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H-mudcup 2015-01-08 11:25:46 +08:00
commit 2b8eb8c2e2
18 changed files with 1152 additions and 610 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
在过去的十年间IPv6 本来应该得到很大的发展,但事实上这种好事并没有降临。由此导致了一个结果,那就是大部分人都不了解 IPv6 的一些知识:它是什么,怎么使用,以及,为什么它会存在?LCTT这是要回答蒙田的“我是谁”哲学思考题吗
在过去的十年间IPv6 本来应该得到很大的发展,但事实上这种好事并没有降临。由此导致了一个结果,那就是大部分人都不了解 IPv6 的一些知识:它是什么,怎么使用,以及,为什么它会存在?
![IPv4 and IPv6 Comparison](
@ -12,15 +11,15 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
自从1981年发布了 RFC 791 标准以来我们就一直在使用 **IPv4**。在那个时候,电脑又大又贵还不多见,而 IPv4 号称能提供**40亿条 IP 地址**,在当时看来,这个数字好大好大。不幸的是,这么多的 IP 地址并没有被充分利用起来,地址与地址之间存在间隙。举个例子,一家公司可能有**254(2^8-2)**条地址但只使用其中的25条剩下的229条被空占着以备将来之需。于是这些空闲着的地址不能服务于真正需要它们的用户原因就是网络路由规则的限制。最终的结果是在1981年看起来那个好大好大的数字在2014年看起来变得好小好小。
互联网工程任务组(**IETF**在90年代指出了这个问题并提供了两套解决方案无类型域间选路**CIDR**)以及私有地址。在 CIDR 出现之前,你只能选择三种网络地址长度:**24 位** (共可用16,777,214个地址), **20位** (共可用1,048,574个地址)以及**16位** (共可用65,534个地址)。CIDR 出现之后,你可以将一个网络再划分成多个子网。
互联网工程任务组(**IETF**在90年代指出了这个问题,并提供了两套解决方案:无类型域间选路(**CIDR**)以及私有IP地址。在 CIDR 出现之前,你只能选择三种网络地址长度:**24 位** (共16,777,214个可用地址), **20位** (共1,048,574个可用地址)以及**16位** (共65,534个可用地址)。CIDR 出现之后,你可以将一个网络再划分成多个子网。
举个例子,如果你需要**5个 IP 地址**,你的 ISP 会为你提供一个子网里面的主机地址长度为3位也就是说你最多能得到**6个地址**LCTT抛开子网的网络号3位主机地址长度可以表示07共8个地址但第0个和第7个有特殊用途不能被用户使用所以你最多能得到6个地址。这种方法让 ISP 能尽最大效率分配 IP 地址。“私有地址”这套解决方案的效果是你可以自己创建一个网络里面的主机可以访问外网的主机但外网的主机很难访问到你创建的那个网络上的主机因为你的网络是私有的、别人不可见的。你可以创建一个非常大的网络因为你可以使用16,777,214个主机地址并且你可以将这个网络分割成更小的子网方便自己管理。
也许你现在正在使用私有地址。看看你自己的 IP 地址,如果这个地址在这些范围内:****、****或****就说明你在使用私有地址。这两套方案有效地将“IP 地址用尽”这个灾难延迟了好长时间,但这毕竟只是权宜之计,现在我们正面临最终的审判。
**IPv4** 还有另外一个问题,那就是这个协议的消息头长度可变。如果数据通过软件来路由,这个问题还好说。但现在路由器功能都是由硬件提供的,处理变长消息头对硬件来说是一件困难的事情。一个大的路由器需要处理来自世界各地的大量数据包,这个时候路由器的负载是非常大的。所以很明显,我们需要固定消息头的长度。
**IPv4** 还有另外一个问题,那就是这个协议的消息头长度可变。如果数据的路由通过软件来实现,这个问题还好说。但现在路由器功能都是由硬件提供的,处理变长消息头对硬件来说是一件困难的事情。一个大的路由器需要处理来自世界各地的大量数据包,这个时候路由器的负载是非常大的。所以很明显,我们需要固定消息头的长度。
还有一个问题,在分配 IP 地址的时候,美国人发了因特网LCTT这个万恶的资本主义国家占用了大量 IP 地址)。其他国家只得到了 IP 地址的碎片。我们需要重新定制一个架构,让连续的 IP 地址能在地理位置上集中分布这样一来路由表可以做的更小LCTT想想吧网速肯定更快
在分配 IP 地址的同时,还有一个问题,因特网是美国人发明的LCTT这个万恶的资本主义国家占用了大量 IP 地址)。其他国家只得到了 IP 地址的碎片。我们需要重新定制一个架构,让连续的 IP 地址能在地理位置上集中分布这样一来路由表可以做的更小LCTT想想吧网速肯定更快
还有一个问题,这个问题你听起来可能还不大相信,就是 IPv4 配置起来比较困难,而且还不好改变。你可能不会碰到这个问题,因为你的路由器为你做了这些事情,不用你去操心。但是你的 ISP 对此一直是很头疼的。
@ -28,10 +27,10 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
### IPv6 和它的优点 ###
**IETF** 在1995年12月公布了下一代 IP 地址标准,名字叫 IPv6为什么不是 IPv5因为某个错误原因“版本5”这个编号被其他项目用去了。IPv6 的优点如下:
**IETF** 在1995年12月公布了下一代 IP 地址标准,名字叫 IPv6为什么不是 IPv5→_→ 因为某个错误原因“版本5”这个编号被其他项目用去了。IPv6 的优点如下:
- 128位地址长度共有3.402823669×10³⁸个地址
- 这个架构下的地址在逻辑上聚合
- 架构下的地址在逻辑上聚合
- 消息头长度固定
- 支持自动配置和修改你的网络。
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
#### 聚合 ####
有这么多的地址,这地址可以被稀稀拉拉地分配给主机,从而更高效地路由数据包。算一笔帐啊,你的 ISP 拿到一个**80位**地址长度的网络空间其中16位是 ISP 的子网地址剩下64位分给你作为主机地址。这样一来你的 ISP 可以分配65,534个子网。
有这么多的地址,这地址可以被稀稀拉拉地分配给主机,从而更高效地路由数据包。算一笔帐啊,你的 ISP 拿到一个**80位**地址长度的网络空间其中16位是 ISP 的子网地址剩下64位分给你作为主机地址。这样一来你的 ISP 可以分配65,534个子网。
然而,这些地址分配不是一成不变地,如果 ISP 想拥有更多的小子网,完全可以做到(当然,土豪 ISP 可能会要求再来一个80位网络空间。最高的48位地址是相互独立地也就是说 ISP 与 ISP 之间虽然可能分到相同地80位网络空间但是这两个空间是相互隔离的好处就是一个网络空间里面的地址会聚合在一起。
@ -51,25 +50,25 @@ IPv4 和 IPv6 的区别
**IPv4** 消息头长度可变,但 **IPv6** 消息头长度被固定为40字节。IPv4 会由于额外的参数导致消息头变长IPv6 中,如果有额外参数,这些信息会被放到一个紧挨着消息头的地方,不会被路由器处理,当消息到达目的地时,这些额外参数会被软件提取出来。
IPv6 消息头有一个部分叫“flow”是一个20位伪随机数用于简化路由器对数据包路由过程。如果一个数据包存在“flow”路由器就可以根据这个值作为索引查找路由表不必慢吞吞地遍历整张路由表来查询路由路径。这个优点使 **IPv6** 更容易被路由。
IPv6 消息头有一个部分叫“flow”是一个20位伪随机数用于简化路由器对数据包路由过程。如果一个数据包存在“flow”路由器就可以根据这个值作为索引查找路由表不必慢吞吞地遍历整张路由表来查询路由路径。这个优点使 **IPv6** 更容易被路由。
#### 自动配置 ####
**IPv6** 中,当主机开机时,会检查本地网络,看看有没有其他主机使用了自己的 IP 地址。如果地址没有被使用,就接着查询本地的 IPv6 路由器,找到后就向它请求一个 IPv6 地址。然后这台主机就可以连上互联网了 —— 它有自己的 IP 地址,和自己的默认路由器。
如果这台默认路由器机,主机就会接着找其他路由器,作为备用路由器。这个功能在 IPv4 协议里实现起来非常困难。同样地,假如路由器想改变自己的地址,自己改掉就好了。主机会自动搜索路由器,并自动更新路由器地址。路由器会同时保存新老地址,直到所有主机都把自己地路由器地址更新成新地址。
如果这台默认路由器机,主机就会接着找其他路由器,作为备用路由器。这个功能在 IPv4 协议里实现起来非常困难。同样地,假如路由器想改变自己的地址,自己改掉就好了。主机会自动搜索路由器,并自动更新路由器地址。路由器会同时保存新老地址,直到所有主机都把自己地路由器地址更新成新地址。
IPv6 自动配置还不是一个完整地解决方案。想要有效地使用互联网,一台主机还需要另外的东西:域名服务器、时间同步服务器、或者还需要一台文件服务器。于是 **dhcp6** 出现了,提供与 dhcp 一样的服务,唯一的区别是 dhcp6 的机器可以在可路由的状态下启动,一个 dhcp 进程可以为大量网络提供服务。
#### 唯一的大问题 ####
如果 IPv6 真的比 IPv4 好那么多为什么它还没有被广泛使用起来Google 在**2014年5月份**估计 IPv6 的市场占有率为**4%**)?一个最基本的原因是“先有鸡还是先有蛋”问题,用户需要让自己的服务器能为尽可能多的客户提供服务,这就意味着他们必须部署一个 **IPv4** 地址。
如果 IPv6 真的比 IPv4 好那么多为什么它还没有被广泛使用起来Google 在**2014年5月份**估计 IPv6 的市场占有率为**4%**)?一个最基本的原因是“先有鸡还是先有蛋”。服务商想让自己的服务器为尽可能多的客户提供服务,这就意味着他们必须部署一个 **IPv4** 地址。
当然,他们可以同时使用 IPv4 和 IPv6 两套地址,但很少有客户会用到 IPv6并且你还需要对你的软件做一些小修改来适应 IPv6。另外比较头疼的一点是很多家庭的路由器压根不支持 IPv6。还有就是 ISP 也不愿意支持 IPv6我问过我的 ISP 这个问题,得到的回答是:只有客户明确指出要部署这个时,他们才会用 IPv6。然后我问了现在有多少人有这个需求答案是包括我在内共有1个。
与这种现实状况呈明显对比的是所有主流操作系统Windows、OS X、Linux 都默认支持 IPv6 好多年了。这些操作系统甚至提供软件让 IPv6 的数据包披上 IPv4 的皮来骗过那些会丢弃 IPv6 数据包的主机,从而达到传输数据的目的LCTT这是高科技偷渡
与这种现实状况呈明显对比的是所有主流操作系统Windows、OS X、Linux 都默认支持 IPv6 好多年了。这些操作系统甚至提供软件让 IPv6 的数据包披上 IPv4 的皮来骗过那些会丢弃 IPv6 数据包的主机,从而达到传输数据的目的。
#### 总结 ####
### 总结 ###
IPv4 已经为我们服务了好长时间。但是它的缺陷会在不远的将来遭遇不可克服的困难。IPv6 通过改变地址分配规则、简化数据包路由过程、简化首次加入网络时的配置过程等策略,可以完美解决这个问题。
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ via:
作者:[Jeff Silverman][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ via:
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
使用 Quagga 将你的 CentOS 系统变成一个 BGP 路由器
在我们进入细节之前一些BGP的背景知识还是必要的。边界网关协议即BGP是互联网的域间路由协议的实际标准。在BGP术语中全球互联网是由成千上万相关联的自治系统(AS)组成其中每一个AS代表每一个特定运营商提供的一个网络管理域[据说][2],美国前总统乔治.布什都有自己的 AS 编号)。
### 测试方案 ###
- **运营商 A**: ASN (100) IP地址空间 ( 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
- **运营商 B**: ASN (200) IP地址空间 ( 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
### 在 CentOS中安装Quagga ###
# yum install quagga
# setsebool -P zebra_write_config 1
- **Zebra**:一个核心守护进程用于内核接口和静态路由.
- **BGPd**:一个BGP守护进程.
### 配置日志记录 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXX/zebra.conf.sample /etc/quagga/zebra.conf
# service zebra start
# chkconfig zebra on
# systemctl start zebra
# systemctl enable zebra
Quagga提供了一个叫做vtysh特有的命令行工具你可以输入与路由器厂商(例如Cisco和Juniper)兼容和支持的命令。我们将使用vtysh shell来配置BGP路由在教程的其余部分。
启动vtysh shell 命令,输入:
# vtysh
提示将被改成该主机名这表明你是在vtysh shell中。
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# log file /var/log/quagga/quagga.log
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
### 配置对等的IP地址 ###
Router-A# show interface #显示接口信息
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
site-A-RTR# configure terminal
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth0
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "to Router-B"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth1
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "test ip from provider A network"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
Router-A# show interface
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "to Router-B"
inet broadcast
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "test ip from provider A network"
inet broadcast
Router-A# show interface description #显示接口描述
Interface Status Protocol Description
eth0 up unknown "to Router-B"
eth1 up unknown "test ip from provider A network"
Router-A# write
Router-A# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.616 ms
### 配置BGP对等 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXXXX/bgpd.conf.sample /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf
# service bgpd start
# chkconfig bgpd on
# systemctl start bgpd
# systemctl enable bgpd
现在让我们来进入Quagga 的shell。
# vtysh
Router-A# show running-config
... ... ...
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
... ... ...
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# no auto-summary
Router-A(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 200
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor description "provider B"
Router-A(config-router)# exit
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# no auto-summary
Router-B(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor description "provider A"
Router-B(config-router)# exit
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
### 配置前缀通告 ###
正如一开始提到AS 100将以100.100.0.0/22作为通告在我们的例子中AS 200将同样以200.200.0.0/22作为通告。这些前缀需要被添加到BGP配置如下。
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# network
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# network
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
### 测试前缀通告 ###
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors routes
Router-A# show ip bgp
Router-A# show ip route
代码: K - 内核路由, C - 已链接 , S - 静态 , R - 路由信息协议 , O - 开放式最短路径优先协议,
I - 中间系统到中间系统的路由选择协议, B - 边界网关协议, > - 选择路由, * - FIB 路由
C>* is directly connected, eth0
C>* is directly connected, eth1
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:06:45
Router-A# show ip route bgp
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:08:13
[root@Router-A~]# ip route
---------- dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth0 proto zebra
[root@Router-A~]# ping -c 2
作者:[Sarmed Rahman][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
翻译中 by小眼儿
Yes, This Trojan Infects Linux. No, Its Not The Tuxpocalypse
![Is something watching you?](
Is something watching you?
Grab a crate of canned food, start digging a deep underground bunker and prepare to settle into a world that will never be the same again: [a powerful trojan has been uncovered on Linux][1].
Yes, the hitherto impregnable fortress of computing nirvana has been compromised in a way that has left security experts a touch perturbed.
Unplug your PC, disinfect your keyboard and buy a cat (no more YouTube ). The Tuxpocalypse is upon us. Weve reached the end of days.
Right? RIGHT? Nah, not quite.
### A Terrifying Anomalous Thing! ###
Let me set off by saying that **I am not underplaying the severity of this threat (known by the nickname Turla)** nor, for the avoidance of doubt, am I suggesting that we as Linux users shouldnt be concerned by the implications.
The discovery of a silent trojan infecting Linux systems is terrifying. The fact it was tasked with sucking up and sending off all sorts of sensitive information is horrific. And to learn its been doing this for at least four years and doesnt require root privileges? My seat is wet. Im sorry.
But — and along with hyphens and typos, theres always a but on this site — the panic currently sweeping desktop Linux fans, Mexican wave style, is a little out of context.
Vulnerability may be a new feeling for some of us, yet lets keep it in check: Linux remains an inherently secure operating system for desktop users. One clever workaround does not negate that and shouldnt send you scurrying offline.
### State Sponsored, Targeting Governments ###
![Is a penguin snake a Penguake or a Snaguin?](
Is a penguin snake a Penguake or a Snaguin?
Turla is a complex APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) that has (thus far) targeted government, embassy and pharmaceutical companies systems for around four years using a method based on [14 year old code, no less][2].
On Windows, where the superhero security researchers at Symantec and Kaspersky Lab first sighted the slimy snake, Turla and components of it were found to have **infected hundreds (100s) of PCs across 45 countries**, many through unpatched zero-day exploits.
*Nice one Microsoft.*
Further diligence by Kaspersky Lab has now uncovered that parts of the same trojan have also been active on Linux for some time.
The Trojan doesnt require elevated privileges and can “intercept incoming packets and run incoming commands on the system”, but its not yet clear how deep its tentacles reach or how many Linux systems are infected, nor is the full extent of its capabilities known.
“Turla” (and its children) are presumed to be nation-state sponsored due to its choice of targets. US and UK readers shouldnt assume its “*them*“, either. Our own governments are just as happy to play in the mud, too.
#### Perspective and Responsibility ####
As terrible a breach as this discovery is emotionally, technically and ethically it remains far, far, far away from being an indication that were entering a new “free for all” era of viruses and malware aimed at the desktop.
**Turla is not a user-focused “i wantZ ur CredIt carD” virus** bundled inside a faux software download. Its a complex, finessed and adaptable threat with specific targets in mind (ergo grander ambitions than collecting a bunch of fruity tube dot com passwords, sorry ego!).
Kaspersky Lab explains:
> “The Linux Turla module is a C/C++ executable statically linked against multiple libraries, greatly increasing its file size. It was stripped of symbol information, more likely intended to increase analysis effort than to decrease file size. Its functionality includes hidden network communications, arbitrary remote command execution, and remote management. Much of its code is based on public sources.”
Regardless of impact or infection rate its precedes will still raise big, big questions that clever, clever people will now spend time addressing, analysing and (importantly) solving.
IANACSE (I am not a computer security expert) but IAFOA (I am a fan of acronyms), and AFAICT (as far as I can tell) this news should be viewed as as a cautionary PSA or FYI than the kind of OMGGTFO that some sites are painting it as.
Until more details are known none of us should panic. Lets continue to practice safe computing. Avoid downloading/running scripts, apps, or binaries from untrusted sites or PPAs, and dont venture into dodgy dark parts of the web.
If you remain super concerned you can check out the [Kaspersky blog][1] for details on how to check that youre not infected.
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
[Translating by Stevarzh]
How to Download Music from Grooveshark with a Linux OS
> The solution is actually much simpler than you think
**Grooveshark is a great online platform for people who want to listen to music, and there are a number of ways to download music from there. Groovesquid is just one of the applications that let users get music from Grooveshark, and it's multiplatform.**
If there is a service that streams something online, then there is a way to download the stuff that you are just watching or listening. As it turns out, it's not that difficult and there are a ton of solutions, no matter the platform. For example, there are dozens of YouTube downloaders and it stands to reason that it's not all that difficult to get stuff from Grooveshark either.
Now, there is the problem of legality. Like many other applications out there, Groovesquid is not actually illegal. It's the user's fault if they do something illegal with an application. The same reasoning can be applied to apps like utorrent or Bittorrent. As long as you don't touch copyrighted material, there are no problems in using Groovesquid.
### Groovesquid is fast and efficient ###
The only problem that you could find with Groovesquid is the fact that it's based on Java and that's never a good sign. This is a good way to ensure that an application runs on all the platforms, but it's an issue when it comes to the interface. It's not great, but it doesn't really matter all that much for users, especially since the app is doing a great job.
There is one caveat though. Groovesquid is a free application, but in order to remain free, it has to display an ad on the right side of the menu. This shouldn't be a problem for most people, but it's a good idea to mention that right from the start.
From a usability point of view, the application is pretty straightforward. Users can download a single song by entering the link in the top field, but the purpose of that field can be changed by accessing the small drop-down menu to its left. From there, it's possible to change to Song, Popular, Albums, Playlist, and Artist. Some of the options provide access to things like the most popular song on Grooveshark and other options allow you to download an entire playlist, for example.
You can download Groovesquid 0.7.0
- [jar][1] File size: 3.8 MB
- [tar.gz][2] File size: 549 KB
You will get a Jar file and all you have to do is to make it executable and let Java do the rest.
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
This App Can Write a Single ISO to 20 USB Drives Simultaneously
**If I were to ask you to burn a single Linux ISO to 17 USB thumb drives how would you go about doing it?**
Code savvy folks would write a little bash script to automate the process, and a large number would use a GUI tool like the USB Startup Disk Creator to burn the ISO to each drive in turn, one by one. But the rest of us would fast conclude that neither method is ideal.
### Problem > Solution ###
![GNOME MultiWriter in action](
GNOME MultiWriter in action
Richard Hughes, a GNOME developer, faced a similar dilemma. He wanted to create a number of USB drives pre-loaded with an OS, but wanted a tool simple enough for someone like his dad to use.
His response was to create a **brand new app** that combines both approaches into one easy to use tool.
Its called “[GNOME MultiWriter][1]” and lets you write a single ISO or IMG to multiple USB drives at the same time.
It nixes the need to customize or create a command line script and relinquishes the need to waste an afternoon performing an identical set of actions on repeat.
All you need is this app, an ISO, some thumb-drives and lots of empty USB ports.
### Use Cases and Installing ###
![The app can be installed on Ubuntu](
The app can be installed on Ubuntu
The app has a pretty defined usage scenario, that being situations where USB sticks pre-loaded with an OS or live image are being distributed.
That being said, it should work just as well for anyone wanting to create a solitary bootable USB stick, too — and since Ive never once successfully created a bootable image from Ubuntus built-in disk creator utility, working alternatives are welcome news to me!
Hughes, the developer, says it **supports up to 20 USB drives**, each being between 1GB and 32GB in size.
The drawback (for now) is that GNOME MultiWriter is not a finished, stable product. It works, but at this early blush there are no pre-built binaries to install or a PPA to add to your overstocked software sources.
If you know your way around the usual configure/make process you can get it up and running in no time. On Ubuntu 14.10 you may also need to install the following packages first:
sudo apt-get install gnome-common yelp-tools libcanberra-gtk3-dev libudisks2-dev gobject-introspection
If you get it up and running, give it a whirl and let us know what you think!
Bugs and pull requests can be longed on the GitHub page for the project, which is where youll also found tarball downloads for manual installation.
- [GNOME MultiWriter on Github][2]
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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2015: Open Source Has Won, But It Isn't Finished
> After the wins of 2014, what's next?
At the beginning of a new year, it's traditional to look back over the last 12 months. But as far as this column is concerned, it's easy to summarise what happened then: open source has won. Let's take it from the top:
**Supercomputers**. Linux is so dominant on the Top 500 Supercomputers lists it is almost embarrassing. The [November 2014 figures][1] show that 485 of the top 500 systems were running some form of Linux; Windows runs on just one. Things are even more impressive if you look at the numbers of cores involved. Here, Linux is to be found on 22,851,693 of them, while Windows is on just 30,720; what that means is that not only does Linux dominate, it is particularly strong on the bigger systems.
**Cloud computing**. The Linux Foundation produced an interesting [report][2] last year, which looked at the use of Linux in the cloud by large companies. It found that 75% of them use Linux as their primary platform there, against just 23% that use Windows. It's hard to translate that into market share, since the mix between cloud and non-cloud needs to be factored in; however, given the current popularity of cloud computing, it's safe to say that the use of Linux is high and increasing. Indeed, the same survey found Linux deployments in the cloud have increased from 65% to 79%, while those for Windows have fallen from 45% to 36%. Of course, some may not regard the Linux Foundation as totaly disinterested here, but even allowing for that, and for statistical uncertainties, it's pretty clear which direction things are moving in.
**Web servers**. Open source has dominated this sector for nearly 20 years - an astonishing record. However, more recently there's been some interesting movement in market share: at one point, Microsoft's IIS managed to overtake Apache in terms of the total number of Web servers. But as Netcraft explains in its most recent [analysis][3], there's more than meets the eye here:
> This is the second month in a row where there has been a large drop in the total number of websites, giving this month the lowest count since January. As was the case in November, the loss has been concentrated at just a small number of hosting companies, with the ten largest drops accounting for over 52 million hostnames. The active sites and web facing computers metrics were not affected by the loss, with the sites involved being mostly advertising linkfarms, having very little unique content. The majority of these sites were running on Microsoft IIS, causing it to overtake Apache in the July 2014 survey. However the recent losses have resulted in its market share dropping to 29.8%, leaving it now over 10 percentage points behind Apache.
As that indicates, Microsoft's "surge" was more apparent than real, and largely based on linkfarms with little useful content. Indeed, Netcraft's figures for active sites paints a very different picture: Apache has 50.57% market share, with nginx second on 14.73%; Microsoft IIS limps in with a rather feeble 11.72%. This means that open source has around 65% of the active Web server market - not quite at the supercomputer level, but pretty good.
**Mobile systems**. Here, the march of open source as the foundation of Android continues. Latest figures show that Android accounted for [83.6%][4] of smartphone shipments in the third quarter of 2014, up from 81.4% in the same quarter the previous year. Apple achieved 12.3%, down from 13.4%. As far as tablets are concerned, Android is following a similar trajectory: for the second quarter of 2014, Android notched up around [75% of global tablet sales][5], while Apple was on 25%.
**Embedded systems**. Although it's much harder to quantify the market share of Linux in the important embedded system market, but figures from one 2013 study indicated that around [half of planned embedded systems][6] would use it.
**Internet of Things**. In many ways this is simply another incarnation of embedded systems, with the difference that they are designed to be online, all the time. It's too early to talk of market share, but as I've [discussed][7] recently, AllSeen's open source framework is coming on apace. What's striking by their absence are any credible closed-source rivals; it therefore seems highly likely that the Internet of Things will see supercomputer-like levels of open source adoption.
Of course, this level of success always begs the question: where do we go from here? Given that open source is approaching saturation levels of success in many sectors, surely the only way is down? In answer to that question, I recommend a thought-provoking essay from 2013 written by Christopher Kelty for the Journal of Peer Production, with the intriguing title of "[There is no free software.][8]" Here's how it begins:
> Free software does not exist. This is sad for me, since I wrote a whole book about it. But it was also a point I tried to make in my book. Free software—and its doppelganger open source—is constantly becoming. Its existence is not one of stability, permanence, or persistence through time, and this is part of its power.
In other words, whatever amazing free software 2014 has already brought us, we can be sure that 2015 will be full of yet more of it, as it continues its never-ending evolution.
作者:[lyn Moody][a]
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翻译中 by小眼儿
Docker Image Insecurity
Recently while downloading an “official” container image with Docker I saw this line:
@ -129,4 +131,4 @@ via:

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
How To Install Winusb In Ubuntu 14.04
[WinUSB][1] is a simple and useful tool that lets you create USB stick Windows installer from the Windows ISO image or DVD. It comprises of both GUI and command line tool and you can decide to choose which to use based on your preference.
In this quick post we shall see **how to install WinUSB in Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 and Linux Mint 17**.
### Install WinUSB in Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.10 ###
Until Ubuntu 13.10, WinUSB was developed actively and it was available for installation via its official PPA. This PPA has not been updated for Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr and 14.10 but the binaries are still there and works fine in newer version of Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Based on [whether your Ubuntu system is 32 bit or 64 bit][2], use the command below to download the binaries:
Open a terminal and use the following command for 32 bit system:
For 64 bit systems, use the command below:
Once you have downloaded the correct binaries, you can install WinUSB using the command below:
sudo dpkg -i winusb*
Dont worry if you see error when you try to install WinUSB. Fix the dependency errors with this command:
sudo apt-get -f install
Afterwards, you can search for WinUSB in Unity Dash and use it to create a live USB of Windows in Ubuntu 14.04.
I hope this quick post helped you to **install WinUSB in Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 and Linux Mint 17**.
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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How To Install New Fonts In Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10
Ubuntu does come with a bunch of fonts installed by default in it. But at times you might not be satisfied with the available lots of fonts. So, what you can do is to **install additional fonts in Ubuntu 14.04**, 14.10 or any other Linux system such as Linux Mint.
### Step 1: Get fonts ###
First and foremost, download your choice of fonts. Now you might be thinking from where can you get new fonts. Dont worry, a simple Google search will provide you with several websites that have new fonts available for free. You can start with [fonts at Lost Type][1]. [Fonts Squirrel][2] is also a good place to download fonts.
### Step 2: Install new fonts in Ubuntu ###
The downloaded fonts might be in a zipped file. Extract it. Most of the fonts are either in [TTF][3] (TrueType Fonts) or in [OTF][4] (OpenType Fonts) format. Whichever it may be, just double click on the font file. It will open it in Font Viewer. In here, you can see the option to install the font in top right corner:
You wont really see anything being installed as you see when installing a software. Couple of seconds later, youll see the status has been changed to Installed. No prizes for guessing that the font has been now installed.
Once installed, you can see the newly installed fonts in any application that uses fonts such as GIMP, Pinta etc.
### Step 2: Install several fonts at once in Linux ###
No, it is not typo. This is still step 2 but just an alternative. The method we saw above to install fonts in Ubuntu is just fine. But there is a little issue with it. What happens when you have like 20 new fonts to install. Installing all these fonts, one by one, by double clicking on them is cumbersome and inconvenient. Dont you think the same?
To install several fonts at once in Ubuntu, all you need to do is to create .fonts directory, if it doesnt exist already, in your Home directory. And extract or copy paste all those TTF or OTF files in this directory.
Go to your Home directory in File manager. Press Ctrl+H to [show hidden files in Ubuntu][5]. Right click to make a new folder and name it .fonts. That dot at the beginning is important. In Linux, if you put dot ahead of the file name, it hides the file from normal view.
#### Alternative: ####
Alternatively, you can install Font Manager application and manage fonts in GUI. To install Font Manager in Ubuntu, open a terminal and use the command below:
sudo apt-get install font-manager
Open the Font Manager from Unity Dash. You can see installed fonts and option to install new fonts, remove existing fonts etc here.
To remove Font Manager, use the command below:
sudo apt-get remove font-manager
I hope this quick helped you to install fonts in Ubuntu and other Linux systems. Do let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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How to deduplicate files on Linux with dupeGuru
Recently, I was given the task to clean up my father's files and folders. What made it difficult was the abnormal amount of duplicate files with incorrect names. By keeping a backup on an external drive, simultaneously editing multiple versions of the same file, or even changing the directory structure, the same file can get copied many times, change names, change locations, and just clog disk space. Hunting down every single one of them can become a problem of gigantic proportions. Hopefully, there exists nice little software that can save your precious hours by finding and removing duplicate files on your system: [dupeGuru][1]. Written in Python, this file deduplication software switched to a GPLv3 license a few hours ago. So time to apply your new year's resolutions and clean up your stuff!
### Installation of dupeGuru ###
On Ubuntu, you can add the Hardcoded Software PPA:
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hsoft/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
And then install with:
$ sudo apt-get install dupeguru-se
On Arch Linux, the package is present in the [AUR][2].
If you prefer compiling it yourself, the sources are on [GitHub][3].
### Basic Usage of dupeGuru ###
DupeGuru is conceived to be fast and safe. Which means that the program is not going to run berserk on your system. It has a very low risk of deleting stuff that you did not intend to delete. However, as we are still talking about file deletion, it is always a good idea to stay vigilant and cautious: a good backup is always necessary.
Once you took your precautions, you can launch dupeGuru via the command:
$ dupeguru_se
You should be greeted by the folder selection screen, where you can add folders to scan for deduplication.
Once you selected your directories and launched the scan, dupeGuru will show its results by grouping duplicate files together in a list.
Note that by default dupeGuru matches files based on their content, and not their name. To be sure that you do not accidentally delete something important, the match column shows you the accuracy of the matching algorithm. From there, you can select the duplicate files that you want to take action on, and click on "Actions" button to see available actions.
The choice of actions is quite extensive. In short, you can delete the duplicates, move them to another location, ignore them, open them, rename them, or even invoke a custom command on them. If you choose to delete a duplicate, you might get as pleasantly surprised as I was by available deletion options.
You can not only send the duplicate files to the trash or delete them permanently, but you can also choose to leave a link to the original file (either using a symlink or a hardlink). In oher words, the duplicates will be erased, and a link to the original will be left instead, saving a lot of disk space. This can be particularly useful if you imported those files into a workspace, or have dependencies based on them.
Another fancy option: you can export the results to a HTML or CSV file. Not really sure why you would do that, but I suppose that it can be useful if you prefer keeping track of duplicates rather than use any of dupeGuru's actions on them.
Finally, last but not least, the preferences menu will make all your dream about duplicate busting come true.
There you can select the criterion for the scan, either content based or name based, and a threshold for duplicates to control the number of results. It is also possible to define the custom command that you can select in the actions. Among the myriad of other little options, it is good to notice that by default, dupeGuru ignores files less than 10KB.
For more information, I suggest that you go check out the [official website][4], which is filled with documention, support forums, and other goodies.
To conclude, dupeGuru is my go-to software whenever I have to prepare a backup or to free some space. I find it powerful enough for advanced users, and yet intuitive to use for newcomers. Cherry on the cake: dupeGuru is cross platform, which means that you can also use it for your Mac or Windows PC. If you have specific needs, and want to clean up music or image files, there exists two variations: [dupeguru-me][5] and [dupeguru-pe][6], which respectively find duplicate audio tracks and pictures. The main difference from the regular version is that it compares beyond file formats and takes into account specific media meta-data like quality and bit-rate.
What do you think of dupeGuru? Would you consider using it? Or do you have any alternative deduplication software to suggest? Let us know in the comments.
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Managing Linux server configs with the SaltStack
I came across Salt while searching for an alternative to [Puppet][1]. I like puppet, but I am falling in love with Salt :). This maybe a personal opinion but I found Salt easier to configure and get started with as compared to Puppet. Another reason I like Salt is that it lets you manage your server configurations from the command line, for example:
To update all your servers with Salt, just run
salt * pkg.upgrade
**Installing the SaltStack on Linux.**
Salt is available in the EPEL repo if you are installing it on CentOS 6/7, Pi and Ubuntu linux users can add the Salt Repository from [here][2]. Since Salt is python based you can also use pip to install it but you have take care of dependencies like yum-utils and other packages yourself.
Salt follows the Server-Client model, The Server is known as the master whereas clients are called minions.
**Installation and Configuration of a Salt Master**
[root@salt-master~]# yum install salt-master
Salt configurations files are stored in /etc/salt and /srv/salt. Salt is good to go out of the box, but I would recommend you configure a bit more verbose logging to help your troubleshoot.
[root@salt-master ~]# vim /etc/salt/master
#Default is warning change to the following
log_level: debug
log_level_logfile: debug
[root@salt-master ~]# systemctl start salt-master
**Installation and Configuration of a Salt minion**
[root@salt-minion~]#yum install salt-minion
#Add the hostname of your Salt Master
[root@salt-minion~]#vim /etc/salt/minion
#start the minion
[root@salt-minion~] systemctl start salt-minion
On Startup, a minion will generate a cryptographic key and an id. It will then connect to the Salt Master and identify itself. The Salt Master must accept the minions key before allowing the minion to download a configuration.
**Listing and Accepting keys on the Salt Master**
#List all keys
[root@salt-master~] salt-key -L
Accepted Keys:
Unaccepted Keys:
Rejected Keys:
#Accept key with id
[root@salt-master~]salt-key -a
[root@salt-master~] salt-key -L
Accepted Keys:
Unaccepted Keys:
Rejected Keys:
Once you have accepted a minions keys, you can get information on it immediately using the salt command.
**Salt command line examples**
#Check if a minion is up and running
[root@salt-master~] salt ''
# run shell commands on the minion
[root@salt-master~]# salt '' 'ls -l'
total 2988
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1024 Jul 31 08:24 1g.img
-rw-------. 1 root root 940 Jul 14 15:04 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1024 Aug 14 17:21 test
#install/update a software on all your servers
[root@salt-master ~]# salt '*' pkg.install git
The salt command needs a few components to send information. One of these components is the minion id and another is the function to be called on the minion.
In the first example I used the ping function of the test module to check if the system is up. This function does not perform an actual ping, it just returns true if the minion responds. is used to execute remote commands and pkg module contains functions for package management. The full list of builin modules is at the end of this post.
**Grains example**
Salt uses an interface called **Grains** to get system information. You can use grains to run commands on systems with particular properties.
[root@vps4544 ~]# salt -G 'os:Centos'
More grain examples are available at
**Package Management via the State File System.**
In order to automate software configurations you will need to use the state system and create a state file. These files use the YAML format and python dictionaries, lists, strings and numbers for data structure. Reading up on them will help you understand the configurations better.
**VIM state file example**
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/vim.sls
- source: salt://vimrc
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 644
The first and third line in this file are called state id. They must contain the exact name or path of the package or file to be managed. After the state ids are state and function declaration. pkg and file are state declarations whereas installed and managed are function declarations. Functions accept arguments, user,group,mode and source are all arguments to the function managed.
To apply this configuration to a minion move your vimrc file to /srv/salt and run.
[root@salt-master~]# salt '' state.sls vim
ID: vim-enhanced
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: The following packages were installed/updated: vim-enhanced.
Started: 09:36:23.438571
Duration: 94045.954 ms
Succeeded: 1 (changed=1)
Failed: 0
Total states run: 1
You can also add dependencies to your configurations.
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/ssh.sls
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 600
- source: salt://ssh/sshd_config
- require:
- pkg: openssh-server
The require statement here is a requisite declaration, it creates a dependency between the service and pkg states. This declaration will first check if the package is installed and then run the service.
However, I prefer using the watch statement as it also checks for file modifications and restarts the service.
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/ssh.sls
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 600
- source: salt://sshd_config
- watch:
- pkg: openssh-server
- file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[root@vps4544 ssh]# salt '' state.sls ssh
ID: openssh-server
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: Package openssh-server is already installed.
Started: 13:01:55.824367
Duration: 1.156 ms
ID: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Function: file.managed
Result: True
Comment: File /etc/ssh/sshd_config updated
Started: 13:01:55.825731
Duration: 334.539 ms
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# SELinux about this change.
# semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp #PORTNUMBER
-Port 22
+Port 422
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::
ID: sshd
Function: service.running
Result: True
Comment: Service restarted
Started: 13:01:56.473121
Duration: 407.214 ms
Succeeded: 4 (changed=2)
Failed: 0
Total states run: 4
Maintaining all config files in single directory can make scaling a complex task, hence you can create sub-directories and add your configuration in them with a init.sls file
[root@salt-master~]# mkdir /srv/salt/ssh
[root@salt-master~]# vim /srv/salt/ssh/init.sls
- user: root
- group: root
- mode: 600
- source: salt://ssh/sshd_config
- watch:
- pkg: openssh-server
- file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[root@vps4544 ssh]# cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /srv/salt/ssh/
[root@vps4544 ssh]# salt '' state.sls ssh
**Top File and Environments.**
A Top file (top.sls) is where you define your environments. A top file allows you to map minions to packages. The default environment is base. You need to define which packages will be installed on which server under the base environment.
If there are multiple environments and more than one definitions for a particular minion is used then by default the base environment will supersede the others.
To define an environment you need to add it to the file_roots directive in the master configuration file.
[root@salt-master ~]# vim /etc/salt/master
- /srv/salt
- /srv/salt/dev
Now add a top.sls file in /srv/salt
[root@salt-master ~]# vim /srv/salt/top.sls
- vim
- ssh
Apply the top file configuration with
[root@salt-master~]# salt '*' state.highstate
ID: vim-enhanced
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: Package vim-enhanced is already installed.
Started: 13:10:55
Duration: 1678.779 ms
ID: openssh-server
Function: pkg.installed
Result: True
Comment: Package openssh-server is already installed.
Started: 13:10:55.
Duration: 2.156 ms
The minion will download the top file and search for its configuration. It will also apply the configuration for all minions.
This is just a brief introduction to Salt, for in depth understanding you can go through the links below and if you are already using Salt and have any recommendations do let me know.
Update: [Foreman][3] has support for salt via [plugins][4].
List of Salt Modules
Good comparison of Salt and puppet
Full list of builtin execution modules
作者:[Leo G][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
![Is something watching you?](
### 一次可怕的异常事件! ###
But - 但是 - 新闻稿里常常这个时候该出现but了 - 要说恐慌正在横扫桌面Linux的粉丝那就有点断章取义、甚至不着边际了。
### 国家资助,目标政府 ###
![Is a penguin snake a Penguake or a Snaguin?](
#### 观点 与 责任 ####
**Turla 并不是那种用户关注的“我想要你的信用卡”病毒**那些病毒往往绑定在一个伪造的软件下载链接中。Turla是一种复杂的、经过巧妙处理的、具有高度适应性的威胁它时刻都具有着特定的目标因此它绝不仅仅满足于搜集一些卖萌少女的网站账户密码sorry 绿茶婊们!)。
> “Linux上的Turla模块是一个链接多个静态库的C/C++可执行文件,这大大增加了它的文件体积。但它并没有着重减小自身的文件体积,而是剥离了自身的符号信息,这样就增加了对它逆向分析的难度。它的功能主要包括隐藏网络通信、远程执行任意命令以及远程管理等等。它的大部分代码都基于公开源码。”
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
如何使用 Linux 从 Grooveshark 下载音乐
> 解决办法通常没有那么难
**Grooveshark 对于喜欢音乐的人来说是一个不错的在线平台同时有多种从上面下载音乐的方法。Groovesquid 是众多允许用户从 Grooveshark 上下载音乐的应用之一,并且是支持多平台的。**
只要有在线流媒体服务,就一定有方法从获取你之前看过或听过的视频及音乐。即使下载接口关闭了,也不是什么大不了的事,因为还有很多种解决方法,无论你用的什么操作系统。比如,网络上就有许多种 YouTube 下载器,同样的道理,从 Grooveshark 上下载音乐也并非难事。
现在得考虑合法性的问题。与许多其他应用一样Groovesquid 并非是完全不合法的。如果有用户使用应用去做一些非法的事情,那责任应归咎于用户。同样的道理也适用于 utorrent 或者 Bittorrent。只要你不触及版权问题那你就可以无所顾忌的使用 Groovesquid 了。
### 快捷高效的 Groovesquid ###
你能够找到的 Groovesquid 的唯一缺点是,它是基于 Java 而编写的,这从来都不是一个好的兆头。虽然为了确保应用的可移植性这样做确实是一个好方法,但这样做的结果导致了其糟糕的界面。确实是非常糟糕的的界面,不过这一点并不会影响到用户的使用体验,特别是这款应用所完成的工作时如此的有用。
有一点需要注意的地方。Groovesquid 是一款免费的应用,但为了将免费保持下去,它会在菜单栏的右侧显示一则广告。这对大多数人来说都应该不是问题,不过最好在打开应用后注意下菜单栏右侧。
从易用性的角度来看,这款应用非常简洁。用户可以通过在顶部地址栏里输入链接直接下载单曲,地址栏的位置可以通过其左侧的下拉菜单进行修改。在下拉菜单中,也可以修改为歌曲名称、流行度、专辑名称、播放列表以及艺术家。有些选项向你提供了诸如查看 Grooveshark 上最流行的音乐,或者下载整个播放列表等。
你可以下载 Groovesquid 0.7.0
- [jar][1] 文件大小3.8 MB
- [tar.gz][2] 文件大小549 KB
下载完 Jar 文件后,你所需要做的是将其权限修改为可执行,然后让 Java 来完成剩下的工作。
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
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@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
伴随Apple Watch的揭幕下一个智能手表会是Ubuntu吗?
**苹果借助Apple Watch的发布证实了其进军穿戴式电子设备市场的长期传言**
![Ubuntu Smartwatch good idea?](
Ubuntu智能手表 - 好主意?
Ubuntu智能手表 - 好主意?
### 大的方面还是成功的 ###
苹果在正确时间加入了快速发展的智能手表部门。约束手腕穿戴电脑功能的界限并不是一成不变。失败的设计,不良的用户界面以及主流用户使用穿戴技术功能的弱参数化,这些都见证了硬件种类保持着高效的影响力 一个准许Cupertino把时间花费在苹果手表上的因素
苹果在正确的时间加入了快速发展的智能手表行列。手腕穿戴设备功能的界限并不是一成不变。失败的设计、简陋的用户界面以及主流用户使用穿戴技术功能的弱定制化,这些都见证了硬件类产品仍然很脆弱 这一因素使得Cupertino把时间花费在Apple Watch上
> 分析师说超过2200万的智能手表将在今年销售
去年全球范围内可穿戴设备的销售数量包括健身追踪器仅仅1000万。今年分析师希望设备数量的改变可以超过2200万 不包括苹果手表因为其直到2015年初才开始零售。
去年全球范围内可穿戴设备的销售数量包括健身追踪器仅仅1000万。今年分析师希望设备的销量可以超过2200万 不包括苹果手表因为其直到2015年初才开始零售。
很容易就可以看出增长的来源。今年九月初柏林举办的IFA 2014展览会展示了一系列来自主要制造商们的可穿戴设备包括索尼和华硕。大多数搭载着Google最新发布的安卓穿戴系统
其实,我们很容易就可以看出增长的来源。今年九月初柏林举办的IFA 2014展览会展示了一系列来自主要制造商们的可穿戴设备包括索尼和华硕。大多数搭载着Google最新发布的安卓穿戴平台
#### 目前还没有Ubuntu智能手表的计划 ####
今年年初Canonical社区负责人Jono Bacon被问是否有制作Ubuntu智能手表的打算。Bacon提供了他对这个问题的看法增加另一个形式因素到[Ubuntu触摸设备]路线只会减缓其余的东西”。
今年年初Canonical社区负责人Jono Bacon被问是否有制作Ubuntu智能手表的打算。Bacon提供了他对这个问题的看法为[Ubuntu触摸设备]路线增加额外的形式因素只会减缓现有的进度”。
但是并不是没有希望的。在一个[几个月之后的电话采访][1]中Ubuntu创始人Mark Shuttleworth提及到可穿戴技术和智能电视,平板电脑,智能手机一样,都在公司计划当中。
但是并不是没有希望的。在[几个月之后的一次电话采访][1]中Ubuntu创始人Mark Shuttleworth提到,可穿戴技术和智能电视、平板电脑、智能手机一样,都在公司计划当中。
> “Ubuntu因其在电话中的完美设计变得独一无二是它同时也被设计成满足其余生态系统的样子,比如从穿戴设备到PC机。”
> “Ubuntu因其在电话中的完美设计变得独一无二同时它的设计也能够满足其他生态系统,从穿戴设备到PC机。”
### 不可能 — 这就是原因所在 ###
####可能 — 这就是原因所在 ####
Canonical并不反对利用牢固的专利进军市场。事实上的重要性犹如公司的DHA — 犹如服务器上的RHEL,桌面上的Windows,智能手机上的安卓...
Canonical并不反对利用牢固的专利进军市场。事实上恰恰是公司DNA基因的一部分 — 犹如服务器端的RHEL,桌面端的Windows,智能手机上的安卓...
但是我之所以不认为它会从规范社区发生至少目前还没有是今年早些时候Jono Bacon个人思想的共鸣:时间和努力。
但是我之所以不认为它会从Canonical发生至少目前还没有是基于今年早些时候Jono Bacon的个人思想得出的结论:时间和努力。
Tim Cook在他的主题演讲中说道“*我们并没有追随iPhone也没有缩水用户界面将其强硬捆绑在你的手腕上。*”这是一个很明显的陈述。为如此小的屏幕设计UI和UX模型;通过交互原则工作;对硬件和输入模式的恭维,都不是一件容易的事。
Tim Cook在他的主题演讲中说道“*我们并没有追随iPhone也没有缩水用户界面将其强硬捆绑在你的手腕上。*”这是一个很明显的陈述。为如此小的屏幕设计UI和UX模型、通过交互原则工作、对硬件和输入模式的推崇,这些都不是容易的事。
想更进一步了解什么是Ubuntu智能手表点击下面的[视频][2]。它展示了一个互动的主体性皮肤Tizen(它已经支持Samsung Galaxy Gear智能手表)。
想更进一步了解什么是Ubuntu智能手表点击下面的[视频][2]里面展示了一个交互的Unity主题皮肤Tizen(它已经支持Samsung Galaxy Gear智能手表)。
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ via:
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由[LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
How to turn your CentOS box into a BGP router using Quagga
在[之前的教程中][1]此文原文做过文件名“20140928 How to turn your CentOS box into an OSPF router using”如果前面翻译发布了可以修改此链接,我对如何简单地使用Quagga把CentOS系统变成一个不折不扣地OSPF路由器做了一些描述,Quagga是一个开源路由软件套件.在这个教程中,我将会着重**把一个Linux系统变成一个BGP路由器,又是使用Quagga**,演示如何建立BGP与其它BGP路由器对等.
### 测试方案 ###
- **运营商 A**: ASN (100), IP地址空间 (, 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
- **运营商 B**: ASN (200), IP地址空间 (, 分配给BGP路由器eth1网卡的IP地址(
### 在 CentOS中安装Quagga ###
# yum install quagga
# setsebool -P zebra_write_config 1
- **Zebra**:一个核心守护进程用于内核接口和静态路由.
- **BGPd**:一个BGP守护进程.
### 配置日志记录 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXX/zebra.conf.sample /etc/quagga/zebra.conf
# service zebra start
# chkconfig zebra on
# systemctl start zebra
# systemctl enable zebra
Quagga提供了一个叫做vtysh特有的命令行工具,你可以输入路由器厂商(例如Cisco和Juniper)兼容和支持的命令.我们将使用vtysh shell来配置BGP路由在教程的其余部分.
启动vtysh shell 命令,输入:
# vtysh
提示将被改成主机名,这表明你是在vtysh shell中.
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# log file /var/log/quagga/quagga.log
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
### 配置对等的IP地址 ###
Router-A# show interface #显示接口信息
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
. . . . .
site-A-RTR# configure terminal
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth0
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "to Router-B"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
site-A-RTR(config)# interface eth1
site-A-RTR(config-if)# ip address
site-A-RTR(config-if)# description "test ip from provider A network"
site-A-RTR(config-if)# no shutdown
site-A-RTR(config-if)# exit
Router-A# show interface
Interface eth0 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "to Router-B"
inet broadcast
Interface eth1 is up, line protocol detection is disabled
Description: "test ip from provider A network"
inet broadcast
Router-A# show interface description #现实接口描述
Interface Status Protocol Description
eth0 up unknown "to Router-B"
eth1 up unknown "test ip from provider A network"
Router-A# write
Router-A# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.616 ms
### 配置BGP对等 ###
# cp /usr/share/doc/quagga-XXXXXXX/bgpd.conf.sample /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf
# service bgpd start
# chkconfig bgpd on
# systemctl start bgpd
# systemctl enable bgpd
现在,让我们来进入Quagga 的shell.
# vtysh
Router-A# show running-config
... ... ...
router bgp 7675
bgp router-id
... ... ...
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# no auto-summary
Router-A(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 200
Router-A(config-router)# neighbor description "provider B"
Router-A(config-router)# exit
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# no router bgp 7675
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# no auto-summary
Router-B(config)# no synchronizaiton
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100
Router-B(config-router)# neighbor description "provider A"
Router-B(config-router)# exit
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
### 配置前缀通告 ###
正如一开始提到,AS 100将以100.100.0.0/22作为通告,在我们的例子中AS 200将同样以200.200.0.0/22作为通告.这些前缀需要被添加到BGP配置如下.
Router-A# configure terminal
Router-A(config)# router bgp 100
Router-A(config)# network
Router-A(config)# exit
Router-A# write
Router-B# configure terminal
Router-B(config)# router bgp 200
Router-B(config)# network
Router-B(config)# exit
Router-B# write
### 测试前缀通告 ###
Router-A# show ip bgp summary
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
Router-A# show ip bgp neighbors routes
Router-A# show ip bgp
Router-A# show ip route
代码: K - 内核路由, C - 已链接 , S - 静态 , R - 路由信息协议 , O - 开放式最短路径优先协议,
I - 中间系统到中间系统的路由选择协议, B - 边界网关协议, > - 选择路由, * - FIB 路由
C>* is directly connected, eth0
C>* is directly connected, eth1
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:06:45
Router-A# show ip route bgp
B>* [20/0] via, eth0, 00:08:13
[root@Router-A~]# ip route
---------- dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth0 proto zebra
[root@Router-A~]# ping -c 2
作者:[Sarmed Rahman][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
如何在Ubuntu 14.04 中安装Winusb
[WinUSB][1]是一款简单的且有用的工具可以让你从Windows ISO镜像或者DVD中创建USB安装盘。它结合了GUI和命令行你可以根据你的喜好决定使用哪种。
在本篇中我们会展示**如何在Ubuntu 14.04、14.10 和 Linux Mint 17 中安装WinUSB**。
### 在Ubuntu 14.04、14.10 和 Linux Mint 17 中安装WinUSB ###
直到Ubuntu 13.10, WinUSBu一直都在积极开发且在官方PPA中可以找到。这个PPA还没有为Ubuntu 14.04 和14.10更新但是二进制文件仍旧可在更新版本的Ubuntu和Linux Mint中运行。基于[基于你使用的系统是32位还是64位的][2],使用下面的命令来下载二进制文件:
sudo dpkg -i winusb*
sudo apt-get -f install
之后你就可以在Unity Dash中查找WinUSB并且用它在Ubuntu 14.04 中创建Windows的live USB了。
我希望这篇文章能够帮到你**在Ubuntu 14.04、14.10 和 Linux Mint 17 中安装WinUSB**。
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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Ubuntu apt-get & apt-cache commands with practical examples
Apt-get & apt-cache are the command line **package management** utility in **Ubuntu Linux**. GUI version of apt-get command is the Synaptic Package Manager, in this post we are going to discuss 15 different examples of apt-get & apt-cache commands.
apt-get和apt-cache是**Ubuntu Linux**中的命令行下的**包管理**工具。 apt-get的GUI版本是Synaptic包管理器本篇中我们会讨论apt-get和apt-cache命令的不同。
### Example:1 List of all the available packages ###
### 示例1 列出所有可用包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache pkgnames
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ Apt-get & apt-cache are the command line **package management** utility in **Ubu
### Example:2 Search Packages using keywords ###
### 示例2 用关键字搜索包 ###
This command is very helpful when you are not sure about package name , just enter the keyword and apt-get command will list packages related to the keyword.
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache search "web server"
apache2 - Apache HTTP Server
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This command is very helpful when you are not sure about package name , just ent
apache2-utils - Apache HTTP Server (utility programs for web servers)
**Note**: If you have installed “**apt-file**” package then we can also search the package using config files as shown below :
**注意** 如果你安装了“**apt-file**”包,我们就可以像下面那样用配置文件搜索包。
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-file search nagios.cfg
ganglia-nagios-bridge: /usr/share/doc/ganglia-nagios-bridge/nagios.cfg
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ This command is very helpful when you are not sure about package name , just ent
pnp4nagios-bin: /etc/pnp4nagios/nagios.cfg
pnp4nagios-bin: /usr/share/doc/pnp4nagios/examples/nagios.cfg
### Example:3 Display the basic information of Specific package. ###
### 示例:3 显示特定包的基本信息 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache show postfix
Package: postfix
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ This command is very helpful when you are not sure about package name , just ent
Provides: default-mta, mail-transport-agent
### Example:4 List the dependency of Package. ###
### 示例4 列出包的依赖 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache depends postfix
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ This command is very helpful when you are not sure about package name , just ent
Depends: dpkg
### Example:5 Display the Cache Statistics using apt-cache. ###
### 示例5 使用apt-cache显示缓存统计 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ apt-cache stats
Total package names: 60877 (1,218 k)
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ This command is very helpful when you are not sure about package name , just ent
Total slack space: 37.3 k
Total space accounted for: 29.5 M
### Example:6 Update the package repository using “apt-get update” ###
### 示例6 使用 “apt-get update” 更新仓库 ###
Using the command “apt-get update” , we can resynchronize the package index files from their sources repository. Package index are retrieved from the file located at “/etc/apt/sources.list”
使用命令“apt-get update”, 我们可以重新从源仓库中同步文件索引。包的索引从“/etc/apt/sources.list”中检索
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get update
Ign utopic InRelease
@ -106,70 +106,70 @@ Using the command “apt-get update” , we can resynchronize the package index
Ign utopic-backports InRelease
### Example:7 Install a package using apt-get command. ###
### 示例:7 使用apt-get安装包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install icinga
In the above example we are installing a package named “icinga”
### Example:8 Upgrade all the Installed Packages ###
### 示例8 升级所有已安装的包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
### Example:9 Upgrade a Particular Package. ###
### 示例9 更新特定的包 ###
“install” option along with “only-upgrade” in apt-get command is used to upgrade a particular package , example is shown below :
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get install filezilla --only-upgrade
### Example:10 Removing a package using apt-get command. ###
### 示例10 使用apt-get卸载包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get remove skype
Above command will remove or delete the skype package only , if you want to delete its config files then use the “purge” option in the apt-get command. Example is shown below :
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get purge skype
We can also use the combination of above commands :
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get remove --purge skype
### Example:11 Download the package in the Current Working Directory ###
### 示例11 在当前的目录中下载包 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get download icinga
Get:1 utopic/universe icinga amd64 1.11.6-1build1 [1,474 B]
Fetched 1,474 B in 1s (1,363 B/s)
Above command will download icinga package in your current working directory.
### Example:12 Clear disk Space used by retrieved package files. ###
### 示例12 清理本地包占用的磁盘空间 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get clean
Above Command will clear the disk space used by apt-get command while retrieving(download) packages.
We can also use “**autoclean**” option in place of “**clean**“, the main difference between them is that autoclean removes package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely useless.
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get autoclean
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
### Example:13 Remove Packages using “autoremove” option. ###
### 示例13 使用“autoremove”删除包 ###
When we use “autoremove” option with apt-get command , then it will remove the packages that were installed to satisfy the dependency of other packages and are now no longer needed or used.
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove icinga
### Example:14 Display Changelog of a Package. ###
### 示例14 显示包的更新日志 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get changelog apache2
Get:1 Changelog for apache2 ( [195 kB]
Fetched 195 kB in 3s (60.9 kB/s)
Above Command will download the changelog of apache2 package and will display through sensible-pager on your screen.
### Example:15 List broken dependencies using “check” option ###
### 示例15 使用 “check” 选项显示损坏的依赖 ###
linuxtechi@localhost:~$ sudo apt-get check
Reading package lists... Done
@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ Above Command will download the changelog of apache2 package and will display th
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出