There are a lot of frameworks/libraries to build single page applications, but I wanted something more minimal. I’ve come with a solution and I just wanted to share it 🙂
console.log(router.exec('/foo')) // not found page
To use it you add handlers for a URL pattern. This pattern can be a simple string or a regular expression. Using a string will match exactly that, but a regular expression allows you to do fancy things like capture parts from the URL as seen with the user page or match any URL as seen with the not found page.
I’ll explain what does that `exec` method… As I said, the URL pattern can be a string or a regular expression, so it first checks for a string. In case the pattern is equal to the given pathname, it returns the execution of the handler. If it is a regular expression, we do a match with the given pathname. In case it matches, it returns the execution of the handler passing to it the captured parameters.
### Working Example
That example just logs to the console. Let’s try to integrate it to a page and see something.
This is the `index.html`. For single page applications, you must do special work on the server side because all unknown paths should return this `index.html`. For development, I’m using an npm tool called [serve][1]. This tool is to serve static content. With the flag `-s`/`--single` you can serve single page applications.
With [Node.js][2] and npm (comes with Node) installed, run:
npm i -g serve
serve -s
That HTML file loads the script `main.js` as a module. It has a simple `<header>` and a `<main>` element in which we’ll render the corresponding page.
Inside the `main.js` file:
const main = document.querySelector('main')
const result = router.exec(location.pathname)
main.innerHTML = result
We call `router.exec()` passing the current pathname and setting the result as HTML in the main element.
If you go to localhost and play with it you’ll see that it works, but not as you expect from a SPA. Single page applications shouldn’t refresh when you click on links.
We’ll have to attach event listeners to each anchor link click, prevent the default behavior and do the correct rendering. Because a single page application is something dynamic, you expect creating anchor links on the fly so to add the event listeners I’ll use a technique called [event delegation][3].
I’ll attach a click event listener to the whole document and check if that click was on an anchor link (or inside one).
In the `Router` class I’ll have a method that will register a callback that will run for every time we click on a link or a “popstate” event occurs. The popstate event is dispatched every time you use the browser back or forward buttons.
To the callback we’ll pass that same `router.exec(location.pathname)` for convenience.