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[Translated]20141226 Real-World WordPress Benchmarks with PHP5.5 PHP5.6 PHP-NG and HHVM.md
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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
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<font face='黑体' size=6><b><center>Linux中国术语词典</center></b></font>
<br />
<font face='微软雅黑' size=3><b><center>[Linux中国](http://www.linux.cn)出品</center></b></font>
<font face='微软雅黑'><b>本词典为规范Linux中国翻译组(LCTT)技术术语翻译而编写,同时也方便广大翻译志愿者查阅。限于编写者的水平,其中可能有不完善或疏漏的地方,希望广大翻译志愿者不吝指正。同时,希望广大翻译志愿者能提供相关术语的翻译供大家参考。另外,若在翻译过程中对某些术语有疑虑,可在我们的QQ专门群中进行讨论。在此,谨代表LCTT感谢各位志愿者的辛勤劳动和无私奉献。</b></font>
<font face='微软雅黑' size=3><b><p align='right'>LCTT翻译组</p></b></font>
#### A ####
### 1. APM:高级电源管理
### 2.
#### B ####
### 1. Backbone:骨干
### 2. B channel(Bearer channel):承载信道
>承载信道(Bearer Channel),也叫做B channel,是一个全双工DS0时间槽(64-kbps),其携带模拟语音或数字资料通过综合服务数字网(ISDN)。
### 3. Backchannel:反向通道
### 4. Back End:后台
### 5. Back-haul:回程线路
### 6. Backoff:退避
>是指当一个主机已经在有MAC 协议的网络中经历了一个冲突之后试图去重发之前的等待时期。这个退避时间通常是任意的来最小化相同节点再次冲突的可能性。在每次冲突后增加退避时期也能帮助预防重复碰撞,特别当这个网络负担很重时。
### 7. Backplane:附加卡
### 8. Back Pressure:背压
### 9. Balun(balanced-unbalanced):不平衡变压器
### 10. Baseband:基带
### 11. Bastion Host:防御主机
### 12: Bc(Committed Burst):约定资讯讯务
### 13. BCP(Best Current Practices):最优现行方法
>是副系列的IETF RFCs,其被用于描述在Internet上的最优配置技术。
### 14. BCU(Balanced Configuration Unit):平衡配置单元
### 15. BECN(Backward Explicit Congestion Notification):显式拥塞通知
### 16. BER(Bit Error Rate):误码率
### 17. BIP(Bit Interleaved Parity):位交叉奇偶校验
#### C ####
#### D ####
### 1. daemon:守护进程
### 2.
#### F ####
#### G ####
#### H ####
### 1. Home Directory:家目录
#### I ####
#### J ####
#### K ####
#### L ####
#### M ####
#### N ####
#### O ####
#### P ####
### 1.P-code(Pseudo-code):伪代码语言
>一种解释型语言,执行方式介于编译型语言和解释型语言之间。和解释型语言一样,伪代码编程语言无需编译,在执行时自动转换成二进制形式。然而,和编译型语言不同的是,这种可执行的二进制文件是以伪代码的形式而不是机器语言的形式存储的。伪代码语言的例子有 Java、Python 和 REXX/Object REXX。
### 2. PAM(Pluggable Authentication Modules):可插拔认证模块
### 3. Port/Ported/Porting:移植
>一个过程,即获取为某个操作系统平台编写的程序,并对其进行修改使之能在另一 OS 上运行,并且具有类似的功能。
### 4. POSIX(Portable Operating System Interface for uniX):UNIX 可移植操作系统接口
>一组编程接口标准,它们规定如何编写应用程序源代码以便应用程序可在操作系统之间移植。POSIX 基于 UNIX,它是 The Open Group 的 X/Open 规范的基础。
#### Q ####
#### R ####
### 1. RCS(Revision Control System):修订控制系统
### 2. RFS(Remote File Sharing):远程文件共享
#### S ####
### 1. shebang [ʃɪ'bæŋ]:释伴
### 2. Spool(Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line):假脱机
### 2. Steganography:隐写术
### 3. Swap:交换
#### T ####
### 1. Time-sharing:分时
### 2. TL;DR:长篇摘要
>Too Long;Didn't Read的缩写词,即太长,未阅的意思。该词多见于互联网社区论坛中,用于指出该文太长,没有阅读,或者标示出一篇长文章的摘要。因此,Linux中国翻译组将其翻译为:长篇摘要。
#### U ####
#### V ####
### 1. VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language):虚拟现实建模语言
>一种主要基于 Web 的语言,用于 3D 效果(如构建遍历)。
#### W ####
### 1. Wrapper:封装器
#### X ####
#### Y ####
#### Z ####
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
Translating by GOLinux ...
Real-World WordPress Benchmarks with PHP5.5 PHP5.6 PHP-NG and HHVM
**TL;DR In a local, Vagrant-based environment HHVM lost, probably due to a bug; it’s still investigated with the help of the HHVM guys! However on a DigitalOcean 4GB box it beat even the latest build of PHP-NG!**

**Update: Please take a look at the results at the end of the article! They reflect the power of HHVM better (after the JIT warmup), for some reason we cannot get these results with all setups though.
The tests below were done in a Vagrant/VVV environment, the results are still interesting, it might be a bug in HHVM or the Vagrant setup that’s preventing it from kicking into high speed, we’re investigating the issue with the HHVM guys.**
If you remember we [wrote an article a good couple of months ago][1] when WordPress 3.9 came out that HHVM was fully supported beginning with that release, and we were all happy about it. The initial benchmark results showed HHVM to be far more superior than the Zend engine that’s currently powering all PHP builds. Then the problems came:
- HHVM can only be run as one user, which means less security (in shared environments)
- HHVM does not restart itself after it crashes, and unfortunately it still does that quite often
- HHVM uses a lot of memory right from the start, and yes, it per-request memory usage will be lower once you scale compared to PHP-FPM
Obviously you have to compromise based on your (or rather your sites’) needs but is it worth it? How much of a performance gain can you expect by switching to HHVM?
At Kinsta we really like to test everything new and generally optimize everything to provide the best environment to our clients. Today I finally took the time to set up a test environment and do some tests to compare a couple of different builds with a fresh out of the box WordPress install and one that has a bunch of content added plus runs WooCommerce! To measure the script running time I simply added the
<?php timer_stop(1); ?>
line before the /body tag of the footer.php’s.
Previously this section contained benchmarks made with Vagrant/Virtualbox/Ubuntu14.04 however for some reason HHVM was really underperforming, probably due to a bug or a limitation of the virtualized environment. We feel that these test results do not reflect the reality so we re-run the tests on a cloud server and consider these valid.**
Here are the exact setup details of the environment:
- DigitalOcean 4GB droplet (2 CPU cores, 4GB RAM)
- Ubuntu 14.04, MariaDB10
- Test site: Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1
- PHP 5.5.9, PHP 5.5.15, PHP 5.6.0 RC2, PHP-NG (20140718-git-6cc487d) and HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)
**Without further ado, these were my test results, the lower the better, values in seconds:**
### DigitalOcean 4GB droplet ###
Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
It looks like that PHP-NG achieves its peak performance after the first run! HHVM needs a couple more reloads, but their performance seems to be almost equal! I can’t wait until PHP-NG is merged into the master! :)
Hits in a minute, higher the better.
**PHP 5.5.15 OpCache Disabled**
- Transactions: **236 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.03 secs
- Data transferred: 2.40 MB
- Response time: 2.47 secs
- Transaction rate: 4.00 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.04 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.87
- Successful transactions: 236
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 4.44
- Shortest transaction: 0.48
**PHP 5.5.15 OpCache Enabled**
- Transactions: **441 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.55 secs
- Data transferred: 4.48 MB
- Response time: 1.34 secs
- Transaction rate: 7.41 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.08 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.91
- Successful transactions: 441
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 2.19
- Shortest transaction: 0.64
**PHP 5.6 RC2 OpCache Disabled**
- Transactions: **207 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.87 secs
- Data transferred: 2.10 MB
- Response time: 2.80 secs
- Transaction rate: 3.46 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.04 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.68
- Successful transactions: 207
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 3.65
- Shortest transaction: 0.54
**PHP 5.6 RC2 OpCache Enabled**
- Transactions: **412 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.03 secs
- Data transferred: 4.18 MB
- Response time: 1.42 secs
- Transaction rate: 6.98 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.07 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.88
- Successful transactions: 412
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 1.93
- Shortest transaction: 0.34
**HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)**
- Transactions: **955 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.69 secs
- Data transferred: 9.18 MB
- Response time: 0.62 secs
- Transaction rate: 16.00 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.15 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.94
- Successful transactions: 955
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 0.85
- Shortest transaction: 0.23
**PHP-NG OpCache Enabled (built: Jul 29 2014 )**
- Transactions: **849 hits**
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.88 secs
- Data transferred: 8.63 MB
- Response time: 0.70 secs
- Transaction rate: 14.18 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.14 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.94
- Successful transactions: 849
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 1.06
- Shortest transaction: 0.13
These are the previous test results, they’re faulty. I left them here for future reference but please do NOT consider these values a truthful representation!**
Here are the exact setup details of the environment:
- Apple MacBook Pro mid-2011 (Intel Core i7 2 GHz 4 cores, 4GB RAM, 256GB Ocz Vertex 3 MI)
- Current Varying Vagrant Vagrants build with Ubuntu 14.04, nginx 1.6.x, mysql 5.5.x, etc.
- Test site 1: WordPress 3.9.1 bare minimum
- Test site 2: Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1
- PHP 5.5.9, PHP 5.5.15, PHP 5.6.0 RC2, PHP-NG (20140718-git-6cc487d) and HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)
**Default Theme, Default WordPress 3.9.1, PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.3 (with OpCache 7.0.3)**
**Faulty results. Please read the note above!** Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
### Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1 (OpCache Disabled) ###
**Faulty results. Please read the note above**! Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
### Munditia Theme with Demo Content Imported, WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1 (OpCache Enabled) ###
**Faulty results. Please read the note above!** Seconds, 10 runs, lower the better.
parameters: 10 concurrent users for 1 minute: siege -c 10 -b -t 1M**
**Faulty results. Please read the note above!** Hits in a minute, higher the better.
**PHP5.5 OpCache Disabled (PHP 5.5.15-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 35 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.04 secs
- Data transferred: 2.03 MB
- Response time: 14.56 secs
- Transaction rate: 0.59 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.03 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 8.63
- Successful transactions: 35
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 18.73
- Shortest transaction: 5.80
**HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 44 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.53 secs
- Data transferred: 0.42 MB
- Response time: 12.00 secs
- Transaction rate: 0.74 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.01 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 8.87
- Successful transactions: 44
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 13.40
- Shortest transaction: 2.65
**PHP5.5 OpCache Enabled (PHP 5.5.15-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 with OpCache 7.0.4-dev)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 100 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.30 secs
- Data transferred: 5.81 MB
- Response time: 5.69 secs
- Transaction rate: 1.69 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.10 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.60
- Successful transactions: 100
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 7.25
- Shortest transaction: 2.82
**PHP5.6 OpCache Enabled (PHP 5.6.0RC2 with OpCache 7.0.4-dev)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 103 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.99 secs
- Data transferred: 5.98 MB
- Response time: 5.51 secs
- Transaction rate: 1.72 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.10 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.45
- Successful transactions: 103
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 6.87
- Shortest transaction: 2.52
**PHP-NG OpCache Enabled (20140718-git-6cc487d)Faulty results. Please read the note above!**
- Transactions: 124 hits
- Availability: 100.00 %
- Elapsed time: 59.32 secs
- Data transferred: 7.19 MB
- Response time: 4.58 secs
- Transaction rate: 2.09 trans/sec
- Throughput: 0.12 MB/sec
- Concurrency: 9.57
- Successful transactions: 124
- Failed transactions: 0
- Longest transaction: 6.86
- Shortest transaction: 2.24
**What do you think about this test? Did I miss something? What would you like to see in the next benchmarking article? Please leave your comment below!**
via: https://kinsta.com/blog/real-world-wordpress-benchmarks-with-php5-5-php5-6-php-ng-and-hhvm/
作者:[Mark Gavalda][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
真实世界WordPress PHP 5.5 PHP5.6 PHP-NG和HHVM基准测试

如果你记得我们[在几个月前写过一篇文章][1],那时WordPress 3.9表明是完全支持HHVM的,当时是那么令我们欢欣鼓舞。最初的基准测试结果显示,HHVM要比驱动着当前所有PHP构建的Zend引擎高级得多。后来,问题就出来了:
- HHVM只能以单个用户运行,这意味着(在共享环境中)安全性差了
- HHVM在崩溃后不会自动重启,而不幸的是,它至今仍然经常发生
- HHVM在启动时使用大量内存,而当你把它和PHP-FPM规模比较后会发现,它单个请求的内存使用量却更低。
<?php timer_stop(1); ?>
- 数字海洋4GB雨滴容器 (2 CPU核心, 4GB RAM)
- Ubuntu 14.04, MariaDB10
- 测试站点: 已导入演示内容的Munditia主题,WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1
- PHP 5.5.9, PHP 5.5.15, PHP 5.6.0 RC2, PHP-NG (20140718-git-6cc487d)和HHVM 3.2.0 (版本中说是PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)
### 数字海洋4GB雨滴容器 ###
**PHP 5.5.15禁用OpCache**
- 执行: **236 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.03 secs
- 传输的数据: 2.40 MB
- 回应时间: 2.47 secs
- 执行率: 4.00 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.04 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.87
- 成功的执行: 236
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 4.44
- 最短执行: 0.48
**PHP 5.5.15启用OpCache**
- 执行: **441 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.55 secs
- 传输的数据: 4.48 MB
- 回应时间: 1.34 secs
- 执行率: 7.41 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.08 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.91
- 成功的执行: 441
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 2.19
- 最短执行: 0.64
**PHP 5.6 RC2禁用OpCache**
- 执行: **207 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.87 secs
- 传输的数据: 2.10 MB
- 回应时间: 2.80 secs
- 执行率: 3.46 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.04 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.68
- 成功的执行: 207
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 3.65
- 最短执行: 0.54
**PHP 5.6 RC2启用OpCache**
- 执行: **412 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.03 secs
- 传输的数据: 4.18 MB
- 回应时间: 1.42 secs
- 执行率: 6.98 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.07 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.88
- 成功的执行: 412
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 1.93
- 最短执行: 0.34
**HHVM 3.2.0(版本说是PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)**
- 执行: **955 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.69 secs
- 传输的数据: 9.18 MB
- 回应时间: 0.62 secs
- 执行率: 16.00 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.15 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.94
- 成功的执行: 955
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 0.85
- 最短执行: 0.23
**PHP-NG启用OpCache(构建: Jul 29 2014)**
- 执行: **849 hits**
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.88 secs
- 传输的数据: 8.63 MB
- 回应时间: 0.70 secs
- 执行率: 14.18 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.14 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.94
- 成功的执行: 849
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 1.06
- 最短执行: 0.13
- 苹果MacBook Pro mid-2011 (Intel Core i7 2 GHz 4 cores, 4GB RAM, 256GB Ocz Vertex 3 MI)
- 当前修改中的Vagrant,带有Ubuntu 14.04, nginx 1.6.x, mysql 5.5.x等的Vagrants构建
- 测试站点 1: WordPress 3.9.1最小化裸版
- 测试站点 2: 导入演示内容的Munditia主题,WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1
- PHP 5.5.9, PHP 5.5.15, PHP 5.6.0 RC2, PHP-NG (20140718-git-6cc487d)和HHVM 3.2.0 (版本中说是PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)
**默认主题,默认的WordPress 3.9.1, PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.3 (带有OpCache 7.0.3)**
### 导入演示内容的Munditia主题,WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1(禁用OpCache) ###
### 导入演示内容的Munditia主题,WooCommerce 2.1.12 & WordPress 3.9.1(启用OpCache)###
**Siege参数:1分钟10个并发用户:siege -c 10 -b -t 1M**
**PHP5.5禁用OpCache(PHP 5.5.15-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1)错误结果,请阅读上面的说明!**
- 执行: 35 hits
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.04 secs
- 传输的数据: 2.03 MB
- 回应时间: 14.56 secs
- 执行率: 0.59 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.03 MB/sec
- 并发数: 8.63
- 成功的执行: 35
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 18.73
- 最短执行: 5.80
**HHVM 3.2.0 (version says PHP 5.6.99-hhvm)错误结果,请阅读上面的说明!**
- 执行: 44 hits
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.53 secs
- 传输的数据: 0.42 MB
- 回应时间: 12.00 secs
- 执行率: 0.74 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.01 MB/sec
- 并发数: 8.87
- 成功的执行: 44
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 13.40
- 最短执行: 2.65
**PHP5.5启用OpCache(PHP 5.5.15-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 with OpCache 7.0.4-dev)错误结果,请阅读上面的说明!**
- 执行: 100 hits
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.30 secs
- 传输的数据: 5.81 MB
- 回应时间: 5.69 secs
- 执行率: 1.69 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.10 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.60
- 成功的执行: 100
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 7.25
- 最短执行: 2.82
**PHP5.6启用OpCache(PHP 5.6.0RC2 with OpCache 7.0.4-dev)错误结果,请阅读上面的说明!**
- 执行: 103 hits
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.99 secs
- 传输的数据: 5.98 MB
- 回应时间: 5.51 secs
- 执行率: 1.72 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.10 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.45
- 成功的执行: 103
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 6.87
- 最短执行: 2.52
- 执行: 124 hits
- 可用性: 100.00 %
- 消耗时间: 59.32 secs
- 传输的数据: 7.19 MB
- 回应时间: 4.58 secs
- 执行率: 2.09 trans/sec
- 吞吐量: 0.12 MB/sec
- 并发数: 9.57
- 成功的执行: 124
- 失败的执行: 0
- 最长执行: 6.86
- 最短执行: 2.24
via: https://kinsta.com/blog/real-world-wordpress-benchmarks-with-php5-5-php5-6-php-ng-and-hhvm/
作者:[Mark Gavalda][a]
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