In this article we will show you how easily you can setup Plex Home Media Server on major Linux distributions with their latest releases. After its successful installation of Plex you will be able to use your centralized home media playback system that streams its media to many Plex player Apps and the Plex Home will allows you to setup your environment by adding your devices and to setup a group of users that all can use Plex Together. So let’s start its installation first on Ubuntu 15.04.
### Basic System Resources ###
System resources mainly depend on the type and number of devices that you are planning to connect with the server. So according to our requirements we will be using as following system resources and software for a standalone server.
<tablewidth="666"style="height: 181px;">
<tdwidth="670"colspan="2"><b>Plex Home Media Server</b></td>
<tdwidth="236"><b>Base Operating System</b></td>
<tdwidth="425">Ubuntu 15.04 / CentOS 7.1 / Fedora 22 Work Station</td>
<tdwidth="236"><b>Plex Media Server</b></td>
<tdwidth="236"><b>RAM and CPU</b></td>
<tdwidth="425">1 GB , 2.0 GHZ</td>
<tdwidth="236"><b>Hard Disk</b></td>
<tdwidth="425">30 GB</td>
### Plex Media Server on Ubuntu 15.04 ###
We are now ready to start the installations process of Plex Media Server on Ubuntu so let’s start with the following steps to get it ready.
#### Step 1: System Update ####
Login to your server with root privileges Make your that your system is upto date if not then do by using below command.
root@ubuntu-15:~#apt-get update
#### Step 2: Download the Latest Plex Media Server Package ####
Create a new directory and download .deb plex Media Package in it from the official website of Plex for Ubuntu using wget command.
### Plex Home Media Web App Setup on Ubuntu 15.04 ###
Let's open your web browser within your localhost network and open the Web Interface with your localhost IP and port 32400 and do following steps to configure it:
#### Step 1:Sign UP before Login ####
After you have access to the web interface of Plesk Media Server make sure to Sign Up and set your username email ID and Password to login as.
#### Step 2: Enter Your Pin to Secure Your Plex Media Home User ####
![Plex User Pin](
Now you have successfully configured your user under Plex Home Media.
![Welcome To Plex](
### Opening Plex Web App on Devices Other than Localhost Server ###
As we have seen in our Plex media home page that it indicates that "You do not have permissions to access this server". Its because of we are on a different network than the Server computer.
![Plex Server Permissions](
Now we need to resolve this permissions issue so that we can have access to server on the devices other than the hosted server by doing following setup.
### Setup SSH Tunnel for Windows System to access Linux Server ###
First we need to set up a SSH tunnel so that we can access things as if they were local. This is only necessary for the initial setup.
If you are using Windows as your local system and server on Linux then we can setup SSH-Tunneling using Putty as shown.
We will follow the same steps on CentOS-7.1 that we did for the installation of Plex Home Media Server on Ubuntu 15.04.
So lets start with Plex Media Servers Package Installation.
#### Step 1: Plex Media Server Installation ####
To install Plex Media Server on centOS 7.1 we need to download the .rpm package from the official website of Plex. So we will use wget command to download .rpm package for this purpose in a new directory.
After completion of complete download package we will install this package using rpm command within the same direcory where we installed the .rpm package.
### Plex Home Media Web App Setup on Fedora 22 Work Station ###
We had setup Plex Media Server on the same host so we don't need to setup SSH-Tunnel in this time scenario. Just open the web browser in your Fedora 22 Workstation with default port 32400 of Plex Home Media Server and accept the Plex Terms of Services Agreement.
**Welcome to Plex Home Media Server on Fedora 22 Workstation**
Lets login with your plex account and start with adding your libraries for your favorite movie channels , create your playlists, add your photos and enjoy with many other features of Plex Home Media Server.
We had successfully installed and configured Plex Media Server on Major Linux Distributions. So, Plex Home Media Server has always been a best choice for media management. Its so simple to setup on cross platform as we did for Ubuntu, CentOS and Fedora. It has simplifies the tasks of organizing your media content and streaming to other computers and devices then to share it with your friends.