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* 会使用虚拟机还是容器,或者是两者? + * 会提供自助服务吗? + * 从开发到生产是完全自动的,还是它将需要手动操作? + * 我们能以多块的速度做到? + * 关于某某工具? + +这样的清单还可以列举很多。 + +当开始 IT 现代化,或者数字转型,无论你是如何称呼的,通常方法是开始回答更高管理层的一些高层次问题,这种方法的结果是可以预想到的:失败。经过大范围的调研并且花费了数月的时间(如果不是几年的话)部署了这个最炫的新技术,而这个新的云技术却从未被使用过,而且陷入了荒废,直到它最终被丢弃或者遗忘在数据中心的一角和预算之中。 + +这是因为无论你交付的是什么工具,都不是用户所想要或者需要的。更加糟糕的是,它可能是一个单一的工具,而用户真正需要的是一系列工具 —— 能够随着时间推移,更换升级为更新的、更漂亮的工具,以更好地满足其需求。 + +### 专注于重要的事情 + +问题在于关注,传统上一直是关注于工具。但工具并不是要增加到组织价值中的东西;终端用户利用它做什么才是目的。你需要将你的注意力从创建云(例如技术和工具)转移到你的人员和用户身上。 + +事实上,除了使用工具的用户(而不是工具本身)是驱动价值的因素之外,聚焦注意力在用户身上也是有其它原因的。工具是给用户使用去解决他们的问题并允许他们创造价值的,所以这就导致了如果那些工具不能满足那些用户的需求,那么那些工具将不会被使用。如果你交付给你的用户的工具并不是他们喜欢的,他们将不会使用,这就是人类的人性行为。 + +数十年来,IT 产业只为用户提供一种解决方案,因为仅有一个或两个选择,用户是没有权力去改变的。现在情况已经不同了。我们现在生活在一个技术选择的世界中。不给用户一个选择的机会的情况将不会被接受的;他们在个人的科技生活中有选择,同时希望在工作中也有选择。现在的用户都是受过教育的并且知道将会有比你所提供的更好选择。 + +因此,在物理上的最安全的地点之外,没有能够阻止他们只做他们自己想要的东西的方法,我们称之为“影子 IT”。如果你的组织有如此严格的安全策略和承诺策略而不允许影子 IT,许多员工将会感到灰心丧气并且会离职去其他能提供更好机会的公司。 + +基于以上所有的原因,你必须牢记要首先和你的最终用户设计你的昂贵又费时的云项目。 + +### 创建满足用户需求的云五个步骤的过程 + +既然我们已经知道了为什么,接下来我们来讨论一下怎么做。你如何去为终端用户创建一个云?你怎样重新将你的注意力从技术转移到使用技术的用户身上? + +根据以往的经验,我们知道最好的方法中包含两件重要的事情:从你的用户中得到及时的反馈,在创建中和用户进行更多的互动。 + +你的云环境将继续随着你的组织不断发展。下面的五个步骤将会帮助你创建满足用户需求的云环境。 + +#### 1、识别谁将是你的用户 + +在你开始询问用户问题之前,你首先必须识别谁将是你的新的云环境的用户。他们可能包括将在云上创建开发应用的开发者;也可能是运营、维护或者或者创建该云的运维团队;还可能是保护你的组织的安全团队。在第一次迭代时,将你的用户数量缩小至人数较少的小组防止你被大量的反馈所淹没,让你识别的每个小组指派两个代表(一个主要的一个辅助的)。这将使你的第一次交付在规模和时间上都很小。 + +#### 2、和你的用户面对面的交谈来收获有价值的输入。 + +获得反馈的最佳途径是和用户直接交谈。群发的邮件会自行挑选出受访者——如果你能收到回复的话。小组讨论会很有帮助的,但是当人们有个私密的、专注的对话者时,他们会比较的坦诚。 + +和你的第一批用户安排个面对面的个人的会谈,并且向他们询问以下的问题: + + * 为了完成你的任务,你需要什么? + * 为了完成你的任务,你想要什么? + * 你现在最头疼的技术痛点是什么? + * 你现在最头疼的政策或者流程痛点是哪个? + * 关于解决你的需求、希望或痛点,你有什么建议? + +这些问题只是指导性的,并不一定适合每个组织。你不应该只询问这些问题,他们应该导向更深层次的讨论。确保告诉用户他们任何所说的和被问的都被视作反馈,所有的反馈都是有帮助的,无论是消极的还是积极的。这些对话将会帮助你设置你的开发优先级。 + +收集这种个性化的反馈是保持初始用户群较小的另一个原因:这将会花费你大量的时间来和每个用户交流,但是我们已经发现这是相当值得付出的投入。 + +#### 3、设计并交付你的解决方案的第一个版本 + +一旦你收到初始用户的反馈,就是时候开始去设计并交付一部分的功能了。我们不推荐尝试一次性交付整个解决方案。设计和交付的时期要短;这可以避免你花费一年的时间去构建一个你*认为*正确的解决方案,而只会让你的用户拒绝它,因为对他们来说毫无用处。创建你的云所需要的工具取决于你的组织和它的特殊需求。只需确保你的解决方案是建立在用户的反馈的基础上的,你将功能小块化的交付并且要经常的去征求用户的反馈。 + +#### 4、询问用户对第一个版本的反馈 + +太棒了,现在你已经设计并向你的用户交付了你的炫酷的新的云环境的第一个版本!你并不是花费一整年去完成它而是将它处理成小的模块。为什么将其分为小的模块如此重要呢?因为你要回到你的用户组并且向他们收集关于你的设计和交付的功能。他们喜欢什么?不喜欢什么?你正确的处理了他们所关注的吗?是技术功能上很厉害,但系统进程或者策略方面仍然欠缺吗? + +再重申一次,你要问的问题取决于你的组织;这里的关键是继续前一个阶段的讨论。毕竟你正在为用户创建云环境,所以确保它对用户来说是有用的并且能够有效利用每个人的时间。 + +#### 5、回到第一步。 + +这是一个迭代的过程。你的首次交付应该是快速而小规模的,而且以后的迭代也应该是这样的。不要期待仅仅按照这个流程完成了一次、两次甚至是三次就能完成。一旦你持续的迭代,你将会吸引更多的用户从而能够在这个过程中得到更好的回报。你将会从用户那里得到更多的支持。你能够迭代的更迅速并且更可靠。到最后,你将会通过改变你的流程来满足用户的需求。 + +用户是这个过程中最重要的一部分,但迭代是第二重要的因为它让你能够回到用户中进行持续沟通从而得到更多有用的信息。在每个阶段,记录哪些是有效的哪些没有起到应有的效果。要自省,要对自己诚实。我们所花费的时间提供了最有价值的了吗?如果不是,在下一个阶段尝试些不同的。在每次循环中不要花费太多时间的最重要的部分是,如果某部分在这次不起作用,你能够很容易的在下一次中调整它,直到你找到能够在你组织中起作用的方法。 + +### 这仅仅是开始 + +通过许多客户约见,从他们那里收集反馈,以及在这个领域的同行的经验,我们一次次的发现在创建云的时候最重要事就是和你的用户交谈。这似乎是很明显的,但很让人惊讶的是很多组织却偏离了这个方向去花费数月或者数年的时间去创建,然后最终发现它对终端用户甚至一点用处都没有。 + +现在你已经知道为什么你需要将你的注意力集中到终端用户身上并且在中心节点和用户一起的互动创建云。剩下的是我们所喜欢的部分,你自己去做的部分。 + +这篇文章是基于一篇作者在 [Red Hat Summit 2018][3] 上发表的文章“[为终端用户设计混合云,要么失败]”。 + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://opensource.com/article/18/4/5-steps-building-your-cloud-correctly + +作者:[Cameron Wyatt][a], [Ian Teksbury][1] +选题:[lujun9972](https://github.com/lujun9972) +译者:[FelixYFZ](https://github.com/FelixYFZ) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]:https://opensource.com/users/cameronmwyatt +[1]:https://opensource.com/users/itewk +[2]:https://agenda.summit.redhat.com/SessionDetail.aspx?id=154225 +[3]:https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/2018 diff --git a/published/20181126 How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind.md b/published/20181126 How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bbb310fa4e --- /dev/null +++ b/published/20181126 How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind.md @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +[#]: collector: (lujun9972) +[#]: translator: (heguangzhi) +[#]: reviewer: (wxy) +[#]: publisher: (wxy) +[#]: subject: (How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind) +[#]: via: (https://opensource.com/article/18/11/multiple-programming-languages) +[#]: author: (Bart Copeland https://opensource.com/users/bartcopeland) +[#]: url: (https://linux.cn/article-10291-1.html) + +如何使用多种编程语言而又不失理智 +====== + +> 多语言编程环境是一把双刃剑,既带来好处,也带来可能威胁组织的复杂性。 + + + +如今,随着各种不同的编程语言的出现,许多组织已经变成了数字多语种组织。开源打开了一个语言和技术堆栈的世界,开发人员可以使用这些语言和技术堆栈来完成他们的任务,包括开发、支持过时的和现代的软件应用。 + +与那些只说母语的人相比,通晓多种语言的人可以与数百万人交谈。在软件环境中,开发人员不会引入新的语言来达到特定的目的,也不会更好地交流。一些语言对于一项任务来说很棒,但是对于另一项任务来说却不行,因此使用多种编程语言可以让开发人员使用合适的工具来完成这项任务。这样,所有的开发都是多语种的;这只是野兽的本性。 + +多语种环境的创建通常是渐进的和情景化的。例如,当一家企业收购一家公司时,它就承担了该公司的技术堆栈 —— 包括其编程语言。或者,随着技术领导的改变,新的领导者可能会将不同的技术纳入其中。技术也有过时的时候,随着时间的推移,增加了组织必须维护的编程语言和技术的数量。 + +多语言环境对企业来说是一把双刃剑,既带来好处,也带来复杂性和挑战。最终,如果这种情况得不到控制,多语言将会扼杀你的企业。 + +### 棘手的技术绕口令 + +如果有多种不同的技术 —— 编程语言、过时的工具和新兴的技术堆栈 —— 就有复杂性。工程师团队花更多的时间努力改进编程语言,包括许可证、安全性和依赖性。与此同时,管理层缺乏对代码合规性的监督,无法衡量风险。 + +发生的情况是,企业具有不同程度的编程语言质量和工具支持的高度可变性。当你需要和十几个人一起工作时,很难成为一种语言的专家。一个能流利地说法语和意大利语的人和一个能用八种语言串成几个句子的人在技能水平上有很大差异。开发人员和编程语言也是如此。 + +随着更多编程语言的加入,困难只会增加,导致数字巴别塔的出现。 + +答案是不要拿走开发人员工作所需的工具。添加新的编程语言可以建立他们的技能基础,并为他们提供合适的设备来完成他们的工作。所以,你想对你的开发者说“是”,但是随着越来越多的编程语言被添加到企业中,它们会拖累你的软件开发生命周期(SDLC)。在规模上,所有这些语言和工具都可能扼杀企业。 + +企业应注意三个主要问题: + +1. **可见性:** 团队聚在一起执行项目,然后解散。应用程序已经发布,但从未更新 —— 为什么要修复那些没有被破坏的东西?因此,当发现一个关键漏洞时,企业可能无法了解哪些应用程序受到影响,这些应用程序包含哪些库,甚至无法了解它们是用什么语言构建的。这可能导致成本高昂的“勘探项目”,以确保漏洞得到适当解决。 + +2. **更新或编码:** 一些企业将更新和修复功能集中在一个团队中。其他人要求每个“比萨团队”管理自己的开发工具。无论是哪种情况,工程团队和管理层都要付出机会成本:这些团队没有编码新特性,而是不断更新和修复开源工具中的库,因为它们移动得如此之快。 + +3. **重新发明轮子:** 由于代码依赖性和库版本不断更新,当发现漏洞时,与应用程序原始版本相关联的工件可能不再可用。因此,许多开发周期都被浪费在试图重新创建一个可以修复漏洞的环境上。 + +将你组织中的每种编程语言乘以这三个问题,开始时被认为是分子一样小的东西突然看起来像珠穆朗玛峰。就像登山者一样,没有合适的设备和工具,你将无法生存。 + +### 找到你的罗塞塔石碑 + +一个全面的解决方案可以满足 SDLC 中企业及其个人利益相关者的需求。企业可以使用以下最佳实践创建解决方案: + + 1. 监控生产中运行的代码,并根据应用程序中使用的标记组件(例如,常见漏洞和暴露组件)的风险做出响应。 + 2. 定期接收更新以保持代码的最新和无错误。 + 3. 使用商业开源支持来获得编程语言版本和平台的帮助,这些版本和平台已经接近尾声,并且不受社区支持。 + 4. 标准化整个企业中的特定编程语言构建,以实现跨团队的一致环境,并最大限度地减少依赖性。 + 5. 根据相关性设置何时触发更新、警报或其他类型事件的阈值。 + 6. 为您的包管理创建一个单一的可信来源;这可能需要知识渊博的技术提供商的帮助。 + 7. 根据您的特定标准,只使用您需要的软件包获得较小的构建版本。 + +使用这些最佳实践,开发人员可以最大限度地利用他们的时间为企业创造更多价值,而不是执行基本的工具或构建工程任务。这将在软件开发生命周期(SDLC)的所有环境中创建代码一致性。由于维护编程语言和软件包分发所需的资源更少,这也将提高效率和节约成本。这种新的操作方式将使技术人员和管理人员的生活更加轻松。 + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://opensource.com/article/18/11/multiple-programming-languages + +作者:[Bart Copeland][a] +选题:[lujun9972][b] +译者:[heguangzhi](https://github.com/heguangzhi) +校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://opensource.com/users/bartcopeland +[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972 diff --git a/sources/talk/20180128 Getting Linux Jobs.md b/sources/talk/20180128 Getting Linux Jobs.md index a7f1a075a5..4cb79e9834 100644 --- a/sources/talk/20180128 Getting Linux Jobs.md +++ b/sources/talk/20180128 Getting Linux Jobs.md @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +translating by ryze-borgia Getting Linux Jobs ====== diff --git a/sources/talk/20180227 Emacs -1- Ditching a bunch of stuff and moving to Emacs and org-mode.md b/sources/talk/20180227 Emacs -1- Ditching a bunch of stuff and moving to Emacs and org-mode.md index 501ba538b6..4227a0db28 100644 --- a/sources/talk/20180227 Emacs -1- Ditching a bunch of stuff and moving to Emacs and org-mode.md +++ b/sources/talk/20180227 Emacs -1- Ditching a bunch of stuff and moving to Emacs and org-mode.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +[#]: translator: (oneforalone) + Emacs #1: Ditching a bunch of stuff and moving to Emacs and org-mode ====== I’ll admit it. After over a decade of vim, I’m hooked on [Emacs][1]. diff --git a/sources/talk/20180320 Easily Fund Open Source Projects With These Platforms.md b/sources/talk/20180320 Easily Fund Open Source Projects With These Platforms.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c02ca228b --- /dev/null +++ b/sources/talk/20180320 Easily Fund Open Source Projects With These Platforms.md @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +[#]: collector: (lujun9972) +[#]: translator: ( ) +[#]: reviewer: ( ) +[#]: publisher: ( ) +[#]: subject: (Easily Fund Open Source Projects With These Platforms) +[#]: via: (https://itsfoss.com/open-source-funding-platforms/) +[#]: author: ([Ambarish Kumar](https://itsfoss.com/author/ambarish/)) +[#]: url: ( ) + +Easily Fund Open Source Projects With These Platforms +====== + +**Brief: We list out some funding platforms you can use to financially support open source projects. ** + +Financial support is one of the many ways to [help Linux and Open Source community][1]. This is why you see “Donate” option on the websites of most open source projects. + +While the big corporations have the necessary funding and resources, most open source projects are developed by individuals in their spare time. However, it does require one’s efforts, time and probably includes some overhead costs too. Monetary supports surely help drive the project development. + +If you would like to support open source projects financially, let me show you some platforms dedicated to open source and/or Linux. + +### Funding platforms for Open Source projects + +![Open Source funding platforms][2] + +Just to clarify, we are not associated with any of the funding platforms mentioned here. + +#### 1\. Liberapay + +[Gratipay][3] was probably the biggest platform for funding open source projects and people associated with the project, which got shut down at the end of the year 2017. However, there’s a fork – Liberapay that works as a recurrent donation platform for the open source projects and the contributors. + +[Liberapay][4] is a non-profit, open source organization that helps in a periodic donation to a project. You can create an account as a contributor and ask the people who would really like to help (usually the consumer of your products) to donate. + +To receive a donation, you will have to create an account on Liberapay, brief what you do and about your project, reasons for asking for the donation and what will be done with the money you receive. + +For someone who would like to donate, they would have to add money to their accounts and set up a period for payment that can be weekly, monthly or yearly to someone. There’s a mail triggered when there is not much left to donate. + +The currency supported are dollars and Euro as of now and you can always put up a badge on Github, your Twitter profile or website for a donation. + +#### 2\. Bountysource + +[Bountysource][5] is a funding platform for open source software that has a unique way of paying a developer for his time and work int he name of Bounties. + +There are basically two campaigns, bounties and salt campaign. + +Under the Bounties, users declare bounties aka cash prizes on open issues that they believe should be fixed or any new features which they want to see in the software they are using. A developer can then go and fix it to receive the cash prize. + +Salt Campaign is like any other funding, anyone can pay a recurring amount to a project or an individual working for an open source project for as long as they want. + +Bountysource accepts any software that is approved by Free Software Foundation or Open Source Initiatives. The bounties can be placed using PayPal, Bitcoin or the bounty itself if owned previously. Bountysource supports a no. of issue tracker currently like GitHub, Bugzilla, Google Code, Jira, Launchpad etc. + +#### 3\. Open Collective + +[Open Collective][6] is another popular funding initiative where a person who is willing to receive the donation for the work he is doing in Open Source world can create a page. He can submit the expense reports for the project he is working on. A contributor can add money to his account and pay him for his expenses. + +The complete process is transparent and everyone can track whoever is associated with Open Collective. The contributions are visible along with the unpaid expenses. There is also the option to contribute on a recurring basis. + +Open Collective currently has more than 500 collectives being backed up by more than 5000 users. + +The fact that it is transparent and you know what you are contributing to, drives more accountability. Some common example of collective include hosting costs, community maintenance, travel expenses etc. + +Though Open Collective keeps 10% of all the transactions, it is still a nice way to get your expenses covered in the process of contributing towards an open source project. + +#### 4\. Open Source Grants + +[Open Source Grants][7] is still in its beta stage and has not matured yet. They are looking for projects that do not have any stable funding and adds value to open source community. Most open source projects are run by a small community in a free time and they are trying to fund them so that the developers can work full time on the projects. + +They are equally searching for companies that want to help open source enthusiasts. The process of submitting a project is still being worked upon, and hopefully, in coming days we will see a working way of funding. + +### Final Words + +In the end, I would also like to mention [Patreon][8]. This funding platform is not exclusive to open source but is focused on creators of all kinds. Some projects like [elementary OS have created their accounts on Patreon][9] so that you can support the project on a recurring basis. + +Think Free Speech, not Free Beer. Your small contribution to a project can help it sustain in the long run. For the developers, the above platform can provide a good way to cover up their expenses. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +via: https://itsfoss.com/open-source-funding-platforms/ + +作者:[Ambarish Kumar][a] +选题:[lujun9972][b] +译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) +校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) + +本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 + +[a]: https://itsfoss.com/author/ambarish/ +[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972 +[1]: https://itsfoss.com/help-linux-grow/ +[2]: https://i2.wp.com/itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Fund-Open-Source-projects.png?resize=800%2C450&ssl=1 +[3]: https://itsfoss.com/gratipay-open-source/ +[4]: https://liberapay.com/ +[5]: https://www.bountysource.com/ +[6]: https://opencollective.com/ +[7]: https://foundation.travis-ci.org/grants/ +[8]: https://www.patreon.com/ +[9]: https://www.patreon.com/elementary diff --git a/sources/talk/20181112 A Free Guide for Setting Your Open Source Strategy.md b/sources/talk/20181112 A Free Guide for Setting Your Open Source Strategy.md index 2e2444287a..c0767c73ab 100644 --- a/sources/talk/20181112 A Free Guide for Setting Your Open Source Strategy.md +++ b/sources/talk/20181112 A Free Guide for Setting Your Open Source Strategy.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +translating---geekpi + A Free Guide for Setting Your Open Source Strategy ====== diff --git a/sources/talk/20181126 How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind.md b/sources/talk/20181126 How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind.md deleted file mode 100644 index 008c976f5b..0000000000 --- a/sources/talk/20181126 How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -[#]: collector: (lujun9972) -[#]: translator: ( ) -[#]: reviewer: ( ) -[#]: publisher: ( ) -[#]: subject: (How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind) -[#]: via: (https://opensource.com/article/18/11/multiple-programming-languages) -[#]: author: (Bart Copeland https://opensource.com/users/bartcopeland) -[#]: url: ( ) - -How to use multiple programming languages without losing your mind -====== -A polyglot environment is a double-edged sword, bringing benefits along with complexities that may threaten the organization. - - - -With all the different programming languages available today, many organizations have become digital polyglots. Open source opens up a world of languages and technology stacks developers can use to accomplish their tasks, including developing and supporting legacy and modern software applications. - -Polyglots can talk with millions more people than those who only speak their native language. In software environments, developers don't introduce new languages to achieve specifc ends, not to communicate better. Some languages are great for one task but not another, so working with multiple programming languages enables developers to use the right tool for the job. In this way, all development is polyglot; it's just the nature of the beast. - -The creation of a polyglot environment is often gradual and situational. For example, when an enterprise acquires a company, it takes on the company's technology stacks—including its programming languages. Or as tech leadership changes, new leaders may bring different technologies into the fold. Technologies also fall in and out of fashion, expanding the number of programming languages and technologies an organization has to maintain over time. - -A polyglot environment is a double-edged sword for enterprises, bringing benefits but also complexities and challenges. Ultimately, if the situation remains unchecked, polyglot will kill your enterprise. - -### Tricky technical tongue-twisters - -Where there are multiple different technologies—programming languages, legacy tools, and up-and-coming technology stacks—there is complexity. Engineering teams spend more time wrestling to retrofit programming languages with licenses, security, and dependencies. At the same time, management lacks oversight on code compliance and can't gauge risk. - -What happens is that enterprises have varying degrees of programming language quality and high variability in tooling support. It's hard to become an expert in one language when you're required to work with a dozen. There's a big difference in skill level between a person who speaks French and Italian fluently and a person who can string a few sentences together in eight languages. The same is true for developers and programming languages. - -The difficulties only increase with the addition of more programming languages, leading to a digital Tower of Babel. - -The answer is not to take away the tools your developers need for the job. Adding new programming languages builds their skill base and empowers them with the right equipment to fulfill their craft. So, you want to say "yes" to your developers, but as more and more programming languages are added to the enterprise, they impose a drag on your software development lifecycle (SDLC). At scale, all these languages and tools can kill the enterprise. - -There are three main issues enterprises should pay attention to: - - 1. **Visibility:** Teams come together for a project, then disband. Applications are released and never updated—why fix what's not broken? As a result, when a critical vulnerability is discovered, the enterprise may not have visibility into which applications are affected, which libraries those applications contain, or even what languages they were built with. This can result in costly "exploration projects" to ensure the vulnerability is properly addressed. - 2. **Updating or coding:** Some enterprises centralize the updating and fixing function in a single team. Others require that each "pizza team" manage its own development tools. In either case, the engineering team and management pay an opportunity cost: rather than coding new features, these teams are constantly updating and fixing libraries in their open source tools since they move so quickly. - 3. **Reinventing the wheel:** Since code dependencies and library versions are constantly being updated, the artifacts associated with the original build of an application may no longer be available when a vulnerability is found. As a result, many development cycles are wasted trying to recreate an environment in which the vulnerability can be fixed. - - - -Multiply each programming language in your organization by these three issues, and what started out as a molehill suddenly looks like Mount Everest. And just like a mountain climber, you won't survive without the proper equipment and tools. - -### Finding your Rosetta Stone - -A comprehensive solution that serves the needs of the enterprise and its individual stakeholders in the SDLC is in order. Enterprises can create this solution using these best practices: - - 1. Monitor code running in production and respond based on risk of flagged components (e.g., common vulnerabilities and exposures components) used in your applications. - 2. Receive regular updates to keep code current and bug-free. - 3. Use commercial open source support to get help with programming language versions and platforms that are near end-of-life and not supported by the community. - 4. Standardize specific programming language builds across your enterprise to enable consistent environments across teams and minimize dependencies. - 5. Set thresholds for when to trigger an update, alarm, or another kind of event based on dependencies. - 6. Create a single source of truth for your package management; this may require the assistance of a knowledgeable technology provider. - 7. Get smaller build distributions with only the packages you need, based on your specific criteria. - - - -Using these best practices, developers can maximize their time to create more value for the enterprise instead of doing basic tooling or build-engineering tasks. This will create code consistency in all environments in the software development life cycle (SDLC). It will also create greater efficiency and cost savings as fewer resources are needed to maintain programming languages and package distributions. This new way of operating will make the lives of both technical staff and management easier. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -via: https://opensource.com/article/18/11/multiple-programming-languages - -作者:[Bart Copeland][a] -选题:[lujun9972][b] -译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) -校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID) - -本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出 - -[a]: https://opensource.com/users/bartcopeland -[b]: https://github.com/lujun9972 diff --git a/sources/tech/20171223 My personal Email setup - Notmuch, mbsync, postfix and dovecot.md b/sources/tech/20171223 My personal Email setup - Notmuch, mbsync, postfix and dovecot.md index 2eabd299d7..b239209c1b 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20171223 My personal Email setup - Notmuch, mbsync, postfix and dovecot.md +++ b/sources/tech/20171223 My personal Email setup - Notmuch, mbsync, postfix and dovecot.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +translating by lixinyuxx + My personal Email setup - Notmuch, mbsync, postfix and dovecot ====== I've been using personal email setup for quite long and have not documented it anywhere. Recently when I changed my laptop (a post is pending about it) I got lost trying to recreate my local mail setup. So this post is a self documentation so that I don't have to struggle again to get it right. diff --git a/sources/tech/20180101 27 open solutions to everything in education.md b/sources/tech/20180101 27 open solutions to everything in education.md index ccf7cea523..eeba3692e4 100644 --- a/sources/tech/20180101 27 open solutions to everything in education.md +++ b/sources/tech/20180101 27 open solutions to everything in education.md @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +translating by lixinyuxx + 27 open solutions to everything in education ======  diff --git a/sources/tech/20180131 For your first HTML code lets help Batman write a love letter.md b/sources/tech/20180131 For your first HTML code lets help Batman write a love letter.md deleted file mode 100644 index 78cb024bb4..0000000000 --- a/sources/tech/20180131 For your first HTML code lets help Batman write a love letter.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,559 +0,0 @@ -Translating by MjSeven - - -For your first HTML code, let’s help Batman write a love letter -============================================================ - - -[Image Credit][1] - -One fine night, your stomach refuses to digest the large Pizza you had at dinner, and you have to rush to the bathroom in the middle of your sleep. - -In the bathroom, while wondering why this is happening to you, you hear a heavy voice from the vent: “Hey, I am Batman.” - -What would you do? - -Before you panic and stand up in middle of the critical process, Batman says, “I need your help. I am a super geek, but I don’t know HTML. I need to write my love letter in HTML — would you do it for me?” - -Who could refuse a request from Batman, right? Let’s write Batman’s love letter in HTML. - -### Your first HTML file - -An HTML webpage is like other files on your computer. As a .doc file opens in MS Word, a .jpg file opens in Image Viewer, and a .html file opens in your Browser. - -So, let’s create a .html file. You can do this in Notepad, or any other basic editor, but I would recommend using VS Code instead. [Download and install VS Code here][2]. It’s free, and the only Microsoft Product I love. - -Create a directory in your system and name it “HTML Practice” (without quotes). Inside this directory, create one more directory called “Batman’s Love Letter” (without quotes). This will be our project root directory. That means that all our files related to this project will live here. - -Open VS Code and press ctrl+n to create a new file and ctrl+s to save the file. Navigate to the “Batman’s Love Letter” folder and name the file “loveletter.html” and click save. - -Now, if you open this file by double-clicking it from your file explorer, it will open in your default browser. I recommend using Firefox for web development, but Chrome is fine too. - -Let’s relate this process to something we are already familiar with. Remember the first time you got your hands on a computer? The first thing I did was open MS Paint and draw something. You draw something in Paint and save it as an image and then you can view that image in Image Viewer. Then if you want to edit that image again, you re-open it in Paint, edit it, and save it. - -Our current process is quite similar. As we use Paint to create and edit images, we use VS Code to create and edit our HTML files. And as we use Image Viewer to view the images, we use the Browser to view our HTML pages. - -### Your first Paragraph in HTML - -We have our blank HTML file, so here’s the first paragraph Batman wants to write in his love letter - -“After all the battles we fought together, after all the difficult times we saw together, and after all the good and bad moments we’ve been through, I think it’s time I let you know how I feel about you.” - -Copy the paragraph in your loveletter.html in VS Code. Enable word wrap by clicking View -> Toggle Word Wrap (alt+z). - -Save and open the file in your browser. If it’s already open, click refresh on your browser. - -Voila! That’s your first webpage! - -Our first paragraph is ready, but this is not the recommended way of writing a paragraph in HTML. We have a specific way to let the browser know that a text is a paragraph. - -If you wrap the text with `
` and `
`, then the browser will know that the text inside the `` and `
` is a paragraph. Let’s do this: - -``` -After all the battles we fought together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you.
-``` - -By writing the paragraph inside `` and `
` you created an HTML element. A web page is collection of HTML elements. - -Let’s get some of the terminologies out of the way first: `` is the opening tag, `
` is the closing tag, and “p” is the tag name. The text inside the opening and closing tag of an element is that element’s content. - -### The “style” attribute - -You will see that the text covers the entire width of the screen. - -We don’t want that. No one want’s to read such long lines. Let’s give a width of, say, 550px to our paragraph. - -We can do that by using the element’s “style” attribute. You can define an element’s style (for example, width in our case), inside its style attribute. The following line will create an empty style attribute on a “p” element: - -``` -...
-``` - -You see that empty `""`? That’s where we will define the looks of the element. Right now we want to set the width to 550px. Let’s do that: - -``` -- After all the battles we fought together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -We set the “width” property to 550px separated by a colon “:” and ended by a semicolon “;”. - -Also, notice how we put the `` and `
` in separate lines and the text content indented with one tab. Styling your code like this makes it more readable. - -### Lists in HTML - -Next, Batman wants to list some of the virtues of the person that he admires, like this: - -“ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -- the way you see good in the worst things -- the way you handle emotionally difficult situations -- the way you look at Justice -I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over time.” - -This looks simple. - -Let’s go ahead and copy the required text below the `:` - -``` -- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: - - the way you see good in the worse - - the way you handle emotionally difficult situations - - the way you look at Justice - I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-``` - -Save and refresh your browser. - - - - -Woah! What happened here, where is our list? - -If you look closely, you will observe that line breaks are not displayed. We wrote the list items in new lines in our code, but those are displayed in a single line in the browser. - -If you want to insert a line break in HTML (newline) you have to mention it using `- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
- You complete my darkness with your light. I love:
- - the way you see good in the worse
- - the way you handle emotionally difficult situations
- - the way you look at Justice
- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time.
- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-``` - -``` -- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-``` - -Save and reload. - -Notice that this time we defined the width of the “ul” element also. That’s because we have now moved our “ul” element out of the “p” element. - -Defining the width of all the elements of our letter can become cumbersome. We have a specific element for this purpose: the “div” element. A “div” element is a generic container which is used to group content so it can be easily styled. - -Let’s wrap our entire letter with a div element and give width:550px to that div element: - -``` -- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-- It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. -
-- I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. -
-I love you Superman.
- Your not-so-secret-lover,
- Batman
- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-- It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. -
-- I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. -
-I love you Superman.
- Your not-so-secret-lover,
- Batman
- After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. -
-``` - -``` -- You complete my darkness with your light. I love: -
-- I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. -
-- It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. -
-- I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. -
-I love you Superman.
- Your not-so-secret-lover,
- Batman
` 和 `
` 来包裹文本,那么浏览器将识别 `` 和 `
` 中的文本是一个段落。我们这样做: + +``` +After all the battles we fought together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you.
+``` + +通过在 `` 和 `
`中编写段落,你创建了一个 HTML 元素。一个网页就是 HTML 元素的集合。 + +让我们首先来认识一些术语:`` 是开始标签,`
` 是结束标签,“p” 是标签名称。元素开始和结束标签之间的文本是元素的内容。 + +### “style” 属性 + +在上面,你将看到文本覆盖屏幕的整个宽度。 + +我们不希望这样。没有人想要阅读这么长的行。让我们设定段落宽度为 550px。 + +我们可以通过使用元素的 “style” 属性来实现。你可以在其 style 属性中定义元素的样式(例如,在我们的示例中为宽度)。以下行将在 “p” 元素上创建一个空样式属性: + +``` +...
+``` + +你看到那个空的 `""` 了吗?这就是我们定义元素外观的地方。现在我们要将宽度设置为 550px。我们这样做: + +``` ++ After all the battles we fought together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +我们将 “width” 属性设置为 550px,用冒号 “:” 分隔,以分号 “;” 结束。 + +另外,注意我们如何将 `` 和 `
` 放在单独的行中,文本内容用一个 tab 缩进。像这样设置代码使其更具可读性。 + +### HTML 中的列表 + +接下来,蝙蝠侠希望列出他所钦佩的人的一些优点,例如: + +“ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +- the way you see good in the worst things +- the way you handle emotionally difficult situations +- the way you look at Justice +I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over time.” + +这看起来很简单。 + +让我们继续,在 `:` 下面复制所需的文本: + +``` ++ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: + - the way you see good in the worse + - the way you handle emotionally difficult situations + - the way you look at Justice + I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
+``` + +保存并刷新浏览器。 + + + +哇!这里发生了什么,我们的列表在哪里? + +如果你仔细观察,你会发现没有显示换行符。在代码中我们在新的一行中编写列表项,但这些项在浏览器中显示在一行中。 + +如果你想在 HTML(新行)中插入换行符,你必须使用 `+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+ You complete my darkness with your light. I love:
+ - the way you see good in the worse
+ - the way you handle emotionally difficult situations
+ - the way you look at Justice
+ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time.
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
+``` + +``` ++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
+``` + +保存并刷新。 + +注意,这次我们还定义了 “ul” 元素的宽度。那是因为我们现在已经将 “ul” 元素放在了 “p” 元素之外。 + +定义情书中所有元素的宽度会变得很麻烦。我们有一个特定的元素用于此目的:“div” 元素。一个 “div” 元素就是一个通用容器,用于对内容进行分组,以便轻松设置样式。 + +让我们用 div 元素包装整个情书,并为其赋予宽度:550px + +``` ++ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. +
++ I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. +
+I love you Superman.
+ Your not-so-secret-lover,
+ Batman
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. +
++ I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. +
+I love you Superman.
+ Your not-so-secret-lover,
+ Batman
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. +
++ I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. +
+I love you Superman.
+ Your not-so-secret-lover,
+ Batman
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
+``` + +``` ++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. +
++ I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. +
+I love you Superman.
+ Your not-so-secret-lover,
+ Batman
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. +
++ I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. +
+I love you Superman.
+ Your not-so-secret-lover,
+ Batman
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. +
++ I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. +
+I love you Superman.
+ Your not-so-secret-lover,
+ Batman
+ After all the battles we faught together, after all the difficult times we saw together, after all the good and bad moments we've been through, I think it's time I let you know how I feel about you. +
++ You complete my darkness with your light. I love: +
++ I have learned a lot from you. You have occupied a special place in my heart over the time. +
++ It feels like my chest does have a heart. You make my heart beat. Your smile brings smile on my face, your pain brings pain to my heart. +
++ I don't show my emotions, but I think this man behind the mask is falling for you. +
+I love you Superman.
+ Your not-so-secret-lover,
+ Batman
) + + * 如何使用 style 属性在元素内编写样式(这称为内联样式,尽可能避免这种情况) + + * 如何在 中编写元素的样式(这称为嵌入式样式) + + * 在 HTML 中如何使用 在单独的文件中编写样式并链接它(这称为链接样式表) + + * 什么是标签名称,属性,开始标签和结束标签 + + * 如何使用 id 属性为一个元素赋予 id + + * CSS 中的标签选择器和 id 选择器 + +我们学习了以下 HTML 标签: + + * \:用于段落
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