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synced 2025-03-06 01:20:12 +08:00
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@ -8,14 +8,13 @@
3. CPU 和内存瓶颈
4. 网络瓶颈
### 1. top - 进程活动监控命令
top 命令显示 Linux 的进程。它提供了一个系统的实时动态视图,即实际的进程活动。默认情况下,它显示在服务器上运行的 CPU 占用率最高的任务,并且每五秒更新一次。
`top` 命令会显示 Linux 的进程。它提供了一个运行中系统的实时动态视图,即实际的进程活动。默认情况下,它显示在服务器上运行的 CPU 占用率最高的任务,并且每五秒更新一次。

图 01:Linux top 命令
*图 01:Linux top 命令*
#### top 的常用快捷键
@ -23,22 +22,24 @@ top 命令显示 Linux 的进程。它提供了一个系统的实时动态视图
| 快捷键 | 用法 |
| ---- | -------------------------------------- |
| t | 是否显示总结信息 |
| m | 是否显示内存信息 |
| A | 根据各种系统资源的利用率对进程进行排序,有助于快速识别系统中性能不佳的任务。 |
| f | 进入 top 的交互式配置屏幕,用于根据特定的需求而设置 top 的显示。 |
| o | 交互式地调整 top 每一列的顺序。 |
| r | 调整优先级(renice) |
| k | 杀掉进程(kill) |
| z | 开启或关闭彩色或黑白模式 |
| `t` | 是否显示汇总信息 |
| `m` | 是否显示内存信息 |
| `A` | 根据各种系统资源的利用率对进程进行排序,有助于快速识别系统中性能不佳的任务。 |
| `f` | 进入 `top` 的交互式配置屏幕,用于根据特定的需求而设置 `top` 的显示。 |
| `o` | 交互式地调整 `top` 每一列的顺序。 |
| `r` | 调整优先级(`renice`) |
| `k` | 杀掉进程(`kill`) |
| `z` | 切换彩色或黑白模式 |
相关链接:[Linux 如何查看 CPU 利用率?][1]
### 2. vmstat - 虚拟内存统计
vmstat 命令报告有关进程、内存、分页、块 IO、陷阱和 cpu 活动等信息。
`vmstat` 命令报告有关进程、内存、分页、块 IO、中断和 CPU 活动等信息。
`# vmstat 3`
# vmstat 3
@ -56,11 +57,15 @@ procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
#### 显示 Slab 缓存的利用率
`# vmstat -m`
# vmstat -m
#### 获取有关活动和非活动内存页面的信息
`# vmstat -a`
# vmstat -a
相关链接:[如何查看 Linux 的资源利用率从而找到系统瓶颈?][2]
@ -84,9 +89,11 @@ root pts/1 17:43 0.00s 0.03s 0.00s w
### 4. uptime - Linux 系统运行了多久
uptime 命令可以用来查看服务器运行了多长时间:当前时间、已运行的时间、当前登录的用户连接数,以及过去 1 分钟、5 分钟和 15 分钟的系统负载平均值。
`uptime` 命令可以用来查看服务器运行了多长时间:当前时间、已运行的时间、当前登录的用户连接数,以及过去 1 分钟、5 分钟和 15 分钟的系统负载平均值。
`# uptime`
# uptime
@ -94,13 +101,15 @@ uptime 命令可以用来查看服务器运行了多长时间:当前时间、
18:02:41 up 41 days, 23:42, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
1 可以被认为是最佳负载值。不同的系统会有不同的负载:对于单核 CPU 系统来说,1 到 3 的负载值是可以接受的;而对于 SMP(对称多处理)系统来说,负载可以是 6 到 10。
`1` 可以被认为是最佳负载值。不同的系统会有不同的负载:对于单核 CPU 系统来说,`1` 到 `3` 的负载值是可以接受的;而对于 SMP(对称多处理)系统来说,负载可以是 `6` 到 `10`。
### 5. ps - 显示系统进程
ps 命令显示当前运行的进程。要显示所有的进程,请使用 -A 或 -e 选项:
`ps` 命令显示当前运行的进程。要显示所有的进程,请使用 `-A` 或 `-e` 选项:
`# ps -A`
# ps -A
@ -132,23 +141,31 @@ ps 命令显示当前运行的进程。要显示所有的进程,请使用 -A
55704 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
ps 与 top 类似,但它提供了更多的信息。
`ps` 与 `top` 类似,但它提供了更多的信息。
#### 显示长输出格式
`# ps -Al`
# ps -Al
`# ps -AlF`
# ps -AlF
#### 显示线程(轻量级进程(LWP)和线程的数量(NLWP))
`# ps -AlFH`
# ps -AlFH
#### 在进程后显示线程
`# ps -AlLm`
# ps -AlLm
#### 显示系统上所有的进程
@ -162,7 +179,7 @@ ps 与 top 类似,但它提供了更多的信息。
# ps -ejH
# ps axjf
# [pstree][4]
# pstree
#### 显示进程的安全信息
@ -192,11 +209,15 @@ ps 与 top 类似,但它提供了更多的信息。
# ps -C lighttpd -o pid=
# pgrep lighttpd
# pgrep -u vivek php-cgi
@ -215,15 +236,19 @@ ps 与 top 类似,但它提供了更多的信息。
#### 找出占用 CPU 资源最多的前 10 个进程
`# ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10`
# ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10
相关链接:[显示 Linux 上所有运行的进程][5]
### 6. free - 内存使用情况
free 命令显示了系统的可用和已用的物理内存及交换内存的总量,以及内核用到的缓存空间。
`free` 命令显示了系统的可用和已用的物理内存及交换内存的总量,以及内核用到的缓存空间。
`# free `
# free
@ -242,9 +267,11 @@ Swap: 1052248 0 1052248
### 7. iostat - CPU 平均负载和磁盘活动
iostat 命令用于汇报 CPU 的使用情况,以及设备、分区和网络文件系统(NFS)的 IO 统计信息。
`iostat` 命令用于汇报 CPU 的使用情况,以及设备、分区和网络文件系统(NFS)的 IO 统计信息。
`# iostat `
# iostat
@ -265,17 +292,21 @@ sda3 0.00 0.00 0.00 1615 0
### 8. sar - 监控、收集和汇报系统活动
sar 命令用于收集、汇报和保存系统活动信息。要查看网络统计,请输入:
`sar` 命令用于收集、汇报和保存系统活动信息。要查看网络统计,请输入:
`# sar -n DEV | more`
# sar -n DEV | more
显示 24 日的网络统计:
`# sar -n DEV -f /var/log/sa/sa24 | more`
您还可以使用 sar 显示实时使用情况:
您还可以使用 `sar` 显示实时使用情况:
`# sar 4 5`
# sar 4 5
@ -295,12 +326,13 @@ Average: all 2.02 0.00 0.27 0.01 0.00 97.70
+ [如何将 Linux 系统资源利用率的数据写入文件中][53]
+ [如何使用 kSar 创建 sar 性能图以找出系统瓶颈][54]
### 9. mpstat - 监控多处理器的使用情况
mpstat 命令显示每个可用处理器的使用情况,编号从 0 开始。命令 mpstat -P ALL 显示了每个处理器的平均使用率:
`mpstat` 命令显示每个可用处理器的使用情况,编号从 0 开始。命令 `mpstat -P ALL` 显示了每个处理器的平均使用率:
`# mpstat -P ALL`
# mpstat -P ALL
@ -323,13 +355,17 @@ Linux 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5 (www03.nixcraft.in) 06/26/2009
### 10. pmap - 监控进程的内存使用情况
pmap 命令用以显示进程的内存映射,使用此命令可以查找内存瓶颈。
`pmap` 命令用以显示进程的内存映射,使用此命令可以查找内存瓶颈。
`# pmap -d PID`
# pmap -d PID
显示 PID 为 47394 的进程的内存信息,请输入:
`# pmap -d 47394`
# pmap -d 47394
@ -362,16 +398,15 @@ mapped: 933712K writeable/private: 4304K shared: 768000K
* **mapped: 933712K** 映射到文件的内存量
* **writeable/private: 4304K** 私有地址空间
* **shared: 768000K** 此进程与其他进程共享的地址空间
* `mapped: 933712K` 映射到文件的内存量
* `writeable/private: 4304K` 私有地址空间
* `shared: 768000K` 此进程与其他进程共享的地址空间
相关链接:[使用 pmap 命令查看 Linux 上单个程序或进程使用的内存][8]
### 11. netstat - Linux 网络统计监控工具
netstat 命令显示网络连接、路由表、接口统计、伪装连接和多播连接等信息。
`netstat` 命令显示网络连接、路由表、接口统计、伪装连接和多播连接等信息。
# netstat -tulpn
@ -380,27 +415,32 @@ netstat 命令显示网络连接、路由表、接口统计、伪装连接和多
### 12. ss - 网络统计
ss 命令用于获取套接字统计信息。它可以显示类似于 netstat 的信息。不过 netstat 几乎要过时了,ss 命令更具优势。要显示所有 TCP 或 UDP 套接字:
`ss` 命令用于获取套接字统计信息。它可以显示类似于 `netstat` 的信息。不过 `netstat` 几乎要过时了,`ss` 命令更具优势。要显示所有 TCP 或 UDP 套接字:
`# ss -t -a`
# ss -t -a
`# ss -u -a `
# ss -u -a
显示所有带有 SELinux 安全上下文(Security Context)的 TCP 套接字:
显示所有带有 SELinux <ruby>安全上下文<rt>Security Context</rt></ruby>的 TCP 套接字:
`# ss -t -a -Z `
# ss -t -a -Z
请参阅以下关于 ss 和 netstat 命令的资料:
请参阅以下关于 `ss` 和 `netstat` 命令的资料:
+ [ss:显示 Linux TCP / UDP 网络套接字信息][56]
+ [使用 netstat 命令获取有关特定 IP 地址连接的详细信息][57]
### 13. iptraf - 获取实时网络统计信息
iptraf 命令是一个基于 ncurses 的交互式 IP 网络监控工具。它可以生成多种网络统计信息,包括 TCP 信息、UDP 计数、ICMP 和 OSPF 信息、以太网负载信息、节点统计信息、IP 校验错误等。它以简单的格式提供了以下信息:
`iptraf` 命令是一个基于 ncurses 的交互式 IP 网络监控工具。它可以生成多种网络统计信息,包括 TCP 信息、UDP 计数、ICMP 和 OSPF 信息、以太网负载信息、节点统计信息、IP 校验错误等。它以简单的格式提供了以下信息:
* 基于 TCP 连接的网络流量统计
* 基于网络接口的 IP 流量统计
@ -410,41 +450,53 @@ iptraf 命令是一个基于 ncurses 的交互式 IP 网络监控工具。它可
![Fig.02: General interface statistics: IP traffic statistics by network interface ][9]
图 02:常规接口统计:基于网络接口的 IP 流量统计
*图 02:常规接口统计:基于网络接口的 IP 流量统计*
![Fig.03 Network traffic statistics by TCP connection][10]
图 03:基于 TCP 连接的网络流量统计
*图 03:基于 TCP 连接的网络流量统计*
相关链接:[在 Centos / RHEL / Fedora Linux 上安装 IPTraf 以获取网络统计信息][11]
### 14. tcpdump - 详细的网络流量分析
tcpdump 命令是简单的分析网络通信的命令。您需要充分了解 TCP/IP 协议才便于使用此工具。例如,要显示有关 DNS 的流量信息,请输入:
`tcpdump` 命令是简单的分析网络通信的命令。您需要充分了解 TCP/IP 协议才便于使用此工具。例如,要显示有关 DNS 的流量信息,请输入:
`# tcpdump -i eth1 'udp port 53'`
# tcpdump -i eth1 'udp port 53'
查看所有去往和来自端口 80 的 IPv4 HTTP 数据包,仅打印真正包含数据的包,而不是像 SYN、FIN 和仅含 ACK 这类的数据包,请输入:
`# tcpdump 'tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)'`
# tcpdump 'tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)'
显示所有目标地址为 的 FTP 会话,请输入:
`# tcpdump -i eth1 'dst and (port 21 or 20'`
# tcpdump -i eth1 'dst and (port 21 or 20'
打印所有目标地址为 的 HTTP 会话:
`# tcpdump -ni eth0 'dst and tcp and port http'`
# tcpdump -ni eth0 'dst and tcp and port http'
使用 [wireshark][12] 查看文件的详细内容,请输入:
`# tcpdump -n -i eth1 -s 0 -w output.txt src or dst port 80`
# tcpdump -n -i eth1 -s 0 -w output.txt src or dst port 80
### 15. iotop - I/O 监控
iotop 命令利用 Linux 内核监控 I/O 使用情况,它按进程或线程的顺序显示 I/O 使用情况。
`iotop` 命令利用 Linux 内核监控 I/O 使用情况,它按进程或线程的顺序显示 I/O 使用情况。
`$ sudo iotop`
$ sudo iotop
@ -454,9 +506,11 @@ iotop 命令利用 Linux 内核监控 I/O 使用情况,它按进程或线程
### 16. htop - 交互式的进程查看器
htop 是一款免费并开源的基于 ncurses 的 Linux 进程查看器。它比 top 命令更简单易用。您无需使用 PID、无需离开 htop 界面,便可以杀掉进程或调整其调度优先级。
`htop` 是一款免费并开源的基于 ncurses 的 Linux 进程查看器。它比 `top` 命令更简单易用。您无需使用 PID、无需离开 `htop` 界面,便可以杀掉进程或调整其调度优先级。
`$ htop`
$ htop
@ -464,40 +518,40 @@ htop 是一款免费并开源的基于 ncurses 的 Linux 进程查看器。它
相关链接:[CentOS / RHEL:安装 htop——交互式文本模式进程查看器][58]
### 17. atop - 高级版系统与进程监控工具
atop 是一个非常强大的交互式 Linux 系统负载监控器,它从性能的角度显示最关键的硬件资源信息。您可以快速查看 CPU、内存、磁盘和网络性能。它还可以从进程的级别显示哪些进程造成了相关 CPU 和内存的负载。
`atop` 是一个非常强大的交互式 Linux 系统负载监控器,它从性能的角度显示最关键的硬件资源信息。您可以快速查看 CPU、内存、磁盘和网络性能。它还可以从进程的级别显示哪些进程造成了相关 CPU 和内存的负载。
`$ atop`
$ atop
![atop Command Line Tools to Monitor Linux Performance][16]
相关链接:[CentOS / RHEL:安装 atop 工具——高级系统和进程监控器][59]
### 18. ac 和 lastcomm
您一定需要监控 Linux 服务器上的进程和登录活动吧。psacct 或 acct 软件包中包含了多个用于监控进程活动的工具,包括:
您一定需要监控 Linux 服务器上的进程和登录活动吧。`psacct` 或 `acct` 软件包中包含了多个用于监控进程活动的工具,包括:
1. ac 命令:显示有关用户连接时间的统计信息
1. `ac` 命令:显示有关用户连接时间的统计信息
2. [lastcomm 命令][17]:显示已执行过的命令
3. accton 命令:打开或关闭进程账号记录功能
4. sa 命令:进程账号记录信息的摘要
3. `accton` 命令:打开或关闭进程账号记录功能
4. `sa` 命令:进程账号记录信息的摘要
相关链接:[如何对 Linux 系统的活动做详细的跟踪记录][18]
### 19. monit - 进程监控器
Monit 是一个免费且开源的进程监控软件,它可以自动重启停掉的服务。您也可以使用 Systemd、daemontools 或其他类似工具来达到同样的目的。[本教程演示如何在 Debian 或 Ubuntu Linux 上安装和配置 monit 作为进程监控器][19]。
`monit` 是一个免费且开源的进程监控软件,它可以自动重启停掉的服务。您也可以使用 Systemd、daemontools 或其他类似工具来达到同样的目的。[本教程演示如何在 Debian 或 Ubuntu Linux 上安装和配置 monit 作为进程监控器][19]。
### 20. nethogs - 找出占用带宽的进程
### 20. NetHogs - 找出占用带宽的进程
NetHogs 是一个轻便的网络监控工具,它按照进程名称(如 Firefox、wget 等)对带宽进行分组。如果网络流量突然爆发,启动 NetHogs,您将看到哪个进程(PID)导致了带宽激增。
`$ sudo nethogs`
$ sudo nethogs
![nethogs linux monitoring tools open source][20]
@ -505,31 +559,37 @@ NetHogs 是一个轻便的网络监控工具,它按照进程名称(如 Firef
### 21. iftop - 显示主机上网络接口的带宽使用情况
iftop 命令监听指定接口(如 eth0)上的网络通信情况。[它显示了一对主机的带宽使用情况][22]。
`iftop` 命令监听指定接口(如 eth0)上的网络通信情况。[它显示了一对主机的带宽使用情况][22]。
`$ sudo iftop`
$ sudo iftop
![iftop in action][23]
### 22. vnstat - 基于控制台的网络流量监控工具
vnstat 是一个简单易用的基于控制台的网络流量监视器,它为指定网络接口保留每小时、每天和每月网络流量日志。
`vnstat` 是一个简单易用的基于控制台的网络流量监视器,它为指定网络接口保留每小时、每天和每月网络流量日志。
`$ vnstat `
$ vnstat
![vnstat linux network traffic monitor][25]
+ [为 ADSL 或专用远程 Linux 服务器保留日常网络流量日志][60]
+ [CentOS / RHEL:安装 vnStat 网络流量监控器以保留日常网络流量日志][61]
+ [CentOS / RHEL:使用 PHP 网页前端接口查看 Vnstat 图表][62]
### 23. nmon - Linux 系统管理员的调优和基准测量工具
nmon 是 Linux 系统管理员用于性能调优的利器,它在命令行显示 CPU、内存、网络、磁盘、文件系统、NFS、消耗资源最多的进程和分区信息。
`nmon` 是 Linux 系统管理员用于性能调优的利器,它在命令行显示 CPU、内存、网络、磁盘、文件系统、NFS、消耗资源最多的进程和分区信息。
`$ nmon`
$ nmon
![nmon command][26]
@ -537,9 +597,11 @@ nmon 是 Linux 系统管理员用于性能调优的利器,它在命令行显
### 24. glances - 密切关注 Linux 系统
glances 是一款开源的跨平台监控工具。它在小小的屏幕上提供了大量的信息,还可以用作客户端-服务器架构。
`glances` 是一款开源的跨平台监控工具。它在小小的屏幕上提供了大量的信息,还可以工作于客户端-服务器模式下。
`$ glances`
$ glances
@ -547,11 +609,11 @@ glances 是一款开源的跨平台监控工具。它在小小的屏幕上提供
### 25. strace - 查看系统调用
想要跟踪 Linux 系统的调用和信号吗?试试 strace 命令吧。它对于调试网页服务器和其他服务器问题很有用。了解如何利用其 [追踪进程][30] 并查看它在做什么。
想要跟踪 Linux 系统的调用和信号吗?试试 `strace` 命令吧。它对于调试网页服务器和其他服务器问题很有用。了解如何利用其 [追踪进程][30] 并查看它在做什么。
### 26. /proc/ 文件系统 - 各种内核信息
### 26. /proc 文件系统 - 各种内核信息
/proc 文件系统提供了不同硬件设备和 Linux 内核的详细信息。更多详细信息,请参阅 [Linux 内核 /proc][31] 文档。常见的 /proc 例子:
`/proc` 文件系统提供了不同硬件设备和 Linux 内核的详细信息。更多详细信息,请参阅 [Linux 内核 /proc][31] 文档。常见的 `/proc` 例子:
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
@ -562,23 +624,23 @@ glances 是一款开源的跨平台监控工具。它在小小的屏幕上提供
### 27. Nagios - Linux 服务器和网络监控
[Nagios][32] 是一款普遍使用的开源系统和网络监控软件。您可以轻松地监控所有主机、网络设备和服务,当状态异常和恢复正常时它都会发出警报通知。[FAN][33] 是“全自动 Nagios”的缩写。FAN 的目标是提供包含由 Nagios 社区提供的大多数工具包的 Nagios 安装。FAN 提供了标准 ISO 格式的 CDRom 镜像,使安装变得更加容易。除此之外,为了改善 Nagios 的用户体验,发行版还包含了大量的工具。
[Nagios][32] 是一款普遍使用的开源系统和网络监控软件。您可以轻松地监控所有主机、网络设备和服务,当状态异常和恢复正常时它都会发出警报通知。[FAN][33] 是“全自动 Nagios”的缩写。FAN 的目标是提供包含由 Nagios 社区提供的大多数工具包的 Nagios 安装。FAN 提供了标准 ISO 格式的 CD-Rom 镜像,使安装变得更加容易。除此之外,为了改善 Nagios 的用户体验,发行版还包含了大量的工具。
### 28. Cacti - 基于 Web 的 Linux 监控工具
Cacti 是一个完整的网络图形化解决方案,旨在充分利用 RRDTool 的数据存储和图形功能。Cacti 提供了快速轮询器、高级图形模板、多种数据采集方法和用户管理功能。这些功能被包装在一个直观易用的界面中,确保可以实现从局域网到拥有数百台设备的复杂网络上的安装。它可以提供有关网络、CPU、内存、登录用户、Apache、DNS 服务器等的数据。了解如何在 CentOS / RHEL 下 [安装和配置 Cacti 网络图形化工具][34]。
### 29. KDE System Guard - 实时系统报告和图形化显示
### 29. KDE 系统监控器 - 实时系统报告和图形化显示
KSysguard 是 KDE 桌面的网络化系统监控程序。这个工具可以通过 ssh 会话运行。它提供了许多功能,比如监控本地和远程主机的客户端-服务器架构。前端图形界面使用传感器来检索信息。传感器可以返回简单的值或更复杂的信息,如表格。每种类型的信息都有一个或多个显示界面,并被组织成工作表的形式,这些工作表可以分别保存和加载。所以,KSysguard 不仅是一个简单的任务管理器,还是一个控制大型服务器平台的强大工具。
KSysguard 是 KDE 桌面的网络化系统监控程序。这个工具可以通过 ssh 会话运行。它提供了许多功能,比如可以监控本地和远程主机的客户端-服务器模式。前端图形界面使用传感器来检索信息。传感器可以返回简单的值或更复杂的信息,如表格。每种类型的信息都有一个或多个显示界面,并被组织成工作表的形式,这些工作表可以分别保存和加载。所以,KSysguard 不仅是一个简单的任务管理器,还是一个控制大型服务器平台的强大工具。
![Fig.05 KDE System Guard][35]
图 05:KDE System Guard {图片来源:维基百科}
*图 05:KDE System Guard {图片来源:维基百科}*
详细用法,请参阅 [KSysguard 手册][36]。
### 30. Gnome 系统监控器
### 30. GNOME 系统监控器
系统监控程序能够显示系统基本信息,并监控系统进程、系统资源使用情况和文件系统。您还可以用其修改系统行为。虽然不如 KDE System Guard 强大,但它提供的基本信息对新用户还是有用的:
@ -598,7 +660,7 @@ KSysguard 是 KDE 桌面的网络化系统监控程序。这个工具可以通
![Fig.06 The Gnome System Monitor application][37]
图 06:Gnome 系统监控程序
*图 06:Gnome 系统监控程序*
### 福利:其他工具
@ -606,16 +668,15 @@ KSysguard 是 KDE 桌面的网络化系统监控程序。这个工具可以通
* [nmap][38] - 扫描服务器的开放端口
* [lsof][39] - 列出打开的文件和网络连接等
* [ntop][40] 网页工具 - ntop 是查看网络使用情况的最佳工具,与 top 命令之于进程的方式类似,即网络流量监控工具。您可以查看网络状态和 UDP、TCP、DNS、HTTP 等协议的流量分发。
* [Conky][41] - X Window 系统的另一个很好的监控工具。它具有很高的可配置性,能够监视许多系统变量,包括 CPU 状态、内存、交换空间、磁盘存储、温度、进程、网络接口、电池、系统消息和电子邮件等。
* [ntop][40] 基于网页的工具 - `ntop` 是查看网络使用情况的最佳工具,与 `top` 命令之于进程的方式类似,即网络流量监控工具。您可以查看网络状态和 UDP、TCP、DNS、HTTP 等协议的流量分发。
* [Conky][41] - X Window 系统下的另一个很好的监控工具。它具有很高的可配置性,能够监视许多系统变量,包括 CPU 状态、内存、交换空间、磁盘存储、温度、进程、网络接口、电池、系统消息和电子邮件等。
* [GKrellM][42] - 它可以用来监控 CPU 状态、主内存、硬盘、网络接口、本地和远程邮箱及其他信息。
* [mtr][43] - mtr 将 traceroute 和 ping 程序的功能结合在一个网络诊断工具中。
* [mtr][43] - `mtr` 将 `traceroute` 和 `ping` 程序的功能结合在一个网络诊断工具中。
* [vtop][44] - 图形化活动监控终端
#### 关于作者
### 关于作者
作者 Vivek Gite 是 nixCraft 的创建者,也是经验丰富的系统管理员,以及 Linux 操作系统和 Unix shell 脚本的培训师。他的客户遍布全球,行业涉及 IT、教育、国防航天研究以及非营利部门等。您可以在 [Twitter][45]、[Facebook][46] 和 [Google+][47] 上关注他。
@ -625,7 +686,7 @@ via: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/top-linux-monitoring-tools.html
作者:[Vivek Gite][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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yangjiaqiang 翻译中
How To Set Up PF Firewall on FreeBSD to Protect a Web Server
@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
Translating by qhwdw
Mail transfer agent (MTA) basics
## Overview
In this tutorial, learn to:
* Use the `mail` command.
* Create mail aliases.
* Configure email forwarding.
* Understand common mail transfer agent (MTA) programs such as postfix, sendmail, qmail, and exim.
## Controlling where your mail goes
Email on a Linux system is delivered using MTAs. Your MTA delivers mail to other users on your system and MTAs communicate with each other to deliver mail all over a group of systems or all over the world.
### Prerequisites
To get the most from the tutorials in this series, you need a basic knowledge of Linux and a working Linux system on which you can practice the commands covered in this tutorial. You should be familiar with GNU and UNIX commands. Sometimes different versions of a program format output differently, so your results might not always look exactly like the listings shown here.
In this tutorial, I use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and sendmail 8.14.4 for the sendmail examples.
## Mail transfer
Mail transfer agents such as sendmail deliver mail between users and between systems. Most Internet mail uses the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), but local mail may be transferred through files or sockets among other possibilities. Mail is a store and forward operation, so mail is stored in some kind of file or database until a user collects it or a receiving system or communication link is available. Configuring and securing an MTA is quite a complex task, most of which is beyond the scope of this introductory tutorial.
## The mail command
If you use SMTP email, you probably know that there are many, many mail clients that you can use, including `mail`, `mutt`, `alpine`, `notmuch`, and a host of other console and graphical mail clients. The `mail` command is an old standby that can be used to script the sending of mail as well as receive and manage your incoming mail.
You can use `mail` interactively to send messages by passing a list of addressees, or with no arguments you can use it to look at your incoming mail. Listing 1 shows how to send a message to user steve and user pat on your system with a carbon copy to user bob. When prompted for the cc:user and the subject, enter the body and complete the message by pressing **Ctrl+D** (hold down the Ctrl key and press D).
##### Listing 1. Using `mail` interactively to send mail
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail steve,pat
Cc: bob
Subject: Test message 1
This is a test message
If all is well, your mail is sent. If there is an error, you will see an error message. For example, if you typed an invalid name as a recipient, the mail is not sent. Note that in this example, all users are on your local system and therefore all must be valid users.
You can also send mail non-interactively using the command line. Listing 2 shows how to send a small message to users steve and pat. This capability is particularly useful in scripts. Different versions of the `mail` command are available in different packages. Some support a `-c` option for cc:, but the version I am using here does not, so I specify only the to: addresses.
Listing 2. Using `mail` non-interactively
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail -t steve,pat -s "Test message 2" <<< "Another test.\n\nIan"
If you use `mail` with no options you will see a list of your incoming mail as shown in Listing 3. You see that user steve has the two messages I sent above, plus an earlier one from me and a later one from user bob. All the mail is marked as 'N' for new mail.
Listing 3. Using `mail` for incoming mail
steve@attic4-u14:~$ mail
"/var/mail/steve": 4 messages 4 new
>N 1 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:03 16/704 test message
N 2 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:04 18/701 Test message 1
N 3 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:23 15/661 Test message 2
N 4 Bob C Tue Dec 12 21:45 17/653 How about lunch tomorrow?
The currently selected message is shown with a '>', which is message number 1 in Listing 3. If you press **Enter** , the first page of the next unread message will be displayed. Press the **Space bar** to page through the message. When you finish reading the message and return to the '?' prompt, press **Enter** again to view the next message, and so on. At any '?' prompt you can type 'h' to see the list of message headers again. The ones you have read will now show 'R' in the status as shown in Listing 4.
Listing 4. Using 'h' to display mail headers
? h
R 1 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:03 16/704 test message
R 2 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:04 18/701 Test message 1
>R 3 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:23 15/661 Test message 2
N 4 Bob C Tue Dec 12 21:45 17/653 How about lunch tomorrow?
Here Steve has read the three messages from Ian but has not read the message from Bob. You can select individual messages by number, and you can also delete messages that you don't want by typing 'd', or '3d' to delete the third message. If you type 'q' you will quit the `mail` command. Messages that you have read will be transferred to the mbox file in your home directory and the unread messages will remain in your inbox, by default in /var/mail/$(id -un). See Listing 5.
Listing 5. Using 'q' to quit `mail`
? h
R 1 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:03 16/704 test message
R 2 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:04 18/701 Test message 1
>R 3 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:23 15/661 Test message 2
N 4 Bob C Tue Dec 12 21:45 17/653 How about lunch tomorrow?
? q
Saved 3 messages in /home/steve/mbox
Held 1 message in /var/mail/steve
You have mail in /var/mail/steve
If you type 'x' to exit instead of 'q' to quit, your mailbox will be left unchanged. Because this is on the /var file system, your system administrator may allow mail to be kept there only for a limited time. To reread or otherwise process mail that has been saved to your local mbox file, use the `-f` option to specify the file you want to read. For example `mail -f mbox`.
## Mail aliases
In the previous section you saw how mail can be sent to various users on a system. You can use a fully qualified name, such as ian@myexampledomain.com to send mail to a user on another system.
Sometimes you might want all the mail for a user to go to some other place. For example, you may have a server farm and want all the root mail to go to a central system administrator. Or you may want to create a mailing list where mail goes to several people. To do this, you use aliases that allow you to define one or more destinations for a given user name. The destinations may be other user mail boxes, files, pipes, or commands that do further processing. You do this by specifying the aliases in /etc/mail/aliases or /etc/aliases. Depending on your system, you may find that one of these is a symbolic link to the other, or you may have only one of them. You need root authority to change the aliases file.
The general form of an alias is
name: addr_1, addr_2, addr_3, ...
where the name is a local user name to alias or an alias and the addr_1, addr_2, ... are one or more aliases. Aliases can be a local user, a local file name, another alias, a command, an include file, or an external address.
So how does sendmail distinguish the aliases (the addr-N values)?
* A local user name is a text string that matches the name of a user on this system. Technically this means it can be found using the `getpwnam` call .
* A local file name is a full path and file name that starts with '/'. It must be writeable by `sendmail`. Messages are appended to the file.
* A command starts with the pipe symbol (|). Messages are sent to the command using standard input.
* An include file alias starts with :include: and specifies a path and file name. The aliases in file are added to the aliases for this name.
* An external address is an email address such as john@somewhere.com.
You should find an example file, such as /usr/share/sendmail/examples/db/aliases that was installed with your sendmail package. It contains some recommended aliases for postmaster, MAILER-DAEMON, abuse, and spam. In Listing 6, I have combined entries from the example file on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS system with some rather artificial examples that illustrate several of the possibilities.
Listing 6. Somewhat artificial /etc/mail/aliases example
ian@attic4-u14:~$ cat /etc/mail/aliases
# First include some default system aliases from
# /usr/share/sendmail/examples/db/aliases
# Mail aliases for sendmail
# You must run newaliases(1) after making changes to this file.
# Required aliases
postmaster: root
MAILER-DAEMON: postmaster
# Common aliases
abuse: postmaster
spam: postmaster
# Other aliases
# Send steve's mail to bob and pat instead
steve: bob,pat
# Send pat's mail to a file in her home directory and also to her inbox.
# Finally send it to a command that will make another copy.
pat: /home/pat/accumulated-mail,
# Mailing list for system administrators
sysadmins: :include: /etc/aliases-sysadmins
Note that pat is both an alias and a user of the system. Alias expansion is recursive, so if an alias is also a name, then it will be expanded. Sendmail does not send mail twice to a given user, so if you just put 'pat' as an alias for 'pat', then it would be ignored since sendmail had already found and processed 'pat'. To avoid this problem, you prefix an alias name with a '\' to indicate that it is a name not subject to further aliasing. This way, pat's mail can be sent to her normal inbox as well as the file and command.
Lines in the aliases that start with '$' are comments and are ignored. Lines that start with blanks are treated as continuation lines.
The include file /etc/aliases-sysadmins is shown in Listing 7.
Listing 7. The /etc/aliases-sysadmins include file
ian@attic4-u14:~$ cat /etc/aliases-sysadmins
# Mailing list for system administrators
## The newaliases command
Most configuration files used by sendmail are compiled into database files. This is also true for mail aliases. You use the `newaliases` command to compile your /etc/mail/aliases and any included files to /etc/mail/aliases.db. Note that `newaliases` is equivalent to `sendmail -bi`. Listing 8 shows an example.
Listing 8. Rebuild the database for the mail aliases file
ian@attic4-u14:~$ sudo newaliases
/etc/mail/aliases: 7 aliases, longest 62 bytes, 184 bytes total
ian@attic4-u14:~$ ls -l /etc/mail/aliases*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root smmsp 10 Dec 8 15:48 /etc/mail/aliases -> ../aliases
-rw-r----- 1 smmta smmsp 12288 Dec 13 23:18 /etc/mail/aliases.db
## Examples of using aliases
Listing 9 shows a simple shell script that is used as a command in my alias example.
Listing 9. The makemailcopy.sh script
ian@attic4-u14:~$ cat ~pat/makemailcopy.sh
# Note: Target file ~/mail-copy must be writeable by sendmail!
cat >> ~pat/mail-copy
Listing 10 shows the files that are updated when you put all this to the test.
Listing 10. The /etc/aliases-sysadmins include file
ian@attic4-u14:~$ date
Wed Dec 13 22:54:22 EST 2017
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail -t sysadmins -s "sysadmin test 1" <<< "Testing mail"
ian@attic4-u14:~$ ls -lrt $(find /var/mail ~pat -type f -mmin -3 2>/dev/null )
-rw-rw---- 1 pat mail 2046 Dec 13 22:54 /home/pat/mail-copy
-rw------- 1 pat mail 13240 Dec 13 22:54 /var/mail/pat
-rw-rw---- 1 pat mail 9442 Dec 13 22:54 /home/pat/accumulated-mail
-rw-rw---- 1 bob mail 12522 Dec 13 22:54 /var/mail/bob
Some points to note:
* There is a user 'mail' with group name 'mail' that is used by sendmail.
* User mail is stored by sendmail in /var/mail which is also the home directory of user 'mail'. The inbox for user 'ian' defaults to /var/mail/ian.
* If you want sendmail to write files in a user directory, the file must be writeable by sendmail. Rather than making it world writeable, it is customary to make it group writeable and make the group 'mail'. You may need a system administrator to do this for you.
## Using a .forward file to forward mail
The aliases file must be managed by a system administrator. Individual users can enable forwarding of their own mail using a .forward file in their own home directory. You can put anything in your .forward file that is allowed on the right side of the aliases file. The file contains plain text and does not need to be compiled. When mail is destined for you, sendmail checks for a .forward file in your home directory and processes the entries the same way it processes aliases.
## Mail queues and the mailq command
Linux mail handling uses a store-and-forward model. You have already seen that your incoming mail is stored in a file in /var/mail until you read it. Outgoing mail is also stored until a receiving server connection is available. You use the `mailq` command to see what mail is queued. Listing 11 shows an example of mail being sent to an external user, ian@attic4-c6, and the result of running the `mailq` command. In this case, there is currently no active link to attic4-c6, so the mail will remain queued until a link becomes active.
Listing 11. Using the `mailq` command
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail -t ian@attic4-c6 -s "External mail" <<< "Testing external mail queues"
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mailq
MSP Queue status...
/var/spool/mqueue-client is empty
Total requests: 0
MTA Queue status...
/var/spool/mqueue (1 request)
-----Q-ID----- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient-----------
vBE4mdE7025908* 29 Wed Dec 13 23:48 <ian@attic4-u14.hopto.org>
Total requests: 1
## Other mail transfer agents
In response to security issues with sendmail, several other mail transfer agents were developed during the 1990's. Postfix is perhaps the most popular, but qmail and exim are also widely used.
Postfix started life at IBM research as an alternative to sendmail. It attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure. The outside looks somewhat like sendmail, but the inside is completely different.
Qmail is a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent developerd by Dan Bernstein. However, the core qmail package has not been updated for many years. Qmail and several other packages have now been collected into IndiMail.
Exim is another MTA developed at the University of Cambridge. Originally, the name stood for EXperimental Internet Mailer.
All of these MTAs were designed as sendmail replacements, so they all have some form of sendmail compatibility. Each can handle aliases and .forward files. Some provide a `sendmail` command as a front end to the particular MTA's own command. Most allow the usual sendmail options, although some options might be ignore silently. The `mailq` command is supported directly or by an alternate command with a similar function. For example, you can use `mailq` or `exim -bp` to display the exim mail queue. Needless to say, output can look different compared to that produced by sendmail's `mailq` command.
See Related topics where you can find more information on all of these MTAs.
This concludes your introduction to mail transfer agents on Linux.
via: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-lpic1-108-3/index.html
作者:[Ian Shields][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Translating by jessie-pang
How To Find (Top-10) Largest Files In Linux
When you are running out of disk space in system, you may prefer to check with df command or du command or ncdu command but all these will tell you only current directory files and doesn't shows the system wide files.
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Partclone – A Versatile Free Software for Partition Imaging and Cloning
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Translating by jessie-pang
Analyzing the Linux boot process

Image by : Penguin, Boot. Modified by Opensource.com. CC BY-SA 4.0.
The oldest joke in open source software is the statement that "the code is self-documenting." Experience shows that reading the source is akin to listening to the weather forecast: sensible people still go outside and check the sky. What follows are some tips on how to inspect and observe Linux systems at boot by leveraging knowledge of familiar debugging tools. Analyzing the boot processes of systems that are functioning well prepares users and developers to deal with the inevitable failures.
In some ways, the boot process is surprisingly simple. The kernel starts up single-threaded and synchronous on a single core and seems almost comprehensible to the pitiful human mind. But how does the kernel itself get started? What functions do [initial ramdisk][1] ) and bootloaders perform? And wait, why is the LED on the Ethernet port always on?
Read on for answers to these and other questions; the [code for the described demos and exercises][2] is also available on GitHub.
### The beginning of boot: the OFF state
#### Wake-on-LAN
The OFF state means that the system has no power, right? The apparent simplicity is deceptive. For example, the Ethernet LED is illuminated because wake-on-LAN (WOL) is enabled on your system. Check whether this is the case by typing:
$# sudo ethtool <interface name>
where `<interface name>` might be, for example, `eth0`. (`ethtool` is found in Linux packages of the same name.) If "Wake-on" in the output shows `g`, remote hosts can boot the system by sending a [MagicPacket][3]. If you have no intention of waking up your system remotely and do not wish others to do so, turn WOL off either in the system BIOS menu, or via:
$# sudo ethtool -s <interface name> wol d
The processor that responds to the MagicPacket may be part of the network interface or it may be the [Baseboard Management Controller][4] (BMC).
#### Intel Management Engine, Platform Controller Hub, and Minix
The BMC is not the only microcontroller (MCU) that may be listening when the system is nominally off. x86_64 systems also include the Intel Management Engine (IME) software suite for remote management of systems. A wide variety of devices, from servers to laptops, includes this technology, [which enables functionality][5] such as KVM Remote Control and Intel Capability Licensing Service. The [IME has unpatched vulnerabilities][6], according to [Intel's own detection tool][7]. The bad news is, it's difficult to disable the IME. Trammell Hudson has created an [me_cleaner project][8] that wipes some of the more egregious IME components, like the embedded web server, but could also brick the system on which it is run.
The IME firmware and the System Management Mode (SMM) software that follows it at boot are [based on the Minix operating system][9] and run on the separate Platform Controller Hub processor, not the main system CPU. The SMM then launches the Universal Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) software, about which much has [already been written][10], on the main processor. The Coreboot group at Google has started a breathtakingly ambitious [Non-Extensible Reduced Firmware][11] (NERF) project that aims to replace not only UEFI but early Linux userspace components such as systemd. While we await the outcome of these new efforts, Linux users may now purchase laptops from Purism, System76, or Dell [with IME disabled][12], plus we can hope for laptops [with ARM 64-bit processors][13].
#### Bootloaders
Besides starting buggy spyware, what function does early boot firmware serve? The job of a bootloader is to make available to a newly powered processor the resources it needs to run a general-purpose operating system like Linux. At power-on, there not only is no virtual memory, but no DRAM until its controller is brought up. A bootloader then turns on power supplies and scans buses and interfaces in order to locate the kernel image and the root filesystem. Popular bootloaders like U-Boot and GRUB have support for familiar interfaces like USB, PCI, and NFS, as well as more embedded-specific devices like NOR- and NAND-flash. Bootloaders also interact with hardware security devices like [Trusted Platform Modules][14] (TPMs) to establish a chain of trust from earliest boot.
![Running the U-boot bootloader][16]
Running the U-boot bootloader in the sandbox on the build host.
The open source, widely used [U-Boot ][17]bootloader is supported on systems ranging from Raspberry Pi to Nintendo devices to automotive boards to Chromebooks. There is no syslog, and when things go sideways, often not even any console output. To facilitate debugging, the U-Boot team offers a sandbox in which patches can be tested on the build-host, or even in a nightly Continuous Integration system. Playing with U-Boot's sandbox is relatively simple on a system where common development tools like Git and the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) are installed:
$# git clone git://git.denx.de/u-boot; cd u-boot
$# make ARCH=sandbox defconfig
$# make; ./u-boot
=> printenv
=> help
That's it: you're running U-Boot on x86_64 and can test tricky features like [mock storage device][2] repartitioning, TPM-based secret-key manipulation, and hotplug of USB devices. The U-Boot sandbox can even be single-stepped under the GDB debugger. Development using the sandbox is 10x faster than testing by reflashing the bootloader onto a board, and a "bricked" sandbox can be recovered with Ctrl+C.
### Starting up the kernel
#### Provisioning a booting kernel
Upon completion of its tasks, the bootloader will execute a jump to kernel code that it has loaded into main memory and begin execution, passing along any command-line options that the user has specified. What kind of program is the kernel? `file /boot/vmlinuz` indicates that it is a bzImage, meaning a big compressed one. The Linux source tree contains an [extract-vmlinux tool][18] that can be used to uncompress the file:
$# scripts/extract-vmlinux /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) > vmlinux
$# file vmlinux
vmlinux: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically
linked, stripped
The kernel is an [Executable and Linking Format][19] (ELF) binary, like Linux userspace programs. That means we can use commands from the `binutils` package like `readelf` to inspect it. Compare the output of, for example:
$# readelf -S /bin/date
$# readelf -S vmlinux
The list of sections in the binaries is largely the same.
So the kernel must start up something like other Linux ELF binaries ... but how do userspace programs actually start? In the `main()` function, right? Not precisely.
Before the `main()` function can run, programs need an execution context that includes heap and stack memory plus file descriptors for `stdio`, `stdout`, and `stderr`. Userspace programs obtain these resources from the standard library, which is `glibc` on most Linux systems. Consider the following:
$# file /bin/date
/bin/date: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically
linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
ELF binaries have an interpreter, just as Bash and Python scripts do, but the interpreter need not be specified with `#!` as in scripts, as ELF is Linux's native format. The ELF interpreter [provisions a binary][20] with the needed resources by calling `_start()`, a function available from the `glibc` source package that can be [inspected via GDB][21]. The kernel obviously has no interpreter and must provision itself, but how?
Inspecting the kernel's startup with GDB gives the answer. First install the debug package for the kernel that contains an unstripped version of `vmlinux`, for example `apt-get install linux-image-amd64-dbg`, or compile and install your own kernel from source, for example, by following instructions in the excellent [Debian Kernel Handbook][22]. `gdb vmlinux` followed by `info files` shows the ELF section `init.text`. List the start of program execution in `init.text` with `l *(address)`, where `address` is the hexadecimal start of `init.text`. GDB will indicate that the x86_64 kernel starts up in the kernel's file [arch/x86/kernel/head_64.S][23], where we find the assembly function `start_cpu0()` and code that explicitly creates a stack and decompresses the zImage before calling the `x86_64 start_kernel()` function. ARM 32-bit kernels have the similar [arch/arm/kernel/head.S][24]. `start_kernel()` is not architecture-specific, so the function lives in the kernel's [init/main.c][25]. `start_kernel()` is arguably Linux's true `main()` function.
### From start_kernel() to PID 1
#### The kernel's hardware manifest: the device-tree and ACPI tables
At boot, the kernel needs information about the hardware beyond the processor type for which it has been compiled. The instructions in the code are augmented by configuration data that is stored separately. There are two main methods of storing this data: [device-trees][26] and [ACPI tables][27]. The kernel learns what hardware it must run at each boot by reading these files.
For embedded devices, the device-tree is a manifest of installed hardware. The device-tree is simply a file that is compiled at the same time as kernel source and is typically located in `/boot` alongside `vmlinux`. To see what's in the binary device-tree on an ARM device, just use the `strings` command from the `binutils` package on a file whose name matches `/boot/*.dtb`, as `dtb` refers to a device-tree binary. Clearly the device-tree can be modified simply by editing the JSON-like files that compose it and rerunning the special `dtc` compiler that is provided with the kernel source. While the device-tree is a static file whose file path is typically passed to the kernel by the bootloader on the command line, a [device-tree overlay][28] facility has been added in recent years, where the kernel can dynamically load additional fragments in response to hotplug events after boot.
x86-family and many enterprise-grade ARM64 devices make use of the alternative Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ([ACPI][27]) mechanism. In contrast to the device-tree, the ACPI information is stored in the `/sys/firmware/acpi/tables` virtual filesystem that is created by the kernel at boot by accessing onboard ROM. The easy way to read the ACPI tables is with the `acpidump` command from the `acpica-tools` package. Here's an example:
![ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops][30]
ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops are all set for Windows 2001.
Yes, your Linux system is ready for Windows 2001, should you care to install it. ACPI has both methods and data, unlike the device-tree, which is more of a hardware-description language. ACPI methods continue to be active post-boot. For example, starting the command `acpi_listen` (from package `apcid`) and opening and closing the laptop lid will show that ACPI functionality is running all the time. While temporarily and dynamically [overwriting the ACPI tables][31] is possible, permanently changing them involves interacting with the BIOS menu at boot or reflashing the ROM. If you're going to that much trouble, perhaps you should just [install coreboot][32], the open source firmware replacement.
#### From start_kernel() to userspace
The code in [init/main.c][25] is surprisingly readable and, amusingly, still carries Linus Torvalds' original copyright from 1991-1992. The lines found in `dmesg | head` on a newly booted system originate mostly from this source file. The first CPU is registered with the system, global data structures are initialized, and the scheduler, interrupt handlers (IRQs), timers, and console are brought one-by-one, in strict order, online. Until the function `timekeeping_init()` runs, all timestamps are zero. This part of the kernel initialization is synchronous, meaning that execution occurs in precisely one thread, and no function is executed until the last one completes and returns. As a result, the `dmesg` output will be completely reproducible, even between two systems, as long as they have the same device-tree or ACPI tables. Linux is behaving like one of the RTOS (real-time operating systems) that runs on MCUs, for example QNX or VxWorks. The situation persists into the function `rest_init()`, which is called by `start_kernel()` at its termination.
![Summary of early kernel boot process.][34]
Summary of early kernel boot process.
The rather humbly named `rest_init()` spawns a new thread that runs `kernel_init()`, which invokes `do_initcalls()`. Users can spy on `initcalls` in action by appending `initcall_debug` to the kernel command line, resulting in `dmesg` entries every time an `initcall` function runs. `initcalls` pass through seven sequential levels: early, core, postcore, arch, subsys, fs, device, and late. The most user-visible part of the `initcalls` is the probing and setup of all the processors' peripherals: buses, network, storage, displays, etc., accompanied by the loading of their kernel modules. `rest_init()` also spawns a second thread on the boot processor that begins by running `cpu_idle()` while it waits for the scheduler to assign it work.
`kernel_init()` also [sets up symmetric multiprocessing][35] (SMP). With more recent kernels, find this point in `dmesg` output by looking for "Bringing up secondary CPUs..." SMP proceeds by "hotplugging" CPUs, meaning that it manages their lifecycle with a state machine that is notionally similar to that of devices like hotplugged USB sticks. The kernel's power-management system frequently takes individual cores offline, then wakes them as needed, so that the same CPU hotplug code is called over and over on a machine that is not busy. Observe the power-management system's invocation of CPU hotplug with the [BCC tool][36] called `offcputime.py`.
Note that the code in `init/main.c` is nearly finished executing when `smp_init()` runs: The boot processor has completed most of the one-time initialization that the other cores need not repeat. Nonetheless, the per-CPU threads must be spawned for each core to manage interrupts (IRQs), workqueues, timers, and power events on each. For example, see the per-CPU threads that service softirqs and workqueues in action via the `ps -o psr` command.
$\# ps -o pid,psr,comm $(pgrep ksoftirqd)
7 0 ksoftirqd/0
16 1 ksoftirqd/1
22 2 ksoftirqd/2
28 3 ksoftirqd/3
$\# ps -o pid,psr,comm $(pgrep kworker)
4 0 kworker/0:0H
18 1 kworker/1:0H
24 2 kworker/2:0H
30 3 kworker/3:0H
[ . . . ]
where the PSR field stands for "processor." Each core must also host its own timers and `cpuhp` hotplug handlers.
How is it, finally, that userspace starts? Near its end, `kernel_init()` looks for an `initrd` that can execute the `init` process on its behalf. If it finds none, the kernel directly executes `init` itself. Why then might one want an `initrd`?
#### Early userspace: who ordered the initrd?
Besides the device-tree, another file path that is optionally provided to the kernel at boot is that of the `initrd`. The `initrd` often lives in `/boot` alongside the bzImage file vmlinuz on x86, or alongside the similar uImage and device-tree for ARM. List the contents of the `initrd` with the `lsinitramfs` tool that is part of the `initramfs-tools-core` package. Distro `initrd` schemes contain minimal `/bin`, `/sbin`, and `/etc` directories along with kernel modules, plus some files in `/scripts`. All of these should look pretty familiar, as the `initrd` for the most part is simply a minimal Linux root filesystem. The apparent similarity is a bit deceptive, as nearly all the executables in `/bin` and `/sbin` inside the ramdisk are symlinks to the [BusyBox binary][37], resulting in `/bin` and `/sbin` directories that are 10x smaller than glibc's.
Why bother to create an `initrd` if all it does is load some modules and then start `init` on the regular root filesystem? Consider an encrypted root filesystem. The decryption may rely on loading a kernel module that is stored in `/lib/modules` on the root filesystem ... and, unsurprisingly, in the `initrd` as well. The crypto module could be statically compiled into the kernel instead of loaded from a file, but there are various reasons for not wanting to do so. For example, statically compiling the kernel with modules could make it too large to fit on the available storage, or static compilation may violate the terms of a software license. Unsurprisingly, storage, network, and human input device (HID) drivers may also be present in the `initrd`--basically any code that is not part of the kernel proper that is needed to mount the root filesystem. The `initrd` is also a place where users can stash their own [custom ACPI][38] table code.
![Rescue shell and a custom <code>initrd</code>.][40]
Having some fun with the rescue shell and a custom `initrd`.
`initrd`'s are also great for testing filesystems and data-storage devices themselves. Stash these test tools in the `initrd` and run your tests from memory rather than from the object under test.
At last, when `init` runs, the system is up! Since the secondary processors are now running, the machine has become the asynchronous, preemptible, unpredictable, high-performance creature we know and love. Indeed, `ps -o pid,psr,comm -p 1` is liable to show that userspace's `init` process is no longer running on the boot processor.
### Summary
The Linux boot process sounds forbidding, considering the number of different pieces of software that participate even on simple embedded devices. Looked at differently, the boot process is rather simple, since the bewildering complexity caused by features like preemption, RCU, and race conditions are absent in boot. Focusing on just the kernel and PID 1 overlooks the large amount of work that bootloaders and subsidiary processors may do in preparing the platform for the kernel to run. While the kernel is certainly unique among Linux programs, some insight into its structure can be gleaned by applying to it some of the same tools used to inspect other ELF binaries. Studying the boot process while it's working well arms system maintainers for failures when they come.
To learn more, attend Alison Chaiken's talk, [Linux: The first second][41], at [linux.conf.au][42], which will be held January 22-26 in Sydney.
Thanks to [Akkana Peck][43] for originally suggesting this topic and for many corrections.
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/1/analyzing-linux-boot-process
作者:[Alison Chaiken][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[16]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_1.png (Running the U-boot bootloader)
[30]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_2.png (ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops)
[34]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_3.png (Summary of early kernel boot process.)
[40]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_4.png (Rescue shell and a custom <code>initrd</code>.)
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translate by cyleft
New Linux User? Try These 8 Great Essential Linux Apps

When you are new to Linux, even if you are not new to computers in general, one of the problems you will face is which apps to use. With millions of Linux apps, the choice is certainly not easy. Below you will find eight (out of millions) essential Linux apps to get you settled in quickly.
Most of these apps are not exclusive to Linux. If you have used Windows/Mac before, chances are you are familiar with some of them. Depending on what your needs and interests are, you might not need all these apps, but in my opinion, most or all of the apps on this list are useful for newbies who are just starting out on Linux.
**Related** : [11 Portable Apps Every Linux User Should Use][1]
### 1. Chromium Web Browser
There is hardly a user who doesn’t need a web browser. While you can find good old Firefox for almost any Linux distro, and there is also a bunch of other [Linux browsers][3], a browser you should definitely try is [Chromium][4]. It’s the open source counterpart of Google’s Chrome browser. The main advantages of Chromium is that it is secure and fast. There are also tons of add-ons for it.
### 2. LibreOffice
[LibreOffice][6] is an open source Office suite that comes with word processor (Writer), spreadsheet (Calc), presentation (Impress), database (Base), formula editor (Math), and vector graphics and flowcharts (Draw) applications. It’s compatible with Microsoft Office documents, and there are even [LibreOffice extensions][7] if the default functionality isn’t enough for you.
LibreOffice is definitely one essential Linux app that you should have on your Linux computer.
### 3. GIMP
[GIMP][9] is a very powerful open-source image editor. It’s similar to Photoshop. With GIMP you can edit photos and create and edit raster images for the Web and print. It’s true there are simpler image editors for Linux, so if you have no idea about image processing at all, GIMP might look too complicated to you. GIMP goes way beyond simple image crop and resize – it offers layers, filters, masks, paths, etc.
### 4. VLC Media Player
[VLC][11] is probably the best movie player. It’s cross-platform, so you might know it from Windows. What’s really special about VLC is that it comes with lots of codecs (not all of which are open source, though), so it will play (almost) any music or video file.
### 5. Jitsy
[Jitsy][13] is all about communication. You can use it for Google Talk, Facebook chat, Yahoo, ICQ and XMPP. It’s a multi-user tool for audio and video calls (including conference calls), as well as desktop streaming and group chats. Conversations are encrypted. With Jitsy you can also transfer files and record your calls.
### 6. Synaptic
[Synaptic][15] is an alternative app installer for Debian-based distros. It comes with some distros but not all, so if you are using a Debian-based Linux, but there is no Synaptic in it, you might want to give it a try. Synaptic is a GUI tool for adding and removing apps from your system, and typically veteran Linux users favor it over the [Software Center package manager][16] that comes with many distros as a default.
**Related** : [10 Free Linux Productivity Apps You Haven’t Heard Of][17]
### 7. VirtualBox
[VirtualBox][19] allows you to run a virtual machine on your computer. A virtual machine comes in handy when you want to install another Linux distro or operating system from within your current Linux distro. You can use it to run Windows apps as well. Performance will be slower, but if you have a powerful computer, it won’t be that bad.
### 8. AisleRiot Solitaire
A solitaire pack is hardly an absolute necessity for a new Linux user, but since it’s so fun. If you are into solitaire games, this is a great solitaire pack. [AisleRiot][21] is one of the emblematic Linux apps, and this is for a reason – it comes with more than eighty solitaire games, including the popular Klondike, Bakers Dozen, Camelot, etc. Just be warned – it’s addictive and you might end up spending long hours playing with it!
Depending on the distro you are using, the way to install these apps is not the same. However, most, if not all, of these apps will be available for install with a package manager for your distro, or even come pre-installed with your distro. The best thing is, you can install and try them out and easily remove them if you don’t like them.
via: https://www.maketecheasier.com/essential-linux-apps/
作者:[Ada Ivanova][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[1]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/portable-apps-for-linux/ (11 Portable Apps Every Linux User Should Use)
[2]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-01-Chromium.jpg (linux-apps-01-chromium)
[5]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-02-LibreOffice.jpg (linux-apps-02-libreoffice)
[8]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-03-GIMP.jpg (linux-apps-03-gimp)
[10]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-04-VLC.jpg (linux-apps-04-vlc)
[12]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-05-Jitsi.jpg (linux-apps-05-jitsi)
[14]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-06-Synaptic.jpg (linux-apps-06-synaptic)
[17]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/free-linux-productivity-apps-you-havent-heard-of/ (10 Free Linux Productivity Apps You Haven’t Heard Of)
[18]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-07-VirtualBox.jpg (linux-apps-07-virtualbox)
[20]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-08-AisleRiot.jpg (linux-apps-08-aisleriot)
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
Translating by MjSeven
Python Global Keyword (With Examples)
Before reading this article, make sure you have got some basics of [Python Global, Local and Nonlocal Variables][1].
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yixunx translating
Advanced Dnsmasq Tips and Tricks
Many people know and love Dnsmasq and rely on it for their local name services. Today we look at advanced configuration file management, how to test your configurations, some basic security, DNS wildcards, speedy DNS configuration, and some other tips and tricks. Next week, we'll continue with a detailed look at how to configure DNS and DHCP.
### Testing Configurations
When you're testing new configurations, you should run Dnsmasq from the command line, rather than as a daemon. This example starts it without launching the daemon, prints command output, and logs all activity:
# dnsmasq --no-daemon --log-queries
dnsmasq: started, version 2.75 cachesize 150
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt
DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack
ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
dnsmasq: reading /etc/resolv.conf
dnsmasq: using nameserver
dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 9 addresses
You can see tons of useful information in this small example, including version, compiled options, system name service files, and its listening address. Ctrl+c stops it. By default, Dnsmasq does not have its own log file, so entries are dumped into multiple locations in `/var/log`. You can use good old `grep` to find Dnsmasq log entries. This example searches `/var/log` recursively, prints the line numbers after the filenames, and excludes `/var/log/dist-upgrade`:
# grep -ir --exclude-dir=dist-upgrade dnsmasq /var/log/
Note the fun grep gotcha with `--exclude-dir=`: Don't specify the full path, but just the directory name.
You can give Dnsmasq its own logfile with this command-line option, using whatever file you want:
# dnsmasq --no-daemon --log-queries --log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log
Or enter it in your Dnsmasq configuration file as `log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log`.
### Configuration Files
Dnsmasq is configured in `/etc/dnsmasq.conf`. Your Linux distribution may also use `/etc/default/dnsmasq`, `/etc/dnsmasq.d/`, and `/etc/dnsmasq.d-available/`. (No, there cannot be a universal method, as that is against the will of the Linux Cat Herd Ruling Cabal.) You have a fair bit of flexibility to organize your Dnsmasq configuration in a way that pleases you.
`/etc/dnsmasq.conf` is the grandmother as well as the boss. Dnsmasq reads it first at startup. `/etc/dnsmasq.conf` can call other configuration files with the `conf-file=` option, for example `conf-file=/etc/dnsmasqextrastuff.conf`, and directories with the `conf-dir=` option, e.g. `conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d`.
Whenever you make a change in a configuration file, you must restart Dnsmasq.
You may include or exclude configuration files by extension. The asterisk means include, and the absence of the asterisk means exclude:
conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d/,*.conf, *.foo
conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d,.old, .bak, .tmp
You may store your host configurations in multiple files with the `--addn-hosts=` option.
Dnsmasq includes a syntax checker:
$ dnsmasq --test
dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
### Useful Configurations
Always include these lines:
These prevent packets with malformed domain names and packets with private IP addresses from leaving your network.
This limits your name services exclusively to Dnsmasq, and it will not use `/etc/resolv.conf` or any other system name service files:
Reference other name servers. The first example is for a local private domain. The second and third examples are OpenDNS public servers:
Or restrict just local domains while allowing external lookups for other domains. These are answered only from `/etc/hosts` or DHCP:
Restrict which network interfaces Dnsmasq listens to:
Dnsmasq, by default, reads and uses `/etc/hosts`. This is a fabulously fast way to configure a lot of hosts, and the `/etc/hosts` file only has to exist on the same computer as Dnsmasq. You can make the process even faster by entering only the hostnames in `/etc/hosts`, and use Dnsmasq to add the domain. `/etc/hosts` looks like this:
|||| localhost
|||| host2
|||| host3
|||| host4
Then add these lines to `dnsmasq.conf`, using your own domain, of course:
Dnsmasq will automatically expand the hostnames to fully qualified domain names, for example, host2 to host2.mehxample.com.
### DNS Wildcards
In general, DNS wildcards are not a good practice because they invite abuse. But there are times when they are useful, such as inside the nice protected confines of your LAN. For example, Kubernetes clusters are considerably easier to manage with wildcard DNS, unless you enjoy making DNS entries for your hundreds or thousands of applications. Suppose your Kubernetes domain is mehxample.com; in Dnsmasq a wildcard that resolves all requests to mehxample.com looks like this:
The address to use in this case is the public IP address for your cluster. This answers requests for hosts and subdomains in mehxample.com, except for any that are already configured in DHCP or `/etc/hosts`.
Next week, we'll go into more detail on managing DNS and DHCP, including different options for different subnets, and providing authoritative name services.
### Additional Resources
* [DNS Spoofing with Dnsmasq][1]
* [Dnsmasq For Easy LAN Name Services][2]
* [Dnsmasq][3]
via: https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/2/advanced-dnsmasq-tips-and-tricks
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translated/tech/20171221 Mail transfer agent (MTA) basics.md
Normal file
translated/tech/20171221 Mail transfer agent (MTA) basics.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
## 概述
* 使用 `mail` 命令。
* 创建邮件别名。
* 配置电子邮件转发。
* 了解常见邮件传输代理(MTA),比如,postfix、sendmail、qmail、以及 exim。
## 控制邮件去向
Linux 系统上的电子邮件是使用 MTAs 投递的。你的 MTA 投递邮件到你的系统上的其他用户,以及系统上的其它系统组或者与全世界的其它 MTAs 通讯以投递邮件。
### 前提条件
为完成本系列教程的大部分内容,你需要具备 Linux 的基础知识,你需要拥有一个 Linux 系统来实践本教程中的命令。你应该熟悉 GNU 以及 UNIX 命令。有时候不同版本的程序的输出格式可能不同,因此,在你的系统中输出的结果可能与我在下面列出的稍有不同。
在本教程中,我使用的是 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 和 sendmail 8.14.4 来做的演示。
## 邮件传输
邮件传输代理(比如 sendmail)在用户和系统之间投递邮件。大量的因特网邮件使用简单邮件传输协议(SMTP),但是本地邮件可能是通过文件或者套接字等其它可能的方式来传输的。邮件是一种存储和转发的操作,因此,在用户接收邮件或者接收系统或者通讯联系可用之前,邮件一直是存储在某种文件或者数据库中。配置和确保 MTA 的安全是非常复杂的任务,它们中的大部分内容都已经超出了本教程的范围。
## mail 命令
如果你使用 SMTP 协议传输电子邮件,你或许知道你可以使用的许多邮件客户端,包括 `mail`、`mutt`、`alpine`、`notmuch`、以及其它基于主机控制台或者图形界面的邮件客户端。`mail` 命令是最老的、可用于脚本中的、发送和接收以及管理收到的邮件的备用命令。
你可以使用 `mail` 命令交互式的向列表中的收件人发送信息,或者不使用参数去查看你收到的邮件。Listing 1 展示了如何在你的系统上去发送信息到用户 steve 和 pat,同时抄送拷贝给用户 bob。当提示 cc:和 subject:时,输入相应的抄送用户以及邮件主题,接着输入邮件正文,输入完成后按下 **Ctrl+D** (按下 Ctrl 键并保持再按下 D 之后全部松开)。
##### Listing 1. 使用 `mail` 交互式发送邮件
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail steve,pat
Cc: bob
Subject: Test message 1
This is a test message
你也可以使用命令行以非交互式发送邮件。Listing 2 展示了如何给用户 steve 和 pat 发送一封邮件。这种方式可以用在脚本中。在不同的包中 `mail` 命令的版本不同。对于抄送(cc:)有些支持一个 `-c` 选项,但是我使用的这个版本不支持这个选项,因此,我仅将邮件发送到收件人。
Listing 2. 使用 `mail` 命令非交互式发送邮件
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail -t steve,pat -s "Test message 2" <<< "Another test.\n\nIan"
如果你使用没有选项的 `mail` 命令,你将看到一个如 Listing 3 中所展示的那样一个收到的邮件的列表。你将看到用户 steve 有我上面发送的两个信息,再加上我以前发送的一个信息和后来用户 bob 发送的信息。所有的邮件都用 'N' 标记为新邮件。
Listing 3. 使用 `mail` 查看收到的邮件
steve@attic4-u14:~$ mail
"/var/mail/steve": 4 messages 4 new
>N 1 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:03 16/704 test message
N 2 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:04 18/701 Test message 1
N 3 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:23 15/661 Test message 2
N 4 Bob C Tue Dec 12 21:45 17/653 How about lunch tomorrow?
当前选中的信息使用一个 '>' 来标识,它是 Listing 3 中的第一封邮件。如果你按下 **回车键(Enter)**,将显示下一封未读邮件的第一页。按下 **空格楗(Space bar)** 将显示这个信息的下一页。当你读完这个信息并想返回到 '?' 提示时,按下 **回车键** 再次查看下一封邮件,依次类推。在任何 '?' 提示符下,你可以输入 'h' 再次去查看邮件头。你看过的邮件前面将显示一个 'R' 状态,如 Listing 4 所示。
Listing 4. 使用 'h' 去显示邮件头
? h
R 1 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:03 16/704 test message
R 2 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:04 18/701 Test message 1
>R 3 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:23 15/661 Test message 2
N 4 Bob C Tue Dec 12 21:45 17/653 How about lunch tomorrow?
在这个图中,Steve 已经读了三个信息,但是没有读来自 bob 的信息。你可以通过数字来选择单个的信息,你也可以通过输入 ‘d' 删除你不想要的信息,或者输入 '3d' 去删除三封信息。如果你输入 'q' 你将退出 `mail` 命令。已读的信息将被转移到你的 home 目录下的 mbox 文件中,而未读的信息仍然保留在你的收件箱中,默认在 /var/mail/$(id -un)。如 Listing 5 所示。
Listing 5. 使用 'q' 退出 `mail`
? h
R 1 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:03 16/704 test message
R 2 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:04 18/701 Test message 1
>R 3 Ian Shields Tue Dec 12 21:23 15/661 Test message 2
N 4 Bob C Tue Dec 12 21:45 17/653 How about lunch tomorrow?
? q
Saved 3 messages in /home/steve/mbox
Held 1 message in /var/mail/steve
You have mail in /var/mail/steve
如果你输入 'x' 而不是使用 'q' 去退出,你的邮箱在退出后将不保留你做的改变。因为这在 /var 文件系统中,你的系统管理员可能仅允许邮件在一个有限的时间范围内去保留三封邮件。去重读或者以其它方式再次处理保存在你的本地邮箱中的邮件,你可以使用 `-f` 选项去指定想要去读的文件。比如,`mail -f mbox`。
## 邮件别名
在前面的节中,看了如何在系统上给许多用户发送邮件。你可以使用一个全限定名字(比如 ian@myexampledomain.com)给其它系统上的用户发送邮件。
有时候你可能希望用户的所有邮件都可以发送到其它地方。比如,你有一个服务器群,你希望所有的 root 用户的邮件都发给核心系统管理员。或者你可能希望去创建一个邮件列表,将邮件发送给一些人。为实现上述目标,你可以使用别名,别名允许你为一个给定的用户名定义一个或者多个目的地。这个目的地或者是其它用户的邮箱、文件、管道、或者是某个进一步处理的命令。你可以在 /etc/mail/aliases 或者 /etc/aliases 中创建别名来实现上述目的。根据你的系统的不同,你可以找到上述其中一个,符号链接到它们、或者其中之一。改变别名文件你需要有 root 权限。
name: addr_1, addr_2, addr_3, ...
name 的位置是一个本地用户名字到别名,或者一个别名和 addr_1,addr_2,... 一个或多个别名。别名可以是一个本地用户,一个本地文件名,另一个别名,一个命令,一个包含文件,或者一个外部地址。
因此,发送邮件时如何区分别名呢(addr-N 值)?
* 一个本地用户名是你机器上系统中的一个用户名字。从技术角度来说,它可以通过调用 `getpwnam` 命令找到它。
* 一个本地文件名是以 '/' 开始的完全路径和文件名。它必须通过 `sendmail` 来写。信息是追加到这个文件上的。
* 一个命令是以一个管道符号开始的(|)。信息是通过标准输入的方式发送到命令的。
* 一个包含文件别名是以 `:include:` 和指定的一个路径和文件名开始的。文件中的别名被添加到别名中。
* 一个外部地址是一个电子邮件地址,比如 john@somewhere.com。
你可以在你的系统中找到一个示例文件,它是与你的 sendmail 包一起安装的,它的位置在 /usr/share/sendmail/examples/db/aliases。它包含一些给 postmaster、MAILER-DAEMON、abuse、和 spam的建议别名。在 Listing 6,我把我的 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 系统上的一些示例文件,和人为的示例结合起来说明一些可能的情况。
Listing 6. 人为的 /etc/mail/aliases 示例
ian@attic4-u14:~$ cat /etc/mail/aliases
# First include some default system aliases from
# /usr/share/sendmail/examples/db/aliases
# Mail aliases for sendmail
# You must run newaliases(1) after making changes to this file.
# Required aliases
postmaster: root
MAILER-DAEMON: postmaster
# Common aliases
abuse: postmaster
spam: postmaster
# Other aliases
# Send steve's mail to bob and pat instead
steve: bob,pat
# Send pat's mail to a file in her home directory and also to her inbox.
# Finally send it to a command that will make another copy.
pat: /home/pat/accumulated-mail,
# Mailing list for system administrators
sysadmins: :include: /etc/aliases-sysadmins
注意那个 pat 既是一个别名也是一个系统中的用户。别名是以递归的方式展开的,因此,如果一个别名也是一个名字,那么它将被展开。Sendmail 并不会给同一个用户发送相同的邮件两遍,因此,如果你正好将 'pat' 作为 'pat' 的别名,那么 sendmail 在已经找到并处理完用户 ’pat‘ 之后,将忽略别名 'pat’。为避免这种问题,你可以在别名前使用一个'\' 做为前缀去指示它是一个不要进一步引起混淆的名字。在这种情况下,pat 的邮件除了文件和命令之外,其余的可能会被发送到他的正常的邮箱中。
在 aliases 中以 '$' 开始的行是注释,它会被忽略。以空白开始的行会以延续行来处理。
Listing 7 展示了包含文件 /etc/aliases-sysadmins。
Listing 7 包含文件 /etc/aliases-sysadmins
ian@attic4-u14:~$ cat /etc/aliases-sysadmins
# Mailing list for system administrators
## newaliases 命令
sendmail 使用的主要配置文件被编译成数据库文件。邮件别名也是如此。你可以使用 `newaliases` 命令去编译你的 /etc/mail/aliases 和任何包含文件到 /etc/mail/aliases.db 中。注意,那个 `newaliases` 命令等价于 `sendmail -bi`。Listing 8 展示了一个示例。
Listing 8. 为邮件别名重建数据库
ian@attic4-u14:~$ sudo newaliases
/etc/mail/aliases: 7 aliases, longest 62 bytes, 184 bytes total
ian@attic4-u14:~$ ls -l /etc/mail/aliases*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root smmsp 10 Dec 8 15:48 /etc/mail/aliases -> ../aliases
-rw-r----- 1 smmta smmsp 12288 Dec 13 23:18 /etc/mail/aliases.db
## 使用别名的示例
Listing 9 展示了一个简单的 shell 脚本,它在我的别名示例中以一个命令的方式来使用。
Listing 9. makemailcopy.sh 脚本
ian@attic4-u14:~$ cat ~pat/makemailcopy.sh
# Note: Target file ~/mail-copy must be writeable by sendmail!
cat >> ~pat/mail-copy
Listing 10 展示了用于测试时更新的文件。
Listing 10. /etc/aliases-sysadmins 包含文件
ian@attic4-u14:~$ date
Wed Dec 13 22:54:22 EST 2017
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail -t sysadmins -s "sysadmin test 1" <<< "Testing mail"
ian@attic4-u14:~$ ls -lrt $(find /var/mail ~pat -type f -mmin -3 2>/dev/null )
-rw-rw---- 1 pat mail 2046 Dec 13 22:54 /home/pat/mail-copy
-rw------- 1 pat mail 13240 Dec 13 22:54 /var/mail/pat
-rw-rw---- 1 pat mail 9442 Dec 13 22:54 /home/pat/accumulated-mail
-rw-rw---- 1 bob mail 12522 Dec 13 22:54 /var/mail/bob
* 有一个用户 'mail' 与 sendmail 使用的组名字 'mail' 是一样的。
* sendmail 在 /var/mail 保存用户邮件,它也在用户 ‘mail' 的 home 目录下。用户 'ian' 的默认收件箱在 /var/mail/ian 中。
* 如果你希望 sendmail 在用户目录下写入文件,这个文件必须允许 sendmail 可写入。与其让任何人都可以写入,还不如定义一个组可写入,组名称为 'mail'。这需要系统管理员来帮你完成。
## 使用一个 `.forward` 文件去转发邮件
别名文件是由系统管理员来管理的。个人用户可以使用它们自己的 home 目录下的 `.forward` 文件去转发他们自己的邮件。你可以在你的 `.forward` 文件中放任何东西,它可以放在别名文件的右侧。这个文件的内容是明文的,不需要编译。当你收到邮件时,sendmail 将检查你的 home 目录中的 `.forward` 文件,然后就像处理别名一样处理它。
## 邮件队列和 mailq 命令
Linux 邮件使用存储-转发的处理模式。你已经看到的已接收邮件,在你读它之前一直保存在文件 /var/mail 中。你发出的邮件在接收服务器连接可用之前也会被保存。你可以使用 `mailq` 命令去查看邮件队列。Listing 11 展示了一个发送给外部用户 ian@attic4-c6 的一个邮件示例,以及运行 `mailq` 命令的结果。在这个案例中,当前服务器没有连接到 attic4-c6,因此邮件在与对方服务器连接可用之前一直保存在队列中。
Listing 11. 使用 `mailq` 命令
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mail -t ian@attic4-c6 -s "External mail" <<< "Testing external mail queues"
ian@attic4-u14:~$ mailq
MSP Queue status...
/var/spool/mqueue-client is empty
Total requests: 0
MTA Queue status...
/var/spool/mqueue (1 request)
-----Q-ID----- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient-----------
vBE4mdE7025908* 29 Wed Dec 13 23:48 <ian@attic4-u14.hopto.org>
Total requests: 1
## 其它邮件传输代理
为解决使用 sendmail 时安全方面的问题,在 上世纪九十年代开发了几个其它的邮件传输代理。Postfix 或许是最流行的一个,但是 qmail 和 exim 也大量使用。
Postfix 是 IBM 为代替 sendmail 而研发的。它更快、也易于管理、安全性更好一些。从外表看它非常像 sendmail,但是它的内部完全与 sendmail 不同。
Qmail 是一个安全、可靠、高效、简单的邮件传输代理,它由 Dan Bernstein 开发。但是,最近几年以来,它的核心包已经不再更新了。Qmail 和几个其它的包已经被吸收到 IndiMail 中了。
Exim 是另外一个 MTA,它由 University of Cambridge 开发。最初,它的名字是 `EXperimental Internet Mailer`。
所有的这些 MTAs 都是为代替 sendmail 而设计的,因此,它们它们都兼容 sendmail 的一些格式。它们都能够处理别名和 `.forward` 文件。有些规定了一个 `sendmail` 命令作为一个前端到特定的 MTA 的自有命令。尽管一些选项可能会被静默忽略,但是大多数都允许使用常见的 sendmail 选项。`mailq` 命令是被直接支持的,或者使用一个类似功能的命令来代替。比如,你可以使用 `mailq` 或者 `exim -bp` 去显示 exim 邮件队列。当然,输出可以看到与 sendmail 的 `mailq` 命令的不同之外。
查看相关的主题,你可以找到更多的关于这些 MTA 的更多信息。
对 Linux 上的邮件传输代理的介绍到此结束。
via: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-lpic1-108-3/index.html
作者:[Ian Shields][a]
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Linux 启动过程分析

图片由企鹅和靴子“赞助”,由 Opensource.com 修改。CC BY-SA 4.0。
关于开源软件最古老的笑话是:“代码是自文档化的(self-documenting)”。经验表明,阅读源代码就像听天气预报一样:明智的人依然出门会看看室外的天气。本文讲述了如何运用调试工具来观察和分析 Linux 系统的启动。分析一个正常的系统启动过程,有助于用户和开发人员应对不可避免的故障。
从某些方面看,启动过程非常简单。内核在单核上启动单线程和同步,似乎可以理解。但内核本身是如何启动的呢?[initrd(initial ramdisk)][1]和引导程序(bootloaders)具有哪些功能?还有,为什么以太网端口上的 LED 灯是常亮的呢?
请继续阅读寻找答案。GitHub 也提供了 [介绍演示和练习的代码][2]。
### 启动的开始:OFF 状态
#### 局域网唤醒(Wake-on-LAN)
OFF 状态表示系统没有上电,没错吧?表面简单,其实不然。例如,如果系统启用连局域网唤醒机制(WOL),以太网指示灯将亮起。通过以下命令来检查是否是这种情况:
$# sudo ethtool <interface name>
其中 `<interface name>` 是网络接口的名字,比如 `eth0`。(`ethtool` 可以在同名的 Linux 软件包中找到。)如果输出中的 “Wake-on” 显示 “g”,则远程主机可以通过发送 [魔法数据包(MagicPacket)][3] 来启动系统。如果您无意远程唤醒系统,也不希望其他人这样做,请在系统 BIOS 菜单中将 WOL 关闭,或者用以下方式:
$# sudo ethtool -s <interface name> wol d
响应魔法数据包的处理器可能是网络接口的一部分,也可能是 [底板管理控制器(Baseboard Management Controller,BMC)][4]。
#### 英特尔管理引擎、平台路径控制器和 Minix
BMC 不是唯一的在系统关闭时仍在监听的微控制器(MCU)。x86_64 系统还包含了用于远程管理系统的英特尔管理引擎(IME)软件套件。从服务器到笔记本电脑,各种各样的设备都包含了这项技术,开启了如 KVM 远程控制和英特尔功能许可服务等 [功能][5]。根据 [Intel 自己的检测工具][7],[IME 存在尚未修补的漏洞][6]。坏消息是,要禁用 IME 很难。Trammell Hudson 发起了一个 [me_cleaner 项目][8],它可以清除一些相对恶劣的 IME 组件,比如嵌入式 Web 服务器,但也可能会影响运行它的系统。
IME 固件和系统管理模式(SMM)软件是 [基于 Minix 操作系统][9] 的,并运行在单独的平台路径控制器上,而不是主 CPU 上。然后,SMM 启动位于主处理器上的通用可扩展固件接口(UEFI)软件,相关内容 [已被提及很多][10]。Google 的 Coreboot 小组已经启动了一个雄心勃勃的 [非扩展性缩减版固件][11](NERF)项目,其目的不仅是要取代 UEFI,还要取代早期的 Linux 用户空间组件,如 systemd。在我们等待这些新成果的同时,Linux 用户现在就可以从 Purism、System76 或 Dell 等处购买 [禁用了 IME][12] 的笔记本电脑,另外 [带有 ARM 64 位处理器笔记本电脑][13] 还是值得期待的。
#### 引导程序
除了启动问题不断的间谍软件外,早期的引导固件还有什么功能呢?引导程序的作用是为新上电的处理器提供运行像 Linux 之类的通用操作系统所需的资源。在开机时,不但没有虚拟内存,在控制器启动之前连 DRAM 也没有。然后,引导程序打开电源,并扫描总线和接口,以定位到内核镜像和根文件系统的位置。U-Boot 和 GRUB 等常见的引导程序支持 USB、PCI 和 NFS 等接口,以及更多的嵌入式专用设备,如 NOR 和 NAND 闪存。引导程序还与 [可信平台模块][14](TPMs)等硬件安全设备进行交互,在启动最开始建立信任链。
![Running the U-boot bootloader][16]
在构建主机上的沙盒中运行 U-boot 引导程序。
包括树莓派、任天堂设备、汽车板和 Chromebook 在内的系统都支持广泛使用的开源引导程序 [U-Boot][17]。它没有系统日志,当发生问题时,甚至没有任何控制台输出。为了便于调试,U-Boot 团队提供了一个沙盒,可以在构建主机甚至是夜间的持续整合(Continuous Integration)系统上测试补丁程序。如果系统上安装了 Git 和 GNU Compiler Collection(GCC)等通用的开发工具,使用 U-Boot 沙盒会相对简单:
$# git clone git://git.denx.de/u-boot; cd u-boot
$# make ARCH=sandbox defconfig
$# make; ./u-boot
=> printenv
=> help
在 x86_64 上运行 U-Boot,可以测试一些棘手的功能,如 [模拟存储设备][2] 重新分区、基于 TPM 的密钥操作以及 USB 设备热插拔等。U-Boot 沙盒甚至可以在 GDB 调试器下单步执行。使用沙盒进行开发的速度比将引导程序刷新到电路板上的测试快 10 倍,并且可以使用 Ctrl + C 恢复一个“变砖”的沙盒。
### 启动内核
#### 配置引导内核
完成任务后,引导程序将跳转到已加载到主内存中的内核代码,并开始执行,传递用户指定的任何命令行选项。内核是什么样的程序呢?用命令 `file /boot/vmlinuz` 可以看到它是一个“bzImage”,意思是一个大的压缩的镜像。Linux 源代码树包含了一个可以解压缩这个文件的工具—— [extract-vmlinux][18]:
$# scripts/extract-vmlinux /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) > vmlinux
$# file vmlinux
vmlinux: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically
linked, stripped
内核是一个 [可执行与可链接格式][19](ELF)的二进制文件,就像 Linux 的用户空间程序一样。这意味着我们可以使用 `binutils` 包中的命令,如 `readelf` 来检查它。比较一下输出,例如:
$# readelf -S /bin/date
$# readelf -S vmlinux
所以内核必须像其他的 Linux ELF 文件一样启动,但用户空间程序是如何启动的呢?在 `main()` 函数中?并不确切。
在 `main()` 函数运行之前,程序需要一个执行上下文,包括堆栈内存以及 `stdio`、`stdout` 和 `stderr` 的文件描述符。用户空间程序从标准库(多数 Linux 系统在用“glibc”)中获取这些资源。参照以下输出:
$# file /bin/date
/bin/date: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically
linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
ELF 二进制文件有一个解释器,就像 Bash 和 Python 脚本一样,但是解释器不需要像脚本那样用 `#!` 指定,因为 ELF 是 Linux 的原生格式。ELF 解释器通过调用 `_start()` 函数来用所需资源 [配置一个二进制文件][20],这个函数可以从 glibc 源代码包中找到,可以 [用 GDB 查看][21]。内核显然没有解释器,必须自我配置,这是怎么做到的呢?
用 GDB 检查内核的启动给出了答案。首先安装内核的调试软件包,内核中包含一个未剥离的(unstripped)vmlinux,例如 `apt-get install linux-image-amd64-dbg`,或者从源代码编译和安装你自己的内核,可以参照 [Debian Kernel Handbook][22] 中的指令。`gdb vmlinux` 后加 `info files` 可显示 ELF 段 `init.text`。在 `init.text` 中用 `l *(address)` 列出程序执行的开头,其中 `address` 是 `init.text` 的十六进制开头。用 GDB 可以看到 x86_64 内核从内核文件 [arch/x86/kernel/head_64.S][23] 开始启动,在这个文件中我们找到了汇编函数 `start_cpu0()`,以及一段明确的代码显示在调用 `x86_64 start_kernel()` 函数之前创建了堆栈并解压了 zImage。ARM 32 位内核也有类似的文件 [arch/arm/kernel/head.S][24]。`start_kernel()` 不针对特定的体系结构,所以这个函数驻留在内核的 [init/main.c][25] 中。`start_kernel()` 可以说是 Linux 真正的 `main()` 函数。
### 从 start_kernel() 到 PID 1
#### 内核的硬件清单:设备树和 ACPI 表
在引导时,内核需要硬件信息,不仅仅是已编译过的处理器类型。代码中的指令通过单独存储的配置数据进行扩充。有两种主要的数据存储方法:[设备树][26] 和 [高级配置和电源接口(ACPI)表][27]。内核通过读取这些文件了解每次启动时需要运行的硬件。
对于嵌入式设备,设备树是已安装硬件的清单。设备树只是一个与内核源代码同时编译的文件,通常与 `vmlinux` 一样位于 `/boot` 目录中。要查看 ARM 设备上的设备树的内容,只需对名称与 `/boot/*.dtb` 匹配的文件执行 `binutils` 包中的 `strings` 命令即可,`dtb` 是指一个设备树二进制文件。显然,只需编辑构成它的类 JSON 文件并重新运行随内核源代码提供的特殊 `dtc` 编译器即可修改设备树。虽然设备树是一个静态文件,其文件路径通常由命令行引导程序传递给内核,但近年来增加了一个 [设备树覆盖][28] 的功能,内核在启动后可以动态加载热插拔的附加设备。
x86 系列和许多企业级的 ARM64 设备使用 [ACPI][27] 机制。与设备树不同的是,ACPI 信息存储在内核在启动时通过访问板载 ROM 而创建的 `/sys/firmware/acpi/tables` 虚拟文件系统中。读取 ACPI 表的简单方法是使用 `acpica-tools` 包中的 `acpidump` 命令。例如:
![ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops][30]
联想笔记本电脑的 ACPI 表都是为 Windows 2001 设置的。
是的,你的 Linux 系统已经准备好用于 Windows 2001 了,你要考虑安装吗?与设备树不同,ACPI 具有方法和数据,而设备树更多地是一种硬件描述语言。ACPI 方法在启动后仍处于活动状态。例如,运行 `acpi_listen` 命令(在 `apcid` 包中),然后打开和关闭笔记本机盖会发现 ACPI 功能一直在运行。暂时地和动态地 [覆盖 ACPI 表][31] 是可能的,而永久地改变它需要在引导时与 BIOS 菜单交互或刷新 ROM。如果你遇到那么多麻烦,也许你应该 [安装 coreboot][32],这是开源固件的替代品。
#### 从 start_kernel() 到用户空间
[init/main.c][25] 中的代码竟然是可读的,而且有趣的是,它仍然在使用 1991 - 1992 年的 Linus Torvalds 的原始版权。在一个刚启动的系统上运行 `dmesg | head`,其输出主要来源于此文件。第一个 CPU 注册到系统中,全局数据结构被初始化,并且调度程序、中断处理程序(IRQ)、定时器和控制台按照严格的顺序逐一启动。在 `timekeeping_init()` 函数运行之前,所有的时间戳都是零。内核初始化的这部分是同步的,也就是说执行只发生在一个线程中,在最后一个完成并返回之前,没有任何函数会被执行。因此,即使在两个系统之间,`dmesg` 的输出也是完全可重复的,只要它们具有相同的设备树或 ACPI 表。Linux 的行为就像在 MCU 上运行的 RTOS(实时操作系统)一样,如 QNX 或 VxWorks。这种情况持续存在于函数 `rest_init()` 中,该函数在终止时由 `start_kernel()` 调用。
![Summary of early kernel boot process.][34]
函数 `rest_init()` 产生了一个新进程以运行 `kernel_init()`,并调用了 `do_initcalls()`。用户可以通过将 `initcall_debug` 附加到内核命令行来监控 `initcalls`,这样每运行一次 `initcall` 函数就会产生 `dmesg` 条目。`initcalls` 会历经七个连续的级别:early、core、postcore、arch、subsys、fs、device 和 late。`initcalls` 最为用户可见的部分是所有处理器外围设备的探测和设置:总线、网络、存储和显示器等等,同时加载其内核模块。`rest_init()` 也会在引导处理器上产生第二个线程,它首先运行 `cpu_idle()`,然后等待调度器分配工作。
`kernel_init()` 也可以 [设置对称多处理(SMP)结构][35]。在较新的内核中,如果 `dmesg` 的输出中出现“启动第二个 CPU...”等字样,系统便使用了 SMP。SMP 通过“热插拔”CPU 来进行,这意味着它用状态机来管理其生命周期,这种状态机在概念上类似于热插拔的 U 盘一样。内核的电源管理系统经常会使某个核(core)离线,然后根据需要将其唤醒,以便在不忙的机器上反复调用同一段的 CPU 热插拔代码。观察电源管理系统调用 CPU 热插拔代码的 [BCC 工具][36] 称为 `offcputime.py`。
请注意,`init/main.c` 中的代码在 `smp_init()` 运行时几乎已执行完毕:引导处理器已经完成了大部分其他核无需重复的一次性初始化操作。尽管如此,跨 CPU 的线程仍然要在每个核上生成,以管理每个核的中断(IRQ)、工作队列、定时器和电源事件。例如,通过 `ps -o psr` 命令可以查看服务 softirqs 和 workqueues 在每个 CPU 上的线程。
$\# ps -o pid,psr,comm $(pgrep ksoftirqd)
7 0 ksoftirqd/0
16 1 ksoftirqd/1
22 2 ksoftirqd/2
28 3 ksoftirqd/3
$\# ps -o pid,psr,comm $(pgrep kworker)
4 0 kworker/0:0H
18 1 kworker/1:0H
24 2 kworker/2:0H
30 3 kworker/3:0H
[ . . . ]
其中,PSR 字段代表“处理器”。每个核还必须拥有自己的定时器和 `cpuhp` 热插拔处理程序。
那么用户空间是如何启动的呢?在最后,`kernel_init()` 寻找可以代表它执行 `init` 进程的 `initrd`。如果没有找到,内核直接执行 `init` 本身。那么为什么需要 `initrd` 呢?
#### 早期的用户空间:谁规定要用 initrd?
除了设备树之外,在启动时可以提供给内核的另一个文件路径是 `initrd` 的路径。`initrd` 通常位于 `/boot` 目录中,与 x86 系统中的 bzImage 文件 vmlinuz 一样,或是与 ARM 系统中的 uImage 和设备树相同。用 `initramfs-tools-core` 软件包中的 `lsinitramfs` 工具可以列出 `initrd` 的内容。发行版的 `initrd` 方案包含了最小化的 `/bin`、`/sbin` 和 `/etc` 目录以及内核模块,还有 `/scripts` 中的一些文件。所有这些看起来都很熟悉,因为 `initrd` 大致上是一个简单的最小化 Linux 根文件系统。看似相似,其实不然,因为位于虚拟内存盘中的 `/bin` 和 `/sbin` 目录下的所有可执行文件几乎都是指向 [BusyBox binary][38] 的符号链接,由此导致 `/bin` 和 `/sbin` 目录比 glibc 的小 10 倍。
如果要做的只是加载一些模块,然后在普通的根文件系统上启动 `init`,为什么还要创建一个 `initrd` 呢?想想一个加密的根文件系统,解密可能依赖于加载一个位于根文件系统 `/lib/modules` 的内核模块,当然还有 `initrd` 中的。加密模块可能被静态地编译到内核中,而不是从文件加载,但有多种原因不希望这样做。例如,用模块静态编译内核可能会使其太大而不能适应存储空间,或者静态编译可能会违反软件许可条款。不出所料,存储、网络和人类输入设备(HID)驱动程序也可能存在于 `initrd` 中。`initrd` 基本上包含了任何挂载根文件系统所必需的非内核代码。`initrd` 也是用户存放 [自定义ACPI][38] 表代码的地方。
![Rescue shell and a custom <code>initrd</code>.][40]
救援模式的 shell 和自定义的 `initrd` 还是很有意思的。
`initrd` 对测试文件系统和数据存储设备也很有用。将这些测试工具存放在 `initrd` 中,并从内存中运行测试,而不是从被测对象中运行。
最后,当 `init` 开始运行时,系统就启动啦!由于辅助处理器正在运行,机器已经成为我们所熟知和喜爱的异步、可抢占、不可预测和高性能的生物。的确,`ps -o pid,psr,comm -p 1` 很容易显示已不在引导处理器上运行的用户空间的 `init` 进程。
### Summary
### 总结
Linux 引导过程听起来或许令人生畏,即使考虑到简单嵌入式设备上的软件数量。换个角度来看,启动过程相当简单,因为启动中没有抢占、RCU 和竞争条件等扑朔迷离的复杂功能。只关注内核和 PID 1 会忽略了引导程序和辅助处理器为运行内核执行的大量准备工作。虽然内核在 Linux 程序中是独一无二的,但通过一些检查 ELF 文件的工具也可以了解其结构。学习一个正常的启动过程,可以帮助运维人员处理启动的故障。
要了解更多信息,请参阅 Alison Chaiken 的演讲——[Linux: The first second][41],将在 1 月 22 日至 26 日在悉尼举行。参见 [linux.conf.au][42]。
感谢 [Akkana Peck][43] 的提议和指正。
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/1/analyzing-linux-boot-process
作者:[Alison Chaiken][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[16]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_1.png "Running the U-boot bootloader"
[30]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_2.png "ACPI tables on Lenovo laptops"
[34]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_3.png "Summary of early kernel boot process."
[40]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/u128651/linuxboot_4.png "Rescue shell and a custom <code>initrd</code>."
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
Python 中的 Hello World 和字符串操作

开始之前,说一下本文中的[代码][1]和[视频][2]可以在我的 github 上找到。
[Python 的 Hello World 和字符串操作视频][2]
#### ** 开始 (先决条件)
在你的操作系统上安装 Anaconda(Python)。你可以从[官方网站][4]下载 anaconda 并自行安装,或者你可以按照以下这些 anaconda 安装教程进行安装。
在 Windows 上安装 Anaconda: [链接[5]
在 Mac 上安装 Anaconda: [链接][6]
在 Ubuntu (Linux) 上安装 Anaconda:[链接][7]
#### 打开一个 Jupyter Notebook
打开你的终端(Mac)或命令行,并输入以下内容([请参考视频中的 1:16 处][8])来打开 Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebook
#### 打印语句/Hello World
在 Jupyter 的单元格中输入以下内容并按下 **shift + 回车**来执行代码。
# This is a one line comment
print('Hello World!')
打印输出 “Hello World!”
#### 字符串和字符串操作
字符串是 python 类的一种特殊类型。作为对象,在类中,你可以使用 .methodName() 来调用字符串对象的方法。字符串类在 python 中默认是可用的,所以你不需要 import 语句来使用字符串对象接口。
# Create a variable
# Variables are used to store information to be referenced
# and manipulated in a computer program.
firstVariable = 'Hello World'
输出打印变量 firstVariable
# Explore what various string methods
使用 .lower()、.upper() 和 title() 方法输出
# Use the split method to convert your string into a list
print(firstVariable.split(' '))
使用 split 方法输出(此例中以空格分隔)
# You can add strings together.
a = "Fizz" + "Buzz"
#### 查询方法的功能
对于新程序员,他们经常问你如何知道每种方法的功能。Python 提供了两种方法来实现。
1.(在不在 Jupyter Notebook 中都可用)使用 **help** 查询每个方法的功能。
2. (Jupyter Notebook exclusive) You can also look up what a method does by having a question mark after a method.
2.(Jupyter Notebook 专用)你也可以通过在方法之后添加问号来查找方法的功能。
# To look up what each method does in jupyter (doesnt work outside of jupyter)
在 Jupyter 中查找每个方法的功能
#### 结束语
如果你对本文或在[ YouTube 视频][2]的评论部分有任何疑问,请告诉我们。文章中的代码也可以在我的 [github][1] 上找到。本系列教程的第 2 部分是[简单的数学操作][10]。
via: https://www.codementor.io/mgalarny/python-hello-world-and-string-manipulation-gdgwd8ymp
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Linux 新用户?来试试这 8 款重要的软件

即便您不是计算机的新手,刚接触 Linux 时,通常都会面临选择使用应用软件的问题。在数百万 Linux 应用程序中,做起选择来并不轻松。本文中,您将能发现八个重要的 Linux 应用,帮助您快速选择应用程序。
下面这些应用程序大多不是 Linux 独有的。如果有过使用 Windows/Mac 的经验,您很可能会熟悉其中一些软件。根据兴趣和需求,下面的程序可能不全符合您的要求,但是在我看来,清单里大多数甚至全部的软件,对于新用户开启 Linux 之旅都是有帮助的。
**相关链接** : [每一个 Linux 用户都应该使用的 11 个便携软件][1]
### 1. Chromium 网页浏览器
很难有一个不需要使用网页浏览器的用户。您可以看到陈旧的 Linux 发行版几乎都会附带 Firefox(火狐浏览器)或者其他 [Linux 浏览器][3],关于浏览器,强烈建议您尝试 [Chromium][4]。它是谷歌浏览器的开源版。Chromium 的主要优点是速度和安全性。它同样拥有大量的附加组件。
### 2. LibreOffice
[LibreOffice][6] 是一个开源办公套件,其包括文字处理(Writer)、电子表格(Calc)、演示(Impress)、数据库(Base)、公式编辑器(Math)、矢量图和流程图(Draw)应用程序。它与 Microsoft Office 文档兼容,如果其基本功能不能满足需求,您可以使用 [LibreOffice 拓展][7]。
LibreOffice 当然是 Linux 应用中至关重要的一员,如果您使用 Linux 的计算机,安装它是有必要的。
### 3. GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program、GUN 图像处理程序)
[GIMP][9] 是一款非常强大的开源图片处理程序,它类似于 Photoshop。通过 GIMP,您可以编辑或是创建用于 web 或是打印的光栅图(位图)。如果您对专业的图片处理没有概念,Linux 自然提供有更简单的图像编辑器,GIMP 看上去可能会复杂一点。GIMP 并不单纯提供图片裁剪和大小调整,它更覆盖了图层、滤镜、遮罩、路径和其他一些高级功能。
### 4. VLC 媒体播放器
[VLC][11] 也许就是最好的影音播放器了。它是跨平台的,所以您可能在 Windows 上也听说过它。VLC 最特殊的地方是其拥有大量解码器(并不是所有的解码器都开放源代码),所以它几乎可以播放所有的影音文件。
### 5. Jitsy
[Jitsy][13] 完全是关于通讯的。您可以借助它使用 Google talk、Facebook chat、Yahoo、ICQ 和 XMPP。它是用于音视频通话(包括电话会议),桌面流和群组聊天的多用户工具。会话会被加密。Jistsy 同样能帮助您传输文件或记录电话。
### 6. Synaptic
[Synaptic][15] 是一款基于 Debian 的系统发行版的另一款应用程序安装程序。并不是所有基于 Debian 的 Linux 都安装有它,如果您使用基于 Debian 的 Linux 操作系统没有预装,也许您可以试一试。Synaptic 是一款用于添加或移除系统应用的 GUI 工具,甚至相对于许多发行版默认安装的 [软件中心包管理器][16] ,经验丰富的 Linux 用户更亲睐于 Sunaptic。
**相关链接** : [10 款您没听说过的充当生产力的 Linux 应用程序][17]
### 7. VirtualBox
[VirtualBox][19] 能支持您在计算机上运行虚拟机。当您想在当前 Linux 发行版上安装其他发行版或操作系统时,使用虚拟机会方便许多。您同样可以通过它运行 Windows 应用程序,性能可能会稍弱,但是如果您有一台强大的计算机,就不会那么糟。
### 8. AisleRiot Solitaire(纸牌游戏)
对于 Linux 的新用户来说,一款纸牌游戏并不是刚需,但是它真的太有趣了。当您进入这款纸牌游戏,您会发现,这是一款极好的纸牌包。[AisleRiot][21] 是 Linux 标志性的应用程序,原因是 - 它涵盖超过八十中纸牌游戏,包括流行的 Klondike、Bakers Dozen、Camelot 等等,这些只是预告片 - 它是会上瘾的,您可能会花很长时间沉迷于此!
via: https://www.maketecheasier.com/essential-linux-apps/
作者:[Ada Ivanova][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[1]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/portable-apps-for-linux/ (11 Portable Apps Every Linux User Should Use)
[2]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-01-Chromium.jpg (linux-apps-01-chromium)
[5]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-02-LibreOffice.jpg (linux-apps-02-libreoffice)
[8]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-03-GIMP.jpg (linux-apps-03-gimp)
[10]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-04-VLC.jpg (linux-apps-04-vlc)
[12]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-05-Jitsi.jpg (linux-apps-05-jitsi)
[14]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-06-Synaptic.jpg (linux-apps-06-synaptic)
[17]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/free-linux-productivity-apps-you-havent-heard-of/ (10 Free Linux Productivity Apps You Haven’t Heard Of)
[18]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2018/01/Linux-apps-07-VirtualBox.jpg (linux-apps-07-virtualbox)
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Dnsmasq 进阶技巧

许多人熟知和热爱 Dnsmasq,并在他们的本地域名服务上使用它。今天我们将介绍进阶配置文件管理、如何测试你的配置、一些基础的安全知识、DNS 泛域名、快速 DNS 配置,以及其他一些技巧与窍门。下个星期我们将继续详细讲解如何配置 DNS 和 DHCP。
### 测试配置
当你测试新的配置的时候,你应该从命令行运行 Dnsmasq,而不是使用守护进程。下面的例子演示了如何不用守护进程运行它,同时显示指令的输出并保留运行日志:
# dnsmasq --no-daemon --log-queries
dnsmasq: started, version 2.75 cachesize 150
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt
DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack
ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
dnsmasq: reading /etc/resolv.conf
dnsmasq: using nameserver
dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 9 addresses
在这个小例子中你能看到许多有用的信息,包括版本、编译参数、系统域名服务文件、以及它的监听地址。可以使用 Ctrl+C 停止进程。在默认情况下,Dnsmasq 没有自己的日志文件,所以日志会被记录到 `/var/log` 目录下的多个地方。你可以使用经典的 `grep` 来找到 Dnsmasq 的日志文件。下面这条指令会递归式地搜索 `/var/log`、在每个匹配的文件名之后显示匹配的行数,并忽略 `/var/log/dist-upgrade` 里的内容:
# grep -ir --exclude-dir=dist-upgrade dnsmasq /var/log/
使用 `grep --exclude-dir=` 时有一个有趣的小陷阱需要注意:不要使用完整路径,而应该只写目录名称。
你可以使用如下的命令行参数来让 Dnsmasq 使用你指定的文件作为它专属的日志文件:
# dnsmasq --no-daemon --log-queries --log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log
或者在你的 Dnsmasq 配置文件中加上 `log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log`。
### 配置文件
Dnsmasq 的配置文件位于 `/etc/dnsmasq.conf`。你的 Linux 发行版也可能会使用 `/etc/default/dnsmasq`、`/etc/dnsmasq.d/`,或者 `/etc/dnsmasq.d-available/`(不,我们不能统一标准,因为这违反了 Linux 七嘴八舌秘密议会的旨意)。你有很多自由来随意安置你的配置文件。
`/etc/dnsmasq.conf` 是德高望重的老大。Dnsmasq 在启动时会最先读取它。`/etc/dnsmasq.conf` 可以使用 `conf-file=` 选项来调用其他的配置文件,例如 `conf-file=/etc/dnsmasqextrastuff.conf`,或使用 `conf-dir=` 选项来调用目录下的所有文件,例如 `conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d`。
每当你对配置文件进行了修改,你都必须重启 Dnsmasq。
conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d/,*.conf, *.foo
conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d,.old, .bak, .tmp
你可以用 `--addn-hosts=` 选项来把你的主机配置分布在多个文件中。
Dnsmasq 包含了一个语法检查器:
$ dnsmasq --test
dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
### 实用配置
它们可以避免含有格式出错的域名或私人 IP 地址的数据包离开你的网络。
让你的域名服务只使用 Dnsmasq,而不去使用 `/etc/resolv.conf` 或任何其他的域名服务文件:
使用其他的域名服务器。第一个例子是只对于某一个域名使用不同的域名服务器。第二个和第三个例子是 OpenDNS 公用服务器:
你也可以将某些域名限制为只能本地解析,但不影响其他域名。这些被限制的域名只能从 `/etc/hosts` 或 DHCP 解析:
限制 Dnsmasq 监听的网络接口:
Dnsmasq 在默认设置下会读取并使用 `/etc/hosts`。这是一个又快又好的配置大量域名的方法,并且 `/etc/hosts` 只需要和 Dnsmasq 在同一台电脑上。你还可以让这个过程再快一些,可以在 `/etc/hosts` 文件中只写主机名,然后用 Dnsmasq 来添加域名。`/etc/hosts` 看上去是这样的:
|||| localhost
|||| host2
|||| host3
|||| host4
然后把这几行写入 `dnsmasq.conf`(当然,要换成你自己的域名):
Dnsmasq 会自动把这些主机名扩展为完整的域名,比如 host2 会变为 host2.mehxample.com。
### DNS 泛域名
一般来说,使用 DNS 泛域名不是一个好习惯,因为它们太容易被误用了。但它们有时会很有用,比如在你的局域网的严密保护之下的时候。一个例子是使用 DNS 泛域名会让 Kubernetes 集群变得容易管理许多,除非你喜欢给你成百上千的应用写 DNS 记录。假设你的 Kubernetes 域名是 mehxample.com,那么下面这行配置可以让 Dnsmasq 解析所有对 mehxample.com 的请求:
这里使用的地址是你的集群的公网 IP 地址。这会响应对 mehxample.com 的所有主机名和子域名的请求,除非请求的目标地址已经在 DHCP 或者 `/etc/hosts` 中配置过。
下星期我们将探索更多的管理 DNS 和 DHCP 的细节,包括对不同的子网络使用不同的设置,以及提供权威域名服务器。
### 更多参考
* [使用 Dnsmasq 进行 DNS 欺骗][1]
* [使用 Dnsmasq 配置简单的局域网域名服务][2]
* [Dnsmasq][3]
via: https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/2/advanced-dnsmasq-tips-and-tricks
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