Merge pull request #2 from LCTT/master

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Junkai 2014-09-14 22:12:52 +08:00
commit 09a1c74f69
23 changed files with 810 additions and 871 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
### “云”简介 ###
> **云计算** 过去常常被当做是网络计算的一个模型网络计算就是把用户程序或者是应用运行在一个联网的服务器或是一个服务器集群而不是像个人电脑、平板以及智能手机这一类运算设备。比如像传统的client-server (客户机-服务器模型) 和老一代的大型机,^[1] 用户通过连接服务器来执行一项任务。这和“云计算”是不同的,“云计算”是利用虚拟化的技术,把运算进程运行在一个或多个服务器上。利用虚拟技术,越来越多的物理化的服务器被配置和划分成多个独立的“虚拟”服务器,每个服务独立运行,对于用户来说,就像是运行在一个独立的物理服务器上一样。虚拟服务器本质上还是从他们的物理服务器中分离出来的,由于这种灵活的配置方式,使得人们可以按照意愿移动服务器和按比例分配资源而不影响最终的用户体验。计算机资源已成“颗粒”,给用户和管理人员提供方便,包括提供按需自助服务,支持更广泛的跨平台之间的访问,资源共享,快速重新部署,可被监控与量测服务。^[2]
IT 行业的很多服务也逐渐转向外包,许多的技术支持和开发的业务都被打包给中国、印度、马来西亚和东欧。
> 现在,“云计算”已经成为云计算基础设施的简称。^[4] 这个术语来源于早年一些网络工程师用云状的符号表示那些对他们来说未知的网络。^[5] 后来,营销者普及了这个云的概念,指的是软件、平台和一些可以买卖的基础设施。比如,远程登录互联网。
### 电子邮件 ###
### 办公套件 ###
在以前当人们刚刚进入电脑世界的时候买一个电脑会带回一个超大型的机器和半打子CD刻着几个没用的 Microsoft Works ( 微软工作软件 )。 (LCTT译注Microsoft Works Mirosoft Works是微软的一种家用综合软件它主要面向低端的家庭用户,提供基本的能提高生活效率的工具,比如提供简单的文档处理、数据库、电子表格的入门级办公包功能。) 微软工作软件是一个廉价而且无用到几乎要被砍掉的微软office版本。
最好的选择当然是Google Docs和Office 365。对于Office 365能否很好的运行于Linux平台这篇来自2012期专业电脑的文章似乎说明了这个问题。
有人说这怎么可能呢我不相信所以我注册并登录了Office 365想看看到底是什么情况。
一切看起来都挺好我打开了Microsoft Word选择了一个模板来使用当然根本就没有打开成功。
Office 365 并没有很好的支持linux设备况且说实话你也不需要这东西。so咱们继续。
Google Docs对于一般的办公支持非常完美它能完成很多的事情并且有很多的模板针对文字处理演示工具电子表格等。即使它始终也代替不了Excel因为他并没有成百上千的开发人员为其创建宏和编写VBA脚本。
和Google Docs一样Zoho也包含有文字处理工具演示程序电子表格程序和电子邮件。
它和Google Docs和Zoho这些在线服务一样给予了人们相互协作的便利。
这里会给出一些理由来帮助你从Google Docs和Zoho中选择一个适合你的办公套件。
### 在线文件存储 ###
Google Docs和Zoho给我们提供了其他一些很好的服务就是很好的线上存储能力你们可以线上存储很多文档和创建很多文件。
### 相册 ###
### 音乐 ###
我得到的第一个唱片是20世纪80年代初“Adam and the Ants”的"Kings of the wild frontier"里的一个12英寸的碟子。
### 电影 ###
小飞象 (Dumbo) 是我最早在电影院看的一部电影。而我最早接触录像是“Krull”它讲述了Dulph Lundgren的年轻时候的经历录像的格式是Beta Max。(当时我的邻居就有一个) 。
有一天,爸爸从收音机租赁处带回来一个录像机,我和我的姐姐就轮流去录像店租带子看。我清楚的记得,我第一次租的带子名字叫“黑洞”(The Black Hole)。
其中最出名的流媒体提供商是Netflix和Lovefilm (Netflix和Lovefilm都是在线的影片租赁公司)。
### 游戏 ###
### 争议 ###
### 总结 ###
或许云仅仅是营销人员炒起来的一个概念也只会让技术新闻感到兴奋。是否还有人记得我们一直在用的“Web 2.0”?
译者:[barney-ro](译者ID) 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Ubuntu商城有了一款 Ubuntu Touch 的 BT 客户端了
你会发现在大多数手机中BT客户端并不是必备的东西。Android和Windows手机已经已经有这类的应用程序看起来Ubuntu也将是支持的平台之一。Ubuntu开发者[Alan Pope][1]公布了一张正在为Ubuntu平台开发的应用程序的截图该程序命名为DowNow。
这是一个相对较新的应用程序而且仍然在开发中你可以在Launchpad点击DowNow 0.3安装包如果你想要获得更多详情你也可以从Ubuntu软件中心下载。
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
> 开源软件社区已经做出了改变,就像之前的美好时光。
幸运的是这一系列的使用主义注定要结束了。在过去的一段时间里我们团结在Mozilla身边支持DRM版权保护以及嘲笑Red Hat和OpenStack之间的竞争。开源社区那些年仅有的几个开源软件明星和[Open Core 这种商业模式][1]产生了冲突而被反噬了。
### Red Hat 退回到2003年 ###
Red Hat开源软件理想主义的典范在几周前拒绝支持它的竞争对手。Jodi Mardesich[出色的][2]揭露了真相而Red Hat在努力辩护这个真相就是
Red Hat不想支持它的竞争对手它的OpenStack的竞争对手也不想这样做。
### Mozilla变成了麻瓜 ###
Red Hat作为开源软件理想主义的典范代表很容易成为各种带颜色攻击的目标Mozilla其实是更大的一个目标。
Mozilla致力于为用户服务它最近进行了一场自我牺牲似的CEO 下台同意加入DRM的技术即纯Firefox浏览器源码可以使用户观看视频。
总是找到别人的思想滑坡的问题,开源软件组织[批评了][3] Mozilla深切表达了自己对于Mozilla的失望因为这种“为减轻市场份额的流失而妥协重要原则的决定”令人担忧。
[Mitchell Bake解释道][5]Mozilla可能并没有投降“Firefox用户会需要使用另外的浏览器来观看他们自己想看的视频这会让人怀疑Firfox做一一个产品是否真的有用”。
### 回到我们的思想源头 ###
译者:[jiajia9linuxer]( 校对:[wxy](
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Ubuntu Touch Now Has a Torrent Client in the Ubuntu Store
**The Ubuntu Touch platform is already the host of many interesting applications, and it looks like the developers have started to implement software that goes beyond what you might expect, like a torrent client for example.**
The app store for Ubuntu Touch has been growing steadily over the past few months and interesting applications are added all the time. Most of them are covering some of the basic needs of the operating system, but there are quite a few that go well beyond regular users needs.
A torrent client is not something that you will find on most phones. Android and Windows Phone already have this kind of apps and it looks like Ubuntu is now one of those platforms. Ubuntu developer [Alan Pope][1] posted a screenshot with a new application that's being developed for the Ubuntu platforms called DowNow.
This is a relatively new application and it's still under development. You can find the click package for DowNow 0.3 in Launchpad, if you want to take a closer look, or you can download from Ubuntu Software Center.
For now, the only supported devices are Nexus 4 and Nexus 7, if you want to test Ubuntu for phones, but that might change in the coming months.
作者:[Silviu Stahie][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
barney-ro translating
How does the cloud affect the everyday linux user?
### Introduction ###
Cloud computing is one of those terms you hear about and see all the time whether it is in the national newspapers, online news websites, podcasts, technical blogs, technical news sites or on radio and television.
It is a fairly woolly term that encompasses so many things but what exactly is it?
> **Cloud computing** is a term used to refer to a model of network computing where a program or application runs on a connected server or servers rather than on a local computing device such as a PC, tablet or smartphone. Like the traditional client-server model or older mainframe computing,[1] a user connects with a server to perform a task. The difference with cloud computing is that the computing process may run on one or many connected computers at the same time, utilizing the concept of virtualization. With virtualization, one or more physical servers can be configured and partitioned into multiple independent “virtual” servers, all functioning independently and appearing to the user to be a single physical device. Such virtual servers are in essence disassociated from their physical server, and with this added flexibility, they can be moved around and scaled up or down on the fly without affecting the end user. The computing resources have become “granular”, which provides end user and operator benefits including on-demand self-service, broad access across multiple devices, resource pooling, rapid elasticity and service metering capability.[2]
The above quote was obviously taken from Wikipedia.
In the past we either used dumb terminals to connect to a mainframe or more recently desktop computers connected to applications on in-house servers which in turn connected to databases also kept on site.
The management of the desktops, applications and servers were all local and all had to be supported by the company who owned them.
Whilst this might be great for software houses it isnt good business for other companies such as banks, insurance companies and oil companies. Information Technology is not a banking function in the same way catering isnt a function of drilling oil out of the ground.
Large companies have long since outsourced many functions to dedicated companies. For example outside catering companies provide the staff canteen and we all know about the offshore call centres handling customer calls for the banks.
IT has also become an offshore function with a number of support and development functions shipped out to China, India, Malaysia and Eastern Europe.
Cloud computing is different to the typical model in that it is all about virtualisation. It is about putting applications on virtual servers which could all be in one location or could be thousands of miles apart but the point is it doesnt matter because it is somebody elses job to make sure they work.
> In common usage the term “the cloud” has become a shorthand way to refer to cloud computing infrastructure.[4] The term came from the cloud symbol that network engineers used on network diagrams to represent the unknown (to them) segments of a network.[5] Marketers have further popularized the phrase “in the cloud” to refer to software, platforms and infrastructure that are sold “as a service”, i.e. remotely through the Internet.
This article is therefore all about the cloud and what it means for the everyday linux user and what it can do for you and what, if any, pitfalls are there.
From an end user and home user point of view, cloud computing has basically come to mean any service that is hosted online.
So here goes, which cloud services are useful for an everyday linux user?
### Email ###
I would be very surprised if you are reading this and you dont have an email account.
PC Advisor magazine analysed the top 6 emails services back in March, 2014 consisting of Outlook, GMail, Yahoo, iCloud, AOL and GMX.
### Office Suites ###
As well as an email client one of the most commonly used tools required by everyone is an office suite.
In the past people would toddle off down to PC World, buy a computer and come home with a great big machine and half a dozen CDs containing 5 programs you definitely wont use and Microsoft Works which was a cheap and virtually useless cut down version of Microsoft Office.
Now you dont even need an office suite on your computer even though there are some great free choices out there including LibreOffice and Kingsoft.
The obvious choices are of course Google Docs and Office 365. Does Office 365 work for Linux? Well this article from PC Pro in 2012 seems to suggest that it does.
I dont believe everything I read though so I signed up to Office 365 to see what would happen.
Signing up was free for a month and I was presented with a list of online applications that I could use which included Word, Excel and Outlook.
All looked to be going well. I started Microsoft Word, chose a template to use and then of course it didnt work at all.
Office 365 isnt yet supported on Linux and to be honest you dont need it. Move on.
Google Docs works and for home use it is perfect. There are hundreds of templates for the word processing and presentation tools and the spreadsheet application does most things although it doesnt really replace Excel because you havent got hundreds of wannabe developers creating naff macros and VBA scripts everywhere.
Another alternative to Office 365 is Zoho.
Similar to Google Docs, Zoho includes a word processor, spreadsheet tool, presentation tool and mail.
There are finance and CRM tools as well.
The interface for the tools is actually very nice and clean.
Services such as Google Docs and Zoho also give you the power of collaboration.
Documents can be shared and worked on by different people in different locations.
This site provides a good list of alternative choices to Google Docs and Zoho.
### Online File Storage ###
Another good service provided by Google Docs and Zoho is the ability to store the documents and files you create online.
There are other services however such as Dropbox that are used to exclusively store your documents in the cloud.
The benefit of storing files with services like Dropbox is that if your house is burgled or catches fire then you have an offshore backup that remains intact. You can also access your files anywhere.
Dropbox is free for up to 2 gigabytes of use. If you have a lot more data, and most of us do nowadays, then there is a $ 9.99 monthly plan that is available allowing for 100 gigabytes. There is also a business version available from $ 15 a month.
There are of course alternatives to Dropbox and this site provides a list of the best online backup solutions.
### Photos ###
Since the introduction of digital cameras and more recently smart phones, more and more of us have memory cards full of photos.
I bet that at some point or other that you have lost photos because your phone died and the photos were on the phone and not the memory card or you lost your phone losing pictures of your childs sports day or another important occasion.
Losing a phone is never a good thing. If you are clever you will have set up some sort of security because most people have their phones synchronised with their email accounts, Facebook, Twitter and even online banking.
All it takes to fix a lost phone is to change the passwords to all of the above accounts but lost photos are just not possible to recover and are a little bit more upsetting when lost.
One solution of course is to backup to your computer. This is of course a good first step but occasionally laptops break as well and you are back to square one.
Online photo storage sites are great resources because not only do they keep your photos safe you can also share them with whoever you choose to, eliminating the need to get 5 copies of the same photo developed to send to mum, nan, sister, aunty and mother-in-law.
The solution I like to use is Googles Picasa but many of you will have heard of services like Flickr as well.
Lifehacker has a list of the five best photo sharing services.
Remember though that just because they are called photo sharing services doesnt mean you have to share them. You can keep them just to yourself.
### Music ###
The first record that I was ever given was a 12 inch vinyl version of “Kings of the wild frontier” by “Adam and the Ants” back in the early 1980s.
As the 1980s progressed the long play records were replaced by cassettes and just as I had accumulated a decent number of cassettes the compact disc became the thing to have.
Hundreds of compact discs later and MP3 file sharing became the norm and it even became the legal way of doing things.
Nothing sits still with technology and the future is now with audio streaming services such as Spotify.
Spotify is free to use but is supported with the inclusion of adverts. In this regard it is like having your own personal radio station where you choose the playlist. Of course you can pay a monthly fee and have the adverts removed altogether.
There are dozens of similar services including Grooveshark and
Techradar has a list of 7 alternatives to Spotify.
### Film ###
The first film I ever watched in the Cinema was Dumbo. The first video I ever watched was “Krull” which contained a young Dulph Lundgren. The format of the video was on Beta Max. (My next door neighbour had one).
My dad came home one day with a video recorder from Radio Rentals and my sister and I used to take it in turns to pick a video to hire from the video store. I remember my first choice being “The Black Hole”.
As with music time moves on. Just as you get large units full of movies, some genius comes along and develops DVDs and then they come out with Bluerays.
Now of course video streaming is the order of the day especially if you have a decent enough internet connection.
The most commonly known services are Netflix and Lovefilm.
This website has a list of good alternatives to Netflix. Not all of these services (including Netflix) work seamlessly on Linux.
### Gaming ###
Music, films and now gaming have moved to the online arena.
Gaming is of course more difficult. Music is relatively low cost in terms of bandwidth and although films require a little more, the stream just needs to remain steady to get a clear picture.
Games need to run at a consistently high frame rate to be playable and unless you have a decent connection it probably isnt even worth trying.
Current services offering a cloud gaming service include OnLive and StreamMyGame.
This site contains a list of 6 online gaming services to rival OnLive.
### Pitfalls ###
Cloud computing isnt free from issues.
There is the obvious problem of hacking. If someone gets access to your online banking or your email then you have a real problem.
What about online file storage? There is currently the high profile case of was essentially a file storage site for storing large files. The problem is that a lot of people used the service to share copyright material and the US authorities came down like a ton of bricks and the service was shut down.
Now a lot of people losing files would perhaps be expecting the inevitable but what about people who genuinely did nothing wrong. Their data has been lost. The US authorities refusing to give it back.
Finally there is the subject of service maintenance. If your email went down for a day could you cope? What about 3 days? What about a month? You are at the mercy of the service provider.
A lot has been made about large companies losing data and there has also been a lot of noise regarding heartbleed which is a vulnerability found in SSL left unpatched for years.
If you have services hosted for you online then you are relying on technical support staff to do their job properly and if they dont you could be at the mercy of hackers, hardware failures and poor backup and recovery maintenance.
### Summary ###
Cloud computing has really become the buzz term for any online service. Your web browser is a client connecting to a server or clusters of servers hosted anywhere in the world. The point is that you dont care. You dont need to know.
Generally speaking I have barely touched the surface. We all use the cloud everyday and most of us dont even think about it.
How does the cloud affect the everyday linux user? It turns out quite a bit.
Is the cloud a good or bad thing? Neither. Each service has to be judged on its own merits.
The term “The Cloud” is just something marketing people and the technical press get excited about. Anyone remember when they kept using the term “Web 2.0″?
Thankyou for reading.
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本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
barney-ro translating
Why Your Company Needs To Write More Open Source Software - ReadWrite
> Real innovation doesn't happen behind closed doors.

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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
alim0x translating
The history of Android
![The T-Mobile G1](
The T-Mobile G1
Photo by T-Mobile
### Android 1.0—introducing Google Apps and actual hardware ###
By October 2008, Android 1.0 was ready for launch, and the OS debuted on the [T-Mobile G1][1] (AKA the HTC Dream). The G1 was released into a market dominated by the iPhone 3G and the [Nokia 1680 classic][2]. (Both of those phones went on to tie for the [best selling phone][3] of 2008, selling 35 million units each.) Hard numbers of G1 sales are tough to come by, but T-Mobile announced the device broke the one million units sold barrier in April 2009. It was way behind the competition by any measure.
The G1 was packing a single-core 528Mhz ARM 11 processor, an Adreno 130 GPU, 192MB of RAM, and a whopping 256MB of storage for the OS and Apps. It had a 3.2-inch, 320x480 display, which was mounted to a sliding mechanism that revealed a full hardware keyboard. So while Android software has certainly come a long way, the hardware has, too. Today, we can get much better specs than this in a watch form factor: the latest [Samsung smart watch][4] has 512MB of RAM and a 1GHz dual-core processor.
While the iPhone had a minimal amount of buttons, the G1 was the complete opposite, sporting almost every hardware control that was ever invented. It had call and end call buttons, home, back, and menu buttons, a shutter button for the camera, a volume rocker, a trackball, and, of course, about 50 keyboard buttons. Future Android devices would slowly back away from thousand-button interfaces, with nearly every new flagship lessening the number of buttons.
But for the first time, people saw Android running on actual hardware instead of a frustratingly slow emulator. Android 1.0 didn't have the smoothness, flare, or press coverage of the iPhone. It wasn't as capable as Windows Mobile 6.5. Still, it was a good start.
![The default app selection of Android 1.0 and 0.9.](
The default app selection of Android 1.0 and 0.9.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
The core of Android 1.0 didn't look significantly different from the beta version released two months earlier, but the consumer product brought a ton more apps, including the full suite of Google apps. Calendar, Email, Gmail, IM, Market, Settings, Voice Dialer, and YouTube were all new. At the time, music was the dominant media type on smartphones, the king of which was the iTunes music store. Google didn't have an in-house music service of its own, so it tapped Amazon and bundled the Amazon MP3 store.
The most important addition to Android 1.0 was the debut of Google's store, called "Android Market Beta." While most companies were content with calling their app catalog some variant of "app store"—meaning a store that sold apps and only apps—Google had much wider ambitions. It went with the much more general name of "Android Market." The idea was that the Android Market would not just house apps, but everything you needed for your Android device.
![The first Android Market client. Screenshots show the main page, “my downloads," an app page, and an app permissions page.](
The first Android Market client. Screenshots show the main page, “my downloads," an app page, and an app permissions page.
Photo by [Google][5]
At the time, the Android Market only offered apps and games, and developers weren't even able to charge for them. Apple's App Store had a four-month head start on the Android Market, but Google's big differentiator was that Android's store was almost completely open. On the iPhone, apps were subject to review by Apple and had to meet design and technical guidelines. Potential apps also weren't allowed to duplicate the stock functionality. On the Android Market, developers were free to do whatever they wanted, including replacing the stock apps. The lack of control would turn out to be a blessing and a curse. It allowed developers to innovate on the existing functionality, but it also meant even the trashiest applications were allowed in.
Today, this client is another app that can no longer communicate with Google's servers. Luckily, it's one of the few early Android apps [actually documented][6] on the Internet. The main screen provided links to the common areas like Apps, Games, Search, and Downloads, and the top section had horizontally scrolling icons for featured apps. Search results and the "My Downloads" page displayed apps in a scrolling list, showing the name, developers, cost (at this point, always free), and rating. Individual app pages showed a brief description, install count, comments and ratings from users, and the all-important install button. This early Android Market didnt support pictures, and the only field for developers was a description box with a 500-character limit. This made things like maintaining a changelog very difficult, as the only spot to put it was in the description.
Right out of the gate, the Android Market showed permissions that an app required before installing. This is something Apple wouldn't get around to implementing until 2012, after an iOS app was caught [uploading entire address books][7] to the cloud without the user's knowledge. The permissions display gave a full rundown of what permissions an app was using, although this version railroaded users into agreeing. There was an “OK" button, but no way to cancel other than the back button.
![Gmail showing the inbox, the inbox with the menu open. ](
Gmail showing the inbox, the inbox with the menu open.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
The next most important app was probably Gmail. Most of the base functionality was here already. Unviewed messages showed up in bold, and labels displayed as colored tags. Individual messages in the Inbox showed the subject, author(s), and number of replies in a conversation. The trademark Gmail star was here—a quick tap would star or unstar something. As usual for early versions of Android, the Menu housed all the buttons on the main inbox view. Once inside a message, though, things got a little more modern, with "reply" and "forward" buttons as permanent fixtures at the bottom of the screen. Individual replies could be expanded and collapsed just by tapping on them.
The rounded corners, shadows, and bubbly icons gave the whole app a "cartoonish" look, but it was a good start. Android's function-first philosophy was really coming through here: Gmail supported labels, threaded messaging, searching, and push e-mail.
![Gmails label view, compose screen, and settings on Android 1.0.](
Gmails label view, compose screen, and settings on Android 1.0.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
But if you thought Gmail was ugly, the Email app took it to another level. There was no separate inbox or folder view—everything was mashed into a single screen. The app presented you with a list of folders and tapping on one would expand the contents in-line. Unread messages were denoted with a green line on the left, and that was about it for the e-mail interface. The app supported IMAP and POP3 but not Exchange.
![Ron Amadeo](
[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron is the Reviews Editor at Ars Technica, where he specializes in Android OS and Google products. He is always on the hunt for a new gadget and loves to rip things apart to see how they work.
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本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
alim0x translating
The history of Android
![Both screens of the Email app. The first two screenshots show the combined label/inbox view, and the last shows a message.](
@ -106,4 +108,4 @@ via:

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@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
(henryfour's translating)
A Pocket Guide for Linux ssh Command with Examples
If you have been in the IT world for quite some time you probably have heard about SSH, how great a tool it is and all its cool security features. In this tutorial you will learn how to use SSH in a few minutes and login to your remote computers seamlessly and securely.
If you have no clue what SSH is you can visit [Wikipedia][1] before proceeding.
### Basic Usage ###
The simplest usage of SSH is where you specify a user and the hostname. The hostname could be an IP address or a domain name an in the following format.
$ ssh user@hostname
For example to login to a Raspberry Pi on my LAN, I would simply type the command in the terminal as follows:
$ ssh pi@
Where pi is the user and is the IP of the Raspberry Pi on my LAN. Change this accordingly to reflect your LAN configuration or your remote computers IP address.
![basic ssh](
If you have logged in successfully then the rest of the guide shall be a breeze for you.
### Using A Different Port ###
By default ssh uses port 22, but for various reasons you may want to connect to another port.
$ ssh -p 10022 user@hostname
This will connect to ssh via port 10022 instead of port 22.
### Execute Commands Remotely ###
At times its convenient to execute a command on the remote host and get the output and continue working on the local machine. Well SSH has catered for this need,
$ ssh pi@ ls -l
This command for example will list the contents of the home directory and return the prompt to you. Cool? Try it out with other commands as well.
![remote command](
### Mounting remote filesystems ###
Another great tool based on ssh is sshfs. With sshfs you can mount remote filesystems and have the remote files on the local machine.
$ sshfs -o idmap=user user@hostname:/home/user ~/Remote
For example this command can be used as:
$ sshfs -o idmap=user pi@ ~/Pi
This will mount pis home directory to a folder on the local machine called Pi.
For more details on sshfs [look at our sshfs tutorial][2].
### X11 Forwarding ###
Suppose now you want to run a GUI program on your remote computer? SSH had you in mind! Login to the remote machine with the basic SSH command but -X option. This will allow X11 forwarding. After you login you might not see any difference, but once you invoke a GUI based program you notice the difference.
$ ssh -X pi@
$ pistore
Now you may want to do other stuff on the command line while running the GUI program. Simply suffix the command with &.
$ pistore&
![X11 forwarding](
### Escape Sequences ###
There are various escape sequences provided by SSH. To view them, SSH to any remote machine then type tilde(~) followed by a question mark. You will see a couple of other supported escape sequences. In this example you can the output of **~#** and **~C**.
![escape sequences](
### Edit SSH Configuration ###
If you need to change SSH configuration, open the file **/etc/ssh/sshd_config** with your favourite text editor and edit whatever you need to. For example we might need to change the banner. In your text editor find the following line:
#Banner none
Uncomment the line by deleting the # then add a path to the file with the message you want displayed. The line should now read as:
Banner /etc/issue
In this /etc/ssh/sshd_config file you will also find the options of changing the port number, idle logout timeout e.t.c . These are fairly straight forward, but refer to the ssh manual for anything that might not be familiar before attempting to make changes.
### Generate SSH Key Pair ###
To generate a new key pair run the command as follows:
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
You will be asked for a passphrase then the key pair will be generated. This command will also give you the keys randomart image.
![generate key pair](
### Finding A Hostkey ###
Now before you add that key pair it does no harm to see if it exists already.
$ ssh-keygen -F
![find hostkey](
### Removing A Hostkey ###
Sometimes its necessary to remove a key pair you had generated, for example when the host has changed or perhaps when you need to remove keys that are no longer used.
$ ssh-keygen -R
This is much more convenient than opening **~/.ssh/known_hosts**
and removing the keys manually.
![remove hostkey](
### Conclusion ###
With the above commands you will be able to use SSH with ease. There is more to explore and your imagination is your limitation.
作者:[Bobbin Zachariah][a]
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
SPccman is translating
How to sniff HTTP traffic from the command line on Linux
Suppose you want to sniff live HTTP web traffic (i.e., HTTP requests and responses) on the wire for some reason. For example, you may be testing experimental features of a web server. Or you may be debugging a web application or a RESTful service. Or you may be trying to troubleshoot [PAC (proxy auto config)][1] or check for any malware files surreptitiously downloaded from a website. Whatever the reason is, there are cases where HTTP traffic sniffing is helpful, for system admins, developers, or even end users.
@ -100,4 +101,4 @@ via:

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How to share on linux the output of your shell commands
Some time ago I posted an article about [][1] a website and a service that was made to allow you to share your [terminal][2] records directly from the website.
Now the website of seems dead and so Ive took a look around to see if there are similar websites and Ive found [][3].
For what I can see from their homepage its a service similar to the other, so lets test it.
### Step 1 Register on the website ###
Just [register][4] with a new username/password or use your github account to do it quickly.
### Step 2 download and install the program monitor ###
[Monitor][5] is a command-line tool that captures command-line input/output and sends it to, the program its open source and hosted on github.
Monitor makes it easy to automate set-up/install of repos. With it you can easily show at people the most common errors and output from commands.
In short with it you can easily share your commands and their output with the world.
To install it follow these simple steps:
1) Clone the github repository of this project, in this way youll get the latest source code.
To do this you need the git command installed on your system, if you get an error with this command install it with your package manager, such as
Debian based distributions:
apt-get install git
Redhat/Centos/Fedora distributions
yum install git
And now from a terminal clone the repository with:
git clone
2) Install readline and curl, these libraries are a pre-requisite for building the program from the sources:
Debian based distributions:
apt-get install libreadline-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
Redhat/Centos/Fedora distributions
yum install readline-devel curl-devel
3) Build the program:
To do this you have to go to the directory we just cloned with git and compile the c program:
cd monitor
sudo make install
The default installation will put the binary in /usr/local/bin
### Step 3 using the monitor command ###
The command monitor its pretty easy to use:
monitor {-d} {-h} {-u <username>}
-d : do not delete /tmp files
-h : help
-u : username</username>
To exit the monitor program you just have to use ctrl-c.
So for me this means just opening a terminal and give these commands:
riccio@mint-desktop ~ $ monitor -u ricciocri
Successfully logged in...
AuthKey saved to /tmp/ Delete file to return to Anonymous posting.
monitor$ cd /tmp
Want to see which command Ive used after these ?
Ive made this session public (the default its private) so you can simply check this url: [][6]
From there you can see the commands Ive used and their output, an interesting options its the “fold/expand” so you could fold all commands and just expand the output of the one you like more.
### Conclusions ###
This is just the a basic startup guide, from the website you can make more “social” activity such as comment script/shell sessions, fork them or choose your favorites.
Like github, you can fork any public script/command and change it directly from the website and after that you can also get a public (or private url) that you can use to run directly your script with something like this:
curl | sh
Thats great to store on the net some scripts that you run frequently on different computers/server, as usual dont put anything with passwords or sensible information on the net and youll be safe enough.
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Mount Google drive in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Google has not released its **official linux client** for accessing its drive from the ubuntu. But open source community has developed unofficial package called '**grive-tools**'.
Grive is a Google Drive (**online storage service**) client for GNU/Linux systems.It allows the **synchronization** of all your files on the cloud with a directory of your choice and the upload of new files to Google Drive.
### Installation Steps of grive-tools ###
Step:1 Add grive-tools PPA using below Command :
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thefanclub/grive-tools
Step:2 Update the list
#sudo apt-get update
Step:3 Install grive-tools
# sudo apt-get install grive-tools
### Steps to Access Google Drive ###
**Step:1** Once the installation is completed , search the application on the **Unity Dash** by typing **Grive**, and open it.
**Step:2** Sign in to google drive , you will be asked to give the permissions to access google drive
When we click on **Next**, a new broswer will open with **Google login page**
Log in to your Google Account and Click on **Accept** , as shown below :
**Step:3** You will be provided a **google code** , copy this code and paste it into the **Grive Setup box**.
When we Click on Next , it will start syncing your google drive with ' **Google Drive**' folder under your's **home directory**. Below window will appear when the installation is completed.
Google Drive folder created under **user's home directory**
作者:[Pradeep Kumar ][a]
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How To Recover Default Openbox Config Files On Crunchbang
[CrunchBang][1] is a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution offering a great blend of speed, style and substance. Using the nimble Openbox window manager, it is highly customizable and provides a modern, full-featured GNU/Linux system without sacrificing performance.
As Crunchbang is highly customizable, users tweak it to their liking as much as they can. All this is done via text files (config). As a “Crunchbanger” myself, I recently messed up with my **menu.xml** config file, which is responsible for the menu shown below.
Which removed every code from the menu configuration file. Since I wasnt having a backup (Its good to backup config files too) I have to search for the default configuration that comes with Crunchbang out of the box. And heres how I got it fixed thanks to Crunchbang forums.
It is very interesting to know all default configs were pre-backed up for you and can be found at
So for any default config you just copy them over and restart the appropriate application.
I will use Openbox **menu.xml** as an example here:
cp -r /etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
Then restart openbox.
openbox --restart
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
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johnhoow translating...
Install UberWriter Markdown Editor In Ubuntu 14.04
Quick tutorial to show you **how to install UberWriter markdown editor in Ubuntu 14.04** for free via official PPA.
[UberWriter][1] is a [markdown][2] editor for Ubuntu with a clean interface with focus on writing only. UberWriter utilizes [pandoc][3] markdown. The UI is based on GTK3 which is not yet fully integrated with Unity. A quick list of features for UberWriter is as following:
- Clean interface
- pandoc markdown
- Preview option
- Distraction free “focus mode”
- Spell check
- Syntax highlighting and math in html and pdf
- Option to export as PDF, HTML, ODT etc
### Install UberWriter in Ubuntu 14.04 ###
UberWriter is available in [Ubuntu Software Center][4] but it costs $5. I would really recommend that you buy it, if you like it and if you can afford it to support the developer.
UberWriter is also available for free via its official PPA. You can install it using the following commands in terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:w-vollprecht/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uberwriter
Once installed, you can run it from Unity Dash. Write down your document in UberWriter. As you can see, it highlights the markdown syntax:
You can use the preview feature to see how your document will actually look like:
I tried to export it as PDF but it asked me to install texlive.
Export to HTML and ODT was fine though.
There are several other markdown editors available for Linux. [Remarkable][5] is one of them which has the feature of real time preview, which is not in UberWriter. But overall it is a nice application. If you are looking for document writing tool, you can also use [Texmaker LaTeX editor][6].
I hope this tutorial helped you to **install UberWriter in Ubuntu 14.04**. I havent tried but I presume that it should also work in Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint 17, Elementary OS and other Linux distributions based on Ubuntu.
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QuiteRSS: Linux桌面的RSS阅读器
[QuiteRSS][1]是一个自由而[开源][2]的RSS/Atome阅读器。它可以运行在Windows , Linux和Mac上运行。它用C++/QT编写,所以它会有更好的未来。
QuiteRSS的界面让我想起Lotus Notes mail会有很多RSS信息排列在大小合适的方块上你可以通过标签分组。需要查找东西时只需在下面板上打开RSS信息。
### 在 Ubuntu 和 Linux Mint 上安装 QuiteRSS ###
QuiteRSS在Ubuntu 14.04 和 Linux Mint 17中可用。你可以很简单的通过以下命令行安装
sudo apt-get install quiterss
如果你想安装最新的稳定版本,你可以用官方的[QuiteRSS PPA][4]:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:quiterss/quiterss
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install quiterss
上面的命令在所有基于Ubuntu的发行版像 Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Linux Lite, Pinguy OS 都应该好用。在其他Linux发行版和平台上,你可以从 [下载页][5]获得源码来安装.
### 卸载 QuiteRSS ###
用下方命令卸载 QuiteRSS
sudo apt-get remove quiterss
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:quiterss/quiterss
QuiteRSS是一个不错的开源RSS阅读器尽管我更喜欢[Feedly][6]。尽管现在 Feedly 还没有Linux桌面程序但是你依然可以在网页浏览器中使用。我希望你会认为QuiteRSS值得一试。
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> 开源软件社区已经做出了改变,就像之前的美好时光。
幸运的是这种务实主义要结束了。在过去的几周当中我们团结在Mozilla身边支持DRM版权保护以及嘲笑Red Hat和OpenStack之间的竞争。社区那些年如数家珍的开源软件明星和[Open Core][1]产生了冲突而被反噬了.
### 2003年的Red Hat ###
Red Hat开源软件理想主义的典范在几周前拒绝支持它的竞争对手。Jodi Mardesich做了[非凡的工作][2]却受到了指控以及Red Hat的回击。但是真实情况是:
Red Hat不想支持它的竞争对手OpenStack
### Mozilla变成了麻瓜 ###
Red Hat作为开源软件理想主义的典范代表很容易成为各种带颜色攻击的目标Mozilla其实是更大的一个目标。
最新消息,这一次失败,开源软件组织[批评了][3] Mozilla深切表达了自己对于Mozilla的失望因为这种决定妥协的态度会导致浏览器份额的降低。
[Mitchell Bake解释道][5]Mozilla可能并没有投降“Firefox用户会需要使用另外的浏览器来观看他们自己想看的视频这让人怀疑Firfox做一一个产品是否真的有用”。
Um, yes.
### 回到我们的思想源头 ###
However much we may want to force others to live by our absolutist ideals, the reality is that others may have different 我们或许很专制的意图其他的东西活着,事实上他们却有着不同的优先度。免费的软件让步给开源软件,更加严格,更加固定“正确的方式”去获得授权。
译者:[jiajia9linuxer]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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The history of Android
![T-Mobile G1](
T-Mobile G1
### 安卓1.0——谷歌系app和实体硬件的引入 ###
到了2008年10月安卓1.0已经准备好发布,这个系统在[T-Mobile G1][1]又以HTC Dream为人周知上初次登台。G1进入了被iPhone 3G和[Nokia 1680 classic][2]所主宰的市场。这些手机并列获得了2008年[销量最佳手机][3]称号各自卖出了350万台。G1的销量数字已难以获得但T-Mobile宣称截至2009年4月该设备的销量突破了100万台。无论从哪方面来说这在竞争中都处于落后地位。
G1拥有单核528Mhz的ARM 11处理器一个Adreno 130的GPU192MB内存以及多达256MB的存储空间供给系统以及应用使用。它有一块3.2英寸320x480分辨率的显示屏被布置在一个含有实体全键盘的滑动结构之上。所以尽管安卓软件的确走过了很长的一段路硬件也是的。时至今日我们可以在厂商的一个手表中得到比这更好的参数最新的[三星智能手表][4]拥有512MB内存以及1GHz的双核处理器。
但是这是第一次人们见到了运行在实机上的安卓而不是跑在一个令人沮丧的慢吞吞的模拟器上。安卓1.0没有iPhone那样顺滑流畅闪亮耀眼或拥有那么多的新闻报道。它也不像Windows Mobile 6.5那样才华横溢。但这仍然是个好的开始。
Ron Amadeo供图
那时候安卓市场只提供应用和游戏开发者们甚至还不能为它们收费。苹果的App Store相对与安卓市场有4个月的先发优势但是谷歌的主要差异化在于安卓的商店几乎是完全开放的。在iPhone上应用受制于苹果的审查必须遵循设计和技术指南。潜在的新应用不允许在功能上复制已有应用。在安卓市场开发者可以自由地做任何想做的包括开发替代已有的应用。控制的缺失会转变成祝福同时也是诅咒。它允许开发者革新已有的功能但同时意味着甚至是毫无价值的垃圾应用也被允许进入市场。
![Gmail展示收件箱打开菜单的收件箱。 ](
Ron Amadeo供图
Ron Amadeo供图
![Ron Amadeo](
[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron是Ars Technica的评论编缉专注于安卓系统和谷歌产品。他总是在追寻新鲜事物还喜欢拆解事物看看它们到底是怎么运作的。
译者:[alim0x]( 校对:[校对者ID](校对者ID)
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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
Linux 下 SSH 命令实例指南
如果你已经接触计算机比较长时间, 应该对 SSH 这个了不起的工具及其安全特性有所耳闻吧. 本教程可以让你在短时间内掌握通过 SSH 安全便利地连接到远程计算机的技术.
如果你对 SSH 还没什么概念, 可以先访问 [维基百科][1] 进行了解.
### 基本用法 ###
最简单的 SSH 命令只需要提供用户名和主机名参数即可. 主机名可以是 IP 地址或者域名. 命令格式如下:
$ ssh user@hostname
比如要登录到局域网内我的一个树莓派系统, 只需要简单的在命令行输入如下命令:
$ ssh pi@
命令中的 pi 和 分别是我的树莓派系统的用户名和局域网 IP 地址. 实际使用时主机名需要改成你的目标主机(局域网内或者远程)的 IP 地址.
![basic ssh](
如果你能够成功登陆, 那么下面的内容对你来说就轻而易举了.
### 使用其他端口 ###
SSH 默认连接到目标主机的 22 端口上, 但是由于各种原因你可能需要连接到其他端口.
$ ssh -p 10022 user@hostname
如上命令就是通过添加参数 -p 指定端口号为 10022.
### 远程执行命令 ###
有时需要很方便地在远程主机执行一条命令并显示到本地, 然后继续本地工作. SSH 就能满足这个需求:
$ ssh pi@ ls -l
比如上面这个命令就会枚举远程主机的主目录内容并在本地显示. 是不是很酷? 你可以尝试下其他命令看看.
![remote command](
### 挂在远程文件系统 ###
有一个很赞的基于 SSH 的工具叫 sshfs. sshfs 可以让你在本地直接挂载远程主机的文件系统.
$ sshfs -o idmap=user user@hostname:/home/user ~/Remote
$ sshfs -o idmap=user pi@ ~/Pi
该命令就将远程主机 pi 用户的主目录挂载到本地主目录下的 Pi 文件夹.
要详细了解可以参考 [sshfs 入门教程][2].
### X11 图形界面 ###
假如现在你想要在远程主机运行一个图形界面的程序, SSH 已经帮你想到了! 用前面提到的 SSH 基本命令加上参数 -X 连接到远程主机即可开启 X11 转发功能. 登录后你可能觉得没什么差别, 但是当你运行一个图形界面程序后就会发现其中的不同的.
$ ssh -X pi@
$ pistore
如果你想在运行图形界面程序的同时做些别的事情, 只需要简单地在命令末尾加一个 & 符号.
$ pistore&
![X11 forwarding](
### 转义字符 ###
SSH 提供了多样的转义字符功能. 用 SSH 连接到任意一台远程主机然后输入 ~? 你就可以看到支持的转义字符和功能说明列表. 以下例子展示了 **~#** 和 **~C** 的效果.
![escape sequences](
### 配置 SSH ###
如果你需要改变 SSH 的配置, 请用你喜好的文本编辑器打开 **/etc/ssh/sshd_config** 进行编辑. 比如你想改变登陆的标语, 在配置文件中找到下面这行:
#Banner none
删除 # 字符(取消该行的注释), 将 none 替换为包含你期望显示内容的文件地址. 修改后该行应该类似这样:
Banner /etc/issue
在配置文件 **/etc/ssh/sshd_config** 中你还可以找到端口号, 空闲超时时间等配置项. 配置项大都比较容易理解, 但是保险起见在你修改一些不是很确定的配置项时最好参考下 SSH 的帮助文档.
### 构建 ssh 密钥对 ###
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
此命令会要求你输入密码(可以留空), 然后就会生成密钥并会显示一张该密钥对应的随机图.
![generate key pair](
### 寻找主机密钥 ###
$ ssh-keygen -F
![find hostkey](
### 删除主机密钥 ###
某些情况下, 比如主机地址更改或者不再使用某个密钥, 你就可能需要删除某个密钥.
$ ssh-keygen -R
用以上命令就可删除. 这比手动在 **~/.ssh/known_hosts** 文件中删除要方便很多.
![remove hostkey](
### 总结 ###
通过以上的内容你应该可以很轻松的使用 SSH 了. SSH 还有很多功能值得你去发掘, 这就要看你的想象力了.
作者:[Bobbin Zachariah][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
### 步骤 1 在网站上注册 ###
只需要[注册][4]一个新的 用户名/密码或者直接使用你的github账户。
### 步骤 2 下载安装monitor程序 ###
1) 克隆github上的这个项目的仓库这样你能获得最新的源代码。
apt-get install git
yum install git
git clone
2) 安装readline和curl这些库是通过源码构建程序的先决条件
apt-get install libreadline-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
yum install readline-devel curl-devel
3) 构建程序:
cd monitor
sudo make install
### 步骤 3 使用monitor命令###
monitor {-d} {-h} {-u <username>}
-d : 不删除/tmp下的文件
-h : 帮助
-u : commands.com用户名</username>
riccio@mint-desktop ~ $ monitor -u ricciocri
Successfully logged in...
AuthKey saved to /tmp/ Delete file to return to Anonymous posting.
monitor$ cd /tmp
### 总结 ###
curl | sh
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Google drive和Ubuntu 14.04 LTS的胶合
Grive乃是Google Drive**在线存储服务**的GNU/Linux系统客户端允许你**同步**所选目录到云端以及上传新文件到Google Drive。
### grive-tools安装步骤 ###
步骤1 使用下列命令添加grive-tools PPA
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thefanclub/grive-tools
步骤2 更新列表
#sudo apt-get update
步骤3 安装grive-tools
# sudo apt-get install grive-tools
### 访问Google Drive的步骤 ###
**步骤1** 安装完了,通过输入**Grive**在**Unity Dash**搜索应用,并打开之。
**步骤2** 登入google drive你将被问及访问google drive的权限。
**步骤3** 下面将提供给你一个 **google代码**,复制并粘贴到**Grive设置框**内。
点击下一步后将会开始同步google drive到你**家目录**下的‘**Google Drive**’文件夹。完成后,将出现如下窗口。
Google Drive folder created under **user's home directory**
作者:[Pradeep Kumar ][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
[CrunchBang][1]是一个很好地融合了速度、风格和内容的基于Debian GNU/Linux的发行版。使用了灵活的Openbox窗口管理器高度定制化并且提供了一个现代、全功能的GNU/Linux系统而没有牺牲性能。
cp -r /etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
openbox --restart
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
- 简洁的界面
- 使用pandoc转换markdown
- 可预览
- 免打扰模式
- 拼写检查
- 语法高亮能在html和pdf中出现数学公式
### 在Ubuntu14.04上安装UberWriter ###
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:w-vollprecht/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uberwriter
在Linux下还有一些其他的markdown编辑器。[Remarkable][5]是一款能够实时预览的编辑器但UberWriter不能。如果你在寻找文本编辑器的话你以可以试试[Texmaker LaTeX editor][6]。
系统这次展示能够帮你在Ubuntu14.04上成功安装UberWriter。我猜想UberWriter在Ubuntu12.04Linux Mint 17Elementary OS和其他在Ubuntu的基础上的Linux发行版上也能成功安装。
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,41 +1,39 @@
Linux Performance Monitoring with Vmstat and Iostat Commands
This is our on-going series of commands and performance monitoring in **Linux**. **Vmstat** and **Iostat** both commands are available on all major **Unix-like (Linux/Unix/FreeBSD/Solaris)** Operating Systems.
If **vmstat** and **iostat** commands are not available on your box, please install **sysstat** package. The **vmstat**, **sar** and **iostat** commands are the collection of package included in **sysstat** the system monitoring tools. The iostat generates reports of **CPU** & all device statistics. You may download and install **sysstat** using source tarball from link [sysstat][1], but we recommend installing through **YUM** command.
![Linux Performance Monitoring with Vmstat and Iostat](
Linux Performance Monitoring with Vmstat and Iostat
### Install Sysstat in Linux ###
#yum -y install sysstat
# yum -y install sysstat
- **vmstat** - 内存,进程和分页等的简要信息。
- **iostat** - CPU统计信息设备和分区的输入/输出统计信息。
- **vmstat** Summary information of Memory, Processes, Paging etc.
- **iostat** Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions.
### Linux下vmstat命令的6个范例###
### 6 Vmstat Command Examples in Linux ###
####1. 列出活动和非活动的内存####
#### 1. List Active and Inactive Memory ####
In the below example, there are six columns. The significant of the columns are explained in man page of **vmstat** in details. Most important fields are **free** under memory and **si**, **so** under swap column.
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat -a
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat -a
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
r b swpd free inact active si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
1 0 0 810420 97380 70628 0 0 115 4 89 79 1 6 90 3 0
- **Free** Amount of free/idle memory spaces.
- **si** Swaped in every second from disk in Kilo Bytes.
- **so** Swaped out every second to disk in Kilo Bytes.
- **Free** 空闲的内存空间
- **si** 每秒从磁盘中交换进内存的数据量以KB为单位
- **so** 每秒从内存中交换出磁盘的数据量以KB为单位
**Note**: If you run **vmstat** without parameters itll displays summary report since system boot.
#### 2. Execute vmstat X seconds and (Nnumber of times) ####
With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically after executing six intervals.
####2. 每X秒执行vmstat共执行N次####
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat 2 6
@ -48,9 +46,10 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
0 0 0 810412 22064 101368 0 0 0 0 17 35 0 0 100 0 0
0 0 0 810412 22064 101368 0 0 0 0 18 36 0 1 100 0 0
#### 3. Vmstat with timestamps ####
####3. 带时间戳的vmstat命令####
**vmstat** command with **-t** parameter shows timestamps with every line printed as shown below.
[tecmint@tecmint ~]$ vmstat -t 1 5
@ -62,9 +61,10 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
0 0 0 631780 24992 192244 0 0 0 0 156 524 0 5 95 0 0 2012-09-02 14:57:21 IST
1 0 0 631656 24992 192244 0 0 0 0 189 592 0 5 95 0 0 2012-09-02 14:57:22 IST
#### 4. Statistics of Various Counter ####
####4. 统计各种计数器####
**vmstat** command and -s switch displays summary of various event counters and memory statistics.
[tecmint@tecmint ~]$ vmstat -s
@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
1346574857 boot time
2309 forks
#### 5. Disks Statistics ####
####5. 磁盘统计信息####
**vmstat** with **-d** option display all disks statistics.
[tecmint@tecmint ~]$ vmstat -d
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ With this command, **vmstat** execute every two seconds and stop automatically a
dm-0 11578 0 659242 1113017 32163 0 257384 8460026 0 126
dm-1 324 0 2592 3845 0 0 0 0 0 2
#### 6. Display Statistics in Megabytes ####
####6. 以MB为单位输出统计信息####
The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Uppercase & megabytes). By default **vmstat** displays statistics in kilobytes.
[root@tecmint ~]# vmstat -S M 1 5
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
0 0 0 346 53 476 0 0 0 0 15 13 0 0 100 0 0
0 0 0 346 53 476 0 0 0 0 34 61 0 1 99 0 0
### 6 Iostat Command Examples in Linux ###
#### 7. Display CPU and I/O statistics ####
####1. 输出CPU和输入/输出I/O的统计信息####
**iostat** without arguments displays **CPU** and **I/O** statistics of all partitions as shown below.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat
@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
dm-0 5.76 159.71 13.47 1077154 90864
dm-1 0.05 0.38 0.00 2576 0
#### 8. Shows only CPU Statistics ####
####2. 只输出CPU的统计信息####
**iostat** with **-c** arguments displays only **CPU** statistics as shown below.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -c
@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
0.12 0.01 1.47 1.98 0.00 96.42
#### 9. Shows only Disks I/O Statistics ####
####3. 只输出磁盘的输入/输出统计信息####
**iostat** with **-d** arguments displays only disks **I/O** statistics of all partitions as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -d
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ The **vmstat** displays in **Megabytes** with parameters **-S** and **M**(Upperc
dm-0 5.37 148.59 12.65 1077154 91728
dm-1 0.04 0.36 0.00 2576 0
#### 10. Shows I/O statistics only of a single device. ####
####4. 只输出某个磁盘的输入/输出统计信息####
By default it displays statistics of all partitions, with **-p** and device name arguments displays only disks **I/O** statistics for specific device only as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -p sda
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ By default it displays statistics of all partitions, with **-p** and device name
sda1 0.07 0.56 0.00 4120 18
sda2 3.22 147.79 12.55 1080650 91752
#### 11. Display LVM Statistics ####
####5. 输出逻辑卷管理LVM的统计信息####
With **-N** (Uppercase) parameter displays only **LVM** statistics as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -N
@ -220,26 +220,27 @@ With **-N** (Uppercase) parameter displays only **LVM** statistics as shown.
vg_tecmint-lv_root 5.13 141.68 12.16 1077154 92448
vg_tecmint-lv_swap 0.04 0.34 0.00 2576 0
#### 12. iostat version. ####
####6. iostat版本信息####
With **-V** (Uppercase) parameter displays version of **iostat** as shown.
[root@tecmint ~]# iostat -V
sysstat version 9.0.4
(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat
**Note**: **vmstat** and **iostat** contains number of columns and flags which may not possible to explain in details. If you want to know more about it you may refer man page of **vmstat** and **iostat**. Please share it if you find this article is useful through our comment box below.
作者:[Ravi Saive][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出