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The intersection of Drupal, IoT, and open hardware

Meet [Amber Matz][1], a Production Manager and Trainer at [Drupalize.Me][3], a service of Lullabot Education. When she's not tinkering around with Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, and electronic wearables, you can find her wrangling presenters for the Portland Drupal User Group.
Coming up at [DrupalCon NOLA][3], Amber will host a session about Drupal and IoT. If you're attending and want to learn about the intersection of open hardware, IoT, and Drupal, this session is for you. If you're not able to join us in New Orleans, Amber has some pretty cool things to share. In this interview, she tells us how she got involved with Drupal, a few of her favorite open hardware projects, and what the future holds for IoT and Drupal.

**How did you get involved with the Drupal community?**
Back in the day, I was working at a large nonprofit in the "webmaster's office" of the marketing department and was churning out custom PHP/MySQL forms like nobody's business. I finally got weary of that and starting hunting around the web for a better way. I found Drupal 6 and starting diving in on my own. Years later, after a career shift and a move, I discovered the Portland Drupal User Group and landed a job as a full-time Drupal developer. I continued to regularly attend the meetups in Portland, which I found to be a great source of community, friendships, and professional development. Eventually, I landed a job with Lullabot as a trainer creating content for Drupalize.Me. Now, I'm managing the Drupalize.Me content pipeline, creating Drupal 8 content, and am very much involved in the Portland Drupal community. I'm this year's coordinator, finding and scheduling speakers.
**We have to know: What is Arduino prototyping, how did you discover it, and what's the coolest thing you've done with an Arduino?**
Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and wearable electronics have been these terms that I've heard thrown around for years. I found [Adafruit's Wearable Electronics][4] with Becky Stern YouTube show years ago (which, up until recently, when Becky moved on, aired every Wednesday). I was fascinated by wearables and even ordered an LED sewing kit but never did anything with it. I just didn't get it. I had no background in electronics whatsoever, and while I was fascinated by the projects I was finding, I didn't see how I could ever make anything like that. It seemed so out of reach.
Finally, I found a Coursera "Internet of Things" specialization. (So trendy, right?) But I was immediately hooked! I finally got an explanation of what an Arduino was, along with all these other important terms and concepts. I ordered the recommended Arduino starter kit, which came with a getting started booklet. When I made that first LED blink, it was pure delight. I had two weeks' vacation over the holidays and after Christmas, and I did nothing but make and program Arduino circuits from the getting started booklet. It was oddly so relaxing! I enjoyed it so much.
In January, I started creating my own prototypes. When I found out I was emceeing our company retreat's lightning talks, I created a Lightning Talk Visual Timer prototype with five LEDs and an Arduino.

It was a huge hit. I also made my first wearable project, a glowing hoodie, using the Arduino IDE compatible Gemma microcontroller, a tiny round sewable component, to which I sewed using conductive thread, a conductive slider connected to a hoodie's drawstring, which controlled the colors of five NeoPixels sewn around the inside of the hood. So that's what I mean by prototyping: Making crazy projects that are fun and maybe even a little practical.
**What are the biggest opportunities for Drupal and IoT?**
IoT isn't that much different than the web services and decoupling Drupal trends. It's the movement of data from thing one to thing two and the rendering of that data into something useful. But how does it get there? And what do you do with it? You think there are a lot of solutions, and apps, and frameworks, and APIs out there now? With IoT, that's only going to continue to increase—exponentially. What I've found is that given any device or any "thing", there is a way to connect it to the Internet—many ways. And there are plenty of code libraries out there to help makers get their data from thing one to thing two.
So where does Drupal fit in? Web services, for one, is going to be the first obvious place. But as a maker, I don't want to spend my time coding custom modules in Drupal. I want to plug and play! So I would love to see modules emerge that connect with IoT Cloud APIs and services like ThingSpeak and Adafruit.io and IFTTT and others. I think there's an opportunity, too, for a business to build an IoT cloud service in Drupal that allows people to send and store their sensor data, visualize it charts and graphs, and build widgets that react to certain values or thresholds. Each of these IoT Cloud API services fill a slightly different niche, and there's plenty of room for others.
**What are a few things you're looking forward to at DrupalCon?**
I love reconnecting with Drupal friends, meeting new people, and also seeing Lullabot and Drupalize.Me co-workers (we're distributed companies)! There's so much to learn with Drupal 8 and it's been overwhelming at times to put together training materials for our customers. So, I'm looking forward to attending Drupal 8-related sessions and getting up-to-speed on the latest developments. Finally, I'm really curious about New Orleans! I haven't been there since 2004 and I'm excited to see what's changed.
**Tell us about your DrupalCon talk Beyond the blink: Add Drupal to your IoT playground. Why should someone attend? What are the major takeaways?**
My session title, Beyond the blink: Add Drupal to your IoT playground, in itself is so full of assumptions that first off I'm going to get everyone up to speed and on the same page. You don't need to know anything about Arduino, the Internet of Things, or even Drupal to follow along. We'll start with making an LED blink with an Arduino, and then I want to talk about what the main takeaways have been for me: Play, learn, teach, and make. I'll show examples that have inspired me and that will hopefully inspire and encourage others in the audience to give it a try. Then, it's demo time!
First, thing one. Thing one is a Build Notifier Tower Light. In this demo, I'll show how I connected the Tower Light to the Internet and how I got it to respond to data received from a Cloud API service. Next, Thing two. Thing two is a "weather watch" in the form of a steampunk iPhone case. It's got small LED matrix that displays an icon of the local-to-me weather, a barometric pressure and temperature sensor, a GPS module, and a Bluetooth LE module, all connected and controlled with an Adafruit Flora microcontroller. Thing two sends weather and location data to Adafruit.io by connecting to an app on my iPhone over Bluetooth and sends it up to the cloud using an MQTT protocol! Then, on the Drupal side, I'm pulling down that data from the cloud, updating a block with the weather, and updating a map. So folks will get a taste of what you can do with web services, maps, and blocks in Drupal 8, too.
It's been a brain-melting adventure learning and making these demo prototypes, and I hope others will come to the session and catch a little of this contagious enthusiasm I have for this intersection of technologies! I'm very excited to share what I've discovered.
[1]: https://www.drupal.org/u/amber-himes-matz
[2]: https://drupalize.me/
[3]: https://events.drupal.org/neworleans2016/
[4]: https://www.adafruit.com/beckystern
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Drupal, IoT 和开源硬件的交叉点

认识一下 [Amber Matz][1],来自由 Lullabot Education 提供的 [Drupalize.Me][3] 的生产经理以及培训师。当她没有倒腾 Arduino,Raspberry Pi 以及电子穿戴设备时,通常会在波特兰 Drupal 用户组里和主持人争论。
在即将举行的 [DrupalCon NOLA][3] 大会上,Amber 将主持一个关于 Drupal 和 IoT 的主题。如果你会去参加,也想了解下开源硬件,IoT 和 Drupal 之间的交叉点,那这个将很合适。如果你去不了新奥尔良的现场也没关系,Amber 还分享了许多很酷的事情。在这次采访中,她讲述了自己参与 Drupal 的原因,一些她自己喜欢的开源硬件项目,以及 IoT 和 Drupal 的未来。

**你是怎么加入 Drupal 社区的?**
在这之前,我在一家大型非盈利性机构市场部的“站长办公室”工作,大量产出没人喜欢的定制 PHP/MySQL 表格。终于我觉得这样很烦并开始在网上寻找更好的方式。然后我找到了 Drupal 6 并开始自己沉迷进去。多年以后,在准备职业转换的时候,发现了波特兰 Drupal 用户组,然后在里面找了一份全职的 Drupal 开发者工作。我一直经常参加在波特兰的聚会,我觉得它是一种很好的社区,交友,以及专业开发的资源。一个偶然的机会,我在 Lullabot 找了一份培训师的工作为 Drupalize.Me 提供内容。现在,我管理着 Drupalize.Me 的内容管道,创建 Drupal 8 的内容,还很大程度地参与到波特兰 Drupal 社区中。我是今年的协调员,寻找并规划演讲者。
**我们得明白:什么是 Arduino 原型,你是怎么找到它的,以及你用 Arduino 做过的最酷的事是什么?**
Arduino,Raspberry Pi,以及可穿戴电子设备,这些年到处都能听到这些术语。我在几年前通过 Becky Stern YouTube 秀(最近由 Becky 继续主持,每周三播出)发现了 [Adafruit 的可穿戴电子设备][4]。我被那些可穿戴设备迷住了,还订了一套 LED 缝制工具,不过没做出任何东西。我就是没搞懂。我没有任何电子相关的背景,而且在我被那些项目吸引的时候,我根本不知道怎么做出那样的东西。看上去太遥远了。
后来,我找到一个 Coursera 的“物联网”专题。(很时髦,对吧?)但我很快就喜欢上了。我最终找到了 Arduino 是什么的解释,以及所有这些其他的重要术语和概念。我订了一套推荐的 Arduino 初学者套件,还附带了一本如何上手的小册子。当我第一次让 LED 闪烁的时候,开心极了。我在圣诞节以及之后有两个星期的假期,然后我什么都没干,就一直根据初学者小册子给 Arduino 电路编程。很奇怪我觉得很放松!我太喜欢了。
一月份的时候,我开始构思我自己的原型设备。在知道我要主持公司培训的开场白时,我用五个 LED 灯和 Arduino 搭建了一个开场白视觉计时器。

这是一次巨大的成功。我还做了我的第一个可穿戴项目,一件会发光的连帽衫,使用了和 Arduino IDE 兼容的 Gemma 微控制器,一个小的圆形可缝制部件,然后用可导电的线缝起来,将一个滑动可变电阻和衣服帽口的收缩绳连在一起,用来控制缝到帽子里的五个 NeoPixel 灯的颜色。这就是我对原型设计的看法:开展一些很好玩也可能会有点实际用途的疯狂项目。
**Drupal 和 IoT 带来的最大机遇是什么??**
IoT 和网站服务以及 Drupal 分层趋势实际并没有太大差别。就是将数据从一个物体传送到另一个物体,然后将数据转换成一些有用的东西。但数据是如何送达?能用来做点什么?你觉得现在就有一大堆现成的解决方案,应用,中间层,以及 API?采用 IoT,这只会继续成指数增长。我觉得,给我任何一个设备或“物体”,需要只用一种方式来将它连接到因特网的无线可能上。然后有现成的各种代码库来帮助制作者将他们的数据从一个物体送到另一个物体。
那么 Drupal 在这里处于什么位置?首先,网站服务将是第一个明显的地方。但作为一个制作者,我不希望将时间花在编写 Drupal 的订制模块上。我想要的是即插即用!所以我很高兴出现这样的模块能连接 IoT 云端 API 和服务,比如 ThingSpeak,Adafruit.io,IFTTT,以及其他的。我觉得也有一个很好的商业机会,在 Drupal 里构建一套 IoT 云服务,允许用户发送和存储他们的传感器数据,并可以制成表格和图像,还可以写一些插件可以响应特定数据或阙值。每一个 IoT 云 API 服务都是一个细分的机会,所以能留下很大空间给其他人。
**这次 DrupalCon 你有哪些期待?**
我喜欢重新联系 Drupal 上的朋友,认识一些新的人,还能见到 Lullabot 和 Drupalize.Me 的同事(我们是分布式的公司)!Drupal 8 有太多东西可以去探索了,不可抗拒地要帮我们的客户收集培训资料。所以,我很期待参与一些 Drupal 8 相关的主题,以及跟上最新的开发活动。最后,我对新奥尔良也很感兴趣!我曾经在 2004 年去过,很期待将这次将看到哪些改变。
**谈一谈你这次 DrupalCon 上的演讲,超越闪烁:将 Drupal 加到你的 IoT 游乐场中。别人为什么要参与?他们最重要的收获会是什么?**
我的主题的标题是,超越闪烁:将 Drupal 加到你的 IoT 游乐场中,本身有很多假设,我将让所有人都放在同一速度和层次。你不需要了解任何关于 Arduino,物联网,甚至是 Drupal,都能跟上。我将从用 Arduino 让 LED 灯闪烁开始,然后我会谈一下我自己在这里面的最大收获:玩,学,教,和做。我会列出一些曾经激发过我的例子,它们也很有希望能激发和鼓励其他听众去尝试一下。然后,就是展示时间!
首先,第一个东西。它是一个构建提醒信号灯。在这个展示里,我会说明如何将信号灯连到互联网上,以及如何响应从云 API 服务收到的数据。然后,第二个东西。它是一个蒸汽朋克风格 iPhone 外壳形式的“天气手表”。有一个小型 LED 矩阵用来显示我的天气的图标,一个气压和温度传感器,一个 GPS 模块,以及一个 Bluetooth LE 模块,都连接到一个 Adafruit Flora 微控制器上。第二个东西能通过蓝牙连接到我的 iPhone 上的一个应用,并将天气和位置数据通过 MQTT 协议发到 Adafruit.io 的服务器!然后,在 Drupal 这边,我会从云端下载这些数据,根据天气更新一个功能块,然后更新地图。所以大家也能体验一下通过网站服务,地图和 Drupal 8 的功能块所能做的事情。
via: https://opensource.com/business/16/5/drupalcon-interview-amber-matz
作者:[Jason Hibbets][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
[a]: https://opensource.com/users/jhibbets
[1]: https://www.drupal.org/u/amber-himes-matz
[2]: https://drupalize.me/
[3]: https://events.drupal.org/neworleans2016/
[4]: https://www.adafruit.com/beckystern
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