[翻译完成]3 steps to protect your home network

[翻译完成]3 steps to protect your home network
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PeterPan0106 2022-09-28 13:07:05 +08:00
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3 steps to protect your home network
Who has access to your home network? With the Internet of Things (IoT) commonplace, there are sometimes more services running on your home network than you realize. Protect it from unwanted traffic.
The typical setup for Internet connectivity today is for your home to have a **router**, usually a little physical box located somewhere in your house, that acts as a gateway to the rest of the world. The router creates a local network, and you connect your devices to it, including your computer, mobile, TV, game console, and anything else that needs to connect to the Internet or to each other. It's deceptively easy to think of this setup as there being two "sides" of your router: On one side there's the Internet, and on the other, your devices. That's an awful colloquial, though, because in reality there's an entire worldwide *network of computers* on one side of your router, and your digital life on the other. When you use the Internet directly, you're logging onto a shared area of somebody else's computer. When you're not using the Internet, it doesn't go away, and there are lots of scripts and programs out there designed to visit millions upon millions of routers in an attempt to find open ports or services. With the Internet of Things (IoT) commonplace, there are sometimes more services running on your home network than you realize. Here are three steps you can take to audit and protect your home network from unwanted traffic.
### 1. Think about protocol
### 1. 协议先行
Part of your router's job is to keep the Internet separate from your home network. But when you access the Internet, you invite some portion of the Internet into your home. You're making an exception to the general rule that the Internet should stay off your network.
On many websites, what's allowed through your router is just text. When you visit your favorite blog site to read up on the latest tech news, for instance, you're downloading a page or two of text. You read the text, and then move on. That's a simple one-to-one transaction.
However, the HTTPS protocol is robust and the applications running on the Internet are full of variety. When you visit Opensource.com, for instance, you're not just downloading text. You get graphics, and maybe a cheat sheet or ebook. You're also downloading cookies in the background, which helps site administrators understand who visits the site, which has led to improved mobile support, a new design for greater accessibility, and content that readers enjoy. You may not think about cookies or traffic analysis as something you interact with when you're on the Internet, but it's something that gets "snuck" into page interactions because the HTTPS protocol is designed to be broad and, in many ways, high trust. When you visit a website over HTTPS (that is, in a web browser), you're implicitly agreeing to automatic downloads of files that you're probably not conscious of, but that you trust are useful and unobtrusive. For a model of file sharing designed for less trust, you might try the [Gemini][3] or [Gopher][4] space.
You make a similar agreement when you join a video conference. Not only are you downloading text on the page, cookies for traffic monitoring, but also a video and audio feed.
Some sites are designed for even more. There are sites designed to allow people to share their computer screen, and sometimes even the control of their computer. In the best case scenario, this helps a remote technician repair a problem on someone's computer, but in practice users can be tricked into visiting sites only to have financial credentials and personal data stolen.
You'd rightfully be suspicious if a website offering text articles required you to grant it permission to look through your webcam while you read. You should cultivate the same level of suspicion when an appliance requires Internet access. When you connect a device to your network, it's important to consider what implicit agreement you're making. A device designed to control lighting in your house shouldn't *require* Internet access to function, but many do, and many don't make it clear what permissions you're granting that device. Many IoT devices *want* access to the Internet so that you can access the device over the Internet while you're away from home. That's part of the appeal of a "smart home". However, it's impossible to know what code many of these devices run. When possible, use open source and trusted software, such as [Home Assistant][5] to interface with your living space.
如果一个提供文字文章的网站要求你允许它在你阅读时调用网络摄像头,你理应高度警惕。当一个设备需要访问互联网时,你也应当保持同样的谨慎和警惕。当你把一个设备连接到网络时,重要的是要关注你同意了何种隐性协议。一个旨在控制你房子里的照明的设备不应该*要求*互联网接入,但事实上许多设备需要并且没有明确说明你授予该设备什么权限。许多物联网设备都*希望*接入互联网,这样你就可以在离家时通过互联网访问该设备。这也是"智慧家庭"的部分吸引力。然而,我们不可能知道所有设备运行的是什么代码。在可能的情况下,使用开放源码和值得信赖的软件,如[Home Assistant][5]来与你的物联网设备对接。
### 2. Create a guest network
### 2. 创建访客网络
Many modern routers make it trivial to create a second network (usually called a "guest network" in the configuration panels) for your home. You probably don't feel like you need a second network, but actually a guest network can be useful to have around. Its eponymous and most obvious use case is that a guest network provides people visiting your house access to the Internet without you telling them your network password. In the foyer of my house, I have a sign identifying the guest network name and password. Anyone who visits can join that network for access to the Internet.
许多现代路由器可以为你的家庭创建第二个网络(通常在配置面板中称为 "访客网络")。你可能觉得你不需要访客网络,但实际上,访客网络是十分有意义的。它旨在为访问你房子的人提供互联网访问,而你不需要告诉他们你的私人网络密码。例如在我家的门厅里,我有一个牌子标明了访客网络的名称和密码。任何来访的人都可以加入该网络以访问互联网。
The other use case is for IoT, edge devices, and my home lab. When I purchased "programmable" Christmas lights last year, I was surprised to find that in order to connect to the lights, they had to be connected to the Internet. OF course, the $50 lights from a nameless factory didn't come with source code included, or any way to interface or inspect with the firmware embedded in the power brick, and so I wasn't confident in what I was agreeing to by connecting them to the Internet. They've been permanently relegated to my guest network.
另一方面可以用于物联网、边缘设备和家庭实验室的应用。当我去年购买 "可编程 "的圣诞灯时我惊讶地发现为了连接这些灯它们必须连接到互联网。当然这些来自无名工厂的50美元的灯没有附带源代码也没有任何方法可以与嵌入在适配器中的固件进行交互或检查所以我对我同意将它们连接到我的本地网络有一定的顾虑。它们已经被永久地归入了我的访客网络。
Every router vendor is different, so there's no single instruction on how to create a "sandboxed" guest network on yours. Generally, you access your home router through a web browser. Your router's address is sometimes printed on the bottom of the router, and it begins with either 192.168 or 10.
每个路由器供应商都是不同的,所以没有关于如何在你的路由器上创建一个 "沙盒 "访客网络的通用指令。一般来说你通过一个网络浏览器访问你的家庭路由器。你的路由器的地址有时印在路由器的底部它以192.168或10开头。
Navigate to your router's address and log in with the credentials you were provided when you got your Internet service. It's often as simple as `admin` with a numeric password (sometimes, this password is printed on the router, too). If you don't know the login, call your Internet provider and ask for details.
访问路由器地址,用你配置互联网服务时使用的凭证登录。这通常是简单的 "admin "和一个数字密码(有时,这个密码也印在路由器上)。如果你不知道登录方式,请致电给你的互联网供应商或者制造商咨询。
In the graphical interface, find the panel for "Guest network." This option is in the **Advanced** configuration of my router, but it could be somewhere else on yours, and it may not even be called "Guest network" (or it may not even be an option.)
在图形界面中,找到 "访客网络 "的面板。这个选项在我的路由器的**高级**配置中,但它可能在你的路由器的其他地方,它甚至可能不叫 "访客网络"(或者它甚至可能不是一个选项)。具体情况因厂商而异。
![Creating a guest network][7]
Image by: (Opensource.com, CC BY-SA 4.0)
It may take a lot of clicking around and reading. If you find that you have the option, then you can set up a guest network for visitors, including people walking through your front door and applications running on a lightbulb.
### 3. Firewall your firewall
### 3. 配置防火墙
Your router probably has a firewall running by default. A firewall keeps unwanted traffic off your network, usually by limiting incoming packets to HTTP and HTTPS (web browser traffic) and a few other utility protocols, and by rejecting traffic you didn't initiate. You can verify that a firewall is running by logging onto your router and looking for "Firewall" or "Security" settings.
你的路由器可能已经存在一个默认运行的防火墙。防火墙将不需要的流量挡在你的网络之外通常是将传入的数据包限制在HTTP和HTTPS网络浏览器流量以及其他一些常用的协议上并拒绝不是你发起的请求。你可以通过登录你的路由器并寻找 "防火墙 "或 "安全 "设置来检查防火墙是否正在运行。
However, many devices can run firewalls of there own. This is important because a network is a *network* because devices connect to one another. Placing firewalls "between" devices is like locking a door to a room inside your house. Guests may roam the halls, but without the right key they're not invited into your office.
On Linux, you can configure your firewall using [firewalld][8] interface and the [firewall-cmd][9] command. On other operating systems, the firewall is sometimes in a control panel labeled as "security" or "sharing" (and sometimes both.) Most default firewall settings allow only outgoing traffic (that's the traffic you initiate by, for instance, opening a browser and navigating to a website) and incoming traffic that's responding to your requests (that's the web data responding to your navigation). Incoming traffic that you didn't initiate is blocked.
在Linux上你可以使用[firewalld][8]接口和[firewall-cmd][9]命令来配置你的防火墙。在其他操作系统上,防火墙有时在一个标有 "安全 "或 "共享 "的控制面板中(有时两者都有)。 大多数默认的防火墙设置只允许出站流量(即你通过打开浏览器并导航到一个网站而启动的流量)和响应你的请求的入站流量(即响应你的导航的网络数据)。不是由你发起的传入流量会被阻止。
You can customize this setup as needed, should you want to allow specific traffic, such as an [SSH connection][10], a [VNC connection][11], or a [game server][12] host.
### Monitor your network
### 监控你的网络
These techniques help build up your awareness of what's happening around you. The next step is to [monitor your network][13]. You can start simple, for instance by running [Fail2ban][14] on a test server on your guest network. Take a look at logs, if your router provides them. You don't have to know everything about TCP/IP and packets and other advanced subjects to see that the Internet is a busy and noisy place, and seeing that for yourself is great inspiration to take precautions when you set up a new device, whether it's IoT, mobile, a desktop or laptop, a game console, or a [Raspberry Pi][15], in your home.