**Unvanquished, a free, open-source first-person shooter combining real-time strategy elements with a futuristic and sci-fi setting, has just received its 22nd update. Actually it's 22.1, but who's counting?**
Even if Unvanquished is still in its Alpha stages, the developers have added a lot of new features and the game has become a lot more playable.
The Unvanquished Alpha 22.1 has received a few engine changes, some gameplay changes, a new map, a new version of an existing map, and more.
Snowstation is the new map integrated in the game. According to the developer, it has a simple layout, essentially a loop, and a snow-covered outside area forming part of that loop.
“We're now using C++ for all engine code. A few things are a bit different – some commands are changed a little or renamed and some output looks different. One which you'll probably notice while playing is marking for deconstruction – you'll need to rebind that key. The reason is that /if has lost its modifier key support; you'll need to use /modcase instead,” reads the announcement.
### Highlight of Unvanquished Alpha 22.1: ###
• The jetpack has been added. Users have to hold down the jump key and fly – but you can't hover anymore and you only have a limited amount of fuel;
• The reasons “under attack” messages are reported have been changed;
• Human weapons will be refilled or recharged automatically when close to a suitable building and not in use;
• Repeaters are now effectively small reactors and they will provide power even when there is no reactor around;
• FXAA now works with Mesa in OpenGL 2.1 contexts.
More details about this amazingly-looking game can be found on the official [website][1]. Keep in mind that this is a work in progress and bugs are bound to appear.