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Translating by H-mudcup
10 Truly Amusing Easter Eggs in Linux

The programmer working on Adventure slipped a secret feature into the game. Instead of getting upset about it, Atari decided to give these sorts of “secret features” a name -- “Easter Eggs” because… you know… you hunt for them. Image credit: Wikipedia.
Back in 1979, a video game was being developed for the Atari 2600 -- [Adventure][1].
The programmer working on Adventure slipped a secret feature into the game which, when the user moved an “invisible square” to a particular wall, allowed entry into a “secret room”. That room contained a simple phrase: “Created by [Warren Robinett][2]”.
Atari had a policy against putting author credits in their games, so this intrepid programmer put his John Hancock on the game by being, well, sneaky. Atari only found out about the “secret room” after Warren Robinett had left the company. Instead of getting upset about it, Atari decided to give these sorts of “secret features” a name -- “Easter Eggs” because… you know… you hunt for them -- and declared that they would be putting more of these “Easter Eggs” in future games.
This wasn’t the first such “hidden feature” built into a piece of software (that distinction goes to an operating system for the [PDP-10][3] from 1966, but this was the first time it was given a name. And it was the first time it really grabbed the attention of most computer users and gamers.
Linux (and Linux related software) has not been left out. Some truly amusing Easter Eggs have been created for our beloved operating system over the years. Here are some of my personal favorites -- with how to achieve them.
You’ll notice, rather quickly, that most of these are experienced via a terminal. That’s on purpose. Because terminals are cool. [I should also take this moment to say that if you try to run an application I list, and you do not have it installed, it will not work. You should install it first. Because… computers.]
### Arch : Pac-Man in pacman ###
We’re going to start with one just for the [Arch Linux][4] fans out there. You can add a [Pac-Man][5]-esque character to your progress bars in “[pacman][6]” (the Arch package manager). Why this isn’t enabled by default is beyond me.
To do this you’ll want to edit “/etc/pacman.conf” in your favorite text editor. Under the “# Misc options” section, remove the “#” in front of “Color” and add the line “ILoveCandy”. Because Pac-Man loves candy.
That’s it! Next time you fire up a terminal and run pacman, you’ll help the little yellow guy get some lunch (or at least some candy).
### GNU Emacs : Tetris and such ###

I don’t like emacs. Not even a little bit. But it does play Tetris.
I have a confession to make: I don’t like [emacs][7]. Not even a little bit.
Some things fill my heart with gladness. Some things take away all my sadness. Some things ease my troubles. That’s [not what emacs does][8].
But it does play Tetris. And that’s not nothing. Here’s how:
Step 1) Launch emacs. (When in doubt, type “emacs”.)
Step 2) Hit Escape then X on your keyboard.
Step 3) Type “tetris” and hit Enter.
Bored of Tetris? Try “pong”, “snake” and a whole host of other little games (and novelties). Take a look in “/usr/share/emacs/*/lisp/play” for the full list.
### Animals Saying Things ###
The Linux world has a long and glorious history of animals saying things in a terminal. Here are the ones that are the most important to know by heart.
On a Debian-based distro? Try typing “apt-get moo".

apt-get moo
Simple, sure. But it’s a talking cow. So we like it. Then try “aptitude moo”. It will inform you that “There are no Easter Eggs in this program”.
If there’s one thing you should know about [aptitude][9], it’s that it’s a dirty, filthy liar. If aptitude were wearing pants, the fire could be seen from space. Add a “-v” option to that same command. Keep adding more v’s until you force aptitude to come clean.

I think we can all agree, that this is probably the most important feature in aptitude.
I think we can all agree, that this is probably the most important feature in aptitude. But what if you want to put your own words into the mouth of a cow? That’s where “cowsay” comes in.
And, don’t let the name “cowsay” fool you. You can put words into so much more than just a cow. Like an elephant, Calvin, Beavis and even the Ghostbusters logo. Just do a “cowsay -l” from the terminal to get a complete list of options.

You can put words into so much more than just a cow.
Want to get really tricky? You can pipe the output of other applications into cowsay. Try “fortune | cowsay”. Lots of fun can be had.
### Sudo Insult Me Please ###
Raise your hand if you’ve always wanted your computer to insult you when you do something wrong. Hell. I know I have. Try this:
Type “sudo visudo” to open the “sudoers” file. In the top of that file you’ll likely see a few lines that start with “Defaults”. At the bottom of that list add “Defaults insults” and save the file.
Now, whenever you mistype your sudo password, your system will lob insults at you. Confidence boosting phrases such as “Listen, burrito brains, I don’t have time to listen to this trash.”, “Are you on drugs?” and “You’re mind just hasn’t been the same since the electro-shocks, has it?”.
This one has the side-effect of being a rather fun thing to set on a co-worker's computer.
### Firefox is cheeky ###
Here’s one that isn’t done from the Terminal! Huzzah!
Open up Firefox. In the URL bar type “about:about”. That will give you a list of all of the “about” pages in Firefox. Nothing too fancy there, right?
Now try “about:mozilla” and you’ll be greeted with a quote from the “[Book of Mozilla][10]” -- the holy book of web browsing. One of my other favorites, “about:robots”, is also quite excellent.

The “Book of Mozilla” -- the holy book of web browsing.
### Carefully Crafted Calendar Concoctions ###
Tired of the boring old [Gregorian Calendar][11]? Ready to mix things up a little bit? Try typing “ddate”. This will print the current date on the [Discordian Calendar][12]. You will be greeted by something that looks like this:
“Today is Sweetmorn, the 18th day of Discord in the YOLD 3181”
I hear what you’re saying, “But, this isn’t an Easter Egg!” Shush. I’ll call it an Easter Egg if I want to.
### Instant l33t Hacker Mode ###
Want to feel like you’re a super-hacker from a movie? Try setting nmap into “[Script Kiddie][13]” mode (by adding “-oS”) and all of the output will be rendered in the most 3l33t [h@x0r-y way][14] possible.
Example: “nmap -oS - google.com”
Do it. You know you want to. Angelina Jolie would be [super impressed][15].
### The lolcat Rainbow ###
Having awesome Easter Eggs and goodies in your Linux terminal is fine and dandy… but what if you want it to have a little more… pizazz? Enter: lolcat. Take the text output of any program and pipe it through lolcat to super-duper-rainbow-ize it.

Take the text output of any program and pipe it through lolcat to super-duper-rainbow-ize it.
### Cursor Chasing Critter ###

“Oneko” -- the Linux port of the classic “Neko”.
“Oneko” -- the Linux port of the classic “[Neko][16]”.
And that brings us to “oneko” -- the Linux port of the classic “Neko”. Basically a little cat that chases your cursor around the screen.
While this may not qualify as an “Easter Egg” in the strictest sense of the word, it’s still fun. And it feels Easter Egg-y.
You can also use different options (such as “oneko -dog”) to use a little dog instead of a cat and a few other tweaks and options. Lots of possibilities for annoying co-workers with this one.
There you have it! A list of my favorite Linux Easter Eggs (and things of that ilk). Feel free to add your own favorite in the comments section below. Because this is the Internet. And you can do that sort of thing.
via: http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/820944-10-truly-amusing-linux-easter-eggs-
作者:[Bryan Lunduke][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
Translating by H-mudcup

制作 Adventure 的程序员悄悄的把一个秘密的功能塞进了游戏里。Atari 并没有对此感到生气,而是给这类“秘密功能”起了个名字——“彩蛋”,因为——你懂的——你会像找复活节彩蛋一样寻找它们。图片来自: Wikipedia。
在1979年的时候,公司为 Atari 2600 开发了一个电子游戏——[Adventure][1]。
制作 Adventure 的程序员悄悄的把这样的一个功能放进了游戏里,当用户把一个“隐形方块”移动到特定的一面墙上时,会让用户进入一个“密室”。那个房间里只有一句话:“Created by [Warren Robinett][2]”——意思是,由 [Warren Robinett][2] 创建。
Atari 有一项反对作者将自己的名字放进他们的游戏里的政策,所以这个无畏的程序员只能偷偷的把自己的名字放进游戏里。Atari 在 Warren Robinett 离开公司之后才发现这个“密室”。Atari 并没有对此感到生气,而是给这类“秘密功能”起了个名字——“彩蛋”,因为——你懂的——你会寻找它们。Atari 还宣布将在之后的游戏中加入更多的“彩蛋”。
### Arch : 包管理器(pacman)里的吃豆人(Pac-Man) ###
为了广大的 [Arch Linux][4] 粉丝,我们将以此开篇。你们可以将“[pacman][6]” (Arch 的包管理器)的进度条变成吃豆人吃豆的样子。别问我为什么这不是默认设置。
你需要在你最喜欢的文本编辑器里编辑“/etc/pacman.conf”文件。在“# Misc options”区下面,删除“Color”前的“#”,添加一行“ILoveCandy”。因为吃豆人喜欢糖豆。
### GNU Emacs : 俄罗斯方块(Tetris)以及…… ###

我不喜欢 emacs。一点也不喜欢。但是它确实能玩俄罗斯方块。
有些东西让我满心欢喜。有些东西能带走我所有伤痛。有些东西能解决我的烦恼。这些[绝对跟 emacs 无关][8]。
第一步)打开 emacs。(有疑问,输入“emacs”。)
### 动物说话了 ###
让动物在终端里说话在 Linux 世界里有着悠久而辉煌的历史。下面这些真的是最应该知道的。
在用基于 Debian 的发行版?试试输入“apt-get moo"。

apt-get moo
简单?的确。但这是只会说话的牛。所以惹我们喜欢。再试试“aptitude moo”。他会告诉你“There are no Easter Eggs in this program(这个程序里没有彩蛋)”。
关于 [aptitude][9] 有一件事你一定要知道,它是个肮脏、下流的骗子。如果 aptitude 是匹诺曹,那它的鼻子能刺穿月球。在这条命令中添加“-v”选项。不停的添加 v,直到它被逼得投降。

我猜大家都同意,这是 aptitude 中最重要的功能。
我猜大家都同意,这是 aptitude 中最重要的功能。但是万一你想把自己的话让一头牛说出来怎么办?这时我们就需要“cowsay”了。
还有,别让“cowsay(牛说)”这个名字把你给骗了。你可以让你的话从各种东西的嘴里说出来。比如一头大象,Calvin,Beavis 甚至可以是Ghostbusters(捉鬼敢死队)的标志。只需在终端输入“cowsay -l”就能看到所有选项的列表。

想玩高端点的?你可以用管道把其他应用的输出放到 cowsay 中。试试“fortune | cowsay”。非常有趣。
### Sudo 请无情的侮辱我 ###
输入“sudo visudo”以打开“sudoers”文件。在文件的开头你很可能会看见几行以“Defaults”开头的文字。在那几行后面添加“Defaults insults”并保存文件。
现在,只要你输错了你的 sudo 密码,你的系统就会骂你。这些提高自信的语句包括“听着,煎饼脑袋,我可没时间听这些垃圾。”,“你吃错药了吧?”以及“你被电过以后大脑就跟以前不太一样了是不是?”
### Firefox 是个厚脸皮 ###
现在试试“about:mozilla”,浏览器就会回应你一条从“[Book of Mozilla(Mozilla 之书)][10]”——浏览网页的圣经——里引用的话。我的另一个最爱是“about:robots”,这个也很有趣。

“[Book of Mozilla(Mozilla 之书)][10]”——浏览网页的圣经。
### 精心调制的混搭日历 ###
是否厌倦了千百年不变的 [Gregorian Calendar(罗马教历)][11]?准备好乱入了吗?试试输入“ddate”。这样会把当前日历以[Discordian Calendar(不和教历)][12]的方式显示出来。你会遇见这样的语句:
### 快速进入黑客行话模式 ###
想不想尝试一下电影里超级黑客的感觉?试试(通过添加“-oS”)把扫描器设置成“[Script Kiddie][13]”模式。然后所有的输出都会变成最3l33t的[黑客范][14]。
例如: “nmap -oS - google.com”
赶快试试。我知道你有多想这么做。你一定会让安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)[印象深刻][15]
### lolcat彩虹 ###

### 追光标的小家伙 ###

“Oneko” -- 经典 “Neko”的Linux端口。
“Oneko” -- 经典 “[Neko][16]”的Linux端口。 .
接下来是“Oneko” -- 经典 “[Neko][16]”的Linux端口。基本上就是个满屏幕追着你的光标跑的小猫。
你还可以用不同的选项(比如“oneko -dog”)把小猫替代成小狗,或是调成其他样式。用这个对付讨厌的同事有着无限的可能。
There you have it! A list of my favorite Linux Easter Eggs (and things of that ilk). Feel free to add your own favorite in the comments section below. Because this is the Internet. And you can do that sort of thing.就是这些了!一个我最喜欢的Linux彩蛋(或是类似东西)的清单。请尽情的的在下面的评论区留下你的最爱。因为这是互联网。你就能做这些事。
via: http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/820944-10-truly-amusing-linux-easter-eggs-
作者:[Bryan Lunduke][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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