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我的 Linux 主目录中的隐藏文件是干什么用的?

在 Linux 系统中,你可能会在主目录中存储了大量文件和文件夹。但在这些文件之外,你知道你的主目录还附带了很多隐藏的文件和文件夹吗?如果你在主目录中运行 `ls -a`,你会发现一堆带有点前缀的隐藏文件和目录。这些隐藏的文件到底做了什么?
### 在主目录中隐藏的文件是干什么用的?
依赖该隐藏文件的程序通常会重新创建它。 但是,你将从“开箱即用”设置开始,如全新用户一般。如果你在使用应用程序时遇到问题,那实际上可能是一个巨大的帮助。它可以让你删除可能造成麻烦的自定义设置。但如果你不这样做,这意味着你需要把所有的东西都设置成原来的样子。
### 主目录中某些隐藏文件的特定用途是什么?
#### 系统设置
系统设置包括桌面环境和 shell 的配置。
* shell 和命令行程序的**配置文件**:根据你使用的特定 shell 和类似命令的应用程序,特定的文件名称会变化。你会看到 `.bashrc`、`.vimrc` 和 `.zshrc`。这些文件包含你已经更改的有关 shell 的操作环境的任何设置,或者对 `vim` 等命令行实用工具的设置进行的调整。删除这些文件将使关联的应用程序返回到其默认状态。考虑到许多 Linux 用户多年来建立了一系列微妙的调整和设置,删除这个文件可能是一个非常头疼的问题。
* **用户配置文件**:像上面的配置文件一样,这些文件(通常是 `.profile` 或 `.bash_profile`)保存 shell 的用户设置。该文件通常包含你的 `PATH` 环境变量。它还包含你设置的[别名][3]。用户也可以在 `.bashrc` 或其他位置放置别名。`PATH` 环境变量控制着 shell 寻找可执行命令的位置。通过添加或修改 `PATH`,可以更改 shell 的命令查找位置。别名更改了原有命令的名称。例如:一个别名可能将 `ls -l` 设置为 `ll`。这为经常使用的命令提供基于文本的快捷方式。如果删除 `.profile` 文件,通常可以在 `/etc/skel` 目录中找到默认版本。
* **桌面环境设置**:这里保存你的桌面环境的任何定制。其中包括桌面背景、屏幕保护程序、快捷键、菜单栏和任务栏图标以及用户针对其桌面环境设置的其他任何内容。当你删除这个文件时,用户的环境会在下一次登录时恢复到新的用户环境。
#### 应用配置文件
你会在 Ubuntu 的 `.config` 文件夹中找到它们。 这些是针对特定应用程序的设置。 它们将包含喜好列表和设置等内容。
* **应用程序的配置文件**:这包括应用程序首选项菜单中的设置、工作区配置等。 你在这里找到的具体取决于应用程序。
* **Web 浏览器数据**:这可能包括书签和浏览历史记录等内容。这些文件大部分是缓存。这是 Web 浏览器临时存储下载文件(如图片)的地方。删除这些内容可能会降低你首次访问某些媒体网站的速度。
* **缓存**:如果用户应用程序缓存仅与该用户相关的数据(如 [Spotify 应用程序存储播放列表的缓存][4]),则主目录是存储该目录的默认地点。 这些缓存可能包含大量数据或仅包含几行代码:这取决于应用程序需要什么。 如果你删除这些文件,则应用程序会根据需要重新创建它们。
* **日志**:一些用户应用程序也可能在这里存储日志。根据开发人员设置应用程序的方式,你可能会发现存储在你的主目录中的日志文件。然而,这不是一个常见的选择。
### 结论
在大多数情况下,你的 Linux 主目录中的隐藏文件用于存储用户设置。 这包括命令行程序以及基于 GUI 的应用程序的设置。删除它们将删除用户设置。 通常情况下,它不会导致程序被破坏。
via: https://www.maketecheasier.com/hidden-files-linux-home-directory/
作者:[Alexander Fox][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[1]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/06/hidden-files-liunux-2.png (hidden-files-liunux-2)
[2]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/06/hidden-files-linux-3.png (hidden-files-linux-3)
@ -1,35 +1,37 @@
6 个开源的家庭自动化工具
> 用这些开源软件解决方案构建一个更智能的家庭。

[物联网][13] 不仅是一个时髦词,在现实中,自 2016 年我们发布了一篇关于家庭自动化工具的评论文章以来,它也在迅速占领着我们的生活。在 2017,[26.5% 的美国家庭][14] 已经使用了一些智能家居技术;预计五年内,这一数字还将翻倍。
使用数量持续增加的各种设备,可以帮助你实现对家庭的自动化管理、安保、和监视,在家庭自动化方面,从来没有像现在这样容易和更加吸引人过。不论你是要远程控制你的 HVAC 系统,集成一个家庭影院,保护你的家免受盗窃、火灾、或是其它威胁,还是节省能源或只是控制几盏灯,现在都有无数的设备可以帮到你。
随着这些数量持续增加的各种设备的使用,可以帮助你实现对家庭的自动化管理、安保、和监视,在家庭自动化方面,从来没有像现在这样容易和更加吸引人过。不论你是要远程控制你的 HVAC 系统,集成一个家庭影院,保护你的家免受盗窃、火灾、或是其它威胁,还是节省能源或只是控制几盏灯,现在都有无数的设备可以帮到你。
但同时,还有许多用户担心安装在他们家庭中的新设备带来的安全和隐私问题 —— 一个很现实也很 [严肃的问题][15]。他们想要去控制有谁可以接触到这个重要的系统,这个系统管理着他们的应用程序,记录了他们生活中的点点滴滴。这种想法是可以理解的:毕竟在一个连你的冰箱都是智能设备的今天,你不想要一个基本的保证吗?甚至是如果你授权了设备可以与外界通讯,它是否是仅被授权的人能够访问它呢?
但同时,还有许多用户担心安装在他们家庭中的新设备带来的安全和隐私问题 —— 这是一个很现实也很 [严肃的问题][15]。他们想要去控制有谁可以接触到这个重要的系统,这个系统管理着他们的应用程序,记录了他们生活中的点点滴滴。这种想法是可以理解的:毕竟在一个连你的冰箱都是智能设备的今天,你不想要一个基本的保证吗?甚至是如果你授权了设备可以与外界通讯,它是否是仅被授权的人访问它呢?
[对安全的担心][16] 是为什么开源对我们将来使用的互联设备至关重要的众多理由之一。由于源代码运行在他们自己的设备上,完全可以去搞明白控制你的家庭的程序,也就是说你可以查看它的代码,如果必要的话甚至可以去修改它。
虽然联网设备通常都包含他们专有的组件,但是将开源引入家庭自动化的第一步是确保你的设备和这些设备可以共同工作 —— 它们为你提供一个接口—— 并且是开源的。幸运的是,现在有许多解决方案可供选择,从 PC 到树莓派,你可以在它们上做任何事情。
虽然联网设备通常都包含它们专有的组件,但是将开源引入家庭自动化的第一步是确保你的设备和这些设备可以共同工作 —— 它们为你提供一个接口 —— 并且是开源的。幸运的是,现在有许多解决方案可供选择,从 PC 到树莓派,你可以在它们上做任何事情。
### Calaos
[Calaos][17] 是一个设计为全栈家庭自动化的平台,包含一个服务器应用程序、触摸屏接口、Web 应用程序、支持 iOS 和 Android 的原生移动应用、以及一个运行在底层的预配置好的 Linux 操作系统。Calaos 项目出自一个法国公司,因此它的支持论坛以法语为主,不过大量的介绍资料和文档都已经翻译为英语了。
[Calaos][17] 是一个设计为全栈的家庭自动化平台,包含一个服务器应用程序、触摸屏界面、Web 应用程序、支持 iOS 和 Android 的原生移动应用、以及一个运行在底层的预配置好的 Linux 操作系统。Calaos 项目出自一个法国公司,因此它的支持论坛以法语为主,不过大量的介绍资料和文档都已经翻译为英语了。
Calaos 使用的是 [GPL][18] v3 的许可证,你可以在 [GitHub][19] 上查看它的源代码。
### Domoticz
[Domoticz][20] 是一个有大量设备库支持的家庭自动化系统,在它的项目网站上有大量的文档,从气象站到远程控制的烟雾探测器,以及大量的第三方 [集成][21] 。它使用一个 HTML5 前端,可以从桌面浏览器或者大多数现代的智能手机上访问它,它是一个轻量级的应用,可以运行在像树莓派这样的低功耗设备上。
[Domoticz][20] 是一个有大量设备库支持的家庭自动化系统,在它的项目网站上有大量的文档,从气象站到远程控制的烟雾探测器,以及大量的第三方 [集成软件][21] 。它使用一个 HTML5 前端,可以从桌面浏览器或者大多数现代的智能手机上访问它,它是一个轻量级的应用,可以运行在像树莓派这样的低功耗设备上。
Domoticz 是用 C++ 写的,使用 [GPLv3][22] 许可证。它的 [源代码][23] 在 GitHub 上。
### Home Assistant
[Home Assistant][24] 是一个开源的家庭自动化平台,它可以轻松部署在任何能运行 Python 3 的机器上,从树莓派到网络附加存储(NAS),甚至可以使用 Docker 容器轻松地部署到其它系统上。它集成了大量的开源的和商业的产品,允许你去连接它们,比如,IFTTT、天气信息、或者你的 Amazon Echo 设备,去控制从锁到灯的各种硬件。
[Home Assistant][24] 是一个开源的家庭自动化平台,它可以轻松部署在任何能运行 Python 3 的机器上,从树莓派到网络存储(NAS),甚至可以使用 Docker 容器轻松地部署到其它系统上。它集成了大量的开源和商业的产品,允许你去连接它们,比如,IFTTT、天气信息、或者你的 Amazon Echo 设备,去控制从锁到灯的各种硬件。
Home Assistant 以 [MIT 许可证][25] 发布,它的源代码可以从 [GitHub][26] 上下载。
@ -41,26 +43,26 @@ MisterHouse 使用 [GPLv2][28] 许可证,你可以在 [GitHub][29] 上查看
### OpenHAB
[OpenHAB][30](开放家庭自动化总线的简称)是在开源爱好者中大家熟知的家庭自动化工具,它拥有大量用户的社区以及支持和集成了大量的设备。它是用 Java 写的,OpenHAB 非常轻便,可以跨大多数主流操作系统使用,它甚至在树莓派上也运行的很好。支持成百上千的设备,OpenHAB 被设计为与设备无关的,这使开发者在系统中添加他们的设备或者插件很容易。OpenHAB 也支持通过 iOS 和 Android 应用来控制设备以及设计工具,因此,你可以为你的家庭系统创建你自己的 UI。
[OpenHAB][30](开放家庭自动化总线的简称)是在开源爱好者中所熟知的家庭自动化工具,它拥有大量用户的社区以及支持和集成了大量的设备。它是用 Java 写的,OpenHAB 非常轻便,可以跨大多数主流操作系统使用,它甚至在树莓派上也运行的很好。支持成百上千的设备,OpenHAB 被设计为与设备无关的,这使开发者在系统中添加他们的设备或者插件很容易。OpenHAB 也支持通过 iOS 和 Android 应用来控制设备以及设计工具,因此,你可以为你的家庭系统创建你自己的 UI。
你可以在 GitHub 上找到 OpenHAB 的 [源代码][31],它使用 [Eclipse 公共许可证][32]。
### OpenMotics
[OpenMotics][33] 是一个开源的硬件和软件家庭自动化系统。它的设计目标是为控制设备提供一个综合的系统,而不是从不同的供应商处将各种设备拼接在一起。不像其它的系统主要是为了方便的改装而设计的,OpenMotics 专注于硬件解决方案。更多资料请查阅来自 OpenMotics 的后端开发者 Frederick Ryckbosch的 [完整文章][34] 。
[OpenMotics][33] 是一个开源的硬件和软件家庭自动化系统。它的设计目标是为控制设备提供一个综合的系统,而不是从不同的供应商处将各种设备拼接在一起。不像其它的系统主要是为了方便改装而设计的,OpenMotics 专注于硬件解决方案。更多资料请查阅来自 OpenMotics 的后端开发者 Frederick Ryckbosch的 [完整文章][34] 。
OpenMotics 使用 [GPLv2][35] 许可证,它的源代码可以从 [GitHub][36] 上下载。
* [EventGhost][1] 是一个开源的([GPL v2][2])家庭影院自动化工具,它只能运行在 Microsoft Windows PC 上。它允许用户去控制多媒体电脑和连接的硬件,它通过触发宏指令的插件或者定制的 Python 脚本来使用。
* [ioBroker][3] 是一个基于 JavaScript 的物联网平台,它能够控制灯、锁、空调、多媒体、网络摄像头等等。它可以运行在任何可以运行 Node.js 的硬件上,包括 Windows、Linux、以及 macOS,它使用 [MIT 许可证][4]。
* [Jeedom][5] 是一个由开源软件([GPL v2][6])构成的家庭自动化平台,它可以控制灯、锁、多媒体等等。它包含一个移动应用程序(Android 和 iOS),并且可以运行在 Linux PC 上;该公司也销售 hubs,它为配置家庭自动化提供一个现成的解决方案。
* [Jeedom][5] 是一个由开源软件([GPL v2][6])构成的家庭自动化平台,它可以控制灯、锁、多媒体等等。它包含一个移动应用程序(Android 和 iOS),并且可以运行在 Linux PC 上;该公司也销售 hub,它为配置家庭自动化提供一个现成的解决方案。
* [LinuxMCE][7] 标称它是你的多媒体与电子设备之间的“数字粘合剂”。它运行在 Linux(包括树莓派)上,它基于 Pluto 开源 [许可证][8] 发布,它可以用于家庭安全、电话(VoIP 和语音信箱)、A/V 设备、家庭自动化、以及玩视频游戏。
* [OpenNetHome][9],和这一类中的其它解决方案一样,是一个控制灯、报警、应用程序等等的一个开源软件。它基于 Java 和 Apache Maven,可以运行在 Windows、macOS、以及 Linux —— 包括树莓派,它以 [GPLv3][10] 许可证发布。
* [Smarthomatic][11] 是一个专注于硬件设备和软件的开源家庭自动化框架,而不仅是用户接口。它基于 [GPLv3][12] 许可证,它可用于控制灯、电器、以及空调、检测温度、提醒给植物浇水。
* [Smarthomatic][11] 是一个专注于硬件设备和软件的开源家庭自动化框架,而不仅是用户界面。它基于 [GPLv3][12] 许可证,它可用于控制灯、电器、以及空调、检测温度、提醒给植物浇水。
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ via: https://opensource.com/life/17/12/home-automation-tools
作者:[Jason Baker][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
如何在 Linux 上安装/更新 Intel 微码固件
如果你是一个 Linux 系统管理方面的新手,如何在 Linux 上使用命令行方式去安装或者更新 Intel/AMD CPU 的微码固件呢?
如果你是一个 Linux 系统管理方面的新手,如何在 Linux 上使用命令行选项去安装或者更新 Intel/AMD CPU 的微码固件?
微码只是由 Intel/AMD 提供的 CPU 固件而已。Linux 的内核可以在系统引导时不需要升级 BIOS 的情况下更新 CPU 的固件。处理器微码保存在内存中,在每次启动系统时,内核可以更新这个微码。这些来自 Intel/AMD 的升级微码可以去修复 bug 或者使用补丁来防范 bugs。这篇文章演示了如何使用包管理器去安装 AMD 或者 Intel 微码更新,或者由 lntel 提供的 Linux 上的处理器微码更新。
## 如何查看当前的微码状态
<ruby>微码<rt>microcode</rt></ruby>就是由 Intel/AMD 提供的 CPU 固件。Linux 的内核可以在引导时更新 CPU 固件,而无需 BIOS 更新。处理器的微码保存在内存中,在每次启动系统时,内核可以更新这个微码。这些来自 Intel/AMD 的微码的更新可以去修复 bug 或者使用补丁来防范 bug。这篇文章演示了如何使用包管理器或由 lntel 提供的 Linux 处理器微码更新来安装 AMD 或 Intel 的微码更新。
### 如何查看当前的微码状态
以 root 用户运行下列命令:
`# dmesg | grep microcode`
# dmesg | grep microcode
[![Verify microcode update on a CentOS RHEL Fedora Ubuntu Debian Linux][1]][1]
请注意,你的 CPU 在这里完全有可能出现没有可用的微码更新的情况。如果是这种情况,它的输出可能是如下图这样的:
请注意,你的 CPU 在这里完全有可能出现没有可用的微码更新的情况。如果是这种情况,它的输出可能是如下这样的:
[ 0.952699] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x1c
[ 0.952773] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.2.
## 如何在 Linux 上使用包管理器去安装微码固件更新
对于运行在 Linux 系统的 x86/amd64 架构的 CPU 上,Linux 自带了工具去更改或者部署微码固件。在 Linux 上安装 AMD 或者 Intel 的微码固件的过程如下:
1. 打开终端应用程序
2. Debian/Ubuntu Linux 用户推输入:**sudo apt install intel-microcode**
3. CentOS/RHEL Linux 用户输入:**sudo yum install microcode_ctl**
### 如何在 Linux 上使用包管理器去安装微码固件更新
对于运行在 x86/amd64 架构的 CPU 上的 Linux 系统,Linux 自带了工具去更改或者部署微码固件。在 Linux 上安装 AMD 或者 Intel 的微码固件的过程如下:
1. 打开终端应用程序
2. Debian/Ubuntu Linux 用户推输入:`sudo apt install intel-microcode`
3. CentOS/RHEL Linux 用户输入:`sudo yum install microcode_ctl`
对于流行的 Linux 发行版,这个包的名字一般如下 :
* microcode_ctl 和 linux-firmware —— CentOS/RHEL 微码更新包
* intel-microcode —— Debian/Ubuntu 和 clones 发行版适用于 Intel CPU 的微码更新包
* amd64-microcode —— Debian/Ubuntu 和 clones 发行版适用于 AMD CPU 的微码固件
* linux-firmware —— 适用于 AMD CPU 的 Arch Linux 发行版微码固件(你不用做任何操作,它是默认安装的)
* intel-ucode —— 适用于 Intel CPU 的 Arch Linux 发行版微码固件
* microcode_ctl 和 ucode-intel —— Suse/OpenSUSE Linux 微码更新包
* `microcode_ctl` 和 `linux-firmware` —— CentOS/RHEL 微码更新包
* `intel-microcode` —— Debian/Ubuntu 和衍生发行版的适用于 Intel CPU 的微码更新包
* `amd64-microcode` —— Debian/Ubuntu 和衍生发行版的适用于 AMD CPU 的微码固件
* `linux-firmware` —— 适用于 AMD CPU 的 Arch Linux 发行版的微码固件(你不用做任何操作,它是默认安装的)
* `intel-ucode` —— 适用于 Intel CPU 的 Arch Linux 发行版微码固件
* `microcode_ctl` 、`linux-firmware` 和 `ucode-intel` —— Suse/OpenSUSE Linux 微码更新包
**警告 :在某些情况下,微码更新可能会导致引导问题,比如,服务器在引导时被挂起或者自动重置。以下的步骤是在我的机器上运行过的,并且我是一个经验丰富的系统管理员。对于由此引发的任何硬件故障,我不承担任何责任。在做固件更新之前,请充分评估操作风险!**
**警告 :在某些情况下,更新微码可能会导致引导问题,比如,服务器在引导时被挂起或者自动重置。以下的步骤是在我的机器上运行过的,并且我是一个经验丰富的系统管理员。对于由此引发的任何硬件故障,我不承担任何责任。在做固件更新之前,请充分评估操作风险!**
### 示例
#### 示例
在使用 Intel CPU 的 Debian/Ubuntu Linux 系统上,输入如下的 [apt 命令][2]/[apt-get 命令][3]:
`$ sudo apt-get install intel-microcode`
$ sudo apt-get install intel-microcode
@ -58,11 +58,15 @@
你 [必须重启服务器以激活微码][5] 更新:
`$ sudo reboot`
$ sudo reboot
`# dmesg | grep 'microcode'`
# dmesg | grep 'microcode'
@ -70,7 +74,6 @@
[ 0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0x1c, date = 2015-02-26
[ 1.604672] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x1c
[ 1.604976] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
如果你使用的是 RHEL/CentOS 系统,使用 [yum 命令][6] 尝试去安装或者更新以下两个包:
@ -81,13 +84,14 @@ $ sudo reboot
$ sudo dmesg | grep 'microcode'
## 如何去更新/安装从 Intel 网站上下载的微码
### 如何更新/安装从 Intel 网站上下载的微码
仅当你的 CPU 制造商建议这么做的时候,才可以使用下列的方法去更新/安装微码,除此之外,都应该使用上面的方法去更新。大多数 Linux 发行版都可以通过包管理器来维护更新微码。使用包管理器的方法是经过测试的,对大多数用户来说是最安全的方式。
只有在你的 CPU 制造商建议这么做的时候,才可以使用下列的方法去更新/安装微码,除此之外,都应该使用上面的方法去更新。大多数 Linux 发行版都可以通过包管理器来维护、更新微码。使用包管理器的方法是经过测试的,对大多数用户来说是最安全的方式。
### 如何为 Linux 安装 Intel 处理器微码块(20180108 发布)
#### 如何为 Linux 安装 Intel 处理器微码块(20180108 发布)
首先通过 AMD 或 [Intel 网站][7] 去获取最新的微码固件。在本示例中,我有一个名称为 `~/Downloads/microcode-20180108.tgz` 的文件(不要忘了去验证它的检验和),它的用途是去防范 `meltdown/Spectre` bug。先使用 `tar` 命令去提取它:
首先通过 AMD 或 [Intel 网站][7] 去获取最新的微码固件。在本示例中,我有一个名称为 ~/Downloads/microcode-20180108.tgz(不要忘了去验证它的检验和),它的用途是去防范 meltdown/Spectre bugs。先使用 tar 命令去提取它:
$ mkdir firmware
$ cd firmware
@ -101,33 +105,44 @@ $ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 vivek vivek 4096 Jan 8 12:41 intel-ucode
-rw-r--r-- 1 vivek vivek 4847056 Jan 8 12:39 microcode.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 vivek vivek 1907 Jan 9 07:03 releasenote
检查一下,确保存在 /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload 目录:
> 我只在 CentOS 7.x/RHEL、 7.x/Debian 9.x 和 Ubuntu 17.10 上测试了如下操作。如果你没有找到 `/sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload` 文件的话,更老的发行版所带的更老的内核也许不能使用此方法。参见下面的讨论。请注意,在应用了固件更新之后,有一些客户遇到了系统重启现象。特别是对于[那些运行 Intel Broadwell 和 Haswell CPU][12] 的用于客户机和数据中心服务器上的系统。不要在 Intel Broadwell 和 Haswell CPU 上应用 20180108 版本。尽可能使用软件包管理器方式。
`$ ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload`
检查一下,确保存在 `/sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload`:
你必须使用 [cp 命令][8] 拷贝 intel-ucode 目录下的所有文件到 /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ 下面:
$ ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
`$ sudo cp -v intel-ucode/* /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/`
你必须使用 [cp 命令][8] 拷贝 `intel-ucode` 目录下的所有文件到 `/lib/firmware/intel-ucode/` 下面:
你只需要将 intel-ucode 这个目录整个拷贝到 /lib/firmware/ 目录下即可。然后在重新加载接口中写入 1 去重新加载微码文件:
$ sudo cp -v intel-ucode/* /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/
`# echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload`
你只需要将 `intel-ucode` 这个目录整个拷贝到 `/lib/firmware/` 目录下即可。然后在重新加载接口中写入 `1` 去重新加载微码文件:
更新现有的 initramfs,以便于下次启动时通过内核来加载:
# echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
更新现有的 initramfs,以便于下次启动时它能通过内核来加载:
$ sudo update-initramfs -u
$ sudo reboot
`# dmesg | grep microcode`
# dmesg | grep microcode
到此为止,就是更新处理器微码的全部步骤。如果一切顺利的话,你的 Intel CPU 的固件将已经是最新的版本了。
## 关于作者
### 关于作者
作者是 nixCraft 的创始人、一位经验丰富的系统管理员、Linux/Unix 操作系统 shell 脚本培训师。他与全球的包括 IT、教育、国防和空间研究、以及非盈利组织等各行业的客户一起工作。可以在 [Twitter][9]、[Facebook][10]、[Google+][11] 上关注他。
@ -137,7 +152,7 @@ via: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-update-intel-microcode-firmware-linux
作者:[Vivek Gite][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -153,3 +168,4 @@ via: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/install-update-intel-microcode-firmware-linux
@ -1,43 +1,42 @@
没有 chrome-gnome-shell 的 Gnome
去掉了 chrome-gnome-shell 的 Gnome
新的笔记本有触摸屏,它可以折叠成平板电脑,我听说 gnome-shell 将是桌面环境的一个很好的选择,我设法调整它足以按照现有的习惯重用。
新的笔记本有触摸屏,它可以折叠成平板电脑,我听说 gnome-shell 将是桌面环境的一个很好的选择,我设法调整它以按照现有的习惯使用。
然而,我有一个很大的问题,它怎么会鼓励人们从互联网上下载随机扩展,并将它们作为整个桌面环境的一部分运行。 一个更大的问题是,[gnome-core][1] 对 [chrome-gnome-shell] [2] 有强制依赖,插件不用 root 用户编辑 `/etc` 下的文件则无法禁用,这会给网站暴露我的桌面环境。
然而,我发现一个很大的问题,它怎么会鼓励人们从互联网上下载随机扩展,并将它们作为整个桌面环境的一部分运行呢? 一个更大的问题是,[gnome-core][1] 对 [chrome-gnome-shell] [2] 有强制依赖,这个插件如果不用 root 用户编辑 `/etc` 下的文件则无法禁用,这会给将我的桌面环境暴露给网站。
[我想出了一个临时解决方法][4]。(LCTT 译注:作者做了一个空的依赖包来满足依赖,而不会做任何可能危害你的隐私和安全的操作。)
人们会在 firefox 中如何做呢?
### 描述
chrome-gnome-shell 是 gnome-core 的一个强制依赖项,它安装了一个可能不需要的浏览器插件,并强制它使用系统范围的 chrome 策略。
chrome-gnome-shell 是 gnome-core 的一个强制依赖项,它安装了一个你可能不需要的浏览器插件,并强制它使用系统级的 chrome 策略。
我认为使用 chrome-gnome-shell 会不必要地增加系统的攻击面,我作为主要用户,它会获取下载和执行随机未经审查代码的可疑特权。
这个包满足了 chrome-gnome-shell 的依赖,但不会安装任何东西。
(我做的)这个包满足了 chrome-gnome-shell 的依赖,但不会安装任何东西。
请注意,在安装此包之后,如果先前安装了 chrome-gnome-shell,则需要清除 chrome-gnome-shell,以使其在 /etc/chromium 中删除 chromium 策略文件
请注意,在安装此包之后,如果先前安装了 chrome-gnome-shell,则需要清除 chrome-gnome-shell,以使其在 `/etc/chromium` 中删除 chromium 策略文件。
### 说明
apt install equivs
equivs-build contain-gnome-shell
sudo dpkg -i contain-gnome-shell_1.0_all.deb
sudo dpkg --purge chrome-gnome-shell
via: http://www.enricozini.org/blog/2018/debian/gnome-without-chrome-gnome-shell/
作者:[Enrico Zini][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
How Linux became my job
How Linux became my job translation by ranchong

sources/talk/20180301 How to hire the right DevOps talent.md
Normal file
sources/talk/20180301 How to hire the right DevOps talent.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
How to hire the right DevOps talent

DevOps culture is quickly gaining ground, and demand for top-notch DevOps talent is greater than ever at companies all over the world. With the [annual base salary for a junior DevOps engineer][1] now topping $100,000, IT professionals are hurrying to [make the transition into DevOps.][2]
But how do you choose the right candidate to fill your DevOps role?
### Overview
Most teams are looking for candidates with a background in operations and infrastructure, software engineering, or development. This is in conjunction with skills that relate to configuration management, continuous integration, and deployment (CI/CD), as well as cloud infrastructure. Knowledge of container orchestration is also in high demand.
In a perfect world, the two backgrounds would meet somewhere in the middle to form Dev and Ops, but in most cases, candidates lean toward one side or the other. Yet they must possess the skills necessary to understand the needs of their counterparts to work effectively as a team to achieve continuous delivery and deployment. Since every company is different, there is no single right or wrong since so much depends on a company’s tech stack and infrastructure, as well as the goals and the skills of other team members. So how do you focus your search?
### Decide on the background
Begin by assessing the strength of your current team. Do you have rock-star software engineers but lack infrastructure knowledge? Focus on closing the skill gaps. Just because you have the budget to hire a DevOps engineer doesn’t mean you should spend weeks, or even months, trying to find the best software engineer who also happens to use Kubernetes and Docker because they are currently the trend. Instead, look for someone who will provide the most value in your environment, and see how things go from there.
### There is no “Ctrl + F” solution
Instead of concentrating on specific tools, concentrate on a candidate's understanding of DevOps and CI/CD-related processes. You'll be better off with someone who understands methodologies over tools. It is more important to ensure that candidates comprehend the concept of CI/CD than to ask if they prefer Jenkins, Bamboo, or TeamCity. Don’t get too caught up in the exact toolchain—rather, focus on problem-solving skills and the ability to increase efficiency, save time, and automate manual processes. You don't want to miss out on the right candidate just because the word “Puppet” was not on their resume.
### Check your ego
As mentioned above, DevOps is a rapidly growing field, and DevOps engineers are in hot demand. That means candidates have great buying power. You may have an amazing company or product, but hiring top talent is no longer as simple as putting up a “Help Wanted” sign and waiting for top-quality applicants to rush in. I'm not suggesting that maintaining a reputation a great place to work is unimportant, but in today's environment, you need to make an effort to sell your position. Flaws or glitches in the hiring process, such as abruptly canceling interviews or not offering feedback after interviews, can lead to negative reviews spreading across the industry. Remember, it takes just a couple of minutes to leave a negative review on Glassdoor.
### Contractor or permanent employee?
Most recruiters and hiring managers immediately start searching for a full-time employee, even though they may have other options. If you’re looking to design, build, and implement a new DevOps environment, why not hire a senior person who has done this in the past? Consider hiring a senior contractor, along with a junior full-time hire. That way, you can tap the knowledge and experience of the contractor by having them work with the junior employee. Contractors can be expensive, but they bring invaluable knowledge—especially if the work can be done within a short timeframe.
### Cultivate from within
With so many companies competing for talent, it is difficult to find the right DevOps engineer. Not only will you need to pay top dollar to hire this person, but you must also consider that the search can take several months. However, since few companies are lucky enough to find the ideal DevOps engineer, consider searching for a candidate internally. You might be surprised at the talent you can cultivate from within your own organization.
via: https://opensource.com/article/18/3/how-hire-right-des-talentvop
作者:[Stanislav Ivaschenko][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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translating by yizhuoyan
How To Set Readonly File Permissions On Linux / Unix Web Server DocumentRoot
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
translating by ucasFL
How does gdb work?
Hello! Today I was working a bit on my [ruby stacktrace project][1] and I realized that now I know a couple of things about how gdb works internally.
Lately I’ve been using gdb to look at Ruby programs, so we’re going to be running gdb on a Ruby program. This really means the Ruby interpreter. First, we’re going to print out the address of a global variable: `ruby_current_thread`:
### getting a global variable
Here’s how to get the address of the global `ruby_current_thread`:
$ sudo gdb -p 2983
(gdb) p & ruby_current_thread
$2 = (rb_thread_t **) 0x5598a9a8f7f0 <ruby_current_thread>
There are a few places a variable can live: on the heap, the stack, or in your program’s text. Global variables are part of your program! You can think of them as being allocated at compile time, kind of. It turns out we can figure out the address of a global variable pretty easily! Let’s see how `gdb` came up with `0x5598a9a8f7f0`.
We can find the approximate region this variable lives in by looking at a cool file in `/proc` called `/proc/$pid/maps`.
$ sudo cat /proc/2983/maps | grep bin/ruby
5598a9605000-5598a9886000 r-xp 00000000 00:32 323508 /home/bork/.rbenv/versions/2.1.6/bin/ruby
5598a9a86000-5598a9a8b000 r--p 00281000 00:32 323508 /home/bork/.rbenv/versions/2.1.6/bin/ruby
5598a9a8b000-5598a9a8d000 rw-p 00286000 00:32 323508 /home/bork/.rbenv/versions/2.1.6/bin/ruby
So! There’s this starting address `5598a9605000` That’s _like_ `0x5598a9a8f7f0`, but different. How different? Well, here’s what I get when I subtract them:
(gdb) p/x 0x5598a9a8f7f0 - 0x5598a9605000
$4 = 0x48a7f0
“What’s that number?”, you might ask? WELL. Let’s look at the **symbol table**for our program with `nm`.
sudo nm /proc/2983/exe | grep ruby_current_thread
000000000048a7f0 b ruby_current_thread
What’s that we see? Could it be `0x48a7f0`? Yes it is! So!! If we want to find the address of a global variable in our program, all we need to do is look up the name of the variable in the symbol table, and then add that to the start of the range in `/proc/whatever/maps`, and we’re done!
So now we know how gdb does that. But gdb does so much more!! Let’s skip ahead to…
### dereferencing pointers
(gdb) p ruby_current_thread
$1 = (rb_thread_t *) 0x5598ab3235b0
The next thing we’re going to do is **dereference** that `ruby_current_thread`pointer. We want to see what’s in that address! To do that, gdb will run a bunch of system calls like this:
ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 2983, 0x5598a9a8f7f0, [0x5598ab3235b0]) = 0
You remember this address `0x5598a9a8f7f0`? gdb is asking “hey, what’s in that address exactly”? `2983` is the PID of the process we’re running gdb on. It’s using the `ptrace` system call which is how gdb does everything.
Awesome! So we can dereference memory and figure out what bytes are at what memory addresses. Some useful gdb commands to know here are `x/40w variable` and `x/40b variable` which will display 40 words / bytes at a given address, respectively.
### describing structs
The memory at an address looks like this. A bunch of bytes!
(gdb) x/40b ruby_current_thread
0x5598ab3235b0: 16 -90 55 -85 -104 85 0 0
0x5598ab3235b8: 32 47 50 -85 -104 85 0 0
0x5598ab3235c0: 16 -64 -55 115 -97 127 0 0
0x5598ab3235c8: 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0x5598ab3235d0: -96 -83 -39 115 -97 127 0 0
That’s useful, but not that useful! If you are a human like me and want to know what it MEANS, you need more. Like this:
(gdb) p *(ruby_current_thread)
$8 = {self = 94114195940880, vm = 0x5598ab322f20, stack = 0x7f9f73c9c010,
stack_size = 131072, cfp = 0x7f9f73d9ada0, safe_level = 0, raised_flag = 0,
last_status = 8, state = 0, waiting_fd = -1, passed_block = 0x0,
passed_bmethod_me = 0x0, passed_ci = 0x0, top_self = 94114195612680,
top_wrapper = 0, base_block = 0x0, root_lep = 0x0, root_svar = 8, thread_id =
GOODNESS. That is a lot more useful. How does gdb know that there are all these cool fields like `stack_size`? Enter DWARF. DWARF is a way to store extra debugging data about your program, so that debuggers like gdb can do their job better! It’s generally stored as part of a binary. If I run `dwarfdump` on my Ruby binary, I get some output like this:
(I’ve redacted it heavily to make it easier to understand)
DW_AT_name "rb_thread_struct"
DW_AT_byte_size 0x000003e8
DW_AT_name "self"
DW_AT_type <0x00000579>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 0
DW_AT_name "vm"
DW_AT_type <0x0000270c>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 8
DW_AT_name "stack"
DW_AT_type <0x000006b3>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 16
DW_AT_name "stack_size"
DW_AT_type <0x00000031>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 24
DW_AT_name "cfp"
DW_AT_type <0x00002712>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 32
DW_AT_name "safe_level"
DW_AT_type <0x00000066>
So. The name of the type of `ruby_current_thread` is `rb_thread_struct`. It has size `0x3e8` (or 1000 bytes), and it has a bunch of member items. `stack_size` is one of them, at an offset of 24, and it has type 31\. What’s 31? No worries! We can look that up in the DWARF info too!
< 1><0x00000031> DW_TAG_typedef
DW_AT_name "size_t"
DW_AT_type <0x0000003c>
< 1><0x0000003c> DW_TAG_base_type
DW_AT_byte_size 0x00000008
DW_AT_encoding DW_ATE_unsigned
DW_AT_name "long unsigned int"
So! `stack_size` has type `size_t`, which means `long unsigned int`, and is 8 bytes. That means that we can read the stack size!
How that would break down, once we have the DWARF debugging data, is:
1. Read the region of memory that `ruby_current_thread` is pointing to
2. Add 24 bytes to get to `stack_size`
3. Read 8 bytes (in little-endian format, since we’re on x86)
4. Get the answer!
Which in this case is 131072 or 128 kb.
To me, this makes it a lot more obvious what debugging info is **for** – if we didn’t have all this extra metadata about what all these variables meant, we would have no idea what the bytes at address `0x5598ab3235b0` meant.
This is also why you can install debug info for a program separately from your program – gdb doesn’t care where it gets the extra debug info from.
### DWARF is confusing
I’ve been reading a bunch of DWARF info recently. Right now I’m using libdwarf which hasn’t been the best experience – the API is confusing, you initialize everything in a weird way, and it’s really slow (it takes 0.3 seconds to read all the debugging data out of my Ruby program which seems ridiculous). I’ve been told that libdw from elfutils is better.
Also, I casually remarked that you can look at `DW_AT_data_member_location` to get the offset of a struct member! But I looked up on Stack Overflow how to actually do that and I got [this answer][2]. Basically you start with a check like:
dwarf_whatform(attrs[i], &form, &error);
if (form == DW_FORM_data1 || form == DW_FORM_data2
form == DW_FORM_data2 || form == DW_FORM_data4
form == DW_FORM_data8 || form == DW_FORM_udata) {
and then it keeps GOING. Why are there 8 million different `DW_FORM_data` things I need to check for? What is happening? I have no idea.
Anyway my impression is that DWARF is a large and complicated standard (and possibly the libraries people use to generate DWARF are subtly incompatible?), but it’s what we have, so that’s what we work with!
I think it’s really cool that I can write code that reads DWARF and my code actually mostly works. Except when it crashes. I’m working on that.
### unwinding stacktraces
In an earlier version of this post, I said that gdb unwinds stacktraces using libunwind. It turns out that this isn’t true at all!
Someone who’s worked on gdb a lot emailed me to say that they actually spent a ton of time figuring out how to unwind stacktraces so that they can do a better job than libunwind does. This means that if you get stopped in the middle of a weird program with less debug info than you might hope for that’s done something strange with its stack, gdb will try to figure out where you are anyway. Thanks <3
### other things gdb does
The few things I’ve described here (reading memory, understanding DWARF to show you structs) aren’t everything gdb does – just looking through Brendan Gregg’s [gdb example from yesterday][3], we see that gdb also knows how to
* disassemble assembly
* show you the contents of your registers
and in terms of manipulating your program, it can
* set breakpoints and step through a program
* modify memory (!! danger !!)
Knowing more about how gdb works makes me feel a lot more confident when using it! I used to get really confused because gdb kind of acts like a C REPL sometimes – you type `ruby_current_thread->cfp->iseq`, and it feels like writing C code! But you’re not really writing C at all, and it was easy for me to run into limitations in gdb and not understand why.
Knowing that it’s using DWARF to figure out the contents of the structs gives me a better mental model and have more correct expectations! Awesome.
via: https://jvns.ca/blog/2016/08/10/how-does-gdb-work/
作者:[ Julia Evans][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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How to create better documentation with a kanban board

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
Record and Share Terminal Session with Showterm

You can easily record your terminal sessions with virtually all screen recording programs. However, you are very likely to end up with an oversized video file. There are several terminal recorders available in Linux, each with its own strengths and weakness. Showterm is a tool that makes it pretty easy to record terminal sessions, upload them, share, and embed them in any web page. On the plus side, you don't end up with any huge file to deal with.
Showterm is open source, and the project can be found on this [GitHub page][1].
**Related** : [2 Simple Applications That Record Your Terminal Session as Video [Linux]][2]
### Installing Showterm for Linux
Showterm requires that you have Ruby installed on your computer. Here's how to go about installing the program.
gem install showterm
If you don't have Ruby installed on your Linux system:
sudo curl showterm.io/showterm > ~/bin/showterm
sudo chmod +x ~/bin/showterm
If you just want to run the application without installation:
bash <(curl record.showterm.io)
You can type `showterm --help` for the help screen. If a help page doesn't appear, showterm is probably not installed. Now that you have Showterm installed (or are running the standalone version), let us dive into using the tool to record.
**Related** : [How to Record Terminal Session in Ubuntu][3]
### Recording Terminal Session
![showterm terminal][4]
Recording a terminal session is pretty simple. From the command line run `showterm`. This should start the terminal recording in the background. All commands entered in the command line from hereon are recorded by Showterm. Once you are done recording, press Ctrl + D or type `exit` in the command line to stop your recording.
Showterm should upload your video and output a link to the video that looks like http://showterm.io/<long alpha-numeric characters>. It is rather unfortunate that terminal sessions are uploaded right away without any prompting. Don't panic! You can delete any uploaded recording by entering `showterm --delete <recording URL>`. Before uploading your recordings, you'll have the chance to change the timing by adding the `-e` option to the showterm command. If by any chance a recording fails to upload, you can use `showterm --retry <script> <times>` to force a retry.
When viewing your recordings, the timing of the video can also be controlled by appending "#slow," "#fast," or "#stop" to the URL. Slow makes the video run at normal speed; fast doubles the speed; and stop, as the name suggests, stops the video.
Showterm terminal recordings can easily be embedded in web pages via iframes. This can be achieved by adding the iframe source to the showterm video URL as shown below.
As an open source tool, Showterm allows for further customization. For instance, to run your own Showterm server, you need to run the command:
export SHOWTERM_SERVER=https://showterm.myorg.local/
so your client can communicate with it. Additional features can be added with little programming knowledge. The Showterm server project is available from this [GitHub page][1].
### Conclusion
In case you are thinking of sharing some command line tutorials with a colleague, be sure to remember Showterm. Showterm is text-based; hence, it will yield a relatively small-sized video compared to other screen recorders. The tool itself is pretty small in size - only a few kilobytes.
via: https://www.maketecheasier.com/record-terminal-session-showterm/
作者:[Bruno Edoh][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[2]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/record-terminal-session-as-video/ (2 Simple Applications That Record Your Terminal Session as Video [Linux])
[3]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/record-terminal-session-in-ubuntu/ (How to Record Terminal Session in Ubuntu)
[4]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/11/showterm-interface.png (showterm terminal)
[5]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/11/showterm-site.png (showtermio)
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translating by yizhuoyan
5 Tips to Improve Technical Writing for an International Audience

Writing in English for an international audience takes work; here are some handy tips to remember.[Creative Commons Zero][2]
Writing in English for an international audience does not necessarily put native English speakers in a better position. On the contrary, they tend to forget that the document's language might not be the first language of the audience. Let's have a look at the following simple sentence as an example: “Encrypt the password using the 'foo bar' command.”
Grammatically, the sentence is correct. Given that "-ing" forms (gerunds) are frequently used in the English language, most native speakers would probably not hesitate to phrase a sentence like this. However, on closer inspection, the sentence is ambiguous: The word “using” may refer either to the object (“the password”) or to the verb (“encrypt”). Thus, the sentence can be interpreted in two different ways:
* Encrypt the password that uses the 'foo bar' command.
* Encrypt the password by using the 'foo bar' command.
As long as you have previous knowledge about the topic (password encryption or the 'foo bar' command), you can resolve this ambiguity and correctly decide that the second reading is the intended meaning of this sentence. But what if you lack in-depth knowledge of the topic? What if you are not an expert but a translator with only general knowledge of the subject? Or, what if you are a non-native speaker of English who is unfamiliar with advanced grammatical forms?
### Know Your Audience
Even native English speakers may need some training to write clear and straightforward technical documentation. Raising awareness of usability and potential problems is the first step. This article, based on my talk at[ Open Source Summit EU][5], offers several useful techniques. Most of them are useful not only for technical documentation but also for everyday written communication, such as writing email or reports.
**1. Change perspective. **Step into your audience's shoes. Step one is to know your intended audience. If you are a developer writing for end users, view the product from their perspective. The [persona technique][6] can help to focus on the target audience and to provide the right level of detail for your readers.
**2\. Follow the KISS principle. **Keep it short and simple. The principle can be applied to several levels, like grammar, sentences, or words. Here are some examples:
_Words: _ Uncommon and long words slow down reading and might be obstacles for non-native speakers. Use simpler alternatives:
“utilize” → “use”
“indicate” → “show”, “tell”, “say”
“prerequisite” → “requirement”
_Grammar: _ Use the simplest tense that is appropriate. For example, use present tense when mentioning the result of an action: "Click _OK_ . The _Printer Options_ dialog appears.”
_Sentences: _ As a rule of thumb, present one idea in one sentence. However, restricting sentence length to a certain amount of words is not useful in my opinion. Short sentences are not automatically easy to understand (especially if they are a cluster of nouns). Sometimes, trimming down sentences to a certain word count can introduce ambiquities, which can, in turn, make sentences even more difficult to understand.
**3\. Beware of ambiguities. **As authors, we often do not notice ambiguity in a sentence. Having your texts reviewed by others can help identify such problems. If that's not an option, try to look at each sentence from different perspectives: Does the sentence also work for readers without in-depth knowledge of the topic? Does it work for readers with limited language skills? Is the grammatical relationship between all sentence parts clear? If the sentence does not meet these requirements, rephrase it to resolve the ambiguity.
**4\. Be consistent. **This applies to choice of words, spelling, and punctuation as well as phrases and structure. For lists, use parallel grammatical construction. For example:
Why white space is important:
* It focuses attention.
* It visually separates sections.
* It splits content into chunks.
**5\. Remove redundant content.** Keep only information that is relevant for your target audience. On a sentence level, avoid fillers (basically, easily) and unnecessary modifications:
"already existing" → "existing"
"completely new" → "new"
As you might have guessed by now, writing is rewriting. Good writing requires effort and practice. But even if you write only occasionally, you can significantly improve your texts by focusing on the target audience and by using basic writing techniques. The better the readability of a text, the easier it is to process, even for an audience with varying language skills. When it comes to localization especially, good quality of the source text is important: Garbage in, garbage out. If the original text has deficiencies, it will take longer to translate the text, resulting in higher costs. In the worst case, the flaws will be multiplied during translation and need to be corrected in various languages.

Tanja Roth, Technical Documentation Specialist at SUSE Linux GmbH[Used with permission][1]
_Driven by an interest in both language and technology, Tanja has been working as a technical writer in mechanical engineering, medical technology, and IT for many years. She joined SUSE in 2005 and contributes to a wide range of product and project documentation, including High Availability and Cloud topics._
via: https://www.linux.com/blog/event/open-source-summit-eu/2017/12/technical-writing-international-audience?sf175396579=1
作者:[TANJA ROTH ][a]
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Translating by qhwdw
Concurrent Servers: Part 5 - Redis case study
This is part 5 in a series of posts on writing concurrent network servers. After discussing techniques for constructing concurrent servers in parts 1-4, this time we're going to do a case study of an existing production-quality server - [Redis][10].

Redis is a fascinating project and I've been following it with interest for a while now. One of the things I admire most about Redis is the clarity of its C source code. It also happens to be a great example of a high-performance concurrent in-memory database server, so the opportunity to use it as a case study for this series was too good to ignore.
Let's see how the ideas discussed in parts 1-4 apply to a real-world application.
All posts in the series:
* [Part 1 - Introduction][3]
* [Part 2 - Threads][4]
* [Part 3 - Event-driven][5]
* [Part 4 - libuv][6]
* [Part 5 - Redis case study][7]
### Event-handling library
One of Redis's main claims to fame around the time of its original release in 2009 was its speed - the sheer number of concurrent client connections the server could handle. It was especially notable that Redis did this all in a single thread, without any complex locking and synchronization schemes on the data stored in memory.
This feat was achieved by Redis's own implementation of an event-driven library which is wrapping the fastest event loop available on a system (epoll for Linux, kqueue for BSD and so on). This library is called [ae][11]. ae makes it possible to write a fast server as long as none of the internals are blocking, which Redis goes to great lengths to guarantee [[1]][12].
What mainly interests us here is ae's support of file events - registering callbacks to be invoked when file descriptors (like network sockets) have something interesting pending. Like libuv, ae supports multiple event loops and - having read parts 3 and 4 in this series - the signature of aeCreateFileEvent shouldn't be surprising:
int aeCreateFileEvent(aeEventLoop *eventLoop, int fd, int mask,
aeFileProc *proc, void *clientData);
It registers a callback (proc) for new file events on fd, with the given event loop. When using epoll, it will call epoll_ctl to add an event on the file descriptor (either EPOLLIN, EPOLLOUT or both, depending on the mask parameter). ae's aeProcessEvents is the "run the event loop and dispatch callbacks" function, and it calls epoll_wait under the hood.
### Handling client requests
Let's trace through the Redis server code to see how ae is used to register callbacks for client events. initServer starts it by registering a callback for read events on the socket(s) being listened to, by calling aeCreateFileEvent with the callback acceptTcpHandler. This callback is invoked when new client connections are available. It calls accept [[2]][13] and then acceptCommonHandler, which in turn calls createClient to initialize the data structures required to track a new client connection.
createClient's job is to start listening for data coming in from the client. It sets the socket to non-blocking mode (a key ingredient in an asynchronous event loop) and registers another file event callback with aeCreateFileEvent - for read events - readQueryFromClient. This function will be invoked by the event loop every time the client sends some data.
readQueryFromClient does just what we'd expect - parses the client's command and acts on it by querying and/or manipulating data and sending a reply back. Since the client socket is non-blocking, this function has to be able to handle EAGAIN, as well as partial data; data read from the client is accumulated in a client-specific buffer, and the full query may be split across multiple invocations of the callback.
### Sending data back to clients
In the previous paragraph I said that readQueryFromClient ends up sending replies back to clients. This is logically true, because readQueryFromClient prepares the reply to be sent, but it doesn't actually do the physical sending - since there's no guarantee the client socket is ready for writing/sending data. We have to use the event loop machinery for that.
The way Redis does this is by registering a beforeSleep function to be called every time the event loop is about to go sleeping waiting for sockets to become available for reading/writing. One of the things beforeSleep does is call handleClientsWithPendingWrites. This function tries to send all available replies immediately by calling writeToClient; if some of the sockets are unavailable, it registers an event-loop callback to invoke sendReplyToClient when the socket is ready. This can be seen as a kind of optimization - if the socket is immediately ready for sending (which often is the case for TCP sockets), there's no need to register the event - just send the data. Since sockets are non-blocking, this never actually blocks the loop.
### Why does Redis roll its own event library?
In [part 4][14] we've discussed building asynchronous concurrent servers using libuv. It's interesting to ponder the fact that Redis doesn't use libuv, or any similar event library, and instead implements its own - ae, including wrappers for epoll, kqueue and select. In fact, antirez (Redis's creator) answered precisely this question [in a blog post in 2011][15]. The gist of his answer: ae is ~770 lines of code he intimately understands; libuv is huge, without providing additional functionality Redis needs.
Today, ae has grown to ~1300 lines, which is still trivial compared to libuv's 26K (this is without Windows, test, samples, docs). libuv is a far more general library, which makes it more complex and more difficult to adapt to the particular needs of another project; ae, on the other hand, was designed for Redis, co-evolved with Redis and contains only what Redis needs.
This is another great example of the dependencies in software projects formula I mentioned [in a post earlier this year][16]:
> The benefit of dependencies is inversely proportional to the amount of effort spent on a software project.
antirez referred to this, to some extent, in his post. He mentioned that dependencies that provide a lot of added value ("foundational" dependencies in my post) make more sense (jemalloc and Lua are his examples) than dependencies like libuv, whose functionality is fairly easy to implement for the particular needs of Redis.
### Multi-threading in Redis
[For the vast majority of its history][17], Redis has been a purely single-threaded affair. Some people find this surprising, but it makes total sense with a bit of thought. Redis is inherently network-bound - as long as the database size is reasonable, for any given client request, much more time is spent waiting on the network than inside Redis's data structures.
These days, however, things are not quite that simple. There are several new capabilities in Redis that use threads:
1. "Lazy" [freeing of memory][8].
2. Writing a [persistence journal][9] with fsync calls in a background thread.
3. Running user-defined modules that need to perform a long-running operation.
For the first two features, Redis uses its own simple bio library (the acronym stands for "Background I/O"). The library is hard-coded for Redis's needs and can't be used outside it - it runs a pre-set number of threads, one per background job type Redis needs.
For the third feature, [Redis modules][18] could define new Redis commands, and thus are held to the same standards as regular Redis commands, including not blocking the main thread. If a custom Redis command defined in a module wants to perform a long-running operation, it has to spin up a thread to run it in the background. src/modules/helloblock.c in the Redis tree provides an example.
With these features, Redis combines an event loop with threading to get both speed in the common case and flexibility in the general case, similarly to the work queue discussion in [part 4][19] of this series.
| [[1]][1] | A core aspect of Redis is its being an _in-memory_ database; therefore, queries should never take too long to execute. There are all kinds of complications, however. In case of partitioning, a server may end up routing the request to another instance; in this case async I/O is used to avoid blocking other clients. |
| [[2]][2] | Through anetAccept; anet is Redis's wrapper for TCP socket code. |
via: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2017/concurrent-servers-part-5-redis-case-study/
作者:[Eli Bendersky][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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translating by ucasFL
How does gdb call functions?
(previous gdb posts: [how does gdb work? (2016)][4] and [three things you can do with gdb (2014)][5])
I discovered this week that you can call C functions from gdb! I thought this was cool because I’d previously thought of gdb as mostly a read-only debugging tool.
I was really surprised by that (how does that WORK??). As I often do, I asked [on Twitter][6] how that even works, and I got a lot of really useful answers! My favorite answer was [Evan Klitzke’s example C code][7] showing a way to do it. Code that _works_ is very exciting!
I believe (through some stracing & experiments) that that example C code is different from how gdb actually calls functions, so I’ll talk about what I’ve figured out about what gdb does in this post and how I’ve figured it out.
There is a lot I still don’t know about how gdb calls functions, and very likely some things in here are wrong.
### What does it mean to call a C function from gdb?
Before I get into how this works, let’s talk quickly about why I found it surprising / nonobvious.
So, you have a running C program (the “target program”). You want to run a function from it. To do that, you need to basically:
* pause the program (because it is already running code!)
* find the address of the function you want to call (using the symbol table)
* convince the program (the “target program”) to jump to that address
* when the function returns, restore the instruction pointer and registers to what they were before
Using the symbol table to figure out the address of the function you want to call is pretty straightforward – here’s some sketchy (but working!) Rust code that I’ve been using on Linux to do that. This code uses the [elf crate][8]. If I wanted to find the address of the `foo` function in PID 2345, I’d run `elf_symbol_value("/proc/2345/exe", "foo")`.
fn elf_symbol_value(file_name: &str, symbol_name: &str) -> Result<u64, Box<std::error::Error>> {
// open the ELF file
let file = elf::File::open_path(file_name).ok().ok_or("parse error")?;
// loop over all the sections & symbols until you find the right one!
let sections = &file.sections;
for s in sections {
for sym in file.get_symbols(&s).ok().ok_or("parse error")? {
if sym.name == symbol_name {
return Ok(sym.value);
None.ok_or("No symbol found")?
This won’t totally work on its own, you also need to look at the memory maps of the file and add the symbol offset to the start of the place that file is mapped. But finding the memory maps isn’t so hard, they’re in `/proc/PID/maps`.
Anyway, this is all to say that finding the address of the function to call seemed straightforward to me but that the rest of it (change the instruction pointer? restore the registers? what else?) didn’t seem so obvious!
### You can’t just jump
I kind of said this already but – you can’t just find the address of the function you want to run and then jump to that address. I tried that in gdb (`jump foo`) and the program segfaulted. Makes sense!
### How you can call C functions from gdb
First, let’s see that this is possible. I wrote a tiny C program that sleeps for 1000 seconds and called it `test.c`:
#include <unistd.h>
int foo() {
return 3;
int main() {
Next, compile and run it:
$ gcc -o test test.c
$ ./test
Finally, let’s attach to the `test` program with gdb:
$ sudo gdb -p $(pgrep -f test)
(gdb) p foo()
$1 = 3
(gdb) quit
So I ran `p foo()` and it ran the function! That’s fun.
### Why is this useful?
a few possible uses for this:
* it lets you treat gdb a little bit like a C REPL, which is fun and I imagine could be useful for development
* utility functions to display / navigate complex data structures quickly while debugging in gdb (thanks [@invalidop][1])
* [set an arbitrary process’s namespace while it’s running][2] (featuring a not-so-surprising appearance from my colleague [nelhage][3]!)
* probably more that I don’t know about
### How it works
I got a variety of useful answers on Twitter when I asked how calling functions from gdb works! A lot of them were like “well you get the address of the function from the symbol table” but that is not the whole story!!
One person pointed me to this nice 2 part series on how gdb works that they’d written: [Debugging with the natives, part 1][9] and [Debugging with the natives, part 2][10]. Part 1 explains approximately how calling functions works (or could work – figuring out what gdb **actually** does isn’t trivial, but I’ll try my best!).
The steps outlined there are:
1. Stop the process
2. Create a new stack frame (far away from the actual stack)
3. Save all the registers
4. Set the registers to the arguments you want to call your function with
5. Set the stack pointer to the new stack frame
6. Put a trap instruction somewhere in memory
7. Set the return address to that trap instruction
8. Set the instruction pointer register to the address of the function you want to call
9. Start the process again!
I’m not going to go through how gdb does all of these (I don’t know!) but here are a few things I’ve learned about the various pieces this evening.
**Create a stack frame**
If you’re going to run a C function, most likely it needs a stack to store variables on! You definitely don’t want it to clobber your current stack. Concretely – before gdb calls your function (by setting the instruction pointer to it and letting it go), it needs to set the **stack pointer** to… something.
There was some speculation on Twitter about how this works:
> i think it constructs a new stack frame for the call right on top of the stack where you’re sitting!
> Are you certain it does that? It could allocate a pseudo stack, then temporarily change sp value to that location. You could try, put a breakpoint there and look at the sp register address, see if it’s contiguous to your current program register?
I did an experiment where (inside gdb) I ran:`
(gdb) p $rsp
$7 = (void *) 0x7ffea3d0bca8
(gdb) break foo
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40052a
(gdb) p foo()
Breakpoint 1, 0x000000000040052a in foo ()
(gdb) p $rsp
$8 = (void *) 0x7ffea3d0bc00
This seems in line with the “gdb constructs a new stack frame for the call right on top of the stack where you’re sitting” theory, since the stack pointer (`$rsp`) goes from being `...bca8` to `..bc00` – stack pointers grow downward, so a `bc00`stack pointer is **after** a `bca8` pointer. Interesting!
So it seems like gdb just creates the new stack frames right where you are. That’s a bit surprising to me!
**change the instruction pointer**
Let’s see whether gdb changes the instruction pointer!
(gdb) p $rip
$1 = (void (*)()) 0x7fae7d29a2f0 <__nanosleep_nocancel+7>
(gdb) b foo
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40052a
(gdb) p foo()
Breakpoint 1, 0x000000000040052a in foo ()
(gdb) p $rip
$3 = (void (*)()) 0x40052a <foo+4>
It does! The instruction pointer changes from `0x7fae7d29a2f0` to `0x40052a` (the address of the `foo` function).
I stared at the strace output and I still don’t understand **how** it changes, but that’s okay.
**aside: how breakpoints are set!!**
Above I wrote `break foo`. I straced gdb while running all of this and understood almost nothing but I found ONE THING that makes sense to me!!
Here are some of the system calls that gdb uses to set a breakpoint. It’s really simple! It replaces one instruction with `cc` (which [https://defuse.ca/online-x86-assembler.htm][11] tells me means `int3` which means `send SIGTRAP`), and then once the program is interrupted, it puts the instruction back the way it was.
I was putting a breakpoint on a function `foo` with the address `0x400528`.
This `PTRACE_POKEDATA` is how gdb changes the code of running programs.
// change the 0x400528 instructions
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 25618, 0x400528, [0x5d00000003b8e589]) = 0
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 25618, 0x400528, 0x5d00000003cce589) = 0
// start the program running
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 25618, 0x1, SIG_0) = 0
// get a signal when it hits the breakpoint
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, 25618, NULL, {si_signo=SIGTRAP, si_code=SI_KERNEL, si_value={int=-1447215360, ptr=0x7ffda9bd3f00}}) = 0
// change the 0x400528 instructions back to what they were before
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 25618, 0x400528, [0x5d00000003cce589]) = 0
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 25618, 0x400528, 0x5d00000003b8e589) = 0
**put a trap instruction somewhere**
When gdb runs a function, it **also** puts trap instructions in a bunch of places! Here’s one of them (per strace). It’s basically replacing one instruction with `cc` (`int3`).
5908 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 5810, 0x7f6fa7c0b260, [0x48f389fd89485355]) = 0
5908 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 5810, 0x7f6fa7c0b260, [0x48f389fd89485355]) = 0
5908 ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 5810, 0x7f6fa7c0b260, 0x48f389fd894853cc) = 0
What’s `0x7f6fa7c0b260`? Well, I looked in the process’s memory maps, and it turns it’s somewhere in `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so`. That’s weird! Why is gdb putting trap instructions in libc?
Well, let’s see what function that’s in. It turns out it’s `__libc_siglongjmp`. The other functions gdb is putting traps in are `__longjmp`, `____longjmp_chk`, `dl_main`, and `_dl_close_worker`.
Why? I don’t know! Maybe for some reason when our function `foo()` returns, it’s calling `longjmp`, and that is how gdb gets control back? I’m not sure.
### how gdb calls functions is complicated!
I’m going to stop there (it’s 1am!), but now I know a little more!
It seems like the answer to “how does gdb call a function?” is definitely not that simple. I found it interesting to try to figure a little bit of it out and hopefully you have too!
I still have a lot of unanswered questions about how exactly gdb does all of these things, but that’s okay. I don’t really need to know the details of how this works and I’m happy to have a slightly improved understanding.
via: https://jvns.ca/blog/2018/01/04/how-does-gdb-call-functions/
作者:[Julia Evans ][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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How to format academic papers on Linux with groff -me
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leemeans translating
How to block local spoofed addresses using the Linux firewall
sources/tech/20180301 Linux LAN Routing for Beginners- Part 2.md
Normal file
sources/tech/20180301 Linux LAN Routing for Beginners- Part 2.md
Normal file
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Linux LAN Routing for Beginners: Part 2

Last week [we reviewed IPv4 addressing][1] and using the network admin's indispensible ipcalc tool: Now we're going to make some nice LAN routers.
VirtualBox and KVM are wonderful for testing routing, and the examples in this article are all performed in KVM. If you prefer to use physical hardware, then you need three computers: one to act as the router, and the other two to represent two different networks. You also need two Ethernet switches and cabling.
The examples assume a wired Ethernet LAN, and we shall pretend there are some bridged wireless access points for a realistic scenario, although we're not going to do anything with them. (I have not yet tried all-WiFi routing and have had mixed success with connecting a mobile broadband device to an Ethernet LAN, so look for those in a future installment.)
### Network Segments
The simplest network segment is two computers in the same address space connected to the same switch. These two computers do not need a router to communicate with each other. A useful term is _broadcast domain_ , which describes a group of hosts that are all in the same network. They may be all connected to a single Ethernet switch, or multiple switches. A broadcast domain may include two different networks connected by an Ethernet bridge, which makes the two networks behave as a single network. Wireless access points are typically bridged to a wired Ethernetwork.
A broadcast domain can talk to a different broadcast domain only when they are connected by a network router.
### Simple Network
The following example commands are not persistent, and your changes will vanish with a restart.
A broadcast domain needs a router to talk to other broadcast domains. Let's illustrate this with two computers and the `ip` command. Our two computers are and, and they are plugged into the same Ethernet switch. In VirtualBox or KVM, you automatically create a virtual switch when you configure a new network, so when you assign a network to a virtual machine it's like plugging it into a switch. Use `ip addr show` to see your addresses and network interface names. The two hosts can ping each other.
Now add an address in a different network to one of the hosts:
# ip addr add dev ens3
You have to specify the network interface name, which in the example is ens3. It is not required to add the network prefix, in this case /24, but it never hurts to be explicit. Check your work with `ip`. The example output is trimmed for clarity:
$ ip addr show
inet brd scope global dynamic ens3
valid_lft 875sec preferred_lft 875sec
inet scope global ens3
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
The host at can ping itself (`ping`), and that is a good basic test to verify that your configuration is working correctly, but the second computer can't ping that address.
Now we need to do bit of network juggling. Start by adding a third host to act as the router. This needs two virtual network interfaces and a second virtual network. In real life you want your router to have static IP addresses, but for now we'll let the KVM DHCP server do the work of assigning addresses, so you only need these two virtual networks:
* First network:
* Second network:
Then your router must be configured to forward packets. Packet forwarding should be disabled by default, which you can check with `sysctl`:
$ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
The zero means it is disabled. Enable it with this command:
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Then configure one of your other hosts to play the part of the second network by assigning the virtual network to it in place of the network, and then reboot the two "network" hosts, but not the router. (Or restart networking; I'm old and lazy and don't care what weird commands are required to restart services when I can just reboot.) The addressing should look something like this:
* Host 1:
* Host 2:
* Router: and
Now go on a ping frenzy, and ping everyone from everyone. There are some quirks with virtual machines and the various Linux distributions that produce inconsistent results, so some pings will succeed and some will not. Not succeeding is good, because it means you get to practice creating a static route. First, view the existing routing tables. The first example is from Host 1, and the second is from the router:
$ ip route show
default via dev ens3 proto static metric 100
|||| dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src metric 100
$ ip route show
default via dev ens3 proto static metric 100
default via dev ens3 proto static metric 101
|||| dev ens3 scope link metric 1000
|||| dev ens3 proto kernel scope link
src metric 100
|||| dev ens9 proto kernel scope link
src metric 100
This shows us that the default routes are the ones assigned by KVM. The 169.* address is the automatic link local address, and we can ignore it. Then we see two more routes, the two that belong to our router. You can have multiple routes, and this example shows how to add a non-default route to Host 1:
# ip route add via dev ens3
This means Host 1 can access the network via the router interface See how it works? Host 1 and the router need to be in the same address space to connect, then the router forwards to the other network.
This command deletes a route:
# ip route del
In real life, you're not going to be setting up routes manually like this, but rather using a router daemon and advertising your router via DHCP but understanding the fundamentals is key. Come back next week to learn how to set up a nice easy router daemon that does the work for you.
Learn more about Linux through the free ["Introduction to Linux" ][2]course from The Linux Foundation and edX.
via: https://www.linux.com/learn/intro-to-linux/2018/3/linux-lan-routing-beginners-part-2
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translated/tech/20160810 How does gdb work.md
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translated/tech/20160810 How does gdb work.md
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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
gdb 如何工作?
大家好!今天,我开始进行我的 [ruby 堆栈跟踪项目][1],我意识到,我现在了解了一些关于 gdb 内部如何工作的内容。
最近,我使用 gdb 来查看我的 Ruby 程序,所以,我们将对一个 Ruby 程序运行 gdb 。它实际上就是一个 Ruby 解释器。首先,我们需要打印出一个全局变量的地址:`ruby_current_thread`。
### 获取全局变量
下面展示了如何获取全局变量 `ruby_current_thread` 的地址:
$ sudo gdb -p 2983
(gdb) p & ruby_current_thread
$2 = (rb_thread_t **) 0x5598a9a8f7f0 <ruby_current_thread>
变量能够位于的地方有堆、栈或者程序的文本段。全局变量也是程序的一部分。某种程度上,你可以把它们想象成是在编译的时候分配的。因此,我们可以很容易的找出全局变量的地址。让我们来看看,gdb 是如何找出 `0x5598a9a87f0` 这个地址的。
我们可以通过查看位于 `/proc` 目录下一个叫做 `/proc/$pid/maps` 的文件,来找到这个变量所位于的大致区域。
$ sudo cat /proc/2983/maps | grep bin/ruby
5598a9605000-5598a9886000 r-xp 00000000 00:32 323508 /home/bork/.rbenv/versions/2.1.6/bin/ruby
5598a9a86000-5598a9a8b000 r--p 00281000 00:32 323508 /home/bork/.rbenv/versions/2.1.6/bin/ruby
5598a9a8b000-5598a9a8d000 rw-p 00286000 00:32 323508 /home/bork/.rbenv/versions/2.1.6/bin/ruby
所以,我们看到,起始地址 `5598a9605000` 和 `0x5598a9a8f7f0` 很像,但并不一样。哪里不一样呢,我们把两个数相减,看看结果是多少:
(gdb) p/x 0x5598a9a8f7f0 - 0x5598a9605000
$4 = 0x48a7f0
你可能会问,这个数是什么?让我们使用 `nm` 来查看一下程序的符号表。
sudo nm /proc/2983/exe | grep ruby_current_thread
000000000048a7f0 b ruby_current_thread
我们看到了什么?能够看到 `0x48a7f0` 吗?是的,没错。所以,如果我们想找到程序中一个全局变量的地址,那么只需在符号表中查找变量的名字,然后再加上在 `/proc/whatever/maps` 中的起始地址,就得到了。
所以现在,我们知道 gdb 做了什么。但是,gdb 实际做的事情更多,让我们跳过直接转到…
### 解引用指针
(gdb) p ruby_current_thread
$1 = (rb_thread_t *) 0x5598ab3235b0
我们要做的下一件事就是解引用 `ruby_current_thread` 这一指针。我们想看一下它所指向的地址。为了完成这件事,gdb 会运行大量系统调用比如:
ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 2983, 0x5598a9a8f7f0, [0x5598ab3235b0]) = 0
你是否还记得 `0x5598a9a8f7f0` 这个地址?gdb 会问:“嘿,在这个地址中的实际内容是什么?”。`2983` 是我们运行 gdb 这个进程的 ID。gdb 使用 `ptrace` 这一系统调用来完成这一件事。
好极了!因此,我们可以解引用内存并找出内存地址中存储的内容。一些有用的 gdb 命令能够分别知道 `x/40w` 和 `x/40b` 这两个变量哪一个会在给定地址展示 40 个字/字节。
### 描述结构
(gdb) x/40b ruby_current_thread
0x5598ab3235b0: 16 -90 55 -85 -104 85 0 0
0x5598ab3235b8: 32 47 50 -85 -104 85 0 0
0x5598ab3235c0: 16 -64 -55 115 -97 127 0 0
0x5598ab3235c8: 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
0x5598ab3235d0: -96 -83 -39 115 -97 127 0 0
(gdb) p *(ruby_current_thread)
$8 = {self = 94114195940880, vm = 0x5598ab322f20, stack = 0x7f9f73c9c010,
stack_size = 131072, cfp = 0x7f9f73d9ada0, safe_level = 0, raised_flag = 0,
last_status = 8, state = 0, waiting_fd = -1, passed_block = 0x0,
passed_bmethod_me = 0x0, passed_ci = 0x0, top_self = 94114195612680,
top_wrapper = 0, base_block = 0x0, root_lep = 0x0, root_svar = 8, thread_id =
太好了。现在就更加有用了。gdb 是如何知道这些所有域的,比如 `stack_size` ?输入 `DWARF`。`DWARF` 是存储额外程序调试数据的一种方式,从而调试器比如 gdb 能够更好的工作。它通常存储为一部分二进制。如果我对我的 Ruby 二进制文件运行 `dwarfdump` 命令,那么我将会得到下面的输出:
DW_AT_name "rb_thread_struct"
DW_AT_byte_size 0x000003e8
DW_AT_name "self"
DW_AT_type <0x00000579>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 0
DW_AT_name "vm"
DW_AT_type <0x0000270c>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 8
DW_AT_name "stack"
DW_AT_type <0x000006b3>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 16
DW_AT_name "stack_size"
DW_AT_type <0x00000031>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 24
DW_AT_name "cfp"
DW_AT_type <0x00002712>
DW_AT_data_member_location DW_OP_plus_uconst 32
DW_AT_name "safe_level"
DW_AT_type <0x00000066>
所以,`ruby_current_thread` 的类型名为 `rb_thread_struct`,它的大小为 0x3e8 (或 1000 字节),它有许多成员项,`stack_size` 是其中之一,在偏移为 24 的地方,它有类型 `31\` 。`31` 是什么?不用担心,我们也可以在 DWARF 信息中查看。
< 1><0x00000031> DW_TAG_typedef
DW_AT_name "size_t"
DW_AT_type <0x0000003c>
< 1><0x0000003c> DW_TAG_base_type
DW_AT_byte_size 0x00000008
DW_AT_encoding DW_ATE_unsigned
DW_AT_name "long unsigned int"
所以,`stack_size` 具有类型 `size_t`,即 `long unsigned int`,它是 8 字节的。这意味着我们可以查看栈大小。
如果我们有了 DWARF 调试数据,该如何分解:
1. 查看 `ruby_current_thread` 所指向的内存区域
2. 加上 24 字节来得到 `stack_size`
3. 读 8 字节(以小端的格式,因为是在 x86 上)
4. 得到答案!
在上面这个例子中是 131072 或 128 kb 。
对我来说,这使得调试信息的用途更加明显。如果我们不知道这些所有变量所表示的额外元数据,那么我们无法知道在 `0x5598ab325b0` 这一地址的字节是什么。
这就是为什么你可以从你的程序中单独安装一个程序的调试信息,因为 gdb 并不关心从何处获取额外的调试信息。
### DWARF 很迷惑
我最近阅读了大量的 DWARF 信息。现在,我使用 libdwarf,使用体验不是很好,这个 API 很令人迷惑,你将以一种奇怪的方式初始化所有东西,它真的很慢(需要花费 0.3 s 的时间来读取我的 Ruby 程序的所有调试信息,这真是可笑)。有人告诉我,libdw 比 elfutils 要好一些。
同样,你可以查看 `DW_AT_data_member_location` 来查看结构成员的偏移。我在 Stack Overflow 上查找如何完成这件事,并且得到[这个答案][2]。基本上,以下面这样一个检查开始:
dwarf_whatform(attrs[i], &form, &error);
if (form == DW_FORM_data1 || form == DW_FORM_data2
form == DW_FORM_data2 || form == DW_FORM_data4
form == DW_FORM_data8 || form == DW_FORM_udata) {
继续往前。为什么会有 800 万种不同的 `DW_FORM_data` 需要检查?发生了什么?我没有头绪。
不管怎么说,我的印象是,DWARF 是一个庞大而复杂的标准(可能是人们用来生成 DWARF 的库不匹配),但是这是我们所拥有的,所以我们只能用它来工作。
我能够编写代码并查看 DWARF 并且我的代码实际上大多数能够工作,这就很酷了,除了程序崩溃的时候。我就是这样工作的。
### 展开栈路径
在这篇文章的早期版本中,我说过,gdb 使用 libunwind 来展开栈路径,这样说并不总是对的。
有一位对 gdb 有深入研究的人发了大量邮件告诉我,他们花费了大量时间来尝试如何展开栈路径从而能够做得比 libunwind 更好。这意味着,如果你在程序的一个奇怪的中间位置停下来了,你所能够获取的调试信息又很少,那么你可以对栈做一些奇怪的事情,gdb 会尝试找出你位于何处。
### gdb 能做的其他事
我在这儿所描述的一些事请(查看内存,理解 DWARF 所展示的结构)并不是 gdb 能够做的全部事情。阅读 Brendan Gregg 的[昔日 gdb 例子][3],我们可以知道,gdb 也能够完成下面这些事情:
* 反汇编
* 查看寄存器内容
* 设置断点,单步运行程序
* 修改内存(这是一个危险行为)
了解 gdb 如何工作使得当我使用它的时候更加自信。我过去经常感到迷惑,因为 gdb 有点像 C,当你输入 `ruby_current_thread->cfp->iseq`,就好像是在写 C 代码。但是你并不是在写 C 代码。我很容易遇到 gdb 的限制,不知道为什么。
知道使用 DWARF 来找出结构内容给了我一个更好的心理模型和更加正确的期望!这真是极好的!
via: https://jvns.ca/blog/2016/08/10/how-does-gdb-work/
作者:[Julia Evans][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
我的 Linux 主目录中的隐藏文件是干什么用的?

在你的 Linux 系统中,你可能会在主目录中存储大量文件和文件夹。但在这些文件下面,你知道你的主目录还附带了很多隐藏的文件和文件夹吗?如果你在主目录中运行 `ls -a`,你会发现一堆带有点前缀的隐藏文件和目录。这些隐藏的文件到底做了什么?
### 在主目录中隐藏的文件是干什么用的?
依赖该隐藏文件的程序通常会重新创建它。 但是,你将从“开箱即用”设置开始,如全新用户。如果你在使用应用程序时遇到问题,那实际上可能是一个巨大的帮助。它可以让你删除可能造成麻烦的自定义设置。但如果你不这样做,这意味着你需要把所有的东西都设置成原来的样子。
### 主目录中某些隐藏文件的特定用途是什么?
### 系统设置
系统设置包括桌面环境和 shell 的配置。
* 你的 shell 和命令行程序的**配置文件:**根据你使用的特定 shell 和类似命令的应用程序,特定的文件名称会变化。你会看到 ".bashrc"、".vimrc" 和 ".zshrc"。这些文件包含你已经更改的有关 shell 的操作环境的任何设置,或者对 `vim` 等命令行实用工具的设置进行了调整。删除这些文件将使关联的应用程序返回到其默认状态。考虑到许多 Linux 用户多年来建立了一系列微妙的调整和设置,删除这个文件可能是一个非常头疼的问题。
* **用户配置文件:**像上面的配置文件一样,这些文件(通常是 ".profile" 或 ".bash_profile")保存 shell 的用户设置。该文件通常包含你的 PATH。(译注: PATH 是环境变量)它还包含你设置的[别名][3]。用户也可以在 `.bashrc` 或其他位置放置别名。PATH 控制着 shell 寻找可执行命令的位置。通过添加或修改 PATH,可以更改 shell 的命令查找位置。别名更改了原有命令的名称。例如:一个别名可能将 `ls -l` 设置为 `ll`。这为经常使用的命令提供基于文本的快捷方式。如果删除 `.profile` 文件,通常可以在 "/etc/skel" 目录中找到默认版本。
* **桌面环境设置:**这里保存你的桌面环境的任何定制。其中包括桌面背景,屏幕保护程序,快捷键,菜单栏和任务栏图标以及用户针对其桌面环境设置的其他任何内容。当你删除这个文件时,用户的环境会在下一次登录时恢复到新的用户环境。
### 应用配置文件
你会在 Ubuntu 的 ".config" 文件夹中找到它们。 这些是针对特定应用程序的设置。 它们将包含喜好列表和设置等内容。
* **应用程序的配置文件:**这包括应用程序首选项菜单中的设置,工作区配置等。 你在这里找到的具体取决于父应用程序。
* **Web浏览器数据:**这可能包括书签和浏览历史记录等内容。大部分文件构成缓存。这是 Web 浏览器临时存储下载文件(如图片)的地方。删除这些内容可能会降低你首次访问某些媒体网站的速度。
* **缓存:**如果用户应用程序缓存仅与该用户相关的数据(如 [Spotify 应用程序存储播放列表的缓存][4]),则主目录是存储该目录的默认地点。 这些缓存可能包含大量数据或仅包含几行代码:这取决于父应用程序需要什么。 如果你删除这些文件,则应用程序会根据需要重新创建它们。
* **日志:**一些用户应用程序也可能在这里存储日志。根据开发人员设置应用程序的方式,你可能会发现存储在你的主目录中的日志文件。然而,这不是一个常见的选择。
### 结论
在大多数情况下,你的 Linux 主目录中的隐藏文件用于存储用户设置。 这包括命令行程序以及基于 GUI 的应用程序的设置。删除它们将删除用户设置。 通常情况下,它不会导致程序中断。
via: https://www.maketecheasier.com/hidden-files-linux-home-directory/
作者:[Alexander Fox][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[1]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/06/hidden-files-liunux-2.png (hidden-files-liunux-2)
[2]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/06/hidden-files-linux-3.png (hidden-files-linux-3)
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
使用 Showterm 录制和共享终端会话

你可以使用几乎所有的屏幕录制程序轻松录制终端会话。但是,你很可能会得到超大的视频文件。Linux 中有几种终端录制程序,每种录制程序都有自己的优点和缺点。Showterm 是一个可以非常容易地记录终端会话,上传,共享,并将它们嵌入到任何网页中。一个优点是,你不会有巨大的文件来处理。
Showterm 是开源的,该项目可以在这个[ GitHub 页面][1]上找到。
**相关**:[2 个简单的将你的终端会话录制为视频的 Linux 程序][2]
### 在 Linux 中安装 Showterm
Showterm 要求你在计算机上安装了 Ruby。以下是如何安装该程序。
gem install showterm
如果你没有在 Linux 上安装 Ruby:
sudo curl showterm.io/showterm > ~/bin/showterm
sudo chmod +x ~/bin/showterm
bash <(curl record.showterm.io)
你可以在终端输入 `showterm --help` 得到帮助页面。如果没有出现帮助页面,那么可能是未安装 showterm。现在你已安装了 Showterm(或正在运行独立版本),让我们开始使用该工具进行录制。
**相关**:[如何在 Ubuntu 中录制终端会话][3]
### 录制终端会话
![showterm terminal][4]
录制终端会话非常简单。从命令行运行 `showterm`。这会在后台启动终端录制。所有从命令行输入的命令都由 Showterm 记录。完成录制后,请按 Ctrl + D 或在命令行中输入`exit` 停止录制。
Showterm 会上传你的视频并输出一个看起来像 http://showterm.io/<一长串字符> 的链接的视频。不幸的是,终端会话会立即上传,而没有任何提示。请不要惊慌!你可以通过输入 `showterm --delete <recording URL>` 删除任何已上传的视频。在上传视频之前,你可以通过在 showterm 命令中添加 `-e` 选项来改变计时。如果视频无法上传,你可以使用 `showterm --retry <script> <times>` 强制重试。
在查看录制内容时,还可以通过在 URL 中添加 “#slow”、“#fast” 或 “#stop” 来控制视频的计时。slow 让视频以正常速度播放、fast 是速度加倍、stop,如名称所示,停止播放视频。
Showterm 终端录制视频可以通过 iframe 轻松嵌入到网页中。这可以通过将 iframe 源添加到 showterm 视频地址来实现,如下所示。
作为开源工具,Showterm 允许进一步定制。例如,要运行你自己的 Showterm 服务器,你需要运行以下命令:
export SHOWTERM_SERVER=https://showterm.myorg.local/
这样你的客户端可以和它通信。还有额外的功能只需很少的编程知识就可添加。Showterm 服务器项目可在此[ GitHub 页面][1]获得。
### 结论
如果你想与同事分享一些命令行教程,请务必记得 Showterm。Showterm 是基于文本的。因此,与其他屏幕录制机相比,它将产生相对较小的视频。该工具本身尺寸相当小 - 只有几千字节。
via: https://www.maketecheasier.com/record-terminal-session-showterm/
作者:[Bruno Edoh][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[2]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/record-terminal-session-as-video/ (2 Simple Applications That Record Your Terminal Session as Video [Linux])
[3]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/record-terminal-session-in-ubuntu/ (How to Record Terminal Session in Ubuntu)
[4]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/11/showterm-interface.png (showterm terminal)
[5]:https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2017/11/showterm-site.png (showtermio)
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针对国际读者用英语写文档不需要特别考虑英语母语的人。相反,更应该注意文档的语言可能不是读者的第一语言。我们看看下面这些简单的句子:“加密密码用‘xxx’命令(Encrypt the password using the 'foo bar' command.)”
从语法上讲,这个句子是正确的。ing形式(动名词)经常在英语中使用,很多英语母语的人应该大概对这样造句没有疑惑。然而,仔细观察,这个句子有歧义:单词“using”可以针对“the password”,也可以针对动词“加密”。因此,这个句子能够有两种不同的理解方式。
* Encrypt the password that uses the 'foo bar' command( 加密这个使用xxx命令的密码).
* Encrypt the password by using the 'foo bar' command(使用xxx命令加密密码).
**1. 转换视角**
**2. 遵守KISS(Keep it short and simple)原则**
“utilize” → “use”
“indicate” → “show”, “tell”, “say”
“prerequisite” → “requirement”
最好使用最简单的时态。举个例子,当提到一个动作的结果时使用一般现在时。如“Click '_OK_' . The _Printer Options_ dialog appears(单击'_ok_'.就弹出_打印选项_对话框了)”
**3. 当心歧义**
**4. 格式统一**
Why white space is important(为什么空格很重要):
* It focuses attention(让读者注意力集中).
* It visually separates sections(让文章章节分割更直观).
* It splits content into chunks(让文章内容分割为不同块).
**5. 清除冗余**
对目标读者仅保留明确的信息。在句子层面,避免填充(如basically, easily)和没必要的修饰。如:
"already existing" → "existing"
"completely new" → "new"
文章易读性越高,理解起来越容易,即使针对于不同语言级别的读者也是一样。尤其在本地化翻译方面,高质量的原文是非常重要的,因为“错进错出(原文:Garbage in, garbage out)"。如果原文有不足,翻译时间会更长,导致更高的成本。甚至,这种不足会在翻译过程中成倍的放大而且后面需要在多种语言版本中改正。

Tanja Roth, SUSE Linux公司-技术文档专家 [使用许可][1]
via: https://www.linux.com/blog/event/open-source-summit-eu/2017/12/technical-writing-international-audience?sf175396579=1
作者:[TANJA ROTH ][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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并发服务器(五):Redis 案例研究
这是我写的并发网络服务器系列文章的第五部分。在前四部分中我们讨论了并发服务器的结构,这篇文章我们将去研究一个在生产系统中大量使用的服务器的案例—— [Redis][10]。

Redis 是一个非常有魅力的项目,我关注它很久了。它最让我着迷的一点就是它的 C 源代码非常清晰。它也是一个高性能大并发内存数据库服务器的非常好的例子,它是研究网络并发服务器的一个非常好的案例,因此,我们不能错过这个好机会。
* [第一节 - 简介][3]
* [第二节 - 线程][4]
* [第三节 - 事件驱动][5]
* [第四节 - libuv][6]
* [第五节 - Redis 案例研究][7]
### 事件处理库
Redis 最初发布于 2009 年,它最牛逼的一件事情大概就是它的速度 —— 它能够处理大量的并发客户端连接。需要特别指出的是,它是用一个单线程来完成的,而且还不对保存在内存中的数据使用任何复杂的锁或者同步机制。
Redis 之所以如此牛逼是因为,它在一个给定的系统上使用了可用的最快事件循环,并将它们封装成由它实现的事件循环库(在 Linux 上是 epoll,在 BSD 上是 kqueue,等等)。这个库的名字叫做 [ae][11]。使用 ae 来写一个快速服务器变得很容易,只要在它内部没有阻塞即可,而 Redis 则保证[[1]][12]了这一点。
在这里,我们的兴趣点主要是它对文件事件的支持 —— 当文件描述符(类似于网络套接字)有一些有趣的未决事情时将调用注册的回调函数。与 libuv 类似,ae 支持多路事件循环和不应该感到意外的 aeCreateFileEvent 信号:
int aeCreateFileEvent(aeEventLoop *eventLoop, int fd, int mask,
aeFileProc *proc, void *clientData);
它在 fd 上使用一个给定的事件循环,为新的文件事件注册一个回调(proc)函数。当使用的是 epoll 时,它将调用 epoll_ctl 在文件描述符上添加一个事件(可能是 EPOLLIN、EPOLLOUT、也或许两者都有,取决于 mask 参数)。ae 的 aeProcessEvents 功能是 “运行事件循环和发送回调函数”,它在 hood 下,命名为 epoll_wait。
### 处理客户端请求
我们通过跟踪 Redis 服务器代码来看一下,ae 如何为客户端事件注册回调函数的。initServer 启动时,通过注册一个回调函数来读取正在监听的套接字上的事件,通过使用回调函数 acceptTcpHandler 来调用 aeCreateFileEvent。当新的连接可用的,这个回调函数被调用。它被称为 accept [[2]][13],接下来是 acceptCommonHandler,它转而去调用 createClient 以初始化新客户端连接所需要的数据结构。
createClient 的工作是去监听来自客户端的入站数据。它设置套接字为非阻塞模式(一个异步事件循环中的关键因素)并使用 aeCreateFileEvent 去注册另外一个文件事件回调函数以读取事件 —— readQueryFromClient。每当客户端发送数据,这个函数将被事件循环调用。
readQueryFromClient 只做一些我们预期之内的事情 —— 解析客户端命令和动作,并通过查询和/或操作数据来回复。因为客户端套接字是非阻塞的,这个函数可以处理 EAGAIN,以及部分数据;从客户端中读取的数据是累积在客户端专用的缓冲区中,而完整的查询可能在回调函数的多个调用中被分割。
### 将数据发送回客户端
在前面的内容中,我说到了 readQueryFromClient 结束了发送给客户端的回复。这在逻辑上是正确的,因为 readQueryFromClient 准备要发送回复,但它不真正去做实质的发送—— 因为这里并不能保证客户端套接字是做好写入/发送数据的准备的。我们为它使用事件循环机制。
Redis 是这样做的,每次事件循环即将进入休眠时,它注册一个 beforeSleep 函数,去等待对套接字的读取/写入。beforeSleep 做的其中一件事情就是调用 handleClientsWithPendingWrites。它的作用是通过调用 writeToClient 立即去尝试发送所有可用的回复;如果一些套接字不可用时,那么当套接字可用时,它将注册一个事件循环去调用 sendReplyToClient。这可以被看作为一种优化 —— 如果套接字可用于立即发送数据(一般是 TCP 套接字),这时并不需要注册事件 ——只发送数据。因为套接字是非阻塞的,它从不会去阻塞循环。
### 为什么 Redis 要实现它自己的事件库?
在 [第四部分][14] 中我们讨论了使用 libuv 来构建一个异步并发服务器。需要注意的是,Redis 并没有使用 libuv,或者任何类似的事件库,而是它去实现自己的事件库 —— ae,用 ae 来封装 epoll、kqueue 和 select。事实上,Antirez(Redis 的创建者)恰好在 [2011 年的一篇文章][15] 中回答了这个问题。他的回答的要点是:ae 只有大约 770 行代码,他理解的非常透彻;而 libuv 代码量非常巨大,也没有提供 Redis 所需的额外功能。
现在,ae 的代码大约增长到 1300 多行,比起 libuv 的 26000 行(这是在没有 Windows、测试、示例、文档的情况下的数据)来说那是小巫见大巫了。libuv 是一个非常综合的库,这使它更复杂,并且很难去适应其它项目的特殊需求;另一方面,ae 是专门为 Redis 设计的,与 Redis 共同演进,只包含 Redis 所需要的东西。
这是我 [前些年在一篇文章中][16] 提到的软件项目依赖关系的另一个很好的示例:
> 依赖的优势与花费在软件项目上的工作量成反比。
在某种程序上,Antirez 在他的文章中也提到了这一点。他提到,依赖提供的一些附加价值(在我的文章中的“基础” 依赖)更有意义(它的例子是 jemalloc 和 Lua),就像 libuv 这样的依赖关系,为特定的 Redis 需求,去实现整个功能是非常容易的。
### Redis 中的多线程
[在 Redis 的绝大多数历史中][17],它都是一个不折不扣的单线程的东西。一些人觉得这太不可思议了,有这种想法完全可以理解。Redis 本质上是受网络束缚的 —— 只要数据库大小合理,对于任何给定的客户端请求,其大部分延时都是浪费在网络等待上,而不是在 Redis 的数据结构上。
然而,现在事情已经不再那么简单了。Redis 现在有几个新功能都用到了线程:
1. "缓慢地" [释放内存][8]。
2. 在后台进程中使用 fsync 调用写一个 [持久化日志][9]。
3. 运行需要的用户定义模块去执行一个长周期运行的操作。
对于前两个特性,Redis 使用它自己的一个简单的 bio(它是 “Background I/O" 的首字母缩写)库。这个库是根据 Redis 的需要进行了硬编码,它不能用到其它的地方 —— 它按预设的进程数量运行,每个 Redis 后台作业类型需要一个进程。
而对于第三个特性,[Redis 模块][18] 可以定义新的 Redis 命令,并且遵循与普通 Redis 命令相同的标准,包括不阻塞主线程。如果在模块中自定义的一个 Redis 命令,希望去执行一个长周期运行的操作,这将创建一个线程在后台去运行它。在 Redis 源码树中的 src/modules/helloblock.c 提供了这样的一个示例。
有了这些特性,Redis 使用线程将一个事件循环结合起来,在一般的案例中,Redis 具有了更快的速度和弹性,这有点类似于在本系统文章中 [第四节][19] 讨论的工作队列。
| [[1]][1] | Redis 的一个核心部分是:它是一个 _内存中_ 数据库;因此,查询从不会运行太长的时间。当然了,这将会带来各种各样的其它问题。在使用分区的情况下,服务器可能最终路由一个请求到另一个实例上;在这种情况下,将使用异步 I/O 来避免阻塞其它客户端。|
| [[2]][2] | 使用 anetAccept;anet 是 Redis 对 TCP 套接字代码的封装。|
via: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2017/concurrent-servers-part-5-redis-case-study/
作者:[Eli Bendersky][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
translated/tech/20180104 How does gdb call functions.md
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gdb 如何调用函数?
(之前的 gdb 系列文章:[gdb 如何工作(2016)][4] 和[通过 gdb 你能够做的三件事(2014)][5])
在这个周,我发现,我可以从 gdb 上调用 C 函数。这看起来很酷,因为在过去我认为 gdb 最多只是一个只读调试工具。
我对 gdb 能够调用函数感到很吃惊。正如往常所做的那样,我在 [Twitter][6] 上询问这是如何工作的。我得到了大量的有用答案。我最喜欢的答案是 [Evan Klitzke 的示例 C 代码][7],它展示了 gdb 如何调用函数。代码能够运行,这很令人激动!
我相信(通过一些跟踪和实验)那个示例 C 代码和 gdb 实际上如何调用函数不同。因此,在这篇文章中,我将会阐述 gdb 是如何调用函数的,以及我是如何知道的。
关于 gdb 如何调用函数,还有许多我不知道的事情,并且,在这儿我写的内容有可能是错误的。
### 从 gdb 中调用 C 函数意味着什么?
所以,你已经在运行一个 C 程序(目标程序)。你可以运行程序中的一个函数,只需要像下面这样做:
* 暂停程序(因为它已经在运行中)
* 找到你想调用的函数的地址(使用符号表)
* 使程序(目标程序)跳转到那个地址
* 当函数返回时,恢复之前的指令指针和寄存器
通过符号表来找到想要调用的函数的地址非常容易。下面是一段非常简单但能够工作的代码,我在 Linux 上使用这段代码作为例子来讲解如何找到地址。这段代码使用 [elf crate][8]。如果我想找到 PID 为 2345 的进程中的 foo 函数的地址,那么我可以运行 `elf_symbol_value("/proc/2345/exe", "foo")`。
fn elf_symbol_value(file_name: &str, symbol_name: &str) -> Result<u64, Box<std::error::Error>> {
// 打开 ELF 文件
let file = elf::File::open_path(file_name).ok().ok_or("parse error")?;
// 在所有的段 & 符号中循环,直到找到正确的那个
let sections = &file.sections;
for s in sections {
for sym in file.get_symbols(&s).ok().ok_or("parse error")? {
if sym.name == symbol_name {
return Ok(sym.value);
None.ok_or("No symbol found")?
这并不能够真的发挥作用,你还需要找到文件的内存映射,并将符号偏移量加到文件映射的起始位置。找到内存映射并不困难,它位于 `/proc/PID/maps` 中。
### 你不能仅仅进行跳转
我已经说过,你不能够仅仅找到你想要运行的那个函数地址,然后跳转到那儿。我在 gdb 中尝试过那样做(`jump foo`),然后程序出现了段错误。毫无意义。
### 如何从 gdb 中调用 C 函数
首先,这是可能的。我写了一个非常简洁的 C 程序,它所做的事只有 sleep 1000 秒,把这个文件命名为 `test.c` :
#include <unistd.h>
int foo() {
return 3;
int main() {
$ gcc -o test test.c
$ ./test
最后,我们使用 gdb 来跟踪 `test` 这一程序:
$ sudo gdb -p $(pgrep -f test)
(gdb) p foo()
$1 = 3
(gdb) quit
我运行 `p foo()` 然后它运行了这个函数!这非常有趣。
### 为什么这是有用的?
* 它使得你可以把 gdb 当成一个 C 应答式程序,这很有趣,我想对开发也会有用
* 在 gdb 中进行调试的时候展示/浏览复杂数据结构的功能函数(感谢 [@invalidop][1])
* [在进程运行时设置一个任意的名字空间][2](我的同事 [nelhage][3] 对此非常惊讶)
* 可能还有许多我所不知道的用途
### 它是如何工作的
当我在 Twitter 上询问从 gdb 中调用函数是如何工作的时,我得到了大量有用的回答。许多答案是”你从符号表中得到了函数的地址“,但这并不是完整的答案。
有个人告诉了我两篇关于 gdb 如何工作的系列文章:[和本地人一起调试-第一部分][9],[和本地人一起调试-第二部分][10]。第一部分讲述了 gdb 是如何调用函数的(指出了 gdb 实际上完成这件事并不简单,但是我将会尽力)。
1. 停止进程
2. 创建一个新的栈框(远离真实栈)
3. 保存所有寄存器
4. 设置你想要调用的函数的寄存器参数
5. 设置栈指针指向新的栈框
6. 在内存中某个位置放置一条陷阱指令
7. 为陷阱指令设置返回地址
8. 设置指令寄存器的值为你想要调用的函数地址
9. 再次运行进程!
(LCTT 译注:如果将这个调用的函数看成一个单独的线程,gdb 实际上所做的事情就是一个简单的线程上下文切换)
我不知道 gdb 是如何完成这些所有事情的,但是今天晚上,我学到了这些所有事情中的其中几件。
如果你想要运行一个 C 函数,那么你需要一个栈来存储变量。你肯定不想继续使用当前的栈。准确来说,在 gdb 调用函数之前(通过设置函数指针并跳转),它需要设置栈指针到某个地方。
这儿是 Twitter 上一些关于它如何工作的猜测:
> 我认为它在当前栈的栈顶上构造了一个新的栈框来进行调用!
> 你确定是这样吗?它应该是分配一个伪栈,然后临时将 sp (栈指针寄存器)的值改为那个栈的地址。你可以试一试,你可以在那儿设置一个断点,然后看一看栈指针寄存器的值,它是否和当前程序寄存器的值相近?
我通过 gdb 做了一个试验:
(gdb) p $rsp
$7 = (void *) 0x7ffea3d0bca8
(gdb) break foo
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40052a
(gdb) p foo()
Breakpoint 1, 0x000000000040052a in foo ()
(gdb) p $rsp
$8 = (void *) 0x7ffea3d0bc00
这看起来符合”gdb 在当前栈的栈顶构造了一个新的栈框“这一理论。因为栈指针(`$rsp`)从 `0x7ffea3d0bca8` 变成了 `0x7ffea3d0bc00` - 栈指针从高地址往低地址长。所以 `0x7ffea3d0bca8` 在 `0x7ffea3d0bc00` 的后面。真是有趣!
所以,看起来 gdb 只是在当前栈所在位置创建了一个新的栈框。这令我很惊讶!
让我们来看一看 gdb 是如何改变指令指针的!
(gdb) p $rip
$1 = (void (*)()) 0x7fae7d29a2f0 <__nanosleep_nocancel+7>
(gdb) b foo
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40052a
(gdb) p foo()
Breakpoint 1, 0x000000000040052a in foo ()
(gdb) p $rip
$3 = (void (*)()) 0x40052a <foo+4>
的确是!指令指针从 `0x7fae7d29a2f0` 变为了 `0x40052a`(`foo` 函数的地址)。
上面我写到 `break foo` 。我跟踪 gdb 运行程序的过程,但是没有任何发现。
下面是 gdb 用来设置断点的一些系统调用。它们非常简单。它把一条指令用 `cc` 代替了(这告诉我们 `int3` 意味着 `send SIGTRAP` [https://defuse.ca/online-x86-assembler.html][11]),并且一旦程序被打断了,它就把指令恢复为原先的样子。
我在函数 `foo` 那儿设置了一个断点,地址为 `0x400528` 。
`PTRACE_POKEDATA` 展示了 gdb 如何改变正在运行的程序。
// 改变 0x400528 处的指令
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 25618, 0x400528, [0x5d00000003b8e589]) = 0
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 25618, 0x400528, 0x5d00000003cce589) = 0
// 开始运行程序
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, 25618, 0x1, SIG_0) = 0
// 当到达断点时获取一个信号
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, 25618, NULL, {si_signo=SIGTRAP, si_code=SI_KERNEL, si_value={int=-1447215360, ptr=0x7ffda9bd3f00}}) = 0
// 将 0x400528 处的指令更改为之前的样子
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 25618, 0x400528, [0x5d00000003cce589]) = 0
25622 ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 25618, 0x400528, 0x5d00000003b8e589) = 0
当 gdb 运行一个函数的时候,它也会在某个地方放置一条陷阱指令。这是其中一条。它基本上是用 `cc` 来替换一条指令(`int3`)。
5908 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 5810, 0x7f6fa7c0b260, [0x48f389fd89485355]) = 0
5908 ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, 5810, 0x7f6fa7c0b260, [0x48f389fd89485355]) = 0
5908 ptrace(PTRACE_POKEDATA, 5810, 0x7f6fa7c0b260, 0x48f389fd894853cc) = 0
`0x7f6fa7c0b260` 是什么?我查看了进程的内存映射,发现它位于 `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so` 中的某个位置。这很奇怪,为什么 gdb 将陷阱指令放在 libc 中?
让我们看一看里面的函数是什么,它是 `__libc_siglongjmp` 。其他 gdb 放置陷阱指令的地方的函数是 `__longjmp` 、`___longjmp_chk` 、`dl_main` 和 `_dl_close_worker` 。
为什么?我不知道!也许出于某种原因,当函数 `foo()` 返回时,它调用 `longjmp` ,从而 gdb 能够进行返回控制。我不确定。
### gdb 如何调用函数是很复杂的!
我将要在这儿停止了(现在已经凌晨 1 点),但是我知道的多一些了!
看起来”gdb 如何调用函数“这一问题的答案并不简单。我发现这很有趣并且努力找出其中一些答案,希望你也能够找到。
我依旧有很多未回答的问题,关于 gdb 是如何完成这些所有事的,但是可以了。我不需要真的知道关于 gdb 是如何工作的所有细节,但是我很开心,我有了一些进一步的理解。
via: https://jvns.ca/blog/2018/01/04/how-does-gdb-call-functions/
作者:[Julia Evans][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,58 +1,56 @@
Translating by MjSeven
How to install KVM on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 Headless Server
如何在 CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 终端服务器上安装 KVM
如何在 CnetOS 7 或 RHEL 7( Red Hat 企业版 Linux) 服务器上安装和配置 KVM(基于内核的虚拟机)?如何在 CnetOS 7 上设置 KMV 并使用云镜像/ cloud-init 来安装客户虚拟机?
How do I install and configure KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) on a CentOS 7 or RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 7 server? How can I setup KMV on a CentOS 7 and use cloud images/cloud-init for installing guest VM?
Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is virtualization software for CentOS or RHEL 7. KVM turn your server into a hypervisor. This page shows how to setup and manage a virtualized environment with KVM in CentOS 7 or RHEL 7. It also described how to install and administer Virtual Machines (VMs) on a physical server using the CLI. Make sure that **Virtualization Technology (VT)** is enabled in your server 's BIOS. You can also run the following command [to test if CPU Support Intel VT and AMD-V Virtualization tech][1]
基于内核的虚拟机(KVM)是 CentOS 或 RHEL 7 的虚拟化软件。KVM 将你的服务器变成虚拟机管理程序。本文介绍如何在 CentOS 7 或 RHEL 7 中使用 KVM 设置和管理虚拟化环境。还介绍了如何使用 CLI 在物理服务器上安装和管理虚拟机(VM)。确保在服务器的 BIOS 中启用了**虚拟化技术(vt)**。你也可以运行以下命令[测试 CPU 是否支持 Intel VT 和 AMD_V 虚拟化技术][1]。
$ lscpu | grep Virtualization
Virtualization: VT-x
### 按照 CentOS 7/RHEL 7 终端服务器上的 KVM 安装步骤进行操作
#### 步骤 1: 安装 kvm
### Follow installation steps of KVM on CentOS 7/RHEL 7 headless sever
#### Step 1: Install kvm
Type the following [yum command][2]:
输入以下 [yum 命令][2]:
`# yum install qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install`
[![How to install KVM on CentOS 7 RHEL 7 Headless Server][3]][3]
Start the libvirtd service:
启动 libvirtd 服务:
# systemctl enable libvirtd
# systemctl start libvirtd
#### Step 2: Verify kvm installation
#### 步骤 2: 确认 kvm 安装
Make sure KVM module loaded using lsmod command and [grep command][4]:
确保使用 lsmod 命令和 [grep命令][4] 加载 KVM 模块:
`# lsmod | grep -i kvm`
#### Step 3: Configure bridged networking
#### 步骤 3: 配置桥接网络
By default dhcpd based network bridge configured by libvirtd. You can verify that with the following commands:
默认情况下,由 libvirtd 配置的基于 dhcpd 的网桥。你可以使用以下命令验证:
# brctl show
# virsh net-list
[![KVM default networking][5]][5]
All VMs (guest machine) only have network access to other VMs on the same server. A private network created for you. Verify it:
`# virsh net-dumpxml default`
If you want your VMs avilable to other servers on your LAN, setup a a network bridge on the server that connected to the your LAN. Update your nic config file such as ifcfg-enp3s0 or em1:
如果你希望你的虚拟机可用于 LAN 上的其他服务器,请在连接到你的 LAN 的服务器上设置一个网桥。更新你的网卡配置文件,如 ifcfg-enp3s0 或 em1:
`# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/enp3s0 `
Add line:
[Save and close the file in vi][6]. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 and add:
[使用 vi 保存并关闭文件][6]。编辑 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 :
`# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0`
Append the following:
# I am getting ip from DHCP server #
@ -64,27 +62,29 @@ TYPE="Bridge"
Restart the networking service (warning ssh command will disconnect, it is better to reboot the box):
`# systemctl restart NetworkManager`
Verify it with brctl command:
用 brctl 命令验证它:
`# brctl show`
#### Step 4: Create your first virtual machine
#### 步骤 4: 创建你的第一个虚拟机
I am going to create a CentOS 7.x VM. First, grab CentOS 7.x latest ISO image using the wget command:
我将会创建一个 CentOS 7.x 虚拟机。首先,使用 wget 命令获取 CentOS 7.x 最新的 ISO 镜像:
# cd /var/lib/libvirt/boot/
# wget https://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/7.4.1708/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1708.iso
Verify ISO images:
验证 ISO 镜像:
# wget https://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/7.4.1708/isos/x86_64/sha256sum.txt
# sha256sum -c sha256sum.txt
##### Create CentOS 7.x VM
##### 创建 CentOS 7.x 虚拟机
In this example, I'm creating CentOS 7.x VM with 2GB RAM, 2 CPU core, 1 nics and 40GB disk space, enter:
在这个例子中,我创建了 2GB RAM,2 个 CPU 核心,1 个网卡和 40 GB 磁盘空间的 CentOS 7.x 虚拟机,输入:
# virt-install \
--virt-type=kvm \
@ -97,31 +97,36 @@ In this example, I'm creating CentOS 7.x VM with 2GB RAM, 2 CPU core, 1 nics and
--graphics vnc \
--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/centos7.qcow2,size=40,bus=virtio,format=qcow2
To configure vnc login from another terminal over ssh and type:
从另一个终端通过 ssh 和 type 配置 vnc 登录:
# virsh dumpxml centos7 | grep vnc
# virsh dumpxml centos7 | grep v nc
<graphics type='vnc' port='5901' autoport='yes' listen=''>
Please note down the port value (i.e. 5901). You need to use an SSH client to setup tunnel and a VNC client to access the remote vnc server. Type the following SSH port forwarding command from your client/desktop/macbook pro system:
请记录下端口值(即 5901)。你需要使用 SSH 客户端来建立隧道和 VNC 客户端才能访问远程 vnc 服务区。在客户端/桌面/ macbook pro 系统中输入以下 SSH 端口转化命令:
`$ ssh vivek@server1.cyberciti.biz -L 5901:`
Once you have ssh tunnel established, you can point your VNC client at your own (localhost) address and port 5901 as follows:
一旦你建立了 ssh 隧道,你可以将你的 VNC 客户端指向你自己的 (localhost) 地址和端口 5901,如下所示:
You should see CentOS Linux 7 guest installation screen as follows:
你应该看到 CentOS Linux 7 客户虚拟机安装屏幕如下:
Now just follow on screen instructions and install CentOS 7. Once installed, go ahead and click the reboot button. The remote server closed the connection to our VNC client. You can reconnect via KVM client to configure the rest of the server including SSH based session or firewall.
#### Step 5: Using cloud images
现在只需按照屏幕说明进行操作并安装CentOS 7。一旦安装完成后,请继续并单击重启按钮。 远程服务器关闭了我们的 VNC 客户端的连接。 你可以通过 KVM 客户端重新连接,以配置服务器的其余部分,包括基于 SSH 的会话或防火墙。
The above installation method is okay for learning purpose or a single VM. Do you need to deploy lots of VMs? Try cloud images. You can modify pre built cloud images as per your needs. For example, add users, ssh keys, setup time zone, and more using [Cloud-init][9] which is the defacto multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance. Let us see how to create CentOS 7 vm with 1024MB ram, 20GB disk space, and 1 vCPU.
#### 步骤 5: 使用云镜像
##### Grab CentOS 7 cloud image
以上安装方法对于学习目的或单个虚拟机而言是可行的。你需要部署大量的虚拟机吗? 尝试云镜像。你可以根据需要修改预先构建的云图像。例如,使用 [Cloud-init][9] 添加用户,ssh 密钥,设置时区等等,这是处理云实例的早期初始化的事实上的多分发包。让我们看看如何创建带有 1024MB RAM,20GB 磁盘空间和 1 个 vCPU 的 CentOS 7 虚拟机。(译注: vCPU 即电脑中的虚拟处理器)
##### 获取 CentOS 7 云镜像
# cd /var/lib/libvirt/boot
# wget http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2
##### Create required directories
##### 创建所需的目录
# D=/var/lib/libvirt/images
@ -130,29 +135,31 @@ The above installation method is okay for learning purpose or a single VM. Do yo
mkdir: created directory '/var/lib/libvirt/images/centos7-vm1'
##### Create meta-data file
##### 创建元数据文件
# cd $D/$VM
# vi meta-data
Append the following:
instance-id: centos7-vm1
local-hostname: centos7-vm1
##### Crete user-data file
##### 创建用户数据文件
I am going to login into VM using ssh keys. So make sure you have ssh-keys in place:
我将使用 ssh 密钥登录到虚拟机。所以确保你有 ssh-keys:
`# ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "VM Login ssh key"`
[![ssh-keygen command][10]][11]
See "[How To Setup SSH Keys on a Linux / Unix System][12]" for more info. Edit user-data as follows:
请参阅 "[如何在 Linux/Unix 系统上设置 SSH 密钥][12]" 来获取更多信息。编辑用户数据如下:
# cd $D/$VM
# vi user-data
Add as follows (replace hostname, users, ssh-authorized-keys as per your setup):
@ -192,14 +199,14 @@ runcmd:
- yum -y remove cloud-init
##### Copy cloud image
##### 复制云镜像
# cd $D/$VM
# cp /var/lib/libvirt/boot/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 $VM.qcow2
##### Create 20GB disk image
##### 创建 20GB 磁盘映像
# cd $D/$VM
@ -208,25 +215,25 @@ runcmd:
# virt-resize --quiet --expand /dev/sda1 $VM.qcow2 $VM.new.image
[![Set VM image disk size][13]][13]
Overwrite it resized image:
# cd $D/$VM
# mv $VM.new.image $VM.qcow2
##### Creating a cloud-init ISO
##### 创建一个 cloud-init ISO
`# mkisofs -o $VM-cidata.iso -V cidata -J -r user-data meta-data`
[![Creating a cloud-init ISO][14]][14]
##### Creating a pool
##### 创建一个 pool
# virsh pool-create-as --name $VM --type dir --target $D/$VM
Pool centos7-vm1 created
##### Installing a CentOS 7 VM
##### 安装 CentOS 7 虚拟机
# cd $D/$VM
@ -240,58 +247,59 @@ Pool centos7-vm1 created
--graphics spice \
Delete unwanted files:
# cd $D/$VM
# virsh change-media $VM hda --eject --config
# rm meta-data user-data centos7-vm1-cidata.iso
##### Find out IP address of VM
##### 查找虚拟机的 IP 地址
`# virsh net-dhcp-leases default`
[![CentOS7-VM1- Created][15]][15]
##### Log in to your VM
##### 登录到你的虚拟机
Use ssh command:
使用 ssh 命令:
`# ssh vivek@`
[![Sample VM session][16]][16]
### Useful commands
### 有用的命令
Let us see some useful commands for managing VMs.
#### List all VMs
#### 列出所有虚拟机
`# virsh list --all`
#### Get VM info
#### 获取虚拟机信息
# virsh dominfo vmName
# virsh dominfo centos7-vm1
#### Stop/shutdown a VM
#### 停止/关闭虚拟机
`# virsh shutdown centos7-vm1`
#### Start VM
#### 开启虚拟机
`# virsh start centos7-vm1`
#### Mark VM for autostart at boot time
#### 将虚拟机标记为在引导时自动启动
`# virsh autostart centos7-vm1`
#### Reboot (soft & safe reboot) VM
#### 重新启动(软安全重启)虚拟机
`# virsh reboot centos7-vm1`
Reset (hard reset/not safe) VM
`# virsh reset centos7-vm1`
#### Delete VM
#### 删除虚拟机
# virsh shutdown centos7-vm1
@ -301,23 +309,22 @@ Reset (hard reset/not safe) VM
# VM=centos7-vm1
# rm -ri $D/$VM
To see a complete list of virsh command type
查看 virsh 命令类型的完整列表
# virsh help | less
# virsh help | grep reboot
### 关于作者
### About the author
The author is the creator of nixCraft and a seasoned sysadmin and a trainer for the Linux operating system/Unix shell scripting. He has worked with global clients and in various industries, including IT, education, defense and space research, and the nonprofit sector. Follow him on [Twitter][17], [Facebook][18], [Google+][19].
作者是 nixCraft 的创建者,也是经验丰富的系统管理员和 Linux 操作系统/ Unix shell 脚本的培训师。 他曾与全球客户以及 IT,教育,国防和空间研究以及非营利部门等多个行业合作。 在 [Twitter][17],[Facebook][18],[Google +][19] 上关注他。
via: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-install-kvm-on-centos-7-rhel-7-headless-server/
via: [https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-install-kvm-on-centos-7-rhel-7-headless-server/](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-install-kvm-on-centos-7-rhel-7-headless-server/)
作者:[Vivek Gite][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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