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4 essential characteristics of successful APIs
An API needs to do much more than "just work."
![Looking at a map][1]
If you are building an application that uses some variation of a client/server model, you need an application programming interface (API). An API is a clearly defined boundary between one process and another. A common boundary in web applications is a REST/JSON API.
如果你正在构建基于C/S模型的应用程序,那么你需要一个应用程序接口(API)。API就是一种非常清晰而又明确的定义,它定义了一个过程(process)与另一个过程(process)之间的边界。 web应用中我们常见的边界定义就是 REST/JSON API.
While developers may be mainly focused on making the API work (or function), there are some "non-functional" requirements that need their attention. Four _must-have_ non-functional requirements for all APIs are:
虽然很多开发者可能主要关注在如何让API正常工作(或功能正常),但却还有一些“非功能性”的要求也是需要他们注意的。 对于所有API我们有以下4个 _必须有的_ 非功能性的要求:
* Security
* Documentation
* Validation
* Testing
* 安全
* 文档
* 校验
* 测试
### Security
### 安全
Security is an essential requirement in software development. There are four areas for API developers to include regarding security:
1. HTTPS/SSL certificates
2. Cross-origin resource sharing
3. Authentication and JSON Web Tokens
4. Authorizations and scopes
2. 跨域资源共享
3. 身份认证与JSON Web令牌
4. 授权与范围划分
#### 1\. HTTPS/SSL certificates
#### 1\. HTTPS/SSL 证书
The gold standard for the web is HTTPS using SSL certificates, and [Let's Encrypt][2] can help you achieve this. It is a free, automated, and open certificate authority from the non-profit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).
Web应用的黄金标准是使用HTTPS协议,而HTTPS协议的使用是要有SSL证书。关于SSL证书,[Let's Encrypt][2]可以帮我们达到目的。 Let's Encrypt来自于非营利性的互联网安全研究小组(ISRG),它是一个免费的、自动化的、开放的证书颁发机构。
Let's Encrypt's software generates central authority certificates for your domain. These certificates ensure payloads of data from your API to the client are encrypted from point to point.
Let's Encrypt的软件会为你的域(译者注:包含域名、IP等信息)生成一些权威的中央授权证书。而正是这些证书确保了,从你的API到客户端的点到点的数据都是被加密过的。
Let's Encrypt supports several deployment options for certificate management; check out its [documentation][3] to find the right solution for your needs.
Let's Encrypt支持多种不同证书管理的部署方案。我们可以通过查看[文档][3]来找出最适合自己需要的方案。
#### 2\. Cross-origin resource sharing
#### 2\. 跨域资源共享
CORS is a browser-specific security policy preflight check. If your API server is not in the same domain as the requesting client's domain, you will need to deal with CORS. For example, if your server is running on **api.domain-a.com **and gets a client request from **domain-b.com**, CORS sends an HTTP precheck request to see if your API service will accept client-side requests from the client's domain.
CORS是浏览器基于浏览器安全策略的一个预检。如果你的API服务器与发出请求的客户端不在同一个域中,那么你将要处理CORS。例如,如果你的服务器运行在**api.domain-a.com **并且接到一个来自**domain-b.com**的客户端的请求, 那么CORS就会(让浏览器)发送一个HTTP预检请求,以便查看你的API服务是否会接受来自此客户域的客户端请求。
[According to MDN][4]:
> "Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any other origins (domain, scheme, or port) than its own from which a browser should permit loading of resources."
> “跨域资源共享(CORS)是一种基于HTTP头的机制,这种机制允许服务器标记除自身源外的其他任何来源(域、方案或端口)。而对于这些被服务器标识的源,浏览器应该允许我们从它们加载资源。”
![CORS principles][5]
([MDN Web Docs][4], [CC-BY-SA 2.5][6])
([MDN文档][4], [CC-BY-SA 2.5][6])
There are many helper libraries for [Node.js][7] to [help API developers with CORS][8].
#### 3\. Authentication and JSON Web Tokens
#### 3\. 身份认证与JSON Web令牌
There are several approaches to validate an authenticated user in your API, but one of the best ways is to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT). These tokens are signed using various types of well-known cryptographic libraries.
有多种方法可以验证你的API中的认证用户,但最好的方法之一是使用JSON Web令牌(JWT),而这些令牌都是被各种知名的加密库进行签名过的。
When a client logs in, an identity-management service provides the client with a JWT. The client can then use this token to make requests to the API. The API has access to a public key or a secret that it uses to verify the token.
当客户端登录时,身份管理服务会向客户端提供一个JWT(JSON Web令牌)。然后,客户端可以使用这个令牌向API发出请求,API收到请求后,从服务器读取公钥或私钥来验证这个令牌。
There are several libraries available to help verify tokens, including [jsonwebtoken][9]. For more information about JWT and the libraries that support it in every language, check out [JWT.io][10].
![JWT verification example][11]
(Tom Wilson, [Hyper63 blog][12])
#### 4\. Authorizations and scopes
#### 4\. 授权与范围划分
Authentication (or identity verification) is important, but so is authorization, i.e., _does the verified client have the privilege to execute this request?_ This is where **scopes** are valuable. When the client authenticates with the identity management server and a JWT token is created, having the identity management service provide the scopes for the given authenticated client can enable the API service to determine if this verified client request can be performed without having to perform an additional costly lookup to an access control list.
认证(或身份认证)很重要,但授权同样很重要。比如, _经过认证的客户端是否有权限让服务器执行某个请求呢?_ 这就是**scopes(范围划分)**的价值所在。 当身份管理服务器对客户端进行身份认证,且创建JWT令牌时,身份管理服务会给当前客户提供一个权限范围,这个权限范围将会决定当前客户的API请求能否被服务器执行。这样也就免去了服务器对访问控制列表的一些不必要的查询。
A scope is a text block (usually space-delimited) that describes the access capability of an API endpoint. Normally, scopes are broken down between Resources and Actions. This pattern works well for REST/JSON APIs since they are very similarly structured in a RESOURCE:ACTION format (e.g., ARTICLE:WRITE or ARTICLE:READ, where ARTICLE is the resource and READ and WRITE are the actions).
授权范围通常是一个文本块(通常以空格分隔),用于描述一个API的访问能力。一般来说,范围被分为资源(Resources)与动作(Actions)。这种模式对REST/JSON API很有效,因为他们有相似的RESOURCE:ACTION结构。(例如,ARTICLE:WRITE或ARTICLE:READ,其中ARTICLE是资源,READ和WRITE是动作)。
This allows the API to focus on function and not roles or users. The identity access management service can relate roles and users to scopes, then provide the scopes to the client in a verified JWT.
授权范围的划分让我们的API能够专注于功能的实现,而不是去考虑各种角色和用户。 身份管理服务可以将不同的角色和用户分配不同的权限范围, 然后再将这些不同的授权范围提供给不同的JWT验证中的客户。
#### Summary
#### 总结
When building and deploying APIs, security should always be one of the most important requirements. While security is a broad topic, addressing these four areas will position your API well for production environments.
### Documentation
### 文档
_What's worse than no documentation? Outdated documentation._
_有什么能比没有文档更糟糕? 过期的文档._
Developers have a love–hate relationship with documentation. Still, documentation is a crucial part of an API's definition of success. Developers need to know how to use the API, and the documentation you create plays a huge role in educating developers on how to best use it.
开发者对文档真的是又爱又恨。 尽管如此,文档仍然是API定义是否成功的一个关键部分。开发者需要从文档中知道如何使用这些API,且你创建的文档对于开发者如何更好地使用API也有着非常巨大的作用。
There are three areas to focus on in API documentation:
1. Developer onboarding (READMEs)
2. Technical reference (Specifications)
3. Usage (Getting started and other guides)
1. 开发者入门文档 (自述文件/基本介绍)
2. 技术参考 (说明书/规格)
3. 使用方法 (如何开始和其他指南)
#### 1\. Developer onboarding
#### 1\. 入门文档
When building an API service, you need to specify things like: What does the API do? How do you set up a developer environment? How do you test the service? How do you submit an issue? How do you deploy it?
The usual way to answer these questions is with a README file. It is the file in your code repository that gives developers a starting point for working with your project.
A README should contain:
* A description of the API
* Links to technical references and guides
* How to set up the project as a developer
* How to test the project
* How to deploy the project
* Dependency management
* Contribution guide
* Code of conduct
* License
* Gratitude
* API的描述
* 技术参考与指南链接
* 如何以开发者的身份设置你的项目
* 如何测试这个项目
* 如何部署这个项目
* 依赖管理
* 代码贡献指南
* 行为准则
* 许可证
* 致谢
Be concise in your README; you do not have to explain every aspect but give enough information so that developers can drill deeper as they become familiar with your project.
你的README文件应该简明扼要; 你不必解释每一个方面,但要提供足够的信息,以便开发者在熟悉你的项目后可以进一步深入研究。
#### 2\. Technical reference
#### 2\. 技术参考
In a REST/JSON API, every endpoint is a specific function with a purpose. It is important to have technical documentation that specifies each endpoint; defines the description, inputs, and outputs that can occur; and provides examples for various clients.
在REST/JSON API中, 每一个具体的网址(endpoint)都对应一个特定的功能,所以每一个具体的网址(endpoint)都需要对应一个具体的说明文档,这显得非常重要,文档中会定义API的描述,输入和可能的输出,并为各种客户端提供使用示例。
REST/JSON has a specification standard called [OpenAPI][13], which can guide you through the details required to document an API. OpenAPI can also generate presentation documentation for your API.
[OpenAPI][13]是一个创建REST/JSON文档的标准, 它可以指导你完成编写API文档所需的各种细节。OpenAPI还可以为你的API生成演示文档。
#### 3\. Usage
#### 3\. 使用方法
Your API's users want more than just technical specifications. They want to know how to use your API in specific situations or cases. Most potential users have a problem and they are looking to your API to solve it.
A great way to introduce users to your API is with a "getting started" page. This can walk the user through a simple use case that gets them up to speed quickly on the benefits of your API.
#### Summary
#### 总结
Documentation is a key component of any successful API. When creating documentation, think about the three areas of focus—onboarding, technical, and usage—cover those bases, and you will have a well-documented API.
### Validation
### 校验
One of the most often overlooked aspects of API development is validation. Validation is the process of verifying input from external sources. These sources might be a client sending JSON or a service responding to your request. More than just checking types, ensuring that the data is what it is supposed to be can eliminate many potential problems. Understanding your boundaries and what you do and don't have control over is an important aspect of validation.
API开发过程中经常被忽视的一个点就是校验。 校验是一个验证来自外部源的输入的过程。 这些源可能给是客户端发送过来的JSON数据,或者是你请求别人的服务收到的响应数据。 我们不仅仅要检查这些数据的类型,还要确保这些数据确实是我们要的数据,这样可以消除很多潜在的问题。 了解你的边界以及你能控制的和不能控制的东西,对于API的数据校验来说这是一个很重要的方面。
The best strategy is to validate at the edges before your logic takes place. When a client sends your API some data, apply validation before you do anything else with that data. Make sure an email is an actual email address, a date is properly formatted, a string meets length requirements.
最好的策略是在进入数据逻辑处理之前,在你能控制的边界的边缘处进行数据的校验。当客户端向你的API发送数据时,你需要对该数据做出任何处理之前应用你的验证,比如:确保email是真实的邮件地址, 日期数据有正确的格式, 字符串符合长度要求。
This simple check will add safety and consistency to your application. Also, when you receive data from a service, like a database or a cache, revalidate it to make sure the returned result meets your data checks.
这种简单的检查可以为你的应用增加安全性和一致性。 还有,当你从某个服务接收数据时,比如数据库或缓存,你需要重新验证这些数据,以确保返回的结果符合你的数据校验。
You can always validate by hand or use utility function libraries like [Lodash][14] or [Ramda][15]. These work great for small data objects. Validation libraries like [Joi][16], [Yup][17], or [Zod][18] work even better, as they contain common validations that can save time and effort and create a very readable schema. If you need something language-agnostic, look at [JSON Schema][19].
你可以自己手写这些校验逻辑,当然也可以用像[Lodash][14]或[Ramda][15]这样的函数库,它们对于一些小的数据对象非常有用。像[Joi][16],[Yup][17],或[Zod][18]这样的验证库效果会更好,因为它们包含了一些常见的验证,可以节省你的时间和精力。除此,它们还能创建一个可读性强的模式。如果你需要看看与语言无关的东西,请看[JSON Schema][19]。
#### Summary
#### 总结
Validation is not sexy, but it can save a ton of time that would otherwise be spent troubleshooting and writing data migration scripts. Don't make the mistake of trusting your client to send clean data; you don't want bad data leaked into your business logic or persistent data store. Take the time and validate your API endpoints and service responses. While it may cause some frustration upfront, it is much easier to loosen the reigns than to tighten them later.
数据校验虽然并不显眼和突出(译者注:跟API的功能实现以及其他几个方面比), 但它可以帮你节省大量的时间。如果不做校验,这些时间将可能被用于故障排除和编写数据迁移脚本。真的不要相信你的客户端会发送干净的数据给你,也不要让验证不通过(bad data)的数据渗入到你的业务逻辑或持久数据存储中去。花点时间验证你的API收到的数据和请求到的响应数据,虽然在前期你可能会感到一些挫折和不适,但这总比你在后期花大量时间去做各种数据收紧管制,故障排除等要容易得多。
### Testing
### 测试
Testing is a best practice for software development and should be a primary non-functional requirement. Defining a test strategy can be a challenge for any project, including APIs. Always understand your constraints and define your strategy accordingly.
Integration testing is one of the most effective methods for testing APIs. In this pattern, the development team creates a test to cover some part of the application flow, from one specific point to another. A great integration test flow includes testing the API's entry point and mocking the request point to the service. By picking those two points, you cover the entire logic, from the beginning of the API request to the service request, and the mock service gives you a response to hand back to the API response.
集成测试是测试API的最有效的方法之一。在集成测试模式中,开发团队会创建一个测试集用来覆盖应用流程中的一个点到另一个点。一个好的集成测试流程包括测试API的入口点以及模拟请求到服务端的响应。 搞定这两点,你就覆盖了整个逻辑,包括从API请求的开始到模拟服务器的响应,并返回数据给API。
Although it uses mocks, this method allows you to focus on the code in the logic layer and not depend on back-end services or presentation logic to run the test. Having no dependencies makes running the test much more reliable, easier to automate, and simpler to include in your continuous integration pipeline.
虽然使用的是模拟, 但这种方法让能我们专注于代码逻辑层,而不需要去依赖后端服务和展示逻辑来进行测试。没有依赖的测试会更加可靠, 更容易 实现自动化,且更容易被接入持续集成管道流。
One setup I use for integration testing uses [Tape][20], [Test-server][21], and [Fetch-mock][22]. These libraries enable me to run isolated tests against API endpoints from the request to the response, with Fetch-mock catching the outbound request to the persistence layer.
集成测试的实施中,我会用[Tape][20],[Test-server][21],和[Fetch-mock][22]。这些库让我们能够从API的请求到数据的响应进行隔离测试,使用 Fetch-mock还可以将出站请求捕获到持久层。
#### Summary
#### 总结
While all types of testing and type checking are beneficial to APIs, integration testing offers the largest benefit in terms of effectiveness vs. time to build and manage. Using tools like Fetch-mock can provide clean mocking scenarios at the service boundary.
虽然其他的各种测试和类型检查对API也都有很好的益处,但集成测试在流程效率,构建和管理时间方面却有着更大的优势。 使用Fetch-mock这样的工具,可以在服务边界提供一个干净的模拟场景。
### Focus on the fundamentals
### 专注于基础
As you design and build your application and API, make sure to include these four fundamentals. These are not the only non-functional requirements to consider; others include application monitoring, logging, and API management. Even so, security, documentation, validation, and testing are crucial focus points for designing and building a successful API for any use case.
不管是设计和构建应用程序还是API,都要确保包含上面的四个基本要素。它们并不是我们唯一需要考虑的非功能性需求,其他的还包括应用监控,日志和API管理等都是的。 即便如此, 安全、文档、校验和测试这四个基本点,对于构建任何使用场景下的成功API都是至关重要的关注点。
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ via: https://opensource.com/article/21/5/successful-apis
作者:[Tom Wilson][a]
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