating . +U favorites.txt +``` + +因为你需要一个标记来回退到早期的工作目录状态,所以 CVS 鼓励创建大量的抢占标记。例如,在重大的重构之前,你可以创建一个 `BEFORE_REFACTOR_01` 标记,如果重构出错,就可以使用此标记回退。你果想在项目范围上生成有差异的版本的话,也可以使用标记。基本上,我们使用 CVS 来管理的, 对于今天日常所做的所有事情都是预测性和计划性的,所以需要打上标记,以备回退修改。 + +可以在 CVS 中创建分支。分支只是一种特殊的标记,如下示: + +``` +$ cvs rtag -b TRY_EXPERIMENTAL_THING colors +cvs rtag: Tagging colors +``` + +(顺便提醒一下读者)这命令仅仅只是创建了分支,所以还需要使用 `cvs update` 命令来切换分支,如下示: + +``` +$ cvs update -r TRY_EXPERIMENTAL_THING +``` + +上面的命令就会把您的当前工作目录切换到新的分支,但《Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS》一书实际上是建议创建一个新的目录来间接替代新分支。估计,其作者发现在 CVS 里切换目录要比切换分支来得更简单吧。 + +此书也建议不要从现有分支创建分支,而只在主线分支,Git 中被叫做 `master`,上创建分支。一般来说,分支在 CVS 中主认为是 “高级” 技能。而在 Git 中,您几乎可以无理由的就创建新分支,但 CVS 中要在真正需要的时候才能创建,比如发布项目。 + +稍后可以使用 `cvs update` 和 `-j` 标志将分支合并回主线: + +``` +$ cvs update -j TRY_EXPERIMENTAL_THING +``` + +### 感谢历史上的贡献者 + +2007 年,Linus Torvalds 在 Google 进行了一场关于 Git 的 [演讲][4](译者注:需要梯子,国内用户可以访问 [腾讯视频][9])。当时 Git 是很新的东西,整场演讲基本上都是在说服满屋子都持有怀疑态度的程序员们,尽管 Git 是如此的与众不同,也应该使用 Git。如果没有看过这个视频的话,我强烈建议你去看看。Linus 是个有趣的演讲者,即使他有些傲慢。他非常出色地解释了为什么分布式的版本控制系统要比集中式的优秀。他的很多评论是直接针对 CVS 的。 + +Git 是一个 [相当复杂的工具][5]。学习起来是一个令人沮丧的经历,但也不断的给我惊喜,Git 还能做这样的事情。相比之下,CVS 简单明了,但是,许多我们认为理所当然的操作都做不了。想要对 Git 的强大功能和灵活性有全新的认识的话,就回过头来用用 CVS 吧,这是种很好的学习方式。这很好的诠释了为什么理解软件的开发历史可以让人受益匪浅。重拾过期淘汰的工具可以让我们理解今天所使用的工具后面所隐藏的哲理。 + +如果您喜欢此博文的话,每两周会有一次更新!请在 Twitter 上关注 [@TwoBitHistory][6] 或都通过 [RSS feed][7] 订阅,新博文出来会有通知。 + +#### 修正 + +有人告诉我,有很多组织企业,特别是像做医疗设备软件等这种规避风险类的企业,仍在使用 CVS。这些企业中的程序员通过使用一些小技巧来解决 CVS 的限制,例如为几乎每个更改创建一个新分支以避免直接提交给 `HEAD`。 (感谢 Michael Kohne 指出这一点。) + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://twobithistory.org/2018/07/07/cvs.html + +作者:[Two-Bit History][a] +选题:[lujun9972][b] +译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://twobithistory.org +[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972 +[1]: https://docs.freebsd.org/44doc/psd/28.cvs/paper.pdf +[2]: https://www.nongnu.org/cvs/ +[3]: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780974514000.do +[4]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8 +[5]: https://xkcd.com/1597/ +[6]: https://twitter.com/TwoBitHistory +[7]: https://twobithistory.org/feed.xml +[8]: https://ericsink.com/vcbe/index.html +[9]: https://v.qq.com/x/page/o0772kqh5iv.html