TranslateProject/sources/tech/20180730 50 Best Ubuntu Apps You Should Be Using Right

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你应该立刻使用的 50 个绝佳 Ubuntu 应用
**摘要:这是一份详尽的给所有用户的优秀 Ubuntu 应用清单。这些应用将帮助你在你的 Linux 桌面操作系统获得更好的使用体验。**
过去,我已经多次写过关于 [安装 Ubuntu 之后该做什么][1]。每次我都建议在 Ubuntu 上安装某些关键的应用程序。
那么问题来了,什么是关键的 Ubuntu 应用程序?没有绝对的答案。这取决于你的需要和你在 Ubuntu 上要做的工作。
然而还是有很多读者请我推荐一些优秀的 Ubuntu 应用。这就是为什么我开出这份你会常用的 Ubuntu 应用的清单。
### 提供更好使用体验的优秀 Ubuntu 应用
![优秀 Ubuntu 应用][2]
当然,你不必使用以下全部应用。只须浏览这份 Ubuntu 关键应用清单,阅读描述并安装你需要或想要的应用。保存在你的浏览器收藏夹以备将来参考或者简略 Google 一下「best ubuntu apps itsfoss」。
这份 Ubuntu 优秀应用清单是准备给普通 Ubuntu 用户的,因此这些应用不全是开源的。我也标记了某些可能不适合新手的稍微复杂的应用。清单适用于 Ubuntu 16.04、18.04 和其他版本。
除非特别声明,所有列出的软件都可以在 Ubuntu 软件中心获得。
话不多说!让我们看看有哪些优秀 Ubuntu 应用。
#### 浏览器
Ubuntu 以 Firefox 为默认浏览。自从 Quantum 版本发布以来Firefox 已有显著提升。就个人而言,我经常使用多个浏览器来应对不同的工作。
##### Google Chrome
![Google Chrome Logo][3]
由于某种原因Google Chrome 是最为广泛使用的浏览器。使用 Google 账号,你可以在不同设备无缝同步。大量拓展和应用进一步增强 Chrome 的能力。你可以 [点击此处下载 Chrome 到 Ubuntu][4]。
##### Brave
![brave browser][5]
Google Chrome 可能是最广泛使用的浏览器,但也是隐私窥探者。能够默认拦截广告和追踪脚本的 [Brave][7] 是一个 [替代浏览器][6]。它为你提供了更快和安全的浏览体验。
#### 音乐应用
![Ubuntu 优秀音乐应用][8]
Ubuntu 将 Rhythmbox 作为默认音乐播放器,这是个相当不坏的选择。不过,你当然可以安装更好的音乐播放器。
##### Sayonara
[Sayonara][9] 是一个小型、轻量并具备美观夜览界面的音乐播放器。它拥有所有你期望的标准音乐播放器应有的关键功能。它与 Ubuntu 桌面环境整合良好并且不会大量消耗你的内存。
##### Audacity
与其说音频播放器,[Audacity][10]更是一个音频编辑器。你可以使用这款免费且开源的工具录制和编辑音频。它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。你可以从软件中心安装它。
##### MusicBrainz Picard
[Picard][11] 不是一个音乐播放器而是个音乐标签软件。如果你有大量本地音乐文件Picard 可以帮助你自动更新音乐文件的正确序号、专辑、艺人资料和专辑封面。
#### 流媒体音乐应用
![Streaming Music app Ubuntu][12]
##### Spotify
[Spotify][13] 是流媒体音乐之王。好消息是它具有官方 Linux 版本。[Spotify app on Ubuntu][14] 与媒体按键和声音菜单以及桌面通知中心整合良好。请注意Spotify 不一定支持你所在的国家。
##### Nuvola music player
[Nuvola][15] 不是类似 Spotify 的一款流媒体播放器。它是一款在单一应用内支持多个流媒体音乐服务的桌面音乐播放器。你可以使用 Spotify、Deezer、Google Play Music、Amazon Cloud Player 和更多类似服务。
#### 视频播放器
![Linux 视频播放器][16]
Ubuntu 默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem表现尚可但不支持多种视频编码。当然有很多播放器比 GNOME 视频播放器更优秀。
##### VLC
免费开源的 [VLC][17] 摘得视频播放器桂冠。它支持近乎全部视频编码。它允许你将音量增至最高 200%。它也支持从最后一个已知位置继续播放。有很多 [VLC 使用技巧][18] 供你参考以尽兴使用。
##### MPV
[MPV][19] 是款值得更多关注的视频播放器。别致轻量的界面和丰富的功能MPV 拥有一切你所期待的优秀播放器该有的。你甚至可以在命令行使用它。如果你对 VLC 不够满意,你完全可以尝试 MPV。
#### 云端存储服务
本地备份很好,但云端存储给你更多维度的自由。使用云存储,你再也不必总是随身携带 U 盘或担心硬盘故障。
##### Dropbox
![Dropbox logo][20]
[Dropbox][21] 是最流行的云存储提供商之一。你会获得 2GB 免费存储空间并通过推介给他人得到更多存储空间。Dropbox 提供官方 Linux 客户端,你可以从官网下载获得。它会在你的系统创建本地文件夹和云端服务器同步。
##### pCloud
![pCloud icon][22]
[pCloud][23] 是另一个优秀的 Linux 云存储提供商。它也拥有官方 Linux 客户端让你从官网下载。你可以获得高达 20GB 的免费存储空间,如果你需要更多,价格也比 Dropbox 实惠。pCloud 来自瑞士,一个数据隐私法严苛的闻名的国家。
#### 图片编辑器
我不确定你是否偶尔某些情况下需要图片编辑器。这里有些优秀的 Ubuntu 图片编辑应用。
##### GIMP
![gimp icon][24]
[GIMP][25] 是一个免费开源的图片编辑器,它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。它是 Adobe Photoshop 在 Linux 端最优秀的替代软件。你可以使用它执行任何图片编辑。网上有许多资源帮助你使用 Gimp。
##### Inkscape
![inkscape icon][26]
[Inkscape][27] 也是一个免费开源的图片编辑器,专用于矢量图编辑。你可以在 Inkscape 上设计矢量图和 logo。你可以把它比做 Adobe Illustrator。与 Gimp 一样,网上也有诸多 Inkscape 教程。
#### 绘图应用
![Painting apps for Ubuntu Linux][28]
绘图应用和图片编辑器不完全等同,尽管它们有时功能重叠。以下是你能在 Ubuntu 使用的一些绘图应用。
##### Krita
[Krita][29] 是一款免费开源的数字绘图应用。你可以用它创建数字绘画、涂鸦和动画。这是款专家级软件,甚至是某些艺术院校的基础课程。
##### Pinta
[Pinta][30] 虽然不像 Krita 功能强大,但也可圈可点。你可以把它视为 Linux 端的微软画图。你可以草稿、作画、添加文字和执行绘图应用可行的其他诸如此类的小任务。
#### 摄影应用
摄影爱好者还是专家?你将随手获得大量 [摄影工具][31],以下是一些推荐应用。
##### digiKam
使用开源软件 [digKam][33]你可以专业地处理你的高品质摄影作品。digKam 提供用于看图、管理、编辑、增强、组织、标签和分享照片的所有工具集。
##### Darktable
![Darktable icon][34]
[darktable][35] 是一款开源的摄影工作流应用程序,特别是专注于原始图像的开发。这会是你取代 Adobe Lightroom 的最佳替代品。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。
#### 视频编辑器
![Video editors Ubuntu][36]
[Linux 端视频编辑器][37] 并不匮乏,毋庸赘述。看看 Ubuntu 中一些功能丰富但相对简单的视频编辑器。
##### Kdenlive
[Kdenlive][38] 是 Linux 端最好的全能视频编辑器。它与 iMovie 或 Movie Maker 相比功能毫不逊色。
##### Shotcut
[Shotcut][39] 是视频编辑的另一个好选择。它是一款开源软件,拥有标准视频编辑器的所有功能。
#### 图片和视频格式转换器
如果你需要为你的图片和视频 [转换文件格式][40],这些是我的推荐。
##### Xnconvert
![xnconvert logo][41]
[Xnconvert][42] 是一款优秀的批量图像转换工具。你可以批量调整图片大小、转换文件类型并重命名。
##### Handbrake
![Handbrake Logo][43]
[HandBrake][44] 是一款易用的开源工具,用于将多种格式的视频转换为一些现代流行的格式。
#### 截图和录屏工具
![Screenshot and recorders Ubuntu][45]
以下是截图和录屏的优秀 Ubuntu 应用。
##### Shutter
[Shutter][46] 是我截图的常用工具。你也可以对这些截图进行一些快速编辑,比如添加箭头、文字或调整图片大小。你在 It's FOSS 上看到的截图都是用 Shutter 编辑的。绝对是 Ubuntu 上最好的应用程序之一。
##### Kazam
[Kazam][47] 是我最喜欢的 [Linux 端录屏工具][48]。这个是小巧的工具,可以让你录制全屏、某个应用程序窗口或选定区域。你也可以使用快捷键暂停或继续录屏。[It's FOSS YouTube 频道][49] 上的教程都是用 Kazam 录制的。
#### 办公套件
##### LibreOffice
![LibreOffice logo][50]
[LibreOffice][51] comes preinstalled on Ubuntu and it is undoubtedly the [best open source office software][52]. Its a complete package comprising of a document editor, spreadsheet tool, presentation software, maths tool and a graphics tool. You can even edit some PDF files with LibreOffice.
##### WPS Office
![WPS Office logo][53]
[WPS Office][54] has gained popularity for being a Microsoft Office clone. It has an interface identical to Microsoft Office and it claims to be more compatible with MS Office. If you are looking for something similar to the Microsoft Office, WPS Office is a good choice.
#### Downloading tools
![Downloading software Ubuntu][55]
If you often download videos or other big files from the internet, these tools will help you.
##### youtube-dl
This is one of the rare Ubuntu application on the list that is command line based. If you want to download videos from YouTube, DailyMotion or other video websites, youtube-dl is an excellent choice. It provides plenty of [advanced option for video downloading][56].
##### uGet
[uGet][57] is a feature rich [download manager for Linux][58]. It allows you to pause and resume your downloads, schedule your downloads, monitor clipboard for downloadable content. A perfect tool if you have a slow, inconsistent internet or daily data limit.
#### Code Editors
![Coding apps for Ubuntu][59]
If you are into programming, the default Gedit text editor might not be sufficient for your coding needs. Here are some of the better code editors for you.
##### Atom
[Atom][60] is a free and [open source code editor][61] from GitHub. Even before it was launched its first stable version, it became a hot favorite among coders for its UI, features and vast range of plugins.
##### Visual Studio Code
[VS Code][62] is an open source code editor from Microsoft. Dont worry about Microsoft, VS Code is an awesome editor for web development. It also supports a number of other programming languages.
#### PDF and eBooks related applications
![eBook Management tools in Ubuntu][63]
In this digital age, you cannot only rely on the real paper books especially when there are plenty of free eBooks available. Here are some Ubuntu apps for managing PDFs and eBooks.
##### Calibre
If you are a bibliophile and collect eBooks, you should use [Calibre][64]. It is an eBook manager with all the necessary software for [creating eBooks][65], converting eBook formats and managing an eBook library.
##### Okular
Okular is mostly a PDF viewer with options for editing PDF files. You can do some basic [PDF editing on Linux][66] with Okular such as adding pop-ups notes, inline notes, freehand line drawing, highlighter, stamp etc.
#### Messaging applications
![Messaging apps for Ubuntu][67]
I believe you use at least one [messaging app on Linux][68]. Here are my recommendations.
##### Skype
[Skype][69] is the most popular video chatting application. It is also used by many companies and businesses for interviews and meetings. This makes Skype one of the must-have applications for Ubuntu.
##### Rambox
[Rambox][70] is not a messaging application on its own. But it allows you to use Skype, Viber, Facebook Messanger, WhatsApp, Slack and a number of other messaging applications from a single application window.
#### Notes and To-do List applications
Need a to-do list app or simple an app for taking notes? Have a look at these:
##### Simplenote
![Simplenote logo][71]
[Simplenote][72] is a free and open source note taking application from WordPress creators [Automattic][73]. It is available for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android. Your notes are synced to a cloud server and you can access them on any device. You can download the DEB file from its website.
##### Remember The Milk
![Remember The Milk logo][74]
[Remember The Milk][75] is a popular to-do list application. It is available for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android. Your to-do list is accessible on all the devices you own. You can also access it from a web browser. It also has an official native application for Linux that you can download from its website.
#### Password protection and encryption
![Encryption software Ubuntu][76]
If there are other people regularly using your computer perhaps you would like to add an extra layer of security by password protecting files and folders.
##### EncryptPad
[EncryptPad][77] is an open source text editor that allows you to lock your files with a password. You can choose the type of encryption. There is also a command line version of this tool.
##### Gnome Encfs Manager
Gnome Encfs Manager allows you to [lock folders with a password in Linux][78]. You can keep whatever files you want in a secret folder and then lock it with a password.
#### Gaming
![Gaming on Ubuntu][79]
[Gaming on Linux][80] is a lot better than what it used to be a few years ago. You can enjoy plenty of games on Linux without going back to Windows.
##### Steam
[Steam][81] is a digital distribution platform that allows you to purchase (if required) games. Steam has over 1500 [games for Linux][82]. You can download the Steam client from the Software Center.
##### PlayOnLinux
[PlayOnLinux][83] allows you to run Windows games on Linux over WINE compatibility layer. Dont expect too much out of it because not every game will run flawlessly with PlayOnLinux.
#### Package Managers [Intermediate to advanced users]
![Package Management tools Ubuntu][84]
Ubuntu Software Center is more than enough for an average Ubuntu users software needs but you can have more control on it using these applications.
##### Gdebi
Gedbi is a tiny packagae manager that you can use for installing DEB files. It is faster than the Software Center and it also handles dependency issues.
##### Synaptic
Synaptic was the default GUI package manager for most Linux distributions a decade ago. It still is in some Linux distributions. This powerful package manager is particularly helpful in [finding installed applications and removing them][85].
#### Backup and Recovery tools
![Backup and data recovery tools for Ubuntu][86]
Backup and recovery tools are must-have software for any system. Lets see what softwares you must have on Ubuntu.
##### Timeshift
Timeshift is a tool that allows you to [take a snapshot of your system][87]. This allows you to restore your system to a previous state in case of an unfortunate incident when your system configuration is messed up. Note that its not the best tool for your personal data backup though. For that, you can use Ubuntus default Deja Dup (also known as Backups) tool.
##### TestDisk [Intermediate Users]
This is another command line tool on this list of best Ubuntu application. [TestDisk][88] allows you to [recover data on Linux][89]. If you accidentally deleted files, there are still chances that you can get it back using TestDisk.
#### System Tweaking and Management Tools
![System Maintenance apps Ubuntu][90]
##### GNOME/Unity Tweak Tool
These Tweak tools are a must for every Ubuntu user. They allow you to access some advanced system settings. Best of all, you can [change themes in Ubuntu][91] using these tweak tools.
##### UFW Firewall
[UFW][92] stands for Uncomplicated Firewall and rightly so. UFW has predefined firewall settings for Home, Work and Public networks.
##### Stacer
If you want to free up space on Ubuntu, try Stacer. This graphical tool allows you to [optimize your Ubuntu system][93] by removing unnecessary files and completely uninstalling software. Download Stacer from [its website][94].
#### Other Utilities
![Utilities Ubuntu][95]
In the end, Ill list some of my other favorite Ubuntu apps that I could not put into a certain category.
##### Neofetch
One more command line tool! Neofetch displays your system information such as [Ubuntu version][96], desktop environment, theme, icons, RAM etc info along with [ASCII logo of the distribution][97]. Use this command for installing Neofetch.
sudo apt install neofetch
##### Etcher
Ubuntu has a live USB creator tool installed already but Etcher is a better application for this task. It is also available for Windows and macOS. You can download it [from its website][98].
##### gscan2pdf
I use this tiny tool for the sole purpose of [converting images into PDF][99]. You can use it for combining multiple images into one PDF file as well.
##### Audio Recorder
Another tiny yet essential Ubuntu application for [recording audio on Ubuntu][100]. You can use it to record sound from system microphone, from music player or from any other source.
### Your suggestions for essential Ubuntu applications?
I would like to conclude my list of best Ubuntu apps here. I know that you might not need or use all of them but I am certain that you would like most of the software listed here.
Did you find some useful applications that you didnt know about before? If you would have to suggest your favorite Ubuntu application, which one would it be?
In the end, if you find this article useful, please share it on social media, Reddit, Hacker News or other community or forums you visit regularly. This way you help us grow :)
作者:[Abhishek Prakash][a]
本文由 [LCTT]( 原创编译,[Linux中国]( 荣誉推出