如果你是一个在意视觉形象的人,那么你可能会非常注重自己的写作环境。即使你使用普通的 Markdown 进行编写,也并不意味着你必须使用程序员的字体或在使你看起来像码农的黑窗口中进行书写。修改 Atom 外观的最简单方法是使用[主题包][12]。主题设计人员通常将深色主题与浅色主题区分开,因此你可以根据需要使用关键字“Dark”或“Light”进行搜索。
Right-click on your new project folder and select **New File** to create a new file in your project folder. If you have files you want to import into your new project, right-click on the folder and select **Show in File Manager** to open the folder in your system's file viewer (Dolphin or Nautilus on Linux, Finder on Mac, Explorer on Windows), and then drag-and-drop your files.
With a project file (either the empty one you created or one you've imported) open in Atom, click the **Create Repository** button in the **Git** tab. In the pop-up dialog box, click **Init** to initialize your project directory as a local Git repository. Git adds a **.git** directory (invisible in your system's file manager, but visible to you in Atom) to your project folder. Don't be fooled by this: The **.git** directory is for Git to manage, not you, so you'll generally stay out of it. But seeing it in Atom is a good reminder that you're working in a project actively managed by Git; in other words, revision history is available when you see a **.git** directory.
In your empty file, write some stuff. You're a writer, so type some words. It can be any set of words you please, but remember the writing tips above.
Press **Ctrl+S** to save your file and it will appear in the **Unstaged Changes** section of the **Git** tab. That means the file exists in your project folder but has not yet been committed over to Git's purview. Allow Git to keep track of your file by clicking on the **Stage All** button in the top-right of the **Git** tab. If you've used a word processor with revision history, you can think of this step as permitting Git to record changes.
#### Git commit
Your file is now staged. All that means is Git is aware that the file exists and is aware that it has been changed since the last time Git was made aware of it.
A Git commit sends your file into Git's internal and eternal archives. If you're used to word processors, this is similar to naming a revision. To create a commit, enter some descriptive text in the **Commit** message box at the bottom of the **Git** tab. You can be vague or cheeky, but it's more useful if you enter useful information for your future self so that you know why the revision was made.
The first time you make a commit, you must create a branch. Git branches are a little like alternate realities, allowing you to switch from one timeline to another to make changes that you may or may not want to keep forever. If you end up liking the changes, you can merge one experimental branch into another, thereby unifying different versions of your project. It's an advanced process that's not worth learning upfront, but you still need an active branch, so you have to create one for your first commit.
Click on the **Branch** icon at the very bottom of the **Git** tab to create a new branch.
![Creating a branch][14]
It's customary to name your first branch **master**. You don't have to; you can name it **firstdraft** or whatever you like, but adhering to the local customs can sometimes make talking about Git (and looking up answers to questions) a little easier because you'll know that when someone mentions **master** , they really mean **master** and not **firstdraft** or whatever you called your branch.
On some versions of Atom, the UI may not update to reflect that you've created a new branch. Don't worry; the branch will be created (and the UI updated) once you make your commit. Press the **Commit** button, whether it reads **Create detached commit** or **Commit to master**.
Once you've made a commit, the state of your file is preserved forever in Git's memory.
#### History and Git diff
A natural question is how often you should make a commit. There's no one right answer to that. Saving a file with **Ctrl+S** and committing to Git are two separate processes, so you will continue to do both. You'll probably want to make commits whenever you feel like you've done something significant or are about to try out a crazy new idea that you may want to back out of.
To get a feel for what impact a commit has on your workflow, remove some text from your test document and add some text to the top and bottom. Make another commit. Do this a few times until you have a small history at the bottom of your **Git** tab, then click on a commit to view it in Atom.
![Viewing differences][15]
When viewing a past commit, you see three elements:
1. Text in green was added to a document when the commit was made.
2. Text in red was removed from the document when the commit was made.
3. All other text was untouched.
#### Remote backup
One of the advantages of using Git is that, by design, it is distributed, meaning you can commit your work to your local repository and push your changes out to any number of servers for backup. You can also pull changes in from those servers so that whatever device you happen to be working on always has the latest changes.
For this to work, you must have an account on a Git server. There are several free hosting services out there, including GitHub, the company that produces Atom but oddly is not open source, and GitLab, which is open source. Preferring open source to proprietary, I'll use GitLab in this example.
If you don't already have a GitLab account, sign up for one and start a new project. The project name doesn't have to match your project folder in Atom, but it probably makes sense if it does. You can leave your project private, in which case only you and anyone you give explicit permissions to can access it, or you can make it public if you want it to be available to anyone on the internet who stumbles upon it.
Do not add a README to the project.
Once the project is created, it provides you with instructions on how to set up the repository. This is great information if you decide to use Git in a terminal or with a separate GUI, but Atom's workflow is different.
Click the **Clone** button in the top-right of the GitLab interface. This reveals the address you must use to access the Git repository. Copy the **SSH** address (not the **https** address).
In Atom, click on your project's **.git** directory and open the **config**. Add these configuration lines to the file, adjusting the **seth/example.git** part of the **url** value to match your unique address.
* * *
[remote "origin"]
url = [git@gitlab.com][16]:seth/example.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
At the bottom of the **Git** tab, a new button has appeared, labeled **Fetch**. Since your server is brand new and therefore has no data for you to fetch, right-click on the button and select **Push**. This pushes your changes to your Gitlab account, and now your project is backed up on a Git server.
Pushing changes to a server is something you can do after each commit. It provides immediate offsite backup and, since the amount of data is usually minimal, it's practically as fast as a local save.
### Writing and Git
Git is a complex system, useful for more than just revision tracking and backups. It enables asynchronous collaboration and encourages experimentation. This article has covered the basics, but there are many more articles—and entire books—on Git and how to use it to make your work more efficient, more resilient, and more dynamic. It all starts with using Git for small tasks. The more you use it, the more questions you'll find yourself asking, and eventually the more tricks you'll learn.