Installing Git on Ubuntu is very easy. It is available in the [main repository of Ubuntu][1] and you can install it [using the apt command][2] like this:
sudo apt install git
Easy? Isn’t it?
There is only a slight little problem (which might not be a problem at all) and that is the version of [Git][3] it installs.
On an LTS system, the software stability is of upmost importance this is why Ubuntu 18.04 and other distributions often provide older but stable version of a software that is well tested with the distribution release.
This is why when you check the Git version, you’ll see that it installs a version which is older than the [current Git version available on Git project’s website][4]:
[email protected]:~$ git --version
git version 2.17.1
At the time of writing this tutorial, the version available on its website is 2.25. So how do you install the latest Git on Ubuntu then?
### Install latest Git on Ubuntu-based Linux distributions
One way would be to [install from source code][6]. That cool, old school method is not everyone’s cup of tea. Thankfully, there is a [PPA available from Ubuntu Git Maintainers team][7] that you can use to easily install the latest stable Git version.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
Even if you had installed Git using apt previously, it will get updated to the latest stable version.
[email protected]:~$ git --version
git version 2.25.0
The beauty of [using PPA][8] is that if there is a new stable version of Git released, you’ll get it with the system updates. [Just update Ubuntu][9] to get the latest Git stable version.
Did you know that Git version control system was created by none other than [Linux creator Linus Torvalds][10]?
### Configure Git [Recommended for developers]
If you have installed Git for development purposes, you’ll soon start cloning repos, make your changes and commit your change.
If you try to commit your code, you may see a ‘Please tell me who you are’ error like this: