When you are tasked with monitoring network traffic on the local network, you can consider many different options to do it, depending on the scale/traffic of the local network, monitoring platforms/interface, types of backend database, etc.
[ntopng][1] is an open-source (GPLv3) network traffic analyzer which provides a web interface for real-time network traffic monitoring. It runs on multiple platforms including Linux and MacOS X. ntopng comes with a simple RMON-like agent with built-in web server capability, and uses [Redis][2]-backed key-value server to store time series statistics. You can install ntopng network traffic analyzer on any designated monitoring server connected to your network, and use a web browser to access real-time traffic reports available on the server.
In this tutorial, I will describe **how to set up a web-based network traffic monitoring system on Linux by using ntopng.**
### Features of ntopng ###
- Flow-level, protocol-level real-time analysis of local network traffic.
- Domain, AS (Autonomous System), VLAN level statistics.
- Geolocation of IP addresses.
- Deep packet inspection (DPI) based service discovery (e.g., Google, Facebook).
In the above steps, “make geoip” will automatically download a free version of GeoIP databases with wget from maxmind.com. So make sure that your system is connected to the network.
To install ntopng on CentOS or RHEL, first [set up EPEL repository][6], and then follow the same instructions as in [Fedora][7] above.
### Configure ntopng on Linux ###
After building ntopng, create a configuration directory for ntopng, and prepare default configuration files as follows. I assume that “″ is the CIDR address prefix of your local network.
$ sudo mkir /etc/ntopng -p
$ sudo -e /etc/ntopng/ntopng.start
> --local-networks ""
> --interface 1
$ sudo -e /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf
> -G=/var/run/ntopng.pid
Before running ntopng, make sure to first start redis, which is a key-value store for ntopng.
To start ntopng on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server restart
$ sudo ./ntopng
To start ntopng on Fedora, CentOS or RHEL:
$ sudo service redis restart
$ sudo ./ntopng
By default, ntopng listens on TCP/3000 port. Verify this is the case using the command below.