Minikube is advertised on the [Hello Minikube][1] tutorial page as a simple way to run Kubernetes for Docker. While that documentation is very informative, it is primarily written for MacOS. You can dig deeper for instructions for Windows or a Linux distribution, but they are not very clear. And much of the documentation—like one on [installing drivers for Minikube][2]—is targeted at Debian/Ubuntu users.
### Prerequisites
1. You have [installed Docker][3].
2. Your computer is an RHEL/CentOS/Fedora-based workstation.
3. You have [installed a working KVM2 hypervisor][4].
4. You have a working **docker-machine-driver-kvm2**. The following commands will install the driver:
Use the **curl** command to determine the latest version of Kubernetes.
6.**chmod** to make kubectl writable.
chmod +x kubectl
7. Move kubectl to the **/usr/local/bin** path to run it as a command.
mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
8. Run **minikube start**. To do so, you need to have a hypervisor available. I used KVM2, and you can also use Virtualbox. Make sure to run the following command as a user instead of root so the configuration will be stored for the user instead of root.
minikube start --vm-driver=kvm2
It can take quite a while, so wait for it.
9. Minikube should download and start. Use the following command to make sure it was successful.
cat ~/.kube/config
10. Execute the following command to run Minikube as the context. The context is what determines which cluster kubectl is interacting with. You can see all your available contexts in the ~/.kube/config file.
kubectl config use-context minikube
11. Run the **config** file command again to check that context Minikube is there.
cat ~/.kube/config
12. Finally, run the following command to open a browser with the Kubernetes dashboard.
minikube dashboard
This guide aims to make things easier for RHEL/Fedora/CentOS-based operating system users.
Now that Minikube is up and running, read [Running Kubernetes Locally via Minikube][7] to start using it.