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<font face='黑体' size=6><b><center>Linux中国术语词典</center></b></font>
<br />
<font face='微软雅黑' size=3><b><center>[Linux中国](http://www.linux.cn)出品</center></b></font>
<font face='微软雅黑'><b>本词典为规范Linux中国翻译组(LCTT)技术术语翻译而编写,同时也方便广大翻译志愿者查阅。限于编写者的水平,其中可能有不完善或疏漏的地方,希望广大翻译志愿者不吝指正。同时,希望广大翻译志愿者能提供相关术语的翻译供大家参考。另外,若在翻译过程中对某些术语有疑虑,可在我们的QQ专门群中进行讨论。在此,谨代表LCTT感谢各位志愿者的辛勤劳动和无私奉献。</b></font>
<font face='微软雅黑' size=3><b><p align='right'>LCTT翻译组</p></b></font>
#### A ####
### 1. APM:高级电源管理
### 2.
#### B ####
### 1. Backbone:骨干
### 2. B channel(Bearer channel):承载信道
>承载信道(Bearer Channel),也叫做B channel,是一个全双工DS0时间槽(64-kbps),其携带模拟语音或数字资料通过综合服务数字网(ISDN)。
### 3. Backchannel:反向通道
### 4. Back End:后台
### 5. Back-haul:回程线路
### 6. Backoff:退避
>是指当一个主机已经在有MAC 协议的网络中经历了一个冲突之后试图去重发之前的等待时期。这个退避时间通常是任意的来最小化相同节点再次冲突的可能性。在每次冲突后增加退避时期也能帮助预防重复碰撞,特别当这个网络负担很重时。
### 7. Backplane:附加卡
### 8. Back Pressure:背压
### 9. Balun(balanced-unbalanced):不平衡变压器
### 10. Baseband:基带
### 11. Bastion Host:防御主机
### 12: Bc(Committed Burst):约定资讯讯务
### 13. BCP(Best Current Practices):最优现行方法
>是副系列的IETF RFCs,其被用于描述在Internet上的最优配置技术。
### 14. BCU(Balanced Configuration Unit):平衡配置单元
### 15. BECN(Backward Explicit Congestion Notification):显式拥塞通知
### 16. BER(Bit Error Rate):误码率
### 17. BIP(Bit Interleaved Parity):位交叉奇偶校验
#### C ####
#### D ####
### 1. daemon:守护进程
### 2.
#### F ####
#### G ####
#### H ####
### 1. Home Directory:家目录
#### I ####
#### J ####
#### K ####
#### L ####
### 1. LTS(Long Term Support):长期支持
#### M ####
#### N ####
#### O ####
#### P ####
### 1.P-code(Pseudo-code):伪代码语言
>一种解释型语言,执行方式介于编译型语言和解释型语言之间。和解释型语言一样,伪代码编程语言无需编译,在执行时自动转换成二进制形式。然而,和编译型语言不同的是,这种可执行的二进制文件是以伪代码的形式而不是机器语言的形式存储的。伪代码语言的例子有 Java、Python 和 REXX/Object REXX。
### 2. PAM(Pluggable Authentication Modules):可插拔认证模块
### 3. Port/Ported/Porting:移植
>一个过程,即获取为某个操作系统平台编写的程序,并对其进行修改使之能在另一 OS 上运行,并且具有类似的功能。
### 4. POSIX(Portable Operating System Interface for uniX):UNIX 可移植操作系统接口
>一组编程接口标准,它们规定如何编写应用程序源代码以便应用程序可在操作系统之间移植。POSIX 基于 UNIX,它是 The Open Group 的 X/Open 规范的基础。
#### Q ####
#### R ####
### 1. RCS(Revision Control System):修订控制系统
### 2. RFS(Remote File Sharing):远程文件共享
#### S ####
### 1. shebang [ʃɪ'bæŋ]:释伴
### 2. Spool(Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line):假脱机
### 2. Steganography:隐写术
### 3. Swap:交换
#### T ####
### 1. Time-sharing:分时
### 2. TL;DR:长篇摘要
>Too Long;Didn't Read的缩写词,即太长,未阅的意思。该词多见于互联网社区论坛中,用于指出该文太长,没有阅读,或者标示出一篇长文章的摘要。在论坛回复中,该缩写词也多作为灌水用。因此,Linux中国翻译组将其翻译为:长篇摘要。
#### U ####
#### V ####
### 1. VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language):虚拟现实建模语言
>一种主要基于 Web 的语言,用于 3D 效果(如构建遍历)。
#### W ####
### 1. Wrapper:封装器
#### X ####
#### Y ####
#### Z ####
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想找点激烈的游戏?那就试试这 13 款 Roguelike 游戏吧!
Roguelike 是角色扮演游戏的一个子类。从字面上看,它的意思是 “像 Rogue 的游戏”。Rogue 是一个关于地下城冒险的视频游戏,于 1980 年第一次发行,以极其上瘾而著称。这个游戏的目标是取得深藏于第 26 层的 "Amulet of Yendor",再返回到顶层逃出生天。
Roguelike 的准确定义并不存在,但这类游戏通常具有下面的特点:
- 奇幻的叙事背景;
- 用程序产生关卡。游戏中的绝大多数场景在开始新的游戏时由游戏自动创建。这样做是为了鼓励玩家不断重玩;
- 回合制的地下城探险和战斗;
- 随机生成的基于贴片的图形环境;
- 随机发生战斗;
- 永久死亡 :在游戏中,死亡真的存在,一旦你的角色死了,那就真的结束了;
- 高难度。
这篇文章精心挑选了一些可运行在 Linux 平台下的 roguelike 游戏。假如你喜欢激烈、易上瘾的游戏,可以尝试这 13 款游戏。不要因它们原始的画质而退缩,一旦你沉浸其中,你将很快忘记画面的简陋。所有的这些都可以免费下载,并且几乎所有的游戏都是在开源协议下发行的。
###Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 是一个开源的,单用户角色扮演类的 roguelike 游戏,玩家要在遍布危险而充满敌意的怪兽的地下城中进行探险和寻找宝藏,并在任务中拯救传说中的神秘 Zot 宝珠。
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup 是 Linley 开发的 Dungeon Crawl 游戏的延续。它是公开开发的,并邀请 Crawl 社区的人员来参与其中。
Dungeon Crawl 有着超棒且深层次的战术游戏环节,创新的魔法和信仰系统,以及数量宏大的和你战斗的怪兽。Crawl 也是最难以攻陷的 roguelike 游戏之一。当你最终在游戏中通关,将胜利宣言张贴在 rec.games.roguelike.misc 时,你才会知道这有多么令人骄傲!
- 丰富多彩的、富含深层次战术的 roguelike 游戏;
- 手绘地图;
- 无数的金库;
- 漂亮的界面;
- 创新的魔法和信仰系统;
- 各种神灵,角色,物品和聪明的怪兽;
- 网站: [crawl.develz.org][1]
- 开发者: Stone Soup 开发小组
- 协议: Crawl General Public License
- 版本号: 0.15.2
###Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress 是一个单人魔幻游戏,与 NetHack 类似。你可以在一个随机生成的持久的世界中,控制一个矮人哨兵或一个冒险者。
这个游戏的特色有:三种游戏模式(矮人要塞,冒险者,传说模式),一个独特的随机生成的世界(由地形,野生生物和传奇生物等组成), 阴森的战斗机制以及各种邪恶鱼群。
- 在这个世界里,你想玩多久都可以。可以经历许多次游戏,记录历史事件,对更改进行跟踪等;
- 当你扮演的矮人在山群中寻找宝藏时,你可以对他们下达命令
- 用各种材料来手工制作珍宝、物品,并可以用贵重金属、宝石等来改进它们;
- 通过各种手段保护你自己,防御来自敌对文明的袭击;
- 支持贵族,他们会管理你的民众
- 让你的矮人高兴起来,了解他们工作和休闲时的想法;
- 不同的 Z 坐标可以使你在多个层级上建造你的堡垒。建立塔台或征服地下深处;
- 建立水闸来灌溉作物或用水淹没你的对手;
- 扮演一个探险者并进行探索,为荣誉而战或复仇
- 与以前的游戏中的对手相遇;
- 在你经过的旅途中营救小城里的人们;
- 没有繁琐的情节,只需要探索;
- 无缝连接的漫游游戏世界-总共达到 197376 x 197376 平方 -可以在区域地图上更快速地穿行;
- 接受小镇或文明社会的领导所委托的任务;
- 可以找到你以前的角色,以一个新的角色带上他们来一场新的冒险,或者直接重新激活并使用他们;
- 通过 Z 轴使得你可以在各个地下城的不同层级间和结构间平滑的上下移动来和对手战斗;
- 战斗模式是通过技巧、身体部位、搏斗、在不同区域间蓄势和躲避,体验流血、疼痛,恶心及其他感受;
- 一个动态的天气模型跟踪风,湿度及空气流动,以创造冷暖气流锋面、风、暴风雨雪;
- 超过 200 种岩石和矿物类型被引入到了游戏世界,它们被放置在合适的地理环境中;
- 通过可更改的文本文件来添加生物,武器,植物,金属和其他对象;
- 以 16 色(包括黑色)渲染的扩展 ASCII 字符集,以及 8 种背景颜色(包括黑色);
- 网站: [www.bay12games.com/dwarves/][2]
- 开发者: Tarn Adams
- 协议: 免费软件
- 版本号: 0.40.19
###Ancient Domains of Mystery

Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) 是一个 rogue-like 游戏,从 1994 年至今一直在不断开发。
- 拥有上百个地点的巨大游戏世界,例如城堡、随机生成的地下城、主题寺庙、墓地、古代遗迹、塔台和其他名胜;
- 各种各样的种族(矮人、drakeling、雾精灵、hurthling、兽人、巨魔、ratling 等等)(LCTT注:种族信息可以参考[这里](http://ancardia.wikia.com/wiki/Race) 和丰富的职业(战士、 元素法师、 刺客、 混沌骑士,决斗士等等)带来无限的游戏乐趣;
- 上百个怪兽和物品,其中的许多带有随机的增强特性;
- 迫使你在对力量的欲望和对诅咒的恐惧之间进行权衡的腐败体系;
- 法术、祈祷、思想技艺、炼金术、手工艺和更多;
- 多样的任务和分支故事主线;
- 许多完全不同的结局,可能改变现实本身。
- 网站: [www.adom.de][3]
- 开发者: Thomas Biskup
- 协议: Postcardware
- 版本号: 1.20 Prelease 20
###Tales of Maj’Eyal (ToME)

Tales of Maj’Eyal (ToME) (注:中文译名为 马基埃亚尔的传说) 是一个免费、开源的 roguelike 角色扮演游戏,包含特色的战术回合制战役和先进角色构建。它作为运行在 T-Engine 4.0 中的一个模块而被创造。
现在处于王权世纪(Age of Ascendancy),在长达一万年的冲突痛苦和混乱之后,我们所知的世界终于进入了一个相对和平的时期。 “魔法大爆裂(Spellblaze)” 留下的影响已经大为减缓, 大地的伤痕也慢慢地开始愈合。在薪火世纪(Age of Pyre)之后,各个文明也纷纷开始重建家园。(注:翻译来源于 [这里](http://www.qiyun.org/zhuanti/majiaiyaerdechuanshuo.htm))
- 适合于那些没有 rogueline 体验的玩家;
- 同时支持图形界面和 ASCII 模式;
- 某些角色拥有多达 40 种的能力;
- 天赋系统;
- 战役引擎;
- 在线的持久状态/成就追踪;
- IRC 聊天客户端;
- 可扩展,可修改;
- 充满激情的音乐;
- 可解锁新的种族,类别,起始点,游戏模式和特点等;
- 网站: [te4.org][4]
- 开发者: ToME 开发团队
- 协议: GNU GPL v3.0
- 版本号: 1.2.5
###Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead

Cataclysm 是一个开源的 “后末世” roguelike 游戏,背景设定在由怪兽和僵尸带来的毁灭性的瘟疫后虚构的新英格兰(New England) 乡村。它是 Whale 开发的原有 Cataclysm 的继续,拓展了更多新的生物,建筑,游戏机制和其他特点。
尽管有些人描述它为一个 “僵尸游戏”,但 Cataclysm 远比一个“僵尸游戏”包含更多内容。玩家要在一个由程序生成的严酷、持久的世界中艰难生存下去。在一个死寂的文明世界中搜寻剩下的食物和装备,或者假如你足够幸运,搞到一辆装满汽油的汽车逃离 Dodge --这个如地狱一般的地方。从僵尸到巨型昆虫或机器人杀手以及更加奇怪和致命的东西,你要通过战斗来击败它们或逃离,以及和那些想要抢夺你的东西的那些同你一样的人战斗。
在许多方面上, Cataclysm 与大多数的 roguelike 游戏不同。它被设定在一个没有边界的三维世界里,而不是设定在一个垂直、线性的地下城中。这意味着相比于大多数的 roguel 游戏,探险将占一个更大的比重,而且这个游戏将具有更大的自由度。由于地图是如此的巨大,在每次游戏之间,它可以完全保持原样。假如你死了,并以一个新的角色开始,你的新游戏将会设定在同你最近呆过的游戏世界相同的世界里。同许多 roguelike 游戏一样,你可以获得先前角色的战利品;而与大多数 roguelike 不同的是,你也可以重新踏上先前角色的轨迹,并且对世界做出的任何戏剧性改变将会维持到你的下一次游戏。
- 详细的角色创建,提供了数量众多的特性来选择;
- 防御模式,这是一个有着快节奏作战的休息模式;
- Bionics;类似于在许多其他游戏里的魔法系统;
- 基因突变, 有好的和坏的变化;
- 无界的,完全随机的世界地图,可以在角色交替时保持不变;
- 创造物品
- 新的制作方法可能需要通过练习或从书本中获得来磨练你的知识;
- 逼真的火、烟和其他动态的地图特效;
- 昼/夜循环,需要睡觉。假如你必须的话,可以使用咖啡因来保持更长时间的清醒,但这不健康;
- 超过 300 种物品类型,包括众多的现实世界的枪支,药品和工具;
- 许多药品是上瘾的,并需要持续使用来避免负面效果;
- 通过修补门、窗、建造陷阱和巩固你的家的基石来防止一个僵尸的突然造访;
- 能够构建你自己的木屋,包括墙和屋顶;
- 可以驾驶在“后末世”发现的汽车兜风;
- 这个可以根据你的需求来修改,或甚至你可以自己制造一辆;
- 温度系统,太冷或太热都非常危险;
- 初步支持贴片界面;
- 根据选项生成世界,以及各种编辑方式;
- 网站: [en.cataclysmdda.com][5]
- 作者: Kevin Granade 及其他
- 协议: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
- 版本号: 0.B
###Goblin Hack

Goblin Hack 是一个开源 roguelike 游戏,基于 OpenGL 的平滑滚动的ASCII 图形界面。这个游戏受 NetHack 外观的启发,但更加快速且使用更少的按键。
Goblin Hack 有一个简洁的界面,在今天这个过度强调渲染的游戏世界中,似乎它对所有年龄段的玩家都有吸引力,并启发了这些玩家的想象力。
- 令人印象深刻的界面(相比于许多其他的 roguelike 游戏);
- 简洁的界面;
- 在被投进一个随机的正在生成的第一层地下城之前,玩家可以从几个角色类别中选择一个角色;
- 手动保存游戏;
- 网站: [goblinhack.sourceforge.net][6], [github.com/goblinhack/goblinhack][7]
- 作者: Neil McGill
- 协议: GNU GPL v2
- 版本号: 1.19

Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic (SLASH'EM) 是一个角色扮演游戏,在其中你控制一个单独的角色。SLASH'EM 是 NetHack 的一个变种。它拥有一个和 Rogue、ADOM、Anghand 及 NetHack 相似的界面和游戏玩法。你通过键盘来控制角色的动作,以一个俯视的视角来查看这个世界。
背景: Amulet of Yendor 已被偷走,不仅如此,偷走 amulet 的 Wizard of Yendor(坏蛋)似乎深藏于 Dungeons of Doom(危险的地方)。
- 提供额外的特色、怪兽和项目;
- 新颖的特点包括僧人职业和类似推箱子的关卡;
- 主地下城比在 NetHack 中的要大很多;
- 网站: [www.slashem.org][8]
- 开发者: Slash'EM 开发团队
- 协议: MIT License, NetHack General Public License
- 版本号: 0.0.7E7F3

NetHack 是一个极简,但又非常吸引人的具有地下城与龙风格的冒险游戏。“net”元素指的是它的发展已经根据网络进行了调整,“hack”元素指的是角色扮演游戏的一种类型,以乱砍、猛砍著称,着眼于战斗。
在 NetHack 中,你扮演凶猛的战士、巫师或许多其他职业中的一种,一路战斗着,为你的神灵获取 Amulet of Yendor(可以说这是一个倒退!)。在这个过程中,你可能会遇到一个或两个 quantum mechanic(LCTT 译注:从[这里](http://nethack.wikia.com/wiki/Quantum_mechanic)得知,这指的是一种怪兽),或者可能遇到一个小型的太空舰队,抑或是 —— 假如你*足够*幸运会遇到 —— Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal。(LCTT 译注:我参考了[这里](http://nethack.wikia.com/wiki/Douglas_Adams))。
- 45-50 个关卡, 其中的大多数随机生成;
- 各种各样的物品:武器、盔甲、卷轴、药水、戒指、宝石和各种各样的工具,如钥匙和灯;
- 祝福和诅咒;
- 永久死亡: 若没有对当前的保存文件进行备份,失效的角色就找不回来了;
- 界面:
- 文本模式;
- 图形化界面, 使用 X、Qt 工具集或 GNOME 库;
- 网站: [www.nethack.org][9]
- 开发者: NetHack 开发团队
- 协议: NetHack 通用公共许可证
- 版本号: 3.4.3
###Ascii Sector

Ascii Sector 是一个免费的太空战斗/探险/交易游戏,它基于经典的电脑游戏 `Wing Commander: Privateer`,后者由 Origine Systems 公司于 1993 年发布。
在 Ascii Sector 中,刚开始你将驾驶一艘简易的飞船,然后可以通过接受任务或者贩卖物品来挣得足够多的钱以升级你的飞船或重新再买一艘。不管是在太空中,还是在地面上,抑或是在飞船上,你可以专注于致命的战斗;并且通过使用 Ascii Sector 的脚本语言,你还可以为游戏创造自己的任务或享受其他玩家创造的任务。
- 使用 ANSI 字符集生成图形界面;
- 真正的深入到游戏中;
- 提供各种基地,任务,商品和飞船;
- 飞船型号包括: Broadsword, Centurion, Demon, Dralthi, Drayman, Galaxy, Gladius, Gothri, Kamekh, Nexus, Orion, Paradign, Stileto, Talon, Tarsus 和 Ulysses;
- 四个象限: Alizarin, Crimson, Mauve, 和 Viridian;
- 可下载的任务;
- 任务可用脚本编辑;
- Ascii Sector 任务语言,在 Ascii Sector 宇宙中创造你自己的故事;
- 可以袭击或抢劫星球上的 NPC(非玩家控制角色);
- 可以到处移动的持久性舰队、可以改变系统的控制、引来敌人的舰队、回基地修复或重建;
- 可以登录系统受损的飞船;
- 可下载高质量的音乐文件;
- 网站: [www.asciisector.net][10]
- 开发者: Christian Knudsen
- 协议: 免费软件
- 版本号:

Angband 是一个免费、单用户、使用 ASCII 字符图形化的地下城探险游戏,在其中你将以一个冒险者的角色探索一个深深的地下城,与怪兽战斗,获得你能取得的最好武器,准备着与黑暗之主 Morgoth 的最后决战。从上世纪九十年代开始,它一直在持续地开发着。
Angband 沿袭了 Rogue 和 NetHack 的风格路线。它由 Moria 和 Umoria 游戏衍生而来,基于 Rogue 回合制。它经常被描述为一个 “roguelike”游戏,因为它的外观和游戏体验与 Rogue 非常相似。很多游戏中的新生物、物品都来自 J.R.R Tolkien 的画作,尽管有些野兽直接来源于经典的神话、龙与地下城、Rolemaster,或 Angband 的原开发者的脑海中。
- 100 层地下城;
- 随机产生的新关卡;
- 可以选择成为人类、半精灵、精灵、霍比特人、地精、矮人,半兽人,半巨魔, 登丹人 ,高等精灵,或者狗头人;
- 神器;
- 施法;
- 怪物;
- 怪物坑;
- 怪物巢穴;
- 网站: [rephial.org][11]
- 开发者: Angband 开发小组
- 协议: GNU GPL v2
- 版本号: 3.5.0

UnNetHack 是 NetHack 的一个分支版本。NetHack 最开始于 1987 年发行,并且许多游戏玩家认为它是计算机世界所能提供的最好游戏体验的游戏之一。
- 增加了许多针对 NetHack 的增强,如额外的怪兽、更多的关卡、许多新的元素、更多的危险、更具挑战性的游戏,以及最重要的,相比普通的 NetHack,它更具娱乐性;
- 帮助新手开始的教程;
- 网站: [sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unnethack][12]
- 作者: Patric Mueller
- 协议: Nethack General Public License
- 版本号: 5.1.0
###Hydra Slayer

Hydra Slayer 是一个专注于杀死九头蛇的开源 Roguelike 游戏。它受到了希腊神话、地下城探险、MathRL seven day roguelike ,和一些关于勇者杀死多头野兽的数字谜题等启发。
- 独特的游戏机制;
- 混合希腊神话和数字迷宫的主题;
- 传统的 roguelike ASCII 字符界面或贴片/3D 界面;
- 5 种人物角色,具有极为不同的战术、力量及弱点;
- 28 种敌人类型:
- 10 种基本的九头蛇类型(每种类型都有两种变种);
- 8 种特殊类型的敌人;
- 可用作战术工具的无害蘑菇;
- 28 种装备(并包括材料和装备的大小/力量的变种);
- 15 种武器材料;
- 18 种非装备物品;
- 3 种可供选择的地图;
- 8 种关卡拓扑结构(包括莫比乌斯带和克莱因瓶);
- 11 个关卡生成器;
- 2 种结局;
- 网站: [www.roguetemple.com/z/hydra][13]
- 开发者: Zeno Rogue
- 协议: GNU GPL v2
- 版本号: 16.1

Brogue 是一个开源的 Roguelike 游戏,它可以运行在 Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, iOS 和 Android 等平台下。
Brogue 是 Rogue 的一个直系分支,后者是一个最早由 Michael Toy 和 Glenn Wichman 于 1980 年左右开发的地下城探险视频游戏。与其他受欢迎的现代 Roguelike 游戏不同, Brogue 追求简单而不是复杂性,同时尽力确保游戏的不同组成之间的联系是有趣且纷繁多彩。
这个游戏的目标是取得深藏于地下第 26 层的 "Amulet of Yendor",再返回到地面逃出生天。对于那些技术娴熟且想进一步探险的人来说,位于 26 层之下的每层均包含 3 颗 lumenstone (流明石)(LCTT 译注:此处与我在[这里](http://brogue.wikia.com/wiki/Lumenstone)看到的有些出入),获得它们,将在胜利的基础上被授予额外的得分。
Brogue 是一个富有挑战性的游戏,但玩起来非常有趣。尽量不要因游戏的高难度而灰心;试玩一段时间之后,你会发现它变得非常吸引人。
- 追求简单而非复杂;
- 对用户友好;
- 相比于 Rogue, Brogue 关卡生成更加复杂;
- 移除了 XP 和 水平系统 ;
- 陷阱,防护性物品;
- 额外的怪兽类型和魔法物品;
- 网站: [sites.google.com/site/broguegame][14]
- 作者: Brian Walker
- 协议: GNU Affero GPL
- 版本号: 1.7.3
via: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/201412031524381/RoguelikeGames.html
作者:Frazer Kline
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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
PHP 5.5 / PHP5.6 / PHP-NG 和 HHVM 哪个性能更好?

如果你记得我们[在几个月前写过一篇文章][1],那时WordPress 3.9表明是完全支持HHVM的,当时是那么令我们欢欣鼓舞。最初的基准测试结果显示,HHVM要比驱动着当前所有PHP构建的Zend引擎高级得多。后来,问题就出来了:
- HHVM只能以单个用户运行,这意味着(在共享环境中)安全性差了
- HHVM在崩溃后不会自动重启,而不幸的是,它至今仍然经常发生
- HHVM在启动时使用大量内存,虽然,它和同规模的PHP-FPM比较,单个请求的内存使用量更低
<?php timer_stop(1); ?>
- DigitalOcean 4GB 雨滴容器 (2 CPU核心, 4GB RAM)
- Ubuntu 14.04, MariaDB10
- 测试站点: 已导入演示内容的Munditia主题,WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1
- PHP 5.5.9, PHP 5.5.15, PHP 5.6.0 RC2, PHP-NG (20140718-git-6cc487d)和HHVM 3.2.0 (版本是PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)
### DigitalOcean 4GB 雨滴容器 ###
**PHP 5.5.15禁用OpCache**
- 执行: **236 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.03 secs
- 传输的数据: 2.40 MB
- 回应时间: 2.47 secs
- 执行率: 4.00 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.04 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.87
- 成功的执行: 236
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 4.44
- 最短执行: 0.48
**PHP 5.5.15启用OpCache**
- 执行: **441 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.55 secs
- 传输的数据: 4.48 MB
- 回应时间: 1.34 secs
- 执行率: 7.41 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.08 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.91
- 成功的执行: 441
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 2.19
- 最短执行: 0.64
**PHP 5.6 RC2禁用OpCache**
- 执行: **207 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.87 secs
- 传输的数据: 2.10 MB
- 回应时间: 2.80 secs
- 执行率: 3.46 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.04 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.68
- 成功的执行: 207
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 3.65
- 最短执行: 0.54
**PHP 5.6 RC2启用OpCache**
- 执行: **412 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.03 secs
- 传输的数据: 4.18 MB
- 回应时间: 1.42 secs
- 执行率: 6.98 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.07 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.88
- 成功的执行: 412
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 1.93
- 最短执行: 0.34
**HHVM 3.2.0(版本是PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)**
- 执行: **955 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.69 secs
- 传输的数据: 9.18 MB
- 回应时间: 0.62 secs
- 执行率: 16.00 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.15 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.94
- 成功的执行: 955
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 0.85
- 最短执行: 0.23
**PHP-NG启用OpCache(构建: Jul 29 2014)**
- 执行: **849 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.88 secs
- 传输的数据: 8.63 MB
- 回应时间: 0.70 secs
- 执行率: 14.18 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.14 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.94
- 成功的执行: 849
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 1.06
- 最短执行: 0.13
via: https://kinsta.com/blog/real-world-wordpress-benchmarks-with-php5-5-php5-6-php-ng-and-hhvm/
作者:[Mark Gavalda][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
如何在Ubuntu 14.04上安装轻量级web服务器Cherokee
**Cherokee** 是一个免费,开源,高性能轻量级的全功能web服务器,支持大部分主流操作系统(Linux、 Mac OS X、 Solaris 和 BSD)。它支持TLS/SSL、FastCGI、 SCGI、 PHP、 uWSGI、 SSI、 CGI、 LDAP、 HTTP代理、 视频流处理、 内容缓存、 流量控制、 虚拟主机、Apache兼容的日志文件,以及负载均衡等功能。
今天我们介绍一下怎样在Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS安装和配置轻量级的web服务器Cherokee,只需要注意修改软件源列表,同样适用于Ubuntu12.04,12.10和13.04。
在Ubuntu Server上逐步安装和配置Cherokee
### 1. 更新Ubuntu软件包索引 ###
首先登陆Ubuntu Server,执行以下命令,更新Ubuntu Server的软件源并安装可用的更新。
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
### 2. 加入 PPA ###
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cherokee-webserver
sudo apt-get update
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
nano cherokee-webserver-ppa-trusty.list
用`deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cherokee-webserver/ppa/ubuntu saucy main` 替换 `deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cherokee-webserver/ppa/ubuntu trusty main`
sudo apt-get update
### 3. 使用apt-get安装Cherokee ###
sudo apt-get install cherokee cherokee-admin cherokee-doc libcherokee-mod-libssl libcherokee-mod-streaming libcherokee-mod-rrd
### 4. 配置Cherokee ###
sudo service cherokee start
使用Cherokee最大的好处就是能通过一个简单易用的web界面 cherokee-admin 来管理所有的配置选项。推荐通过浏览器来管理Cherokee。使用如下命令启动cherokee-admin
sudo cherokee-admin
**注意: cherokee-admin 会显示用户名,一次性密码和web管理界面地址。**
sudo cherokee-admin -b
sudo cherokee-admin -b
### 5. 浏览cherokee-admin面板 ###
在你喜欢的浏览器中输入地址`http://主机名或 IP 地址:9090/`就可以进入控制面板了。例如我的是http://,在浏览器中显示如下图

好了,到这里我们已经成功地在Ubuntu Server上安装和配置了Cherokee。
via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/install-cherokee-lightweight-web-server-ubuntu-14-04/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
在读K&R版的*The C Programming Language*一书时,我在[介绍,第3页]看到这样一条说明:
在读K&R版的*The C Programming Language*一书时,我在[介绍,第3页]看到这样一条说明:
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ return _float_add(x, y);
另一个常见的例子是64位整型数(C语言标准中'long long'类型是1999年之后才出现的),这种类型在32位系统上也不能直接使用。古董级的SPARC系统则不支持整型乘法,所以在运行时必须提供乘法的实现。当然,还有一些其它例子。
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ via:[stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27977522/how-are-c-data-t
作者:[Dietrich Epp][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
tespeed - 测试网速的Python工具
It means **alot**。
### 如何在linux中测试tespeed ###
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ tespeed是一款有很多特性的python工具,可以在终端在测试网速
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/socksipy/files/socksipy/SocksiPy%201.00/SocksiPy.zip/
下载完成后 解压**SocksiPy.zip**病运行下面的命令来克隆tespeed仓库到你本地机器中。
下载完成后 解压**SocksiPy.zip**并运行下面的命令来克隆tespeed仓库到你本地机器中。
git clone https://github.com/Janhouse/tespeed.git

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ tespeed是一款有很多特性的python工具,可以在终端在测试网速

在tespeed中有很多选项,如**-ls**来现实服务器,**-p**来指定代理服务器, **-s**来阻止调试(STDERR)输出, 还有很多我们会在本教程中探索。
在tespeed中有很多选项,如**-ls**来列出服务器,**-p**来指定代理服务器, **-s**来阻止调试(STDERR)输出, 还有很多我们会在本教程中探索。
如果你想要结果现实成MB,你可以在**python tespeed.py** 后面接上选项 **-mib**。
如果你想要结果显示成MB,你可以在**python tespeed.py** 后面接上选项 **-mib**。
python tespeed.py -mib
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tespeed是一款有很多特性的python工具,可以在终端在测试网速
### 总结 ###
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/tools/tespeed-python-tool-test-internet-speed/
作者:[Oltjano Terpollari][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
如何在CentOS/RHEL中安装基于Web的监控系统 linux-dash
本篇文章将会向你展示如何安装和设置Linux dash,这里的web服务器是**Nginx**.
本篇文章将会向你展示如何安装和设置Linux dash,这里所使用的web服务器是**Nginx**.
### 安装 ###
首先我们要启用[EPEL 仓库][1]。
sudo yum install nginx
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
sudo vim /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
. . .
listen = /var/run/php-fpm.sock
@ -73,25 +73,25 @@
sudo cp -r linux-dash/ /var/www/
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www
**接下来,重启 Nginx和php-fpm**
**接下来,重启 Nginx和php-fpm。**
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service php-fpm restart
sudo chkconfig nginx on
sudo chkconfig php-fpm on
在本例中,我们使用TCP端口8080配置linux-dash。因此确保防火墙没有阻止8080 TCP端口。
在本例中,我们使用TCP端口8080配置linux-dash。因此需确保防火墙没有阻止8080 TCP端口。
### 用linux-dash监控Linux服务器 ###


@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/install-linux-dash-web-based-monitoring-system-cento
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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
在Ubuntu 14.04 中修复无法修复回收站[快速提示]
在Ubuntu 14.04 中修复无法清空回收站的问题

### 问题 ###
**无法在Ubuntu 14.04中清空回收站的问题**。我右键回收站图标并选择清空回收站,就像我一直做的那样。我看到进度条显示删除文件中过了一段时间。但是它停止了,并且Nautilus文件管理也停止了。我不得不在终端中停止了它。
**我遇到了无法在Ubuntu 14.04中清空回收站的问题**。我右键回收站图标并选择清空回收站,就像我一直做的那样。我看到进度条显示删除文件中过了一段时间。但是它停止了,并且Nautilus文件管理也停止了。我不得不在终端中停止了它。
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
### 对你有用么? ###
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ via: http://itsfoss.com/fix-empty-trash-ubuntu/
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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Linux 有问必答:如何在Linux 中修复“fatal error: x264.h: No such fil
[x264][1]是GNU GPL授权的H.264/MPEG-4 AVC编码库。x264库被广泛用于视频编码/转码程序比如Avidemux、[FFmpeg][2]、 [HandBrake][3]、 OpenShot、 MEncode等等。
###在 Debian、 Ubuntu 或者 Linux Mint 中安装像x264库和开发文件 ###
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ RPM Fusion设置完成后,你可以使用下面的命令安装x264开发文件
$ sudo yum --enablerepo=rpmfusion-free install x264-devel
注意RPM Fusion仓库在CentOS 7中还没有,因此上面的方法在CentOS 7中还不可行。万一是CentOS 7 ,你可以从源码编译并安装x264,下面会解释的。
注意RPM Fusion仓库在CentOS 7中还没有,因此上面的方法在CentOS 7中还不可行。万一是CentOS 7 ,你可以从源码编译并安装x264,下面会解释的。
### 在Debian、 Ubuntu 或者 Linux Mint中源码编译x264库 ###
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ x264库将会安装在/usr/local/lib。要让其他程序可以使用这个库
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/fatal-error-x264-h-no-such-file-or-directory.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
游戏玩家的福音:在 Ubuntu 上安装开源 VoIP 应用 Mumble
Mumble是一个自由开源的VoIP应用,遵守New BSD License,主要面向的用户群体是玩家。运行起来类似于TeamSpeak和Ventrilo,用户通过连接到同一个服务器来实现相互通讯。
Mumble是一个自由开源的VoIP应用,在新的 BSD 许可证下发布,主要面向的用户群体是游戏玩家。运行起来类似于TeamSpeak和Ventrilo,用户通过连接到同一个服务器来实现相互通讯。
- 低延迟,这点对游戏相当重要
- 提供游戏中的可视插件,通过它你可以知道是谁正在和你通话并定位他们的位置
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ Mumble提供了如下的一些特性:



@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Mumble提供了如下的一些特性:
$ sudo apt-get install mumble

@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ Mumble提供了如下的一些特性:



@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ Mumble提供了如下的一些特性:
via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/install-mumble-ubuntu/
作者:[Adrian Dinu][a]
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@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ MariaDB是MySQL社区开发的分支,也是一个增强型的替代品。它
$ mysql -u root -p
输入mysql root用户的密码后,你将进入**mysql的命令行**
输入mysql 的 root 用户密码后,你将进入**mysql的命令行**
@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ MariaDB是MySQL社区开发的分支,也是一个增强型的替代品。它
$ mysqldump: Error: Binlogging on server not active

mysqldump error
*mysqldump error*
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ mysqldump error

$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
@ -77,17 +78,18 @@ mysqldump error
$ mysqldump --all-databases --user=root --password --master-data > backupdatabase.sql

dumping databases
*dumping databases*
### 2. 卸载MySQL ###
$ sudo cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf my.cnf.bak
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ dumping databases

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mariadb-server
@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ dumping databases

### 4. 恢复配置文件 ###
@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ dumping databases
$ mysql -u root -p
@ -152,15 +154,15 @@ dumping databases
### 总结 ###
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/migrate-mysql-mariadb-linux/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
BitTorrent Sync简称btsync,是一个基于BitTorrent(著名P2P文件分享协议)的免费跨平台同步工具。与传统BitTorrent客户端不同的是btsync用于传输加密和访问授权的是不同操作系统及设备中自动生成的键。
BitTorrent Sync简称btsync,是一个基于BitTorrent(著名P2P文件分享协议)的免费跨平台同步工具。与传统BitTorrent客户端不同的是,btsync可以在不同操作系统及设备之间加密数据传输和基于自动生成的密钥来授予访问共享文件的权限。
更具体点,当你想要通过btsync共享一些文件或文件夹,相应的读/写密钥(所谓的密码)就创建好了。这些密钥可以通过HTTPS链接,电子邮件,二维码等在不同的设备间共享传递。一旦两台设备通过一个密钥配对成功,其所对应的内容将会直接在其间同步。如果没有事先设置,传输将不会有文件大小和速度的限制。你可以在btsync中创建账号,这样你可以通过 web 界面来创建和管理通过网络分享的密钥和文件。
BitTorrent Sync可以在许多的操作系统上运行,包括Linux,MacOS X,Windows,在 [Android][1]和[iOS][2]上也可以使用。在这里,我们将教你在Linux环境(一台家用服务器)与Windows环境(一台笔记本电脑)之间如何使用BitTorrent Sync来同步文件。
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ BitTorrent Sync可以在许多的操作系统上运行,包括Linux,MacOS X
BitTorrent Sync可以在[项目主页][3]直接下载。由于Windows版本的BitTorrent Syn安装起来十分简单,所以我们假设笔记本上已经安装了。我们把焦点放到Linux服务器上的安装和配置。
@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ BitTorrent Sync可以在[项目主页][3]直接下载。由于Windows版本的Bi
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/btsync
### 配置Btsync ###
### 配置btsync ###
# btsync --dump-sample-config > btsync.config
@ -54,19 +54,21 @@ Btsync带有一个内置的网络服务器被用作其管理接口。想要使

如果你将来想要优化一下它的配置,可以看一下 /usr/local/bin/btsync 目录下的 README 文件,不过现在我们先继续下面的步骤。
### 第一次运行btsync ###
# touch /var/log/btsync.log
# btsync --config /usr/local/bin/btsync/btsync.config --log /var/log/btsync.log


@ -80,33 +82,29 @@ Btsync带有一个内置的网络服务器被用作其管理接口。想要使
现在这样就够了。在运行接下来的步骤之前,请先在Windows主机(或你想使用的其他Linux设备)上安装BitTorrent Sync。
### Btsync分享文件 ###
### btsync分享文件 ###
下方的视频将会展示如何在安装Windows8的电脑[]上分享现有的文件夹。在添加好想要同步的文件夹后,你会得到它的键,通过“Enter a key or link”菜单(上面的图已经展示过了)添加到你安装到的Linux机器上,并开始同步:
这个[视频][5](需要翻墙)展示了如何在安装Windows8的电脑[]上分享现有的文件夹。在添加好想要同步的文件夹后,你会得到它的密钥,通过“Enter a key or link”菜单(上面的图已经展示过了)添加到你安装到的Linux机器上,并开始同步。
<iframe width="615" height="346" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/f7kLM0lAqF4?feature=oembed"></iframe>
### 使用常规用户开机自动运行btsync ###
### 以常规用户开机自动运行btsync ###
你们可能注意到了,视频中在同步文件时是使用'root'组的用户创建/btsync目录的。那是因为我们使用超级用户手动启动BitTorrent Sync的原因。在通常情况下,你会希望它开机自动使用无权限用户(www_data或是专门为此创建的账户,例如btsync)启动。
所以,我们创建了一个叫做btsync的用户,并在/etc/rc.local文件(exit 0行前)添加如下字段:
所以,我们创建了一个叫做btsync的用户,并在/etc/rc.local文件(exit 0 这一行前)添加如下字段:
sudo -u btsync /usr/local/bin/btsync/btsync --config /usr/local/bin/btsync/btsync.config --log /var/log/btsync.log
# touch /usr/local/bin/btsync/.sync//sync.pid
# touch /usr/local/bin/btsync/.sync/sync.pid
并递归更改 /usr/local/bin/btsync的所属用户:
# chown -R btsync:root /usr/local/bin/btsync
Now reboot and verify that btsync is running as the intended user:

@ -114,7 +112,7 @@ Now reboot and verify that btsync is running as the intended user:
### 尾注 ###
如你所见,BitTorrent Sync对你几乎就像一个无服务器的Dropbox。我说“几乎”的原因是:当你在局域网内同步数据时,同步在两个设备之间直接进行。然而如果你想要跨网段同步数据,并且你的设备可能要穿过防火墙的限制来配对,那就只能通过一个提供BitTorrent的第三方中继服务器来完成同步传输。虽然声称传输经过 [AES加密][4],你还是可能遇到不想放生的状况。为了你的隐私着想,务必在你共享的每个文件夹中关掉中继/跟踪选项。
如你所见,BitTorrent Sync对你而言几乎就像一个无服务器的Dropbox。我说“几乎”的原因是:当你在局域网内同步数据时,同步在两个设备之间直接进行。然而如果你想要跨网段同步数据,并且你的设备可能要穿过防火墙的限制来配对,那就只能通过一个提供BitTorrent的第三方中继服务器来完成同步传输。虽然声称传输经过 [AES加密][4],你还是可能会遇到不想发生的状况。为了你的隐私着想,务必在你共享的每个文件夹中关掉中继/跟踪选项。
@ -123,8 +121,8 @@ Now reboot and verify that btsync is running as the intended user:
via: http://xmodulo.com/share-files-between-computers-over-network.html
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -133,3 +131,4 @@ via: http://xmodulo.com/share-files-between-computers-over-network.html
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
大家好,今天我们会学习如何在Linux PC或者服务器上找出和删除重复文件。这里有一款工具你可以工具自己的需要使用。
### FSlint ###
[FSlint][1] 在不同的Linux发行办二进制仓库中都有,包括Ubuntu、Debian、Fedora和Red Hat。只需你运行你的包管理器并安装“fslint”包就行。这个工具默认提供了一个简单的图形化界面,同样也有包含各种功能的命令行版本。
[FSlint][1] 在不同的Linux发行版二进制仓库中都有,包括Ubuntu、Debian、Fedora和Red Hat。只需你运行你的包管理器并安装“fslint”包就行。这个工具默认提供了一个简单的图形化界面,同样也有包含各种功能的命令行版本。
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Fedora:
sudo yum install fslint
For OpenSuse:
[ -f /etc/mandrake-release ] && pkg=rpm
[ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] && pkg=packages
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ For OpenSuse:

**注意** 的是命令行工具默认不在环境的路径中,你不能像典型的命令那样运行它。在Ubuntu中,你可以在/usr/share/fslint/fslint下找到它。因此,如果你要在一个单独的目录运行fslint完整扫描,下面是Ubuntu中的运行命令:
**注意** ,命令行工具默认不在环境的路径中,你不能像典型的命令那样运行它。在Ubuntu中,你可以在/usr/share/fslint/fslint下找到它。因此,如果你要在一个单独的目录运行fslint完整扫描,下面是Ubuntu中的运行命令:
cd /usr/share/fslint/fslint
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/file-system/find-remove-duplicate-files-linux/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
现在使用[树莓派摄像头模组][1]("raspi cam"),也可以像使用卡片相机那样,给拍摄的照片增加各种各样的图片特效。 raspistill命令行工具,为您的树莓派提供了丰富的图片特效选项,来美化处理你的图片。
你可以用[这3个命令行工具][2]来[抓取raspicam拍摄的照片或者视频][3],在这文章中将重点介绍其中的raspstill工具。raspstill工具提供了丰富的控制选项来处理图片,比如说:锐度(sharpness)、对比度(contrast)、亮度(brightness)、饱和度(saturation)、ISO、自动白平衡(AWB)、以及图片特效(image effect)等。
有[三个命令行工具][2]可以用于[抓取raspicam拍摄的照片或者视频][3],在这文章中将重点介绍其中的raspstill工具。raspstill工具提供了丰富的控制选项来处理图片,比如说:锐度(sharpness)、对比度(contrast)、亮度(brightness)、饱和度(saturation)、ISO、自动白平衡(AWB)、以及图片特效(image effect)等。
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ Python脚本很简单,如下所示 。
print "End of image capture"
The Python script operates as follows. First, create three array/list variable for the exposure, AWB and image effects. In the example, we use 2 types of exposure, 3 types of AWB, and 13 types of image effects values. Then make nested loops for applying the value of the three variables that we have. Inside the nested loop, execute the raspistill application. We specify (1) the output filename; (2) exposure value; (3) AWB value; (4) image effect value; (5) the time to take a photo, which is set to 1 second; and (6) the size of the photo, which is set to 640x480px. This Python script will create 78 different versions of a captured photo with a combination of 2 types of exposure, 3 types of AWB, and 13 types of image effects.
@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ The Python script operates as follows. First, create three array/list variable f
### 小福利 ###
除了使用raspistill命令行工具来操控raspicam摄像模组以外,还有其他的方法可以用哦。[Picamera][4]是一个python库,它提供了操控raspicam摄像模组的的API接口,这样就可以便捷地构建更加复杂的应用程序。如果你精通python,那么picamera一定是你的 hack 项目的好伙伴。picamera已经被默认集成到Raspbian最新版本的的镜像中。当然,如果你用的不是最新的Raspbian或者是使用其他的操作系统版本,你可以通过下面的方法来进行手动安装。
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ via: http://xmodulo.com/apply-image-effects-pictures-raspberrypi.html
作者:[Kristophorus Hadiono][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
如何通过简单的3步恢复Windows 7同时删除Ubuntu
### 说明 ###
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
### 删除Ubuntu系统需要的步骤 ###
@ -24,11 +24,10 @@
[点击查看如何使用Macrinum Reflect备份你的驱动][1]
### 步骤1 - 删除Grub启动菜单 ###
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@

@ -111,13 +110,13 @@
**注意: 注意一下.你的磁盘上可能有恢复分区。 不要删除恢复分区.。它们应该会被标记,将文件系统设置为NTFS或FAT32**
**注意: 注意一下.你的磁盘上可能有恢复分区。 不要删除恢复分区。它们应该有专门的卷标,文件系统也许是NTFS或FAT32**

@ -134,11 +133,12 @@



@ -165,13 +165,14 @@
via: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2015/01/how-to-recover-windows-7-and-delete.html
作者:Gary Newell
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Linux 有问必答: 如何在Ubuntu或者Debian中下载和安装ixgbe驱动
Linux 有问必答:如何在Ubuntu或者Debian中编译安装ixgbe驱动
> **提问**: 我想为我的Intel 10G网卡下载安装最新的ixgbe。我该如何在Ubuntu(或者Debian)中安装ixgbe驱动?
> **提问**: 我想为我的Intel 10G网卡下载安装最新的ixgbe驱动。我该如何在Ubuntu(或者Debian)中安装ixgbe驱动?
Intel的10G网卡(比如,82598、 82599、 x540)由ixgbe驱动支持。现代的Linux发版已经将ixgbe作为一个可加载模块。然而,有些情况你不想要你机器上的已经编译和安装的ixgbe驱动。比如,你想要体验ixbge驱动的最新特性。同样,自带内核中的ixgbe中的一个默认问题是不允许你自定义旭东内核参数。如果你想要完全自动一ixgbe驱动(比如 RSS、多队列、中断阈值等等),你需要手动从源码编译ixgbe驱动。
Intel的10G网卡(比如,82598、 82599、 x540)由ixgbe驱动支持。现代的Linux发行版已经带有了ixgbe驱动,通过可加载模块的方式使用。然而,有些情况你希望在你机器上的自己编译安装ixgbe驱动,比如,你想要体验ixbge驱动的最新特性时。同样,内核默认自带的ixgbe驱动中的一个问题是不允许你自定义驱动的参数。如果你想要一个完全定制的ixgbe驱动(比如 RSS、多队列、中断阈值等等),你需要手动从源码编译ixgbe驱动。
### 第一步: 安装前提 ###
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Intel的10G网卡(比如,82598、 82599、 x540)由ixgbe驱动支持。现
用modinfo命令检查内核模块的信息。注意你需要指定模块的绝对路径(比如 ./ixgbe.ko 或者 /home/xmodulo/ixgbe/ixgbe-3.23.2/src/ixgbe.ko)。输出中会显示ixgbe内核的版本。
用modinfo命令检查内核模块的信息。注意你需要指定模块文件的绝对路径(比如 ./ixgbe.ko 或者 /home/xmodulo/ixgbe/ixgbe-3.23.2/src/ixgbe.ko)。输出中会显示ixgbe内核的版本。
$ modinfo ./ixgbe.ko
@ -120,24 +120,24 @@ Intel的10G网卡(比如,82598、 82599、 x540)由ixgbe驱动支持。现
### 第五步: 安装Ixgbe驱动 ###
$ sudo make install
**ixgbe.ko** 接着会安装在/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe 下。
**ixgbe.ko** 会安装在/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbe 下。
$ sudo modprobe ixgbe
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/download-install-ixgbe-driver-ubuntu-debian.html
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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@

如果你可以看到最近所有通知的历史会很棒吧?是的,我知道这很棒。你可以在Ubuntu Unity或者Gnome中使用最近**通知小工具**来追踪所有的最近通知。

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-notifications
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ via: http://itsfoss.com/notifications-appindicator/
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
### 找出所有已安装的shell ###
@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
cat /etc/shells
@ -71,7 +73,8 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
图3:Bash shell嵌套层级(子shell数目)
*图3:Bash shell嵌套层级(子shell数目)*
### 通过chsh命令永久变更系统shell ###
@ -83,9 +86,9 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
sudo chsh -s /bin/ksh userNameHere
### 查看当前的环境 ###
### 查看当前的环境变量 ###
env | more
@ -118,7 +121,8 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
下面是bash shell里一些常见变量的列表:

> **注意**:下面这些环境变量没事不要乱改。很可能会造成不稳定的shell会话:
@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
### 增加或设定一个新变量 ###
### 增加或设定一个新环境变量 ###
@ -225,7 +229,8 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
@ -241,7 +246,7 @@ Shell入门:掌握Linux,OS X,Unix的Shell环境
sudo cp -v /etc/bashrc /etc/bashrc.bak.22_jan_15
## 然后,随心所欲随便改吧,好好玩玩shell环境或者提高一下效率:) ##
## 然后,随心所欲随便改吧,好好玩玩shell环境或者提高一下效率:) ##
sudo vim /etc/bashrc
@ -326,14 +331,15 @@ zsh的[wiki][6]中建议用下面的命令:
图6:在bash shell中使用history命令查看会话历史
*图6:在bash shell中使用history命令查看会话历史*
ls -l /foo/bar
在以上的历史记录中查看命令#93 (hddtemp /dev/sda),输入:
在以上的历史记录中找到命令#93 (hddtemp /dev/sda),输入:
@ -483,7 +489,7 @@ Bash/ksh/zsh函数允许你更进一步地配置shell环境。在这个例子中
source /etc/bash_completio
source /etc/bash_completion
#### #2: 设定bash命令提示符 ####
@ -511,7 +517,7 @@ Bash/ksh/zsh函数允许你更进一步地配置shell环境。在这个例子中
# 为命令历史文件增加时间戳
# 附加到命令历史文件,俄不是覆盖
# 附加到命令历史文件,而不是覆盖
shopt -s histappend
#### #5: 设定shell会话的时区 ####
@ -561,7 +567,7 @@ Bash/ksh/zsh函数允许你更进一步地配置shell环境。在这个例子中
# 清理那些.DS_Store文件
alias dsclean='find . -type f -name .DS_Store -delete'
#### #8: 让世界充满色彩 ####
#### #8: 寡人好色 ####
# 彩色的grep输出
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
@ -669,7 +675,7 @@ via: http://www.cyberciti.biz/howto/shell-primer-configuring-your-linux-unix-osx
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published/201503/20150126 CD Audio Grabbers--Graphical Based.md
Normal file
published/201503/20150126 CD Audio Grabbers--Graphical Based.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
4 个图形界面的 CD 音频抓取器
CD音频抓取器设计用来从光盘中提取(“RIP”)原始数字音频(通常被称为 CDDA 格式)并把它保存成文件或以其他形式输出。这类软件使用户能把数字音频编码成各种格式,并可以从在线光盘数据库 freedb 中下载或上传光盘信息。
在某种程度上,提取CD音轨看起来有点多余。如[Spotify][5]和Google Play Music这类流媒体服务提供了一个巨大的以通用格式的音乐的库,无需采集你的CD集。但是,如果你已将收藏了一个数量巨大的CD集。能把你的CD转换成可以在便携设备如智能手机、平板和便携式MP3播放器上播放的格式仍然是个诱人的选择。

fre:ac是个开源的音频转换器和CD提取器,支持很多种流行格式和编码器。目前这个应用可以在MA3、MP4/M4A、WMA、Ogg Vorbis、FLAC、AAC、WAV和Bonk格式间转换。这来源于几种不同形式的LAME编码器。
#### 功能包括: ####
- 易学易用
- MP3、MP4/M4A、WMA、Ogg Vorbis、FLAC、AAC、WAV和Bonk格式转换器
- 集成了CDDB/freedb标题数据库支持的CD提取器
- 多核优化的编码器加速了现代PC上的转换速度
- 对于标签和文件名称的全Unicode支持
- 易学易用,而当你需要时还提供专家级选项
- 任务列表
- 可以使用Winamp 2输入插件
- 多语言用户界面支持41种语言
- 网址: [freac.org][1]
- 开发人员:Robert Kausch
- 许可证: GNU GPL v2
- 版本号: 20141005

它的助手可以为LAME、OGG Vorbis(oggenc)、FLAC、FAAC(AAC/MP4)和RIFF WAVE等格式创建配置文件。除了这个助手,你也可以定义你自己的配置文件,这意味着,Audex适用于大部分的命令行编码器。
#### 功能包括: ####
- 可提取CDDA Paranoia
- 提取和编码同时进行
- 文件名采用本地和远程的CDDB/FreeDB数据库
- 可以提交到CDDB/FreeDB数据库
- 类似capitalize的元数据纠正工具
- 多配置文件提取(每个配置文件文件有一个命令行编码器)
- 从互联网上抓取封面并将他们存在数据库中
- 在目标目录中创建播放列表、封面和基于模板的信息文件
- 创建提取和编码协议
- 将文件传送到FTP服务器
- 支持国际化
- 网址: [kde.maniatek.com/audex][2]
- 开发人员: Marco Nelles
- 许可证: GNU GPL v3
- 版本号: 0.79
###Sound Juicer

Sound Juicer是个使用GTK+和GStreamer开发的轻量级CD提取器。它从CD中提取音频并把它转换成音频文件。Sound Juicer还可以直接播放CD中的音轨,在提取前提供预览。
它支持任何GStreamer插件所支持的音频编码,包括 MP3、Ogg Vorbis、FLAC和未压缩的PCM格式。
#### 功能包括: ####
- 自动通过CDDB给音轨加标签
- 可编码成ogg/vorbis、FLAC和原始WAV
- 编码路径的设置很简单
- 多种风格流派
- 国际化支持
- 网址:[burtonini.com][3]
- 开发人员: Ross Burton
- 许可证:GNU GPL v2
- 版本号:3.14

#### 功能包括: ####
- 非常简单易用
- 可以把CD音轨提取成WAV、MP3、OGG或FLAC文件
- 支持CDDB查找
- 支持ID3v2标签
- 可暂停提取进程
- 网址:[sourceforge.net/projects/ripperx][4]
- 开发人员:Marc André Tanner
- 许可证:MIT/X Consortium License
- 版本号:2.8.0
作者:Frazer Kline
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
如何不用重启在CentOS 7/ RHEL 7中添加一块新硬盘
如何不用重启在CentOS 7/ RHEL 7虚拟机中添加一块新硬盘
通常在你在虚拟机中添加一块新硬盘时,你可能会看到新硬盘没有自动加载。这是因为连接到硬盘的SCSI总线需要重新扫描来使得新硬盘可见。这里有一个简单的命令来重新扫描SCSI总线和SCSI设备。下面这几步在CentOS 7 和RHEL 7 中测试过。
1. 在ESXi或者vCenter中添加一块新的20G硬盘:


2. 显示当前磁盘分区:
[root@centos7 ~]# fdisk -l
[root@centos7 ~]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 32.2 GB, 32212254720 bytes, 62914560 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
@ -33,20 +34,22 @@
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
3. 确定主机总线号
[root@centos7 ~]# ls /sys/class/scsi_host/
host0 host1 host2
[root@centos7 ~]# ls /sys/class/scsi_host/
host0 host1 host2
4. 重新扫描SCSI总线来添加设备
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/scan
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host1/scan
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan
5. 验证磁盘和分区并确保20GB硬盘已经添加了。在本例中,出现了下面这行 “Disk /dev/sdb: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytes, 41943040 sectors” 并且确认新盘添加后没有重启服务器:
5. 验证磁盘和分区并确保20GB硬盘已经添加了。在本例中,出现了下面这行 “`Disk /dev/sdb: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytes, 41943040 sectors`” 并且可以确认没有重启服务器就添加了新盘:
[root@centos7 ~]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 32.2 GB, 32212254720 bytes, 62914560 sectors
@ -76,14 +79,14 @@
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
via: http://www.ehowstuff.com/how-to-add-a-new-hard-disk-without-rebooting-on-centos-7-rhel-7/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
怎样在 Linux 中限制网络带宽
怎样在 Linux 中限制网络带宽使用
假如你经常在 Linux 桌面上运行多个网络应用,或在家中让多台电脑共享带宽;(这时,)你可能想更好地控制带宽的使用。否则,当你使用下载器下载一个大文件时,交互式 SSH 会话可能会变得缓慢以至不可用;或者当你通过 Dropbox 来同步一个大文件夹时,你的室友可能会抱怨在她的电脑上,视频流变得断断续续。
假如你经常在 Linux 桌面上运行多个网络应用,或在家中让多台电脑共享带宽;那么你可能想更好地控制带宽的使用。否则,当你使用下载器下载一个大文件时,交互式 SSH 会话可能会变得缓慢以至不可用;或者当你通过 Dropbox 来同步一个大文件夹时,你的室友可能会抱怨在她的电脑上,视频流变得断断续续。
在本教程中,我将为你描述两种 在 Linux 中限制网络流量速率的不同方法。
在本教程中,我将为你描述两种在 Linux 中限制网络流量速率的不同方法。
### 在 Linux 中限制一个应用的速率 ###
限制网络流量速率的一种方法是通过一个名为[trickle][1]的命令行工具。通过在程序运行时,预先加载一个 速率限制 socket 库 的方法,trickle 命令允许你改变任意一个特定程序的流量。 关于 trickle 命令的一个很好的特征是 它仅在用户空间中运行,这意味着,你不必需要 root 权限来达到限制一个程序的带宽使用的目的。为了与 trickle 程序兼容,这个特定程序必须使用没有静态链接库的套接字接口。当你想对一个不具有内置带宽控制功能的程序进行速率限制时,trickle 可以帮得上忙。
限制网络流量速率的一种方法是通过一个名为[trickle][1]的命令行工具。通过在程序运行时,预先加载一个速率限制 socket 库 的方法,trickle 命令允许你改变任意一个特定程序的流量。 trickle 命令有一个很好的特性是它仅在用户空间中运行,这意味着,你不必需要 root 权限就可以限制一个程序的带宽使用。要能使用 trickle 程序控制程序的带宽,这个程序就必须使用非静态链接库的套接字接口。当你想对一个不具有内置带宽控制功能的程序进行速率限制时,trickle 可以帮得上忙。
在 Ubuntu,Debian 及其衍生发行版中安装 trickle :
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ $ sudo apt-get install trickle
$ sudo yum install trickle
trickle 的基本使用方法如下。仅需简单地把 trickle 命令(带有速率参数)放在你想运行的命令之前。
trickle 的基本使用方法如下。仅需简单地把 trickle 命令(及速率参数)放在你想运行的命令之前。
$ trickle -d <download-rate> -u <upload-rate> <command>
$ trickle -d <download-rate> -u <upload-rate> <command>
这就可以将 `<command>` 的下载和上传速率限定为特定值(单位 KBytes/s)。
@ -34,27 +34,27 @@ $ trickle -d <download-rate> -u <upload-rate> <command>
$ trickle -u 100 scp backup.tgz alice@remote_host.com:
如若你想,你可以使用下面的命令为你的 Firefox 浏览器设定最大下载速率(e.g. , 300 KB/s),通过产生一个[自定义启动器][3]的方式。
如若你想,你可以通过创建一个[自定义启动器][3]的方式,使用下面的命令为你的 Firefox 浏览器设定最大下载速率(例如, 300 KB/s)。
trickle -d 300 firefox %u
最后, trickle 也可以 以守护进程模式运行,在该模式下,它将会限制所有通过 trickle 启动且正在运行的程序的总的带宽和。 启动 trickle 使其作为一个守护进程(i.e., trickled):
最后, trickle 也可以以守护进程模式运行,在该模式下,它将会限制所有通过 trickle 启动且正在运行的程序的总带宽之和。 启动 trickle 使其作为一个守护进程(例如, trickled):
$ sudo trickled -d 1000
一旦 trickled 守护进程在后台运行,你便可以通过 trickle 命令来启动其他程序。假如你通过 trickle 启动一个程序,那么这个程序的最大下载速率将是 1000 KB/s, 假如你再通过 trickle 启动了另一个程序,则每个程序的(下载)速率极限将会被限制为 500 KB/s, 等等。
一旦 trickled 守护进程在后台运行,你便可以通过 trickle 命令来启动其他程序。假如你通过 trickle 启动一个程序,那么这个程序的最大下载速率将是 1000 KB/s, 假如你再通过 trickle 启动了另一个程序,则每个程序的(下载)速率极限将会被限制为 500 KB/s,等等。
### 在 Linux 中限制一个网络接口的速率 ###
另一种控制你的带宽资源的方式是在每一个接口上限制带宽。这在你与其他人分享你的网络连接的上行带宽时尤为实用。同其他一样,Linux 有一个工具来为你做这件事。[wondershaper][4]恰好执行限制网络接口速率的任务。
另一种控制你的带宽资源的方式是在每一个接口上限制带宽。这在你与其他人分享你的网络连接的上行带宽时尤为实用。同其他一样,Linux 有一个工具来为你做这件事。[wondershaper][4]就是干这个的。
wondershaper 实际上是一个 shell 脚本,它使用 [tc][5] 来定义流量调整命令,使用 QoS 来处理特定的网络接口。通过放置被赋予不同的优先级的传出流量在一个队列中,达到限制传出流量速率的目的, 而传入流量通过丢包的方式来达到速率限制的目的。
wondershaper 实际上是一个 shell 脚本,它使用 [tc][5] 来定义流量调整命令,使用 QoS 来处理特定的网络接口。外发流量通过放在不同优先级的队列中,达到限制传出流量速率的目的;而传入流量通过丢包的方式来达到速率限制的目的。
事实上, wondershaper 的既定目标不仅仅是对一个接口增加其带宽上限;当批量下载或上传正在进行时,wondershaper 还试图去保持互动性会话如SSH 的低延迟。同样的,它还确保批量上传(e.g. , Dropbox 的同步)不会使得下载“窒息”,反之亦然。
事实上, wondershaper 的既定目标不仅仅是对一个接口增加其带宽上限;当批量下载或上传正在进行时,wondershaper 还试图去保持互动性会话如 SSH 的低延迟。同样的,它还会控制批量上传(例如, Dropbox 的同步)不会使得下载“窒息”,反之亦然。
在 Ubuntu Debian 及其衍生发行版本 中安装 wondershaper:
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ wondershaper 实际上是一个 shell 脚本,它使用 [tc][5] 来定义流量
$ sudo apt-get install wondershaper
在 Fdora 或 CentOS/RHEL (带有 [EPEL 软件仓库][2]) 中安装 wondershaper:(注:这里 链接 2 和 6 一样,可以删除其中之一)
在 Fdora 或 CentOS/RHEL (带有 [EPEL 软件仓库][2]) 中安装 wondershaper:
$ sudo yum install wondershaper
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ $ sudo wondershaper clear eth0
### 总结 ###
在本教程中,我介绍了两种不同的方法,来达到如何在 Linux 桌面环境中,控制每个应用或每个接口的带宽使用的目的。 这些工具对用户都及其友好,都为用户提供了一个快速且容易的方式来调整或限制流量。 对于那些想更多地了解如何在 Linux 中进行速率控制的读者,请参考 [the Linux bible][7].
在本教程中,我介绍了两种不同的方法,来达到如何在 Linux 桌面环境中,控制每个应用或每个接口的带宽使用的目的。 这些工具的使用都很简单,都为用户提供了一个快速且容易的方式来调整或限制流量。 对于那些想更多地了解如何在 Linux 中进行速率控制的读者,请参考 [the Linux bible][7].
@ -98,15 +98,15 @@ via: http://xmodulo.com/limit-network-bandwidth-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Linux 基础:如何在Ubuntu上检查是否已经安装了一个包
Linux 基础:如何在Ubuntu上检查一个软件包是否安装


如果你正在管理Debian或者Ubuntu服务器,你也许会经常使用**dpkg** 或者 **apt-get**命令。这两个命令用来安装、卸载和更新包。
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Linux 基础:如何在Ubuntu上检查是否已经安装了一个包
ii firefox 35.0+build3-0ubuntu0.14 amd64 Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla
dpkg --get-selections
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Linux 基础:如何在Ubuntu上检查是否已经安装了一个包
libgcc1:amd64 install
libgcc1:i386 install
dpkg -L gcc-4.8
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-basics-check-package-installed-not-ubuntu/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
如何在CentOS 7.0上为Subverison安装Websvn
如何在CentOS 7.0 安装 Websvn
大家好,今天我们会在CentOS 7.0 上为subversion安装WebSVN。
大家好,今天我们会在CentOS 7.0 上为 subversion(SVN)安装Web 界面 WebSVN。(subverion 是 apache 的顶级项目,也称为 Apache SVN 或 SVN)
WebSVN 将 Svbverion 的操作你的仓库的各种功能通过 Web 界面提供出来。通过它,我们可以看到任何给定版本的任何文件或者目录的日志,并且可看到所有文件改动、添加、删除的列表。我们同样可以查看两个版本间的差异来知道特定版本改动了什么。
### 特性 ###
@ -12,20 +11,20 @@ WebSVN提供了下面这些特性:
- 易于使用的用户界面
- 可定制的模板系统
- 色彩化的文件列表
- blame 视图
- 追溯视图
- 日志信息查询
- RSS支持
- [更多][1]
现在我们将为Subverison(Apache SVN)安装WebSVN。请确保你的服务器上已经安装了Apache SVN。如果你还没有安装,你可以在本教程中安装。
现在我们将为Subverison安装WebSVN。请确保你的服务器上已经安装了 SVN。如果你还没有安装,你可以按[本教程][2]安装。
After you installed Apache SVN(Subversion), you'll need to follow the easy steps below.安装完Apache SVN(Subversion)后,你需要以下几步。
### 1. 下载 WebSVN ###
你可以从官方网站 http://www.websvn.info/download/ 中下载 WebSVN。我们首先进入 /var/www/html/ 并在这里下载安装包。
$ sudo -s
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ After you installed Apache SVN(Subversion), you'll need to follow the easy steps

这里,我下载的是最新的2.3.3版本的 websvn。你可以从上面这个网站找到下载链接,用适合你的包的链接来替换上面的链接。
### 2. 解压下载的zip ###
@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ After you installed Apache SVN(Subversion), you'll need to follow the easy steps
### 4. 编辑WebSVN配置 ###
现在,我们需要拷贝位于 /var/www/html/websvn/include 的 distconfig.php 为 config.php,并且接着编辑该配置文件。
# cd /var/www/html/websvn/include
@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ After you installed Apache SVN(Subversion), you'll need to follow the easy steps
# nano config.php
// Configure these lines if your commands aren't on your path.
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ After you installed Apache SVN(Subversion), you'll need to follow the easy steps
# systemctl restart httpd.service
接着我们在浏览器中打开WebSVN,输入 http:// IP地址/websvn ,或者你在本地的话,你可以输入 http://localhost/websvn 。

@ -108,7 +107,9 @@ After you installed Apache SVN(Subversion), you'll need to follow the easy steps
### 总结 ###
好了,我们已经在CentOS 7上哇安城WebSVN的安装了。这个教程同样适用于RHEL 7。WebSVN提供了Svbverion中的各种方法来查看你的仓库。你可以看到任何给定版本的任何文件或者目录的日志并且看到所有文件改动、添加、删除的列表。如果你有任何问题、评论、反馈请在下面的评论栏中留下,来让我们知道该添加什么和改进。谢谢!享受WebSVN吧。:-)
好了,我们已经在CentOS 7上完成WebSVN的安装了。这个教程同样适用于RHEL 7。WebSVN 提供了 Subverion 中的各种功能来查看你的仓库。你可以看到任何给定版本的任何文件或者目录的日志,并且看到所有文件改动、添加、删除的列表。
如果你有任何问题、评论、反馈请在下面的评论栏中留下,来让我们知道该添加什么和改进。谢谢! 用用看吧。:-)
@ -116,9 +117,10 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/install-websvn-subversion-centos-7/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Linux 基础:在CentOS 7上给一个网卡分配多个IP地址
在CentOS 7上给一个网卡分配多个IP地址
有时你也许想要给一个网卡多个地址。你该怎么做呢?另外买一个网卡来分配地址?不用这么做(只要在小型网络中)。我们现在可以再CentOS/RHEL 7中给一个网卡分配多个ip地址。想知道怎么做么?好的,跟随我,这并不难。
有时你也许想要给一个网卡多个地址。你该怎么做呢?另外买一个网卡来分配地址?在小型网络中其实不用这么做。我们现在可以在CentOS/RHEL 7中给一个网卡分配多个ip地址。想知道怎么做么?好的,跟随我,这并不难。
首先,让我们找到网卡的IP地址。在我的CentOS 7服务器中,我只使用了一个网卡。
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ Linux 基础:在CentOS 7上给一个网卡分配多个IP地址
Finally, save and close the file. Restart network service to take effect the changes.
systemctl restart network
@ -172,11 +171,9 @@ Finally, save and close the file. Restart network service to take effect the cha
ping -c 4
@ -202,7 +199,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-basics-assign-multiple-ip-addresses-single-net
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@ -2,16 +2,11 @@ Linux 下最为人熟知的归档/压缩工具
gzip, gunzip
bzip2, bunzip2
### Tar ###
Tar 由 'Tape archiver' 衍生而来,最初被用来在磁带上归档和存储文件。Tar 是一个 GNU 软件,它可以压缩一组文件(归档),或提取它们以及对已经存在的压缩文件进行相关操作。在存储、备份以及转移文件方面,它是很有帮助的。在创建归档文件时,Tar 可以保持原有文件和目录结构不变。通过 Tar 归档的文件的后缀名为 ‘.tar’。
Tar 由 'Tape archiver(磁带归档器)' 衍生而来,最初被用来在磁带上归档和存储文件。Tar 是一个 GNU 软件,它可以压缩一组文件(归档),或提取它们以及对已有的归档文件进行相关操作。在存储、备份以及传输文件方面,它是很有用的。在创建归档文件时,Tar 可以保持原有文件和目录结构不变。通过 Tar 归档的文件的后缀名为 ‘.tar’。
#### a) 创建归档 (c / --create) ####
@ -23,7 +18,7 @@ Tar 由 'Tape archiver' 衍生而来,最初被用来在磁带上归档和存

#### b) 列出归档文件内容 ( t / --list) ####
@ -31,7 +26,7 @@ Tar 由 'Tape archiver' 衍生而来,最初被用来在磁带上归档和存

#### c) 提取归档 (x / --extract) ####
@ -41,45 +36,45 @@ Tar 由 'Tape archiver' 衍生而来,最初被用来在磁带上归档和存


#### d) 对归档进行更新 ( u / --update) ####
#### d) 对归档文件进行更新 ( u / --update) ####
tar uvf archive.tar newfile.c - 假如归档的版本比先前存在的版本新,通过添加文件 newfile.c 来更新归档.
tar uvf archive.tar newfile.c - 假如归档的newfile.c 要比先前已经归档的新,则添加更新的 newfile.c 到归档里面.

#### e) 从归档中删除文件 (--delete) ####
tar--delete -f archive.tar file1.c - 从压缩包'archive.tar' 中删除文件'file1.c'
tar --delete -f archive.tar file1.c - 从压缩包'archive.tar' 中删除文件'file1.c'

更加具体的使用方法请参考[tar 主页][1]。
### Gzip / Gunzip ###
Gzip 代表 GNU zip,它是一个被广泛用于 Linux 操作系统中的压缩应用,被其压缩的文件的后缀名为'*.gz' 。
Gzip 即 GNU zip,它是一个被广泛用于 Linux 操作系统中的压缩应用,被其压缩的文件的后缀名为'*.gz' 。
** 基本用法 **
#### a) 压缩文件 ####
gzip file(s)

通常在压缩完成后,它会将原来的文件删除。我们可以使用 `-c` 选项来保留原来的文件。
@ -87,7 +82,7 @@ Gzip 代表 GNU zip,它是一个被广泛用于 Linux 操作系统中的压缩

@ -95,7 +90,7 @@ Gzip 代表 GNU zip,它是一个被广泛用于 Linux 操作系统中的压缩

#### b) 检查压缩比 ####
@ -105,17 +100,17 @@ Gzip 代表 GNU zip,它是一个被广泛用于 Linux 操作系统中的压缩

#### c) 解压文件 ####
Gunzip 被用来解压文件,在这里,原有文件在被解压后同样会被删除。使用 `-c`选项来保留原始文件。
Gunzip 用来解压文件,在这里,原有的(压缩)文件在被解压后同样会被删除。使用 `-c`选项来保留原始文件。
gunzip -c archieve.gz

gzip 加上'-d'选项 和 gunzip 对压缩文件有同样的效果。
@ -125,47 +120,50 @@ gzip 加上'-d'选项 和 gunzip 对压缩文件有同样的效果。
同 gzip 一样,[Bzip2][3] 也是一个压缩工具,与其他传统的工具相比,它可以将文件压缩到更小,但其缺点为:运行速度比 gzip 慢。
** 基本用法 **
#### a) 压缩文件 ####
一般情况下,针对压缩而言,Bzip2 没有选项可供选择,将被压缩的文件被传递为它的参数。每个文件被单独压缩,且压缩文件以 'bz2' 为后缀名。
一般情况下,针对压缩而言,Bzip2 不用什么选项,将被压缩的文件被传递为它的参数。每个文件被单独压缩,且压缩文件以 'bz2' 为后缀名。
bzip2 file1 file2 file3

使用 '-k' 选项可以使得 在压缩或解压缩之后保留原有的文件。
使用 '-k' 选项可以使得在压缩或解压缩之后保留原有的文件。

'-d' 选项被用来强制解压缩。
#### b) 解压 ####
'-d' 选项被用来解压缩。

使用 -d 选项删除文件 (!! 注:我(FSSlc)认为 这里的图片说明有误,可以参考 manpage或bzip 的官网来校对一下。)
*使用 -d 选项解压缩文件*
#### b) 解压 ####
也可以使用 bunzip2 来解压缩。
bunzip2 filename

bunzip2 可以解压后缀名为 bz2, bz, tbz2 和 tbz 的文件。带有 tbz2 和 tbz 的文件在压缩后,后缀名将变为'.tar' 。
bzip2 -dc 执行解压文件到标准输出的功能。
bzip2 -dc - 执行解压文件到标准输出的功能。
### 7-zip ###
[7-zip][4] 是另一个开源压缩软件。它使用 7z 这种新的压缩格式,并支持高压缩比。因此,它被认为是比先前提及的压缩工具更好的软件。在 Linux 下,可以通过 p7zip 软件包得到,该软件包里包含 3 个二进制文件 – 7z, 7za 和 7zr,读者可以参考 [p7zip wiki][5] 来了解这三个二进制文件之间的不同。在本篇中,我们将使用 7zr 来解释 7-zip 的用法。归档文件以 '.7z' 为后缀名。
[7-zip][4] 是另一个开源压缩软件。它使用 7z 这种新的压缩格式,并支持高压缩比。因此,它被认为是比先前提及的压缩工具更好的软件。在 Linux 下,可以通过 p7zip 软件包得到,该软件包里包含 3 个二进制文件: 7z, 7za 和 7zr,读者可以参考 [p7zip wiki][5] 来了解这三个二进制文件之间的不同。在本篇中,我们将使用 7zr 来解释 7-zip 的用法。归档文件以 '.7z' 为后缀名。
** 基本用法 **
#### a) 创建归档 ####
@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ bunzip2 可以解压后缀名为 bz2, bz, tbz2 和 tbz 的文件。带有 tbz2

#### b) 列出归档包含文件 ####
@ -181,7 +179,7 @@ bunzip2 可以解压后缀名为 bz2, bz, tbz2 和 tbz 的文件。带有 tbz2

#### c) 提取归档文件 ####
@ -189,7 +187,7 @@ bunzip2 可以解压后缀名为 bz2, bz, tbz2 和 tbz 的文件。带有 tbz2

#### d) 更新归档文件 ####
@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ bunzip2 可以解压后缀名为 bz2, bz, tbz2 和 tbz 的文件。带有 tbz2

#### e) 从归档文件中删除文件 ####
@ -205,11 +203,11 @@ bunzip2 可以解压后缀名为 bz2, bz, tbz2 和 tbz 的文件。带有 tbz2


@ -217,7 +215,7 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/tools/linux-compress-decompress-tools/
作者:[B N Poornima][a]
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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ via: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-protect-ubuntu-server-against-the-ghost-vu
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@ -1,41 +1,40 @@
在linux中创建和解压文档的11个 tar 命令例子
### linux中的tar命令###
常见的文件扩展包括:.tar.gz 和 .tar.bz2, 分别表示通过gzip或bzip算法进一步压缩的磁带归档文件扩展。
其常见的文件扩展包括:.tar.gz 和 .tar.bz2, 分别表示通过了gzip或bzip算法进一步进行了压缩。
### 使用tar命令###
> tar命令具有两个压缩格式,gzip和bzip,该命令的“z”选项用来指定gzip,“j”选项用来指定bzip。同时也可哟用来创建非压缩归档文件。
> tar命令具有两个压缩格式,gzip和bzip,该命令的“z”选项用来指定gzip,“j”选项用来指定bzip。同时也可以创建非压缩归档文件。
#### 1.解压一个tar.gz归档 ####
#### 1.解压一个tar.gz归档 ####
$ tar -xvzf tarfile.tar.gz
> x - 解压文件
> v - 繁琐,在解压每个文件时打印出文件的名称。
> v - 冗长模式,在解压每个文件时打印出文件的名称。
> z - 该文件是一个使用 gzip压缩的文件。
> z - 该文件是一个使用 gzip 压缩的文件。
> f - 使用接下来的tar归档来进行操作。
**解压 tar.bz2/bzip 归档文件 **
**解压 tar.bz2/bzip 归档文件**
$ tar -xvjf archivefile.tar.bz2
@ -47,25 +46,25 @@ tar命令在大部分linux系统默认情况下都是可用的,所以你不用
####3. 解压出单个文件 ####
####3. 提取出单个文件 ####
$ tar -xz -f abc.tar.gz "./new/abc.txt"
$ tar -xv -f abc.tar.gz "./new/cde.txt" "./new/abc.txt"
$ tar -xz -f abc.tar.gz "./new/cde.txt" "./new/abc.txt"
#### 4.使用通配符来解压多个文件 ####
$ tar -xv -f abc.tar.gz --wildcards "*.txt"
$ tar -xz -f abc.tar.gz --wildcards "*.txt"
#### 5. 列出并检索tar归档文件中的内容 ####
#### 5. 列出并检索tar归档文件中的内容 ####
如果你仅仅想要列出而不是解压tar归档文件的中的内容,使用“-t”选项, 下面的命令用来打印一个使用gzip压缩过的tar归档文件中的内容。
如果你仅仅想要列出而不是解压tar归档文件的中的内容,使用“-t”(test)选项, 下面的命令用来打印一个使用gzip压缩过的tar归档文件中的内容。
$ tar -tz -f abc.tar.gz
@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ tar命令在大部分linux系统默认情况下都是可用的,所以你不用
将输出通过管道定向到grep来搜索一个文件或者定向到less命令来浏览内容列表。 使用"v"繁琐选项将会打印出每个文件的额外详细信息。
可以将输出通过管道定向到grep来搜索一个文件,或者定向到less命令来浏览内容列表。 使用"v"冗长选项将会打印出每个文件的额外详细信息。
对于 tar.bz2/bzip文件,需要使用"j"选项。
@ -84,11 +83,10 @@ tar命令在大部分linux系统默认情况下都是可用的,所以你不用
$ tar -tvz -f abc.tar.gz | grep abc.txt
-rw-rw-r-- enlightened/enlightened 0 2015-01-13 11:40 ./new/abc.txt
#### 6.创建一个tar/tar.gz归档文件 ####
#### 6.创建一个tar/tar.gz归档文件 ####
$ tar -cvf abc.tar ./new/
@ -102,14 +100,13 @@ tar命令在大部分linux系统默认情况下都是可用的,所以你不用
$ tar -cvzf abc.tar.gz ./new/
> 文件的扩展名其实并不真正有什么影响。“tar.gz” 和tgz是gzip压缩算法压缩文件的常见扩展名。 “tar.bz2”和“tbz”是bzip压缩算法压缩文件的常见扩展名。
> 文件的扩展名其实并不真正有什么影响。“tar.gz” 和“tgz”是gzip压缩算法压缩文件的常见扩展名。 “tar.bz2”和“tbz”是bzip压缩算法压缩文件的常见扩展名(LCTT 译注:归档是否是压缩的和采用哪种压缩方式并不取决于其扩展名,扩展名只是为了便于辨识。)。
#### 7. 在添加文件之前进行确认 ####
# 添加指定文件
@ -137,7 +134,7 @@ tar命令在大部分linux系统默认情况下都是可用的,所以你不用
#### 9. 将文件加入到压缩的归档文件中(tar.gz/tar.bz2) ####
$ gunzip archive.tar.gz
$ tar -rf archive.tar ./path/to/file
@ -147,16 +144,15 @@ tar命令在大部分linux系统默认情况下都是可用的,所以你不用
#### 10.通过tar来进行备份 ####
一个真实的场景是在规则的间隔内来备份目录,tar命令可以通过cron调度来实现这样的一个备份,以下是一个样例 -
一个真实的场景是在固定的时间间隔内来备份目录,tar命令可以通过cron调度来实现这样的一个备份,以下是一个样例 :
$ tar -cvz -f archive-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz ./new/
使用cron来运行上述的命令会保持创建类似以下名称的备份文件 -
使用cron来运行上述的命令会保持创建类似以下名称的备份文件 :'archive-20150218.tar.gz'。
#### 11. 在创建归档文件是进行验证 ####
#### 11. 在创建归档文件时进行验证 ####
@ -174,9 +170,9 @@ tar命令在大部分linux系统默认情况下都是可用的,所以你不用
Verify ./new/newfile.txt
Verify ./new/abc.txt
现在就先到此为止,可以通过“man tar”命令来查看tar命令的的手册。
这次就先到此为止,可以通过“man tar”命令来查看tar命令的的手册。
@ -184,7 +180,7 @@ via: http://www.binarytides.com/linux-tar-command/
作者:[Silver Moon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
通常,大多数默认设置安装的web服务器存在信息泄露,这其中之一就是PHP。PHP 是如今流行的服务端html嵌入式语言(之一?)。在如今这个充满挑战的时代,有许多攻击者会尝试发现你服务端的漏洞。因此,我会简单描述如何在Linux服务器中隐藏PHP信息。
[root@centos66 ~]# vi /etc/php.ini
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache
更改并重启 Web 服务后,php就不会在web服务头中显示版本了:
[root@centos66 ~]# curl -I http://www.ehowstuff.com/
```[root@centos66 ~]# curl -I http://www.ehowstuff.com/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ X-Pingback: http://www.ehowstuff.com/xmlrpc.php
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 14:10:43 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache
有任何需要帮助的请到twiiter @ehowstuff,或在下面留下你的评论。[点此获取更多历史文章][1]
LCTT译注:除了 PHP 的版本之外,Web 服务器也会默认泄露版本号。如果使用 Apache 服务器,请[参照此文章关闭Apache 版本显示][2];如果使用 Nginx 服务器,请在 http 段内加入`server_tokens off;` 配置。以上修改请记得重启相关服务。
@ -48,9 +49,10 @@ via: http://www.ehowstuff.com/how-to-hide-php-version-in-linux/
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@ -681,15 +681,15 @@ Linux基础:如何找出你的系统所支持的最大内存
Handle 0x0031, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End Of Table
via: https://www.unixmen.com/linux-basics-how-to-find-maximum-supported-ram-by-your-system/
via: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-basics-how-to-find-maximum-supported-ram-by-your-system/
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@ -1,24 +1,24 @@

这个新的项目叫“Numtius”,这可以让在Andorid手机上收到的通知显示在GNOME桌面上。它会集成在GNOME 3.16中,并且它[重新设计了通知系统][1],这个app和特性会用在其他更多的地方。
这个新的项目叫“Nuntius”,这可以让在Andorid手机上收到的通知显示在GNOME桌面上。它会集成在GNOME 3.16中,并且它[重新设计了通知系统][1],这个app和特性会用在其他更多的地方。
这个app的开发者希望在这个月GNOME 3.16发布之前可以完成,它将通过蓝牙工作来保证不会传给外部的系统或者使用在线存储。这意味着你的电话必须接近GNOME桌面来保证这个功能可用。
在GNOME桌面上看Android通知的移动端app现在已经在[Google Play商店][2]了,GNOME程序已经在Fedora的仓库中了。
这个用来配合在GNOME桌面上看Android通知的移动端app现在已经在[Google Play商店][2]找到了,而GNOME程序已经放在Fedora的仓库中了。
一个相似的工具[已经在KDE桌面上有了][3] - ‘KDE Connect’ - 已经有一两年了,通过Pushbullet来为使用Chrome的iOS和Android平台在Windows、MAC和Linux桌面上提供相似的功能。
在一两年前,[KDE桌面上已经有了][3]一个相似的工具 - ‘KDE Connect,它通过Pushbullet来为使用Chrome的iOS和Android提供相似的功能,支持Windows、MAC和Linux桌面。
- [Nuntius for Android & GNOME on GitHub][4]
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/03/new-app-brings-android-notifications-to-
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
如何设置Ubuntu14.04 的 SSH 无密码登录
大家好,今天我来向大家介绍如何在 Ubuntu12.04 上设置 SSH 的无密码登录功能。仅在工作站上有正确的(公私)密钥对以供匹配时SSH服务端才会允许你登录,反之访问将不会被允许。
### 1.安装Openssh服务端 ###
首先,我们需要更新我们的本地库索引。所以如下所见,我们需要先输入“apt-get update”
$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

### 2. 开启openssh服务 ###
$ sudo service ssh start
$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
### 3. 配置密钥对 ###
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

$ ssh-copy-id user@ip_address
$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

### 4. 重启SSH服务 ###
$ sudo service ssh restart
$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

### 总结 ###
太好了!我们成功的配置了无密码登录SSH。使用加密密钥对进行SSH服务器认证是非常安全的一种做法,如果你想为SSH的单一用户登录实施安全的认证这也是备受推崇的方式。所以,如果你还有什么问题或建议,请在意见框中向我们反馈。很欣慰你能读完,希望你能喜欢加密的SSH安全登录 :-)
via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/setup-passwordless-ssh-logon-ubuntu-14-04/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
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@ -6,45 +6,44 @@
> “Not Enough Free Disk Space On /boot”


这是因为我的 /boot 分区被不再需要的旧内核与包塞满了。
### 回答: ###
我听说**Computer Janitor**这个特性可以在Ubuntu Tweak中删除不想要的垃圾文件。使用Computer Janitor,你可以将你的系统清理成像新安装的那样。Janitor会删除:
我听说Ubuntu Tweak中的**Computer Janitor**功能可以删除不想要的垃圾文件。使用Computer Janitor,你可以将你的系统清理成像新安装的那样。Janitor会删除:
- 程序缓存(Firefox/Chrome 缓存、软件中心缓存);
- 程序缓存(Firefox/Chrome 缓存、软件中心缓存);
- 略缩图缓存;
- apt缓存;
- 旧内核;
- 包的配置;
- 不再需要的包。
If you haven’t install this tool, look at the following link.
- **[如何安装和使用Ubuntu Tweak][1]**
要删除不需要的垃圾文件,打开Ubuntu Tweak,点击 **Janitor** 选项。


选择你想要删除的文件的选框,并点击 **Clean** 按钮。








@ -52,13 +51,13 @@ Janitor现在就开始清理你的系统了。
via: https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-fix-not-enough-free-disk-space-on-boot-in-ubuntu/
via: http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-fix-not-enough-free-disk-space-on-boot-in-ubuntu/
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published/20150306 Nmap--Not Just for Evil.md
Normal file
published/20150306 Nmap--Not Just for Evil.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
下图显示了我的QNAP NAS的网络扫描结果。我使用该设备的唯一目的是为了NFS和SMB文件共享,但是你可以看到,它包含了一大堆大开大敞的端口。如果没有Nmap,很难发现机器到底在运行着什么玩意儿。

Nmap scan report for TIVO-8480001903CCDDB.brainofshawn.com (
Host is up (0.0083s latency).
Not shown: 995 filtered ports
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
2190/tcp open tivoconnect
2191/tcp open tvbus
9080/tcp closed glrpc
它不仅显示了新的Tivo 设备,而且还告诉我那些端口是开放的。由于它的可靠性、可用性以及“黑边帽子”的能力,Nmap获得了本月的 <<编辑推荐>>奖。这不是一个新的程序,但是如果你是一个linux用户的话,你应该玩玩它。
via: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/nmap%E2%80%94not-just-evil
作者:[Shawn Powers][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,24 +1,23 @@

### 基于Linux的迷你PC ###
#### 1. System76出品的Meerkat ####

[System76][1] is a computer manufacturer exclusively dealing with only Ubuntu based desktop, laptops and servers. [System76 announced an Ubuntu based mini PC Meerkat][2] last week. Let’s take a quick look at its specification:
[System76][1] 是一家仅出品基于Ubuntu电脑、笔记本、服务器的电脑生产商。[System76在上周宣布了一款基于Ubuntu的迷你PC][2]。让我看一下它的规格:
[System76][1] 是一家仅出品基于Ubuntu电脑、笔记本、服务器的电脑生产商。[System76在上周公布了一款基于Ubuntu的迷你PC][2]。让我看一下它的规格:
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@

[Compulab][3]将它的旗舰产品基于Linux Mint的桌面设备成了[Mintbox Mini][4]。紧凑的版本在4″大小。更多的细节如下:
[Compulab][3]将它基于Linux Mint的期间PC设备压缩,从Mintbox变为[Mintbox Mini][4]。这个紧凑的版本大小在4″左右。更多的细节如下:
@ -59,19 +58,17 @@
#### 3. Compulab出品的Utilite2 ####

It’s not that Compulab has stuck with Linux Mint only. It announced an ARM desktop PC running Ubuntu in last December. With a size of 3.4″x2.3″, [Utilite2][5] has modest feature and modest price.
Compulab并不是坚持用Linux Mint的。它在去年12月宣布了一款运行Ubuntu的ARM桌面PC。大小是3.4″x2.3″,[Utilite2][5]有最现代的特性和价格
Compulab并不仅仅被Linux Mint所限制。它在去年12月公布了一款运行Ubuntu的ARM桌面PC。大小是3.4″x2.3″,[Utilite2][5]有最适合的性价比。
@ -85,20 +82,19 @@ Compulab并不是坚持用Linux Mint的。它在去年12月宣布了一款运行
#### Think Penguin出品的Penguin Pocket Wee ####
#### 4. Think Penguin出品的Penguin Pocket Wee ####

[Think Penguin][6]是一家开源硬件生产商。在迷你PC领域,它提供了[Penguin Pocket Wee][7]。大小是4.6″x 4.4″x 1.4″ ,, Penguin Pocket Wee提供了大量的配置。你可以选择处理器、存储、网卡等。你可以选择购买预装你喜欢的Linux发行版,默认系统是Ubuntu。
[Think Penguin][6]是一家开源硬件生产商。在迷你PC领域,它提供了[Penguin Pocket Wee][7]。大小是4.6″x 4.4″x 1.4″ ,, Penguin Pocket Wee为你提供了大量的配置。你可以选择处理器、存储、网卡等。你可以选择购买预装你喜欢的Linux发行版,默认系统是Ubuntu。
The general configuration is as following:
- Intel Core i3 或者 i5处理器,最高支持1080p视频
- 最高扩展至 16GB 的 DDR3内存
@ -110,18 +106,17 @@ The general configuration is as following:
Basic model starts at $499 and it can go up to $1000 based on the configuration you select.
### 你会选哪种? ###
我故意没有介绍[Raspberry Pi 2][8]或者其他Linux微电脑如[Intel的电脑棒][9]。原因是我不认为这些微电脑属于迷你PC的范畴。
@ -129,7 +124,7 @@ via: http://itsfoss.com/4-linux-based-mini-pc-buy-2015/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
> **问题**: 在Perl语言中,我需要转换易读的日期和时间到对应的UNIX时间戳,反之亦然。你可以给我一些Perl代码例子吗?关于日期及时间转换到UNIX时间戳,或者相反,转换UNIX时间戳到可读的日期和时间。
> **问题**: 在Perl语言中,我需要转换易读的日期和时间到对应的UNIX时间戳,反之亦然。你可以给我一些将日期及时间转换到UNIX时间戳的Perl代码例子吗?或者相反,转换UNIX时间戳到可读的日期和时间。
当你的Perl脚本需要解决时间信息,这里有两种方法来表示和处理日期和时间。一种方法是易读的时间表示(例,"Sat Mar 14 10:14:05 EDT 2015"),另外一种是使用UNIX时间戳(也叫“新纪元时间”),这是从1970年1月1日到今所消耗的时间秒数。每一种方法都有它自己的优劣势,取决于你的需要,也许也就需要转换一种格式到另一种。
当你的Perl脚本需要解决时间信息,这里有两种方法来表示和处理日期和时间。一种方法是易读的时间表示(例,"Sat Mar 14 10:14:05 EDT 2015"),另外一种是使用UNIX时间戳(也叫“新纪元时间”),这是从1970年1月1日到今所经过的时间秒数。每一种方法都有它自己的优劣势,取决于你的需要,也许也就需要转换一种格式到另一种。
### Perl中转换本地时间到UNIX时间戳 ###
@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ Linux有问必答:Perl中本地时间和UNIX时间戳间相互转换
- 14/Mar/15 10:14:05
- 14 Mar 15 10:14:05
use Date::Parse;
use Date::Parse;
my $local_time = "Sat Mar 14 10:14:05 EDT 2015";
my $local_time = "Sat Mar 14 10:14:05 EDT 2015";
# 1426342445 will be stored in $unix_time
my $unix_time = str2time($local_time);
# 1426342445 will be stored in $unix_time
my $unix_time = str2time($local_time);
Date:Parse 模块支持多种语言(英语,法语,德语和意大利语)和时区。例如:
use Date::Parse;
@ -28,10 +29,9 @@ Date:Parse 模块支持多种语言(英语,法语,德语和意大利语)
my $lang = Date::Language->new('French');
my $unix_time = $lang->str2time("12:14:05, Ago 16, 2014 (CEST)");
### Perl中UNIX时间戳到可读的日期和时间 ###
### Perl中UNIX时间戳到易读的日期和时间 ###
# $sec, $min, $hour: 秒,分,时
# $mday: 月中的某天 (0-31)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/convert-local-time-unix-timestamp-perl.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
Fedora GNOME快捷键
Fedora GNOME 的常用快捷键
在Fedora,为了获得最好的[GNOME桌面] [1]体验,你需要了解并掌握一些驾驭系统的快捷键。

GNOME 快捷键 - super键.
#### 1. Super键 ####

*GNOME 快捷键 - super键*
@ -17,116 +18,122 @@ GNOME 快捷键 - super键.
同时按下 "ALT" 和"F1"一样可以达到这样的效果。

GNOME 指令运行.
### 2. 如何快速执行一条命令 ###
### 2. 如何快速执行一条指令 ###

*GNOME 运行某命令*

### 3. 快速切换到另一个打开的应用 ###
就像微软的Windows一样你可以使用"ALT"和"TAB" 的组合键在应用程序之间切换。

在一些键盘上tab键是这样的**|<- ->|**而有些则是简单的"TAB"字母。
就像在微软的Windows下一样你可以使用"ALT"和"TAB" 的组合键在应用程序之间切换。
在一些键盘上tab键上画的是这样的**|<- ->|**,而有些则是简单的"TAB"字母。

### 4. 在同一应用中快速切换不同的窗口 ###

如果你的手很灵活(或者是我称之为的忍者手)那你也可以同时按"shift", "`"和"super"键来反向切换窗口。

如果你的手很灵活(或者是我称之为忍者手的)那你也可以同时按"shift", "\`"和"super"键来反向切换窗口。
### 5. 切换键盘焦点 ###

如若你想将输入的焦点放到搜索栏或者一个应用窗口上,你可以同时按下"CTRL", "ALT"和"TAB",这样就会出现一个让你选择切换区域的列表。

### 6. 显示所有应用程序列表 ###


### 7. 切换工作区 ###

工作区切换你可以使用"super"+"Page Up" (PGUP)键朝一个方向切,也可以按"super"+"Page Down" (PGDN)键朝另一个方向切。
工作区切换你可以使用"super"+"Page Up" (向上翻页)键朝一个方向切,也可以按"super"+"Page Down" (向下翻页)键朝另一个方向切。

### 8. 将一些项目移至一个新的工作区 ###
如果这个工作区已经被搞得杂乱无章了没准你会想将手头的应用转到一个全新的工作区,请按组合键"super", "shift"和"page up"或"super", "shift"和"page down" key。

如果这个工作区已经被搞得杂乱无章了,没准你会想将手头的应用转到一个全新的工作区,请按组合键"super", "shift"和"page up"或"super", "shift"和"page down" 键。
### 9. 显示信息托盘 ###

### 9. 显示信息栏 ###

### 10. 锁屏 ###


### 11. 关机 ###

@ -158,18 +165,17 @@ Fedora中Control+Alt+Delete

### 14. 并排显示窗口 ###

### 15. 窗口的最大化, 最小化和恢复 ###
### 15. 窗口的最大化,最小化和恢复 ###
@ -177,11 +183,12 @@ Fedora中Control+Alt+Delete

### 16. 总结 ###

@ -196,8 +203,8 @@ GNOME快捷键速查表。
via: http://linux.about.com/od/howtos/tp/Fedora-GNOME-Keyboard-Shortcuts.htm
作者:[Gary Newell][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
backupninja是Debian系统(以及基于Debian的发行版)中一个强大的、高度可配置的备份软件。在[前一篇文章][1]中,我们探讨了如何安装backupninja以及如何设置两个备份操作并执行。然而,那些只是冰山一角。这一次,我们要讨论如何定制 Handler 和 Helper ,使用这些功能定制策略以完成任何备份需要。
###回顾 backupninja
backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软件自己会搞定。另外,我们可以编写自定义脚本(又叫 “handlers”)放在/usr/share/backupninja 目录下来完成不同类型的备份操作。此外,可以通过ninjahelper的基于ncurses的交互式菜单(又叫”helpers")来指导我们创建一些配置文件,使得人工错误率降到最低。
backupninja的一个独特的地方是它可以完全抛弃/etc/backup.d中的纯文本配置文件和操作文件,软件自己会搞定。另外,我们可以编写自定义脚本(又叫 “handler”)放在/usr/share/backupninja 目录下来完成不同类型的备份操作。此外,可以通过ninjahelper的基于ncurses的交互式菜单(又叫“helper”)来指导我们创建一些配置文件,使得人工错误降到最低。
尽管你可以使用默认的tar handler(参考 /usr/share/backupninja/tar 与 /usr/share/backupninja/tar.helper)来达到这个效果,但是我们使用这种方法来展示如何创建实用的 handler 脚本与基于 ncurses 的 helper。你可以根据你的需求来决定如何运用同样的原则。
尽管你可以使用默认的tar handler(参考 /usr/share/backupninja/tar 与 /usr/share/backupninja/tar.helper)来达到这个效果,但是我们使用这种方法来展示如何创建实用的 handler 脚本与基于 ncurses 的 helper。你可以根据你的需求来决定如何运用这里的方法。
由于 handlers 来源与主脚本,所以无需以#!/bin/bash开始。
由于 handlers 来源于主脚本,所以无需以#!/bin/bash开始的释伴行(shebang line)。
我们推荐的 handler (/usr/share/backupninja/home)如下所示。它带有非常多的注释说明。getconf 功能用来读取备份操作的配置文件。如果你指定了一个变量的值,那么它会覆盖配置文件中对应变量的值:
我们编写的 handler (/usr/share/backupninja/home)如下所示。已经详细注释了。getconf 函数用来读取备份操作的配置文件。如果你指定了一个变量的值,那么它会覆盖配置文件中对应变量的值:
#/home 目录 handler 脚本
@ -34,25 +34,25 @@ backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软
#不包含 *.mp3 与 *.mp4 文件
getconf excludes
# 默认扩展一打包的备份文件
# 要打包备份文件的默认扩展名
# Absolute path to date binary
# tar 程序的绝对路径
getconf TAR `which tar`
# Absolute path to date binary
# date 程序的绝对路径
getconf DATE `which date`
# 日期格式
# 如果备份目录不存在,以致命错误退出
# 如果备份目录不存在,以致命错误退出
if [ ! -d "$backupdir" ]
mkdir -p "$backupdir" || fatal "Can not make directory $backupdir"
# 如果备份目录不可写, 同样以致命错误退出
# 如果备份目录不可写,同样以致命错误退出
if [ ! -w "$backupdir" ]
fatal "Directory $backupdir is not writable"
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软
exclude_options="$exclude_options --exclude $i"
# 调试信息, 执行备份操作
# 调试信息,执行备份操作
debug "Running backup: " $TAR -c -p -v $compress_option $exclude_options \
-f "$backupdir/$backupname-"`$DATE "+$DATEFORMAT"`".$EXTENSION" \
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软
[ $? -ne 0 ] && fatal "Tar backup failed"
接下来我们将要创建helper文件 (/usr/share/backupninja/home.helper)这样,hendlers将会以菜单的形式在**ninjahelper**中显示:
# 备份操作描述. 以下划线分割单词.
# 备份操作描述,以下划线分割单词
HELPERS="$HELPERS home:backup_of_home_directories"
home_wizard() {
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软
# 二进制压缩包,必须为GNU tar
# tar 程序的路径,必须为GNU tar
TAR `which tar`
DATE `which date`
@ -186,19 +186,19 @@ backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软
###运行 ninjahelper###
选择 create a new backup action(创建一个新的备份操作).
选择 create a new backup action(创建一个新的备份操作)。

接下来将看到可选的操作类型,这里选择“backup of home directories"(备份home目录);
接下来将看到可选的操作类型,这里选择“backup of home directories"(备份home目录):


@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软

注意,“run this action now"(立即运行)选项会不顾日程表安排的时间而立即进行备份操作:
注意,“run this action now"(立即运行)选项会不顾日程表安排的时间而立即进行备份操作:

@ -220,27 +220,26 @@ backupninja的特点是它完全抛弃纯文本的配置文件/etc/backup.d,软

- 当你新建了一个自定义脚本来处(如foobar)理特殊的备份操作时,那么你还需要编写与之对应的helper(foobar.helper)文件,ninjahelper 将通过它生成名为10.foobar(下一个操作为11,以此类推)的文件,保存在/etc/backup.d目录下,而这个文件才是备份操作的真正的配置文件。
- 可以通过ninjahelper设定行备份操作的执行时间,或按照”when”变量中设置的频率来执行。
- 当你在/usr/share/backupninja 下新建了一个自定义脚本(如foobar)来处理特殊的备份操作时,那么你还需要编写与之对应的helper(foobar.helper)文件,ninjahelper 将通过它生成名为10.foobar(下一个操作为11,以此类推)的文件,保存在/etc/backup.d目录下,而这个文件才是备份操作的真正的配置文件。
- 可以通过ninjahelper设定好备份操作的执行时间,或按照“when”变量中设置的频率来执行。
via: http://xmodulo.com/create-custom-backup-plan-debian.html
作者:[ Gabriel Cánepa][a]
作者:[Gabriel Cánepa][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
FSSlc translating
Intense Gameplay? Try these 13 Roguelike games
Roguelike is a sub-genre of role-playing games. It literally means "a game like Rogue". Rogue is a dungeon crawling video game first released in 1980, standing out for being fiendishly addictive. Its goal was to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor, hidden deep in the 26th level, and ascend back to the top.
There is no exact definition of a roguelike, but this type of game typically has the following characteristics:
- High fantasy narrative background
- Procedural level generation. Most of the game world is generated by the game for every new gameplay session. This is meant to encourage replayability
- Turn-based dungeon exploration and combat
- Tile-based graphics that are randomly generated
- Random conflict outcomes
- Permanent death death works realistically, once you're gone, you're gone
- High difficulty
This article compiles a good selection of roguelike games available for Linux. If you enjoy intense, addictive gameplay, try these 13 games. Don't be put off by the primitive graphics, you'll soon forget the visuals once you get immersed. All of them are available to download without charge, and almost all are released under an open source license.


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is an open-source, single-player, role-playing roguelike game of exploration and treasure-hunting in dungeons filled with dangerous and unfriendly monsters in a quest to rescue the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a continuation of Linley's Dungeon Crawl. It is openly developed and invites participation from the Crawl community.
Dungeon Crawl has superb, deep tactical gameplay, innovative magic and religion systems, and a grand variety of monsters to fight. Crawl is also one of the hardest roguelikes to beat. When you finally beat the game and write your victory post on rec.games.roguelike.misc, you know you have achieved something.
Features include:
- Well-rounded, deep tactically rich roguelike
- Hand-drawn maps
- Numerous portal vaults
- Slick interface
- Innovative magic and religion systems
- Wide range of Gods, Characters, Items, and Smart Monsters
- Website: [crawl.develz.org][1]
- Developer: Stone Soup devteam
- License: Crawl General Public License
- Version Number: 0.15.2


Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game, similar to NetHack. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.
The game features three modes of play (Dwarf Fortress, Adventurer and Legends modes), a distinct, randomly-generated world (complete with terrain, wildlife and legends), gruesome combat mechanics and vicious schools of carp.
Features include:
- The world persists as long as you like, over many games, recording historical events and tracking changes
- Command your dwarves as they search for wealth in the mountain
- Craft treasures and furniture from many materials and improve these objects with precious metals, jewels and more
- Defend yourself against attacks from hostile civilizations, the wilderness and the depths
- Support the nobility as they make demands of your populace
- Keep your dwarves happy and read their thoughts as they work and relax
- Z coordinate allows you to dig out fortresses with multiple levels. Build towers or conquer the depths
- Build floodgates to divert water for farming or to drown your adversaries
- Play an adventurer and explore, quest for glory or seek vengeance
- Meet adversaries from previous games
- Recruit people in towns to come with you on your journey
- Explore without cumbersome plot restrictions
- Seamlessly wander the world -up to 197376 x 197376 squares total -or travel more rapidly on the region map
- Accept quests from the town and civilization leaders
- Retire and meet your old characters. Bring them along on an adventure with a new character or reactivate them and play directly
- Z coordinate allows you to move seamlessly between dungeon levels and scale structures fighting adversaries above and below
- The combat model uses skills, body parts, wrestling, charging and dodging between squares, bleeding, pain, nausea, and much more
- A dynamic weather model tracks wind, humidity and air masses to create fronts, clouds, rain storms and blizzards
- Over two hundred rock and mineral types are incorporated into the world, placed in their proper geological environments
- Add new creatures, weapons, plants, metals and other objects via modifiable text files
- Extended ASCII character set rendered in 16 colors (including black) as well as 8 background colors (including black)
- Website: [www.bay12games.com/dwarves/][2]
- Developer: Tarn Adams
- License: Freeware
- Version Number: 0.40.19


Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) is a rogue-like game which has been in development since 1994.
It is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. You control a fictional character described by race, class, attributes, skills, and equipment. This fictional character is trying to achieve a specific goal (see below) and succeed in a difficult quest. To fulfill the quest, you have to explore previously undiscovered tunnels and dungeons, fight hideous monsters, uncover long forgotten secrets, and find treasures of all kind.
During the game, you explore dungeon levels which are randomly generated each game. You might also encounter certain special levels, which present a particular challenge or are built around a certain theme.
Features include:
- Huge game world with hundreds of locations such as towns, randomized dungeons, elemental temples, graveyards, ancient ruins, towers and other secrets
- Loads of races (dwarves, drakelings, mist elves, hurthlings, orcs, trolls, ratlings and many others) and even more classes (fighters, elementalists, assassins, chaos knights, duelists and much more) allowing for infinite play styles
- Hundreds of monsters and items, many with enhanced random features
- A corruption system forcing you to balance lust for power with fear of damnation
- Spells, prayers, mindcraft, alchemy, crafting and more
- Dozens of quests and branching story lines
- Numerous wildly different endings that might alter reality itself
- Website: [www.adom.de][3]
- Developer: Thomas Biskup
- License: Postcardware
- Version Number: 1.20 Prelease 20


Tales of Maj’Eyal (ToME) is a free, open source roguelike RPG, featuring tactical turn-based combat and advanced character building. It is written as a module that runs in T-Engine 4.0.
This is the Age of Ascendancy, after over ten thousand years of strife, pain and chaos the known world is at last at relative peace. The Spellblaze last effects are now tamed, the land slowly heals itself and the civilisations rebuild themselves after the Age of Pyre.
Features include:
- Suitable for gamers without any rogueline experience
- Supports both graphical tiles and ASCII mode
- Over 40 abilities available on some characters
- Talent system
- Combat engine
- Online persistent stat/achievement tracking
- IRC chat client
- Expandable and moddable
- Atmospheric music
- Unlock new races, classes, starting points, playmodes and features
- Website: [te4.org][4]
- Developer: ToME Development Team
- License: GNU GPL v3.0
- Version Number: 1.2.5


Cataclysm is an open source post-apocalyptic roguelike, set in the countryside of fictional New England after a devastating plague of monsters and zombies. It is a continuation of Whale's original Cataclysm, which expands it with numerous new creatures, buildings, gameplay mechanics and many other features.
While some have described it as a "zombie game", there's far more to Cataclysm than that. Struggle to survive in a harsh, persistent, procedurally generated world. Scavenge the remnants of a dead civilization for for food, equipment, or, if you're lucky, a vehicle with a full tank of gas to get you the hell out of Dodge. Fight to defeat or escape from a wide variety of powerful monstrosities, from zombies to giant insects to killer robots and things far stranger and deadlier, and against the others like yourself, that want what you have...
Cataclysm is very different from most roguelikes in many ways. Rather than being set in a vertical, linear dungeon, it is set in an unbounded, 3D world. This means that exploration plays a much bigger role than in most roguelikes, and the game is much less linear. As the map is so huge, it is actually completely persistant between games. If you die, and start a new character, your new game will be set in the same game world as your last. Like in many roguelikes, you will be able to loot the dead bodies of previous characters; unlike most roguelikes, you will also be able to retrace their steps completely, and any dramatic changes made to the world will persist into your next game.
Features include:
- Detailed character creation, with a plethora of traits to choose
- Defense mode, a coffeebreak mode with fast-paced combat
- Bionics; Similar to the magic system in many games
- Mutations, both positive and negative
- Unbounded, fully randomized world map that is persistent between characters
- Item crafting
- New recipes may be acquired by honing your knowledge through practice or learning from books
- Realistic fire, smoke, and other dynamic map effects
- A day/night cycle with the need to sleep. Use caffeine to stay awake longer if you must but be aware this is not healthy
- Over 300 item types, including a multitude of real-world guns, drugs, and tools
- Many drugs are addictive, and will require continuous use to avoid withdrawal effects.
- Ability to board doors and windows, construct traps and fortify your home base to prevent a rude awakening by a zombie
- Ability to construct your own wooden constructions, including walls and a roof
- Ability to drive around in vehicles found in the post-apocalyptic landscape
- These can be modified to your needs, or you could even build one from scratch
- A temperature system, being too cold or too hot is quite hazardous
- Preliminary tile support
- WorldGen options, and versatile editing methods
- Website: [en.cataclysmdda.com][5]
- Authors: Kevin Granade and others
- License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
- Version Number: 0.B


Goblin Hack is an open source roguelike OpenGL-based smooth-scrolling ASCII graphics game. The game is inspired by the likes of NetHack, but faster with fewer keys.
Goblin Hack has a simple interface that appears to appeal to players of all ages, and fires their imagination in today's world of over-rendered games.
Players can choose one of several classes before being thrown into the first floor of a randomized, ongoing dungeon.
Features include:
- Impressive graphics (compared with many other roguelike games)
- Simple interface
- Choose one of several classes before being thrown into the first floor of a randomized, ongoing dungeon
- Manually save the game
- Website: [goblinhack.sourceforge.net][6], [github.com/goblinhack/goblinhack][7]
- Authors: Neil McGill
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number: 1.19


Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic (SLASH'EM) is a role-playing game where you control a single character. SLASH'EM is a variant of NetHack. It also has an interface and gameplay similar to Rogue, ADOM, Anghand and NetHack. You control the actions through the keyboard and view the world from an overhead perspective.
The problem: The Amulet of Yendor has been stolen. Not only that but it appears that the Wizard of Yendor (not a nice person), who took the amulet, is hiding in the Dungeons of Doom (not a friendly place).
Features include:
- Offers extra features, monsters, and items
- Novel features inlude the Monk class and Sokoban levels
- The main dungeon is much larger than in NetHack
- Website: [www.slashem.org][8]
- Developer: The Slash'EM development team
- License: MIT License, NetHack General Public License
- Version Number: 0.0.7E7F3


NetHack is a wonderfully silly, yet quite addictive Dungeons and Dragons-style adventure game. The "net" element references that its development has been coordinated through the Internet. The "hack" element refers to a genre of role-playing games known as hack and slash for their focus on combat.
In NetHack you play the part of a fierce fighter, wizard, or any of many other classes, fighting your way down to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor (try saying THAT one backwards!) for your god. On the way, you might encounter a quantum mechanic or two, or perhaps a microscopic space fleet, or -- if you're REALLY lucky -- the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
Features include:
- 45-50 levels, most of which are randomly generated
- Variety of items: weapons, armour, scrolls, potions, rings, gems, and an assortment of tools such as keys and lamps
- Blessings and curses
- Permadeath: expired characters cannot be revived without having made backup copies of the actual save files
- Interfaces:
- Console
- Graphical, using X, Qt toolkit or GNOME libraries
- Website: [www.nethack.org][9]
- Developer: The NetHack DevTeam
- License: NetHack General Public License
- Version Number: 3.4.3


Ascii Sector is a free space combat/exploration/trading game which is based on the classic computer game Wing Commander: Privateer released by Origin Systems in 1993.
In Ascii Sector, you start with a simple spaceship and can then accept missions or trade goods to earn enough money to upgrade your ship or buy a new one. You can engage in deadly fights both in space, on the ground and on board spaceships, and using the Ascii Sector scripting language, you can create your own quests for the game or have fun with other players' quests.
Features include:
- Uses the ANSI character set for the graphics
- Real depth to the gameplay
- Offers a wide variety of bases, missions, commodities and ships
- Ships include: Broadsword, Centurion, Demon, Dralthi, Drayman, Galaxy, Gladius, Gothri, Kamekh, Nexus, Orion, Paradign, Stileto, Talon, Tarsus, and Ulysses
- Four quadrants: Alizarin, Crimson, Mauve, and Viridian
- Downloadable quests
- Scripting of quests
- Ascii Sector quest language, create your own stories in the Ascii Sector universe
- NPCs on planets can be attacked and robbed
- Persistent fleets that can move around, change control of systems, engage enemy fleets, head back for repairs and rebuilds
- Ships whose systems have been disabled can be boarded
- Download high quality music files
- Website: [www.asciisector.net][10]
- Developer: Christian Knudsen
- License: Freeware
- Version Number:


Angband is a free, single-player graphical dungeon exploration game that uses ASCII characters where you take the role of an adventurer, exploring a deep dungeon, fighting monsters, and acquiring the best weaponry you can, in preparation for a final battle with Morgoth, the Lord of Darkness. It has been in development since the 1990s.
Angband is along the lines of Rogue and NetHack. It is derived from the games Moria and Umoria, which were in turn based on Rogue. It is often described as a "roguelike" game because the look and feel of the game is still quite similar to Rogue. Many of these new creatures and objects are drawn from the writings of J.R.R Tolkien, although some of the monsters come straight from classical mythology, Dungeons & Dragons, Rolemaster, or the minds of the orginal Angband coders.
Features include:
- 100 level dungeon
- New levels are randomly generated
- Choose to be a human, half-elf, elf, hobbit, gnome, dwarf, half-orc, half-troll, dunadan, high-elf, or kobold
- Artifacts
- Spellcasting
- Monsters
- Monster pits
- Monster nests
- Website: [rephial.org][11]
- Developer: Angband Development Team
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number: 3.5.0


UnNetHack is a fork of NetHack. NetHack was first released in 1987, and is considered by many gamers to be one of the best gaming experiences the computing world offers.
Features include:
- Adds a number of enhancements to NetHack such as additional monsters, more levels, a few new objects, additional dangers, more challenging gameplay, and most importantly more entertainment than vanilla NetHack
- Tutorial to help new players get started
- Website: [sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unnethack][12]
- Authors: Patric Mueller
- License: Nethack General Public License
- Version Number: 5.1.0


Hydra Slayer is an open source Roguelike game focused on slaying Hydras. It is inspired by Greek mythology, Dungeon Crawl, MathRL seven day roguelike, and some mathematical puzzles about brave heroes slaying many headed beasts.
Features include:
- Unique gameplay mechanics
- A theme which mixes Greek mythology and mathematics
- Traditional roguelike ASCII graphics, or tiles/3D display
- 5 player character races with very distinct tactics, strengths and weaknesses
- 28 enemy types:
- 10 basic types of elemental hydras (each of them has two special variations)
- 8 types of special enemies
- Harmless mushrooms for strategic advantage
- 28 types of equipment (not counting material and size/power variations)
- 15 weapon materials
- 18 types of non-equipment items
- 3 game geometries to choose
- 8 level topologies (including the Mobius strip and Klein bottle)
- 11 level generators
- 2 endings
- Website: [www.roguetemple.com/z/hydra][13]
- Developer: Zeno Rogue
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Version Number: 16.1


Brogue is an open source Roguelike game for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android.
Brogue is a direct descendant of Rogue, a dungeon crawling video game first developed by Michael Toy and Glenn Wichman around 1980. Unlike other popular modern roguelikes, Brogue favors simplicity over complexity, while trying to ensure that the interactions between components are interesting and varied.
The goal of the game is to travel to the 26th subterranean floor of the dungeon, retrieve the Amulet of Yendor and return with it to the surface. For the truly skillful who desire further challenge, depths below 26 contain three lumenstones each, items which confer an increased score upon victory.
Brogue is a challenging game, but still great fun to play. Try not to be disheartened by the difficulty of the game; with some application, Brogue will become very addictive.
Features include:
- Favors simplicity over complexity
- User-friendly features
- Compared with Rogue, Brogue has a more sophisticated level generation
- XP and levelling system removed
- Traps, protecting items
- Additional monster types and magical items
- Website: [sites.google.com/site/broguegame][14]
- Authors: Brian Walker
- License: GNU Affero GPL
- Version Number: 1.7.3
via: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/201412031524381/RoguelikeGames.html
作者:Frazer Kline
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Chess in a Few Bytes
I am showing my age by mentioning that my introduction to computing was a ZX81, a home computer produced by a UK developer (Sinclair Research) which had a whopping 1KB of RAM. The 1KB is not a typographical error, the home computer really shipped with a mere 1KB of onboard memory. But this memory limitation did not prevent enthusiasts producing a huge variety of software. In fact the machine sparked a generation of programming wizards who were forced to get to grips with its workings. The machine was upgradable with a 16KB RAM pack which offered so many more coding possibilities. But the unexpanded 1KB machine still inspired programmers to release remarkable software.

My favourite ZX81 games were Flight Simulation, 3D Monster Maze, Galaxians, and above all 1K ZX Chess. Only the latter was written for the unexpanded ZX81. In fact, David Horne's 1K ZX Chess was coded in a mere 672 bytes of RAM. However, the game managed to implement most chess rules, and offer a computer opponent. While some important rules were omitted (castling, pawn promotion, and en passant capture), it was still amazing to be able to play against artificial intelligence. The game took up a fair chunk of my misspent youth.
1K ZX Chess remained the smallest implementation of chess on any computer for 33 years until the record was broken by BootChess this year, and subsequently by Toledo AtomChess. These three games do not implement all of the chess rules, so for completeness I have included my favourite small implementation of chess that implements a complete set of chess rules.
Linux has a good range of extremely strong chess engines such as Stockfish, Critter, Togo II, Crafty, GNU Chess, and Komodo. The chess engines featured in this article offer no match to a good chess engine, but they show how much can be achieved with a minuscule codebase.


You may have seen a considerable amount of press coverage about BootChess, a chess program written in 487 bytes of code, smashing the record of the then smallest chess program, 1K ZX Chess. Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez took up the mantle and decided to code an even more compact chess game. Toledo Atomchess is a mere 481 bytes of x86 assembly code which fits in a boot sector. The engine plays a reasonable game of chess given the limitations of its incredibly small codebase.
Features include:
- Basic chess movements
- ASCII text representation of chess board
- Moves are entered in algebraic form
- Search depth of 3-ply
Obviously, to fit the chess of game into 481 bytes, the author had to make some sacrifices. These limitations include:
- No promotion of pawns
- No castling
- No en passant
- No move validation
The author has also written chess programs in C, JavaScript and Java; each are very small implementations of chess.
- Website: [nanochess.org/chess6.html][1]
- Developer: Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez
- License: Free for non-commercial use
- Version Number: -


BootChess is an extremely small computer implementation of chess. The game is crammed into a mere 487 bytes and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems. The board and pieces of BootChess are represented by text alone, with P representing pawns, Q used for the queens and full stops entered for empty squares.
Features include:
- Graphic text representation of chess board and use input
- Bootsector sized (512 bytes) with a playable chess game
- x86 bios hardware only bootstrap (no software dependencies)
- All main legal moves including double square pawn start
- Pawn promotion to queen (contrary to 1k ZX Chess)
- CPU artificial intelligence called taxiMax > minMax half-ply
- Hard-coded Spanish white pieces opening
Again, there are some important limitations. Omissions include:
- Under-promotion
- En passant pawn capture
- No castling
- 3-repetition rule
- 50 move draw rule
- No opening or closing books
- One or more minMax/negaMax full plies for artificial intelligence
- Website: [www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=64962][2]
- Developer: Olivier "Baudsurfer/RSi" Poudade
- License: WTFPL v2
- Version Number: .02


Micro-Max is a 133-line chess source which is written in C
The author has implemented a (hash) transposition table, the engine checks the legality of the input moves, and full FIDE rules except for for under-promotions.
Features include:
- Recursive negamax search
- Quiescence search with recaptures
- Recapture extensions
- Iterative deepening
- Best-move-first 'sorting'
- Hash table storing score and best move
- Full FIDE rules (except under promotion) and move-legality checking
There is also a stripped-down 1433-character version, but allowing you to play under-promotions for full FIDE-rule compliance.
- Website: [home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/max-src2.html][3]
- Developer: Harm Geert Muller
- License: The MIT License
- Version Number: 3.2
via: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20150222033906262/ChessBytes.html
作者:Frazer Kline
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Papyrus: An Open Source Note Manager

In last post, we saw an [open source to-do app Go For It!][1]. In a similar article, today we’ll see an **open source note taking application Papyrus**.
[Papyrus][2] is a fork of [Kaqaz note manager][3] and is built on QT5. It brings a clean, polished user interface and is security focused (as it claims). Emphasizing on simplicity, I find Papyrus similar to OneNote. You organize your notes in ‘paper’ and add them a label for grouping those papers. Simple enough!
### Papyrus features: ###
Though Papyrus focuses on simplicity, it still has plenty of features up its sleeves. Some of the main features are:
- Note management with labels and categories
- Advanced search options
- Touch mode available
- Full screen option
- Back up to Dropbox/hard drive/external
- Password protection for selective papers
- Sharing papers with other applications
- Encrypted synchronization via Dropbox
- Available for Android, Windows and OS X apart from Linux
### Install Papyrus ###
Papyrus has APK available for Android users. There are installer files for Windows and OS X. Linux users can get source code of the application. Ubuntu and other Ubuntu based distributions can use the .deb packages. Based on your OS and preference, you can get the respective files from the Papyrus download page:
- [Download Papyrus][4]
### Screenshots ###
Here are some screenshots of the application:




Give Papyrus a try and see if you like it. Do share your experience with it with the rest of us here.
via: http://itsfoss.com/papyrus-open-source-note-manager/
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How to Install Telegram Messenger Application on Linux
Telegram is an Instant Messaging (IM) application similar to whatsapp. It has a very large user base. It has a lot of features that differentiate it from other messaging application.

Telegram Messenger for Linux
This article aims at making you aware of telegram application followed by detailed installation instructions on Linux Box.
#### Features of Telegram ####
- Implementation for mobile devices
- Available for Desktop.
- Application Program Interface (API) of Telegram can be Accessed by third party developers.
- Available for Android, iphone/ipad, Windows Phone, Web-Version, PC, Mac and Linux
- The above application provides Heavily Encrypted and self destruct messages.
- Lets you access your message from multiple devices and platform.
- The overall processing and message delivery is lightening fast.
- Distributed server across the globe for security and speed.
- Open API and Free Protocol
- NoAds, No Subscription charge. – Free forever.
- Powerful – No limit to media and chats
- Several security measures that make it safe from Hackers.
- Reply to Specific message in group. Mention @username to notify multiple users in group.
#### Why Telegram? ####
When Applications like whatsapp and other IM are providing almost same things in bag, why should someone opt for Telegram?
Well Availability of API to third party developer is enough to say. Moreover availability for PC which means you won’t have to struggle typing message using your mobile, but you can use your PC and that is pretty more than sufficient.
Also The option to connect on remote locations, Co-ordinate – Group of upto 200 Members, Sync all your devices, Send – Documents of all kind, Encrypt message, Self destruction of message, Storage of Media in Cloud, Build own tool on freely available API and what not.
**Testing Environment**
We have used Debian GNU/Linux, x86_64 architecture to test it and the overall process went very smooth for us. Here what we did stepwise.
### Installation of Telegram Messenger in Linux ###
First go to the official Telegram site, and download Telegram source package ([tsetup.0.7.23.tar.xz][1]) for Linux system or you may use following wget command to download directly.
# wget https://updates.tdesktop.com/tlinux/tsetup.0.7.23.tar.xz
Once package has been downloaded, unpack the tarball and switch from current working directory to the extracted directory.
# tar -xf tsetup.0.7.23.tar.xz
# cd Telegram/
Next, execute the binary file ‘Telegram’ from the command line as shown below.
# ./Telegram
1. The first Impression. Click “START MESSAGING”.

Start Messaging
2. Enter Your phone Number. Click “NEXT”. If you have not registered for telegram before this, using the same number as entered above you will get a warning that you don’t have a telegram account yet. Click “Register Here”.

Signup for Telegram
3. After submitting your phone number, telegram will send you a verification code, shortly. You need to Enter it.

Telegram Verification Code
4. Enter your First_Name, Last_name and pics and click “SIGNUP”.

Enter Account Details
5. After account creation, I got this interface. Everything seems at its place, even when I am new to telegram Application. The interface is really simple.

Telegram Interface
6. Click Add a contact and Enter Their first_name, last_name and Phone number. Click create when done!.

Add New Telegram Contact
7. If the contact you added is not on telegram already, You get a warning message and telegram will acknowledge you when your contact joins telegram.

Telegram Contact Notification
8. As soon as the contact joins telegram you get a message (pop-out like) that reads [YOUR_CONTACT] joined telegram.
9. A formal chat window on Linux Machine. Nice experience…

Telegram Contact Join Message
10. At the same time, I’ve tried messaging from my android mobile device, the interface looks similar on both.

Telegram Mobile Interface
11. Telegram settings page. You have a lot of options to configure.

Telegram Settings
12. About Telegram.

About Telegram
#### Less Interesting Points ####
- Telegram usage protocol MTProto Mobile protocol.
- Released Initially for iPhone in the year 2013 (August 14)..
- People Behind this Amazing Project: Pavel and Nikolai Durov..
That’s all for now. I’ll be here again with another interesting article you will love to read. I take the pleasure on behalf of Tecmint to thank all our valuable readers and critics who made us stand where we are now through continuous self evolving process. Keep Connected! Keep Commenting. Share if you care for us.
- [https://telegram.org/][2]
via: http://www.tecmint.com/install-telegram-in-linux/
作者:[Avishek Kumar][a]
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sources/share/20150330 Picty--Managing Photos Made Easy.md
Normal file
sources/share/20150330 Picty--Managing Photos Made Easy.md
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Translating by H-mudcup
Picty: Managing Photos Made Easy

### About Picty ###
**Picty** is a free, simple, yet powerful photo collection manager that will help you to manage your photos. It is designed around managing **metadata** and a **lossless** approach to image handling. Picty currently supports both online(web-based) and offline(local) collections. In local collections, the images will be stored in a local folder and it’s sub-folders. A database will be maintained to speed up the image queries in the user’s home folder. In online(web-based) collections, you can upload and share images through a web browser. Ant user with proper rights can share photos to any persons, and each user can have multiple collections open at once and collections can be shared by multiple users. There is a simple interface for transferring images between collections using a transfer plugin.
You can download any number of photos from your Camera or any devices. Also, Picty allows you to browse photo collections from your Camera before downloading it. Picty is lightweight application, and has snappy interface. It supports Linux, and Windows platforms.
### Features ###
- Supports big photo collections (20,000 plus images).
- Open more than one collection at a time and transfer images between them.
- Collections are:
- Folders of images in your local file system.
- Images on cameras, phones and other media devices.
- Photo hosting services (Flickr currently supported).
- picty does not “Import” photos into its own database, it simply provides an interface for accessing them wherever they are. To keep things snappy and to allow you to browse even if you are offline, picty maintains a cache of thumbnails and metadata.
- Reads and writes metadata in industry standard formats Exif, IPTC and Xmp
- Lossless approach:
- picty writes all changes including image edits as metadata. e.g. an image crop is stored as any instruction, the original pixels remain in the file
- Changes are stored in picty’s collection cache until you save your metadata changes to the images. You can easily revert unsaved changes that you don’t like.
- Basic image editing:
- Current support for basic image enhancements such as brightness, contrast, color, cropping, and straightening.
- Improvements to those tools and other tools coming soon (red eye reduction, levels, curves, noise reduction)
- Image tagging:
- Use standard IPTC and Xmp keywords for image tags
- A tag tree view lets you easily manage your tags and navigate your collection
- Folder view:
- Navigate the directory heirarchy of your image collection
- Multi-monitor support
- picty can be configured to let you browse your collection on one screen and view full screen images on another.
- Customizable
- Create launchers for external tools
- Supports plugins – many of the current features (tagging and folder views, and all of the image editing tools) are provided by plugins
- Written in python – batteries included!
### Installation ###
#### 1. Install from PPA ####
Picty developers has a PPA for Debian based distributions, like Ubuntu, to make the installation much easier.
To install in Ubuntu and derivatives, run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:damien-moore/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install picty
#### 2. Install from Source ####
Also, you can install it from Source files. First, install the following dependencies.
sudo apt-get install bzr python-pyinotify python-pyexiv2 python-gtk2 python-gnome2 dcraw python-osmgpsmap python-flickrapi
Then, get the latest version using command:
bzr branch lp:picty
To run picty, change to the picty directory, and enter:
cd picty
To update to the latest version, run:
cd picty
bzr pull
### Usage ###
Launch Picty either from Menu or Unity Dash.

You can either choose existing collection, device or directory. Let us create a **new collection**. To do that, create New Collection button. Enter the collection, and browse to the path where you have the images stored. Finally, click **Create** button.


You can modify, rotate, add/remove tags, set descriptive info of each images. To do that, just right click any image and do the actions of your choice.
Visit the following Google group to get more information and support about Picty Photo manager.
- [http://groups.google.com/group/pictyphotomanager][1]
via: http://www.unixmen.com/picty-managing-photos-made-easy/
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sources/share/20150407 10 Truly Amusing Easter Eggs in Linux.md
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10 Truly Amusing Easter Eggs in Linux

The programmer working on Adventure slipped a secret feature into the game. Instead of getting upset about it, Atari decided to give these sorts of “secret features” a name -- “Easter Eggs” because… you know… you hunt for them. Image credit: Wikipedia.
Back in 1979, a video game was being developed for the Atari 2600 -- [Adventure][1].
The programmer working on Adventure slipped a secret feature into the game which, when the user moved an “invisible square” to a particular wall, allowed entry into a “secret room”. That room contained a simple phrase: “Created by [Warren Robinett][2]”.
Atari had a policy against putting author credits in their games, so this intrepid programmer put his John Hancock on the game by being, well, sneaky. Atari only found out about the “secret room” after Warren Robinett had left the company. Instead of getting upset about it, Atari decided to give these sorts of “secret features” a name -- “Easter Eggs” because… you know… you hunt for them -- and declared that they would be putting more of these “Easter Eggs” in future games.
This wasn’t the first such “hidden feature” built into a piece of software (that distinction goes to an operating system for the [PDP-10][3] from 1966, but this was the first time it was given a name. And it was the first time it really grabbed the attention of most computer users and gamers.
Linux (and Linux related software) has not been left out. Some truly amusing Easter Eggs have been created for our beloved operating system over the years. Here are some of my personal favorites -- with how to achieve them.
You’ll notice, rather quickly, that most of these are experienced via a terminal. That’s on purpose. Because terminals are cool. [I should also take this moment to say that if you try to run an application I list, and you do not have it installed, it will not work. You should install it first. Because… computers.]
### Arch : Pac-Man in pacman ###
We’re going to start with one just for the [Arch Linux][4] fans out there. You can add a [Pac-Man][5]-esque character to your progress bars in “[pacman][6]” (the Arch package manager). Why this isn’t enabled by default is beyond me.
To do this you’ll want to edit “/etc/pacman.conf” in your favorite text editor. Under the “# Misc options” section, remove the “#” in front of “Color” and add the line “ILoveCandy”. Because Pac-Man loves candy.
That’s it! Next time you fire up a terminal and run pacman, you’ll help the little yellow guy get some lunch (or at least some candy).
### GNU Emacs : Tetris and such ###

I don’t like emacs. Not even a little bit. But it does play Tetris.
I have a confession to make: I don’t like [emacs][7]. Not even a little bit.
Some things fill my heart with gladness. Some things take away all my sadness. Some things ease my troubles. That’s [not what emacs does][8].
But it does play Tetris. And that’s not nothing. Here’s how:
Step 1) Launch emacs. (When in doubt, type “emacs”.)
Step 2) Hit Escape then X on your keyboard.
Step 3) Type “tetris” and hit Enter.
Bored of Tetris? Try “pong”, “snake” and a whole host of other little games (and novelties). Take a look in “/usr/share/emacs/*/lisp/play” for the full list.
### Animals Saying Things ###
The Linux world has a long and glorious history of animals saying things in a terminal. Here are the ones that are the most important to know by heart.
On a Debian-based distro? Try typing “apt-get moo".

apt-get moo
Simple, sure. But it’s a talking cow. So we like it. Then try “aptitude moo”. It will inform you that “There are no Easter Eggs in this program”.
If there’s one thing you should know about [aptitude][9], it’s that it’s a dirty, filthy liar. If aptitude were wearing pants, the fire could be seen from space. Add a “-v” option to that same command. Keep adding more v’s until you force aptitude to come clean.

I think we can all agree, that this is probably the most important feature in aptitude.
I think we can all agree, that this is probably the most important feature in aptitude. But what if you want to put your own words into the mouth of a cow? That’s where “cowsay” comes in.
And, don’t let the name “cowsay” fool you. You can put words into so much more than just a cow. Like an elephant, Calvin, Beavis and even the Ghostbusters logo. Just do a “cowsay -l” from the terminal to get a complete list of options.

You can put words into so much more than just a cow.
Want to get really tricky? You can pipe the output of other applications into cowsay. Try “fortune | cowsay”. Lots of fun can be had.
### Sudo Insult Me Please ###
Raise your hand if you’ve always wanted your computer to insult you when you do something wrong. Hell. I know I have. Try this:
Type “sudo visudo” to open the “sudoers” file. In the top of that file you’ll likely see a few lines that start with “Defaults”. At the bottom of that list add “Defaults insults” and save the file.
Now, whenever you mistype your sudo password, your system will lob insults at you. Confidence boosting phrases such as “Listen, burrito brains, I don’t have time to listen to this trash.”, “Are you on drugs?” and “You’re mind just hasn’t been the same since the electro-shocks, has it?”.
This one has the side-effect of being a rather fun thing to set on a co-worker's computer.
### Firefox is cheeky ###
Here’s one that isn’t done from the Terminal! Huzzah!
Open up Firefox. In the URL bar type “about:about”. That will give you a list of all of the “about” pages in Firefox. Nothing too fancy there, right?
Now try “about:mozilla” and you’ll be greeted with a quote from the “[Book of Mozilla][10]” -- the holy book of web browsing. One of my other favorites, “about:robots”, is also quite excellent.

The “Book of Mozilla” -- the holy book of web browsing.
### Carefully Crafted Calendar Concoctions ###
Tired of the boring old [Gregorian Calendar][11]? Ready to mix things up a little bit? Try typing “ddate”. This will print the current date on the [Discordian Calendar][12]. You will be greeted by something that looks like this:
“Today is Sweetmorn, the 18th day of Discord in the YOLD 3181”
I hear what you’re saying, “But, this isn’t an Easter Egg!” Shush. I’ll call it an Easter Egg if I want to.
### Instant l33t Hacker Mode ###
Want to feel like you’re a super-hacker from a movie? Try setting nmap into “[Script Kiddie][13]” mode (by adding “-oS”) and all of the output will be rendered in the most 3l33t [h@x0r-y way][14] possible.
Example: “nmap -oS - google.com”
Do it. You know you want to. Angelina Jolie would be [super impressed][15].
### The lolcat Rainbow ###
Having awesome Easter Eggs and goodies in your Linux terminal is fine and dandy… but what if you want it to have a little more… pizazz? Enter: lolcat. Take the text output of any program and pipe it through lolcat to super-duper-rainbow-ize it.

Take the text output of any program and pipe it through lolcat to super-duper-rainbow-ize it.
### Cursor Chasing Critter ###

“Oneko” -- the Linux port of the classic “Neko”.
“Oneko” -- the Linux port of the classic “[Neko][16]”.
And that brings us to “oneko” -- the Linux port of the classic “Neko”. Basically a little cat that chases your cursor around the screen.
While this may not qualify as an “Easter Egg” in the strictest sense of the word, it’s still fun. And it feels Easter Egg-y.
You can also use different options (such as “oneko -dog”) to use a little dog instead of a cat and a few other tweaks and options. Lots of possibilities for annoying co-workers with this one.
There you have it! A list of my favorite Linux Easter Eggs (and things of that ilk). Feel free to add your own favorite in the comments section below. Because this is the Internet. And you can do that sort of thing.
via: http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/820944-10-truly-amusing-linux-easter-eggs-
作者:[Bryan Lunduke][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Ambient Noise Player for Ubuntu Plays Relaxing Sounds to Keep You Creative

Rain is a soothing sound for some
**If I plan on being productive I can’t listen to ‘regular’ music. It distracts me. I start singing along or get reminded of a different track, so end up poking around my library and… Well, that’s that.**
But by the same token I can’t work in silence (living with 6 cats means that’s not a possibility, though) but the inconsistency jars and sudden clatters and meows interrupt.
My solution that is to **listen to ambient noise**.
I find it helps nullify the misdirection my brain craves, land provide a soundscape that wraps the noise of kitty play time.
Ambient noise is the noise that play out in the background of daily lives; the rain drumming on a window, the intelligible hum of coffee shop chatter, the gossiping of birds on the wind, and so on.
Listening to these sounds can force a racing mind to slow down, rebase and refocus on what matters.
### Ambient Noise App for Ubuntu ###

Google Play and Apple app stores are packed full of ambient and white noise apps. Now a similar tool is available natively on Ubuntu.
‘[Ambient Noise][1]‘ — as the name might suggest — is an audio player designed specifically for playing these sounds. It even integrates with the Ubuntu Sound Menu for a neat ‘pick, click and relax’ experience.
The app, which is also known as ‘ANoise Player’ and is made by Marcos Costales, comes with a set of **8 high-quality sounds**.
These 8 presets cover various ambient atmospheres, ranging from the rhythmic sound of rain, to the tranquil tones of nature at night, and back to the buzz of a bustling coffee shop in the afternoon.
### Install ANoise Player in Ubuntu ###
Ambient Noise player for Ubuntu is a free application and is available to install from its own dedicated PPA.
To do this open a new Terminal window and run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:costales/anoise
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install anoise
Once installed simply open it from the Unity Dash (or your DE’s equivalent), pick your preferred noise using Sound Menu and then …relax! The app even remembers which sound you used last.
Even so, give it a try out and see if it suits your needs. I would say let me know what you think, but I will be too focused to hear — and so might you!
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/ambient-noise-player-app-for-ubuntu-linux
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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Top 6 Ways To Get Your iTunes Experience On Linux

As you’re getting used to Linux (potentially as your new main operating system), you’ll eventually try to find a way to efficiently manage your music. iTunes comes to mind because it’s been the most popular way to manage music over the years, but you’ll quickly find out that iTunes isn’t available natively on Linux. Plus, better ways exist to manage your music now that it’s 2015.
However, that doesn’t automatically mean that you won’t be able to manage your music the way you want to. There’s plenty of other ways to keep tabs on your music library. Here’s six great ways to get it done.
### iTunes via WINE ###
Even if iTunes isn’t available in Linux as a native application, you can still try to [get it to work under WINE][1] or PlayOnLinux. These pieces of software try to add a compatibility layer so that Windows applications work on Linux, but the results are far from perfect. Therefore, [not all Windows applications will run with WINE][2] — but it’s still worth a try.
Each version of iTunes can give you different results, but the general process is as follows:
1. Install WINE
1. Run the iTunes installer via WINE
1. Google and try to solve any problems you come across.
Again, you might come across issues somewhere along the way which cannot be solved, such as the installer failing or the installed application refusing to run. That’s just how it is with WINE.
If you really want to use iTunes and you happen to luck out with WINE, then that’s great. However, if you’d rather use a native Linux application or WINE didn’t work for you, then there are options here as well. Several “music library manager” programs are available to give you a quick oversight of your music and play it directly in the application, as well as make playlists.
### [Amarok][3] ###

If you use KDE, then I’d recommend Amarok. It has [plenty of features to manage your music][4] and tight desktop integration with KDE. It also has useful features such as Last.FM integration, file tracking, dynamic playlists, and script support. It can even pull up biographies of artists as you play their songs.
### [Banshee][5] ###

If you use GNOME or any GTK-based desktop environment (they’re quite common), then I’d recommend Banshee as a [full-featured music library][6] manager. It has a very similar feature set as Amarok, including Last.FM integration, Internet radio support, podcast support, and much more. Amarok and Banshee are really among the top two choices, so which one you choose should depend on which desktop environment you’re using (for integration’s sake).
### [Rhythmbox][7] ###

Rhythmbox as a more [lightweight music library alternative][8] that is best used on GTK-based desktop environments. However, it still has quite a few features. You also get Last.FM support here, plus gapless playback and integration with various other applications such as Nautilus, XChat, and Pidgin.
### [Clementine][9] ###

Another application called Clementine also gets my recommendation with its clean and intuitive interface. It has tons of support for third-party services such as Spotify, Digitally Imported, and Dropbox. There’s also an Android app you can use as a remote control for Clementine. [Clementine is cross-platform][10] and available for Windows and Mac OS X.
They all are excellent at managing and playing your music. The only downside to all of these is that there is no iOS device integration, and there’s currently no modern application that can do that. However, iOS has received enough improvements that it’s virtually unnecessary to connect it to a computer anymore.
### [Google Play Music][11] ###

Lastly, if none of those applications satisfy your needs, you can take a look at Google Play Music. This online service acts as a music library manager that can play your music, but it also has some extra benefits. You can upload all your music to it and have access on any device connected to the Internet. That also means that you won’t have to sync your music between your computer and your mobile device (no matter if Android or iOS) because you have access to Google Play Music from both. If you want to expand your library you can get the All Access subscription, but it’s not a requirement. You can use it simply as a music library completely free for up to 20,000 songs.
#### Wot, no Spotify?! ####
The only reason why I don’t mention Spotify is that, although it’s also a great way to access and listen to music, it doesn’t really let you manage your own music. You can’t upload trakcs to Spotify — you have to listen to what they give you. Albeit they give you a lot, but it’s nonetheless a different mechanism.
### You Have Options ###
With these six options, you should be able to get iTunes-like functionality on your desktop. These options focused mainly on managing and playing your music library, but if there are any other features that you need from iTunes, other Linux-native applications can take care of those needs.
**What music applications do you regularly use on Linux?** Let us know in the comments!
via: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-6-ways-get-itunes-experience-linux/
作者:[Danny Stieben][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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10 Years of Git: An Interview with Git Creator Linus Torvalds
> Linus Torvalds explains why he created Git
> Thanks to Linus' Git today GitHub is the world's biggest code hoster in the world with over 9 million users and over 21.1 million repositories.
> By Swapnil Bhartiya -
> Git will be celebrating it’s 10 anniversary this month. It’s yet another contribution of Linus Torvalds to the world in addition to Sub Surface and Linux. [Jennifer Cloer of The Linux Foundation interviewed the father of Linux][2] and presented us with a very comprehensive story behind Git.
> When Cloer asked Linus why he created Git, his answer was:
> “I really never wanted to do source control management at all and felt that it was just about the least interesting thing in the computing world (with the possible exception of databases ;^), and I hated all SCM’s with a passion.”
> He then played with BitKeeper which he initially liked as in his own words:
> “BK got most things right and having a local copy of the repository and distributed merging was a big deal.”
> But he was not satisfied:
> “I had performance requirements that were not even remotely satisfied by what was available, and I also worried about integrity of the code and the whole workflow, so I ended up just deciding to write my own.”
> And the rest is history. Today GitHub is the world’s biggest code hoster in the world with over 9 million users and over 21.1 million repositories.
> via:http://www.linuxveda.com/2015/04/06/linus-torvalds-explains-why-he-created-git/

Ten years ago this week, the Linux kernel community faced a daunting challenge: They could no longer use their revision control system BitKeeper and no other Software Configuration Management (SCMs) met their needs for a distributed system. Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, took the challenge into his own hands and disappeared over the weekend to emerge the following week with Git. Today Git is used for thousands of projects and has ushered in a new level of social coding among programmers.
To celebrate this milestone, we asked Linus to share the behind-the-scenes story of Git and tell us what he thinks of the project and its impact on software development. You'll find his comments in the story below. We'll follow this Q&A with a week of Git in which we profile a different project each day that is using the revision control system. Look for the stories behind KVM, Qt, Drupal, Puppet and Wine, among others.
### Why did you create Git? ###
**Torvalds**: I really never wanted to do source control management at all and felt that it was just about the least interesting thing in the computing world (with the possible exception of databases ;^), and I hated all SCM's with a passion. But then BitKeeper came along and really changed the way I viewed source control. BK got most things right and having a local copy of the repository and distributed merging was a big deal. The big thing about distributed source control is that it makes one of the main issues with SCM's go away - the politics around "who can make changes." BK showed that you can avoid that by just giving everybody their own source repository. But BK had its own problems, too; there were a few technical choices that caused problems (renames were painful), but the biggest downside was the fact that since it wasn't open source, there was a lot of people who didn't want to use it. So while we ended up having several core maintainers use BK - it was free to use for open source projects - it never got ubiquitous. So it helped kernel development, but there were still pain points.
That then came to a head when Tridge (Andrew Tridgell) started reverse-engineering the (fairly simply) BK protocol, which was against the usage rules for BK. I spent a few weeks (months? It felt that way) trying to mediate between Tridge and Larry McVoy, but in the end it clearly wasn't working. So at some point I decided that I can't continue using BK, but that I really didn't want to go back to the bad old pre-BK days. Sadly, at the time, while there were some other SCM's that kind of tried to get the whole distributed thing, none of them did it remotely well. I had performance requirements that were not even remotely satisfied by what was available, and I also worried about integrity of the code and the whole workflow, so I ended up just deciding to write my own.
### How did you approach it? Did you stay up all weekend to write it or was it just during regular hours? ###
**Torvalds**: Heh. You can actually see how it all took shape in the git source code repository, except for the very first day or so. It took about a day to get to be "self-hosting" so that I could start committing things into git using git itself, so the first day or so is hidden, but everything else is there. The work was clearly mostly during the day, but there's a few midnight entries and a couple of 2 a.m. ones. The most interesting part is how quickly it took shape ; the very first commit in the git tree is not a lot of code, but it already did the basics - enough to commit itself. The trick wasn't really so much the coding but coming up with how it organizes the data.
So I'd like to stress that while it really came together in just about ten days or so (at which point I did my first *kernel* commit using git), it wasn't like it was some kind of mad dash of coding. The actual amount of that early code is actually fairly small, it all depended on getting the basic ideas right. And that I had been mulling over for a while before the whole project started. I'd seen the problems others had. I'd seen what I wanted to avoid doing.
### Has it lived up to your expectations? How is it working today in your estimation? Are there any limitations? ###
**Torvalds**: I'm very happy with git. It works remarkably well for the kernel and is still meeting all my expectations. What I find interesting is how it took over so many other projects, too. Surprisingly quickly, in the end. There is a lot of inertia in switching source control systems; just look at how long CVS and even RCS have stayed around, but at some point git just took over.
### Why do you think it's been so widely adopted? ###
**Torvalds**: I think that many others had been frustrated by all the same issues that made me hate SCM's, and while there have been many projects that tried to fix one or two small corner cases that drove people wild, there really hadn't been anything like git that really ended up taking on the big problems head on. Even when people don't realize how important that "distributed" part was (and a lot of people were fighting it), once they figure out that it allows those easy and reliable backups, and allows people to make their own private test repositories without having to worry about the politics of having write access to some central repository, they'll never go back.
### Does Git last forever, or do you foresee another revision control system in another 10 years? Will you be the one to write it? ###
**Torvalds**: I'm not going to be the one writing it, no. And maybe we'll see something new in ten years, but I guarantee that it will be pretty "git-like." It's not like git got everything right, but it got all the really basic issues right in a way that no other SCM had ever done before.
No false modesty ;)
### Why does Git work so well for Linux? ###
**Torvalds**: Well, it was obviously designed for our workflow, so that is part of it. I've already mentioned the whole "distributed" part many times, but it bears repeating. But it was also designed to be efficient enough for a biggish project like Linux, and it was designed to do things that people considered "hard" before git - because those are the things *I* do every day.
Just to pick an example: the concept of "merging" was generally considered to be something really quite painful and hard in most SCM's. You'd plan your merges, because they were big deals. That's not acceptable to me, since I commonly do tens of merges a day when in the merge window, and even then, the biggest overhead shouldn't be the merge itself, it should be testing the result. The "git" part of the merge is just a couple of seconds, it should take me much longer just to write the merge explanation message.
So git was basically designed and written for my requirements, and it shows.
### People have said that Git is only for super smart people. Even Andrew Morton said Git is "expressly designed to make you feel less intelligent than you thought you were." What's your response to this? ###
**Torvalds**: So I think it used to be true but isn't any more. There is a few reasons people feel that way, but I think only one of them remains. The one that remains is fairly simple: "you can do things so many ways."
You can do a lot of things with git, and many of the rules of what you *should* do are not so much technical limitations but are about what works well when working together with other people. So git is a very powerful set of tools, and that can not only be overwhelming at first, it also means that you can often do the same (or similar) things different ways, and they all "work." Generally, the best way to learn git is probably to first only do very basic things and not even look at some of the things you can do until you are familiar and confident about the basics.
There's a few historical reasons for why git was considered complicated. One of them is that it was complicated. The people who started using git very early on in order to work on the kernel really had to learn a very rough set of scripts to make everything work. All the effort had been on making the core technology work and very little on making it easy or obvious. So git (deservedly) had a reputation for requiring you to know exactly what you did early on. But that was mainly true for the first 6 months or a year.
The other big reason people thought git was hard is that git is very different. There are people who used things like CVS for a decade or two, and git is not CVS. Not even close. The concepts are different. The commands are different. Git never even really tried to look like CVS, quite the reverse. And if you've used a CVS-like system for a long time, that makes git appear complicated and needlessly different. People were put off by the odd revision numbers. Why is a git revision not "1.3.1" with nice incrementing numbers like it was in CVS? Why is it that odd scary 40-character HEX number?
But git wasn't "needlessly different." The differences are required. It's just that it made some people really think it was more complicated than it is, because they came from a very different background. The "CVS background" thing is going away. By now there are probably lots of programmers out there who have never used CVS in their lives and would find the CVS way of doing things very confusing, because they learned git first.
### Do you think the rate of Linux kernel development would have been able to grow at its current rate without Git? Why or why not? ###
**Torvalds**: Well, "without git," sure. But it would have required that somebody else wrote something git-equivalent: a distributed SCM that is as efficient as git is. We definitely needed something *like* git.
### What's your latest opinion of GitHub? ###
**Torvalds**: Github is an excellent hosting service; I have nothing against it at all. Now, the complaints I've had is that GitHub as a development platform - making commits, pull requests, keeping track of issues etc - doesn't work very well at all. It's not even close, not for something like the kernel. It's much too limited.
That's partly because of how the kernel is developed, but part of it was that the GitHub interfaces were actively encouraging bad behavior. Commits done on GitHub had bad commit messages etc, because the web interfaces at GitHub were actively encouraging bad behavior. They did fix some of that, so it probably works better, but it will never be appropriate for something like the Linux kernel.
### What is the most interesting use you've seen for Git and/or GitHub? ###
**Torvalds**: I'm just happy that it made it so easy to start a new project. Project hosting used to be painful, and with git and GitHub it's just so trivial to do a random small project. It doesn't matter what the project is; what matters is that you can do it.
### Do you have side projects up your sleeve today? Any more brilliant software projects that will dominate software development for years to come? ###
**Torvalds**: Nothing planned. But I'll let you know if that changes.
Atlassian is also helping to celebrate the anniversary of Git. Click on the image below to [take a walk down memory lane][1].

via: http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/185-jennifer-cloer/821541-10-years-of-git-an-interview-with-git-creator-linus-torvalds
作者:[Jennifer Cloer][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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Real-World WordPress Benchmarks with PHP5.5 PHP5.6 PHP-NG and HHVM
**TL;DR In a local, Vagrant-based environment HHVM lost, probably due to a bug; it’s still investigated with the help of the HHVM guys! However on a DigitalOcean 4GB box it beat even the latest build of PHP-NG!**

**Update: Please take a look at the results at the end of the article! They reflect the power of HHVM better (after the JIT warmup), for some reason we cannot get these results with all setups though.
The tests below were done in a Vagrant/VVV environment, the results are still interesting, it might be a bug in HHVM or the Vagrant setup that’s preventing it from kicking into high speed, we’re investigating the issue with the HHVM guys.**
If you remember we [wrote an article a good couple of months ago][1] when WordPress 3.9 came out that HHVM was fully supported beginning with that release, and we were all happy about it. The initial benchmark results showed HHVM to be far more superior than the Zend engine that’s currently powering all PHP builds. Then the problems came:
- HHVM can only be run as one user, which means less security (in shared environments)
- HHVM does not restart itself after it crashes, and unfortunately it still does that quite often
- HHVM uses a lot of memory right from the start, and yes, it per-request memory usage will be lower once you scale compared to PHP-FPM
Obviously you have to compromise based on your (or rather your sites’) needs but is it worth it? How much of a performance gain can you expect by switching to HHVM?
At Kinsta we really like to test everything new and generally optimize everything to provide the best environment to our clients. Today I finally took the time to set up a test environment and do some tests to compare a couple of different builds with a fresh out of the box WordPress install and one that has a bunch of content added plus runs WooCommerce! To measure the script running time I simply added the
<?php timer_stop(1); ?>
line before the /body tag of the footer.php’s.
Previously this section contained benchmarks made with Vagrant/Virtualbox/Ubuntu14.04 however for some reason HHVM was really underperforming, probably due to a bug or a limitation of the virtualized environment. We feel that these test results do not reflect the reality so we re-run the tests on a cloud server and consider these valid.**
Here are the exact setup details of the environment:
- DigitalOcean 4GB droplet (2 CPU cores, 4GB RAM)
- Ubuntu 14.04, MariaDB10
- Test site: Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1
- PHP 5.5.9, PHP 5.5.15, PHP 5.6.0 RC2, PHP-NG (20140718-git-6cc487d) and HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)
**Without further ado, these were my test results, the lower the better, values in seconds:**
### DigitalOcean 4GB droplet ###
Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
It looks like that PHP-NG achieves its peak performance after the first run! HHVM needs a couple more reloads, but their performance seems to be almost equal! I can’t wait until PHP-NG is merged into the master! :)
Hits in a minute, higher the better.
**PHP 5.5.15 OpCache Disabled**
- Transactions: **236 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.03 secs
- Data transferred: 2.40 MB
- Response time: 2.47 secs
- Transaction rate: 4.00 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.04 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.87
- Successful transactions: 236
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 4.44
- Shortest transaction: 0.48
**PHP 5.5.15 OpCache Enabled**
- Transactions: **441 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.55 secs
- Data transferred: 4.48 MB
- Response time: 1.34 secs
- Transaction rate: 7.41 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.08 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.91
- Successful transactions: 441
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 2.19
- Shortest transaction: 0.64
**PHP 5.6 RC2 OpCache Disabled**
- Transactions: **207 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.87 secs
- Data transferred: 2.10 MB
- Response time: 2.80 secs
- Transaction rate: 3.46 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.04 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.68
- Successful transactions: 207
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 3.65
- Shortest transaction: 0.54
**PHP 5.6 RC2 OpCache Enabled**
- Transactions: **412 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.03 secs
- Data transferred: 4.18 MB
- Response time: 1.42 secs
- Transaction rate: 6.98 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.07 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.88
- Successful transactions: 412
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 1.93
- Shortest transaction: 0.34
**HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)**
- Transactions: **955 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.69 secs
- Data transferred: 9.18 MB
- Response time: 0.62 secs
- Transaction rate: 16.00 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.15 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.94
- Successful transactions: 955
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 0.85
- Shortest transaction: 0.23
**PHP-NG OpCache Enabled (built: Jul 29 2014 )**
- Transactions: **849 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.88 secs
- Data transferred: 8.63 MB
- Response time: 0.70 secs
- Transaction rate: 14.18 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.14 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.94
- Successful transactions: 849
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 1.06
- Shortest transaction: 0.13
These are the previous test results, they’re faulty. I left them here for future reference but please do NOT consider these values a truthful representation!**
Here are the exact setup details of the environment:
- Apple MacBook Pro mid-2011 (Intel Core i7 2 GHz 4 cores, 4GB RAM, 256GB Ocz Vertex 3 MI)
- Current Varying Vagrant Vagrants build with Ubuntu 14.04, nginx 1.6.x, mysql 5.5.x, etc.
- Test site 1: WordPress 3.9.1 bare minimum
- Test site 2: Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1
- PHP 5.5.9, PHP 5.5.15, PHP 5.6.0 RC2, PHP-NG (20140718-git-6cc487d) and HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)
**Default Theme, Default WordPress 3.9.1, PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.3 (with OpCache 7.0.3)**
**Faulty results. Please read the note above!** Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
### Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1 (OpCache Disabled) ###
**Faulty results. Please read the note above**! Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
### Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1 (OpCache Enabled) ###
**Faulty results. Please read the note above!** Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
parameters: 10 concurrent users for 1 minute: siege -c 10 -b -t 1M**
**Faulty results. Please read the note above!** Hits in a minute, higher the better.
**PHP5.5 OpCache Disabled (PHP 5.5.15-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 35 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.04 secs
- Data transferred: 2.03 MB
- Response time: 14.56 secs
- Transaction rate: 0.59 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.03 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 8.63
- Successful transactions: 35
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 18.73
- Shortest transaction: 5.80
**HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 44 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.53 secs
- Data transferred: 0.42 MB
- Response time: 12.00 secs
- Transaction rate: 0.74 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.01 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 8.87
- Successful transactions: 44
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 13.40
- Shortest transaction: 2.65
**PHP5.5 OpCache Enabled (PHP 5.5.15-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 with OpCache 7.0.4-dev)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 100 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.30 secs
- Data transferred: 5.81 MB
- Response time: 5.69 secs
- Transaction rate: 1.69 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.10 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.60
- Successful transactions: 100
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 7.25
- Shortest transaction: 2.82
**PHP5.6 OpCache Enabled (PHP 5.6.0RC2 with OpCache 7.0.4-dev)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 103 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.99 secs
- Data transferred: 5.98 MB
- Response time: 5.51 secs
- Transaction rate: 1.72 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.10 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.45
- Successful transactions: 103
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 6.87
- Shortest transaction: 2.52
**PHP-NG OpCache Enabled (20140718-git-6cc487d)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 124 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.32 secs
- Data transferred: 7.19 MB
- Response time: 4.58 secs
- Transaction rate: 2.09 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.12 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.57
- Successful transactions: 124
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 6.86
- Shortest transaction: 2.24
**What do you think about this test? Did I miss something? What would you like to see in the next benchmarking article? Please leave your comment below!**
via: https://kinsta.com/blog/real-world-wordpress-benchmarks-with-php5-5-php5-6-php-ng-and-hhvm/
作者:[Mark Gavalda][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
How to Install Cherokee Lightweight Web Server on Ubuntu 14.04
**Cherokee** is an free and open source high performance, lightweight, full-featured web server and running on major platform (Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and BSD). It is compatible with TLS/SSL,FastCGI, SCGI, PHP, uWSGI, SSI, CGI, LDAP, HTTP proxying, video streaming, content caching, traffic shaping, virtual hosts, Apache compatible log files, and load balancing.
Today we'll explains how to install and configure the Light Weight Cherokeeweb server on Ubuntu Server edition 14.04 LTS (Trusty) and should also work with 12.04, 12.10 and 13. 04, just skip the modification of source list.
Step by step install and configure the Cherokee web server on Ubuntu Server edition
### 1. Updating Ubuntu Package Index ###
First, Login into Ubuntu Server and make sure your ubuntu server update, run the following commands one by one, and install any available updates:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
### 2. Adding PPA ###
Add the PPA cherokee webserver. by running the following commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cherokee-webserver
sudo apt-get update
Now, only for servers running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty) follow this step below
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
nano cherokee-webserver-ppa-trusty.list
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cherokee-webserver/ppa/ubuntu trusty main
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cherokee-webserver/ppa/ubuntu saucy main
**then again run:**
sudo apt-get update
### 3. Installing Cherokee Web Server using apt-get ###
Enter the following command to install the Cherokee web server including Module SSL
sudo apt-get install cherokee cherokee-admin cherokee-doc libcherokee-mod-libssl libcherokee-mod-streaming libcherokee-mod-rrd
### 4. Configuring Cherokee ###
sudo service cherokee start
The best part about using its Web Server is being able to manage all of its configurations through a simple to use web interface. This interface, known as cherokee-admin, is the recommended means of administering cherokee web server through web browser. Start cherokee-admin by running the following command:
sudo cherokee-admin
**Note: The cherokee-admin will display the administration user name, One-time Password and administration web interface.**
**Note down your One-Time password. You will need this when you login to its admin web interface.**
By default, cherokee-admin can only accessed from localhost. If you need to access the admin for other network address using the parameter ‘**-b**’. If you doesn’t mention any ip address, it will automatically listen to all network interfaces. Then you can connect to cherokee-admin from other network address.
sudo cherokee-admin -b
If you need to access its admin from specific network address
sudo cherokee-admin -b
### 5. Browse your Cherokee Admin Panel ###
Now you can access the administration panel from you favorite browser by typing http://hostname_or_IP:9090/ for me its, it will appear on your browser like this:

Hurray, we have successfully installed and configured Cherokee Web Server in our Ubuntu Server.
via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/install-cherokee-lightweight-web-server-ubuntu-14-04/
作者:[Arun Pyasi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
FSSlc translating
How to Remember and Restore Running Applications on Next Logon
You have made some apps running in your Ubuntu and don't want to stop the process, just managed your windows and opened your stuffs needed to work. Then, something else demands your attention or you have battery low in your machine and you have to shut down. No worries. You can have Ubuntu remember all your running applications and restore them the next time you log in.
@ -94,4 +96,4 @@ via: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/remember-running-applications-ubuntu/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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