A few weeks back, we discussed [advanced copy][1] (modified cp command that shows progress bar). A reader dropped in a comment pointing out another utility that also provides basic cp command functionality but along with some advanced features. So, in this article, lets discuss the very same command line utility — **gcp**.
### gcp – Advanced Command Line File Copier ###
gcp — as the manual suggests — is an advanced command line file copier that is inspired by the standard [cp command][2] but provides various advanced features like progress bar indicator, source lists, continuous copying even if there is a problematic file etc.
So you can see that the gcp command provides details like complete file size, percentage of copy complete, transfer rate and time left for the copy operation to complete.
**2. Copy Directories Recursively Through -r Option**
To copy complete directories recursively, use -r option.
So you can see that the gcp command provided a detailed error message related to the file **August Rush.avi** that was already present inside the destination folder. But an error did not disrupt the copy of other file(s).
**4. Get Detailed Output Through -v Option**
The verbose option -v can be used to keep track of all the details that the gcp command is up to.
and repeated the first step again but without mentioning the source file names. The option **–sources-load** was use to load the source file names from the list **SOURCES_SAVE**.
The gcp command provides various other useful options. For complete list of options, read the [man page of gcp][3].
### Download/Installation/Configuration ###
Here are some of the important links related to the gcp command :
- [Home Page][4]
- [Download Link][5]
- [Another useful gcp Tutorial][6]
You can alternatively download and install the gcp command through command line package managers like yum, apt-get etc. Ubuntu users can also use Ubuntu software centre to download and install this utility.
### Pros ###
- Status bar and source lists are the USP of this utility.
- Skips the problematic file(s) but the copy operation is not hampered.
- Usage is similar to that of the standard cp command.
### Cons ###
- While copying folders, it could be better if copy status of each file is displayed.
- Doesn’t come pre-installed in most of the Linux distributions.
### Conclusion ###
If you are fed up of waiting blindly while copying large files through standard cp command the gcp is a good alternative. System administrators will love the source list feature. It’s a must have utility.
**Have you ever used gcp or any other advanced cp-like command line utility? Share your experience with us.**