We may use touch command in Linux to create an empty file. Of course we can use another command such as vi, nano or any editing tools to do it. But you may need more steps do it. But do know it that the main function of touch command is not create an empty file?
### What is touch command ###
As we know, every file has timestamp attached to it. This time stamp is access time and modification time. Touch command is a command for file access and modification time.
### Why we need touch ###
Since touch command description is to change timestamp, we may wonder why do we need to change timestamp? This question also comes to our mind. But then, we think there is a reason why we need it. If you are participating in open source projects over sea, then timestamp may become important. Compiling a source code files may need a same region of timestamp. If not, the program may failed to compiled.
**File_1.txt** originally has timestamp 12:42. After we do touch command, it changed to 17:08. By default, touch will change the file timestamp into current time.
### Change only Access time ###
As we mention before that every file has Access time and Modify time attached to the file. File_1.txt above has timestamp 17:08. We can see more detail about it.
Now the **Modify time is change from 12:42:20 to 17:57:20. Please note**, that the Change field value will always keep record when the file is accessed or modified.
### Change into custom timestamp ###
Both -**a and -m** option will change the file timestamp into current time. We can also possible to change it into custom timestamp. To do this, use **-t** option.
From file_2.txt above example, we knew that its time stamp are :
12:42:20 for Access time
17:57:20 for Modify time
2014-01-14 for the date
Let say we want to change it into **09:58:27** for **both Access time and Modify time and 12 January 2014**. To do this, we can use this command :
$ touch -t 201401120958.27 file_2.txt

**-t** option is consist of :
#### [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm [.SS] ####
CC - The first two digits of the year
YY - The second two digits of the year
MM - The month of the year [01-12]
DD - The day of the month [01-31]
hh - The hour of the day [00-23]
mm - The minute of the hour [00-59]
SS - The second of the minute [00-61]
### Another way to change date and time ###
If you feel that the **[[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm [.SS]** format is not comfortable for you, we can use -d option. Here’s an example how to use **-d** option.
#### Change the date to specific date ####
For example we have file named file_3.txt with attributes as shown in the picture below.
We can see that file_3.txt has GMT +0700 timezone. To change it into GMT3 timezone, we can use this command.
$ touch -d GMT3 file_3.txt

Now the time is change into 10:00:00 AM
### Combining values using -d option ###
There is something cool using **-d** option. Please take a look at the picture below.

We can use the word ‘**next Sunday**’ and combine it with GMT 3 values, and touch command can still recognize it. The date is changed into 21 January 2014, where the current date is 14 January 2014.
Here’s another example of **-d** option.
First, we reset file_3.txt into current date and time.
Touch will useful for you if you are dealing with a timestamp of files and directories. As usual you can always type **man touch** or **touch --help** to display its manual page to explore more detail.