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@ -1,34 +1,40 @@
如何在 Arch Linux 中查找已安装的专有软件包?
你是狂热的自由软件支持者吗?你目前在使用任何基于 Arch 的 Linux 发行版吗?我有一个小小的提示送给你!现在,你可以轻松地在 Arch Linux 及其变体(如 Antergos, Manjaro Linux 等)中找到已安装的专有软件包。你无需在已安装软件包的网站中参考其许可细节,也无需使用任何外部工具来查明软件包是自由的还是专有的。(译注:其实下面还是借助了一个外部程序)
你是狂热的自由软件支持者吗?你目前在使用任何基于 Arch 的 Linux 发行版吗?我有一个小小的提示送给你!现在,你可以轻松地在 Arch Linux 及其变体(如 Antergos、Manjaro Linux 等中找到已安装的专有软件包。你无需在已安装软件包的网站中参考其许可细节也无需使用任何其它外部工具来查明软件包是自由的还是专有的。LCTT 译注:其实下面还是借助了一个外部程序)
### 在 Arch Linux 中查找已安装的专有软件包
一位开发人员开发了一个名为 **"Absolutely Proprietary"** 的实用程序,它是一种用于基于 Arch 发行版的专有软件包检测器。它将基于 Arch 系统中的所有安装包与 Parabola 的 [blacklist黑名单][1]软件包和 [aur-blacklist][2] 进行比较,然后打印你的 **Stallman Freedom Index Stallman 自由指数)** (free/total自由/总计))。此外,你可以将列表保存到文件中,并与其他系统/用户共享或比较。
一位开发人员开发了一个名为 “[Absolutely Proprietary][5]” 的实用程序,它是一种用于基于 Arch 发行版的专有软件包检测器。它将基于 Arch 系统中的所有安装包与 Parabola 的软件包 [blacklist][1]和 [aur-blacklist][2] 进行比较,然后显示出你的<ruby>斯托曼自由指数<rt>Stallman Freedom Index</rt></ruby>(“自由/总计”比分)。此外,你可以将该列表保存到文件中,并与其他系统/用户共享或比较。
在安装之前,确保你安装了 **python****git**
在安装之前,确保你安装了 Python 和 Git。
然后,`git clone` 仓库:
然后git clone 仓库:
git clone
这条命令将会下载所有内容到你当前工作目录中的 'absolutely-proprietary' 目录。
这条命令将会下载所有内容到你当前工作目录中的 `absolutely-proprietary` 目录。
cd absolutely-proprietary
这条命令将会下载 blacklist.txt, aur-blacklist.txt并将本地已安装的软件包与远程软件包进行比较并显示to 校正者:原文这里似乎没写完)不同。
这条命令将会下载 `blacklist.txt`、`aur-blacklist.txt`,并将本地已安装的软件包与远程软件包进行比较并显示其指数。
以下是在我的 Arch Linux 桌面的示例输出:
以下是在我的 Arch Linux 桌面的示例输出:
Retrieving local packages (including AUR)...
@ -73,9 +79,10 @@ Your Stallman Freedom Index is 96.57
Save list to file? (Y/n)
如你所见,我的系统中有 47 个专有软件包。就像我说的那样,我们可以将它保存到文件中稍后查看。为此,当提示你将列表保存在文件时,请按 `y`。然后按 `y` 接受默认值,或按 `n` 以你喜欢的格式和位置来保存它。
如你所见,我的系统中有 47 个专有软件包。就像我说的那样,我们可以将它保存到文件中稍后查看。为此,当提示你将列表保存在文件时,请按 y。然后按 y 接受默认值或点击 n以你喜欢的格式和位置来保存它。
Save list to file? (Y/n) y
Save as markdown table? (Y/n) y
@ -87,11 +94,11 @@ using the "less -S /home/sk/absolutely-proprietary/"
or, if installed, the "most /home/sk/absolutely-proprietary/" commands
你可能已经注意到,我只有 **nonfree** 包。它还会显示另外两种类型的软件包,例如 semifree, uses-nonfree。
你可能已经注意到,我只有 **nonfree** 包。它还会显示另外两种类型的软件包,例如 semifree uses-nonfree。
* **nonfree**:这个软件包是公然的非自由软件。
* **semifree**:这个软件包大部分是免费的,但包含一些非自由软件。
* **uses-nonfree**:这个软件包依赖推荐或不恰当地与其他自由软件或服务集成。
* **semifree**:这个软件包大部分是自由的,但包含一些非自由软件。
* **uses-nonfree**:这个软件包依赖推荐或不恰当地与其他自由软件或服务集成。
@ -99,6 +106,9 @@ or, if installed, the "most /home/sk/absolutely-proprietary/" commands
- [Absolutely Proprietary][5]
@ -106,7 +116,7 @@ via:
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@ -114,4 +124,5 @@ via:
[4]: ()

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
迁移到 Linux使用 sudo
> sudo 机制可以让你轻松以普通用户偶尔执行管理任务。让我们来学习一下。
本文是我们关于迁移到 Linux 的系列文章的第五篇。如果你错过了之前的那些,你可以在这里赶上:
[第1部分 - 入门介绍][1]
[第2部分 - 磁盘、文件和文件系统][2]
[第3部分 - 图形操作环境][3]
[第4部分 - 命令行][4]
你可能一直想了解 Linux。也许它在你的工作场所使用如果你每天使用它你的工作效率会更高。或者也许你想在家里的某些计算机上安装 Linux。无论是什么原因这一系列文章都是为了让过渡更容易。
与许多其他操作系统一样Linux 支持多用户。它甚至支持多个用户同时登录。
/home/<login name>
### 管理任务
在传统的 Linux 安装中,常规用户帐户无权在系统上执行管理任务。典型的安装 Linux 的系统会要求用户以管理员身份登录以执行某些任务,而不是为每个用户分配权限以执行各种任务。
Linux 上的管理员帐户称为 root。
### Sudo 解释
从历史上看,要执行管理任务,必须以 root 身份登录,执行任务,然后登出。这个过程有点乏味,所以很多人以 root 登录并且整天都以管理员身份工作。这种做法可能会导致灾难性的后果例如意外删除系统中的所有文件。当然root 用户可以做任何事情,因此没有任何保护措施可以防止有人意外地执行影响很大的操作。
创建 `sudo` 工具是为了使你更容易以常规用户帐户登录,偶尔以 root 身份执行管理任务,而无需登录、执行任务然后登出。具体来说,`sudo` 允许你以不同的用户身份运行命令。如果你未指定特定用户,则假定你指的是 root 用户。
`sudo` 可以有复杂的设置,允许用户有权限使用 `sudo` 运行某些命令,而其他的不行。通常,安装的桌面系统会使创建的第一个帐户在 `sudo` 中有完全的权限,因此你作为主要用户可以完全管理 Linux 安装。
### 使用 Sudo
某些安装 Linux 的系统设置了 `sudo`,因此你仍需要知道 root 帐户的密码才能执行管理任务。其他人,设置 `sudo` 输入自己的密码。这里有不同的哲学。
当你尝试在图形环境中执行管理任务时,通常会打开一个要求输入密码的对话框。输入你自己的密码(例如,在 Ubuntu 上)或 root 帐户的密码例如Red Hat
当你尝试在命令行中执行管理任务时,它通常只会给你一个 “permission denied” 错误。然后你在前面用 `sudo` 重新运行命令。例如:
systemctl start vsftpd
Failed to start vsftpd.service: Access denied
sudo systemctl start vsftpd
[sudo] password for user1:
### 何时使用 Sudo
以 root 身份运行命令(在 `sudo` 或其他情况下)并不总是解决权限错误的最佳解决方案。虽然将以 root 身份运行会消除 “permission denied” 错误,但有时最好寻找根本原因而不是仅仅解决症状。有时文件拥有错误的所有者和权限。
当你在尝试一个需要 root 权限来执行操作的任务或者程序时使用 `sudo`。如果文件恰好由另一个用户(包括 root 用户)拥有,请不要使用 `sudo`。在第二种情况下,最好正确设置文件的权限。
通过 Linux 基金会和 edX 的免费[“Linux 介绍”][5]课程了解有关 Linux 的更多信息。
作者:[John Bonesio][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
迁移到 Linux安装软件
> 所有的 Linux 打包系统和工具都会让人迷惑,但是这篇面向初学者的教程可以帮助你搞明白。
如你所见,众所瞩目的 Linux 已经用在互联网,以及 Arduino、Beagle 和树莓派主板等设备上,或许你正在考虑是时候尝试一下 Linux 了。本系列将帮助你成功过渡到 Linux。如果你错过了本系列的早期文章可以在这里找到它们
- [第1部分 - 入门介绍][1]
- [第2部分 - 磁盘、文件和文件系统][2]
- [第3部分 - 图形操作环境][3]
- [第4部分 - 命令行][4]
- [第5部分 - 使用 sudo][5]
### 安装软件
要在你的计算机上获得新软件,通常的方法是从供应商处获得软件产品,然后运行一个安装程序。过去,软件产品会出现在像 CD-ROM 或 DVD 一样的物理媒介上,而现在我们经常从互联网上下载软件产品。
使用 Linux安装软件就像在你的智能手机上安装一样。如同你的手机应用商店一样在 Linux 上有个提供开源软件工具和程序的<ruby>中央仓库<rt>central repository</rt></ruby>,几乎任何你想要的程序都会出现在可用软件包列表中以供你安装。
每个程序并不需要运行单独的安装程序,而是你可以使用 Linux 发行版附带的软件包管理工具。(这里说的 Linux 发行版就是你安装的 Linux例如 Ubuntu、Fedora、Debian 等)每个发行版在互联网上都有它自己的集中存储库(称为仓库),它们存储了数千个预先构建好的应用程序。
你可能会注意到,在 Linux 上安装软件有几种例外情况。有时候,你仍然需要去供应商那里获取他们的软件,因为该程序不存在于你的发行版的中央仓库中。当软件不是开源和/或自由软件的时候,通常就是这种情况。
有了所有的 Linux 包管理系统和工具,接下来干什么可能仍然令人困惑。本文应该有助于澄清一些事情。
### 包管理
目前在 Linux 发行版中有几个相互竞争的用于管理、安装和删除软件的包管理系统。每个发行版都选择使用了一个<ruby>包管理工具<rt>package management tools<rt></ruby>。Red Hat、Fedora、CentOS、Scientific Linux、SUSE 等使用 Red Hat 包管理RPM。Debian、Ubuntu、Linux Mint 等等都使用 Debian 包管理系统,简称 DPKG。还有一些其它包管理系统但 RPM 和 DPKG 是最常见的。
*图 1: Package installers*
无论你使用的软件包管理是什么,它们通常都是一组构建于另外一种工具之上的工具(图 1。最底层是一个命令行工具它可以让你做任何与安装软件相关的一切工作。你可以列出已安装的程序、删除程序、安装软件包文件等等。
这个底层工具并不总是最方便使用的,所以通常会有一个命令行工具,它可以使用单个命令在发行版的中央仓库中找到软件包,并下载和安装它以及任何依赖项。最后,通常会有一个<ruby>图形应用程序<rt>graphical application<rt></ruby>,可以让你使用鼠标选择任何想要的内容,然后单击 “install” 按钮即可。
*图 2: PackageKit*
对于基于 Red Hat 的发行版,包括 Fedora、CentOS、Scientific Linux 等,它们的底层工具是 rpm高级工具叫做 dnf在旧系统上是 yum。图形安装程序称为 PackageKit图 2它可能在系统管理菜单下显示名字为 “Add/Remove Software添加/删除软件)”。
*图 3: Ubuntu Software*
对于基于 Debian 的发行版,包括 Debian、Ubuntu、Linux Mint、Elementary OS 等,它们的底层命令行工具是 dpkg高级工具称为 apt。在 Ubuntu 上管理已安装软件的图形工具是 Ubuntu Software图 3。对于 Debian 和 Linux Mint图形工具称为<ruby>新立得<rt>Synaptic</rt></ruby>,它也可以安装在 Ubuntu 上。
你也可以在 Debian 相关发行版上安装一个基于文本的图形化工具 aptitude。它比 <ruby>新立得<rt>synaptic</rt></ruy>更强大,并且即使你只能访问命令行也能工作。如果你想通过各种选项进行各种操作,你可以试试这个,但它使用起来比新立得更复杂。其它发行版也可能有自己独特的工具。
### 命令行工具
在 Linux 上安装软件的在线说明通常描述了在命令行中键入的命令。这些说明通常更容易理解,并且将命令复制粘贴到命令行窗口中,可以在不出错的情况下一步步进行。这与下面的说明相反:“打开这个菜单,选择这个程序,输入这个搜索模式,点击这个标签,选择这个程序,然后点击这个按钮”,这经常让你在各种操作中迷失。
有时你正在使用的 Linux 没有图形环境,因此熟悉从命令行安装软件包是件好事。表 1 和表 2 列出了基于 RPM 和 DPKG 系统的一下常见操作及其相关命令。
请注意 SUSE它像 RedHat 和 Fedora 一样使用 RPM却没有 dnf 或 yum。相反它使用一个名为 zypper 的程序作为高级命令行工具。其他发行版也可能有不同的工具,例如 Arch Linux 上的 pacman 或 Gentoo 上的 emerge。有很多包管理工具所以你可能需要查找哪个适用于你的发行版。
这些技巧应该能让你更好地了解如何在新的 Linux 中安装程序,以及更好地了解 Linux 中各种软件包管理方式如何相互关联。
通过 Linux 基金会和 edX 的免费 [“Linux 入门”][6]课程了解有关 Linux 的更多信息。
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@ -1,49 +1,50 @@
五个最热门的开源机器学习 JavaScript 框架
> 如果是你一位想要深入机器学习的 JavaScript 程序员或想成为一位使用 JavaScript 的机器学习专家,那么这些开源框架也许会吸引你。
虽然 python 支持绝大多数的机器学习框架,但是 JavaScript 也并没有被抛弃。JavaScript 开发者可以在浏览器中使用各种框架来训练和部署机器学习模型。
虽然 Python 是绝大多数的机器学习框架所采用的语言,但是 JavaScript 也并没有被抛下。JavaScript 开发者可以在浏览器中使用各种框架来训练和部署机器学习模型。
下面是 JavaScript 中最热门五个机器学习框架
### 1\. TensorFlow.js
### 1 TensorFlow.js
[TensorFlow.js][2] 是一个开源库,它使你能在浏览器中完整地运行机器学习程序,它是 Deeplearn.js 的继承者Deeplearn.js 不再被提供更新。TensorFlow.js 在 Deeplearn.js 功能的基础上进行了改善,使你能够充分利用浏览器,得到更加深入的机器学习经验。
[TensorFlow.js][2] 是一个开源库,它使你能在浏览器中完整地运行机器学习程序,它是 Deeplearn.js 的继承者Deeplearn.js 不再更新。TensorFlow.js 在 Deeplearn.js 功能的基础上进行了改善,使你能够充分利用浏览器,得到更加深入的机器学习经验。
通过这个开源库,你可以在浏览器中使用有各种功能的、直观的 API 来定义、训练和部署模型。除此之外,它能够自动为 WebGL 和 Node.js 提供支持。
通过这个开源库,你可以在浏览器中使用有各种功能的、直观的 API 来定义、训练和部署模型。除此之外,它自动提供 WebGL 和 Node.js 的支持。
如果您有了一个已经训练过的模型你想要导入到浏览器中。TensorFlow.js 可以让你做到这一点,你也可以在不离开浏览器的情况下重新训练已有的模型。
### 2、 机器学习工具库
如果你以前使用 python现在想找类似于 Scikit-learn 的,能在浏览器中使用 JavaScript 进行机器学习的工具,这套工具会满足你的要求
### 3\. Keras.js
如果你以前使用 Python现在想找类似于 Scikit-learn 的,能在浏览器中使用 JavaScript 进行机器学习的工具,这套工具会满足你的要求。
### 3、 Keras.js
[Keras.js][4] 是另外一个热门的开源框架,它使你能够在浏览器中运行机器学习模型,它使用 WebGL 来提供 GPU 模式的支持。如果你有使用 Node.js 的模型,你就只能在 GPU 模式下运行它。Keras.js 还为使用任意后端框架的模型训练提供支持,例如 Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) 。
一些 Keras 模型可以部署在客户端浏览器上,包括 Inception v3 (训练在 ImageNet 上)50 层冗余网络(训练在 ImageNet 上),和卷积变化自动编码器(训练在 MNIST 上)。
### 4\. Brain.js
### 4 Brain.js
机器学习里的概念非常重要,它可能会使刚开始进入这个领域的人们气馁,这个领域里的学术用语和专业词汇可能会使初学者感到崩溃,而解决以上问题的能力就是 Brain.js 的优势所在。它是开源的,基于 JavaScript 的框架,简化了定义、训练和运行神经网络的流程。
机器学习里的概念非常重要,它可能会使刚开始进入这个领域的人们气馁,这个领域里的学术用语和专业词汇可能会使初学者感到崩溃,而解决以上问题的能力就是 [Brain.js][5] 的优势所在。它是开源的,基于 JavaScript 的框架,简化了定义、训练和运行神经网络的流程。
如果你是一个 JavaScript 开发者并且在机器学习领域是完全的新手Brain.js 能减低你学习的难度曲线。它可以和 Node.js 一起使用或者运行在客户端浏览器里来训练机器学习模型。Brain.js 支持部分类型的神经网络包括前馈式网络、Ellman 网络,和门循环单元网络。
### 5\. STDLib
### 5 STDLib
[STDLib][6] 是一个基于 JavaScript 和 Node.js 应用的开源库,如果您正在寻找一种在浏览器中运行,支持科学和数字化的基于 web 的机器学习应用STDLib 能满足你的需要。
这个库能提供全面而先进的数学和统计学上的功能,来帮助你构建高性能的机器学习模型。你同样也可以使用它丰富的功能来构建应用程序和其他的库。除此之外,如果你想要一个数据可视化和探索性数据分析的框架 —— STDLib值得拥有。
### Conclusion
### 总结
如果你是一个 JavaScript 开发者,并且打算深入研究令人兴奋的机器学习世界,或者说,你是一个机器学习方面的专家,打算开始尝试使用 JavaScript ,那么上述的开源框架会激起您的兴趣。
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ via:
作者:[Dr.Michael J.Garbade][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
3 款 Linux 桌面的日记程序
> 用轻量、灵活的数字日记工具来记录你的活动。
无论你记日记的原因是什么,都有多种方法可以做到这一点。你可以去读书,使用笔和纸。你可以使用基于 Web 的程序。或者你可以使用[简单的文本文件][1]。
无论你记日记的原因是什么,都有多种方法可以做到这一点。你可以使用传统的笔和纸,也可以使用基于 Web 的程序,或者你可以使用[简单的文本文件][1]。
另一种选择是使用专门的日记程序。Linux 桌面有几种非常灵活且非常有用的日记工具。我们来看看其中的三个。
@ -12,11 +15,11 @@
在这里描述的三个日记程序中,[RedNotebook][2] 是最灵活的。大部分灵活性来自其模板。这些模板可让记录个人想法或会议记录、计划旅程或记录电话。你还可以编辑现有模板或创建自己的模板。
在这里描述的三个日记程序中,[RedNotebook][2] 是最灵活的。大部分灵活性来自其模板。这些模板可让记录个人想法或会议记录、计划旅程或记录电话。你还可以编辑现有模板或创建自己的模板。
你使用与 Markdown 非常相似的标记语言记录日记。你还可以在日记中添加标签,以便于查找。只需在程序的左窗格中单击或输入标记,右窗格中将显示相应日记的列表。
可以使用与 Markdown 非常相似的标记语言记录日记。你还可以在日记中添加标签,以便于查找。只需在程序的左窗格中单击或输入标记,右窗格中将显示相应日记的列表。
最重要的是,你可以将全部或部分或仅一个日记录导出为纯文本、HTML、LaTeX 或 PDF。在执行此操作之前你可以通过单击工具栏上的“预览”按钮了解日志在 PDF 或 HTML 中的显示情况。
最重要的是,你可以将全部、部分或仅一个日记导出为纯文本、HTML、LaTeX 或 PDF。在执行此操作之前你可以通过单击工具栏上的“预览”按钮了解日志在 PDF 或 HTML 中的显示情况。
总的来说RedNotebook 是一款易于使用且灵活的程序。它需要习惯,但一旦你这样做,它是一个有用的工具。
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[Lifeograph][3] 与 RedNotebook 有相似的外观和感觉。它没有那么多功能,但 Lifeograph 可以完成工作
[Lifeograph][3] 与 RedNotebook 有相似的外观和感觉。它没有那么多功能,但 Lifeograph 也够了
Lifeograph 有一个我觉得特别有用的功能。首先,你可以创建多个日记 - 例如,工作日记和个人日记。其次是密码保护你的日记的能力。虽然该网站声称 Lifeograph 使用“真正的加密”,但没有关于它的详细信息。尽管如此,设置密码仍然会阻止大多数窥探者。
@ -34,15 +37,15 @@ Lifeograph 有一个我觉得特别有用的功能。首先,你可以创建多
[Almanah Diary][4] 是另一种非常简单的日记工具。但不要因为它缺乏功能就关闭它。这很简单,但完成了工作
[Almanah Diary][4] 是另一种非常简单的日记工具。但不要因为它缺乏功能就丢掉它。虽简单,但足够
有多简单?它差多是一个区域包含了日记输入和日历。你可以做更多的事情 - 比如添加一些基本格式粗体、斜体和下划线并将文本转换为超链接。Almanah 还允许你加密日记。
有多简单?它差不多只是一个包含了日记输入和日历的区域而已。你可以做更多的事情 —— 比如添加一些基本格式粗体、斜体和下划线并将文本转换为超链接。Almanah 还允许你加密日记。
虽然有一个功能可以将纯文本文件导入程序,但我无法使其正常工作。尽管如此,如果你喜欢一个简单,能够快速记日记的软件,那么 Almanah 日记值得一看。
虽然有一个可以将纯文本文件导入程序的功能,但我无法使其正常工作。尽管如此,如果你喜欢一个简单,能够快速记日记的软件,那么 Almanah 日记值得一看。
### 命令行怎么样?
如果你不想用 GUI 则可以不必去做。命令行是保存日记的绝佳选择。
如果你不想用 GUI 则可以不必。命令行是保存日记的绝佳选择。
我尝试过并且喜欢的是 [jrnl][5]。或者你可以使用[此方案][6],它使用命令行别名格式化并将日记保存到文本文件中。
@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ via:
作者:[Scott Nesbitt][a]
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Translating by Valoniakim
What is open source programming?

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My first sysadmin mistake

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Translating by vk
How to make a career move from proprietary to open source technology
I started my journey as a software engineer at Northern Telecom, where I developed proprietary software for carrier-grade telephone switches. Although I learned Pascal while in college, at Northern Telecom I was trained in a proprietary programming language based on C. I also used a proprietary operating system and a proprietary version-control software.
I enjoyed working in the proprietary environment and had opportunities to do some interesting work. Then I had a turning point in my career that made me think about things. It happened at a career fair. I was invited to speak at a STEM career panel at a local middle school. I shared with the students my day-to-day responsibilities as a software engineer, and one of the students asked me a question: "Is this really what you always wanted to do in life? Do you enjoy and love what you are doing?"
Whenever my manager asked me this question, I would safely answer, "Yes, of course, I do!" But I had never been asked this by an innocent 6th grader who is interested in STEM. My response to the student was the same: "Of course I do!"
The truth was I did enjoy my career, but that student had me thinking… I had to reassess where I was in my career. I thought about the proprietary environment. I was an expert in my specialty, but that was one of the downsides: I was only modifying my area of code. Was I learning about different types of technology in a closed system? Was my skillset still marketable? Was I going through the motions? Is this what I really want to continue to do?
I thought all of those things, and I wondered: Was the challenge and creativity still there?
Life went on, and I had major life changes. I left Nortel Networks and took a career break to focus on my family.
When I was ready to re-enter the workforce, that 6th-grader's questions lingered in my mind. Is this want I've always wanted to do? I applied for several jobs that appeared to be a good match, but the feedback I received from recruiters was that they were looking for people with five or more years of Java and Python skills. It seemed that the skills and knowledge I had acquired over the course of my 15-year career at Nortel were no longer in demand or in use.
### Challenges
My first challenge was figuring out how to leverage the skills I gained while working at a proprietary company. I noticed there had been a huge shift in IT from proprietary to open source. I decided to learn and teach myself Python because it was the most in-demand language. Once I started to learn Python, I realized I needed a project to gain experience and make myself more marketable.
The next challenge was figuring out how to gain project experience with my new knowledge of Python. Former colleagues and my husband directed me toward open source software. When I googled "open source project," I discovered there were hundreds of open source projects, ranging from very small (one contributor) ones, to communities of less than 50 people, to huge projects with hundreds of contributors all over the world.
I did a keyword search in GitHub of technical terms that fit my skillset and found several projects that matched. I decided to leverage my interests and networking background to make my first contribution to OpenStack. I also discovered the [Outreachy][1] program, which offers three-month paid internships to people who are under-represented in tech.
### Lessons learned
One of the first things I learned is that I could contribute in many different ways. I could contribute to documentation and user design. I could also contribute by writing test cases. These are skillsets I developed over my career, and I didn't need five years of experience to contribute. All I needed was the commitment and drive to make a contribution.
After my first contribution to OpenStack was merged into the release, I was accepted into the Outreachy program. One of the best things about Outreachy is the mentor I was assigned to help me navigate the open source world.
Here are three other valuable lessons I learned that might help others who are interested in breaking into the open source world:
**Be persistent.** Be persistent in finding the right open source projects. Look for projects that match your core skillset. Also, look for ones that have a code of conduct and that are welcoming to newcomers—especially those with a getting started guide for newcomers. Be persistent in engaging in the community.
**Be patient.** Adjusting to open source takes time. Engagingin the community takes time. Giving thoughtful and meaningful feedback takes time, and reading and considering feedback you receive takes time.
**Participate in the community.** You don't have to have permission to work on a certain technology or a certain area. You can decide what you would like to work on and dive in.
Petra Sargent will present [You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: Moving From Proprietary to Open Source][2] at the 20th annual [OSCON][3] event, July 16-19 in Portland, Oregon.
作者:[Petra Sargent][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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translating by wenwensnow
An Advanced System Configuration Utility For Ubuntu Power Users
**Ubunsys** is a Qt-based advanced system utility for Ubuntu and its derivatives. Most of the configuration can be easily done from the command-line by the advanced users. Just in case, you dont want to use CLI all the time, you can use Ubunsys utility to configure your Ubuntu desktop system or its derivatives such as Linux Mint, Elementary OS etc. Ubunsys can be used to modify system configuration, install, remove, update packages and old kernels, enable/disable sudo access, install mainline kernel, update software repositories, clean up junk files, upgrade your Ubuntu to latest version, and so on. All of the aforementioned actions can be done with simple mouse clicks. You dont need to depend on CLI mode anymore. Here is the list of things you can do with Ubunsys:
* Install, update, and remove packages.
* Update and upgrade software repositories.
* Install mainline Kernel.
* Remove old and unused Kernels.
* Full system update.
* Complete System upgrade to next available version.
* Upgrade to latest development version.
* Clean up junk files from your system.
* Enable and/or disable sudo access without password.
* Make Sudo Passwords visible when you type them in the Terminal.
* Enable and/or disable hibernation.
* Enable and/or disable firewall.
* Open, backup and import sources.list.d and sudoers files.
* Show/unshow hidden startup items.
* Enable and/or disable Login sounds.
* Configure dual boot.
* Enable/disable Lock screen.
* Smart system update.
* Update and/or run all scripts at once using Scripts Manager.
* Exec normal user installation script from git.
* Check system integrity and missing GPG keys.
* Repair network.
* Fix broken packages.
* And more yet to come.
**Important note:** Ubunsys is not for Ubuntu beginners. It is dangerous and not a stable version yet. It might break your system. If youre a new to Ubuntu, dont use it. If you are very curious to use this application, go through each option carefully and proceed at your own risk. Do not forget to backup your important data before using this application.
### Ubunsys An Advanced System Configuration Utility For Ubuntu Power Users
#### Install Ubunsys
Ubunusys developer has made a PPA to make the installation process much easier. Ubunsys will currently work on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 17.04 64bit editions.
Run the following commands one by one to add Ubunsys PPA and install it.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:adgellida/ubunsys
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubunsys
If the PPA doesnt work, head over to the [**releases page**][1], download and install the Ubunsys package depending upon the architecture you use.
#### Usage
Once installed, launch Ubunsys from Menu. This is how Ubunsys main interface looks like.
As you can see, Ubunusys has four main sections namely **Packages** , **Tweaks** , **System** , and **Repair**. There are one or more sub-sections available for each main tab to do different operations.
This section allows you to install, remove, update packages.
In this section, we can do various various system tweaks such as,
* Open, backup, import sources.list and sudoers file;
* Configure dual boot;
* Enable/disable login sound, firewall, lock screen, hibernation, sudo access without password. You can also enable or disable for sudo access without password to specific users.
* Can make the passwords visible while typing them in Terminal (Disable Asterisks).
This section further categorized into three sub-categories, each for distinct user type.
The **Normal user** tab allows us to,
* Update, upgrade packages and software repos.
* Clean system.
* Exec normal user installation script.
The **Advanced user** section allows us to,
* Clean Old/Unused Kernels.
* Install mainline Kernel.
* do smart packages update.
* Upgrade system.
The **Developer** section allows us to upgrade the Ubuntu system to latest development version.
This is the fourth and last section of Ubunsys. As the name says, this section allows us to do repair our system, network, missing GPG keys, and fix broken packages.
As you can see, Ubunsys helps you to do any system configuration, maintenance and software management tasks with few mouse clicks. You dont need to depend on Terminal anymore. Ubunsys can help you to accomplish any advanced tasks. Again, I warn you, Its not for beginners and it is not stable yet. So, you can expect bugs and crashes when using it. Use it with care after studying options and impact.
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Migrating to Linux: Using Sudo
This article is the fifth in our series about migrating to Linux. If you missed earlier ones, you can catch up here:
[Part 1 - An Introduction][1]
[Part 2 - Disks, Files, and Filesystems][2]
[Part 3 - Graphical Environments][3]
[Part 4 - The Command Line][4]
You may have been wondering about Linux for a while. Perhaps it's used in your workplace and you'd be more efficient at your job if you used it on a daily basis. Or, perhaps you'd like to install Linux on some computer equipment you have at home. Whatever the reason, this series of articles is here to make the transition easier.
Linux, like many other operating systems supports multiple users. It even supports multiple users being logged in simultaneously.
User accounts are typically assigned a home directory where files can be stored. Usually this home directory is in:
/home/<login name>
This way, each user has their own separate location for their documents and other files.
### Admin Tasks
In a traditional Linux installation, regular user accounts don't have permissions to perform administrative tasks on the system. And instead of assigning rights to each user to perform various tasks, a typical Linux installation will require a user to log in as the admin to do certain tasks.
The administrator account on Linux is called root.
### Sudo Explained
Historically, to perform admin tasks, one would have to login as root, perform the task, and then log back out. This process was a bit tedious, so many folks logged in as root and worked all day long as the admin. This practice could lead to disastrous results, for example, accidentally deleting all the files in the system. The root user, of course, can do anything, so there are no protections to prevent someone from accidentally performing far-reaching actions.
The sudo facility was created to make it easier to login as your regular user account and occasionally perform admin tasks as root without having to login, do the task, and log back out. Specifically, sudo allows you to run a command as a different user. If you don't specify a specific user, it assumes you mean root.
Sudo can have complex settings to allow users certain permissions to use sudo for some commands but not for others. Typically, a desktop installation will make it so the first account created has full permissions in sudo, so you as the primary user can fully administer your Linux installation.
### Using Sudo
Some Linux installations set up sudo so that you still need to know the password for the root account to perform admin tasks. Others, set up sudo so that you type in your own password. There are different philosophies here.
When you try to perform an admin task in the graphical environment, it will usually open a dialog box asking for a password. Enter either your own password (e.g., on Ubuntu), or the root account's password (e.g., Red Hat).
When you try to perform an admin task in the command line, it will usually just give you a "permission denied" error. Then you would re-run the command with sudo in front. For example:
systemctl start vsftpd
Failed to start vsftpd.service: Access denied
sudo systemctl start vsftpd
[sudo] password for user1:
### When to Use Sudo
Running commands as root (under sudo or otherwise) is not always the best solution to get around permission errors. While will running as root will remove the "permission denied" errors, it's sometimes best to look for the root cause rather than just addressing the symptom. Sometimes files have the wrong owner and permissions.
Use sudo when you are trying to perform a task or run a program and the program requires root privileges to perform the operation. Don't use sudo if the file just happens to be owned by another user (including root). In this second case, it's better to set the permission on the file correctly.
Learn more about Linux through the free ["Introduction to Linux" ][5]course from The Linux Foundation and edX.
作者:[John Bonesio][a]
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BriFuture is translating
You don't know Bash: An introduction to Bash arrays

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4 cool new projects to try in COPR for June 2018
COPR is a [collection][1] of personal repositories for software that isnt carried in Fedora. Some software doesnt conform to standards that allow easy packaging. Or it may not meet other Fedora standards, despite being free and open source. COPR can offer these projects outside the Fedora set of packages. Software in COPR isnt supported by Fedora infrastructure or signed by the project. However, it can be a neat way to try new or experimental software.

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How to install Pipenv on Fedora
Pipenv aims to bring the best of all packaging worlds (bundler, composer, npm, cargo, yarn, etc.) to the Python world. It tries to solve a couple of problems and also simplify the whole management process.
Currently the management of Python application dependencies sometimes seems like a bit of a challenge. Developers usually create a [virtual environment][1] for each new project and install dependencies into it using [pip][2]. In addition they have to store the set of installed packages into the requirements.txt text file. Weve seen many tools and wrappers that aim to automate this workflow. However, there was still necessity to combine multiple utilities and the requirements.txt format itself is not ideal for more complicated scenarios.
### One tol to rule them all
Pipenv manages complex inter-dependencies properly and it also provides manual documenting of installed packages. For example development, testing and production environments often require a different set of packages. It used to be necessary to maintain multiple requirements.txt per project. Pipenv introduces the new [Pipfile][3] format using [TOML][4] syntax. Thanks to this format, you can finally maintain multiple set of requirement for different environments in a single file.
Pipenv has become the officially recommended tool for managing Python application dependencies only a year after the first lines of code were committed into the project. Now it is finally available as an package in Fedora repositories as well.
### Installing Pipenv on Fedora
On clean installation of Fedora 28 and later you can simply install Pipenv by running this command at the terminal:
$ sudo dnf install pipenv
Your system is now ready to start working on your new Python 3 application with help of Pipenv.
The important point is that while this tool provides nice solution for the applications, it is not designed for dealing with library requirements. When writing a Python library, pinning dependencies is not desirable. You should rather specify install_requires in file.
### Basic dependencies management
Create a directory for your project first:
$ mkdir new-project && cd new-project
Another step is to create a virtual environment for this project:
$ pipenv --three
The three option here sets the Python version of the virtual environment to Python 3.
Install dependencies:
$ pipenv install requests
Installing requests…
Adding requests to Pipfile's [packages]…
Pipfile.lock not found, creating…
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…
Locking [packages] dependencies…
Finally generate a lockfile:
$ pipenv lock
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…
Locking [packages] dependencies…
Updated Pipfile.lock (b14837)
You can also check a dependency graph:
$ pipenv graph
- certifi [required: >=2017.4.17, installed: 2018.4.16]
- chardet [required: <3.1.0,>=3.0.2, installed: 3.0.4]
- idna [required: <2.8,>=2.5, installed: 2.7]
- urllib3 [required: >=1.21.1,<1.24, installed: 1.23]
More details on Pipenv and it commands are available in the [documentation][5].
作者:[Michal Cyprian][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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6 RFCs for understanding how the internet works
Reading the source is an important part of open source software. It means users have the ability to look at the code and see what it does.
But "read the source" doesn't apply only to code. Understanding the standards the code implements can be just as important. These standards are codified in documents called "Requests for Comments" (RFCs) published by the [Internet Engineering Task Force][1] (IETF). Thousands of RFCs have been published over the years, so we collected a few that our contributors consider must-reads.
### 6 must-read RFCs
#### RFC 2119—Key words for use in RFCs to indicate requirement levels
This is a quick read, but it's important to understanding other RFCs. [RFC 2119][2] defines the requirement levels used in subsequent RFCs. What does "MAY" really mean? If the standard says "SHOULD," do you really have to do it? By giving the requirements a well-defined taxonomy, RFC 2119 helps avoid ambiguity.
Time is the bane of programmers the world over. [RFC 3339][3] defines how timestamps are to be formatted. Based on the [ISO 8601][4] standard, 3339 gives us a common way to represent time and its relentless march. For example, redundant information like the day of the week should not be included in a stored timestamp since it is easy to compute.
#### RFC 1918—Address allocation for private internets
There's the internet that's everyone's and then there's the internet that's just yours. Private networks are used all the time, and [RFC 1918][5] defines those networks. Sure, you could set up your router to route public spaces internally, but that's a bad idea. Alternately, you could take your unused public IP addresses and treat them as an internal network. In either case, you're making it clear you've never read RFC 1918.
#### RFC 1912—Common DNS operational and configuration errors
Everything is a #@%@ DNS problem, right? [RFC 1912][6] lays out mistakes that admins make when they're just trying to keep the internet running. Although it was published in 1996, DNS (and the mistakes people make with it) hasn't really changed all that much. To understand why we need DNS in the first place, consider what [RFC 289—What we hope is an official list of host names][7] would look like today.
#### RFC 2822—Internet message format
Think you know what a valid email address looks like? If the number of sites that won't accept a "+" in my address is any indication, you don't. [RFC 2822][8] defines what a valid email address looks like. It also goes into detail about the rest of an email message.
#### RFC 7231—Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and content
When you stop to think about it, almost everything we do online relies on HTTP. [RFC 7231][9] is among the most recent updates to that protocol. Weighing in at just over 100 pages, it defines methods, headers, and status codes.
### 3 should-read RFCs
Okay, not every RFC is serious business.
#### RFC 1149—A standard for the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers
Networks pass packets in many different ways. [RFC 1149][10] describes the use of carrier pigeons. They can't be any less reliable than my mobile provider when I'm more than a mile away from an interstate highway.
#### RFC 2324—Hypertext coffee pot control protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)
Coffee is very important to getting work done, so of course, we need a programmatic interface for managing our coffee pots. [RFC 2324][11] defines a protocol for interacting with coffee pots and adds HTTP 418 ("I am a teapot").
#### RFC 69—Distribution list change for M.I.T.
Is [RFC 69][12] the first published example of a misdirected unsubscribe request?
What are your must-read RFCs (whether they're serious or not)? Share your list in the comments.
作者:[Ben Cotton][a]
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How to Run Windows Apps on Android with Wine
Wine (on Linux, not the one you drink) is a free and open-source compatibility layer for running Windows programs on Unix-like operating systems. Begun in 1993, it could run a wide variety of Windows programs on Linux and macOS, although sometimes with modification. Now the Wine Project has rolled out version 3.0 which is compatible with your Android devices.
In this article we will show you how you can run Windows apps on your Android device with WINE.
**Related** : [How to Easily Install Windows Games on Linux with Winepak][1]
### What can you run on Wine?
Wine is only a compatibility layer, not a full-blown emulator, so you need an x86 Android device to take full advantage of it. However, most Androids in the hands of consumers are ARM-based.
Since most of you are using an ARM-based Android device, you will only be able to use Wine to run apps that have been adapted to run on Windows RT. There is a limited, but growing, list of software available for ARM devices. You can find a list of these apps that are compatible in this [thread][2] on XDA Developers Forums.
Some examples of apps you will be able to run on ARM are:
* [Keepass Portable][3]: A password storage wallet
* [Paint.NET][4]: An image manipulation program
* [SumatraPDF][5]: A document reader for PDFs and possibly some other document types
* [Audacity][6]: A digital audio recording and editing program
There are also some open-source retro games available like [Doom][7] and [Quake 2][8], as well as the open-source clone, [OpenTTD][9], a version of Transport Tycoon.
The list of programs that Wine can run on Android ARM devices is bound to grow as the popularity of Wine on Android expands. The Wine project is working on using QEMU to emulate x86 CPU instructions on ARM, and when that is complete, the number of apps your Android will be able to run should grow rapidly.
### Installing Wine
To install Wine you must first make sure that your devices settings allow it to download and install APKs from other sources than the Play Store. To do this youll need to give your device permission to download apps from unknown sources.
1\. Open Settings on your phone and select your Security options.
2\. Scroll down and click on the switch next to “Unknown Sources.”
3\. Accept the risks in the warning.
4\. Open the [Wine installation site][13], and tap the first checkbox in the list. The download will automatically begin.
5\. Once the download completes, open it from your Downloads folder, or pull down the notifications menu and click on the completed download there.
6\. Install the program. It will notify you that it needs access to recording audio and to modify, delete, and read the contents of your SD card. You may also need to give access for audio recording for some apps you will use in the program.
7\. When the installation completes, click on the icon to open the program.
When you open Wine, the desktop mimics Windows 7.
One drawback of Wine is that you have to have an external keyboard available to type. An external mouse may also be useful if you are running it on a small screen and find it difficult to tap small buttons.
You can tap the Start button to open two menus Control Panel and Run.
### Working with Wine
When you tap “Control panel” you will see three choices Add/Remove Programs, Game Controllers, and Internet Settings.
Using “Run,” you can open a dialogue box to issue commands. For instance, launch Internet Explorer by entering `iexplore`.
### Installing programs on Wine
1\. Download the application (or sync via the cloud) to your Android device. Take note of where you save it.
2\. Open the Wine Command Prompt window.
3\. Type the path to the location of the program. If you have saved it to the Download folder on your SD card, type:
4\. To run the file in Wine for Android, simply input the name of the EXE file.
If the ARM-ready file is compatible, it should run. If not, youll see a bunch of error messages. At this stage, installing Windows software on Android in Wine can be hit or miss.
There are still a lot of issues with this new version of Wine for Android. It doesnt work on all Android devices. It worked on my Galaxy S6 Edge but not on my Galaxy Tab 4. Many games wont work because the graphics driver doesnt support Direct3D yet. You need an external keyboard and mouse to be able to easily manipulate the screen because touch-screen is not fully developed yet.
Even with these issues in the early stages of release, the possibilities for this technology are thought-provoking. Its certainly likely that it will take some time yet before you can launch Windows programs on your Android smartphone using Wine without a hitch.
作者:[Tracey Rosenberger][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[1]: (How to Easily Install Windows Games on Linux with Winepak)
[10]: (wine-android-security)
[11]: (wine-android-unknown-sources)
[12]: (wine-android-unknown-sources-warning)
[14]: (wine-android-download-button)
[15]: (wine-android-app-access)
[16]: (wine-android-icon-small)
[17]: (wine-android-desktop)
[18]: (wine-android-start-button)
[19]: (wine-android-run)

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Revisiting wallabag, an open source alternative to Instapaper
Back in 2014, I [wrote about wallabag][1], an open source alternative to read-it-later applications like Instapaper and Pocket. Go take a look at that article if you want to. Don't worry, I'll wait for you.
Done? Great!
In the four years since I wrote that article, a lot about [wallabag][2] has changed. It's time to take a peek to see how wallabag has matured.
### What's new
The biggest change took place behind the scenes. Wallabag's developer Nicolas Lœuillet and the project's contributors did a lot of tinkering with the code, which improved the application. You see and feel the changes wrought by wallabag's newer codebase every time you use it.
So what are some of those changes? There are [quite a few][3]. Here are the ones I found most interesting and useful.
Besides making wallabag a bit snappier and more stable, the application's ability to import and export content has improved. You can import articles from Pocket and Instapaper, as well as articles marked as "To read" in bookmarking service [Pinboard][4]. You can also import Firefox and Chrome bookmarks.
You can also export your articles in several formats including EPUB, MOBI, PDF, and plaintext. You can do that for individual articles, all your unread articles, or every article—read and unread. The version of wallabag that I used four years ago could export to EPUB and PDF, but that export was balky at times. Now, those exports are quick and smooth.
Annotations and highlighting in the web interface now work much better and more consistently. Admittedly, I don't use them often—but they don't randomly disappear like they sometimes did with version 1 of wallabag.
The look and feel of wallabag have improved, too. That's thanks to a new theme inspired by [Material Design][5]. That might not seem like a big deal, but that theme makes wallabag a bit more visually attractive and makes articles easier to scan and read. Yes, kids, good UX can make a difference.
One of the biggest changes was the introduction of [a hosted version][6] of wallabag. More than a few people (yours truly included) don't have a server to run web apps and aren't entirely comfortable doing that. When it comes to anything technical, I have 10 thumbs. I don't mind paying € 9 (just over US$ 10 at the time I wrote this) a year to get a fully working version of the application that I don't need to watch over.
### What hasn't changed
Overall, wallabag's core functions are the same. The updated codebase, as I mentioned above, makes those functions run quite a bit smoother and quicker.
Wallabag's [browser extensions][7] do the same job in the same way. I've found that the extensions work a bit better than they did when I first tried them and when the application was at version 1.
### What's disappointing
The mobile app is good, but it's not great. It does a good job of rendering articles and has a few configuration options. But you can't highlight or annotate articles. That said, you can use the app to dip into your stock of archived articles.
While wallabag does a great job collecting articles, there are sites whose content you can't save to it. I haven't run into many such sites, but there have been enough for the situation to be annoying. I'm not sure how much that has to do with wallabag. Rather, I suspect it has something to do with the way the sites are coded—I ran into the same problem while looking at a couple of proprietary read-it-later tools.
Wallabag might not be a feature-for-feature replacement for Pocket or Instapaper, but it does a great job. It has improved noticeably in the four years since I first wrote about it. There's still room for improvement, but does what it says on the tin.
### Final thoughts
Since 2014, wallabag has evolved. It's gotten better, bit by bit and step by step. While it might not be a feature-for-feature replacement for the likes of Instapaper and Pocket, wallabag is a worthy open source alternative to proprietary read-it-later tools.
作者:[Scott Nesbitt][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
Robolinux Lets You Easily Run Linux and Windows Without Dual Booting
The number of Linux distributions available just keeps getting bigger. In fact, in the time it took me to write this sentence, another one may have appeared on the market. Many Linux flavors have trouble standing out in this crowd, and some are just a different combination of puzzle pieces joined to form something new: An Ubuntu base with a KDE desktop environment. A Debian base with an Xfce desktop. The combinations go on and on.
[Robolinux][1], however, does something unique. Its the only distro, to my knowledge, that makes working with Windows alongside Linux a little easier for the typical user. With just a few clicks, it lets you create a Windows virtual machine (by way of VirtualBox) that can run side by side with Linux. No more dual booting. With this process, you can have Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows 10 up and running with ease.
And, you get all this on top of an operating system thats pretty fantastic on its own. Robolinux not only makes short work of having Windows along for the ride, it simplifies using Linux itself. Installation is easy, and the installed collection of software means anyone can be productive right away.
Lets install Robolinux and see what there is to see.
### Installation
As I mentioned earlier, installing Robolinux is easy. Obviously, you must first [download an ISO][2] image of the operating system. You have the choice of installing a Cinnamon, Mate, LXDE, or xfce desktop (I opted to go the Mate route). I will warn you, the developers do make a pretty heavy-handed plea for donations. I dont fault them for this. Developing an operating system takes a great deal of time. So if you have the means, do make a donation.
Once youve downloaded the file, burn it to a CD/DVD or flash drive. Boot your system with the media and then, once the desktop loads, click the Install icon on the desktop. As soon as the installer opens (Figure 1), you should be immediately familiar with the layout of the tool.
![Robolinux installer][4]
Figure 1: The Robolinux installer is quite user-friendly.
[Used with permission][5]
Once youve walked through the installer, reboot, remove the installation media, and login when prompted. I will say that I installed Robolinux as a VirtualBox VM and it installed to perfection. This however, isnt a method you should use, if youre going to take advantage of the Stealth VM option. After logging in, the first thing I did was install the Guest Additions and everything was working smoothly.
### Default applications
The collection of default applications is impressive, but not overwhelming. Youll find all the standard tools to get your work done, including:
* LibreOffice
* Atril Document Viewer
* Backups
* GNOME Disks
* Medit text editor
* Seahorse
* Shotwell
* Simple Scan
* Firefox
* Pidgen
* Thunderbird
* Transmission
* Brasero
* Cheese
* Kazam
* Rhythmbox
* VirtualBox
* And more
With that list of software, you shouldnt want for much. However, should you find a app not installed, click on the desktop menu button and then click Package Manager, which will open Synaptic Package Manager, where you can install any of the Linux software you need.
If thats not enough, its time to take a look at the Windows side of things.
### Installing Windows
This is what sets Robolinux apart from other Linux distributions. If you click on the desktop menu button, you see a Stealth VM entry. Within that sub-menu, a listing of the different Windows VMs that can be installed appears (Figure 2).
![Windows VMs][7]
Figure 2: The available Windows VMs that can be installed alongside of Robolinux.
[Used with permission][5]
Before you can install one of the VMs, you must first download the Stealth VM file. To do that, double-click on the desktop icon that includes an image of the developers face (labeled Robos FREE Stealth VM). You must save that file to the ~/Downloads directory. Dont save it anywhere else, dont extract it, and dont rename it. With that file in place, click the start menu and then click Stealth VM. From the listing, click the top entry, Robolinx Stealth VM Installer. When prompted, type your sudo password. You will then be prompted that the Stealth VM is ready to be used. Go back to the start menu and click Stealth VM and select the version of Windows you want to install. A new window will appear (Figure 3). Click Yes and the installation will continue.
![Installing Windows][9]
Figure 3: Installing Windows in the Stealth VM.
[Used with permission][5]
Next you will be prompted to type your sudo password again (so your user can be added to the vboxusers group). Once youve taken care of that, youll be prompted to configure the RAM you want to dedicate to the VM. After that, a browser window will appear (once again asking for a donation). At this point everything is (almost) done. Close the browser and the terminal window.
Youre not finished.
Next you must insert the Windows installer media that matches the type of Windows VM you installed. You then must start VirtualBox by click start menu > System Tools > Oracle VM VirtualBox. When VirtualBox opens, an entry will already be created for your Windows VM (Figure 4).
![Windows VM][11]
Figure 4: Your Windows VM is ready to go.
[Used with permission][5]
You can now click the Start button (in VirtualBox) to finish up the installation. When the Windows installation completes, youre ready to work with Linux and Windows side-by-side.
### Making VMs a bit more user-friendly
You may be thinking to yourself, “Creating a virtual machine for Windows is actually easier than that!”. Although you are correct with that sentiment, not everyone knows how to create a new VM with VirtualBox. In the time it took me to figure out how to work with the Robolinux Stealth VM, I could have had numerous VMs created in VirtualBox. Additionally, this approach doesnt happen free of charge. You do still have to have a licensed copy of Windows (as well as the installation media). But anything developers can do to make using Linux easier is a plus. Thats how I see this—a Linux distribution doing something just slightly different that could remove a possible barrier to entry for the open source platform. From my perspective, thats a win-win. And, youre getting a pretty solid Linux distribution to boot.
If you already know the ins and outs of VirtualBox, Robolinux might not be your cuppa. But, if you dont like technology getting in the way of getting your work done and you want to have a Linux distribution that includes all the necessary tools to help make you productive, Robolinux is definitely worth a look.
Learn more about Linux through the free ["Introduction to Linux" ][12] course from The Linux Foundation and edX.
作者:[Jack Wallen][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[4]: (Robolinux installer)
[7]: (Windows VMs)
[9]: (Installing Windows)
[11]: (Windows VM)

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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
Using Ansible to set up a workstation
Ansible is an extremely popular [open-source configuration management and software automation project][1]. While IT professionals almost certainly use Ansible on a daily basis, its influence outside the IT industry is not as wide. Ansible is a powerful and flexible tool. It is easily applied to a task common to nearly every desktop computer user: the post-installation “checklist”.
Most users like to apply one “tweak” after a new installation. Ansibles idempotent, declarative syntax lends itself perfectly to describing how a system should be configured.
### Ansible in a nutshell
The _ansible_ program itself performs a **single task** against a set of hosts. This is roughly conceptualized as:
for HOST in $HOSTS; do
ssh $HOST /usr/bin/echo "Hello World"
To perform more than one task, Ansible defines the concept of a “playbook”. A playbook is a YAML file describing the _state_ of the targeted machine. When run, Ansible inspects each host and performs only the tasks necessary to enforce the state defined in the playbook.
- hosts: all
- name: Echo "Hello World"
command: echo "Hello World"
Run the playbook using the _ansible-playbook_ command:
$ ansible-playbook ~/playbook.yml
### Configuring a workstation
Start by installing ansible:
dnf install ansible
Next, create a file to store the playbook:
touch ~/post_install.yml
Start by defining the host on which to run this playbook. In this case, “localhost”:
- hosts: localhost
Each task consists of a _name_ field and a module field. Ansible has **a lot** of [modules][2]. Be sure to browse the module index to become familiar with all Ansible has to offer.
#### The package module
Most users install additional packages after a fresh install, and many like to remove some shipped software they dont use. The _[package][3]_ module provides a generic wrapper around the system package manager (in Fedoras case, _dnf_ ).
- hosts: localhost
- name: Install Builder
become: yes
name: gnome-builder
state: present
- name: Remove Rhythmbox
become: yes
name: rhythmbox
state: absent
- name: Install GNOME Music
become: yes
name: gnome-music
state: present
- name: Remove Shotwell
become: yes
name: shotwell
state: absent
This playbook results in the following outcomes:
* GNOME Builder and GNOME Music are installed
* Rhythmbox is removed
* On Fedora 28 or greater, nothing happens with Shotwell (it is not in the default list of packages)
* On Fedora 27 or older, Shotwell is removed
This playbook also introduces the **become: yes** directive. This specifies the task must be run by a privileged user (in most cases, _root_ ).
#### The DConf Module
Ansible can do a lot more than install software. For example, GNOME includes a great color-shifting feature called Night Light. It ships disabled by default, however the Ansible _[dconf][4]_ module can very easily enable it.
- hosts: localhost
- name: Enable Night Light
key: /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/color/night-light-enabled
value: true
- name: Set Night Light Temperature
key: /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/color/night-light-temperature
value: uint32 5500
Ansible can also create files at specified locations with the _[copy][5]_ module. In this example, a local file is copied to the destination path.
- hosts: localhost
- name: Enable "AUTH_ADMIN_KEEP" for pkexec
become: yes
src: files/51-pkexec-auth-admin-keep.rules
dest: /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/51-pkexec-auth-admin-keep.rules
#### The Command Module
Ansible can still run commands even if no specialized module exists (via the aptly named _[command][6]_ module). This playbook enables the [Flathub][7] repository and installs a few Flatpaks. The commands are crafted in such a way that they are effectively idempotent. This is an important behavior to consider; a playbook should succeed each time it is run on a machine.
- hosts: localhost
- name: Enable Flathub repository
become: yes
command: flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
- name: Install Fractal
become: yes
command: flatpak install --assumeyes flathub org.gnome.Fractal
- name: Install Spotify
become: yes
command: flatpak install --assumeyes flathub com.spotify.Client
Combine all these tasks together into a single playbook and, in one command, ** Ansible will customize a freshly installed workstation. Not only that, but 6 months later, after making changes to the playbook, run it again to bring a “seasoned” install back to a known state.
$ ansible-playbook -K ~/post_install.yml
This article only touched the surface of whats possible with Ansible. A follow-up article will go into more advanced Ansible concepts such as _roles,_ configuring multiple hosts with a divided set of responsibilities.
作者:[Link Dupont][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
Getting Started with Debian Packaging
One of my tasks in GSoC involved set up of Thunderbird extensions for the user. Some of the more popular add-ons like [Lightning][1] (calendar organiser) already has a Debian package.
Another important add on is [Cardbook][2] which is used to manage contacts for the user based on CardDAV and vCard standards. But it doesnt have a package yet.
My mentor, [Daniel][3] motivated me to create a package for it and upload it to [][4]. It would ease the installation process as it could get installed through `apt-get`. This blog describes how I learned and created a Debian package for CardBook from scratch.
Since, I was new to packaging, I did extensive research on basics of building a package from the source code and checked if the license was [DFSG][5] compatible.
I learned from various Debian wiki guides like [Packaging Intro][6], [Building a Package][7] and blogs.
I also studied the amd64 files included in [Lightning extension package][8].
The package I created could be found [here][9].
![Debian Package!][10]
Debian Package
### Creating an empty package
I started by creating a `debian` directory by using `dh_make` command
# Empty project folder
$ mkdir -p Debian/cardbook
# create files
$ dh_make\
> --native \
> --single \
> --packagename cardbook_1.0.0 \
> --email
Some important files like control, rules, changelog, copyright are initialized with it.
The list of all the files created:
$ find /debian
I gained an understanding of [Dpkg][11] package management program in Debian and its use to install, remove and manage packages.
I build an empty package with `dpkg` commands. This created an empty package with four files namely `.changes`, `.deb`, `.dsc`, `.tar.gz`
`.dsc` file contains the changes made and signature
`.deb` is the main package file which can be installed
`.tar.gz` (tarball) contains the source package
The process also created the README and changelog files in `/usr/share`. They contain the essential notes about the package like description, author and version.
I installed the package and checked the installed package contents. My new package mentions the version, architecture and description!
$ dpkg -L cardbook
### Including CardBook source files
After successfully creating an empty package, I added the actual CardBook add-on files inside the package. The CardBooks codebase is hosted [here][12] on Gitlab. I included all the source files inside another directory and told the build package command which files to include in the package.
I did this by creating a file `debian/install` using vi editor and listed the directories that should be installed. In this process I spent some time learning to use Linux terminal based text editors like vi. It helped me become familiar with editing, creating new files and shortcuts in vi.
Once, this was done, I updated the package version in the changelog file to document the changes that I have made.
$ dpkg -l | grep cardbook
ii cardbook 1.1.0 amd64 Thunderbird add-on for address book
Changelog file after updating Package
After rebuilding it, dependencies and detailed description can be added if necessary. The Debian control file can be edited to add the additional package requirements and dependencies.
### Local Debian Repository
Without creating a local repository, CardBook could be installed with:
$ sudo dpkg -i cardbook_1.1.0.deb
To actually test the installation for the package, I decided to build a local Debian repository. Without it, the `apt-get` command would not locate the package, as it is not in uploaded in Debian packages on net.
For configuring a local Debian repository, I copied my packages (.deb) to `Packages.gz` file placed in a `/tmp` location.
Local Debian Repo
To make it work, I learned about the apt configuration and where it looks for files.
I researched for a way to add my file location in apt-config. Finally I could accomplish the task by adding `*.list` file with packages path in APT and updating apt-cache afterwards.
Hence, the latest CardBook version could be successfully installed by `apt-get install cardbook`
![Package installation!][15]
CardBook Installation through apt-get
### Fixing Packaging errors and bugs
My mentor, Daniel helped me a lot during this process and guided me how to proceed further with the package. He told me to use [Lintian][16] for fixing common packaging error and then using [dput][17] to finally upload the CardBook package.
> Lintian is a Debian package checker which finds policy violations and bugs. It is one of the most widely used tool by Debian Maintainers to automate checks for Debian policies before uploading the package.
I have uploaded the second updated version of the package in a separate branch of the repository on Salsa [here][18] inside Debian directory.
I installed Lintian from backports and learned to use it on a package to fix errors. I researched on the abbreviations used in its errors and how to show detailed response from lintian commands
$ lintian -i -I --show-overrides cardbook_1.2.0.changes
Initially on running the command on the `.changes` file, I was surprised to see that a large number of errors, warnings and notes were displayed!
![Package Error Brief!][19]
Brief errors after running Lintian on Package
![Lintian error1!][20]
Detailed Lintian errors
Detailed Lintian errostyle=”width:200px;”rs
I spend some days to fix some errors related to Debian package policy violations. I had to dig into every policy and Debian rules carefully to eradicate a simple error. For this I referred various sections on [Debian Policy Manual][21] and [Debian Developers Reference][22].
I am still working on making it flawless and hope to upload it on soon!
It would be grateful if people from the Debian community who use Thunderbird could help fix these errors.
作者:[Minkush Jain][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出
[19]:/img/posts/16.png (Running Lintian on package)

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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
simple and elegant free podcast player
CPod (formerly known as Cumulonimbus) is a cross-platform, open source podcast player for the desktop. The application is built with web technologies its written in the JavaScript programming language and uses the Electron framework. Electron is often (rightly?) criticized for being a memory hog and dog slow. But is that mainly because of poor programming, rather than an inherent flaw in the technology?
CPod is available for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. Installation was a breeze on my Ubuntu 18.04 distribution as the author conveniently provides a 64-bit deb package. If you dont run a Debian/Ubuntu based distro, theres an AppImage which effortlessly installs the software on all major Linux distributions. Theres also a snap package from the snapcraft website, but bizarrely (and incorrectly) flags the software as proprietary software. As CPod is released under an open source license, theres the full source code available too.
The deb package installs the software to /opt/CPod, although the binary is still called cumulonimbus. A bit of tidying up needed there. For Mac OS users, theres an Apple Disk Image file.
### Home
![CPod Playlist][2]
First off, you cannot fail to notice the gorgeous attractive interface. Presentation is first class.
First off, you cannot fail to notice the gorgeous attractive interface. Presentation is first class.
The home section shows your subscribed podcasts. There are helpful filters at the top. They let you select podcasts of specified duration (handy if time is limited), you can filter by date, filter for podcasts that youve downloaded an offline copy, as well as podcasts that have not been listened to, youve started listening to, and podcasts youve heard to the end.
Below the filters, theres the option to select multiple podcasts, download local copies, add podcasts to your queue, as well as actually playing a podcast. The interface is remarkably intuitive.
One quirk is that offline episodes are downloaded to the directory ~/.config/cumulonimbus/offline_episodes/. The downloaded podcasts are therefore not visible in the Files file manager by default (this is because the standard installation of Files does not display hidden files). Its easy to enable hidden files in the file manager. Good news, the developer plans to add a configurable default download directory.
Theres lots of nice touches which enhance the user experience, such as the progress bars when downloading episodes.
### Playing a podcast
Heres one of my favourite podcasts, Ubuntu Podcast, in playback. Theres visualization effects enabled; they only show when the window has focus. The visualizations dont always display properly. Theres also the option of changing the playback speed (0.5x 4x speed). Im not sure why Id want to change the playback speed though. Maybe someone could enlighten me?
More functional is the slider that lets you skip to a specific point of the podcast although this is a tad buggy. The software is in an early stage of development. In any case, I prefer using the keyboard shortcuts to move forwards and backwards, and they work fine. Some podcasts offer links that let you skip to a particular segment; they are displayed in the large pane.
Theres also the ability to watch video podcasts in both fullscreen and window mode. I spend most of my time listening to audio podcasts, but having full screen video podcasts is a pretty cool feature. Video playback is powered by ffmpeg.
### Queue
![CPod Queue][4]
Theres not much to say about the queue functionality, but its worth noting you can change the order of episodes simply by dragging and dropping them in the interface. Its well implemented and really simple to use. Another tick for CPod.
### Subscriptions
Theres not much to say about the queue functionality, but its worth noting you can change the order of episodes simply by dragging and dropping them in the interface. Its well implemented and really simple to use. Another tick for CPod.
![CPod Subscriptions][5]
The interface makes it really easy to subscribe and unsubscribe to podcasts. Clicking the image of a subscribed podcast lets you find an episode, as well as a list of recent episodes, again with the ability to play, queue, and download. Its all very clean and easy to use.
### Explore
In explore you can search for podcasts. Just type some keywords into the Explore dialog box, and youre presented with a list of podcasts you can listen and subscribe.
If youre a fan of YouTube, youre in luck. Theres the ability to preview and subscribe to YouTube channels by pasting a channels URL into the Explore box. Thats great if you have YouTube channel hyperlinks handy, but some sort of YouTube channel finder would be a great addition.
Heres a YouTube video in action.
![CPod YTube][6]
### Settings
![CPod Settings][7]
Theres a lot you can configure in Settings. Theres functionality to:
* Internationalization support the ability to select the language displayed. Currently, theres fairly limited support in this respect. Besides English, theres Chinese, French, German, Korean, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Spanish available. Contributing translations is probably the easiest way for non-programmers to contribute to an open source project.
* Option to group episodes in Home by day or month.
* Keyboard shortcuts that let you skip backward, skip forward, and play/pause playback. I love my keyboard shortcuts.
* Configure different lengths of forward/backward skip.
* Enable waveform visualization you can see examples of the visualization in our images (Playlist and Subscription sections).
* Basic integration (currently only subscriptions and device sync are supported; other functionality such as episodes actions and queue are planned).
* Allow pre-releases when auto-updating.
* Export subscriptions to OPML Outline Processor Markup Language is an XML format commonly used to exchange lists of web feeds between web feed aggregators.
* Import subscriptions from OPML.
* Update podcast cover art.
* View offline episodes directory.
The software has a bag of neat touches. For example, if I change the language setting, the software presents a pop up saying CPod needs to be restarted for the change to take effect. All very user-friendly.
The Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification (MPRIS) is a standard D-Bus interface which aims to provide a common programmatic API for controlling media players. CPod offers basic MPRIS integration.
### Summary
CPod is another good example of whats possible with modern web technologies. Sure, its got a few quirks, its in an early stage of development (read expect to find lots of bugs), and theres some useful functionality waiting to be implemented. But Im using the software on a daily basis, and will definitely keep up-to-date with developments.
Linux already has some high quality open source podcast players. But CPod is definitely worth a download if youre passionate about podcasts.
**Website:** [**————-/CPod**][8]
**Developer:** Zack Guard
**License:** Apache License 2.0
Zack Guard, CPods developer, is a student who lives in Hong Kong. You can buy him a coffee at **<>**. Unfortunately, Im an impoverished student too.
### Related
作者:[Luke Baker][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
作为一名软件工程师,我的职业生涯是从 Northern Telecom 开始的,在这里我开发出了电信级的通讯转换设备可以使用的专有软件等。 即使我已经在大学中学习了 Pascal 语言,公司还是给我进行了以 C 语言为基础是专有编程语言培养。在公司中我使用的也是专有操作系统和专有版本控制软件。
我很享受专有环境下的工作,并有幸接触了很多有趣的项目,这样过了很多年,直到一场招聘会,我遇到了事业转折点。那时我受邀在当地一所中学的 STEM 行业座谈会进行演讲,给学生们讲述了作为一名软件工程师的主要工作内容和责任,一名学生问我:“这些事是你一直梦想要做的吗?你热爱你现在的工作吗?”
每次领导问我这个问题时,保险起见,我都会回答他,“我当然热爱工作了!”但从来没有一名还在读六年级的单纯的 STEM 小爱好者问过我这个问题。我的回答还是一样,“我当然喜欢!”
时间不会停止,但我的生活发生了改变。我离开了 Nortel Networks ,打算休息一段时间来陪陪我的家人。
在我准备返回工作岗位时,那个小朋友的话又在我的脑海中响起,这真的是我想要的工作吗?我投了很多份简历,有一个岗位是我最中意的,但那家公司的回复是,他们想要的是拥有五年及以上 Java and Python 工作经验的人。在过去十五年里我以之为生的知识和技术看起来已经过时了。
### 机遇与挑战
我的第一项挑战是学会在新的环境下应用我先前在封闭环境学到的技能。IT 行业由专有环境转向开源后发生了天翻地覆的变化。我打算先自学眼下最需要的 Python 。接触 Python 后我意识到,我需要一个项目来证明自己的能力,让自己更具有竞争力。
我的第二个挑战是怎么获得 Python 相关的项目经验。我丈夫和之前的同事都向我推荐了开源软件通过谷歌搜索我发现网上有许许多多的开源项目它们分别来源于一个人的小团队50 人左右的团队,还有跨国的百人大团队。
在 Github 上我用相关专业术语搜索出了许多适合我的项目。综合我的兴趣和网络相关的工作经验,我打算把第一个项目贡献给 OpenStack 。 我还注意到了 [Outreachy][1] 项目,它为不具备相关技术基础的人员提供三个月的实习期。
### 经验与教训
在我为 OpenStack 做出的第一个贡献被合并、发表后,我正式成为了 Outreachy 项目的一员。 Outreachy 项目最好的一点是,项目分配给我的导师能够引领我在开源世界中找到方向。
**持之以恒** 你需要找到最适合你核心技能组的项目,当然,最好有行为准则和新人入门指南,这样的项目比较适合初学者加入。找到了合适的项目你可以持之以恒地在社区中进行贡献。
**不厌其烦** 适应开源环境需要一段时间。融入开源社区需要时间。进行深思熟虑的反馈需要时间。阅读反馈并经行改进也需要时间。在这其中你需要耐心等待。
**参与其中** 在开源社区,从事什么领域或技术的工作不需要特殊批准,你可以自己选择工作的领域,并深入其中。
7 月 16-19 日,俄勒冈州波特兰,第 20 届 [开源大会][3] 上Petra Sargent 将为您展示:[老狗也能学会新把戏——封闭环境工作者如何适应开源环境][2]。
作者:[Petra Sargent][a]
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**Ubunsys** 是一个基于Qt 的高级系统程序,可以在Ubuntu和其他Ubuntu系列衍生系统上使用.大多数情况下,高级用户可以使用命令行轻松完成大多数配置.
不过为了以防万一某天,你突然不想用命令行了,就可以用 Ubnusys 这个程序来配置你的系统或其衍生系统,如Linux Mint,Elementary OS 等. Ubunsys 可用来修改系统配置,安装,删除,更新包和旧内核,启用或禁用sudo 权限,安装主线内核,更新软件安装源,清理垃圾文件,将你的Ubuntu 系统升级到最新版本等等
以上提到的所有功能都可以通过鼠标点击完成.你不需要再依赖于命令行模式,下面是你能用Ubunsys 做到的事:
* 安装,删除,更新包
* 更新和升级软件源
* 安装主线内核
* 删除旧的和不再使用的内核
* 系统整体更新
* 将系统升级到下一个可用的版本
* 将系统升级到最新的开发版本
* 清理系统垃圾文件
* 在不输入密码的情况下启用或者禁用sudo 权限
* 当你在terminal输入密码时使Sudo 密码可见
* 启用或禁用系统冬眠
* 启用或禁用防火墙
* 打开,备份和导入 sources.list.d 和sudoers 文件.
* 显示或者隐藏启动项
* 启用或禁用登录音效
* 配置双启动
* 启用或禁用锁屏
* 智能系统更新
* 使用脚本管理器更新/一次性执行脚本
* 从git执行常规用户安装脚本
* 检查系统完整性和缺失的GPG keys.
* 修复网络
* 修复已破损的包
* 还有更多功能在开发中
**重要提示:** Ubunsys 不适用于Ubuntu 新手.它很危险并且没有一个稳定的版本.它可能会使你的系统崩溃.如果你刚接触Ubuntu不久,不要使用.但如果你真的很好奇这个应用能做什么,仔细浏览每一个选项,并确定自己能承担风险.在使用这一应用之前记着备份你自己的重要数据
### Ubunsys - 对Ubuntu标准用户的一个高级系统配置程序
#### 安装 Ubunsys
Ubunusys 开发者制作了一个ppa 来简化安装过程,Ubunusys现在可以在Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 17.04 64 位版本上使用.
逐条执行下面的命令,将Ubunsys的PPA 添加进去,并安装它
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:adgellida/ubunsys
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubunsys
如果ppa 无法使用,你可以在[**发布页面**][1]根据你自己当前系统,选择正确的安装包,直接下载并安装Ubunsys
#### 用途
一旦安装完成,从菜单栏启动Ubunsys.下图是Ubunsys 主界面
你可以看到,Ubunusys 有四个主要部分,分别是 **Packages** , **Tweaks** , **System** ,和**Repair**. 在每一个标签项下面都有一个或多个子标签项以对应不同的操作
* 打开,备份和导入 sources.list.d 和sudoers 文件;
* 配置双启动;
* 启用或禁用登录音效,防火墙,锁屏,系统冬眠,sudo 权限在不需要密码的情况下同时你还可以针对某一用户启用或禁用sudo 权限(在不需要密码的情况下)
* 在terminal 中输入密码时可见禁用Asterisk.
**Normal user** 这一标签下的选项可以,
* 更新,升级包和软件源
* 清理系统
* 执行常规用户安装脚本
**Advanced user** 这一标签下的选项可以,
* 清理旧的/无用的内核
* 安装主线内核
* 智能包更新
* 升级系统
**Developer** 这一部分可以将系统升级到最新的开发版本
这是Ubunsys 的第四个也是最后一个部分.正如名字所示,这一部分能让我们修复我们的系统,网络,缺失的GPG keys,和已经缺失的包
正如你所见,Ubunsys可以在几次点击下就能完成诸如系统配置,系统维护和软件维护之类的任务.你不需要一直依赖于Terminal. Ubunsys 能帮你完成任何高级任务.再次声明,我警告你,这个应用不适合新手,而且它并不稳定.所以当你使用的时候,可能会出现bug或者系统崩溃.在仔细研究过每一个选项的影响之后再使用它.
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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
迁移到 Linux 之安装软件
你看到的所有有关 Linux 的关注,以及它在互联网,以及 ArduinoBeagle 和 Raspberry Pi boards树莓派板等设备上的使用或许你正在考虑是时候尝试一下 Linux 了。本系列将帮助你成功过渡到 Linux。如果你错过了本系列的早期文章可以在这里找到它们
[Part 1 - 介绍][1]
[Part 2 - 磁盘、文件和文件系统][2]
[Part 3 - 图形界面][3]
[Part 4 - 命令行][4]
[Part 5 - 使用 sudo][5]
### 安装软件
要在你的计算机上获得新软件,通常的方法是从供应商处获得软件产品,然后运行一个安装程序。过去,软件产品会像 CD-ROM 或 DVD 一样出现在物理媒介上。而现在我们经常从网上下载软件产品。
使用 Linux安装软件就像在你的智能手机上安装一样。就像去你的手机应用商店一样在 Linux 上有个开源软件工具和程序的<ruby>中央仓库<rt>central repository</rt></ruby>,几乎任何你可能想要的程序都会在你可安装的可用软件包列表中。
没有为每个程序运行的单独安装程序。相反,你可以使用 Linux 发行版附带的软件包管理工具。请记住Linux 发行版是你安装的 Linux例如 UbuntuFedoraDebian 等)每个发行版在 Internet 上都有自己的集中位置(称为仓库),用于存储数千个预先安装的应用程序。
你可能会注意到,在 Linux 上安装软件有几个例外。有时候,你仍然需要去供应商处获取他们的软件,因为该程序不存在于你发行版的中央仓库中。当软件不是开源和/或免费(自由)的时候,通常就是这种情况。
有了所有的 Linux 包管理系统和工具,接下来干什么可能仍然令人困惑。本文应该有助于澄清一些事情。
### 包管理
一些用于管理、安装和删除软件的包管理系统在 Linux 发行版中竞争。那个发行版背后的人都选择一个<ruby>包管理工具<rt>package management tools<rt></ruby>来使用。Red HatFedoraCentOSScientific LinuxSUSE 等使用 Red Hat 包管理RPM。DebianUbuntuLinux Mint 等等都使用 Debian 包管理系统,简称 DPKG。其他包管理系统也存在但 RPM 和 DPKG 是最常见的。
图 1: Package installers
无论你使用的软件包管理是什么,它们通常都附带一组工具,它们是分层的(图 1。最底层是一个命令行工具它可以让你做任何与安装软件相关的一切。你可以列出已安装的程序删除程序安装软件包文件等等。
这个底层工具并不总是最方便使用的,所以通常会有一个命令行工具,它可以在发行版的中央仓库中找到软件包,并使用单个命令下载和安装它以及任何依赖项。最后,通常会有一个<ruby>图形应用程序<rt>graphical application<rt></ruby>,让你使用鼠标选择任何想要的内容,然后单击 “install” 按钮。
图 2: PackageKit
对于基于 Red Hat 的发行版,包括 FedoraCentOSScientific Linux 等。它们的底层工具是 rpm高级工具叫做 dnf在旧系统上是 yum。图形安装程序称为 PackageKit图 2它可能在系统管理下显示为 “Add/Remove Software添加/删除软件)”。
图 3: Ubuntu Software
对于基于 Debian 的发行版,包括 DebianUbuntuLinux MintElementary OS 等。它们的底层命令行工具是 dpkg高级工具称为 apt。在 Ubuntu 上管理已安装软件的图形工具是 Ubuntu Software图 3。对于 Debian 和 Linux Mint图形工具称为<ruby>新立得<rt>Synaptic</rt></ruby>,它也可以安装在 Ubuntu 上。
你也可以在 Debian 相关发行版上安装基于文本的图形工具 aptitude。它比 Synaptic新立得更强大并且即使你只能访问命令行也能工作。如果你想获得所有花里胡哨的东西你可以试试那个尽管有更多的选择但使用起来比 Synaptic 更复杂。其他发行版可能有自己独特的工具。
### 命令行工具
在 Linux 上安装软件的在线说明通常描述在命令行中键入的命令。这些指令通常更容易理解,并且可以在不出错的情况下,将命令复制粘贴到命令行窗口中。这与下面的说明相反:“打开这个菜单,选择这个程序,输入这个搜索模式,点击这个标签,选择这个程序,然后点击这个按钮”,这经常在翻译中丢失。
有时你正在使用的 Linux 没有图形环境,因此熟悉从命令行安装软件包是件好事。表 1 和表 2 列出了基于 RPM 和 DPKG 系统的一下常见操作及其相关命令。
请注意 SUSE它像 RedHat 和 Fedora 一样使用 RPM却没有 dnf 或 yum。相反它使用一个名为 zypper 的程序作为高级命令行工具。其他发行版也可能有不同的工具,例如 Arch Linux 上的 pacman 或 Gentoo 上的 emerge。有很多包工具所以你可能需要查找哪个适用于你的发行版。
这些技巧应该能让你更好地了解如何在新的 Linux 中安装程序,以及更好地了解 Linux 中各种软件包方法如何相互关联。
通过 Linux 基金会和 edX 的免费 [“Linux 入门”][6]课程了解有关 Linux 的更多信息。
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
如何在 Fedora 上安装 Pipenv
Pipenv 的目标是将最好的打包世界bundler、composer、npm、cargo、yarn 等)带到 Python 世界。它试图解决一些问题,并简化整个管理过程。
目前Python 程序依赖项的管理有时似乎是一个挑战。开发人员通常为每个新项目创建一个[虚拟环境][1],并使用 [pip][2] 将依赖项安装到其中。此外,他们必须将已安装的软件包集保存到 requirements.txt 文件中。我们看到过许多旨在自动化此工作流程的工具和包装程序。但是,仍然需要结合多个程序,并且 requirements.txt 格式本身并不适用于更复杂的场景。
### 一个统治它们的工具
Pipenv 正确地管理复杂的相互依赖关系,它还提供已安装包的手动记录。例如,开发、测试和生产环境通常需要一组不同的包。过去,每个项目需要维护多个 requirements.txt。Pipenv 使用 [TOML][4] 语法引入了新的 [Pipfile][3] 格式。多亏这种格式,你终于可以在单个文件中维护不同环境的多组需求。
在将第一行代码提交到项目中仅一年后Pipenv 已成为管理 Python 程序依赖关系的官方推荐工具。现在它终于在 Fedora 仓库中提供。
### 在 Fedora 上安装 Pipenv
在全新安装 Fedora 28 及更高版本后,你只需在终端上运行此命令即可安装 Pipenv
$ sudo dnf install pipenv
现在,你的系统已准备好在 Pipenv 的帮助下开始使用新的 Python 3 程序。
重要的是,虽然这个工具为程序提供了很好的解决方案,但它并不是为处理库需求而设计的。编写 Python 库时,不需要固定依赖项。你应该在 文件中指定 install_requires。
### 基本依赖管理
$ mkdir new-project && cd new-project
$ pipenv --three
这里的 -three 选项将虚拟环境的 Python 版本设置为 Python 3。
$ pipenv install requests
Installing requests…
Adding requests to Pipfile's [packages]…
Pipfile.lock not found, creating…
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…
Locking [packages] dependencies…
最后生成 lockfile
$ pipenv lock
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…
Locking [packages] dependencies…
Updated Pipfile.lock (b14837)
$ pipenv graph
- certifi [required: >=2017.4.17, installed: 2018.4.16]
- chardet [required: <3.1.0,>=3.0.2, installed: 3.0.4]
- idna [required: <2.8,>=2.5, installed: 2.7]
- urllib3 [required: >=1.21.1,<1.24, installed: 1.23]
有关 Pipenv 及其命令的更多详细信息,请参见[文档][5]。
作者:[Michal Cyprian][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出