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Linux 4.3 内核增加了 MOST 驱动子系统
当 4.2 内核还没有正式发布的时候Greg Kroah-Hartman 就为他维护的各种子系统模块打开了4.3 的合并窗口。
之前 Greg KH 发起的拉取请求pull request里包含了 linux 4.3 的合并窗口更新内容涉及驱动核心、TTY/串口、USB 驱动、字符/杂项以及暂存区内容。这些拉取申请没有提供任何震撼性的改变,大部分都是改进/附加/修改bug。暂存区内容又是大量的修正和清理但是还是有一个新的驱动子系统。
Greg 提到了[4.3 的暂存区改变][2],“这里的很多东西,几乎全部都是细小的修改和改变。通常的 IIO 更新和新驱动,以及我们已经添加了的 MOST 驱动子系统已经在源码树里整理了。ozwpan 驱动最终还是被删掉,因为它很明显被废弃了而且也没有人关心它。”
MOST 驱动子系统是面向媒体的系统传输Media Oriented Systems Transport的简称。在 linux 4.3 新增的文档里面解释道“MOST 驱动支持 LInux 应用程序访问 MOST 网络汽车信息骨干网Automotive Information Backbone高速汽车多媒体网络的事实上的标准。MOST 定义了必要的协议、硬件和软件层提供高效且低消耗的传输控制实时的数据包传输而只需要使用一个媒介物理层。目前使用的媒介是光线、非屏蔽双绞线UTP和同轴电缆。MOST 也支持多种传输速度最高支持150Mbps。”如文档解释的MOST 主要是关于 Linux 在汽车上的应用。
当 Greg KH 发出了他为 Linux 4.3 多个子系统做出的更新,但是他还没有打算提交 [KDBUS][5] 的内核代码。他之前已经放出了 [linux 4.3 的 KDBUS] 的开发计划所以我们将需要等待官方的4.3 合并窗口,看看会发生什么。
作者:[Michael Larabel][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Interview: Larry Wall
> Perl 6 has been 15 years in the making, and is now due to be released at the end of this year. We speak to its creator to find out whats going on.
Larry Wall is a fascinating man. Hes the creator of Perl, a programming language thats widely regarded as the glue holding the internet together, and mocked by some as being a “write-only” language due to its density and liberal use of non-alphanumeric characters. Larry also has a background in linguistics, and is well known for delivering entertaining “State of the Onion” presentations about the future of Perl.
At FOSDEM 2015 in Brussels, we caught up with Larry to ask him why Perl 6 has taken so long (Perl 5 was released in 1994), how difficult it is to manage a project when everyone has strong opinions and pulling in different directions, and how his background in linguistics influenced the design of Perl from the start. Get ready for some intriguing diversions…
**Linux Voice: You once had a plan to go and find an undocumented language somewhere in the world and create a written script for it, but you never had the opportunity to fulfil this plan. Is that something youd like to go back and do now?**
Larry Wall: You have to be kind of young to be able to carry that off! Its actually a lot of hard work, and organisations that do these things dont tend to take people in when theyre over a certain age. Partly this is down to health and vigour, but also because people are much better at picking up new languages when theyre younger, and you have to learn the language before making a script for it.
I started trying to teach myself Japanese about 10 years ago, and I could speak it quite well, because of my phonology and phonetics training but its very hard for me to understand what anybody says. So I can go to Japan and ask for directions, but I cant really understand the answers!
> “With Perl 6, we found some ways to make the computer more sure about what the user is talking about.”
So usually learning a language well enough to develop a writing system, and to at least be conversational in the language, takes some period of years before you can get to the point where you can actually do literacy and start educating people on their own culture, as it were. And then you teach them to write about their own culture as well.
Of course, if you have language helpers and we were told not to call them “language informants”, or everyone would think we were working for the CIA! if you have these people, you can get them to come in and help you learn the foreign language. They are not teachers but there are ways of eliciting things from someone whos not a language teacher they can still teach you how to speak. They can take a stick and point to it and say “thats a stick”, and drop it and say “the stick falls”. Then you start writing things down and systematising things.
The motivation that most people have, going out to these groups, is to translate the Bible into their languages. But thats only one part of it; the other is also culture preservation. Missionaries get kind of a bad rep on that, because anthropologists think they should be left to sit their in their own culture. But somebody is probably going to change their culture anyway its usually the army, or businesses coming in, like Coca Cola or the sewing machine people, or missionaries. And of those three, the missionaries are the least damaging, if theyre doing their job right.
**LV: Many writing systems are based on existing scripts, and then you have invented ones like Greenlandic…**
LW: The Cherokee invented their own just by copying letters, and they have no mapping much to what we think of letters, and its fairly arbitrary in that sense. It just has to represent how the people themselves think of the language, and sufficiently well to communicate. Often there will be variations on Western orthography, using characters from Latin where possible. Tonal languages have to mark the tones somehow, by accents or by numbers.
As soon as you start leaning towards a phoenetic or phonological representation, then you also start to lose dialectical differences or you have to write the dialectal differences. Or you have conventional spelling like we have in English, but pronunciation that doesnt really match it.
**LV: When you started working on Perl, what did you take from your background in linguistics that made you think: “this is really important in a programming language”?**
LW: I thought a lot about how people use languages. In real languages, you have a system of nouns and verbs and adjectives, and you kind of know which words are which type. And in real natural languages, you have a lot of instances of shoving one word into a different slot. The linguistic theory I studied was called tagmemics, and it accounts for how this works in a natural language that you could have something that you think of as a noun, but you can verb it, and people do that all time.
You can pretty much shove anything in any slot, and you can communicate. One of my favourite examples is shoving an entire sentence in as an adjective. The sentence goes like this: “I dont like your I-can-use-anything-as-an-adjective attitude”!
So natural language is very flexible this way because you have a very intelligent listener or at least, compared with a computer who you can rely on to figure out what you must have meant, in case of ambiguity. Of course, in a computer language you have to manage the ambiguity much more closely.
Arguably in Perl 1 through to 5 we didnt manage it quite adequately enough. Sometimes the computer was confused when it really shouldnt be. With Perl 6, we discovered some ways to make the computer more sure about what the user is talking about, even if the user is confused about whether something is really a string or a number. The computer knows the exact type of it. We figured out ways of having stronger typing internally but still have the allomorphic “you can use this as that” idea.
**LV: For a long time Perl was seen as the “glue” language of the internet, for fitting bits and pieces together. Do you see Perl 6 as a release to satisfy the needs of existing users, or as a way to bring in new people, and bring about a resurgence in the language?**
LW: The initial intent was to make a better Perl for Perl programmers. But as we looked at the some of the inadequacies of Perl 5, it became apparent that if we fixed these inadequacies, Perl 6 would be more applicable, as I mentioned in my talk like how J. R. R. Tolkien talked about applicability [see].
The idea that “easy things should be easy and hard things should be possible” goes way back, to the boundary between Perl 2 and Perl 3. In Perl 2, we couldnt handle binary data or embedded nulls it was just C-style strings. I said then that “Perl is just a text processing language you dont need those things in a text processing language”.
But it occurred to me at the time that there were a large number of problems that were mostly text, and had a little bit of binary data in them network addresses and things like that. You use binary data to open the socket but then text to process it. So the applicability of the language more than doubled by making it possible to handle binary data.
That began a trade-off about what things should be easy in a language. Nowadays we have a principle in Perl, and we stole the phrase Huffman coding for it, from the bit encoding system where you have different sizes for characters. Common characters are encoded in a fewer number of bits, and rarer characters are encoded in more bits.
> “There had to be a very careful balancing act. There were just so many good ideas at the beginning.”
We stole that idea as a general principle for Perl, for things that are commonly used, or when you have to type them very often the common things need to be shorter or more succinct. Another bit of that, however, is that theyre allowed to be more irregular. In natural language, its actually the most commonly used verbs that tend to be the most irregular.
And theres a reason for that, because you need more differentiation of them. One of my favourite books is called The Search for the Perfect Language by Umberto Eco, and its not about computer languages; its about philosophical languages, and the whole idea that maybe some ancient language was the perfect language and we should get back to it.
All of those languages make the mistake of thinking that similar things should always be encoded similarly. But thats not how you communicate. If you have a bunch of barnyard animals, and they all have related names, and you say “Go out and kill the Blerfoo”, but you really wanted them to kill the Blerfee, you might get a cow killed when you want a chicken killed.
So in realms like that its actually better to differentiate the words, for more redundancy in the communication channel. The common words need to have more of that differentiation. Its all about communicating efficiently, and then theres also this idea of self-clocking codes. If you look at a UPC label on a product a barcode thats actually a self-clocking code where each pair of bars and spaces is always in a unit of seven columns wide. You rely on that you know the width of the bars will always add up to that. So its self-clocking.
There are other self-clocking codes used in electronics. In the old transmission serial protocols there were stop and start bits so you could keep things synced up. Natural languages also do this. For instance, in the writing of Japanese, they dont use spaces. Because the way they write it, they will have a Kanji character from Chinese at the head of each phrase, and then the endings are written in the a syllabary.
**LV: Hiragana, right?**
LW: Yes, Hiragana. So naturally the head of each phrase really stands out with this system. Similarly, in ancient Greek, most of the verbs were declined or conjugated. So they had standard endings were sort-of a clocking mechanism. Spaces were optional in their writing system as well it was a more modern invention to put the spaces in.
So similarly in computer languages, theres value in having a self-clocking code. We rely on this heavily in Perl, and even more heavily in Perl 6 than in previous releases. The idea that when youre parsing an expression, youre either expecting a term or an infix operator. When youre expecting a term you might also get a prefix operator thats kind-of in the same expectation slot and when youre expecting an infix you might also get a postfix for the previous term.
But it flips back and forth. And if the compiler actually knows which it is expecting, you can overload those a little bit, and Perl does this. So a slash when its expecting a term will introduce a regular expression, whereas a slash when youre expecting an infix will be division. On the other hand, we dont want to overload everything, because then you lose the self-clocking redundancy.
Most of our best error messages, for syntax errors, actually come out of noticing that you have two terms in a row. And then we try to figure out why there are two terms in a row “oh, you must have left a semicolon out on the previous line”. So we can produce much better error messages than the more ad-hoc parsers.
**LV: Why has Perl 6 taken fifteen years? It must be hard overseeing a language when everyone has different opinions about things, and theres not always the right way to do things, and the wrong way.**
LW: There had to be a very careful balancing act. There were just so many good ideas at the beginning well, I dont want to say they were all good ideas. There were so many pain points, like there were 361 RFCs [feature proposal documents] when I expected maybe 20. We had to sit back and actually look at them all, and ignore the proposed solutions, because they were all over the map and all had tunnel vision. Each one many have just changed one thing, but if we had done them all, it wouldve been a complete mess.
So we had to re-rationalise based on how people were actually hurting when they tried to use Perl 5. We started to look at the unifying, underlying ideas. Many of these RFCs were based on the fact that we had an inadequate type system. By introducing a more coherent type system we could fix many problems in a sane fashion and a cohesive fashion.
And we started noticing other ways how we could unify the featuresets and start reusing ideas in different areas. Not necessarily that they were the same thing underneath. We have a standard way of writing pairs well, two ways in Perl! But the way of writing pairs with a colon could also be reused for radix notation, or for literal numbers in any base. It could also be used for various alternative forms of quoting. We say in Perl that its “strangely consistent”.
> “People who made early implementations of Perl 6 came back to me, cap in hand, and said “We really need a language designer.””
Similar ideas pop up, and you say “Im already familiar with how that syntax works, but I see its being used for something else”. So it took some unity of vision to find these unifications. People who had the various ideas and made early implementations of Perl 6 came back to me, cap-in-hand, and said “We really need a language designer. Could you be our benevolent dictator?”
So I was the language designer, but I was almost explicitly told: “Stay out of the implementation! We saw what you did made out of Perl 5, and we dont like it!” It was really funny because the innards of the new implementation started looking a whole lot like Perl 5 inside, and maybe thats why some of the early implementations didnt work well.
Because we were still feeling our way into the whole design, the implementations made a lot of assumptions about what VM should do and shouldnt do, so we ended up with something like an object oriented assembly language. That sort of problem was fairly pervasive at the beginning. Then the Pugs guys came along and said “Lets use Haskell, because it makes you think very clearly about what youre doing. Lets use it to clarify our semantic model underneath.”
So we nailed down some of those semantic models, but more importantly, we started building the test suite at that point, to be consistent with those semantic models. Then after that, the Parrot VM continued developing, and then another implementation, Niecza, came along and it was based on .NET. It was by a young fellow who was very smart and implemented a large subset of Perl 6, but he was kind of a loner, didnt really figure out a way to get other people involved in his project.
At the same time the Parrot project was getting too big for anyone to really manage it inside, and very difficult to refactor. At that point the fellows working on Rakudo decided that we probably needed to be on more platforms than just the Parrot VM. So they invented a portability layer called NQP which stands for “Not Quite Perl”. They ported it to first of all run on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), and while they were doing that they were also secretly working on a new VM called MoarVM. That became public a little over a year ago.
Both MoarVM and JVM run a pretty much equivalent set of regression tests Parrot is kind-of trailing back in some areas. So that has been very good to flush out VM-specific assumptions, and were starting to think about NQP targeting other things. There was a Google Summer of Code project year to target NQP to JavaScript, and that might fit right in, because MoarVM also uses Node.js for much of its more mundane processing.
We probably need to concentrate on MoarVM for the rest of this year, until we actually define 6.0, and then the rest will catch up.
**LV: Last year in the UK, the government kicked off the Year of Code, an attempt to get young people interested in programming. There are lots of opinions about how this should be done like whether you should teach low-level languages at the start, so that people really understand memory usage, or a high-level language. Whats your take on that?**
LW: Up until now, the Python community has done a much better job of getting into the lower levels of education than we have. Wed like to do something in that space too, and thats partly why we have the butterfly logo, because its going to be appealing to seven year old girls!
But we do think that Perl 6 will be learnable as a first language. A number of people have surprised us by learning Perl 5 as their first language. And you know, there are a number of fairly powerful concepts even in Perl 5, like closures, lexical scoping, and features you generally get from functional programming. Even more so in Perl 6.
> “Until now, the Python community has done a much better job of getting into the lower levels of education.”
Part of the reason the Perl 6 has taken so long is that we have around 50 different principles we try to stick to, and in language design youre end up juggling everything and saying “whats really the most important principle here”? There has been a lot of discussion about a lot of different things. Sometimes we commit to a decision, work with it for a while, and then realise it wasnt quite the right decision.
We didnt design or specify pretty much anything about concurrent programming until someone came along who was smart enough about it and knew what the different trade-offs were, and thats Jonathan Worthington. He has blended together ideas from other languages like Go and C#, with concurrent primitives that compose well. Composability is important in the rest of the language.
There are an awful lot of concurrent and parallel programming systems that dont compose well like threads and locks, and there have been lots of ways to do it poorly. So in one sense, its been worth waiting this extra time to see some of these languages like Go and C# develop really good high-level primitives thats sort of a contradiction in terms that compose well.
作者:[Mike Saunders][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创翻译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Gaming On Linux: All You Need To Know
**Can I play games on Linux?**
This is one of the most frequently asked questions by people who are thinking about [switching to Linux][1]. After all, gaming on Linux often termed as a distant possibility. In fact, some people even wonder if they can listen to music or watch movies on Linux. Considering that, question about native Linux games seem genuine.
In this article, I am going to answer most of the Linux gaming questions a Linux beginner may have. For example, if it is possible to play games on Linux, if yes, what are the Linux games available, where can you **download Linux games** from or how do you get more information of gaming on Linux.
But before I do that, let me make a confession. I am not a PC gamer or rather I should say, I am not desktop Linux gamer. I prefer to play games on my PS4 and I dont care about PC games or even mobile games (no candy crush request sent to anyone in my friend list). This is the reason you see only a few articles in [Linux games][2] section of Its FOSS.
So why am I covering this topic then?
Because I have been asked questions about playing games on Linux several times and I wanted to come up with a Linux gaming guide that could answer all those question. And remember, its not just gaming on Ubuntu I am talking about here. I am talking about Linux in general.
### Can you play games on Linux? ###
Yes and no!
Yes, you can play games on Linux and no, you cannot play all the games in Linux.
Confused? Dont be. What I meant here is that you can get plenty of popular games on Linux such as [Counter Strike, Metro Last Night][3] etc. But you might not get all the latest and popular Windows games on Linux, for e.g., [PES 2015][4].
The reason, in my opinion, is that Linux has less than 2% of desktop market share and these numbers are demotivating enough for most game developers to avoid working on the Linux version of their games.
Which means that there is huge possibility that the most talked about games of the year may not be playable in Linux. Dont despair, there are other means to get these games on Linux and we shall see it in coming sections, but before that lets talk about what kind of games are available for Linux.
If I have to categorize, Ill divide them in four categories:
1. Native Linux Games
1. Windows games in Linux
1. Browser Games
1. Terminal Games
Lets start with the most important one, native Linux games, first.
### 1. Where to find native Linux games? ###
Native Linux games mean those games which are officially supported in Linux. These games have native Linux client and can be installed like most other applications in Linux without requiring any additional effort (well see about these in next section).
So, as you see, there are games developed for Linux. Next question that arises is where can you find these Linux games and how can you play them. I am going to list some of the resources where you can get Linux games.
#### Steam ####
“[Steam][5] is a digital distribution platform for video games. As Amazon Kindle is digital distribution platform for e-Books, iTunes for music, similarly Steam is for games. It provides you the option to buy and install games, play multiplayer and stay in touch with other games via social networking on its platform. The games are protected with [DRM][6].”
A couple of years ago, when gaming platform Steam announced support for Linux, it was a big news. It was an indication that gaming on Linux is being taken seriously. Though Steams decision was more influenced with its own Linux-based gaming console and a separate [Linux distribution called Steam OS][7], it still was a reassuring move that has brought a number of games on Linux.
I have written a detailed article about installing and using Steam. If you are getting started with Steam, do read it.
- [Install and use Steam for gaming on Linux][8]
#### ####
[][9] is another platform similar to Steam. Like Steam, you can browse and find hundreds of native Linux games on, purchase the games and install them. If the games support several platforms, you can download and use them across various operating systems. Your purchased games are available for you all the time in your account. You can download them anytime you wish.
One main difference between the two is that offers only DRM free games and movies. Also, is entirely web based. So you dont need to install a client like Steam. You can simply download the games from browser and install them in your system.
#### Portable Linux Games ####
[Portable Linux Games][10] is a website that has a collection of a number of Linux games. The unique and best thing about Portable Linux Games is that you can download and store the games for offline installation.
The downloaded files have all the dependencies (at times Wine and Perl installation) and these are also platform independent. All you need to do is to download the files and double click to install them. Store the downloadable file on external hard disk and use them in future. Highly recommend if you dont have continuous access to high speed internet.
#### Game Drift Game Store ####
[Game Drift][11] is actually a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu with sole focus on gaming. While you might not want to start using this Linux distribution for the sole purpose of gaming, you can always visit its game store online and see what games are available for Linux and install them.
#### Linux Game Database ####
As the name suggests, [Linux Game Database][12] is a website with a huge collection of Linux games. You can browse through various category of games and download/install them from the game developers website. As a member of Linux Game Database, you can even rate the games. LGDB, kind of, aims to be the IGN or IMDB for Linux games.
#### Penguspy ####
Created by a gamer who refused to use Windows for playing games, [Penguspy][13] showcases a collection of some of the best Linux games. You can browse games based on category and if you like the game, youll have to go to the respective game developers website.
#### Software Repositories ####
Look into the software repositories of your own Linux distribution. There always will be some games in it. If you are using Ubuntu, Ubuntu Software Center itself has an entire section for games. Same is true for other Linux distributions such as Linux Mint etc.
### 2. How to play Windows games in Linux? ###
So far we talked about native Linux games. But there are not many Linux games, or to be more precise, most popular Linux games are not available for Linux but they are available for Windows PC. So the questions arises, how to play Windows games in Linux?
Good thing is that with the help of tools like Wine, PlayOnLinux and CrossOver, you can play a number of popular Windows games in Linux.
#### Wine ####
Wine is a compatibility layer which is capable of running Windows applications in systems like Linux, BSD and OS X. With the help of Wine, you can install and use a number of Windows applications in Linux.
[Installing Wine in Ubuntu][14] or any other Linux is easy as it is available in most Linux distributions repository. There is a huge [database of applications and games supported by Wine][15] that you can browse.
#### CrossOver ####
[CrossOver][16] is an improved version of Wine that brings professional and technical support to Wine. But unlike Wine, CrossOver is not free. Youll have to purchase the yearly license for it. Good thing about CrossOver is that every purchase contributes to Wine developers and that in fact boosts the development of Wine to support more Windows games and applications. If you can afford $48 a year, you should buy CrossOver for the support they provide.
### PlayOnLinux ###
PlayOnLinux too is based on Wine but implemented differently. It has different interface and slightly easier to use than Wine. Like Wine, PlayOnLinux too is free to use. You can browse the [applications and games supported by PlayOnLinux on its database][17].
### 3. Browser Games ###
Needless to say that there are tons of browser based games that are available to play in any operating system, be it Windows or Linux or Mac OS X. Most of the addictive mobile games, such as [GoodGame Empire][18], also have their web browser counterparts.
Apart from that, thanks to [Google Chrome Web Store][19], you can play some more games in Linux. These Chrome games are installed like a standalone app and they can be accessed from the application menu of your Linux OS. Some of these Chrome games are playable offline as well.
### 4. Terminal Games ###
Added advantage of using Linux is that you can use the command line terminal to play games. I know that its not the best way to play games but at times, its fun to play games like [Snake][20] or [2048][21] in terminal. There is a good collection of Linux terminal games at [this blog][22]. You can browse through it and play the ones you want.
### How to stay updated about Linux games? ###
When you have learned a lot about what kind of games are available on Linux and how could you use them, next question is how to stay updated about new games on Linux? And for that, I advise you to follow these blogs that provide you with the latest happenings of the Linux gaming world:
- [Gaming on Linux][23]: I wont be wrong if I call it the nest Linux gaming news portal. You get all the latest rumblings and news about Linux games. Frequently updated, Gaming on Linux has dedicated fan following which makes it a nice community of Linux game lovers.
- [Free Gamer][24]: A blog focusing on free and open source games.
- [Linux Game News][25]: A Tumbler blog that updates on various Linux games.
#### What else? ####
I think thats pretty much what you need to know to get started with gaming on Linux. If you are still not convinced, I would advise you to [dual boot Linux with Windows][26]. Use Linux as your main desktop and if you want to play games, boot into Windows. This could be a compromised solution.
I think thats pretty much what you need to know to get started with gaming on Linux. If you are still not convinced, I would advise you to [dual boot Linux with Windows][27]. Use Linux as your main desktop and if you want to play games, boot into Windows. This could be a compromised solution.
Its time for you to add your inputs. Do you play games on your Linux desktop? What are your favorites? What blogs you follow to stay updated on latest Linux games?
How do you play games on Linux?
- I use Wine and PlayOnLinux along with native Linux Games
- I am happy with Browser Games
- I prefer the Terminal Games
- I use native Linux games only
- I play it on Steam
- I dual boot and go in to Windows to play games
- I don't play games at all
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本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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Nautilus File Search Is About To Get A Big Power Up
**Finding stray files and folders in Nautilus is about to get a whole lot easier. **
A new **search filter** for the default [GNOME file manager][1] is in development. It makes heavy use of GNOMEs spiffy pop-over menus in an effort to offer a simpler way to narrow in on search results and find exactly what youre after.
Developer Georges Stavracas is working on the new UI and [describes][2] the new editor as “cleaner, saner and more intuitive”.
Based on a video hes [uploaded to YouTube][3] demoing the new approach which he hasnt made available for embedding hes not wrong.
> “Nautilus has very complex but powerful internals, which allows us to do many things. And indeed, there is code for the many options in there. So, why did it used to look so poorly implemented/broken?”, he writes on his blog.
The question is part rhetorical; the new search filter interface surfaces many of these powerful internals to yhe user. Searches can be filtered ad **hoc** based on content type, name or by date range.
Changing anything in an app like Nautilus is likely to upset some users, so as helpful and straightforward as the new UI seems it could come in for some heat.
Not that worry of discontent seems to hamper progress (though the outcry at the [removal of type ahead search][4] in 2014 still rings loud in many ears, no doubt). GNOME 3.18, [released last month][5], introduced a new file progress dialog to Nautilus and better integration for remote shares, including Google Drive.
Stavracas search filter are not yet merged in to Files trunk, but the reworked search UI is tentatively targeted for inclusion in GNOME 3.20, due spring next year.
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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translation by strugglingyouth
10 passwd command examples in Linux
As the name suggest **passwd** command is used to change the password of system users. If the passwd command is executed by non-root user then it will ask for the current password and then set the new password of a user who invoked the command. When this command is executed by super user or root then it can reset the password for any user including root without knowing the current password.
In this post we will discuss passwd command with practical examples.
#### Syntax : ####
# passwd {options} {user_name}
Different options that can be used in passwd command are listed below :
### Example:1 Change Password of System Users ###
When you logged in as non-root user like linuxtechi in my case and run passwd command then it will reset password of logged in user.
[linuxtechi@linuxworld ~]$ passwd
Changing password for user linuxtechi.
Changing password for linuxtechi.
(current) UNIX password:
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[linuxtechi@linuxworld ~]$
When you logged in as root user and run **passwd** command then it will reset the root password by default and if you specify the user-name after passwd command then it will change the password of that user.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd linuxtechi
**Note** : System users password is stored in an encrypted form in /etc/shadow file.
### Example:2 Display Password Status Information. ###
To display password status information of a user , use **-S** option in passwd command.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -S linuxtechi
linuxtechi PS 2015-09-20 0 99999 7 -1 (Password set, SHA512 crypt.)
[root@linuxworld ~]#
In the above output first field shows the user name and second field shows Password status ( **PS = Password Set , LK = Password locked , NP = No Password** ), third field shows when the password was changed and last & fourth field shows minimum age, maximum age, warning period, and inactivity period for the password
### Example:3 Display Password Status info for all the accounts ###
To display password status info for all the accounts use “**-aS**” option in passwd command, example is shown below :
root@localhost:~# passwd -Sa
### Example:4 Removing Password of a User using -d option ###
In my case i am removing/ deleting the password of **linuxtechi** user.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -d linuxtechi
Removing password for user linuxtechi.
passwd: Success
[root@linuxworld ~]#
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -S linuxtechi
linuxtechi NP 2015-09-20 0 99999 7 -1 (Empty password.)
[root@linuxworld ~]#
“**-d**” option will make users password empty and will disable users account.
### Example:5 Set Password Expiry Immediately ###
Use -e option in passwd command to expire users password immediately , this will force the user to change the password in the next login.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -e linuxtechi
Expiring password for user linuxtechi.
passwd: Success
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -S linuxtechi
linuxtechi PS 1970-01-01 0 99999 7 -1 (Password set, SHA512 crypt.)
[root@linuxworld ~]#
Now Try to ssh machine using linuxtechi user.
### Example:6 Lock the password of System User ###
Use **-l** option in passwd command to lock a users password, it will add “!” at starting of users password. A User cant Change its password when his/her password is locked.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -l linuxtechi
Locking password for user linuxtechi.
passwd: Success
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -S linuxtechi
linuxtechi LK 2015-09-20 0 99999 7 -1 (Password locked.)
[root@linuxworld ~]#
### Example:7 Unlock Users Password using -u option ###
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -u linuxtechi
Unlocking password for user linuxtechi.
passwd: Success
[root@linuxworld ~]#
### Example:8 Setting inactive days using -i option ###
-i option in passwd command is used to set inactive days for a system user. This will come into the picture when password of user ( in my case linuxtechi) expired and user didnt change its password in **n** number of days ( i.e 10 days in my case) then after that user will not able to login.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -i 10 linuxtechi
Adjusting aging data for user linuxtechi.
passwd: Success
[root@linuxworld ~]#
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -S linuxtechi
linuxtechi PS 2015-09-20 0 99999 7 10 (Password set, SHA512 crypt.)
[root@linuxworld ~]#
### Example:9 Set Minimum Days to Change Password using -n option. ###
In the below example linuxtechi user has to change the password in 90 days. A value of zero shows that user can change its password in any time.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -n 90 linuxtechi
Adjusting aging data for user linuxtechi.
passwd: Success
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -S linuxtechi
linuxtechi PS 2015-09-20 90 99999 7 10 (Password set, SHA512 crypt.)
[root@linuxworld ~]#
### Example:10 Set Warning days before password expire using -w option ###
**-w** option in passwd command is used to set warning days for a user. It means a user will be warned for n number of days that his/her password is going to expire.
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -w 12 linuxtechi
Adjusting aging data for user linuxtechi.
passwd: Success
[root@linuxworld ~]# passwd -S linuxtechi
linuxtechi PS 2015-09-20 90 99999 12 10 (Password set, SHA512 crypt.)
[root@linuxworld ~]#
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
11 df command examples in Linux
df (disk free) command is used to display disk usage of the file system. By default df command shows the file system usage in 1K blocks for all the current mounted file system, if you want to display the output of df command in human readable format , use -h option like “df -h”.
In this post we will discuss 11 different examples of **df** command in Linux
Basic Format of df command in Linux
# df {options} {mount_point_of_filesystem}
Options used in df command :
Sample Output of df :
[root@linux-world ~]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 17003304 804668 15311852 5% /
devtmpfs 771876 0 771876 0% /dev
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 777928 8532 769396 2% /run
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 14987616 41000 14162232 1% /home
/dev/sda1 487652 62593 395363 14% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var 9948012 48692 9370936 1% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 14987656 37636 14165636 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:1 List disk usage of all the file system using -a ###
when we use -a option in df command , it will display disk usage of all the file systems.
[root@linux-world ~]# df -a
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 17003304 804668 15311852 5% /
proc 0 0 0 - /proc
sysfs 0 0 0 - /sys
devtmpfs 771876 0 771876 0% /dev
securityfs 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/security
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /dev/shm
devpts 0 0 0 - /dev/pts
tmpfs 777928 8532 769396 2% /run
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
pstore 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/pstore
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/memory
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/devices
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
cgroup 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb
configfs 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/config
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 17003304 804668 15311852 5% /
selinuxfs 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/selinux
systemd-1 0 0 0 - /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
debugfs 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/debug
hugetlbfs 0 0 0 - /dev/hugepages
mqueue 0 0 0 - /dev/mqueue
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 14987616 41000 14162232 1% /home
/dev/sda1 487652 62593 395363 14% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var 9948012 48692 9370936 1% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 14987656 37636 14165636 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:2 Display the output of df command in human readable format. ###
Using -h option in df command , output can be displayed in human readable format ( e.g 5K , 500M & 5G )
[root@linux-world ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 17G 786M 15G 5% /
devtmpfs 754M 0 754M 0% /dev
tmpfs 760M 0 760M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 760M 8.4M 752M 2% /run
tmpfs 760M 0 760M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 15G 41M 14G 1% /home
/dev/sda1 477M 62M 387M 14% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var 9.5G 48M 9.0G 1% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 15G 37M 14G 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:3 Display Space usage of particular file system ###
Suppose we want to print space usage of /sap file system,
[root@linux-world ~]# df -h /sap/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 15G 37M 14G 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:4 Print file system type of all mounted file systems ###
**-T** is used in df command to display the file system type in the output.
[root@linux-world ~]# df -T
Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root ext4 17003304 804668 15311852 5% /
devtmpfs devtmpfs 771876 0 771876 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 777928 8532 769396 2% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home ext4 14987616 41000 14162232 1% /home
/dev/sda1 ext3 487652 62593 395363 14% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var ext3 9948012 48696 9370932 1% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap ext3 14987656 37636 14165636 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:5 Print disk usage of file systems in block-size. ###
[root@linux-world ~]# df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 17003304 804668 15311852 5% /
devtmpfs 771876 0 771876 0% /dev
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 777928 8532 769396 2% /run
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 14987616 41000 14162232 1% /home
/dev/sda1 487652 62593 395363 14% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var 9948012 48696 9370932 1% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 14987656 37636 14165636 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:6 Display inodes information of file system. ###
**-i** option in df command is used to display inode information of the file system
inodes info of all the file system :
[root@linux-world ~]# df -i
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 1089536 22031 1067505 3% /
devtmpfs 192969 357 192612 1% /dev
tmpfs 194482 1 194481 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 194482 420 194062 1% /run
tmpfs 194482 13 194469 1% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 960992 15 960977 1% /home
/dev/sda1 128016 337 127679 1% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var 640848 1235 639613 1% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 960992 11 960981 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
inodes info of particular file system :
[root@linux-world ~]# df -i /sap/
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 960992 11 960981 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:7 Print grant total space usage of all file system. ###
total option in df command is used to display the grant total of disk usage of all the file system.
[root@linux-world ~]# df -h --total
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 17G 786M 15G 5% /
devtmpfs 754M 0 754M 0% /dev
tmpfs 760M 0 760M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 760M 8.4M 752M 2% /run
tmpfs 760M 0 760M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 15G 41M 14G 1% /home
/dev/sda1 477M 62M 387M 14% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var 9.5G 48M 9.0G 1% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap 15G 37M 14G 1% /sap
total 58G 980M 54G 2% -
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:8 Print only Local file system space usage info. ###
Suppose network file system also mounted on linux box and but we want to display local file system information only, this can be achieved by using -l option in df command.
Limiting to local file system :
[root@linux-world ~]# df -Thl
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root ext4 17G 791M 15G 6% /
devtmpfs devtmpfs 754M 0 754M 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 760M 0 760M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 760M 8.4M 752M 2% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 760M 0 760M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home ext4 15G 41M 14G 1% /home
/dev/sda1 ext3 477M 62M 387M 14% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-var ext3 9.5G 105M 8.9G 2% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-sap ext3 15G 37M 14G 1% /sap
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:9 Print Disk Space information of particular file system type. ###
**-t** option in df command is used to print information of particular file system type, after -t specify the file system type, example is shown below :
for ext4 :
[root@linux-world ~]# df -t ext4
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 17003304 809492 15307028 6% /
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 14987616 41000 14162232 1% /home
[root@linux-world ~]#
for nfs4 :
[root@linux-world ~]# df -t nfs4
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 301545472 266833920 19371008 94% /data
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:10 Exclude Particular file system type using -x option ###
“**-x** or **exclude-type**” is used to exclude the certain file system type in the output of df command.
Let suppose we want to print all the file systems excluding ext3 file system.
[root@linux-world ~]# df -x ext3
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 17003304 809492 15307028 6% /
devtmpfs 771876 0 771876 0% /dev
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 777928 8540 769388 2% /run
tmpfs 777928 0 777928 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-home 14987616 41000 14162232 1% /home 301545472 266834944 19369984 94% /data
[root@linux-world ~]#
### Example:11 Print only certain fields in output of df command. ###
**output={field_name1,field_name2….}** option is used to display the certain fields in df command output.
Valid field names are: source, fstype, itotal, iused, iavail, ipcent, size, used, avail, pcent and target
[root@linux-world ~]# df --output=fstype,size,iused
Type 1K-blocks IUsed
ext4 17003304 22275
devtmpfs 771876 357
tmpfs 777928 1
tmpfs 777928 423
tmpfs 777928 13
ext4 14987616 15
ext3 487652 337
ext3 9948012 1373
ext3 14987656 11
nfs4 301545472 451099
[root@linux-world ~]#
作者:[Pradeep Kumar][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Linux FAQs with Answers--How to install Ubuntu desktop behind a proxy
> **Question:** My computer is connected to a corporate network sitting behind an HTTP proxy. When I try to install Ubuntu desktop on the computer from a CD-ROM drive, the installation hangs and never finishes while trying to retrieve files, which is presumably due to the proxy. However, the problem is that Ubuntu installer never asks me to configure proxy during installation procedure. Then how can I install Ubuntu desktop behind a proxy?
Unlike Ubuntu server, installation of Ubuntu desktop is pretty much auto-pilot, not leaving much room for customization, such as custom disk partitioning, manual network settings, package selection, etc. While such simple, one-shot installation is considered user-friendly, it leaves much to be desired for those users looking for "advanced installation mode" to customize their Ubuntu desktop installation.
In addition, one big problem of the default Ubuntu desktop installer is the absense of proxy settings. If your computer is connected behind a proxy, you will notice that Ubuntu installation gets stuck while preparing to download files.
This post describes how to get around the limitation of Ubuntu installer and **install Ubuntu desktop when you are behind a proxy**.
The basic idea is as follows. Instead of starting with Ubuntu installer directly, boot into live Ubuntu desktop first, configure proxy settings, and finally launch Ubuntu installer manually from live desktop. The following is the step by step procedure.
After booting from Ubuntu desktop CD/DVD or USB, click on "Try Ubuntu" on the first welcome screen.
Once you boot into live Ubuntu desktop, click on Settings icon in the left.
Go to Network menu.
Configure proxy settings manually.
Next, open a terminal.
Enter a root session by typing the following:
$ sudo su
Finally, type the following command as the root.
# ubiquity gtk_ui
This will launch GUI-based Ubuntu installer as follows.
Proceed with the rest of installation.
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
专访: Larry Wall
> 经历了15年的打造,Perl 6终将在年底与大家见面。我们预先采访了她的作者了解一下新特性。
Larry Wall是个相当有趣的人。他即编程语言Perl的创造者这种语言被广泛的誉为将互联网粘在一起的胶水也因为对非字母使用的密度和宽容度被嘲笑是只写语言。Larry本人具有语言学背景曾风趣的使用“洋葱的状态”来介绍Perl特性为人津道。
在2015年布鲁塞尔的FOSDEM上我们赶上Larry问了问他为什么Perl 6花了如此长的时间Perl 5的发布时间是1994年了解当项目中的每个人都各执己见时是多么的难以管理以及他的语言学背景自始至终究竟给Perl带来了怎样的影响。做好准备让我们来领略其中的奥妙……
**Linux Voice你有计划寻找世界某处某种不知名的语言来写脚本但你还未曾有机会去实现它。现在呢**
Larry Wall那需要多么青春才能承担得起呀做这些事需要投入很大的努力和人力以至于已经不适合那些上了年纪的人了。健康、活力是其中的一部分同样也因为人们在年轻的时候更容易学习一门新的语言只有在你学会了语言之后你才能写脚本呀。
> “在Perl 6中我们试图让电脑更准确的了解我们。”
当然如果在语言方面你有帮手 —— 经过别人的提醒我们不再使用“语言线人”来称呼他们了那样显得我们像是在CIA工作的一样—— 你可以通过他们的帮助来学习外语。他们不是老师,但他们会以另一种方式来激发你学习 —— 当然他们也能叫你如何说。他们会拿着一根棍子,指着它说“这是一根棍子”,然后丢掉同时说“棒子掉下去了”。你开始记下一些东西并将其系统化。
LW我在人们是如何使用语言上想了很多。在现实的语言中你有一套名词、动词和形容词的体系并且你知道这些单词的词性。在现实的自然语言中你时常将一个单词放到不同的位置。我所学的语言学理论也被称为法位学他会解释这些在自然语言中工作的原理 —— 也就是有些东西你考虑的时候是名词,但你可以将它用作动词,并且人们总是这样做。
所以自然语言非常灵活,因为聆听者非常聪明 —— 至少,相对于电脑而言 —— 你相信他们会理解你最想表达的意思,即使存在歧义。当然对电脑而言,你必须保证歧义不大。
可以说在Perl 1到5上我们针对这方面的管理做得还不够。有时电脑会在不应该的时候抽风。在Perl 6上我们找了许多方法使得电脑对你所说的话能更准确的理解就算用户并不清楚这底是字符串还是数字。电脑准确的知道它的类型。
**LVPerl被视作互联网上的“胶水”语言已久能将点点滴滴组合在一起。在你看来Perl 6的发布是否符合当前用户的需要或者旨在招揽更多新用户能使她重获新生吗**
LW最初的设想是为Perl程序员带来更好的Perl。但在看到了Perl 5上的不足后很明显改掉这些不足会使Perl 6更易用就像我在讨论中提到过 —— 类似于在J. R. R. Tolkien上对易用性的讨论一样[see]。
重点是“简单的东西应该简单而难得东西应该可以实现”。让我们回顾一下在Perl 2和3之间的那段时间。在Perl 2上我们不能处理二进制数据或嵌入的空值 —— 只有C语言风格的字符串。我曾说过“Perl只是文本执行语言 —— 你并不需要有这些功能的文本执行语言”。
但当时发生了一大对的问题,因为大多数的文本中会包含少量的二进制数据 —— 类似的例如网址。你使用二进制数据打开套接字,然后文本处理它。所以语言的可用性两倍于处理二进制的可能性。
> “掌握平衡时需要格外小心。毕竟在刚开始的时候总会有许多的好主意。”
我们偷师了这种想法并将它作为Perl的原则针对常用的或者说常输入的 —— 这些常用的东西必须简单或简洁。另一方面,也显得更加的不规则。在自然语言中也是这样的,由诸多的常用的动词趋于诸多的不规律。
所以在这样的情况下需要更多的差异存在。我很喜欢一本书是Umberto Eco写的的《探寻完美的语言》说的并不是计算机语言而是哲学语言大体的意思是古代的语言也许是完美的我们应该将她们带回来。
LW: 是的,平假名。所以使用这一系统,每个词组的开头就自然而然的脱颖而出了。同样的,在古老的希腊,大多数的动词都是搭配好的。所以它们拥有时钟排序机制的标准结尾。在他们的书写体系中空格也是可有可无的 —— 引入空格是更现代的一大发明。
所以在计算机语言上也要如此将值包含于自时钟码中。在Perl上我们重度依赖此道而且在Perl 6上相较于前几代这种依赖更重。当你使用表达式时你要么想得到一个词要么想到得到插入操作符。当你想要得到一个词你有可能同时得到一个前缀操作符同样当你想要得到一个插入符你也可能同时得到前一个词的后缀。
大多数我们最好的语法错误消息,源于对一行中出现两个词的观察。然后我们尝试找出原因 —— “哦,你一定漏掉了上一行的分号”。所以我们相较于很多其他特殊解析器可以生成更加好的错误消息。
**LV为什么Perl 6花了15年当每个人对她有不同看法时一定十分难管理而且正确和错误并不是绝对的。**
LW这其中必定会有非常微妙的平衡。刚开始会有许多的想法 —— 当然我并不是想说那些是好想法。也有很多令人烦恼的地方就像有361条RFC[功能建议文件]而我想要实现的可能只有其中的20条。我们需要坐下来将它们全部看完并忽略其中的解决方案因为它们通常流于表象、视野狭隘。几乎每一条只针对一样事物如若我们将它们全部拼凑起来那简直是一堆垃圾。
所以我们必须基于人们在使用Perl 5时的真实感受重新整理。寻找统一、深层的解决方案。许多的RFC文档都提到了一个事实就是类型系统的不足。通过引入更条理分明的类型系统我们可以解决很多问题并且即聪明又紧凑。
> “早先组建Perl 6实施小组的朋友挽着我的手说“我们真的很需要一位语言的设计者。””
同样的想法涌现出来你说“我已经熟悉了语法如何运作但是我实在别处看到的”。所以说视角相同才能找出这种一致。那些早期将Perl 6呈现在我面前的人们握着我的手说“我们真的需要一位语言的设计者。您能作为我们的精神领袖吗
所以我是语言的设计者但总是听到“离实施小组远点我们目睹了你对Perl 5做的那些我们不想历史重演”真是让我忍俊不禁因为他们作为起步的核心和原先Perl 5的内部结构上几乎别无二致也许就只因为这个原因实施小组早期的工作并不顺利。
因此我们明确了其中的一些语义模型的但更重要的是我们开始建立符合哪些语义模型的测试套件。在这时候持续的对Parrot VM进行开发以及另一个实施项目Niecza的到来它基于.Net是由一个年轻的家伙搞出来的。他很聪明且实施了一大部分的Perl 6。不过他还是一个人干并没有找到什么好方法让别人介入他的项目。
同时Parrot项目变得过于庞大以至于任何人都不能真正的由内而外的管理它并且很难重构。负责这方面工作的Rakudo觉得我们可能需要在更多平台上运行不止Parrot VM。于是他们发明了所谓的可移植层“Not Quite Perl”简写成NQP。他们一开始将它移植到JVMJava虚拟机上运行与此同时他们还秘密的在一个新的VM上工作。这个叫做MoarVM的VM这去年刚刚为人知晓。
无论MoarVM还是JVM在回归测试中表现得十分接近 —— 在许多方面Parrot算是紧随其后。这样不挑剔VM真的很棒我们也能开始考虑将NQP发扬光大。谷歌夏季编码大赛的目标就是针对JavaScript的NQP这应该靠谱因为MoarVM平时处理也同样使用Node.js。
我们认为将Perl 6作为第一门语言来学习是可行的。一大堆的将Perl 5作为第一门语言学习的人让我们吃惊。你知道在Perl 5中有许多相当大的概念如闭包范围操作符和一些你通常在函数式编程中学到的特性。这才Perl 6中同样有很多。
> “到现在为止Python社区在低阶方面的教学工作做得比我们要好。”
Perl 6花了这么长时间的部分原因是我们尝试去坚持将近50种互不相同的原则在设计语言的最后对于“哪点是最重要的规则”这个问题还是悬而未决。有太多的问题需要讨论。优势我们做出了决定并已经工作了一段时间才发现这个决定并不正确。
之前我们并未针对并发程序设计设计或指定些什么直到Jonathan Worthington的出现他非常巧妙的权衡了各个方面。他结合了一些其他语言诸如Go和C#的想法,将并发原语写的非常好。可组合性是一个语言至关重要的一部分。
很滑稽的是很多程序设计系统的并发和并行写的并不好 —— 就像线程和锁不良的操作方式有很多。所以在我看来额外花点时间看一下Go或者C#这种高阶原语的开发是很值得的 —— 他们在条目中列出了矛盾 —— 写的相当棒。
作者:[Mike Saunders][a]
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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
为Linux 4.3 内核添加MOST 驱动子系统
当4.2 内核还没有正式发布的时候Greg Kroah-Hartman 就为他维护的各种子系统模块打开了4.3 的合并窗口。
周二Greg KH 发起的拉取请求pull request里包含了linux 4.3 的合并窗口更新内容涉及驱动核心、TTY/串口、USB驱动、字符/杂项以及暂存区内容。这些拉取申请没有提供任何震撼性的改变,大部分都是改进/附加/修改bug。暂存区内容又是大量的修正和清理但是还是有一个新的驱动子系统。
Greg 提到了[4.3 的暂存区改变][2]“这里的很多东西几乎全部都是细小的修改和改变。通常的IIO 更新和新驱动以及我们已经添加了的MOST 驱动子系统已经在源码树里整理了。ozwpan 驱动最终还是被删掉,引文它很明显被废弃了而且也没有人关心它。”
MOST 驱动子系统是面向媒体的系统传输的简称。在linux 4.3 新增的文档里面解释道“MOST 驱动支持LInux 应用程序访问MOST 网络汽车信息骨干网和高速汽车多媒体网络的事实上的标准。MOST 定义了必要的协议、硬件和软件层提供高效且低消耗的传输控制实时的数据包传输只需要使用一个媒介物理层。目前使用的媒介是光线、非屏蔽双绞线UTP和同轴电缆。MOST 也支持多种传输速度最高支持150Mbps。”如文档解释的MOST 主要是关于Linux 在汽车上的应用。
当Greg KH 发出了他为Linux 4.3 多个子系统做出的更新,但是他还没有打算提交[KDBUS][5]的内核代码。他之前已经放出了[linux 4.3 的KDBUS] 的开发计划所以我们将需要等待官方的4.3 合并窗口看看会发生什么。关注Phoronix 下周关于linux 4.3 内核的新闻报道此时合并窗口将会开始假如Linus 在本周[发布linux 4.2][4]。
作者:[Michael Larabel][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
如何在64位Ubuntu 15.10中编译最新版32位Wine
[下载源码包][2]([直接下载][3])并解压(**tar -xf wine-1.7.53**).然后,安装依赖。
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-multilib libx11-dev:i386 libfreetype6-dev:i386 libxcursor-dev:i386 libxi-dev:i386 libxshmfence-dev:i386 libxxf86vm-dev:i386 libxrandr-dev:i386 libxinerama-dev:i386 libxcomposite-dev:i386 libglu1-mesa-dev:i386 libosmesa6-dev:i386 libpcap0.8-dev:i386 libdbus-1-dev:i386 libncurses5-dev:i386 libsane-dev:i386 libv4l-dev:i386 libgphoto2-dev:i386 liblcms2-dev:i386 gstreamer0.10-plugins-base:i386 libcapi20-dev:i386 libcups2-dev:i386 libfontconfig1-dev:i386 libgsm1-dev:i386 libtiff5-dev:i386 libmpg123-dev:i386 libopenal-dev:i386 libldap2-dev:i386 libgnutls-dev:i386 libjpeg-dev:i386
sudo make install
./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr/bin
make install
作者Craciun Dan
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出