TranslateProject/sources/tech/20160910 HOSTING .NET CORE ON LINUX WITH DOCKER - A NOOB'S

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2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
新手指南 通过 DOCKER 在 Linux 上托管 .NET 核心
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
This post builds on my previous [introduction to .NET Core][1]. First I upgrade that RESTful API from .NET Core RC1 to .NET Core 1.0, then I add support for Docker and describe how to host it on Linux in a production environment.
这篇帖子建立在我之前的文章【.NET 核心入门】【】基础之上。首先我把应用程序界面【I】从 .NET Core RC1 升级到了 .NET Core 1.0,然后,我增加了对 Docker 的支持并描述了如何在 Linux 生产环境里托管它。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Im completely new to Docker and Im far from a Linux expert, so these are very much the thoughts of a noob.
我是首次接触 Docker 并且距离成为一名 Linux 高手还有很远的一段路程。因此,这里的很多想法是来自一个新手。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
### 安装
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Follow the instructions on to install .NET Core on your development machine. This will include the dotnet command line tool and the latest Visual Studio tooling for Windows.
按照 上的介绍在你的电脑上安装 .NET 核心。这将会同时在 Windows 上安装 dotnet 命令行工具以及最新的 Visual Studio 工具。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
### 源代码
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
You can jump straight to the finished source code on GitHub.
你可以直接到 GitHub 上找最到最新的完整的源代码。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
### 转换到 .NET CORE 1.0
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Naturally, my first port of call when thinking about how to upgrade the API from RC1 to 1.0 was to Google it with Bing. There are two pretty comprehensive guides that I followed:
自然地,当我考虑如何把应用程序界面【API】 .NET Core RC1 升级到 .NET Core 1.0 时想到的第一个求助的地方就是谷歌搜索。我是按照下面这两条非常全面的指导来进行升级的:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
- [Migrating from DNX to .NET Core CLI][2]
- [Migrating from ASP.NET 5 RC1 to ASP.NET Core 1.0][3]
I advise reading through both of these very carefully when migrating your code because I tried to skim read the second one without reading the first one and got very confused and frustrated!
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
I wont describe the changes in detail because you can look at the commit on GitHub. Here is a summary of what I changed:
我不想描述细节上的改变因为你可以看 GitHub 上的提交。这儿是我所作的改变的摘要:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
- Updated version numbers on global.json and project.json
- Removed obsolete sections from project.json
- Using the more lightweight ControllerBase rather than Controller because I dont need methods related to MVC views (this was an optional change)
- Removed the Http prefix from helper methods e.g. HttpNotFound -> NotFound
- LogVerbose -> LogTrace
- Namespace changes: Microsoft.AspNetCore.*
- Using SetBasePath in Startup (appsettings.json wont be found without this)
- Running via WebHostBuilder rather than WebApplication.Run
- Removed Serilog (at the time of writing it does not support .NET Core 1.0)
The only real headache here is the need to remove Serilog. I could have implemented my own file logger, but I just deleted file logging because I didnt want to focus on it for this exercise.
唯一令我真正头疼的事是需要移动 Serilog。我原本能够执行自己的文件记录器。但是我删除了文件记录因为我不想为了这次操作集中精力在这件事情上。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Unfortunately, there will be plenty of third party developers that will be playing catch up with support for .NET Core 1.0 but I have sympathy for them because they are often working in their spare time without anything close to the resources available to Microsoft. I recommend reading Travis Illigs [.NET Core 1.0 is Released, but Where is Autofac][4]? for a third party developers point of view on this!
不幸的是,将有大量的第三方开发者扮演追赶 .NET Core 1.0 的角色,我非常同情他们,因为他们通常在休息时间还坚持工作但却依旧根本无法接近微软的可用资源。我建议阅读 Travis Illig 的文章【.NET Core 1.0 发布了,但 Autofac 在哪儿】【4】?这是一篇关于第三方开发者观点的文章。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Having made these changes I was able to dotnet restore, dotnet build and dotnet run from the project.json directory and see the API working as before.
做了这些改变以后,我可以从 project.json 目录恢复、构建并运行 dotnet可以看到应用程序界面【】又像以前一样工作了。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
### 通过 DOCKER 运行
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
At the time of writing, Docker only really works on Linux. There is beta support for Docker on Windows and OS X but they both rely on virtualisation so Ive chosen to run Ubuntu 14.04 as a VirtualBox. Follow these instructions if you havent already got Docker installed.
在我写这篇文章的时候, Docker 只能够在 Linux 系统上工作。在 Windows 系统和 OS X 上有 beta 支持 Docker但是它们都必须依赖于虚拟化技术因此我选择把 Ubuntu 14.04 当作虚拟机来运行。如果你还没有安装过 Docker请按照指导来安装。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Ive been doing a bit of reading about Docker recently but Ive never tried to actually do anything with it until now. Ill assume the reader has no Docker knowledge so Ill explain all parts of the commands that Im using.
我最近阅读了一些关于 Docker 的东西,但我直到现在还没有真正用它来干任何事。我假设读者还没有关于 Docker 的知识,因此我会解释我所使用的所有命令。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Having installed Docker on my Ubuntu machine, my next move was to follow the instructions at to see how to get started with .NET Core and Docker.
在 Ubuntu 上安装好 Docker 之后,我所进行的下一步就是按照 上的介绍来开始运行 .NET 核心和 Docker.
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
First start a container with .NET Core installed:
首先开始一个配有已安装的 .NET Core 的 container。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
docker run -it microsoft/dotnet:latest
The -it option means interactive so having executed this command you will be inside the container and free to run any bash commands you like.
-it 选项意味着你可以在 container 内交互执行这条命令并按照你所希望的那样自由执行任何 bash 命令。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Then we can run five commands to get Microsofts Hello World .NET Core console application running inside Docker!
然后我们可以运行下面这五条命令个来获得在 Docker 内部运行的 Microsofts Hello World .NET 核心控制台运用程序。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
1. mkdir hwapp
2. cd hwapp
3. dotnet new
4. dotnet restore
5. dotnet run
You can exit to leave the container, then docker ps -a to show that you have created a container which has exited. You should really now tidy up that container using docker rm <container_name>.
你可以通过退出来离开 container然后在 Docker 内运行 ps -a 命令会显示你已经创建了一个已退出的 container。你可以通过在 Docker 上运行命令 rm <container_name>. 来整理一下容器。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
#### 安装源代码
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
My next move was to use the same microsoft/dotnet image as above but to mount the source for my application as a data volume.
我的下一步骤是使用和上面相同的 microsoft/dotnet 图像,但是将我的应用程序的源代码作为数据卷
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
First check out the repository at the relevant commit:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
1. git clone
2. cd aspnet5-books/src/MvcLibrary
3. git checkout dotnet-core-1.0
Now start a container running .NET Core 1.0 with the source located at /books. Note that youll need to change the /path/to/repo part to match your machine:
现在开启一个 container 来运行位于 /book 目录下伴有源程序的 .NET Core 1.0。 注意更改 /path/to/repo 这部分文件来匹配你的电脑:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
docker run -it \
-v /path/to/repo/aspnet5-books/src/MvcLibrary:/books \
Now you can run the application inside the container!
现在你可以运行 container 中的应用程序了!
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
cd /books
dotnet restore
dotnet run
Thats great as a proof of concept but we dont really want to have to worry about mounting the source code into a container like this whenever we want to start the application.
作为一个概念的证明,这的确很棒,但是我们不想无论何时打算运行一个程序都要考虑如何把源代码安装到 container 里。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
#### 增加一个 DOCKERFILE
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
The next step I took was to introduce a Dockerfile, which will allow the application to be started easily inside its own container.
我的下一步骤是引入一个 Docker 文件,这将允许应用程序很容易在自己的 container 内启动。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
My Dockerfile lives in the src/MvcLibrary directory alongside project.json and looks like this:
我的 Docker 文件和 project.json 一样位于 src/MvcLibrary 目录下,看起来像下面这样:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
FROM microsoft/dotnet:latest
# Create directory for the app source code
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/books
WORKDIR /usr/src/books
# Copy the source and restore dependencies
COPY . /usr/src/books
RUN dotnet restore
# Expose the port and start the app
CMD [ "dotnet", "run" ]
Strictly, the `RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/books` command is not needed because COPY will create any missing directories automatically.
严格来说RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/books 命令是不需要的,因为 COPY 会自动为丢失的目录创建副本。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Docker images are built in layers. We start from the image containing .NET Core and add another layer which builds the application from source then runs the application.
Docker 图像是建立在图层里面的,我们从包含 .NET Core 的图像开始,添加另一个从源生成应用程序的层,然后运行这个运用程序。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Having added the Dockerfile, I then ran the following commands to build the image and start a container using that image (make sure you are in the same directory as the Dockerfile and you should really use your own username):
添加了 Docker 文件以后,我通过运行下面的命令来生成一个图像并使用生成的图像打开一个 container确保在和 Docker 文件相同的目录下进行操作并且你应该使用自己的用户名)。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
1. docker build -t niksoper/netcore-books .
2. docker run -it niksoper/netcore-books
You should see that the application started listening just as before, except this time we dont need to bother mounting the source code because its already contained in the docker image.
你应该看到程序能够和之前一样的运行,不过这一次我们不需要像之前那样安装源代码,因为源代码已经包含在 docker 图像里面了。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
#### 暴露并发布端口
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
This API isnt going to be very useful unless we can communicate with it from outside the container. Docker has the concept of exposing and publishing ports, which are two very different things.
这个应用程序界面【API】用处不大除非我们可以从 container 外面和它进行通信。 Docker 已经有了暴露和发布端口的概念,但这是两件完全不同的事。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
From the official Docker documentation:
通过 Docker 官方文件:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
>The EXPOSE instruction informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime. EXPOSE does not make the ports of the container accessible to the host. To do that, you must use either the -p flag to publish a range of ports or the -P flag to publish all of the exposed ports.
> EXPOSE 指令通知 Docker 上的 container 监听正在运行的特殊网络端口。EXPOSE 指令不能够让 container 访问主机。要使 container 能够访问主机,你必须通过 -p 标志来发布一系列端口或者使用 -P 标志来发布所有暴露的端口
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
EXPOSE only adds metadata to the image so you can think of it as documentation for the consumers of the image. Technically, I could have left out the EXPOSE 5000 line completely because I know the port that the API is listening on but leaving it in is helpful and certainly recommended.
EXPOSE 指令只会将元数据添加到图像上,所以你可以认为它是图像消费者的文件。从技术上讲,我本应该忽略 5000 行 EXPOSE 指令因为我知道应用程序界面【API】正在监听的端口但把它们留下很有用并且是值得推荐的。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
At this stage I want to access the API directly from the host so I need to use -p to publish the port - this allows a request to port 5000 on the host be forwarded to port 5000 in the container regardless of whether the port has previously been exposed via the Dockerfile:
在这个阶段我想直接从主机访问应用程序界面【API】因此我需要通过 -p 命令来发布端口,这将允许请求从主机上的端口 5000 转发到 container 上的端口 5000无论这个端口是不是之前通过 Docker 文件暴露的。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 niksoper/netcore-books
Using -d tells docker to run the container in detached mode so we wont see its output but it will still be running and listening on port 5000 - prove this to yourself with docker ps.
通过 -d 指令告诉 docker 在分离模式下运行 container因此我们不能看到它的输出但是它依旧会运行和监听端口 5000。你可以通过 docker ps 来证实这件事。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
So then I prepared to celebrate by making a request from the host to the container:
因此,接下来我准备庆祝成功把一个请求从主机转发到了 container 里:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
curl http://localhost:5000/api/books
It didnt work.
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Making the same curl request repeatedly, I see one of two errors - either curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer or curl: (52) Empty reply from server.
I went back to the docker run documentation and double checked I was using the -p option correctly as well as EXPOSE in the Dockerfile. I couldnt see the problem and became a bit sad…
我返回 docker运行 文件r然后双重检查我所使用的 -p 选项以及 Docker 文件中的 EXPOSE 指令是否正确。我没有发现任何问题,这让我开始有些伤心。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
After pulling myself together, I decided to consult one of my local DevOps heroes - Dave Wybourn (also mentioned in this post on Docker Swarm). His team had run into this exact problem and the issue was the way that I had (not) configured Kestrel - the new lightweight, cross platform web server used for .NET Core.
重新站起来以后,我决定去咨询当地的一个英雄 - Dave Wybourn他也在文章里提到 Docker Swarm。他的团队也曾遇到这个实际问题但问题是我没有配置过 Kestral - 一个全新的轻量级跨平台 web 服务器,用于 .NET 核心。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
By default, Kestrel will listen on http://localhost:5000. The problem here is that localhost is a loopback interface.
默认情况下, Kestrel 会监听 http://localhost:5000。但问题是这儿的本地主机是一个回路接口。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
From Wikipedia:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
>In computer networking, localhost is a hostname that means this computer. It is used to access the network services that are running on the host via its loopback network interface. Using the loopback interface bypasses any local network interface hardware.
> 在计算机网络中,本地主机是一个象征着这台电脑的主机名。本地主机可以通过网络回路接口访问在主机上运行的网络服务。通过使用回路接口可以绕过任何硬件网络接口。
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
This is a problem when running inside a container because localhost can only be reached from within that container. The solution was to update the Main method in Startup.cs to configure the URLs that Kestrel will listen on:
在 container 内运行是一个新的问题因为本地主机只能够通过 container 到达。解决方法是更新 Startup.cs 里的主要方法来配置 Kestral 将监听的 URLs
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = new WebHostBuilder()
.UseUrls("http://*:5000") // listen on port 5000 on all network interfaces
With this extra configuration in place, I could then rebuild image and run the application in a container which will accept requests from the host:
通过这些额外的配置,我可以重建图像,并在 container 中运行应用程序,它将能够接收来自主机的请求:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
1. docker build -t niksoper/netcore-books .
2. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 niksoper/netcore-books
3. curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/books
I now get the following response:
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 15:25:43 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Server: Kestrel
[{"id":"1","title":"RESTful API with ASP.NET Core MVC 1.0","author":"Nick Soper"}]
2016-09-17 23:40:18 +08:00
Microsofts words:
>Kestrel is great for serving dynamic content from ASP.NET, however the web serving parts arent as feature rich as full-featured servers like IIS, Apache or Nginx. A reverse proxy-server can allow you to offload work like serving static content, caching requests, compressing requests, and SSL termination from the HTTP server.
So I need to set up Nginx on my Linux machine to act as my reverse proxy. Microsoft spell out how to do this in Publish to a Linux Production Environment. Ill summarise the instructions here:
1. Use dotnet publish to produce a self contained package for the application
2. Copy the published application to the server
3. Install and configure Nginx (as a reverse proxy server)
4. Install and configure supervisor (for keeping the Kestrel server running)
5. Enable and configure AppArmor (for limiting the resources available to an application)
6. Configure the server firewall
7. Secure Nginx (involves building from source and configuring SSL)
Its beyond the scope of this post to cover all of that, so Im only going to concentrate on configuring Nginx as a reverse proxy - and naturally, Im going to use Docker to do it.
My aim is to run Nginx in a second Docker container and configure it as a reverse proxy to my application container.
Ive used the official Nginx image from Docker Hub. First I tried it out like this:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name web nginx
This starts a container running Nginx and maps port 8080 on the host to port 80 in the container. Hitting http://localhost:8080 in the browser now shows the default Nginx landing page.
Now weve proved how easy it is to get Nginx running, we can kill the container.
docker rm -f web
Nginx can be configured as a reverse proxy by editing the config file at /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf like this:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:6666;
The config above will cause Nginx to proxy all requests from the root to http://localhost:6666. Remember localhost here refers to the container running Nginx. We can use our own config file inside the Nginx container using a volume:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 \
-v /path/to/my.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
Note: this maps a single file from the host to the container, rather than an entire directory.
Docker allows inter-container communication using shared virtual networks. By default, all containers started by the Docker daemon will have access to a virtual network called bridge. This allows containers to be referenced from other containers on the same network via IP address and port.
You can discover the IP address of a running container by inspecting it. Ill start a container from the niksoper/netcore-books image that I created earlier, and inspect it:
1. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name books niksoper/netcore-books
2. docker inspect books
We can see this container has "IPAddress": "".
So now if I create the following Nginx config file, then start an Nginx container using that file, then it will proxy requests to my API:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
Now I can start an Nginx container using that config (note Im mapping port 8080 on the host to port 80 on the Nginx container):
docker run -d -p 8080:80 \
-v ~/dev/nginx/my.nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
A request to http://localhost:8080 will now be proxied to my application. Note the Server header in the following curl response:
At this point I was fairly pleased with my progress but I thought there must be a better way of configuring Nginx without needing to know the exact IP address of the application container. Another of the local Scott Logic DevOps heroes - Jason Ebbin - stepped up at this point and suggested Docker Compose.
As a high level description - Docker Compose makes it very easy to start up a collection of interconnected containers using a declarative syntax. I wont go into the details of how Docker Compose works because you can read about it in this previous post.
Ill start with the docker-compose.yml file that Im using:
version: '2'
container_name: books-api
build: .
container_name: reverse-proxy
image: nginx
- "9090:8080"
- ./proxy.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
This is version 2 syntax, so youll need to have at least version 1.6 of Docker Compose in order for this to work.
This file tells Docker to create two services - one for the application and another for the Nginx reverse proxy.
This builds a container called books-api from the Dockerfile in the same directory as this docker-compose.yml. Note that this container does not need to publish any ports because it only needs to be accessed from the reverse-proxy container rather than the host operating system.
This starts a container called reverse-proxy based on the nginx image with a proxy.conf file mounted as the config from the current directory. It maps port 9090 on the host to port 8080 in the container which allows us to access the container from the host at http://localhost:9090.
The proxy.conf file looks like this:
server {
listen 8080;
location / {
proxy_pass http://books-service:5000;
The key point here is that we can now refer to books-service by name so we dont need to know the IP address of the books-api container!
Now we can start the two containers with a working reverse proxy (-d means detached so we dont see the output from the containers):
docker compose up -d
Prove the containers were created:
docker ps
And finally confirm that we can hit the API via the reverse proxy:
curl -i http://localhost:9090/api/books
Docker Compose makes this happen by creating a new virtual network called mvclibrary_default which is used by both books-api and reverse-proxy containers (the name is based on the parent directory of the docker-compose.yml file).
Prove the network exists with docker network ls:
You can see the details of the new network using docker network inspect mvclibrary_default:
Note that Docker has assigned "Subnet": "" to the network. The /16 part is CIDR notation and a full explanation is way beyond the scope of this post but CIDR just refers to a range of IP addresses. Running docker network inspect bridge shows "Subnet": "" so the two networks do not overlap.
Now docker inspect books-api to confirm the application container is using this network:
Notice the two "Aliases" for the container are the container identifier (3c42db680459) and the service name given in docker-compose.yml (books-service). Were using the books-service alias to reference the application container in the custom Nginx configuration file. This could have been done manually with docker network create but I like Docker Compose because it wraps up container creation and interdependencies cleanly and succinctly.
So now I can get the application running on Linux with Nginx in a few easy steps, without making any lasting changes to the host operating system:
git clone
cd aspnet5-books/src/MvcLibrary
git checkout blog-docker
docker-compose up -d
curl -i http://localhost:9090/api/books
I know what I have described in this post is not a truly production ready setup because Ive not spoken about any of the following, but most of these topics could take an entire post on their own:
- Security concerns like firewalls or SSL configuration
- How to ensure the application keeps running
- How to be selective about what to include in a Docker image (I dumped everything in via the Dockerfile)
- Databases - how to manage them in containers
This has been a very interesting learning experience for me because for a while now I have been curious to explore the new cross platform support that comes with ASP.NET Core, and the opportunity to explore a little bit of the DevOps world using Docker Compose for a “Configuration as Code” approach has been both enjoyable and educational.
If youre at all curious about Docker then I encourage you to get stuck in by trying it out - especially if this puts you out of your comfort zone. Who knows, you might enjoy it?
作者:[Nick Soper][a]
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