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5 reasons the D programming language is a great choice for development
### D's modeling, productivity, readability, and other features make it a good fit for collaborative software development.

>Image by : opensource.com
The [D programming language][8] is a statically typed, general purpose programming language with C-like syntax that compiles to native code. It's a good fit in open source software development for many reasons; here are some of them.
### Modeling power
It's not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where you have an idea and you want to implement it in code exactly the way you are thinking about it in your mind. However, sometimes you have to compromise the idea to fit the code, instead of modeling the code to fit the idea. D supports several [programming paradigms][9], including functional style, imperative, object oriented, metaprogramming, and concurrent (actor model), all harmoniously integrated. You have the option to choose whichever paradigm is convenient for modeling code to fit your idea.
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By using [templates][10], a feature to generate additional D code and weave it in during compilation, you can describe code as a pattern for the compiler to generate the code. This is especially useful for designing algorithms without tying them to specific types. Platform-agnostic code becomes easy with the generic nature of templates. By combining templates with [conditional compilation][11], cross-platform apps become much easier to implement and are more likely to receive contributions from developers using different operating systems. With this, a single programmer can achieve a lot with less code and limited time.
[Ranges][12], deeply integrated into D, abstract how container elements (e.g., arrays, associative arrays, linked lists, etc.) are accessed as opposed to an actual implementation. This abstraction enables the design and use of a great number of algorithms over a great number of container types without tying them to a specific data structure. D's [array slicing][13] is an implementation of a range. In the end, you write less code in less time and have lower maintenance costs.
### Productivity
Most code contributors to open source software work on a voluntary basis with limited time. D allows you be more productive because you can do more in less time. Templates and ranges in D make programmers more productive as they write generic and reusable code, but those are only a couple of D's strengths in terms of productivity. Another main appeal is that D's compilation speed feels like interpreted languages such as Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP, making D good for quick prototyping.
D can easily interface with legacy code, alleviating the need to port. It was designed to make [interfacing directly with C code][14] natural: After all, C is the master of legacy, well-written and tested code, libraries, and low-level system calls (especially in Linux). C++ code is also [callable in D][15] to a greater extent. In fact, [Python][16], [Objective-C][17], [Lua][18], and [Fortran][19] are some of the languages that are technically usable in D, and there are a number of third-party efforts pushing D in those areas. This makes the huge number of open source libraries usable in D code, which aligns with conventions of open source software development.
### Readable and maintainable
import std.stdio; // import standard I/O module
void main()
writeln("Hello, World!");
HelloWorld demo in D
D code is easy to understand by anyone familiar with C-like programming languages. Moreover, D is very readable, even for sophisticated code, which makes bugs easy to spot. Readability is also critical for engaging contributors, which is key to the growth of open source software.
One simple but very useful [syntactic sugar][20] in D is support for using an underscore to separate numbers, making them more readable. This is especially useful for math:
int count = 100_000_000;
double price = 20_220.00 + 10.00;
int number = 0x7FFF_FFFF; // in hexadecimal system
[Ddoc][21], a built-in tool, makes it easy to automatically generate documentation out of code comments without the need for an external tool. Documentation becomes less challenging to write, improve, and update as it goes side by side with the code.
[Contracts][22] are checks put in place to ensure D code behaves exactly as expected. Just like legal contracts are signed to ensure each party does their part in an agreement, contract programming in D ensures that the implementation of a function, class, etc. always produces the desired results or behaves as expected. Such a feature is practically useful for bug checks, especially in open source software where several people collaborate on a project. Contracts can be a lifesaver for large projects. D's powerful contract programming features are built-in rather than added as an afterthought. Contracts not only add to the convenience of using D but also make writing correct and maintainable code less of a headache.
### Convenient
Collaborative development can be challenging, as code is frequently changing and has many moving parts. D alleviates some of these issues, with support for importing modules locally within a scope:
// returns even numbers
int[] evenNumbers(int[] numbers)
// "filter" and "array" are only accessible locally
import std.algorithm: filter;
import std.array: array;
return numbers.filter!(n => n%2 == 0).array;
The "!" operator used with **filter** is the syntax of a [template argument][5].
The function above can be tossed around without breaking code because it does not rely on any globally imported module. Any function implemented like this can be later enhanced without breaking code, which is a good thing for collaborative development.
[Universal Function Call Syntax][23] (UFCS), is a syntactic sugar in D that allows the call of regular functions, like member functions of an object. A function is defined as:
void cook(string food, int quantity)
import std.stdio: writeln;
writeln(food, " in quantity of ", quantity);
It can be called in the usual way like:
string food = "rice";
int quantity = 3;
cook(food, quantity);
With UFCS, this same function can be called as if **cook** is a member function:
string food = "rice";
int quantity = 3;
During compilation, the compiler automatically places **food** as the first argument to the function **cook**. UFCS makes it possible to **chain** regular functions—giving your code the natural feel of functional style programming. UFCS is heavily used in D, as it was in the case of the **filter** and **array** functions used in the **evenNumbers** function above. Combining templates, ranges, conditional compilation, and UFCS gives you massive power without sacrificing convenience.
The **auto** keyword can be used in place of a type. The compiler will statically infer the type during compilation. This saves you from long type names and makes writing D code feel like a dynamically typed language.
// Nope. Do you?
VeryLongTypeHere variable = new VeryLongTypeHere();
// using auto keyword
auto variable = new VeryLongTypeHere();
auto name = "John Doe";
auto age = 12;
auto letter = 'e';
auto anArray = [1, 2.0, 3, 0, 1.5]; // type of double[]
auto dictionary = ["one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3]; // type of int[string]
auto cook(string food) {...} // auto for a function return type
D's [foreach][24] loop allows looping over collections and ranges of varying underlining data types:
foreach(name; ["John", "Yaw", "Paul", "Kofi", "Ama"])
foreach(number; [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6]) {...}
foreach(number; 0..10) {...} // 0..10 is the syntax for number range
class Student {...}
Student[] students = [new Student(), new Student()];
foreach(student; students) {...}
Built-in [unit test][25] support in D not only alleviates the need for an external tool, but also makes it convenient for programmers to implement tests in their code. All test cases go inside the customizable **unittest {}** block:
int[] evenNumbers(int[] numbers)
import std.algorithm: filter;
import std.array: array;
return numbers.filter!(n => n%2 == 0).array;
assert( evenNumbers([1, 2, 3, 4]) == [2, 4] );
Using DMD, D's reference compiler, you can compile all tests into the resulting executable by adding the **-unittest** compiler flag.
[Dub][26], a built-in package manager and build tool for D, makes it easy to use the increasing number of third-party packages (libraries) from the [Dub package registry][27]. Dub takes care of downloading, compiling, and linking those packages during compilation, as well as upgrading to future versions.
### Choice
In addition to providing several programming paradigms and features, D offers other choices. It currently has three compilers, all open source. The reference compiler, DMD, comes with its own backend, while the other two, GDC and LDC, use GCC and LLVM backends, respectively. DMD is noted for its fast compilation speeds, while LDC and GDC are noted for generating fast machine code at the cost of a little compilation time. You are free to choose whichever fits your use case.
Certain parts of D, when used, are [garbage-collected][28] by default. You can also choose manual memory management or even reference counting if you wish. The choice is all yours.
### And much more
There a several sugars in D that I haven't covered in this brief discussion. I highly recommend you check out [D's feature overview][29], the hidden treasures in the [standard library][30], and [areas of D usage][31] to see more of what people are doing with it. Many organizations are already [using D in production][32]. Finally, if you are ready to start learning D, check out the book _[Programming in D][6]_ .
via: https://opensource.com/article/17/5/d-open-source-software-development
作者:[Lawrence Aberba][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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D 编程语言是用于开发的绝佳语言的 5 个理由
### D 语言的模块化、开发效率、可读性以及其它一些特性使其非常适合用于协同软件的开发。

>图片来自: opensource.com
[D 编程语言][8]是一种静态类型的通用编程语言,它具有和 C 语言类似的语法,能够编译为本地代码。许多理由使得它很适合用于开源软件开发,下面讲到的是其中一些理由。
### 模块化能力
在大多数情况下,当你有一个好的想法,你可以完全按照你的内心所想的方式通过代码来实现它。然而,有的时候,你不得不向你的想法妥协,从而来适应代码,而不是通过模块化代码来适应想法。 D 语言支持多种[编程范式][9],包括函数式风格、命令式、面向对象、元编程、并发(演员模式)和并行集成。你可以选择任何一种方便的编程范式来模块化代码,从而适应你的想法。
通过使用[模板][10],可以生成额外的 D 代码并在编译的过程中把它编排进去,你可以把这些代码描述成编译器生成代码的一种模式。这是一种非常有用的设计算法,无需把它们绑定到任何特定的类型。平台无关的代码很容易加入到自然的模板中。通过将模板与[条件编译][11]结合,跨平台的应用变得更加容易实现,也更容易接受来自使用不同操作系统的开发者的贡献。有了这一点,一个程序员可以通过很少的代码,利用有限的时间实现很多东西。
[排列][12] 已经深度集成到了 D 语言中,抽象出当和一个实际执行冲突时如何访问容器元素(比如数组、关联数组和链表等)。这个抽象使得可以在许多容器类型中设计和使用大量的算法,而无需绑定到特定的数据结构。D 的[数组切片][13]是排列的一个实现。在最后,你可以用很少的时间写很少的代码,并且只需要很低的维护成本。
### 开发效率
大多数开源软件的代码贡献者都是基于有限的时间志愿工作的。 D 语言能够极大的提高开发效率,因为你可以用更少的时间完成更多的事情。D 的模板和排列使得程序员在开发通用代码和可复用代码时效率更高,但这些仅仅是 D 开发效率高的其中几个优势。另外一个主要的吸引力是, D 的编译速度看起来感觉就像解释型语言,比如 Python、JavaScript、Ruby 和 PHP,它使得 D 能够快速成型。
D 可以很容易的与旧的代码进行对接,减少了端口的需要。它的设计目的是自然地[与 C 代码进行对接][14],毕竟, C 语言是遗留代码、精心编写和测试代码、库以及低级系统调用(特别是 Linux 系统)的主人。C++ 代码在[ D 中也是可调用的][15],从而进行更大的扩展。事实上,[Python][16]、[Objective-C][17]、[Lua][18] 和 [Fortran][19] 这些语言在技术层面上也是可以在 D 中使用的,还有许多第三方努力在把 D 语言推向这些领域。这使得大量的开源库在 D 中均可使用,这符合开源软件开发的惯例。
### 可读性和可维护性
import std.stdio; // 导入标准输入/输出模块
void main()
writeln("Hello, World!");
*D 语言的 Hello, World 演示*
对于熟悉 C 语言的人来说, D 代码很容易理解。另外, D 代码的可读性很强,即使是复杂的代码,这使得很容易发现错误。可读性对于吸引贡献者来说也是很重要的,这是开源软件成长的关键。
在 D 中一个非常简单但很有用的[语法][20]是支持使用下滑线分隔数字,这使得数字的可读性更高。这在数学上很有用:
int count = 100_000_000;
double price = 20_220.00 + 10.00;
int number = 0x7FFF_FFFF; // in hexadecimal system
[Ddoc][21] 是一个内建的工具,它能够很容易的自动根据代码注释生成文档,而不需要使用额外的工具。文档写作、改进和更新变得更加简单,不具挑战性,因为它伴随代码同时生成。
[契约][22] 能够进行检查,从而确保 D 代码的行为能够像期望的那样。就像法律契约签订是为了确保每一方在协议中做自己该做的事情,在 D 语言中的契约式编程,能够确保实现的每一个函数、类等能够像期望的那样产生期望的结果和行为。这样一个特性对于错误检查非常实用,特别是在开源软件中,当多个人合作一个项目的时候。契约是大项目的救星。D 语言强大的契约式编程特性是内建的,而不是后期添加的。契约不仅使得使用 D 语言更加方便,也减少了正确写作和维护困难的头痛。
### 方便
协同开发是具有挑战性的,因为代码经常发生变化,并且有许多移动部分。D 语言通过支持在本地范围内导入模块,从而缓解了一些问题:
// 返回偶数
int[] evenNumbers(int[] numbers)
// "filter" and "array" are only accessible locally
import std.algorithm: filter;
import std.array: array;
return numbers.filter!(n => n%2 == 0).array;
*通过**过滤**使用 "!"运算符是[模板参数][5]的一个语法*
[通用函数调用语法][23]是 D 语言中的一个特殊语法,它允许像调用一个对象的成员函数那样调用正则函数。一个函数的定义如下:
void cook(string food, int quantity)
import std.stdio: writeln;
writeln(food, " in quantity of ", quantity);
string food = "rice";
int quantity = 3;
cook(food, quantity);
通过 UFCS,这个函数也可以像下面这样调用,看起来好像 **cook** 是一个成员函数:
string food = "rice";
int quantity = 3;
在编译过程中,编译器会自动把 **food** 作为 **cook** 函数的第一个参数。UFCS 使得它能够连接正则函数,给你的代码产生一种函数风格编程的自然感觉。UFCS 在 D 语言中被大量使用,就像在上面的 **evenNumbers** 函数中使用的**过滤**和**数组**功能那样。结合模板、排列、条件编译和 UFCS 能够在不牺牲方便性的前提下给予你强大的力量。
`auto` 关键词可以用来代替任何类型。编译器在编译过程中会静态推断类型。这样可以省去输入很长的类型名字,让你感觉写 D 代码就像是在写动态类型语言。
// Nope. Do you?
VeryLongTypeHere variable = new VeryLongTypeHere();
// 使用 auto 关键词
auto variable = new VeryLongTypeHere();
auto name = "John Doe";
auto age = 12;
auto letter = 'e';
auto anArray = [1, 2.0, 3, 0, 1.5]; // type of double[]
auto dictionary = ["one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3]; // type of int[string]
auto cook(string food) {...} // auto for a function return type
D 的[foreach][24] 循环允许遍历集合和所有不同的强调数据类型:
foreach(name; ["John", "Yaw", "Paul", "Kofi", "Ama"])
foreach(number; [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6]) {...}
foreach(number; 0..10) {...} // 0..10 is the syntax for number range
class Student {...}
Student[] students = [new Student(), new Student()];
foreach(student; students) {...}
D 语言中内建的[单元测试][25]不仅免除了使用外部工具的需要,也方便了程序员在自己的代码中执行测试。所有的测试用例都位于定制的 `unittest{}` 块中:
int[] evenNumbers(int[] numbers)
import std.algorithm: filter;
import std.array: array;
return numbers.filter!(n => n%2 == 0).array;
assert( evenNumbers([1, 2, 3, 4]) == [2, 4] );
使用 D 语言的标准编译器 DMD,你可以通过增加 `-unittest` 编译器标志把所有的测试编译进可执行结果中。
[Dub][26] 是 D 语言的一个内建包管理器和构建工具,使用它可以很容易的添加来自 [Dub package registry][27] 的第三方库。Dub 可以在编译过程中下载、编译和链接这些包,同时也会升级到新版本。
### 选择
除了提供多种编程范例和功能特性外,D 还提供其他的选择。它目前有三个可用的开源编译器。官方编译器 DMD 使用它自己的后端,另外两个编译器 GDC 和 LDC,分别使用 GCC 和 LLVM 后端。DMD 以编译速度块而著称,而 LDC 和 GDC 则以在很短的编译时间内生成快速生成机器代码而著称。你可以自由选择其中一个以适应你的使用情况。
默认情况下, D 语言是采用[垃圾收集][28]的内存分配方式的。你也可以选择手动进行内存管理,如果你想的话,甚至可以进行引用计数。一切选择都是你的。
### 更多
在这个简要的讨论中,还有许多 D 语言好的特性没有涉及到。我强烈推荐阅读 [D 语言的特性概述][29],隐藏在[标准库][30]中的宝藏,以及[ D 的使用区域][31],从而进一步了解人们用它来干什么。许多阻止已经[使用 D 语言来进行开发][32]。最后,如果你打算开始学习 D 语言,那么请看这本书 *[D 语言编程][6]*。
via: https://opensource.com/article/17/5/d-open-source-software-development
作者:[Lawrence Aberba][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创编译,[Linux中国](https://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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