In this post we’ll code the conversation page. This page is the chat between the two users. At the top we’ll show info about the other participant, below, a list of the latest messages and a message form at the bottom.
### Chat heading
![chat heading screenshot][9]
Let’s start by creating the file `static/pages/conversation-page.js` with the following content:
import http from '../http.js'
import { navigate } from '../router.js'
import { avatar, escapeHTML } from '../shared.js'
export default async function conversationPage(conversationID) {
This page receives the conversation ID the router extracted from the URL.
First it does a GET request to `/api/conversations/{conversationID}` to get info about the conversation. In case of error, we show it and redirect back to `/`. Then we render info about the other participant.
### Conversation List
![chat heading screenshot][10]
We’ll fetch the latest messages too to display them.
let conversation, messages
try {
[conversation, messages] = await Promise.all([
Update the `conversationPage()` function to fetch the messages too. We use `Promise.all()` to do both request at the same time.
const messageDate = new Date(message.createdAt).toLocaleString()
const li = document.createElement('li')
if (message.mine) {
li.innerHTML = `
return li
Each message item displays the message content itself with its timestamp. Using `.mine` we can append a different class to the item so maybe you can show the message to the right.
We make use of [partial application][12] to have the conversation ID in the “submit” event handler. It takes the message content from the input and does a POST request to `/api/conversations/{conversationID}/messages` with it. Then prepends the newly created message to the list.
### Messages Subscription
To make it realtime we’ll subscribe to the message stream in this page also.
We also make use of partial application to have the conversation ID here.
When a new message arrives, first we check if it’s from this conversation. If it is, we go a prepend a message item to the list and do a POST request to `/api/conversations/{conversationID}/read_messages` to updated the last time the participant read messages.
* * *
That concludes this series. The messenger app is now functional.
~~I’ll add pagination on the conversation and message list, also user searching before sharing the source code. I’ll updated once it’s ready along with a hosted demo 👨💻~~