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synced 2025-03-27 02:30:10 +08:00
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Linux 缺乏一款杀手级应用程序吗?
虽然她们这样做比较正确,但或许她们已经错过了最鲜最美味可口的辩论大餐。“Linux 缺少什么样的杀手级应用程序?”这个问题[已经扩大化了][1],关于此的讨论越演越烈,已经超出以往任何时候。
开源软件世界的软件是如此令人难以置信的丰富,几乎涵盖了所有的领域,” **Linux Voice** 的 Mike Saunders 开头说到。“我们有桌面端的、服务端的、开发相关的及多媒体工具等一大笔来自开源世界的财富可以选择 -- 其中的某些还是在相关领域中最好的呢。”
“开源软件世界的软件是如此令人难以置信的丰富,几乎涵盖了所有的领域,” **Linux Voice** 的 Mike Saunders 开头说到。“我们有桌面端的、服务端的、开发相关的及多媒体工具等一大笔来自开源世界的财富可以选择 -- 其中的某些还是在相关领域中最好的呢。”
“但还缺少什么吗?” Sanders 接下来提出可争议的话题。“是不是存在一款杀手级应用程序,它会使你的主机不能 24x7 小时的在运行?”
@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Linux 缺乏一款杀手级应用程序吗?
“很久以前,Linux 需要很多东西,” Google+ 的博主 Alessandro Ebersol 发言了。“当任何软件和厨房水槽都迁移到云端的那些日子,做任何的事情都得考虑多平台兼容性。”
“我想说的是我们缺少游戏,但这种情况也正在被开改变,” Ebersol 说道。“所以我觉得我们并不是那么迫切的需要一个杀手级应用了。”
“我想说的是我们缺少游戏,但这种情况也正在被改变,” Ebersol 说道。“所以我觉得我们并不是那么迫切的需要一个杀手级应用了。”
杀手级应用程序“取决于你想用计算机做什么,” consultant 和 [Slashdot][2] 博客的 Gerhard Mack 认为。“如果您正准备拟稿做设计,那么杀手级应用程序就是 AUTOCAD 。但对其它行业来说杀手级应用程序将是别的。”
“杀手级应用程序?取决于你想用计算机做什么,” consultant 和 [Slashdot][2] 博客的 Gerhard Mack 认为。“如果您正准备拟稿做设计,那么杀手级应用程序就是 AUTOCAD 。但对其它行业来说杀手级应用程序将是别的。”
### '企业平台空间' ###
Google+ 博客的 Kevin O'Brien 有相似的观点。
“在消费级别存在的应用程序不算太多,” O'Brien 说。“我虽然会抱怨游戏或者 Nvidia 驱动程序,并且我看还没有任何东西能真正替代 Quicken。(译者注:Quicken 是一款家庭及个人财务管理软件,可管理个人及家庭的日常收支、银行卡、支票、信用卡及税务等财务信息,有着丰富的功能和简单快捷的操作。)但对我来说最大的不同是企业平台空间。”
“在消费级存在的应用程序不算太多,” O'Brien 说。“我虽然会抱怨游戏或者 Nvidia 驱动程序,并且我看还没有任何东西能真正替代 Quicken。(译者注:Quicken 是一款家庭及个人财务管理软件,可管理个人及家庭的日常收支、银行卡、支票、信用卡及税务等财务信息,有着丰富的功能和简单快捷的操作。)但对我来说最大的不同是企业平台空间。”
“微软就拥有企业平台空间,没有什么比得过 Outlook/Exchange 服务, Sharepoint 等这些应用的,”他断言到。“我猜测部分原因可能是真正关心这些的开源开发者很少很少。”
@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ Google+ 博客的 Kevin O'Brien 有相似的观点。
比起五年前,现在用 Linux 的人已经越来越多了,他指出;但同时很人都依赖于非 Linux 友好的应用程序。
“虽然每个人都在使用 Skype ,但一大半半的应用程序都是基于 GNU/Linux 协议的,从简单易用的 Pidgin(我的最爱)到 Ekiga 和通用 voIP 等等,” Gonzalo Velasco C. 解释说。“一些用户仍宣称他们需要 PhotoShop,并不想花时间来掌握和改进 GIMP、Inkscape、Bender 及其它的。”
“虽然每个人都在使用 Skype ,但一大半的应用程序都是基于 GNU/Linux 协议的,从简单易用的 Pidgin(我的最爱)到 Ekiga 和通用 VoIP 等等,” Gonzalo Velasco C. 解释说。“一些用户仍宣称他们需要 PhotoShop,并不想花时间来掌握和改进 GIMP、Inkscape、Bender 及其它的。”
曾经是很缺乏游戏,“但这状况正发生改变,主要是--但并不是唯一--因为 Valve 的勇敢开创 SteamOS 之举,”他增加道。
“曾经是很缺乏游戏,“但这状况正发生改变,主要是(但并不是唯一)因为 Valve 的勇敢开创 SteamOS 之举,”他补充道。
### '零售货架空间' ###
“我认为这段时期根本就没有‘杀手级’应用程序,”[Robert Pogson][3] 博客上的观点。“在 Debian GNU/Linux 系统上,有 40K 的软件包,虽然我的 PC 只安装了 3K 的东西,但我一样都不缺。我有多个浏览器、编辑器、编译器/解释器、多个操作平台和像 KVM 这样的虚拟机,我可以根据需要在多个操作系统和不同版本的软件中尽情玩乐。”
“我认为这段时期根本就没有‘杀手级’应用程序,”[Robert Pogson][3] 博客上的观点。“在 Debian GNU/Linux 系统上,有 40000以上 的软件包,虽然我的 PC 只安装了 3000 多的软件,但我一样都不缺。我有多个浏览器、编辑器、编译器/解释器、多个操作平台和像 KVM 这样的虚拟机,我可以根据需要在多个操作系统和不同版本的软件中尽情玩乐。”
“在局域网内,我可以把多台机器当做一台机器来使用,” Pogson 增加到。“在局域网内我能从任何机器上访问存储在任意节点的资源。还有什么不能满足的吗?”
“在局域网内,我可以把多台机器当做一台机器来使用,” Pogson 补充道。“在局域网内我能从任何机器上访问存储在任意节点的资源。还有什么不能满足的吗?”
"有些说法,“几个专业人士告诉我,在 GNU/Linux 上的视频和图像编辑是有点弱,”他说。 “GIMP 正在比特级别的图像上改进,所以应该不算了。Lightworks(译者注:好莱坞级专业电影编辑软件) 最终会被当做 FLOSS(译者注:自由/开源软件:世界影响研究) 发布,所以视频应该不算。”
"有些说法,几个专业人士告诉我,在 GNU/Linux 上的视频和图像编辑是有点弱,”他说。 “GIMP 正在比特级别的图像上改进,所以应该不算了。Lightworks(译者注:好莱坞级专业电影编辑软件) 最终会被当做 FLOSS(译者注:自由/开源软件:世界影响研究) 发布,所以视频应该不算。”
"尽管如此,“在 IT 行业中还有特少数的专业功能软件,”他指出。“很多普通用户几十年都不会使用那些极其特殊的应用程序软件,所有我认为 GNU/Linux 系统已经不不需要什么了。”
"尽管如此,在 IT 行业中还有特少数的专业功能软件,”他指出。“很多普通用户几十年都不会使用那些极其特殊的应用程序软件,所有我认为 GNU/Linux 系统已经不需要什么了。”
但是真正的杀手在市场上,在零售商店缺乏货架空间,Pogson 断言到。“只要解决这问题,GNU/Linux 必定蓬勃发展。”
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Google+ 博客的 Kevin O'Brien 有相似的观点。
Chris Travers,一名工作于 [LedgerSMB][5] 的[博主][4],有不同的观点。
“我认为杀手级应用程序并不是关键问题,”他开始说到。“真正的问题是,虽然跟 BSD 系统一样,Linux 正在占据服务器市场,但在桌面市场 Linux 已经普遍输于 OS X 了。Linux 用户正在寻找开放的桌面系统。”
“我认为杀手级应用程序并不是关键问题,”他开始说到。“真正的问题是,虽然跟 BSD 系统一样,Linux 正在占据服务器市场,但在桌面市场 Linux 已经普遍输于 OS X 了。Linux 用户正在寻找开放的桌面系统。”
Linux “既需要微软的增长势头,又需要 OS X 系统的精致用户界面和引人入胜的细节设计,”Travers 说到。“这些迟早会来有的。”
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Windows 也仅仅是“表现的比较好,”他断言说。
SoylentNews 的博主 hairyfeet 定义说易用和有技术支持就是 “杀手级应用”。
“嗯,一个新手安装好一个看起来很漂亮的 Linux 发行版系统,它工作得也很正常;但问题是它不会一直正常工作或一直都让人赏心悦目,”他解释到。“第一个更新,哎哟!WPA V2 无线网用不了了。第二个更新呢,像脉冲呕吐一样,声音没了。还有第一个‘升级’?呃,都不需要往下了!”
“嗯,一个新手安装好一个看起来很漂亮的 Linux 发行版系统,它工作得也很正常;但问题是它不会一直正常工作或一直都让人赏心悦目,”他解释到。“第一个更新,哎哟!WPA V2 无线网用不了了。第二个更新呢,像脉冲呕吐一样,声音没了。还有第一个‘升级’?呃,都不需要继续了!”
“这正是 Linux 欠缺而 Windows 和 OS X 已经具有的:易用性及技术支持,”hairyfeet 结束道。“相同的时段有 15 款以上的 Linux 发行版本跟仅仅只是一款 Windows 发行版本所获得的技术支持生命周期能一样吗?不好意思的说,您们的产品不是同一重量级的 -- 您是拿高中棒球赛跟职业联赛在比较。”
@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ SoylentNews 的博主 hairyfeet 定义说易用和有技术支持就是 “杀
"说真的,我认为并没有一个特定的应用程序可以被称为'杀手级应用',“他说,”Linux 需要有更多的主流应用的支持,而这将意味着 Photoshop 和微软的 Office 是必须具有的。值得庆幸的是,微软已经做了最大的努力以使 Office 可以跨平台,至于 Photoshop 的话大多数人并不需要的。"
Linux "应该是很争议性的话题,上面我所说的 windows 8 仅仅只是个玩笑,"他总结说。“基于 Linux 的应用程序正如火如荼,而当前的 Windows 系统明显不受欢迎。祈祷我们能很快就看到这一变化。”
Linux "应该是很争议性的话题,上面我所说的 Windows 8 仅仅只是个玩笑,"他总结说。“基于 Linux 的应用程序正如火如荼,而当前的 Windows 系统明显不受欢迎。祈祷我们能很快就看到这一变化。”
via: http://www.linuxvoice.com/voice-of-the-masses-what-killer-app-is-linux-missing/
译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[runningwater](https://github.com/runningwater) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -4,34 +4,33 @@
在已经安装好的基础上,我们可以做一些微调来拥有更棒的体验 。
Mint菜单图标是Cinnamon的特色之一,它给予用户一种简单、快速、熟悉的方式来搜索、打开、组织应用程序,默认情况下,菜单使用启动程序项中的Linux Mint Logo。既然你是在ubuntu系统下使用它,而不是Mint,为什么不使用ubuntu熟悉的橙色朋友圈logo来替换原有的菜单图标呢?

a custom icon‘,然后你就输入下面的路径来使用ubuntu logo了
a custom icon‘,然后你就输入下面的路径来使用ubuntu logo了:

和GNOME Shell一样,Cinnamon也支持自定义主题,我所说的主题并不只是应用程序的GTK主题和简单的窗口装饰,而是将面板,菜单,程序等等结合为一个整体的视觉风格。
Cinnamon主题可以被浏览,下载甚至不需要离开桌面的就触手可及 —
无需下载或者手动安装:打开Cinnamon Settings tool中的Appearance
pane,然后选择‘Online Themes‘
不用离开桌面就可以浏览、下载Cinnamon主题。打开Cinnamon Settings tool中的Appearance
pane,然后选择‘Online Themes‘。
@ -42,29 +41,27 @@ pane,然后选择‘Online Themes‘

打开`Settings > Panel > Layout Options > Panel Layout`,然后下面这几个中选择
打开`Settings > Panel > Layout Options > Panel Layout`,然后下面这几个中选择:
- Traditional — 这是默认的布局,控制面板在屏幕的顶部
- Flipped ——和Traditional一样,控制面板在屏幕顶部
- Classic ——两个控制面板,一个在顶部,一个在底部

Cinnamon和GNOE Shell一样具有可扩展性,丰富的社区插件和扩展程序提供了额外的特性和功能,比如天气,系统监测,窗口管理工具等,这些都可以被浏览,安装并能从桌面直接启动。
选择控制面板,右键点击要添加小程序,选择 ‘…Add Appls to the
选择控制面板,右键点击要添加小程序,选择 ‘…Add Appls to the Panel‘,一些著名的小程序如下:
- [**Weather**][6] - does what it forecasts (ho ho)
- [**Stark Menu**][7] - Clone of the Windows 7 Start Menu
@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ format“的选择框上打勾,或者使用下面的几种格式(复制粘
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/5-things-installing-cinnamon-ubuntu
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译者:[su-kaiyao](https://github.com/su-kaiyao) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
LibreOffice 4.3发布,包括修复了11年的Bug
LibreOffice 4.3发布,修复了一个11年之久的Bug
> 如果你长时间地在开源办公套件中写'怪物段落',此次的发行版本正是你需要的
> 如果你长时间地在开源办公套件中写'巨兽段落',此次的发行版本正是你需要的。

** 新的一个月,新发行版本的LibreOffice开源办公套件将默认的安装在Ubuntu中 **
LibreOffic 4.3是2010年从OpenOffice分离以来的第八个主要发行版本软件,也是4.x发行版本系列的第三个次要版本
LibreOffice 4.3是2010年从OpenOffice分离以来的第八个主要发行版本软件,也是4.x发行版本系列的第三个次要版本。
### 有那些新功能? ###
[wiki at wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.3][1]
[wiki : wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.3][1]。
### 文档的互操作性 ###
在LibreOffice 4.3中,这将导致一系列的OOXML改进,包括DrawingML特性,主题字体,文件嵌套。字体,段落,表格单元格的主题颜色现在将被保存,同样的,4.3也支持给图片和形状增加样式,填补和其他一些操作
在LibreOffice 4.3中,这将导致一系列的OOXML改进,包括DrawingML特性、主题字体、文件嵌套。字体、段落、表格单元格的主题颜色现在会被保存,同样的,4.3也支持给图片和形状增加样式、填补和其他一些操作。
Microsoft Office**用户会发现微软office支持30个额外的Excel公式**,Mac用户会很高兴地发现老的ClarisWorks, MacWorks and SuperPaint文件现在可以在LibreOffice中打开
Microsoft Office**用户会发现LibreOffice支持30个额外的Excel公式**,Mac用户会很高兴地发现老的ClarisWorks, MacWorks 和 SuperPaint文件现在可以在LibreOffice中打开。
### 其他值得注意的变化 ###
@ -36,8 +35,8 @@ Microsoft Office**用户会发现微软office支持30个额外的Excel公式**
- .docx导入时的进度条
- PDF导入时的调整,包括旋转的的文本支持
### 下载LibreOffice 4.3 ###
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ LibreOffice 4.3可以从官方网站上下载 [libreoffice.org/download][2], 或
- [Linux x64 (.deb)][3] // [Torrent][4]
- [Linux x86 (.deb)][5] // [Torrent][6]
如果你不喜欢升级,你可以找到包含在Ubuntu 14.10中的发行版本,这将于今年晚些时候发布
如果你不喜欢升级,你可以找到包含在Ubuntu 14.10中的发行版本,这将于今年晚些时候发布。
@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/libreoffice-4-3-released-includes-fix-11
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Linux FAQ与答案:如何检查我是否处于一个运行着的screen会话中
@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ Linux常见问题与答案——如何检查我是否处于一个运行着的scr
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/check-running-screen-session.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
> **问题**:我想知道当我调用一个特定的可执行文件在运行时载入了哪些共享库。是否有方法可以明确Linux上可执行程序或运行进程的共享库依赖关系?
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Linux有问必答--如何查看Linux上程序或进程用到的库

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Linux有问必答--如何查看Linux上程序或进程用到的库

@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ Linux有问必答--如何查看Linux上程序或进程用到的库
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/check-library-dependency-program-process-linux.html
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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Linux 老鸟们可能会笑话我们,但你不能否认:随着越来越多
然后,我们又见证了虚拟机技术的商品化。使用 Amazon 云主机或者 VPS 的用户也许永远不用在裸机上部署 Linux。随着混合云和私有云的日益普及,甚至很多企业级的系统管理员都不需要在裸机上部署 Linux——登录 Web 管理界面,一次性就能搞定不止 5 台 Apache 虚拟机。
时下最新的两个趋势(一个是配置管理,另一个看起来很前沿(其实一点儿都不前沿)—— 像 docker 这样的部署工具包)隐藏了更多 Linux 底层技术细节。每当客户要求我们在 [OlinData][1] 上配置 Linux 机器时,我们的第一个动作就是安装配置 [Puppet][2]。有了功能强大值得信赖的 Puppet 模块,手工配置也更快更简单了。
时下最新的两个趋势:一个是配置管理,另一个看起来很前沿(其实一点儿都不前沿)—— 像 docker 这样的部署工具包,它们隐藏了更多 Linux 底层技术细节。每当客户要求我们在 [OlinData][1] 上配置 Linux 机器时,我们的第一个动作就是架设 [Puppet][2]。有了功能强大值得信赖的 Puppet 模块,手工配置也更快更简单了。
例如,我可以这样使用 Puppet 在新机器上安装 Apache:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Linux 老鸟们可能会笑话我们,但你不能否认:随着越来越多
在这种环境下,我甚至都不用在机器上打日志。通过 [Jenkins][3] 这样的不间断部署工具,我可以完全自动化部署我的基础设施代码,并确保它们通过了我预置的测试。
在这种环境下,我甚至都不用在机器上打开日志。通过 [Jenkins][3] 这样的不间断部署工具,我可以完全自动化部署我的基础设施代码,并确保它们通过了我预置的测试。
### 系统管理员技能日益升级 ###
@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ Linux 老鸟们可能会笑话我们,但你不能否认:随着越来越多
底层 Linux 技能需求会完全消失么?当然不会。除了商业服务器部署之外,Linux 还有大量其他用途。同时,人们也从底层操作知识中获益颇丰。最重要的是,如果你的简历上体现出了这些技能,我(还有很多其他老板)总是会优先选择你,而不是那些尚未掌握这些技能的候选人。因为你也不知道啥时候你就用上这些技能了!

Walter Heck 是 Olindata 公司(一个 Linux 基金会授权的培训机构)的创始人兼 CEO,这里是计划中[由 OlinData 提供的 Linux 基金会官方培训课程单][4].
Walter Heck 是 荷兰开源培训顾问公司 Olindata(一个 Linux 基金会授权的培训机构)的创始人兼 CEO,这里是计划中[由 OlinData 提供的 Linux 基金会官方培训课程单][4].
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ via: http://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/systems-management/780956-linux-system
原文作者:[Walter Heck][a]
译者:[sailing](https://github.com/blueabysm) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[sailing](https://github.com/blueabysm) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ via: http://www.unixmen.com/turin-first-italian-open-source-city/
作者:[oltjano terpollari][a]
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Budgie Desktop 5.1 Is a Superb New Desktop Environment for Conservative Users

@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
How to Extend/Reduce LVM’s (Logical Volume Management) in Linux – Part II
Previously we have seen how to create a flexible disk storage using LVM. Here, we are going to see how to extend volume group, extend and reduce a logical volume. Here we can reduce or extend the partitions in Logical volume management (LVM) also called as flexible volume file-system.

### Requirements ###
- [Create Flexible Disk Storage with LVM – Part I][1]
#### When do we need to reduce volume? ####
May be we need to create a separate partition for any other use or we need to expand the size of any low space partition, if so we can reduce the large size partition and we can expand the low space partition very easily by the following simple easy steps.
#### My Server Setup – Requirements ####
- Operating System – CentOS 6.5 with LVM Installation
- Server IP –
### How to Extend Volume Group and Reduce Logical Volume ###
#### Logical Volume Extending ####
Currently, we have One PV, VG and 2 LV. Let’s list them one by one using following commands.
# pvs
# vgs
# lvs

Logical Volume Extending
There are no free space available in Physical Volume and Volume group. So, now we can’t extend the lvm size, for extending we need to add one physical volume (**PV**), and then we have to extend the volume group by extending the **vg**. We will get enough space to extend the Logical volume size. So first we are going to add one physical volume.
For adding a new **PV** we have to use fdisk to create the LVM partition.
# fdisk -cu /dev/sda
- To Create new partition Press **n**.
- Choose primary partition use **p**.
- Choose which number of partition to be selected to create the primary partition.
- Press **1** if any other disk available.
- Change the type using **t**.
- Type **8e** to change the partition type to Linux LVM.
- Use **p** to print the create partition ( here we have not used the option).
- Press **w** to write the changes.
Restart the system once completed.

Create LVM Partition
List and check the partition we have created using fdisk.
# fdisk -l /dev/sda

Verify LVM Partition
Next, create new **PV** (Physical Volume) using following command.
# pvcreate /dev/sda1
Verify the pv using below command.
# pvs

Create Physical Volume
#### Extending Volume Group ####
Add this pv to **vg_tecmint** vg to extend the size of a volume group to get more space for expanding **lv**.
# vgextend vg_tecmint /dev/sda1
Let us check the size of a Volume Group now using.
# vgs

Extend Volume Group
We can even see which **PV** are used to create particular Volume group using.
# pvscan

Check Volume Group
Here, we can see which Volume groups are under Which Physical Volumes. We have just added one pv and its totally free. Let us see the size of each logical volume we have currently before expanding it.

Check All Logical Volume
- LogVol00 defined for Swap.
- LogVol01 defined for /.
- Now we have 16.50 GB size for / (root).
- Currently there are 4226 Physical Extend (PE) available.
Now we are going to expand the / partition **LogVol01**. After expanding we can list out the size as above for confirmation. We can extend using GB or PE as I have explained it in LVM PART-I, here I’m using PE to extend.
For getting the available Physical Extend size run.
# vgdisplay

Check Available Physical Size
There are **4607** free PE available = **18GB** Free space available. So we can expand our logical volume up-to **18GB** more. Let us use the PE size to extend.
# lvextend -l +4607 /dev/vg_tecmint/LogVol01
Use **+** to add the more space. After Extending, we need to re-size the file-system using.
# resize2fs /dev/vg_tecmint/LogVol01

Expand Logical Volume
- Command used to extend the logical volume using Physical extends.
- Here we can see it is extended to 34GB from 16.51GB.
- Re-size the file system, If the file-system is mounted and currently under use.
- For extending Logical volumes we don’t need to unmount the file-system.
Now let’s see the size of re-sized logical volume using.
# lvdisplay

Resize Logical Volume
- LogVol01 defined for / extended volume.
- After extending there is 34.50GB from 16.50GB.
- Current extends, Before extending there was 4226, we have added 4607 extends to expand so totally there are 8833.
Now if we check the vg available Free PE it will be 0.
# vgdisplay
See the result of extending.
# pvs
# vgs
# lvs

Verify Resize Partition
- New Physical Volume added.
- Volume group vg_tecmint extended from 17.51GB to 35.50GB.
- Logical volume LogVol01 extended from 16.51GB to 34.50GB.
Here we have completed the process of extending volume group and logical volumes. Let us move towards some interesting part in Logical volume management.
#### Reducing Logical Volume (LVM) ####
Here we are going to see how to reduce the Logical Volumes. Everyone say its critical and may end up with disaster while we reduce the lvm. Reducing lvm is really interesting than any other part in Logical volume management.
- Before starting, it is always good to backup the data, so that it will not be a headache if something goes wrong.
- To Reduce a logical volume there are 5 steps needed to be done very carefully.
- While extending a volume we can extend it while the volume under mount status (online), but for reduce we must need to unmount the file system before reducing.
Let’s wee what are the 5 steps below.
- unmount the file system for reducing.
- Check the file system after unmount.
- Reduce the file system.
- Reduce the Logical Volume size than Current size.
- Recheck the file system for error.
- Remount the file-system back to stage.
For demonstration, I have created separate volume group and logical volume. Here, I’m going to reduce the logical volume **tecmint_reduce_test**. Now its 18GB in size. We need to reduce it to **10GB** without data-loss. That means we need to reduce **8GB** out of **18GB**. Already there is **4GB** data in the volume.
18GB ---> 10GB
While reducing size, we need to reduce only 8GB so it will roundup to 10GB after the reduce.
# lvs

Reduce Logical Volume
Here we can see the file-system information.
# df -h

Check File System Size
- The size of the Volume is 18GB.
- Already it used upto 3.9GB.
- Available Space is 13GB.
First unmount the mount point.
# umount -v /mnt/tecmint_reduce_test/

Unmount Parition
Then check for the file-system error using following command.
# e2fsck -ff /dev/vg_tecmint_extra/tecmint_reduce_test

Scan Parition for Errors
**Note**: Must pass in every 5 steps of file-system check if not there might be some issue with your file-system.
Next, reduce the file-system.
# resize2fs /dev/vg_tecmint_extra/tecmint_reduce_test 8GB

Reduce File System
Reduce the Logical volume using GB size.
# lvreduce -L -8G /dev/vg_tecmint_extra/tecmint_reduce_test

Reduce Logical Partition
To Reduce Logical volume using PE Size we need to Know the size of default PE size and total PE size of a Volume Group to put a small calculation for accurate Reduce size.
# lvdisplay vg_tecmint_extra
Here we need to do a little calculation to get the PE size of 10GB using bc command.
1024MB x 10GB = 10240MB or 10GB
10240MB / 4PE = 2048PE
Press **CRTL+D** to exit from BC.

Calculate PE Size
Reduce the size using PE.
# lvreduce -l -2048 /dev/vg_tecmint_extra/tecmint_reduce_test

Reduce Size Using PE
Re-size the file-system back, In this step if there is any error that means we have messed-up our file-system.
# resize2fs /dev/vg_tecmint_extra/tecmint_reduce_test

Mount the file-system back to same point.
# mount /dev/vg_tecmint_extra/tecmint_reduce_test /mnt/tecmint_reduce_test/

Mount File System
Check the size of partition and files.
# lvdisplay vg_tecmint_extra
Here we can see the final result as the logical volume was reduced to 10GB size.

In this article, we have seen how to extend the volume group, logical volume and reduce the logical volume. In the next part (Part III), we will see how to take a Snapshot of logical volume and restore it to earlier stage.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/extend-and-reduce-lvms-in-linux/
作者:[Babin Lonston][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
sources/tech/20140813 How to remove file metadata on Linux.md
Normal file
sources/tech/20140813 How to remove file metadata on Linux.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
How to remove file metadata on Linux
A typical data file often has associated "metadata" which is descriptive information about the file, represented in the form of a set of name-value pairs. Common metadata include creator's name, tools used to generate the file, file creation/update date, location of creation, editing history, etc. EXIF (images), RDF (web resources), DOI (digital documents) are some of popular metadata standards.
While metadata has its own merits in data management fields, it can actually affect your privacy [adversely][1]. EXIF data in photo images can reveal personally identifiable information such as your camera model, GPS coordinate of shooting, your favorite photo editor software, etc. Metadata in documents and spreadsheets contain author/affiliation information and other editing history. Not to be paranoid, but metadata gathering tools such as [metagoofil][2] are often exploited during information gathering stage as part of penetration testing.
For those of you who want to strip any personalizing metadata from any shared data, there are ways to remove metadata from data files. You can use existing document or image editor software which typically have built-in metadata editing capability. In this tutorial, let me introduce a nice standalone **metadata cleaner tool** which is developed for a single goal: **anonymize all metadata for your privacy**.
[MAT][3] (Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit) is a dedicated metadata cleaner written in Python. It was developed under the umbrella of the Tor project, and comes standard on [Tails][4], privacy-enhanced live OS.
Compared to other tools such as [exiftool][5] which can write to only a limited number of file types, MAT can eliminate metadata from all kinds of files: images (png, jpg), documents (odt, docx, pptx, xlsx, pdf), archives (tar, tar.bz2), audio (mp3, ogg, flac), etc.
### Install MAT on Linux ###
On Debian-based systems (Ubuntu or Linux Mint), MAT comes packaged, so installation is straightforward:
$ sudo apt-get install mat
On Fedora, MAT does not come as a pre-built package, so you need to build it from the source. Here is how I built MAT on Fedora (with some limited success; see the bottom of the tutorial):
$ sudo yum install python-devel intltool python-pdfrw perl-Image-ExifTool python-mutagen
$ sudo pip install hachoir-core hachoir-parser
$ wget https://mat.boum.org/files/mat-0.5.tar.xz
$ tar xf mat-0.5.tar.xz
$ cd mat-0.5
$ python setup.py install
### Anonymize Metadata with MAT-GUI ###
Once installed, MAT can be accessible via GUI as well as from the command line. To launch MAT's GUI, simply type:
$ mat-gui
Let's clean up a sample document file (e.g., private.odt) which has the following metadata embedded.

To add the file to MAT for cleanup, click on "Add" icon. Once the file is loaded, click on "Check" icon to scan for any hidden metadata information.

Once any metadata is detected by MAT, "State" will be marked as "Dirty". You can double click the file to see detected metadata.

To clean up metadata from the file, click on "Clean" icon. MAT will automatically empty all private metadata fields from the file.

The cleaned up state is without any personally identifiable traces:

### Anonymize Metadata from the Command Line ###
As mentioned before, another way to invoke MAT is from the command line, and for that, use mat command.
To check for any sensitive metadata, first go to the directory where your files are located, and then run:
$ mat -c .
It will scan all files in the current directory and its sub directories, and report their state (clean or unclean).

You can check actual metadata detected by using '-d' option:
$ mat -d <input_file>

If you don't supply any option with mat command, the default action is to remove metadata from files. If you want to keep a backup of original files during cleanup, use '-b' option. The following command cleans up all files, and stores original files as '*.bak" files.
$ mat -b .

To see a list of all supported file types, run:
$ mat -l

### Troubleshooting ###
Currently I have the following issue with a compiled version of MAT on Fedora. When I attempt to clean up archive/document files (e.g., *.gz, *.odt, *.docx) on Fedora, MAT fails with the following error. If you know how to fix this problem, let me know in the comment.
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/zipfile.py", line 305, in __init__
raise ValueError('ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980')
ValueError: ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980
### Conclusion ###
MAT is a simple, yet extremely useful tool to prevent any inadvertent privacy leaks from metadata. Note that it is still your responsibility to anonymize file content, if necessary. All MAT does is to eliminate metadata associated with your files, but does nothing with the files themselves. In short, MAT can be a life saver as it can handle most common metadata removal, but you shouldn't rely solely on it to guarantee your privacy.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/08/remove-file-metadata-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to turn off server signature on Apache web server
> **Question**: Whenever Apache2 web server returns error pages (e.g., 404 not found, 403 access forbidden pages), it shows web server signature (e.g., Apache version number and operating system info) at the bottom of the pages. Also, when Apache2 web server serves any PHP pages, it reveals PHP version info. How can I turn off these web server signatures in Apache2 web server?
Revealing web server signature with server/PHP version info can be a security risk as you are essentially telling attackers known vulnerabilities of your system. Thus it is recommended you disable all web server signatures as part of server hardening process.

### Disable Apache Web Server Signature ###
Disabling Apache web server signature can be achieved by editing Apache config file.
On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
On CentOS, Fedora, RHEL or Arch Linux:
$ sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Add the following two lines at the end of Apache config file.
> ServerSignature Off
> ServerTokens Prod
Then restart web server to activate the change:
$ sudo service apache2 restart (Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint)
$ sudo service httpd restart (CentOS/RHEL 6)
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service (Fedora, CentOS/RHEL 7, Arch Linux)
The first line 'ServerSignature Off' makes Apache2 web server hide Apache version info on any error pages.

However, without the second line 'ServerTokens Prod', Apache server will still include a detailed server token in HTTP response headers, which reveals Apache version number.

What the second line '**ServerTokens Prod**' does is to suppress a server token in HTTP response headers to a bare minimal.
So with both lines in place, Apache will not reveal Apache version info in either web pages or HTTP response headers.

### Hide PHP Version ###
Another potential security threat is PHP version info leak in HTTP response headers. By default, Apache web server includes PHP version info via "X-Powered-By" field in HTTP response headers. If you want to hide PHP version in HTTP headers, open php.ini file with a text editor, look for "expose_php = On", and change it to "expose_php = Off".

On Debian, Ubuntu, or Linux Mint:
$ sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
On CentOS, Fedora, RHEL or Arch Linux:
$ sudo vi /etc/php.ini
> expose_php = Off
Finally, restart Apache2 web server to reload updated PHP config file.
Now you will no longer see "X-Powered-By" field in HTTP response headers.
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/turn-off-server-signature-apache-web-server.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
Setup Flexible Disk Storage with Logical Volume Management (LVM) in Linux – PART 1
**Logical Volume Management (LVM)** makes it easier to manage disk space. If a file system needs more space, it can be added to its logical volumes from the free spaces in its volume group and the file system can be re-sized as we wish. If a disk starts to fail, replacement disk can be registered as a physical volume with the volume group and the logical volumes extents can be migrated to the new disk without data loss.

Create LVM Storage in Linux
In a modern world every Server needs more space day by day for that we need to expand depending on our needs. Logical volumes can be use in RAID, SAN. A Physical Disk will be grouped to create a volume Group. Inside volume group we need to slice the space to create Logical volumes. While using logical volumes we can extend across multiple disks, logical volumes or reduce logical volumes in size with some commands without reformatting and re-partitioning the current disk. Volumes can stripes data across multiple disks this can increase the I/O stats.
### LVM Features ###
- It is flexible to expand the space at any time.
- Any file systems can be installed and handle.
- Migration can be used to recover faulty disk.
- Restore the file system using Snapshot features to earlier stage. etc…
#### My Server Setup – Requirements ####
- Operating System – CentOS 6.5 with LVM Installation
- Server IP –
### Creating LVM Disk Storage in Linux ###
**1. **We’ve used CentOS 6.5 Operating system using LVM in a Virtual Disk (VDA). Here we can see the Physical Volume (PV), Volume Group (VG), Logical Volume (LV) by using following command.
# pvs
# vgs
# lvs

Check Physical Volumes
Here, is the description of each parameters shown in above screenshot.
- Physical Disk Size (PV Size)
- Disk which used was Virtual Disk vda.
- Volume Group Size (VG Size)
- Volume Group name (vg_tecmint)
- Logical Volume name (LogVol00, LogVol01)
- LogVol00 Assigned for sawp with 1GB Size
- LogVol01 Assigned for / with 16.5GB
So, from here we come to know that there is not enough free space in VDA disk.
**2. **For Creating a **New Volume Group**, we need to add Additional **3 hard disks** in this server. It is not Compulsory to use 3 Drives just 1 is Enough to create a new **VG** and **LV** inside that vg, I am adding more here for demonstration purpose and for more feature command explanations.
Following are the disks I have added additionally.
sda, sdb, sdc
# fdisk -l

Verify Added Disks
- Default Disk using for Operating system (Centos6.5).
- Partitions defined in default Disk (vda1 = swap), (vda2 = /).
- Additionally added Disks are mentioned as Disk1, Disk2, Disk3.
Each and every Disks are 20 GB in Size. Default PE Size of a Volume Group is 4 MB, Volume group what we are using in this server is configured using default PE.

Volume Group Display
- **VG Name** – A Volume Group name.
- **Format** – LVM Architecture Used LVM2.
- **VG Access** – Volume Group is in Read and Write and ready to use.
- **VG Status** – Volume Group can be re-sized, We can Expand more if we need to add more space.
- **Cur LV** – Currently there was 2 Logical volumes in this Volume Group.
- **CurPV and Act PV** – Currently Using Physical Disk was 1 (vda), And its active, so what we can use this volume group.
- **PE Size** – Physical Extends, Size for a disk can be defined using PE or GB size, 4MB is the Default PE size of LVM. For example, if we need to create 5 GB size of logical volume we can use sum of 1280 PE, Don’t you understand what I’m saying ?.
Here the Explanation –> 1024MB = 1GB, if so 1024MB x 5 = 5120PE = 5GB, Now Divide the 5120/4 = 1280, 4 is the Default PE Size.
- Total PE – This Volume Group have.
- Alloc PE – Total PE Used, full PE already Used, 4482 x 4PE = 17928.
- Free PE – Here it’s already used so there was no free PE.
**3. **Only vda used, Currently Centos Installed **/boot, /, swap,** in vda physical disk using lvm there were no space remaining in this disk.
# df -TH

Check the Disk Space
Above image shows the mount Point we are using **18GB** fully used for root, so there is no free space available.
**4. **So let’s, create new physical volume (**pv**), Volume Group (**vg**) in the name of **tecmint_add_vg** and create Logical Volumes (**lv**) in it, Here we can create 4 Logical Volumes in the name of **tecmint_documents**, **tecmint_manager** and **tecmint_public**.
We can extend the Volume Group of currently using VG to get more space. But here, what we are going to do is to Create new Volume Group and play around it, later we can see how to extend the file systems Volume group which is currently in use.
Before using a new Disk we need to partition the disk using fdisk.
# fdisk -cu /dev/sda
- **c** – Switch off DOS-compatible mode it is Recommend to include this Option.
- **u** – While listing the partition tables it will give us in sector instead of cylinder.

Create New Physical Partitions
Next, follow the below steps to create new partition.
- Choose **n** to create new.
- Choose **p** to create a primary partition.
- Choose which number of partition we need to create.
- Press **Enter** twice to use the full space of the Disk.
- We need to change the type of newly created partition type **t**.
- Which number of partition need to change, choose the number which we created its **1**.
- Here we need to change the type, we need to create LVM so we going to use the type code of LVM as 8e, if we do not know the type code Press **L** to list all type codes.
- Print the Partition what we created to just confirm.
- Here we can see the ID as 8e LINUX LVM.
- Write the changes and exit fdisk.
Do the above steps for other 2 disks sdb and sdc to create new partitions. Then Restart the machine to verify the partition table using fdisk command.
# fdisk -l

Verify Partition Table
### Creating Physical Volumes ###
**5. **Now, it’s time to create Physical Volumes using all 3 disks. Here, I have listed the physical disk using pvs command, only one default **pvs** is now listed.
# pvs
Then create the new physical disks using command.
# pvcreate /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
Once again list the disk to see the newly created Physical disks.
# pvs

Create Physical Volumes
### Creating Volume Groups ###
**6. **Create Volume Group in the name of **tecmint_add_vg** using available free PV Create using PE size 32. To Display the current volume groups, we can see there is one volume group with 1 PV using.
# vgs
This will create the volume group using 32MB PE size in the name of **tecmint_add_vg** using 3 Physical volumes we created in last steps.
# vgcreate -s 32M tecmint_add_vg /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
Next, verify the volume group by running vgs command again.
# vgs

Create Volume Groups

Verify Volume Groups
Understanding vgs command output:
- Volume Group name.
- Physical Volumes used in this Volume Group.
- Shows free space available in this volume group.
- Total Size of the Volume Group.
- Logical Volumes inside this volume group, Here we have not yet created so there is 0.
- SN = Number of Snapshots the volume group contains. (Later we can create a snapshot).
- Status of the Volume group as Writeable, readable, resizeable, exported, partial and clustered, Here it is wz–nthat means w = Writable, z = resizeable..
- Number of Physical Volume (PV) used in this Volume Group.
**7. **To Display more information about volume group use command.
# vgs -v

Check Volume Group Information
**8. **To get more information about newly created volume groups, run the following command.
# vgdisplay tecmint_add_vg

List New Volume Groups
- Volume group name
- LVM Architecture used.
- It can be read and write state, ready to use.
- This volume group can be resizeable.
- No of Physical disk used and they are active.
- Volume Group total size.
- A Single PE size was 32 here.
- Total number of PE available in this volume group.
- Currently we have not created any LV inside this VG so its totally free.
- UUID of this volume group.
### Creating Logical Volumes ###
**9. **Now, ceate 3 Logical Volumes in the name of **tecmint_documents**, **tecmint_manager** and **tecmint_public**. Here, we can see how to Create Logical Volumes Using PE size and Using GB Size. First, list the Current Logical Volumes using following command.
# lvs

List Current Volume Groups
**10. **These Logical Volumes are in **vg_tecmint** Volume Group. List and see how much free spaces are there to create logical volumes using **pvs** command.
# pvs

Check Free Space
**11. **Volume group size is **54GB** and its unused, So we can Create LV in it. Let us divide volume group to equal size to create 3 Logical Volumes. That means **54GB**/3 = **18GB**, A single Logical Volume will be 18GB in Size after Creation.
#### Method 1: Creating Logical Volumes using PE Size’s ####
First let us create Logical Volumes Using Physical Extends (PE) size. We need to know Default PE size assigned for this Volume Group and Total PE available to create new Logical Volumes, Run the command to get the info using.
# vgdisplay tecmint_add_vg

Create New Logical Volume
- Default PE Assigned for this VG is 32MB, Here Single PE size will be 32MB.
- Total Available PE is 1725.
Just do and see a little Calculation using bc command.
# bc
1725PE/3 = 575 PE.
575 PE x 32MB = 18400 --> 18GB

Calculate Disk Space
Press **CRTL+D** to Exit from **bc**. Let us now Create 3 Logical Volumes using 575 PE’s.
# lvcreate -l (Extend size) -n (name_of_logical_volume) (volume_group)
# lvcreate -l 575 -n tecmint_documents tecmint_add_vg
# lvcreate -l 575 -n tecmint_manager tecmint_add_vg
# lvcreate -l 575 -n tecmint_public tecmint_add_vg
- -**l** – Creating using Extent Size
- -**n** – Give a Logical Volume name.
List the Created Logical Volumes using lvs command.
# lvs

List Created Logical Volumes
#### Method 2: Creating Logical Volumes using GB Size’s ####
While Creating Logical Volume using GB size we cannot get the exact size. So, the better way is to create using extend.
# lvcreate -L 18G -n tecmint_documents tecmint_add_vg
# lvcreate -L 18G -n tecmint_manager tecmint_add_vg
# lvcreate -L 18G -n tecmint_public tecmint_add_vg
# lvcreate -L 17.8G -n tecmint_public tecmint_add_vg
List the Created logical Volumes using lvs command.
# lvs

Verify Created Logical Volumes
Here, we can see while creating 3rd LV we can’t Round-up to 18GB, It is because of small changes in size, But this issue will be ignored while creating LV using Extend size.
### Creating File System ###
**12. **For using the logical volumes we need to format. Here I am using ext4 file-system to create the volumes and going to mount under **/mnt/**.
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/tecmint_add_vg/tecmint_documents
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/tecmint_add_vg/tecmint_public
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/tecmint_add_vg/tecmint_manager

Create Ext4 File System
**13. **Let us Create Directories in **/mnt** and Mount the Logical volumes what we have created file-system.
# mount /dev/tecmint_add_vg/tecmint_documents /mnt/tecmint_documents/
# mount /dev/tecmint_add_vg/tecmint_public /mnt/tecmint_public/
# mount /dev/tecmint_add_vg/tecmint_manager /mnt/tecmint_manager/
List and confirm the Mount point using.
# df -h

Mount Logical Volumes
#### Permanent Mounting ####
It’s now temporarily mounted, for permanent mount we need to add the entry in fstab, for that let us get the mount entry from mtab using
# cat /etc/mtab
We need to make slight changes in fstab entry while entering the mount entry contents copies from mtab, we need to change the rw to defaults
# vim /etc/fstab
Our fstab Entry want to be similar to below sample. Save and exit from fstab using wq!.
/dev/mapper/tecmint_add_vg-tecmint_documents /mnt/tecmint_documents ext4 defaults 0 0
/dev/mapper/tecmint_add_vg-tecmint_public /mnt/tecmint_public ext4 defaults 0 0
/dev/mapper/tecmint_add_vg-tecmint_manager /mnt/tecmint_manager ext4 defaults 0 0

Get mtab Mount Entry

Open fstab File

Add Auto Mount Entry
Execute the command mount -a to check for the fstab entry before restart.
# mount -av

Verify fstab Entry
Here we have seen how to setup flexible storage with logical volumes by using physical disk to physical volume, physical volume to volume group, volume group to logical volumes.
In my upcoming future articles, I will see how to extend the volume group, logical volumes, reducing logical volume, taking snapshot and restore from snapshot. Till then stay updated to TecMint for more such awesome articles.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/create-lvm-storage-in-linux/
作者:[Babin Lonston][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
sources/tech/20180813 Command Line Tuesdays--Part Eight.md
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sources/tech/20180813 Command Line Tuesdays--Part Eight.md
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Command Line Tuesdays – Part Eight
Yo yo, geekos! Here we are, for the final chapter of our CLT hangout. Today, we’ll be talking about job control through which we’ll learn how to control processes running on our computer!
### An Example ###
As we have learned, we can run programs directly from the CLI by simply typing the name of the program. For example, dolphin. If we type:
…dolphin, the file manager, opens. If you look at the terminal while this process is opened, you can not access the command prompt and you can not write a new command inside the same window. If you terminate dolphin, the prompt reappears and you can type a new command into the shell. Now, how can we run a program from CLI, while also having our prompt available for further command issuing.
dolphin &
…and you have your dolphin file manager running in background, with the terminal free to type another command you need.
Now imagine you forgot to type the ‘&’ character after dolphin. Simply type ‘ctrl+z’, which will stop your process and put it in idle. To resume the stopped process, type:
…which will restart the process from the background.
### jobs, ps ###
Now that we have processes running in the background, you can list them either using jobs, or using ps. Try it. Just type jobs, or type ps. Here’s what I get:
nenad@linux-zr04:~> ps
8356 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
8401 pts/1 00:00:00 dolphin
8406 pts/1 00:00:00 kbuildsycoca4
8456 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
### Kill a Process ###
How do you get rid of a process if it’s become unresponsive? By using the kill command. Let’s try it out on our previously mentioned dolphin process. First, we have to identify the PID of the process by using ps. In my aforementioned case it’s 8401 for dolphin. So to kill it, I simply type:
kill 8401
…and it kills off dolphin.
### More About Kill ###
Kill doesn’t exist only for terminating processes, but it was originally designed to send signals to processes. And of course, there are a number of kill signals you can use, which can be different in regard to the application you use. See the table below:

Do try them out.
### Conclusion ###
With this lesson, we conclude our CLT series and our tuesday hanging out. I hope that other n00bs like me managed to demistify the console in their minds and learn the basics. Now all that’s left is for you to play around (just don’t mess around the / directory too much so you don’t bork something :D).
We’ll be seeing a lot more of each other soon, as there’s more series of articles from where these came from. Stay tuned, and meanwhile…
### …have a lot of fun! ###
via: https://news.opensuse.org/2014/08/12/command-line-tuesdays-part-eight/
作者:[Nenad Latinović][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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