diff --git a/published/20230626.2 ⭐️⭐️ 15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros.md b/published/20230626.2 ⭐️⭐️ 15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..174bbc9b20 --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20230626.2 ⭐️⭐️ 15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros.md @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +[#]: subject: "15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros" +[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/best-gtk-themes/" +[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/" +[#]: collector: "lkxed" +[#]: translator: "ChatGPT" +[#]: reviewer: "wxy" +[#]: publisher: "wxy" +[#]: url: "https://linux.cn/article-15977-1.html" + +15 个最佳 GTK 主题 +====== + +![][0] + +> 我们为各种 Linux 发行版提供了一个全新的最佳 GTK 主题列表。 + +桌面外观在你的 Linux 整体体验中起着重要作用。GTK 主题提供了一种简单而强大的方式来定制你的桌面环境的外观。应用 GTK 主题使你可以更改颜色、窗口装饰和整体样式,以适应你的喜好。 + +除了 KDE Plasma 和 LXQt 之外,大多数受欢迎的桌面环境都基于 GTK。因此,了解当今最好的 GTK 主题是很重要的。 + +在 Linux 上安装 GTK 主题相对简单。安装说明通常在主题的官方网站上。通常,它包括下载主题文件并将它们(提取后)放置在主目录下的 `~/.themes` 文件夹中。 + +让我们深入了解在 2023 年最流行的前 15 个 GTK 主题。 + +### 2023 年最佳 GTK 主题 + +#### Orchis + +Orchis 是一款备受推崇的 GTK 主题,因其清新独特的设计而广受欢迎。受到 macOS Big Sur 外观的启发,Orchis 为 Linux 桌面带来了流畅而现代的外观。 + +Orchis 因其将 macOS Big Sur 的优雅引入 Linux 生态系统而受到认可。通过结合现代设计和 Fluent Design 语言的元素,Orchis 提供了一个视觉吸引力和一致性的用户界面,增强了整体桌面体验。无论你喜欢浅色还是深色变体,Orchis 都为你的 Linux 桌面提供了一种清新而精致的外观。 + +![Orchis 主题][1] + +> **注意**:该主题支持 libadwaita/GTK4 主题。因此,适用于 GNOME 40+ 桌面。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载并获取安装说明。 + +> **[下载 Orchis 主题][2]** + +#### WhiteSur + +WhiteSur 是一个受到 macOS Big Sur 流畅设计启发的 GTK 主题。以下是其主要特点: + +- 采用了 macOS Big Sur 的美学设计,带有圆角和半透明窗口。 +- 提供了浅色和深色模式以满足不同偏好。 +- 在基于 GTK 的应用程序中保持一致的设计。 +- 注重细节,具有平滑动画和清晰的阴影。 +- 可自定义选项,包括强调色、窗口装饰和按钮样式。 + +![WhiteSur GTK 主题][3] + +WhiteSur 兼容多种 Linux 桌面环境,如 GNOME、Xfce 和 Cinnamon,使其能够受到广大用户的喜爱。通过 WhiteSur 干净统一的界面,在你的 Linux 桌面上体验 macOS Big Sur 的优雅。 + +> **注意**:该主题还支持 GTK4/libadwaita 主题。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载主题并获取安装说明。 + +> **[下载 WhiteSur 主题][4]** + +#### Vimix + +Vimix 是一款受欢迎的 GTK 主题,为 Linux 桌面环境提供时尚现代的外观。以下是它的主要特点: + +- Vimix 采用了时尚现代的设计风格,具有扁平界面、简洁线条和细微渐变。 +- 该主题提供了多种颜色变体,包括浅色的 Vimix Light 和深色的 Vimix Dark。 +- Vimix 兼容多种 Linux 桌面环境,包括 GNOME、Xfce、Cinnamon 等,适用于各种 Linux 用户。 + +![Vimix 主题][5] + +Vimix 通过现代设计元素的结合、颜色的多样性以及与各种桌面环境的兼容性而受到欢迎。其时尚的外观和自定义选项使其成为寻求视觉上愉悦和一致用户界面的 Linux 用户的绝佳选择。 + +> **注意**:它支持现代的 GTK4/libadwaita 主题。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载 Vimix 主题。 + +> **[下载 Vimix 主题][6]** + +#### Prof-GNOME-theme + +Prof-GNOME-theme 是一个著名的 GTK 主题,为 Linux 桌面环境(特别是 GNOME)带来了专业而精致的外观。以下是其主要特点: + +- Prof-GNOME-theme 采用了简洁而专业的设计,呈现出极简主义的风格、优雅的线条和精致的美学。 +- 该主题采用了细腻而优雅的调色板,专注于中性色调和柔和的变化,营造出宁静而专业的氛围。 +- 该主题确保在基于 GTK 的应用程序中保持一致,为整个桌面环境提供了协调和和谐的体验。 + +![Prof-GNOME 主题 - 2022 年 GNOME 主题][7] + +Prof-GNOME-theme 受到专业人士和欣赏干净精致桌面环境的用户的青睐。它注重细节,专注于专业主义,使它成为那些寻求精致而优雅外观的 Linux 桌面用户的绝佳选择。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载该主题并获取安装说明: + +> **[下载 Prof-GNOME 主题][8]** + +#### Ant + +Ant 是一款受欢迎的 GTK 主题,以其简洁和极简主义的设计而闻名。其主要特点包括: + +- 清爽而扁平的美学,带有微妙的阴影。 +- 一致且清晰的图标。 +- 色彩平衡而悦目。 +- 支持浅色和深色变体。 +- 与 GNOME 桌面环境无缝集成。 + +![Ant 主题][9] + +用户可以在其 Linux 系统上享受到 Ant 主题带来的现代且视觉上愉悦的体验。其简约和优雅外观,使其成为寻求 GTK 应用程序和桌面的精致外观的人士的首选。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载 Ant 主题。 + +> **注意**:该主题**不支持** GTK4/libadwaita。 + +> **[下载 Ant 主题][10]** + +#### Flat Remix + +Flat Remix 是一款备受赞誉的 GTK 主题,为 Linux 桌面提供了清新现代的外观。它的主要特点包括: + +- 扁平和极简主义的设计,色彩鲜明。 +- 在基于 GTK 的应用程序中保持一致和统一的外观。 +- 全面的图标集,提供精细的视觉体验。 +- 支持浅色和深色变体。 + +![Flat Remix 主题][11] + +Flat Remix 为 Linux 桌面环境带来了愉悦的触感,提升了整体美学和用户体验。其鲜明的色彩和协调的设计使其受到喜欢清洁和现代界面的用户的欢迎。 + +> **注意**:该主题**不支持** GTK4/libadwaita。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载 Flat Remix 主题。 + +> **[下载 Flat Remix 主题][12]** + +#### Fluent + +Fluent GTK 主题是一款现代时尚的主题,受到了微软的 Fluent Design System 的启发。以下是其主要特点: + +- 光滑和精致的外观,融入了 Fluent Design 的深度、动态和透明度原则。 +- 基于 Fluent 的图标提供了一致和统一的外观。 +- 与基于 GTK 的应用程序无缝集成,提供一致的用户体验。 +- 支持浅色和深色模式,允许用户个性化他们的桌面。 +- 持续开发和定期更新,确保与最新的 GTK 版本兼容。 + +![Fluent GTK 主题][13] + +Fluent GTK 主题为 Linux 桌面带来了微软设计的优雅风采,吸引了欣赏现代和精致视觉体验的用户。其遵循 Fluent Design 指南并持续发展,使其成为寻求现代和精致 GTK 主题的人士的理想选择。 + +> **注意**:该主题支持 GTK4/libadwaita 主题。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载 Fluent GTK 主题并获取安装说明。 + +> **[下载 Fluent GTK 主题][14]** + +#### Grvbox + +Grvbox 是一款受 Vim 著名配色方案 [gruvbox][15] 启发的热门 GTK 主题。以下是其主要特点: + +- 温暖复古的调色板让人想起老式终端界面。 +- 经过精心设计,提供舒适和愉悦的视觉体验。 +- 提供浅色和深色变体,让用户选择其喜好的风格。 +- 与基于 GTK 的应用程序无缝集成,确保一致和统一的外观。 +- 定期更新和社区支持,确保与最新的 GTK 版本兼容。 + +![Gruvbox GTK 主题][16] + +Grvbox 主题为 Linux 桌面带来了怀旧的魅力,唤起了熟悉和简约的感觉。其精心选择的颜色和注重细节,使其受到那些欣赏基于 GTK 的应用程序和桌面环境的复古魅力的爱好者的喜爱。 + +> **注意**:该主题支持 GTK4/libadwaita 主题。 + +你可以从下面的页面获取 Grvbox 主题的下载和安装说明: + +> **[下载 Grvbox 主题][17]** + +#### Graphite + +Graphite 是适用于基于 GTK 的桌面环境的深色主题。它旨在简约而优雅,非常适合希望拥有干净、无干扰界面的用户。 + +Graphite 主题基于 Adwaita 主题,并拥有许多相同的功能。但是,Graphite 具有更暗的色彩调色板和更加简约的设计。 + +![Graphite GTK 主题][18] + +如果你正在寻找一款既简约又优雅的深色主题,那么 Graphite 主题是一个很好的选择。它易于安装和使用,并与许多桌面环境兼容。 + +几个月前,我对该主题进行了评估,你可能会对此感兴趣:[Graphite 主题概述][19]。 + +**注意**:该主题支持 GTK4/libadwaita。 + +你可以使用下面页面上的说明安装此主题。 + +> **[Graphite GTK 主题][20]** + +#### Material + +Material 是一款受到 Material for Neovim 和 Graphite 主题(上面有提到)启发的广为人知的 GTK 主题。以下是其主要特点: + +- 清爽现代的美学,采用扁平设计元素和鲜明色彩。 +- 一致且协调的图标设计,符合 Material Design 的指南。 +- 提供浅色和深色变体,让用户自定义视觉体验。 +- 与基于 GTK 的应用程序无缝集成,确保统一的外观和感觉。 +- 定期更新和社区支持,确保与最新的 GTK 版本兼容。 + +![Material GTK 主题][21] + +Material 主题将流行的 Material Design 风格带到了 Linux 桌面,提供了视觉上令人愉悦且直观的用户体验。凭借其时尚的设计和与各种 GTK 环境的兼容性,Material 主题受到喜欢现代和和谐界面的用户的欢迎。 + +> **注意**:该主题支持现代的 GTK4/libadwaita 主题。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载并安装 Material 主题: + +> **[下载 Material 主题][22]** + +#### Arc + +Arc 主题是 Linux 社区中受欢迎的 GTK 主题,以其流线型和现代的设计而闻名。它提供了干净、简约的外观,与各种桌面环境(特别是 GNOME)相得益彰。以下是 Arc 主题的一些主要特点: + +- 美观的设计,拥有平滑曲线和扁平界面 +- 多种颜色变体,包括 Arc、Arc-Darker 和 Arc-Dark +- 可更改按钮样式、标题栏布局和窗口边框的选项 + +Arc 主题将美学和功能性融为一体,成为许多寻求视觉上愉快和一致用户界面的 Linux 用户的首选。 + +![Ubuntu GNOME 中的 Arc Darker 主题][23] + +> 然而,当前版本的主题**不支持**现代的 GTK4/libadwaita。 + +你可以从下面的官方仓库中下载 Arc 主题(这是原始 Arc 主题的另一个分支): + +> **[下载 Arc 主题][25]** + +此外,在 Ubuntu 及相关发行版上,你可以使用以下命令进行安装: + +``` +sudo apt install arc-theme +``` + +#### Nordic + +Nordic 是一款备受赞誉的 GTK 主题,受到北欧地区宁静景色的启发。以下是其主要特点: + +- 细腻而舒缓的调色板让人想起极光和雪景。 +- 浅色和深色元素的和谐组合,提供最佳的对比度和可读性。 +- 高度精心设计的图标完美地补充了整体美学。 +- 跨平台兼容,使用户可以在各种基于 GTK 的环境中享受 Nord 主题。 +- 定期更新和社区支持,确保持续的改进和兼容性。 + +![Nordic 主题][26] + +Nordic 主题为 Linux 桌面带来了宁静和优雅的氛围,让用户沉浸在一个视觉上迷人的环境中。其精心选择的颜色和对细节的关注,使其在寻求视觉上愉快和放松的 GTK 主题的 Linux 系统用户中广受欢迎。 + +它还附带了一个适用于 Firefox 的主题,以获得更好的外观和集成。 + +> **注意**:该主题支持现代的 GTK4/libadwaita 主题。 + +你可以从下面的页面下载 Nordic 主题: + +> **[下载 Nordic 主题][27]** + +#### Adapta + +Adapta 是一款备受赞誉的 GTK 主题,以其多功能性和现代设计而闻名。 + +Adapta 主题增强了 Linux 桌面的时尚和适应性风格,允许用户在保持精致和统一外观的同时个性化他们的界面。它的灵活性和持续发展使其成为那些寻求现代且可定制的 GTK 主题的人们的首选。 + +然而,这个优秀主题的开发已经**停止**了多年。你仍然可以从下面的官方页面下载并使用该主题: + +> **[下载 Adapta 主题][28]** + +#### Equilux + +Equilux 是一款适用于基于 GTK+ 的桌面环境的暗色主题。它的设计旨在中性且不分散注意力,非常适合在低光环境下使用或对亮色敏感的人士。 + +Equilux 主题基于 Materia 主题,并拥有许多相同的功能。然而,Equilux 使用了更柔和的调色板,使其更适合于暗环境。 + +![Equilux 主题][29] + +如果你正在寻找一款既中性又不分散注意力的暗色主题,那么 Equilux 主题是一个很好的选择。它易于安装和使用,并且与各种桌面环境兼容。 + +> **注意**:该主题的开发已经 [停止][30]。不会有进一步的更新。 + +你可以在下面的页面上找到该主题的当前版本: + +> **[下载 Equilux 主题][31]** + +#### Paper + +Paper 是一款广为人知的 GTK 主题,以其简约而优雅的设计而闻名。以下是其主要特点: + +- 干净而扁平的视觉风格,具有微妙的阴影效果。 +- 精心设计的图标提供了一致且精致的外观。 +- 提供多种颜色变体,包括浅色和深色主题。 +- 维护良好且积极开发,确保与最新的 GTK 版本兼容。 +- 支持 GNOME、Xfce 和 Unity 等流行的桌面环境。 + +![GNOME 中的 Paper 主题][32] + +Paper 以其极简的风格和注重细节的特点,为用户提供了视觉上愉悦和和谐的桌面体验。其多样的颜色选项和与多种桌面环境的兼容性,使其成为寻求时尚和现代外观的 Linux 爱好者的热门选择。 + +> **注意**:该主题的开发在 2016 年已**结束**。不支持现代的 GTK4+。 + +> **[下载 Paper 主题][33]** + +### 关于 Adwaita 的说明 + +流行的 Adwaita 主题是最好和最稳定的 GTK 主题之一。我之前没有将其列入上述列表的原因是它已经作为默认主题包含在许多发行版中,用户已经在其系统中安装了该主题。 + +### 总结 + +上述 GTK 主题代表了各种风格的不同口味,从现代设计到充满活力和丰富多彩的美学。无论你偏好极简的外观还是视觉上惊艳的界面,都可以找到适合你口味的 GTK 主题。我鼓励你尝试上述主题并搭配各种图标和鼠标主题,以获得更好的体验。 + +部分图片来源归属于各自的作者。 + +*(题图:MJ/cf5c27f6-ea23-4d9b-a311-168c45d9ea92)* + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://www.debugpoint.com/best-gtk-themes/ + +作者:[Arindam][a] +选题:[lkxed][b] +译者:ChatGPT +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/ +[b]: https://github.com/lkxed/ +[1]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Orchis-Theme.jpg +[2]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme +[3]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/WhiteSur-GTK-Theme.jpg +[4]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme +[5]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Vimix-Theme.jpg +[6]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/vimix-gtk-themes +[7]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Prof-GNOME-Theme.jpg +[8]: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1334194 +[9]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ant-Theme.jpg +[10]: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1099856/ +[11]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Flat-Remix-Theme-scaled.jpg +[12]: https://drasite.com/flat-remix-gnome +[13]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Fluent-GTK-Theme.jpg +[14]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/Fluent-gtk-theme +[15]: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox +[16]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Gruvbox-GTK-Theme-1600x3187.jpg +[17]: https://github.com/Fausto-Korpsvart/Gruvbox-GTK-Theme +[18]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Graphite-gtk-theme-1669x2048.jpg +[19]: https://www.debugpoint.com/graphite-theme-gnome/ +[20]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/Graphite-gtk-theme +[21]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Material-GTK-Theme-1600x3205.jpg +[22]: https://github.com/Fausto-Korpsvart/Material-GTK-Themes +[23]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Arc-Darker-Theme-in-Ubuntu-GNOME-1.jpg +[24]: https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme +[25]: https://github.com/jnsh/arc-theme +[26]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Nordic-theme.jpg +[27]: https://github.com/EliverLara/Nordic +[28]: https://github.com/adapta-project/adapta-gtk-theme +[29]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Equilux-Theme.jpg +[30]: https://github.com/ddnexus/equilux-theme +[31]: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1182169/ +[32]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Paper-Theme-in-GNOME.png +[33]: https://github.com/snwh/paper-gtk-theme +[0]: https://img.linux.net.cn/data/attachment/album/202307/07/183102d63s364i225tpwho.jpg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sources/tech/20230626.2 ⭐️⭐️ 15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros.md b/sources/tech/20230626.2 ⭐️⭐️ 15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros.md deleted file mode 100644 index 25804b05b8..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20230626.2 ⭐️⭐️ 15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ -[#]: subject: "15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros" -[#]: via: "https://www.debugpoint.com/best-gtk-themes/" -[#]: author: "Arindam https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/" -[#]: collector: "lkxed" -[#]: translator: " " -[#]: reviewer: " " -[#]: publisher: " " -[#]: url: " " - -15 Best GTK Themes for Ubuntu and Other Distros -====== - -**We present a fresh list of the best GTK themes for various Linux distributions.** - -The visual appearance of your desktop plays a significant role in your overall Linux experience. GTK themes offer a simple yet powerful way to customize the look of your desktop environment. Applying a GTK theme lets you change the colours, window decorations, and overall style to match your preferences. - -Apart from KDE Plasma, and LXQt, the majority of the popular desktop environments are based on GTK. Hence it’s important to find out which are the best GTK themes available today. - -Installing GTK themes on Linux is relatively straightforward. Installation instructions are usually on the theme’s official website. Generally, it involves downloading the theme files and placing them (after extracting) in the `~/.themes` folder in your home directory. - -Let’s dive into the top 15 GTK themes that have gained popularity in 2023. - -### Best GTK Themes in 2023 - -#### Orchis - -Orchis is a highly regarded GTK theme that has gained popularity for its refreshing and unique design. Inspired by the appearance of the macOS Big Sur, Orchis brings a sleek and modern look to Linux desktops. - -Orchis has gained recognition for its ability to bring the elegance of macOS Big Sur to the Linux ecosystem. By combining elements of modern design and Fluent Design language, Orchis offers a visually appealing and consistent user interface that enhances the overall desktop experience. Whether you prefer a light or dark variant, Orchis provides a refreshing and refined look to your Linux desktop. - -![Orchis Theme][1] - -**Note**: This theme supports libadwaita/GTK4 theming. Hence, it is suitable for GNOME 40+ desktops. - -You can download and get the installation instruction from the below page. - -[Download Orchis Theme][2] - -#### WhiteSur - -WhiteSur is a GTK theme inspired by the sleek design of macOS Big Sur. Here are its key features: - -- macOS Big Sur aesthetics with rounded corners and translucent windows. -- Light and dark modes are available for different preferences. -- Consistent design across GTK-based applications. -- Attention to detail with smooth animations and defined shadows. -- Customizable options for accent colours, window decorations, and button styles. - -![WhiteSur GTK Theme][3] - -WhiteSur is compatible with various Linux desktop environments like GNOME, Xfce, and Cinnamon, making it accessible to a wide user base. Experience the elegance of macOS Big Sur on your Linux desktop with WhiteSur’s clean and unified interface. - -**Note**: This theme also supports GTK4/libadwaita theming. - -You can download the theme from the below page and get the installation instructions. - -[Download WhiteSur Theme][4] - -#### Vimix - -Vimix is a popular GTK theme that offers a stylish and modern look to Linux desktop environments. Here are its key features: - -- Vimix showcases a sleek and contemporary design with its flat interface, clean lines, and subtle gradients. -- The theme offers a range of colour variations, including Vimix Light and Vimix Dark. -- Vimix is compatible with multiple Linux desktop environments, including GNOME, Xfce, Cinnamon, and more, making it accessible to various Linux users. - -![Vimix Theme][5] - -Vimix has gained popularity for its combination of modern design elements, colour versatility, and compatibility with various desktop environments. Its sleek appearance and customization options make it an excellent choice for Linux users seeking a visually pleasing and consistent user interface. - -**Note**: It supports the modern GTK4/libadwaita theming. - -You can download the Vimix theme from the below page. - -[Download Vimix Theme][6] - -#### Prof-GNOME-theme - -Prof-Gnome-theme is a well-known GTK theme that brings a professional and sophisticated look to Linux desktop environments, particularly GNOME. Here are its key features: - -- Prof-Gnome-theme offers a clean and professional design featuring a minimalistic approach, elegant lines, and refined aesthetics. -- The theme employs a subtle and tasteful colour palette, focusing on neutral tones and soft accents that create a calming and professional atmosphere. -- The theme ensures consistency across GTK-based applications, providing a cohesive and harmonious experience throughout the desktop environment. - -![Prof-GNOME Theme - gnome themes for 2022][7] - -Prof-Gnome-theme is favoured by professionals and users who appreciate a clean and sophisticated desktop environment. Its attention to detail and focus on professionalism make it an excellent choice for those seeking a refined and elegant look for their Linux desktop. - -Download and installation instruction for this theme is available on the below page: - -[Download prof-GNOME Theme][8] - -#### Ant - -Ant is a popular GTK theme known for its sleek and minimalist design. Its key features include: - -- Clean and flat aesthetic with subtle shadows. -- Consistent and well-defined icons. -- Easy on the eyes with a balanced colour palette. -- Support for both light and dark variants. -- Seamless integration with GNOME desktop environment. - -![Ant Theme][9] - -Users can enjoy a modern and visually pleasing experience on their Linux systems with the Ant theme. Its simplicity and elegance make it a favourite choice among those seeking a refined look for their GTK-based applications and desktop. - -You can download the Ant theme from the below page. - -**Note**: This theme does **not** support GTK4/libadwaita. - -[Download Ant theme][10] - -#### Flat Remix - -Flat Remix is a highly acclaimed GTK theme that offers a refreshing and modern look to Linux desktops. Its key features include: - -- Flat and minimalistic design with vibrant colours. -- Consistent and unified appearance across GTK-based applications. -- Comprehensive icon set, providing a polished visual experience. -- Support for both light and dark variants. - -![Flat Remix Theme][11] - -Flat Remix brings a delightful touch to the Linux desktop environment, enhancing the overall aesthetics and user experience. It’s vibrant colours and cohesive design makes it popular among users who appreciate a clean and contemporary interface. - -**Note**: This theme does **not** support GTK4/libadwaita. - -You can download the Flat remix theme from the below page. - -[Download Flat Remix Theme][12] - -#### Fluent - -The Fluent GTK theme is a modern and stylish theme inspired by Microsoft’s Fluent Design System. Here are its key features: - -- Sleek and polished appearance, incorporating Fluent Design’s principles of depth, motion, and transparency. -- Fluent-inspired icons provide a cohesive and unified look. -- Seamless integration with GTK-based applications, delivering a consistent user experience. -- It supports both light and dark modes, allowing users to personalize their desktops. -- Actively developed and regularly updated, ensuring compatibility with the latest GTK versions. - -![Fluent GTK Theme][13] - -The fluent GTK theme brings a touch of Microsoft’s elegance to the Linux desktop, appealing to users who appreciate a contemporary and refined visual experience. Its adherence to Fluent Design guidelines and continuous development make it an attractive choice for those seeking a modern and sophisticated GTK theme. - -**Note**: This theme supports GTK4/libadwaita theming. - -You can download Fluent GTK Theme and get the installation instructions below. - -[Download Fluent GTK Theme][14] - -#### Grvbox - -Grvbox is a popular GTK theme inspired by the aesthetics of the renowned Vim colour scheme, [gruvbox][15]. Here are its key features: - -- The warm and retro colour palette is reminiscent of old-school terminal interfaces. -- Thoughtfully designed to provide a comfortable and eye-pleasing visual experience. -- It offers both light and dark variants, allowing users to choose their preferred style. -- Seamless integration with GTK-based applications, ensuring a consistent and unified look. -- Regular updates and community support, ensuring compatibility with the latest GTK versions. - -![Gruvbox GTK Theme][16] - -Grvbox theme brings a nostalgic charm to the Linux desktop, evoking a sense of familiarity and simplicity. Its carefully chosen colours and attention to detail make it popular among enthusiasts who appreciate a vintage-inspired look for their GTK-based applications and desktop environment. - -**Note**: This theme supports GTK4/libadwaita theming. - -You can get the download and installation instructions from the below page: - -[Download Grvbox theme][17] - -#### Graphite - -Graphite is a dark theme for GTK+-based desktop environments. It is designed to be minimal and elegant, making it ideal for users who want a clean, distraction-free interface. - -The Graphite theme is based on the Adwaita theme and shares many of the same features. However, Graphite has a darker colour palette and a more minimalist design. - -![Graphite gtk theme][18] - -If you are looking for a dark theme that is both minimal and elegant, then the Graphite theme is a great option. It is easy to install and use and compatible with many desktop environments. - -A few months back, I reviewed this theme; you might want to check it out: [Graphite theme overview][19]. - -**Note**: This theme is ready for GTK4/libadwaita. - -You can install this theme using the instructions present on the below page. - -[Graphite GTK theme][20] - -#### Material - -Material is a widely recognized GTK theme inspired by Material for Neovim and Graphite theme (featured above). Here are its key features: - -- Clean and modern aesthetic, featuring flat design elements and vibrant colours. -- Consistent and cohesive iconography, adhering to Material Design guidelines. -- Provides light and dark variants, allowing users to customize their visual experience. -- Seamless integration with GTK-based applications, ensuring a unified look and feel. -- Regular updates and community support, ensuring compatibility with the latest GTK versions. - -![Material GTK Theme][21] - -The material theme brings the popular Material Design language to the Linux desktop, offering a visually appealing and intuitive user experience. With its stylish design and compatibility with various GTK environments, the Material theme is popular for users who appreciate a modern and harmonious interface. - -**Note**: This theme supports the modern GTK4/libadwaita themes. - -You can download and install it using the packages present on the below page: - -[Download Material Theme][22] - -#### Arc - -Arc theme is a popular GTK theme in the Linux community, known for its sleek and modern design. It offers a clean, minimalistic appearance that blends well with various desktop environments, particularly GNOME. Here are some key features of the Arc theme: - -- Visually appealing design with smooth curves and a flat interface -- Range of colour variations, including Arc, Arc-Darker, and Arc-Dark -- Option for changing button styles, title bar layout, and window borders - -Arc theme combines aesthetics and functionality, making it a go-to choice for many Linux users seeking a visually pleasing and consistent user interface. - -![Arc Darker Theme in Ubuntu GNOME][23] - -However, the current theme version doesn’t support the modern GTK4/libadwaita. - -You can download it in the official repo below (this is the forked repo of the [original Arc theme][24]): - -[Download Arc Theme][25] - -Also, you can install it using the below command in Ubuntu and related distributions: - -``` -sudo apt install arc-theme -``` - -#### Nordic - -Nordic is a highly regarded GTK theme inspired by the serene landscapes of the Nordic region. Here are its key features: - -- The subtle and soothing colour palette reminisces the Northern lights and snowy landscapes. -- The harmonious combination of light and dark elements for optimal contrast and readability. -- Well-designed icons perfectly complement the overall aesthetic. -- Cross-platform compatibility allows users to enjoy the Nord theme in various GTK-based environments. -- Regular updates and community support, ensuring ongoing refinement and compatibility. - -![Nordic theme][26] - -The Nordic theme brings a touch of tranquillity and elegance to the Linux desktop, immersing users in a visually captivating environment. Its carefully chosen colours and attention to detail make it popular among those seeking a visually pleasing and relaxing GTK theme for their Linux systems. - -It also comes with a Firefox theme for a better look and integration. - -**Note**: This theme supports the modern GTK4/libadwaita. - -You can download this theme from the below page: - -[Download Nordic theme][27] - -#### Adapta - -Adapta is a highly regarded GTK theme known for its versatility and modern design. - -Adapta theme enhances the Linux desktop’s sleek and adaptable style, allowing users to personalize their interface while maintaining a polished and unified look. It’s flexibility, and ongoing development makes it a favoured choice for those seeking a modern and customizable GTK theme for their Linux systems. - -However, the development **stopped** for this great theme for many years. You can still use the theme from the official page below: - -[Download Adapta theme][28] - -#### Equilux - -Equilux is a dark theme for GTK+-based desktop environments. It is designed to be neutral and non-distracting, making it ideal for use in low-light conditions or for people sensitive to bright colours. - -The Equilux theme is based on the Materia theme and shares many of the same features. However, Equilux has a more muted colour palette, making it even more suitable for dark environments. - -![Equilux Theme][29] - -If you are looking for a dark theme that is both neutral and non-distracting, then the Equilux theme is a great option. It is easy to install and use and compatible with a wide range of desktop environments. - -**Note**: The development of this theme has been [stalled][30]. There will not be any further updates. - -You can find the current version of this theme on the below page: - -[Download Equilux Theme][31] - -#### Paper - -Paper is a widely recognized GTK theme known for its simplistic yet elegant design. Here are its key features: - -- Clean and flat visual style with subtle shadows for depth. -- Thoughtfully crafted icons provide a consistent and polished appearance. -- Offers multiple colour variants, including light and dark themes. -- Well-maintained and actively developed, ensuring compatibility with the latest GTK versions. -- Supports popular desktop environments like GNOME, Xfce, and Unity. - -![Paper Theme in GNOME][32] - -With its minimalistic approach and attention to detail, Paper offers users a visually pleasing and harmonious desktop experience. Its versatile colour options and compatibility with various desktop environments make it popular for Linux enthusiasts seeking a sleek and modern look. - -**Note**: This theme’s development has **ended** in 2016. There is no support for modern GTK4+. - -[Download Paper theme][33] - -### A note about Adwaita - -The popular Adwaita theme is one of the best and most stable GTK themes. The reason I have not included it in the above list is that it’s included as default in many distributions. And users already have it installed in their system. - -### Conclusion - -The above GTK themes represent various tastes of styles, from modern designs to vibrant and colourful aesthetics. Whether you prefer a minimalistic look or a visually striking interface, a GTK theme suits your taste. I encourage you to experiment with the above themes with various icon and cursor themes for a better experience. - -_Few image credits: Respective authors_ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://www.debugpoint.com/best-gtk-themes/ - -作者:[Arindam][a] -选题:[lkxed][b] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]: https://www.debugpoint.com/author/admin1/ -[b]: https://github.com/lkxed/ -[1]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Orchis-Theme.jpg -[2]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme -[3]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/WhiteSur-GTK-Theme.jpg -[4]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme -[5]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Vimix-Theme.jpg -[6]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/vimix-gtk-themes -[7]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Prof-GNOME-Theme.jpg -[8]: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1334194 -[9]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ant-Theme.jpg -[10]: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1099856/ -[11]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Flat-Remix-Theme-scaled.jpg -[12]: https://drasite.com/flat-remix-gnome -[13]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Fluent-GTK-Theme.jpg -[14]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/Fluent-gtk-theme -[15]: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox -[16]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Gruvbox-GTK-Theme-1600x3187.jpg -[17]: https://github.com/Fausto-Korpsvart/Gruvbox-GTK-Theme -[18]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Graphite-gtk-theme-1669x2048.jpg -[19]: https://www.debugpoint.com/graphite-theme-gnome/ -[20]: https://github.com/vinceliuice/Graphite-gtk-theme -[21]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Material-GTK-Theme-1600x3205.jpg -[22]: https://github.com/Fausto-Korpsvart/Material-GTK-Themes -[23]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Arc-Darker-Theme-in-Ubuntu-GNOME-1.jpg -[24]: https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme -[25]: https://github.com/jnsh/arc-theme -[26]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Nordic-theme.jpg -[27]: https://github.com/EliverLara/Nordic -[28]: https://github.com/adapta-project/adapta-gtk-theme -[29]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Equilux-Theme.jpg -[30]: https://github.com/ddnexus/equilux-theme -[31]: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1182169/ -[32]: https://www.debugpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Paper-Theme-in-GNOME.png -[33]: https://github.com/snwh/paper-gtk-theme