Ubuntu Tweak is a powerful, advanced tweaking tool featuring a massive amount of functionalities and tweakable options, permitting an in-depth tweaking of the desktop via a clear, clean interface.
Font sizes, GTK+ themes, Unity launcher, quicklist editor, kernel removals are among the abilities contained by Ubuntu Tweak, abilities covering the whole of the powerful Ubuntu desktop.
[Ubuntu Tweak][1] **0.8.6** has been [released][2], bringing support for Ubuntu **13.10** and, therefore, allowing users to utilize the handy app under the upcoming Ubuntu 13.10.
The newly-released 0.8.6 version comes with enhanced old-kernels handling,--allowing a more accurate removal of the unwanted kernels from one's system--, as well as with disabled `Application Center` and `Source Center`; navigating now to `Ubuntu Tweak-->Admins` the user is to notice the removal of `Application Center` and `Source Center`.
The mentioned features, along with bug fixes and removed errors, are part of the newly-updated Ubuntu Tweak 0.8.6.