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@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ LCTT的组成
加入的成员,请先阅读[WIKI 如何开始](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject/wiki/01-如何开始)。
加入的成员,请先阅读[WIKI 如何开始](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject/wiki/01-如何开始)。
@ -39,62 +38,75 @@ LCTT的组成
- CORE [carolinewuyan](https://github.com/carolinewuyan),
- CORE [carolinewuyan](https://github.com/carolinewuyan),
- CORE [DeadFire](https://github.com/DeadFire),
- CORE [DeadFire](https://github.com/DeadFire),
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- CORE [vito-L](https://github.com/vito-L),
- CORE [jasminepeng](https://github.com/jasminepeng),
- CORE [willqian](https://github.com/willqian),
- CORE [vizv](https://github.com/vizv),
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- [luoxcat](https://github.com/Luoxcat),
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- Senior [tinyeyeser](https://github.com/tinyeyeser),
- Senior [vito-L](https://github.com/vito-L),
- Senior [jasminepeng](https://github.com/jasminepeng),
- Senior [willqian](https://github.com/willqian),
- Senior [vizv](https://github.com/vizv),
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- [l3b2w1](https://github.com/l3b2w1),
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- [2q1w2007](https://github.com/2q1w2007),
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- [disylee](https://github.com/disylee),
- [CNprober](https://github.com/CNprober),
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- [JonathanKang](https://github.com/JonathanKang),
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- [zzlyzq](https://github.com/zzlyzq),
- [ailurus1991](https://github.com/ailurus1991),
- [FineFan](https://github.com/FineFan),
- [tomatoKiller](https://github.com/tomatoKiller),
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- [Maclauring](https://github.com/Maclauring),
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- [small-Wood](https://github.com/small-Wood),
- [zsJacky](https://github.com/zsJacky),
- [zsJacky](https://github.com/zsJacky),
- [Hao-Ding](https://github.com/Hao-Ding),
- [luoyutiantang](https://github.com/luoyutiantang),
- [small-Wood](https://github.com/small-Wood),
- [CHINAANSHE](https://github.com/CHINAANSHE),
- [CHINAANSHE](https://github.com/CHINAANSHE),
- [ggaaooppeenngg](https://github.com/ggaaooppeenngg),
- [guodongxiaren](https://github.com/guodongxiaren),
- [cereuz](https://github.com/cereuz),
- [lijhg](https://github.com/lijhg),
- [lijhg](https://github.com/lijhg),
@ -113,3 +125,4 @@ LCTT的组成
* 2014/05/04 更换了新的QQ群:198889102
* 2014/05/04 更换了新的QQ群:198889102
* 2014/05/16 增加了Core Translators 成员: will.qian、vizv。
* 2014/05/16 增加了Core Translators 成员: will.qian、vizv。
* 2014/06/18 由于GOLinux令人惊叹的翻译速度和不错的翻译质量,升级为Core Translators 成员。
* 2014/06/18 由于GOLinux令人惊叹的翻译速度和不错的翻译质量,升级为Core Translators 成员。
* 2014/09/09 LCTT 一周年,做一年总结。并将曾任 CORE 的成员分组为 Senior,以表彰他们的贡献。
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
LCTT 2014 : LCTT 成立一年总结
### 缘起 ###
一年前,我因为开发 Linux 中国的微信公众号,想着在公众号里面提供 Linux 的 man 手册应该是个不错的主意,因此在网上遍寻中文 man 手册。虽然我之前也寻找过中文的 man 手册,知道颇多不全和错漏,但是这次仔细搜寻之下,却发现还远较我预计的还差。
无奈之下,只能先使用了英文版本作为 man 的内容,并因此萌发了组织一个翻译 man 手册的活动或组织的想法。说干就干,当时我就在 Linux 中国的 QQ 群里面发起了倡议,还真得到了大家响应。
于是,2013 年 9 月 10日,草草而就的 LCTT 就成立了,很快就创建了一个 QQ 群作为交流,并确定了名称为“Linux.CN Translate Team”,简称 LCTT。考虑到需要多人协作,几乎没有多想,就决定了采用 GITHUB 作为翻译平台——虽然现在看起来,GITHUB 作为主要工作平台,有利也有弊,但是,总体来说还是不错的。LCTT 就这样启动了。
### 发展 ###
LCTT 草创,各种方面都没有经验,也出现过一些失误。比如说,开始时对于 GITHUB 以及 GIT,大部分人,包括我,都不是很熟悉,因此并未采用 Pull-Request 模式,而是共同控制的方式,也由于一些协调和经验的原因,出现过版本错误和回滚,甚至回滚得更乱。还有,初期还要求 LINUX 中国网站 的注册身份,但是后来发现这完全不必要。
本来成立 LCTT 的目标是为了 man 手册的翻译,但是经过研究,我发现翻译 man 手册还有一些困难:
1. man 手册是二进制的 groff 格式,因此生成和解析需要一些额外的过程,甚至需要一些特定的环境;
2. man 手册对翻译的能力要求较高,并且应该对 man 手册所对应的命令有足够的了解,才能翻译得当,因为一字之差就可能导致很多误解。
所以,当时商量决定,先期启动普通的 Linux 方面、开源方面的文章翻译,以此来摸索翻译流程和锻炼协作,并作为翻译 man 手册的人员筛选环节。
我安排 Linux 中国站长,原本经常独自翻译发表来自国外文章的 DeadFire 来做选题。他负责将选题从英文的页面,转换成 Markdown 格式。我又找了朋友 jasminepeng 和 carolinewuyan 帮忙做校对,我自己则主要承担发布的工作。
初期,很快就涌现出了一些积极参与的人员,如 tinyeyeser、vito-L、boredivanivan等等,不一一列举了,他们不但积极参与翻译,而且还帮助撰写了第一批的翻译组 Wiki 文档,对引导新人起到了很大作用。
伴随着 LCTT 的逐步运作,一个月之后,我和大家感觉时间比较成熟了,就启动了 man 翻译计划。
### man 翻译计划的夭折 ###
_写下这个标题时,我也颇感觉惭愧的,这也算是我正视这个结果吧。不管怎么说,现在还是深夜,未过零点,我终究是在 LCTT 一周年之前正视了失败。_
其实,前面提到过,我检索过各种可以找到的中文 man 翻译项目的结果,但种种结果让人无法满意,因此我觉得,我应该能吸取其中的教训,为 Linux、为开源做点实事出来。
我总结的之前的 man 翻译项目失败的原因大概如下:
1. 缺乏足够的驱动力,翻译者无论从利益还是荣誉,都得不到鼓励,因此往往难以为继。
2. 由于依赖个人热情,没有形成流动机制,因此,当某个人热情耗尽之后,就没有人继续接手维护。
3. 翻译流程简单,没有形成初译、校对、发布等流程,无法保证质量,也没有保持同步更新的流程。
因此,我觉得,通过建立一个翻译的公益组织(即 LCTT)、建立翻译流程、翻译后保留翻译和校对等人员的署名,可以解决一些以上的问题。
但是,其实我还忽视了一点,翻译 man 手册,其实无论是环境还是流程,比较复杂,因此限制了参与者。参与门槛高,导致发展不能持续。
因此,实际上,man 翻译项目,在大概运作了一个月之后,就逐渐停滞下来了,虽然后期,willqian 独立完成了很多篇,但是总体来说,man 翻译项目算是失败了。
### 总结这一年 ###
抛开 man 翻译项目的失败不说,其实,LCTT 还是成果累累。
这一年,我们完成了 5820 次提交,发起了 1482 个 PR,翻译了 805 篇文章。
这一年,我们有了 98 个贡献者,得到了 162 个 fork。
我使用了一个工具,根据这一年来我们 LCTT 翻译项目的 git 日志,生成了一段[视频](http://img.linux.net.cn/static/video/lctt2014.mp4)。看着视频中如辛勤的工蜂一样忙忙碌碌的志愿者们;看着如穿花蝴蝶一样,承担了更多工作量的选题、校对们;看着归档时如同施展魔法一样,瞬间变出了一朵朵花,我感觉我们这一年是有收获的一年!
请大家观赏我们这一年: http://img.linux.net.cn/static/video/lctt2014.mp4 (213M,720p)
这是我用 kdenlive 合成配音的。虽然我的乐感很差,只能选择一首自己觉得还算配的音乐;虽然我根本不会用 kdenlive,连配音淡出都琢磨半天;虽然我编译用于生成这个视频的 gource 都花费了几个小时来解决问题;但是,看到这份视频,我为我们 LCTT 这一年来的工作感到骄傲。
### 感谢你们 ###
虽然很俗套,但是此刻,已经是 2014 年 9 月 10 日凌晨00:50了,我心情很激动,真心感谢所有的参与者、贡献者。几乎每个 LCTT 的成员我都知道,也有几个我特别熟悉;LCTT 的成员有新来的,也有逐渐淡出的,但是不论是那种,我都记得你们。
名单太长,我就不一一列举了: https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject/graphs/contributors
### 接下来 ###
我会说,man 计划我不会放弃么?
是的,man 计划是 LCTT 之所以发起的原因,也是 LCTT 能够持久发展的基础,而 man 翻译也是真正对国内的 Linux 、开源发展有实在意义的事情,所以,我不会放弃。
我会投入精力开发一个翻译平台,用于 man 项目的翻译、校对和发布,将复杂的翻译环境配置和使用方法隐藏在后面;并增加可视化的图表和进度显示,明了的体现翻译工作进展;对接 man7.org 的最新更新,保持 man 内容的及时更新等等。
期待 LCTT 的下一个年度的发展吧!
LCTT wxy
2014 年 9 月 10 日
published/20140723 Top 10 Fun On The Command Line.md
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published/20140723 Top 10 Fun On The Command Line.md
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
### 密码 ###
在第一个列表里探讨的是马克.伯内特2011著的关于[10000 个最常用的密码][1]汇编。这个列表是有序的、使用最频繁的,也是广为人知的阶乘“密码”的最常用来源之一,与“123456”并列排名第二。在这里,我把该列表放到一个名为“passwords”的文件中,并且使用head命令把排名前10的列出来了:



在 passwords 文件中出现最频繁的字母依次是EARONISTLC,类似于EAIRTONSLC,这是至少[一个出版的表格][3]中提到的常用英文单词中出现的字频。这是否意味着,大部分密码其实是一些常见的英语单词呢,也许会参杂一些数字呢?
首先我将通过 **sed** 命令删除所有密码中的数字,然后删除所有的标点符号,再删除所有的空行。这将创建出一个纯字母的密码列表。然后我通过**sort** 和 **uniq**来修剪列表的排序,将重复项取出。(例如,'abc1234def'和'abc1!2!3!def!'都剔除剩下'abcdef'.) 。根据wc命令,我把1000个密码减至成8583个纯字母的字符串:

我经常使用一本便携式的英语字典,我通常会使用`usr/share/dict/american-english`,这个文件是来自Debian Linux的一个发行版本。它包含了99171个单词。我会先通过**tr**命令将这个词表转换为纯小写的,然后使用**sort** 和 **uniq**删除掉任何重复的条目排序(例如'A' 和 'a' 都将成为 'a')。这样就将词表的数量减至97723项了:


总数是3137,所以至少有8583 -3137 = 5446个'核心'密码在伯纳特的纯小写字母列表中(大约63%)是简单的英语单词,或者是简单的单词附加一些数字或者标点符号。我之所以说“至少”,是因为在3137个字符串中有很大比例是只有经过轻微修改的纯英语单词、名称、或者在/usr/share字典中未能找到的名称修改而成的。在LA项中,例如,'labtec', 'ladyboy', 'lakeside', 'lalakers', 'lalala', 'laserjet', 'lasvegas', 'lavalamp' 和 'lawman'.
### 地名 ###
在之前的一篇[Linux Rain article][4],我描述了如何建立一张37万项澳大利亚的地名表。有了它,我现在可以回答一些类似这样的关键问题“Round Hill是澳大利亚山脉中最流行的名字吗?”和“桑迪是沙滩之最,而岩溪峡谷呢?”

另一个亟待解决的问题是有多少地名有'Mile'在其中,例如'Six Mile Creek',而他们的排名又是如何:

我在我的澳洲之旅发现有很多Dead Horse Creeks,因此有这些地名:

### 种类 ###
(科技小贴士:这个昆虫表,可以从开发数据Zenodo库中[https://zenodo.org/record/10481][5]取得,包括亚种。在我的‘top 10’练习中,我首先分离出所有独特的种群组合,这样避免了重复的,例如蜜蜂iberica的亚种,以避免蜜蜂的绰号intermissa,等等。最后一个物种文件有18155个绰号。)
大多数人讲科学名称带玩笑式地用'-us'结局,如'Biggus buggus'。那么昆虫学家呢?有几个不错的,用命令行的方式获取字符串的最后2个字母,在这里我都会用到这2个:




嗯,除了明显的'australis'和'australiensis',而地理方面的'occidentalis'(西部),另外昆虫学家创建7个在10个最流行列表中的绰号已经履行了其它昆虫学家的意愿。(绰号'commoni'是给澳大利亚蝴蝶和蛾专家Ian F.B. Common[1917-2006]的荣誉。)
### 演变 ###


### 即将推出... ###
从多列的表中做'top 10'等排名,需要更多些的命令行工具。我将会在未来的文章中证明他们的用处。
via: http://thelinuxrain.com/articles/top-10-fun-on-the-command-line
原文作者:Bob Mesibov(Bob Mesibov is Tasmanian, retired and a keen Linux tinkerer.)
译者:[disylee](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[wxy](https://github.com/wxy)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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如何创建Ubuntu 信息亭(kiosk)
### 信息端和单功能计算机 ###
### 信息亭和单功能计算机 ###
### 构建Ubuntu信息端 ###
### 构建Ubuntu信息端 ###
但你会怎样来创建这样一台计算机?好吧,保存你的Google。Linux开发者Oli Warner最近发布了两篇文章,介绍了使用Ubuntu 14.04和Google Chrome来创建单一功能的设备。
但你会怎样来创建这样一台计算机?好吧,不用去Google了。Linux开发者Oli Warner最近发布了两篇文章,介绍了使用Ubuntu 14.04和Google Chrome来创建单一功能的设备。
他的第一篇指南从零开始,使用Ubuntu Server和少量的软件包来创建一个轻量级的X和Openbox的组合,开机启动Chrome。该安装需要最多2GB的磁盘空间和仅仅512MB的内存来运行。
他的第一篇指南从零开始,使用Ubuntu Server和少量的软件包来创建一个轻量级的X和Openbox的组合,开机启动Chrome。该安装需要最多2GB的磁盘空间和仅仅512MB的内存来运行。
- [从零开始构建信息端计算机][1]
- [从零开始构建信息亭计算机][1]
- [将Ubuntu转换成信息端计算机][2]
- [将Ubuntu转换成信息亭计算机][2]
Neither guide is for the faint-hearted, but are simple enough for most intermediate-level users to follow. Follow the guides to get a functional setup, but don’t be afraid to strip out further packages and processes or double down on security, especially if intending to use an instance in a public space.
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/create-ubuntu-kiosk
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
GIMP 2.8.12 Released — Here’s How to Install it on Ubuntu
GIMP 2.8.12 发布了,来看看如何在Ubuntu上安装
GIMP 2.8.12 发布了——来看如何在Ubuntu上安装它


@ -10,18 +9,18 @@ GIMP是一款免费的可替代Photoshop的软件
- 插件的笔刷大小不再变乱
- 插件的笔刷大小不再变形。
- .XCF 文件“更健康的”加载
- .XCF 文件的加载更稳固。
- 小部件的方向现在匹配界面语言(例如 RTL)
- 小部件的方向现在匹配界面语言(例如 RTL)。
- script-fu-server 的安全性提高
- script-fu-server 的安全性提高。
文档,帮助以及翻译的更新也包括其中。想了解在版本 2.8.10 和 2.8.12 之间所有已定的文件或项目的更改日志,可以看[the GNOME Git notes][2]。
文档,帮助以及翻译的更新也包括在其中。想了解在版本 2.8.10 和 2.8.12 之间所有修复完整更改日志,可以看[GNOME Git日志][2]。
### 在Ubuntu上安装最新的GIMP ###
### 在Ubuntu上安装最新的GIMP ###
在Ubuntu上吗?在Ubuntu 12.04 和14.04 LTS 上你可以通过添加[以下第三方PPA][4]软件源来安装GIMP 2.8.12:
在Ubuntu上呢?在Ubuntu 12.04 和14.04 LTS 上你可以通过添加[以下第三方PPA][4]软件源来安装GIMP 2.8.12:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/whats-new-in-gimp-2-8-12-plus-install-ub
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
### SearchMonkey是你的桌面搜索引擎 ###
### SearchMonkey是你的桌面搜索引擎 ###
### 在Ubuntu 14.04中安装SearchMonkey ###
### 在Ubuntu 14.04中安装SearchMonkey ###
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SearchMonkey可以在Ubuntu 14.04的软件仓库中找到,你只需要通过Ub


@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ via: http://itsfoss.com/searchmonkey-search-text-files-linux/
作者:[Amit Asthana][a]
作者:[Amit Asthana][a]
译者:[GOLinux](https://github.com/GOLinux )
译者:[GOLinux](https://github.com/GOLinux )
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Jelly Conky Adds Simple, Stylish Stats To Your Linux Desktop
**I treat Conky setups a bit like wallpapers: I’ll find one I love, only to change it the next week because I’m bored of it and want a change.**
Part of the impatience is fuelled by the ever-growing catalog of designs available. One of my most recent favourites is Jelly Conky.

Jelly Conky sports the minimal design many of the Conky’s we’ve highlighted recently have followed. It’s not trying to be a kitchen sink. It won’t win favour with those who need constant at-a-glance data on their HDD temperatures and IP addresses.
It comes with three distinct modes that can all add personality to an otherwise static background image:
- Clock
- Clock plus date
- Clock plus date and weather
Some people don’t understand the point of having a duplicate clock on show on the desktop. That’s understandable. For me, it’s more about form than function (though, personally, I find Conky clocks easier to see than the minuscule digits nestled in my upper panel).
Chances are if you have a home screen widget on Android with the time, you won’t mind having one on your desktop, either!
You can download Jelly Conky from the link below. The .zip archive contains a readme with instructions on how to install. For a guided walkthrough, [revisit one of our previous articles][1].
- [Download Jelly Conky on Deviant Art][2]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/jelly-conky-for-linux-desktop
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
Meet the 12 Ubuntu 14.10 Wallpaper Contest Winners (So Far)
Get ready to glance over a group of images you’ll be seeing a whole lot more of in the coming months. Yes, the winners of the [Ubuntu 14.10 Wallpaper contest][1] have been unveiled.
Well, announced ‘sort of’. So far twelve backgrounds have been formally selected to ship on the Ubuntu 14.10 release.
Having sifted through an entry pool of almost 400 images the judging panel made up of April’s winning artists have chosen a visually varied and colourful collection. I know I say it every 6 months, but this one looks to be the best yet (and not just because one or two of [our own favourites made it in][2]!)
### Meet The Winners ###
You can see the current crop of selected images below. Emphasis is on current for now as, according to the contest organiser Iain Farrell, [**he is**][3] “…awaiting a couple from people but if they don’t come back to me we’ll have to go without!” .

Obligatory mascot wallpaper

‘Empty Space’ by Glenn Rayat

Sand & horses by M. Siewert

Golden Leaves

Life Nomadic by Sal’

‘xgu472hf2′ by Lariliikala

Rocky shore? Juan PL.

‘Warm Grasses’ by dcsearle.t21

Kronach Leuchtet by Brian Fox

Davor Dopar’s seascape

Music by Tomasino

Joel Heaps’ Sunny Autumn
We’ll update this post when/if any changes occur. You can grab a .zip archive of the entries for yourself [from Launchpad][4]. The full Utopic Wallpapers package, likely to include the ‘new’ default wallpaper, will be made available in the next day or two.
Let us know which of the designs are your favourites in the comments below — and do try to keep things positive!
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/ubuntu-14-10-wallpaper-contest-winners
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Drab Desktop? Try These 4 Beautiful Linux Icon Themes
**Ubuntu’s default icon theme [hasn’t changed much][1] in almost 5 years, save for the [odd new icon here and there][2]. If you’re tired of how it looks we’re going to show you a handful of gorgeous alternatives that will easily freshen things up.**
Do feel free to share links to your own favourite choices in the comments below.
### Captiva ###

Captiva icons, elementary folders and Moka GTK
Captiva is a relatively new icon theme that even the least bling-prone user can appreicate.
Made by DeviantArt user ~[bokehlicia][3], Captiva shuns the 2D flat look of many current icon themes for a softer, rounded look. The icons themselves have an almost material or textured look, with subtle drop shadows and a rich colour palette adding to the charm.
It doesn’t yet include a set of its own folder icons, and will fallback to using elementary (if available) or stock Ubuntu icons.
To install Captiva icons in Ubuntu 14.04 you can add the official PPA by opening a new Terminal window and enter the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:captiva/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install captiva-icon-theme
Or, if you’re not into software source cruft, by downloading the icon pack direct from the DeviantArt page. To install, extract the archive and move the resulting folder to the ‘.icons‘ directory in Home.
However you choose to install it, you’ll need to apply this (and every other theme on this list) using a utility like [Unity Tweak Tool][4].
- [Captiva Icon Theme on DeviantArt][5]
### Square Beam ###

Square Beam icon set with Orchis GTK
After something a bit angular? Check out Square Beam. It offers a more imposing visual statement than other sets on this list, with electric colours, harsh gradients and stark iconography. It claims to have more than 30,000 different icons (!) included (you’ll forgive me for not counting) so you should find very few gaps in its coverage.
- [Square Beam Icon Theme on GNOME-Look.org][6]
### Moka & Faba ###

Moka/Faba Mono Icons with Orchis GTK
The Moka icon suite needs little introduction. In fact, I’d wager a good number of you are already using it
With pastel colours, soft edges and simple icon artwork, Moka is a truly standout and comprehensive set of application icons. It’s best used with its sibling, Faba, which Moka will inherit so as to fill in all the system icons, folders, panel icons, etc. The combined result is…well, you’ve got eyes!
For full details on how to install on Ubuntu head over to the official project website, link below.
- [Download Moka and Faba Icon Themes][7]
### Compass ###

Compass Icon Theme with Numix Blue GTK
Last on our list, but by no means least, is Compass. This is a true adherent to the ’2D, two-tone’ UI design right now. It may not be as visually diverse as others on this list, but that’s the point. It’s consistent and uniform and all the better for it — just check out those folder icons!
It’s available to download and install manually through GNOME-Look (link below) or through the Nitrux Artwork PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nitrux/nitrux-artwork
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compass-icon-theme
- [Compass Icon Theme on GNOME-Look.org][8]
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/4-gorgeous-linux-icon-themes-download
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
Why Do Some Old Programming Languages Never Die?
> We like what we already know.

Many of today’s most well-known programming languages are old enough to vote. PHP is 20. Python is 23. HTML is 21. Ruby and JavaScript are 19. C is a whopping 42 years old.
Nobody could have predicted this. Not even computer scientist [Brian Kernighan][1], co-author of the very first book on C, which is still being printed today. (The language itself was the work of Kernighan's [co-author Dennis Ritchie][2], who passed away in 2011.)
“I dimly recall a conversation early on with the editors, telling them that we’d sell something like 5,000 copies of the book,” Kernighan told me in a recent interview. “We managed to do better than that. I didn’t think students would still be using a version of it as a textbook in 2014.”
What’s especially remarkable about C's persistence is that Google developed a new language, Go, specifically to more efficiently solve the problems C solves now. Still, it’s hard for Kernighan to imagine something like Go outright killing C no matter how good it is.
“Most languages don’t die—or at least once they get to a certain level of acceptance they don’t die," he said. "C still solves certain problems better than anything else, so it sticks around.”
### Write What You Know ###
Why do some computer languages become more successful than others? Because developers choose to use them. That’s logical enough, but it gets tricky when you want to figure out why developers choose to use the languages they do.
Ari Rabkin and Leo Meyerovich are researchers from, respectively, Princeton and the University of California at Berkeley who devoted two years to answering just that question. Their resulting paper, [Empirical Analysis of Programming Language Adoption][3], describes their analysis of more than 200,000 Sourceforge projects and polling of more than 13,000 programmers.
Their main finding? Most of the time programmers choose programming languages they know.
“There are languages we use because we’ve always used them,” Rabkin told me. “For example, astronomers historically use IDL [Interactive Data Language] for their computer programs, not because it has special features for stars or anything, but because it has tremendous inertia. They have good programs they’ve built with it that they want to keep.”
In other words, it’s partly thanks to name recognition that established languages retain monumental staying power. Of course, that doesn’t mean popular languages don’t change. Rabkin noted that the C we use today is nothing like the language Kernighan first wrote about, which probably wouldn’t be fully compatible with a modern C compiler.
“There’s an old, relevant joke in which an engineer is asked which language he thinks people will be using in 30 years and he says, ‘I don’t know, but it’ll be called Fortran’,” Rabkin said. “Long-lived languages are not the same as how they were when they were designed in the '70s and '80s. People have mostly added things instead of removed because that doesn’t break backwards compatibility, but many features have been fixed.”
This backwards compatibility means that not only can programmers continue to use languages as they update programs, they also don’t need to go back and rewrite the oldest sections. That older ‘legacy code’ keeps languages around forever, but at a cost. As long as it’s there, people’s beliefs about a language will stick around, too.
### PHP: A Case Study Of A Long-Lived Language ###
Legacy code refers to programs—or portions of programs—written in outdated source code. Think, for instance, of key programming functions for a business or engineering project that are written in a language that no one supports. They still carry out their original purpose and are too difficult or expensive to rewrite in modern code, so they stick around, forcing programmers to turn handsprings to ensure they keep working even as other code changes around them.
Any language that's been around more than a few years has a legacy-code problem of some sort, and PHP is no exception. PHP is an interesting example because its legacy code is distinctly different from its modern code, in what proponents say—and critics admit—is a huge improvement.
Andi Gutmans is a co-inventor of the Zend Engine, the compiler that became standard by the time PHP4 came around. Gutmans said he and his partner originally wanted to improve PHP3, and were so successful that the original PHP inventor, Rasmus Lerdorf, joined their project. The result was a compiler for PHP4 and its successor, PHP5.
As a consequence, the PHP of today is quite different from its progenitor, the original PHP. Yet in Gutmans' view, the base of legacy code written in older PHP versions keeps alive old prejudices against the language—such as the notion that PHP is riddled with security holes, or that it can't "scale" to handle large computing tasks.
"People who criticize PHP are usually criticizing where it was in 1998,” he says. “These people are not up-to-date with where it is today. PHP today is a very mature ecosystem.”
Today, Gutmans says, the most important thing for him as a steward is to encouraging people to keep updating to the latest versions. “PHP is a big enough community now that you have big legacy code bases," he says. "But generally speaking, most of our communities are on PHP5.3 at minimum.”
The issue is that users never fully upgrade to the latest version of any language. It’s why many Python users are still using Python 2, released in 2000, instead of Python 3, released in 2008. Even after six years major users like Google still aren’t upgrading. There are a variety of reasons for this, but it made many developers wary about taking the plunge.
“Nothing ever dies," Rabkin says. "Any language with legacy code will last forever. Rewrites are expensive and if it’s not broke don’t fix it.”
### Developer Brains As Scarce Resources ###
Of course, developers aren’t choosing these languages merely to maintain pesky legacy code. Rabkin and Meyerovich found that when it comes to language preference, age is just a number. As Rabkin told me:
> A thing that really shocked us and that I think is important is that we grouped people by age and asked them how many languages they know. Our intuition was that it would gradually rise over time; it doesn’t. Twenty-five-year-olds and 45-year-olds all know about the same number of languages. This was constant through several rewordings of the question. Your chance of knowing a given language does not vary with your age.
In other words, it’s not just old developers who cling to the classics; young programmers are also discovering and adopting old languages for the first time. That could be because the languages have interesting libraries and features, or because the communities these developers are a part of have adopted the language as a group.
“There’s a fixed amount of programmer attention in the world,” said Rabkin. “If a language delivers enough distinctive value, people will learn it and use it. If the people you exchange code and knowledge with you share a language, you’ll want to learn it. So for example, as long as those libraries are Python libraries and community expertise is Python experience, Python will do well.”
Communities are a huge factor in how languages do, the researchers discovered. While there's not much difference between high level languages like Python and Ruby, for example, programmers are prone to develop strong feelings about the superiority of one over the other.
“Rails didn’t have to be written in Ruby, but since it was, it proves there were social factors at work,” Rabkin says. “For example, the thing that resurrected Objective-C is that the Apple engineering team said, ‘Let’s use this.’ They didn’t have to pick it.”
Through social influence and legacy code, our oldest and most popular computer languages have powerful inertia. How could Go surpass C? If the right people and companies say it ought to.
“It comes down to who is better at evangelizing a language,” says Rabkin.
Lead image by [Blake Patterson][4]
via: http://readwrite.com/2014/09/02/programming-language-coding-lifetime
作者:[Lauren Orsini][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
With Apple Watch Unveiled, Could an Ubuntu Smartwatch Be Next?
**Apple today confirmed its long-rumoured foray into the wearable computing market with the launch of ‘Apple Watch’.**

Ubuntu Smartwatch – good idea?
Backed by a robust set of features, hardware solutions and app partnerships, the wrist mounted device is being heralded by the company as “a new chapter in the relationship people have with technology.”
But does its arrival, and the uptick in consumer interest it will likely bring, mean Ubuntu should follow with a version of Ubuntu for smartwatches?
### Big Hand Is On Success ###
Apple joins the fast growing smart-watch sector at just about the right time. The boundaries of what a wrist-mounted computer can and should do are not yet set in stone. Bad design, poor user interfaces, and weak arguments for the usefulness of wearable technology to mainstream users has seen the hardware category remains sufficiently impressionable — a factor that has allowed Cupertino to take its time with the Apple Watch.
> ‘More than 22 million smartwatches will be sold this year, say analysts’
Sales of wearables, including fitness trackers, last year were just shy of 10 million units worldwide. This year the number of devices analysts expect to see shifted will pass 22 million — and that’s without the Apple Watch, which doesn’t hit retail until early 2015.
It’s easy to see where the growth is going to come from. The IFA 2014 tradeshow held in Berlin at the start of September played host to a swathe of new wearables from major OEMs, including Sony and ASUS. Most are running Google’s newly released Android Wear platform.
A more mature offering, Android Wear debunks the novelty argument often associated with the form factor to present a consistent and convincing user scenario. Though, as with the new Apple Watch, it is one tightly hinging on an existing smartphone ecosystem.
Whether it’s a use case a wrist-mounted version Ubuntu can match isn’t (yet) clear.
#### ‘No Plans for an Ubuntu Smartwatch’ ####
The versatility of the Ubuntu OS combined with the stringent vision for a multi-device and convergent future has already seen Canonical target smart TVs, tablets and smartphones. Mir, the company’s homegrown display server, was even created to power interfaces on screens of all sizes (though admittedly not 1.5″ ones!).
At the start of this year then-Canonical community manager Jono Bacon was asked whether there were plans for an Ubuntu watch. Offering his opinion on the subject, Bacon mused: “adding another form factor to the [ubuntu touch] roadmap would only slow things down”.
As the two year anniversary of the Ubuntu Phone announcement approaches, it’s hard not to agree with him.
### Tick, Tock, Hedge-Your-Bets O’Clock ###
But all hope is not lost. In a [press call a few months later][1] Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth mentioned wearable technologies in the same breath as the company’s plans for TVs, tablets and smartphones, saying:
> “Ubuntu is really unique in that it has this beautiful design on the phone, but it’s also designed at the same time to feed all of those other ecosystems, from wearables to the PC.”
While far from concrete confirmation, it serves as a pointer; an optimistic hedge in that direction.
#### Not likely — and here’s why ####
Canonical is not averse to entering markets with entrenched monopolies. In fact, it’s in the DNA of the company — RHEL on servers, Windows on desktops, Android on smartphones…
Ubuntu for devices is built as such that it could be expended to and adapted to run on smaller screens, possible even those as small as a watch face. When the common code base is in place for phone, tablet, desktop and TV I’d be surprised if we didn’t see some sort of effort in this direction from the community.
But reason why I don’t think it’s likely to happen from Canonical’s side, at least not yet, is an echo of Jono Bacon’s personal thoughts earlier this year: time and effort.
Tim Cook said in his keynote: “*We didn’t take the iPhone and shrink the user interface and strap it on your wrist.*” It’s an obvious statement. Designing a UI and UX model for such a small screen; working through interaction methodologies; complimenting hardware and input models isn’t a simple task.
Wearable technology is still a nascent market. At this stage Canonical would be wasting development, design and business time in pursuing it. Any benefits would be outweighed by the loss in other, more pressing areas.
Playing the longer game, waiting it out to see where other efforts succeed and fail, is the harder route, but the one better suited to Ubuntu as it stands today. It’s better for Canonical to focus energies on existing products (which some argue are already arriving late) before throwing newer ones out ahead of them.
**For an idea of what an Ubuntu smartwatch could be like hit play on the following video which shows an interactive Unity themed skin for the Tizen powered Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch.**
<iframe width="750" height="563" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8Zf5dktXzEs?feature=oembed"></iframe>
via: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/ubuntu-smartwatch-apple-iwatch
作者:[Joey-Elijah Sneddon][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
alim0x translating
The history of Android

The main alarm screen, setting an alarm, the calculator, and the calculator advanced functions screen.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
Android 0.9 gave us the first look at the Alarm and Calculator apps. The alarm app featured a plain analog clock with a scrolling list of alarms on the bottom. Rather than some kind of on/off switch, alarms were set with a checkbox. Alarms could be set to repeat at certain days of the week, and there was a whole list of selectable, unique alarm sounds.
The calculator was an all-black app with glossy, round buttons. Through the menu, it was possible to bring up an additional panel with advanced functions. Again consistency was not Google’s strong suit. The on-press highlight on the pi key was red—in the rest of Android 0.9, the on-press highlight was usually orange. In fact, everything used in the calculator was 100 percent custom artwork limited to only the calculator.

Google Maps with the menu open and the new directions interface.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
Google Maps actually worked in Android 0.9—the client could connect to the Google Maps server and pull down tiles. (For our images, remember that Google Maps is cloud based. Even the oldest of clients will still pull down modern map tiles, so ignore the actual map tiles pictured.) The Maps menu got the same all-gray treatment as the browser menu, and the zoom controls were the same as the browser too. The all-important "My Location" button finally arrived, meaning this version of Maps supported GPS location.
The directions interface was revamped. The weird speech bubbles with misaligned plus buttons were swapped out for a more communicative bookmark icon, the swap field button moved to the left, and the go button was now labeled "Route."

The Google Maps layers selector, search history, and the now-broken street view mode.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
"Layers" was renamed "Map Mode" and switched to a radio button list. Only one map type was available at a time—you couldn't see traffic on the satellite view, for instance. Buried in the menu was a hastily thrown together search history screen. History seemed like only a proof-of-concept, with giant, blurry search icons that rammed up against search terms on a transparent background.
Street View used to be a separate app (although it was never made available to the public), but in 0.9 it was integrated into Google Maps as a Map Mode. You could drag the little pegman around, and it would display a popup bubble showing the thumbnail for Street View. Tapping on the thumbnail would launch Street View for that area. At the time, Street View showed nothing other than a scrollable 360 degree image—there was no UI on the interface at all.

Our first look at the Google Maps search interface. These shots show the search bar, the results in a list, the results in a map, and a business page.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
Android 0.9 also gave us our first look at the texting app, called "Messaging." Like many early Android designs, Messaging wasn't sure if it should be a dark app or a light app. The first visible screen was the message list, a stark black void of nothingness that looked like it was built on top of the settings interface. After tapping on “New Message" or one of the existing conversations, though, you were taken to a white and blue scrolling list of text messages. The two connected screens couldn’t be more different.

The SMS app’s chat window, attachment screen, chat list, and setting.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
Messaging supported a range of attachments: you could tack on pictures, audio, or a slideshow to your message. Pictures and audio could be recorded on the fly or pulled from phone storage. Another odd UI choice was that Android already had an established icon for almost everything in the attach menu, but Messaging used all-custom art instead.
Messaging was one of the first apps to have its own settings screen. Users could request read and delivery reports and set download preferences.

The slideshow creator. The right picture shows the menu options.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
The "slideshow" option in attachments would actually launch a fully featured slideshow creator. You could add pictures, choose the slide order, add music, change the duration of each slide, and add text. This was complicated enough to have its own app icon, but amazingly it was buried in the menu of the SMS app. This was one of the few Android apps that was completely unusable in portrait mode—the only way to see the picture and the controls was in landscape. Strangely, it would still rotate to portrait, but the layout just became a train wreck.

The Music player’s main navigation page, song list, album list, and “now playing" screen.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
Android 0.9 was the first to bring a music app to Android. The primary screen was mostly just four big, chunky navigation buttons that would take you to each music view. At the bottom of the app was a "now playing" bar that only contained the track name, artist, and a play/pause button. The song list had only a bare minimum interface, only showing the song name, artist, album and runtime. Album art was the only hope of seeing any color in this app. It was displayed as a tiny thumbnail in the album view and as a big, quarter-screen image in the Now Playing view.
Like most parts of Android in this era, the interface may not have been much to look at, but the features were there. The Now Playing screen had a button for a playlist queue that allowed you to drag songs around, shuffle, repeat, search, and choose background audio.

The “Pictures" all album view, individual album view, and a single picture view.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
The photo gallery was simply called "Pictures." The initial view showed all your albums. The two default ones were "Camera" and a large unified album called "All pictures." The thumbnail for each album was made up of a 2x2 grid of pictures, and every picture got a thick, white frame.
The individual album view was about what you would expect: a scrolling grid of pictures. You couldn't swipe through individual pictures—large left and right arrows flanking the individual picture had to be tapped on to move through an album. There was no pinch-zoom either; you had to zoom in and out with buttons.

Picture editing! These screenshots show an open menu, the “more" menu, cropping, and the settings.
Photo by Ron Amadeo
"Pictures" looked simple until you hit the menu button and suddenly accessed a myriad of options. Pictures could be cropped, rotated, deleted, or set as a wallpaper or contact icon. Like the browser, all of this was accomplished through a clumsy double-menu system. But again, why do two related menus look completely different?
Android 0.9 came out a mere two months before the first commercial release of Android. That was just enough time for app developers to make sure their apps worked—and for Google to do some testing and bug squashing before the big release.

[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron is the Reviews Editor at Ars Technica, where he specializes in Android OS and Google products. He is always on the hunt for a new gadget and loves to rip things apart to see how they work.
via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/5/
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Linux FAQs with Answers--How to enable Nux Dextop repository on CentOS or RHEL
> **Question**: I would like to install a RPM package which is available only in Nux Dextop repository. How can I set up Nux Dextop repository on CentOS or RHEL?
[Nux Dextop][1] is a third-party RPM repository which contains many popular desktop and multimedia related packages (e.g., Ardour, Shutter, etc) for CentOS, RHEL and ScientificLinux. Currently, Nux Dextop repository is available for CentOS/RHEL 6 and 7.
To enable Nux Dextop repository on CentOS or RHEL, follow the instructions below.
First of all, understand that Nux Dextop is designed to coexist with EPEL repository. So you need to [enable EPEL][2] in order to use Nux Dextop repo.
After enabling EPEL, go ahead and install Nux Dextop repository with rpm command as follows.
On CentOS/RHEL 6.*:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el6/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-2.el6.nux.noarch.rpm
On CentOS/RHEL 7:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-1.el7.nux.noarch.rpm
Now verify that Nux Dextop repository is successfully installed:
$ yum repolist

### For Repoforge/RPMforge Users ###
According to the author, Nux Dextop is known to cause conflicts with other third-party RPM repos such as Repoforge and ATrpms. Therefore, if you enabled any third-party repos other than EPEL, it is highly recommend you set Nux Dextop repository to "default off" state. That is, open /etc/yum.repos.d/nux-dextop.repo with a text editor, and change "enabled=1" to "enabled=0" under nux-desktop.
$ sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nux-dextop.repo

Then whenever you want to install a package from Nux Dextop repo, explicitly enable the repo as follows.
$ sudo yum --enablerepo=nux-dextop install <package-name>
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/enable-nux-dextop-repository-centos-rhel.html
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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
>>Linchenguang is translating
Linux TCP/IP networking: net-tools vs. iproute2
Linux TCP/IP networking: net-tools vs. iproute2
Many sysadmins still manage and troubleshoot various network configurations by using a combination of ifconfig, route, arp and netstat command-line tools, collectively known as net-tools. Originally rooted in the BSD TCP/IP toolkit, the net-tools was developed to configure network functionality of older Linux kernels. Its development in the Linux community so far has ceased since 2001. Some Linux distros such as Arch Linux and CentOS/RHEL 7 have already deprecated net-tools in favor of iproute2.
Many sysadmins still manage and troubleshoot various network configurations by using a combination of ifconfig, route, arp and netstat command-line tools, collectively known as net-tools. Originally rooted in the BSD TCP/IP toolkit, the net-tools was developed to configure network functionality of older Linux kernels. Its development in the Linux community so far has ceased since 2001. Some Linux distros such as Arch Linux and CentOS/RHEL 7 have already deprecated net-tools in favor of iproute2.
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Colourful ! systemd vs sysVinit Linux Cheatsheet
**systemd** is the new init system, starting with Fedora and now adopted in many distributions like RedHat, Suse and Centos. Historically, most of us have been using traditional SysV init scripts normally residing in /etc/rc.d/init.d/. These scripts invoke a daemon binary which will then fork a background process. Even though shell scripts are very flexible, tasks like supervising processes and parallelized execution ordering are difficult to implement. With the introduction of systemd’s new-style daemons it is easier to supervise and control them at runtime and it simplifies their implementation.
The **systemctl** command is a very good initiative by the systemd team. It shows more detailed error messages and also runtime errors of services including start-up errors. systemd have introduced a new term called **cgroups** (control groups) which is basically groups of process that can be arranged in a hierarchy. With the original init system, determining which process does what and who it belongs to becomes increasingly difficult. With systemd, when processes spawn other processes these children are automatically made members of the parents cgroup thus avoiding confusions about inheritance.

There are a lot of new [systemd commands available on rhel / centos 7.0][1]注:此文原文已做,文件名是:20140901 Awesome systemd Commands to Manage Linux System.md,如果翻译发布了,可修改此链接 version that would replace sysvinit commands. You can also download [pdf version of the systemd vs sysvinit cheatsheet][2].
via: http://linoxide.com/linux-command/systemd-vs-sysvinit-cheatsheet/
作者:[Bobbin Zachariah][a]
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How To Recover Default Openbox Config Files On Crunchbang
[CrunchBang][1] is a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution offering a great blend of speed, style and substance. Using the nimble Openbox window manager, it is highly customizable and provides a modern, full-featured GNU/Linux system without sacrificing performance.
As Crunchbang is highly customizable, users tweak it to their liking as much as they can. All this is done via text files (config). As a “Crunchbanger” myself, I recently messed up with my **menu.xml** config file, which is responsible for the menu shown below.

Which removed every code from the menu configuration file. Since I wasn’t having a backup (It’s good to backup config files too) I have to search for the default configuration that comes with Crunchbang out of the box. And here’s how I got it fixed thanks to Crunchbang forums.
It is very interesting to know all default configs were pre-backed up for you and can be found at
So for any default config you just copy them over and restart the appropriate application.
I will use Openbox **menu.xml** as an example here:

cp -r /etc/skel/.config/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml
Then restart openbox.
openbox --restart
via: http://www.unixmen.com/recover-default-openbox-config-files-crunchbang/
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
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How to create a cloud-based encrypted file system on Linux
Commercial cloud storage services such as [Amazon S3][1] and [Google Cloud Storage][2] offer highly available, scalable, infinite-capacity object store at affordable costs. To accelerate wide adoption of their cloud offerings, these providers are fostering rich developer ecosystems around their products based on well-defined APIs and SDKs. Cloud-backed file systems are one popular by-product of such active developer communities, for which several open-source implementations exist.
[S3QL][3] is one of the most popular open-source cloud-based file systems. It is a FUSE-based file system backed by several commercial or open-source cloud storages, such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace CloudFiles, or OpenStack. As a full featured file system, S3QL boasts of a number of powerful capabilities, such as unlimited capacity, up to 2TB file sizes, compression, UNIX attributes, encryption, snapshots with copy-on-write, immutable trees, de-duplication, hardlink/symlink support, etc. Any bytes written to an S3QL file system are compressed/encrypted locally before being transmitted to cloud backend. When you attempt to read contents stored in an S3QL file system, the corresponding objects are downloaded from cloud (if not in the local cache), and decrypted/uncompressed on the fly.
To be clear, S3QL does have limitations. For example, you cannot mount the same S3FS file system on several computers simultaneously, but only once at a time. Also, no ACL (access control list) support is available.
In this tutorial, I am going to describe **how to set up an encrypted file system on top of Amazon S3, using S3QL**. As an example use case, I will also demonstrate how to run rsync backup tool on top of a mounted S3QL file system.
### Preparation ###
To use this tutorial, you will need to create an [Amazon AWS account][4] (sign up is free, but requires a valid credit card).
If you haven't done so, first [create an AWS access key][4] (access key ID and secret access key) which is needed to authorize S3QL to access your AWS account.
Now, go to AWS S3 via AWS management console, and create a new empty bucket for S3QL.

For best performance, choose a region which is geographically closest to you.

### Install S3QL on Linux ###
S3QL is available as a pre-built package on most Linux distros.
#### On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint: ####
$ sudo apt-get install s3ql
#### On Fedora: ####
$ sudo yum install s3ql
On Arch Linux, use [AUR][6].
### Configure S3QL for the First Time ###
Create authinfo2 file in ~/.s3ql directory, which is a default S3QL configuration file. This file contains information about a required AWS access key, S3 bucket name and encryption passphrase. The encryption passphrase is used to encrypt the randomly-generated master encryption key. This master key is then used to encrypt actual S3QL file system data.
$ mkdir ~/.s3ql
$ vi ~/.s3ql/authinfo2
storage-url: s3://[bucket-name]
backend-login: [your-access-key-id]
backend-password: [your-secret-access-key]
fs-passphrase: [your-encryption-passphrase]
The AWS S3 bucket that you specify should be created via AWS management console beforehand.
Make the authinfo2 file readable to you only for security.
$ chmod 600 ~/.s3ql/authinfo2
### Create an S3QL File System ###
You are now ready to create an S3QL file system on top of AWS S3.
Use mkfs.s3ql command to create a new S3QL file system. The bucket name you supply with the command should be matched with the one in authinfo2 file. The "--ssl" option forces you to use SSL to connect to backend storage servers. By default, the mkfs.s3ql command will enable compression and encryption in the S3QL file system.
$ mkfs.s3ql s3://[bucket-name] --ssl
You will be asked to enter an encryption passphrase. Type the same passphrase as you defined in ~/.s3ql/autoinfo2 (under "fs-passphrase").
If a new file system was created successfully, you will see the following output.

### Mount an S3QL File System ###
Once you created an S3QL file system, the next step is to mount it.
First, create a local mount point, and then use mount.s3ql command to mount an S3QL file system.
$ mkdir ~/mnt_s3ql
$ mount.s3ql s3://[bucket-name] ~/mnt_s3ql
You do not need privileged access to mount an S3QL file system. Just make sure that you have write access to the local mount point.
Optionally, you can specify a compression algorithm to use (e.g., lzma, bzip2, zlib) with "--compress" option. Without it, lzma algorithm is used by default. Note that when you specify a custom compression algorithm, it will apply to newly created data objects, not existing ones.
$ mount.s3ql --compress bzip2 s3://[bucket-name] ~/mnt_s3ql
For performance reason, an S3QL file system maintains a local file cache, which stores recently accessed (partial or full) files. You can customize the file cache size using "--cachesize" and "--max-cache-entries" options.
To allow other users than you to access a mounted S3QL file system, use "--allow-other" option.
If you want to export a mounted S3QL file system to other machines over NFS, use "--nfs" option.
After running mount.s3ql, check if the S3QL file system is successfully mounted:
$ df ~/mnt_s3ql
$ mount | grep s3ql

### Unmount an S3QL File System ###
To unmount an S3QL file system (with potentially uncommitted data) safely, use umount.s3ql command. It will wait until all data (including the one in local file system cache) has been successfully transferred and written to backend servers. Depending on the amount of write-pending data, this process can take some time.
$ umount.s3ql ~/mnt_s3ql
View S3QL File System Statistics and Repair an S3QL File System
To view S3QL file system statistics, you can use s3qlstat command, which shows information such as total data/metadata size, de-duplication and compression ratio.
$ s3qlstat ~/mnt_s3ql

You can check and repair an S3QL file system with fsck.s3ql command. Similar to fsck command, the file system being checked needs to be unmounted first.
$ fsck.s3ql s3://[bucket-name]
### S3QL Use Case: Rsync Backup ###
Let me conclude this tutorial with one popular use case of S3QL: local file system backup. For this, I recommend using rsync incremental backup tool especially because S3QL comes with a rsync wrapper script (/usr/lib/s3ql/pcp.py). This script allows you to recursively copy a source tree to a S3QL destination using multiple rsync processes.
$ /usr/lib/s3ql/pcp.py -h

The following command will back up everything in ~/Documents to an S3QL file system via four concurrent rsync connections.
$ /usr/lib/s3ql/pcp.py -a --quiet --processes=4 ~/Documents ~/mnt_s3ql
The files will first be copied to the local file cache, and then gradually flushed to the backend servers over time in the background.
For more information about S3QL such as automatic mounting, snapshotting, immuntable trees, I strongly recommend checking out the [official user's guide][7]. Let me know what you think of S3QL. Share your experience with any other tools.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/09/create-cloud-based-encrypted-file-system-linux.html
作者:[Dan Nanni][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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How to download GOG games from the command line on Linux
If you are a gamer and a Linux user, you probably were delighted when [GOG][1] announced a few months ago that it will start proposing games for your favorite OS. If you have never heard of GOG before, I encourage you to check out their catalog of “good old games”, reasonably priced, DRM-free, and packed with goodies. However, if the Windows client for GOG existed for quite some time now, an official Linux version is nowhere to be seen. So if waiting for the official version is uncomfortable for you, an unofficial open source program named LGOGDownloader gives you access to your library from the command line.

### Install LGOGDownloader on Linux ###
For Ubuntu users, the [official page][2] recommends that you download the sources and do:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev liboauth-dev libjsoncpp-dev libhtmlcxx-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-date-time-dev libtinyxml-dev librhash-dev help2man
$ tar -xvzf lgogdownloader-2.17.tar.gz
$ cd lgogdownloader-2.17
$ make release
$ sudo make install
If you are an Archlinux user, an [AUR package][2] is waiting for you.
### Usage of LGOGDownloader ###
Once the program is installed, you will need to identify yourself with the command:
$ lgogdownloader --login

Notice that the configuration file if you need it is at ~/.config/lgogdownloader/config.cfg
Once authenticated, you can list all the games in your library with:
$ lgogdownloader --list

Then download one with:
$ lgogdownloader --download --game [game name]

You will notice that lgogdownloader allows you to resume previously interrupted downloads, which is nice because typical game downloads are not small.
Like every respectable command line utility, you can add various options:
- **--platform [number]** to select your OS where 1 is for windows and 4 for Linux.
- **--directory [destination]** to download the installer in a particular directory.
- **--language [number]** for a particular language pack (check the manual pages for the number corresponding to your language).
- **--limit-rate [speed]** to limit the downloading rate at a particular speed.
As a side bonus, lgogdownloader also comes with the possibility to check for updates on the GOG website:
$ lgogdownloader --update-check

The result will list the number of forum and private messages you have received, as well as the number of updated games.
To conclude, lgogdownloader is pretty standard when it comes to command line utilities. I would even say that it is an epitome of clarity and coherence. It is true that we are far in term of features from the relatively recent Steam Linux client, but on the other hand, the official GOG windows client does not do much more than this unofficial Linux version. In other words lgogdownloader is a perfect replacement. I cannot wait to see more Linux compatible games on GOG, especially after their recent announcements to offer DRM free movies, with a thematic around video games. Hopefully we will see an update in the client for when movie catalog matches the game library.
What do you think of GOG? Would you use the unofficial Linux Client? Let us know in the comments.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/09/download-gog-games-command-line-linux.html
作者:[Adrien Brochard][a]
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How to monitor server memory usage with Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE)
In a [previous tutorial][1]注:此篇文章在同一个更新中,如果也翻译了,发布的时候可修改相应的链接, we have seen how we can set up Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) in an existing Nagios setup. However, the scripts and plugins needed to monitor memory usage do not come with stock Nagios. In this tutorial, we will see how we can configure NRPE to monitor RAM usage of a remote server.
The script that we will use for monitoring RAM is available at [Nagios Exchange][2], as well as the creators' [Github repository][3].
Assuming that NRPE has already been set up, we start the process by downloading the script in the server that we want to monitor.
### Preparing Remote Servers ###
#### On Debain/Ubuntu: ####
# cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justintime/nagios-plugins/master/check_mem/check_mem.pl
# mv check_mem.pl check_mem
# chmod +x check_mem
#### On RHEL/CentOS: ####
# cd /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ (or /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ for 32-bit)
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/justintime/nagios-plugins/master/check_mem/check_mem.pl
# mv check_mem.pl check_mem
# chmod +x check_mem
You can check whether the script generates output properly by manually running the following command on localhost. When used with NRPE, this command is supposed to check free memory, warn when free memory is less than 20%, and generate critical alarm when free memory is less than 10%.
# ./check_mem -f -w 20 -c 10
OK - 34.0% (2735744 kB) free.|TOTAL=8035340KB;;;; USED=5299596KB;6428272;7231806;; FREE=2735744KB;;;; CACHES=2703504KB;;;;
If you see something like the above as an output, that means the command is working okay.
Now that the script is ready, we define the command to check RAM usage for NRPE. As mentioned before, the command will check free memory, warn when free memory is less than 20%, and generate critical alarm when free memory is less than 10%.
# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
#### For Debian/Ubuntu: ####
command[check_mem]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mem -f -w 20 -c 10
#### For RHEL/CentOS 32 bit: ####
command[check_mem]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mem -f -w 20 -c 10
#### For RHEL/CentOS 64 bit: ####
command[check_mem]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_mem -f -w 20 -c 10
### Preparing Nagios Server ###
In the Nagios server, we define a custom command for NRPE. The command can be stored in any directory within Nagios. To keep the tutorial simple, we will put the command definition in /etc/nagios directory.
#### For Debian/Ubuntu: ####
# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/nrpe_command.cfg
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -c '$ARG1$'
#### For RHEL/CentOS 32 bit: ####
# vim /etc/nagios/objects/nrpe_command.cfg
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$
#### For RHEL/CentOS 64 bit: ####
# vim /etc/nagios/objects/nrpe_command.cfg
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$
Now we define the service check in Nagios.
#### On Debian/Ubuntu: ####
# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/nrpe_service_check.cfg
define service{
use local-service
host_name remote-server
service_description Check RAM
check_command check_nrpe!check_mem
#### On RHEL/CentOS: ####
# vim /etc/nagios/objects/nrpe_service_check.cfg
define service{
use local-service
host_name remote-server
service_description Check RAM
check_command check_nrpe!check_mem
Finally, we restart the Nagios service.
#### On Debian/Ubuntu: ####
# service nagios3 restart
#### On RHEL/CentOS 6: ####
# service nagios restart
#### On RHEL/CentOS 7: ####
# systemctl restart nagios.service
### Troubleshooting ###
Nagios should start checking RAM usage of a remote-server using NRPE. If you are having any problem, you could check the following.
- Make sure that NRPE port is allowed all the way to the remote host. Default NRPE port is TCP 5666.
- You could try manually checking NRPE operation by executing the check_nrpe command: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H remote-server
- You could also try to run the check_mem command manually: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H remote-server –c check_mem
- In the remote server, set debug=1 in /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg. Restart the NRPE service and check the log file /var/log/messages (RHEL/CentOS) or /var/log/syslog (Debain/Ubuntu). The log files should contain relevant information if there is any configuration or permission errors. If there are not hits in the log, it is very likely that the requests are not reaching the remote server due to port filtering at some point.
To sum up, this tutorial demonstrated how we can easily tune NRPE to monitor RAM usage of remote servers. The process is as simple as downloading the script, defining the commands, and restarting the services. Hope this helps.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/09/monitor-server-memory-usage-nagios-remote-plugin-executor.html
作者:[Sarmed Rahman][a]
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
How to set up Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) in Linux
As far as network management is concerned, Nagios is one of the most powerful tools. Nagios can monitor the reachability of remote hosts, as well as the state of services running on them. However, what if we want to monitor something other than network services for a remote host? For example, we may want to monitor the disk utilization or [CPU processor load][1] of a remote host. Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) is a tool that can help with doing that. NRPE allows one to execute Nagios plugins installed on remote hosts, and integrate them with an [existing Nagios server][2].
This tutorial will cover how to set up NRPE on an existing Nagios deployment. The tutorial is primarily divided into two parts:
- Configure remote hosts.
- Configure a Nagios monitoring server.
We will then finish off by defining some custom commands that can be used with NRPE.
### Configure Remote Hosts for NRPE ###
#### Step One: Installing NRPE Service ####
You need to install NRPE service on every remote host that you want to monitor using NRPE. NRPE service daemon on each remote host will then communicate with a Nagios monitoring server.
Necessary packages for NRPE service can easily be installed using apt-get or yum, subject to the platform. In case of CentOS, we will need to [add Repoforge repository][3] as NRPE is not available in CentOS repositories.
**On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:**
# apt-get install nagios-nrpe-server
**On CentOS, Fedora or RHEL:**
# yum install nagios-nrpe
#### Step Two: Preparing Configuration File ####
The configuration file /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg is similar for Debian-based and RedHat-based systems. The configuration file is backed up, and then updated as follows.
# vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
## NRPE service port can be customized ##
## the nagios monitoring server is permitted ##
## NOTE: There is no space after the comma ##
## The following examples use hard-coded command arguments.
## These parameters can be modified as needed.
## NOTE: For CentOS 64 bit, use /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib ##
command[check_users]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_users -w 5 -c 10
command[check_load]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_load -w 15,10,5 -c 30,25,20
command[check_hda1]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /dev/hda1
command[check_zombie_procs]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -w 5 -c 10 -s Z
command[check_total_procs]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -w 150 -c 200
Now that the configuration file is ready, NRPE service is ready to be fired up.
#### Step Three: Initiating NRPE Service ####
For RedHat-based systems, the NRPE service needs to be added as a startup service.
**On Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint:**
# service nagios-nrpe-server restart
**On CentOS, Fedora or RHEL:**
# service nrpe restart
# chkconfig nrpe on
#### Step Four: Verifying NRPE Service Status ####
Information about NRPE daemon status can be found in the system log. For a Debian-based system, the log file will be /var/log/syslog. The log file for a RedHat-based system will be /var/log/messages. A sample log is provided below for reference.
nrpe[19723]: Starting up daemon
nrpe[19723]: Listening for connections on port 5666
nrpe[19723]: Allowing connections from:,X.X.X.X
In case firewall is running, TCP port 5666 should be open, which is used by NRPE daemon.
# netstat -tpln | grep 5666
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 19885/nrpe
### Configure Nagios Monitoring Server for NRPE ###
The first step in configuring an existing Nagios monitoring server for NRPE is to install NRPE plugin on the server.
#### Step One: Installing NRPE Plugin ####
In case the Nagios server is running on a Debian-based system (Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint), a necessary package can be installed using apt-get.
# apt-get install nagios-nrpe-plugin
After the plugin is installed, the check_nrpe command, which comes with the plugin, is modified a bit.
# vim /etc/nagios-plugins/config/check_nrpe.cfg
## the default command is overwritten ##
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -c '$ARG1$'
In case the Nagios server is running on a RedHat-based system (CentOS, Fedora or RHEL), you can install NRPE plugin using yum. On CentOS, [adding Repoforge repository][4] is necessary.
# yum install nagios-plugins-nrpe
Now that the NRPE plugin is installed, proceed to configure a Nagios server following the rest of the steps.
#### Step Two: Defining Nagios Command for NRPE Plugin ####
First, we need to define a command in Nagios for using NRPE.
# vim /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg
## NOTE: For CentOS 64 bit, use /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib ##
define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -c '$ARG1$'
#### Step Three: Adding Host and Command Definition ####
Next, define remote host(s) and commands to execute remotely on them.
The following shows sample definitions of a remote host a command to execute on the host. Naturally, your configuration will be adjusted based on your requirements. The path to the file is slightly different for Debian-based and RedHat-based systems. But the content of the files are identical.
**On Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:**
# vim /etc/nagios3/conf.d/nrpe.cfg
**On CentOS, Fedora or RHEL:**
# vim /etc/nagios/objects/nrpe.cfg
define host{
use linux-server
host_name server-1
alias server-1
address X.X.X.X-IPv4_address_of_remote_host
define service {
host_name server-1
service_description Check Load
check_command check_nrpe!check_load
check_interval 1
use generic-service
#### Step Four: Restarting Nagios Service ####
Before restarting Nagios, updated configuration is verified with a dry run.
**On Ubuntu, Debian, or Linux Mint:**
# nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
**On CentOS, Fedora or RHEL:**
# nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
If everything goes well, Nagios service can be restarted.
# service nagios restart

### Configuring Custom Commands with NRPE ###
#### Setup on Remote Servers ####
The following is a list of custom commands that can be used with NRPE. These commands are defined in the file /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg located at the remote servers.
## Warning status when load average exceeds 1, 2 and 1 for 1, 5, 15 minute interval, respectively.
## Critical status when load average exceeds 3, 5 and 3 for 1, 5, 15 minute interval, respectively.
command[check_load]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_load -w 1,2,1 -c 3,5,3
## Warning level 25% and critical level 10% for free space of /home.
## Could be customized to monitor any partition (e.g. /dev/sdb1, /, /var, /home)
command[check_disk]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 25% -c 10% -p /home
## Warn if number of instances for process_ABC exceeds 10. Critical for 20 ##
command[check_process_ABC]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -w 1:10 -c 1:20 -C process_ABC
## Critical if the number of instances for process_XYZ drops below 1 ##
command[check_process_XYZ]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -w 1: -c 1: -C process_XYZ
#### Setup on Nagios Monitoring Server ####
To apply the custom commands defined above, we modify the service definition at Nagios monitoring server as follows. The service definition could go to the file where all the services are defined (e.g., /etc/nagios/objects/nrpe.cfg or /etc/nagios3/conf.d/nrpe.cfg)
## example 1: check process XYZ ##
define service {
host_name server-1
service_description Check Process XYZ
check_command check_nrpe!check_process_XYZ
check_interval 1
use generic-service
## example 2: check disk state ##
define service {
host_name server-1
service_description Check Process XYZ
check_command check_nrpe!check_disk
check_interval 1
use generic-service
To sum up, NRPE is a powerful add-on to Nagios as it provides provision for monitoring a remote server in a highly configurable fashion. Using NRPE, we can monitor server load, running processes, logged in users, disk states and other parameters.
Hope this helps.
via: http://xmodulo.com/2014/03/nagios-remote-plugin-executor-nrpe-linux.html
作者:[Sarmed Rahman][a]
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
[Quick Tip] How To List All Installed Packages On Linux Distributions

To list all installed package on a Linux system depends on which distribution you are running and the package management mode used.
In this tutorial, we are going to look at commands on some of the notable and popularly used distros.
**NOTE**: You can pipe the less command OR redirected to a text file using the redirection operator (>). Below are examples
example | less
example > installed_packages.txt
### Red Hat/Fedora Core/CentOS Linux: ###
rpm -qa
### FreeBSD / OpenBSD: ###
### Arch Linux: ###
pacman -Qq
### Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint: ###
dpkg --get-selections
dpkg --list
dpkg -l
Good day.
via: http://www.unixmen.com/quick-tip-list-installed-packages-linux-distributions/
作者:[Enock Seth Nyamador][a]
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@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Ron Amadeo供图
尽管没有合适的相册,在右边是相册的测试界面,隐藏在“API Demos”应用里。图片可以向左向右滚动,但无法以全屏的方式打开一张照片。同样它也没有照片管理选项。它本质上就是个图片滚动界面的测试视图。
尽管没有合适的相册,在右边是相册的测试界面,隐藏在“API Demos”应用里。图片可以向左向右滚动,但无法以全屏的方式打开一张照片。同样它也没有照片管理选项。它本质上就是个图片滚动界面的测试视图。
@ -1,67 +1,66 @@
安卓编年史 02
安卓编年史 02


左边:里程碑 5,主屏幕展示了“All”按钮,两个dock图标,以及最近使用的四个应用。中间:主屏幕与打开的应用程序列表。右边:电源菜单。
左:Milestone 5,主屏幕展示了“All”按钮,两个dock图标,以及四个最近使用的应用。中:主屏幕与打开的应用程序列表。右边:电源菜单。
图片来自@Ron Amadeo
Ron Amadeo供图
###Android0.5, 里程碑 5——如今已经是报废接口的领地了 ### -
### 安卓0.5, Milestone 5——如今已经是报废接口的领地了 ###
“M5-RC14”构建后:也就是第一个仿真器发布,三个月之后Android迎来了她的首次重大革新。 2008年2月发布的“里程碑5”甩掉了发展中的黑莓界面,走向一个完全革新的设计——谷歌在手指触摸技术的第一次尝试。
“M5-RC14”版本发布后——也就是第一个安卓模拟器发布三个月之后,安卓迎来了它的首次重大革新。 2008年2月发布的“Milestone5”甩掉了延伸自黑莓的界面,走向一个完全革新的设计——谷歌在触控友好界面上的第一次尝试。
由于浏览器的用户代理字符串的使用,此版本仍然被识别为“Android0.5”,但里程碑 5与Android的第一个版本相比已经完全不一样了。几个核心的Android功能直接追踪他们的血统最终还是会回到这个版本。通知面板的布局和功能几乎已经整装待发,并且,除了样式变化外,菜单同样也存在于它的最终组成。安卓1.0距离该项目起航的时间仅仅只有八个月,一个操作系统的基础已经开始形成了。
在浏览器的用户代理字符串的中,此版本仍然被识别为“Android 0.5”,但Milestone 5与安卓的第一个版本相比已经完全不一样了。几个核心的Android功能直接追踪他们的血统并最终回到这个版本。通知面板的布局和功能几乎已经整装待发,并且,除了样式变化外,菜单也最终成型。距离安卓1.0项目发布的时间仅仅只剩八个月,一个操作系统的基础已经开始成型了。
有一件东西绝对不会存在于最后的组成,那就是是主屏幕。这是一个不可配置的,单屏壁纸的应用程序的架子和空位。【译者注:"an app drawer and dock,",度娘直接是"应用程序的抽屉和码头,",没有搜到相关专业的词汇,求指点,感激。zsky@live.com】应用程序图标是天真活泼的,三种颜色的组合,由一个方形的、有圆角的白色背景包围着。应用程序的架子由在右下角的一个“All”按钮组成,轻按它,扩展的应用程序列表显示在了左边。这个“All”按钮正上面的是两个图标空位,“联系人”和“拨号器”分别获得了专属的永久主屏幕位置。然后上边有四个板块,它们是最近应用程序的早期版式,展示了最后访问的应用程序。没有了左画面或右画面,基座和最近的应用程序占用一整列,这种布局下21个正方形的应用程序才会填充满整个屏幕。模拟器仍然只选择同等最小的应用程序,但在实际的设备中,这样的设计并产生没有很好地工作效果。
按住“end call”按钮会出现一个超级早期版本的电源菜单,您可以在最右边的图片中看到的。谷歌迄今为止没有正常的智能手机命名术语:对于“Turn Off Screen”最好地形容也许是“Lock screen”(虽然当时没有锁屏)和“Turn Off Radio”在今天被叫做“Airplane Mode”。
按住“挂断”按钮会出现一个十分早期版本的电源菜单,就像你最右侧的图片中看到的。谷歌迄今为止没有标准的智能手机命名术语:对于“Turn Off Screen”(关闭屏幕)最好的形容也许是“Lock screen”(锁定屏幕——虽然当时没有锁屏)和“Turn Off Radio”(关闭射频)在今天被叫做“Airplane Mode”(飞行模式)。


照片来自@Ron Amadeo
Ron Amadeo供图
所有的方式都会回溯到里程碑 5,谷歌在那时就毫无疑问拥有通知面板的基本知识储备。就像在任何现代的智能手机里看到的一样,它能够从屏幕顶部下拉下来。目前的通知都显示在列表中。通知面板的第一个版本是不透明的白色薄片带着棱纹的的“handle”在底部,一个橙色的圆点在中心。通知是可触的,通过触摸可以打开该通知关联的应用程序。没有人被在此列表中垂直对齐的应用程序图标所困扰,不过也没关系,随着在接下来的更新,它已经是过去式了。
回溯到Milestone 5,谷歌在那时对通知面板有着明确的认识。就像在任何现代的智能手机里一样,通知中心从屏幕顶部下拉下来来唤出。目前的通知都以列表的形式显示。通知面板的第一个版本是不透明的白色薄片以及底部中心有个橙色圆点的,带着棱纹的的“把手”。通知是可点击的,通过点击可以打开该通知关联的应用程序。没有人为此列表中垂直对齐应用程序图标而感到困扰,不过也没关系,随着接下来的更新,它已经是过去式了。
点一下通知,进入一个在面板顶部的“on going”部分。在这个版本,这里似乎只包含打电话。在“Latest Event”里的通知只有打开相应的应用程序后才是清楚的。用户令人惊喜的通过内置的XMPP连接成功登录到谷歌talk。不过,虽然通知面板中显示“new chat message,”,其实这里并没有没有真正的即时消息应用程序。
里程碑 5里的艺术设计全部都是新的。该应用程序图标被重新绘制,并且菜单从一个无聊的黑莓风格的文本列表转变为一个大格全彩色、卡通的图标。通知面板图标也从简单的、突兀的、白色的图标切换到一个天真活泼的绿色设计。当时在信号栏指示器下边有一个奇怪的黑线,几乎没有作用。早期开发版本的微小列表视图不适合手指使用,所以里程碑 5开发了全面强大的整体布局。
Milestone 5里是全新的艺术设计。应用程序图标被重新绘制,并且菜单从一个无聊的黑莓风格的文本列表转变为一个全彩、卡通的大图标方阵。通知面板图标也从简单的、突兀的、白色的图标切换到一个绿色的气泡设计。当时信号指示下边有一条奇怪的黑线,没有明显的作用。早期开发版本的微小列表视图不适合手指使用,所以Milestone 5带来了更加强大的整体布局。


照片来自@Ron Amadeo
Ron Amadeo供图
里程碑 5 有几个选项卡式界面,所有这些都表明了一个非常奇怪的想法:标签应该如何工作。活跃的标签是白色的,而背景标签是拥有一小条白色在其边沿的黑色。后台标签应该是向下的“shrink”吗?切换标签时,是没有动画的。目前还不清楚这个设计试图想表达什么。
Milestone 5 有几个选项卡式界面,所有这些都演示了一个关于标签应该如何工作的奇怪的想法。活跃的标签是白色的,而背景标签是底部拥有一小条白色条带的黑色标签。后台标签应该是向下下沉的吗?切换标签时,是没有动画效果的。直到目前还不清楚这个设计试图想表达什么。


照片来自@Ron Amadeo
Ron Amadeo供图
通话中界面看起来正常,但在实践中毫无意义。今天,在通话中为了阻止你的脸按到屏幕按钮,手机近距离传感器一旦检测到相关信息会快速关闭屏幕。虽然里程碑 5不支持近距离传感器。谷歌的杂乱无章的解决方案是在通话过程中禁止整个触摸屏。与此同时,通话中的屏幕显然会彻底检查触摸功能。这时候是有大的,可触摸的按钮; *就是不让你摸!!*。
通话中界面看起来正常,但在实际中毫无意义。今天,在通话中为了阻止你的脸按到按钮,手机近距离传感器一旦检测到物体会关闭屏幕。尽管Milestone 5不支持近距离传感器。谷歌的随意的解决方案是在通话过程中禁用整个触摸屏。与此同时,通话中的屏幕显然会检测触摸。这时候是有大的,可触摸的按钮; *就是不让你摸*。
M5在这里让Milestone 3版本的几个功能回归了。许多旧的界面里体面的图标被替换成了文本。像“静音”按钮在激活的时候不再提供屏幕上的反馈。合并通话被完全去除了。


照片来自@Ron Amadeo
Ron Amadeo供图
浏览器菜单中得到了一贯的触摸功能大修理,并且“more”按钮第一次出现。它充当一个[extra menu for your menu] [1]。而不是转动3x2的网格成3x4的网格,里程碑 5(和Android的许多后续版本一样)中使用很长的、滚动的列表来引出其他选项。不支持双指缩放(据说是[concession to Apple] [2]),因此Android运行着可笑的变焦控制外表,在上边第三张图片。而不是理智的比如是一个水平的、底部对齐变焦的控制,谷歌控制它直接出现在屏幕的中间。最后一张图片显示浏览器的“window”界面,允许你打开多个网页和两者之间轻松切换。
浏览器菜单中得到了常规的触摸功能大整修,并且“更多”按钮第一次出现。它充当一个[你菜单的额外菜单] [1]。相对于将3x2的网格变成3x4的网格,Milestone 5(以及Android的许多后续版本一样)中使用很长的、滚动的列表来引出其他选项。不支持双指缩放(据说是[向苹果让步] [2]),因此Android运行荒谬的控件,就像上边第三张图片一样。谷歌将它显示在屏幕的中间,而不是明智地设置成比如一个水平的、底部对齐的缩放控件。最后一张图片显示浏览器的“窗口”界面,允许你打开多个网页并在它们之间更轻松地切换。


照片来自@Ron Amadeo
Ron Amadeo供图


[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron是Ars Technica的评论编辑,他专注于Android操作系统和谷歌的产品。他总是在寻找一个新的小工具,喜欢分解事物来看看它们是如何工作的。
[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron是Ars Technica的评论编缉,专注于安卓系统和谷歌产品。他总是在追寻新鲜事物,还喜欢拆解事物看看它们到底是怎么运作的。
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ M5在这里让旧里程碑3版本的几个回归者占据特色地位。许多
via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/2/
via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/2/
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本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
The history of Android

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图
“图层(Layers)”被重命名为“地图模式(Map Mode)”并且变成一个单选列表。一次只能选择一个地图类型——举个例子,你在卫星地图视图下不能查看交通状况。埋藏在菜单中的还有被匆忙放到一起的搜索记录界面。搜索历史看起来只是个概念验证,带着巨大的,模糊的搜索图标填充的搜索项被放置于半透明的背景之上。

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图

Ron Amadeo供图

[Ron Amadeo][a] / Ron是Ars Technica的评论编缉,专注于安卓系统和谷歌产品。他总是在追寻新鲜事物,还喜欢拆解事物看看它们到底是怎么运作的。
via: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/building-android-a-40000-word-history-of-googles-mobile-os/5/
译者:[alim0x](https://github.com/alim0x) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
Top 10! Fun On The Command Line
### 密码 ###
在第一个列表里探讨的是马克.伯内特2011著的关于[10000 个最常用的密码][1]汇编。这个列表是有序的、使用最频繁的,也是广为人知的阶乘“密码”的最常用来源之一,与“123456”并列排名第二。在这里,我已经把一个所谓密码的文件列出来了,并且使用head命令把排名前10的列出来了:



在密码文件中出现最频繁的字母依次是EARONISTLC.这个和EAIRTONSLC差不多,也是一个频率模式图至少在 [one published table][3] 中最常适用的英语单词。这是否意味着,大部分密码其实是一些常见的英语单词呢,也许会参杂一些数字呢?
首先我将通过 **sed**命令删除所有密码中的数字,然后删除所有的标点符号,再删除所有的空行。这将创建出一个纯字母的密码列表。然后我通过**sort** 和 **uniq**来修剪列表的排序,将重复项取出。(例如,'abc1234def'和'abc1!2!3!def!'都剔除剩下'abcdef'.) 。根据wc命令,我把1000个密码减至成8583个纯字母的字符串:

我经常使用一本便携式的英语字典,我通常会使用`usr/share/dict/american-english`,这个文件是来自Debian Linux的一个发行版本。它包含了99171个单词。我会先通过**tr**命令将这个词表转换为纯小写的,然后使用**sort** 和 **uniq**删除掉人和重复的条目排序(例如'A' 和 'a' 都将成为 'a')。这样就将词表的数量减至97723项了:


总数是3137,所以至少有8583 -3137 = 5446个'核心'密码在伯纳特的纯小写字母列表中(大约63%)是简单的英语单词,或者是简单的单词附加一些数字或者标点符号。我之所以写至少是因为在3137个字符串中有很大比例是只有经过轻微修改的纯英语单词、名称、或者在/usr/share字典中未能找到的名称修改而成的。在LA项中,例如,'labtec', 'ladyboy', 'lakeside', 'lalakers', 'lalala', 'laserjet', 'lasvegas', 'lavalamp' and 'lawman'.
### Placenames ###
### 地名 ###
在之前的一篇[Linux Rain article][4],我描述了如何建立一张37万项澳大利亚的地名表。有了它,我现在可以回答一些类似这样的关键问题“Round Hill是澳大利亚山脉中最流行的名字吗?”和“桑迪是沙滩之最,而岩溪峡谷呢?”

另一个亟待解决的问题是有多少地名有'Mile'在其中,例如'Six Mile Creek',而他们的排名又是如何:

我在我的澳洲之旅发现有很多Dead Horse Creeks,因此有这些地名:

### 种类 ###
(科技小贴士:这个昆虫表,可以从开发数据Zenodo库中[https://zenodo.org/record/10481][5],包括亚种。在我的‘top 10’练习中,我首先分离出所有独特的种群组合,这样避免了重复的,例如蜜蜂iberica的亚种,以避免蜜蜂的绰号intermissa,等等。最后一个物种文件有18155个绰号。)
大多数人讲科学名称带玩笑式地用'-us'结局,如'Biggus buggus'.那么昆虫学家呢?有几个不错的,用命令行的方式获取字符串的最后2个字母,在这里我都会用到这2个:

耶!昆虫学家喜欢也‘-us’结尾。接下来,我不知道有多少物种是以我的家乡State of Tasmania来命名的?(下面我想看看前100行,来确保我得到的所有'tasman'组合.)



嗯,除了明显的'australis'和'australiensis',而地理方面的'occidentalis'(西部),另外昆虫学家创建7个在10个最流行列表中的绰号已经旅行了其它昆虫学家的意愿。(加词'commoni'是给澳大利亚蝴蝶和蛾专家Ian F.B. Common,从1917-2006.)
### Speechifying ###
### 演变 ###

And to look at word frequency in the speech:

### Coming soon... ###
### 即将推出... ###
从多列的表中做'top 10'等排名,需要更多些的命令行工具。我将会在未来的文章中证明他们的用处。
via: http://thelinuxrain.com/articles/top-10-fun-on-the-command-line
原文作者:Bob Mesibov(Bob Mesibov is Tasmanian, retired and a keen Linux tinkerer.)
译者:[disylee](https://github.com/译者ID) 校对:[校对者ID](https://github.com/校对者ID)
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Linux FAQ -- 如何在CentOS或者RHEL上启用Nux Dextop仓库
> **问题**: 我想要安装一个在Nux Dextop仓库的RPM包。我该如何在CentOS或者RHEL上设置Nux Dextop仓库?
[Nux Dextop][1]是一个面对CentOS、RHEL、ScientificLinux的含有许多流行的桌面和多媒体相关的包的第三方RPM仓库(比如:Ardour,Shutter等等)。目前,Nux Dextop桌面对CentOS和RHEL 6/7可用。
要在CentOS或者RHEL上启用Nux Dextop,遵循下面的步骤。
首先,要理解Nux Dextop被设计与EPEL仓库共存。因此,你需要使用Nux Dexyop仓库前先[启用 EPEL][2]。
启用EPEL后,用下面的命令安装Nux Dextop仓库。
在 CentOS/RHEL 6.* 上:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el6/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-2.el6.nux.noarch.rpm
在 CentOS/RHEL 7 上 :
$ sudo rpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-1.el7.nux.noarch.rpm
现在验证Nux Dextop仓库是否已经成功安装:
$ yum repolist

### 对于 Repoforge/RPMforge 用户 ###
据作者所说,Nux Dextop目前所知会与其他第三方库比如Repoforge和ATrpms相冲突。因此,如果你启用了除了EPEL的其他第三方库,强烈建议你将Nux Dextop仓库设置成“default off”(默认关闭)状态。就是用文本编辑器打开/etc/yum.repos.d/nux-dextop.repo,并且在nux-desktop下面将"enabled=1" 改成 "enabled=0"。
$ sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nux-dextop.repo

当你无论何时从Nux Dextop仓库安装包时,显式地用下面的命令启用仓库。
$ sudo yum --enablerepo=nux-dextop install <package-name>
via: http://ask.xmodulo.com/enable-nux-dextop-repository-centos-rhel.html
本文由 [LCTT](https://github.com/LCTT/TranslateProject) 原创翻译,[Linux中国](http://linux.cn/) 荣誉推出
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