Rhythmbox 3.0 was released more than a month ago, bringing an improved user interface, Python 3 support for the plugins and more. Unfortunately, the new version didn't make it into Ubuntu 13.10, but there's a PPA you can use to install it (also available for Ubuntu 13.04).
Because Rhythmbox 3.0 uses Python3 for plugins instead of Python 2, **none of the plugins available in the Rhythmbox [third-party plugins PPA][2] will work**. You can get some of them to work by installing them manually (including the Equalizer plugin and the cool **[CoverArt browser][3]**) - for more info, see **[THIS][4]** article.
Rhythmbox 3.0 is available in an unofficial PPA maintained by Jacob Zimmermann, for Ubuntu 13.10 and 13.04 (and derivatives). **Add the PPA and install/upgrade Rhythmbox 3.0 using the following commands**: