I would like to print filename with awk on Linux / Unix-like system. How do I print filename in BEGIN section of awk? Can I print the name of the current input file using gawk/awk?
The name of the current input file set in FILENAME variable. You can use FILENAME to display or print current input file name If no files are specified on the command line, the value of FILENAME is “-” (stdin). However, FILENAME is undefined inside the BEGIN rule unless set by getline.
### How to print filename with awk
The syntax is:
awk '{ print FILENAME }' fileNameHere
awk '{ print FILENAME }' /etc/hosts
You might see file name multiple times as awk read file line-by-line. To avoid this problem update your awk/gawk syntax as follows:
nextfile tells awk to stop processing the current input file. The next input record read comes from the next input file. For more information see awk/[gawk][1] command man page:
man awk
man gawk
### about the author
The author is the creator of nixCraft and a seasoned sysadmin and a trainer for the Linux operating system/Unix shell scripting. He has worked with global clients and in various industries, including IT, education, defense and space research, and the nonprofit sector. Follow him on [Twitter][2], [Facebook][3], [Google+][4]. Get the **latest tutorials on SysAdmin, Linux/Unix and open source topics via[my RSS/XML feed][5]**.