diff --git a/published/20151028 Bossie Awards 2015--The best open source networking and security software.md b/published/20151028 Bossie Awards 2015--The best open source networking and security software.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d245fe2a4c --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20151028 Bossie Awards 2015--The best open source networking and security software.md @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +2015 Bossie 评选:最佳开源网络和安全软件 +================================================================================ +InfoWorld 在建设网络,运营网络和保障网络安全领域精选出了年度开源工具获奖者。 + +![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-net-sec-100614459-orig.jpg) + +### 最佳开源网络和安全软件 ### + +[BIND](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIND), [Sendmail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sendmail), [OpenSSH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSSH), [Cacti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus), [Nagios](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagios), [Snort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snort_%28software%29) -- 这些为了网络而生的开源软件,好些家伙们老而弥坚。今年在这个范畴的最佳选择中,你会发现中坚、支柱、新人和新贵云集,他们正在完善网络管理,安全监控,漏洞评估,[rootkit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rootkit) 检测,以及很多方面。 + +![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-icinga-100614482-orig.jpg) + +### Icinga 2 ### + +Icinga 起先只是系统监控应用 Nagios 的一个分支。[Icinga 2][1] 经历了完全的重写,为用户带来了时尚的界面,对多数据库的支持,以及一个集成众多扩展的 API。凭借着配置好的负载均衡、通知和配置文件,Icinga 2 缩短了在复杂环境下安装的时间。Icinga 2 原生支持 [Graphite](https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web)(系统监控应用),轻松为管理员呈现实时性能图表。不过真的让 Icinga 今年重新火起来的原因是 Icinga Web 2 的发布,那是一个支持可拖放定制的 dashboard 和一些流式监控工具的前端图形界面系统 。 + +管理员可以查看,过滤,并把问题按优先顺序排好,同时保持跟踪已经进行的动作。一个新的矩阵视图使管理员能够在一个页面上查看主机和服务。你可以通过查看特定时间段的事件或筛选事件类型来了解哪些事件需要立即关注。虽然 Icinga Web 2 有着全新界面和更为强劲的性能,不过对于传统版 Icinga 和 Web 版 Icinga 的所有常用命令还是照旧支持的。这意味着学习新版工具不耗费额外的时间。 + +-- Fahmida Rashid + +![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-zenoss-100614465-orig.jpg) + +### Zenoss Core ### + +另一个强大的开源软件,[Zenoss Core][2] 为网络管理员提供了一个完整的,一站式解决方案来跟踪和管理所有的应用程序、服务器、存储,网络组件、虚拟化工具、以及企业基础架构的其他元素。管理员可以确保硬件的运行效率并利用 ZenPacks 中模块化设计的插件来扩展功能。 + +Zenoss Core 5,在今年二月发布,保留了已经很强大的工具,并进一步改进以增强用户界面和扩展 dashboard。基于 Web 的控制台和 dashboard 已经是高度可定制并动态调整的存在了,现在新版本还能让管理员混搭多个组件图表到一个图表。想来这定是一个更好的根源分析和因果分析的工具。 + +Portlets 为网络映射、设备问题、守护进程、产品状态、监视列表和事件视图等等提供深入的分析。而且新的 HTML5 图表可以从工具导出。Zenoss 的控制中心支持带外管理并且可监控所有 Zenoss 组件。Zenoss Core 拥有在线备份和恢复、快照和回滚以及多主机部署的新工具。更重要的是,凭借对 Docker 的全面支持,部署起来更快了。 + +-- Fahmida Rashid + +![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-opennms-100614461-orig.jpg) + +### OpenNMS ### + +作为一个非常灵活的网络管理解决方案,[OpenNMS][3] 可以处理任何网络管理任务,无论是设备管理,应用性能监控,库存控制,或事件管理。凭借对 IPv6 的支持,强大的警报系统和记录用户脚本来测试 Web 应用程序的能力,OpenNMS 拥有网络管理员和测试人员需要的一切。OpenNMS 现在变得像一款移动 dashboard,堪称 OpenNMS 指南针,可让网络专家随时,甚至在外出时都可以监视他们的网络。 + +该应用程序的 IOS 版本,可从 [iTunes App Store][4] 上获取,显示故障、节点和告警。下一个版本将提供更多的事件细节、资源图表、以及关于 IP 和 SNMP 接口的信息。安卓版可从 [Google Play][5] 上获取,可在 dashboard 上显示网络可用性,故障和告警,以及确认、提升或清除告警的能力。移动客户端与 OpenNMS Horizon 1.12 或更高版本以及 OpenNMS Meridian 2015.1.0 或更高版本兼容。 + +-- Fahmida Rashid + +![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-onion-100614460-orig.jpg) + +### Security Onion ### + +如同一个洋葱,网络安全监控是由许多层组成。没有任何一个单一的工具可以让你洞察每一次攻击,为你显示你公司网络中的每一次侦查或是会话的足迹。[Security Onion][6] 在一个简单易用的 Ubuntu 发行版中打包了许多经过验证的工具,这会让你看到谁留在你的网络里,并帮助你隔离这些坏家伙。 + +无论你是采取主动式的网络安全监测还是追查可能的攻击,Security Onion 都可以帮助你。Onion 由传感器、服务器和显示层组成,结合了基于网络和基于主机的入侵检测,全面的网络数据包捕获,并提供了所有类型的日志以供检查和分析。 + +这是一个众星云集的的网络安全工具链,包括用于网络抓包的 [Netsniff-NG](http://www.netsniff-ng.org/)、基于规则的网络入侵检测系统 Snort 和 [Suricata](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suricata_%28software%29),基于分析的网络监控系统 Bro,基于主机的入侵检测系统 OSSEC 和用于显示、分析和日志管理的 Sguil、Squert、Snorby 和 ELSA (企业日志搜索和归档)。是一个经过精挑细选的工具集,所有的这些全被打包进一个向导式的安装程序并有完整的文档支持,可以帮助你尽可能快地上手监控。 + +-- Victor R. Garza + +![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-kali-100614458-orig.jpg) + +Kali Linux + +[Kali Linux][7] 背后的团队今年改版了流行的安全 Linux 发行版,使其更快,更全能。Kali 采用全新 4.0 版的内核 ,改进了对硬件和无线驱动程序的支持,并且界面更为流畅。最常用的工具都可从屏幕的侧边栏上轻松找到。而最大的最大的改变是 Kali Linux 现在是一个滚动发行版,具有持续的软件更新。Kali 的核心系统是基于 Debian Jessie,而且该团队会不断地从 Debian 测试版 pull 软件包,并持续的在上面添加 Kali 风格的新特性。 + +该发行版仍然配备满了渗透测试,漏洞分析,安全审查,网络应用分析,无线网络评估,逆向工程,和漏洞利用工具。现在该发行版具有新版本检测系统,当有个别工具可更新时系统会自动通知用户。该发行版还具有一系列设备的 ARM 镜像,包括树莓派、[Chromebook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromebook) 和 [Odroid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ODROID),也更新了 Android 设备上运行的 [NetHunter](https://www.kali.org/kali-linux-nethunter/) 渗透测试平台。还有其他的变化:Metasploit 的社区版/专业版不再包括在内,因为 Kali 2.0 还没有 [Rapid7 的官方支持][8]。 + +-- Fahmida Rashid + +![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-openvas-100614462-orig.jpg) + +### OpenVAS ### + +开放式漏洞评估系统 [OpenVAS][9],是一个整合多种服务和工具来提供漏洞扫描和漏洞管理的软件框架。该扫描器与每周一次的网络漏洞测试数据配合,或者你可以使用商业数据。该软件框架包括一个命令行界面(以使其可以用脚本运行)和一个带 SSL 安全机制的基于 [Greenbone 安全助手][10] 的浏览器界面。OpenVAS 提供了用于附加功能的各种插件。扫描可以预定运行或按需运行。 + +可通过单一的主控来控制多个 OpenVAS 的安装,这使其成为了一个可扩展的企业漏洞评估工具。该项目兼容的标准使其可以:将扫描结果和配置存储在 SQL 数据库中,在那里他们可以容易地被外部报告工具访问。客户端工具通过基于 XML 的无状态 OpenVAS 管理协议访问 OpenVAS 管理器,所以安全管理员可以扩展该框架的功能。该软件能以软件包或源代码的方式安装在 Windows 或 Linux 上运行,或者作为一个虚拟应用下载。 + +-- Matt Sarrel + +![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-owasp-100614463-orig.jpg) + +### OWASP ### + +[OWASP][11](开放式 Web 应用程序安全项目 )是专注于提高软件安全性的在全球各地拥有分会的非营利组织。由这个社区性的组织提供测试工具、文档、培训和几乎任何你可以想象的开发安全软件相关的软件安全评估和最佳做法。有一些 OWASP 项目已成为很多安全从业者工具箱中的重要组件: + +[ZAP][12](ZED 攻击代理项目)是一个在 Web 应用程序中寻找漏洞的渗透测试工具。ZAP 的设计目标之一是使之易于使用,以便于那些并非安全领域专家的开发人员和的测试人员在使用中能得到帮助。ZAP 提供自动扫描和一套手动测试工具集。 + +[Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework][13] 是一个先进的跨站点脚本漏洞检测和漏洞利用框架,该框架通过在浏览器引擎内执行扫描以获取真实结果。Xenotix 扫描模块使用了三个智能的模糊器,使其可以运行近 5000 种不同的 XSS 有效载荷。API 可以让安全管理员扩展和定制漏洞测试工具包。 + +[O-Saft][14](OWASP SSL 高级审查工具)是一个查看 SSL 证书详细信息和测试 SSL 连接的 SSL 审计工具。这个命令行工具可以在线或离线运行来评估 SSL ,比如密码和配置是否安全。O-Saft 提供了常见漏洞的内置检查,你可以容易地通过编写脚本来扩展这些功能。在 2015 年 5 月加入了一个简单的图形用户界面作为可选的下载项。 + +[OWTF][15](攻击性的 Web 测试框架)是一个遵循 OWASP 测试指南和 NIST 和 PTES 标准的自动化测试工具。该框架同时使用 Web 用户界面和命令行,用于探测 Web 和应用服务器的常见漏洞,如配置失当和软件未打补丁。 + +-- Matt Sarrel + +![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-beef-100614456-orig.jpg) + +### BeEF ### + +Web 浏览器已经成为用于针对客户端的攻击中最常见的载体。[BeEF][15] 浏览器漏洞利用框架项目,是一种广泛使用的用以评估 Web 浏览器安全性的渗透工具。BeEF 通过浏览器来启动客户端攻击,帮助你暴露出客户端系统的安全弱点。BeEF 建立了一个恶意网站,安全管理员用想要测试的浏览器访问该网站。然后 BeEF 发送命令来攻击 Web 浏览器并使用命令在客户端机器上植入软件。随后管理员就可以把客户端机器看作尸体般发动攻击了。 + +BeEF 自带像键盘记录,端口扫描和 Web 代理这样的常用模块,此外你可以编写你自己的模块或直接将命令发送到被控制的测试机上。BeEF 带有少量的演示网页来帮你快速入门,使得编写额外的网页和攻击模块变得非常简单,这使得你可以因地适宜的自定义你的测试。BeEF 是一个非常有价值的评估浏览器和终端安全、学习如何发起基于浏览器攻击的测试工具。可以使用它来向你的用户综合演示,那些恶意软件通常是如何感染客户端设备的。 + +-- Matt Sarrel + +![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-unhide-100614464-orig.jpg) + +### Unhide ### + +[Unhide][16] 是一个定位开放的 TCP/UDP 端口和隐藏在 UNIX、Linux 和 Windows 上的进程的审查工具。隐藏的端口和进程可能是由于运行 Rootkit 或 LKM(可加载的内核模块) 导致的。Rootkit 可能很难找到并移除,因为它们就是针对隐蔽性设计的,在操作系统和用户前隐藏自己。一个 Rootkit 可以使用 LKM 隐藏其进程或冒充其他进程,让它在机器上运行很长一段时间而不被发现。而 Unhide 可以使管理员们确信他们的系统是干净的。 + +Unhide 实际上是两个单独的脚本:一个用于进程,一个用于端口。该工具查询正在运行的进程、线程和开放的端口并将这些信息与系统中注册的活动比较,报告之间的差异。Unhide 和 WinUnhide 是在运行命令行产生文本输出的非常轻量级的脚本。它们不算优美,但是极为有用。Unhide 还列入了 [Rootkit Hunter][17] 项目中。 + +-- Matt Sarrel + +![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-main-100614457-orig.jpg) + +查看更多的开源软件优胜者 + +InfoWorld 网站的 2014 年最佳开源奖由下至上表扬了 100 多个开源项目。通过以下链接可以查看更多开源软件中的翘楚: + +[2015 Bossie 评选:最佳开源应用程序][18] + +[2015 Bossie 评选:最佳开源应用程序开发工具][19] + +[2015 Bossie 评选:最佳开源大数据工具][20] + +[2015 Bossie 评选:最佳开源数据中心和云计算软件][21] + +[2015 Bossie 评选:最佳开源桌面和移动端软件][22] + +[2015 Bossie 评选:最佳开源网络和安全软件][23] + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982962/open-source-tools/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-networking-and-security-software.html + +作者:[InfoWorld staff][a] +译者:[robot527](https://github.com/robot527) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://www.infoworld.com/author/InfoWorld-staff/ +[1]:https://www.icinga.org/icinga/icinga-2/ +[2]:http://www.zenoss.com/ +[3]:http://www.opennms.org/ +[4]:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/opennms-compass/id968875097?mt=8 +[5]:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opennms.compass&hl=en +[6]:http://blog.securityonion.net/p/securityonion.html +[7]:https://www.kali.org/ +[8]:https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2015/08/12/metasploit-on-kali-linux-20 +[9]:http://www.openvas.org/ +[10]:http://www.greenbone.net/ +[11]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page +[12]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project +[13]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/O-Saft +[14]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_OWTF +[15]:http://www.beefproject.com/ +[16]:http://www.unhide-forensics.info/ +[17]:http://www.rootkit.nl/projects/rootkit_hunter.html +[18]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982622/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-applications.html +[19]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982920/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-application-development-tools.html +[20]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982429/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-big-data-tools.html +[21]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982923/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-data-center-and-cloud-software.html +[22]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982630/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-desktop-and-mobile-software.html +[23]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982962/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-networking-and-security-software.html diff --git a/published/20151109 How to send email notifications using Gmail SMTP server on Linux.md b/published/20151109 How to send email notifications using Gmail SMTP server on Linux.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2661a64085 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20151109 How to send email notifications using Gmail SMTP server on Linux.md @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +如何在 Linux 上使用 Gmail SMTP 服务器发送邮件通知 +================================================================================ +假定你想配置一个 Linux 应用,用于从你的服务器或桌面客户端发送邮件信息。邮件信息可能是邮件简报、状态更新(如 [Cachet][1])、监控警报(如 [Monit][2])、磁盘时间(如 [RAID mdadm][3])等等。当你要建立自己的 [邮件发送服务器][4] 传递信息时 ,你可以替代使用一个免费的公共 SMTP 服务器,从而避免遭受维护之苦。 + +谷歌的 Gmail 服务就是最可靠的 **免费 SMTP 服务器** 之一。想要从应用中发送邮件通知,你仅需在应用中添加 Gmail 的 SMTP 服务器地址和你的身份凭证即可。 + +使用 Gmail 的 SMTP 服务器会遇到一些限制,这些限制主要用于阻止那些经常滥用服务器来发送垃圾邮件和使用邮件营销的家伙。举个例子,你一次只能给至多 100 个地址发送信息,并且一天不能超过 500 个收件人。同样,如果你不想被标为垃圾邮件发送者,你就不能发送过多的不可投递的邮件。当你达到任何一个限制,你的 Gmail 账户将被暂时的锁定一天。简而言之,Gmail 的 SMTP 服务器对于你个人的使用是非常棒的,但不适合商业的批量邮件。 + +说了这么多,是时候向你们展示 **如何在 Linux 环境下使用 Gmail 的 SMTP 服务器** 了。 + +### Google Gmail SMTP 服务器设置 ### + +如果你想要通过你的应用使用 Gmail 的 SMTP 服务器发送邮件,请牢记接下来的详细说明。 + +- **邮件发送服务器 (SMTP 服务器)**: smtp.gmail.com +- **使用认证**: 是 +- **使用安全连接**: 是 +- **用户名**: 你的 Gmail 账户 ID (比如 "alice" ,如果你的邮箱为 alice@gmail.com) +- **密码**: 你的 Gmail 密码 +- **端口**: 587 + +确切的配置根据应用会有所不同。在本教程的剩余部分,我将向你展示一些在 Linux 上使用 Gmail SMTP 服务器的应用示例。 + +### 从命令行发送邮件 ### + +作为第一个例子,让我们尝试最基本的邮件功能:使用 Gmail SMTP 服务器从命令行发送一封邮件。为此,我将使用一个称为 mutt 的命令行邮件客户端。 + +先安装 mutt: + +对于 Debian-based 系统: + + $ sudo apt-get install mutt + +对于 Red Hat based 系统: + + $ sudo yum install mutt + +创建一个 mutt 配置文件(~/.muttrc),并和下面一样,在文件中指定 Gmail SMTP 服务器信息。将 \ 替换成自己的 Gmail ID。注意该配置只是为了发送邮件而已(而非接收邮件)。 + + $ vi ~/.muttrc + +---------- + + set from = "@gmail.com" + set realname = "Dan Nanni" + set smtp_url = "smtp://@smtp.gmail.com:587/" + set smtp_pass = "" + +一切就绪,使用 mutt 发送一封邮件: + + $ echo "This is an email body." | mutt -s "This is an email subject" alice@yahoo.com + +想在一封邮件中添加附件,使用 "-a" 选项 + + $ echo "This is an email body." | mutt -s "This is an email subject" alice@yahoo.com -a ~/test_attachment.jpg + +![](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/770/22239850784_5fb0988075_c.jpg) + +使用 Gmail SMTP 服务器意味着邮件将显示是从你 Gmail 账户发出的。换句话说,收件人将视你的 Gmail 地址为发件人地址。如果你想要使用自己的域名作为邮件发送方,你需要使用 Gmail SMTP 转发服务。 + +### 当服务器重启时发送邮件通知 ### + +如果你在 [虚拟专用服务器(VPS)][5] 上跑了些重要的网站,建议监控 VPS 的重启行为。作为一个更为实用的例子,让我们研究如何在你的 VPS 上为每一次重启事件建立邮件通知。这里假设你的 VPS 上使用的是 systemd,并向你展示如何为自动邮件通知创建一个自定义的 systemd 启动服务。 + +首先创建下面的脚本 reboot_notify.sh,用于负责邮件通知。 + + $ sudo vi /usr/local/bin/reboot_notify.sh + +---------- + + #!/bin/sh + + echo "`hostname` was rebooted on `date`" | mutt -F /etc/muttrc -s "Notification on `hostname`" alice@yahoo.com + +---------- + + $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/reboot_notify.sh + +在这个脚本中,我使用 "-F" 选项,用于指定系统级的 mutt 配置文件位置。因此不要忘了创建 /etc/muttrc 文件,并如前面描述的那样填入 Gmail SMTP 信息。 + +现在让我们创建如下一个自定义的 systemd 服务。 + + $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/systemd/system + $ sudo vi /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/reboot-task.service + +---------- + + [Unit] + Description=Send a notification email when the server gets rebooted + DefaultDependencies=no + Before=reboot.target + + [Service] + Type=oneshot + ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/reboot_notify.sh + + [Install] + WantedBy=reboot.target + +在创建服务后,添加并启动该服务。 + + $ sudo systemctl enable reboot-task + $ sudo systemctl start reboot-task + +从现在起,在每次 VPS 重启时,你将会收到一封通知邮件。 + +![](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/608/22241452923_2ace9cde2e_c.jpg) + +### 通过服务器使用监控发送邮件通知 ### + +作为最后一个例子,让我展示一个现实生活中的应用程序,[Monit][6],这是一款极其有用的服务器监控应用程序。它带有全面的 [VPS][7] 监控能力(比如 CPU、内存、进程、文件系统)和邮件通知功能。 + +如果你想要接收 VPS 上由 Monit 产生的任何事件的邮件通知,你可以在 Monit 配置文件中添加以下 SMTP 信息。 + + set mailserver smtp.gmail.com port 587 + username "" password "" + using tlsv12 + + set mail-format { + from: @gmail.com + subject: $SERVICE $EVENT at $DATE on $HOST + message: Monit $ACTION $SERVICE $EVENT at $DATE on $HOST : $DESCRIPTION. + + Yours sincerely, + Monit + } + + # the person who will receive notification emails + set alert alice@yahoo.com + +这是一个因为 CPU 负载超载而由 Monit 发送的邮件通知的例子。 + +![](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/566/22873764251_8fe66bfd16_c.jpg) + +### 总结 ### + +如你所见,类似 Gmail 这样免费的 SMTP 服务器有着这么多不同的运用方式 。但再次重申,请牢记免费的 SMTP 服务器不适用于商业用途,仅仅适用于个人项目。无论你正在哪款应用中使用 Gmail SMTP 服务器,欢迎自由分享你的用例。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://xmodulo.com/send-email-notifications-gmail-smtp-server-linux.html + +作者:[Dan Nanni][a] +译者:[cposture](https://github.com/cposture) +校对:[martin2011qi](https://github.com/martin2011qi), [wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://xmodulo.com/author/nanni +[1]:http://xmodulo.com/setup-system-status-page.html +[2]:http://xmodulo.com/server-monitoring-system-monit.html +[3]:http://xmodulo.com/create-software-raid1-array-mdadm-linux.html +[4]:http://xmodulo.com/mail-server-ubuntu-debian.html +[5]:http://xmodulo.com/go/digitalocean +[6]:http://xmodulo.com/server-monitoring-system-monit.html +[7]:http://xmodulo.com/go/digitalocean diff --git a/published/20151204 Review EXT4 vs. Btrfs vs. XFS.md b/published/20151204 Review EXT4 vs. Btrfs vs. XFS.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aebbc485b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20151204 Review EXT4 vs. Btrfs vs. XFS.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +如何选择文件系统:EXT4、Btrfs 和 XFS +================================================================================ +![](http://1969324071.rsc.cdn77.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/1385698302_funny_linux_wallpapers.jpg) + +老实说,人们最不曾思考的问题之一是他们的个人电脑中使用了什么文件系统。Windows 和 Mac OS X 用户更没有理由去考虑,因为对于他们的操作系统,只有一种选择,那就是 NTFS 和 HFS+。相反,对于 Linux 系统而言,有很多种文件系统可以选择,现在默认的是广泛采用的 ext4。然而,现在也有改用一种称为 btrfs 文件系统的趋势。那是什么使得 btrfs 更优秀,其它的文件系统又是什么,什么时候我们又能看到 Linux 发行版作出改变呢? + +首先让我们对文件系统以及它们真正干什么有个总体的认识,然后我们再对一些有名的文件系统做详细的比较。 + +### 文件系统是干什么的? ### + +如果你不清楚文件系统是干什么的,一句话总结起来也非常简单。文件系统主要用于控制所有程序在不使用数据时如何存储数据、如何访问数据以及有什么其它信息(元数据)和数据本身相关,等等。听起来要编程实现并不是轻而易举的事情,实际上也确实如此。文件系统一直在改进,包括了更多的功能、更高效地完成它需要做的事情。总而言之,它是所有计算机的基本需求、但并不像听起来那么简单。 + +### 为什么要分区? ### + +由于每个操作系统都能创建或者删除分区,很多人对分区都有模糊的认识。Linux 操作系统即便使用标准安装过程,在同一块磁盘上仍使用多个分区,这看起来很奇怪,因此需要一些解释。拥有不同分区的一个主要目的就是为了在灾难发生时能获得更好的数据安全性。 + +通过将硬盘划分为分区,数据会被分隔以及重组。当事故发生的时候,只有存储在被损坏分区上的数据会被破坏,很大可能上其它分区的数据能得以保留。这个原因可以追溯到 Linux 操作系统还没有日志文件系统、任何电力故障都有可能导致灾难发生的时候。 + +使用分区也考虑到了安全和健壮性原因,因此操作系统部分损坏并不意味着整个计算机就有风险或者会受到破坏。这也是当前采用分区的一个最重要因素。举个例子,用户创建了一些会填满磁盘的脚本、程序或者 web 应用,如果该磁盘只有一个大的分区,如果磁盘满了那么整个系统就不能工作。如果用户把数据保存在不同的分区,那么就只有那个分区会受到影响,而系统分区或者其它数据分区仍能正常运行。 + +记住,拥有一个日志文件系统只能在掉电或者和存储设备意外断开连接时提供数据安全性,并不能在文件系统出现坏块或者发生逻辑错误时保护数据。对于这种情况,用户可以采用廉价磁盘冗余阵列(RAID:Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)的方案。 + +### 为什么要切换文件系统? ### + +ext4 文件系统由 ext3 文件系统改进而来,而后者又是从 ext2 文件系统改进而来。虽然 ext4 文件系统已经非常稳定,是过去几年中绝大部分发行版的默认选择,但它是基于陈旧的代码开发而来。另外, Linux 操作系统用户也需要很多 ext4 文件系统本身不提供的新功能。虽然通过某些软件能满足这种需求,但性能会受到影响,在文件系统层次做到这些能获得更好的性能。 + +### Ext4 文件系统 ### + +ext4 还有一些明显的限制。最大文件大小是 16 tebibytes(大概是 17.6 terabytes),这比普通用户当前能买到的硬盘还要大的多。使用 ext4 能创建的最大卷/分区是 1 exbibyte(大概是 1,152,921.5 terabytes)。通过使用多种技巧, ext4 比 ext3 有很大的速度提升。类似一些最先进的文件系统,它是一个日志文件系统,意味着它会对文件在磁盘中的位置以及任何其它对磁盘的更改做记录。纵观它的所有功能,它还不支持透明压缩、重复数据删除或者透明加密。技术上支持了快照,但该功能还处于实验性阶段。 + +### Btrfs 文件系统 ### + +btrfs 有很多不同的叫法,例如 Better FS、Butter FS 或者 B-Tree FS。它是一个几乎完全从头开发的文件系统。btrfs 出现的原因是它的开发者起初希望扩展文件系统的功能使得它包括快照、池化(pooling)、校验以及其它一些功能。虽然和 ext4 无关,它也希望能保留 ext4 中能使消费者和企业受益的功能,并整合额外的能使每个人,尤其是企业受益的功能。对于使用大型软件以及大规模数据库的企业,让多种不同的硬盘看起来一致的文件系统能使他们受益并且使数据整合变得更加简单。删除重复数据能降低数据实际使用的空间,当需要镜像一个单一而巨大的文件系统时使用 btrfs 也能使数据镜像变得简单。 + +用户当然可以继续选择创建多个分区从而无需镜像任何东西。考虑到这种情况,btrfs 能横跨多种硬盘,和 ext4 相比,它能支持 16 倍以上的磁盘空间。btrfs 文件系统一个分区最大是 16 exbibytes,最大的文件大小也是 16 exbibytes。 + +### XFS 文件系统 ### + +XFS 文件系统是扩展文件系统(extent file system)的一个扩展。XFS 是 64 位高性能日志文件系统。对 XFS 的支持大概在 2002 年合并到了 Linux 内核,到了 2009 年,红帽企业版 Linux 5.4 也支持了 XFS 文件系统。对于 64 位文件系统,XFS 支持最大文件系统大小为 8 exbibytes。XFS 文件系统有一些缺陷,例如它不能压缩,删除大量文件时性能低下。目前RHEL 7.0 文件系统默认使用 XFS。 + +### 总结 ### + +不幸的是,还不知道 btrfs 什么时候能到来。官方说,其下一代文件系统仍然被归类为“不稳定”,但是如果用户下载最新版本的 Ubuntu,就可以选择安装到 btrfs 分区上。什么时候 btrfs 会被归类到 “稳定” 仍然是个谜, 直到真的认为它“稳定”之前,用户也不应该期望 Ubuntu 会默认采用 btrfs。有报道说 Fedora 18 会用 btrfs 作为它的默认文件系统,因为到了发布它的时候,应该有了 btrfs 文件系统校验器。由于还没有实现所有的功能,另外和 ext4 相比性能上也比较缓慢,btrfs 还有很多的工作要做。 + +那么,究竟使用哪个更好呢?尽管性能几乎相同,但 ext4 还是赢家。为什么呢?答案在于易用性以及广泛性。对于桌面或者工作站, ext4 仍然是一个很好的文件系统。由于它是默认提供的文件系统,用户可以在上面安装操作系统。同时, ext4 支持最大 1 exabytes 的卷和 16 terabytes 的文件,因此考虑到大小,它也还有很大的进步空间。 + +btrfs 能提供更大的高达 16 exabytes 的卷以及更好的容错,但是,到现在为止,它感觉更像是一个附加的文件系统,而部署一个集成到 Linux 操作系统的文件系统。比如,尽管 btrfs 支持不同的发行版,使用 btrfs 格式化硬盘之前先要有 btrfs-tools 工具,这意味着安装 Linux 操作系统的时候它并不是一个可选项,即便不同发行版之间会有所不同。 + +尽管传输速率非常重要,评价一个文件系统除了文件传输速度之外还有很多因素。btrfs 有很多好用的功能,例如写复制(Copy-on-Write)、扩展校验、快照、清洗、自修复数据、冗余删除以及其它保证数据完整性的功能。和 ZFS 相比 btrfs 缺少 RAID-Z 功能,因此对于 btrfs, RAID 还处于实验性阶段。对于单纯的数据存储,和 ext4 相比 btrfs 似乎更加优秀,但时间会验证一切。 + +迄今为止,对于桌面系统而言,ext4 似乎是一个更好的选择,因为它是默认的文件系统,传输文件时也比 btrfs 更快。btrfs 当然值得尝试、但要在桌面 Linux 上完全取代 ext4 可能还需要一些时间。数据场和大存储池会揭示关于 ext4、XCF 以及 btrfs 不同的场景和差异。 + +如果你有不同或者其它的观点,在下面的评论框中告诉我们吧。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.unixmen.com/review-ext4-vs-btrfs-vs-xfs/ + +作者:[M.el Khamlichi][a] +译者:[ictlyh](http://mutouxiaogui.cn/blog/) +校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://www.unixmen.com/author/pirat9/ diff --git a/published/20150818 A Linux User Using Windows 10 After More than 8 Years--See Comparison.md b/published/201602/20150818 A Linux User Using Windows 10 After More than 8 Years--See Comparison.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20150818 A Linux User Using Windows 10 After More than 8 Years--See Comparison.md rename to published/201602/20150818 A Linux User Using Windows 10 After More than 8 Years--See Comparison.md diff --git a/published/20150824 Great Open Source Collaborative Editing Tools.md b/published/201602/20150824 Great Open Source Collaborative Editing Tools.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20150824 Great Open Source Collaborative 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email client with encrypted passwords.md rename to published/201602/20151201 How to use Mutt email client with encrypted passwords.md diff --git a/published/20151206 Supporting secure DNS in glibc.md b/published/201602/20151206 Supporting secure DNS in glibc.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20151206 Supporting secure DNS in glibc.md rename to published/201602/20151206 Supporting secure DNS in glibc.md diff --git a/published/20151208 6 useful LibreOffice extensions.md b/published/201602/20151208 6 useful LibreOffice extensions.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20151208 6 useful LibreOffice extensions.md rename to published/201602/20151208 6 useful LibreOffice extensions.md diff --git a/published/20151208 How to Install Bugzilla with Apache and SSL on FreeBSD 10.2.md b/published/201602/20151208 How to Install Bugzilla with Apache and SSL on FreeBSD 10.2.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20151208 How to Install Bugzilla with Apache and SSL on 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Debian Linux.md b/published/201602/20160126 How to change from default to alternative Python version on Debian Linux.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20160126 How to change from default to alternative Python version on Debian Linux.md rename to published/201602/20160126 How to change from default to alternative Python version on Debian Linux.md diff --git a/published/20160218 Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu Edition Announced and It's a Beast.md b/published/201602/20160218 Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu Edition Announced and It's a Beast.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20160218 Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu Edition Announced and It's a Beast.md rename to published/201602/20160218 Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu Edition Announced and It's a Beast.md diff --git a/published/20160218 Russia Announces Switch to Linux.md b/published/201602/20160218 Russia Announces Switch to Linux.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20160218 Russia Announces Switch to Linux.md rename to published/201602/20160218 Russia Announces Switch to Linux.md diff --git a/published/20160218 The Best Linux Distros of 2016.md b/published/201602/20160218 The Best Linux Distros of 2016.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20160218 The Best Linux Distros of 2016.md rename to published/201602/20160218 The Best Linux Distros of 2016.md diff --git a/published/20160220 Linux Mint 18 Will Get Its Own Set Of Apps.md b/published/201602/20160220 Linux Mint 18 Will Get Its Own Set Of Apps.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20160220 Linux Mint 18 Will Get Its Own Set Of Apps.md rename to published/201602/20160220 Linux Mint 18 Will Get Its Own Set Of Apps.md diff --git a/published/20160224 Can we tackle the Zika virus with rapid, open research.md b/published/201602/20160224 Can we tackle the Zika virus with rapid, open research.md similarity index 100% rename from published/20160224 Can we tackle the Zika virus with rapid, open research.md rename to published/201602/20160224 Can we tackle the Zika virus with rapid, open research.md diff --git a/published/20160218 Best Linux Desktop Environments for 2016.md b/published/20160218 Best Linux Desktop Environments for 2016.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ac25a27c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20160218 Best Linux Desktop Environments for 2016.md @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +2016:如何选择 Linux 桌面环境 +============================================= + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/DE-2.png) + +Linux 创建了一个友好的环境,为我们提供了选择的可能。比方说,现代大多数的 Linux 发行版都提供不同桌面环境给我们来选择。在本文中,我将挑选一些你可能会在 Linux 中见到的最棒的桌面环境来介绍。 + +## Plasma + +我认为,[KDE 的 Plasma 桌面](https://www.kde.org/workspaces/plasmadesktop/) 是最先进的桌面环境 (LCTT 译注:译者认为,没有什么是最好的,只有最合适的,毕竟每个人的喜好都不可能完全相同)。它是我见过功能最完善和定制性最高的桌面环境;在用户完全自主控制方面,即使是 Mac OS X 和 Windows 也无法与之比拟。 + +我爱 Plasma,因为它自带了一个非常好的文件管理器 —— Dolphin。而相对应 Gnome 环境,我更喜欢 Plasma 的原因就在于这个文件管理器。使用 Gnome 最大的痛苦就是,它的文件管理器——Files——使我无法完成一些基本任务,比如说,批量文件重命名操作。而这个操作对我来说相当重要,因为我喜欢拍摄,但 Gnome 却让我无法批量重命名这些图像文件。而使用 Dolphin 的话,这个操作就像在公园散步一样简单。 + +而且,你可以通过插件来增强 Plasma 的功能。Plasma 有大量的基础软件,如 Krita、Kdenlive、Calligra 办公套件、digiKam、Kwrite 以及由 KDE 社区开发维护的大量应用。 + +Plasma 桌面环境唯一的缺陷就是它默认的邮件客户端——Kmail。它的设置比较困难,我希望 Kmail 设置可以配置地址簿和日历。 + +包括 openSUSE 在内的多数主流发行版多使用 Plasma 作为默认桌面。 + +## GNOME + +[GNOME](https://www.gnome.org/) (GNU Network Object Model Environment,GNU 网络对象模型环境) 由 [Miguel de Icaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_de_Icaza) 和 Federico Mena 在 1997 年的时候创立,这是因为 KDE 使用了 Qt 工具包,而这个工具包是使用专属许可证 (proprietary license) 发布的。不像提供了大量定制的 KDE,GNOME 专注于让事情变得简单。因为其自身的简单性和易用性,GNOME 变得相当流行。而我认为 GNOME 之所以流行的原因在于,Ubuntu——使用 GNOME 作为默认桌面的主流 Linux 发行版之一——对其有着巨大的推动作用。 + +随着时代变化,GNOME 也需要作出相应的改变了。因此,开发者在 GNOME 3 中推出了 GNOME 3 Shell,从而引出了它的全新设计规范。但这同时与 Canonical 的 Ubuntu 计划存在者一些冲突,所以 Canonical 为 GNOME 开发了叫做 Unity 的自己的 Shell。最初,GNOME 3 Shell 因很多争议 (issues) 而困扰不已——最明显的是,升级之后会导致很多扩展无法正常工作。由于设计上的重大改版以及各种问题的出现,GNOME 便产生了很多分支(fork),比如 Cinnamon 和 Mate 桌面。 + +另外,使得 GNOME 让人感兴趣的是,它针对触摸设备做了优化,所以,如果你有一台触屏笔记本电脑的话,GNOME 则是最合适你这台电脑的桌面环境。 + +在 3.18 版本中,GNOME 已经作出了一些令人印象深刻的改动。其中他们所做的最让人感兴趣的是集成了 Google Drive,用户可以把他们的 Google Drive 挂载为远程存储设备,这样就不必再使用浏览器来查看里边的文件了。我也很喜欢 GNOME 里边自带的那个优秀的邮件客户端,它带有日历和地址簿功能。尽管有这么多些优秀的特性,但它的文件管理器使我不再使用 GNOME ,因为我无法处理批量文件重命名。我会坚持使用 Plasma,一直到 GNOME 的开发者修复了这个小缺陷。 + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/DE-fig1.png) + +## Unity + +从技术上来说,[Unity](https://unity.ubuntu.com/) 并不是一个桌面环境,它只是 Canonical 为 Ubuntu 开发的一个图形化 Shell。Unity 运行于 GNOME 桌面之上,并使用很多 GNOME 的应用和工具。Ubuntu 团队分支了一些 GNOME 组件,以便更好的满足 Unity 用户的需求。 + +Unity 在 Ubuntu 的融合(convergence)计划中扮演着重要角色, 在 Unity 8 中,Canonical 公司正在努力将电脑桌面和移动世界结合到一起。Canonical 同时还为 Unity 开发了许多的有趣技术,比如 HUD (Head-up Display,平视显示)。他们还在 lenses 和 scopes 中通过一种独特的技术来让用户方便地找到特定内容。 + +即将发行的 Ubuntu 16.04,将会搭载 Unity 8,那时候用户就可以完全体验开发者为该开源软件添加的所有特性了。其中最大的争议之一,Unity 可选取消集成了 Amazon Ads 和其他服务。而在即将发行的版本,Canonical 从 Dash 移除了 Amazon ads,但却默认保证了系统的隐私性。 + +## Cinnamon + +最初,[Cinnamon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnamon_(software\)) 由 [Linux Mint](http://www.linuxmint.com/) 开发 —— 这是 DistroWatch.com 上统计出来最流行的发行版。就像 Unity,Cinnamon 是 GNOME Shell 的一个分支。但最后进化为一个独立的桌面环境,这是因为 Linux Mint 的开发者分支了 GNOME 桌面中很多的组件到 Cinnamon,包括 Files ——以满足自身用户的需求。 + +由于 Linux Mint 基于普通版本的 Ubuntu,开发者仍需要去完成 Ubuntu 尚未完成的目标。结果,尽管前途光明,但 Cinnamon 却充满了 Bugs 和问题。随着 17.x 本版的发布,Linux Mint 开始转移到 Ubuntu 的 LTS 版本上,从而他们可以专注于开发 Cinnamon 的核心组件,而不必再去担心代码库。转移到 LTS 的好处是,Cinnamon 变得非常稳定并且基本没有 Bugs 出现。现在,开发者已经开始向桌面环境中添加更多的新特性了。 + +对于那些更喜欢在 GNOME 基础上有一个很好的类 Windows 用户界面的用户来说,Cinnamon 是他们最好的桌面环境。 + +## MATE 桌面 + +[MATE 桌面](http://mate-desktop.com/) 同样是 GNOME 的一个分支,然而,它并不像 Cinnamon 那样由 GNOME 3 分支而来,而是现在已经没有人维护的 GNOME 2 代码库的一个分支。MATE 桌面中的一些开发者并不喜欢 GNOME 3 并且想要“继续坚持” GNOME 2,所以他们使用这个代码库来创建来 MATE。为避免和 GNOME 3 的冲突,他们重命名了全部的包:Nautilus 改为 Caja、Gedit 改为 Pluma 以及 Evince 改为 Atril 等。 + +尽管 MATE 延续了 GNOME 2,但这并不意味着他们使用过时的技术;相反,他们使用了更新的技术来提供一个现代的 GNOME 2 体验。 + +拥有相当高的资源使用率才是 MATE 最令人印象深刻之处。你可将它运行在老旧硬件或者更新一些的但不太强大的硬件上,如树梅派 (Raspberry Pi) 或者 Chromebook Flip。使得它更有让人感兴趣的是,把它运行在一些强大的硬件上,可以节省大多数的资源给其他应用,而桌面环境本身只占用很少的资源。 + +## LXQt + +[LXQt](http://lxqt.org/) 继承了 LXDE ——最轻量级的桌面环境之一。它融合了 LXDE 和 Razor-Qt 两个开源项目。LXQt 的首个可用本版(v 0.9)发布于 2015 年。最初,开发者使用了 Qt4 ,之后为了加快开发速度,而放弃了兼容性,他们移动到 Qt5 和 KDE 框架上。我也在自己的 Arch 系统上尝试使用了 LXQt,它的确是一个非常好的轻量级桌面环境。但在完全接过 LXDE 的传承之前,LXQt 仍有一段很长的路需要走。 + +## Xfce + +[Xfce](http://www.xfce.org/) 早于 KDE 桌面环境,它是最古老和最轻量级的桌面环境。Xfce 的最新版本是 4.15,发布于 2015 年,使用了诸如 GTK+ 3 的大量的现代科技。很多发行版都使用了 Xfce 环境以满足特定需求,比如 Ubuntu Studio ——与 MATE 类似——尽量节省系统资源给其他的应用。并且,许多的著名的 Linux 发行版——包括 Manjaro Linux、PC/OS、Salix 和 Mythbuntu ——都把它作为默认桌面环境。 + +## Budgie + +[Budgie](https://solus-project.com/budgie/) 是一个新型的桌面环境,由 Solus Linux 团队开发和维护。Solus 是一个从零开始构建的新型发行版,而 Budgie 则是它的一个核心组件。Budgie 使用了大量的 GNOME 组件,从而提供一个华丽的用户界面。由于没有该桌面环境的更多信息,我特地联系了 Solus 的核心开发者—— Ikey Doherty。他解释说:“我们搭载了自己的桌面环境—— Budgie 桌面。与其他桌面环境不同的是,Budgie 并不是其他桌面的一个分支,它的目标是彻底融入到 GNOME 协议栈之中。它完全从零开始编写,并特意设计来迎合 Solus 提供的体验。我们会尽可能的和 GNOME 的上游团队协同工作,修复 Bugs,并提倡和支持他们的工作”。 + +## Pantheon + +我想,[Pantheon](https://elementary.io/) 不需要特别介绍了吧,那个优美的 elementary OS 就使用它作为桌面。类似于 Budgie,很多人都认为 Pantheon 也不是 GNOME 的一个分支。elementary OS 团队大多拥有良好的设计从业背景,所以他们会近距离关注每一个细节,这使得 Pantheon 成为一个非常优美的桌面环境。偶尔,它可能缺少像 Plasma 等桌面中的某些特性,但开发者实际上是尽其所能的去坚持设计原则。 + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/DE-3.png) + +## 结论 + +当我写完本文后,我突然意识到来开源和 Linux 的重大好处。总有一些东西适合你。就像 Jon “maddog” Hall 在最近的 SCaLE 14 上说的那样:“是的,现在有 300 多个 Linux 发行版。我可以一个一个去尝试,然后坚持使用我最喜欢的那一个”。 + +所以,尽情享受 Linux 的多样性吧,最后使用最合你意的那一个。 + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +via: http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/881107-best-linux-desktop-environments-for-2016 + +作者:[Swapnil Bhartiya][a] +译者:[GHLandy](https://github.com/GHLandy) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://www.linux.com/community/forums/person/61003 diff --git a/published/20160218 Canonical's ZFS Plans Are Lining Up For Ubuntu 16.04.md b/published/20160218 Canonical's ZFS Plans Are Lining Up For Ubuntu 16.04.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c5f44c803 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20160218 Canonical's ZFS Plans Are Lining Up For Ubuntu 16.04.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Ubuntu 16.04 为更好支持容器化而采用 ZFS +======================================================= + +![](https://www.phoronix.com/assets/categories/ubuntu.jpg) + +Ubuntu 开发者正在为 [Ubuntu 16.04 加上 ZFS 支持](http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ZFS-For-Ubuntu-16.04) ,并且对该文件系统的所有支持都已经准备就绪。 + +Ubuntu 16.04 的默认安装将会继续是 ext4,但是 ZFS 支持将会自动构建进 Ubuntu 发布中,模块将在需要时自动加载,zfsutils-linux 将放到 Ubuntu 主分支内,并且通过 Canonical 对商业客户提供支持。 + +对于那些对 Ubuntu 中的 ZFS 感兴趣的人,Canonical 的 Dustin Kirkland 已经写了[一篇新的博客](http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/02/zfs-is-fs-for-containers-in-ubuntu-1604.html),介绍了一些细节及为何“ZFS 是 Ubuntu 16.04 中面向容器使用的文件系统!” + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +via: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-ZFS-Continues-16.04&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Phoronix+%28Phoronix%29 + +作者:[Michael Larabel][a] +译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://www.michaellarabel.com/ + + diff --git a/translated/tech/20160218 Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS Is the Biggest in the Series with Hundreds of Changes.md b/published/20160218 Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS Is the Biggest in the Series with Hundreds of Changes.md similarity index 66% rename from translated/tech/20160218 Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS Is the Biggest in the Series with Hundreds of Changes.md rename to published/20160218 Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS Is the Biggest in the Series with Hundreds of Changes.md index 4a53818b49..595f245e3b 100644 --- a/translated/tech/20160218 Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS Is the Biggest in the Series with Hundreds of Changes.md +++ b/published/20160218 Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS Is the Biggest in the Series with Hundreds of Changes.md @@ -1,14 +1,16 @@ -Linux最大版本4.1.18 LTS发布,带来大量修改 +Linux 4.1 系列的最大版本 4.1.18 LTS发布,带来大量修改 ================================================================================= +(LCTT 译注:这是一则过期的消息,但是为了披露更新内容,还是发布出来给大家参考) -**著名的内核维护者Greg Kroah-Hartman貌似正在度假中,因为Sasha Levin有幸在今天,2016年2月16日,的早些时候来[宣布](http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1602.2/00520.html),第十八个Linux内核维护版本Linux Kernel 4.1 LTS通用版本正式发布。** +**著名的内核维护者Greg Kroah-Hartman貌似正在度假中,因为Sasha Levin2016年2月16日的早些时候来[宣布](http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1602.2/00520.html),第十八个Linux内核维护版本Linux Kernel 4.1 LTS通用版本正式发布。** -作为长期支持的内核分支,Linux 4.1将再多几年接收到更新和补丁,而今天的维护构建版本也证明一点,就是内核开发者们正致力于统保持该系列在所有使用该版本的GNU/Linux操作系统上稳定和可靠。Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS是一个大规模发行版,它带来了总计达228个文件修改,这些修改包含了多达5304个插入修改和1128个删除修改。 +作为长期支持的内核分支,Linux 4.1还会在几年内得到更新和补丁,而今天的维护构建版本也证明一点,就是内核开发者们正致力于保持该系列在所有使用该版本的GNU/Linux操作系统上稳定和可靠。Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS是一个大的发布版本,它带来了总计达228个文件修改,这些修改包含了多达5304个插入修改和1128个删除修改。 Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS更新了什么呢?好吧,首先是对ARM,ARM64(AArch64),MIPS,PA-RISC,m32r,PowerPC(PPC),s390以及x86等硬件架构的改进。此外,还有对Btrfs,CIFS,NFS,XFS,OCFS2,OverlayFS以及UDF文件系统的加强。对网络堆栈的修复,尤其是对mac80211的修复。同时,还有多核心、加密和mm等方面的改进和对声音的更新。 -“我宣布4.1.18内核正式发布,所有4.1内核系列的用户都应当升级。”Sasha Levin说,“更新的4.1.y git树可以在这里找到:git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git linux-4.1.y,并且可以在常规kernel.org git网站浏览器:http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git;a=summary 进行浏览。” -## 大量驱动被更新 +“我宣布4.1.18内核正式发布,所有4.1内核系列的用户都应当升级。”Sasha Levin说,“更新的4.1.y git树可以在这里找到:git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git linux-4.1.y,并且可以在 kernel.org 的 git 网站上浏览:http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git;a=summary 进行浏览。” + +### 大量驱动被更新 除了架构、文件系统、声音、网络、加密、mm和核心内核方面的改进之外,Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS更新了各个驱动,以提供更好的硬件支持,特别是像蓝牙、DMA、EDAC、GPU(主要是Radeon和Intel i915)、无限带宽技术、IOMMU、IRQ芯片、MD、MMC、DVB、网络(主要是无线)、PCI、SCSI、USB、散热、暂存和Virtio等此类东西。 @@ -18,9 +20,9 @@ Linux Kernel 4.1.18 LTS更新了什么呢?好吧,首先是对ARM,ARM64(A via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-kernel-4-1-18-lts-is-the-biggest-in-the-series-with-hundreds-of-changes-500500.shtml -作者:[Marius Nestor ][a] +作者:[Marius Nestor][a] 译者:[GOLinux](https://github.com/GOLinux) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) 本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 diff --git a/published/20160226 Development Release- Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1.md b/published/20160226 Development Release- Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e7c3d0673 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20160226 Development Release- Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1 开发者版本发布 +============================================ + +Ubuntu 发布团队宣布为选定的社区版本而准备的最新的 beta 测试镜像已经可以使用了。新的发布版本名称是 16.04 beta 1 ,这个版本只推荐给测试人员测试用,并不适合普通人进行日常使用。 + +![](https://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/xubuntu-small.png) + +“这个 beta 特性的镜像主要是为 [Lubuntu][1], Ubuntu Cloud, [Ubuntu GNOME][2], [Ubuntu MATE][3], [Ubuntu Kylin][4], [Ubuntu Studio][5] 和 [Xubuntu][6] 这几个发布版准备的。Xenial Xerus (LCTT 译注: ubuntu 16.04 的开发代号)的这个预发布版本并不推荐那些需要稳定版本的人员使用,同时那些不希望在系统运行中偶尔或频繁的出现 bug 的人也不建议使用这个版本。这个版本主要还是推荐给那些喜欢 ubuntu 的开发人员,以及那些想协助我们测试、报告 bug 和修改 bug 的人使用,和我们一起努力让这个发布版本早日准备就绪。” 更多的信息可以从 [发布日志][7] 获取。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/888731-development-release-xubuntu-1604-beta-1 + +作者:[DistroWatch][a] +译者:[Ezio](https://github.com/oska874) +校对:[Ezio](https://github.com/oska874) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://www.linux.com/community/forums/person/284 +[1]: http://distrowatch.com/lubuntu +[2]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntugnome +[3]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntumate +[4]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntukylin +[5]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntustudio +[6]: http://distrowatch.com/xubuntu +[7]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2016-February/001173.html diff --git a/published/20160229-OpenSSH-7.2-Out-Now-with-Support-for-RSA-Signatures-Using-SHA-256512 Algorithms.md b/published/20160229-OpenSSH-7.2-Out-Now-with-Support-for-RSA-Signatures-Using-SHA-256512 Algorithms.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4000153d0e --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20160229-OpenSSH-7.2-Out-Now-with-Support-for-RSA-Signatures-Using-SHA-256512 Algorithms.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +OpenSSH 7.2发布,支持 SHA-256/512 的 RSA 签名 +======================================================== + +**2016.2.29,OpenBSD 项目很高兴地宣布 OpenSSH 7.2发布了,并且很块可在所有支持的平台下载。** + +根据内部[发布公告][1],OpenSSH 7.2 主要是 bug 修复,修改了自 OpenSSH 7.1p2 以来由用户报告和开发团队发现的问题,但是我们可以看到几个新功能。 + +这其中,我们可以提到使用了 SHA-256 或者 SHA-256 512 哈希算法的 RSA 签名;增加了一个 AddKeysToAgent 客户端选项,以添加用于身份验证的 ssh-agent 的私钥;和实现了一个“restrict”级别的 authorized_keys 选项,用于存储密钥限制。 + +此外,现在 ssh_config 中 CertificateFile 选项可以明确列出证书,ssh-keygen 现在能够改变所有支持的格式的密钥注释、密钥指纹现在可以来自标准输入,多个公钥可以放到一个文件。 + +### ssh-keygen 现在支持多证书 + +除了上面提到的,OpenSSH 7.2 增加了 ssh-keygen 多证书的支持,一个一行,实现了 sshd_config ChrootDirectory 及Foreground 的“none”参数,“-c”标志允许 ssh-keyscan 获取证书而不是文本密钥。 + +最后但并非最不重要的,OpenSSH 7.3 不再默认启用 rijndael-cbc(即 AES),blowfish-cbc、cast128-cbc 等古老的算法,同样的还有基于 MD5 和截断的 HMAC 算法。在 Linux 中支持 getrandom() 系统调用。[下载 OpenSSH 7.2][2] 并查看更新日志中的更多细节。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/openssh-7-2-out-now-with-support-for-rsa-signatures-using-sha-256-512-algorithms-501111.shtml + +作者:[Marius Nestor][a] +译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: http://news.softpedia.com/editors/browse/marius-nestor +[1]: http://www.openssh.com/txt/release-7.2 +[2]: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Security/OpenSSH-4474.shtml diff --git a/published/20160301 More than 11 Million HTTPS Websites Imperiled by New Decryption Attack.md b/published/20160301 More than 11 Million HTTPS Websites Imperiled by New Decryption Attack.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1878c81f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20160301 More than 11 Million HTTPS Websites Imperiled by New Decryption Attack.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +逾千万使用 https 的站点受到新型解密攻击的威胁 +=========================================================================== + +![](https://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/drown-explainer.jpg) + + +低成本的 DROWN 攻击能在数小时内完成数据解密,该攻击对采用了 TLS 的邮件服务器也同样奏效。 + +一个国际研究小组于周二发出警告,据称逾 1100 万家网站和邮件服务采用的用以保证服务安全的 [传输层安全协议 TLS][1],对于一种新发现的、成本低廉的攻击而言异常脆弱,这种攻击会在几个小时内解密敏感的通信,在某些情况下解密甚至能瞬间完成。 前一百万家最大的网站中有超过 81,000 个站点正处于这种脆弱的 HTTPS 协议保护之下。 + +这种攻击主要针对依赖于 [RSA 加密系统][2]的 TLS 所保护的通信,密钥会间接的通过 SSLv2 暴露,这是一种在 20 年前就因为自身缺陷而退休了的 TLS 前代协议。该漏洞允许攻击者可以通过反复使用 SSLv2 创建与服务器连接的方式,解密截获的 TLS 连接。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/889455--more-than-11-million-https-websites-imperiled-by-new-decryption-attack + +作者:[ArsTechnica][a] +译者:[Ezio](https://github.com/oska874) +校对:[martin2011qi](https://github.com/martin2011qi), [wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://www.linux.com/community/forums/person/112 +[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security +[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem) diff --git a/sources/news/20160229 Node.js 5.7 released ahead of impending OpenSSL updates.md b/sources/news/20160229 Node.js 5.7 released ahead of impending OpenSSL updates.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..659df2e1f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/news/20160229 Node.js 5.7 released ahead of impending OpenSSL updates.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +Node.js 5.7 released ahead of impending OpenSSL updates +============================================================= + +![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2014/09/nodejs-100449932-primary.idge.jpg) + +>Once again, OpenSSL fixes must be evaluated by keepers of the popular server-side JavaScript platform + +The Node.js Foundation is gearing up this week for fixes to OpenSSL that could mean updates to Node.js itself. + +Releases to OpenSSL due on Tuesday will fix defects deemed to be of "high" severity, Rod Vagg, foundation technical steering committee director, said [in a blog post][1] on Monday. Within a day of the OpenSSL releases, the Node.js crypto team will assess their impacts, saying, "Please be prepared for the possibility of important updates to Node.js v0.10, v0.12, v4 and v5 soon after Tuesday, the 1st of March." + +[ Deep Dive: [How to rethink security for the new world of IT][2]. | Discover how to secure your systems with InfoWorld's [Security newsletter][3]. ] + +The high severity status actually means the issues are of lower risks than critical, perhaps affecting less-common configurations or less likely to be exploitable. Due to an embargo, the exact nature of these fixes and their impact on Node.js remain uncertain, said Vagg. "Node.js v0.10 and v0.12 both use OpenSSL v1.0.1, and Node.js v4 and v5 both use OpenSSL v1.0.2, and releases from nodejs.org and some other popular distribution sources are statically compiled. Therefore, all active release lines are impacted by this update." OpenSSL also impacted Node.js in December, [when two critical vulnerabilities were fixed][4]. + +The latest OpenSSL developments follow [the release of Node.js 5.7.0][5], which is clearing a path for the upcoming Node.js 6. Version 5 is the main focus for active development, said foundation representative Mikeal Rogers, "However, v5 won't be supported long-term, and most users will want to wait for v6, which will be released by the end of April, for the new features that are landing in v5." + +Release 5.7 has more predictability for C++ add-ons' interactions with JavaScript. Node.js can invoke JavaScript code from C++ code, and in version 5.7, the C++ node::MakeCallback() API is now re-entrant; calling it from inside another MakeCallback() call no longer causes the nextTick queue or Promises microtask queue to be processed out of order, [according to release notes][6]. + +Also fixed is an HTTP bug where handling headers mistakenly trigger an "upgrade" event where the server just advertises protocols. The bug can prevent HTTP clients from communicating with HTTP2-enabled servers. Version 5.7 performance improvements are featured in the path, querystring, streams, and process.nextTick modules. + +This story, "Node.js 5.7 released ahead of impending OpenSSL updates" was originally published by [InfoWorld][7]. + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.itworld.com/article/3039005/security/nodejs-57-released-ahead-of-impending-openssl-updates.html + +作者:[Paul Krill][a] +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://www.itworld.com/author/Paul-Krill/ +[1]: https://nodejs.org/en/blog/vulnerability/openssl-march-2016/ +[2]: http://www.infoworld.com/resources/17273/security-management/how-to-rethink-security-for-the-new-world-of-it#tk.ifw-infsb +[3]: http://www.infoworld.com/newsletters/signup.html#tk.ifw-infsb +[4]: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3012157/security/why-nodejs-waited-for-openssl-security-update-before-patching.html +[5]: https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v5.7.0/ +[6]: https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v5.7.0/ +[7]: http://www.infoworld.com/ diff --git a/sources/share/20151028 Bossie Awards 2015--The best open source networking and security software.md b/sources/share/20151028 Bossie Awards 2015--The best open source networking and security software.md deleted file mode 100644 index 78c558b1e6..0000000000 --- a/sources/share/20151028 Bossie Awards 2015--The best open source networking and security software.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ -robot527 translating - - -Bossie Awards 2015: The best open source networking and security software -================================================================================ -InfoWorld's top picks of the year among open source tools for building, operating, and securing networks - -![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-net-sec-100614459-orig.jpg) - -### The best open source networking and security software ### - -BIND, Sendmail, OpenSSH, Cacti, Nagios, Snort -- open source software seems to have been invented for networks, and many of the oldies and goodies are still going strong. Among our top picks in the category this year, you'll find a mix of stalwarts, mainstays, newcomers, and upstarts perfecting the arts of network management, security monitoring, vulnerability assessment, rootkit detection, and much more. - -![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-icinga-100614482-orig.jpg) - -### Icinga 2 ### - -Icinga began life as a fork of system monitoring application Nagios. [Icinga 2][1] was completely rewritten to give users a modern interface, support for multiple databases, and an API to integrate numerous extensions. With out-of-the-box load balancing, notifications, and configuration, Icinga 2 shortens the time to installation for complex environments. Icinga 2 supports Graphite natively, giving administrators real-time performance graphing without any fuss. But what puts Icinga back on the radar this year is its release of Icinga Web 2, a graphical front end with drag-and-drop customizable dashboards and streamlined monitoring tools. - -Administrators can view, filter, and prioritize problems, while keeping track of which actions have already been taken. A new matrix view lets administrators view hosts and services on one page. You can view events over a particular time period or filter incidents to understand which ones need immediate attention. Icinga Web 2 may boast a new interface and zippier performance, but all the usual commands from Icinga Classic and Icinga Web are still available. That means there is no downtime trying to learn a new version of the tool. - --- Fahmida Rashid - -![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-zenoss-100614465-orig.jpg) - -### Zenoss Core ### - -Another open source stalwart, [Zenoss Core][2] gives network administrators a complete, one-stop solution for tracking and managing all of the applications, servers, storage, networking components, virtualization tools, and other elements of an enterprise infrastructure. Administrators can make sure the hardware is running efficiently and take advantage of the modular design to plug in ZenPacks for extended functionality. - -Zenoss Core 5, released in February of this year, takes the already powerful tool and improves it further, with an enhanced user interface and expanded dashboard. The Web-based console and dashboards were already highly customizable and dynamic, and the new version now lets administrators mash up multiple component charts onto a single chart. Think of it as the tool for better root cause and cause/effect analysis. - -Portlets give additional insights for network mapping, device issues, daemon processes, production states, watch lists, and event views, to name a few. And new HTML5 charts can be exported outside the tool. The Zenoss Control Center allows out-of-band management and monitoring of all Zenoss components. Zenoss Core has new tools for online backup and restore, snapshots and rollbacks, and multihost deployment. Even more important, deployments are faster with full Docker support. - --- Fahmida Rashid - -![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-opennms-100614461-orig.jpg) - -### OpenNMS ### - -An extremely flexible network management solution, [OpenNMS][3] can handle any network management task, whether it's device management, application performance monitoring, inventory control, or events management. With IPv6 support, a robust alerts system, and the ability to record user scripts to test Web applications, OpenNMS has everything network administrators and testers need. OpenNMS has become, as now a mobile dashboard, called OpenNMS Compass, lets networking pros keep an eye on their network even when they're out and about. - -The iOS version of the app, which is available on the [iTunes App Store][4], displays outages, nodes, and alarms. The next version will offer additional event details, resource graphs, and information about IP and SNMP interfaces. The Android version, available on [Google Play][5], displays network availability, outages, and alarms on the dashboard, as well as the ability to acknowledge, escalate, or clear alarms. The mobile clients are compatible with OpenNMS Horizon 1.12 or greater and OpenNMS Meridian 2015.1.0 or greater. - --- Fahmida Rashid - -![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-onion-100614460-orig.jpg) - -### Security Onion ### - -Like an onion, network security monitoring is made of many layers. No single tool will give you visibility into every attack or show you every reconnaissance or foot-printing session on your company network. [Security Onion][6] bundles scores of proven tools into one handy Ubuntu distro that will allow you to see who's inside your network and help keep the bad guys out. - -Whether you're taking a proactive approach to network security monitoring or following up on a potential attack, Security Onion can assist. Consisting of sensor, server, and display layers, the Onion combines full network packet capture with network-based and host-based intrusion detection, and it serves up all of the various logs for inspection and analysis. - -The star-studded network security toolchain includes Netsniff-NG for packet capture, Snort and Suricata for rules-based network intrusion detection, Bro for analysis-based network monitoring, OSSEC for host intrusion detection, and Sguil, Squert, Snorby, and ELSA (Enterprise Log Search and Archive) for display, analysis, and log management. It’s a carefully vetted collection of tools, all wrapped in a wizard-driven installer and backed by thorough documentation, that can help you get from zero to monitoring as fast as possible. - --- Victor R. Garza - -![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-kali-100614458-orig.jpg) - -Kali Linux - -The team behind [Kali Linux][7] revamped the popular security Linux distribution this year to make it faster and even more versatile. Kali sports a new 4.0 kernel, improved hardware and wireless driver support, and a snappier interface. The most popular tools are easily accessible from a dock on the side of the screen. The biggest change? Kali Linux is now a rolling distribution, with a continuous stream of software updates. Kali's core system is based on Debian Jessie, and the team will pull packages continuously from Debian Testing, while continuing to add new Kali-flavored features on top. - -The distribution still comes jam-packed with tools for penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, security forensics, Web application analysis, wireless networking and assessment, reverse engineering, and exploitation tools. Now the distribution has an upstream version checking system that will automatically notify users when updates are available for the individual tools. The distribution also features ARM images for a range of devices, including Raspberry Pi, Chromebook, and Odroids, as well as updates to the NetHunter penetration testing platform that runs on Android devices. There are other changes too: Metasploit Community/Pro is no longer included, because Kali 2.0 is not yet [officially supported by Rapid7][8]. - --- Fahmida Rashid - -![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-openvas-100614462-orig.jpg) - -### OpenVAS ### - -[OpenVAS][9], the Open Vulnerability Assessment System, is a framework that combines multiple services and tools to offer vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management. The scanner is coupled with a weekly feed of network vulnerability tests, or you can use a feed from a commercial service. The framework includes a command-line interface (so it can be scripted) and an SSL-secured, browser-based interface via the [Greenbone Security Assistant][10]. OpenVAS accommodates various plug-ins for additional functionality. Scans can be scheduled or run on-demand. - -Multiple OpenVAS installations can be controlled through a single master, which makes this a scalable vulnerability assessment tool for enterprises. The project is as compatible with standards as can be: Scan results and configurations are stored in a SQL database, where they can be accessed easily by external reporting tools. Client tools access the OpenVAS Manager via the XML-based stateless OpenVAS Management Protocol, so security administrators can extend the functionality of the framework. The software can be installed from packages or source code to run on Windows or Linux, or downloaded as a virtual appliance. - --- Matt Sarrel - -![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-owasp-100614463-orig.jpg) - -### OWASP ### - -[OWASP][11], the Open Web Application Security Project, is a nonprofit organization with worldwide chapters focused on improving software security. The community-driven organization provides test tools, documentation, training, and almost anything you could imagine that’s related to assessing software security and best practices for developing secure software. Several OWASP projects have become valuable components of many a security practitioner's toolkit: - -[ZAP][12], the Zed Attack Proxy Project, is a penetration test tool for finding vulnerabilities in Web applications. One of the design goals of ZAP was to make it easy to use so that developers and functional testers who aren't security experts can benefit from using it. ZAP provides automated scanners and a set of manual test tools. - -The [Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework][13] is an advanced cross-site scripting vulnerability detection and exploitation framework that runs scans within browser engines to get real-world results. The Xenotix Scanner Module uses three intelligent fuzzers, and it can run through nearly 5,000 distinct XSS payloads. An API lets security administrators extend and customize the exploit toolkit. - -[O-Saft][14], or the OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool, is an SSL auditing tool that shows detailed information about SSL certificates and tests SSL connections. This command-line tool can run online or offline to assess SSL security such as ciphers and configurations. O-Saft provides built-in checks for common vulnerabilities, and you can easily extend these through scripting. In May 2015 a simple GUI was added as an optional download. - -[OWTF][15], the Offensive Web Testing Framework, is an automated test tool that follows OWASP testing guidelines and the NIST and PTES standards. The framework uses both a Web UI and a CLI, and it probes Web and application servers for common vulnerabilities such as improper configuration and unpatched software. - --- Matt Sarrel - -![](http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-beef-100614456-orig.jpg) - -### BeEF ### - -The Web browser has become the most common vector for attacks against clients. [BeEF][15], the Browser Exploitation Framework Project, is a widely used penetration tool to assess Web browser security. BeEF helps you expose the security weaknesses of client systems using client-side attacks launched through the browser. BeEF sets up a malicious website, which security administrators visit from the browser they want to test. BeEF then sends commands to attack the Web browser and use it to plant software on the client machine. Administrators can then launch attacks on the client machine as if they were zombies. - -BeEF comes with commonly used modules like a key logger, a port scanner, and a Web proxy, plus you can write your own modules or send commands directly to the zombified test machine. BeEF comes with a handful of demo Web pages to help you get started and makes it very easy to write additional Web pages and attack modules so you can customize testing to your environment. BeEF is a valuable test tool for assessing browser and endpoint security and for learning how browser-based attacks are launched. Use it to put together a demo to show your users how malware typically infects client devices. - --- Matt Sarrel - -![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-unhide-100614464-orig.jpg) - -### Unhide ### - -[Unhide][16] is a forensic tool that locates open TCP/UDP ports and hidden process on UNIX, Linux, and Windows. Hidden ports and processes can be the result of rootkit or LKM (loadable kernel module) activity. Rootkits can be difficult to find and remove because they are designed to be stealthy, hiding themselves from the OS and user. A rootkit can use LKMs to hide its processes or impersonate other processes, allowing it to run on machines undiscovered for a long time. Unhide can provide the assurance that administrators need to know their systems are clean. - -Unhide is really two separate scripts: one for processes and one for ports. The tool interrogates running processes, threads, and open ports and compares this info to what's registered with the system as active, reporting discrepancies. Unhide and WinUnhide are extremely lightweight scripts that run from the command line to produce text output. They're not pretty, but they are extremely useful. Unhide is also included in the [Rootkit Hunter][17] project. - --- Matt Sarrel - -![](http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/09/bossies-2015-main-100614457-orig.jpg) - -Read about more open source winners - -InfoWorld's Best of Open Source Awards for 2014 celebrate more than 100 open source projects, from the bottom of the stack to the top. Follow these links to more open source winners: - -[Bossie Awards 2015: The best open source applications][18] - -[Bossie Awards 2015: The best open source application development tools][19] - -[Bossie Awards 2015: The best open source big data tools][20] - -[Bossie Awards 2015: The best open source data center and cloud software][21] - -[Bossie Awards 2015: The best open source desktop and mobile software][22] - -[Bossie Awards 2015: The best open source networking and security software][23] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982962/open-source-tools/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-networking-and-security-software.html - -作者:[InfoWorld staff][a] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:http://www.infoworld.com/author/InfoWorld-staff/ -[1]:https://www.icinga.org/icinga/icinga-2/ -[2]:http://www.zenoss.com/ -[3]:http://www.opennms.org/ -[4]:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/opennms-compass/id968875097?mt=8 -[5]:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opennms.compass&hl=en -[6]:http://blog.securityonion.net/p/securityonion.html -[7]:https://www.kali.org/ -[8]:https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2015/08/12/metasploit-on-kali-linux-20 -[9]:http://www.openvas.org/ -[10]:http://www.greenbone.net/ -[11]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page -[12]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project -[13]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/O-Saft -[14]:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_OWTF -[15]:http://www.beefproject.com/ -[16]:http://www.unhide-forensics.info/ -[17]:http://www.rootkit.nl/projects/rootkit_hunter.html -[18]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982622/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-applications.html -[19]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982920/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-application-development-tools.html -[20]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982429/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-big-data-tools.html -[21]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982923/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-data-center-and-cloud-software.html -[22]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982630/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-desktop-and-mobile-software.html -[23]:http://www.infoworld.com/article/2982962/bossie-awards-2015-the-best-open-source-networking-and-security-software.html \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/talk/The history of Android/22 - The history of Android.md b/sources/talk/The history of Android/22 - The history of Android.md deleted file mode 100644 index fab3d8c087..0000000000 --- a/sources/talk/The history of Android/22 - The history of Android.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -alim0x translating - -The history of Android -================================================================================ -### Android 4.2, Jelly Bean—new Nexus devices, new tablet interface ### - -The Android Platform was rapidly maturing, and with Google hosting more and more apps in the Play Store, there was less and less that needed to go out in the OS update. Still, the relentless march of updates must continue, and in November 2012 Android 4.2 was released. 4.2 was still called "Jelly Bean," a nod to the relatively small amount of changes that were present in this release. - -![The LG-made Nexus 4 and Samsung-made Nexus 10.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/unnamed.jpg) -The LG-made Nexus 4 and Samsung-made Nexus 10. -Photo by Google/Ron Amadeo - -Along with Android 4.2 came two flagship devices, the Nexus 4 and the Nexus 10, both of which were sold direct by Google on the Play Store. The Nexus 4 applied the Nexus 7 strategy of a quality device at a shockingly low price and sold for $300 unlocked. The Nexus 4 had a quad-core 1.5 GHz Snapdragon S4 Pro, 2GB of RAM and a 4.7-inch 1280×768 LCD. Google's new flagship phone was manufactured by LG, and with the manufacturer switch came a focus on materials and build quality. The Nexus 4 had a glass front and back, and while you couldn't drop it, it was one of the nicest-feeling Android phones to date. The biggest downside to the Nexus 4 was the lack of LTE at a time when most phones, including the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, came with the faster modem. Still, demand for the Nexus 4 greatly exceeded Google's expectations—the launch rush crashed the Play Store Web site on launch day. The device sold out in under an hour. - -The Nexus 10 was Google's first 10-inch Nexus tablet. The highlight of the device was the 2560×1600 display, which was the highest resolution in its class. All those pixels were powered by a dual core, 1.7GHz Cortex A15 processor and 2GB of RAM. With each passing month, it's looking more and more like the Nexus 10 is the first and last 10-inch Nexus tablet. Usually these devices are upgraded every year, but the Nexus 10 is now 16 months old, and there's no sign of the new model on the horizon. Google is doing well with smaller-sized 7-inch tablets, and it seems content to let partners [like Samsung][1] explore the larger end of the tablet spectrum. - -![The new lock screen, wallpaper, and clock widget design.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/JBvsjb.jpg) -The new lock screen, wallpaper, and clock widget design. -Photo by Ron Amadeo - -4.2 brought lots of changes to the lock screen. The font was centered and used an extremely thick weight for the hour and a thin font for the minutes. The lock screen was now paginated and could be customized with widgets. Rather than a simple clock on the lock screen, users could replace it with another widget or add extra pages to the lock screen for more widgets. - -![The lock screen's add widget page, the list of widgets, the Gmail widget on the lock screen, and swiping over to the camera.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/locksc2reen.jpg) -The lock screen's add widget page, the list of widgets, the Gmail widget on the lock screen, and swiping over to the camera. -Photo by Ron Amadeo - -The lock screen now worked like a stripped-down version of the home screen. Page outlines would pop up on the left and right sides of the lock screen to hint to users that they could swipe to other pages with other widgets. Swiping to the left would show a simple blank page with a plus sign in the center, and tapping on it would bring up a list of widgets that were compatible with the lock screen. Lock screens were limited to one widget per page and could be expanded or collapsed by dragging up or down on the widget. The right-most page was reserved for the camera—a simple over would open the camera interface, but you weren't able to swipe back. - -![The new Quick Settings panel and a composite image of the app lineup.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/42fix.png) -The new Quick Settings panel and a composite image of the app lineup. -Photo by Ron Amadeo - -One of the biggest additions to 4.2 was the new "Quick Settings" panel. Android 3.0 brought a way to quickly change power settings to tablets, and 4.2 finally brought that ability to phones. A new icon was added to the top right corner of the notification panel that would switch between the normal list of notifications and the new quick settings screen. Quick Settings offered faster access to screen brightness, network connections, and battery and data usage without having to dig through the full settings screen. The top level settings button in Android 4.1 was removed, and a square was added to the Quick Settings screen for it. - -There were lots of changes to the app drawer and 4.2's lineup of apps and icons. Thanks to the wider aspect ratio of the Nexus 4 (5:3 vs 16:9 on the Galaxy Nexus), the app drawer on that device could now show a five-wide grid of icons. 4.2 replaced the stock browser with Google Chrome and the stock calendar with Google Calendar, both of which brought new icon designs. The Clock and Camera apps were revamped in 4.2, and new icons were part of the deal. "Google Settings" was a new app that offered shortcuts to all the existing Google Account settings around the OS, and it had a unified look with Google Search and the new Google+ icon. Google Maps got a new icon, and Google Latitude, which was part of Google Maps, was retired in favor of Google+ location. - -![The browser was replaced with Chrome, and the new camera interface with a full screen viewfinder.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/chroemcam.jpg) -The browser was replaced with Chrome, and the new camera interface with a full screen viewfinder. -Photo by Ron Amadeo - -The stock browser did its best Chrome imitation for a while—it took many cues from Chrome’s interface, many Chrome features, and was even using Chrome’s javascript engine—but by the time Android 4.2 rolled around, Google deemed the Android version of Chrome ready to replace the imitator. On the surface, it didn't seem like much of a difference; the interface looked different, and early versions of Chrome for Android didn't scroll as smoothly as the stock browser. Under the hood, though, everything was different. Development of Android's main browser was now handled by the Google Chrome team instead of being a side project of the Android team. Android's default browser moved from being a stagnant app tied to Android releases to a Play Store app that was continually updated. Today there is even a beta channel that receives several updates per month. - -The camera interface was redesigned. It was now a completely full-screen app, showing a live view of the camera and places controls on top of it. The layout aesthetic had a lot in common with the [camera design][2] of Android 1.5: minimal controls with a focus on the viewfinder output. The circle of controls in the center appeared when you either held your finger on the screen or pressed the circle icon in the bottom right corner. When holding your finger down, you could slide around to pick the options around the circle, often expanding out into a sub-menu. Releasing over a highlighted item would select it. This was clearly inspired by the Quick Controls in the Android 4.0 browser, but arranging the options in a circle meant your finger was almost always blocking part of the interface. - -![The clock app, which went from a two-screen app to a feature-packed, useful application.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/clock-1.jpg) -The clock app, which went from a two-screen app to a feature-packed, useful application. -Photo by Ron Amadeo - -The clock application was completely revamped, going from a simple two-screen alarm clock to a world clock, alarm, timer, and stopwatch. The clock app design was like nothing Google introduced before, with an ultra-minimal aesthetic and red highlights. It seemed to be an experiment for Google. Even several versions later, this design language seemed to be confined only to this app. - -The clock's time picker was particularly well-designed. It showed a simple number pad, and it would intelligently disable numbers that would result in an invalid time. It was also impossible to set an alarm time without implicitly selecting AM or PM, forever solving the problem of accidentally setting an alarm for 9pm instead of 9am. - -![The new system UI for tablets used a stretched-out phone interface.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/tablet2.jpg) -The new system UI for tablets used a stretched-out phone interface. -Photo by Ron Amadeo - -The most controversial change in Android 4.2 was made to the tablet UI, which switched from a unified single bottom system bar to a two-bar interface with a top status bar and bottom system bar. The new design unified the phone and tablet interfaces, but critics said it was a waste of space to stretch the phone interface to a 10-inch landscape tablet. Since the navigation buttons had the whole bottom bar to themselves now, they were centered, just like the phone interface. - -![Multiple users on a tablet, and the new gesture-driven keyboard.](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2014-03-06-14.55.png) -Multiple users on a tablet, and the new gesture-driven keyboard. -Photo by Ron Amadeo - -On tablets, Android 4.2 brought support for multiple users. In the settings, a "Users" section was added, where you could manage users on a device. Setup was done from within each user account, where Android would keep separate settings, home screens, apps, and app data for each user. - -4.2 also added a new keyboard with swiping abilities. Rather than just tapping each individual letter, users could now keep a finger on the screen the whole time and just slide from letter to letter to type. - ----------- - -![Ron Amadeo](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content//uploads/authors/ron-amadeo-sq.jpg) - -[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron is the Reviews Editor at Ars Technica, where he specializes in Android OS and Google products. He is always on the hunt for a new gadget and loves to rip things apart to see how they work. - -[@RonAmadeo][t] - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/22/ - -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[1]:http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/01/hands-on-with-samsungs-notepro-and-tabpro-new-screen-sizes-and-magazine-ui/ -[2]:http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/device-2013-12-26-11016071.png -[a]:http://arstechnica.com/author/ronamadeo -[t]:https://twitter.com/RonAmadeo diff --git a/sources/talk/yearbook2015/20151208 5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom.md b/sources/talk/yearbook2015/20151208 5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom.md deleted file mode 100644 index 09423a6b8d..0000000000 --- a/sources/talk/yearbook2015/20151208 5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -FSSlc translating - -5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom -================================================================================ -![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/images/life/osdc-open-source-yearbook-lead3.png) - -Image by : opensource.com - -### 1. Minecraft Pi ### - -Courtesy of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. [CC BY-SA 4.0.][1] - -Minecraft is the favorite game of pretty much every teenager in the world—and it's one of the most creative games ever to capture the attention of young people. The version that comes with every Raspberry Pi is not only a creative thinking building game, but comes with a programming interface allowing for additional interaction with the Minecraft world through Python code. - -Minecraft: Pi Edition is a great way for teachers to engage students with problem solving and writing code to perform tasks. You can use the Python API to build a house and have it follow you wherever you go, build a bridge wherever you walk, make it rain lava, show the temperature in the sky, and anything else your imagination can create. - -Read more in "[Getting Started with Minecraft Pi][2]." - -### 2. Reaction game and traffic lights ### - -![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/pi_traffic_installed_yellow_led_on.jpg) - -Courtesy of [Low Voltage Labs][3]. [CC BY-SA 4.0][1]. - -It's really easy to get started with physical computing on Raspberry Pi—just connect up LEDs and buttons to the GPIO pins, and with a few lines of code you can turn lights on and control things with button presses. Once you know the code to do the basics, it's down to your imagination as to what you do next! - -If you know how to flash one light, you can flash three. Pick out three LEDs in traffic light colors and you can code the traffic light sequence. If you know how to use a button to a trigger an event, then you have a pedestrian crossing! Also look out for great pre-built traffic light add-ons like [PI-TRAFFIC][4], [PI-STOP][5], [Traffic HAT][6], and more. - -It's not always about the code—this can be used as an exercise in understanding how real world systems are devised. Computational thinking is a useful skill in any walk of life. - -![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/reaction-game.png) - -Courtesy of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. [CC BY-SA 4.0][1]. - -Next, try wiring up two buttons and an LED and making a two-player reaction game—let the light come on after a random amount of time and see who can press the button first! - -To learn more, check out "[GPIO Zero recipes][7]. Everything you need is in [CamJam EduKit 1][8]. - -### 3. Sense HAT Pixel Pet ### - -The Astro Pi—an augmented Raspberry Pi—is going to space this December, but you haven't missed your chance to get your hands on the hardware. The Sense HAT is the sensor board add-on used in the Astro Pi mission and it's available for anyone to buy. You can use it for data collection, science experiments, games and more. Watch this Gurl Geek Diaries video from Raspberry Pi's Carrie Anne for a great way to get started—by bringing to life an animated pixel pet of your own design on the Sense HAT display: - -注:youtube 视频 - - -Learn more in "[Exploring the Sense HAT][9]." - -### 4. Infrared bird box ### - -![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/ir-bird-box.png) -Courtesy of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. [CC BY-SA 4.0.][1] - -A great exercise for the whole class to get involved with—place a Raspberry Pi and the NoIR camera module inside a bird box along with some infra-red lights so you can see in the dark, then stream video from the Pi over the network or on the internet. Wait for birds to nest and you can observe them without disturbing them in their habitat. - -Learn all about infrared and the light spectrum, and how to adjust the camera focus and control the camera in software. - -Learn more in "[Make an infrared bird box.][10]" - -### 5. Robotics ### - -![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/edukit3_1500-alex-eames-sm.jpg) - -Courtesy of Low Voltage Labs. [CC BY-SA 4.0][1]. - -With a Raspberry Pi and as little as a couple of motors and a motor controller board, you can build your own robot. There is a vast range of robots you can make, from basic buggies held together by sellotape and a homemade chassis, all the way to self-aware, sensor-laden metallic stallions with camera attachments driven by games controllers. - -Learn how to control individual motors with something straightforward like the RTK Motor Controller Board (£8/$12), or dive into the new CamJam robotics kit (£17/$25) which comes with motors, wheels and a couple of sensors—great value and plenty of learning potential. - -Alternatively, if you'd like something more hardcore, try PiBorg's [4Borg][11] (£99/$150) or [DiddyBorg][12] (£180/$273) or go the whole hog and treat yourself to their DoodleBorg Metal edition (£250/$380)—and build a mini version of their infamous [DoodleBorg tank][13] (unfortunately not for sale). - -Check out the [CamJam robotics kit worksheets][14]. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://opensource.com/education/15/12/5-great-raspberry-pi-projects-classroom - -作者:[Ben Nuttall][a] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:https://opensource.com/users/bennuttall -[1]:https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ -[2]:https://opensource.com/life/15/5/getting-started-minecraft-pi -[3]:http://lowvoltagelabs.com/ -[4]:http://lowvoltagelabs.com/products/pi-traffic/ -[5]:http://4tronix.co.uk/store/index.php?rt=product/product&product_id=390 -[6]:https://ryanteck.uk/hats/1-traffichat-0635648607122.html -[7]:http://pythonhosted.org/gpiozero/recipes/ -[8]:http://camjam.me/?page_id=236 -[9]:https://opensource.com/life/15/10/exploring-raspberry-pi-sense-hat -[10]:https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/infrared-bird-box/ -[11]:https://www.piborg.org/4borg -[12]:https://www.piborg.org/diddyborg -[13]:https://www.piborg.org/doodleborg -[14]:http://camjam.me/?page_id=1035#worksheets diff --git a/sources/tech/20151104 How to Install Pure-FTPd with TLS on FreeBSD 10.2.md b/sources/tech/20151104 How to Install Pure-FTPd with TLS on FreeBSD 10.2.md index 10a40233e8..19ddcf0e97 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20151104 How to Install Pure-FTPd with TLS on FreeBSD 10.2.md +++ b/sources/tech/20151104 How to Install Pure-FTPd with TLS on FreeBSD 10.2.md @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -chisper 翻译中 How to Install Pure-FTPd with TLS on FreeBSD 10.2 ================================================================================ FTP or File Transfer Protocol is application layer standard network protocol used to transfer file from the client to the server, after user logged in to the FTP server over the TCP-Network, such as internet. FTP has been round long time ago, much longer then P2P Program, or World Wide Web, and until this day it was a primary method for sharing file with other over the internet and it it remain very popular even today. FTP provide an secure transmission, that protect username, password and encrypt the content with SSL/TLS. diff --git a/sources/tech/20151202 A new Mindcraft moment.md b/sources/tech/20151202 A new Mindcraft moment.md index 79930e8202..92c645ea4b 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20151202 A new Mindcraft moment.md +++ b/sources/tech/20151202 A new Mindcraft moment.md @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +zpl1025 A new Mindcraft moment? ======================= diff --git a/sources/tech/20160219 How to Setup Lighttpd Web server on Ubuntu 15.04 or CentOS 7.md b/sources/tech/20160219 How to Setup Lighttpd Web server on Ubuntu 15.04 or CentOS 7.md deleted file mode 100644 index 51f8050de7..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20160219 How to Setup Lighttpd Web server on Ubuntu 15.04 or CentOS 7.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -[Translating] Haohong Wang -How to Setup Lighttpd Web server on Ubuntu 15.04 / CentOS 7 -================================================================================= - -Lighttpd is an open source web server which is secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible and is optimized for high-performance environments. It uses very low memory compared to other web servers , small CPU load and speed optimization making it popular among the server for its efficiency and speed. Its advanced feature-set (FastCGI, CGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and many more) makes lighttpd the perfect webserver-software for every server that suffers load problems. - -Here are some simple easy setups on how we can setup Lighttpd web server on our machine running Ubuntu 15.04 or CentOS 7 linux distributions. - -### Installing Lighttpd - -#### Installing using Package Manager - -Here, we'll install Lighttpd using package manager as its the easiest method to install it. So, we can simply run the following command under `sudo` mode in a terminal or console to install Lighttpd. - -**CentOS 7** - -As lighttpd is not available in the official repository of CentOS 7, we'll need to install epel additional repository to our system. To do so, we'll need to run the following `yum` command. - - # yum install epel-release - -Then, we'll gonna update our system and proceed towards the installation of lighttpd. - - # yum update - # yum install lighttpd - -![Install Lighttpd Centos](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/install-lighttpd-centos.png) - -**Ubuntu 15.04** - -Lighttpd is available on the official repository of Ubuntu 15.04 so, we'll simply update our local repository index and then go for the installation of lighttpd using `apt-get` command. - - # apt-get update - # apt-get install lighttpd - -![Install lighttpd ubuntu](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/install-lighttpd-ubuntu.png) - -#### Installing from Source - -If we wanna install lighttpd from the latest version of source code ie 1.4.39, we'll need to compile the source code and install it into our system. First of all, we'll need to install the dependencies required to compile it. - - # cd /tmp/ - # wget http://download.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/releases-1.4.x/lighttpd-1.4.39.tar.gz - -After its downloaded, we'll need to extract it the tarball by running the following. - - # tar -zxvf lighttpd-1.4.39.tar.gz - -Then, we'll compile it by running the following commands. - - # cd lighttpd-1.4.39 - # ./configure - # make - -**Note:** In this tutorial, we are installing lighttpd with its standard configuration. If you wanna configure beyond the standard configuration and want to install more features like support for SSL, `mod_rewrite`, `mod_redirect` then you can configure. - -Once, its compiled, we'll install it in our system. - - # make install - -### Configuring Lighttpd - -If we need to configure our lighttpd web server further as our requirements, we can make changes to the default configuration file ie `/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf` . As wee'll go with the default configuration here in this tutorial, we'll not gonna make changes to it. If we had made any changes and we wanna check for errors in the config file, we'll need to run the following command. - - # lighttpd -t -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf - -#### On CentOS 7 - -If we are running CentOS 7, we'll need to create a new directory for our webroot defined in our lighttpd's default configuration ie `/src/www/htdocs/` . - - # mkdir -p /srv/www/htdocs/ - -Then, we'll copy the default welcome page from `/var/www/lighttpd/` directory to the above created directory. - - # cp -r /var/www/lighttpd/* /srv/www/htdocs/ - -### Starting and Enabling Services - -Now, we'll gonna restart our database server by executing the following `systemctl` command. - - # systemctl start lighttpd - -Then, we'll enable it to start automatically in every system boot. - - # systemctl enable lighttpd - -### Allowing Firewall - -To allow our webpages or websites running lighttpd web server on the internet or inside the same network, we'll need to allow port 80 from the firewall program. As both CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 15.04 are shipped with systemd as the default init system, we will have firewalld installed as a firewall solution. To allow port 80 or http service, we'll need to run the following commands. - - # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http - success - # firewall-cmd --reload - success - -### Accessing Web Server - -As we have allowed port 80 which is the default port of lighttpd, we should be able to access lighttpd's welcome page by default. To do so, we'll need to point our browser to the ip address or domain of our machine running lighttpd according to our configuration. In this tutorial, we'll point our browser to [http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/](http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/) as we have pointed our sub-domain to its ip address. On doing so, we'll see the following welcome page in our browser. - -![Lighttpd Welcome Page](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/lighttpd-welcome-page.png) - -Further, we can add our website's files to the webroot directory and remove the default lighttpd's index file to make our static website live to the internet. - -If we want to run our PHP application in our lighttpd webserver, we'll need to follow the following steps. - -### Installing PHP5 Modules - -Once our lighttpd is installed successfully, we'll need to install PHP and some PHP modules to run PHP5 scripts in our lighttpd web server. - -#### On Ubuntu 15.04 - - # apt-get install php5 php5-cgi php5-fpm php5-mysql php5-curl php5-gd php5-intl php5-imagick php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php-pear - -#### On CentOS 7 - - # yum install php php-cgi php-fpm php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-intl php-pecl-imagick php-mcrypt php-memcache php-pear lighttpd-fastcgi - -### Configuring Lighttpd with PHP - -To make PHP work with lighttpd web server, we'll need to follow the following methods respect to the distribution we are running. - -#### On CentOS 7 - -First of all, we'll need to edit our php configuration ie `/etc/php.ini` and uncomment a line **cgi.fix_pathinfo=1** using a text editor. - - # nano /etc/php.ini - -After its done, we'll need to change the ownership of PHP-FPM process from apache to lighttpd. To do so, we'll need to open the configuration file `/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf` using a text editor. - - # nano /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf - -Then, we'll append the file with the following configurations. - - user = lighttpd - group = lighttpd - -Once done, we'll need to save the file and exit the text editor. Then, we'll need to include fastcgi module from `/etc/lighttpd/modules.conf` configuration file. - - # nano /etc/lighttpd/modules.conf - -Then, we'll need to uncomment the following line by removing `#` from it. - - include "conf.d/fastcgi.conf" - -At last, we'll need to configure our fastcgi configuration file using our favorite text editor. - - # nano /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/fastcgi.conf - -Then, we'll need to add the following lines at the end of the file. - - fastcgi.server += ( ".php" => - (( - "host" => "", - "port" => "9000", - "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable" - )) - ) - -After its done, we'll save the file and exit the text editor. - -#### On Ubuntu 15.04 - -To enable fastcgi with lighttpd web server, we'll simply need to execute the following commands. - - # lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi - - Enabling fastcgi: ok - Run /etc/init.d/lighttpd force-reload to enable changes - - # lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php - - Enabling fastcgi-php: ok - Run `/etc/init.d/lighttpd` force-reload to enable changes - -Then, we'll reload our lighttpd by running the following command. - - # systemctl force-reload lighttpd - -### Testing if PHP is working - -In order to see if PHP is working as expected or not, we'll need to create a new php file under the webroot of our lighttpd web server. Here, in this tutorial we have `/var/www/html` in Ubuntu and `/srv/www/htdocs` in CentOS as the default webroot so, we'll create a info.php file under it using a text editor. - -**On CentOS 7** - - # nano /var/www/info.php - -**On Ubuntu 15.04** - - # nano /srv/www/htdocs/info.php - -Then, we'll simply add the following line into the file. - - - -Once done, we'll simply save the file and exit from the text editor. - -Now, we'll point our web browser to our machine running lighttpd using its ip address or domain name with the info.php file path as [http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/info.php](http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/info.php) If everything was done as described above, we will see our PHP information page as shown below. - -![phpinfo lighttpd](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/phpinfo-lighttpd.png) - -### Conclusion - -Finally we have successfully installed the world's lightweight, fast and secure web server Lighttpd in our machine running CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 15.04 linux distributions. Once its ready, we can upload our website files into our web root, configure virtual host, enable ssl, connect database, run web apps and much more with our lighttpd web server. If you have any questions, suggestions, feedback please write them in the comment box below so that we can improve or update our contents. Thank you ! Enjoy :-) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/setup-lighttpd-web-server-ubuntu-15-04-centos-7/ - -作者:[Arun Pyasi][a] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:http://linoxide.com/author/arunp/ diff --git a/sources/tech/20160228 Two Outstanding All-in-One Linux Servers.md b/sources/tech/20160228 Two Outstanding All-in-One Linux Servers.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a291fd2006 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/tech/20160228 Two Outstanding All-in-One Linux Servers.md @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +Two Outstanding All-in-One Linux Servers +================================================ + +keywords: Linux Server , SMB , clearos , Zentyal + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/jack-clear_a.png) + +>Figure 1: The ClearOS setup wizard. + +Back in 2000, Microsoft released their Small Business Server. This product changed the way many people viewed how technology could function within the realm of business. Instead of having multiple machines handle different tasks, you could deploy a single server which would handle email, calendaring, file sharing, directory services, VPN, and a whole lot more. For many of small businesses, this was a serious boon, but for some the cost of the Windows SMB was prohibitive. For yet others, the idea of relying on such a server, designed by Microsoft, simply wasn’t an option. + +For that last group, there are alternatives. In fact, within the realm of Linux and open source, you can choose from several solid platforms that can serve your small business as a one-stop server shop. If your small business has between 10 and 50 employees, the all-in-one server might be the ideal solution to meet your needs. + +Here, I’ll look at two Linux all-in-one servers, so you can see if one of them is the perfect match for your company. + +Remember, these servers are not, in any way, suited for big business or enterprise. Larger companies cannot rely on the all-in-one server simply because a single server cannot take the load expected within the realm of enterprise needs. With that said, here’s what SMBs can expect from a Linux all in one. + +### ClearOS + +[ClearOS][1] was originally released in 2009, under the name ClarkConnect, as a router and gateway distribution. Since then, ClearOS has added all the features necessary to define it as an all-in-one server. ClearOS offers more than just a piece of software. You can also purchase a [ClearBox 100][2] or [ClearBox 300][3]. These servers ship complete with ClearOS and are marketed as IT in a box. Check out the feature comparison/price matrix [here][4]. + +For those with hardware already in-house, you can download one of the following: + +- [ClearOS Community][5] — The community (free) edition of ClearOS + +- [ClearOS Home][6] — Ideal for home offices (details on features and subscription costs, see here) + +- [ClearOS Business][7] — Ideal for small businesses (details on features and subscription costs, see here) + +What do you get with ClearOS? You get a business-class server with a single, elegantly designed web interface. What is unique about ClearOS is that you will get plenty of features in the base server; beyond that, you must add on features from the [Clear Marketplace][8]. From within the Marketplace, you can install free or paid apps that extend the feature set of the ClearOS server. Here you’ll find add-ons for Windows Server Active Directory, OpenLDAP, Flexshares, Antimalware, Cloud, Web access control, Content filtering, and much more. You’ll even find some third-party add-ons such as Google Apps Synchronization, Zarafa Collaboration Platform, and Kaspersky Anti-virus. + +ClearOS is installed like any other Linux distribution (based on Red Hat’s Anaconda installer). Once the install is complete, you will be prompted to set up the networking interface as well as presented with the address to point your browser (on the same network as the ClearOS server). The address will be in the form: + +[https://IP_OF_CLEAROS_SERVER:81][9] + +Where IP_OF_CLEAROS_SERVER is the actual IP address of the server. NOTE: When you first point your browser to the server, you will receive a “Connection is not private” warning. Proceed on to the address so you can continue the setup. + +When the browser finally connects, you will be prompted for the root user credentials (you set the root user password up during initial installation). Once authenticated, you will be presented with the ClearOS setup wizard (Figure 1 above). + +Click the Next button to begin the process of setting up your ClearOS server. The wizard is self-explanatory and, in the end, you will be asked which version of ClearOS you want to use. Click either Community, Home, or Business. Once selected, you will be required to register for an account. Once you’ve created an account and registered the server, you can then move on to updating the server, configuring the server, and adding modules from the marketplace (Figure 2). + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/jack-clear_b.png) + +>Figure 2: Installing modules from the marketplace. + +At this point, you are ready to start digging deep into the configuration of your ClearOS small business server. + +### Zentyal + +[Zentyal][10] is a Ubuntu-based small business server that was, at one point, distributed under the name eBox. Zentyal offers plenty of servers/services to fit your SMB needs: + +- Email — Webmail; Native MS Exchange protocols and Active Directory support; Calendars and contacts; Mobile device email sync; Antivirus/antispam; IMAP, POP, SMTP, CalDAV, and CardDAV support + +- Domain & Directory — Central domain directory management; Multiple organization units; Single sign-on authentication; File sharing; ACLs, Advanced domain management, Printer management + +- Networking & Firewall — Static and DHCP interfaces; Objects & services; Packet filter; Port forwarding + +- Infrastructure — DNS; DHCP; NTP; Certification authority; VPN + +- Firewall + +The installation of Zentyal is very much like that of Ubuntu Server—it’s text based and quite simple: Boot up the install media, make a few quick selections, and wait for the installation to complete. Once the initial, text-based, installation is finished, you are presented with the GUI desktop where a wizard will appear for package selection. Select all the packages you want to install and allow the installer to finish the job. + +Finally, you can log into your Zentyal server via the web interface (point your browser to [https://IP_OF_SERVER:8443][11] — where IP_OF_SERVER is the LAN address of the Zentyal server) or use the standalone, desktop GUI to administer the server (Zentyal includes quick access to an Administrator and User console as well as a Zentyal Administration console). When all systems have been saved and started, you will be presented with the Zentyal Dashboard (Figure 3). + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/jack-zentyal_a.png) + +>Figure 3: The Zentyal Dashboard in action. + +The Dashboard allows you to control all aspects of the server, such as updating, managing servers/services, and getting a quick status update of the server. You can also go into the Components area and install components that you opted out of during installation or update the current package list. Click on Software Management > System Updates and select what you want to update (Figure 4), then click the UPDATE button at the bottom of the screen. + +![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/jack-zentyal_b.png) + +>Figure 4: Updating your Zentyal server is simple. + +### Which Server Is Right for You? + +The answer to this question depends on what you need. Zentyal is an amazing server that does a great job running your SMB network. If you need a bit more, such as groupware, your best bet is to go with ClearOS. If you don’t need groupware, either server will do an outstanding job. + +I highly recommend installing both of these all-in-one servers to see which will best serve your small company needs. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +via: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/882146-two-outstanding-all-in-one-linux-servers + +作者:[Jack Wallen][a] +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: http://www.linux.com/community/forums/person/93 +[1]: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/882146-two-outstanding-all-in-one-linux-servers#clearfoundation-overview +[2]: https://www.clearos.com/products/hardware/clearbox-100-series +[3]: https://www.clearos.com/products/hardware/clearbox-300-series +[4]: https://www.clearos.com/products/hardware/clearbox-overview +[5]: http://mirror.clearos.com/clearos/7/iso/x86_64/ClearOS-DVD-x86_64.iso +[6]: http://mirror.clearos.com/clearos/7/iso/x86_64/ClearOS-DVD-x86_64.iso +[7]: http://mirror.clearos.com/clearos/7/iso/x86_64/ClearOS-DVD-x86_64.iso +[8]: https://www.clearos.com/products/purchase/clearos-marketplace-overview +[9]: https://ip_of_clearos_server:81/ +[10]: http://www.zentyal.org/server/ +[11]: https://ip_of_server:8443/ diff --git a/sources/tech/20160301 The Evolving Market for Commercial Software Built On Open Source.md b/sources/tech/20160301 The Evolving Market for Commercial Software Built On Open Source.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85ba752bfa --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/tech/20160301 The Evolving Market for Commercial Software Built On Open Source.md @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +The Evolving Market for Commercial Software Built On Open Source +===================================================================== + +![](https://www.linux.com/images/stories/41373/Structure-event-photo.jpg) +>Attendees listen to a presentation during Structure at the UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center, where Structure Data 2016 will take place. Image credit: Structure Events. + +It's really hard to understate the impact of open source projects on the enterprise software market these days; open source integration became the norm so quickly we could be forgiven for missing the turning point. + +Hadoop, for example, changed more than just the world of data analysis. It gave rise to a new generation of data companies that created their own software around open source projects, tweaking and supporting that code as needed, much like how Red Hat embraced Linux in the 1990s and early 2000s. And this software is increasingly delivered over public clouds, rather than run on the buyer's own servers, enabling an amazing degree of operational flexibility but raising all sorts of new questions about licensing, support, and pricing. + +We've been following this closely over the years when putting together the lineup for our Structure Data conference, and Structure Data 2016 is no exception. The CEOs of three of the most important companies in big data operating around Hadoop -- Hortonworks, Cloudera and MapR -- will share the stage to discuss how they sell enterprise software and services around open source projects, generating cash while giving back to that community project at the same time. + +There was a time when making money on enterprise software was easier. Once purchased by a customer, a mega-package of software from an enterprise vendor turned into its own cash register, generating something close to lifetime income from maintenance contracts and periodic upgrades to software that became harder and harder to displace as it became the heart of a customer’s business. Customers grumbled about lock-in, but they didn't really have much of a choice if they wanted to make their workforce more productive. + +That is no longer the case. While an awful lot of companies are still stuck running immense software packages critical to their infrastructure, new projects are being deployed on cloud servers using open source technologies. This makes it much easier to upgrade one's capabilities without having to rip out a huge software package and reinstall something else, and it also allows companies to pay as they go, rather than paying for a bunch of features they'll never use. + +And there are a lot of customers who want to take advantage of open source projects without building and supporting a team of engineers to tweak one of those projects for their own unique needs. Those customers are willing to pay for software packages whose value is based on the delta between the open source projects and the proprietary features laid on top of that project. + +This is especially true for infrastructure-related software. Sure, your customers could install their own tweaks to a project like Hadoop or Spark or Node.js, but there's money to be made helping those customers out with a customizable package that lets them implement some of today's vital open source technologies without having to do all of the heavy lifting themselves. Just look at Structure Data 2016 presenters such as Confluent (Kafka), Databricks (Spark), and the Cloudera-Hortonworks-MapR (Hadoop) trio. + +There's certainly something to be said for having a vendor to yell at when things go wrong. If your engineers botch the implementation of an open source project, you've only yourself to blame. But If you contract with a company that is willing to guarantee certain performance and uptime metrics inside of a service-level agreement, you're willing to pay for support, guidance, and a chance to yell at somebody outside of your organization when inevitable problems crop up. + +The evolving market for commercial software on top of open source projects is something we've been tracking at Structure Data for years, and we urge you to join us in San Francisco March 9 and 10 if this is a topic near and dear to your heart. + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/cloud-computing/889564-the-evolving-market-for-commercial-software-built-on-open-source- + +作者:[Tom Krazit ][a] +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://www.linux.com/community/forums/person/70513 + + + + diff --git a/sources/tech/20160301 Viper, the Python IoT Development Suite, is now Zerynth.md b/sources/tech/20160301 Viper, the Python IoT Development Suite, is now Zerynth.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f732382bc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/tech/20160301 Viper, the Python IoT Development Suite, is now Zerynth.md @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +(翻译中 by runningwater) +Viper, the Python IoT Development Suite, is now Zerynth +============================================================ + + +![](http://www.open-electronics.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Logo_Zerynth-636x144.png) + + +The startup that launched the tools to develop embedded solutions in Python language announced the brand change along with the first official release. + +>Exactly one year after the Kickstarter launch of the suite for developing Internet of Things solutions in Python language, **Viper becomes Zerynth**. It is definitely a big day for the startup that created a radically new way to approach the world of microcontrollers and connected devices, making professionals and makers able to design interactive solutions with reduced efforts and shorter time. + +>“We really believe in the uniqueness of our tools, this is why they deserve an adequate recognition. Viper was a great name for a product, but other notable companies had the same feeling many decades ago, with the result that this term was shared with too many other actors out there. We are grown now, and ready to take off fast and light, like the design processes that our tools are enabling”, says the Viper (now Zerynth), co-founders. + +>**Thousands of users** developed amazing connected solutions in just 9 months of life in Beta version. Built to be cross-platform, Zerynth’s tools are meant for high-level design of Internet/cloud-connected devices, interactive objects, artistic installations. They are: **Zerynth Studio**, a browser-based IDE for programming embedded devices in Python with cloud sync and board management features; **Zerynth Virtual Machine**: a multithreaded real-time OS that provides real hardware independence allowing code reuse on the entire ARM architecture; **Zerynth App**, a general purpose interface that turns any mobile into the controller and display for smart objects and IoT systems. + +>This modular set of tools, adaptable to different hardware and cloud infrastructures, can dramatically reduce the time to market and the overall development costs for makers, professionals and companies. + +>Now Zerynth celebrates its new name launching the **first official release** of the toolkit. Check it here [www.zerynth.com][1] + +![](http://www.open-electronics.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Zerynth-Press-Release_Studio-Img-768x432.png) + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://www.open-electronics.org/viper-the-python-iot-development-suite-is-now-zerynth/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+OpenElectronics+%28Open+Electronics%29 + +作者:[Staff ][a] +译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://www.open-electronics.org/author/staff/ +[1]: http://www.zerynth.com/ + diff --git a/sources/tech/20160303 Top 5 open source command shells for Linux.md b/sources/tech/20160303 Top 5 open source command shells for Linux.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d097928ace --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/tech/20160303 Top 5 open source command shells for Linux.md @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +翻译中;by ![zky001](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject/edit/master/sources/tech/20160303%20Top%205%20open%20source%20command%20shells%20for%20Linux.md) +Top 5 open source command shells for Linux +=============================================== + +keyword: shell , Linux , bash , zsh , fish , ksh , tcsh , license + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/images/business/terminal_blue_smoke_command_line_0.jpg?itok=u2mRRqOa) + +There are two kinds of Linux users: the cautious and the adventurous. + +On one side is the user who almost reflexively tries out ever new option which hits the scene. They’ve tried handfuls of window managers, dozens of distributions, and every new desktop widget they can find. + +On the other side is the user who finds something they like and sticks with it. They tend to like their distribution’s defaults. If they’re passionate about a text editor, it’s whichever one they mastered first. + +As a Linux user, both on the server and the desktop, for going on fifteen years now, I am definitely more in the second category than the first. I have a tendency to use what’s presented to me, and I like the fact that this means more often than not I can find thorough documentation and examples of most any use case I can dream up. If I used something non-standard, the switch was carefully researched and often predicated by a strong pitch from someone I trust. + +But that doesn’t mean I don’t like to sometimes try and see what I’m missing. So recently, after years of using the bash shell without even giving it a thought, I decided to try out four alternative shells: ksh, tcsh, zsh, and fish. All four were easy installs from my default repositories in Fedora, and they’re likely already packaged for your distribution of choice as well. + +Here’s a little bit on each option and why you might choose it to be your next Linux command-line interpreter. + +### bash + +First, let’s take a look back at the familiar. [GNU Bash][1], the Bourne Again Shell, has been the default in pretty much every Linux distribution I’ve used through the years. Originally released in 1989, bash has grown to easily become the most used shell across the Linux world, and it is commonly found in other unix-like operating systems as well. + +Bash is a perfectly respectable shell, and as you look for documentation of how to do various things across the Internet, almost invariably you’ll find instructions which assume you are using a bash shell. But bash has some shortcomings, as anyone who has ever written a bash script that’s more than a few lines can attest to. It’s not that you can’t do something, it’s that it’s not always particularly intuitive (or at least elegant) to read and write. For some examples, see this list of [common bash pitfalls][2]. + +That said, bash is probably here to stay for at least the near future, with its enormous install base and legions of both casual and professional system administrators who are already attuned to its usage, and quirks. The bash project is available under a [GPLv3][3] license. + +### ksh + +[KornShell][4], also known by its command invocation, ksh, is an alternative shell that grew out of Bell Labs in the 1980s, written by David Korn. While originally proprietary software, later versions were released under the [Eclipse Public License][5]. + +Proponents of ksh list a number of ways in which they feel it is superior, including having a better loop syntax, cleaner exit codes from pipes, an easier way to repeat commands, and associative arrays. It's also capable of emulating many of the behaviors of vi or emacs, so if you are very partial to a text editor, it may be worth giving a try. Overall, I found it to be very similar to bash for basic input, although for advanced scripting it would surely be a different experience. + +### tcsh + +[Tcsh][6] is a derivative of csh, the Berkely Unix C shell, and sports a very long lineage back to the early days of Unix and computing itself. + +The big selling point for tcsh is its scripting language, which should look very familiar to anyone who has programmed in C. Tcsh's scripting is loved by some and hated by others. But it has other features as well, including adding arguments to aliases, and various defaults that might appeal to your preferences, including the way autocompletion with tab and history tab completion work. + +You can find tcsh under a [BSD license][7]. + +### zsh + +[Zsh][8] is another shell which has similarities to bash and ksh. Originating in the early 90s, zsh sports a number of useful features, including spelling correction, theming, namable directory shortcuts, sharing your command history across multiple terminals, and various other slight tweaks from the original Bourne shell. + +The code and binaries for zsh can be distributed under an MIT-like license, though portions are under the GPL; check the [actual license][9] for details. + +### fish + +I knew I was going to like the Friendly Interactive Shell, [fish][10], when I visited the website and found it described tongue-in-cheek with "Finally, a command line shell for the 90s"—fish was written in 2005. + +The authors of fish offer a number of reasons to make the switch, all invoking a bit of humor and poking a bit of fun at shells that don't quite live up. Features include autosuggestions ("Watch out, Netscape Navigator 4.0"), support of the "astonishing" 256 color palette of VGA, but some actually quite helpful features as well including command completion based on the man pages on your machine, clean scripting, and a web-based configuration. + +Fish is licensed primarily unde the GPL version 2 but with portions under other licenses; check the repository for [complete information][11]. + +*** + +Looking for a more detailed rundown on the precise differences between each option? [This site][12] ought to help you out. + +So where did I land? Well, ultimately, I’m probably going back to bash, because the differences were subtle enough that someone who mostly used the command line interactively as opposed to writing advanced scripts really wouldn't benefit much from the switch, and I'm already pretty comfortable in bash. + +But I’m glad I decided to come out of my shell (ha!) and try some new options. And I know there are many, many others out there. Which shells have you tried, and which one do you prefer? Let us know in the comments! + + + + +via: https://opensource.com/business/16/3/top-linux-shells + +作者:[Jason Baker][a] +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:https://opensource.com/users/jason-baker + +[1]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/ +[2]: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls +[3]: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html +[4]: http://www.kornshell.org/ +[5]: https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html +[6]: http://www.tcsh.org/Welcome +[7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses +[8]: http://www.zsh.org/ +[9]: https://sourceforge.net/p/zsh/code/ci/master/tree/LICENCE +[10]: https://fishshell.com/ +[11]: https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/blob/master/COPYING +[12]: http://hyperpolyglot.org/unix-shells + diff --git a/sources/tech/20160304 Image processing at NASA with open source tools.md b/sources/tech/20160304 Image processing at NASA with open source tools.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bf6d8297d --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/tech/20160304 Image processing at NASA with open source tools.md @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +Image processing at NASA with open source tools +======================================================= + +keyword: NASA , Image Process , Node.js , OpenCV + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/images/life/nasa_spitzer_space_pink_spiral.jpg?itok=3XEUstkl) + +This past summer, I was an intern at the [GVIS][1] Lab at [NASA][2] Glenn, where I brought my passion for open source into the lab. My task was to improve our lab's contributions to an open source fluid flow dynamics [simulation][3] developed by Dan Schroeder. The original simulation presents obstacles that users can draw in with their mouse to model computational fluid dynamics. My team contributed by adding image processing code that analyzes each frame of a live video feed to show how a physical object interacts with a fluid. But, there was more for us to do. + +We wanted to make the image processing more robust, so I worked on improving the image processing library. + +With the new library, the simulation would be able to detect contours, perform coordinate transformations in place, and find the center of mass of an object. The image processing doesn't directly relate to the physics of the fluid flow dynamics simulation. It detects the object with a camera and creates a barrier for the fluid flow simulation by getting the outline of the object. Then, the fluid flow simulation runs, and the output is projected down onto the actual object. + +My goal was to improve the simulation in three ways: + +1. to find accurate contours of an object +2. to find the center of mass of an object +3. to be able to perform accurate transformations about the center of an object + +My mentor recommended that I install [Node.js][4], [OpenCV][5], and the [Node.js bindings for OpenCV][6]. While I was waiting for those to install, I looked at the example code on the OpenCV bindings on their [GitHub page][7]. I discovered that the example code was in JavaScript, so because I didn’t know JavaScript, I started a short course from Codecademy. Two days later, I was sick of JavaScript but ready to start my project... which involved yet more JavaScript. + +The example contour-finding code worked well. In fact, it allowed me to accomplish my first goal in a matter of hours! To get the contours of an image, here's what it looked like: + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/resize/image_processing_nasa_1-520x293.jpg) +>The original image with all of the contours. + +The example contour-finding code worked a bit too well. Instead of the contour of the object being detected, all of the contours in the image were detected. This would have resulted in the simulation interacting with all of the unwanted contours. This is a problem because it would return incorrect data. To keep the simulation from interacting with the unwanted contours, I added an area constraint. If the contour was in a certain area range, then it would be drawn. The area constraint resulted in a much cleaner contour. + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/resize/image_processing_nasa_2-520x293.jpg) +>The filtered contour with the shadow contour. + +Though the extraneous contours weren't detected, there was still a problem with the image. There was only one contour in the image, but it doubled back on itself and wasn't complete. Area couldn't be a deciding factor here, so it was time to try something else. + +This time around, instead of immediately finding the contours, I first converted the image into a binary image. A binary image is an image where each pixel is either black or white. To get a binary image I first converted the color image to grayscale. Once the image was in grayscale, I called the threshold method on the image. The threshold method went through the image pixel by pixel and if the color value of the pixel was less than 30, the pixel color would be changed to black. Otherwise, the pixel value would be turned to white. After the original image was converted to a binary image, the resulting image looked like this: + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/resize/image_processing_nasa_3-520x293.jpg) +>The binary image. + +Then I got the contours from the binary image, which resulted in a much cleaner contour, without the shadow contour. + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/image_processing_nasa_4.jpg) +>The final clean contour. + +At this point, I was able to get clean contours and detect the center of mass. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to be able to complete transformations about the center of mass. Since I only had a few days left in my internship, I started to think about other things I could do within a limited time span. One of those things was the bounding rectangle. The bounding rectangle is a quadrilateral with the smallest area that contains the entire contour of an image. The bounding rectangle is important because it is key in scaling the contour on the page. Unfortunately I didn't have time to do much with the bounding rectangle, but I still wanted to learn about it because it's a useful tool. + +Finally, after all of that, I was able to finish processing the image! + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/resize/image_processing_nasa_5-521x293.jpg) +>The final image with bounding rectangle and center of mass in red. + +Once the image processing code was complete, I replaced the old image processing code in the simulation with my code. To my surprise, it worked! + +Well, mostly. + +The program had a memory leak in it, which leaked 100MB every 1/10 of a second. I was glad that it wasn’t because of my code. The bad thing was that fixing it was out of my control. The good thing was that there was a workaround that I could use. It was less than ideal, but it checked the amount of memory the simulation was using and when it used more than 1 GiB, the simulation restarted. + +At the NASA lab, we use a lot of open source software, and my work there isn't possible without it. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://opensource.com/life/16/3/image-processing-nasa + +作者:[Lauren Egts][a] +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:https://opensource.com/users/laurenegts +[1]: https://ocio.grc.nasa.gov/gvis/ +[2]: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/home/index.html +[3]: http://physics.weber.edu/schroeder/fluids/ +[4]: http://nodejs.org/ +[5]: http://opencv.org/ +[6]: https://github.com/peterbraden/node-opencv +[7]: https://github.com/peterbraden/node-opencv + + + + + diff --git a/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 10 - LFCS--Understanding and Learning Basic Shell Scripting and Linux Filesystem Troubleshooting.md b/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 10 - LFCS--Understanding and Learning Basic Shell Scripting and Linux Filesystem Troubleshooting.md index 4d0a5a229a..65a853bc84 100644 --- a/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 10 - LFCS--Understanding and Learning Basic Shell Scripting and Linux Filesystem Troubleshooting.md +++ b/sources/tech/LFCS/Part 10 - LFCS--Understanding and Learning Basic Shell Scripting and Linux Filesystem Troubleshooting.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +GHLandy Translating + Part 10 - LFCS: Understanding & Learning Basic Shell Scripting and Linux Filesystem Troubleshooting ================================================================================ The Linux Foundation launched the LFCS certification (Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin), a brand new initiative whose purpose is to allow individuals everywhere (and anywhere) to get certified in basic to intermediate operational support for Linux systems, which includes supporting running systems and services, along with overall monitoring and analysis, plus smart decision-making when it comes to raising issues to upper support teams. diff --git a/translated/news/20160226 Development Release: Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1.md b/translated/news/20160226 Development Release: Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1.md deleted file mode 100644 index 62e903018f..0000000000 --- a/translated/news/20160226 Development Release: Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -Xubuntu 16.04 Beta 1 开发发布 -============================================ - -Ubuntu 发布组已经宣布为了选定的社区版本准备的最新的 beta 测试镜像已经可以使用了。新的开发发布版名称是 16.04 beta 1,这个版本只推荐给测试人员,并不适合日常使用。 - -“这个 beta 特性的镜像是为 [Lubuntu][1], Ubuntu Cloud, [Ubuntu GNOME][2], [Ubuntu MATE][3], [Ubuntu Kylin][4], [Ubuntu Studio][5] 和 [Xubuntu][6] 这几个发布版准备的。Xenial Xerus 的预发布版本并不推荐那些需要稳定版本的,或者那些不希望在系统运行中偶尔或频繁的出现 bug 的人。这个版本还是推荐给喜欢 ubuntu 的开发人员,以及那些想帮助着测试、报告和修改 bug,和我们一起工作让这个发布版本早日准备好。” 更多的信息可以从 [发布日志][7] 获取。 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/888731-development-release-xubuntu-1604-beta-1 - -作者:[DistroWatch][a] -译者:[Ezio](https://github.com/oska874) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]: https://www.linux.com/community/forums/person/284 -[1]: http://distrowatch.com/lubuntu -[2]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntugnome -[3]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntumate -[4]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntukylin -[5]: http://distrowatch.com/ubuntustudio -[6]: http://distrowatch.com/xubuntu -[7]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2016-February/001173.html diff --git a/translated/share/20151204 Review EXT4 vs. Btrfs vs. XFS.md b/translated/share/20151204 Review EXT4 vs. Btrfs vs. XFS.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7f93b149ba..0000000000 --- a/translated/share/20151204 Review EXT4 vs. Btrfs vs. XFS.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -EXT4,Btrfs和XFS 文件系统之点评 -================================================================================ -![](http://1426826955.rsc.cdn77.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/1385698302_funny_linux_wallpapers-593x445.jpg) - -老实说,人们最不曾考虑的问题之一是他们的个人电脑中使用了什么文件系统。Windows 和 Mac OS X 用户更没有理由去考虑,因为对于他们的操作系统,只有一种选择,那就是 NTFS 和 HFS+。相反,对于 Linux 系统而言,有很多种文件系统可以选择,现在默认的是广泛采用的 ext4。然而,现在也有改用一种称为 btrfs 文件系统的趋势。那是什么使得 btrfs更优秀,其它的文件系统又是什么,什么时候我们又能看到 Linux 发行版作出改变呢? - -首先让我们对文件系统以及它们真正干什么有个总体的认识,然后我们再对一些有名的文件系统做详细的比较。 - -### 文件系统是干什么的? ### - -如果你不清楚文件系统是干什么的,一句话总结起来也非常简单。文件系统主要用于控制所有程序不再使用数据时如何存储数据、如何访问数据以及有什么其它信息(元数据)和数据本身相关,等等。听起来要编程实现并不是轻而易举的事情,实际上也确实如此。文件系统一直在改进,包括更多的功能、更高效地完成它需要做的事情。总而言之,它是所有计算机的基本需求、但并不像听起来那么简单。 - -### 为什么要分区? ### - -由于每个操作系统都能创建或者删除分区,很多人对分区都有模糊的认识。Linux 操作系统在同一块磁盘上即便使用标准安装过程,仍可以使用多个分区,这看起来很奇怪,因此需要一些解释。拥有不同分区的一个主要目的就是为了在灾难发生时能获得更好的数据安全性。 - -通过将硬盘划分为分区,数据会被分隔以及重组。当事故发生的时候,只有存储在被损坏分区的数据会被破坏,很大可能上其它分区的数据能得以保留。这个原因可以追溯到 Linux 操作系统还没有日志文件系统,任何电力故障都有可能导致灾难发生的时候。 - -使用分区也考虑到了安全和健壮性原因,因此操作系统部分损坏并不意味着整个计算机就有风险或者会受到破坏。这也是当前采用分区的一个最重要因素。举个例子,用户创建了一些会填满磁盘的脚本、程序或者 web 应用,如果该磁盘只有一个大的分区,如果磁盘满了那么整个系统就不能工作。如果用户把数据保存在不同的分区,那么就只有那个分区会受到影响,而系统分区或者其它数据分区仍能正常运行。 - -记住,拥有一个日志文件系统只能在掉电或者和存储设备意外断开连接时提供数据安全性,并不能在文件系统出现坏块或者发生逻辑错误时保护数据。对于这种情况,用户可以采用廉价磁盘冗余阵列(RAID:Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)的方案。 - -### 为什么要改变文件系统? ### - -ext4 文件系统由 ext3 文件系统改进而来,而后者又是从 ext2 文件系统改进而来。虽然 ext4 文件系统已经非常稳定,是过去几年中绝大部分发行版的默认选择,但它是基于陈旧的代码开发而来。另外, Linux 操作系统用户也需要很多 ext4 文件系统本身不提供的新功能。虽然通过某些软件能满足这种需求,但性能会受到影响,在文件系统层次做到这些能获得更好的性能。 - -### Ext4 文件系统 ### - -ext4 还有一些明显的限值。最大文件大小是 16tebibytes(大概是 17.6 terabytes),这比普通用户当前能买到的硬盘还要大的多。使用 ext4 能创建的最大卷/分区是 1 exbibyte(大概是 1,152,921.5 terabytes)。通过使用多种技巧, ext4 比 ext3 有很大的速度提升。类似一些最先进的文件系统,它是一个日志文件系统,意味着它会对文件在磁盘中的位置以及任何其它对磁盘的更改做记录。纵观它的所有功能,它还不支持透明压缩、重复数据删除或者透明加密。技术上支持了快照,但该功能还处于实验性阶段。 - -### Btrfs 文件系统 ### - -btrfs 有很多不同的发音,例如 Better FS、Butter FS 或者 B-Tree FS。它是一个几乎完全从头开发的文件系统。btrfs 存在的原因是它的开发者期初希望扩展文件系统的功能使得它包括快照、池化、校验以及其它一些功能。虽然和 ext4 无关,它也希望能保留 ext4 中能使消费者和商家受益的功能,并整合额外的能使每个人,尤其是企业受益的功能。对于使用大型软件以及大规模数据库的企业,对于多种不同的硬盘看起来一致的文件系统能使他们受益并且使数据整合变得更加简单。删除重复数据能降低数据实际使用的空间,当需要镜像一个单一和广泛文件系统时使用 btrfs 也能使数据镜像变得简单。 - -用户当然可以继续选择创建多个分区从而无需镜像任何东西。考虑到这种情况,btrfs 能横跨多种硬盘,和 ext4 相比,它能支持 16 倍以上的驱动空间。btrfs 文件系统一个分区最大是 16 exbibytes,最大的文件大小也是 16 exbibytes。 - -### XFS 文件系统 ### - -XFS 文件系统是扩展文件系统(extent file system)的扩展。XFS 是 64 位高性能日志文件系统。对 XFS 的支持大概在 2002 年合并到了 Linux 内核,到了 2009 年,红帽企业版 Linux 5.4 也支持了 XFS 文件系统。对于 64 位文件系统,XFS 支持最大文件系统大小为 8 exbibytes。XFS 文件系统有一些缺陷,例如它不能压缩,删除大量文件时性能低下。目前RHEL 7.0 文件系统默认使用 XFS。 - -### 总后总结 ### - -不幸的是,还不知道 btrfs 什么时候能到来。官方说,下一代文件系统仍然被归类为“不稳定”,但是如果用户下载最新版本的 Ubuntu,就可以选择安装到 btrfs 分区上。什么时候 btrfs 会被归类到 “稳定” 仍然是个谜, 直到真的认为它“稳定”之前,用户也不应该期望 Ubuntu 会默认采用 btrfs。有报道说 Fedora 18 会用 btrfs 作为它的默认文件系统,因为到了发布它的时候,应该有了 btrfs 文件系统校验器。由于还没有实现所有的功能,另外和 ext4 相比性能上也比较缓慢,btrfs 还有很多的工作要做。 - -那么,究竟使用哪个更好呢?尽管性能几乎相同,但 ext4 还是赢家。为什么呢?答案在于易用性以及广泛性。对于桌面或者工作站, ext4 仍然是一个很好的文件系统。由于默认提供,用户可以在上面安装操作系统。同时, ext4 支持最大 1 exabytes 的卷和 16 terabytes 的文件,因此考虑到大小,它也还有很大的进步空间。 - -btrfs 能提供更大的高达 16 exabytes 的卷以及更好的容错,但是,到现在为止,它感觉更像是一个附加文件系统,而没有集成到 Linux 操作系统。比如,尽管 btrfs 支持不同的发行版,使用 btrfs 格式化硬盘之前先要有 btrfs-tools 工具,这意味着安装 Linux 操作系统的时候它并不是一个可选项,即便不同发行版之间会有差异。 - -尽管传输速率非常重要,评价一个文件系统出了文件传输速度之外还有很多因素。btrfs 有很多好用的功能,例如写复制、扩展校验、快照、清洗、自修复数据、冗余删除以及其它保证数据完整性的功能。和 ZFS 相比 btrfs 缺少 RAID-Z 功能,因此对于 btrfs, RAID 还处于实验性阶段。对于单纯的数据存储,和 ext4 相比 btrfs 似乎更加优秀,但时间会验证一切。 - -迄今为止,对于桌面系统而言,ext4 似乎是一个更好的选择,因为它是默认的文件系统,传输文件时也比 btrfs 更快。btrfs 当然值得尝试、但要在桌面 Linux 上完全取代 ext4 可能还需要一些时间。数据场和大存储池会揭示关于 ext4、XCF 以及 btrfs 不同的故事和差异。 - -如果你有不同或者其它的观点,在下面的评论框中告诉我们吧。 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://www.unixmen.com/review-ext4-vs-btrfs-vs-xfs/ - -作者:[M.el Khamlichi][a] -译者:[ictlyh](http://mutouxiaogui.cn/blog/) -校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:http://www.unixmen.com/author/pirat9/ diff --git a/translated/talk/The history of Android/22 - The history of Android.md b/translated/talk/The history of Android/22 - The history of Android.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aabe79cfa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/talk/The history of Android/22 - The history of Android.md @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +安卓编年史 +================================================================================ +### Android 4.2,果冻豆——全新 Nexus 设备,全新平板界面 ### + +安卓平台成熟的脚步越来越快,谷歌也将越来越多的应用托管到 Play 商店,需要通过系统更新来更新的应用越来越少。但是不间断的更新还是要继续的,2012 年 11 月,安卓 4.2 发布。4.2 还是叫做“果冻豆”,这个版本主要是一些少量变动。 + +![LG 生产的 Nexus 4 和三星生产的 Nexus 10。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/unnamed.jpg) +LG 生产的 Nexus 4 和三星生产的 Nexus 10。 +Google/Ron Amadeo 供图 + +和安卓 4.2 一同发布的还有两部旗舰设备,Nexus 4 和 Nexus 10,都由谷歌直接在 Play 商店出售。Nexus 4 使用了 Nexus 7 的策略,令人惊讶的低价和高质量,并且无锁设备售价 300 美元。Nexus 4 有一个 4 核 1.5GHz 骁龙 S4 Pro 处理器,2GB 内存以及 1280×768 分辨率 4.7 英寸 LCD 显示屏。谷歌的新旗舰手机由 LG 生产,并和制造商一起将关注点转向了材料和质量。Nexus 4 有着正反两面双面玻璃,这会让你爱不释手,他是有史以来触感最佳的安卓手机之一。Nexus 4 最大的缺点是没有 LTE 支持,那时候大部分手机,包括 Version Galaxy Nexus 都有更快的基带。但 Nexus 4 的需求仍大大超出了谷歌的预料——发布当日大量的流量拖垮了 Play 商店网站。手机在一小时之内销售一空。 + +Nexus 10 是谷歌的第一部 10 英寸 Nexus 平板。该设备的亮点是 2560×1600 分辨率的显示屏,在其等级上是分辨率最高的。这背后是双核 1.7GHz Cortex A15 处理器和 2GB 内存的强力支持。随着时间一个月一个月地流逝,Nexus 10 似乎逐渐成为了第一部也是最后一部 10 英寸 Nexus 平板。通常这些设备每年都升级,但 Nexus 10 至今面世 16 个月了,可预见的未来还没有新设备的迹象。谷歌在小尺寸的 7 英寸平板上做得很出色,它似乎更倾向于让[像三星][1]这样的合作伙伴探索更大的平板家族。 + +![新的锁屏,壁纸,以及时钟小部件设计。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/JBvsjb.jpg) +新的锁屏,壁纸,以及时钟小部件设计。 +Ron Amadeo 供图 + +4.2 为锁屏带来了很多变化。文字居中,并且对小时使用了较大的字重,对分钟使用了较细的字体。锁屏现在是分页的,可以自定义小部件。锁屏不仅仅是一个简单的时钟,用户还可以将其替换成其它小部件或者添加额外的页面和更多的小部件。 + +![锁屏的添加小部件页面,小部件列表,锁屏上的 Gmail 部件,以及滑动到相机。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/locksc2reen.jpg) +锁屏的添加小部件页面,小部件列表,锁屏上的 Gmail 部件,以及滑动到相机。 +Ron Amadeo 供图 + +锁屏现在就像是一个精简版的主屏幕。页面轮廓会显示在锁屏的左右两侧来提示用户可以滑动到有其他小部件的页面。向左滑动页面会显示一个中间带有加号的简单空白页面,点击加号会打开兼容锁屏的小部件列表。锁屏每个页面限制一个小部件,将小部件向上或向下拖动可以展开或收起。最右侧的页面保留给了相机——一个简单的滑动就能打开相机界面,但是你没办法滑动回来。 + +![新的快速设置面板以及内置应用集合。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/42fix.png) +新的快速设置面板以及内置应用集合。 +Ron Amadeo 供图 + +4.2 最大的新增特性之一就是“快速设置”面板。安卓 3.0 为平板引入了快速改变电源设置的途径,4.2 终于将这种能力带给了手机。通知中心右上角加入了一枚新图标,可以在正常的通知列表和新的快速设置之间切换。快速设置提供了对屏幕亮度,网络连接,电池以及数据用量更加快捷的访问,而不用打开完整的设置界面。安卓 4.1 中顶部的设置按钮移除掉了,快速设置中添加了一个按钮来替代它。 + +应用抽屉和 4.2 中的应用阵容有很多改变。得益于 Nexus 4 更宽的屏幕横纵比(5:3,Galaxy Nexus 是 16:9),应用抽屉可以显示一行五个应用图标的方阵。4.2 将自带的浏览器替换为了 Google Chrome,自带的日历换成了 Google Calendar,他们都带来了新的图标设计。时钟和相机应用在 4.2 中经过了重制,新的图标也是其中的一部分。“Google Settings”是个新应用,用于提供对系统范围内所有存在的谷歌账户设置的快捷方式,它有着和 Google Search 和 Google+ 图标一致的风格。谷歌地图拥有了新图标,谷歌纵横,以往是谷歌地图的一部分,作为对 Google+ location 的支持在这个版本退役。 + +![浏览器替换为 Chrome,带有全屏取景器的新相机界面。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/chroemcam.jpg) +浏览器替换为 Chrome,带有全屏取景器的新相机界面。 +Ron Amadeo 供图 + +原自带浏览器在一段时间内对 Chrome 的模仿上下了不少功夫——它引入了许多 Chrome 的界面元素,许多 Chrome 的特性,甚至还使用了 Chrome 的 javascript 引擎——但安卓 4.2 来临的时候,谷歌认为安卓版的 Chrome 已经准备好替代这个模仿者了。表面上看起来没有多大不同;界面看起来不一样,而且早期版本的 Chrome 安卓版滚动起来没有原浏览器顺畅。不过深层次来说,一切都不一样。安卓的主浏览器开发现在由 Google Chrome 团队负责,而不是作为安卓团队的子项目存在。安卓的默认浏览器从绑定安卓版本发布停滞不前的应用变成了不断更新的 Play 商店应用。现在甚至还有一个每个月接收一些更新的 beta 通道。 + +相机界面经过了重新设计。它现在完全是个全屏应用,显示摄像头的实时图像并且在上面显示控制选项。布局审美和安卓 1.5 的[相机设计][2]有很多共同之处:带对焦的最小化的控制放置在取景器显示之上。中间的控制环在你长按屏幕或点击右下角圆形按钮的时候显示。你的手指保持在屏幕上时,你可以滑动来选择环上的选项,通常是展开进入一个子菜单。在高亮的选项上释放手指选中它。这灵感很明显来自于安卓 4.0 浏览器中的快速控制,但是将选项安排在一个环上意味着你的手指几乎总会挡住一部分界面。 + +![时钟应用,从一个只有两个界面的应用变成功能强大,实用的应用。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/clock-1.jpg) +时钟应用,从一个只有两个界面的应用变成功能强大,实用的应用。 +Ron Amadeo 供图 + +时钟应用经过了完整的改造,从一个简单的两个界面的闹钟,到一个世界时钟,闹钟,定时器,以及秒表俱全。时钟应用的设计和谷歌之前引入的完全不同,有着极简审美和红色高亮。它看起来像是谷歌的一个试验。甚至是几个版本之后,这个设计语言似乎也仅限于这个应用。 + +时钟的时间选择器是经过特别精心设计的。它显示一个简单的数字盘,会智能地禁用会导致无效时间的数字。设置闹钟时间也不可能没有隐式选择选择的 AM 和 PM,永远地解决了不小心将 9am 的闹钟设置成 9pm 的问题。 + +![平板的新系统界面使用了延展版的手机界面。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/tablet2.jpg) +平板的新系统界面使用了延展版的手机界面。 +Ron Amadeo 供图 + +安卓 4.2 中最有争议的改变是平板界面,从单独一个统一的底部系统栏变成带有顶部状态栏和底部系统栏的双栏设计。新设计统一了手机和平板的界面,但批评人士说将手机界面延展到 10 英寸的横向平板上是浪费空间。因为导航按键现在拥有了整个底栏,所以他们像手机界面那样被居中。 + +![平板上的多用户,以及新的手势键盘。](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2014-03-06-14.55.png) +平板上的多用户,以及新的手势键盘。 +Ron Amadeo 供图 + +在平板上,安卓 4.2 带来了多用户支持。在设置里,新增了“用户”部分,你可以在这里管理一台设备上的用户。设置在每个用户账户内完成,安卓会给每个用户保存单独的设置,主屏幕,应用以及应用数据。 + +4.2 还添加了有滑动输入能力的键盘。用户可以将手指一直保持在屏幕上,按顺序在字母按键上滑动来输入,而不用像以前那样一个一个字母单独地输入。 + +---------- + +![Ron Amadeo](http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content//uploads/authors/ron-amadeo-sq.jpg) + +[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron是Ars Technica的评论编缉,专注于安卓系统和谷歌产品。他总是在追寻新鲜事物,还喜欢拆解事物看看它们到底是怎么运作的。 + +[@RonAmadeo][t] + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/22/ + +译者:[alim0x](https://github.com/alim0x) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[1]:http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/01/hands-on-with-samsungs-notepro-and-tabpro-new-screen-sizes-and-magazine-ui/ +[2]:http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/device-2013-12-26-11016071.png +[a]:http://arstechnica.com/author/ronamadeo +[t]:https://twitter.com/RonAmadeo diff --git a/translated/talk/yearbook2015/20151208 5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom.md b/translated/talk/yearbook2015/20151208 5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06191d551c --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/talk/yearbook2015/20151208 5 great Raspberry Pi projects for the classroom.md @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +5 个适合课堂教学的树莓派项目 +================================================================================ +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/styles/image-full-size/public/images/life/osdc-open-source-yearbook-lead3.png) + +图片来源 : opensource.com + +### 1. Minecraft Pi ### + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/lava.png) + +上图由树莓派基金会提供。遵循 [CC BY-SA 4.0.][1] 协议。 + +Minecraft(我的世界)几乎是世界上每个青少年都极其喜爱的游戏 —— 在吸引年轻人注意力方面,它也是最具创意的游戏之一。伴随着每一个树莓派的游戏版本不仅仅是一个关于创造性思维的建筑游戏,它还带有一个编程接口,允许使用者通过 Python 代码来与 Minecraft 世界进行互动。 + +对于教师来说,Minecraft: Pi 版本是一个鼓励学生们解决遇到的问题以及通过书写代码来执行特定任务的极好方式。你可以使用 Python API + 来建造一所房子,让它跟随你到任何地方;或在你所到之处修建一座桥梁;又或者是下一场岩溶雨;或在天空中显示温度;以及其他任何你能想像到的事物。 + +可在 "[Minecraft Pi 入门][2]" 中了解更多相关内容。 + +### 2. 反应游戏和交通指示灯 ### + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/pi_traffic_installed_yellow_led_on.jpg) + +上图由 [Low Voltage Labs][3] 提供。遵循 [CC BY-SA 4.0][1] 协议。 + +在树莓派上进行物理计算是非常容易的 —— 只需将 LED 灯 和按钮连接到 GPIO 针脚上,再加上少量的代码,你就可以点亮 LED 灯并通过按按钮来控制物体。一旦你知道来执行基本操作的代码,下一步就可以随你的想像那样去做了! + +假如你知道如何让一盏灯闪烁,你就可以让三盏灯闪烁。选出三盏交通灯颜色的 LED 灯,你就可以编程出交通灯闪烁序列。假如你知道如何使用一个按钮来触发一个事件,然后你就有一个人行横道了!同时,你还可以找到诸如 [PI-TRAFFIC][4]、[PI-STOP][5]、[Traffic HAT][6] 等预先构建好的交通灯插件。 + +这不总是关于代码的 —— 它还可以被用来作为一个的练习,用以理解真实世界中的系统是如何被设计出来的。计算思维在生活中的各种情景中都是一个有用的技能。 + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/reaction-game.png) + +上图由树莓派基金会提供。遵循 [CC BY-SA 4.0][1] 协议。 + +下面尝试将两个按钮和一个 LED 灯连接起来,来制作一个二人制反应游戏 —— 让灯在一段随机的时间中点亮,然后看谁能够先按到按钮! + +想了解更多的话,请查看 [GPIO 新手指南][7]。你所需要的尽在 [CamJam EduKit 1][8]。 + +### 3. Sense HAT 像素宠物 ### + +Astro Pi— 一个增强版的树莓派 —将于今年 12 月(注:应该是去年的事了。)问世,但你并没有错过让你的手玩弄硬件的机会。Sense HAT 是一个用在 Astro Pi 任务中的感应器主板插件,且任何人都可以买到。你可以用它来做数据收集、科学实验、游戏或者更多。 观看下面这个由树莓派的 Carrie Anne 带来的 Gurl Geek Diaries 录像来开始一段美妙的旅程吧 —— 通过在 Sense HAT 的显示器上展现出你自己设计的一个动物像素宠物: + +注:youtube 视频 + + +在 "[探索 Sense HAT][9]" 中可以学到更多。 + +### 4. 红外鸟箱 ### + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/ir-bird-box.png) +上图由 [Low Voltage Labs][3] 提供。遵循 [CC BY-SA 4.0][1] 协议。 + +让全班所有同学都能够参与进来的一个好的练习是 —— 在一个鸟箱中沿着某些红外线放置一个树莓派和 NoIR 照相模块,这样你就可以在黑暗中观看,然后通过网络或在网络中你可以从树莓派那里获取到视频流。等鸟进入笼子,然后你就可以在不打扰到它们的情况下观察它们。 + +在这期间,你可以学习到所有关于红外和光谱的知识,以及如何用软件来调整摄像头的焦距和控制它。 + +在 "[制作一个红外鸟箱][10]" 中你可以学到更多。 + +### 5. 机器人 ### + +![](https://opensource.com/sites/default/files/edukit3_1500-alex-eames-sm.jpg) + +上图由 Low Voltage Labs 提供。遵循 [CC BY-SA 4.0][1] 协议。 + +拥有一个树莓派,一些感应器和一个感应器控制电路板,你就可以构建你自己的机器人。你可以制作各种类型的机器人,从用透明胶带和自制底盘组合在一起的简易四驱车,一直到由游戏控制器驱动的具有自我意识,带有传感器和摄像头的金属马儿。 + +学习如何直接去控制单个的发动机,例如通过 RTK Motor Controller Board (£8/$12),或者尝试新的 CamJam robotics kit (£17/$25) ,它带有发动机、轮胎和一系列的感应器 — 这些都很有价值并很有学习的潜力。 + +另外,如何你喜欢更为骨灰级别的东西,可以尝试 PiBorg 的 [4Borg][11] (£99/$150) 或 [DiddyBorg][12] (£180/$273) 或者一干到底,享受他们的 DoodleBorg 金属版 (£250/$380) — 并构建一个他们声名远扬的 [DoodleBorg tank][13](很不幸的时,这个没有卖的) 的迷你版。 + +另外请参考 [CamJam robotics kit worksheets][14]。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://opensource.com/education/15/12/5-great-raspberry-pi-projects-classroom + +作者:[Ben Nuttall][a] +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:https://opensource.com/users/bennuttall +[1]:https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ +[2]:https://opensource.com/life/15/5/getting-started-minecraft-pi +[3]:http://lowvoltagelabs.com/ +[4]:http://lowvoltagelabs.com/products/pi-traffic/ +[5]:http://4tronix.co.uk/store/index.php?rt=product/product&product_id=390 +[6]:https://ryanteck.uk/hats/1-traffichat-0635648607122.html +[7]:http://pythonhosted.org/gpiozero/recipes/ +[8]:http://camjam.me/?page_id=236 +[9]:https://opensource.com/life/15/10/exploring-raspberry-pi-sense-hat +[10]:https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/infrared-bird-box/ +[11]:https://www.piborg.org/4borg +[12]:https://www.piborg.org/diddyborg +[13]:https://www.piborg.org/doodleborg +[14]:http://camjam.me/?page_id=1035#worksheets diff --git a/translated/tech/20151109 How to send email notifications using Gmail SMTP server on Linux.md b/translated/tech/20151109 How to send email notifications using Gmail SMTP server on Linux.md deleted file mode 100644 index 56830068ab..0000000000 --- a/translated/tech/20151109 How to send email notifications using Gmail SMTP server on Linux.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -如何在Linux上使用Gmail SMTP服务器发送邮件通知 -================================================================================ -假定你想配置一个Linux app从你的服务器或桌面客户端发送邮件信息。邮件信息可以是邮件简报、状态更新(比如[Cachet][1])、监控警报(比如[Monit][2])、磁盘时间(比如[RAID mdadm][3])等等的一部分。当你要建立自己的[邮件发送服务器][4],作为一个免维护的选择,你可以依赖一个免费可用的公共SMTP服务器。 - -最可靠的**免费SMTP服务器**之一来自谷歌的Gmail服务。为了在你的app里发送邮件通知,你仅需在app中添加Gmail的SMTP服务器地址和你的凭证即可。 - -Gmail的SMTP服务器吸引人的地方之一是有各种各样恰当的限制,这些限制主要用于阻止那些经常滥用服务器的滥发垃圾邮件者和邮件营销者。举个例子,你一次只能给至多100个地址发送信息,并且一天不能超过500个接收者。当你达到任何一个限制,你的Gmail账户将暂时锁一天。简而言之,Gmail的SMTP服务器对于你个人的使用是非常棒的,但不适合商业的批量邮件。 - -话虽如此,让我们展示**如何在Linux环境下使用Gmail的SMTP服务器**。 - -### Google Gmail SMTP服务器设置 ### - -如果你想要使用Gmail的SMTP服务器从你的app发送邮件,请牢记接下来的详细说明。 - -- **邮件发送服务器 (SMTP服务器)**: smtp.gmail.com -- **使用认证**: 是 -- **使用安全连接**: 是 -- **用户名**: 你的Gmail账户ID (比如 "alice" 如果你的邮箱为alice@gmail.com) -- **密码**: 你的Gmail密码 -- **端口**: 587 - -确切的配置语法可能要依据app而不同。在本教程的剩下部分,我将会向你展示各种在Linux上使用Gmail SMTP服务器的有用示例。 - -### 从命令行发送邮件 ### - -作为第一个例子,让我们尝试最基本的邮件功能:使用Gmail SMTP服务器从命令行发送一封邮件。为此,我将使用一个称为mutt的命令行邮件客户端。 - -先安装mutt: - -对于 Debian-based 系统: - - $ sudo apt-get install mutt - -对于 Red Hat based 系统: - - $ sudo yum install mutt - -创建一个mutt配置文件(~/.muttrc),并和下面一样,在文件中指定Gmail SMTP服务器信息。将gmail-id替换成自己的Gmail ID。注意这配置只是为了发送邮件而已(而非接收邮件)。 - - $ vi ~/.muttrc - ----------- - - set from = "@gmail.com" - set realname = "Dan Nanni" - set smtp_url = "smtp://@smtp.gmail.com:587/" - set smtp_pass = "" - -现在准备使用mutt发送一封邮件: - - $ echo "This is an email body." | mutt -s "This is an email subject" alice@yahoo.com - -为了在一封邮件中添加一个附件,使用"-a"选项 - - $ echo "This is an email body." | mutt -s "This is an email subject" alice@yahoo.com -a ~/test_attachment.jpg - -![](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/770/22239850784_5fb0988075_c.jpg) - -使用Gmail SMTP服务器意味着邮件显示为从你的Gmail账户发出。换句话说,一个接收者将你的Gmail地址视为发送者地址。如果你想要使用自己的域名作为邮件发送者,你需要使用Gmail SMTP转发服务。 - -### 当服务器重启时发送邮件通知 ### - -如果你为了一些重要的网站正在运行一台[虚拟专用服务器(VPS)][5],一个建议是监视VPS的重启活动。作为一个更实用的例子,让我们研究如何在你的VPS上为每一次重启事件建立邮件通知。这里我假设你正在你的VPS上使用systemd,并向你展示如何为自动邮件通知创建一个自定义的systemd启动服务。 - -首先创建下面的脚本reboot_notify.sh,用于负责邮件通知。 - - $ sudo vi /usr/local/bin/reboot_notify.sh - ----------- - - #!/bin/sh - - echo "`hostname` was rebooted on `date`" | mutt -F /etc/muttrc -s "Notification on `hostname`" alice@yahoo.com - ----------- - - $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/reboot_notify.sh - -在这个脚本中,我使用"-F"选项,用于直到系统级的mutt配置文件位置。因此不要忘了创建/etc/muttrc文件并如前面描述填入Gmail SMTP信息。 - -现在让我们创建如下一个自定义的systemd服务。 - - $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/systemd/system - $ sudo vi /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/reboot-task.service - ----------- - - [Unit] - Description=Send a notification email when the server gets rebooted - DefaultDependencies=no - Before=reboot.target - - [Service] - Type=oneshot - ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/reboot_notify.sh - - [Install] - WantedBy=reboot.target - -一旦创建服务,便使能和启动该服务。 - - $ sudo systemctl enable reboot-task - $ sudo systemctl start reboot-task - -从现在起,在每次VPS重启时你将会收到一封通知邮件。 - -![](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/608/22241452923_2ace9cde2e_c.jpg) - -### 从服务器使用监控发送邮件通知 ### - -作为最后一个例子,让我展示一个称为[Monit][6]的现实生活的应用程序,这是一个极其有用的服务器监控应用程序。它附有广泛的[VPS][7]监控能力(比如CPU、内存、进程、文件系统),包括邮件通知能力。 - -如果你想要接收VPS上任何事件导致的且由Monit产生的邮件通知,你可以在Monit配置文件中添加以下SMTP信息。 - - set mailserver smtp.gmail.com port 587 - username "" password "" - using tlsv12 - - set mail-format { - from: @gmail.com - subject: $SERVICE $EVENT at $DATE on $HOST - message: Monit $ACTION $SERVICE $EVENT at $DATE on $HOST : $DESCRIPTION. - - Yours sincerely, - Monit - } - - # the person who will receive notification emails - set alert alice@yahoo.com - -这是一个因为CPU负载超载而由Monit发送的邮件通知例子。 - -![](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/566/22873764251_8fe66bfd16_c.jpg) - -### 总结 ### - -正如你能想象的,像Gmail一样,有许多中不同的方式使用免费的SMTP服务器。但再次说明,请牢记免费的SMTP服务器不适用于商业用途,仅仅适用于个人项目。如果你正在任一app中使用Gmail SMTP服务器,请自由分享你的用例。 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://xmodulo.com/send-email-notifications-gmail-smtp-server-linux.html - -作者:[Dan Nanni][a] -译者:[cposture](https://github.com/cposture) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:http://xmodulo.com/author/nanni -[1]:http://xmodulo.com/setup-system-status-page.html -[2]:http://xmodulo.com/server-monitoring-system-monit.html -[3]:http://xmodulo.com/create-software-raid1-array-mdadm-linux.html -[4]:http://xmodulo.com/mail-server-ubuntu-debian.html -[5]:http://xmodulo.com/go/digitalocean -[6]:http://xmodulo.com/server-monitoring-system-monit.html -[7]:http://xmodulo.com/go/digitalocean diff --git a/translated/tech/20160218 Best Linux Desktop Environments for 2016.md b/translated/tech/20160218 Best Linux Desktop Environments for 2016.md deleted file mode 100644 index b9306b79be..0000000000 --- a/translated/tech/20160218 Best Linux Desktop Environments for 2016.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -2016:如何选择 Linux 桌面环境 -============================================= - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/DE-2.png) - -Linux 创建了一个相对友好的环境,为我们提供了选择的可能。比方说,现代大多数的 Linux 发行版都提供不同桌面环境给我们来选择。在本文中,我将挑选一些你可能会在 Linux 中见到的相对较好的桌面环境来介绍。 - -## Plasma - -我认为,[KDE’s Plasma desktop](https://www.kde.org/workspaces/plasmadesktop/) 是最高级的桌面环境 (LCTT 译注:译者认为,没有什么是最好的,只有最合适的,毕竟每个人的喜好都不可能完全相同)。它是我见过功能最完善和定制性最高的桌面环境;在用户完全自主控制方面,即使是 Mac OS X 和 Windows 也无法与之比拟。 - -我爱 Plasma,因为它自带了一个非常好的文件管理器——Dolphin。而相对应 Gnome 环境,我更喜欢 Plasma 的原因就在于文件管理器。使用 Gnome 最大的痛苦就是,它的文件管理器——Files——使我无法完成一些基本任务,比如说,批量文件重命名操作。而这个操作对我来说相当重要,因为我喜欢拍摄,但 Gnome 却让我无法批量重命名这些图像文件。而使用 Dolphin 的话,这个操作就像在公园散步一样简单。 - -而且,你可以通过插件来增强 Plasma 的功能。Plasma 有大量的基础软件,如 Krita、Kdenlive、Calligra 办公套件、digiKam、Kwrite 以及由 KDE 社区开发维护的大量应用。 - -Plasma 桌面环境唯一的缺陷就是它默认的邮件客户端——Kmail。它的设置比较困难,我希望 Kmail 设置可以配置地址簿和日历。 - -包括 openSUSE 在内的多数主流发行版多使用 Plasma 作为默认桌面。 - -## GNOME - -[GNOME](https://www.gnome.org/) (GNU Network Object Model Environment,GNU 网络对象模型环境) 由 [Miguel de Icaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_de_Icaza) 和 Federico Mena 在 1997 年的时候创立,这是因为 KDE 使用来 Qt 工具包,而这个工具包是使用专业许可证 (proprietary license) 发布的。和 KDE 不一样的是,GNOME 提供了大量的定制,它专注于让事情变得简单。因为 自身的简单性和易用性,GNOME 变得相当流行。而我认为 GNOME 之所以流行的原因在于,Ubuntu——使用 GNOME 作为默认桌面的主流 Linux 发行版之一——对其有着巨大的推动作用。 - -随着时代变化,GNOME 也需要作出相应的改变了。因此,开发者通过 GNOME 3 推出了 GNOME 3 Shell,从而引出它全新的设计规范。但这同时与 Canonical 的 Ubuntu 计划存在者一些冲突,所以 Canonical 为 GNOME 开发来叫做 Unity 的特有 Shell。最初,GNOME 3 Shell 因很多争议 (issues) 而困扰不已——最明显的是,升级之后会导致很多扩展无法正常工作。由于设计上的重大改版以及各种问题的出现,GNOME 便产生来很多分支,比如 Cinnamon 和 Mate 桌面。 - -也就是说,使得 GNOME 有趣的是,它针对触摸设备做了优化,所以,如果你有一台触屏笔记本电脑的话,GNOME 则是最合适你这台电脑的桌面环境。 - -在 3.18 版本中,GNOME 已经作出了一些令人印象深刻的改动。其中他们所做的最有趣的是集成了 Google Drive,用户可以把他们的 Google Drive 挂载为远程存储设备,这样就不必在使用浏览器来查看里边的文件来。我也很喜欢 GNOME 里边自带的那个优秀的邮件客户端,它带有日历和地址簿功能。尽管有这么多些优秀的特性,但它的文件管理器使我不再使用 GNOME ,因为我无法处理批量文件重命名。我会坚持使用 Plasma,一直到 GNOME 的开发者修复了这个小缺陷。 - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/DE-fig1.png) - -## Unity - -从技术上来说,[Unity](https://unity.ubuntu.com/) 并不是一个桌面环境,它只是 Canonical 为 Ubuntu 开发的一个图形化 Shell。Unity 运行于 GNOME 桌面之上,并使用很多 GNOME 的应用和工具。Ubuntu 团队分支了一些 GNOME 组件,以便更好的满足 Unity 用户的需求。 - -Unity 在 Ubuntu 故事集和 Unity 8 中扮演者重要角色,Canonical 公司正在努力将电脑桌面和移动世界结合到一起。Canonical 同时还为 Unity 开发了许多的有趣技术,比如 HUD (Head-up Display,平视显示)。他们还有一种独特的技术来然用户在镜片上的某范围找到特定内容。 - -即将发行的 Ubuntu 16.04,将会搭载 Unity 8,那时候用户就可以完全体验开发者为该开源软件添加的所有特性了。其中最大的争议就是,Unity 不再集成 Amazon Ads 和其他服务。即将发行的版本,虽然 Canonical 从 Dash 移除了 Amazon ads,但却默认保证了系统的隐私性。 - -## Cinnamon - -最初,[Cinnamon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnamon_(software)) 由 [Linux Mint](http://www.linuxmint.com/) 开发 —— DistroWatch.com 上统计出来最流行的发行版。就像 Unity,Cinnamon 是 GNOME Shell 的一个分支。但最后进化为一个独立的桌面环境,这是因为 Linux Mint 的开发者分支了 GNOME 桌面中很多的组件到 Cinnamon,包括 Files ——以满足自身用户的需求。 - -由于 Linux Mint 基于普通版本的 Ubuntu,开发者仍需要去完成 Ubuntu 尚未完成的目标。结果,尽管前途光明,但 Cinnamon 却充满了 Bugs 和问题。随着 17.x 本版的发布,Linux Mint 开始移动到 Ubuntu 的 LTS 版本上,从而他们可以专注于开发 Cinnamon 的核心组件,而不必再去担心代码库。移动到 LTS 的好处是,Cinnamon 变得非常稳定并且基本没有 Bugs 出现。现在,开发者已经开始向桌面环境中添加更多的新特性来。 - -对于那些更喜欢在 GNOME 基础上有一个很好的类 Windows 用户界面的用户来说,Cinnamon 是他们最好的桌面环境。 - -## MATE Desktop - -[MATE desktop](http://mate-desktop.com/) 同样是 GNOME 的一个分支,然而,它并不像 Cinnamon 那样由 GNOME 3 分支,而是现在已经没有人维护的 GNOME 2 代码库的一个分支。MATE desktop 中的一些开发者并不喜欢 GNOME 3 并且想要“继续坚持” GNOME 2,所以他们使用这个代码库来创建来 MATE。为避免和 GNOME 3 的冲突,他们重命名了全部的包:Nautilus 改为 Caja、Gedit 改为 Pluma 以及 Evince 改为 Atril 等。 - -尽管 MATE 延续了 GNOME 2,但这并不意味着他们使用过时的技术;相反,他们使用了更新的技术来提供一个现代的 GNOME 2 体验。 - -拥有相当高的资源效率才是 MATE 最令人印象深刻之处。你可将它运行在老旧硬件或者很少更新的强大硬件上,如树梅派 (Raspberry Pi) 或者 Chromebook Flip。使得它更有趣的是,把它运行在一些强大的硬件上,可以节省大多数的资源给其他应用,而桌面环境本身只占用很少的资源。 - -## LXQt - -[LXQt](http://lxqt.org/) 继承了 LXDE ——最轻量级的桌面环境之一。它融合了 LXDE 和 Razor-Qt 两个开源项目。LXQt 的首个可用本版 V 0.9 发布于 2015 年。最初,开发者使用了 Qt4 但向下兼容,之后为了加快开发速度,他们移动到 Qt5 和 KDE 框架上。我也在自己的 Arch 系统上尝试使用了 LXQt,它的确是一个非常好的轻量级桌面环境。但在完全继承 LXDE 之前,LXQt 仍有一段很长的路需要走。 - -## Xfce - -[Xfce](http://www.xfce.org/) 早于 KDE 桌面环境,它是最古老和最轻量级的桌面环境。Xfce 的最新版本是 4.15,发布于 2015 年,使用了诸如 GTK + 3 的大量的现代科技。很多发行版都使用了 Xfce 环境以满足特定需求,比如 Ubuntu Studio ——与 MATE 类似——尽量节省系统资源给其他的应用。并且,许多的著名的 Linux 发行版——包括 Manjaro Linux、PC/OS、Salix 和 Mythbuntu ——都把它作为默认桌面环境。 - -## Budgie - -[Budgie](https://solus-project.com/budgie/) 是一个新型的桌面环境,由 Solus Linux 团队开发和维护。Solus 是一个从零开始构建的新型发行版,而 Budgie 则是它的一个核心组件。Budgie 使用了大量的 GNOME 组件,从而提供一个华丽的用户界面 (UI)。由于没有该桌面环境的更多信息,我特地联系了 Solus 的核心开发者—— Ikey Doherty。他解释说:“我们搭载了自己的桌面环境—— Budgie。与其他桌面环境不同的是,Budgie 并不是其他桌面的一个分支,它的目标是侧底融入到 GNOME 协议栈之中。它完全从零开始编写,并特意的设计来迎合 Solus 提供的体验。我们会尽可能的和 GNOME 的上游团队协同工作,修复 Bugs,并提倡和支持他们的工作”。 - -## Pantheon - -我想,[Pantheon](https://elementary.io/) 不需要特别介绍了吧,那个优美的 elementary OS 就使用它作为桌面。类似于 Budgie,很多人都认为 Pantheon 也不是 GNOME 的一个分支。elementary OS 团队大多拥有良好的设计背景,所以他们会近距离关注每一个细节,这使得 Pantheon 成为一个非常优美的桌面环境。在某个瞬间,它可能缺少像 Plasma 等桌面中的某些特性,但开发者实际上是尽其所能的去坚持设计原则。 - -![](http://www.linux.com/images/stories/66866/DE-3.png) - -## 结论 - -当我写完本文后,我突然意识到来开源和 Linux 的重大好处。总有一个发行版本适合你。就像 Jon “maddog” Hall 在最近的 SCaLE 14 上说的那样:“是的,现在有 300 多个 Linux 发行版。我可以一个一个去尝试,然后坚持使用我最喜欢的那一个”。 - -所以,尽情享受 Linux 的多样性吧,最后使用最合你意的那一个。 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/881107-best-linux-desktop-environments-for-2016 - -作者:[Swapnil Bhartiya][a] -译者:[GHLandy](https://github.com/GHLandy) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:http://www.linux.com/community/forums/person/61003 diff --git a/translated/tech/20160218 Canonical's ZFS Plans Are Lining Up For Ubuntu 16.04.md b/translated/tech/20160218 Canonical's ZFS Plans Are Lining Up For Ubuntu 16.04.md deleted file mode 100644 index efe2ff27bc..0000000000 --- a/translated/tech/20160218 Canonical's ZFS Plans Are Lining Up For Ubuntu 16.04.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -Canonical的ZFS计划将会进入Ubuntu 16.04 -======================================================= - -![](https://www.phoronix.com/assets/categories/ubuntu.jpg) - -Ubuntu开发者正在为[Ubuntu 16.04 加上支持ZFS](http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ZFS-For-Ubuntu-16.04) ,并且所遇的文件系统支持都已经准备就绪。 - -Ubuntu 16.04的默认安装将会继续是ext4,但是ZFS支持将会自动构建进Ubuntu发布中,模块将在需要时自动加载,zfsutils-linux是Ubuntu的一部分,并且通过Canonical对商业客户提供支持 - -对于那些对Ubuntu中的ZFS感兴趣的人,Canonical的Dustin Kirkland已经写了[一篇新的博客](http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/02/zfs-is-fs-for-containers-in-ubuntu-1604.html)覆盖了一些细节及为何“ZFS是Ubuntu 16.04中为容器使用的文件系统!” - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-ZFS-Continues-16.04&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Phoronix+%28Phoronix%29 - -作者:[Michael Larabel][a] -译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]:http://www.michaellarabel.com/ - - diff --git a/translated/tech/20160219 How to Setup Lighttpd Web server on Ubuntu 15.04 or CentOS 7.md b/translated/tech/20160219 How to Setup Lighttpd Web server on Ubuntu 15.04 or CentOS 7.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8840e8b973 --- /dev/null +++ b/translated/tech/20160219 How to Setup Lighttpd Web server on Ubuntu 15.04 or CentOS 7.md @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +[Translated] Haohong Wang +如何在Ubuntu 15.04/CentOS 7中安装Lighttpd Web server +================================================================================= +Lighttpd 是一款开源Web服务器软件。Lighttpd 安全快速,符合行业标准,适配性强并且针对高配置环境进行了优化。Lighttpd因其CPU、内存占用小,针对小型CPU加载的快速适配以及出色的效率和速度而从众多Web服务器中脱颖而出。 而Lighttpd诸如FastCGI,CGI,Auth,Out-Compression,URL-Rewriting等高级功能更是那些低配置的服务器的福音。 + +以下便是在我们运行Ubuntu 15.04 或CentOS 7 Linux发行版的机器上安装Lighttpd Web服务器的简要流程。 + +### 安装Lighttpd + +#### 使用包管理器安装 + +这里我们通过使用包管理器这种最简单的方法来安装Lighttpd。只需以sudo模式在终端或控制台中输入下面的指令即可。 + +**CentOS 7** + +由于CentOS 7.0官方repo中并没有提供Lighttpd,所以我们需要在系统中安装额外的软件源epel repo。使用下面的yum指令来安装epel。 + + # yum install epel-release + +然后,我们需要更新系统及进程为Lighttpd的安装做准备。 + + # yum update + # yum install lighttpd + +![Install Lighttpd Centos](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/install-lighttpd-centos.png) + +**Ubuntu 15.04** + +Ubuntu 15.04官方repo中包含了Lighttpd,所以只需更新本地repo并使用apt-get指令即可安装Lighttpd。 + + # apt-get update + # apt-get install lighttpd + +![Install lighttpd ubuntu](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/install-lighttpd-ubuntu.png) + +#### 从源代码安装Lighttpd + +如果想从Lighttpd源码安装最新版本(例如1.4.39),我们需要在本地编译源码并进行安装。首先我们要安装编译源码所需的依赖包。 + + # cd /tmp/ + # wget http://download.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/releases-1.4.x/lighttpd-1.4.39.tar.gz + +下载完成后,执行下面的指令解压缩。 + + # tar -zxvf lighttpd-1.4.39.tar.gz + +然后使用下面的指令进行编译。 + + # cd lighttpd-1.4.39 + # ./configure + # make + +**注:**在这份教程中,我们安装的是默认配置的Lighttpd。其他诸如高级功能或拓展功能,如对SSL的支持,mod_rewrite,mod_redirect等,需自行配置。 + +当编译完成后,我们就可以把它安装到系统中了。 + + # make install + +### 设置Lighttpd + +如果有更高的需求,我们可以通过修改默认设置文件,如`/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf`,来对Lighttpd进行进一步设置。 而在这份教程中我们将使用默认设置,不对设置文件进行修改。如果你曾做过修改并想检查设置文件是否出错,可以执行下面的指令。 + + # lighttpd -t -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf + +#### 使用 CentOS 7 + +在CentOS 7中,我们需在Lighttpd默认设置中创设一个例如`/src/www/htdocs`的webroot文件夹。 + + # mkdir -p /srv/www/htdocs/ + +而后将默认欢迎页面从`/var/www/lighttpd`复制至刚刚新建的目录中: + + # cp -r /var/www/lighttpd/* /srv/www/htdocs/ + +### 开启服务 + +现在,通过执行systemctl指令来重启数据库服务。 + + # systemctl start lighttpd + +然后我们将它设置为伴随系统启动自动运行。 + + # systemctl enable lighttpd + +### 设置防火墙 + +如要让我们运行在Lighttpd上的网页和网站能在Internet或相似的网络上被访问,我们需要在防火墙程序中设置打开80端口。由于CentOS 7和Ubuntu15.04都附带Systemd作为默认初始化系统,所以我们安装firewalld作为解决方案。如果要打开80端口或http服务,我们只需执行下面的命令: + + # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http + success + # firewall-cmd --reload + success + +### 连接至Web Server +在将80端口设置为默认端口后,我们就可以默认直接访问Lighttpd的欢迎页了。我们需要根据运行Lighttpd的设备来设置浏览器的IP地址和域名。在本教程中,我们令浏览器指向 [http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/](http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/) 同时将子域名指向它的IP地址。如此一来,我们就可以在浏览器中看到如下的欢迎页面了。 + +![Lighttpd Welcome Page](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/lighttpd-welcome-page.png) + +此外,我们可以将网站的文件添加到webroot目录下,并删除lighttpd的默认索引文件,使我们的静态网站链接至互联网上。 + +如果想在Lighttpd Web Server中运行PHP应用,请参考下面的步骤: + +### 安装PHP5模块 +在Lighttpd成功安装后,我们需要安装PHP及相关模块以在Lighttpd中运行PHP5脚本。 + +#### 使用 Ubuntu 15.04 + + # apt-get install php5 php5-cgi php5-fpm php5-mysql php5-curl php5-gd php5-intl php5-imagick php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php-pear + +#### 使用 CentOS 7 + + # yum install php php-cgi php-fpm php-mysql php-curl php-gd php-intl php-pecl-imagick php-mcrypt php-memcache php-pear lighttpd-fastcgi + +### 设置Lighttpd的PHP服务 + +如要让PHP与Lighttpd协同工作,我们只要根据所使用的发行版执行如下对应的指令即可。 + +#### 使用 CentOS 7 + +首先要做的便是使用文件编辑器编辑php设置文件(例如`/etc/php.ini`)并取消掉对**cgi.fix_pathinfo=1**的注释。 + + # nano /etc/php.ini + +完成上面的步骤之后,我们需要把PHP-FPM进程的所有权从Apache转移至Lighttpd。要完成这些,首先用文件编辑器打开`/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf`文件。 + + # nano /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf + +然后在文件中增加下面的语句: + + user = lighttpd + group = lighttpd + +做完这些,我们保存并退出文本编辑器。然后从`/etc/lighttpd/modules.conf`设置文件中添加FastCGI模块。 + + # nano /etc/lighttpd/modules.conf + +然后,去掉下面语句前面的`#`来取消对它的注释。 + + include "conf.d/fastcgi.conf" + +最后我们还需在文本编辑器设置FastCGI的设置文件。 + + # nano /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/fastcgi.conf + +在文件尾部添加以下代码: + + fastcgi.server += ( ".php" => + (( + "host" => "", + "port" => "9000", + "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable" + )) + ) + +在编辑完成后保存并退出文本编辑器即可。 + +#### 使用 Ubuntu 15.04 + +如需启用Lighttpd的FastCGI,只需执行下列代码: + + # lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi + + Enabling fastcgi: ok + Run /etc/init.d/lighttpd force-reload to enable changes + + # lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php + + Enabling fastcgi-php: ok + Run `/etc/init.d/lighttpd` force-reload to enable changes + +然后,执行下列命令来重启Lighttpd。 + + # systemctl force-reload lighttpd + +### 检测PHP工作状态 + +如需检测PHP是否按预期工作,我们需在Lighttpd的webroot目录下新建一个php文件。本教程中,在Ubuntu下/var/www/html 目录,CentOS下/src/www/htdocs目录下使用文本编辑器创建并打开info.php。 + +**使用 CentOS 7** + + # nano /var/www/info.php + +**使用 Ubuntu 15.04** + + # nano /srv/www/htdocs/info.php + +然后只需将下面的语句添加到文件里即可。 + + + +在编辑完成后保存并推出文本编辑器即可。 + +现在,我们需根据路径 [http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/info.php](http://lighttpd.linoxide.com/info.php) 下的info.php文件的IP地址或域名,来让我们的网页浏览器指向系统上运行的Lighttpd。如果一切都按照以上说明进行,我们将看到如下图所示的PHP页面信息。 + +![phpinfo lighttpd](http://blog.linoxide.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/phpinfo-lighttpd.png) + +### 总结 + +至此,我们已经在CentOS 7和Ubuntu 15.04 Linux 发行版上成功安装了轻巧快捷并且安全的Lighttpd Web服务器。现在,我们已经可以利用Lighttpd Web服务器来实现上传网站文件到网站根目录,配置虚拟主机,启用SSL,连接数据库,运行Web应用等功能了。 如果你有任何疑问,建议或反馈请在下面的评论区中写下来以让我们更好的改良Lighttpd。谢谢!(译注:评论网址 http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/setup-lighttpd-web-server-ubuntu-15-04-centos-7/ ) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/setup-lighttpd-web-server-ubuntu-15-04-centos-7/ + +作者:[Arun Pyasi][a] +译者:[HaohongWANG](https://github.com/HaohongWANG) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:http://linoxide.com/author/arunp/