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逃离 Google,重获自由(与君共勉)
原名:How I Fully Quit Google (And You Can, Too)
> 寻求挣脱科技巨头的一次开创性尝试
在过去的六个月里,难以想象我到底经历了些什么。艰难的、时间密集的、启发性的探索,为的只是完全摒弃一家公司 —— Google(谷歌)—— 的产品。本该是件简简单单的任务,但真要去做,花费在研究和测试上的又何止几个小时。但我成功了。现在,我已经不需要 Google 了,作为西方世界中极其少数的群体中的一份子,不再使用世界上最有价值的两家科技公司的产品(是的,我也不用 [Facebook(脸书)][6])。

在过去的六个月里,难以想象我到底经历了些什么。艰难的、耗时的、开创性的探索,为的只是完全摒弃一家公司 —— Google(谷歌)—— 的产品。本该是件简简单单的任务,但真要去做,花费在研究和测试上的又何止几个小时。但我成功了。现在,我已经不需要 Google 了,作为西方世界中极其少数的群体中的一份子,不再使用世界上最有价值的两家科技公司的产品(是的,我也不用 [Facebook(脸书)][6])。
本篇指南将向你展示我逃离 Google 生态的始末。以及根据本人的研究和个人需求,选择的替代方案。我不是技术方面的专家,或者说程序员,但作为记者,我的工作要求我对安全和隐私的问题保持警惕。
@ -17,17 +17,17 @@
Google 很快就从仅提供检索服务转向提供其它服务,其中许多都是我欣然拥抱的服务。早在 2005 年,当时你们可能还只能[通过邀请][7]加入 Gmail 的时候,我就已经是早期使用者了。Gmail 采用了线程对话、归档、标签,毫无疑问是我使用过的最好的电子邮件服务。当 Google 在 2006 年推出其日历工具时,那种对操作的改进绝对是革命性的。针对不同日历使用不同的颜色进行编排、检索事件、以及发送可共享的邀请,操作极其简单。2007 年推出的 Google Docs 同样令人惊叹。在我的第一份全职工作期间,我还促成我们团队使用支持多人同时编辑的 Google 电子表格、文档和演示文稿来完成日常工作。
和许多人样,我也是 Google 开疆拓土过程中的受害者。从搜索(引擎)到电子邮件、文档、分析、再到照片,许多其它服务都建立在彼此之上,相互勾连。Google 从一家发布实用产品的公司转变成诱困用户公司,与此同时将整个互联网转变为牟利和数据采集的机器。Google 在我们的数字生活中几乎无处不在,这种程度的存在远非其他公司可以比拟。与之相比使用其他科技巨头的产品想要抽身就相对容易。对于 Apple(苹果),你要么身处 iWorld 之中,要么是局外人。亚马逊亦是如此,甚至连 Facebook 也不过是拥有少数的几个平台,不用(Facebook)更多的是[心理挑战][8],实际上并没有多么困难。
和许多人一样,我也是 Google 开疆拓土过程中的受害者。从搜索(引擎)到电子邮件、文档、分析、再到照片,许多其它服务都建立在彼此之上,相互勾连。Google 从一家发布实用产品的公司转变成诱困用户的公司,与此同时将整个互联网转变为牟利和数据采集的机器。Google 在我们的数字生活中几乎无处不在,这种程度的存在远非其他公司可以比拟。与之相比使用其他科技巨头的产品想要抽身就相对容易。对于 Apple(苹果),你要么身处 iWorld 之中,要么是局外人。亚马逊亦是如此,甚至连 Facebook 也不过是拥有少数的几个平台,不用(Facebook)更多的是[心理挑战][8],实际上并没有多么困难。
然而,Google 无处不在。无论是笔记本电脑、智能手机或者平板电脑,我猜其中至少会有那么一个 Google 的应用程序。Google 就是搜索(引擎)、地图、电子邮件、浏览器和大多数智能手机操作系统的代名词。甚至还有些应用有赖于其提供的“[服务][9]”和分析,比方说 Uber 便需要采用 Google Maps 来运营其乘车服务。
然而,Google 无处不在。无论是笔记本电脑、智能手机或者平板电脑,我猜其中至少会有那么一个 Google 的应用程序。Google 就是搜索(引擎)、地图、电子邮件、浏览器和大多数智能手机操作系统的代名词。甚至还有些应用有赖于其提供的“[服务][9]”和分析,比方说 Uber 便需要采用 Google 地图来运营其乘车服务。
Google 现在俨然已是许多语言中的单词,但彰显其超然全球统治地位的方面显然不止于此。可以说只要你不是极其注重个人隐私,那其庞大而成套的工具几乎没有多少众所周知或广泛使用的替代品。这恰好也是大家选择 Google 的原因,在很多方面能更好的替代现有的产品。但现在,使我们的难以割舍的主要原因其实是 Google 已经成为了默认选择,或者说由于其主导地位导致替代品无法对我们构成足够的吸引。
事实上,替代方案是存在的,这些年自 Edward Snowden(爱德华·斯诺登)披露 Google 涉事 [Prism(棱镜)][10]以来,又陆续涌现了许多替代品。我从去年年底开始着手这个项目。经过六个月的研究、测评以及大量的尝试和失败,我终于找到了所有我正在使用的 Google 产品对应的注重个人隐私的替代品。令我感到吃惊的是,其中的一些替代品比 Google 的做的还要好。
事实上,替代方案是存在的,这些年自<ruby>爱德华·斯诺登<rt>Edward Snowden</rt></ruby>披露 Google 涉事 <ruby>[棱镜][10]<rt>Prism</rt></ruby>以来,又陆续涌现了许多替代品。我从去年年底开始着手这个项目。经过六个月的研究、测评以及大量的尝试和失败,我终于找到了所有我正在使用的 Google 产品对应的注重个人隐私的替代品。令我感到吃惊的是,其中的一些替代品比 Google 的做的还要好。
### 一些注意事项
过程中需要面临的几个挑战之一便是,大多数的替代方案,特别是那些注重隐私空间的开源替代方案,确实对用户不太友好。我不是技术人员,但是自己有一个网站,了解如何管理 Wordpress,可以排除一些基本的故障,但我用不来命令行,也做不来任何需要编码的事。
这个过程中需要面临的几个挑战之一便是,大多数的替代方案,特别是那些注重隐私空间的开源替代方案,确实对用户不太友好。我不是技术人员,但是自己有一个网站,了解如何管理 Wordpress,可以排除一些基本的故障,但我用不来命令行,也做不来任何需要编码的事。
提供的这些替代方案中的大多数,即便不能完整替代 Google 产品的功能,但至少可以轻松上手。不过有些还是需要你有自己的 Web 主机或服务器的。
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Google 现在俨然已是许多语言中的单词,但彰显其超然全球统
[DuckDuckGo][12] 和 [startpage][13] 都是以保护个人隐私为中心的搜索引擎,不收集任何搜索数据。我用这两个搜索引擎来负责之前用 Google 搜索的所有需求。
其它的替代方案:实际上并不多,Google 坐拥全球 74% 的市场份额时,剩下的那些主要是因为中国的封锁。不过还有 Ask.com,以及 Bing……
其它的替代方案:实际上并不多,Google 坐拥全球 74% 的市场份额时,剩下的那些主要是因为中国的原因。不过还有 Ask.com,以及 Bing……
#### Chrome
@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ Google 现在俨然已是许多语言中的单词,但彰显其超然全球统
有些确实更好!Jitsi Meet 运行更顺畅,需要的带宽更少,并且比 Hangouts 跨平台支持好。Firefox 比 Chrome 更稳定,占用的内存更少。Fastmail 的日历具有更好的时区集成。
还有些旗鼓相当。ProtonMail 具有 Gmail 的大部分功能,但缺少一些好用的集成,例如我之前使用的 Boomerang 邮件日程功能。还缺少联系人界面,但我正在使用 Nextcloud。说到 Nextcloud,它非常适合托管文件,联系人,还包含了一个漂亮的笔记工具(以及诸多其它插件)。但它没有 Google Docs 丰富的多人编辑功能。在我的预算中,还没有找到可行的替代方案。虽然还有 Collabora Office,但这需要升级我的服务器,这对我来说不能算切实可行。
还有些旗鼓相当。ProtonMail 具有 Gmail 的大部分功能,但缺少一些好用的集成,例如我之前使用的 Boomerang 邮件日程功能。还缺少联系人界面,但我正在使用 Nextcloud。说到 Nextcloud,它非常适合托管文件、联系人,还包含了一个漂亮的笔记工具(以及诸多其它插件)。但它没有 Google Docs 丰富的多人编辑功能。在我的预算中,还没有找到可行的替代方案。虽然还有 Collabora Office,但这需要升级我的服务器,这对我来说不能算切实可行。
一些取决于位置。在一些国家(如印度尼西亚),MAPS.ME 实际上比 Google 地图更好用,而在另一些国家(包括美国)就差了许多。
还有些要求用户牺牲一些特性或功能。Piwic 是一个穷人的 Google Analytics,缺乏前者的许多详细报告和搜索功能。DuckDuckGo 适用于一般搜索,但是在特定的搜索方面还存在问题,当我搜索非英文内容时,它和 startpage 时常都会检索失败。
还有些要求用户牺牲一些特性或功能。Piwic 是一个穷人版的 Google Analytics,缺乏前者的许多详细报告和搜索功能。DuckDuckGo 适用于一般搜索,但是在特定的搜索方面还存在问题,当我搜索非英文内容时,它和 startpage 时常都会检索失败。
### 最后,我不再心念 Google
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Google 现在俨然已是许多语言中的单词,但彰显其超然全球统
如果我们别无选择,只能使用 Google 的产品,那我们便失去了作为消费者的最后一丝力量。
我希望 Google,Facebook,Apple 和其他科技巨头在对待用户时不要这么理所当然,不要试图强迫我们进入其无所不包的生态系统。我也期待新选手能够出现并与之竞争,就像以前一样,Google 的新搜索工具可以与当时的行业巨头 Altavista 和 Yahoo 竞争,或者说 Facebook 的社交网络能够与 MySpace 和 Friendster 竞争。Google 给出了更好的搜索方案,使互联网变得更加美好。有选择是个好事,可移植也是。
我希望 Google、Facebook、Apple 和其他科技巨头在对待用户时不要这么理所当然,不要试图强迫我们进入其无所不包的生态系统。我也期待新选手能够出现并与之竞争,就像以前一样,Google 的新搜索工具可以与当时的行业巨头 Altavista 和 Yahoo 竞争,或者说 Facebook 的社交网络能够与 MySpace 和 Friendster 竞争。Google 给出了更好的搜索方案,使互联网变得更加美好。有选择是个好事,可移植也是。
如今,我们很少有人哪怕只是尝试其它产品,因为我们已经习惯了 Google。我们不再更改邮箱地址,因为这太难了。我们甚至不尝试使用 Facebook 以外的替代品,因为我们所有的朋友都在 Facebook 上。这些我明白。
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
15 command-line aliases to save you time

Linux command-line aliases are great for helping you work more efficiently. Better still, some are included by default in your installed Linux distro.
This is an example of a command-line alias in Fedora 27:

The command `alias` shows the list of existing aliases. Setting an alias is as simple as typing:
`alias new_name="command"`
Here are 15 command-line aliases that will save you time:
1. To install any utility/application:
`alias install="sudo yum install -y"`
Here, `sudo` and `-y` are optional as per user’s preferences:
![install alias.png][2]
2. To update the system:
`alias update="sudo yum update -y"`
3. To upgrade the system:
`alias upgrade="sudo yum upgrade -y"`
4. To change to the root user:
`alias root="sudo su -"`
5. To change to "user," where "user" is set as your username:
`alias user="su user"`
6. To display the list of all available ports, their status, and IP:
`alias myip="ip -br -c a"`
7. To `ssh` to the server `myserver`:
`alias myserver="ssh user@my_server_ip”`
8. To list all processes in the system:
`alias process="ps -aux"`
9. To check the status of any system service:
`alias sstatus="sudo systemctl status"`
10. To restart any system service:
`alias srestart="sudo systemctl restart"`
11. To kill any process by its name:
`alias kill="sudo pkill"`
![kill process alias.png][4]
12. To display the total used and free memory of the system:
`alias mem="free -h"`
13. To display the CPU architecture, number of CPUs, threads, etc. of the system:
`alias cpu="lscpu"`
14. To display the total disk size of the system:
`alias disk="df -h"`
15. To display the current system Linux distro (for CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat):
`alias os="cat /etc/redhat-release"`
![system_details alias.png][6]
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/8/time-saving-command-line-aliases
作者:[Aarchit Modi][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[2]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/uploads/install.png (install alias.png)
[4]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/uploads/kill.png (kill process alias.png)
[6]:https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/uploads/system_details.png (system_details alias.png)
sources/tech/20180827 A sysadmin-s guide to containers.md
Normal file
sources/tech/20180827 A sysadmin-s guide to containers.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
A sysadmin's guide to containers

The term "containers" is heavily overused. Also, depending on the context, it can mean different things to different people.
Traditional Linux containers are really just ordinary processes on a Linux system. These groups of processes are isolated from other groups of processes using resource constraints (control groups [cgroups]), Linux security constraints (Unix permissions, capabilities, SELinux, AppArmor, seccomp, etc.), and namespaces (PID, network, mount, etc.).
If you boot a modern Linux system and took a look at any process with `cat /proc/PID/cgroup`, you see that the process is in a cgroup. If you look at `/proc/PID/status`, you see capabilities. If you look at `/proc/self/attr/current`, you see SELinux labels. If you look at `/proc/PID/ns`, you see the list of namespaces the process is in. So, if you define a container as a process with resource constraints, Linux security constraints, and namespaces, by definition every process on a Linux system is in a container. This is why we often say [Linux is containers, containers are Linux][1]. **Container runtimes** are tools that modify these resource constraints, security, and namespaces and launch the container.
Docker introduced the concept of a **container image** , which is a standard TAR file that combines:
* **Rootfs (container root filesystem):** A directory on the system that looks like the standard root (`/`) of the operating system. For example, a directory with `/usr`, `/var`, `/home`, etc.
* **JSON file (container configuration):** Specifies how to run the rootfs; for example, what **command** or **entrypoint** to run in the rootfs when the container starts; **environment variables** to set for the container; the container's **working directory** ; and a few other settings.
Docker "`tar`'s up" the rootfs and the JSON file to create the **base image**. This enables you to install additional content on the rootfs, create a new JSON file, and `tar` the difference between the original image and the new image with the updated JSON file. This creates a **layered image**.
The definition of a container image was eventually standardized by the [Open Container Initiative (OCI)][2] standards body as the [OCI Image Specification][3].
Tools used to create container images are called **container image builders**. Sometimes container engines perform this task, but several standalone tools are available that can build container images.
Docker took these container images ( **tarballs** ) and moved them to a web service from which they could be pulled, developed a protocol to pull them, and called the web service a **container registry**.
**Container engines** are programs that can pull container images from container registries and reassemble them onto **container storage**. Container engines also launch **container runtimes** (see below).

Container storage is usually a **copy-on-write** (COW) layered filesystem. When you pull down a container image from a container registry, you first need to untar the rootfs and place it on disk. If you have multiple layers that make up your image, each layer is downloaded and stored on a different layer on the COW filesystem. The COW filesystem allows each layer to be stored separately, which maximizes sharing for layered images. Container engines often support multiple types of container storage, including `overlay`, `devicemapper`, `btrfs`, `aufs`, and `zfs`.
After the container engine downloads the container image to container storage, it needs to create aThe runtime configuration combines input from the caller/user along with the content of the container image specification. For example, the caller might want to specify modifications to a running container's security, add additional environment variables, or mount volumes to the container.
The layout of the container runtime configuration and the exploded rootfs have also been standardized by the OCI standards body as the [OCI Runtime Specification][4].
Finally, the container engine launches a **container runtime** that reads the container runtime specification; modifies the Linux cgroups, Linux security constraints, and namespaces; and launches the container command to create the container's **PID 1**. At this point, the container engine can relay `stdin`/`stdout` back to the caller and control the container (e.g., stop, start, attach).
Note that many new container runtimes are being introduced to use different parts of Linux to isolate containers. People can now run containers using KVM separation (think mini virtual machines) or they can use other hypervisor strategies (like intercepting all system calls from processes in containers). Since we have a standard runtime specification, these tools can all be launched by the same container engines. Even Windows can use the OCI Runtime Specification for launching Windows containers.
At a much higher level are **container orchestrators.** Container orchestrators are tools used to coordinate the execution of containers on multiple different nodes. Container orchestrators talk to container engines to manage containers. Orchestrators tell the container engines to start containers and wire their networks together. Orchestrators can monitor the containers and launch additional containers as the load increases.
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/8/sysadmins-guide-containers
作者:[Daniel J Walsh][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
A Cat Clone With Syntax Highlighting And Git Integration

In Unix-like systems, we use **‘cat’** command to print and concatenate files. Using cat command, we can print the contents of a file to the standard output, concatenate several files into the target file, and append several files into the target file. Today, I stumbled upon a similar utility named **“Bat”** , a clone to the cat command, with some additional cool features such as syntax highlighting, git integration and automatic paging etc. In this brief guide, we will how to install and use Bat command in Linux.
### Installation
Bat is available in the default repositories of Arch Linux. So, you can install it using pacman on any arch-based systems.
$ sudo pacman -S bat
On Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint systems, download the **.deb** file from the [**Releases page**][1] and install it as shown below.
$ sudo apt install gdebi
$ sudo gdebi bat_0.5.0_amd64.deb
For other systems, you may need to compile and install from source. Make sure you have installed Rust 1.26 or higher.
Then, run the following command to install Bat:
$ cargo install bat
Alternatively, you can install it using [**Linuxbrew**][2] package manager.
$ brew install bat
### Bat command Usage
The Bat command’s usage is very similar to cat command.
To create a new file using bat command, do:
$ bat > file.txt
To view the contents of a file using bat command, just do:
$ bat file.txt
You can also view multiple files at once:
$ bat file1.txt file2.txt
To append the contents of the multiple files in a single file:
$ bat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt > document.txt
Like I already mentioned, apart from viewing and editing files, the Bat command has some additional cool features though.
The bat command supports **syntax highlighting** for large number of programming and markup languages. For instance, look at the following example. I am going to display the contents of the **reverse.py** file using both cat and bat commands.

Did you notice the difference? Cat command shows the contents of the file in plain text format, whereas bat command shows output with syntax highlighting, order number in a neat tabular column format. Much better, isn’t it?
If you want to display only the line numbers (not the tabular column), use **-n** flag.
$ bat -n reverse.py
**Sample output:**

Another notable feature of Bat command is it supports **automatic paging**. That means if output of a file is too large for one screen, the bat command automatically pipes its own output to **less** command, so you can view the output page by page.
Let me show you an example. When you view the contents of a file which spans multiple pages using cat command, the prompt quickly jumps to the last page of the file, and you do not see the content in the beginning or in the middle.
Have a look at the following output:

As you can see, the cat command displays last page of the file.
So, you may need to pipe the output of the cat command to **less** command to view it’s contents page by page from the beginning.
$ cat reverse.py | less
Now, you can view output page by page by hitting the ENTER key. However, it is not necessary if you use bat command. The bat command will automatically pipe the output of a file which spans multiple pages.
$ bat reverse.py
**Sample output:**

Now hit the ENTER key to go to the next page.
The bat command also supports **GIT integration** , so you can view/edit the files in your Git repository without much hassle. It communicates with git to show modifications with respect to the index (see left side bar).

**Customizing Bat**
If you don’t like the default themes, you can change it too. Bat has option for that too.
To list the available themes, just run:
$ bat --list-themes
Monokai Extended
Monokai Extended Bright
Monokai Extended Light
Monokai Extended Origin
To use a different theme, for example TwoDark, run:
$ bat --theme=TwoDark file.txt
If you want to make the theme permanent, use `export BAT_THEME="TwoDark"` in your shells startup file.
Bat also have the option to control the appearance of the output. To do so, use the `--style` option. To show only Git changes and line numbers but no grid and no file header, use `--style=numbers,changes`.
For more details, refer the Bat project GitHub Repository (Link at the end).
And, that’s all for now. Hope this was useful. More good stuffs to come. Stay tuned!
via: https://www.ostechnix.com/bat-a-cat-clone-with-syntax-highlighting-and-git-integration/
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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An Introduction to Quantum Computing with Open Source Cirq Framework
As the title suggests what we are about to begin discussing, this article is an effort to understand how far we have come in Quantum Computing and where we are headed in the field in order to accelerate scientific and technological research, through an Open Source perspective with Cirq.
First, we will introduce you to the world of Quantum Computing. We will try our best to explain the basic idea behind the same before we look into how Cirq would be playing a significant role in the future of Quantum Computing. Cirq, as you might have heard of recently, has been breaking news in the field and in this Open Science article, we will try to find out why.
Before we start with what Quantum Computing is, it is essential to get to know about the term Quantum, that is, a [subatomic particle][1] referring to the smallest known entity. The word [Quantum][2] is based on the Latin word Quantus, meaning, “how little”, as described in this short video:
It will be easier for us to understand Quantum Computing by comparing it first to Classical Computing. Classical Computing refers to how today’s conventional computers are designed to work. The device with which you are reading this article right now, can also be referred to as a Classical Computing Device.
### Classical Computing
Classical Computing is just another way to describe how a conventional computer works. They work via a binary system, i.e, information is stored using either 1 or 0. Our Classical computers cannot understand any other form.
In literal terms inside the computer, a transistor can be either on (1) or off (0). Whatever information we provide input to, is translated into 0s and 1s, so that the computer can understand and store that information. Everything is represented only with the help of a combination of 0s and 1s.
### Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing, on the other hand, does not follow an “on or off” model like Classical Computing. Instead, it can simultaneously handle multiple states of information with help of two phenomena called [superimposition and entanglement][3], thus accelerating computing at a much faster rate and also facilitating greater productivity in information storage.
Please note that superposition and entanglement are [not the same phenomena][4].
So, if we have bits in Classical Computing, then in the case of Quantum Computing, we would have qubits (or Quantum bits) instead. To know more about the vast difference between the two, check this [page][6] from where the above pic was obtained for explanation.
Quantum Computers are not going to replace our Classical Computers. But, there are certain humongous tasks that our Classical Computers will never be able to accomplish and that is when Quantum Computers would prove extremely resourceful. The following video describes the same in detail while also describing how Quantum Computers work:
A comprehensive video on the progress in Quantum Computing so far:
### Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum
According to the very recently updated research paper (31st July 2018), the term “Noisy” refers to inaccuracy because of producing an incorrect value caused by imperfect control over qubits. This inaccuracy is why there will be serious limitations on what Quantum devices can achieve in the near term.
“Intermediate Scale” refers to the size of Quantum Computers which will be available in the next few years, where the number of qubits can range from 50 to a few hundred. 50 qubits is a significant milestone because that’s beyond what can be simulated by [brute force][7] using the most powerful existing digital [supercomputers][8]. Read more in the paper [here][9].
With the advent of Cirq, a lot is about to change.
### What is Cirq?
Cirq is a python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits that we just talked about. In other words, Cirq can address challenges to improve accuracy and reduce noise in Quantum Computing.
Cirq does not necessarily require an actual Quantum Computer for execution. Cirq can also use a simulator-like interface to perform Quantum circuit simulations.
Cirq is gradually grabbing a lot of pace, with one of its first users being [Zapata][10], formed last year by a [group of scientists][11] from Harvard University focused on Quantum Computing.
### Getting started with Cirq on Linux
The developers of the Open Source [Cirq library][12] recommend the installation in a [virtual python environment][13] like [virtualenv][14]. The developers’ installation guide for Linux can be found [here][15].
However, we successfully installed and tested Cirq directly for Python3 on an Ubuntu 16.04 system via the following steps:
#### Installing Cirq on Ubuntu
![Cirq Framework for Quantum Computing in Linux][16]
First, we would require pip or pip3 to install Cirq. [Pip][17] is a tool recommended for installing and managing Python packages.
For Python 3.x versions, Pip can be installed with:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Python3 packages can be installed via:
pip3 install <package-name>
We went ahead and installed the Cirq library with Pip3 for Python3:
pip3 install cirq
#### Enabling Plot and PDF generation (optional)
Optional system dependencies not install-able with pip can be installed with:
sudo apt-get install python3-tk texlive-latex-base latexmk
* python3-tk is Python’s own graphic library which enables plotting functionality.
* texlive-latex-base and latexmk enable PDF writing functionality.
Later, we successfully tested Cirq with the following command and code:
python3 -c 'import cirq; print(cirq.google.Foxtail)'
We got the resulting output as:
#### Configuring Pycharm IDE for Cirq
We also configured a Python IDE [PyCharm on Ubuntu][19] to test the same results:
Since we installed Cirq for Python3 on our Linux system, we set the path to the project interpreter in the IDE settings to be:
In the output above, you can note that the path to the project interpreter that we just set, is shown along with the path to the test program file (test.py). An exit code of 0 shows that the program has finished executing successfully without errors.
So, that’s a ready-to-use IDE environment where you can import the Cirq library to start programming with Python and simulate Quantum circuits.
#### Get started with Cirq
A good place to start are the [examples][21] that have been made available on Cirq’s Github page.
The developers have included this [tutorial][22] on GitHub to get started with learning Cirq. If you are serious about learning Quantum Computing, they recommend an excellent book called [“Quantum Computation and Quantum Information” by Nielsen and Chuang][23].
#### OpenFermion-Cirq
[OpenFermion][24] is an open source library for obtaining and manipulating representations of fermionic systems (including Quantum Chemistry) for simulation on Quantum Computers. Fermionic systems are related to the generation of [fermions][25], which according to [particle physics][26], follow [Fermi-Dirac statistics][27].
OpenFermion has been hailed as [a great practice tool][28] for chemists and researchers involved with [Quantum Chemistry][29]. The main focus of Quantum Chemistry is the application of [Quantum Mechanics][30] in physical models and experiments of chemical systems. Quantum Chemistry is also referred to as [Molecular Quantum Mechanics][31].
The advent of Cirq has now made it possible for OpenFermion to extend its functionality by providing routines and tools for using Cirq to compile and compose circuits for Quantum simulation algorithms.
#### Google Bristlecone
On March 5, 2018, Google presented [Bristlecone][32], their new Quantum processor, at the annual [American Physical Society meeting][33] in Los Angeles. The [gate-based superconducting system][34] provides a test platform for research into [system error rates][35] and [scalability][36] of Google’s [qubit technology][37], along-with applications in Quantum [simulation][38], [optimization][39], and [machine learning.][40]
In the near future, Google wants to make its 72 qubit Bristlecone Quantum processor [cloud accessible][41]. Bristlecone will gradually become quite capable to perform a task that a Classical Supercomputer would not be able to complete in a reasonable amount of time.
Cirq would make it easier for researchers to directly write programs for Bristlecone on the cloud, serving as a very convenient interface for real-time Quantum programming and testing.
Cirq will allow us to:
* Fine tune control over Quantum circuits,
* Specify [gate][42] behavior using native gates,
* Place gates appropriately on the device &
* Schedule the timing of these gates.
### The Open Science Perspective on Cirq
As we all know Cirq is Open Source on GitHub, its addition to the Open Source Scientific Communities, especially those which are focused on Quantum Research, can now efficiently collaborate to solve the current challenges in Quantum Computing today by developing new ways to reduce error rates and improve accuracy in the existing Quantum models.
Had Cirq not followed an Open Source model, things would have definitely been a lot more challenging. A great initiative would have been missed out and we would not have been one step closer in the field of Quantum Computing.
### Summary
To summarize in the end, we first introduced you to the concept of Quantum Computing by comparing it to existing Classical Computing techniques followed by a very important video on recent developmental updates in Quantum Computing since last year. We then briefly discussed Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum, which is what Cirq is specifically built for.
We saw how we can install and test Cirq on an Ubuntu system. We also tested the installation for usability on an IDE environment with some resources to get started to learn the concept.
Finally, we also saw two examples of how Cirq would be an essential advantage in the development of research in Quantum Computing, namely OpenFermion and Bristlecone. We concluded the discussion by highlighting some thoughts on Cirq with an Open Science Perspective.
We hope we were able to introduce you to Quantum Computing with Cirq in an easy to understand manner. If you have any feedback related to the same, please let us know in the comments section. Thank you for reading and we look forward to see you in our next Open Science article.
via: https://itsfoss.com/qunatum-computing-cirq-framework/
作者:[Avimanyu Bandyopadhyay][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://itsfoss.com/author/avimanyu/
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How to Play Windows-only Games on Linux with Steam Play
The new experimental feature of Steam allows you to play Windows-only games on Linux. Here’s how to use this feature in Steam right now.
You have heard the news. Game distribution platform [Steam is implementing a fork of WINE to allow you to play games that are available on Windows only][1]. This is definitely a great news for us Linux users for we have complained about the lack of the number of games for Linux.
This new feature is still in beta but you can try it out and play Windows-only games on Linux right now. Let’s see how to do that.
### Play Windows-only games in Linux with Steam Play
![Play Windows-only games on Linux][2]
You need to install Steam first. Steam is available for all major Linux distributions. I have written in detail about [installing Steam on Ubuntu][3] and you may refer to that article if you don’t have Steam installed yet.
Once you have Steam installed and you have logged into your Steam account, it’s time to see how to enable Windows games in Steam Linux client.
#### Step 1: Go to Account Settings
Run Steam client. On the top left, click on Steam and then on Settings.
![Enable steam play beta on Linux][4]
#### Step 2: Opt in to the beta program
In the Settings, select Account from left side pane and then click on the CHANGE button under Beta participation.
![Enable beta feature in Steam Linux][5]
You should select Steam Beta Update here.
![Enable beta feature in Steam Linux][6]
Once you save the settings here, Steam will restart and download the new beta updates.
#### Step 3: Enable Steam Play beta
Once Steam has downloaded the new beta updates, it will be restarted. Now you are almost set.
Go to Settings once again. You’ll see a new option Steam Play in the left side pane now. Click on it and check the boxes:
* Enable Steam Play for supported titles (You can play the whitelisted Windows-only games)
* Enable Steam Play for all titles (You can try to play all Windows-only games)
![Play Windows games on Linux using Steam Play][7]
I don’t remember if Steam restarts at this point again or not but I guess that’s trivial. You should now see the option to install Windows-only games on Linux.
For example, I have Age of Empires in my Steam library which is not available on Linux normally. But after I enabled Steam Play beta for all Windows titles, it now gives me the option for installing Age of Empires on Linux.
![Install Windows-only games on Linux using Steam][8]
Windows-only games can now be installed on Linux
### Things to know about Steam Play beta feature
There are a few things you should know and keep in mind about using Windows-only games on Linux with Steam Play beta.
* At present, [only 27 Windows-games are whitelisted][9] for Steam Play. These whitelisted games work seamlessly on Linux.
* You can try any Windows game with Steam Play beta but it might not work all the time. Some games will crash sometimes while some game might not run at all.
* While in beta, you won’t see the Windows-only games available for Linux in the Steam store. You’ll have to either try the game on your own or refer to [this community maintained list][10] to see the compatibility status of the said Windows game. You can also contribute to the list by filling [this form][11].
* If you have games downloaded on Windows via Steam, you can save some download data by [sharing Steam game files between Linux and Windows][12].
I hope this tutorial helped you in running Windows-only games on Linux. Which game(s) are you looking forward to play on Linux?
via: https://itsfoss.com/steam-play/
作者:[Abhishek Prakash][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://itsfoss.com/author/abhishek/
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