Now we must add mysql to the boot time, and then start and configure the root password for mysql.
Run command below to do it all :
sysrc mysql_enable=yes
service mysql-server start
mysqladmin -u root password aqwe123
Note :
mysql password : aqwe123
![Configure MySQL Password](
Next, we will log in to the mysql shell with user root and password that we've configured above, then we will create new database and user for bugzilla installation.
Log in to the mysql shell with command below :
mysql -u root -p
password: aqwe123
Add the database :
create database bugzilladb;
create user bugzillauser@localhost identified by 'bugzillauser@';
grant all privileges on bugzilladb.* to bugzillauser@localhost identified by 'bugzillauser@';
flush privileges;
![Creating Database for Bugzilla](
Database for bugzilla is created, database "bugzilladb" with user "bugzillauser" and password "bugzillauser@".
### Step 4 - Generate New SSL Certificate ###
Generate new self signed ssl certificate on directory "ssl" for bugzilla site.
Go to the apache24 directory and create new directory "ssl" on it :
cd /usr/local/etc/apache24/
mkdir ssl; cd ssl
Next, generate the certificate file with openssl command, then change the permission of the certificate file :
If all is done, create new directory for bugzilla installation and then enable the bugzilla virtualhost by adding the virtualhost configuration to httpd.conf file.
Run command below on "apache24" directory :
mkdir -p /usr/local/www/bugzilla
cd /usr/local/etc/apache24/
nano -c httpd.conf
In the end of the line, add configuration below :
Include etc/apache24/vhost/*.conf
Save and exit.
Now test the apache configuration with "apachectl" command and restart it :
We can install bugzilla manually by downloading the source, or install it from freebsd repository. In this step we will install bugzilla from freebsd repository with pkg command :
pkg install bugzilla50
If it's done, go to the bugzilla installation directory and install all perl module that needed by bugzilla.
cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla
./install-module --all
Wait it until all is finished, it is take the time.
Next, generate the configuration file "localconfig" by executing "" file on bugzilla installation directory.
You will see the error message about the database configuration, so edit the file "localconfig" with nano editor :
nano -c localconfig
Now add the database that was created on step 3.
#Line 57
$db_name = 'bugzilladb';
#Line 60
$db_user = 'bugzillauser';
#Line 67
$db_pass = 'bugzillauser@';
Save and exit.
Then run "" again :
You will be prompt about mail and administrator account, fill all of it with your email, user and password.
Bugzilla is web based application help you to manage the software development. It is written in perl and use MySQL as the database system. Bugzilla used by mozilla, redhat, gnome etc for help their software development. Bugzilla has a lot of features and easy to configure and install.