For **Debian/Ubuntu** systems, use the **[apt command][6]** or **[apt-get command][7]** to install ImageMagick.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
For **openSUSE** systems, use the **[zypper command][8]** to install ImageMagick
$ sudo zypper install -y ImageMagick
To view any image file, run display command as follows. You can close the image by pressing the **“Esc/q”** button.
$ display bird.jpg
If you want to open the image with the specified size of the window, use the **“-geometry”** flag.
$ display -geometry 1000x600 ~/Downloads/bird.jpg
You can also input position information of the image with display command. The below command open your image 800 pixels from the top and 800 pixels from the top left corner of your desktop.
If you want to resize the image with the display command, use the following format.
$ display -resize 600x400 ~/Downloads/
Alternatively, you can use percentage to resize the image.
$ display -resize 50% ~/Downloads/bird.jpg
### How to View Images from the Terminal Using fim Command
[FIM][10] is a lightweight global image viewer designed specifically for Linux.
But it is not limited to Linux and can be configured to run on other OS such as MS-Windows.
It’s highly customizable and scriptable image viewer for users who are familiar with software like the VIM text editor.
It displays the image in full screen and can be easily controlled using the keyboard shortcuts.
It is very lightweight tool because it only depends on certain libraries.
It can open many file formats and it can display images in the following video modes.
* Graphically, with the Linux framebuffer device
* Graphically, under X/Xorg, using the SDL library
* Graphically, under X/Xorg, using the Imlib2 library
* Rendered as ASCII Art in any textual console, using the AAlib library
The right video mode gets auto-detected or selected at runtime, and may be opted in/out before build at configure time, if desired.
FIM stands for Fbi IMproved, which is the fork of the Fbi Image viewer.
FIM can be easily installed on Debian/Ubuntu based systems as the package is available in the distribution official repository. For other distributions, you may need to compile it from the source.
$ sudo apt install fim
Once installed, you can display an image using the following command.
$ fim bird.jpg
You can automatically zoom an image using the **“-a”** option.
$ fim -a bird.jpg
If you want to open multiple image files in the current directory, use the wildcard to open them all. Use the **“Pageup/Down”** keyboard shortcuts to move to the next or previous image.
$ fim -a *.jpg
To view the image in ASCII format, you can use the **“-t”** flag.
$ fim -t bird.jpg
The below keyboard shortcuts allow you to control the images.