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Top 9 Linux Podcasts
### Introduction ###
Last year I wrote an article called “[Linux Podcasts and Magazines][1]” which listed some of the best magazines and podcasts about Linux. Having looked back at that article I am aware that it could have gone a lot further as there are loads of podcasts that could have been named.
The following is a list of my favourite Linux based podcasts. This list is in no particular order as I think they are all good in their own way.
Now you might think that Top 9 is a bit of a cop out. Why not 10? Surely all these things come in 10s. Well if I added a 10th it wouldn’t be a genuine list because I have only listened to 9. Feel free to add your own podcasts into the comments section.
### 1. Linux Action Show ###
Homepage: [http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/tag/linux-action-show/][2]
The Linux action show is hosted by Chris Fisher and Matt Hartley.
You can watch the show online or you can download/listen to the show in MP3 format.
The show is very entertaining and the hosts are very upbeat and enthusiastic.
Segments include news, picks, feedback and a featured subject.
As well as finding out about what is going on in the Linux world you will also hear about applications you haven’t heard about before.
The show is quite long and lasts nearly 2 hours. It is a great show for plugging yourself into whilst you are at work.
### 2. Linux Unplugged ###
Homepage: [http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/show/linuxun/][3]
No I am not cheating but yes it is the same people involved.
Linux Unplugged is a less formal version of the Linux Action Show whereby the dynamic duo of Chris and Matt try things out in the Linux environment. Guests and chat room members can interact directly with the show.
Much better to watch this one live than it is to watch the re-runs but again there is some great information passed on from week to week.
### 3. The Linux Link Tech Show ###
Homepage: [http://tllts.org/][4]
The Linux Link Tech Show is a much less formal show and is basically a group of guys chatting about Linux and life in general.
The show is again around 2 hours long and is much more fun than listening to chirpy DJs waffling on about how drunk they got last weekend.
The hosts each week differ slightly but according to the website they are Linc, Dann, Allan, Pat, Joel, Rich, Dan and Davey.
In the last episode that I listened to the debate came up about Linux, GNU/Linux etc. As with the next podcast it is a debate sure to run and run.
### 4. Everyday Linux ###
Homepage : [http://elementopie.com/everyday-linux-episodes][5]
The Everyday Linux podcast is hosted by Seth Anderson, Chris Neves and Mark Cockrell and discusses everything Linux and a few things non-Linux related.
Again the show is a 2 hours long and covers Linux news, distributions and software.
In the last episode there were articles about Plex, patent trolls and a new retro gaming website. There was also a section where the guys talked about whether Linux had achieved its aims for the year.
A lot of discussion was had about whether Linux now dominated the market and does that include desktop or not. Nobody could decide whether ChromeOS and Android counted as they only use Linux as a base and the age old subject came up about should we use the term Linux, GNU/Linux etc.
I quite often get comments at the end of articles stating that a distro isn’t an operating system, it is a distro or Linux isn’t an operating system, GNU/Linux is. It is a debate that will roll on forever it seems.
I was lucky enough to appear as a [guest on the Everyday Linux podcast][6] many months ago.
### 5. Going Linux ###
Homepage: [http://goinglinux.com/][7]
Going Linux is hosted by Larry Bushey and Bill Smith.
The show is a more formal affair and the hosts have a good level of knowledge with regards to Linux.
Much of the show is given over to answering questions that the general public have sent in and the hosts do their best to answer the questions as succinctly as possible.
This show is well worth a listen as you will definitely learn a thing or two along the way.
It is shorter than the previous items in this list averaging around 40 minutes
### 6. Ubuntu UK Podcast ###
Homepage: [http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/][8]
The Ubuntu UK Podcast (UUPC) is a UK based podcast hosted by Laura Cowen, Mark Johnson and Alan Pope.
The show is a quick flirt around the Linux world but is also more to do with Ubuntu than anything else. (Clue is in the title).
The show starts with a quick round up of the Linux news in general and then looks at the Ubuntu world.
There is usually a featured segment with guests, tutorials and command line love. To finish things off there is a feedback segment.
The show is usually around 30 minutes long and that time seems to fly by.
### 7. Linux Outlaws ###
Homepage: [http://sixgun.org/linuxoutlaws][9]
Hosted by Fabian Scherschal and Dan Lynch, Linux Outlaws is one of the most entertaining podcasts available.
You have to be prepared to hear the occasional F bomb and even C bomb and when I say occasional I mean regular.
Like any good double act there is the straight man and the comedian. Dan plays the straight man and Fab the comedy genius.
The podcast can last anywhere from 1 hour to 2 and a half hours.
The show generally looks through the weekly Linux news covering all aspects from releases to security information.
Definitely worth a listen, especially if you aren’t easily offended.
### 8. Linux Luddites ###
Homepage: [http://linuxluddites.com/][10]
Linux Luddites is another British based podcast and is hosted by Joe and Paddy.
I only caught my first episode of this show last week and I was thoroughly impressed.
Sections include a look at the weekly news (if you are like me and listen to multiple podcasts you are definitely clued up about what is going on after hearing the same news several times over), a look at a random distribution pulled from Distrowatch, feedback, over a pint and off the beaten path.
In the show I listened to there was a fairly in depth look at Debian from a new user’s perspective.
Points were made about the confusing Debian website, the installer and other features of Debian.
### 9. Mintcast ###
Homepage: [http://mintcast.org/][11]
Mintcast is hosted by Rob, Scott and James and is much like the Ubuntu UK Podcast but aimed at Mint users.
Sections include news and a general feature segment such as looking as LXDE or XFCE etc.
I must admit that I don’t listen to this one as regularly as the others because I’m not a Mint user.
### Summary ###
Podcasts are as much about entertainment as providing news and I prefer to listen to podcasts than listening to regular radio.
Thankyou for reading.
via: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/02/top-9-linux-podcasts.html
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Linux 9大 Podcast
### 简介 ###
去年,我写了一篇叫“[Linux 的 Podcasts 和杂志][1]”,在其中,我列出了一些有关 Linux 的最好的 Podcasts 和杂志。回看那篇文章,我感觉它本来可以列出更多,因为现在有许许多多的 Podcasts 配得上那个称号。
下面的这个列表列出的是我最喜欢的基于 Linux 的 podcasts。排名不分次序,我认为它们都有各有特点。
现在你肯能会认为只有9个会有点奇怪,为什么不是10个呢?当然所有这些事情都是10个10个地出现。那么如果我加上第十个,那么这就不再是一个货真价实的列表了,因为我只有听过9个 Podcasts。但是,你们不要犹豫在评论栏里加上你们自己的 Podcast。
### 1. Linux Action Show ###
The Linux action show 由 Chris Fisher 和 Matt Hartley 来主持。
你可以在线观看节目又或者下载或收听 MP3 格式的节目。
同时节目还包括发掘 Linux 社区所发生的事情,并且你还会听到你以前从来都没有听过的软件。
节目的时间相对比较长,持续接近 2 个小时。这是一个非常适合你在工作时候收听的好节目。
### 2. Linux Unplugged ###
只不过 Linux Unplugged 是 Linux Action Show 的不太正式版,同时 Chris 和 Matt 希望在 Linux 环境之外尝试新的东西。嘉宾和聊天室用户可用在节目中直接地互动。
### 3. The Linux Link Tech Show ###
The Linux Link Tech Show 是一个不算很正式的节目,基本上,他是由一群讨论有关常见的 Linux 和生活的人组成的。
同样这个节目也大概持续 2 个小时,并且比听叽叽喳喳的 DJ 谈论他们上星期喝得多醉有趣得多。
根据网站,主持每个星期都会有稍微的不同,他们有 Linc,Dann,Allan,Pat,Rich,Dan 和 Davey。
我听了他们上一期的节目,他们讨论了有关 Linux,GNU/Linux 等等的内容。当然,他们在下一期的节目中也会是不断地讨论讨论讨论。
### 4. Everyday Linux ###
Everyday Linux 是由 Seth Anderson,Chirs Neves 和 Mark Cockrell 主持,并且讨论与 Linux 有关和一些非 Linux 的话题。
同样,节目时常大约 2 小时,内容涵盖 Linux 新闻,发行版和软件。
在上一期节目中,他们谈论了有关 Plex 的文章,专利流氓和一个怀旧游戏网站。在其中一节,一个家伙谈论了 Linux 在这一年是否完成了它的一些目标。
许多的讨论都是关于 Linux 当经是否在市场上占主导位置,并且是否包含台式电脑。没有人能决定 ChromeOS 和 Android 是否只使用 Linux 作为基础和我们应该使用 Linux,GNU/Linux 等等哪一种术语的古老的题目。
我经常在一些文章末尾得到一些评论,指明发行版并不是操作系统,它是发行版又或者 Linux 不是一个操作系统,GNU/Linux 才是。这看来似乎是永不结束的讨论。
在很多个月之前,我很幸运我能够以[嘉宾的身份在 Everyday Linux podcast][6] 中登场。
### 5. Going Linux ###
Going Linux是由 Larry Bushey 和 Bill Smith 主持。
这节目显得更加的正式,并且主持们对于 Linux 都有很深厚的认识。
它比之前的节目平均要短 40 分钟。
### 6. Ubuntu UK Podcast ###
Ubuntu UK Podcast 是一个英国的 Podcast,由 Laura Cowen,Mark Johnson 和 Alan Pope 主持。
这个节目会快速地调侃一下有关 Linux 的事情,但是大多时间都是关于 Ubuntu。
节目开始是一些普通 Linux 新闻的摘要,然后接着就是有关 Ubuntu 的信息。
节目通常只有 30 分钟,你会觉得时间过得飞一般快。
### 7. Linux Outlaws ###
由 Fabian Scherschal 和 Dan Lynch 主持的 Linux Outlaws,是最具娱乐气氛的 Podcast 之一。
就像一些很好的搭档一样,那里有滑稽的配角和戏剧演员。Dan 扮演配角,而 Fab 则扮演戏剧天才。
节目时长从 1 小时到 2 个半小时不等。
节目通常会谈论过去一个星期有关 Linux 的新闻,其中覆盖了从发行到信息安全等各方面的内容。
### 8. Linux Luddites ###
Linux Luddites 是另外一个英国的 Podcast,由 Joe 和 Paddy 主持。
节目内容包括这个星期的新闻(如果你像我一样收听多个 Podcasts,那你完全可以总结出听过数遍相同的信息之后会怎么样),简单地讨论从 Distrowatch 获取的发行版,反馈,等等。
在节目中我听到了以一个新用户角度来看 Debian 且相当深入的内容。
他的观点是关于让人迷惑的 Debian 网站,安装包和其他 Debian 的特色。
### 9. Mintcast ###
Mintcast 是由 Rob,Scott 和 James 主持的并且与 Ubuntu UK Podcast 非常相像的 Podcast,不过他主要面向的是 Mint 的用户。
节目内容包括新闻和常见的特色环节例如谈论 LXDE 或 XFCE 等等。
我必须承认的是我并没有常常收听这个 Podcast 因为我不是一个 Mint 的用户。
### 总结 ###
Podcasts 更多的是娱乐和推送新闻,并且相对于收听普通的收音机,我更宁愿选择收听 Podcasts。
via: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/02/top-9-linux-podcasts.html
译者:[hyaocuk](https://github.com/hyaocuk) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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