diff --git a/sources/How to choose the best Linux server for your business.md b/sources/How to choose the best Linux server for your business.md index 01f9e0e41d..aaade8db6b 100644 --- a/sources/How to choose the best Linux server for your business.md +++ b/sources/How to choose the best Linux server for your business.md @@ -1,43 +1,32 @@ -How to choose the best Linux server for your business 怎样选择你的最佳商用Linux服务器 ===================================================== -The right Linux server for your business just might be the one that offers your staff the level of support they need. 所谓适合你的商用Linux服务器,可能只是能满足你的职员需要的服务器。 ![img](http://www.itworld.com/sites/default/files/best-penguin.jpg "penguins") 供图: flickr/Pete -There may only be dozens of Linux servers, compared to over a thousand Linux desktops, but it's still not easy picking the right one for your enterprise. Let me help. With over twenty years of Linux experience, I know a thing or two about Linux servers. 与上千种Linux桌面版本相比,Linux服务器只有可怜的十几种。但想要选对你的企业需要的仍然不是件容易的事情。我可以帮助你。我玩Linux 也有20年了,Linux服务器方面嘛,略懂、略懂。 -> [Ubuntu impresses in test of Linux servers][1] > [众多Linux服务器测试中Ubuntu的表现][1] -> [The first rule of choosing a desktop Linux distribution: User, know thyself][2] > [选择桌面Linux发行版本的第一条原则:用户更了解自己][2] -I think the single most important factor in choosing a Linux server is how experienced (or not) your IT staff already is with Linux. While Linux expertise is easier to find than it used to be, there's still nothing like enough Linux IT professionals out there. 我觉得选Linux服务器首先要考虑的是你的IT部门对Linux有多熟悉。尽管这些年Linux专家好找多了,专业搞Linux的人还是不太好找。 -When I went to OSCon, the major open-source convention, earlier this year in Portland OR, everyone, and I checked and it really was everyone (even some company named Microsoft), was looking to [hire people with Linux and open-source experience][3]. 今年早些时候我去波特兰参加一个叫做OSCon的开源会议的时候,我确认了一个事实就是每家公司(包括某家叫什么软的)都在考虑[雇佣有开源和Linux工作经验的人][3]。 -In particular, employers are having trouble finding staffers with [a few years of Linux experience][4] under their belts. That is to say, exactly the employees you need to keep your Linux server trains running on schedule. 特别地,从已有经验来看,雇主在找有[几年Linux使用经验]的职员的时候都遇到了麻烦。或者确切地说是你需要的来保证你的Linux服务器火车准点的雇员。 -What that means for you is that if you don't already have a crew of Linux veterans, you should avoid Linux server distributions, such as [Debian][5], that don't have a vendor to back them up with training and support. 不难看出,如果你手底下没有一群经验丰富的Linux技术人员的话,你要避免选择像[Debian][5]这样没有供应商提供技术支持的版本。 -Don't get me wrong. Debian's great with an experienced staff, but if your people can't tell BASH from C Shell you don't want them using Debian. 别搞错了,如果有经验丰富的人员的话Debian是个很棒的选择,但是如果你的职员连BASH和C Shell有什么区别都不知道的话那还是算了吧。 - The best Linux server for those new to Linux 推荐给Linux新手的Linux服务器 - RHEL @@ -45,57 +34,40 @@ Don't get me wrong. Debian's great with an experienced staff, but if your people - Oracle Linux - Turnkey Linux -If your crew is new to Linux you need to use a commercial Linux. Here, as anyone can tell you, your Linux of choice is [Red Hat Enterprise Linux][6]. 如果你的职员是Linux新手,你需要用一个商业版本的Linux。在它们之中,多数人力荐的是[Red Hat Enterprise Linux][6]。 - -Red Hat didn't get to be the [first billion-dollar Linux company][7] by not supporting businesses. More so than any other Linux, RHEL has all the tools -- [corporate support][8], [professional certification][9], [hardware certification][10], and automatic online updates with [Red Hat Network (RHN)][11] -- that keeps CFOs and CIOs happy. Red Hat靠对商用的支持成为了第一个资产过亿的Linux公司。RHEL比起其它Linux有很大的优势,因为它有着全套的工具——[企业级支持][8],[专业人士检测][9],[硬件检测][10],通过[Red Hat Network (RHN)][11] —— 那让CFO和CIO们很开心。 -That said, Red Hat does have a serious rival: [SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)][12]. 话说回来,Red Hat 确实有个真正的对手:[SUSE Linux Enterprise Sever (SLES)][12a]。 -Like RHEL, SLES comes with [support][13]; [staff certification][14], via sister company Novell; [hardware certification][15]; and [online updating][16]. 像RHEL一样,SLES有着[技术支持][13];由它的姊妹公司Novell负责的[职员检测][14];[硬件检测][15];[在线更新][16]。 -So, how do you choose between them? You do it by testing them out. Both make it free and easy to do. Personally, I've used both RHEL and SLES. For me it comes down to the exact fit between a business's requirements and the operating system. With the right situation, either will work. 那么,在它们当中该怎么选择呢?你可以试试先。它们用起来都很容易。就我而言,它们我都用过。总之要视实际情况而定,它们各有用武之地。 -There is another enterprise Linux choice: [Oracle Linux][17]. Although it is for all intents and purposes a copy of RHEL, I really don't care for it myself. The only people I know who use it are from businesses that have put all their IT eggs into the Oracle basket. 还有一个企业级Linux可以选择: [Oracle Linux][17]。尽管它是以RHEL为模仿对象和奋斗目标的,我反正不在意。我所知道的唯一在商用中使用它的是一群把它们的IT鸡蛋们都放在Oracle这个篮子里面的人。 - The best Linux server for non-experts 推荐给非专家用户的Linux服务器 - CentOS - openSUSE - Ubuntu Server -Let's say you're in middle. Your people know some Linux but they're not Linux experts. What then? 假设你中等水平,你的手下了解一些Linux的知识但并不是专家,怎么办呢? -For you I have several recommendations. First, if you like the RHEL way of doing things, [CentOS][18], a free RHEL clone, deserves your attention. 我将推荐几个Linux。首先,如果你喜欢RHEL的话,[CentOS][18],一个免费的RHEL的克隆版本,值得你的注意。 -CentOS is very popular. If you have an Apache Web server on almost any Web hosting service, odds are good you're already running CentOS under your site. There are also many sources of free online support for this distribution. CentOS 人气很高。如果你有运行在任何网络主机服务上的Apache服务器软件,很有可能你的网站是运行在CentOS上的。要在网上寻找这个发行版的免费技术支持也不是件难事。 -If you’re worried about Red Hat pulling the rug out from underneath CentOS, don't be. While Red Hat has no love for Oracle Linux, Red Hat CEO James Whitehurst, recently said, "CentOS is one of the reasons that the [RHEL ecosystem is the default][19]. It helps to give us an ubiquity that RHEL might otherwise not have if we forced everyone to pay to use Linux. So, in a micro sense we lose some revenue, but in a broader sense, CentOS plays a very valuable role in helping to make Red Hat the de facto Linux." 如果你在担心Red Hat找CentOS麻烦的话,尽管放心好了。虽然Red Hat对Oracle Linux没什么好感,但对CentOS不一样。RedHat的CEO James Whitehurst最近说:“CentOS 是 [RHEL生态系统成为行业标杆][19]的原因之一。如果不是它,Linux就必须付费使用而RHEL也就不会这么流行了。所以往小处看我们是损失了一些收入,但从长远看,CentOS 在使RHEL成功方面扮演着非常重要的角色。” -Another useful choice for people who know some Linux, but not a lot, is [openSUSE][20]. This is SUSE's community Linux distribution. While it doesn't have the support bells and whistles of SLES, it's stable and easy to use. On a personal note, openSUSE is what I use for my in-house servers. 另外一个给稍微了解一点Linux的人的选择是[openSUSE][20]。这是SUSE的社区版本。尽管它不提供SLES的技术支持,它还是挺好用的。我的家用服务器就是用的openSUSE。 -I cannot, however, recommend RHEL's community little brother [Fedora][21] for servers. Fedora is great for developers who are pushing Linux to its limits, but it's not for someone who wants a stable server. [Fedora][21]是RHEL的社区版,但我不推荐用它做服务器。Fedora对想要挖掘Linux潜力的开发者们是不错的,但它不适合想要一个稳定的服务器的人。 -Another reasonable mid-range choice is Canonical's Ubuntu. While Ubuntu has made its reputation as a desktop distribution with designs on tablets and smartphones, it also has a reasonably good server offering: [Ubuntu Server][22]. 另外一个中游的选择是Canonical的Ubuntu。Ubuntu以桌面版本和平板智能机闻名,同时它也有相当好的服务器版本:[Ubuntu Server][22]。 -Like RHEL and SLES, Ubuntu also has support and certification offerings, but these aren't as deep as Red Hat and SUSE's resources. On the other hand, Ubuntu is easier to use for simple server tasks. 像RHEL和SLES一样,Ubuntu也有技术支持和检测服务,但比不上Red Hat 和SUSE的资源好。另一方面,Ubuntu作服务器的话还是挺容易上手的。 - The best Linux server for experts 专家用Linux服务器 - Arch @@ -103,29 +75,21 @@ Like RHEL and SLES, Ubuntu also has support and certification offerings, but the - Debian - Fedora -If you're interested in the cloud, Ubuntu (like RHEL) is [deeply integrated with OpenStack][23]. In addition, Canonical, Ubuntu's parent company, offers [Juju][24], a very handy DevOps (Developer/Operations) [set of tools][25], that makes it much easier to set up, configure, manage, maintain, deploy and scale server services. 如果你对云计算感兴趣,Ubuntu(像RHEL一样)[和OpenStack结合地很好][23]。另外,Ubuntu的母公司Canonical提供了[Juju][24],一套非常方便的DevOps(开发/运营)的[工具][25],这使得Ubuntu的架设、配置、管理、维护、升级和卸载服务器的服务功能变得更简单。 -While we’re talking cloud, you should also consider whether you actually need general purpose Linux servers running in your office or data center. It's quite possible that you can run the services you need on a dedicated Linux server on the cloud. 当我们在探讨云的时候,你也应该考虑你是不是真的需要在你的办公室或者数据中心里运行通用Linux服务器。很有可能你能在云的某一特定Linux服务器上提供那些服务。 -Most public cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and RackSpace, offer Linux servers. With these a lot of the hard work of setting up a server is done for you. 多数公用云计算服务,如Amazon Web Services(AWS),Azure和RackSpace,提供Linux服务器。这样的话配置服务器等等一些难做的工作就已经替你做好了。 -For example, on Amazon Elastic Cloud (AE2), Amazon offers ready-to-run Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for all the Linux distributions I've mentioned in this story and their own house [Amazon Linux][26] as well. Microsoft's Azure, believe it or not, [supports CentOS, openSUSE, SUSE, and Ubuntu][27]. Finally, RackSpace, an OpenStack champion, [supports most of the major server Linux distributions][28] and two smaller Linuxes, Arch and Gentoo. Although, as with Debian, I recommend that only people who know Linux, and these distributions in particular use these for business-critical servers. 举个例子,在Amazon Elastic Cloud (AE2)上,Amazon提供了随时可用的Amazon Machine Images (AMIs),包括上文提到的每一种Linux发行版本,还有它自己的[Amazon Linux][26]可以选择。Microsoft的Azure呢,不管你信不信,[支持CentOS,openSUSE,SUSE和Ubuntu][27]。最后,RackSpace,一个OpenStack的拥护者,[支持大多数主流Linux服务器版本][28]和两个轻量级Linux,Arch和Gentoo。然而,我仅推荐那些特别了解这些Linux发行版(像Debian)这样的人在商用中使用它们,因为风险不小。 -Who says that you need a full-powered Linux server even on the cloud? You might be able to do just fine with a Linux server dedicated to a particular job. This is what [Turnkey Linux][29] brings you. 谁说你就算是在云上都要有一个全功能Linux服务器?你可能只需要一个针对特定工作的Linux服务器。[Turnkey Linux][29]可以满足你。 -Turnkey is built on top of 64-bit Debian Linux, but it requires minimal Linux expertise to use. That's because it really provides dedicated Linux server appliances rather than a full-featured distribution. Turnkey基于64位的Debian,但它只有少量的专家可以用它。因为它只提供特定的服务而不是一个全功能的发行版本。 -Turnkey has more than a hundred ready-to-run apps These range from such standards as the Apache Web service, a Linux, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl (LAMP) stack; a WordPress blogging platform; and a Drupal content management system (CMS) to more exotic servers such as the Ushahidi crisis crowd-sourcing server; Zurmo, a gamified customer-relationship management (CRM) application; and Sahana Eden, a humanitarian response management system. You can run these dedicated application servers on AWS, bare metal, virtual machines (VM), or on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds. Turnkey有超过100个可用的应用。包括Apache,Linux,MySQL,PHP/Python/Perl (LAMP) ;WordPress博客平台;Drupal内容管理系统(CMS)以及像Ushahidi这样的大流量购物服务器,优秀的人际关系管理(CRM)应用Zurmo,人道主义的反馈管理系统Sahana Eden。你可以在AWS,裸机,虚拟机(VM)或者Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)云上面使用它们。 -In short, whether you know next to nothing about Linux or you're a senior developer on the Linux kernel team, there's a Linux server for you and your business needs. Enjoy! 简言之,不论你对Linux知道多少,总有一款Linux服务器版适合你进行商用。动手吧! @@ -133,12 +97,12 @@ via: http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/372236/how-choose-best-linux-serve 本文由 [LCTT][] 原创翻译,[Linux中国][] 荣誉推出 -译者:[译者ID][] 校对:[校对者ID][] +译者:[boredivan][] 校对:[校对者ID][] [LCTT]:https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject [Linux中国]:http://linux.cn/portal.php -[译者ID]:http://linux.cn/space/译者ID +[boredivan]:http://linux.cn/space/boredivan [校对者ID]:http://linux.cn/space/校对者ID [1]:http://www.itworld.com/slideshow/119061/ubuntu-impresses-test-linux-servers-372374