Yet, it seems that presently Sigil is traversing an unfortunate road, namely, its lack of code participation and involvement.
Today, the main Sigil maintainer [announced]( that Sigil "has zero outside contributors as of now", being "on life support" due to inexistent participation to the project.
As a consequence, the developer has moved the development of Sigil on GitHub (from the now-old Google Code), hoping that the new development area,--GitHub--, will attract new interested developers willing to contribute code to the powerful ebook editor, "to help with gaining contributors I've decided to move the project to GitHub".
The new open-for-participation location is available on [](
"That's pretty much where Sigil is a this point. I can't say where it will go in the future but my hope is more people will contribute with the move to GitHub and Sigil will continue to grow".